The BBC deceives the people who are forced to pay for it by various forms of omission . Demonstrations such as the huge ‘British ‘ one on Saturday are ignored because they don’t fit the far left anti British agenda . The names of foreigners charged with serious crimes are omitted from news reports – career criminals are treated as innocents when they meet their rightful end – stories about approved ‘victims ‘ such as Islamic Hamas supporters gets detailed ritualised reporting – but not those of unapproved victims such as Israelis or victims of the British criminal justice system . And all this comes via a compulsory tax . Don’t pay it .
Start The Week 28th October 2024
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2021 … “Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer”
2024 … “Starmer: Working People Know Who They Are”
All this ‘reparation’ cobblers is beginning to irk me more than somewhat…
With both KC3and his sunshine band member Dai Lamworth, spouting inconsequential inanities, can some under-used snivil serpent please tot up all the returns UK Inc. has provided for African, Caribbean, Asian etc. etc. countries – and their assorted despots and their ugly families, and see how much they all owe us now!
After Wednesday, and Elton’s song, ‘The Bitch is back’ becomes a number one hit again, I know that I’ll struggle to balance the month’s pension, especially as I got excruciating cramp again last night, and now really need those expensive New Era tablets replacing…
Starmer will have a price on his head before too long, he’s already alienated President Trump, with ridiculous strutting posturing, allowed the toxic idiot Milliband to p**s billions up the wall, given the slackers in all the flunky Whitehall offices a huge payrise, and is now slaughtering us ‘reasonably’ oldies just for keeping him in prezzies and expenses we all dream about.
And after paying taxes for sixty years, I now have to fund the president’s second cousin’s feckless brats in some far-off s**thole as ‘reparation’!
Well I’m bloody well not going to, so there!
Scroblene unfortunately I think although the exact mechanisms e.g. reparations have not been set, the general movement of wealth to reduce ‘inequalities’ is ramping up.
All the media discussions and ‘reasoned analysis’ we get to hear are downstream from decisions already made re: global equity / Agenda 2030 etc.
Dear Friends in the Caribbean,
We are still awaiting reparations from the Romans, Vikings and Normans. But we’ve had a look at history and can recommend that you ask for reparations from Benin, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria, Ghana and Mali for capturing and selling slaves to Europeans.
Meanwhile, given that Britain led the way in ending slavery, spending an astonishing 40 per cent of our entire national budget in 1833 to buy freedom for slaves, and a further 2 per cent of our GDP on the West Africa Squadron which seized more than 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 captives (at a cost of 1,600 Royal Navy sailors), we would like you to thank us by offering to pay 40 per cent of our annual budget this year and 2 per cent of our GDP. That’s £480billion + £11.4billion = £494.1billion.
We are prepared to settle for £450billion (we estimate this will be the size of Rachel Reeves’s ‘black hole’ on Wednesday).
The invoice is in the post!
Love, Britain
Sadly Terms, I fear you’re right…
The little people we have in Strummer and his lightweights have all been told what to do ages ago!
Foghorn’s ‘budget’, i.e. orders from the same evil bunch, presumably will allow for this!
Fabulous, Atlas!
I promise I hadn’t seen this before I scribbled my ire, but that just about sums up the poor quality of diplomacy which is now headed up from Buck House as well!
Snivel Serpent – new one to me, love it !!
Not BBC but MSNBC, who have really gone off the deep end:
Wow the old derangement syndrome is alive and well – I guess senator kennedy campaigning for a healthy America at the meeting is evidence that trump wants to build a master race …..instead of a bunch of morbidly obese in breds …
Does the SWP put their printing contract out to competitive tender?
It must be worth quite a few bob.
so, Sky will follow MSNBC – having the same ownership
@Terminal – The only similarity is that lots of people showed up.
Way more than Lyin’ Biden or Cackling Kamala could ever dream of.
The Dems are going to have to work overtime to steal the election this time.
But they will.
Times Radio was pumping this out as well…I expect Today mentioned it….though the BBC is more concerned about the dodgy comedian, who was remarkably unfunny….there’s endless BBC comment about him but hardly a thing about what Trump said other than dismissing his comments about migrants as ‘anti-migrant rhetoric’…and I believe Trump spoke for 2 hours…so must have said other things.
You have to wonder if the comedian was actually paid by the Democrats to do that so stupid was it..even the crowd hated it…but of course the BBC doesn’t mention that. Follow the money.
TR jailed for 18 months FFS
TR should self identify as a wimmin and the UK should deport the judge for contempt of the UK and enemy of the realm:
Wear a HIjab!
TR is now described in the BBC news as ‘anti Muslim ‘ – setting him up for the Muslim gangs and officers in the prisons he is about to go to …..
Desperate news – and no comments allowed …
The control of the public square has been the essential tool that the Globalist elite have used to push their agenda and silence any opposition. But that control is weakening as the internet is allowing people ever greater access to other points of view and opinion .
They are still just about able to portray TR as a racist thug and convince Joe Public of it. But within a few more years they won’t be able to do so as most people will not be getting their news and comment from the legacy media.
Hence the elite are desperate to get the On Line Harms bill passed and it certainly will be as most MPs are in the Globalist Uniparty. It remains to be seen how effective it will be in giving them control of the Internet. That will be the battle of the next few years and if the Globalists lose it they will be routed very quickly.
Yeah…Heard that…thought ‘anti-Islam’ might be a better choice of wording.
What’s behind the TR story that the BBC doesn’t report
Amesbury punches defenseless member of the public to the ground and continues to punch him while helpless.
Smarmer/Reeves will punch defenseless people of Britain to the ground and will continue punch us while helpless.
Forced myself to put the world at one on
Yen egland of the Norwegian refugee council was doing a defence of the UNRA terrorist wing of Islamic Hamas . He likened those UN employees who went into Israel on 7 October as like bad apples in the metropolitan police … I have to admit when he came out with his pro Hamas UN defence my eye brows lifted …..
The Israeli parliament is to vote on banning it at 6pm tonight and hopefully it will be banned . Me – I’d declare the UN an enemy organisation like the bbc – if I was in the IDF …
“Starmer says Budget will include tax rises to prevent austerity”
Tommy must make sure he gets the message out that he is in good health and has absolutely no intention of committing suicide as he starts his sentence.
If any harm comes to him it will be other people causing it and not any kind of self harm by their latest political prisoner Tommy.
TTK in action.
Slight problem though. TR is his own worst enemy. He doesn’t need to push it so close to the line. It doesn’t add to the story and just gives his leftwing opponents ammunition which they use, as here, in the courts. Let the facts do the talking.
Sorry Sluff, that’s bollocks.
If it wasn’t for TR the media would have you believing that the Syrian refugee had been the victim of a vile racist attack. It was all over the media and it was a blatant lie.
The usual talking heads, the repulsive Piers Morgan being chief among many, was leading the lynch mob to have the “assailant” hung drawn and quartered. The poor lad and his family had to move house and the kid attempted to kill himself.
What Tommy’s documentary clearly showed us was a very different story, corroborated by the headmaster, several teachers, numerous pupils and their parents.
Now, of course, a schoolyard scrap should never have attracted such attention, it was a storm in a teacup. However, with the opportunity of a bit of virtue signalling, you’re not going to stop gobshites like Morgan from wobbling his jowls in manufactured, self-righteous fury.
In fact, the Syrian kid was very troubled, a bully who constantly picked on younger children and attacked girls. The boy who supposedly “waterboarded” him, merely threw water on his head.
Sluff, in future, try thinking before you start tapping your keyboard.
There are already enough gloating liars in the MSM…
TR – amazing how quickly they can act when they are afraid of exposure. But we already knew that.
He needs his head examined. I mean that quite literally.
Amnesty UK breaks silence after activist clapped Labour councillor’s ‘cut throats’ threat
Calp for the NHS and cutting costs and cutting throats!
Nasty little weasel. Used to work for the BBC, surprise, surprise, the incubator of all things evil and hard-left.
I’ve seen nicer things floating in the Mersey.
In Hull we used to call them Barnsley logs.
Curious he doesn’t report what goes on in the local mosques…probably keep him busy for a while.
This is the speech Tommy prepared for court today, unfortunately he wasn’t able to give the speech but it is his wish that you all get to read it for yourselves.
Your honour, I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press. My duty as a journalist is to uncover the truth and I have worked for years to shine light on challenges in society that no one else is willing to speak about.
Have you watched the documentary Your Honour?
If you have watched the film ‘Silenced’ Your Honour you will have seen that I didn’t make accusations and I didn’t make assumptions in the film. I simply repeated what I was told by the Head Teacher of the school and others and what was written in black and white in school documents. I let the witnesses give their testimonies and made it clear that Jamal, in his right to reply, denies all of their accusations against him. I explain Justice Nicklin’s verdict and I explain that I lost the case.
There was nothing else I could have included because Jamal didn’t bring any evidence to court and he didn’t bring anyone to court to speak for him apart from his father, Jihad. No teachers. No social workers. No friends.
It is for this,… REPORTING… for this that I am facing these charges, for this I am facing the prospect of time in a maximum security prison with the risks to my life that presents.
Justice Nicklin’s verdict in this case is extraordinary and while the case caused my divorce and bankruptcy, far more important is the impact his verdict has had on those courageous children who came to court to testify in my defence.
Justice Nicklin effectively discarded their testimonies. He said he didn’t know why they were lying but called them liars nevertheless.
Charlie, a grade A student, didn’t even like me or support me but was courageous enough to come to court to testify. She had a breakdown, she had to be sectioned. Justice Nicklin caused that.
Bailey Maclaren had tried to commit suicide. Thankfully he has started to rebuild his life. He has to overcome the lie that he is racist.
Many others have been affected.
The collateral damage of this scandalous verdict was too great for the public not to know the truth.
Some people still believe the legacy media is there to report what is happening, the truth, rather than push strongly biased accounts driven by ideology or political agendas.
Well, in this case, the press only attended court on the day Jamal and his father gave their accounts. They then left court and didn’t bother to return to hear the testimony of the children who were witnesses for the defence.
The whole balanced picture could not be reported by the legacy media because they weren’t there; they weren’t interested in what the children testifying for the defence had to say.
And then Justice Nicklin tried to prevent the whole picture being given to the public by issuing his injunction, banning the film. Justice Nicklin has banned me from presenting the same evidence that was presented in court.
If it is such a clear-cut case, why is it necessary to hide the facts from the public. If they watched the testimonies of the witnesses, they would surely come to the same conclusion as Justice Nicklin.
What’s the agenda here?
Well the injunction was apparently to protect Jamal’s reputation. Yet it’s not the reputation of Jamal that has been damaged by this legal circus.
I don’t wish any ill for Jamal. I personally think he was a victim of his own predatory lawyers and those who blasted this story around the world for their own purposes.
It’s very telling that Jamal hasn’t asked for me to be prosecuted in this case. Neither have his lawyers. The case has been brought by the Attorney General, by the Government.
In my view there are similarities with the Post OMice case. Powerful interests hiding the truth for their own purposes regardless of the terrible consequences for those innocent children I have mentioned, and others.
I could have shown the film ‘Silenced’ at any point in the preceding three years. I didn’t.
However, I did make the decision to play this film in Trafalgar Square on the 27th July this year. and I am grateful to
and X for allowing the film to remain available; for standing for freedom of speech and a free press.
So if you’re asking me whether I plead guilty or not guilty, yes, I’m guilty of showing the film in Trafalgar Square on 27th July. And I am guilty of JOURNALISM.
And, although not for you Your Honour, nor for your court nor for the entire justice system, I do have contempt for Justice Nicklin’s ruling and the actions that attempt to hide the truth from the public.
Justice Nicklin fell out with his own father before the case, arguing about me. He should have recused himself before the case even began.
The world is watching. I stand for the truth, for freedom of speech and freedom of the press and if that puts me on the wrong side of Justice Nicklin’s injunction, then so be it.
If I have to sit in jail for speaking the truth; Well I am just one of many people now that this government is imprisoning for things they say; political prisoners.
This government is releasing violent offenders early to make space for people who tweet things they disagree with.
Peter Lynch is the first to have paid the ultimate price. A sixty-one year-old father, and grandfather, non-violent but imprisoned for his views and his speech.
If I have to sit in jail for refusing to be silenced for reporting information that was brought to me for journalism…
Then I am prepared for that.
Thank you
Your Honour.
All well and good, so why plead guilty?
Why wasn’t he able to give the speech ?
Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted 10 breaches of a High Court order made in 2021 during a hearing at Woolwich Crown Court.
Having watched the video it would seem he had plenty of evidence to back up everything he said….curious the BBC isn’t interested in this case as so many credible witnesses backed Robinson’s ‘false claims’….you would think they woud be knocking on doors asking questions and digging out that evidence….but of course it’s Tommy Robinson so suddenly justice can be put on hold.
Journalist Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of a very corrupt court by repeating true claims against a Syrian refugee. A bent Judge called, Justice Matthew Nicklin, was angry that the former Headmaster of Almondbury School was secretly interviewed, because he said he feared telling the truth because the Labour Party had bribe everyone to keep silent.
LAWFARE: A Totalitarian State by Tommy Robinson:
Keir Starmer: I will abolish House of Lords to ‘restore trust in politics’
What a missed opportunity to do the right thing. Oh Charles , it was sharp enough , long enough and he was in just the right position.
Fertility rate in England and Wales drops to new low
Muhammad held onto the boy’s top spot, while Olivia makes a triumphant return to number one in the girl’s list.
2020 WE ARE ALL EQUAL COMRADES…. “Alcohol will not be served after 10pm in parliament in an apparent U-turn, after it emerged that Commons bars would be exempt from strict early closing rules imposed across the country.”
apparent U-turn HA HA HA HAH AHAH AH A!
Britain today: they harass, persecute and jail patriots.
They throw open the doors to invaders.
They bow down to our enemies within and without.
They release criminals from jail to make space for innocent protestors and online bloggers.
They tax the workers to death to give benefits to those who hate us and abuse the system.
They take the knee to dead thugs in America while beating their own people to the ground, then they keep beating.
That guy on the ground: that’s you, my friend, and me.
And they call YOU far right and racist on top of it. To justify their own hatred.
Yes, and the list could be way longer.
They don’t like Russians. So I think its because white people look like Russians, and black people don’t look like Russians.
They take the knee to people who don’t look like Russians, but not to little girls who look like Russians, because their heads were chopped off by someone who doesn’t look like a Russian.
Russians, eh?
Don’t underestimate @mariannaspring – those who want to silence her don’t. Her energy and commitment matched only by her courage. On the most important beat of our time. #journalismmatters
Underestimate at your peril.
BBC’s Head of Disinformation Fooled By Fake Wombat Memes
Trivial enough, but, ‘her ‘top scoop’ about Trump supporters supposedly crafting “deepfakes portraying black people as supporting the former president” turned out to just be images from a parody account.’ More of concern.
Especially when ‘the most important beat of our time’ is apparently headed by a ditz in a room with a computer and ‘to do’ list from upstairs.
There’s some nice pictures of Ruby the Russian cargo ship docked in the UK, on various news sites – Filled with cheese apparently?
They could have saved a lot of money by not bothering to have the Tommy Robinson trial because the result was a foregone conclusion.
We all knew they would find him guilty, that was no surprise at all.
I’ve lost all faith in this Country.
I don’t believe anything the government come out with and I’m sure all their statistics are fiddled.
I don’t believe the media. GBN is ok but are running scared of Ofcom so are limited in how much truth they are allowed to tell us.
I don’t think I’m alone in feeling like this.
So, Tommy’s in Belmarsh for showing a film…
Someone’s grandpa died in nick for shouting rude words at the police.
Pakistani thugs, who brutally assaulted the police, are wandering freely after breaking a female officer’s nose.
And Huw Edwards has been sent home after watching kiddie porn.
Someone tell me this is just a bad dream…
Actual FOREIGN pedophiles can’t be deported cos of HUMAN RIGHTS laws
Yet the Deepstate chose to impose dracon rules on people it chooses to label FarRight
James Goddard says he has been forbidden contact with his daughter until she is 18
Sam Melia was forgiven contact with his toddlers for months
After months of legal challenging the state suddenly backed down
Speaker Lindsay Hoyle went ballistic in the Commons today regarding Reeve’s pre Budget press conference. Reeves revealed that the Government was changing fiscal rules to spend more money. Speaker Hoyle Lambasted Reeve’s and said that important announcements should have been made in the House of Commons. I’m not sure if he also had a go at Smarmer’s very strange pre Budget speech as well.
It’s the sidelining of Parliament that David Starkey is constantly attacking Labour/Bliar and Smarmer for. When Starkey draws attention to these matters I’m sure that many of us see the truth in what he says. It’s all about taking away control from us.
Our prisons are crawling with muslims where they are hugely over-represented proportionately.
Good luck Tommy.
Sadiq Khan’s carbon emissions coming along nicely.
Electric Bin Lorry Catches fire.
Rubbish goes up in smoke
Bin Lorry up in smoke
3 fire tenders
Road completely blocked
hollow high dudgeon from a f’ing hypocrite who when handed clear evidence of wrondoing and misleading Parliament by dick pic artist William Wragg chose to ignore it.
Look like he came from a sesh the subsidised bar…
“British Political Prisoners Targeted By Islamic Cellmates”
Reports are emerging that those protesters that Adolph Starmer sent down to his Gulag are getting harshly treated and beaten up by you-know-who.
Even the muslim editor of some muslim news site was gloating that they could expect ‘double punishment’ in our wonderfully diverse prisons.
Last time he was in jail he stayed in his cell, on his own, he knows what the authorities will try, and this time the world will be watching.
I think it’s the prison officers most likely to be attackers . talks …
local ITV news
South of region
Bulgarian jailed after smashing pub landlord to death with the baseball bat the landlord came out with, to stop the guy and his girlfriend fighting.
The Bulgarian tried to flee but was arrested at the airport,
West of region
It’s two incidents, two different killers
Read carefully
Erm, yes SG, would help indeed to read carefully before one critiques would it not………
The BBC’s usual modus operandi is to report that the Israelis were firing ‘at a hospital’….with no mention of why they might be doing that…or that in fact they were firing not ‘at a hospital’ but at terrorists inside the hospital who were firing at them….which kind of puts a completely different slant on such a report.
Even now as Israel reports that it has captured 100 terrorists inside an hospital the BBC can’t bring itself to report that straight….
‘One medic left at Gaza hospital as Israel says it arrested 100 ‘terrorists’’
The BBC tells us…
‘The Israeli raid injured medics and killed patients at the hospital, health officials said.’
Then they tell us what the Israelis say…
‘The Israeli army published a video purporting to show the interrogation of an ambulance driver who had worked at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
In the video, the authenticity of which could not be verified by the BBC, the alleged driver’s face is blurred. The man says Hamas militants operated in the hospital. ‘
Note it fully accepts what ‘health officials’ say but question the Israeli claims…despite the video.
Much of the rest of the report is hysterical speculation and invention…but the BBC reports it as fact.
Looking for this story on the BBC….oddly missing or tucked away where it won’t be noticed…story was out yesterday so plenty of time to dig deep…and then think of a way to downplay it…or just ignore it as they have done…
‘Sir Chris Whitty is accused of ‘obscene hypocrisy’ after supporting top doctor who breached Covid lockdown when she broke rules they set for the public’
‘Sir Chris Whitty has been accused of ‘obscene hypocrisy’ after privately backing a doctor who broke Covid rules during the height of the lockdown.
While members of the public were instructed to wash their hands and stay at home, Scotland’s chief medical officer Dr Catherine Calderwood was out on a train visiting her second house.
And it has now emerged that Sir Chris, England’s chief medical officer and the man dishing out the rules, supported her behind closed doors.
Other senior officials such as Sir Jonathan Van Tam also told Dr Calderwood via WhatsApp she was ‘doing a fantastic job’ while Sir Michael McBride, Northern Ireland’s chief medical officer, urged Dr Calderwood to ‘ignore’ the damning reports.’
The mail has named the victim of the assaults by a labour MP -I don’t know if TTK plod have arrested him for riot yet and got him the usual 2 year death sentence ….
MikeAmesbury’s tweet
“Last night, I was involved in an incident that took place after I felt threatened on the street following an evening out with friends
Community noted now
‘see the Mail Online for CCTV’
ChrisRose questions when Mike Amesbury will start his own ceasefire
he quotes
Have ever mentioned that projection is a libmob characteristic ?
.. oh and HYPOCRISY
Amesbury led a debate on retail workers being assaulted in 2020.
“Anyone who is assaulted deserves to be protected by the law… What is more, despite ample evidence, some cases are not being prosecuted, even when there is clear video footage of an assault.”
A paradox that illegal migrants setting fire to asylum centres and rioting are mere ‘protestors’ whilst people with white skin are far-right thugs, criminals and racists.
From way back in 2002 but still goes on more recently…
‘The £100m Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre was wrecked today when asylum seekers facing deportation lit a series of fires during a mass breakout.
There were reports that detainees smashed CCTV cameras and stormed the centre’s hi-tech control room to destroy equipment and records before fires were lit, causing damage worth an estimated £35m.
Four female members of the nursing staff were reportedly “besieged” when they were locked in a room by detainees while the building was burning….Officers were beaten by detainees and had their keys snatched.
Six people, including two police officers, were injured and the 400 detainees in the centre – failed asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected – were evacuated from the buildings, a fire spokeswoman said.’
Ah yeah but….the real problem is that there were no sprinklers and anyway….poor little lambs…
‘Mark Littlewood, from human rights group Liberty, said: “The early indications are that the conditions at the centre were pretty harsh. Sooner or later it’s not surprising an incident like this would occur, which isn’t to condone the violence.
“To put hundreds of people together in one place rather than dispersing them across the country is much more likely to trigger this sort of incident.
“We need to take a long, hard look at the incident and at the treatment of asylum seekers in general. They need to be treated fairly, calmly and justly not like common criminals.”‘
Katie Hopkins opinion on the TR case
The UK court system i so broken that I wouldn’t put much much weight on anyone’s court verdict before the fuk appeals process has finished
Mr Politico made convincing claims that not all of TR’s claims about the boy are true
However the MSM seem way less accurate than him.
I hope there is an appeal
Deploy the squirrels!
Two pieces of information here, not entirely unconnected IMHO:
1) Starmer warns that Brits face higher taxes FOREVER and he could raise them AGAIN to prop up the NHS and public services because the Budget must confront ‘harsh fiscal reality’
2) How ‘Ponzi scheme’ public sector pensions threaten to bankrupt Britain. ‘Scandalous’ system will rack up a multi-trillion pound bill that taxpayers will pay. The public sector pension “Ponzi scheme” will blow a multi-trillion pound hole in Britain’s finances, a senior economist has warned.
Former Bank of England economist and author, Neil Record, said it was an “absolute scandal” that successive governments had failed to confront the “appalling situation” head on. He warned that when the system finally becomes unaffordable, the Government will need to find money elsewhere to plug the pensions gap – at a cost to taxpayers of £50bn a year and rising.
In the meantime, the cost of paying all pensions promises made so far has swelled to £4.9 trillion – almost twice the national debt of around £2.7 trillion. Analysis of government accounts for The Telegraph also reveals the true cost of funding the gold-plated retirement incomes that are guaranteed to rise in line with inflation.
Labour are working on enhanced employment rights for workers. It will include a number of new and enhanced rights:
1) Unfair dismissal protection from day one
2)Right to guaranteed working hours for those on zero hour contracts (I thought the idea of zero hour contracts was that it might involve zero hours?)
3)Enhanced sick pay rights, parental leave.
There are a lot of other measures which although less prominent are still significant.
This Act, when it passes through Parliament will be a significant extra burden on business. Quite obvious you might think but there is a huge elephant in the room, the public sector.
The fact is that all the new employment stuff will not only apply to business employment, it will also apply to public sector employment. What it will mean are massive extra costs for the public sector as if it wasn’t already a massive drain on the British economy.
The public sector is generally offers fairly well protected employment already but this legislation will ensure that all of them, however incompetent, will have a job for life.
As an example I hear today that on any school day there are on average 14,000 teachers absent due to calling in sick. Although some absence is undoubtedly genuine a lot isn’t and this can only worsen with this legislation. What also has to be accounted for as well is the cost of paying for agency staff at great cost.
£22Bn black hole? £40Bn? …………The sky’s the limit.
Ed MilliBrain “Britain is back in the business of global climate leadership.”
793 Likes ..ratioed bu 3,100 replies CCBGB
The blackouts will be worth it ‘saving the economy – saving the planet ‘ – that’s labour ….. .and then there’s the real world …
I got confused listening to the great leader today – one minute he was fixing the foundations – then he had a mouldy ceiling – I wondered whether his paki millionaire mate would give him a few bob ….
The long statement TR was prevented from making in court
some of his points
“I don’t wish any ill for Jamal.
I personally think he was a victim of his own predatory lawyers and those who blasted this story around the world for their own purposes.
In my view there are similarities with the Post Office case. Powerful interests hiding the truth for their own purposes regardless of the terrible consequences for those innocent children I have mentioned, and others.
…. So if you’re asking me whether I plead guilty or not guilty, yes, I’m guilty of showing the film in Trafalgar Square on 27th July. And I am guilty of JOURNALISM.”
He goes onto to say that the judge who made the initial finding was clearly not acting correctly, so TR feels he must make a stand
“If I have to sit in jail for speaking the truth; Well I am just one of many people now that this government is imprisoning for things they say; political prisoners.
If I have to sit in jail for refusing to be silenced for reporting information that was brought to me for journalism…
Then I am prepared for that. … “
“Punching a man while he’s down
.. that’s just normal Labour behaviour!
What is a ‘working person,’ according to Labour
I have to say no site chippy I ever worked with looked like her.
Mike Amesbury shouted for others to resign