Whilst people are pre occupied with the coming socialist budget more details of the alleged non terrorist murderer and bio weapon are announced . The dishonesty of the labour politicians -police and CPS and main stream media is there for us to see. luckily for them they’ve just locked up a prominent campaigner for the truth..go verify that BBC.
Midweek 30th October 2024 . Budget
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Larry goes full Sopes.
Never go full Sopes.
Posted on the previous thread but I think it’s fitting if we have this near the top of the new page.
Letters & cards can be sent with the prison number provided.
Email; https://is.gd/K9gvyA
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
SE28 0EB
May I suggest that anyone sending a card to Tommy chooses a humorous one mocking Starmer, Khant, or the the red Tories, to cheer him up. Cards mocking muslims, though apt, will probably not get past the prison authorities who probably lick their boots, if not other parts of their anatomy – and could get him into trouble and his followers into even more disrepute.
Well well well.
It turns out the Southport stabbed is to be charged with a separate terror offence. He had some Ricin in in his home and an Al Queda training manual on his phone.
The Chief Constable is very keen for us not to speculate and emphasises the accused has a right to a fair trial.
But why so long to release this information.
Call me a cynic but I detect a whiff of two tier justice. I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with his religious beliefs.
PS three little girls were murdered. Does anyone in authority actually care?
What do they think the ricin was for, trick or treat?
The whole depraved establishment stopped focussing on the little girls quite quickly as I remember.
The authorities in this country can’t afford to care about any British victims of terror attacks, they can of course afford to care about any ethnic who is offended or inconvenienced by a Brit let alone murdered.
The entire liberal political class , civil servants, MSM, charity sector etc etc have created a nightmare for us and future generations by their insane immigration policies stretching back over 30 years. We are living on top of a powder keg and they know it.
The authorities have been able to count on British tolerance and general apathy , plus the effectiveness of the lies and bromides fed to us by the MSM , to keep our understanding of what mass migration has done to us very low. But this strategy is wearing thin and we now see that they are having to resort to state power to keep us subdued and to trying to censor and control the internet, the truth must not get out.
On the other hand the Muslims are much more volatile , intolerant and ready to use threats and violence to pursue their interests.
I’m sure the politicians know that sooner or later they won’t be able to keep the lid on things and Enoch’s fears will become to pass. It’s just a question of when.
Never mind Hamas, Hezbollah or the terrorist murder of children in Southport, and Starmer’s Gulag. The real, Home page, stop-the-press, heartbreaking news, according to the BBC, is: “Muslim footballer stopped from playing in joggers”
Oh, the pity of it all. Oh, man’s inhumanity to man.
PS. That non-story of fake victimhood really is on the BBC home page right now, just beneath the Southport murders. Shows the BBC’s sense of values – or rather, complete lack of them.
At the next PM questions Starmer MUST be asked when exactly was he told the Southport terrorist information put out tonight, just before the budget.
Get it recorded officially.
If (when?) he lies someone somewhere will come out with the truth. They always do and he will be caught out.
It’s the cover up which will finish him.
He will hide behind ‘judicial proceedings ‘ as will all the rest …. And Hoyle will suppress any dissent …
You know – this episode with the alleged non Islamic non terrorist is just another marker in how the British state is contorting to hold off the inevitable clash with Islam – unless Islam takes over of course – which this case shows is increasingly likely …
The crass Labour leadership government we now have must be jumping through hoops trying to control the ridiculous events they have created in such a short time.
Jailing people for pointing out that terrorists are murdering British children being the most astounding work of bestiality that they have accomplished in such short time.
They are simply a bunch of juvenile twats and I cannot see how they can hold onto power while exhibiting such astoundingly crass knee-jerk behaviour for brownie points from the left,
We might as well turn the whole running of the UK over to the union barons,
God help the UK if they are at the steering wheel when Russia decides they have had enough.
Digg – I reckon if it goes bandy ( it won’t ) evette cooper will be the one to ‘go’ although she ll plead ‘no knowledge’ either ….and the bbc verify will be looking the other way …
Russian invasion would frankly be a liberation at this point.
Sorry in advance Fed, but just watched coverage of the non terrorist killer on The news, these people must think we are f…ing stupid, and why the hell are they using a photo of the ar…ole as a young kid and why o why has it taken 3 months for this to come out a day before the budget. 2tk is likely to smarm his way around this quoting sub judicial but please will some brave MP get up on their hind legs and say something ( I know they won’t)
Tice could make amends with his voters by doing so.
(I can dream)
facebook Andrew Gold summaryof BBC bias
Teen accused of Southport murders facing terror charge
So it’s taken them 3 months to finally admit this boy who murdered three young girls and tried to murder 10 others was in fact a Muslim terrorist ISIS supporter. They will have found this evidence many weeks ago – but have only told us about it because it will come out in court. Why weren’t we informed ? – it is EXTREMELY relevant to what happened afterwards.
We got fed buckets of misinformation and lies about it and the story went straight under the carpet while they used the subsequent protests and riots as an excuse to put any right-wing activists who were prepared to go out and demonstrate at what our country has become into prison.
Here’s an example of what the BBC wrote:
‘False claims were spread online that the person responsible was an asylum seeker who had arrived in the UK by boat and a Muslim.’
A very typical BBC lie. The claims of the boat may not have been true, but the essence of the claims that he was a Muslim terrorist we have imported are now shown to be 100% true. They laboured on telling us he was born in the UK – but were very slow to tell us his parents both came here from Africa.
You lying b@stards. I include the BBC AND our police in that statement. Lies by omission are the greatest form of lie.
They also told us:
‘Counter Terrorism Police have not declared the matter a terrorist incident, which would require evidence of a motive to be present.’
What ?. The most stupendous, racist two-tier statement I can imagine. Whitey doesn’t need a motive does he BBC ?. Finsbury Park didn’t have a motive. Nor did Thomas Mair who killed Jo Cox. But you were quick to label BOTH of them as terrorists.
I wonder how much of this withholding of information has been directed by Starmer. One thing you can be sure of : civil servants won’t be leaking that information to the BBC like they did to get the Tories out.
“This programme from 2016 films with, and challenges the behaviour and motivations of, a new wave of extremists in the UK, including Abu Rumaysah who’s suspected of appearing in an Isis execution video”
Why so long to reveal the child killer’s islamist leanings?
Simple: to let the story die down a bit, fade a little from people’s memories, and fall off the news cycle.
Unfortunately for Starmer, Khant and the BBC, the story was so shocking, and its aftermath still so fresh in people’s minds, that their strategy won’t work.
On the contrary, it might even show normies just what devious liars they all are.
… and it proves that the reason the protestors were so angry about it was valid vlad.
That’s the last thing TTK wants.
The new news about Southport came out just a couple of days after a big demonstration in London. Imagine what might have happened if the news had been 2 days before. I expect there was advice from somebody when the best time to release the new news.
Sort of Jo Moore/Stephen Byers moment in reverse…
Kim Rowell managing editor at ITN “Look at me I’ve done this big Royal Television Society interview with Marianna Spring, Disinformation and Social Correspondent for BBC News, is now on YouTube – if you missed our live chat, here’s your chance to find out more…”
Rowell is so tech illiterate she didn’t put a link to the video
so I had to track it down
Who paid for it ? someone did .. probably you
cos the viewcount is dire
The 1 hour prog went up 8 days ago, RTS has 16,400 subscribers on YouTube
Yet only 144 have watched it
Only 2 people clicked the Like button
… https://youtu.be/q_wM4Ws2e84
Will the BBC fact check its own religion presenter

“There’s literally a Holocaust survivor there as a guest, and Israeli flags draped from the balconies
and speakers talking about crushing the Jihad,
and you’re calling anti-Semitism?
The media is over. This is the end.”
.. https://x.com/garrethmcdaid/status/1850849366518440201
The post is despicably BBC but I like the comment.
Harris vows to end ‘drama and conflict’ in politics during final pitch to voters
I’ve checked the BBC front page 3 times today and each time it had a different caption under the headline from Cackling Kamala which was pure electioneering, anti-Trump rhetoric.
You have to go inside the article to see anything Trump said.
And it seems Joe called Trumps supporters ‘garbage’. Isn’t it amazing how the President himself can call the whole opposition ‘garbage’ without any headlines at the BBC – yet a comedian making a joke saying the same thing about Puerto Rico without Trumps knowledge makes multiple, main page stories.
The BBC headline in the article is ‘Biden denies denigrating Trump supporters in ‘garbage’ comment’. What he actually said is: ‘The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters’. Why isn’t that the headline BBC ?.
And once again Biden rewords what he said a short time after he said it. Very obviously because someone just told him to in his earpiece.
I do not have the words to describe how much the BBC activists disgust me now. We must be rid of this cancer.
At the bbc, there is ‘news’, and ‘not news’.
Joe Biden couldn’t find his arse with both hands. The idea of him actually tweeting anything is comical.
If, by some miracle, he did find it I’d bet he wouldn’t know what it is or what to do with it.
Wednesday, time for the lying sh@ts to be exposed….
Some thoughts for Wednesday:
I’m giving up drinking for a month.
Sorry, bad punctuation:
I’m giving up. Drinking for a month.
“I am on edge, says woman made homeless aged 75”
“Susan has no proper cooking facilities, is in poor health, with a lung disease and in need of a hip replacement. She is also now a victim of London’s housing crisis.”
Not a victim of the government’s mass immigration policy …?
BBC spreading disinformation :
“Councils have a legal duty to house the homeless. ”
They absolutely don’t, unless a priority need case.
Hello Eddy
My local council gives the top band to the illegals searching for housing, and the disabled gets the 2nd band
What a joke this country is
More election interference by the BBC?
Interesting that at this most crucial moment in the US election cycle, the BBC should choose now to run an article on their Home page attacking X, and indirectly Musk and Trump.
Even their graphic seems to be calling X and Trump FAKE.
However, I don’t remember the BBC ever calling out the blatant bias of all the other Big Tech companies that are brazenly supportive of the Dems and hostile to Republicans – and pathologically hate Trump.
Nor has Marianna Spring been remotely interested in all the conservative sites and channels that are constantly being shut down, censored, demonetised, shadow-banned and otherwise hampered.
And don’t think that what the BBC says doesn’t matter in America.
Tragically, that once proud name still carries weight and cachet across the pond, at least among normies who aren’t aware of the hijacking by lefties that’s occurred.
Elon Musk and Donald Trump live in Spring’s head rent free.
Looks as if Trump has been touched up to look like Hitler.
Junk territory edition
Former PM Sunak never saw himself in the role of national leadership. He didn’t really recognise us as a nation. For him Britian was at least an ‘Exciting Economic Zone’
And on a day when in the US: Footage has emerged of the president appearing to call Donald Trump supporters “garbage” (BBC)
And this hot on the heels of: Backlash after comedian at Trump rally calls Puerto Rico ‘island of garbage’ (BBC)
Our very own sceptred isle is fast becoming a junk territory.
I sense many hereabouts will be rather incensed this morning – what with one thing and another.
So, for the sake of the old blood pressure – and never quite knowing who’s listening (77 Brigade) let’s kick off with a classic ‘calm down dear’ courtesy the junior pound shop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper…
Kate Lister… At 42 I am trying to learn how to flirt – without looking like a creep – calm down dear – this is of course a ludicrous statement. No flirty female on the planet in the entire history of time has ever been accused of creepiness. The correct terms are vampish, teasing, arch or my favourite – coquettish.
Which brings us to the top pick online print press front cover line-up choice of the BBC staff gynaeceum this morning – and in such times of dire need for news management naturally it can only be the absolute OG – the Guardian
Southport suspect charged with terror offence and producing ricin – runs the matter of fact headline.
Claims of Southport ‘cover-up’ – teases the Times headline.
Starmer meanwhile uses the Times frontpage to get out his own line of defence – and gets it in early: No 10 denies withholding information
What TTK doesn’t seem to understand is that his trademark lawyerish semantic hairsplitting cheeseparing adoniodal stuffed-shirt piggy-eyed excuses just don’t cut it with the general public anymore.
Any good barrister will give dire warnings against people conducting their own defence. And Sir K strikes one as a fairly duff advocate.
Starmer says Budget will include tax rises to prevent austerity (BBC) – and there we were thinking austerity meant the general public suffering a squeeze between their relatively diminished incomes and a rising cost of living. You know like the classic post-war 1950s austerity. How wrong we were. Our Sir Keir redefines the term austerity for us and now we understand him to mean austerity is all about government spending. Everything is to be judged from a public sector point of view. So long as the State ain’t strapped for cash, eh Sir Keith?
And what’s he up to today?
Frontpage of the mildly conservative Telegraph feature photo: Downing Street’s Diwali – hold the frontpage – has little Rishi Sunak moved back in?
Nope: Sir Keir Starmer poses with members of the Arunima Kumar Dance Company at a reception at 10 Downing Street to celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of light (Telegraph)
Thought for the Day
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
Fair enough London is a World City – but does it have to be a Third World City?
One does so admire those serendipitous little juxtapositions of closely adjacent news items which tend to signal a glitch in the matrix – a flaw in the narrative, so to speak.
Top headline in the FT today where the market-oriented pink paper begins to fret somewhat: UK borrowing costs hit post-election record on eve of Reeve’s first budget… fiscal rule shift
And close by among the FT’s several news briefing items: Thames Water falls again… The troubled utility has had its credit rating slashed further into “junk” territory
Enjoy the budget, won’t you.
Asiseeit – thanks for the review as always … I wonder about the attempt to news manage the non Islamic non terrorist and his AQ manual comes as a result of a new media chap in number 10 – after sue gray was told to go and hide ….? Today – budget day – may also have more ‘bad news ‘ released by this third world government -which I think shares the view of Joe Biden that 80% of the electorate is ‘garbage ‘
I bet Obama will be angry that Biden’ gag came off so close to voting and the repulsive attitude of the Far Left Democrats was recorded ….
The Alternative Budget:
Cancel HS2 saving £66B
Cancel CO2 capture saving £22B
Fire all Gov DIE employees
End VAT Tax on schools
Stop the boats
Restore WFA to pensioners
Deport all judges
Send the King to Pitcairn Island with the little Khant
Close the BBC
NHS to spend millions creating ‘woke’ diversity and inclusion jobs
Move to set up three new departments focusing on equality and LGBT issues comes despite ministers’ demands for less bureaucracy
@atlas – “Cancel HS2 saving £66B”: a system of land value capture could pay for itself. Hong Kong did it with their metro network.
“Hot on the heels of the revelation that she needs professional help with her tax return – which she shouldn’t need anyway as she only benefits from her taxed at-source MP’s salary – comes the news that not only has she said that she can’t control her own expenses, she has previously had her Parliamentary credit card suspended!
When Shadow Chancellor, Rachel Reeves told GB News that checking her bank statement made her “wince” as she found that “the money coming in is increasingly short of the money going out”. This at a time when MPs were earning more than £86,000.
And this is someone who worked at the Bank of England and whose household income – including her senior civil servant husband’s wage – must be four or five times higher than the UK average.
She also had her Parliamentary credit card suspended because she owed more than £4,000 of unauthorised payments.
So, she can’t control her own expenditure and is now in charge of the nation’s.
The lead up to this October’s Budget has to be the most incompetent in living memory. Billions of pounds have already left the country as capital has flown out before it’s taxed even further. Savers have been cashing in their investments earlier than they should just to avoid rises in Capital Gains Tax.”
nice one 🙂
JJ Anisiobi was the crazy panelist on the Michelle Dewberry show
normally he’s a bit of a righty
but he first claimed Tommy is not a journalist
then that the police shot Chris Kaba cos he was black
cos in a similar case when they had a white suspect Raoul Moat they negotiated for hours and hours
A citizen *journalist* then tweeted JJ Anisiobi explaining the difference between the 2 cases
“Moat was negotiated with as he had a gun aimed to his head, had he turned it on the officers he would have been shot dead.
.. Chris Kaba was trying to avade arrest & use his car as a weapon.”
journalist JJ Anisiobi then backed down
.. https://x.com/jjanisiobi/status/1850977421861732614
A short article re the Southport terrorist child killer has appeared in the Spectator this morning. Unusually no comments allowed, a rare occurrence in the Spectator. Perhaps with Gove as editor it might become more frequent.
However, under other , totally unrelated articles, readers have posted comments about Southport and on one article such comments have got the most likes , far more than the topic of the article.
The truth is seeping out. Tension is building . I wonder if the announcement re the terrorist nature of the murderer was timed to coincide with the budget which will certainly be headlines everywhere. A good day to bury bad news so to speak.
“The BBC has removed a 2018 Children in Need campaign video from its websites after it emerged it featured the Southport stabbing suspect.
Axel Rudakubana, the teenager accused of murdering three girls at a dance class on Monday, appeared in the advert aged 11, as first reported, external by the Daily Mail.
It is understood that he was contracted by the BBC for the video through a casting agency.”
@DT No comments is probably because it hasn’t gone to trial yet and it might prejudice a jury.
A genuine nightmare for Spring, mummy will have to load her up with Calpol this evening:
“Truth Social parent company Trump Media now worth more than Elon Musk’s X as Election Day nears.
Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) is now valued at over $10 billion after its shares more than quadrupled since late September.
Meanwhile, X Holdings, which was taken private two years ago, is valued at around $9.4 billion, based on the most recent value the investment group Fidelity assigned to its stake in the company.”
BBC TV Licenses paid under threat of Prison.
BBC and the rest:
“The five biggest recipients of bilateral aid are Pakistan, Syria, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Afghanistan. When it comes to continents, significantly more gets spent in Africa (51%) and Asia (42%) than anywhere else.”
Reeves? Slash overseas aid completely (contrary to the UN plan agreed)? After all, those receiving aid (above) are virtually all in the UK now…………
China launch rockets … ha ha ha hhahah …..
“Aid to China from the UK fell to approximately £48 million in 2021-22 – down from £82 million in 2019 – and it is expected to continue to decline rapidly in future, according to the aid watchdog.13 Jul 2023”
My Shocking Report from Inside Trump’s Nazi Rally – Konstantin Kisin
.. slightly sarcastic
22 billion black hole will grow … “The NHS is creating hundreds of diversity and inclusion roles despite being told to crack down on “waste and wokery”.”
The DEIfying of the nhs.
How much of a roasting will the speaker give to Screechy Reeve before her stand up routine ?
Will she try any jokes ?
Will she look like a PM in waiting by the end ?
What rabbit – at the end – will be pulled out of the bag ?
How long will the speech last ?( im going with 85 minutes ) . How many times will she mention 14 Tory years –
How many times will she say “when I worked in the canteen at at the Bank of England ?”
Other keywords for bulls bingo “hard working families ‘ ‘vulnerable ‘ ‘our NHS’ ‘growth ‘ ‘4000 cold dead pensioners’
I think the cold fact is that however much the red blues raise in taxes or borrowing the decline of Britain will continue . That Money will be squandered on public sector pay/pension increases, welfare and benefits – particularly increasing unemployment as small businesses collapse under a combination of higher taxes , wages and regulation ….
‘I’m afraid there is no money.’ The letter I will regret for ever
This article is more than 9 years oldLiam Byrne
Look on the bright side, if you are looking to diet and lose a little weight, by the time you have filled the car with petrol you won’t be able to afford the groceries.
Do you work in the private sector and have a little private pension ?
Zephir – I feel a bit smug because I took the 25% tax free money from my private pension and got a fair annuity rate – it took a very long time to do even before the current rush started ….. I avoid tax when ever I can – starting with the TV tax ….
… elsewhere – the reds might be on a slightly sticky wicket over the charging of the non Islamic terrorist with having the AQ bible and a ‘trivial ‘ amount of biological warfare material – because the solicitor general or attorney general had to give consent .
So a date can be established and disclosed . If the reds refuse it’s a ‘cover up ‘ which is going to further harm them .
If it turns out that plod only sought authority – say – last week the ‘cover up ‘ shifts to them – how had it taken 3 months to get to ‘now ?’ …. Is it an abuse of process ?
I think we are now in a situation where whenever either a plod or politician tells us not to speculate then we know there is something dirty being covered up – as in this case . So speculate away …
Join the NHS team. Did you know that the NHS is one of the largest employers in the world? And with 1.3 million staff, it is the biggest employer in Europe. The NHS offers a huge range of exciting and challenging opportunities for people who are passionate about making a difference.
Government writes off £1.4bn of PPE from Covid deal
£ 180 billion to run it each year … and probably going to over £200 billion today …
“We all know that billions of pounds was wasted during the pandemic on corruption and incompetence, but what the BBC has uncovered is the worst example I have ever seen – £1.4bn on one contract, paying for PPE that was never used.
Was the Southport info released to take the focus off the budget or is the budget being used to take the focus off the Southport revelations.
We are spending 100 days discussing what is a Working Person!
Q: “Was the Southport info released to take the focus off the budget or is the budget being used to take the focus off the Southport revelations.”
A: Both. It’s called News Management, in other words manipulation.
@ EG and Fed Yes and yes totally agree with you both. They really do think we’re thick to not notice that.
And I bet Man U sack their manager today .. er …
Are they working class? (c) Keir Starmer!
Enrichment + slight cultural misunderstanding.
If you complain, you’re a racist fascist islamophobe.
Of course Smarmer knew. He’s ex Head Crown Prosecutor and will know people he used to work with in there and probably ensured the announcements were made at the ‘right’ moment.
He would have been told in any event, he’s PM and the murders and subsequent events are some of the most controversial events in recent times.
Looks like the Southport Islam connection had to be suppressed, until AFTER the Tommy trial
… cos Starmer wanted to prejudice the Tommy trial
Why bother having a budget day when TTK can do whatever he wants such as removing WFP or giving away Commonwealth territory without consulting anybody.
Bit worried that the financial future of this country going forward, has been devised by someone who spent most of her “banking” career in the Complaints Department.
Widely reported as a “Chess Champion” yet came 29th.
In that case I have won every bloody competition I have ever entered, and that includes the school cross country races, even with the 15 minute fag break behind some bushes.
“Reeves has gone on about it herself. As it turns out, those same hacks haven’t bothered actually checking whether Reeves ever was a “champion” chess player. Scour the archives and the results of official championship tournaments are available to see. Reeves did indeed play in the British Under 14 championship. She came 26th…
So – not a champion. Reeves was beaten by the actual British Under 14 Champion, the composer Emily Howard. Incidentally Rachel’s sister Ellie came 17th in the Under-12s tournament at the same time…
Maybe whoever first said she was a champion was thinking of a different tournament – which wouldn’t be the officially recognised one. There are no extant records that anyone has found of a championship victory. Go back to previous years in British Chess Championship records and you can see that in the Under 13s Championship Rachel came 29th. She came 19th in the Under 12s in 1990. Ask any child chess prodigy and they’ll tell you that playing in a championship and winning a Championship title aren’t quite the same thing…”
We have never heard the end of “Tory sleaze” over the last 14 years with the bbc as cheerleaders at the helm.
I am astounded, and have never seen the like, of a government that has in only THREE MONTHS :
Got elected by repeatedly lying to the electorate during and before the election
Has had arrested and immediately put in prison on remand, then jailed numerous only white protesters for years for crimes such as “shouting” and “writing bad things”.
Has fast tracked the above but still not prosecuted a labour councillor for threatening to kill live on tv during the same riots above ON CAMERA.
This while the police ran away from a previous romanian and muslim riot weeks before and let them torch vehicles ON CAMERA.
Has allowed three muslims to still walk the streets and still not be prosecuted for viciously attacking armed police officers at Manchester airport MONTHS ago, ON CAMERA.
And a labour MP attacked someone ON CAMERA punching him to the ground, with the victim with his hands in his pockets, then repeatedly punching him whilst the victim lying on the ground, and not charged, or arrested.
Has tried to conceal, but received tens of thousands of pounds in “gifts” and allowed the doner access to no. 10 Downing Street and influence in recruitment of staff.
Has again lied to the electorate over and again on budget issues.
Their foul mouthed minister for homes, who calls the opposition “scum,” has bought a council house under very dubious circumstances, with neighbours insisting she was not living there, and then enacts legislation to stop others buying their council home.
Receives millions in donations from a so called “green company” owner “ecotricity” who receive millions in subsidies from the taxpayer and claim they are green but derive their electricity from fossil fuels.
Given double figure pay rises for train drivers backdated two years who then state they are going on strike again, when earning £70,000 a year for driving a bloody train.
Repeatedly blames the previous administration for any of it’s current actions.
Has deliberately hidden the background of the Southport attacker by claiming he was Welsh, and claiming it was “not terror related” and now, months later suddenly decide to reveal he is on terror related charges.
“Southport cover-up row grows: Senior government figures ‘knew weeks ago’ about potential terror charge as Tories accuse Labour of ‘keeping facts from public'”
Shabana Mahmood
Profile picture
Justice Secretary
Former barrister Shabana Mahmood has been confirmed as secretary of state for justice and lord chancellor, only the second woman – after Liz Truss – to hold the positions.
Mahmood lays claim to being the first female Muslim MP – although she was elected in 2010 alongside Yasmin Qureshi and Rushanara Ali – because, she says, her count was the first completed on the night.
The likes of the bbc is VERY keen on this:-
Reeves’ big Budget will set agenda for years to come
For once the BBC might well be right: it may indeed set the agenda for years to come: bankruptcy.
The one thing I’d say about the new prosecutions of Axel Rudakubana is that I say dowloading a terrorist manual doesn’t mean someone is a terrorist. Obviously there are other aggravating factors in his case but thousands of kids download terrorist and bomb manuals who have no intention of making bombs or being a terrorist. I have to say that possession of illicit material on someone’s computer or phone shouldn’t be a prosecutable offence in isolation.
Please don’t think I’m defending Axel!
Not just any manual, but one produced by a terrorist organisation.
Add to that, posession of ricin :
“How can people be exposed to ricin?
Accidental exposure to ricin is highly unlikely. It would take a deliberate act to use it as a poison. People can be poisoned by breathing in ricin mist or powder. People can also be poisoned by swallowing ricin-contaminated food or water. Ricin may enter the body through the skin when combined with certain chemicals or if the skin is damaged. Pellets of ricin, or ricin dissolved in a liquid, can also be injected into people’s bodies. Depending on the route of exposure (such as injection), the amount of ricin that would fit on the head of a pin could be enough to kill an adult.”
If you extrapolate the illegality of having terrorist manuals though, where does it end? It could be declared illegal to have material that allows people to avoid the TV license. Or illegal to have anti Government documents. Someone could argue that it would be useful research to read through a Jihadi manual so their ideas could be countered. I might want to read through a bomb making manual so I can protect myself from bomb threats.
Yes, something that could be abused in a police state…..
But, it is an offence, from the CPS guidance:
The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.
Section 58 makes it an offence to collect or make a record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, or to possess a document or record containing information of that kind. The maximum sentence in respect of s58 is 15 years’ imprisonment.
Collection of information.
(1)A person commits an offence if—
(a)he collects or makes a record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, F1…
(b)he possesses a document or record containing information of that kind [F2, or
(c)the person views, or otherwise accesses, by means of the internet a document or record containing information of that kind.]
[F3(1A)The cases in which a person collects or makes a record for the purposes of subsection (1)(a) include (but are not limited to) those in which the person does so by means of the internet (whether by downloading the record or otherwise).]
(2)In this section “record” includes a photographic or electronic record.
(3)It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had a reasonable excuse for his action or possession.
[F4(3A)The cases in which a person has a reasonable excuse for the purposes of subsection (3) include (but are not limited to) those in which—
(a)at the time of the person’s action or possession the person did not know, and had no reason to believe, that the document or record in question contained, or was likely to contain, information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, or
(b)the person’s action or possession was for the purposes of—
(i)carrying out work as a journalist, or
(ii)academic research.]
(4)A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable—
(a)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding [F515 years], to a fine or to both, or
(b)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or to both.
ITV editor thinks it’s nuanced. Funny that now it’s a hot potato we’re expected to take into account all the variables.
This never applies to e.g. covid or climate science — which the authorities decide are ‘settled’, and no one’s allowed to point out the difficulties of establishing causation in complex systems.
“A man shouted “This is for Britain” as he killed Labour MP Jo Cox, the Old Bailey has heard.
She was stabbed 15 times and shot three times outside her constituency surgery in Birstall, near Leeds, on 16 June – a week before the EU referendum.
Jurors were told Thomas Mair, 53, killed the mother-of-two for “political and/or ideological reasons”, and had researched “far right” material in the weeks beforehand.”
Em Paul Brand just prejudiced a murder trial there
Flostsam, I think that’s the line they are going to take. But why did they hide it from us? A white kid with a copy of Mein Kampf would have been blasted all over the news empire from London to Timbuktu.
I’m a bit skeptical (i could be wrong) about thousands of kids downloading terrorist manuals. Normal kids? It sounds to me like they would have to be coached? Perhaps the internet & todays movies influence them?
I think the white-hate educational & societal system was a strong factor in Copa Kobana’s decision to knife little girls to death. But they did their best to hide his ethnic origin from us too. They knew well before they let it out.
He probably kept the manual next to a copy of his Welsh Christian
Prayer Book.
Give it a week, it’ll be discovered that he’s far right and order will be restored.
Viva Frei’s take
Another labour lie ?
“In order to charge a suspect under the Biological Weapons Act, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) must obtain consent from the attorney general or solicitor general.
That is said to have been requested a few weeks ago. The government maintains that both the charging decision and timeline were a matter for the CPS. “
Timeline…..over 3 months ago ….
“According to the charges, authorised by the CPS yesterday, the toxin was allegedly produced on or before July 29, and Rudakubana was charged with possessing the document between August 29 2021 and July 30 2024.”
” ‘The Government and authorities told us for months they were not treating this as a terrorist incident,’ the former immigration minister said.
‘This atrocity was of immense public concern. The public had a right to know the truth straight away.
‘Any suggestion of a cover-up will permanently damage public trust in whether we’re being told the truth about crime in our country. ‘Keir Starmer must urgently explain to the country what he knew about the Southport attack and when he learned it.”
Keir Starmer cannot define a woman or a worker!
Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer
A synagogue-goer is shot in Chicago over the weekend and the cops—and the media—seem unable to discern the motive of a gunman who shouted “Allahu Akbar.” Why would this be the case? (Commentary Magazine Podcast)
Any synchronicity with any recent revelations about any murderous events here in the UK is purely coincidental. Or is putting it that way a tautology?
“Allahu Akbar.”
Greater Manchester Police sorry for ‘Muslim terrorist’ mock blast
Police who staged a mock attack featuring a bomber shouting “Allahu Akbar” have been forced to apologise for stereotyping.
Green Party councillor who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ after election says critics are Islamophobic
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
“Teen accused of Southport murders facing terror charge”
BBC keep referring to the killer as a teen or teenager. In the summer the younger protestors jailed were often described as “17 yr old…”
I’m sure this is deliberate decision — trying to diminish the sense of personal agency in one case but not the others.
Small boats = 100s of people!
How can anyone complain when they’re so cute?
“Criminal investigation”