112 Responses to Weekend 5th October 2024

  1. Zephir says:



  2. Zephir says:



  3. Zephir says:



  4. Doublethinker says:

    So Starmer is worried that the conflict in the Middle East will , in his words, light the touchpaper in the UK.

    This is a clear admission that the forty year long social engineering experiment of mass immigration and multiculturalism of millions of Muslims has been a total failure.
    He tacitly admits that we are now threatened by violent unrest at home caused by a conflict two thousand miles away which is stirring up our Muslim enrichers.
    The vast majority of Brits have been warning that this was the inevitable outcome of this experiment but successive governments have ignored those warnings , ridiculed and ostracised those who made them and have now started to use state suppression of any form of anti immigration protest. Indeed the fools are still importing Muslims by the boatload.
    Our political and chattering classes aided and abetted by the MSM , particularly the BBC, have created a nightmare for all of us . A nightmare which will last for generations.


    • moggiemoo says:

      No need to worry. At this rate we’ll be a caliphate by the end of the decade and then we’ll all know where we stand. Or kneel.


      • Zephir says:

        An admission that we are importing terrorists and their supporters.

        And, they are arriving illegally and allowed to stay and thrive at the taxpayers expense.


  5. JohnC says:

    So tomorrow marks the first anniversary of when the terrorists of Hamas raped, tortured and butchered hundreds of innocent Israeli men, women and children.

    Muslims should lower their heads in shame for what they did. The day should be spent remembering the victims and what horrific deeds were done to them. It should be a global day of condemnation of terrorism.

    Thats what it SHOULD be. But I will guarantee the BBC devote 10 times as much column-space to the thousands of shameless, terrorist-supporting, racist protestors and do not say anything at all negative about them.

    And how many do you think will be imprisoned for hate-speech or incitement to terrorism with slogans such as ‘from the river to the sea’ which is a blatant demand for genocide ?. If just being at an anti-immigration protest gets you a year in jail, those people should get 3 years minimum.

    The problem is that the police daren’t arrest any of them because they risk igniting the mob. You can be sure plenty will be carrying knives – the Muslim weapon of choice. I wonder how many will be searched.

    It is all quite sickening to watch. It’s 100% institutional state racist bias. Under threat of violence. But done quite willingly by the BBC who are the biggest racists of all.


  6. AsISeeIt says:

    Sunday new main squeeze edition

    Let’s just refamiliarise ourselves with how our liberal media went after the libertine pro-Brexit Tory Boris Johnson…

    Inside Boris Johnson’s grubby love life – tawdry affairs, furious ex wives and love child (Mirror, March 2024)

    Johnson’s former lover eyes a conspiracy… While Petronella Wyatt thinks Boris Johnson’s backers are delusional, fellow former mistress Jennifer Arcuri seems to think he’s been swapped (The New European, ‘Think without borders’)

    Boris Johnson: ‘Frightened’ neighbour defends recording partner row… Newspaper headlines: Papers focus on reports of Johnson row at home (BBC, 2019) – if only he’d thought to set up for a bit in a billionaire pal’s flat for a couple of weeks while they were ‘on a break’

    Public has right to know Boris Johnson fathered child during affair, court rules… attempt to hide paternity of child born after brief affair with mayor of London (Guardian, May 2013)

    Oh, so a Judge ruled the public has a right to know… interesting.

    Meanwhile, under a Labour-branded administration today, the Mail on Sunday goes after dishing the dirt on: Miranda’s marriage mystery… Revelation: Comedienne Miranda Hart – no right to privacy afforded there then.

    I hear our Laura K just suffered a brain fart: Kuenssberg ’embarrassed’ by Johnson message error… sharing notes with him which had been intended for her colleagues. (BBC)

    But what’s all of a sudden the matter with the rest of our intrepid Westminster press lobby? Have they all to a man retired to their fainting couch with a fit of the vapours at first sight of a solicitor’s letter?

    I’m reminded of that super song the band Squeeze released in 1979… I’m not thinking of Cool for Cats, which was good, but I think the really super one was called something like Up the Injunction?

    Anyway, let’s cease and desist that distinctly British New Wave Post-Punk Indie reminiscencing. These days World Music is de rigueur, apparently…

    ‘Huge moment’ as Bollywood music comes to Strictly (BBC) and; My mission is to take Tamil music global, says Sid Sriram (BBC) and; Aplifying Black Music and Culture (BBC Sounds Radio 1Xtra) – you get the picture.

    Why are vet bills so expensive? – muses the Sunday Times – let me explain… they seem rather costly because human medicine and treatment on the NHS is free at the point of access (to the world and his wife) and the costs are hidden from us in that great lump of general taxation. Billions of new NHS funding here, billions of NHS debt written off there, junior doc payrise here, GP shorter working hours there. And of course a lot of that government spending is borrowed cash.

    Reeves’s plans spell misery ‘mortgage misery’ Treasury analysis says borrowing to fund spending may increase rates by up to 1.25pc (Telegraph) – that’s taxation via your own home back door, so to speak.

    But the government can always squeeze a bit more tax out of us, right?

    The U.K. has ‘far more millionaires than it deserves’… Some 500,000 millionaires will leave the U.K. by 2028, according to UBS’s latest Global Wealth Report, equivalent to a 17% fall, leaving questions about the U.K. and London’s position as a haven for the global elite. That is the biggest relative fall in the millionaire population among the countries covered by UBS (Fortune ‘Get global perspectives and insights from CEOs on the biggest stories in business’)

    Doubts grow over Labour’s VAT plan for private schools… Treasury refuses to confirm January start… warnings from unions, tax experts and school leaders that meeting the deadline will cause administrative chaos and teacher job loses, and put pressure on the state sector (Observer)

    We begin to see how come the Treasury advised Sir Keir that the OAP Winter Fuel Allowance cut was the easiest quick fix option, if he insisted on rewarding the state sector which supports him, despite the inevitable crying and whinging.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I checked Amazon and they are selling nut nuts’ book at £15.
      Why anyone would want to soil their hands and eyes with it is beyond me .
      I saw a review that said he still ‘writes well ‘ . Who cares? History – which I think he cares a bit about – will condemn him and his crew as much as so many other inferior PMs and cabinets as they have presided over the decline of Britain .

      As I write I’m trying to think of anything which has improved . But really cannot .no wonder people disappear into distractions like footy or strictly because reality isn’t too attractive and being worsened by Starmer and co .

      Sorry for the grim post. It’s not depression on my part – it’s just reality as I see it .

      Btw I suppose nut nut will get a discount from Eton for all those kids he has bred …


    • Zephir says:

      Why are vets bills so expensive ? all being bought up by venture capitalists and prices fixed.

      Like dentists, when your dentist has “investment opportunity” brochures instead of old Readers Digests in the waiting room you know there is an issue.

      And they would rather pull a tooth than treat it, with a variety of excuses each time to justify it.

      “UK watchdog plans formal investigation into vet pricing.
      Large chains could be squeezing out independent practices, says Competition and Markets Authority.

      The UK competition regulator is preparing to launch a formal investigation into the veterinary market after identifying “multiple concerns” in an initial review, including that pet owners may be overpaying for treatments and medicines.

      The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said it wanted to move forward with a full review after an initial inquiry triggered an “unprecedented response” from 56,000 people, including customers and vet professionals, who raised a number of concerns about practices within the £2bn industry”



      • Zephir says:

        “Dental EIS Investment

        Dentistry is an amazing industry. It relies on the simple dynamic “more people, more teeth” and, as the population grows, so too does the demand for dentistry. This is where we invite you to join us with our dental EIS investment opportunities”

        “Dental Partners is a venture capital backed dentistry start-up with ambitions to grow significantly over the next 3 years. The business model is to purchase local dental practices, rebrand to Dental Partners and grow these practices through recruitment of additional staff, training and development.”


  7. Zephir says:

    Miranda Hat RE no right to privacy afforded:

    Well, hardly when:

    “Has Miranda Hart finally landed a perfect husband at the tender age of 51? Star teases ‘exciting’ love story in her new book (and also appears to be wearing a wedding band!)”


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