The BBC deceives the people who are forced to pay for it by various forms of omission . Demonstrations such as the huge ‘British ‘ one on Saturday are ignored because they don’t fit the far left anti British agenda . The names of foreigners charged with serious crimes are omitted from news reports – career criminals are treated as innocents when they meet their rightful end – stories about approved ‘victims ‘ such as Islamic Hamas supporters gets detailed ritualised reporting – but not those of unapproved victims such as Israelis or victims of the British criminal justice system . And all this comes via a compulsory tax . Don’t pay it .
Start The Week 28th October 2024
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BBC news still full on with Islamic Hamas terrorist press releases – one about a stike on a building and Then on the decision by the democratic Israeli parliament to ban the HamasUN ‘relief ‘ Gang ….
Incredibly – Israel is giving UNHamas three months to clear out – why not 28 days … ?
Keep going IDF …
Btw – it’s a bit sad that the bbc claims its news is verified when it pumps out terrorist press releases without even a ‘claims ‘ attached to it . It refers to hezblllah and Hamas as ‘organisations ‘ when they are in fact Islamic terrorist gangs …
Is there any mention on the bbc of Waddington’s new Christmas release ?
“Starmer Monopoly” for white people, in tribute to labour’s victory:
Excellent. We will bring them down with memes.
MEMEs will be banned under new VAPE laws!
THE BRITISH public will soon be free to call a police horse gay, insult Scientology or growl at a dog without fear of prosecution, after Home Secretary Theresa May announced a fundamental change to the Public Order Act.
Section 5 of the act allowed the police and courts to determine what is insulting.
The “get out of jail” cards have been replaced with a semi literate new version (no speak Engleesh) :
Batman and Deadpool arrested … BBC BREAKING ….
“Batman and Deadpool, being escorted into the back of police vans”
Hope they didn’t touch any wheelie bins.
2006 … ‘Gay’ police horse case dropped
A student who called a mounted policeman’s horse “gay” will not be prosecuted, it has been revealed.
But police have stood by their decision to take Sam Brown to court for making “homophobic comments” despite the Crown Prosecution Service dropping the case.
Mr Brown, 21, a student at Oxford University, had said to an officer: “Excuse me, do you realise your horse is gay?”
Police took the case to court after Mr Brown refused to pay a £80 fine.
Mr Brown, who made the comment during a night out with friends in Oxford after his final exams, was arrested under section 5 of the Public Order Act for making homophobic remarks.
Oil reserves and wealth?
So all those who said he was can be released now?
“A trial is expected to begin in January.”
BBC Liverpool page
The teenager accused of murdering three young girls in Southport has been charged with producing the poison ricin and possessing a military study of an al-Qaeda training manual.
Axel Rudakubana, 18, has been charged with production of a biological toxin contrary to section 1 of the Biological Weapons Act 1974.
He has also been charged with possessing a PDF document of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing to or preparing an act of terrorism, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000.
The accused will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court tomorrow.
Merseyside Police’s Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said that the force would continue to lead the investigation into the stabbings on 29 July.
Counter Terrorism Police have not declared the incident a terrorist incident.
Both the ricin and the training manual were found as part of searches of the suspect’s house in the Lancashire village of Banks following the stabbing.
Ricin is a highly toxic poison naturally derived from castor oil plants.
None of the substance was found at the scene of the stabbings in Southport and police said the poison they did discover presented a low risk to the public.
Dr Renu Bindra, senior medical advisor at the UK Health Security Agency, said: “There has been no evidence of ricin poisoning in anyone involved or connected to this incident.”
The charges which have been added do not require a motive to be established.
In order for the incident to be classed as a terrorist incident, motive would need to be established.
The teenager has already been charged with the stabbing murders of Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class.
He is also charged with ten counts of attempted murder and possession of a knife.
A trial is expected to begin in January.
The Times science editor Tom Whipple investigates the world of pulchronomics — the academics who have proved that looks really do matter. Is the beauty bias the prejudice no one dares admit to?
Mary Beard is a bbc corrective to Prof. Dreamy.
So was he a muslim? I think the whole pack of cards is collapsing. We were gaslit from the start, and that is what caused the riots.
From Guido:-
The Prime Minister’s Deputy Official Spokesman said:
”….. First and foremost the Prime Minister’s thoughts are with those families and the communities. His thoughts remain firmly with them.”
Firstly, Communities, which one?
How about the the ‘English’ Community..!?
Secondly BBC, ‘Southport murders accused facing terror charge’
Nice and bland…
Well, well, well. So he WAS probably an islamist after all; so all those angry patriots were right, after all; so all those who called them islamophobic, fascist, far-right and xenophobic were wrong, after all.
So Khant, Starmer, their politicised judges and cops owe all those political prisoners an apology, compensation, and immediate release as well as their own immediate resignation.
And the BBC should hang its head in shame.
Except it ain’t got none.
It’s the little things.
Ryan Girdusky banned from CNN after being called Nazi by Mehdi Hasan, firing back he hopes his ‘beeper doesn’t go off’
CNN, a BBC TNI partner, is faring poorly as a result.
No wonder the left want to turn X back into a safe space for heifers.
I do not know will win the US election, even assuming it is conducted fairly.
I merely garner insights from all over, including X, where hordes of politicians and media make spectacular claims, in between decrying Twitter as misinformation, and often get almost 10 comments in response. Few complimentary.
What I do know is that a lot is rotten with the dead tree and empty air media.
Nico seems set to join BBC young blocker, with a fast track to Verify top floor.
Donald Trump and I had very different weekends.
Note the media cited.
Salty Goat
Ya I doubt he was bent over a couch anywhere.
“Civil Servants have just been told that the Home Office is creating a new “Europe Hub” in the government’s latest push for closer ties with the EU. ”
Now that the Southport killer can be seen to be a terrorist can all those put in jail for saying this now be released (and compensated)
As well as that, all those who told us he wasn’t a terrorist should be locked up as this was the disinformation here.
Or does British justice (an oxymoron?) only work one way.
Farage Responds To Terror Charge News
For all his flaws and apparent recent compromises with the System, Farage is still the best, most outspoken mainstream politician around.
Southport….police refuse to call it a terror attack because they can’t identify a motivation for the attack….we might not know the political or social motivation but the actual motivation on the day was to terrorise…hence the particular target of children…intended to horrify and spread terror.
And as said before his underlying motivation could well be [assuming he’s not a Muslim convert] that being ‘Black’ he has absorbed the messaging from the likes of the BBC that white people and Britain, both historically and today, hate him and do everything possible to keep Blacks oppressed and suppressed and thus he set out to ‘resist’ in BBC parlance.
The Guardian notes…
‘The killings led to the spread of disinformation about the suspect, and to a series of riots across England that resulted in more than 1,000 people being charged.’
Well…disinformation in detail only…the general idea that we had a migrant background person ‘of colour’ with some grievance against ‘Britain’ seems highly probable.
a migrant background person ‘of colour’ with some grievance against ‘Britain’ and probably islamist motivations!
(I suppose we should add ‘allegedly’ everywhere in case Starmer’s Stasi’s come after us.)
Before every body jumps onto an ‘Islamic terrorist bandwagon ‘-it must be remembered that “Far Right Terrorism ‘ is the biggest threat to British national security . 77 brigade will endorse that
– possession of a biological agent. The AQ manual for killing non Muslims and 3 little girls should in no way be treated at Islamic terrorism or ‘evil ‘ … hope that sets every body straight …
Even the evil BBC can’t squirm itself out of that one
Tricky one for TTK -and deadly silence from the ‘Muslim community ‘…
Thanks for the salutary reminder 🙂
And the last far-right terror attack was…?
> And the last far-right terror attack was…?
Clearly you have not been keeping up. Let us remember all the far-right attacks:
7/7 Bus and tube nail bombers
Richard Reid the shoe bomber
The Glasgow bombers
Manchester small girl nail-bombers
The army soldier beheaders
The army officer stabber
Southport little-girls stabber
bBC Verfied Fact 2024
Just ask 77 brigade. They are so good at their job that all the politicians believe correctly that these are far-right attacks.
Islamic bandwagon (Toyota pick up ?)
Atlas – And there was me thinking they were all islamist attacks.
I stand corrected.
Listening to Glover and Garvey on Times and they had on a cyber security expert from the UK Cyber Security Council [Kieran Matthews I believe?]. They must have been choking in their lattes.
He told us that the threat of foreign interference in elections is actually pretty low and that disinformation is rarely seen by most people and when they do see it they don’t believe it as it is obvious that it is fake and often simplistic and crass.
He noted that ‘talking up foreign interference as a danger is not a neutral act’…ie media organisations such as the BBC whipping up as much fear and concern as possible about ‘foreign interference’ is by doing so interfering in the democratic process and undermining trust in the process.
Who to believe eh? A professional cyber security expert or a prejudiced BBC ,probable english graduate…lol actually did French and Russian and of course worked in Russia [maybe we should be checking her out a bit more thoroughly], with an axe to grind about the Right and Trump etc?
The BBC is a danger to our democracy, our culture, our society, our history, our future.
Pug you can either have the bBC or democracy but not both.
You can now send letters, cards etc with the prison number provided.
Thank you Lucy, and what’s the snail mail address? I prefer to send a card just to rub the authorities’ noses in it.
Belmarsh Prison, Western Way, London SE28 0EB
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
SE28 0EB
In an emergency
Call 0208 331 4781 or 0208 331 4866 if you think a prisoner is at immediate risk of harm.
Ask for the Orderly Officer and explain that your concern is an emergency.
Does having a corrupt PM, Mayor, Police Commissioner, CPS, legal, prison and parliamentary systems constitute an emergency?
In which case, put me through, pronto.
And when the move him no doubt these will be “lost”
The BBC trying to erase evil ‘whiteness’ again? Astonishing…teaching white children to hate themselves and their society and culture…good old BBC…
‘White children playing Monopoly should be given more money and less jail time, to teach them about racial privilege, councils have advised parents.
Mother and fathers have also been warned about singing nursery rhymes “steeped in white culture”, including Baa Baa Black Sheep.
The guidance on how to “raise anti-racist children” was created for Barbie manufacturers Mattel with the help of a BBC education consultant. It has since been pushed by local councils in England.
It offers tips on how to explain racism to children from nought to 12 years old, to help them go from being “complicit” in racism to being an anti-racist “ally” who can “acknowledge and understand white privilege”.’
So, the trash that slaughtered three young girls and butchered eight others is a Muslim terrorist after all…and somewhat strangely our PM is urging us “not to rush to judgement”, FFS…
You know, I didn’t notice any reluctance in rushing to judge those people on the streets after the slaughter. They were all “far right scum” and judges were encouraged to throw the book at them, at Starmer’s insistence.
They were arrested, charged, put on trial and imprisoned faster than anything in British legal history.
At least one of those protesters, Peter Lynch, is now dead.
We’ve been told for months that this had nothing to do with Islam. I never swallowed that in the first place, but…You can’t tell me that it’s taken the authorities three months to unearth all this.
Do me a favour…
And more stuff they are not telling us but to be unveiled in court, no doubt with reporting restrictions.
Notice how the Police can immediately identify a terrorist activity as “far right” but it takes 2 months to identify an Islamic attack!
Dan Wootton on the latest revelations about the Southport murderer – can I call him a terrorist yet?
For those too busy to watch it all, summary below:
“Breaking right now: Southport Massacre accused Axel Rudakubana has now been charged under the terrorism act of possessing an Al Qaeda terror manual and the production of ricin as a biological toxin.
In his Digest, Dan says the elites and MSM figures who were telling people like me and Nigel Farage to accept the official narrative should now hold their heads in shame.
Then in the Uncancelled Interview, the potential next leader of the Conservative party Robert Jenrick reveals why the MSM must stop gaslighting the public in these cases as he gives Dan his first independent media chat during the campaign.
PLUS: Why is Tommy Robinson behind bars while Mike Amesbury is free?”
Media still using the misleading picture that makes him look like a young child
It’s probably racist bullying at school what turned him into a terrorist.
It’s still not proven that he IS a Muslim, yet
but from the outset the BBC were dead certain he is NOT a Muslim
Twitter is now calling that BBC Misinformation
Even if he wasn’t a muslim, it’s looking increasingly like he was at least an islamist.
“The 17-year-old, who was born to Rwandan parents in Cardiff and moved to the Southport area in 2013,
has no known links to Islam”.
BBC – 4 August 2024…
@mariannaspring tweets
Catch my latest pod series BBC Radio 4 Why Do You Hate Me USA
interrogating social media backdrop to election on BBC Sounds!
I reveal how online conspiracy theories, threats, doxxing, fandoms & AI fakes are shaping US vote.
V happy with all the response
Marianna your tweet has just 8 Likes (now)
The parent tweet has just 44 Likes .. and 43 of those likes are you being dolled up in a red leather skirt
I thought I’d drop in to C4 news to see how they are treating this story . They couldn’t wait to get away from it – 4 minutes – before they went to a happy place slagging off Israel – usual Muslim victim stuff …
… but the additional charges for the alleged non Muslim non terrorist with his bio weapon …. But don’t worry – it wasn’t enough to cause ‘harm ‘,apparently – so that’s okay then – and the ISIS terrorist manual ?- don’t worry – it was a hobby ….
The state has decided to suppress charging this vermin in order to prevent wider demonstrations – and more righteous anger from decent British people over the vermin that is amongst us now …
Im sure the defence will question why the additional charges have been made public now – and are there any more to come out – ?announced on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day like other inconvenience stuff is done ..
The criminal justice system has been corrupted – along with plod – and those locked up can take comfort that their demos were right in the circumstances and they are victims of TTK … noted 77 brigade – you guys and gals must be very busy…
Btw – c4 news spent over 12 minutes on a foreign story about a democracy voting to kick out a UNHamas terrorist gang ….
Zero Likes , zero replies
BBC Young Reporter tweets
Flicking through social media, it’s easy to be taken in by a selfie, dramatic videos or shocking stories.
But not every image we see is real.
@BBCBitesize has some top tips to help you check what can and can’t be believed online
Young Reporter exam, spot the disinformation:
Item 1) Marianna Spring’s CV
Item 2) Her Linkedin entry
Let’s pop over to Sopes and Strumpet.
“There is no way he is going near her lips”
What happened when Melania Trump wandered over to her husband for a kiss?
‘Petty juveniles’ would be kind.
Campaign Against Antisemitism @antisemitism
“This is how BBC bias works… ”
long tweet
summary Good grief @BBCNews
‘how we got here’ is not because Israel arbitrarily blew up pagers in Lebanon. From 8 October 2023, in ‘solidarity’ with Hamas’s attack on Israeli villages, Hezbollah launched thousands of missiles at Israel for eleven solid months. Your bias is off the charts
BBC last week
There was a “clear connection” between the violent disorder in England and Northern Ireland in the summer and posts on social media and messaging apps, Ofcom has concluded.
The government had asked the media regulator to consider how illegal content and disinformation spread during the unrest.
22 October 2024 Updated 24 October 2024
It doesn’t say WHY they came back 2 days later and changed the newsstory
@sharrond62 Sharron Davies
Interesting timing of the disgusting deliberately hidden facts of Southport
the day before the budget!
I have zero faith in this government & we’re only a few months in..
Info about the Islamist connection was held back for after Saturday’s United The Kingdom demo
and then released the day before the budget.
It seems one Jenny Louis is the HMP Governor with responsibility for Tommy Robinson – source is X . They may put him in the general population – presumably playing psychological war with him …
Btw – notice the discoloured about the alleged Islamic terrorist murderer was released after the march on Saturday and after a truth teller was locked up ….
X is truly truly fuming – and this must not not go away – washed by the budget ….
New Thread Going Up Now
anyone can be in there first
Will the BBC fact check its own religion presenter