The final few days of budget leaks . We know that whatever the red Labour chancellor does the BBC will give her an easy time – as evidenced by the ending of the pensioner winter fuel allowance …
Dump that damn TV licence .
Weekend 26th October 2024
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Just thought I’d drop a bit of good news in. Queensland has just had its State election and the Labor Party has been kicked out by the LNP.
The next Federal election is due to be held some time next year and this result is not good news for Labor.
The Greens may have lost their only Queensland seat, but final results take a while to come in due to Australia’s somewhat complicated voting system.
This is good omen for 2025 for we should see Trump in the White House, Trudeau booted out in Canada, Albanese gone in Australia, and a strengthening conservative coalition in NZ. This is all positive for the Anglosphere.
(pity about the UK)
So here’s the Beeboid take on yesterday’s march organised by normal, vexed British citizens, concerned about the way Great Britain is being demolished – and in true form for stifling information, the article is already in the ‘regions’ as London.
But hey, it’s more important first, to put some sort of grubby, fly-blown spotlight on a bunch of a gangster’s relatives, all whingeing about a necessary shooting of a dangerous man by a policeman, who has been declared innocent! Gang control of the cesspits of London doesn’t even get a mention but they glorify Tommy Robinson’s arrest as though the bloke had slaughtered all the innocents and bayonetted the wounded! The picture reminds me of the awful 1920s coverage of the poorest slums of London, and the real poverty, with begging letters being delivered to an uncaring council court. Empathy anyone?
Even the go-to saddoes, Corbyn and Abbott, probably still whistfully remembering their sordid past, made an appearance at some sort of carnival, akin to a parade of assorted nutters, and they still get the show treatment!
But that’s the biased way the awful BBC represents the news these days, isn’t it!
Morning Scrobs !
I still maintain Windrush has a lot to answer for. Their descendants from the Caribbean, added to those let in from Africa, is the reason we have lost control of the streets of London.
70 years hence, what’s left of the white population will be referring to the Channel boats as their Windrush.
Unless these boats are blown out of the water, or are turned around by weapon carrying border forces, then this scenario is going to carry on infinitum long after our older generation are dead and gone.
Good luck kids !!
I can see a time, probably soon, where every boat load of aspiring architects and doctors arriving here is matched by the equivalent number of professional Brits leaving the country.
The left-leaning Newman in the Times is not our most favourite comic but when that all too familiar notice appears in the Telegraph warning us: Matt is away – then it’s Hobson’s Choice, as they used to say.
Newman’s View for once doesn’t disappoint as he sketches some poor bedraggled drowsy looking chap (‘working person’ ?) in bed reading his newspaper that’s headlined: Clocks Went Back – as he complains to the frumpy looking sleeping missus: “Oh no! An extra hour of budget speculation!”
About time
From Newman to the ‘No Men’ frontpage of the Guardian on Sunday that is the Observer. Isn’t it about time they dropped the pretence and redubbed that organ the Sunday Guardian?
In typically pedagogic nagging nannying mode the Observer nudges: Did you remember? – how many an harassed hen-pecked bloke out there has cringed at that opening gambit?
Clocks went back at 2am…
The Observer goes with the top story: Reeves: my budget will match greatest economic moments in Labour’s history
And gosh but how the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked that one as their top pick for their online print press line-up: ‘Budget to match Labour best’ and ‘King back to full duties’ (BBC)
Icy matriarch, assassin, very Bard woman (Observer) – nope, not our first female chancellor but Shakespearian thespian Harriet Walter featured in the left-leaning paper’s The New Review magazine.
Harriet Walters tells Sunsannah Clapp about her lifetime on stage and screen
From the likes of Ophelia, Cleopatra and Lady Macbeth to First Witch
There is perhaps some parallel to be extrapolated betwixt Reeves and Walters: “The paradox is, you get more confident as the parts run out” – or in our Rachel’s case as the money runs out… perchance?
Also teased on the Observer frontpage as appearing in the accompanying mag The New Review: My journey to Joni… Amy Key on the miracle of seeing Mitchell play
And nope, she don’t refer to Tyrick Mitchell, left-back for Chrystal Palace. There’s going to be absolutely nothing in terms of football on the Observer frontpage.
Female support
Although I suppose this might catch the interest of some of us chaps: A Beyoncé bounce? – calm down chaps… this is of course the left-leaning Observer leaning in to support for the US Democrat Presidential campaign: Beyoncé supports Kamala Harris… Trump’s spin machine, p33
The only male even remotely positively referenced on the cover of the Observer (apart from the Bard of Avon via his association with Harriet Walters – and he’s been dead for 400 years) is of course the continuity Democrat President – the elderly confused and hopelessly half-mad King Lear to our scheming greedy and ambitious but ultimately to be frustrated Goneril Harris (watch the play) …
Biden hopes Israel strike on Iran ends escalation (Observer)
Hope… because that’s we’ve got in terms of world affairs under the presently failed US administration.
Asiseeit – I do worry about the mental health of people after the budget . I mean – what will they think about ? All that ‘speculation – all those leaks … but what then ? The depression of having to forgotten to stock up on booze fags vapes drugs Petrol air tickets …. Or the huge queue of those moaning about the new higher taxes – with 80% of them not having voted for it ….
Here we have an excellent example of the bias of the BBC.
White man stabs – but not kills – asylum seeker.
BBC Headline:
‘White supremacist stabbed asylum seeker in hotel’
697 words, 2 videos and 4 pictures. They even get Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage’s names in there.
Compare with:
Asylum seeker stabs and murders hotel assistant:
BBC Headline:
Woman dies after railway station stabbing
132 words, 1 bland picture and they don’t even mention he was an asylum seeker.
Totally different articles. And astonishingly it’s the second one where someone was actually murdered. And at least the first guy had some reason for doing it : the actual murder was simply to kill someone white. It could have been any one of us.
How much more blatant does the bias need to be before someone does something about it ?.
How my investigation led to sex trafficking charges against ex-Abercrombie boss
An amazingly narcissistic article – even for a BAME BBC clone. It’s absolutely typical ‘Panorama’ drivel.
But here’s the thing they don’t mention. She’s been doing it – on full BBC pay – for THREE whole years. No way that girl decided that herself : she has been tasked to keep on it by some BBC policy manager to go after this man on the back of #metoo. It’s quite obvious it was all one lucky break : she got nowhere on her own merits.
So who decided to spend the funding like that ?. How come they only ever go after targets like this ?. The man isn’t even English FFS. Surely OUR money should be spent on things closer to home ???. Like slavery in Leicester for example. Or what goes on in certain communities where they are allowed to ‘police themselves’ and treat the women like slaves ??.
But we all know why the BBC won’t go after them. They are monumental double-standard hypocrites. Their ethics disgust me.
Islamic Broadcasting Corporation update.
On Toady on Sunday a lengthy article that Mosques are not accessing government funding for security measures in the aftermath of the Southport stabbings.
Apparently some of this is due to them being hard to reach communities who see themselves as separate from the rest of society, according to the Muslim Council of Britain interviewee.
This separateness was of course not challenged by the BBC.
A fine example of the benefits of multiculturalism and open door immigration if ever there was one.
Behold the BBC’s revolting duplicity in their coverage of yesterday’s Unite the Kingdom March.
Three events took place: the Unite the Kingdom march which was attended by tens of thousands; a counter-protest by Stand up to Racism (of a few thousand?); and the tiny United Families campaign, a grievance group of mostly blacks bemoaning the deaths in custody of criminals like Chris Kaba, numbering at most 300.
1) First, the BBC conflated all 3 marches that took place into one article, thereby hugely distorting the relative importance of each: the huge Unite the Kingdom rally was put on a par with the the tiny United Families campaign.
2) Next, the breathtaking dishonesty of the subheading to their biased article: “The protests included one remembering those who died in custody, and another supporting riot participants.”
In other words, the first group (friends and families of criminals) are noble, while the second are vilified as thugs who support riots.
3) The amount of text devoted to the respective events: the tiny United the Families campaign actually gets more words (and very sympathetic in tone) than the massive Unite the Kingdom march.
4) Both events get 2 photos each, despite the enormous disparity in numbers.
5) In a single paragraph the BBC manage to imply that the Unite the Kingdom marchers were both racist and fascist: “A counter-protest organised by Stand Up To Racism also took place at the other end of Whitehall, which called for supporters to take to the streets in a “massive anti-fascist demonstration”.”
I could go on but you get the idea. Biased through and through.
To me, the BBC’s approach can be viewed as a revival of the techniques used by Lord Haw Haw during WW2. They pretend to be the UK’s national voice but in fact detest the average white British and carry out a war of attrition on anything that smacks of patriotism or pride in the Nation at every opportunity. They use all the weary tropes, racism, sexism etc. etc. to denigrate any shred of National pride. They have no real right to use the word British in their name.
Did the msn cover the Britain march yesterday at all ? – I saw on Saturday afternoon the far left daily mail reporting ‘arrests ‘ – anti British propaganda which has to be expected with ‘riot police ‘ looking for the overtime … but elsewhere … not so much …
Simon Webb video
‘The black March was 100 times smaller
but the BBC chose to give it top billing and 50% more coverage’
“BBC reports on rallies held in central London yesterday tried to sideline the Unite the Kingdom March, in favour of a tiny group of black people involved in a different demonstration.”
On Twitter the phrase TR is trending with 194K posts mentioning him
BBC once again promoting the race baiters and grifters whilst trying desperately to downplay and demonise the patriotic protest.
They claim Peter Lynch ‘died in prison’…..I believe he killed himself….why ignore that?….imagine if he’d been a Black person…he’d have a whole news report to himself about the injustices in the British legal system. White man shouts abuse at coppers and is jailed and denounced….black man, a dangerous gangster who attempted to run over coppers is feted by the BBC.
The BBC in supporting those trying to spread race hate and division [and of course also supports the reparations grifters] is playing a dangerous game.
“What happened to England?”
Bull-Hansen, a Norwegian, makes a visit to the UK………..
Always good to have a view from some out ‘outside ‘… so easy to spot how wrecked the place is ( I won’t call it a country) the dead Tory party is primarily to blame with the reds as accomplists – should never – must never be forgotten ..
Normally I’d say – goes around – comes around – but I wouldn’t apply that to Britain …. A failing state ….
Bow down whitey, you are not worthy of a £5,000 job grant”
Wales : Ethnic Minority Initial Teacher Education ITE incentive
At first glance Scotland seems to have a similar scheme
Twitter tells me there is something called the ‘Decolonise the Curriculum’ movement
Great…employ people who don’t belive in ‘western’ numberology and instead think voodoo is the secret to science and everything.
Now we’re paying to be dumbed down!!
Media tell me in Islam women and men are equal
But “Women are not allowed to be part of funeral process (burial and graveyard), they can attend the funeral prayer (janazah).”
“women should not follow the funeral procession to the graveyard”
That and a million other things Stew.
I read ‘The Bookseller of Kabul’ which gave a very good understanding of how women live in a ‘proper’ Muslim family.
Basically each time he got a new 18 year old wife, the old ones lived bored-stiff in the kitchen all day unless they had someone to chaperone them to go out. They were effectively his slaves.
I’ve never seen a BBC misandrist hypocrite talk about that.
Andrew Lawrence sees yesterday’s march as the start of the end of libmob rule
Nigel has already put the brakes on real change. Reform aren’t going to reform.
Lucy – perhaps farage is treading water until the US election – but I suspect either way he will dump reform and Britain and go and live somewhere nicer … the tide of decline is so strong – for Reform to become a government in waiting before 2029 is a non starter …
Where is Reform ?
Wouldn’t it be fun if the next Unite the Kingdon rally was held outside New Broadcasting House.
Inside would be better…
😂 🤣
The replies are quite fruity
Listened to BBC news bulletin about David Amess family criticising the Prevent programme and the BBC failed to mention that the killer was an Islamist…didn’t even mention his name nor the reason for the attack….Times radio was the same but did mention the killer’s name…Ali Harbi Ali…clue is there.
You can bet that the BBC would mention ‘white supremacist’ or far-right’ if it had been a white person doing the killing ala Jo Cox…just a few of many intro’s……
‘Labour MP was fatally shot and stabbed by a far-right terrorist in June 2016.’
‘The Labour MP for Batley and Spen was shot and stabbed in her constituency by a far-right extremist on 16 June 2016.’
The Jo Cox Foundation was launched after Batley and Spen MP Ms Cox was killed by far-right terrorist Thomas Mair in June 2016.’
Then again of course the MP’s were desperate to hide the motivation and identity of Amess’ killer at the time and instead decided that social media was the problem not Islamic ideology and identity….so very BBC…they learn absolutely nothing…indeed the attack in Southport has been essentially treated in the same way with idenity and motives blurred and hidden…hence riots occur. No irony that the police in the Kaba case demanded Kaba’s background and criminal history be published in order to change the narrative and prevent blacktivists whipping up the mob with their lies….if it had been done immediately in Southport maybe the riots wouldn’t have happened.
Rochdale, Telford etc etc.
This is where it comes from:
More enrichment.
on Wednesday @LewishamCouncil tweeted
“Hi there. Thanks for bringing to our attention. We are investigating the incident”
Mick Lynch and RMT union see it as a priority to get members at anti-Tomny protes and pay their transport costs ..says leaked memo
The Lynch Mob.
The state of this
The libmob state have screwed up this parent
And she’s screwed up her kid
..but it’s OK cos they lefties.
.. sweary
I’m guessing Lorro wouldn’t want to shag her.
In the same way but more drastically, Palestinians teach their children to hate.
A match made in hell Communists + Islamists.
And doesn’t she just look the type?
Rainbow hair, nose piercing, angry, hateful, probably a single mum (who’d want to stick around that?).
It seems to be a requirement as a female lefty is to be as ugly and as butch as possible.
Just look at the Front Bench, hardly an attractive bunch – they don’t need to dress up for Halloween it must be said (same with the Oppos bench too).
The one who – as a female, I did consider elegantly attractive was Penny Mordaunt.
Ms Mordaunt sure knows how to handle a sword.
What’s her stance on pork?
I couldn’t possibly comment on her favoured positions.
Although probably not a big fan of erm, doggies:
“General Election 2019: Penny Mordaunt injured in campaign as dog bite leaves her ‘spewing blood everywhere'”
This is the twat running an “eco business” based upon grasping millions in subsidies from the taxpayer, and the profits of which ends up in labours coffers:
“Major Labour donor tells rich threatening to flee Britain over Rachel Reeves’ tax rises to ‘f*** off'”
“Mr Vince donated £5m to Labour before July’s general election.
His financial backing of the party has proved controversial as he has also donated to Just Stop Oil, the eco-activist group who stage disruptive protests.
He also hit out at those protesting against the roll-out of electricity pylons as part of Labour’s push to decarbonise the national grid by 2030.
‘Countryside dwellers need to accept that this is a contribution to our national economy,’ Mr Vince said. ‘Some aren’t used to it.’ “
Ecotricity, the organisation headed by Just Stop Oil’s multimillionaire backer Dale Vince, received £179,743 in government grants in 2021/22 according to new research by the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA). The same Ecotricity which is funnelling millions into the Labour Party…
According to the TPA, in addition to the £300,000 provided in furlough cash during the pandemic, Ecotricity received the following:
£121,573 from the Department for Work and Pensions through the Kickstart Scheme
£4,165 from DEFRA through the Rural Payments Agency Basic Payments Scheme
£3,548 from DEFRA through the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
£50,457 from DEFRA through the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
Including furlough, that’s nearly half-a-million in taxpayers’ cash handed to the company bankrolling Labour and Just Stop Oil. Vince has handed Labour over £1.5 million since 2015. The taxpayer is indirectly paying for eco-loons to block ambulances, ruin sports fixtures and toss orange dye on flowerbeds. Just yesterday, Vince vowed to plough even more cash into Just Stop Oil by matching donations for 48 hours. He’s certainly got plenty of change to splash around thanks to the government’s generosity…”
The latest accounts filed by Green Britain Group Limited show it received £123m in “government grants” in the year ending April 2023. The financial support was designed to pay energy firms to cap prices for consumers.
The previous year, the company received a £9.4m Covid “business interruption” loan to support large companies in the pandemic.
However, Vince told openDemocracy: “Ecotricity hasn’t had any government subsidies.”
“Labour’s biggest corporate donor Ecotricity accused of ‘greenwashing’. Energy firm making ‘misleading’ claims about ‘neutralising’ gas with carbon credits.
Ecotricity Ltd, which has given almost £3.4m to Labour since Keir Starmer became leader in 2020, claims to be “Britain’s greenest energy supplier”.
Yet 99% of the gas it supplies comes from fossil fuels. The company claims this gas is “carbon-neutralised” because it invests in “carbon reduction programmes to cancel out the carbon burned”.
But openDemocracy has learned that Ecotricity has no active carbon credits – despite listing four environmental projects on its website that it says it supports.
When questioned about the company’s claims that “carbon emissions from our fossil fuel gas are offset by investing in carbon reduction schemes”, a spokesperson admitted that some of the schemes it previously supported had not done “as promised” – and said that information on its website would be “refreshed”.
But experts warned that even if the company held active carbon credits, its claims that these “neutralise” its fossil fuel gas would still be misleading.
“It is highly misleading for a company to claim that its product – or itself – is carbon- or climate-neutral,” said Lindsay Otis Nilles from Carbon Market Watch. “These false claims are based on heavily flawed scientific principles and lead to consumer confusion.”
Ros Atkins on… Would Donald Trump accept defeat?
When he does win, will the BBC?
I think that if there was to be a fair election – and trump lost be a substantial number – he’d accept it – and say so . But we know the Obama crew is already fixing the counts and then results across the States … the cover up will be just as deep as last time and the msm will concentrate on Trump supporters resorting to real violence this time …
Here’s drone footage of that little gathering the BBC and much of the msm are determined to ignore, belittle or vilify.
It feels like they are all being tested but they just can’t make the grade.
I thought Jenrick might be the guy to give some hope to the tories. Then he opens his mouth. Amazing how quickly you can go off people.
BBC N. America Ed finds a way to turn things around.
“It’s about time for a female president”
Sarah Smith talks to barber shop owner Herbert Williams to find out why he voted for Kamala Harris
I thought I saw Jenrick’s name this morning on a loaf of bread in Tescos.
Then I reread it and it said “thick cut”
They are showing their true colours. If Tommy Robinson did nothing else he has certainly helped us to flush out the swamp rats.
One term tice …
Jenrick is one of those entitled repulsive false tories who destroyed their party and installed TTK . It’s unfortunate that unlike so many lefty blues he didn’t lose his seat .
You can see how close the blues and the reds are – with traitor remainer gauke being given a job in the injustice ministry in order to get his £Peerage £ next year …
There really should be a “Made me laugh” category for complaints:
“Held annually in April and October,” … is that annual? I’m not sure it is.
Diversity is so much better than a peaceful rally in TR’s name innit?
Freedom of movement, to beg on out streets:
“How Romanian ‘Fagin’ gang bosses are using a network of organised beggars ‘pretending to be homeless’ with the same handwritten sign to prey on Brit shoppers on Oxford Street”
Socalist thug MP in action, on CCTV :
“Moment Labour MP Mike Amesbury sucker punched constituent and then beat him six times him while he lay on the ground caught on shocking CCTV footage”
I hear that Harris woman is talking about women through history that inspired her:
“They all laughed at Joan of Arc, but she went ahead and built it anyway. “
Just …. Don’t …..
Disturbing footage of a labour MP🤪decking someone in the street and hitting them on the ground . Will he be arrested and charged ? Whip suspended ? Suspended from parliament. – unlikely in the current TTK regime ….
Bbc newsflash:
An Isreali man’s life was saved when he was given a Palestinian man’s heart in a transplant operation.
He’s doing fine, but the bad news is he can’t stop throwing rocks at himself.
The bbc reported the charging of a ‘man’ after three murders in Dagenham istan. As usual – when it’s a third worlder – the name isn’t mentioned –
So I looked it up – Kulvinder Ram .
Ethnics allegedly killing isn’t part of the ‘approved ‘ BBC scheme – the soviet method of omission …
If only teachers, politicians and the media would show such sense in dealing with the cosplayers….cats, dogs or ‘women’.
Hmmmm…heading is kind of half the story isn’t it?…..
‘One dead, dozens injured after truck hits Israel bus stop’
Using ‘vehicles as weapons’?…..maybe the BBC could apply the same criteria to the likes of Chris Kaba…that well known unarmed black man murdered by racist white police.
Talk about slightly biased and one-sided….emotive propaganda not news….
‘BBC correspondent: I fled Gaza but I’m overwhelmed by guilt about family still there’
‘It’s been 10 months since my family left Gaza but we continue to live with the loss, the pain, the impact of the war in all its excruciating detail.
This month – just before the anniversary of the beginning of the conflict – we saw the most harrowing eight hours we’ve experienced in that time.
We received a video message from my wife’s cousin in Gaza, saying: “The tanks are surrounding us and firing at us. These could be the last moments of our lives.
“Pray for us and do anything to save us.”
My wife collapsed, she even lost consciousness: her uncle, aunts and their families – 26 people in total – were all under attack.’
Probably dancing the bloody quickstep on October 8th last year
Have a look at the wiki pedia entry for Michael ‘Mike’ Amesbury – the now suspended ( by the Labour Party ) MP for engaging in street fighting . It is so stereo typical for a labour mp I laughed out loud . He ll be okay though because before being a red MP he was an advisor to angee scum Raynor … and he is also an anti semitic remainer tick those boxes Mike – you gotta thumping majority ….
Will you get two years for a guilty plea and a suicide a month later …TTK style … ?
Mike “Tyson” Amesbury must go down for that. It looks really gruesome…
If some grandfather, older than Amesbury, can get 2 years and 8 months for essentially swearing loudly in public at the police, then battering a bloke while he’s semi-conscious on the pavement should get this fat lump 10 years. Of course it won’t…
Being a pal of two-tier Keir, he’ll probably get a few hours pottering about doing community service.
I have to say, didn’t see anything like this at yesterday’s patriotic demo.
And yet according to Labour, we’re the thugs…
Surely a shoo in for a ministerial post at the Justice department.
In honour of MM ….. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Today is the only day of the year you can hate the BBC for 25 hours.
Harry that’s deep and so true …