The final few days of budget leaks . We know that whatever the red Labour chancellor does the BBC will give her an easy time – as evidenced by the ending of the pensioner winter fuel allowance …
Dump that damn TV licence .
Weekend 26th October 2024
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first lol
I don’t recognize this once wonderful country any more.
Sarah Sharif RIP
That’s just from the past two days. I just want my kids to get out of this shit hole.
Don`t forget this young lady
Of course, I think it was that poor girls demise that started me off.
Just seen the news on Tommy Robinson. I just hope that the state has not deviated into characteristics of a fascist state and that they can justify the use of anti-terrorist laws.
The news now indicates that it is for contempt of court. Let us see whether a fair judicial process is followed. At least it is not the criminal justice system which now seems to be very partisan in its approach.
“Rachel Reeves to raise employer national insurance by up to 2%!
This will ONLY apply to the private sector.”
That’s new tax on PRIVATE enterprise
eg Gov depts will be able to supply Care Workers at one price
but private sector employing the same workers will have HIGHER wage costs due to the new national insurance TAX
Starmer is #BobbinDud
He takes from the rich
.. He takes from the poor too
Apply an automatic tax of 99% on all judges. Then when they don’t pay their council tax arrest them on anti-terrorist legislation.
Seems fair to me.
What has Tommy done wrong ? “You can fool some of the people some of the time……”
They’ve detained him under anti-terrorism laws because he would not give the police the PIN to his phone.
And in one fell swoop totally rubbished all trust in the law of the land.
And they tell us that it’s the Right who are fascists. More projection to cover up what they themselves are the most guilty of. Same as the Left are the most racist of anyone. They thrive on it and the hate it gives them.
Perhaps the BBC Verify goons can tell us how many other people have been imprisoned for the same thing.
And of course the Labour councillor who encouraged murder of anti-immigration protestors is out on bail. We are living under the most ridiculous persecution of the Right by the Left – both here and in the USA. The Nazis truly are back.
Bbc promoting, defending and eulogising gun crime, gang murders and drug dealing violent protection gangs in London:
“‘The police have no power here. The 67 gang are the law’: The reign of terror that rules the streets where Chris Kaba’s gang operates with impunity”……
” drill rapper Cassiel Wuta-Ofei” ” In 2021, he was released from his sixth jail sentence — the most recent for drug dealing”……
” he was widely acknowledged to be the de facto leader — was called 67 (pronounced ‘six seven’). It still is………It is also a criminal gang, we now know, whose 50 or so known members, according to a police intelligence report, are ’embedded in a culture of drug supply, serious violence, firearms and knife possession’.
“They run parts of their south London fiefdom ‘like they own it’, to quote residents and businesses we spoke to in the aftermath of the Chris Kaba controversy, administering street beatings and operating protection rackets.”
“The videos they produced, monetised on social media platforms and championed by BBC Radio One DJ Tim Westwood”….
…..”featured on the BBC’s Newsnight programme where they were introduced as ‘the biggest band in the UK drill scene’ who were ‘giving rare access to their lives’. The ten-minute report posed the question: ‘Does drill music glamourise and encourage violence? Or are the artists just expressing, through music, the experience of many young people growing up in difficult city environments?'”
‘The police have no power here,’ reveals a corner shop owner in the vicinity of New Park Road, who did not wish to be identified. ‘It is the 67 gang which owns this area. ‘I know of other shops similar to mine who have to pay them protection money. I keep myself away from all that, and they have not asked me, but I have been there when the money exchanges.
‘The 67 gang are the law. If you have a problem, they sort it. If you cross them, you get sorted. Almost every crime or killing here is linked to them.’
One shopkeeper was beaten in the summer, another businessman claimed, for not paying a £500 protection bill. ‘That is the cost,’ he said.
Another suffered the same fate over a debt only a few weeks ago. ‘I have a young son, and we live in a flat,’ said a mother who witnessed the punishment being meted out. ‘I am terrified.'”
“One of the drivers, Lamar Scott, 27, immediately jumped from the wreck of his MG and tried to flee the scene on foot but was chased by a gunman from the other vehicle and shot dead in the street.
The shooter has never been caught but the talk in Brixton Hill is that someone from 67 was responsible.
The gang has been linked to a string of murders over the years: the stabbings of Dwayne Simpson, 20, in an alleyway in Brixton in 2014 and 18-year-old Cheyon Evans and 17-year-old Yousef Beker in 2019, to name but three.”…..
“Kaba slipped his hand into a glove, gripped the weapon and opened fire, hitting his target in the leg, then chasing him down the street, firing three more bullets, again hitting him in the leg.
The victim, who survived, was a member of 17 (pronounced one seven). Like the Claptown gang, 17, who operate from Wandsworth Road, were the arch-enemies of 67.
On the day before Kaba’s death, he was suspected of being involved in a drive-by shooting when a shotgun was fired near a primary school in Brixton.”
Are the criminals focusing on any particular laws against their activities? No, for historic laws like the Theft Act etc. And now, increased rejection of more recent laws on gun crime & possessing knives (including some pen knives). What a nonsense Home Office laws and the legal system has become. The principle seems to be, ‘write all the laws you will, they will be totally ignored’. The days are now long gone where the Government oversaw a predominantly compliant population of white Brits who, in the main, respected the law. Thanks successive UK Governments for your gross missmanagement.
The UK is a, ‘Kick-in-the-pants’ away from total lawlessness & anarchy.
Has Tommy Robinson ever done anything like the above, who are defended by Khan and labour MPs with condolencies ?
Yet at least 50 of these thugs are walking the streets today with impunity it seems, and lauded by the bbc, while the only time the Met act is to arrest someone for telling the truth, the truth hidden by the government about illegal immigrants and their crime.
Including the truth that the goverment lied to us about regarding a Syrian immigrant. And the teachers all gagged with non disclosure aggreements.
And the truth that the goverment, social services, councils and the police hid from us about immigrant rape gangs
This country is long past the time when the law was applied equally. Over the last thirty years or so we have seen the politicisation of the entire justice system. The liberal elite have used it to push their agenda and to suppress any opposition. There hasn’t been any substantive political opposition to modern liberalism in our country since 1997. We hope that Reform can provide that but it will be an uphill struggle.
From the liberals point of view Cameron made a bad strategic error when he sanctioned the Brexit Referendum. He thought that liberalism would easily crush the Brexit party but in fact it allowed the British people a voice and the liberals have been trying to silence that voice ever since.
As much of the West turns it’s back on liberalism and Globalism will poor old Britannia be left behind?
Echoes of California, compliments of Soros.
BBC news
The budget leaks continue – now it’s confirmed that there will be a 2% increase in employer contributions and the threshold reduced . Why be an employer ? So cut staff numbers – let then all go on the sick ….
Right to buy will be killed off – inevitable really …
Next leak please …
What about those forced to use umbrella companies when doing contract work, who have to pay employer AND employee National Insurance ?
Are they “working people” Starmer ??
This was due an HMRC response largely due to bbc tax dodgers pretending to be self employed yet obviously employed by the bbc.
Meesh does a sob interview with one of her Muslim brothers whose brother has been killed . The dead man is described as a ‘bodyguard ‘ which sounds like shorthand for ‘Hamas fighter ‘ … Meesh not so interested in the sausages being held by her Islamic Hamas friends ….
Keep going IDF … have another go at evil Iran …
Seem Jordan are on board.
BBC news carries an advert for itself with a new series on chess – all the squares will be black – as will the pieces and the players . The presenter will be a white dyke .
The series will be followed by tiddly winks . A Conker match is considered to be too British so won’t be shown …
Comrade Robinson interviews a parasite politician from the Bahamas about ‘give me ‘ for the slave trade – abolished 1807 …. Robinson said British taxpayers will land up picking up the tab for this – the parasite said it’s the government – not the taxpayer .
But I have an idea – put a tax on any ‘British ‘ passport holder whose ancestors come from the West Indies or Africa … they – after all – have directly benefited by being allowed into the UK – so they can pay the parasites back home …
They’ll only spend it on guns, see above.
Surely we should demand £ trillions from Italy. Hundreds of years of Roman occupation and slavery.
And as for the French. Have we forgotten 1066?
Scandinavian countries as well, muslim countries for the Barbary pirates.
An interview with a red housing minister . Seems like the process of getting planning permission for building is going to -thankfully – take quite a while because of stuff like green ngo s and the like having to certify schemes . With a bit of luck this should take years …..
On the World stage the British seem to try and be scrupulously fair and even handed. Look at the reparation rubbish which they are pushing for.
At home they are the complete opposite.
Everything not far left is attacked and people are given extraordinary sentences and treatment.
31 months prison for a FB post.
Tommy charged with terrorism because he will not give his PIN code to the police so that they cannot go after all his contacts.
The Manchester police attackers or the throat cut speaker are out happily getting on with their lives knowing the law is on their side.
Another sort of two tier aspect to Britain.
You join us this morning as a Telegraph column reflects on the art of leadership and quotes some out of school claims from this top team concerning a sad lack thereof: …not have a “proper leader” …”expected more” …publicly challenged to display “more in terms of personality” …after suffering another hamstring injury
This is of course the sport column and Chelsea’s Enzo Maresca signalling how club captain James Reece needs to buck his ideas up.
Meanwhile: Reeves faces growing Labour backlash over tax squeeze for ‘working people’ (‘i’)
Back in 1995 long-time alternative journeymen rock group Pulp released their big hit “Common People” from their fifth studio album.
I took her to a supermarket
I don’t know why but I had to start it somewhere
So it started there
I said, “Pretend you got no money.”
And she just laughed and said, “Oh, you’re so funny.”
I said, “Yeah
Well, I can’t see anyone else smiling in here
Are you sure?
You wanna live like common people
You wanna see whatever common people see
The lawyerish New New Labour led by personality by-pass stuffed shirt (haven’t used that one for some time – what with TTK being all the rage) Sir Keir naturally loves to play with semantics.
Appropriately enough our left-leaning junior pound shop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper today features: Puzzles & Games Treasure Hunt Bumper Quiz Jokes Half-term Fun
Q. What is a working person?
Let’s ask the hard one (if you’ll excuse the oooh er missus connotations)
Q. Can a woman have a penis?
Recalling great car crash interviews of yore, one is reminded of that rather competant cross examiner of the left (when he’s in the mood) Andrew Neil, putting that lawyerish north London dumpling Emily Thornberry, The Lady Nugee, into the dock on the subject of terrorism, British nationality and that great golden craven idol of the left ‘International Law’.
“Well, International Law may be dripping roast to a lawyer like yourself, but the British people will ask why can’t we prevent these terrorists from re-entering the country?” – or words along those lines.
Out of school claims, you say?
School attendance to be rated by Ofsted (Telegraph) – this is of course our educational watchdog, now walking on eggshells, desperately rewriting their remit to rate schools while attempting not to offend the teacher unions in any way whatsoever.
Suffice to say our BBC goes with foreign bang-bang as top news story.
This one raised a smile from this jaded old reviewer: Middle East conflict: How will it end? (Paul Adams, Diplomatic Correspondent, BBC)
End, you say?
Shall I break it to him? They’ve been going at it over there since Moses was a lad – literally.
So let’s end with a bit of observational information – the Express (no longer ‘United with the People of Ukraine’ on their masthead) raise the red poppy today.
Bit early and performative but I guess we have to welcome the gesture.
Asiseeit – that term ‘international law ‘ is one so loved and used by the Far Left anti British BBC to criticise those whom it disapproves – such as Britain – or Israel ….
But it’s pretty meaningless and just a weapon for use by the Far Left …
How heavy are the commonwealth leaders? Is it a good idea to pay them reparations if they will only go and spend it on more meals?
There’s a peaceful patriotic demonstration in London today, organised by Tommy Robinson. It’s being condemned by all sides, left and “right”…If there really is such a thing as the “right” in the media…
You know, much as I loathe the left, it’s those who pose as being on the right that I particularly despise. The likes of the Mail, The Telegraph and Talk Radio They’ll never in a million years show any real support for my people, the patriotic white working classes.
It’s our homelands that are invaded, our familiar places that are changed beyond all recognition and our children’s futures that are harmed, but if we voice any complaints we’re called nasty names and ridiculed.
There is nobody on “our” side in the MSM. That’s why this gathering is happening.
There’s a plethora of “right-wing” talking heads that make me puke. They always make sure they’re just below the parapet. The likes of Julia Hartey Brewer, most of GB News, all of the printed media. The most irksome, to me, is Rod Liddle. My God, he’s such an absolute a tosser.
He sits there, chubby and deliberately scruffy, usually with a fag and a glass of wine, looking like the love child of Boris Johnson and Bob Geldof and pretending to speak for the working man. “Yeh, I was down at Millwall the other week…”, he’ll say with his concocted cockney accent, but he’s an absolute fraud. He’s as posh and establishment as they come, with his regular pieces for the Times and being associate editor of the Spectator. It would cost him his job to rock the, he doesn’t…
I saw him chatting about the tragic Peter Lynch case the other day and Liddle, although condemning the prison sentence had to balance the books by sneering at Mr Lynch. “Yeh” said Liddle, “He was a nutter, a conspiracy theorist, probably a racist BNP supporter, but nah, he shouldn’t have gone to jail.” thanks Rod, that’s big of you.
It’s because we get no support or fair recognition in the media that we’re meeting today in London. We’ve relied on the well-heeled, bourgeoise, middle-class media for too long. We’re sneered at and treated like proles. Our people are dying in prison for voicing opinions. Tommy will probably be in Belmarsh. Enough.
This is our country and these are our streets.
And now it’s our turn…
There is nobody on “our” side in the MSM.
At least we have GB News.
With the likes of Mark Steyn, Lawrence Fox, DanWootton and Neil Oliver we have people on our side.
Is Mark Steyn back on GB News?
If GB News is on telly, I don’t see it. I see it through Youtube.
I only began to suspect a few weeks ago, from reading posts on this forum, that GB News might actually be a TV channel.
GB News can be found on Sky channel 512, Freeview 236, don’t know about others.
Not on GB News.
Those above who spoke for the likes of us on here are gotten rid of from GBN because they tell it as it is and Ofcom will shut down GBN if presenters keep on telling the truth.
I don’t know if Neil Oliver has gone but it’s looking like it. Not surprising though as he is consistently coming out with truths that ‘our’ lefty politicians want to keep secret.
You can still see them in places like YouTube where they are joined by our Katie Hopkins and others the media don’t like.
It’s good that real politicians like Tice and Lowe are asking questions in parliament such as the ethnic breakdown in crime figures.
The media may go after them but they are not so easy to remove as Tommy, Katie or Steyn.
I wonder what will happen when the pendulum swings back.
I think the left will destroy itself with its own extremism rather than being destroyed by the right (but there’s still the lawyers although a modern day Dick the Butcher might see them off)
Personally, I don’t think the pendulum will swing back. Back in the time when Trump gained office there was a possibility. But now, its too far gone: the balance has been exceeded by Western Government’s pressing heavily on the wrong side of the scale. The apathetic people in the main are equally to blame.
“….the love child of Boris Johnson and Bob Geldof”. Very good.
Spot on regarding this ‘homelessness’ Jeff. The main place I go to for my considered news reports is right here. Having said that, I regularly read the Times of Israel for a factual report on the Middle East conflict and I’ve just registered with Verity. Anyone have opinions on Verity?
The problem currently is limited to the legacy media who are all Globalists and mainly leftist but there are a fair proportion of right leaning ones as well eg Telegraph, Mail.
The Globalists have all our institutions tied up and can use the judicial system to suppress and punish any opposition. Thus the likes of the great and much missed Mark Steyn was hounded out by Ofcom and became too hot a potato to handle for his employer GB News who were petrified of upsetting Ofcom and having their Licence to Broadcast removed. Individual journalists are scared to step too far out of line for fear of retribution by the authorities.
But the Globalists don’t have anything like this degree of control over the Internet and social media which is why they are desperate to pass into law the Online Harm Bill so that they control and censor the internet in the same way as they do the legacy media.
Hopefully the Trump Musk combination can roll back the tide of censorship and deliver free , or at least much freer , speech .
For the first time in a long time, we watched ‘Have I Got News For You’ last night. I was curious as now Labour are in power surely they can’t go on and on and on about the evil Tories.
They didn’t. They spent the first 15 minutes having a go at Trump. After about 10 minutes the presenter said something like ‘what about Karmala Harris’. It took all of about 10 seconds to steer the routine away from her.
As for the new Labour government did I go to sleep? I can’t remember any sarcasm, criticism, or satire about them. Nothing about Two Tier Kier, or even Free Gear Kier. Not a word. Nothing about the definition of a ‘working person’.
So the Far Left bias on this show is still fully intact.
Defund now, I already have and saved myself some money.
Frantic fact checkers , verifiers and commentators will be picking this over – NO WAY the BBC will link to it.
Tomo thanks for posting this – when was it done please ? It’s sort of strange – a big internet figure have such a deep interview with a President . You can see why the MSM can’t handle him …
I can’t believe he did a 3 hour show …
Time ?
– dunno, and frankly don’t care here 🙂
I just finished the full 3 hours…. didn’t feel that long. I rather enjoyed it, some of Trump’s throwaway snipes at foes needed to be thought about – and made me laugh – he can be quite mischievously amusing.
Wife insists on having bbc on tv in the kitchen over breakfast. Just had a lecture from some one on putting the clicks back. Sounded like something from John cravens news round. Except it was dumbed down. They are now treating us like little unintelligent people. Defund now
Just shows how one typo can alter a post. I thought you meant how the BBC could get people to visit their website more often.
Chancy – I know the typo problem all too well – my mind works far too quicker than my typing fingers – and I’ve got sloppy not reading posts before publishing them – 77 brigade to note ..
Have they suicided Tommy Robinson yet ?
Don’t worry were paying black people who’s great great great grandfather may or may not have been a slave FFS
“Life in the poorest town in a county with the ‘worst’ budget in Britain: How locals in Gosport are battling spiralling child obesity, 1,000 homeless, empty shops… and now nearly £1m in cuts.
Residents in one of the UK’s most deprived towns say they fear it will slip further into decline after a £175 million deficit was exposed at its ruling county council.
Gosport, in Hampshire, a town of 82,000 people, boasts a proud naval heritage and sits around across the Solent from Portsmouth.
But last month it was revealed that Hampshire County Council, which funds vital social services, transport and investment across Gosport, would be facing the biggest financial black hole of any council in England after experiencing soaring child and social care costs – which it is obligated to provide – and forced to make mammoth cuts.
The news was a slap in the face to Gosport, the most deprived borough in the county, who, after already being hammered with £845,000 worth of cuts by Hampshire County Council in February, now face a further onslaught to its budget.”
What about third world Britain ??
Shocking report and photos from Gosport, Hampshire. Even more so to think that the area was an engine of manufacture back in the day. Many cooks rave about their Kenwood Chef food mixers. Southern Electricity had headquarters nearby. It seems all that is being hollowed out by high rents and taxes.
Maybe they could fire the social workers and feminist anti-family police and let the people keep more of their own money.
Having spent several months – albeit several years ago – trying to get a potential hotel development going just a few miles from there, I’m not in the least bit surprised, Atlas. We spent thousands of our own money on our development offer and opportunity, which would have benefitted ourselves as well as the local community in roses.
Our scheme would have brought prosperity, a recognition of the importance of the A3 and the main coast road, and a realisation that new business requires accommodation to survive and increase.
The quality of the councils’ staff was woeful in the business acumen they portrayed, and once the dead hand of their town planners had got their sharpened teeth into the project, we decided we’d wasted far too much of our own money to appease their ridiculous ideals, and we withdrew.
Hants CC, in the Seventies, used to be a vibrant, expanding County organisation, with a Chief Architect who really knew his stuff, and welcomed every new initiative! I cock my hat to (the late) Sir Colin Stansfield Smith, CBE, who was the best County Architect to whom I’d ever had the pleasure of supplying my services! (And a few bob in commission, but that’s another story)!
Scroblene – I think one of the many services clarkson has done with his excellent farming show is the dead hand and hostility of council department jobsworths . Nothing will improve in the coming years .
They kill commerce – they don’t care -the pay and pensions will come whatever they do …
Too damn right, Fed!
Tunbridge Wells is going the same way, especially as the main retail centre owners have now thrown in the towel, sold up and vanished!
Guess who owns it now? Yup, the bloody borough – or me as a poll-tax payer!
I believe you can gauge the health of a town just by taking a look at the state and popularity of its ale houses. Gosport has seen them tumble like skittles and the remaining pubs seem to want to shut shop at 9pm most evenings.
The only businesses that appear to be growing in Gosport are Turkish Barbers, Tattoo studios, nail bars, kebab shops and vaping emporiums.
Make of what you will but what it does mean is that people no longer gather together to chew over current affairs or let off steam etc. In fact a miserable outlook for places like Gosport and TTK wants to drive home the final stake with his attack on pub garden smoking.
Very true Digg!
Sadly, this joyless bunch of Marxists we have for the next five years will have us all drinking ourselves stupid at home, just like in communist El Dorados!
Washington Post “staffers” revolting over their bosses decision not to endorse anyone for the election by which they mean Harris,
I thought the job of news staff was to report the news without any form of bias in the interests of a free society and democracy.
How you can run a trusted major news outlet when it is stuffed with quite obvious left-wing activists trying to drive society and get involved directly in politics beats me!
Bezos has made a very brave and honourable decision with this ruling and the World needs more like him and Musk who stick to their principles.
live stream of Uniting The Kingdom Rally in London
The contrast between the Patriots march with their home made placards and banners and the Anti Fascist march with their mass manufactured placards , is dramatic and enlightening. One march is homespun grass roots and doesn’t have much money behind it, the other is organised and well financed. One march is clearly disapproved of by the state , the other much less so.
Who is the financier , who are the organisers and what is their motivation? Why is the state so tolerant of one march but so nervous about the other and ready to pounce on the marchers?
Dear Lord, keep Tommy safe.
It’s the little things on the bbc that tickle my infantile sense of humour the most. There is a “grime” song by “lethal bizzie” which has been causing chaos in nightclubs. Apparently up to 10 “artists” rap along to his song, whipping up the crowd and causing mayhem.
So, what amuses mnm? The report is under “Culture”. Yeah, right.
There’ll be a bounty on Tommy Robinson to be ‘offed’ . The prison service is corrupt so it won’t be difficult to kill him … the cctv will be ‘ under maintenance ‘…the prison service won’t investigate or just cover it up … and TTK s gang will celebrate….
Don’t forget “culture” can also be found on Petri dishes.
Wot no swivel eyed arabs screaming for genocide ?
At time of writing the BBC is not covering the huge Unite The Kingdom demo in London.
They are, however, covering an anti-tourism demo in Spain, and a ‘rave’ at a chippy in Nottingham.
Nice to see they’ve got their priorities right.
Beat me to it, Vlad!
Just been watching events, and it’s just frustrated British citizens doing what they do well, they’re enjoying venting their dislike for the way their country is being run!
No doubt the Beeboids will discount the numbers by 90%, that’s their normal ploy, but this crowd are there for their passion, not being paid-up union-funded lefties spoiling for a squeal and a claim to victimhood…
Very important point – it must be made known that Tommy has advised that he wants a peaceful event. As he did last time. He has not incited violence. If MSM and leftwaffe trolls claim otherwise, it is misinformation.
Even more importantly – DO NOT RISE TO PROVOCATION
You can bet your house that the leftie MSM, especially the beeboid swamp, will show pics of the blokes calling out for Tommy Robinson, and the various marchers giving their passionate views, in a manner designed to make them out to be rioters.
The coverage will be in complete contrast to that of the murdering gangs taking over Khaaaan’s ‘londonistan’, with far-left thugs and foreigners, waving those green black and red flags, and screams of murder coming from mostly white idiots.
BBC moneybox (aka give me benefits )
Some charity estimates that 2.5 million households / people ? Are ‘hard up ‘. This was illustrated by a woman who has 2 kids , works full time in the NHS and earns £29 k per year . She said she gets £450 a month ‘credit ‘ but still finds it ‘tough ‘
But I was asking – where is daddy ? How much is he paying ? If not why not ?
But the bbc always leavers the breeder out of such examples .
It seems the bbc want more stuff to be free – power – water – community charge – …
Should have considered that before she bred.
There is only one response from here….
Two words
first starts with F and the second O
2-faced-Kier is giving off mixed messages, as usual.
On the one hand assuring the public that there will be no reparations, on the other hand signing a document calling for precisely that.
‘A document signed by 56 heads of government, including UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, acknowledges calls for “discussions on reparatory justice” for the “abhorrent” transatlantic slave trade…”
What a vacuous waste of space.
“Next week, the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, apparently plans to raise the rate of National Insurance paid by employers. But the Government itself is a large employer, through the NHS for example. It has now occurred to somebody in Downing Street that this tax rise would cut the frontline budget of the NHS. Whoops. Not to worry, Ms Reeves has a cunning solution. Rumour has it she will get the Government – ie, the taxpayer – to pick up the new tab for the public sector. In other words, the private sector will be paying not only higher payroll taxes for themselves but for the public sector too. Where have I heard of that sort of thing before? Oh yes, back in the Middle Ages, the nobles and the clergy were often exempt from paying certain taxes. But the taxes paid by peasants went to support the nobles and the clergy so they could eat surfeits of lampreys.”
The mail online should take a note:
Every single comment I have seen so far below the story about the English march in London today is in support of Tommmy Robinson and what he has achieved in telling the truth and many mention his persecution by the blob.
Support a terrorist organisation and scream for genocide every week on the streets of London for months on end, celebrate a genocidal massacre of Isreali women and children: that’s OK
BUT, look at the videos of the English protest and see the attendees, than look at the below headline:
Britain’s ambassador to Washington, Dame Karen Pierce, is panicking about BBC, GCHQ, MI6, Labour and Tory interference and possible British involvement in assassination attempts to stop Trump from becoming President.
The Trump Campaign has filed a complaint accusing the British Labour Party of ‘Foreign Interference’
The campaign accused Labour of making ‘illegal foreign national contributions’ to the Harris for President campaign.
Sofia Patel, head of operations at the Labour Party, states that “nearly 100” current and former Labour Party staff would be travelling to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Virginia in the coming weeks. The Labour Party will finance travel and facilitate room and board. Patel writes, “I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina—we will sort your housing.”
The complaint states that “To protect our democracy from illegal foreign influence, it is imperative that the Federal Election Commission open a MUR, find reason to believe, and investigate this matter immediately,” it concludes.
In 2019, Barbara Boyd revealed previous attempts by the British intelligence services to stop Trump from becoming President.
British Puppeteers In Coup Against Trump Exposed:
The British intelligence service MI6 first tried to stop Trump from becoming President when MI6 agent Christopher Steele met with the FBI’s Peter Strzok in July 2016. During the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, then head of GCHQ, flew to Washington to brief John Brennan personally. CIA Director John Brennan then briefed Senate Minority leader Harry Reid in August 2016 on the Steele dossier. This briefing then led Reid to send FBI Director James Comey a letter demanding an investigation of the collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. The British ‘Fake Steele Dossier’ was also a key foundation for the FISA warrant issued to spy on Trump’s close aide Carter Page, in the hope of finding incriminating information, or getting Page to prejudice himself in police interviews by giving statements conflicting with the tapes.
After the Skripal incident someone started publishing purloined documents from the British military’s Integrity Initiative, an international network of politicians, journalists, academics, foundations, and military officers engaged in a very dirty black propaganda campaign.
The Steele Dossier and the Integrity Institute involve the same British intelligence networks revolving around Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6. Dr. Victor Madeira, one of the key staffers at the Integrity Institute used to work directly for Dearlove and
Sir Christopher Andrew at the Cambridge Intelligence Forum.
Documents show that Sir Andrew Wood and Pablo Miller, Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler, who are both players in Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence, also have significant relationships to the Initiative.
The GCHQ Codeword IRIS refers to the British link between the attempt to stop Trump from becoming president and the Sergei Skripal poisoning hoax. The IRIS list of names includes the political handler of Porton Down, the UK’s chemical weapon facility, Skripal’s MI6 handler, the BBC, and representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign Office, and the U.S. Embassy.
Reports imply that the Skripals are probably dead and the British are panicking about Trumps return to power. Both the Tories and Labour Parties have produced dossiers on the potential impact to Britain if Donald Trump returns to power and reveals the criminal activity of MI6 and the Skripal hoax.
Three senior ex-diplomats told us this week that the British Government would need contingency plans to protect against the security risks posed by the re-election of Mr Trump.
In fed up world president trump would get re elected . He’d then use federal investigators ( loyal ) to identify Labour Party staff and extradite them from Britain …. And warn the cabinet they could be arrested if they go to America …
A man called Intrepid and Wendell Willkie….
Try not to laugh
I think a bar of soap would be like garlic to a vampire with these crusty scummers.
You’d need to be able to recognise it before you could fear it.
Still nothing on the BBC News webshite about the huge – and hugely significant – Unite the Kingdom march in London.
Mustn’t give those brave patriots the oxygen of publicity now, must we!
@Vlad this was posted an hour ago
“Thousands of people have joined three different marches in London, focusing on the UK’s summer riots and the deaths of people in police custody.
#1 remembering those who have died in police custody, and was attended by hundreds including the family of Chris Kaba.
#2 Thousands also took part in a demonstration between Victoria Station and Whitehall organised on behalf of Tommy Robinson, which aimed to support those jailed over the UK riots.
#3 A counter-protest also took place.
thousands attended the Unite the Kingdom demonstration, although Mr Robinson, 41, whose real name is Steven Yaxley-Lennon, was not able to join the crowds as he was remanded into custody by police on Friday.
(BBC is DEAD NAMING and that is bullying)
In a post from Mr Robinson’s X account before the event, his team asked supporters to remember “we’re here not only for him, but most importantly to pay respects to Peter Lynch, and support the families of the political prisoners”.
The post referred to 61-year-old Lynch who died while serving a prison sentence for taking part in rioting in Rotherham,
as well as others jailed in connection with disorder that took place across the country in July and August.
Demonstrators carried placards reading “Two tier Keir fuelled the riots”, “Bring back Rwanda” and “Stop the Boats”.
2 arrests
: suspicion of a breach of the Public Order Act conditions
: one on suspicion of a racially aggravated
(Why write “suspicion”instead of allegedly ?)
A counter-protest organised by Stand Up To Racism
called for supporters to “take to the streets” in a “massive anti-fascist demonstration”.
2 arrests
: woman was arrested on suspicion of common assault (apparently de-arrested after giving her name)
: one after an officer was allegedly assaulted.// posted about 6:15pm
The Jeremy Bowen school of journalism. “I have no evidence for this whatsoever but I’ll post it anyway.”
So far, 0 engagement.
The viral clip seems to have context deliberately withheld
so that seems to me to The MP justifiably punched a man to the ground
Mike Amesbury statement in full after MP filmed in ‘row outside taxi rank’ and police probe assault
The former Manchester councillor says he ‘felt threatened on the street’ prior to the incident
He said: “Last night, I was involved in an incident that took place after I felt threatened on the street following an evening out with friends. This morning, I contacted Cheshire Police myself to report what happened during this incident.
“I will not be making further public comment but will, of course, cooperate with any inquiries if required by Cheshire Police.
I remain fully committed to working hard for the people of Runcorn and Helsby, and am determined to remain an open and accessible MP for our community.
I am appalled, appalled I tell you to see so many people with Union Flags and St George’s flags waving them in, of all places, Trafalgar Square.
These people are obviously far right racists and need to be attacked and arrested arbitrarily by the Met. Police. Do they not realise that only Palestinians flags may be flown by Far Left anti-semites masquerading as peace protestors in that and other areas of London?
I look forward to appropriate impartial coverage on BBC news.
It won’t happen.
FFS The masked up thuggish people today in London
call themselves ANTI-FASCIST !!!
\\\ I went to speak to what I thought would be people with genuine concerns, from BOTH sides of the protests, I was met with name calling, shoulder barging & hostility from the ‘anti-fascist’ side.
I simply asked why they would cover their faces,they didn’t like that.//
All the violence and intimidation is coming from the hard left.
They’re going to have to be confronted…
That sort of bullying won’t dissipate – they’ve got a taste for it.
Projection is a libmob characteristic
@MahyarTousi replies
My mother was saved from Iran by the British embassy to come to the UK to give me a fresh start in life as a kid.
Now, these smelly commies want me dead. Just like the IRGC in Iran.
Never give up. Never surrender.
Mahyar Tousi TV video
Far-Left Thugs TARGET Me – Saved By Police & Security
They kept shouting “shoot yourself like Adolf Hitler”
…. sounds pretty incitement to suicide
Sounds like “hate speech” to me.
Mild clickbait
“Those who do not listen to reasonable men whilst they have the choice, will be compelled to experience the consequences of unreasonable men when they do not”
She’s a charmer …
“with the swipe of my pen”
Sounds like Kamala would have got on very well with Stalin.
Harris is a piece of work right enough but hardly from the school of revolutionary hard knocks that spawned Stalin.
Harris is a puppet – note that very little of anything is discussed about Harris associates / allies – she must rely on the patronage of unseen actors – obviously she ain’t much of a lawyer and hasn’t ever, afaics been put in a position where she’s been robustly challenged. She seems to effectively evade any accountability as if by magic.
Ghastly though, ain’t she?
A former Vatican archbishop and ambassador to the US has urged that Kamala Harris represents “an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, and anti-human vision of society,” calling her “an infernal monster who obeys Satan.”
@Granniopteryx is livid that YouTube has banned her video
even tho she maintains it’s accurate
“Peter Lynch, Facebook Posts and Real Criminals – a Comparison”
‘Leftmob sincerely believe there should be LESS people in prison
EXCEPT if their CRIME is that they have right wing thoughts. In that case no sentence is long enough’
‘He seems a bit crazy , but the draconianess of the sentence proves to his folk, that their conspiracy theories are right
It generates Conspiracy Theorits’