actually, the lesson from Helene is the opposite from that being promoted.
In 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority was given the mandate for flood control in the valley of the Tennessee River and its tributaries. Over the next 40 years, they built 49 dams, which, for the most…
Brilliant put-down of a ‘two-sentence ‘student’ by Stephen McIntyre!
The follow-up comments nail the discussion with the piece: – “One can’t help but wonder whether TVA’s original mandate for flood control got lost in the executive offices, attracted by more glamorous issues, such as climate change research. ”
“CCTV shows moment pupil stabs teacher with knife”
Video of a stabbing on the BBC site… a rare thing to behold. Good, clear footage too (it’s from the Welsh school in April so no diversity featured at all). BBC happy to show this one… funny how that works.
“NHS worker, 37, died of ‘cardiac arrest after being orally raped four times’ as she lay unconscious on a park bench, court hears – as jurors weep during CCTV of ‘attack’.
Mohamed lidow, 35, is accused of orally raping her around midnight on July 16, 2021, the Old Bailey heard. He denies rape and manslaughter.
He was caught on CCTV with Ms Shotter, who was just five foot tall and weighed six and a half stone.
Relatives of Ms Shotter – including her mother Dr Cas Shotter Weetman – sat in the public gallery at the Old Bailey as CCTV footage of Iidow approaching her daughter on a park bench late at night was played to the jury.
After around 15 minutes, Iidow got up and left the scene, on his way home he bought cat food and Listerine from a Shell garage.
The NHS worker was found dead by a passerby in Southall Park early the next morning.”
I have probably missed the discussion but I still fall to see why the interview by Laura K and Boris had to be stopped. I thought left leaning politicians and film stars or even Harry and Meghan agree questions in advance. I remember though, Laura, probably before Covid, writing such a hit piece on Boris, on the BBC website, which oozed bile with every word. I haven’t forgotten it, maybe Boris hasn’t either.
The comments calling Laura a ‘Tory stooge’ seem somewhat deranged!
It’s actually a big non-story, and just because it’s Boris, someone has to try and big it all up!
Perhaps they learned that Boris would be wearing earrings, like Kamilla Norris does to get hints to all the pre-arranged answers?
All a bit fatuous really, but that’s what you get from the beeboid kids these days, they love to shriek, yell, wear silly coloured tracksuit pants and prance around their studios to get the attention of bored children!
I find it astonishing that the anychess is still wacking pensioners with the covid experimental gene therapy.
Even the missus has started believing the clot-shots might be dangerous as she read it in the DT so it must be true. Ignoring any scientific papers, or video clips I put in front of her for the last 3 years.
My whole family are addicted to it and they’ve all had COVID at least three times, myself and Mr Kitty were silly enough to have 3 with each shot making us feel bad and worse each time now no more and we’ve never had COVID.
0:27) Take Back Wisconsin
(12:13) They Want to Erase Your Culture
(22:18) Creepy Tim Walz
(32:18) Q&A
(32:55) How Do We Fight Back?
(55:15) How Do We Instill Hope in the Next Generation?
(1:03:28) Is Trump Going to Win?
(1:10:57) The Importance of Voting
(1:18:05) How Do We Preserve Liberty?
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Saturday event in Hull : Lack of self awareness , much ?
A year ago Hamas were just standing around minding their own business , then the EVIL Israelis started a genocide.
*Join Us in Solidarity: One Year of Genocide in Palestine*
This powerful event will mark a year of unimaginable suffering, and together we will raise our voices to call for a ceasefire and bring attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Your £5 ticket includes:
🔹A delicious serving of chicken biryani
🔹A Palestinian scarf
🔹 A Palestine Bracelet
Just imagine the coverage the BBC would give that story if it were Israel massacring Muslims. How many have we had about them killing civilians now ?. Without mention – of course – that Hamas are using those civilians (especially children) as human shields.
It is all so beyong outrageous, I am simply stunned that the BBC are allowed to get away with it.
Where are OFCOM ?. They should be up in front of ministers explaining why they haven’t done their job.
Wher are the ‘voices of the people’ – the politicians ?. I’ll tell you where they are : all those who spoke up about it have been removed by BBC ‘live update’ campaigns fed ‘dirty’ by traitor civil servants and the ‘The BBC have learned …’ reports.
Nobody here is stunned. And I doubt the BBC are either.
We widely predicted that after all the legal attempts to stop him failed, they would try to assasinate him.
Then all of a sudden, we get this incredible security lapse just when a shooter makes his attempt.
What stuns me is how NOBODY in the MSM will make that connection. Least of all the BBC. And you can be sure anyone who does will be instantly mobbed as a far-Right conspiracy theorist.
And of course the second attempt has disappeared from the news completely. Even though they caught him. That should scare us all.
I am certain the majority of BBC staff secretly wish the assasins had succeeded.
Complete with picture of BAME teacher and young girl ‘victim’.
Brought to you by:
The BBC seems to have lost all touch with reality now. Their output is almost entirely ’empathy’ by the clueless clones and pure agenda as set by the commissar team hidden away somewhere.
“It was an act of barbarism beyond comprehension – a year on, a powerful new book by BRENDAN O’NEILL argues… far too many in the West who see themselves as good people failed the moral test posed by October 7.
Thanks to the twisted mentality that now prevails in much of the public discourse in the West – as I reveal in my new book about the response to the Hamas atrocity of October 7, After The Pogrom – the overwhelming preponderance of moral opprobrium is reserved for Israel.
How dare they, rail the bien pensants, retaliate against the barrage of Hezbollah rockets that has rained down relentlessly on their territory for months?
The correct-think mob even accuses Israel of provoking Iran’s missile attack this week – overlooking that Iran has been bombing and massacring Israelis for years through its proxy armies of Hezbollah and Hamas. Indeed, this week, Iran’s 85-year-old supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, lauded the October 7 atrocity as a legitimate action by the Palestinian people.
The grotesque double standards – where violent, misogynistic racists bent on creating a barbarous theocracy are hailed as freedom fighters, while the only democratic country in the Middle East is denounced as an engine of lethal oppression – have existed for decades.
The Hamas incursion not only triggered the chain of events that led to the present conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon, but also unleashed an extraordinary wave of anti-Israeli bigotry and venom across the West.
At times, it felt as if our civilisation had been gripped by insanity. Basic morality had been inverted.
Radical activists who had cried ‘Believe all women’ during the #MeToo tumult, overnight became sceptics about claims of Hamas terrorists raping Jewish women.”
“Victim-blaming was in, justice was out. In the wake of October 7, Israel became the most hated nation on earth. The sheer loathing of it was out of all proportion to its size and influence.
It is almost exactly a year since the Hamas attack exposed the moral decadence in large parts of our society. October 8, 2023, ought to have been a day of shining ethical clarity for humankind, given the horror that had unfolded over the preceding 24 hours as Hamas embarked on its killing spree.
No one was spared, not children, not women, not the elderly. Rockets were fired at moving cars. Grenades were thrown into bomb shelters in which families had taken refuge. A music festival was turned into a site of rape and slaughter.
More than 1,100 people were killed in total, 796 of them civilians. Shocking though it was, even this death toll failed to capture the full depravity of the massacre. The assailants took glee in their sadism, filming their violence and sharing it online.
Not content with their bloodbath in Israel, they also took 250 hostages, whom they dragged back to Gaza and then paraded, bruised and bloodied, through the streets. This was more than terrorism or mass murder.
It was, in the words of German novelist Herta Muller, ‘a total derailment from civilisation’. The Jewish nation found itself subjected to the very butchery it was built to withstand. The state to which Jews had fled to escape the pogroms had now experienced one of its own.
All this should have awoken the world’s conscience. Yet Israel waited in vain for the young and educated of the West to rally to its side.
From the moment that news of the Hamas attack began to be broadcast, the voices of equivocation and excuse-making could be heard. “
“Perhaps worse than the specious justifications were the expressions of jubilation, which started even as the massacre was still underway.
‘Today is a day of celebration,’ said Rivkah Brown of the Left-wing media outlet Novara on October 7, utterly dismissive of concerns about civilian death. ‘The struggle for freedom is rarely bloodless and we should not apologise for it,’ she said.
And this perverse mood of exhilaration spilled out onto the streets, epitomised by a large demonstration on October 9 outside the Israeli embassy in London, where, according to one report: ‘Arabic music was blasting, people were linking arms and dancing.’
Such scenes of elation were also accompanied by expressions of intimidation and acts of violence. At Birmingham University, protesters displayed a banner saying: ‘Zionists off our campus’, a slogan that was part of an ugly atmosphere in Britain in the weeks after October 7 that saw anti-Semitic hate crimes rise by 1,350 per cent.
Jewish schools and shops were attacked. At the Wiener Historical Holocaust Library in central London, the oldest such institution in the world, graffiti in support of Gaza was daubed at the entrance.
The mix of crude anti-Semitism and glorification of terrorism was also on display in the pro-Palestinian demonstrations which have become such a feature of cities in Britain and elsewhere in the West since October 7.
The relentless nature of these anti-Israeli protests, along with moronic chants like ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, again highlights how deranged and morally perverted this cause has become.
Together with the wave of hate crimes, the demonstrations served to promote the internationalisation of Hamas’s reactionary ideology, where the Jewish state is singled out for special contempt as the source of the world’s ills, with the Jewish people held to be guilty by association.
Indeed, no nation provokes the wrath of the West’s activist class as much as Israel.
Thousands can perish in Syria’s civil war, or in Saudi Arabia’s Western-backed offensive in Yemen, or in Myanmar or the Ethiopian region of Tigray, and not one foot will touch a street in our cities in protest.
Yet the minute Israel takes action against the terrorists on its borders, the marchers will be out with their placards, screeching about genocide.”
Win ALL your bills paid for a year… Mortgage, rent, groceries, utilities and the rest… Terms apply – no, not Lord Alli’s latest pitch to the Labour cabinet – this is in fact the Daily Mail’s Prize Draw promotion.
It’s interesting what you notice being run up the masthead of our top dailies. Of course the Daily Express was once upon a time ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ – that didn’t last.
Russians claim key city of Vuhledar in Ukraine’s east… Russian forces have tried to capture Vuhledar since 2022 – this image is from 1 September (BBC report from Kyiv by Abdujalil Abdurasulov, photo credit: Ukraine’s 72nd Brigade/Facebook)
Presumably our man Abdujalil Abdurasulov could only supply pics of his hotel cafeteria where he’s strictly confined by Ukrainian officials.
Ukraine’s 72nd Brigade’s badge – as attached to the photo they put up on Facebook – is a shield of black and red on which appears a human skull.
I’m inevitably reminded of sketch comics David Mitchell and Robert Webb playing World War Two Germans:
“They’re coming. Now we’ll see how these Russians deal with a crack SS divison” “Er, Hans… I’ve just noticed something. Have you looked at our caps recently? The badges on our caps. Have you looked at them? They’ve got skulls on them. Hans, are we the baddies?”
The Express now goes with the platitudinous cliché: ‘Campaigning for a better Britain’ – which sunny upland is apparently reached via euthenasia – free on the NHS.
Perhaps the skull badge ought to be applied to some of those garish lime green ambulances with the over loud Californian highway patrol-style wailing camp sirens. Those especially designated for assisted dying patients.
The Daily Mirror claims to be ‘The heart of Britain’ – a sentiment which tends to find expression with tales of nurses frequenting food banks (under the Tories) but Mr AsI will give it credit for: Don’t rush UK into assisted suicide law or we’ll end up like trigger-happy Canada… As someone nearer the exit lounge than the new intake of young Labour MPs who are so keen on assisted suicide, Mirror columnist Paul Routledge urges caution and points to countries where numbers of assisted dying are rising and eligibility has weakened
Despite their rarther old Labour nanny statist socialistic credentials the Mirror will happily proffer to your kids: Free four Premier League official trading cards from Panini – to encourage you toward doing your shopping at Morrisons.
Despite: Keir Starmer has set out his plans [to] help fix deep-rooted problems in the NHS – including banning junk food adverts on TV before 9pm so kids don’t see them (Mirror)
The Sun is ‘The People’s Paper’ and today it goes with a female celeb angst report – usually the preserve of the achingly liberal press: Ulrika: My secret booze battle
Calm down dear… Sex scenes, nudity and my life-changing surgery… Industry’s Marisa Abela (the formerly serious Times)
Amusingly the Saturday iteration of the FT goes under the banner ‘How to Spend It’ and today leads with: Reeves vows to ‘invest, invest, invest’
Increases in business taxes can of course be passed on to the consumer – whereas lucrative white elephant government contracts such as HS2 are lovely jubbly
So it turns out that likewise open borders infinite cheap labour supply policy Kamala Harris is suddenly the Wall Street Candidate: Harris team’s drive to woo business chiefs succeeds… Wall Street is starting to warm to Kamala Harris (FT)
“Keir Starmer has set out his plans [to] help fix deep-rooted problems in the NHS – including banning junk food adverts on TV before 9pm so kids don’t see them”
Maybe, judging from my last hospital visit, they could ban junk food outlets near hospital so nurses don’t see them.
And police stations… also maybe have a look at tattoo parlours nearby.
I just wonder where all the gp’s have gone. Pre Covid if I went to the surgery, the waiting room had often at least 20 patients waiting to be seen. Doctors would come to the door and call for the patient by name. I went recently for an asthma checkup by a nurse, and there was only one other person in the waiting room. Friends in London tell me a similar story.
As the consultant who treated me in hospital a couple of weeks ago said:
“They are paid more than our doctors here who work night and day and you struggle to see one”
I had expressed a preference to have stiches removed in hospital rather than by the GP nurse, it was simple, they just gave me an appointment for the following week and I was seen upon arrival, it took 5 minutes.
I would have had to spend 30 minutes on hold on the phone to the GP and God knows when they would see me, I could have dropped in to the surgery in person at lunchtime….but they are closed.
The GPs are still on their ‘work to rule ‘ – 25 patients a day against the usual 40 – I suppose that’s because they want more money – screw the patients – who cares about the punters ….?
It’s such a shame that this country puts the medical mafia of a pedestal instead of just another job … closest controlled by its’ trade union ….
Deb & Briss, I can’t believe there are not enough doctors. At my local surgery there are too many. It’s only a small surgery but they keep changing doctors every few months. You hardly get used to one and they are gone. And there is always a new foriegn accent to take the place of the old one. In the last 11 years I’ve see an Indian, Nigerian, Chinese Iranian & German GP at the same surgery.
I learn to pronouce their names only to find a different GP next time I go to the surgery.
“Thank you Dr Wotsit.” Too many of them!
The same with my hospital appts. Never the same staff and increasingly more “diverse”. It’s getting harder to understand them. When you are talking about medications or medical conditions it can be unsettling. And I’m quite good at languages. I don’t know what it is like for others.
A retired doctor chum advised me, (after a liquid lunch), back in the middle of September, to pop round to my doctor to check something he’d noticed. I got an appointment for six days hence.
Saw my doctor, he put whatever he had to see on a list for a couple of weeks time, to see how it pans out – so fine by me!
But he also got to see something else, and immediately got onto his PC for Kent’s TWOWEEKWAIT list for a chat with a Consultant, and I got a call a day or so later to confirm an appointment next week!
I really can’t complain about that, except it’s all now a wating game which means long looks out of the window, and several tinctures at regular intervals…
Hello scroblene – up until now I’ve seldom seen my GP – the last time I rang for an appointment they told me I’d been ‘struck off ‘ because I hadn’t been in contact .
I then had to go into the NHS empire to get re listed …. I thought it odd because I thought they got money for each patient on their list .
Wow, that’s almost £300 an article in the tiresome daily rags, the bottom-shelf moron’s stuff, and of course, the beeboid flunkies, scrabbling around in their comics for something to entertain the bored kids at the bus stop…
I’m wondering if all this famous Artificial Intelliegence can be used to filter out and dump every single reference to these two sad numpties, whenever I look on my laptop for some real news!
Story in the Daily Mail, but typical about the twisted minds of the anti Trump brigade and worthy of the BBC. Apparently Trump was at an event where the widow of the man shot and killed at the rally where Trump had his ear shot. Trump was presenting the widow with a large cheque and said something to the effect he was sure the widow would much prefer to have had her husband and not the money, unlike perhaps some of the women in the room.
The Daily Mail headlines the story that Trump was cracking jokes about the slain firefighter.
Twisted stories like these then get repeated and repeated with decreasing context to be added to the reasons people hate Trump.
I planted a couple of acorns in the garden last week and did not cut the brambles, so I can go out and buy a 7 litre diesel turbo nutter SUV and jet around the world with a clear conscience.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Over a billion dollars for migrants over the past two years and now FEMA, funded by American taxpayers to help American citizens during disasters, is out of money.
“The claimant’s case was simple. The promise to hold a referendum on the constitution necessarily implied a promise to hold a similar referendum on the new Lisbon Treaty.
By failing to introduce a referendum bill into Parliament, the government had betrayed not only Tony Blair’s pledge in Parliament but the Labour Party manifesto of 2005.
The government, of course, argued judges had no place in deciding that. “This case is politics dressed up as law,” said Jonathan Sumption QC (who is now a Supreme Court judge).
Great expectations
The keystone of the case was a principle called “legitimate expectation”. Previous law had established that, where the government has promised to treat an individual in a certain way, it sets up a legitimate expectation that this promise be fulfilled.
The claimant argued that the Lisbon Treaty was “nothing more than the constitutional treaty by another name.” Promising a vote for one of them implied promising it for the other.
In fact, the judges held that the two treaties were different enough that there was no implied promise. So the case fell at the first hurdle.
Hate body odour? You’re more likely to have rightwing views
This article is more than 6 years old
Scientists suggest authoritarian attitudes may be partly rooted in biological urge to avoid catching diseases from unfamiliar people
Only the racist, terrorist-supporting BBC scum can write such a report and never once describe the people who did it as terrorists or even Muslims.
As usual for these things, they concentrate on empathy for people who suffer the effects of the act. They never go near the really important thing which is the cause of it.
Because the BBC racists actually think Israel deserved it.
Written by Alice Cuddy who also apparently writes that ridiculous ‘pidgin English’ nonsense which appears to be trying to woo blacks in Nigeria to the BBC.
“The racist AI deepfake that fooled and divided a community”
My complaint to the BBC:
In the article it refers to the race of multiple people and references racism multiple times.
I was surprised therefore that not once does it mention the perpetrator was a black man. It seems like a very relevant piece of information to leave out.
A black man faked racism to make it look like it was carried out by a white man. The article skirts around this fact and leans into past grievances of the black community.
It hardly mentions the difficulty the innocent white man must have experienced in his professional and personal life due to this fraudulent and targeted act.
Why didn’t the article focus more on the negative consequences for the victim of this crime?
“On January 29, 2019, American actor Jussie Smollett approached the Chicago Police Department and reported a hate crime that he had staged earlier that morning.[1][2] He planned the fake hate crime with two Nigerian-American brothers, Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo, who had worked as extras on the set of television drama Empire, in which Smollett was a cast member. ”
Swamp dweller – recently in charge of the world service has made comments supportive of the Islamic terrorist hezbollah gang- here what the DT says
STARTS The former boss of the BBC’s World Service has been accused of appearing to defend Hezbollah by minimising the terror group’s presence in Beirut.
Liliane Landor, who was in charge of the corporation’s respected international arm until the end of July, claimed it was wrong to talk about Hezbollah controlling “strongholds” in Beirut or having “embedded” itself in Lebanon.
The group has tens of thousands of fighters under its command and thousands of rockets and missiles under its control and is understood to be militarily stronger than the Lebanese army.
However, Ms Landor described Hezbollah as one of a number of political parties that had become “deeply woven into Lebanon’s political, social, and military fabric”.
She also denied there were any Hezbollah-run areas which were closed to outside observers, in a series of social media posts.
Her statements came despite evidence that Hezbollah had established several weapons manufacturing facilities and infrastructure in Beirut’s Dahiya neighbourhood alone.
Ms Landor’s comments have been denounced as misleading and irresponsible by critics, who say they also expose the procedures which allowed her to become head of the BBC’s World Service to be deeply flawed.
The row over her comments came within days of the publication of a damning report by Danny Cohen, the former BBC director, which claimed the corporation’s “institutionally hostile” coverage of Israel has made Britain unsafe for Jews.
Among Ms Landon’s comments were a number made on Sept 27, when she reacted on social media to some of the descriptions of the terror group’s operations in Lebanon. She posted them as news emerged of the Israeli air strike on residential buildings just south of Beirut targeting the underground headquarters where Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s leader, was convening a leadership meeting.
Hezbollah later confirmed Nasrallah had been killed in the strike.
Ms Landor wrote: “Hezbollah has not ‘embedded’ itself in Lebanon, as a TV presenter just suggested. Hezbollah is a Lebanese political party and a core component of the country’s sectarian political system. It is deeply woven into Lebanon’s political, social, and military fabric.”
Later on the same day, she wrote on X: “Referring to Dahiyeh, S Beirut, & S Lebanon as Hezbollah ‘strongholds’ is lazy & misleading. Hezbollah does not hold an absolute monopoly over these areas. Political parties opposed to Hezbollah operate there & elect their own MPs to parliament. Context is crucial.”
That evening Ms Landon, who was formerly head of foreign news at Channel 4 News, criticised suggestions that Hezbollah was controlling who entered its zones in Beirut and southern Lebanon and was placing restrictions on reporters operating in those areas.
“Al Dahiyeh South of Beirut or the South of Lebanon have never been closed to outsiders contrary to what’s just been reported. Two days ago Western reporters were live from the heart of Al Dahiyeh in full view & with full access. Such claims are not only lazy, they’re inaccurate,” she wrote on X.
Her comments came despite reports that foreign journalists were being shadowed and escorted by fighters from Hezbollah as they reported from areas hit by Israeli air strikes and in some cases prevented from talking to eyewitnesses.
The broadcaster’s own CEO of BBC News, Deborah Turness, has appeared to contradict Ms Landon’s assertion, saying this week that “as the conflict spreads to Lebanon, we are being blocked there too – by Hezbollah – from independently reporting.”
Ms Turness added: “Our correspondents have been barred from entering some areas hit by Israeli air strikes, and in some cases are being denied access to hospitals to interview injured civilians and verify the numbers of dead.”
Ms Landor’s social media posts have been criticised by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (Camera), which lobbies for “accurate and balanced” coverage of Israel.
Camera told The Telegraph: “For a recent senior BBC figure to describe Hezbollah so misleadingly in a tweet, and 30 minutes later preach to other journalists that ‘context is crucial’ on another Hezbollah-related matter, is yet another vivid red flag indicating the national broadcaster’s institutional problem.
“A necessary part of the long-awaited independent inquiry into the BBC should be looking into the flaws in the procedure that brought a person with such partisan views, not to mention a compromised understanding of what ‘context’ in journalism is, to hold such a high position within the organisation. Then, any serious BBC reform should be addressing these flaws so that her ilk won’t follow her there.”
‘Minimising and downplaying’
Oliver Dowden, the Conservatives’ shadow deputy prime minister, said: “It is very worrying that someone who was so recently in charge of the BBC World Service output is apparently minimising and downplaying Hezbollah’s malevolent grip on Lebanon. This is why so many people now question the BBC’s once respected international voice.
“The BBC must never forget that it is a tax-payer-funded service and that requires rigorous, balanced and fair coverage.”
As senior controller of BBC News International Services, Ms Landor was the director of the BBC World Service, BBC Monitoring, as well as the BBC’s international charity, BBC Media Action.
She was on a salary of more than £215,000 before she left the corporation and was also part of the executive team leading BBC News and Current Affairs.
The daughter of a Lebanese father and a Cuban mother, Ms Landor was born and raised in Lebanon and educated in France and Switzerland, first joining the BBC in 1989.
She has robustly defended her statements, telling The Telegraph that it would be “perverse and irresponsible to construe them as endorsements of Hezbollah”.
Ms Landor said: “Regardless of opinions on Hezbollah, an organisation for which I have no regard, understanding history and context is essential in any journalistic effort especially when it comes to reporting Lebanon, a country smaller than Yorkshire, with 18 religious denominations represented by 41 political parties in parliament.
“Hezbollah as a political party is deeply entrenched in Lebanon’s sectarian system. I refer you to an excellent article by your own Middle East correspondent, Adrian Bloomfield, published on 21 Sept, where he writes, ‘With the state collapsing, Hezbollah is pretty much the only coherent entity left,’ and further highlights how ‘it supplies welfare, operates schools and runs municipal services, such as providing water and collecting rubbish’.
“The purpose of the tweets you referenced was to attempt to provide in 140 characters an accurate reflection of Lebanon’s complex realities, based on well-established verifiable facts.
“Namely that political parties opposed to Hezbollah do operate in Shia areas such as Dahiyeh and that access to these areas has never been restricted – information which as I say your own correspondent should be able to verify.”ENDS
2018 …
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Schoolchildren at British mosques given lessons in praise of Iranian terror ‘martyr’
At least six mosques organised events honouring Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Qasem Soleimani
Mrs Voter was watching Final Score on the Red Button. Looking up I noticed on the teleprompter bit at the bottom of the screen, Seri A (Italian football league), Bundes Liga (German football league)
British Broadcasting Corporation, I don’t think so!
“Contact ‘lost’ with potential Hezbollah leader.
Hashem Safieddine, who is said to be more hardline than his cousin Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has not been heard from since Friday”
Cobblers. The market value might be zero or even negative sometimes, but the generators get paid the full strike price, meaning consumers pick up the full costs. Batteries just add capex with no increase in output, so costs rise higher.
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diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
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islam happened.
Government help…
Brilliant put-down of a ‘two-sentence ‘student’ by Stephen McIntyre!
The follow-up comments nail the discussion with the piece: – “One can’t help but wonder whether TVA’s original mandate for flood control got lost in the executive offices, attracted by more glamorous issues, such as climate change research. ”
Ed Silliband – take note…
“CCTV shows moment pupil stabs teacher with knife”
Video of a stabbing on the BBC site… a rare thing to behold. Good, clear footage too (it’s from the Welsh school in April so no diversity featured at all). BBC happy to show this one… funny how that works.
And they are still hiding mohamed:
“NHS worker, 37, died of ‘cardiac arrest after being orally raped four times’ as she lay unconscious on a park bench, court hears – as jurors weep during CCTV of ‘attack’.
Mohamed lidow, 35, is accused of orally raping her around midnight on July 16, 2021, the Old Bailey heard. He denies rape and manslaughter.
He was caught on CCTV with Ms Shotter, who was just five foot tall and weighed six and a half stone.
Relatives of Ms Shotter – including her mother Dr Cas Shotter Weetman – sat in the public gallery at the Old Bailey as CCTV footage of Iidow approaching her daughter on a park bench late at night was played to the jury.
After around 15 minutes, Iidow got up and left the scene, on his way home he bought cat food and Listerine from a Shell garage.
The NHS worker was found dead by a passerby in Southall Park early the next morning.”
BBC: “Hold our beer”
“Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.”
Things like this are revealed over and over again. But nothing changes.
I have probably missed the discussion but I still fall to see why the interview by Laura K and Boris had to be stopped. I thought left leaning politicians and film stars or even Harry and Meghan agree questions in advance. I remember though, Laura, probably before Covid, writing such a hit piece on Boris, on the BBC website, which oozed bile with every word. I haven’t forgotten it, maybe Boris hasn’t either.
Same here Debs…
The comments calling Laura a ‘Tory stooge’ seem somewhat deranged!
It’s actually a big non-story, and just because it’s Boris, someone has to try and big it all up!
Perhaps they learned that Boris would be wearing earrings, like Kamilla Norris does to get hints to all the pre-arranged answers?
All a bit fatuous really, but that’s what you get from the beeboid kids these days, they love to shriek, yell, wear silly coloured tracksuit pants and prance around their studios to get the attention of bored children!
I find it astonishing that the anychess is still wacking pensioners with the covid experimental gene therapy.
Even the missus has started believing the clot-shots might be dangerous as she read it in the DT so it must be true. Ignoring any scientific papers, or video clips I put in front of her for the last 3 years.
World Gone Mad.
Seems theres a big drive to push the gunge at the moment
” The main flu and COVID-19 vaccination campaign will commence on Thursday 3 October 2024. ”
Absolutely pointless trying to debate an addict.
My whole family are addicted to it and they’ve all had COVID at least three times, myself and Mr Kitty were silly enough to have 3 with each shot making us feel bad and worse each time now no more and we’ve never had COVID.
“The point of mass immigration is to destroy your culture.
It’s an act of war against you.
Respond accordingly.”
81 min video :
0:27) Take Back Wisconsin
(12:13) They Want to Erase Your Culture
(22:18) Creepy Tim Walz
(32:18) Q&A
(32:55) How Do We Fight Back?
(55:15) How Do We Instill Hope in the Next Generation?
(1:03:28) Is Trump Going to Win?
(1:10:57) The Importance of Voting
(1:18:05) How Do We Preserve Liberty?
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Saturday event in Hull : Lack of self awareness , much ?
A year ago Hamas were just standing around minding their own business , then the EVIL Israelis started a genocide.
*Join Us in Solidarity: One Year of Genocide in Palestine*
This powerful event will mark a year of unimaginable suffering, and together we will raise our voices to call for a ceasefire and bring attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Your £5 ticket includes:
🔹A delicious serving of chicken biryani
🔹A Palestinian scarf
🔹 A Palestine Bracelet
Just imagine the coverage the BBC would give that story if it were Israel massacring Muslims. How many have we had about them killing civilians now ?. Without mention – of course – that Hamas are using those civilians (especially children) as human shields.
It is all so beyong outrageous, I am simply stunned that the BBC are allowed to get away with it.
Where are OFCOM ?. They should be up in front of ministers explaining why they haven’t done their job.
Wher are the ‘voices of the people’ – the politicians ?. I’ll tell you where they are : all those who spoke up about it have been removed by BBC ‘live update’ campaigns fed ‘dirty’ by traitor civil servants and the ‘The BBC have learned …’ reports.
Free Sausages?
Wot, no AK47?
Months on, Trump shooting witness still stunned by security lapse
Nobody here is stunned. And I doubt the BBC are either.
We widely predicted that after all the legal attempts to stop him failed, they would try to assasinate him.
Then all of a sudden, we get this incredible security lapse just when a shooter makes his attempt.
What stuns me is how NOBODY in the MSM will make that connection. Least of all the BBC. And you can be sure anyone who does will be instantly mobbed as a far-Right conspiracy theorist.
And of course the second attempt has disappeared from the news completely. Even though they caught him. That should scare us all.
I am certain the majority of BBC staff secretly wish the assasins had succeeded.
Top headline in the UK today (according to the BBC that is):
Eye and ear checks to be offered to autism students at school
Complete with picture of BAME teacher and young girl ‘victim’.
Brought to you by:

The BBC seems to have lost all touch with reality now. Their output is almost entirely ’empathy’ by the clueless clones and pure agenda as set by the commissar team hidden away somewhere.
Where’s the black man picture today ?
Oh cancel that it’s a stabbing story…….
Woman raped while unconscious on a park bench, roll out the headline:
Oh cancel that, the accused is called mohamed. Innocent until proven guilty eh ?
Now. where that white police officer on trial…..
Let’s remind ourselves how popular he was at the polling station….
No shit Sherlock ?
“It was an act of barbarism beyond comprehension – a year on, a powerful new book by BRENDAN O’NEILL argues… far too many in the West who see themselves as good people failed the moral test posed by October 7.
Thanks to the twisted mentality that now prevails in much of the public discourse in the West – as I reveal in my new book about the response to the Hamas atrocity of October 7, After The Pogrom – the overwhelming preponderance of moral opprobrium is reserved for Israel.
How dare they, rail the bien pensants, retaliate against the barrage of Hezbollah rockets that has rained down relentlessly on their territory for months?
The correct-think mob even accuses Israel of provoking Iran’s missile attack this week – overlooking that Iran has been bombing and massacring Israelis for years through its proxy armies of Hezbollah and Hamas. Indeed, this week, Iran’s 85-year-old supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, lauded the October 7 atrocity as a legitimate action by the Palestinian people.
The grotesque double standards – where violent, misogynistic racists bent on creating a barbarous theocracy are hailed as freedom fighters, while the only democratic country in the Middle East is denounced as an engine of lethal oppression – have existed for decades.
The Hamas incursion not only triggered the chain of events that led to the present conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon, but also unleashed an extraordinary wave of anti-Israeli bigotry and venom across the West.
At times, it felt as if our civilisation had been gripped by insanity. Basic morality had been inverted.
Radical activists who had cried ‘Believe all women’ during the #MeToo tumult, overnight became sceptics about claims of Hamas terrorists raping Jewish women.”
“Victim-blaming was in, justice was out. In the wake of October 7, Israel became the most hated nation on earth. The sheer loathing of it was out of all proportion to its size and influence.
It is almost exactly a year since the Hamas attack exposed the moral decadence in large parts of our society. October 8, 2023, ought to have been a day of shining ethical clarity for humankind, given the horror that had unfolded over the preceding 24 hours as Hamas embarked on its killing spree.
No one was spared, not children, not women, not the elderly. Rockets were fired at moving cars. Grenades were thrown into bomb shelters in which families had taken refuge. A music festival was turned into a site of rape and slaughter.
More than 1,100 people were killed in total, 796 of them civilians. Shocking though it was, even this death toll failed to capture the full depravity of the massacre. The assailants took glee in their sadism, filming their violence and sharing it online.
Not content with their bloodbath in Israel, they also took 250 hostages, whom they dragged back to Gaza and then paraded, bruised and bloodied, through the streets. This was more than terrorism or mass murder.
It was, in the words of German novelist Herta Muller, ‘a total derailment from civilisation’. The Jewish nation found itself subjected to the very butchery it was built to withstand. The state to which Jews had fled to escape the pogroms had now experienced one of its own.
All this should have awoken the world’s conscience. Yet Israel waited in vain for the young and educated of the West to rally to its side.
From the moment that news of the Hamas attack began to be broadcast, the voices of equivocation and excuse-making could be heard. “
“Perhaps worse than the specious justifications were the expressions of jubilation, which started even as the massacre was still underway.
‘Today is a day of celebration,’ said Rivkah Brown of the Left-wing media outlet Novara on October 7, utterly dismissive of concerns about civilian death. ‘The struggle for freedom is rarely bloodless and we should not apologise for it,’ she said.
And this perverse mood of exhilaration spilled out onto the streets, epitomised by a large demonstration on October 9 outside the Israeli embassy in London, where, according to one report: ‘Arabic music was blasting, people were linking arms and dancing.’
Such scenes of elation were also accompanied by expressions of intimidation and acts of violence. At Birmingham University, protesters displayed a banner saying: ‘Zionists off our campus’, a slogan that was part of an ugly atmosphere in Britain in the weeks after October 7 that saw anti-Semitic hate crimes rise by 1,350 per cent.
Jewish schools and shops were attacked. At the Wiener Historical Holocaust Library in central London, the oldest such institution in the world, graffiti in support of Gaza was daubed at the entrance.
The mix of crude anti-Semitism and glorification of terrorism was also on display in the pro-Palestinian demonstrations which have become such a feature of cities in Britain and elsewhere in the West since October 7.
The relentless nature of these anti-Israeli protests, along with moronic chants like ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, again highlights how deranged and morally perverted this cause has become.
Together with the wave of hate crimes, the demonstrations served to promote the internationalisation of Hamas’s reactionary ideology, where the Jewish state is singled out for special contempt as the source of the world’s ills, with the Jewish people held to be guilty by association.
Indeed, no nation provokes the wrath of the West’s activist class as much as Israel.
Thousands can perish in Syria’s civil war, or in Saudi Arabia’s Western-backed offensive in Yemen, or in Myanmar or the Ethiopian region of Tigray, and not one foot will touch a street in our cities in protest.
Yet the minute Israel takes action against the terrorists on its borders, the marchers will be out with their placards, screeching about genocide.”
Do you know what all the above signifies ?
How muslims have infested our society with their vicious, racist, murderous, mysogonistic world view.
Win ALL your bills paid for a year… Mortgage, rent, groceries, utilities and the rest… Terms apply – no, not Lord Alli’s latest pitch to the Labour cabinet – this is in fact the Daily Mail’s Prize Draw promotion.
It’s interesting what you notice being run up the masthead of our top dailies. Of course the Daily Express was once upon a time ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ – that didn’t last.
Russians claim key city of Vuhledar in Ukraine’s east… Russian forces have tried to capture Vuhledar since 2022 – this image is from 1 September (BBC report from Kyiv by Abdujalil Abdurasulov, photo credit: Ukraine’s 72nd Brigade/Facebook)
Presumably our man Abdujalil Abdurasulov could only supply pics of his hotel cafeteria where he’s strictly confined by Ukrainian officials.
Ukraine’s 72nd Brigade’s badge – as attached to the photo they put up on Facebook – is a shield of black and red on which appears a human skull.
I’m inevitably reminded of sketch comics David Mitchell and Robert Webb playing World War Two Germans:
“They’re coming. Now we’ll see how these Russians deal with a crack SS divison” “Er, Hans… I’ve just noticed something. Have you looked at our caps recently? The badges on our caps. Have you looked at them? They’ve got skulls on them. Hans, are we the baddies?”
The Express now goes with the platitudinous cliché: ‘Campaigning for a better Britain’ – which sunny upland is apparently reached via euthenasia – free on the NHS.
Perhaps the skull badge ought to be applied to some of those garish lime green ambulances with the over loud Californian highway patrol-style wailing camp sirens. Those especially designated for assisted dying patients.
The Daily Mirror claims to be ‘The heart of Britain’ – a sentiment which tends to find expression with tales of nurses frequenting food banks (under the Tories) but Mr AsI will give it credit for: Don’t rush UK into assisted suicide law or we’ll end up like trigger-happy Canada… As someone nearer the exit lounge than the new intake of young Labour MPs who are so keen on assisted suicide, Mirror columnist Paul Routledge urges caution and points to countries where numbers of assisted dying are rising and eligibility has weakened
Despite their rarther old Labour nanny statist socialistic credentials the Mirror will happily proffer to your kids: Free four Premier League official trading cards from Panini – to encourage you toward doing your shopping at Morrisons.
Despite: Keir Starmer has set out his plans [to] help fix deep-rooted problems in the NHS – including banning junk food adverts on TV before 9pm so kids don’t see them (Mirror)
The Sun is ‘The People’s Paper’ and today it goes with a female celeb angst report – usually the preserve of the achingly liberal press: Ulrika: My secret booze battle
Calm down dear… Sex scenes, nudity and my life-changing surgery… Industry’s Marisa Abela (the formerly serious Times)
Amusingly the Saturday iteration of the FT goes under the banner ‘How to Spend It’ and today leads with: Reeves vows to ‘invest, invest, invest’
Increases in business taxes can of course be passed on to the consumer – whereas lucrative white elephant government contracts such as HS2 are lovely jubbly
So it turns out that likewise open borders infinite cheap labour supply policy Kamala Harris is suddenly the Wall Street Candidate: Harris team’s drive to woo business chiefs succeeds… Wall Street is starting to warm to Kamala Harris (FT)
“Keir Starmer has set out his plans [to] help fix deep-rooted problems in the NHS – including banning junk food adverts on TV before 9pm so kids don’t see them”
Maybe, judging from my last hospital visit, they could ban junk food outlets near hospital so nurses don’t see them.
And police stations… also maybe have a look at tattoo parlours nearby.
I just wonder where all the gp’s have gone. Pre Covid if I went to the surgery, the waiting room had often at least 20 patients waiting to be seen. Doctors would come to the door and call for the patient by name. I went recently for an asthma checkup by a nurse, and there was only one other person in the waiting room. Friends in London tell me a similar story.
As the consultant who treated me in hospital a couple of weeks ago said:
“They are paid more than our doctors here who work night and day and you struggle to see one”
I had expressed a preference to have stiches removed in hospital rather than by the GP nurse, it was simple, they just gave me an appointment for the following week and I was seen upon arrival, it took 5 minutes.
I would have had to spend 30 minutes on hold on the phone to the GP and God knows when they would see me, I could have dropped in to the surgery in person at lunchtime….but they are closed.
The GPs are still on their ‘work to rule ‘ – 25 patients a day against the usual 40 – I suppose that’s because they want more money – screw the patients – who cares about the punters ….?
It’s such a shame that this country puts the medical mafia of a pedestal instead of just another job … closest controlled by its’ trade union ….
Same all over the country Debs – empty waiting rooms. Yet the staff car park is always full !
Perhaps it’s all telephone appointments now – where you’re advised to go to A & E.
Deb & Briss, I can’t believe there are not enough doctors. At my local surgery there are too many. It’s only a small surgery but they keep changing doctors every few months. You hardly get used to one and they are gone. And there is always a new foriegn accent to take the place of the old one. In the last 11 years I’ve see an Indian, Nigerian, Chinese Iranian & German GP at the same surgery.
I learn to pronouce their names only to find a different GP next time I go to the surgery.
“Thank you Dr Wotsit.” Too many of them!
The same with my hospital appts. Never the same staff and increasingly more “diverse”. It’s getting harder to understand them. When you are talking about medications or medical conditions it can be unsettling. And I’m quite good at languages. I don’t know what it is like for others.
Lucy Pevensey
Same here in taffland.
PS., How many are qualified ?
Not sure I can concur here…
A retired doctor chum advised me, (after a liquid lunch), back in the middle of September, to pop round to my doctor to check something he’d noticed. I got an appointment for six days hence.
Saw my doctor, he put whatever he had to see on a list for a couple of weeks time, to see how it pans out – so fine by me!
But he also got to see something else, and immediately got onto his PC for Kent’s TWOWEEKWAIT list for a chat with a Consultant, and I got a call a day or so later to confirm an appointment next week!
I really can’t complain about that, except it’s all now a wating game which means long looks out of the window, and several tinctures at regular intervals…
Hello scroblene – up until now I’ve seldom seen my GP – the last time I rang for an appointment they told me I’d been ‘struck off ‘ because I hadn’t been in contact .
I then had to go into the NHS empire to get re listed …. I thought it odd because I thought they got money for each patient on their list .
If I could go totally private I would ….
Ban Deliveroo and send the drivers back home. This would properly combat obesity.
“Eco-warriors Prince Harry and Meghan Markle travel whopping 83,000 miles this year”
Wow, that’s almost £300 an article in the tiresome daily rags, the bottom-shelf moron’s stuff, and of course, the beeboid flunkies, scrabbling around in their comics for something to entertain the bored kids at the bus stop…
I’m wondering if all this famous Artificial Intelliegence can be used to filter out and dump every single reference to these two sad numpties, whenever I look on my laptop for some real news!
Shurely not ‘rainbow hews’, (or should that be ‘Huws’…)
Story in the Daily Mail, but typical about the twisted minds of the anti Trump brigade and worthy of the BBC. Apparently Trump was at an event where the widow of the man shot and killed at the rally where Trump had his ear shot. Trump was presenting the widow with a large cheque and said something to the effect he was sure the widow would much prefer to have had her husband and not the money, unlike perhaps some of the women in the room.
The Daily Mail headlines the story that Trump was cracking jokes about the slain firefighter.
Twisted stories like these then get repeated and repeated with decreasing context to be added to the reasons people hate Trump.
I planted a couple of acorns in the garden last week and did not cut the brambles, so I can go out and buy a 7 litre diesel turbo nutter SUV and jet around the world with a clear conscience.
Julian Assange Exposes CIA’s Plot to Assassinate Him in First Public Hearing Since Release
Known about for some time but of interest hearing this direct from Assange.
How western states deal with people like Assange and people who shout at police dogs.
But they never seem to be able to find the person who stabbed Hatun.
And God bless Hatun with every good thing! A Christian solidier, she kept on preaching.
There he is police, now how much CCTV in London ?
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
“G7 Summit: President Joe Biden ‘Wanders Off’ At G7, Italian PM Meloni Pulls Him Back”
If you take no interest in politicians – why should they take in an interest in you?
The court case that proves you can’t sue politicians for breaking their election promises
As each party releases its manifesto, a legal action brought against Gordon Brown explains why none of their pledges will ever be legally enforcible
But a legal case from 2008 shows why none of them have any legal obligation to fulfil these pledges – and why judges will never force them to do so.
“The claimant’s case was simple. The promise to hold a referendum on the constitution necessarily implied a promise to hold a similar referendum on the new Lisbon Treaty.
By failing to introduce a referendum bill into Parliament, the government had betrayed not only Tony Blair’s pledge in Parliament but the Labour Party manifesto of 2005.
The government, of course, argued judges had no place in deciding that. “This case is politics dressed up as law,” said Jonathan Sumption QC (who is now a Supreme Court judge).
Great expectations
The keystone of the case was a principle called “legitimate expectation”. Previous law had established that, where the government has promised to treat an individual in a certain way, it sets up a legitimate expectation that this promise be fulfilled.
The claimant argued that the Lisbon Treaty was “nothing more than the constitutional treaty by another name.” Promising a vote for one of them implied promising it for the other.
In fact, the judges held that the two treaties were different enough that there was no implied promise. So the case fell at the first hurdle.”
Jonathan Sumption QC (who is now a Supreme Court judge).
Hate body odour? You’re more likely to have rightwing views
This article is more than 6 years old
Scientists suggest authoritarian attitudes may be partly rooted in biological urge to avoid catching diseases from unfamiliar people
All you need to be right-wing is a strong sense of right and wrong in the real world.
Not some imaginary world of peace and love along with extreme hatred of those who dare to disagree with you.
Keeping lawns neat in front of burned homes – a year on at kibbutz where Hamas killed 101
Only the racist, terrorist-supporting BBC scum can write such a report and never once describe the people who did it as terrorists or even Muslims.
As usual for these things, they concentrate on empathy for people who suffer the effects of the act. They never go near the really important thing which is the cause of it.
Because the BBC racists actually think Israel deserved it.
Written by Alice Cuddy who also apparently writes that ridiculous ‘pidgin English’ nonsense which appears to be trying to woo blacks in Nigeria to the BBC.
Dem be Israel ‘eyes on di border’ – but dem no listen to dia warnings about wetin Hamas dey do
What a complete f*cking farce the BBC have become.
I suppose in the next couple of days there will be a lot of coverage of the anniversary of the Islamic attack on Israel .
Perhaps it will be a good time for the IDF to take on the various parts of the Iranian nuclear programme and its ‘people
It has to be done soon …whatever the cost …
Keep going IDF
I’ve just submitted a complaint to the bbc regarding this article, currently the 3rd most popular article on the website:
“The racist AI deepfake that fooled and divided a community”
My complaint to the BBC:
In the article it refers to the race of multiple people and references racism multiple times.
I was surprised therefore that not once does it mention the perpetrator was a black man. It seems like a very relevant piece of information to leave out.
A black man faked racism to make it look like it was carried out by a white man. The article skirts around this fact and leans into past grievances of the black community.
It hardly mentions the difficulty the innocent white man must have experienced in his professional and personal life due to this fraudulent and targeted act.
Why didn’t the article focus more on the negative consequences for the victim of this crime?
“On January 29, 2019, American actor Jussie Smollett approached the Chicago Police Department and reported a hate crime that he had staged earlier that morning.[1][2] He planned the fake hate crime with two Nigerian-American brothers, Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo, who had worked as extras on the set of television drama Empire, in which Smollett was a cast member. ”
Swamp dweller – recently in charge of the world service has made comments supportive of the Islamic terrorist hezbollah gang- here what the DT says
STARTS The former boss of the BBC’s World Service has been accused of appearing to defend Hezbollah by minimising the terror group’s presence in Beirut.
Liliane Landor, who was in charge of the corporation’s respected international arm until the end of July, claimed it was wrong to talk about Hezbollah controlling “strongholds” in Beirut or having “embedded” itself in Lebanon.
The group has tens of thousands of fighters under its command and thousands of rockets and missiles under its control and is understood to be militarily stronger than the Lebanese army.
However, Ms Landor described Hezbollah as one of a number of political parties that had become “deeply woven into Lebanon’s political, social, and military fabric”.
She also denied there were any Hezbollah-run areas which were closed to outside observers, in a series of social media posts.
Her statements came despite evidence that Hezbollah had established several weapons manufacturing facilities and infrastructure in Beirut’s Dahiya neighbourhood alone.
Ms Landor’s comments have been denounced as misleading and irresponsible by critics, who say they also expose the procedures which allowed her to become head of the BBC’s World Service to be deeply flawed.
The row over her comments came within days of the publication of a damning report by Danny Cohen, the former BBC director, which claimed the corporation’s “institutionally hostile” coverage of Israel has made Britain unsafe for Jews.
Among Ms Landon’s comments were a number made on Sept 27, when she reacted on social media to some of the descriptions of the terror group’s operations in Lebanon. She posted them as news emerged of the Israeli air strike on residential buildings just south of Beirut targeting the underground headquarters where Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s leader, was convening a leadership meeting.
Hezbollah later confirmed Nasrallah had been killed in the strike.
Ms Landor wrote: “Hezbollah has not ‘embedded’ itself in Lebanon, as a TV presenter just suggested. Hezbollah is a Lebanese political party and a core component of the country’s sectarian political system. It is deeply woven into Lebanon’s political, social, and military fabric.”
Later on the same day, she wrote on X: “Referring to Dahiyeh, S Beirut, & S Lebanon as Hezbollah ‘strongholds’ is lazy & misleading. Hezbollah does not hold an absolute monopoly over these areas. Political parties opposed to Hezbollah operate there & elect their own MPs to parliament. Context is crucial.”
That evening Ms Landon, who was formerly head of foreign news at Channel 4 News, criticised suggestions that Hezbollah was controlling who entered its zones in Beirut and southern Lebanon and was placing restrictions on reporters operating in those areas.
“Al Dahiyeh South of Beirut or the South of Lebanon have never been closed to outsiders contrary to what’s just been reported. Two days ago Western reporters were live from the heart of Al Dahiyeh in full view & with full access. Such claims are not only lazy, they’re inaccurate,” she wrote on X.
Her comments came despite reports that foreign journalists were being shadowed and escorted by fighters from Hezbollah as they reported from areas hit by Israeli air strikes and in some cases prevented from talking to eyewitnesses.
The broadcaster’s own CEO of BBC News, Deborah Turness, has appeared to contradict Ms Landon’s assertion, saying this week that “as the conflict spreads to Lebanon, we are being blocked there too – by Hezbollah – from independently reporting.”
Ms Turness added: “Our correspondents have been barred from entering some areas hit by Israeli air strikes, and in some cases are being denied access to hospitals to interview injured civilians and verify the numbers of dead.”
Ms Landor’s social media posts have been criticised by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (Camera), which lobbies for “accurate and balanced” coverage of Israel.
Camera told The Telegraph: “For a recent senior BBC figure to describe Hezbollah so misleadingly in a tweet, and 30 minutes later preach to other journalists that ‘context is crucial’ on another Hezbollah-related matter, is yet another vivid red flag indicating the national broadcaster’s institutional problem.
“A necessary part of the long-awaited independent inquiry into the BBC should be looking into the flaws in the procedure that brought a person with such partisan views, not to mention a compromised understanding of what ‘context’ in journalism is, to hold such a high position within the organisation. Then, any serious BBC reform should be addressing these flaws so that her ilk won’t follow her there.”
‘Minimising and downplaying’
Oliver Dowden, the Conservatives’ shadow deputy prime minister, said: “It is very worrying that someone who was so recently in charge of the BBC World Service output is apparently minimising and downplaying Hezbollah’s malevolent grip on Lebanon. This is why so many people now question the BBC’s once respected international voice.
“The BBC must never forget that it is a tax-payer-funded service and that requires rigorous, balanced and fair coverage.”
As senior controller of BBC News International Services, Ms Landor was the director of the BBC World Service, BBC Monitoring, as well as the BBC’s international charity, BBC Media Action.
She was on a salary of more than £215,000 before she left the corporation and was also part of the executive team leading BBC News and Current Affairs.
The daughter of a Lebanese father and a Cuban mother, Ms Landor was born and raised in Lebanon and educated in France and Switzerland, first joining the BBC in 1989.
She has robustly defended her statements, telling The Telegraph that it would be “perverse and irresponsible to construe them as endorsements of Hezbollah”.
Ms Landor said: “Regardless of opinions on Hezbollah, an organisation for which I have no regard, understanding history and context is essential in any journalistic effort especially when it comes to reporting Lebanon, a country smaller than Yorkshire, with 18 religious denominations represented by 41 political parties in parliament.
“Hezbollah as a political party is deeply entrenched in Lebanon’s sectarian system. I refer you to an excellent article by your own Middle East correspondent, Adrian Bloomfield, published on 21 Sept, where he writes, ‘With the state collapsing, Hezbollah is pretty much the only coherent entity left,’ and further highlights how ‘it supplies welfare, operates schools and runs municipal services, such as providing water and collecting rubbish’.
“The purpose of the tweets you referenced was to attempt to provide in 140 characters an accurate reflection of Lebanon’s complex realities, based on well-established verifiable facts.
“Namely that political parties opposed to Hezbollah do operate in Shia areas such as Dahiyeh and that access to these areas has never been restricted – information which as I say your own correspondent should be able to verify.”ENDS
2018 …
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
FFS – it’s a bloody outrage!
‘The rest of the passengers continued their journey’ – as if they’re on a cruise! Why aren’t they all arrested under suspicion of murder?
There is something v wrong with the justice system in both of these countries- or the West.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Schoolchildren at British mosques given lessons in praise of Iranian terror ‘martyr’
At least six mosques organised events honouring Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Qasem Soleimani
David Rose
BY David Rose
January 12, 2023 10:20
At least six mosques organised events honouring Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Qasem Soleimani
At least six mosques organised events honouring Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Qasem Soleimani
Mosques to be offered new emergency security
Home Office and The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP
4 August 2024
At least six mosques organised events honouring Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Qasem Soleimani
Jeremy Bowen about to run a series?
Mrs Voter was watching Final Score on the Red Button. Looking up I noticed on the teleprompter bit at the bottom of the screen, Seri A (Italian football league), Bundes Liga (German football league)
British Broadcasting Corporation, I don’t think so!
How’s Tehran Albion doing on bbc sport live blog ?
Have the Gaza Wanderers broken their bad run yet ?
Has that woman ref over there regained consciousness yet ?
Have they put out the FIFA pride flag fire ?
BBC 1 football results.
On the revolving scores……
Each division gets the same time.
Premier League -20 seconds
Championship – 20 seconds
Scottish Division 2 – Errr 20 seconds
Women’s League, with only one game, errr 20 seconds.
Absolutely pathetic political correctness, isn’t it?
Surely at a discount.
It’s a shame the terrorist supporters could not he scooped up – chucked on a ship and taken on a one way trip to the chacos islands . Vermin …
Or here….
“Contact ‘lost’ with potential Hezbollah leader.
Hashem Safieddine, who is said to be more hardline than his cousin Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has not been heard from since Friday”
Have they tried paging him ?
If only the IDF could get to the evil ayatollahs running Iran …
Keep going IDF .
I remember seeing Komani return to Iran from France in 1979 and thinking ‘he ll be trouble ‘ . I blame the French for not ‘offing ‘him then …
It’s odd, he’s not answering his phone.
I hope they don’t forget Strasbourg
Bbc news in a nutshell:
I can sense a new BBC talent show is in fast track development
My God you can see the metro liberal smug entitlement ooze from them.
Sorry Zeps, but somehow you’ve just reminded me of an old joke…
“Did you ever hear about the Frenchman who was so exhausted after his wedding day, that he went to sleep as soon as his feet touched the pillow”?
(coat applied for…).
And she’ll still win – that mad smile will do it – and the Obama election theft squad