“The BBC’s phoney war on disinformation A bit of self-awareness wouldn’t go amiss.
In this week’s interview, Spring described her job for the BBC as “interrogating how mistruths or trolling or abuse online can affect real people, and then to investigate and hold to account the social media companies, policy makers, law enforcement…”. At face value, this may seem like a fairly standard quest for a journalist, albeit a noble one — a bit like investigating fraudsters or corrupt politicians, in order to bring their misdeeds and lies into the light.
But there’s at least one big difference. A journalist investigating fraud, but who accidentally misidentifies either what fraud is or the people committing it, doesn’t thereby become guilty of the very thing she is investigating. In contrast, a Disinformation Correspondent who misidentifies disinformation, either positively or negatively, runs the risk of disseminating disinformation herself — and is arguably all the more harmful because of the status implied by her position.
Perhaps it could be rejoindered that disinformation is not the same as misinformation. Whereas misinformation consists in the unwitting dissemination of false statements believed to be true at the time, disinformation is the knowing introduction of false statements with the explicit intention to deceive people. In other words, with disinformation, there is an intent to deceive. That’s a reasonable distinction to make as far as it goes; the problem is that it’s utterly useless in helping us analyse the growing problem with conspiratorial and magical thinking in the world. It also has no relevance to most of the things reported on by Spring.
Basic critical questions one might have asked about this narrative were missing in action. The most obvious of these is what counts as hate speech. Throughout her work, Spring’s habitual examples (speech by misogynists, rape apologists, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers) tend to suggest she thinks hate speech is angry, threatening, and/or insulting speech produced by people with the Wrong Politics, causing anxiety and distress in more innocent people who don’t share their persecutors’ dodgy views. I’d be fascinated to know whether Spring assumes that the level of insult and aggression flung by online anti-vaxxers towards epidemiologists, for instance, becomes morally neutralised when directed instead towards radical feminists, Zionists, Tory politicians, or any other folk devils of the contemporary progressive mindset.
When talking about QAnon supporters, she clearly feels it’s important to throw in that they are “pro-Trump” as well.”
“Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring.
Little is known about the history of Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first “disinformation correspondent.” But her record of churning out disinfo of her own in the service of British government objectives sends a bright red flag up over the new Verify project.
Her LinkedIn profile has been cached by the Internet Archive suspiciously few times since its creation, suggesting certain captures may have been scrubbed upon request.
There can be little doubt Spring’s online footprint elsewhere has been subjected to a dedicated cleanup operation. One of the most prolific editors of her Wikipedia page is the mysterious ‘Philip Cross’ profile.
Deployed as an influential public face of this effort, Spring relied heavily on an incestuous cluster of shadowy state-funded organizations to bolster her reporting. Foremost among them was the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a shadowy NATO state contractor that reaps millions to research supposed “disinformation”. Invariably, this term serves as a basis for defaming and suppressing anti-establishment viewpoints, and censoring inconvenient truths.
Marianna Spring had been eager to stoke the perception of antivaxxers as a highly mobilized, several-million-strong death cult posing a mortal threat to Britain over the previous two years. Yet, just as suddenly as she began scaremongering over the non-existent scourge, she casually moved on.
Despite transmission and recovery rates remaining unchanged from the date the pandemic was declared, even the previously pro-lockdown Guardian began edging its way into the critical camp. In January 2022, the paper published a sympathetic interview with epidemiologist Mark Woolhouse. He firmly declared, “Britain got it wrong on Covid,” and branded lockdowns as “a failure of public health policy.”
Nonetheless, BBC Verify’s launch makes clear neither the British state, nor faithful minions like Marianna Spring, have faced accountability for the damage caused by their propaganda campaign.
Instead, they appear to have conjured up a new divide-and-rule wedge issue and furnished Spring’s friends at the ISD with a new government contract to advance it. The shady outfit is due to receive tens of thousands of pounds to “analyse climate related mis/disinformation on social media.””
Interesting -a kidult like spring – with little real word experience pumping out state propaganda and being well rewarded for it .- maybe she works for 77 brigade making the tea…
Her existence reminds me of the advert the bbc is pumping out with the bruvver Marie telling us about the bbc fighting for the truth – innit …
The pre budget depression continues – a triumph in news mismanagement . Week after week of negative . This time Reeve signals that National Insurance tax is going up . A disincentive for jobs and business and work .
The figure of £50 billion being floated about … I reckon it’s more than that – more like £70 bilion – which should nicely kill the economy …
No Labour government has ever left the economy better than they found it. This is because leftist economics do not work, as we find out every time we are stupid enough to vote for them. This Labour government will be no different. They seem to think that “growth” will be achieved by holding a summit, while excluding the richest man in the world because they do not like him, and by raising taxes further than their current insane levels. So no change there.
Mere hours after Musk’s extraordinary achievement, the Home page of the BBC webshite has already erased it and posted 1) a NASA launch (thereby eclipsing Starship) and 2) a nasty little allegation that Musk ‘copied’ some designs from some sci-fi flick.
The petty little commies just can’t bring themselves to congratulate the guy, can they?
Talking of petty little commies, did Kamala or Biden?
OMG speaking in character as Agnes Brown the actor uttered a word which alludes to something racist.
He apologised, but media won’t say what word was actually said in the Mrs Brown’s Boys rehearsal.
I see the grubby far-Left BBC scumbag Jonathan Head is getting his dirty little hands on a bit of anti-Semitism now.
Here’s what he writes in usual BBC style to make you think that those dead are ‘victims’:
‘Residents said there was no warning before the strike’
‘Residents said a family recently displaced by the war had been living there.’
‘The strike hit a residential building in Aitou, a predominantly Christian village far from the areas where the Israeli military has carried out thousands of strikes targeting the armed Shia Islamist group Hezbollah.’
‘“Oh mother Mary,” gasped one man as he walked through the devastation wrought on the village.’. How on Earth do you know that BBC ?. Were you with him ?. Or did you make it up to infer they are all Christians ?.
And how many of the dead are fighting age males BBC ?. You want us think they weren’t Muslims with that leading statement. Should be reasonably easy to see if they were from the pictures of the bodies you have seen.
Here are some other facts:
Israel carried out a precision bombing of a house far from it’s other artea of operations. There is no doubt whatsoever that they had a very specific reason to target that house.
Later a few more things are reluctantly admitted by Head:
‘the house which was hit had been rented out to new people just two weeks ago.’
‘the building was “targeted shortly after a man had arrived in a car”.’
And lots of cars there for a ‘displace family’.
So it’s pretty clear Hezbollah were using this house thinking it was in a safe place. And once again Israel took them out as cleanly as is possible.
You cannot get any indiction whatsoever from the BBC report that this is by far the most likely scenario. Their report leads you to believe Israel just bombed an innocent displaced Christian family.
Apart from a short article a week ago, this is the BBC’s first article on this trial. And from the headline, you wouldn’t take much from it.
‘Dad’ is a ‘friendly’ word and he killed someone called Sara. Another killing but not exceptional. Not even murder. Move along the BBC are saying : read something else.
But delve deeper and you realise what a horrific story this actually is.
A 10 year old girl was murdered by her father. You have to actually get halfway through this BBC article before you learn what happened:
‘Prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones KC told the court Sara had been the victim of violent assaults for “weeks and weeks, at least”, before he listed a series of injuries she had suffered.’
‘He said Sara had external and internal injuries, including extensive bruising, burns and broken bones, old and new.”She had burns to her buttocks, caused by a domestic iron, and six “probable human bite marks” to her arms and legs
”Sara also suffered injuries to her ribs, shoulder blades, fingers and 11 separate fractures to her spine, as well as signs of a traumatic brain injury, the prosecution added.’
Jesus H Christ. It’s possibly the most barbaric murder I have come across in recent times. It’s absolutely horrific and truly shocking. That poor girl was tortured to death.
And the extent of the BBC’s outrage for the headline is ‘Dad told police he killed her’.
Why ?. Because he’s a Pakistani Muslim.
So these BBC scum don’t care one bit who she died. They just don’t want us to know about how Muslims think it’s OK to treat women and girls. So they play it right down.
I’ll guarantee that neither of these BBC idiots decided the tone and headline for this article. It’s way above their pay grade. It’s those unelected suits hidden away somewhere in an office who dictate everything we get to know. And what we don’t.
‘The group claiming to be protecting the natural habitat was instead covering up the building of tunnels, firing ranges and ammunition stores, the US government claimed last year.
The failings of the Unifil mission, which costs an estimated £420 million per year, have come under scrutiny as Israel has escalated its war to stop Hezbollah barrages of missiles into its northern cities.’
Not under scrutiny by the BBC. They are doing another whopping lie by omission.
And no chance on Earth Hezbollah built all that infrastructure and moved all that equipment without the UN knowing. None at all.
The UN are complicit. They aid terrorists both in Lebanon and Gaza. And even when they are found out, the guy in charge keeps his job.
Meanwhile the BBC continue to hide the fact that when Israel attack a school or a hospital or a refugee camp, it’s because Hamas are fighting from inside it and using the people as human shields.
But the worst thing by far is how the BBC get away with it. They are the worst kind of activist scum. They lie by only telling you the bits of the truth which suit the lie. And don’t care how many die because of it. The ideology is more important.
The kind of people we have given UK passports to, and their useful idiot friends:
‘Here is newly-emerged jaw-dropping footage from London’s Trafalgar Square on 28th September, where a vigil for Hizballah’s leader was taking place in broad daylight. ‘The video shows what happened when someone tried to inform the police that Hizballah is a terrorist organisation. ‘How is the Metropolitan Police supposed to protect us when they don’t actually educate their officers on the law?’
“It’s legally a terrorist organisation.”
“Your opinion is your opinion.”
If you have wondered why @MetPoliceUK’s policing of antisemitism and support for terror has been so poor, here is why. As we have seen at recent protests, anti-Israel demonstrators are now freely showing their support for Hizballah, an antisemitic Iranian proxy that is proscribed as a terrorist organisation under British law. …
“It comes as pro-Palestinian protesters marched on the streets of Birmingham on Sunday afternoon dressed as Hamas terrorists. Demonstrators were seen wearing military outfits, including gloves, hats and chest guards with the words ‘free Palestine’ written across, in a chilling reenactment of the October 7 attacks last year.
The latest incident in Birmingham on Sunday afternoon comes a day after Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. Online users responded with horror at the latest display of support for terrorists. One wrote:
‘This is blatantly open support for the massacre and rape of civilians. When are the useful idiots attending these ‘demonstrations’ going to wake up to what they are encouraging and enabling?’
CAA said: ‘Extremism is becoming normalised in our country, and as ever Jews are the canaries in the coal mine.
‘This week marks one year since the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, but here in Britain we need to turn our attention to the home front, where British society is changing before our eyes.
‘Most alarming of all, our young people are becoming radicalised at a far greater rate than the rest of the population, sympathising with terrorists and espousing extreme anti-Jewish racism.
‘If the authorities continue to let radicalism run rampant on campuses and on social media, it will not be long before we are looking over our shoulders at generation hate.’ “
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
“The march of the mega-pylons: How UKs push towards green energy is threatening to cast shadow over the great British countryside with plans for £30billion network of huge metal cable towers”
£30B would pay for 12 Rolls Royce SMR nuclear power stations which could be sited right next to major consumption of electricity. Just like the SMR that has been operating in the centre of Derby near to the football stadium for the last 30 odd years.
“A former British soldier raised money for the Taliban and sent £31,000 worth of night-vision rifle sights for its militants to use in battle, a court has heard. Muhammed Choudhary, 41, sent packages containing the night vision scopes to Pakistan so they could be smuggled in for fighters in Afghanistan.14 hours ago”
This Is Belonging 2018 – TV – Keeping my Faith – This is Belonging – Army Jobs
They should never be admitted into our military as their first loyalty will always be to their murderous paedophile prophet and the violent cult he spawned.
Seems remarkably appropriate to what is being done to the Western World:
“What Is the Control Demolition Method?
Controlled demolition is much more than just “knocking things down.” It’s a meticulously orchestrated procedure where every step is calculated to ensure that buildings or structures are dismantled in the safest and most efficient manner possible.”
Whilst our serious media seek to upset us on a daily basis: Burning rubbish now UK’s dirtiest form of power (BBC); ‘I say bye to my kids, in case we don’t wake up’ – two Gazans film a year under attack by Israel (BBC); This young disabled man dreamed of having a job – the system had other ideas (BBC)
“There’s another cause for concern” – as my old mum used to say when she watched the BBC’s TV six o’clock news – and particularly the prior London local headlines.
Perennial ‘and finally’ in the BBC’s online press line-up, the jokey blokey Daily Star, however, attemps to raise a smile rather than send us down to the doldrums.
Daily Star hacks, we imagine, closely monitor publication of the latest academic papers in search for their amusing snippets of research findings by those they term ‘boffins’
This morning the Star regales us with the news: 1 in 3 of us sneak down the garden to avoid partner for up to 4 hours at a time
To make their punch line the Star borrows from TV ensemble sketch series The Fast Show and specifically the character played by Mark Williams – a verbally challenged country bumpkin sporadically emerging from his shed to inform a waiting world about his diet, with the words, ‘This week I ‘ave mostly been eating…’
This week I ‘ave mostly been hiding in the shed (Daily Star)
Yes, I know, I know, if you have to explain a gag it ceases to be funny…
Mrs Brown’s Boys star apologises over ‘clumsy joke where racial term was implied’… Brendan O’Carroll issues apology after BBC temporarily paused rehearsals of Christmas special to investigate incident (Guardian)
The BBC halted the show to launch an investigation after the slur was flagged to bosses. (Daily Mail)
The Joke (Czech: Žert) is Milan Kundera’s first novel, originally published in 1967. It describes how a student’s private joke derails his life (Thank you Wiki)
The Joke – Song by Manchester’s post-punk group The Fall –
The Joke
The Joke
Five years in a PC camp
But what’s this on the frontpage of the Star, something “a littal bit politikal” as Ben Elton was wont to say, back in the 80s (there’s one for the teenagers)
As it credits Mark Williams with his in-character as Jesse photo, in front of a garden shed, peeping over his shoulder is an image of a little Sir Keir Starmer.
And there we were back with the old time gags from stand up comics about hiding away from the missus down the shed.
Of course Lord Alli’s £18m pent house appartment is a far cry from a garden shed.
Shhhhush… mum’s the word.
You need to be so careful with jokes these days – neither Mr AsI nor the Daily Star will want them to ‘…launch an investigation after the slur was flagged to bosses’ or indeed be sentenced to spend five years in a PC camp
So let’s just take the hint – as they say.
Hinting is apparently all the rage these days: The Chancellor all but confirms she will raise national insurance for employers (‘i’); Reeves hints at budget increase in employer national insurance (Guardian); Reeves hints at above-inflation public sector pay rise (BBC, July 2024); Capital gains tax won’t rise to 39%, Starmer hints (BBC)
The Ministerial Code states that when Parliament is in Session, the most important Ministerial announcements should be made in Parliament (House of Commons Library)
Not many times I agree with the BBC but suspending the ‘Mrs browns’ boys Christmas special ‘ is an act for humanity . I am completely prejudiced as I has only seen maybe 20 seconds clips before getting to the remote but I understand it has the humour of an Islamic cleric doing standup ..
Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%);
6. On 28 August 2021 British military personnel left Afghanistan on planes departing from Hamid Karzai International Airport, ending the UK’s evacuation efforts through Operation PITTING and thus bringing to a close almost twenty years of UK military involvement in the country. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5803/cmselect/cmdfence/725/report.html
Secretary of State for Defence
The Rt Hon John Healey MP
John Healey was appointed Secretary of State for Defence on 5 July 2024. He was elected as the MP for Rawmarsh and Conisbrough in July 2024.
He was Shadow Housing Secretary from 2015 to 2020 and Shadow Health Secretary from 2010-2011. During Labour’s time in Government, John was PPS to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1999-2001 and a Minister from 2001-2010, serving successively as Adult Skills Minister, Treasury Minister, Local Government Minister and Housing Minister.
Before entering Parliament, John was Campaigns Director at the Trades Union Congress and a disability rights campaigner.
John is married with one son and lives in Rotherham.
Name of donor: Labour Together
Address of donor: Langley House Park Road, East Finchley, London N2 8EY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £39,216.74 to support me in my Shadow Defence Secretary role
Donor status: company, registration 09630980
“What is clear is that the government has no mandate to ban smoking outside pubs. It wasn’t in the Labour Party manifesto and the public only found out about it after the plan was leaked to a national newspaper.”
You can gauge just how bad modern TV has got when you have the time to compare it to the old stuff. It’s bloody abysmal.
I’m confined to barracks at the moment after a small(ish) op’ and have been told to rest and not to “overdo things”. Blimey, that’s my kind of language…
So, I’ve been stretched on the sofa and catching up on daytime TV. I’ve watched old Midsomer Murders, incomparably better than the recent efforts, Morse, Endeavour, Father Brown, The Darling Buds of May and The Larkins. You name it, I’ve probably seen it.
With the more recent TV, some of the most noticeable oddities come with historical dramas, when characters from the 1950s start spouting the fashionable views of the 2020s. Inspector Morse was a grumpy beer swilling crossword fanatic. For some reason his Oxford of the 1990’s seems far less diverse and enriched than it appears in the prequel series Endeavour, set in the late 50s, early 60s. And the opinions of the police seem incredibly “enlightened” for blokes from 1960 from what I can recall.
It’s even more stark with series like Granchester, where there’s a homosexual character treated very sympathetically by both the local priest and the police. I mean, this was illegal until the late 60s.
There are also far too many black and brown characters, incongruously shoehorned into period pieces. They are often in positions of authority and are always sympathetic, intelligent, charming. The Larkins was one of the worst. They tried to depict a tiny Kentish hamlet, circa 1954…and made the ethnic mix look more like central London 2024. It’s a parody…and not even well done.
Anyway, it’s nearly 11.30 and time for The Darling Buds of May. A lovely celebration of Kentish rural life from the 1950s…and not a black, brown or transexual face in sight.
A lot of my old favourites there Jeff and without exception, those which lasted beyond about 2010 turned to complete shit. So bad I simply could not watch them any more.
I remember the last Grancester I could watch : a group of black people arrived from the cotton fields and a woman stood in the pulpit lecturing us all on how racist white people are while James Norton sat alone in the pew doing his best to act ashamed and guilty.
I think the homosexual thing followed shortly after that.
Like the secret room of banned culture from the past (Equilibrium 2002) —
“In Equilibrium, society has adopted a strict regime that enforces the suppression of emotions through the use of a drug called Prozium. Citizens are required to take it daily to eliminate feelings, which are seen as the root of conflict and chaos. Christian Bale plays John Preston, an elite enforcement officer known as a “Grammaton Cleric,” who is tasked with hunting down and destroying those who defy the law by expressing emotions or possessing forbidden items.
As Preston begins to miss his doses of Prozium, he starts experiencing emotions and questions the morality of the oppressive regime. He discovers a hidden cache of art, literature, and music, which fuels his growing rebellion.”
Partridge : “But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” I assume you dream, Preston.
I just cannot be bothered to watch a TV programme with black actors shoehorned in to depict modern PC ideas, no matter what time period the show is set in. I find it saves me a lot of time.
Five days after the inaugural meeting of the Council of Nations and Regions, along with the absence of the newly-appointed Envoy for the Nations and Regions, and the government can still supply no details as to what Sue Gray is actually doing.
Today BBC News has announced plans to close @BBCHARDtalk after 3 decades holding the world’s politicians and powerbrokers to account. This is sad news for me personally, but much more important, I think it’s depressing news for the BBC🧵
It’s been my privilege to see the dedication and focus of the outstanding Hardtalk team, led by Lisa Baxter, when I’ve worked with them. Thoughts with all affected by today’s announcements
Iirc Steve was very much a Meesh with ‘interests’ at the East end of the Med.
I recall when ‘ hardtalk ‘ started it was fairly fair – then thugs like sacker turned up and used various standard methods BBC types use on the unapproved. I gave up . I reckon word finally got round to swerve the fotmat and swerve the BBC .
Good riddence
“BBC Verify examines air strike patterns in Beirut”
Where ‘examines’ means ‘we’ve drawn a load of dots on a map’. Caveated by the statement that “it doesn’t include the most recent strikes […] we haven’t verified them all, and there may be some that we don’t know about.” So data of questionable completeness and relevance, but hey at least they got to use the felt pens.
Visions of Springster and Wendy playing Battleships across the pond.
As you say, the assembled military expertise of BBC Verify would be unlikely run to unfurling a Union Jack from the stern of a tender much less ‘analysing’ strike patterns.
So, a day of hysterical reactions to events like the one below. And, as I’ve been saying all day, once again we can’t trust a damned thing coming out of Gaza. Let’s look at the reports from both sides.
Here’s an initial take: “horrific massacre”, “massive number of martyrs”. Standard propaganda account take.
Certainly many media have been happy with the notion of IDF Flamethrower units going around wards incinerating nun babies. Plus pols like Corbyn and that idiot Green co-twerp.
Possibly based on what a now discredited UN-something ‘says’.
Zoe Williams – the far left guardian writer ( job requirement ) writes a piece about Tommy Robinson’ new book – which went to number one on Amazon . The title of her piece is ‘what I learnt from the review ‘….
Except – she never mentions the reviews . In fact she says she won’t read his book . So she goes for the usual demented far left defence of the coloured folk …. And wishes the book had been banned ….
I’m sure by 2029 the reds will have banned plenty of words .
Irony is – no remarks are allowed in the guardian about her piece – if you want to ‘comment ‘ you have to submit an email to the department of truth at the Guardian …
The BBC has begun to remove Huw Edwards from some of its archive footage after the former broadcaster pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children. It is starting with family and entertainment content on iPlayer, according to the Observer which first reported on the move.4 Aug 2024
bBC still not picked up on the alleged plagiarism of Kamala. Clearly not worth reporting despite its potential implications.
During the last election the bBC failed to report Biden’s forgetful moments which were communicated by Youtube. It turned out that they were very relevant.
A case for the useless Spring – the antidote to Sherlock Holmes!
The third anniversary of the Murder of David Amess MP by a muslim terrorist. Somehow i feel that this does not warrant mention because it puts their insane ‘religion ‘ in a bad light…
The Plan invokes the infamous slogan “building, back, better.”
“Every area of Scottish life to be impacted by policies no one voted for,” Biologyphenom said.
No idea who or what the quotee is, but the article is replete with data.
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 The implosion in Reform is the stuff of worst nightmares, almost as though there are hidden dirty trick forces at…
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
No ! Someone called ‘Greg Wallace ‘ is under investigation for inappropriate sexy words .. in 2018? ( might have misread it )
Greg is one of those ‘ larger than life ‘ characters the BBC loves – until they get cancelled on a Rolf or Savelle sort of way …
He’s a greengrocer who got lucky.
“The BBC’s phoney war on disinformation A bit of self-awareness wouldn’t go amiss.
In this week’s interview, Spring described her job for the BBC as “interrogating how mistruths or trolling or abuse online can affect real people, and then to investigate and hold to account the social media companies, policy makers, law enforcement…”. At face value, this may seem like a fairly standard quest for a journalist, albeit a noble one — a bit like investigating fraudsters or corrupt politicians, in order to bring their misdeeds and lies into the light.
But there’s at least one big difference. A journalist investigating fraud, but who accidentally misidentifies either what fraud is or the people committing it, doesn’t thereby become guilty of the very thing she is investigating. In contrast, a Disinformation Correspondent who misidentifies disinformation, either positively or negatively, runs the risk of disseminating disinformation herself — and is arguably all the more harmful because of the status implied by her position.
Perhaps it could be rejoindered that disinformation is not the same as misinformation. Whereas misinformation consists in the unwitting dissemination of false statements believed to be true at the time, disinformation is the knowing introduction of false statements with the explicit intention to deceive people. In other words, with disinformation, there is an intent to deceive. That’s a reasonable distinction to make as far as it goes; the problem is that it’s utterly useless in helping us analyse the growing problem with conspiratorial and magical thinking in the world. It also has no relevance to most of the things reported on by Spring.
Basic critical questions one might have asked about this narrative were missing in action. The most obvious of these is what counts as hate speech. Throughout her work, Spring’s habitual examples (speech by misogynists, rape apologists, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers) tend to suggest she thinks hate speech is angry, threatening, and/or insulting speech produced by people with the Wrong Politics, causing anxiety and distress in more innocent people who don’t share their persecutors’ dodgy views. I’d be fascinated to know whether Spring assumes that the level of insult and aggression flung by online anti-vaxxers towards epidemiologists, for instance, becomes morally neutralised when directed instead towards radical feminists, Zionists, Tory politicians, or any other folk devils of the contemporary progressive mindset.
When talking about QAnon supporters, she clearly feels it’s important to throw in that they are “pro-Trump” as well.”
“Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring.
Little is known about the history of Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first “disinformation correspondent.” But her record of churning out disinfo of her own in the service of British government objectives sends a bright red flag up over the new Verify project.
Her LinkedIn profile has been cached by the Internet Archive suspiciously few times since its creation, suggesting certain captures may have been scrubbed upon request.
There can be little doubt Spring’s online footprint elsewhere has been subjected to a dedicated cleanup operation. One of the most prolific editors of her Wikipedia page is the mysterious ‘Philip Cross’ profile.
Deployed as an influential public face of this effort, Spring relied heavily on an incestuous cluster of shadowy state-funded organizations to bolster her reporting. Foremost among them was the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a shadowy NATO state contractor that reaps millions to research supposed “disinformation”. Invariably, this term serves as a basis for defaming and suppressing anti-establishment viewpoints, and censoring inconvenient truths.
Marianna Spring had been eager to stoke the perception of antivaxxers as a highly mobilized, several-million-strong death cult posing a mortal threat to Britain over the previous two years. Yet, just as suddenly as she began scaremongering over the non-existent scourge, she casually moved on.
Despite transmission and recovery rates remaining unchanged from the date the pandemic was declared, even the previously pro-lockdown Guardian began edging its way into the critical camp. In January 2022, the paper published a sympathetic interview with epidemiologist Mark Woolhouse. He firmly declared, “Britain got it wrong on Covid,” and branded lockdowns as “a failure of public health policy.”
Nonetheless, BBC Verify’s launch makes clear neither the British state, nor faithful minions like Marianna Spring, have faced accountability for the damage caused by their propaganda campaign.
Instead, they appear to have conjured up a new divide-and-rule wedge issue and furnished Spring’s friends at the ISD with a new government contract to advance it. The shady outfit is due to receive tens of thousands of pounds to “analyse climate related mis/disinformation on social media.””
Interesting -a kidult like spring – with little real word experience pumping out state propaganda and being well rewarded for it .- maybe she works for 77 brigade making the tea…
Her existence reminds me of the advert the bbc is pumping out with the bruvver Marie telling us about the bbc fighting for the truth – innit …
The pre budget depression continues – a triumph in news mismanagement . Week after week of negative . This time Reeve signals that National Insurance tax is going up . A disincentive for jobs and business and work .
The figure of £50 billion being floated about … I reckon it’s more than that – more like £70 bilion – which should nicely kill the economy …
No Labour government has ever left the economy better than they found it. This is because leftist economics do not work, as we find out every time we are stupid enough to vote for them. This Labour government will be no different. They seem to think that “growth” will be achieved by holding a summit, while excluding the richest man in the world because they do not like him, and by raising taxes further than their current insane levels. So no change there.
Here’s hoping one (or more!) of Spring’s smears rebounds like the Daily Mail here:
longer version :
Mere hours after Musk’s extraordinary achievement, the Home page of the BBC webshite has already erased it and posted 1) a NASA launch (thereby eclipsing Starship) and 2) a nasty little allegation that Musk ‘copied’ some designs from some sci-fi flick.
The petty little commies just can’t bring themselves to congratulate the guy, can they?
Talking of petty little commies, did Kamala or Biden?
“NASA launch” – using SpaceX – ha ha ha ha!
JD Vance tweets
OMG speaking in character as Agnes Brown the actor uttered a word which alludes to something racist.
He apologised, but media won’t say what word was actually said in the Mrs Brown’s Boys rehearsal.
“legally punished her”…..
Legally ?
Import the third world and you will get the third world !
Lebanon says 21 killed in air strike in country’s north
I see the grubby far-Left BBC scumbag Jonathan Head is getting his dirty little hands on a bit of anti-Semitism now.
Here’s what he writes in usual BBC style to make you think that those dead are ‘victims’:
‘Residents said there was no warning before the strike’
‘Residents said a family recently displaced by the war had been living there.’
‘The strike hit a residential building in Aitou, a predominantly Christian village far from the areas where the Israeli military has carried out thousands of strikes targeting the armed Shia Islamist group Hezbollah.’
‘“Oh mother Mary,” gasped one man as he walked through the devastation wrought on the village.’. How on Earth do you know that BBC ?. Were you with him ?. Or did you make it up to infer they are all Christians ?.
And how many of the dead are fighting age males BBC ?. You want us think they weren’t Muslims with that leading statement. Should be reasonably easy to see if they were from the pictures of the bodies you have seen.
Here are some other facts:
Israel carried out a precision bombing of a house far from it’s other artea of operations. There is no doubt whatsoever that they had a very specific reason to target that house.
Later a few more things are reluctantly admitted by Head:

‘the house which was hit had been rented out to new people just two weeks ago.’
‘the building was “targeted shortly after a man had arrived in a car”.’
And lots of cars there for a ‘displace family’.
So it’s pretty clear Hezbollah were using this house thinking it was in a safe place. And once again Israel took them out as cleanly as is possible.
You cannot get any indiction whatsoever from the BBC report that this is by far the most likely scenario. Their report leads you to believe Israel just bombed an innocent displaced Christian family.
Another crock of Leftist shit from Head.
Dad told police he killed Sara Sharif, court hears
Apart from a short article a week ago, this is the BBC’s first article on this trial. And from the headline, you wouldn’t take much from it.
‘Dad’ is a ‘friendly’ word and he killed someone called Sara. Another killing but not exceptional. Not even murder. Move along the BBC are saying : read something else.
But delve deeper and you realise what a horrific story this actually is.
A 10 year old girl was murdered by her father. You have to actually get halfway through this BBC article before you learn what happened:
‘Prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones KC told the court Sara had been the victim of violent assaults for “weeks and weeks, at least”, before he listed a series of injuries she had suffered.’
‘He said Sara had external and internal injuries, including extensive bruising, burns and broken bones, old and new.”She had burns to her buttocks, caused by a domestic iron, and six “probable human bite marks” to her arms and legs
”Sara also suffered injuries to her ribs, shoulder blades, fingers and 11 separate fractures to her spine, as well as signs of a traumatic brain injury, the prosecution added.’
Jesus H Christ. It’s possibly the most barbaric murder I have come across in recent times. It’s absolutely horrific and truly shocking. That poor girl was tortured to death.
And the extent of the BBC’s outrage for the headline is ‘Dad told police he killed her’.
Why ?. Because he’s a Pakistani Muslim.
So these BBC scum don’t care one bit who she died. They just don’t want us to know about how Muslims think it’s OK to treat women and girls. So they play it right down.

I’ll guarantee that neither of these BBC idiots decided the tone and headline for this article. It’s way above their pay grade. It’s those unelected suits hidden away somewhere in an office who dictate everything we get to know. And what we don’t.
How ‘tree-hugging’ Hezbollah duped the UN in southern Lebanon
‘The group claiming to be protecting the natural habitat was instead covering up the building of tunnels, firing ranges and ammunition stores, the US government claimed last year.
The failings of the Unifil mission, which costs an estimated £420 million per year, have come under scrutiny as Israel has escalated its war to stop Hezbollah barrages of missiles into its northern cities.’
Not under scrutiny by the BBC. They are doing another whopping lie by omission.
And no chance on Earth Hezbollah built all that infrastructure and moved all that equipment without the UN knowing. None at all.
The UN are complicit. They aid terrorists both in Lebanon and Gaza. And even when they are found out, the guy in charge keeps his job.
Meanwhile the BBC continue to hide the fact that when Israel attack a school or a hospital or a refugee camp, it’s because Hamas are fighting from inside it and using the people as human shields.
But the worst thing by far is how the BBC get away with it. They are the worst kind of activist scum. They lie by only telling you the bits of the truth which suit the lie. And don’t care how many die because of it. The ideology is more important.
The kind of people we have given UK passports to, and their useful idiot friends:
‘Here is newly-emerged jaw-dropping footage from London’s Trafalgar Square on 28th September, where a vigil for Hizballah’s leader was taking place in broad daylight. ‘The video shows what happened when someone tried to inform the police that Hizballah is a terrorist organisation. ‘How is the Metropolitan Police supposed to protect us when they don’t actually educate their officers on the law?’
“It’s legally a terrorist organisation.”
“Your opinion is your opinion.”
If you have wondered why @MetPoliceUK’s policing of antisemitism and support for terror has been so poor, here is why. As we have seen at recent protests, anti-Israel demonstrators are now freely showing their support for Hizballah, an antisemitic Iranian proxy that is proscribed as a terrorist organisation under British law. …
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) October 14, 2024
“It comes as pro-Palestinian protesters marched on the streets of Birmingham on Sunday afternoon dressed as Hamas terrorists. Demonstrators were seen wearing military outfits, including gloves, hats and chest guards with the words ‘free Palestine’ written across, in a chilling reenactment of the October 7 attacks last year.
The latest incident in Birmingham on Sunday afternoon comes a day after Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. Online users responded with horror at the latest display of support for terrorists. One wrote:
‘This is blatantly open support for the massacre and rape of civilians. When are the useful idiots attending these ‘demonstrations’ going to wake up to what they are encouraging and enabling?’
CAA said: ‘Extremism is becoming normalised in our country, and as ever Jews are the canaries in the coal mine.
‘This week marks one year since the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, but here in Britain we need to turn our attention to the home front, where British society is changing before our eyes.
‘Most alarming of all, our young people are becoming radicalised at a far greater rate than the rest of the population, sympathising with terrorists and espousing extreme anti-Jewish racism.
‘If the authorities continue to let radicalism run rampant on campuses and on social media, it will not be long before we are looking over our shoulders at generation hate.’ “
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
The far left have, it seems, taught our young in college campuses:
Despise Tories but practice Nazism.
Spacecraft blasts off to hunt alien life on a distant moon
By Georgina Rannard

Georgina – the BBC Science Correspondent – studied ‘philosophy’.
Georgina hasn’t got a f*cking clue about any of this science stuff.
Georgina just copies press releases and anything someone who is trying to get funding for something tells her.
I picked a few random sentences from Georginas article and they had all been lifted from somewhere else.
Don’t be like Georgina. Do something useful with your life.
But, she’s a wimmin so all’s OK at the bbc .
Too many of those white boys are studying science
We can’t recruit them….
Mummy daddy so proud
DEI – doncha luv it?
But at least she’s keeping Adolph Musk off the news, right?
Copy and Paste at the BBC for £30K a year!
“In England’s grey and pleasant land”…
“The march of the mega-pylons: How UKs push towards green energy is threatening to cast shadow over the great British countryside with plans for £30billion network of huge metal cable towers”
£30B would pay for 12 Rolls Royce SMR nuclear power stations which could be sited right next to major consumption of electricity. Just like the SMR that has been operating in the centre of Derby near to the football stadium for the last 30 odd years.
Each structure is ECO Friendly?
“Kamala Harris accused of plagiarising Martin Luther King in her book”
Major headline in the DT. Does not feature in the bBC – clearly in the same category as Hunter Biden’s laptop.
More bullshit atop the front page
DT headline “Former British soldier sent £31k of night-vision rifle sights to Taliban”
No great surprises but I am unable to find this in the bBC search function. Muhammed Choudhary is currently on trial.
“A former British soldier raised money for the Taliban and sent £31,000 worth of night-vision rifle sights for its militants to use in battle, a court has heard. Muhammed Choudhary, 41, sent packages containing the night vision scopes to Pakistan so they could be smuggled in for fighters in Afghanistan.14 hours ago”
This Is Belonging 2018 – TV – Keeping my Faith – This is Belonging – Army Jobs
They should never be admitted into our military as their first loyalty will always be to their murderous paedophile prophet and the violent cult he spawned.
Seems remarkably appropriate to what is being done to the Western World:
“What Is the Control Demolition Method?
Controlled demolition is much more than just “knocking things down.” It’s a meticulously orchestrated procedure where every step is calculated to ensure that buildings or structures are dismantled in the safest and most efficient manner possible.”
I see the Talibs have both got nice M16 rifles courtesy of Sleepy Joe.
Whilst our serious media seek to upset us on a daily basis: Burning rubbish now UK’s dirtiest form of power (BBC); ‘I say bye to my kids, in case we don’t wake up’ – two Gazans film a year under attack by Israel (BBC); This young disabled man dreamed of having a job – the system had other ideas (BBC)
“There’s another cause for concern” – as my old mum used to say when she watched the BBC’s TV six o’clock news – and particularly the prior London local headlines.
Perennial ‘and finally’ in the BBC’s online press line-up, the jokey blokey Daily Star, however, attemps to raise a smile rather than send us down to the doldrums.
Daily Star hacks, we imagine, closely monitor publication of the latest academic papers in search for their amusing snippets of research findings by those they term ‘boffins’
This morning the Star regales us with the news: 1 in 3 of us sneak down the garden to avoid partner for up to 4 hours at a time
To make their punch line the Star borrows from TV ensemble sketch series The Fast Show and specifically the character played by Mark Williams – a verbally challenged country bumpkin sporadically emerging from his shed to inform a waiting world about his diet, with the words, ‘This week I ‘ave mostly been eating…’
This week I ‘ave mostly been hiding in the shed (Daily Star)
Yes, I know, I know, if you have to explain a gag it ceases to be funny…
Mrs Brown’s Boys star apologises over ‘clumsy joke where racial term was implied’… Brendan O’Carroll issues apology after BBC temporarily paused rehearsals of Christmas special to investigate incident (Guardian)
The BBC halted the show to launch an investigation after the slur was flagged to bosses. (Daily Mail)
The Joke (Czech: Žert) is Milan Kundera’s first novel, originally published in 1967. It describes how a student’s private joke derails his life (Thank you Wiki)
The Joke – Song by Manchester’s post-punk group The Fall –
The Joke
The Joke
Five years in a PC camp
But what’s this on the frontpage of the Star, something “a littal bit politikal” as Ben Elton was wont to say, back in the 80s (there’s one for the teenagers)
As it credits Mark Williams with his in-character as Jesse photo, in front of a garden shed, peeping over his shoulder is an image of a little Sir Keir Starmer.
And there we were back with the old time gags from stand up comics about hiding away from the missus down the shed.
Of course Lord Alli’s £18m pent house appartment is a far cry from a garden shed.
Shhhhush… mum’s the word.
You need to be so careful with jokes these days – neither Mr AsI nor the Daily Star will want them to ‘…launch an investigation after the slur was flagged to bosses’ or indeed be sentenced to spend five years in a PC camp
So let’s just take the hint – as they say.
Hinting is apparently all the rage these days: The Chancellor all but confirms she will raise national insurance for employers (‘i’); Reeves hints at budget increase in employer national insurance (Guardian); Reeves hints at above-inflation public sector pay rise (BBC, July 2024); Capital gains tax won’t rise to 39%, Starmer hints (BBC)
The Ministerial Code states that when Parliament is in Session, the most important Ministerial announcements should be made in Parliament (House of Commons Library)
Not many times I agree with the BBC but suspending the ‘Mrs browns’ boys Christmas special ‘ is an act for humanity . I am completely prejudiced as I has only seen maybe 20 seconds clips before getting to the remote but I understand it has the humour of an Islamic cleric doing standup ..
Probably the unfunniest “comedy” show, ever.
“Former British soldier sent £31k of night-vision rifle sights to Taliban”
Helps when the mistress wanders away at dusk for fresh pastures…….
Boris goes to a different country to sell his book … HA H AHA HHA AH
“Woman quit booze after ‘beer fear’ of 18-hour bender ”
BBC pushing it’s anti drink agenda, it’s as if a certain religion is funding the drive.
‘Jessie said: “I’d gone on an 18-hour bender. I got home at nine in the morning after being out all day.’
Yeah that makes sense..
Poor girl lost height too
“Jessie runs a social media company and says it’s quite “ironic”, because 90% of her clients are involved with alcohol.”
What’s one of them ?
‘ Jessie’s best advice for anyone wanting to go sober would be to “de-clutter your social media”.
Fill your feed up with people who inspire you. ‘
What did people do before they had their social media inbox to tell them what to think.
Few suggested names – jonnie walker – Jameson – Gilbey …
Without wanting to sound cruel, I don’t think she should be trying to stop folk getting hammered.
It would take an outrageous amount of alcohol for me to have a go on that.
And I’m a right ugly c…
Unemployed could get weight loss jabs to return to work
Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%);
Patient: I need to lose weight. Please help me doctor.
Dr Lazy Cat: Sure. Let me write a prescription for you…here you go.
Patient: Thank you, Doctor! May I ask what the prescription is for? Is it for a new miracle weight loss drug?
Dr Lazy Cat: Read it.
Patient: There must be some mistake. It just says, “Stop shoving pies down your neck.”
Dr Lazy Cat: Yup. Next!
Taliban bans all images of living things
Media in Afghanistan faces new restrictions, but the regime says the law will be implemented gradually
6. On 28 August 2021 British military personnel left Afghanistan on planes departing from Hamid Karzai International Airport, ending the UK’s evacuation efforts through Operation PITTING and thus bringing to a close almost twenty years of UK military involvement in the country.
Secretary of State for Defence
The Rt Hon John Healey MP
John Healey was appointed Secretary of State for Defence on 5 July 2024. He was elected as the MP for Rawmarsh and Conisbrough in July 2024.
He was Shadow Housing Secretary from 2015 to 2020 and Shadow Health Secretary from 2010-2011. During Labour’s time in Government, John was PPS to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1999-2001 and a Minister from 2001-2010, serving successively as Adult Skills Minister, Treasury Minister, Local Government Minister and Housing Minister.
Before entering Parliament, John was Campaigns Director at the Trades Union Congress and a disability rights campaigner.
John is married with one son and lives in Rotherham.
Name of donor: Labour Together
Address of donor: Langley House Park Road, East Finchley, London N2 8EY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £39,216.74 to support me in my Shadow Defence Secretary role
Donor status: company, registration 09630980
“What is clear is that the government has no mandate to ban smoking outside pubs. It wasn’t in the Labour Party manifesto and the public only found out about it after the plan was leaked to a national newspaper.”
Sir Keir Starmer pledges to ‘tread more lightly’ on lives of voters
You can gauge just how bad modern TV has got when you have the time to compare it to the old stuff. It’s bloody abysmal.
I’m confined to barracks at the moment after a small(ish) op’ and have been told to rest and not to “overdo things”. Blimey, that’s my kind of language…
So, I’ve been stretched on the sofa and catching up on daytime TV. I’ve watched old Midsomer Murders, incomparably better than the recent efforts, Morse, Endeavour, Father Brown, The Darling Buds of May and The Larkins. You name it, I’ve probably seen it.
With the more recent TV, some of the most noticeable oddities come with historical dramas, when characters from the 1950s start spouting the fashionable views of the 2020s. Inspector Morse was a grumpy beer swilling crossword fanatic. For some reason his Oxford of the 1990’s seems far less diverse and enriched than it appears in the prequel series Endeavour, set in the late 50s, early 60s. And the opinions of the police seem incredibly “enlightened” for blokes from 1960 from what I can recall.
It’s even more stark with series like Granchester, where there’s a homosexual character treated very sympathetically by both the local priest and the police. I mean, this was illegal until the late 60s.
There are also far too many black and brown characters, incongruously shoehorned into period pieces. They are often in positions of authority and are always sympathetic, intelligent, charming. The Larkins was one of the worst. They tried to depict a tiny Kentish hamlet, circa 1954…and made the ethnic mix look more like central London 2024. It’s a parody…and not even well done.
Anyway, it’s nearly 11.30 and time for The Darling Buds of May. A lovely celebration of Kentish rural life from the 1950s…and not a black, brown or transexual face in sight.
Put the kettle on…
A lot of my old favourites there Jeff and without exception, those which lasted beyond about 2010 turned to complete shit. So bad I simply could not watch them any more.
I remember the last Grancester I could watch : a group of black people arrived from the cotton fields and a woman stood in the pulpit lecturing us all on how racist white people are while James Norton sat alone in the pew doing his best to act ashamed and guilty.
I think the homosexual thing followed shortly after that.
I can imagine a time when all the films and tv programmes that fail to fit the modern notion of ‘acceptability’ will be banned from public viewing.
Fans will be forced to watch behind locked doors, shrouded by a veil of secrecy, almost like drinking alcohol during the prohibition years.
Like the secret room of banned culture from the past (Equilibrium 2002) —
“In Equilibrium, society has adopted a strict regime that enforces the suppression of emotions through the use of a drug called Prozium. Citizens are required to take it daily to eliminate feelings, which are seen as the root of conflict and chaos. Christian Bale plays John Preston, an elite enforcement officer known as a “Grammaton Cleric,” who is tasked with hunting down and destroying those who defy the law by expressing emotions or possessing forbidden items.
As Preston begins to miss his doses of Prozium, he starts experiencing emotions and questions the morality of the oppressive regime. He discovers a hidden cache of art, literature, and music, which fuels his growing rebellion.”
Partridge : “But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” I assume you dream, Preston.
I just cannot be bothered to watch a TV programme with black actors shoehorned in to depict modern PC ideas, no matter what time period the show is set in. I find it saves me a lot of time.
Jeff, steer clear of the ads – the Chinese are now in an abundance !! Probably felt left out. Now who’s left ?
(Get well soon )
Jeff – yes – get well soon and avoid remote control based repetitive strain injury..
Jack Hargreaves lurks around one of those free channels …
Not my cup-of-tea and a little verbose but his research is normal quite reliable.
UK Blackouts this winter, well worth a watch:
Get the Wolly-Pullies out?
Four candles
Lord ALLI will provide the candels?
A good reminder that many “journalists” are little more than left-wing activists.
The BBC, meanwhile, has copied a snark from a bloke who thinks his rocket looks like a.robot willy. Or something.
Elon Musk accused of copying designs by I, Robot director
Funny, they are not running with the suggested plagiarism of Kamala, but Elon is fair game.
Has the BBC covered the huge scandal of Elon Musk not being invited to the government’s UK investment summit?
The richest man on the planet with some of the largest, cutting-edge companies, cancelled for purely ideological reasons!
They prefer to damage the economy than have to rub shoulders with someone who’s not woke enough for their delicate sensitivities!
Shame on them!
“Taliban bans all images of living things”
It’s not called the Death Cult for nothing.
“Sara Sharif wore hijab to hide injuries”
Now we know why they force their women – and girls – to wear the oppressive hijab: so they can beat the crap out of them without it showing too much.
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
So white girls can get beaten to death as well?
That’s equality for you.
Death would be too good for this lot ……the young Girl looks very white….no mention of the Mother 😔
Five days after the inaugural meeting of the Council of Nations and Regions, along with the absence of the newly-appointed Envoy for the Nations and Regions, and the government can still supply no details as to what Sue Gray is actually doing.
I think ms gray has gone home to newry to spend the severence money or write the book
From Stephen Sacked.
Today BBC News has announced plans to close @BBCHARDtalk after 3 decades holding the world’s politicians and powerbrokers to account. This is sad news for me personally, but much more important, I think it’s depressing news for the BBC🧵
More money for BBC’s Huw Edwards pension?
It’s been my privilege to see the dedication and focus of the outstanding Hardtalk team, led by Lisa Baxter, when I’ve worked with them. Thoughts with all affected by today’s announcements
Iirc Steve was very much a Meesh with ‘interests’ at the East end of the Med.
Hardtalk. Hard on conservatives, soft on lefties.
I recall when ‘ hardtalk ‘ started it was fairly fair – then thugs like sacker turned up and used various standard methods BBC types use on the unapproved. I gave up . I reckon word finally got round to swerve the fotmat and swerve the BBC .
Good riddence
“BBC Verify examines air strike patterns in Beirut”
Where ‘examines’ means ‘we’ve drawn a load of dots on a map’. Caveated by the statement that “it doesn’t include the most recent strikes […] we haven’t verified them all, and there may be some that we don’t know about.” So data of questionable completeness and relevance, but hey at least they got to use the felt pens.
Visions of Springster and Wendy playing Battleships across the pond.
As you say, the assembled military expertise of BBC Verify would be unlikely run to unfurling a Union Jack from the stern of a tender much less ‘analysing’ strike patterns.
So, a day of hysterical reactions to events like the one below. And, as I’ve been saying all day, once again we can’t trust a damned thing coming out of Gaza. Let’s look at the reports from both sides.
Here’s an initial take: “horrific massacre”, “massive number of martyrs”. Standard propaganda account take.
Certainly many media have been happy with the notion of IDF Flamethrower units going around wards incinerating nun babies. Plus pols like Corbyn and that idiot Green co-twerp.
Possibly based on what a now discredited UN-something ‘says’.
Israeli shells kill 10 at north Gaza food distribution centre, Unrwa says
A poster asks what, when maybe ‘who’ is more applicable.
The image appears to suggest a collection of young Eloi, which is unlikely.
Zoe Williams – the far left guardian writer ( job requirement ) writes a piece about Tommy Robinson’ new book – which went to number one on Amazon . The title of her piece is ‘what I learnt from the review ‘….
Except – she never mentions the reviews . In fact she says she won’t read his book . So she goes for the usual demented far left defence of the coloured folk …. And wishes the book had been banned ….
I’m sure by 2029 the reds will have banned plenty of words .
Irony is – no remarks are allowed in the guardian about her piece – if you want to ‘comment ‘ you have to submit an email to the department of truth at the Guardian …
The Quran is perfect – as long as you don’t read it.
BBC Radio stars take the plunge for BBC Children in Need
Taking place between Monday 4 November and Friday 8 November, the swimmers will be taking part indoors and out, in pools, rivers and lakes at various locations across the UK
The BBC has begun to remove Huw Edwards from some of its archive footage after the former broadcaster pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children. It is starting with family and entertainment content on iPlayer, according to the Observer which first reported on the move.4 Aug 2024
More on the BBC.
🇺🇸 🗳️ Live on @bbc5live from Marietta, Georgia as early voting gets underway in a crucial swing state
Why? The post has garnered 6 comments in 4 hrs. None complimentary. So an expensive jolly then.
And in the spirit of #ccbgb the BBC persists in thinking it is the arbiter of misinformation rather than a chief dispenser.
The spreading of “fake news” and information that isn’t quite as it seems isn’t a new – it’s actually been around much longer than you might think…
BBC boss warns of Russian and Chinese propaganda
bBC still not picked up on the alleged plagiarism of Kamala. Clearly not worth reporting despite its potential implications.
During the last election the bBC failed to report Biden’s forgetful moments which were communicated by Youtube. It turned out that they were very relevant.
A case for the useless Spring – the antidote to Sherlock Holmes!
The third anniversary of the Murder of David Amess MP by a muslim terrorist. Somehow i feel that this does not warrant mention because it puts their insane ‘religion ‘ in a bad light…
The Plan invokes the infamous slogan “building, back, better.”
“Every area of Scottish life to be impacted by policies no one voted for,” Biologyphenom said.
No idea who or what the quotee is, but the article is replete with data.
And “policies no one voted for” sounds familiar.