22 Responses to Midweek 16th October 2024

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Good Evening


  2. non-licence payer says:

    Gutted, log in at 21.29 and find I have been robbed by 7 minutes. Now where is VAR when you want it?


  3. Fedup2 says:

    I was trying to hit 2100 on the nail – sorry – I’ve always been heavy on time keeping which why I was an awful boss …


    • BRISSLES says:

      Bit like using the petrol pump and stopping it dead on the pound with no pence to pay – impossible, I’ve spent years trying to master it.

      And like eating a sugared doughnut without licking your lips.

      (Link free again )


  4. StewGreen says:

    BBC has been running PR for the anti-incinerator cause all day
    There’s a long article with open comments
    and a lot of criticism of the BBC within the comments/

    My take is that the wind and solar biz want to be the only game in town
    Energy from waste is a big competitor to them
    essentially it’s quite green cos plastic comes from the mining of oil and gas
    And if you take that plastic after it’s useful life and then safely burn it in high temp incinerators you are displacing the mining of of new oil and gas


  5. Flotsam says:

    Let’s look at the controversy over possible National Insurance rise in the Budget.
    First things first. It’s not National “Insurance” it’s a Tax. So now we’ve cleared that one up, let’s carry on.
    Smarmer in his Election Manifesto and many broadcasts promised there would be no increase in Taxes for “working people”, VAT, Income Tax and National Insurance. It seems though that the intention is to increase Employers NI contribution. Of course he might also have neglected to mention that not increasing allowances is effectively a Tax increase. However………..

    Let’s look at National Insurance from both ends of the telescope. From the Employer’s side what they would look at is the cost of employing someone. From an Employees side he/she would look at the bottom line of his/her payslip, the amount of money that he/she receives in their Bank account. So you have the Employer’s cost less Employer’s NI less Pension contribution, less PAYE Tax less Employees NI contribution which equals what goes in the Employees Bank account. So the analysis shows two things, there is intrinsically no difference between Employer’s NI contribution and the Employees NI contribution.

    It’s also clear that in reality it’s the Employer’s money that’s paying all the Taxes.

    This brings me on to the situation where the Employer is a small business. Small businessmen are working people, they will be paying more taxes for their Employees.

    Smarmer/Reeves assertion that working people’s taxes won’t be going up is at best a bit of sophistry.


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Flotsam – elsewhere – unless I missed it – usually when there is a business ‘summit ‘ a deal is announced which was prearranged so that the PM gets the glory . But was there anything after Monday – there was a letter on Sunday from a dozen big outfits including 6 banks ! Saying Blighty is great – so really empty words ….

    I wonder is TTK will get anything right ?


  7. StewGreen says:

    Would a top BBC reporter do a story about how hacker baddies have hacked 31 million accounts
    and mix up the name with the name of the GOOD org that helps people ?

    meet Daniel Thomas Senior journalist @BBCNews
    writer of this BBC newsletter


    HIBP “Have I Been Pwned” is an org which fights the hackers by telling you if your password has been stolen
    They are not hackers…. and their founder is complaining


  8. StewGreen says:


    The BBC has announced it’ll be axing a total of 130 jobs including the whole of BBC Asian Network News 💔

    After working there for 2 years I’m absolutely gutted.
    A unique & special platform serving British Asian audiences like no other place I’ve ever worked in before.


    • StewGreen says:

      “BBC News to cut 155 jobs to ‘balance the books’.
      Looks like NOT paying the TV Licence is working.”

      Internal memo: the BBC plans to cut 155 BBC News jobs, including closing Asian Network News
      and the HARDtalk program, to save £24M, or 4% of BBC News’ budget (@danielthomasldn / Financial Times)

      OK if you pay 155 workers £10K each that is 1.55 million
      so £20K is £3.1 million
      So £24m is 8 times that
      meaning each BBC worker costs £160K in wages and office costs


  9. StewGreen says:

    Translation of the official BBC Persian tweet
    The race between Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump is very close, and
    the vote of Muslims and Arabs in America,
    especially in sensitive states like Michigan, can change the outcome of the election
    A population that strongly objects to the Biden administration’s support for Israel.”
    .. https://x.com/bbcpersian/status/1846276057122693630


  10. StewGreen says:

    Huge 45K follower account gaslights by saying the BBC i super pro Israel


  11. StewGreen says:

    “Barbra Banda, the Zambian footballer who previously failed a ‘gender eligibility test’ at the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations, is among the nominees for BBC Female Footballer of the Year 2024.”
    a reply “@BBCSport not only have you put him top of the nomination list,
    you’ve put out a blatant propaganda piece about him calling him ‘female’ and featuring a ‘Protect trans kids’ flag!!
    This level of propaganda and MISINFORMATION is unacceptable.”
    tweets says that FIFA refuse to do sex testing
    .. https://x.com/WomensRightsNet/status/1846240186935451986


  12. JohnC says:

    Prison gangs: ‘I’ve chopped people, attacked staff, hidden drugs’

    Amazing : the BBC use a BAME female reporter at HMS Belmarsh (69% of inmates are BAME) and HMS Isis (70% of inmates are BAME) and here’s the picture she chooses in the main article:


    And just watch the video : the assault is also another whitey, but she pretends to make a phone call to someone from the back of a car. It is absolutely 100% fake. Listen to the voice, it’s an actor. And not a very good one. Notice how his response is always immediate : he already knows what he is going say.

    Good old BBC. Dependable racist liars as always.

    Here she is. Shame on you Sima.
    You have no ethics whatsoever to report the truth. You fit in well at the BBC.


  13. kingkp says:

    Well it’s not this tinhoil-hat wearing, swivel-eyed, anti-vaxxer lunatic who came up with this but you might want to consult this document.

    Click to access Dr_David_S._Alberts__Senior_Fellow_Institute_for_Defence_Analyses.pdf

    Network Centric Warfare is the best term developed to date to describe the way we will organize and fight in the Information Age,
    • NCW is about adopting a new way of thinking to military operations.
    • Myth 2**: NCW is all about the network. Actually, NCW is more about networking… about the
    increased combat power that can be generated by a network-centric force.
    • The power of NCW is derived from the effective linking or networking of knowledgeable entities…enabling them to develop shared awareness…to achieve a degree of self-
    • NCW is about human and organizational behavior.
    The last point is interesting no? Who do you think this woman works for?


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