The BBC deceives the people who are forced to pay for it by various forms of omission . Demonstrations such as the huge ‘British ‘ one on Saturday are ignored because they don’t fit the far left anti British agenda . The names of foreigners charged with serious crimes are omitted from news reports – career criminals are treated as innocents when they meet their rightful end – stories about approved ‘victims ‘ such as Islamic Hamas supporters gets detailed ritualised reporting – but not those of unapproved victims such as Israelis or victims of the British criminal justice system . And all this comes via a compulsory tax . Don’t pay it .
Start The Week 28th October 2024
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I was trying to post this earlier but my laptop went crazy ape bonkers. Seems to be ok again now. In case it disappears from the internet; Tommy’s Lawfare film that they showed yesterday at the gathering. From Rumble;
It was posted there yesterday, I can’t find it on youtube.
DOH the video has been available on Twitter for a year plus, cos it counts such relaying of opinion, as free speech.
He ain’t wrong
Talking of middle class mid wits there was one on just now on Times Radio – Robin Wosisname. Brought on to comment on the news he calls Trump a fascist. This all because of a comment a comedian made in a warm-up act at the Maddison Garden rally. He then doubles down and says he was calling him a fascist even on Trumps first term.
Trump never invaded Poland or Abyssinia. He never started a war when he was in office, he never engaged in genocide. I really fail to understand why UK media feel they can throw around such a disgusting slur. The anchor at the time made no attempt to reign in this unhinged commentator.
Where is OffCon when you need it? Busy helping these leftist twats I guess.
“Thou shall not bear false witness”
Nazi and fascist are so intrinsically linked to the horrors of the WW2 concentration camps, they should not be used in other context.
Falsely equating the horrors the victims went through, to your own victimhood cos you don’t like something a political opponent said, is a great insult to the memory of the WW2 victims.
However SMEAR-LABELLING of political opponents does work
.. but resorting to it shows you know your proper arguments are weak.
@ Tomo,
like these smug entitled twats who conveniently ignored the fact that Obama deported more immigrants and started building a border wall.
And scrubbing any negative comments below this awful bloody embarrassing charade. (democracy eh ?)
One recent comment:
Almost like they can’t stand to hear difference of opinion.. remind me again what are people of that nature called? Is it by any chance the same sort they claim to be fighting against?
God I hope immigrants take all this lots jobs
£2000 keyboards, £1000 guitars and brass instruments etc
Watching as much of the above videos as I could stomach reminded me, if you say fuck off backwards, it still says fuck off but in an Irish accent.
We used to have village idiots, but with the internet the F’ckers have gone global, being popular on youtube is like sitting at the cool table in a canteen at Broadmoor.
I suspect the whole family continually mistake “wows” for compliments.
“Luke Tryl, the executive director of More in Common, said the collapse in Sir Keir’s approval rating was “unprecedented” compared with other prime ministers in the modern era.”
BBC news
Excellent news – Israel has voted to ban the UNhamas supply organisation . So rare for a country to be so strong defending itself – if only Britain could adopt that focus to deal with the daily invasion .
It’s obvious that the UN was taken over by Hamas in the Palestinian areas of Israel and watched / helped build the tunnels – that can’t be left unpunished .
This was banned by the Washington Post…go figure, the enemy within
“The Washington Post made a huge mistake in killing this cartoon.
The Washington Post has apologized (in full cringe mode) over the cartoon above, which the paper published Wednesday. But the apology is the mistake, not the publication.
In it, artist Michael Ramirez makes a powerful point about what’s really going on in Gaza: Hamas is using the Palestinian people as human shields while blaming Israel for the result.
Indeed, the terrorists savor every innocent killed as Israel moves to eliminate the terrorist group that slaughtered roughly 1,400 of its citizens, along with mass rapes and the kidnapping of 200-plus hostages it still holds — and is also using as human shields.
Opinion editor David Shipley says the cartoon “was seen by many readers as racist” — though the drawing is simply, and plainly, a caricature of an actual Hamas spokesman who celebrated the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks across southern Israel. The paper has pulled the ’toon off its website and is “also publishing a selection of responses to the caricature,” Shipley writes.
This retreat simply encourages those objecting to a message — in this case, Ramirez’s — to cry “Racism” so as to censor it, and to intimidate anyone who agrees with Ramirez into shutting up.”
The Washington Post – a former newspaper – is now a gutless, feeble, woke, liberal, wet rag.
And I use ‘liberal’ as an insult.
Every so often the BBC rolls out saffron cordory who is the head of ‘nhs providers ‘ which is more than a misnomer . It seems that the taxes raised to ‘fund the nhs ‘ will be going on pay and pensions .
Do you notice the figures aren’t mentioned much ?- £180 billion to ‘fund ‘ the nhs per year with 1.7 million staff – a monster ….
So all our cash is regularly thrown into a black hole .
I wish I could opt out …. I have to pay £20 for a flu jab and £65 for a PSA prostate test because the NHS won’t do then – eff it .
Meesh interviews the daughter of David Amess . Islam isn’t mentioned – Muslim terrorist isn’t mentioned . The reason for his slaughter isn’t mentioned . The name of the corrupt coroner and negligent police isn’t given .
His daughter has started a civil action – but can’t do it without money ….
The usual whitewash over the threat of Islamic terrorism killing …
Working Class – a diversity NHS Nurse on 60K.
“Diversity Inclusion & Wellbeing Manager
NHS North East London”
£58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
Heartbreaking moment elderly Jewish woman sobs as she’s ‘hounded and intimidated’ by pro-Palestine protestors outside community centre in London
“A “Pro-Palestine” demo chants, “THERE IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. INTIFADA. REVOLUTION” outside a Jewish Community Centre in London today.
The intifada saw Jews slaughtered on buses, in cafes and night clubs by Islamist terrorists”
So the Emir of London does have a sense of humour.
“Lots of policemen apparently sitting in their cars as pro terrorist supporters (‘no peace on stolen land’) intimidate people outside London’s Jewish Community Centre.
Why do we let pro terrorist people get away with this? Why?”
Starmer’s in the pocket of the muslims, and Khan… well, enough said.
And the police are too busy persecuting patriots, and too gutless.
Watch: Keir Starmer speaks to Sadiq Khan about how he celebrates Eid
Boy, are they pally. Get a room, guys!
Khunt is literally feeding his bestie lines and egging him on to be more robust against critics of islam, and Starmer is all too willing to oblige.
And within days of taking power, he started the crackdown.
Khunt must be so proud of him.
A room on expenses with Lord Alli!
Does he slit a sheep’s throat in the street?
Will the BBC talk about Hamas surrendering, thereby saving the lives of its people who can then look forward to a peaceful, prosperous future?
You know who’s really hoping for Trump to win?
The poor bastards who were convicted for the January 6 fake ‘insurrection’ and are still rotting in jail for their non crime. A bit like our own political prisoners, but worse.
Interesting how savagely vindictive the so-called ‘liberals’ are, isn’t it?
Here’s a ‘J-Sixer’ begging for people to vote Trump, in the hope he will have them released.
Toxic Toads – no, not our elite’s view of us ordinary British people.
That’s in fact: Free* Halloween sweets from M&S food (care of the Daily Mail) * On line access. Mail account… 10,000 only. Terms apply – more small print than a dodgy Labour budget – I think you’ll agree after tomorrow.
We reconvene this morning after a Labour MP has beclowned himself caught on CCTV punching down on an angry voter.
MP ‘punched man in row over winter fuel’ (Telegraph)
There were apparently also local constituency issues raised before the fight broke out: …argument over cuts to the winter fuel allowance and a local bridge closure… (Telegraph)
Credit where credit is due – even to the left-liberal-leaning Times, our constant purveyor of regime central anti-Russian agit-prop and pro-EU astro-turfed blather wherever in the world it may be found: Voter Anger Thousands of Georgians protest in Tiblisi…alleged Russian interference… – well, I see possibly a hundred people in that frontpage pic – EU flags and printed placards written in English of course. And there we were thinking the two main EU languages these days were French and German?
But the Times earns kudos for upping their tabloid-style headline game concerning that knockout blow dealt to the Cheshire voter complaining about his local transport infrastructure: A bridge too far – we know we have several MPs named Muhammad and Keir Starmer’s best mate is Lord Alli… we didn’t know there was one who could ‘cut like a Tory and fell electors like a tree’
The Times further apes the red top style with their: …baby bump slump
So relax Labour MPs – there will be far less of us Brits left to bother you in future. Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.
Jewy despicable classification (there’s one for librarians)
Talking of a bridge too far… seems our literary set are keen to abridge Israel’s access to their right-on lefty book club: …petition calling for Israel’s book industry to be frozen out (Times)
One track mind… Confessions of a trainspotter (‘i’)
Geek jailed for turning child photos into AI pornographic images (giveaway Metro)
Our mat Matt in the Telegraph cheers us somewhat with his sketch of an office worker at his desk, presumably reading a budget preview, complaining: “When AI takes my job it will be shocked to see how much tax it has to pay”
Why no picture/story of Keir Starmer – on 91K and needs gifts to survive the month end!
Budget: ‘I earn £1,800 a month and have nothing left at the end’
The BBC are running a pre-budget whingeathon webshite page ostensibly about what people hope will come out of the budget (for them). It has almost no-one representative of the general population but lots of situational examples. Single mothers abound (no comments made), as do carers and the disabled with, weirdly, a couple of high earners.
What got me was the woman on £33,000 a year. All in benefits !!!!!
No comment at all that she was receiving a lot more than various other examples of people working in unskilled jobs for low wages.
The BBC. Where everything should be provided by the state free of charge irrespective of personal choices made.
Did they all pay their BBC TV Tax?
The BBC lives on government handouts, so they think that’s how the world works.
Single women – no mention of father helping out?
Men with a cervix?
No Single fathers?
No Single Drag Queens?
No Single Islamists?
Good news for the BBC.
BP has announced its lowest profits for 4 years.
The last thing we need at a time of economic black holes is a successful, profitable, global company based in the UK.
Fact is, the tax base is shrinking.
Back in my day people went out to learn a skill at 16 and started paying tax at 16.
Now, after Uni, and a year out to travel, many people start paying taxes at 23/24.
Public sector jobs have ballooned, and less people doing the real work, ie that actually pays for it.
Not many English having babies, so country are reliant on low skilled migration and thick mothers having babies.
The Country is doomed, long slow decline.
That said I am alright Jack. Lots of money, living in Portugal and paying taxes in Portugal. A lot less than the UK.
Non-residents are taxed at a flat rate of 25% on their taxable remuneration (e.g. employment, self-employment, and pension income) in 2024.
Sound familiar?
3/ That’s the entire game here. Run an article in America’s “most trusted newspaper” that declares pretty much every major conservative a purveyor of “misinformation” on YouTube, thus strong-arming YouTube into taking action against conservatives.
2 comments in 9 hrs.
Hilary’s Deplorables? HA HJA HAHHA HA AHAHHA!
Starmer cannot say if a man DOES NOT have a cervix.
Starmer cannot say if you are a worker or non-worker.
Starmer can detect far right and arrest immediately.
US urges Israel to halt UN Palestinian agency ban amid fears over Gaza aid
‘Six quick points to get you across this story’
Not a single one of those ‘six points’ from the BBC describe the BIG reason that Israel have done this.
The UN have aided and abetted HAMAS to build all their infrastructure from where they hide and attack Israel. UN Hospitals and Schools have tunnel complexes under them. There is no way on Earth they were built without the UN knowing what all those resources such as concrete and machinery were being used for. The UN’s complicity with these terrorist is far, far greater than the sole reason the BBC give : ‘hostility hit a boiling point after the 7 October attacks, in which Israel claims some of the agency’s staff were involved.’.
They don’t ‘claim’ BBC. They PROVED. That’s why 9 staff got fired. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg and the BBC liars know it.
The icing on the cake is here:
‘Unrwa head Philippe Lazzarini condemned Israel’s ban as “unprecedented”, saying that it “opposes the UN Charter and violates the state of Israel’s obligations under international law”‘
After what has happened, these two corrupt officials should have resigned on the spot. Neither did and there has been no pressure whatsoever from the leftists media such as the BBC to even suggest they should.
If the BBC activists had upheld their ethical responsibility, the UN would have been held to account and changes forced to stop them supporting the terrorists. The blood of all those civilians being used as human shields (something else the BBC NEVER tell us directly) is on their hands.
That’s not even mentioning how Hezbollah built all their tunnels and bunkers right under the UN’s nose. Again, 100% certain the UN knew all about it.
Well done Israel. This should send shock waves through the world and cause the UN to be completely reformed. But it won’t because the MSM are all Jew-hating Leftist activists.
Lets hope Trump gets in and sorts them out.
“Fresh allegations of sexual abuse made against UN peacekeepers in Central African Republic”
The United Nations is investigating new allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse and other misconduct by peacekeepers in the Central African Republic (CAR), this time by forces under the world body’s flag, the top UN official there said today, as further steps are being put in place to combat the scourge.
The Byline Times has seen evidence that a total of 272 contracts worth nearly £7.2bn remain unpublished by NHS England and NHS Supply Chain Coordination, the organisation responsible for sourcing, delivery and supply of healthcare products, services and food for NHS trusts and healthcare organisations across England and Wales.
The contract awards notices were found using the government’s Contract Finder website, but the related contracts documents have still never been released, many of which were direct awards without competition.
One of the contracts was the subject of a written question by Labour MP Wes Streeting on 23 March this year.
He asked the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care “when he plans to publish details of the contract agreed for the purchase of Single Use Theatre Protective Clothing by Collaborative Procurement Partnership LLP (CPP LLP) acting on behalf of Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL).
The contract was valued at £1.7bn and awarded on 1 April 2020.
Die BBC die.
BBC will help you find fake news…
Puerto Ricans in must-win Pennsylvania say Trump rally joke won’t be forgotten
Won’t be forgotten, the bbc wont let anyone that pays attention to the ex british broadcaster
Ha – we are in sync again Andy !.
Sorry John, I thought we’re in a minority, so the bbc believe and tell us 🙂
Puerto Ricans in must-win Pennsylvania say Trump rally joke won’t be forgotten
… and here the BBC go again blowing a non-story up into a major story then running a new headline every day. It’s pathetic.
It was a warm-up act BBC. And Trump’s team have already said it does not reflect the views of Trump.
This is an incredibly lengthy article with all the usual empathy trickery they use when they are desperate to push their agenda.
I was reading elsewhere that it is looking more and more like Trump will win. This ‘joke’ shows they are absolutely desperate now : anything could happen in the next week.
And if Trump does win, I predict we will see some proper riots from the Left. Lets hope Trump arrests every one and give them a minimum of a year in jail just for turning up. Like Starmer did.
US urges Israel to halt UN Palestinian agency ban amid fears over Gaza aid
We can’t upset the UN
Maybe all the people who have given to the UN aid money to help the people in Gaza can be given refunds as you can’t spend it!
Pic on the BBC live feed now: “‘How will we survive?’ Fears in Gaza over food aid after Israel moves to ban UN agency”
Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re about to get in and drive off.
I don’t expect MSM to do a credible breakdown of the TR contempt jailing, since they are playground bullies and they drastically twist things and omit other things
However there are two different analyses from 2 different lawyer channels today the Black Belt Barrister and Dan from the Art of Law.
However why do both fail to mention the important point, that the film had been leaked and put on the internet years ago, so was already in the public domain, when he injunction breaches took place ?
Surely we should be about the big picture.
TR is in jail for what ?
For relaying opinions of the teachers and other pupils.
The original judge ruled that those opinions were FALSE. TR maintains that judgement is wrong as generally the opinions are not disproved.
In media and newspapers every day there are contrary opinions about events “Mr X said this, Mr Y said that” etc.
Now some things are proven facts, but some aren’t proven .. should a judge be able to assert some contested thing is a fact and that judgement stand forever ?
Judges do make decisions and they stand in Law. I’m not au fait with Tommy Robinson’s original defamation trial but defamation cases can be heard by a Jury Trial or by a Judge’s determination. I think but not sure that both sides can apply for a Jury Trial, that would be done in a pre trial hearing before a Judge who may or may not grant the application. The decision would be made on the basis of costs, importance of the case, public interest etc. It’s purely a Judge’s decision and it’s the Law.
@Flosam TR always makes the point
that all his guilty trials has been unfair
and that he has NEVER been tried by a jury
I don’t think he had the option here
He’s at it again. “I is black”
Diane Abbott’s son admits assaulting two police officers
The son of the Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has admitted spitting at one police officer and biting another after being refused entry to a government building in central London last November.
I’m sure Starmer’s goons will act swiftly to give him the harshest possible sentence and bang him up.
1 in every 4 people in the world is Chinese.
Does Lammy not realise how waycist he is being? If he had four brothers or sisters then it could be one of them who is Chinese i.e. yellow not black.
(Hat Tip Tommy Cooper)
It’s OK we have our gold reserves to fall back on……. oh wait🤔
It’s OK we have north sea oil to fall back on…….oh wait🤔
It’s OK we have steel production and mining to fall back on…….oh wait
It’s OK we have Turkish barber shops, weed farms and Achmed on his delivery scooter to fall back on😳
The election fix has started in America.
“Lefties burn ballot drop boxes.”
R5 just now —
Naga (whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah) chats to the mum of the 37yr old raped to death on a park bench by Mohammed Iidow. The details are truly horrific but it’s the BBC, so lots of heartwarming daughter memories are shared without a trace of anger detected.
Education and a quicker justice system is the apparent solution to these “deviants”, as the narrative sticks to generic male violence sans specifics. “Something has to change; enough is enough”, she says. It sure is Naga… that’s why hundreds of thousands turned out at the weekend and the BBC try to sweep it under the carpet.
Thanks for putting us right on Munchy’s name.
Did you know Tommy’s real name is… oh, you get the idea.
I’ve just learned that another hotel near to me is to become an asylum hostel, so there will be more unknown young men hanging around town. Apparently the company which owns the hotel is owned by Greg Dyke. It seems he is still doing his best to make Britain less hideously white.
Ross Kemp is across BBC local radio saying how we should stop getting our news from Facebook and social media and instead rely on BBC cos it’s a TRUSTED SOURCE”
… FFS only turned on the radio for a bit of music
I checked for info on this BBC campaign by searching Twitter using term”Ross Kemp”
What did it serve up ..the top tweets had little to do with Ross Kemp , rather they were hateyLefties invoking his name as they sneered at Tommy
why does Ross Kemp say social media is a bad thing ?
Cos it was used to spread his viral interview of Sout frican gangsters saying it’s OK to rape women
I’m sure the BBC is a trusted source. That it usually comes out with a whole pile of bollocks is merely incidental.
The ‘legacy media’ such as the BBC are terrified of the trend towards Facebook, X and YouTube for news and views.
Their time is up, and they know it.
This collection of classroom resources can be used to support secondary school teaching around digital literacy and fake news.
These resources might be used as part of Safer Internet Day, to help educate pupils on using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.
Southport aftermath : one Rutland man Mark Heath did not cave in and plead guilty over social media posts
The police piled in with a “48 page dossier”
.. The jury said NOPE and acquitted him
“A court heard that Mark Heath repeatedly posted false claims that the offender behind the attacks was an asylum seeker named Ali Al Shakati on X.
He denied publishing “threatening, abusive or insulting” material to X between July 22 and August 6 this year, telling the court that these were his “strong opinions” that “did not encourage violence”.
Mr Heath, from Oakham in Rutland, was cleared by a jury at Loughborough Courthouse, acting as Leicester Crown Court, on Monday.
The prosecution told the court that posts sent by Mr Heath – a former prison officer – had been screenshotted by police to compile a 48-page document for the jury.”
Maybe jury were all racists? HA HA HA HAH AH HAH AHAH!
“When asked by his barrister if he was intending to stir up racial hatred on that post, he added: “Not at all. I was just commenting on what I had heard.
“Taking our country back means taking the borders back. That’s me having an opinion.
“The people that were rioting, in my opinion, are stupid. I condemn them 100%.”
On hearing the verdict, Mr Heath – who was sitting in a wheelchair in the dock wearing a red T-shirt – punched the air with two fists.
Judge Timothy Spencer KC thanked the jury for its service and discharged the defendant.”
Go woke go broke.
Astra Zeneca. Gave away their original covid vaccine at cost price.
But some suffered reactions to it and became seriously ill.
They are now suing Astra Zeneca !!!!!!
Meanwhile the government (I.e.taxpayer) funded Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme cannot cope with the demand . Over 15000 people have applied.
So we give away the vaccine to the world at cost and then the taxpayer foots the bill for the claims.
The money should come out of the Overseas Aid budget.
TikTok founder becomes China’s richest man
First the western version of TikTok is banned in China. But somehow the ones that get through are promoting their culture. It’s almost as if they are government sponsored. Totally normal, eh?
Rishi Sunak walks away from leadership pledge to close China-backed Confucius Institutes
Government spokesman says it would be “disproportionate” to shutter the education centers.
A British government spokesman confirmed Wednesday it would be “disproportionate” to ban the 30 institutes, which promote and teach Chinese culture and Mandarin language and which are attached to universities across the U.K.
Between 1970 and the early 1990s, over 30,000 NHS patients were given blood transfusions, or treatments made using blood products, which were contaminated with hepatitis C or HIV. Over 3,000 people have since died, and thousands more live with health conditions.4 Sept 2024
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine estimates that there are at least 300-500 excess deaths occurring across the UK associated with crowding and extremely long waiting times in Emergency Departments.
Woman ‘abandoned’ in hospital before she died
NHS crisis: Corbyn calls on May to face urgent Commons questions
This article is more than 7 years old
Lib Dems demand emergency health funding as NHS England boss disputes Red Cross claim of a humanitarian crisis
The use of the private finance initiative (PFI) to fund major capital projects in the NHS has
been controversial since its inception in 1992. But the Secretary of State’s recent slamming
of Labour’s PFI legacy, amidst a raft of reports criticising the PFI process, has re-ignited the
debate. Sean Boyle finds that PFI policies in the Health Service lie on shaky ground and
that both Conservatives and Labour are to blame for borrowing money at unsustainably high
Click to access blogs_lse_ac_uk-PFI_in_the_NHS_did_not_deliver_value_for_money_under_Labour_It_is_unlikely_to_do_so_in_the_future_und.pdf
PFI is controversial in the UK. In 2003, the National Audit Office felt that it provided good value for money overall;[3] according to critics, PFI has been used simply to place a great amount of debt “off-balance-sheet”.[
It should also ask the OBR to include PFI liabilities in future assessments of the fiscal rules”
OBR and hidden money! HA HA HA HAHAHA ! OBR backs Rachel Reeves all the way to the cash machine!
GB News. Tommy Robinson bad, thrives on disunity and gets donations from baddies.
If we all wear a Hijab we can end the islamophobia … ha ha hah a
Boris Johnson faces criticism over burka ‘letter box’ jibe
Mrs May’s official spokesman said: “The long-standing government position on this is clear, that we do not support a ban on the wearing of the veil in public.
“Such a prescriptive approach would be not in keeping with British values of religious tolerance and gender equality.”
Standby for a 10 Kiloton impact on your ears and brain:
UNWRA. Israel – Evil.
Standby for 10 Kiloton of Taqiyya incoming.
Katie Hopkins video
She says libmob are NOT about DIVERSITY of thought
rather they want CONFORMITY
and that Richard Tice has slipped into that mode by saying “we won’t associate with THAT LOT”
Whereas proper righties are a broadchurch who don’t insist on rigourous CONFORMITY
The BBC are farting lies faster than any media corporation in human history. If we shut it down we can help to save the truth climate.
Build more houses?
Did she drive to work?
I’d bet somebody else drove her to work.
change the headline to
“Bullshit on tv is also accumulating faster than at any time in human existence.”
A more likely scenario is that logging companies are destroying the forests not the utter lying nonsense – climate change.
@BBCNews Oct 25
“The green software that could make big carbon savings”
@ShillyingShally replied
BBCnews is a PR operation that hypes up things and then pushes magic solutions … #fairyland
‘How will we survive?’ Fears in Gaza over food aid after Israel moves to ban UN agency”
I think Israel should have banned this UN group for their anti LGBTG+ stance. Rife with discrimination.
How would the Lefties respond to that?
“The Southport attack suspect Axel Muganwa Rudakubana was due in Liverpool Crown Court for a pre-trial preparation hearing on Friday – this did not take place. Relatives of the victims have been told to expect some new guidance from the CPS imminently.”
this did not take place
this did not take place
this did not take place
Terrorism police list Extinction Rebellion as extremist ideology
This article is more than 4 years old
Exclusive: Police scramble to recall guide issued to teachers putting climate activists alongside far-right groups
Early polls and sophisticated psephology are predicting a win for Trump, possibly huge.
The Dems are going to have to work overtime to rig the election this time; no wonder they need the help of all those Labour agents. Khan and his muslim lackeys could teach them a thing or two as well.