Fathers suffer most. I have interviewed fathers who came home to find police barring access without any criminal indictment. These men are forced to find accommodation elsewhere while still under a duty of care to pay the rent or mortgage on the family home and to pay for the upkeep of children they never see.
Related to Football Player Puts Money under Moms Name. Have you heard about soccer star Achraf Hakimi’s divorce? It’s rumored that he put all of his wealth in his mother’s name in order to prevent his wife from getting a share of it in the divorce! Transferring assets is a common tactic in divorce cases.
The wife of Paris Saint-Germain star Achraf Hakimi, Hiba Abouk, walked away from divorce court with nothing after learning Hakimi’s fortune was in his mother’s name.
It is a few years back since I was involved in a case that involved a work colleague. He had been accused of violence by his partner. There were a number of direct consequences of the allegation. Firstly he had no access to the children until the police finished their investigation and secondly he had to attend an anger management course. Part of the anger management course was reconciliation of the couple. Both social services and the police attended the session (s?) but anything said could not be used as evidence and/or in a court of law. At the outset of the session the partner confessed that she had made up the allegation. Was that the end of the case? No. It dragged on well into the next year before the police dropped the investigation when I sent a letter to the police threatening to elevate the matter to the local MP. Another relevant fact missed by social services was that the father was the primary carer for the children – as well as holding down a full time job. The denial of access of the children to the father for well over a year will have had an impact on their education and nutrition. All acceptable in a two tier justice system.
I found myself having to pay for my children who I wasn’t allowed to go near as she then wrongly claimed I might take them away!! I was also paying for an expensive mortgage where my wife and lover lived.
She told the young children that they have a new Dad and that they need to forget the old one. I had to live in the back of a van.
I clawed my way back, and grafted and recovered. My dignity, self worth and sanity was secured by fighting bastardly system
I couldn’t afford lawyers as I worked, unlike my wife who qualified for legal aid. I voraciously read up Family Law and set to work on the Justice system. I appealed everything, I appealed appeals, I blocked the system and became a nuisance. I bought the transcripts and corrected Judges statements, don’t trust them. On occasion they had to reluctantly apologise to me. I went through District and County Courts and ended up in the Royal Courts of Justice Higher Court, all I wanted was to see my children. My wife didn’t always turn up in court feigning illness, which sometimes set me back.
Eventually after nearly two years,the court agreed that my ex wife had no reason to stop me from seeing my children. My children are now older and will never forgive her. They feel stronger about it than I do. So unnecessary.
For others who struggle, I know your depths of despair, I understand how you feel. My advice is to never give up on your children, value every minute you have with them. You’re not alone, keep fighting against the biased anti men courts. They are wicked.
It’s not surprising that the birth rate is dropping like a stone. What sensible man would take the risk of working hard all their lives only for it to be stolen by their partner/wife and supported by the Courts.
I went onto the Government Passport Office website today to find out what is required for Passport photos. After a brief search I found sample images that mean you can only have a Passport if you black up.
I had to pay £10 at a photo booth recently.
Mad because you don’t even need the physical photo, just the digital file number.
You can’t even adjust the seat height these days, then get told off by the AI that the photo is unacceptable because you’re looking up, try again..
Other traditional Muslim and Arabic names like Abdullah, Yusuf, Hamza, and Ahmad were included in the top 100 names. From 2016 to 2021 Muhammad was found to be the number one name for baby boys in the UK. Muhammad re-took the top spot in 2022 and held the title again in 2023.13 Dec 2023
What a news report on TV was cooked
Created in the edit suite , by playing the presenter;s question then splicing in an answer Harris had given to a different question
Am I shocked
No feels like they do that all of the time.
“… and mould all Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) …@1:06 because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
And here we have MI5 delivering an utterly politicised version of upcoming the threats to the UK.
The headline is Russia because of Ukraine. They have to be absolutely demonised to try to get us to support more escalation in the war because Ukraine are seriously losing it.
Now we all know what is the biggest threat that might get you or me killed on our streets by someone we never met. It’s the Muslims or the black man with a knife. The almost mythical Far-Right terrorists I’ve heard a lot of but never seen are a response and have specific targets. The Muslim terrorists just want to murder people because they are not Muslims.
So what does the once-great MI5 say ?.
‘The headline split of our counter terrorist work remains roughly 75% Islamist extremist, 25% extreme right-wing terrorism.’
Now that looks a LOT to me like it says the Muslims are just extremists and the Right are terrorists. Not sure on how that comma works there but the first time I read it, I thought they were just calling the Right ‘terrorists’.
And look at the weasel wording. He doesn’t say 25% of the threats are extreme-right as you would expect, he says ‘our counter terrorist work’ which is BBC style weasel wording designed to make you think something but does not say that at all.
Because I am 100% certain they concentrate far more on right-wing terrorism than Islamic. Just look at the policing we have had at all the pro-Hamas protests.
It’s clear to me now that the number one priority is to prevent any social unrest taking hold and spreading. It’s a potential civil war now. And they know they cannot do anything about the enrichment. It’s gone too far – and if they clamped down on those people, it would be taken as an insult to Allah and they would all be out on the streets.
So to stop the trouble, they focus on the opposing side : the Right. Their solution is to clamp down so hard on any potential troublemakers that the confrontations with enrichment do not happen – or are small enough to be contained.
And the absolute proof of this came during the recent anti-immigration protests. Once they started, they WANTED to get every potential ringleader off the streets. The police actively encouraged the enrichment to stoke up the trouble and every white person who even turned up was put in jail. Along with daily conviction-headlines by the BBC to intimidate anyone else from doing anything. People will be scared to even buy eggs if there is any trouble in case they get jailed for it.
It is two-tier policing and justice on a scale I find hard to believe. I do understand the reasons they are doing it, but it does not make it right. It shows our own government are now fascists and our ‘freedom’ is heading towards what they have in North Korea, especially now extreme-Left TTK has told everyone (including his own party) that he doesn’t care what they think : they will do what HE says.
A right wing terrorist is anyone who subscribes to one or more of the following points of view:
believes the laws of the country should be applied equally to everyone in the country.
believes illegal immigration should be stopped immediately.
believes there are two genders.
questions who was behind 9/11.
questions who was behind 7/7.
questions whether NATO was responsible for the war in Ukraine.
questions whether the British Government has been involved in terrorist attacks against civilians in this country irrespective of colour, creed or race.
believes the British Government is planning to cause mayhem across this country in the near future and blame either Iran or Russia.
It’s simple really.
‘As innocents, children are to be shielded as much as possible from the horrors of adult conflict and violence. Yet, children have long been the target of choice for Palestinian terrorists, just as they are for other Islamist terror groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, and the Taliban.’
‘The most shocking aspect of this deliberate disregard for children’s lives and dignity, however, is the blind eye turned to it by the UN, the EU, and so-called human rights organizations.’
This is from back in 2014. From what I see with Google, it looks like all dissenting voices like this were finally stopped. And it seems th eprocess to stop them was from around 2004 when I found several such articles. And none afterwards.
Why would he make such an assertion but not detail which groups were responsible ?.
Only one I can think of. It would expose his 75%/25% ‘workload’ as the deliberate ‘lie by inference’ that it is.
The whole government is lying through their teeth to us now to prevent us knowing the truth of what the enrichment are doing. We are halfway down the road to becoming a proper fascist state now.
Just out of interest : I wonder how many government ‘people of interest’ lists I might be on and how much information they actually have on me. I assumed I was too small a fish – but after what they did to the protestors, I realise I have underestimated how seriously they intend to suppress the Right if trouble starts.
I wonder if forums like this are hosted abroad so they don’t have the juristiction to get our info. Do you know Fed ?.
So I’ve been looking for details of just who are the real terrorist threats after our own MI5 have basically tried to claim it’s the ‘far-right’. Just look at this article in ultra-Left France24:
So as they don;t want to tell me, I checked the actual terrorist attacks since 2017. And to my extreme surprise (not) I discovered:
2017 Muslim bomb
2018 Muslim ran down predestrians
2018 Muslim stabs 3
2019 White stabbed 1
2020 Muslim terrorist in jail stabbed prison warden
2020 Muslim wearing fake suicide vest stabs 2
2020 Muslim stabd6 killing 3
2020 Muslim stabs 2
2021 Muslim stabd David Amess
2021 Muslim detonates bomb in taxi
2022 White throws petrol bombs at migrant processing centre then kills himself.
2023 Muslim stabs 2 killing 70 year old man.
Then when you look down the ‘prevented’ list, we have 6 by Muslims and 2 by whites.
No wonder this man talks in vague terms and cherry picks details specific to the ‘far-right’ to mention so it will make headlines.
He is a blatant liar in the same way the BBC are blatant liars. By using very deliberate underhand subdifuge and weasel words.
When people like the FBI and MI5 become tools of a left-wing political agenda, serious alarm bells should be ringing. The Nazis are back.
We predicted what they would do to Trump and we were correct – right up to the attempt to assasinate him. Though I admit, I didn’t think they would try twice so quickly.
And now Kamala is dropping in the polls (though the BBC won’t tell you that) and behind the scenes, the Democrats will be starting to panic again.
So it seems to me it is inevitable that they are going to try some dirty sleeze trick AGAIN where something terrible about Trump comes out at the last minute. Like the Stormy Daniels revelations which waited 10 years to come out just before the election.
So any ideas what they will come up with this time ?.
One thing is 100% sure : the BBC will not call it out as the dirtiest kind of scumbag politics. They will ignore that completely and give the accusations full credibility and plenty of front-page headlines as the ‘scandal’ breaks.
As you say Trump is widening the polling lead over the Halfwit and the betting odds are increasingly favouring Trump.
The Dems can try three things:
An October surprise revelation or Trump smear on the MSM
Fixing the counts
Special action
But there are problems with all of them.
The MSM have little credibility so no one will take them seriously so announcing an October surprise may well push more voters , sick of the shenanigans towards ,Trump
Fixing the counts will be much tougher this time round with all the increased scrutiny and the public will be far less credulous .
Taking ‘Special Action’ is likely to trigger deep sustained civil unrest and Vance may well get a huge sympathy / anger vote. Vance will certainly follow the MAGA agenda.
The Dems and the Globalists are in deep trouble. We live in interesting times. Strap yourselves in it’s going to get bumpy.
Wikipedia has changed the name of the ‘Muslim grooming gangs in the UK’ page to ‘Grooming gang moral panic in the UK’.
Does sound that like the work of a crazy powerful activist ?
\\This delusional, deranged freak is a Wikipedia editor who’s erasing the site’s entries on the grooming gang scandal in the UK, which is now being labeled a “moral panic.” //
These narcissitic, attention seeking cretins make me laugh.
I was reading a comment one made to JK Rowling the other day accusing her of hatred. The comment itself was absolutely chock-full of hate and spite.
How do we rid ourselves of this leftist/woke cancer ?. These people are not fit to contribute to civilised society. They are driven by hatred. They are the cause. The much-touted ‘rise of the far-right’ is an effect.
You don’t put out a fire by aiming at it’s effects. You aim at the base.
“German girl, 18, raped by two Afghan migrants says she was ‘their puppet’ as they ignored her cries to stop – before pair ‘smiled at her from the dock’.
Sayed, who has lived in Germany since 2015, was known to police for assault and was convicted for that in 2016.”
“Watch closely. You’ll see the creeping panic behind Kamala’s eyes in her ’60 Minutes’ interview.
With just four weeks until the election, our wannabe commandala-in-chief finally sat for a big-girl interview on Monday night after dodging any real scrutiny for months.
It didn’t take long for her to realize that ‘vibes’ alone couldn’t carry her through this one.
The Fear flickered across Kamala’s face. And when she starts treading in deep yogurt, the truly incomprehensible claptrap begins to flow.
Whitaker: The [illegal immigration] numbers did quadruple under your watch. Should you have done that?
Harris: We need Congress to be able to act to actually fix the problem.
Ding, ding, ding. Throw in the towel. Technical Knockout.”
“Kamala Harris’ ‘world salad’ response on 60 Minutes edited out by CBS.
CBS News appears to have edited the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris to show the Democratic 2024 hopeful in a more positive light.
Social media erupted in criticism of the vice president’s ‘word salad’ response to a question about the Israeli-Hamas war.
Host Bill Whitaker asked Harris about whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was listening to the U.S. and whether the administration had any sway over the Jewish State’s decision making in its conflict with Hamas terrorists operating out of Gaza.
‘Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region,’ Harris replied. Her answer was riddled with long pauses and hesitant wording.
But after the episode aired on 60 Minutes on Monday night, the version that was put onto the show’s official YouTube page did not include Harris’ nonsensical answer and instead included a truncated and more straight-forward response.”
Apart from the Obama fix – the reason Harris might win is the ‘smile ‘ and that very few people actually listen to the words – but just hear the tune . They get confused by the world salad so take the ‘body language ‘ of smiles and nods and intonation and give the fruit loop the benefit of the doubt. If they could kill Biden between now and the election they’d also get the dumb grief vote too …
Harris shedding a few tears would get a couple of million votes …
Today watch
I thought I’d give it a 30 minute listen – i no longer regularly go to it as I once did . But today had new girl and comrade Robinson ….
The show sounds lost – pallid – the daily hate for all things blue is gone … which in a way is sad . In a Real World – in the absence of Real opposition – the msm should be holding TTK and his evil regime to account . There is plenty to go for .
Yet it’s not there . Yesterday there was a confused discussion about taking so long to do a budget – with the associated fear it has created .
Today it was about loony left employment rights which will give those who game the system of defenceless small businesses even more opportunity to exploit kind employers .
I’ve seen this at first hand with women being hired then taking sick maternity leave imposing huge consequences on the good people working in a small business suffering because of some parasite gaming the system and never working before leaving to do the same elsewhere …
The discussion was muddled and boring and you could tell that comrade Robinson had no interest or understanding of small businesses – how could he ? He’s a bbc bit@h…
This seems to be a significant piece of information, from yesterday, that strangely seems to be flying under the radar of the MSM, ….maybe because Israel’s response is working and justified ?
“Hezbollah officials drop Gaza truce as condition for Lebanon ceasefire.
Qassem, now Hezbollah’s top official after its chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli strike, said he backed efforts by Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri, a Hezbollah ally, to secure a truce – without setting a precondition.
a Lebanese government official who declined to be named told Reuters that Hezbollah had amended its position because of a host of pressures, including the mass displacement of people from the main constituencies where supporters of the Muslim Shi’ite group live in south Lebanon and Beirut’s southern suburbs.
The official said it was also driven by Israel’s intensifying ground campaign and objections to Hezbollah’s stance from some Lebanese political actors.
Top lawmakers from other sects in Lebanon’s patchwork politics have in recent days called for a resolution to end fighting that does not link the future of Lebanon – a nation that was already crippled by an economic crisis before the latest conflict – to the Gaza war.
“We will not tie our fate to the fate of Gaza,” veteran Lebanese Druze figure Walid Jumblatt said on Monday.”
Zephir – hopefully the successful killing of the Islamic terrorist leadership is eroding their ability to strike back . So it’s even more important for the IDF to keep going and kill more targets .
The bbc is saying Obama ( Biden) will Talk to bibi today about the forthcoming response to the Iranian Missile attack – it would be good if the US could openly help out against Iran at last …
Keep,going IDF
A UK parliamentary researcher and another man have been charged with spying for China after allegedly providing information which could be “useful to an enemy”.
Christopher Cash, 29, the researcher, and Christopher Berry, 32, were charged under the Official Secrets Act.
They are accused of giving “articles, notes, documents or information” to a foreign state, the Met Police said.
China has called the allegations “malicious slander”.
Counter-terrorism police have described the allegations as “very serious”.
If it were a right wing politician or one disliked by the bBC the name and political affiliation would be in para 1. Australian Labour PMs are intrinsically good by bBC definition so only a name in para 3 and no reminder of the party affiliation in the whole article.
“Australia’s prime minister has apologised for making a “hurtful” comment in parliament, after he mocked opposition lawmakers by asking them if they had Tourette’s syndrome.
The remark – which was quickly withdrawn – has angered disability advocates and been labelled “ableist” and “despicable” by MPs across the political spectrum.
Late on Tuesday, Anthony Albanese returned to the chamber to ask for forgiveness from Australians living with the disorder.”
Taxpayers are being made to SUBSIDISE film kids
yet yesterday #HateyLabour politicians kept falsely screaming taxpayers are SUSIDISING private schools
In fact their families PAY tax for government schools they don’t use
So they are the ones SUSIDISING everyone else’s schools
🎬 Exciting news for UK indie filmmakers! New tax reliefs for productions up to £15m will help bring more British stories to life, creating jobs and boosting our creative industries
Get ready for the next big hits coming to your screen
… https://x.com/DCMS/status/1843901760043356253
We can guess the type of films that will get a SUBSIDY
The #WokeSupremacist London class that rule over us, love films that distort British history
By featuring vastly disproportionate special victimhood groups
trans, black, Muslim etc.
eg the new Steve McQueen film that #BiasedBBC are promoting
That government account has tweeted 3 times in the last 5 days
17 hours ago they tweeted twice
Promoting a black artist ..and green libraries week
“his ’70s and ’80s reggae and dub nightclub inspired piece” https://x.com/DCMS/status/1843653489626398800
Some of South Africa’s biggest retailers will no longer sell TRESemmé hair products, following protests over an advert that denigrated black hair.
Pictures of African hair were labelled “frizzy and dull”, “dry and damaged” in an online advert for TRESemmé products featured by pharmacy chain Clicks.
White hair, meanwhile, was labelled “normal” and “fine and flat”.
“Kay Burley and Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy have been arguing on Sky News this morning over the ridiculousness of the government lobbying the police to give Taylor Swift a presidential-style motorcade to a gig. ”
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Communication Workers Union
Address of donor: 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1RX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Hotel accommodation for the Labour Party conference, value £1,520
Date received: 7 October 2023 to 10 October 2023
Date accepted: 7 October 2023
Donor status: trade union
– white privilege is bad
– white people are evil
– climate change means no kids
– no money to raise kids
– having white kids is evil
– migrants will solve labour crisis
– migrants will solve birth problem
– migrants will never grow old
– migrants will bring their own BRILLIANT culture into the UK.
Mark Steyn – “The future is for those who turn up.”
Starmer’s tweet got ratioed 3.9K to 4.5K
Under the Tories, bus services were cut, passengers were let down and growth stagnated.
Now, I am delivering on Labour’s mission for economic growth with a £500 million investment in UK-made electric buses announced today.
Britain is open for business
Woman who rides bus to stay warm is tip of pensioner poverty iceberg
This article is more than 2 years old
Elsie’s case left Boris Johnson flailing in interview but her story highlights plight of many – and inadequate help
Moo -yesterday I read that whoever the transport minister is ‘promised’ that passes would be free on her watch – which means she’s gone in the first reshuffle and so are the passes …
It’s a risk for the old folk though; these are ELECTRIC buses. You could hop on to warm your tootsies and end up being burnt alive when the battery explodes.
At least TTK obeys the rule of ‘don’t engage ‘ because there is no discussion with communists like her – but Liverpool – what else is to be expected …. Giro city …
Where are all the UK Moderate Islamists taking to the street? FREE GAZA .. .IGNORE TALIBAN …
” In Afghanistan, she and all teenage girls have been barred from formal education for three years.
Now even the small joys that were making life bearable are fraught with fear after a new law was announced saying if a woman is outside her home, even her voice must not be heard.”
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
“It was classic Boris on best form, the room was rammed, as the misery of the Tory leadership drags on, everyone left thinking: what the hell did we get rid of him for?”
“Swiss banking giant UBS predicted in July the UK would lose half a million of its millionaires by 2028, partly as a result of some switching to low-tax countries.
The IFS said the Treasury needed to be aware that a small number of this super-rich group leaving the country would create a “relatively big hole in its finances”.
But the Green Party argued claims taxing the wealthy more would lead to them leaving the UK were not credible.”
I wonder what the climate zealots would have said if the sceptics had come out first with the idea of wheeling out a mentally defective young girl to promote our arguments?
Seems thefts of mobile phones is increasing. I am constantly amazed by fools wandering the street head in the mobile screen with no street awareness at all – assuming everyone else will move out of the way .
Perhaps having their phone snatched does them a favour to be more aware . But i fear too many prefer to live on ‘victim ’ stories ..
Listening to TTK – he will obviously go on about the failed blue regime . But he really has a nasty attitude . The only time he lightened up was on ‘coloured history month ‘( joke ) from the imbecile dawn butler .
Even when rishi offered support for national security nonsense he turn to the promise the borrow and tax until there’s nothing left .
‘Growth ‘ seems to amount to borrowing money / taxing – and setting up state companies with quangos – but not real growth … just incest ..
Starmer already sounds defensive – god know what he’ll be like when the reds are up against it .. but hope it comes soon …
“Yesterday Reeves told Cabinet that she was pressing ahead with changing the metric to allow borrowing of anything from £10 billion to £60 billion extra.”
“It was the first Prime Minister’s Questions since September, and today’s exchanges included questions over the upcoming Budget and a few quips over Sue Gray being removed as the PM’s top aide.
Here’s what we heard:
Tory leader Rishi Sunak pressed the prime minister on whether the government is ruling out National Insurance contribution rises for both employee and employer. Keir Starmer didn’t clarify but said he will stick to his manifesto pledge that there would be no increase in the tax
Starmer announced the workers’ rights bill will be published tomorrow – which he said will be “the biggest upgrade of workers’ rights in a generation”
Sunak squeezed in two digs about Starmer’s former Chief of Staff Sue Gray, asking when the PM “became a convert to fire and rehire” over upcoming changes to employment law
The government will be investing £6.4m to develop new AI software to speed up diagnosis, Starmer also told MPs”
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Lisa Lisa Lisa Nandy what have you done ? Giving swift Taylor a special religious police escort during her concerts . There was no connection to free tickets for the pm and various labour MPs ..
Do love tacky corruption …
Labour says the point is to “overhaul Britain’s ties with China” and seek “less confrontational ties with the world’s second-largest economy and to resume trade and investment talks.”
Nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking because of water extraction and the increasing weight of their rapid expansion, researchers say.
18 April
Some cities are subsiding rapidly, with one in six exceeding 10mm per year.
China’s rapid urbanisation in recent decades means far more water is now being drawn up to meet people’s needs, scientists say.
In coastal cities, this subsidence threatens millions of people with flooding as sea levels rise.
The one person who Don’t cross is Martin Lewis – he is one of the few people who people judge as being ‘clean ‘ – and – even better – he is wealthy so can do a sort of mini ‘Elon ‘ …
Even thick lisa knows she is defending the indefensible …
Just think – the blue party threw £1200 at these people last year – how can the reds be so politically insane so early in their parliament …?( it’s ok – i know they are socialists ) …
Create an unnecessary problem and then have no idea how to solve it … £22 billion is a lie …
“An investigation into disgraced bone surgeon Mr Yaser Jabbar has been widened to cover five London hospitals, as 721 patients’ care is being reviewed.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvgd0xpn253o
‘Rogue’ Great Ormond Street doctor accused of harming children ‘still operating on kids in Dubai’
Dr Yaser Jabbar continues to operate on children at a private hospital in Dubai despite allegedly harming some of his young patients while working at Great Ormond Street Hospital
Dr Yaser Jabbar is still working in Dubai
ByChiara FiorilloNews Reporter
22:25, 8 Sep 2024
At 16, he did work experience in BBC local radio, announcing the football results. He went on to do a degree in Radio and worked for commercial stations before joining the BBC World Service. From there he moved into BBC Radio 6 Music and has been a producer on different radio shows for 10 years. During his career, Philip has produced drive time shows and breakfast shows and now works on the afternoon show with presenter Shaun Keaveny
The proper use of the English language is particularly important in this job as you need to be able to communicate well with your team and make sure the spelling and punctuation is correct when writing scripts
Di Head of M15 confam say Russia intelligence agency dey on a mission to cause “non-stop kasala for British and European streets”.
Ken McCallum as e dey give im annual update on security threats wey UK dey face tok say, GRU agents bin carry out “arson, sabotage and more dangerous actions wey dem do wit increasing recklessness” for Britain afta di UK support Ukraine for dia war wit Russia.
MI5 bin also respond to 20 plots wey Iran support since 2022, e tok. E add say na Islamist extremism dey carry out most of dia work followed by extreme right-wing terrorism.
The proper use of the English language is particularly important in this job as you need to be able to communicate well
5pm news – 15 minutes spent on the leadership crap of the dead blue party – an amoral white bloke and a coloured girl – who people of the Right are expected to vote for in 2029 .
In their dreams – why the bbc spent so much time on this is beyond me .
Are we expected to forget what the blues have done to us ?
I’d rather spoil my vote than vote for that dross
Permit me to voice again – an ‘injustice ‘. This time it was a fatal stabbing in Hexham . The victim – a girl aged 15 . The killer – a boy aged 17. He hasn’t been sentenced yet but it seems the trial was £1 month £ long – very rewarding for the KCs …
Anyway – the judge must have got peed off because he / she decided to lift the secrecy cloak on the killer .
For me – the name isn’t important – it’s that the law cloaks the killers’ name unless the judge lifts it . This is the injustice . Everyone – what ever crime – convicted should automatically be named .. otherwise it’s not the justice it should be .
5 pm news. The storm. This one is different, but do not believe misinformation about it being manipulated. However these storms are getting worse because of man made climate change
The Yorkshire Evening Post yesterday ran an article headed: “Immigrant who landed in UK on a dinghy caught tending to £63,000 Wakefield cannabis factory”.
Atlas – I think he mentioned it was WW2…. But the new communications director has ordered him to big up the Malvinas ( as he’d prefer to call them ) and GiB …
He has that colonial thing in his head so if he could ‘gift’ NI to the republic he’d do it if no one was looking … seems he can do what he wants …
Um….? , its quiet round here?
How is this ….
The UK population has exploded!
Mass invasion by a foreign army. IMHO, we have been invaded and the Home Office is broken.
Does the Border Force still exist and can the 77th Brigade save us?
Nagger had the softest of softball interviews with the ‘coconut poster girl’…..quite happy to accept that calling a coloured person a coconut was perfectly fine [as did the cowardly igonorant judge of course].
It is in fact blatantly a racist term and likely one of the most unpleasant given that you are essentially calling someone a race traitor and painting a target on their back….however Nagger decided that ‘coconut’ actually meant that someone wasn’t assimilating, not with the Whites, but not with people of their own colour and their culture….which is bizarre and clearly meant to downplay and divert criticism of a nasty racist term….this from the race warrior Nagger who demanded the right to call Trump a racist but now seems OK with racism if it’s by a coloured person…never mind the coconut girl made it plain that ‘coconuts’ were colonialist colllaborators…and we all know what happens to collaborators…so she is making a very dangerous accusation.
Doesn’t bode well for the future when ethnics are in the majority and out for ‘revenge’ on whites and their collaborators….you know it will happen..just look at the violent language used about Whites.
Nagger later expanded the duiscussion by wheeling in no lesser lights than Kehindre Andrews and Femi…both race grifters and race stirrers….no need for me to go into any depth, you know exactly what was said….though notably Femi thought that he preferred ‘Uncle Tom’ to ‘coconut’…because of course that is far less offensive and racist…or is it? Pretty sure Uncle Tom is a very toxic term when directed at another Black person.
Odd how such words and terms can be not just freely used on the BBC but celebrated and promoted.
Di National Hajj Commission for Nigeria (NAHCON) announce say di federal goment no fit provide subsidy for di 2025 Hajj, meaning be say pilgrims for Nigeria go pay by dem sef.
Most of di goment subsidy for pilgrims be say na di way dem dey give dem dollars wey dey allow dem access am at low rate from di Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Dis mean say di way di current exchange rate dey over 1,600 naira ($1), pilgrims wey need to pay at least $6,000 each, go pay up to 10 million naira ($7,500) for di 2025 exercise
But many Nigerians no happy wit di goment decision for not giving subsidy sake of e go dey veri difficult for dem to participate for Hajj next year.
Sam Williamson, 22, from Glossop, has been threatened with prosecution by Northern after he mistakenly bought an invalid £3.65 ticket from Broadbottom to Manchester using his 16-25 railcard last Thursday.
He said the “tiny infraction” was an “innocent mistake” due to him not knowing the railcard could not be used until after 10:00 and he feared he could be landed with a huge fine and a criminal record.
A spokesman for Northern said everyone had “a duty to buy a valid ticket” before they board the train, and added that 96 per cent of customers “do just that”.
Things seemingly going to plan; make every aspect of life as stressful as possible, even something as simple as a train journey.
Now typically, you have to buy in advance, to be able to afford it, then suffer worrying about: missing that particular train, catching the wrong train, choosing the wrong ticket, your phone conking out etc .. all on the pain or recieving not just a fine, but a criminal record ☹️
Bottomline the BBC reporter is just repeating what she read on the boys Oct 8th long Twitter thread
#1 ..they issued him with a printed CONTRACT ..ie a train ticket
that ticket said ANYTIME ,,using a 20-25 railcard
#2 They’d set a precedent cos he’d used the same means 3 times in August and the conductor had not challenged him
cos it’s a bit of a weird system whereby the before 10am doesn’t rule apply in JUly & August
I took a train the other day for the first time in years. The first train was cancelled and then the one on the way back was 45 mins late starting off.
On the journey I was interested to observe two jack-booted men-in-black with large notices on their backs saying: ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.
At all times the tannoys were pumping out the fear message: “If you see something … see it, say it, sorted”.
Yep…savagely beat up some coppers at an airport and…er….nothing much will happen to you…certainly compared to the rapid and heavy handed ‘justice’ meted out to the rioters….White.
Above I mentioned the subsidy to £15 films will be about promotimg their mates
“We can guess the type of films that will get a SUBSIDY
The #WokeSupremacist London class that rule over us, love films that distort British history
By featuring vastly disproportionate special victimhood groups
trans, black, Muslim etc.”
OK 5 in every 100 people are black
So if the camera is on a crowd of 100, and chooses to focus on 2 the odds of them both being black is very small
but the Production Guild tweet does DO that
We are delighted to see the UK Government today confirm legislation of the new Independent Film Tax Credit (IFTC), first announced last March 🙌🙌
The IFTC will mean that productions with a budget up to £15 million will be eligible for a 53% tax reliefhttps://t.co/K9uEyi8O0O
— The Production Guild of Great Britain (@ProductionGuild) October 9, 2024
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Der Starmer steps up the war on fathers:
Fathers suffer most. I have interviewed fathers who came home to find police barring access without any criminal indictment. These men are forced to find accommodation elsewhere while still under a duty of care to pay the rent or mortgage on the family home and to pay for the upkeep of children they never see.
Related to Football Player Puts Money under Moms Name. Have you heard about soccer star Achraf Hakimi’s divorce? It’s rumored that he put all of his wealth in his mother’s name in order to prevent his wife from getting a share of it in the divorce! Transferring assets is a common tactic in divorce cases.
The wife of Paris Saint-Germain star Achraf Hakimi, Hiba Abouk, walked away from divorce court with nothing after learning Hakimi’s fortune was in his mother’s name.
It is a few years back since I was involved in a case that involved a work colleague. He had been accused of violence by his partner. There were a number of direct consequences of the allegation. Firstly he had no access to the children until the police finished their investigation and secondly he had to attend an anger management course. Part of the anger management course was reconciliation of the couple. Both social services and the police attended the session (s?) but anything said could not be used as evidence and/or in a court of law. At the outset of the session the partner confessed that she had made up the allegation. Was that the end of the case? No. It dragged on well into the next year before the police dropped the investigation when I sent a letter to the police threatening to elevate the matter to the local MP. Another relevant fact missed by social services was that the father was the primary carer for the children – as well as holding down a full time job. The denial of access of the children to the father for well over a year will have had an impact on their education and nutrition. All acceptable in a two tier justice system.
Happened to me also
Me as well, it’s hard to stomach.
I found myself having to pay for my children who I wasn’t allowed to go near as she then wrongly claimed I might take them away!! I was also paying for an expensive mortgage where my wife and lover lived.
She told the young children that they have a new Dad and that they need to forget the old one. I had to live in the back of a van.
I clawed my way back, and grafted and recovered. My dignity, self worth and sanity was secured by fighting bastardly system
I couldn’t afford lawyers as I worked, unlike my wife who qualified for legal aid. I voraciously read up Family Law and set to work on the Justice system. I appealed everything, I appealed appeals, I blocked the system and became a nuisance. I bought the transcripts and corrected Judges statements, don’t trust them. On occasion they had to reluctantly apologise to me. I went through District and County Courts and ended up in the Royal Courts of Justice Higher Court, all I wanted was to see my children. My wife didn’t always turn up in court feigning illness, which sometimes set me back.
Eventually after nearly two years,the court agreed that my ex wife had no reason to stop me from seeing my children. My children are now older and will never forgive her. They feel stronger about it than I do. So unnecessary.
For others who struggle, I know your depths of despair, I understand how you feel. My advice is to never give up on your children, value every minute you have with them. You’re not alone, keep fighting against the biased anti men courts. They are wicked.
It’s not surprising that the birth rate is dropping like a stone. What sensible man would take the risk of working hard all their lives only for it to be stolen by their partner/wife and supported by the Courts.
I went onto the Government Passport Office website today to find out what is required for Passport photos. After a brief search I found sample images that mean you can only have a Passport if you black up.
Giving it away to the coloured folk …
I had to pay £10 at a photo booth recently.
Mad because you don’t even need the physical photo, just the digital file number.
You can’t even adjust the seat height these days, then get told off by the AI that the photo is unacceptable because you’re looking up, try again..
Demography is destiny.
Other traditional Muslim and Arabic names like Abdullah, Yusuf, Hamza, and Ahmad were included in the top 100 names. From 2016 to 2021 Muhammad was found to be the number one name for baby boys in the UK. Muhammad re-took the top spot in 2022 and held the title again in 2023.13 Dec 2023
A BBC TNI partner no doubt?
What a news report on TV was cooked
Created in the edit suite , by playing the presenter;s question then splicing in an answer Harris had given to a different question
Am I shocked
No feels like they do that all of the time.
BREAKING: 60 minutes just quietly *edited out* Kamala’s word salad answer on Israel. Unreal.
Misunderstood eh?
“… and mould all Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) …@1:06 because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
Two guys who like a super injunction… allegedly.
Russia on mission to cause mayhem on UK streets, warns MI5
And here we have MI5 delivering an utterly politicised version of upcoming the threats to the UK.
The headline is Russia because of Ukraine. They have to be absolutely demonised to try to get us to support more escalation in the war because Ukraine are seriously losing it.
Now we all know what is the biggest threat that might get you or me killed on our streets by someone we never met. It’s the Muslims or the black man with a knife. The almost mythical Far-Right terrorists I’ve heard a lot of but never seen are a response and have specific targets. The Muslim terrorists just want to murder people because they are not Muslims.
So what does the once-great MI5 say ?.
‘The headline split of our counter terrorist work remains roughly 75% Islamist extremist, 25% extreme right-wing terrorism.’
Now that looks a LOT to me like it says the Muslims are just extremists and the Right are terrorists. Not sure on how that comma works there but the first time I read it, I thought they were just calling the Right ‘terrorists’.
And look at the weasel wording. He doesn’t say 25% of the threats are extreme-right as you would expect, he says ‘our counter terrorist work’ which is BBC style weasel wording designed to make you think something but does not say that at all.
Because I am 100% certain they concentrate far more on right-wing terrorism than Islamic. Just look at the policing we have had at all the pro-Hamas protests.
It’s clear to me now that the number one priority is to prevent any social unrest taking hold and spreading. It’s a potential civil war now. And they know they cannot do anything about the enrichment. It’s gone too far – and if they clamped down on those people, it would be taken as an insult to Allah and they would all be out on the streets.
So to stop the trouble, they focus on the opposing side : the Right. Their solution is to clamp down so hard on any potential troublemakers that the confrontations with enrichment do not happen – or are small enough to be contained.
And the absolute proof of this came during the recent anti-immigration protests. Once they started, they WANTED to get every potential ringleader off the streets. The police actively encouraged the enrichment to stoke up the trouble and every white person who even turned up was put in jail. Along with daily conviction-headlines by the BBC to intimidate anyone else from doing anything. People will be scared to even buy eggs if there is any trouble in case they get jailed for it.
It is two-tier policing and justice on a scale I find hard to believe. I do understand the reasons they are doing it, but it does not make it right. It shows our own government are now fascists and our ‘freedom’ is heading towards what they have in North Korea, especially now extreme-Left TTK has told everyone (including his own party) that he doesn’t care what they think : they will do what HE says.
Just a question of time.
A right wing terrorist is anyone who subscribes to one or more of the following points of view:
believes the laws of the country should be applied equally to everyone in the country.
believes illegal immigration should be stopped immediately.
believes there are two genders.
questions who was behind 9/11.
questions who was behind 7/7.
questions whether NATO was responsible for the war in Ukraine.
questions whether the British Government has been involved in terrorist attacks against civilians in this country irrespective of colour, creed or race.
believes the British Government is planning to cause mayhem across this country in the near future and blame either Iran or Russia.
It’s simple really.
If this doesn’t wake you up I don’t know what will.
Children investigated for terrorism on a ‘staggering’ rise, says MI5 boss.
Palestinian Exploitation of Children as Weapons of War
‘As innocents, children are to be shielded as much as possible from the horrors of adult conflict and violence. Yet, children have long been the target of choice for Palestinian terrorists, just as they are for other Islamist terror groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, and the Taliban.’
‘The most shocking aspect of this deliberate disregard for children’s lives and dignity, however, is the blind eye turned to it by the UN, the EU, and so-called human rights organizations.’
This is from back in 2014. From what I see with Google, it looks like all dissenting voices like this were finally stopped. And it seems th eprocess to stop them was from around 2004 when I found several such articles. And none afterwards.
Yet Hamas still do them :
‘Hamas claims Tel Aviv bomb explosion as suicide attack’
Either this article was smuggled quickly to regions or it never even made the front page. Either way I never saw it.
Here’s all the evidence I need that this man is deliberately witholding information from us.
MI5 & police foil 43 terror plots as growing number of children investigated for terrorism
Why would he make such an assertion but not detail which groups were responsible ?.
Only one I can think of. It would expose his 75%/25% ‘workload’ as the deliberate ‘lie by inference’ that it is.
The whole government is lying through their teeth to us now to prevent us knowing the truth of what the enrichment are doing. We are halfway down the road to becoming a proper fascist state now.
Just out of interest : I wonder how many government ‘people of interest’ lists I might be on and how much information they actually have on me. I assumed I was too small a fish – but after what they did to the protestors, I realise I have underestimated how seriously they intend to suppress the Right if trouble starts.
I wonder if forums like this are hosted abroad so they don’t have the juristiction to get our info. Do you know Fed ?.
So I’ve been looking for details of just who are the real terrorist threats after our own MI5 have basically tried to claim it’s the ‘far-right’. Just look at this article in ultra-Left France24:
MI5 head says far-right extremism to blame for ‘staggering’ surge in children linked to terror plots
So as they don;t want to tell me, I checked the actual terrorist attacks since 2017. And to my extreme surprise (not) I discovered:
2017 Muslim bomb
2018 Muslim ran down predestrians
2018 Muslim stabs 3
2019 White stabbed 1
2020 Muslim terrorist in jail stabbed prison warden
2020 Muslim wearing fake suicide vest stabs 2
2020 Muslim stabd6 killing 3
2020 Muslim stabs 2
2021 Muslim stabd David Amess
2021 Muslim detonates bomb in taxi
2022 White throws petrol bombs at migrant processing centre then kills himself.
2023 Muslim stabs 2 killing 70 year old man.
Then when you look down the ‘prevented’ list, we have 6 by Muslims and 2 by whites.
No wonder this man talks in vague terms and cherry picks details specific to the ‘far-right’ to mention so it will make headlines.
He is a blatant liar in the same way the BBC are blatant liars. By using very deliberate underhand subdifuge and weasel words.
When people like the FBI and MI5 become tools of a left-wing political agenda, serious alarm bells should be ringing. The Nazis are back.
Nelson Mandela started as a terrorist! Everyone loves him now!
Once a terrorist always a terrorist, I think his and Ghandi the racists statue should be thrown in the Thames.
I would not trust that lying weasel to run a children’s party. He exudes oil from every pore in his body.
This was a Goebbels-level performance.
OK, so it’s prediction time again:
We predicted what they would do to Trump and we were correct – right up to the attempt to assasinate him. Though I admit, I didn’t think they would try twice so quickly.
And now Kamala is dropping in the polls (though the BBC won’t tell you that) and behind the scenes, the Democrats will be starting to panic again.
So it seems to me it is inevitable that they are going to try some dirty sleeze trick AGAIN where something terrible about Trump comes out at the last minute. Like the Stormy Daniels revelations which waited 10 years to come out just before the election.
So any ideas what they will come up with this time ?.
One thing is 100% sure : the BBC will not call it out as the dirtiest kind of scumbag politics. They will ignore that completely and give the accusations full credibility and plenty of front-page headlines as the ‘scandal’ breaks.
As you say Trump is widening the polling lead over the Halfwit and the betting odds are increasingly favouring Trump.
The Dems can try three things:
An October surprise revelation or Trump smear on the MSM
Fixing the counts
Special action
But there are problems with all of them.
The MSM have little credibility so no one will take them seriously so announcing an October surprise may well push more voters , sick of the shenanigans towards ,Trump
Fixing the counts will be much tougher this time round with all the increased scrutiny and the public will be far less credulous .
Taking ‘Special Action’ is likely to trigger deep sustained civil unrest and Vance may well get a huge sympathy / anger vote. Vance will certainly follow the MAGA agenda.
The Dems and the Globalists are in deep trouble. We live in interesting times. Strap yourselves in it’s going to get bumpy.
Wikipedia has changed the name of the ‘Muslim grooming gangs in the UK’ page to ‘Grooming gang moral panic in the UK’.
Does sound that like the work of a crazy powerful activist ?
\\This delusional, deranged freak is a Wikipedia editor who’s erasing the site’s entries on the grooming gang scandal in the UK, which is now being labeled a “moral panic.” //
These narcissitic, attention seeking cretins make me laugh.
I was reading a comment one made to JK Rowling the other day accusing her of hatred. The comment itself was absolutely chock-full of hate and spite.
How do we rid ourselves of this leftist/woke cancer ?. These people are not fit to contribute to civilised society. They are driven by hatred. They are the cause. The much-touted ‘rise of the far-right’ is an effect.
You don’t put out a fire by aiming at it’s effects. You aim at the base.
The ‘far-right’ in Bavaria only came to power after putting down a successful revolution by the far-left marxists in 1919.
A bloody civil war then took place in Munich and the communists were defeated. But the bBC will not tell you this.
Welcome here, remember that…and in Frankfurt
“German girl, 18, raped by two Afghan migrants says she was ‘their puppet’ as they ignored her cries to stop – before pair ‘smiled at her from the dock’.
Sayed, who has lived in Germany since 2015, was known to police for assault and was convicted for that in 2016.”
The cackling and deranged grins suddenly stop….
“Watch closely. You’ll see the creeping panic behind Kamala’s eyes in her ’60 Minutes’ interview.
With just four weeks until the election, our wannabe commandala-in-chief finally sat for a big-girl interview on Monday night after dodging any real scrutiny for months.
It didn’t take long for her to realize that ‘vibes’ alone couldn’t carry her through this one.
The Fear flickered across Kamala’s face. And when she starts treading in deep yogurt, the truly incomprehensible claptrap begins to flow.
Whitaker: The [illegal immigration] numbers did quadruple under your watch. Should you have done that?
Harris: We need Congress to be able to act to actually fix the problem.
Ding, ding, ding. Throw in the towel. Technical Knockout.”
Fewer than 28 days to the 2024 vote, Kamala Harris cannot string together a coherent answer on one of the most critical issues in the election.
Meanwhile the election fraud continues:
“Kamala Harris’ ‘world salad’ response on 60 Minutes edited out by CBS.
CBS News appears to have edited the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris to show the Democratic 2024 hopeful in a more positive light.
Social media erupted in criticism of the vice president’s ‘word salad’ response to a question about the Israeli-Hamas war.
Host Bill Whitaker asked Harris about whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was listening to the U.S. and whether the administration had any sway over the Jewish State’s decision making in its conflict with Hamas terrorists operating out of Gaza.
‘Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region,’ Harris replied. Her answer was riddled with long pauses and hesitant wording.
But after the episode aired on 60 Minutes on Monday night, the version that was put onto the show’s official YouTube page did not include Harris’ nonsensical answer and instead included a truncated and more straight-forward response.”
Apart from the Obama fix – the reason Harris might win is the ‘smile ‘ and that very few people actually listen to the words – but just hear the tune . They get confused by the world salad so take the ‘body language ‘ of smiles and nods and intonation and give the fruit loop the benefit of the doubt. If they could kill Biden between now and the election they’d also get the dumb grief vote too …
Harris shedding a few tears would get a couple of million votes …
Today watch
I thought I’d give it a 30 minute listen – i no longer regularly go to it as I once did . But today had new girl and comrade Robinson ….
The show sounds lost – pallid – the daily hate for all things blue is gone … which in a way is sad . In a Real World – in the absence of Real opposition – the msm should be holding TTK and his evil regime to account . There is plenty to go for .
Yet it’s not there . Yesterday there was a confused discussion about taking so long to do a budget – with the associated fear it has created .
Today it was about loony left employment rights which will give those who game the system of defenceless small businesses even more opportunity to exploit kind employers .
I’ve seen this at first hand with women being hired then taking sick maternity leave imposing huge consequences on the good people working in a small business suffering because of some parasite gaming the system and never working before leaving to do the same elsewhere …
The discussion was muddled and boring and you could tell that comrade Robinson had no interest or understanding of small businesses – how could he ? He’s a bbc bit@h…
“Instead, the new version on YouTube has Harris appearing much for decisive and surefooted in her answer.”
Omission is the greatest lie. Remember to address the tikTok 2 second generation.
This seems to be a significant piece of information, from yesterday, that strangely seems to be flying under the radar of the MSM, ….maybe because Israel’s response is working and justified ?
“Hezbollah officials drop Gaza truce as condition for Lebanon ceasefire.
Qassem, now Hezbollah’s top official after its chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli strike, said he backed efforts by Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri, a Hezbollah ally, to secure a truce – without setting a precondition.
a Lebanese government official who declined to be named told Reuters that Hezbollah had amended its position because of a host of pressures, including the mass displacement of people from the main constituencies where supporters of the Muslim Shi’ite group live in south Lebanon and Beirut’s southern suburbs.
The official said it was also driven by Israel’s intensifying ground campaign and objections to Hezbollah’s stance from some Lebanese political actors.
Top lawmakers from other sects in Lebanon’s patchwork politics have in recent days called for a resolution to end fighting that does not link the future of Lebanon – a nation that was already crippled by an economic crisis before the latest conflict – to the Gaza war.
“We will not tie our fate to the fate of Gaza,” veteran Lebanese Druze figure Walid Jumblatt said on Monday.”
Zephir – hopefully the successful killing of the Islamic terrorist leadership is eroding their ability to strike back . So it’s even more important for the IDF to keep going and kill more targets .
The bbc is saying Obama ( Biden) will Talk to bibi today about the forthcoming response to the Iranian Missile attack – it would be good if the US could openly help out against Iran at last …
Keep,going IDF
“Exclusive: British Foreign Secretary Lammy to visit China in bid to reset ties, sources say”
I’m getting the shovel and the sandbags out of the shed and digging a bunker in the back garden this afternoon.
And keeping away from the Ming Wah takeaway and Bamboo Blossom chip shop until the dust settles.
With any luck they’ll eat him.
Not a chance, they have a saying over there, “you are what you eat”
Don’t the Chinese OWN David Lammy ?
.. I bet they secretly OWN some UK politicians
We know Chinese agents have been arrested for funding Labour.
The policies of Open borders and Net Zero both seem very anti British
Two men charged with spying for China under Official Secrets Act
22 April
A UK parliamentary researcher and another man have been charged with spying for China after allegedly providing information which could be “useful to an enemy”.
Christopher Cash, 29, the researcher, and Christopher Berry, 32, were charged under the Official Secrets Act.
They are accused of giving “articles, notes, documents or information” to a foreign state, the Met Police said.
China has called the allegations “malicious slander”.
Counter-terrorism police have described the allegations as “very serious”.
Christine Lee: Labour MP Barry Gardiner says Chinese agent ‘gained no political advantage’ from him
Covid-19: Studies conclude Wuhan wet market most likely source of virus
If it were a right wing politician or one disliked by the bBC the name and political affiliation would be in para 1. Australian Labour PMs are intrinsically good by bBC definition so only a name in para 3 and no reminder of the party affiliation in the whole article.
“Australia’s prime minister has apologised for making a “hurtful” comment in parliament, after he mocked opposition lawmakers by asking them if they had Tourette’s syndrome.
The remark – which was quickly withdrawn – has angered disability advocates and been labelled “ableist” and “despicable” by MPs across the political spectrum.
Late on Tuesday, Anthony Albanese returned to the chamber to ask for forgiveness from Australians living with the disorder.”
Lord Fauntleroy’s predicament, NLP…
Balls now presents a programme on TV, which luckily, I never watch!
“TAYLOR-MADE EXIT Top Labour politicians ‘pressed’ cops to give Taylor Swift royal-style escort to Wembley gig – then landed free tickets
Scroll down to see a list of Labour MPs who have received THOUSANDS in gifts”
Taxpayers are being made to SUBSIDISE film kids
yet yesterday #HateyLabour politicians kept falsely screaming taxpayers are SUSIDISING private schools
In fact their families PAY tax for government schools they don’t use
So they are the ones SUSIDISING everyone else’s schools
🎬 Exciting news for UK indie filmmakers! New tax reliefs for productions up to £15m will help bring more British stories to life, creating jobs and boosting our creative industries
Get ready for the next big hits coming to your screen
… https://x.com/DCMS/status/1843901760043356253
We can guess the type of films that will get a SUBSIDY
The #WokeSupremacist London class that rule over us, love films that distort British history
By featuring vastly disproportionate special victimhood groups
trans, black, Muslim etc.
eg the new Steve McQueen film that #BiasedBBC are promoting
That government account has tweeted 3 times in the last 5 days
17 hours ago they tweeted twice
Promoting a black artist ..and green libraries week
“his ’70s and ’80s reggae and dub nightclub inspired piece”
Oh guess the people featured in the green libraries tweet PR
Some of South Africa’s biggest retailers will no longer sell TRESemmé hair products, following protests over an advert that denigrated black hair.
Pictures of African hair were labelled “frizzy and dull”, “dry and damaged” in an online advert for TRESemmé products featured by pharmacy chain Clicks.
White hair, meanwhile, was labelled “normal” and “fine and flat”.
I doubt that anyone in that photo are able to read and write.
Khan has an opinion on “far-right riots”….
Online safety act not stamping it out it seems.
Doesn’t seem to include the thousands of Hamas supporting, Jew hating marchers of course…
Odd innit?
How are we letting trained jihadis back into the UK without knowing where they are? Sadiq Khan grilled by Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan
06 June 2017 1:32pm BST
Google promotion … Lizzie Emeh
Listen to Lizzie – Softly Hearing featuring Sebastian and the Lizzie Emeh Band
“Kay Burley and Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy have been arguing on Sky News this morning over the ridiculousness of the government lobbying the police to give Taylor Swift a presidential-style motorcade to a gig. ”
Kay Burley says she was an ‘idiot’ for breach of Covid rules last year
This article is more than 3 years old
Sky News presenter says she let herself and viewers down by flouting regulations with birthday party
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Communication Workers Union
Address of donor: 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1RX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Hotel accommodation for the Labour Party conference, value £1,520
Date received: 7 October 2023 to 10 October 2023
Date accepted: 7 October 2023
Donor status: trade union
“UK annual deaths outnumbered births, figures show”
– white privilege is bad
– white people are evil
– climate change means no kids
– no money to raise kids
– having white kids is evil
– migrants will solve labour crisis
– migrants will solve birth problem
– migrants will never grow old
– migrants will bring their own BRILLIANT culture into the UK.
Mark Steyn – “The future is for those who turn up.”
Starmer’s tweet got ratioed 3.9K to 4.5K
Under the Tories, bus services were cut, passengers were let down and growth stagnated.
Now, I am delivering on Labour’s mission for economic growth with a £500 million investment in UK-made electric buses announced today.
Britain is open for business
It’s great that there will be more buses . Gives pensioners somewhere to go to warm up this winter..
Woman who rides bus to stay warm is tip of pensioner poverty iceberg
This article is more than 2 years old
Elsie’s case left Boris Johnson flailing in interview but her story highlights plight of many – and inadequate help
Her story left Boris Johnson once again flailing in the face of everyday hardship.
Did a shock £350,000 tax bill trigger Boris Johnson’s pleas for Downing St cash?
@Fedup2 …. until they scrap the free bus passes.
Moo -yesterday I read that whoever the transport minister is ‘promised’ that passes would be free on her watch – which means she’s gone in the first reshuffle and so are the passes …
Until Rachel Thieves takes the free bus passes off them
It’s a risk for the old folk though; these are ELECTRIC buses. You could hop on to warm your tootsies and end up being burnt alive when the battery explodes.
Starmer enjoys a quiet pub lunch.
Not from the BBC.
How can the dead blue party be at 28%… ?
28% tick box …
At least TTK obeys the rule of ‘don’t engage ‘ because there is no discussion with communists like her – but Liverpool – what else is to be expected …. Giro city …
Where are all the UK Moderate Islamists taking to the street? FREE GAZA .. .IGNORE TALIBAN …
” In Afghanistan, she and all teenage girls have been barred from formal education for three years.
Now even the small joys that were making life bearable are fraught with fear after a new law was announced saying if a woman is outside her home, even her voice must not be heard.”
In response, NATO invoked Article V of its Treaty, for the first and only time in its history,
and the United Kingdom, amongst others, joined America in going into Afghanistan on a mission to extirpate Al Qaeda in that country
and to do whatever we could to stabilise Afghanistan, in spite of all the difficulties and challenges we knew that we would face.
And we succeeded in that core mission.
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
And we succeeded in that core mission.
even her voice must not be heard
“It was classic Boris on best form, the room was rammed, as the misery of the Tory leadership drags on, everyone left thinking: what the hell did we get rid of him for?”
“Swiss banking giant UBS predicted in July the UK would lose half a million of its millionaires by 2028, partly as a result of some switching to low-tax countries.
The IFS said the Treasury needed to be aware that a small number of this super-rich group leaving the country would create a “relatively big hole in its finances”.
But the Green Party argued claims taxing the wealthy more would lead to them leaving the UK were not credible.”

Green Party councillor who sparked outrage by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ after being elected to a city council boasts declaration of faith made him ‘infamous’
I wonder what the climate zealots would have said if the sceptics had come out first with the idea of wheeling out a mentally defective young girl to promote our arguments?
Good idea – Joan of Arch – burn her!
Seems thefts of mobile phones is increasing. I am constantly amazed by fools wandering the street head in the mobile screen with no street awareness at all – assuming everyone else will move out of the way .
Perhaps having their phone snatched does them a favour to be more aware . But i fear too many prefer to live on ‘victim ’ stories ..
Aldous Huxley | Brave New World (Full Movie)
A new book !
well done.
Yeah – I haven’t read it since 6th form – might dig it out again …
No need F2, we will be receiving excerpts for the next year or two…
Oh yes 😉
Fed ..
Like those idiots who advertise their upcoming holiday on social media then surprised they’ve been burgled on arriving home !
@ StewGreen,
“Don’t the Chinese OWN David Lammy ?”
I hope they kept the receipt.
If you’d managed to get rid of him, would you take him back, even with a receipt? I’d treat him like underwear, no returns.
The Chinese will say “We want to see the organ grinder, not the monkey.”
Listening to TTK – he will obviously go on about the failed blue regime . But he really has a nasty attitude . The only time he lightened up was on ‘coloured history month ‘( joke ) from the imbecile dawn butler .
Even when rishi offered support for national security nonsense he turn to the promise the borrow and tax until there’s nothing left .
‘Growth ‘ seems to amount to borrowing money / taxing – and setting up state companies with quangos – but not real growth … just incest ..
Starmer already sounds defensive – god know what he’ll be like when the reds are up against it .. but hope it comes soon …
Rishi says we can sell more Islands – MP James Cleverly agrees!
Boris has new book! Yeah!
No mention of Migration?
Was TTK’s Uncle called Albert?
“Yesterday Reeves told Cabinet that she was pressing ahead with changing the metric to allow borrowing of anything from £10 billion to £60 billion extra.”
MPs’ pay will increase by 5.5% from April
Bet the bond markets won’t be too enthused to buy UK paper despite the rapidly increasing national debt … maybe the IMF prediction for 2026 is real …
Japan – paying 50% of country income pays off debt – when it gets to 51% then what?
“It was the first Prime Minister’s Questions since September, and today’s exchanges included questions over the upcoming Budget and a few quips over Sue Gray being removed as the PM’s top aide.
Here’s what we heard:
Tory leader Rishi Sunak pressed the prime minister on whether the government is ruling out National Insurance contribution rises for both employee and employer. Keir Starmer didn’t clarify but said he will stick to his manifesto pledge that there would be no increase in the tax
Starmer announced the workers’ rights bill will be published tomorrow – which he said will be “the biggest upgrade of workers’ rights in a generation”
Sunak squeezed in two digs about Starmer’s former Chief of Staff Sue Gray, asking when the PM “became a convert to fire and rehire” over upcoming changes to employment law
The government will be investing £6.4m to develop new AI software to speed up diagnosis, Starmer also told MPs”
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Lisa Lisa Lisa Nandy what have you done ? Giving swift Taylor a special religious police escort during her concerts . There was no connection to free tickets for the pm and various labour MPs ..
Do love tacky corruption …
22 kids going to concert in Manchester demand police escort to avoid being blown up by a religion of peace where Hijabs worn make you free!
Labour says the point is to “overhaul Britain’s ties with China” and seek “less confrontational ties with the world’s second-largest economy and to resume trade and investment talks.”
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Cameron exploited lobbying loophole to discuss $1bn China fund with Treasury
Nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking because of water extraction and the increasing weight of their rapid expansion, researchers say.
18 April
Some cities are subsiding rapidly, with one in six exceeding 10mm per year.
China’s rapid urbanisation in recent decades means far more water is now being drawn up to meet people’s needs, scientists say.
In coastal cities, this subsidence threatens millions of people with flooding as sea levels rise.
Watch the lying Liebour minister Mzzz Nandy clash with Martin Lewis about the Winter Fuel Allowance:
effing Granny muggers!!!!!!
Pinewood closes down.
Tata steel closes down.
Last coal station.
Films get tax breaks!
Rocket Boosters? HA HA HAH AH HAHAH A!
They can apply after winter! HA HA HAH AHAH AH AHHAAH!
Why not do it next year?
Back dated – they will freeze with worry!
She’s having a bit of a day, unless you rely on BBC Propaganda News.
Police escort for Taylor Swift was not result of “undue influence” from senior politicians attending her London gigs, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy says
The one person who Don’t cross is Martin Lewis – he is one of the few people who people judge as being ‘clean ‘ – and – even better – he is wealthy so can do a sort of mini ‘Elon ‘ …
Even thick lisa knows she is defending the indefensible …
Just think – the blue party threw £1200 at these people last year – how can the reds be so politically insane so early in their parliament …?( it’s ok – i know they are socialists ) …
Create an unnecessary problem and then have no idea how to solve it … £22 billion is a lie …
“An investigation into disgraced bone surgeon Mr Yaser Jabbar has been widened to cover five London hospitals, as 721 patients’ care is being reviewed.”
‘Rogue’ Great Ormond Street doctor accused of harming children ‘still operating on kids in Dubai’
Dr Yaser Jabbar continues to operate on children at a private hospital in Dubai despite allegedly harming some of his young patients while working at Great Ormond Street Hospital
Dr Yaser Jabbar is still working in Dubai
ByChiara FiorilloNews Reporter
22:25, 8 Sep 2024
Michael Owen Cringe Dubai Promo
Interested in finding out more about what it is like being a radio producer?
Excellent chance of having your bum grabbed by a randy old ‘talent’?
At 16, he did work experience in BBC local radio, announcing the football results. He went on to do a degree in Radio and worked for commercial stations before joining the BBC World Service. From there he moved into BBC Radio 6 Music and has been a producer on different radio shows for 10 years. During his career, Philip has produced drive time shows and breakfast shows and now works on the afternoon show with presenter Shaun Keaveny
The proper use of the English language is particularly important in this job as you need to be able to communicate well with your team and make sure the spelling and punctuation is correct when writing scripts
Why Russia wan cause kasala on di streets of UK and who be dia target
Di Head of M15 confam say Russia intelligence agency dey on a mission to cause “non-stop kasala for British and European streets”.
Ken McCallum as e dey give im annual update on security threats wey UK dey face tok say, GRU agents bin carry out “arson, sabotage and more dangerous actions wey dem do wit increasing recklessness” for Britain afta di UK support Ukraine for dia war wit Russia.
MI5 bin also respond to 20 plots wey Iran support since 2022, e tok. E add say na Islamist extremism dey carry out most of dia work followed by extreme right-wing terrorism.
The proper use of the English language is particularly important in this job as you need to be able to communicate well
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
5pm news – 15 minutes spent on the leadership crap of the dead blue party – an amoral white bloke and a coloured girl – who people of the Right are expected to vote for in 2029 .
In their dreams – why the bbc spent so much time on this is beyond me .
Are we expected to forget what the blues have done to us ?
I’d rather spoil my vote than vote for that dross
Permit me to voice again – an ‘injustice ‘. This time it was a fatal stabbing in Hexham . The victim – a girl aged 15 . The killer – a boy aged 17. He hasn’t been sentenced yet but it seems the trial was £1 month £ long – very rewarding for the KCs …
Anyway – the judge must have got peed off because he / she decided to lift the secrecy cloak on the killer .
For me – the name isn’t important – it’s that the law cloaks the killers’ name unless the judge lifts it . This is the injustice . Everyone – what ever crime – convicted should automatically be named .. otherwise it’s not the justice it should be .
Will never happen of course …
5 pm news. The storm. This one is different, but do not believe misinformation about it being manipulated. However these storms are getting worse because of man made climate change
Maybe the policeman in the picture is a cardboard cutout – given how busy they must be with hurty words on fakebook:
Albanian running drug rackets in UK.
The Yorkshire Evening Post yesterday ran an article headed: “Immigrant who landed in UK on a dinghy caught tending to £63,000 Wakefield cannabis factory”.
In PMQs Der Starmer said that his uncle was torpedoed in the Falklands war.
Some four British ships were sunk during the war, none of them were torpedoed.
Unless Der Starmers uncle was serving on the Argentinian Belgrano then he was LYING.
Atlas – I think he mentioned it was WW2…. But the new communications director has ordered him to big up the Malvinas ( as he’d prefer to call them ) and GiB …
He has that colonial thing in his head so if he could ‘gift’ NI to the republic he’d do it if no one was looking … seems he can do what he wants …
The Express reporting that No 10 has scrambled to correct 2TK saying:
No10 has moved to clarify the comments, insisting that Sir Keir misspoke, having meant to say that his uncle was onboard a vessel that was bombed.
The Prime Minister’s uncle was aboard the British frigate HMS Antelope which was sunk during the conflict to reclaim the islands.
If there was a God 2TK would resign having been caught LYING to parliament. Given that the little anal retentive made such a fuss about cake.
Um….? , its quiet round here?
How is this ….
The UK population has exploded!
Mass invasion by a foreign army. IMHO, we have been invaded and the Home Office is broken.
Does the Border Force still exist and can the 77th Brigade save us?
Quiet ?
I counted 40 posts by a certain person on this page alone, and one post that has been repeated about 20 times now.
Nagger had the softest of softball interviews with the ‘coconut poster girl’…..quite happy to accept that calling a coloured person a coconut was perfectly fine [as did the cowardly igonorant judge of course].
It is in fact blatantly a racist term and likely one of the most unpleasant given that you are essentially calling someone a race traitor and painting a target on their back….however Nagger decided that ‘coconut’ actually meant that someone wasn’t assimilating, not with the Whites, but not with people of their own colour and their culture….which is bizarre and clearly meant to downplay and divert criticism of a nasty racist term….this from the race warrior Nagger who demanded the right to call Trump a racist but now seems OK with racism if it’s by a coloured person…never mind the coconut girl made it plain that ‘coconuts’ were colonialist colllaborators…and we all know what happens to collaborators…so she is making a very dangerous accusation.
Doesn’t bode well for the future when ethnics are in the majority and out for ‘revenge’ on whites and their collaborators….you know it will happen..just look at the violent language used about Whites.
Nagger later expanded the duiscussion by wheeling in no lesser lights than Kehindre Andrews and Femi…both race grifters and race stirrers….no need for me to go into any depth, you know exactly what was said….though notably Femi thought that he preferred ‘Uncle Tom’ to ‘coconut’…because of course that is far less offensive and racist…or is it? Pretty sure Uncle Tom is a very toxic term when directed at another Black person.
Odd how such words and terms can be not just freely used on the BBC but celebrated and promoted.
Di National Hajj Commission for Nigeria (NAHCON) announce say di federal goment no fit provide subsidy for di 2025 Hajj, meaning be say pilgrims for Nigeria go pay by dem sef.
Most of di goment subsidy for pilgrims be say na di way dem dey give dem dollars wey dey allow dem access am at low rate from di Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Dis mean say di way di current exchange rate dey over 1,600 naira ($1), pilgrims wey need to pay at least $6,000 each, go pay up to 10 million naira ($7,500) for di 2025 exercise
But many Nigerians no happy wit di goment decision for not giving subsidy sake of e go dey veri difficult for dem to participate for Hajj next year.
‘I’m facing court over £1.90 rail ticket error’
Sam Williamson, 22, from Glossop, has been threatened with prosecution by Northern after he mistakenly bought an invalid £3.65 ticket from Broadbottom to Manchester using his 16-25 railcard last Thursday.
He said the “tiny infraction” was an “innocent mistake” due to him not knowing the railcard could not be used until after 10:00 and he feared he could be landed with a huge fine and a criminal record.
A spokesman for Northern said everyone had “a duty to buy a valid ticket” before they board the train, and added that 96 per cent of customers “do just that”.
Things seemingly going to plan; make every aspect of life as stressful as possible, even something as simple as a train journey.
Now typically, you have to buy in advance, to be able to afford it, then suffer worrying about: missing that particular train, catching the wrong train, choosing the wrong ticket, your phone conking out etc .. all on the pain or recieving not just a fine, but a criminal record ☹️
Bottomline the BBC reporter is just repeating what she read on the boys Oct 8th long Twitter thread
#1 ..they issued him with a printed CONTRACT ..ie a train ticket
that ticket said ANYTIME ,,using a 20-25 railcard
#2 They’d set a precedent cos he’d used the same means 3 times in August and the conductor had not challenged him
cos it’s a bit of a weird system whereby the before 10am doesn’t rule apply in JUly & August
… https://x.com/SamMarkWill/status/1843731064025690266
This lad looks like an easy target.
I bet the powers that be wouldn’t have done this had the perp been one of the special groups who get away with all sorts.
The ones who walk into a shop and empty the shelves then walk out with the goods without being stopped.
The ones that riot but are ignored by the police (as opposed to the ones who maybe shout at a police dog or tweet something the left don’t like)
The ones openly machete fighting in the streets.
You all know the ones I mean.
This lad doesn’t belong to the favourites.
I took a train the other day for the first time in years. The first train was cancelled and then the one on the way back was 45 mins late starting off.
On the journey I was interested to observe two jack-booted men-in-black with large notices on their backs saying: ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.
At all times the tannoys were pumping out the fear message: “If you see something … see it, say it, sorted”.
Yep…savagely beat up some coppers at an airport and…er….nothing much will happen to you…certainly compared to the rapid and heavy handed ‘justice’ meted out to the rioters….White.
Above I mentioned the subsidy to £15 films will be about promotimg their mates
“We can guess the type of films that will get a SUBSIDY
The #WokeSupremacist London class that rule over us, love films that distort British history
By featuring vastly disproportionate special victimhood groups
trans, black, Muslim etc.”
OK 5 in every 100 people are black
So if the camera is on a crowd of 100, and chooses to focus on 2 the odds of them both being black is very small
but the Production Guild tweet does DO that