295 Responses to Midweek 16th October 2024

  1. Zephir says:


  2. Zephir says:

    At last, they try to do something I agree with:

    “Labour MP pushes to ban fireworks louder than a lawnmower and restrict sales to only specialist shops in a bid to ease the stress on cats and dogs”



  3. Zephir says:

    We will have fireworks going off every night on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and probably Monday and definitely Tuesday this year as November 5th is a Tuesday.

    And Diwali, a couple of years ago I genuinely thought a bomb had gone off that evening.


    • Sluff says:

      In my, ahem, multicultural branch of Tesco, all the signage is about their products for Diwali, which is on November 1.
      Even the awful Americanism of Halloween doesn’t get a look in.
      So expecr several days of very loud banging fireworks,


  4. Jeff says:

    Sorry, I don’t want to keep bleating on about this, but just another thought about the Lucy Connolly prison sentence…

    Here’s a youngish woman who has lost an infant son due, I’m told, to the incompetence of our beloved NHS. She’s a married woman with another child and no criminal record. What she Tweeted was spontaneous and quickly removed, instantly regretted and apologised for.

    Now let’s look at that darling of the Beeb and serial paedo, Huw Edwards. What he was up to went on for years. He groomed a young lad and downloaded some of the vilest images of child abuse it’s possible to imagine. These apparently include images of penetration with kiddies under 7 years of age. Huw received a 6 month suspended sentence and has been placed on the sex offenders register. I think he’s also got to do a spot of community service. My heart bleeds…

    Lucy Connolly, by way of mitigating circumstances, had lost an infant child. I can’t imagine anything worse…She has no previous criminal record. Until now she hasn’t put a foot wrong.

    Huw Edwards’ mitigating excuses amounted to being pissed off because he failed to get into Oxford University.

    One of them goes to prison, the other goes home.

    Guess which…


  5. digg says:

    The case against the Conservative councillors wife jailed for “racial” social posts is just bloody staggering to me.


    It seems that any pretence of sanity by the courts has vanished to be replaced by a vindictive left-wing attack by the judiciary on anyone deemed non persona.

    How anyone, anyone can be banged up for 30 months for bloody words they might have used on social media is disgusting and an affront to humanity.

    Thus is a form of state puritan violence against anyone not approved of in full view and is a dire warning to how crazy society is becoming. It’s childish venom using positions of power to teach people who is the boss.

    It WILL end in tears!


    • Jeff says:

      Yes…and the bloke who goaded a number of irate Muslims to go on the rampage by feeding them lies about “white men throwing acid into the faces of Muslim women”, hasn’t even been interviewed by the police.
      I think this chap is Nick Lowles, head of the appalling Hope Not Hate, who, rather interestingly, is involved (along with The Guardian) in a Channel 4 documentary about “THE FAR RIGHT!”

      It’s to be screened this Monday and will be an in depth look into antics of these notoriously dangerous subversives.

      Blimey, Biased BBC might even get a mention…


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I recently read a book by Robin Aitken who worked as a reporter and executive at the BBC for 25 years.
        His book is called The Noble Liar and in it he mentions the said Hope not Hate organisation.
        No prizes for guessing the identity of The Noble Liar.
        I highly recommend reading the book.


  6. taffman says:

    IMHO, our present government is encouraging the mass irregular, immigration (invasion) of our land. Is it a treasonable offence ?


  7. tomo says:


  8. taffman says:

    Back in 2004……..
    “Hughes resigns over visa scam row”

    “Is Britain’s immigration system working?”

    Lessons not learned !


  9. tomo says:


  10. Zephir says:


    “Despite Western sanctions and economic pressures from the war in Ukraine, Rosatom has secured contracts globally, including deals with Turkey, China, and India.

    The corporation now employs over 400,000 people and is responsible for Russia’s nuclear energy and infrastructure projects, as well as its powerful nuclear arsenal.

    Likhachev’s presentation also touched on plans to increase Russia’s reliance on nuclear power, aiming for 25 percent of the country’s energy needs to come from nuclear sources by 2040.”





  11. Zephir says:

    Emmanuel Macron dubbed ‘a disgrace to France’ after claims he’s ‘helping Israel’s enemies’.

    The French president has been criticised for excluding Israeli firms from showing naval equipment at a weapons show.


  12. Philip_2 says:

    BBC in crisis and cut backs (again). The Corporation is facing a budget shortfall of £500 million this year. The deficit will be met by cutting posts – about 130 journalists will lose their jobs. The highest profile casualty, however, is HardTalk. And that will cause some consternation.
    BBC managers are in a hard place right now. Licence-fee revenue is steadily dropping, costs are rising, and audience tastes are changing. But what the BBC decides it can no longer afford tells you much about its priorities, which is why I find the axing of HardTalk…

    But why cut a serious and valued programme like HARDtalk and spend your money on, for instance, a third-rate US import like the soap-opera Suits? And why go on paying inflated wages to presenters like Gary Lineker (annual salary £1.35 million) or the late, un-lamented Huw Edwards, while slashing the numbers of lowly paid hacks who actually do the work? This speaks to a strangely distorted vision of the Corporation’s priorities.

    Axing some of the torrent of dross that pours out of the BBC in other directions would, one feels, cause not a moment’s dismay anywhere in the world. One man’s dross is another’s gold, I admit, but does the BBC really have to transmit Mrs Brown’s Boys?
    (end quote)


    Proof if any were required that the BBC is becoming irrelevant.
    And about time, it been obvious to most of us for at least 30 odd years, and HardTalk has to go as it ‘does not fit the BBC prescribed dialogue that the rest of the world is right (being Left Wing) and the right of the world is wrong (being all right wing extremists). As we all are these days, who oppose the hard left we have inherited, by default.

    Note: Only x150 BBC journalists will lose their ‘radio’ jobs, they still have x21,000 to go.
    And Gary Linekar is still there as ‘Agent provocateur’, or dick as some call him.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Actually – the killing off of ‘hardtalk ‘ on financial grounds doesn’t make sense does it ? After all – it’s two heads talking in a room for an hour ? Not exactly the highest of budgets …. So maybe the bbc can’t get an approved supply of ‘unapproved interviewees ‘ and just has their own kind on to bore the bottom of those few who watch it ( not me )


  13. vlad says:

    Day of mourning for the BBC as their favourite Hamas ‘freedom fighter’ is killed.

    And I expect a sh*tload more trouble on the streets this w/e as the islamofascist / leftist alliance parade their weekly support for terrorism while Khan’s Cops and Starmer’s Stasi’s look the other way.


  14. Sluff says:

    BBC making hay over negative remarks about Kemi Badenoch spending time with her kids.
    But readers may not have noticed another feminist issue which strangely has not made it to the BBC webshite.

    The new education Secretary is one Bridget Philippson.
    TTK has also appointed her as minister for equalities and wimmin.
    Equalities. Wimmin. The two are mutually exclusive!!!!!
    How so?
    Because Bridget Philippson has seven people in her ministerial education team.
    Six women. One man.

    Equality, Labour lefty woke version.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Has the BBC put somber music on radio 2 tonight – following the death of one of its head Islamic fighters ? Bowen et al will be sobbing somewhere along with meesh and countless other BBC Hamas supporters .

    We can expect attacks by Islamic terrorists in the west and inside Israel again – let’s hope the funeral makes a good target for the IDF

    Keep going IDF – good Job … next …


  16. Northern Voter says:

    Mrs V and I run a pub quiz here in Northern France. One of the competing teams are part American and part English Socialist (he’s ex shop stupid or something) any way the American woman, whose name has more vowels than consonants, and most of the consonants are z,w and x turns up with a badge that says Kamala Harris US President 2024. Needless to say treated with contempt and silence.


    • BRISSLES says:

      NV her IQ ain’t great then. A family of Americans I know are lovely people; and I hosted a quiz on one of their visits, it was staggering how little they knew geographically about the world outside the confines of the US. Hadn’t a clue about the capitals in Europe. And there was me thinking the yanks had a great educational system.


  17. Fedup2 says:

    A good rumour on X that the body guard for the now dead Islamic Hamas terrorist was a UN employee ( and is hopefully dead too ) – unverified – one for the bbc …


  18. Fedup2 says:

    There is an excellent picture of the dead Islamic Hamas terrorist leader circulated on X . Worth framing …. I wonder if he has been cremated and the dust thrown on a landfill yet … hope so …

    Btw – there are some objecting to the publication of the picture – I think it is more than apt …


  19. Guest Who says:

    Newsnight Larry wins a night in with Sopes.

    She’s actually at her best under some pressure, you can see the lawyer’s mind flash.


    I also see Katty Kay has hooked up with Mad Al and Goofy to really add some heft to the Heels Up campaign.


  20. tomo says:


  21. JohnC says:

    Bowen: Sinwar’s death is serious blow to Hamas, but not the end of the war

    Jesus Christ : just look at what Bowen has written as an epitaph for this terrorist scum:

    ‘His death is a serious blow for Hamas, the organisation he turned into a fighting force that inflicted the biggest defeat on the state of Israel in its history.’

    It was not a ‘defeat’ Bowen you cretin. It was a terrorist massacre of civilians. You can’t defend against something like that. The only solution is to take out the terrorists before they can launch their attack.

    Something Israel is now doing very well – despite the best efforts of the BBC abusing their immense power to try and infer Israel are the bad guys here and put pressure on them to stop.

    And later he writes:
    ‘He was asked whether the death of Sinwar would affect Hamas.
    “I hope not, God willing. Let me explain: Hamas is not just Sinwar… It’s the cause of a people.”‘

    Try telling that to all those human shields they use who have been blown to pieces Bowen.
    Why are the BBC giving a soapbox like that to officially designated terrorists ?.

    Keep going IDF. You have my full support to do this dirty job you have been given.

    BBC/Bowen: you are a complete disgrace to every decent ethic you are supposed to have as journalists.


  22. JohnC says:

    UNRWA teacher’s passport was found on Sinwar; its holder is reported to be in Egypt

    Nowhere on the BBC of course. It might filter through once the shock of the headline passes and people lose interest.

    More evidence that the UN are complicit in Hamas activities. Add it to all the evidence from the ‘peacekeepers’ in Lebanon who are also 100% complicit with Hezbollah.

    THAT is the big news here. The UN are corrupt to the core. Why is nobody making a big deal about it ?. The only answer I can come up with is ‘because there is no alternative’.

    Which is not good enough IMHO.


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