Will the exchanges between the Islamic republic of our enemy Iran and our Friend Israel become a full scale war ? We know how the Islamic mouthpiece – the BBC will continue to react ..
Midweek 2nd October 2024 Middle East War .
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Mike Graham and Trevor Asserson discussed a report revealing significant bias in BBC coverage of the Israeli-Hamas conflict, based on an analysis of nine million words of BBC content. The report, which used AI to review 1,500 items, found that 70% of stories were unbalanced.
Hamas ‘The Worst Humans I Ever Met’ | Israeli Hostage Aviva Siegel x James Whale.
Friday is very good day to target Islamic terrorists on their way to mosques to plan more attacks …
There is no anger that the reds have announced spending £22 billion of borrowed taxpayers money on ‘carbon capture ‘ nonsense …
Where did this insanity come from ?
One minute they are moaning about a £22 billion ‘black hole; thus condemning 4000 old to death and then peeing £22 billion away ….
As India and china ramp up their pollution by vast amounts …
BBC likes it though so it’s okay …
And then there is other premature death . If the likes of gobs Esther ranzen wants to off herself please go do it . But making a law to enable it ? No ….
Again – another approved BBC subject …
The PPE headgear Labour ministers won’t wear
Exxon / Esso are planning a carbon capture pipeline from Fawley out into the English Channel……….the route they say is the cheapest will plough through the Isle of Wight taking up land 150mt wide ……..no doubt Ed Milipede will be supporting this . Still BBC free and no Licence for many years now !
We’re getting close to lighting up the Log Burner…….Burn That Carbon you know it makes sense !
Exxon are, these days, a bureaucracy at least as bad as any government department and equally susceptible to stupid ideas…
I’ve several T-shirts and a hat or two
Just been announced this pipeline fiasco has been cancelled……..surprisingly…… obviously not enough Cash in Brown Envelopes then 🙄 .
The Island now has two MP’S , one Liebour and the other Connedservative ….It can only get better !
For £22 bn you could get rid of Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and cut Income Tax by a couple of pence. But no, the money is better spent pumping plant food under the sea.
So MPs are to begin debating ‘Extermination on Demand’ (EOD). Granny will be off’d on the say-so of two doctors and a judge Times radio reports.
Remembering that abortion-on-demand was only enabled by two doctors committing fraud/lying by signing that a mothers health would be harmed unless the abortion took place. Hence opening the flood gates for the extermination of the most vulnerable humans.
Canada has shown how EOD is going to be abused. Reports are coming out of old ladies applying for stair lifts being offered EOD as an alternative.
The corrupt medical and legal professions (doctors and judges) will turn the Liverpool pathway into an 8-lane motorway.
Atlas – I recall seeing a documentary about how the nazis evolved their process of killing the mentally disabled . It began with 3? – I think ‘doctors ‘ who ticked a box on the basis of a ‘report ‘ and moved to just one ‘doctor ‘,sticking a cross in a box …
Seeing the way abortion has become’ normal ‘ assisted murder will go the same way ….their commons will – of course vote for it . It gives new MPs a golden opportunity to make themselves ‘known ‘ to the swamp …
It will be a great source of additional ‘income ‘ for the legal medical mafia to get the ‘fee’ for authorised killing …abortionists will love it
“Yazidi girl who was kidnapped by ISIS in 2014 aged 11 and ‘sold’ in Iraq before being trafficked to Gaza is RESCUED after ten years – as video ‘shows emotional reunion with family’.
Sharing news of her release, Israel’s Defence Forces said her captor was ‘presumably killed during IDF strikes’.
This allowed Fawzia to flee to a hideout, they said, where she was rescued in a secret mission by Israeli special operatives and international partners.”
They are much worse than animals.
They are worse because animals don’t choose to do it. Animals don’t know it’s wrong.
All the stupid bastards and their Free Palestine, justify this:
“A Yazidi woman was kidnapped by ISIS as a child before being trafficked to Hamas in Gaza.
I might print this out and stick it on Oxfam charity shop window next to their “cease fire” posters.
Fawzia Amin Sido was just 11-years-old when she was reportedly forced to marry a Palestinian ISIS fighter and lured into Gaza.”
The Yazidis and others are studiously ignored by the BBC
Because they are not muslim, they are victims of the muslims.
“£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
10 June 2022”
The Department for Health & Social Care (DHSC) lost 75% of the £12 billion it spent on personal protective equipment (PPE) in the first year of the pandemic to inflated prices and kit that did not meet requirements – including fully £4 billion of PPE that will not be used in the NHS and needs to be disposed of. There is no clear disposal strategy for this excess but the Department says it plans to burn significant volumes of it to generate power – though there are concerns about the cost-effectiveness and environmental impact of this “strategy”.
Ros Atkins on… the first Trump assassination attempt
More from Ros and another task for the mighty ‘BBC Verify’. A bit late in the day – even by BBC Verify standards. They’ve had lots of time to use google, find out what everybody knows already then present it as if they alone worked it out.
I watched it for one reason : to see if they go anywhere near the guy who did it, his support for the Democrats and how feasible it is that all those secret service mistakes were just ‘honest mistakes’ and could not possibly be due to deliberate directives from above to allow this miraculous window of opportunity.
And of course they don’t. It’s another pointless BBC verify article just repeating what everybody knows with the aim to boost ‘BBC Verify’s credibility with the public ready for when they really intend to use it for disguised misinformation : during the election.
The BBC ferments + foments + CYAs all the time as far as Atkins is concerned this is a familiar MO that targets fig leaf journalism that they can point to to show they’re doing due diligence.
Standing in the way of our inheritance, enough already edition
In which Mr AsI pre-empts an annual press award and previews one of next year’s headlines
Twisting the news headlines to fit their own agenda – our media wouldn’t do that, would they?
Huge solar flare could send phones and wifi bonkers – the modal or auxiliary verb ‘could’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that headline from the Daily Star, as is often the way of things with these global climatic atmospheric phenomena reports – but let’s see where they go with this one…
A HUMUNGOUS sun burb which could wipe out our phones and wifi is due to hit Earth tomorrow. So It’ll be a good day to buy a newspaper
Thought for the day… Why not treat yourself to TWO copies of the Daily Star just in case?
The unashamedly tabloid Star is of course jokey and blokey, but you’ll get the point. A heavy dose of corporate self interest appears to be arriving along with news of this supposed solar flare. Just wondering… Are our hard-bitten Daily Star journos sitting about the office constantly intently scrutinising the minutiae within the latest scientific papers emerging from acedemia for their news leads?
Brace yourself Bessie – that’s just the Star’s comic granny figure pictured frontpage fretting about how on earth to contact her grandkids with her dud cell phone tomorrow – and not some ethical warning apropos the grim news: MPs to get first vote on assisted dying for nine years… MP in fresh bid to change law on assisted dying (BBC) – you’ll note the tone of inevitability toward the favoured outcome in those headlines. The ever-relentless onwardly forward ratchet. Pass this thing into legislation and it will never get repealed of course. Despite the Tories.
Fascinatingly the main BBC online news headline to the report excises the word Labour before the phrase MP in fresh bid to change law – which is still evident in the web page open tab.
Assisted dying…? As Father Ted Crilly would have preferred to have said: That would be an ecumenical matter – and so it is the word Labour is de-emphasised and despite Manifestos, the King’s Speech and all that democratic constitutional malarkey we get to have: Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has previously promised to give his own MPs a free vote, meaning they will not have to stick to party lines (BBC)
Sir Keir already being tagged with many a derogatory nickname including ‘granny killer’ in respect of his winter fuel allowance austerity is sensibly doing the Pontius Pilate on this one – washing his hands of it.
Our Esther in the Daily Express (formerly ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ now evidently ‘Campaigning for a better Britain’ – and how long before they tire of that slogan?) has at last found a winning cause to back: ‘I never thought I’d be alive to see the law change, but perhaps I will’ – Mr AsI is of the school of thought that says after you, luv. I’m sure you can afford your ticket to Switzerland without recourse to the NHS – the fate that will await most of us.
MPs weeks away from free vote on assisted dying legislation (Times)
‘Poison jab murder plot by doctor in disguise’… Court told of bizarre bid to inherit house – Nope, that’s not one of next year’s headlines in our brave new world of assisted dying – that’s the giveaway Metro with the true crime tale of: Thomas Kwan, 53, took a selfie in a wig and false beard and moustache to fake ID for a bogus NHS nurse named Raj Patel… to kill his stepfather… because he stood in the way of his inheritance – Oh, the irony. They do say it’s not a conspiracy if it’s true and they do say they have to put everything out there for us in plain sight – if only we concentrate we’ll see it all.
Time for a palate cleansing calm down dear…
Off to a regular port of call for these incidents… the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper
I wish I’d been more promiscuous by Gizzi Erskine – in case you were wondering… or perhaps wanted to look her up, so to speak: I’d only had five lovers by the age of 35… In her new i column, Chewing the Fat, chef and author Gizzi Erskine reveals she regrets torturing boys by withholding sex
By the way, how’s that feminism workin’ out fo’ yer?: The mythical working mother dream… ‘Having it all, we’re doing it all’ (‘i’)
And the annual photo journalism award for the most formulaic, seen it a thousand times, contrived, old-hat, enough already, pic of the year… goes to… the ‘i’ for their frontpage feature effort today: Iranian protestors burning the israeli flag
“Iranian protestors burning the israeli flag”
Muslims around world burn French flags & images of Macron in furious protests despite multiple terror
Fake ‘Kamala Harris ad’ used UK department store advert
More from the nitwit Verify gang:
I doubt anybody actually gives a shiny sh1t about this ad. So what ?. But the bit which amused me was this:
‘BBC Verify has found that it was made by recycling an old advert for UK department store and adding an AI-generated voice over.’
Well done BBC Verify. Great work. Until you see how they actually ‘found out’ : it’s appended to the post on twitter. As was the fact it was fake.
So these immature numbskulls have simply dramatised a twitter post from 2 days ago and implicitly claimed the credit for discovering it was fake. That’s it.
I wonder if sue gray ran a scenario on the encouragement the argies will be given by the UK gifting the chacos islands to the Chinese ?
If the argies try it on again is the UK equipped to repel them again ? I think I know the answer . TTK seems to be following a pattern of self harm – whether it be mad foreign policy , Green crap Killing grannies – and that s after only 3 months without a destructive budget ….
Serious civil disorder in 2025 or 2026? Sure see it coming and no political court will stop it . There’ll be more coloured folk next time which will make it tricky to handle . Me ? I will be in another better country … note that 77 brigade – I am not inciting – just predicting …
I’m pretty sure that ‘me, me, me’ isn’t self-belief but entitlement. The picture is definitely appropriate.
One of the previous times the ‘bend-over’ party was in power was with Aden.
The labour government signalled their intention to give up Aden. This then accelerated the gorilla war as the locals sensed victory and for the next two tears resulted in increased attacks on the British forces with a resulting crackdown together with the brutal deaths of some 30 British servicemen.
The Falklands and Gibraltar must be getting worried.
The Chagos people are unlikely to want to go back to the Islands. Any campaigning from then for independence will result in an automatic 10-year stay in a Mauritian slammer.
They can all come here, everybody else does.
I knew a fellow who had served out in Aden and he had complete contempt for Harold Wilson. There had been agitation in Aden itself, but the tribes out in the rest of South Yemen had been pro-British. As soon as Labour announced we would be leaving the tribal leaders decided there was no point being pro-British any more, so they joined the uprising. Who wants to ally themselves to the people who are leaving? It made the situation ten times worse.
You can always rely on Labour to betray Britain. It’s what they do.
“Nearly £22bn pledged for carbon capture projects”
“Is there a £22bn ‘black hole’ in the UK’s public finances?”
“They’ve found £22bn today (apparently pulled out of the black-hole) to buy Chinese parts made with dirty coal, to build facilities powered by Russian gas sent via the Middle East, to squeeze a few tons of carbon out of the air in Barnsley. The grift is only intensifying.”
order-order.com comment
“Ukraine has significant deposits of lithium, which are estimated at 500.000 tons (up to 10% of world reserves)
Not many people know this!”
Lets be fair to the BBC. It could well be that they
have changed the way they pick the audience for
” Question Time.” Yes we know how it was “picked”
when we had a Conservative government or the
make up of the panel when the Brexit debates were
in full flow. BUT I do believe that a different system
is in full flow now !
At last night Question Time an audience member ,
in fact more than one suggested that NO arms should
be sold to Israel from the UK. Applause and clapping
went up from practically the whole audience. It
wouldn’t surprise me if one of the criteria to be chosen
to join the audience is ” Do you support Hamas , Hezbollah
and Iran?” Ian Macwhirter on the panel told the audience that
Iran had fired nearly 200 Ballistic missiles at Israel. And didn’t
Israel have the right to defend themselves against these and
the thousands of missiles fired at them from Lebanon ?
The day after the 7th October massacre by Hamas on Israeli
civilians . Hezbollah attacked Israel as well. His comments were met with practically stony silence.
Dundee has given us a very tasty fruitcake. Israeli and Jewish
scientists have given Dundee some of the most important
medical cures for more than 100 years.
” Hezbollah attacked Israel as well. His comments were met with
practically stony silence.” – Foscari
2018 ……
“BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We (BBC) should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Foscari – I see the bbc as a weird nexus between the reds the queers and the Muslims – so perhaps the vetting to get reds and queers has now been replaced by Muslims ( anti semites )
If the bbc can fix it – red queer Muslims …. Preferably white converts …
Porous rocks – boats start to disappear?
Introduction. The Bermuda Triangle is a mystery no longer. It is simply methane gas bubbling up from the once swamp (swamp gas) below the waters of that area. The void left behind swallows up airplanes and ships which are never found.4 Oct 2018
I will volunteer for the next QT audience with this on a T shirt:
“In China targets must be met, by any means necessary,” said Yuen Yuen Ang, professor of political economy at Johns Hopkins University.
The extermination of sparrows – also known as the smash sparrows campaign[1] (Chinese: 打麻雀运动; pinyin: dǎ máquè yùndòng) or the eliminate sparrows campaign (Chinese: 消灭麻雀运动; pinyin: xiāomiè máquè yùndòng) – resulted in severe ecological imbalance, and was one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine which lasted from 1959 to 1961. In 1960, the campaign against sparrows ended, and bed bugs became an official target.
Labour discover 22bn £ black hole in GB finances…..
Labour to invest 22bn £ in new carbon capture projects….
Who in hell exactly is running The Labour Party?
Labour dig into Black hole and produce new black hole in black hole!
Great British Energy’s mission will be to drive clean energy deployment to create jobs, boost energy independence, and ensure UK taxpayers, billpayers and communities reap the benefits of clean, secure, home-grown energy.
This mission will be delivered through the following 5 functions:
Project investment and ownership
Project development
Local Power Plan
Supply chain
Great British Nuclear
Great British Energy will be an operationally independent company wholly owned by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero.
Led by its own CEO, Great British Energy will be overseen by an independent fiduciary Board, rather than ministers, benefitting from industry-leading expertise and experience across its remit. Trade unions will have a voice and representation within Great British Energy.
The UK government (HAS NOT MONEY, TAX PAYER MONEY) plans to invest £8.3 billion into Great British Energy (GB Energy), a new publicly owned green power company, over the course of the current parliament. The company is intended to help the UK government achieve its goal of providing clean power by 2030.
Who the hell is running this ?
Toppled Edward Colston Statue May Be Permanently on Display in Bristol Museum – Loveworld UK
“These are very tiny islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean where no one actually goes. So I don’t think we should be too worried about losing that bit of territory. We’re probably losing more to tidal erosion in the East Coast than that.”
As everyone on Twitter has pointed out it was Powell who Blair told: “We mustn’t lose any more territory” after the 1997 Hong Kong deal. That agreement also included a “guarantee” over the use of the territory – see how that went…
China has fully militarized three islands in South China Sea, US admiral says
This article is more than 2 years old
John C Aquilino says Beijing is flexing its military muscle by arming isles with fighter jets, anti-ship systems and other military facilities
“Chinese president Xi Jinping’s past assurances that Beijing would not transform the artificial islands in contested waters into military bases. ”
Chinese president Xi Jinping’s past assurances that Beijing would not transform the artificial islands in contested waters into military bases.
China starts enlarging another disputed island in the South China Sea: satellite images show Communists are expanding one of the Spratly Islands as Xi Jinping lays claim to archipelago
Just another example of the madness and self harm of the West – the woke Versus the Chinese long game ….
Gender or sex
This pattern explains how to ask users about gender or sex.
Avoid using pronouns
You should address the user as ‘you’ where possible and avoid using gendered pronouns like ‘he’ and ‘she’.
You may not always be able to use ‘you’. For example, if your service allows people to jointly apply for something, you might need to refer to both the user and the person they’re applying with. In these cases, use the person’s name, ‘they’ or ‘their’.
Never use titles to guess gender
Do not guess someone’s gender based on a title because:
some people use titles that are not gendered – for example Dr, Rev, Major or Mx
people can decide what title they want to use, without going through a formal process
“In his first part of speech, which he delivered in Persian, he emphasised the “unity” of Muslims around the world based on the principles of the Islamic holy book, Quran.”
Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
Adidas team up with Muslim hiking group this Ramadan to make the countryside more inclusive
Remember those two coppers hauled over the coals (stop and search of two black athletes) by the BBC and the likes of police chief, Mark Rowley?
Rowley even announced a ‘truly anti racist police’ initiative recently after taking to ‘community leaders’, (he dindunuffins) after some high profile ‘stop and search’ indicents, with the media going on and on about the ‘racism’ of the arresting cops of those athletes in London.
Well…maybe Rowley and the BBC should’ve waited for the result of their appeals today because…the officers won their appeals and have been reinstated!
Take the ‘W’ while we can I suppose, although I no longer have any love for the police anyway, after they became Starmer’s Commie Stormtroopers, after the Southport child massacres.
I wonder if the BBC and Rowley will now apologse to the two coppers?
In addition, this has also been another example of modern ‘leadership’.
You see, traditionally, leaders would back their ‘troops’ to create camaraderie and trust within the unit. A healthy, happy place to work where you know your boss ‘has your back’ in the face of false (or at the least debatable) accusations. Of course, if you’re bang to rights for doing something bad, you won’t get that support…but in a case like the one with those athletes, I bet you’d have been backed by your bosses 30 or 40 years ago.
It seems leaders of our institutions and, to a lesser extent, big business, will hang you out to dry.
Heck, they’ll even get a few digs in themselves if a ‘diverse’ citizen accuses a white employee of ‘racism’.
We had leaders. Now, we have snivelling little rats who just want to protect their fat, gold plated pensions, and to hell with anyone else. And to hell with the country too it seems, for some at least.
They’d better hope that there is not a party voted in one day who will look to readdress such issues, cancelling pensions and perhaps throwing a few in prisons for crimes against the British people.
Not me of course, I’m a good boy. But there are those out there who think this way.
Wouldn’t it be just awful to see some of these snivelling little rats lose their fat pensions, houses, savings and freedom?
Manchester (MAN)
Beirut, Lebanon
18 Oct
21 Oct
2 travellers
Two travellers?
I bet they wished they’d have read the news just once in recent weeks when they arrive.
‘Dear Mum,
Wish you were here. Having a lovely time. Breakfast was exciting this morning after the car park was destroyed by missiles. Lots of angry people about with yellow and green scarves on shouting about ‘Alan’, whoever he is. We tried to go to the beach today, but the road had been completely destroyed. The alternative route was blocked by dead bodies.
Lebanon is all rather exciting!
See you soon (we hope!)’
Lammy was, as usual, more interested in talking about race. He sent round an internal memo to diplomats in the FCDO as the news was blowing up talking about… slavery:
“Black History Month is a moment to reflect on the impact of black heritage and culture on our country and our place in the world. It’s a chance to celebrate the enormous contribution of black people in Britain, and also to acknowledge some of our country’s most painful history.
This is important to all of us in the FCDO. First, because of this Department’s role in that history. From King Charles Street, British officials administered colonies in which millions were enslaved. My ancestors were among them, taken from Africa across the Atlantic to labour in the Caribbean.
Second, because of this Department’s role today. Our job is to represent the UK, a nation in which black Britons make an astounding contribution in all walks of life.”
Guido hates to point out the Foreign Secretary’s historical innaccuracies, but the Charles Street building was completed as a Foreign Office headquarters in 1868 – 35 years after the complete abolition of slavery across the empire. History’s never been Lammy’s strong suit…
Lammy’s more interested in lecturing his staff about himself than doing his job. No change there…
In the same month, Lammy said one million Indians sacrificed their lives during the Second World War for the “European Project”; the statement was criticised by The Spectator. He has spoken out against antisemitism within the Labour Party, and attended an Enough is Enough rally.
Diane Abbott: ‘White people love playing divide and rule’
Diane Abbott has been urged to resign after claiming that “white people love playing divide and rule”.
Lammy would turn a eulogy into something about himself and his ‘struggles against racism’.
He’s had such a terrible life in ‘racist’ Britain, hasn’t he?
MP. Foreign Secretary. Multi Millionaire. Gets millions in ‘gifts’ from donors.
Imagine if we’d not been so racist? He’d have more dough than Elon Musk after he put everything on black(racist), and won.
Something which would be more befitting of Lammy’s outstanding talent and intellect.
BBC death to Israel show – which used to be the world at one . Muslims as victims …. Yeah right
Keep going IDF
BBC crew run for cover after gunfire heard across Lebanon-Israel border
Africa remained the largest recipient of UK region-specific bilateral ODA in 2022 – accounting for 42.2 per cent. However, in 2022 ODA to Africa decreased by £486 million (28.1 per cent) to £1,241 million.9 Jul 2024
Healthcare barriers for refugees and asylum seekers
Individuals seeking asylum and those granted refugee status face significant challenges in accessing healthcare services in the UK. These barriers include difficulties in registering with General Practitioners (GPs), language and literacy limitations, financial struggles, and unfamiliarity with the NHS system. Refugees and asylum seekers are known to experience higher rates of communicable diseases and mental health issues, while women often face delayed access to antenatal care, resulting in poorer health outcomes.
The newly commissioned service aims to ensure asylum seekers and refugees can navigate the healthcare system, register with local GPs and dentists, make appointments, and access translation services when necessary. The service will also provide support with acquiring HC2 certificates, which entitle people to free prescriptions, dental treatment, and other NHS services.
I got an email yesterday telling me our dentist is going private patients only from next month. We can’t afford that. And there are no NHS dentists taking patients anywhere even vaguely local. Perhaps I should just go to France and return via dinghy.
On X and FB, Reform are showing big swings going to them and gaining council election wins.
I think I’ve seen 3 different Reform wins.
Anybody know the total number of these recent elections?
Was it 3 wins out of 3 elections or were there hundreds of elections and Reform won 3.
I can’t seem to find the whole picture or the total number of elections.
These are recent ones with the results coming out today, not the ones in May or other elections.
If this is a big swing to Reform over the last few weeks because of Labour incompetence and daft decisions then this is massive because Reform votes are quadrupling to about 40% and Labour halving to about 30%
So, what is it, 3 wins out of how many.
@ Lazy Cat, This is Cambridgeshire, Khan has objected to this in London
Sadiq Khan
Let me understand this. £646 in cash is taken from the machette and drug holder and then given to wimmins aid (started by 2 man-hating lesbians in Islington) so that wimmins aid can cause more family breakup to create more fatherless children to increase drug taking even more.
The UK criminal system is exactly that.
It would be ‘racist’ to search him in Londonistab.
The fact he stank of weed, was always hanging around the same spot all day taking cash and handing out little plastic ‘wraps’ was irrelevant.
Yes, he had the equivalent of the total content of Amsterdam’s marijuana, some pepper spray and a huge machete on him too, but he dindunuffin!
Video: Police find terrifying 2ft-long machete when they stop and search 15-year-old boy in north London
Something’s got to give – Starmer and his gormless crew are a menace
Last coal station
Pinewood studios closed
Steel closed
Military bases given away
12% pay rise – is not enough!
So starmer has signalled no support for keeping Gibraltar or the falklands … Corbin really is in power …. Or maybe TTK has mental issues …
I don’t think The British People would stand for the dumping of the falklands or gib …
A Previous government was accused of “selling the family silver” , could this one be accused of giving it away?
“I don’t think The British People would stand for the dumping of the falklands or gib …” – nudge nudge
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
What next !
“Keir Starmer’s trail of broken promises proves we can’t trust a word from his mouth.
Keeping track of slippery Starmer’s broken promises is like trying to pin down fog. But a big one before the election was that he was going to stop putting migrants in hotels, on barges and on military sites. He didn’t say where he was going to put them but it sure as Hell wasn’t going to be in hotels.
He said they wouldn’t need to put in hotels because Labour “has a serious plan to end the wasteful spending on hotels and we will return people who shouldn’t be here.”
He said there was enough accommodation to house the migrants we currently have coming here but definitely NO MORE HOTELS!!!!!
Cut to this week when we’re told Labour will be putting migrants in hotels for the next three years at a cost of £4.2M a day because the asylum backlog they said they could easily clear – can’t be cleared. Is anything that comes out of this ridiculous man’s mouth true?
So where IS this “ serious plan” he was boasting about that would stop migrants having to be put in hotels because currently we have 30,000 of them living in 250 hotels – people who are going to have access to very expensive room service for years to come.
In fact while we’re at it where is his plan to stop the boats which he said was “ready to go”? “
A message from Prime Minister, Keir Starmer
I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you for the support you gave us on Thursday 4 July.
A mandate like this comes with great responsibility. I promise you this: Labour will govern for the whole country. We will put the chaos of the last 14 years behind us, turn the page and start to rebuild.
Change begins right here.
“The evil man will burn down his own nation in order to rule over the ashes — Sun Tzu” / X
Given that hundreds if not thousands of dinghy divers arrive every week, all claiming asylum and all without ID, has it occurred to Labour that they will never catch up on the backlog?
Aren’t they all working from home? Even if only 1 a week turned up they’d not catch up.
Reform UK MP Lee Anderson has hailed his party’s council by-election victory in Marton, Blackpool as a “political tsunami”.
Anderson, who was one of five Reform MPs elected to parliament in July’s general election, believes that the result is an important step on his party’s journey to winning the next election.
The victory was Reform’s first success in the 55 council elections to have taken place since July’s general election.
Member’s Pledge
I pledge to act within the spirit and rules of the Labour Party in my conduct both on and offline, with members and non-members and I stand against all forms of abuse.
Finally, I will not organise to drown out the views of others recognising the unfairness this creates.
A mother and daughter have been jailed for taking part in a riot while out walking the family dog.
Amanda Walton, 52, and Megan Davison, 24, admitted violent disorder during disturbances in Middlesbrough on 4 August.
Video played to Teesside Crown Court showed Davison jumping on the roof of a red car while Walton was seen throwing a missile, damaging a car’s wing mirror and rummaging through a bin.
Judge Francis Laird KC jailed Walton for 22 months and her daughter Davison for 20 months.
Davison, of Seaton Street, Middlesbrough, was said to have been high on a “cocktail of drugs” and became swept up in the violence.
The starmer love child ©️story continues to kick around X with a hotel claimed on expenses on 14 February 2020 – and a now 3and a half year old mini great leader .
It’s something the msm should be looking at but either politics or a super injunction is in the way . If true we should celebrate the manliness of the great leader ….. and the example set him by nut nut and his ability to open so many lady legs …
Officially, the legal measure – which is called an anonymised privacy injunction – has been used by a large number of celebrities including footballers such as Ryan Giggs and John Terry to cover up sexual infidelity.5 Feb 2017
List of known super-injunction cases
Case Method of Revelation
RJW v Guardian News and Media Ltd Paul Farrelly, MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme, had tabled a parliamentary question revealing the existence of the injunction.
Ntuli v Donald A super-injunction was granted but set aside on appeal.
DFT v TFD A super-injunction was granted but later discontinued.
Terry v Persons Unknown Application for a super-injunction was rejected.
CTB v News Group Newspapers Revealed by John Hemming MP using Parliamentary privilege and also revealed on social media in contempt of court.
Andrew Marr and anonymous Issued in 2008, its existence was revealed by Andrew Marr in a 2011 interview.[1]
PJS v News Group Newspapers Issued in 2016, international and Scottish newspapers revealed the name of the celebrity couple, although the Supreme Court granted a super-injunction covering England and Wales.[2]
There is a lot of rousing rhetoric today about carbon capture, following the government’s pledge of £21.7bn of public funds over the next 25 years to help kick-start the industry in the UK.
£21.7bn of public funds = TAX MONEY
£21.7bn of public funds = NOT 650 MPS MONEY
£21.7bn of public funds = NOT LORDS MONEY
Mrs Khatun is 84 and recently had a stroke. Not far from where she sits, large growths of dry rot fungus are feeding off the floorboards.
“Worry, worry,’’ she says as she points to the black mould that is growing on her sitting room wall.
In November 2022, Mrs Khatun had her house insulated under a government scheme known as ECO 4. It is designed to help low-income households make their homes warmer and cut their energy bills. Insulation boards are fixed to the exterior brickwork of a house and then coated in render.
He gives me a tour of the house. As we move from room to room, he cuts mushrooms off the walls.
The council fears some of the installations are potentially a fire risk because some fitters haven’t notified them whether the materials they have used are non-combustible.
Down in East Sussex County Council the Greens have put forward a motion to “designate East Sussex as a County of Sanctuary for Migrants.” That apparently includes signing it up to “core principles” including: “No one should be locked up indefinitely,” “No one should be left sick or destitute in our society,” and “We should welcome the stranger and help them to integrate.” How those would work in action is anyone’s guess…
Green Party councillor who sparked outrage by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ after being elected to a city council boasts declaration of faith made him ‘infamous’
By James Tozer
Published: 18:44, 20 May 2024 | Updated: 18:44, 20 May 2024
Thames garden bridge scrapped by Sadiq Khan
This article is more than 7 years old
London mayor pulls plug on controversial project, saying he would not give financial guarantees for construction work to begin
I only skimmed through an article on this, but it seems they pump the evil CO2 underground or something.
Sounds perfectly safe if we pump iuntold amounts of CO2 underground 24/7 365.
What could possibly go wrong with this expensive initiative?
How can TTK just give away British Overseas Territories.
Can he give the Falklands and Gibraltar away if he feels like it.
It’s not in their manifesto but neither was The Chagos, or WFP and other stuff.
How can one man have all this power.
Could he give everything away.
The media think he can give Gibraltar and the Falklands away and note he hasn’t said he would not.
A lot of people also think it’s up to him whether we keep the Falklands (for example) or not.
I didn’t know the PM could decide to give away British Territories as simply as the Chagos was given away.
What a dreadful government this shower is.
Give away Bradford to Pakistan?
I thought we already had.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind….(they missed)
“Terrifying moment BBC reporter is forced to run for cover as Hezbollah pounds Israeli border with rockets”
Bbc terrorist fan under terrorist attack:
Worth pondering at W1A next time everyone gets excited about not being allowed in to Gaza to be murdered or snagged for a crafty £400M?
Another sequence that makes me wonder just what the BBC is up to with staff.
Goodbye to @BBCNews after 4 and a half years of newsreading, reporting, and producing. I’m off to a non-profit called the Britain Palestine Media Centre, where I’ll be their Senior Social Media Engagement Officer – taking care of all things social media journalism related!
Luckily JezBo remains.
“It’s really important to talk to all sides of the story”
Jeremy Bowen discusses his interview with Khalil Al Hayya, senior Hamas official, on the latest #BBCNewscast
Yeah, but that is not the BBC SOP, mate.
Or BBC approved gobs.