261 Responses to Weekend 21st September 2024

  1. tomo says:

    Got a few traveller camps around here…..


  2. richard D says:

    Let me just get this right….

    Rachel Reeves/TTKStarmer/Angela Rayner, and the rest of this brainless Labour government all endorse the removal of the Winter Fuel Payment from the majority of pensioners.

    This, they say, has to be done in order to help fund an alleged £22 million ‘Black Hole’ in our economy (never mind that a very significant portion of this claim is actually caused by the current government’s actions, such as hyper-inflationary public sector pay awards).

    But it doesn’t matter, the Labour government says, because rises in the State Pension next financial year will give out slightly more than the Winter Fuel Payment, so pensioners will be better off – except that the pension rises are already, in fact, in place to combat inflation for pensioners – so the money is already spoken for, and it’s not there to cover for the lack of Winter Fuel Payments.

    In addition, any such pension rises are not even paid in the same financial year during which the Winter Fuel Payment will be removed. Also, the increase in pensions takes a full year to realise in total, so won’t, in fact, hit pensioners’ pockets until April 2026, having been deprived of the winter Fuel Payment in Autumn 2024, and Autumn 2025 !

    Then, also, they say, too many pensioners are not claiming the benefits they’re entitled to (such as Pension Credits), so they should claim these, and then the lack of Winter Fuel Payment won’t matter.

    Except that they used to be able to claim both….now they can’t.

    And the final piece of the jigsaw is that it has been calculated that if a large number of people start claiming the Pension Credits they don’t claim today, then this could exceed, by millions of pounds per annum, any money saved by cutting Winter Fuel Payments in the first place…… and this excess will have to be paid for year after year.

    There was an old nursery rhyme/ Harry Belafonte song, which sort of epitomises this kind of planning…. “There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza..”


  3. MarkyMark says:

    14 years in GOV …. H AH AHA HA HAH AHHAH!

    “Jenrick: Celebrating English Identity “Should Be a Mainstream View””



  4. tomo says:

    Ah… chanting Labour … eh?


  5. MarkyMark says:

    BBC FIND PEOPLE WHO AGREE p.s. don’t show how many people had to be interviewed to find this favourable outcome! HA HA HA HAHA

    “‘I hate Trump, she likes him – we both think he staged assassination attempts’

    “we both think he staged assassination attempts” – conspiracy theories are ok sometimes! HA HA HA HAHA


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Maybe we shouldinvade Afghanistan again to save one life?

    “UK nationals and former interpreters stranded after British forces pulled out of Afghanistan have told the BBC they feel abandoned. Now hundreds are fearing for their safety following a UK government data breach.

    Ahmad, not his real name, is in hiding in Afghanistan. He is one of more than 250 Afghan interpreters and local staff whose names and some profile pictures were mistakenly shared in a Ministry of Defence data breach.”


    Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has launched an investigation into a data breach involving the email addresses of dozens of Afghan interpreters who worked for British forces.

    More than 250 people seeking relocation to the UK – many of whom are in hiding – were mistakenly copied into an email from the Ministry of Defence.

    Their email addresses could be seen by all recipients, showing people’s names and some associated profile pictures.

    The MoD has apologised in a statement.


    China has appointed a new ambassador to Afghanistan, signaling its growing support for the Taliban. While other countries have not formally recognized the emirate, China’s decision to appoint a new ambassador demonstrates its willingness to make its support more explicit without de jure recognition. China has already signed oil and mining deals with the Taliban, and has shown interest in investing in Afghanistan’s mineral deposits.



  7. MarkyMark says:

    22 billion black hole … “He says Labour has increased support to Ukraine, committing £3bn a year of military aid to the country “for as long as takes””

    He adds “the most fundamental threat our world faces” is the “climate emergency”, pledging to “restore Britain’s climate leadership”. Lammy says Labour will lead a “new global clean power alliance because climate matters”



  8. vlad says:

    Andrew Lawrence telling it straight in 3 minutes flat – no laughs today.
    Some might disagree with his comment on Netanyahu, but the rest is indisputable.

    PS. The map shows all the violent dysfunctional states from Libya to Afghanistan, from Turkey to Yemen. What could they all have in common, I wonder?
    Answers on a postcard to the BBC, who are too thick – or ideologically blinkered – to understand.

    “Warmongering inbreds”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Planned reductions in UK aid spending
      Following the Taliban’s capture of Kabul in August 2021, increased UK commitments meant Afghanistan became the UK’s largest bilateral aid programme, with spending rising to £286 million in 2021/22.

      However, as set out in its 2022 and 2023 annual reports, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) plans for UK bilateral aid to Afghanistan to fall by around 47% from 2021/22 to 2024/25 (from around £286 million to £151 million). In 2023/24, the UK expects to spend around £100.4 million, before rising to £151 million in 2024/25.



    • Fedup2 says:

      Just think – very soon – what he says here will be banned …

      He’d make a good Reform MP ( so would I)

      It’s really difficult to see a future for Britain – the decline on all fronts appears to be unstoppable – facilitated by Far Left self harm

      My foreign policy amounts to – if it’s good for the British – then ok . If there is no real gain – then we don’t want to know …
      We’d pull out of as many international agencies treaties and charities and laws as possible … no overseas aid …no foreign wars …. And maybe even dumping the UN …


    • MarkyMark says:

      ll told, we calculate that around £2.3 billion in UK aid went to India between 2016 and 2021, including £441 million in bilateral aid, £129 million in investments via FCDO in Indian enterprises which generate returns, £749 through multilateral channels, and £1 billion in investments through BII. BII’s substantial portfolio of investments in India has been generating returns, but these are reinvested to help it meet its global financial returns target.


      India makes history as Chandrayaan-3 lands near Moon’s south pole 23 August 2023

      £2.3 billion in UK aid went to India between 2016 and 2021,
      India makes history as Chandrayaan-3 lands near Moon’s south pole

      £2.3 billion in UK aid went to India between 2016 and 2021,
      India makes history as Chandrayaan-3 lands near Moon’s south pole

      UK has a 22 billion black hole! HA HA HA HAHA HA HA


  9. Up2snuff says:

    BBC oi! The Sunday drama was a BBC commissioned ‘re-imagining’ of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe where Robinson Crusoe was already living on a S. American beach and it was Man Friday who was a black African sailor enslaved and thrown overboard from a ship. I think that was the plot but I may have misunderstood the BBC’s twists and turns to make whitey a bad man and all immigrants, especially Africans, good people. I would direct the BBC to the front pages of the newspapers that they show on their web-site here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy94lr0n707o . What do they show? An African (OK, Egyptian African) who was a monster abuser!

    Shameful! You hypocrites, BBC.


    • vlad says:

      Aren’t we lucky they took out Dodi, or we’d have had the Phoney Pharaoh very close to the Royal Family.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Vlad – I wonder if the CPS would be good enough to publish their reasoning behind refusing to prosecute Fayad the Rapist ? I wonder if the victims got a copy ?

        Rather than going on about the emotions of the victims – those involved in investigation and prosecution decisions need to be looked at – were they bribed ? Threatened ?

        Least it distracts from Huw …


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Al-Fayed terminated his partnership with Adhan Kashoggi, and secretly withdrew £100,000 from Kashoggi’s Al Nasr trading company. Kashoggi later issued a writ against Al-Fayed for the return of the money, and later agreed with Al-Fayed to forgive the money and other loans and debts for Samira’s freedom to remarry and return to Egypt”


        secretly withdrew = STOLE

        for Samira’s freedom to remarry and return to Egypt = BALCKMAIL/RANSOM



      • MarkyMark says:

        “Fayed later claimed that he was owed $2 million by the Haitian government, although the 1988 DTI report into Al-Fayed’s background stated “we have no doubt at all that Mohamed Fayed perpetrated a substantial deceit on the government and people of Haiti in 1964 … he deprived the harbour authority of over US $100,000 of money it could ill-afford to lose” [24]”



  10. tomo says:



  11. Fedup2 says:

    Presumably he either gets the peerage or arrested … did this happen today ? At the start of the labour conference ?


  12. Fedup2 says:

    Seems the pension industry is overwhelmed by people trying to cash in their pension and get the 25% tax free cash ( their money ) before the reds get hold of it …

    It would be strange if the reds – by their words and conduct – trigger a recession at a time when the economy was looking as though it was picking up ….


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