Whilst people are pre occupied with the coming socialist budget more details of the alleged non terrorist murderer and bio weapon are announced . The dishonesty of the labour politicians -police and CPS and main stream media is there for us to see. luckily for them they’ve just locked up a prominent campaigner for the truth..go verify that BBC.
Midweek 30th October 2024 . Budget
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“Trump speaks to reporters from garbage truck on campaign trail”
Good troll from Trump 😄
The rubbish theme continues
Trump did something similar. Whatever they throw at him, he turns around against them and just gets more popular. Genius.
But remember, in our, “Worlds Most Trusted” news organisations eyes, the BBC, the election is, “On a knife-edge”, “The Polls are very close”, “Nothing between the numbers”.
A concise, damning and accurate summary of the budget from the Mail…
‘In the most Left-wing Budget for decades, the Chancellor pushed taxes to their highest level in history and relaxed government borrowing rules to finance a massive spending spree. But in a blow to Ms Reeves, the Office for Budget Responsibility last night cut its forecast for economic growth in the later years of this decade, making a mockery of her ambition to be ‘the most pro-growth Chancellor in history’. And in a warning to millions of ‘working people’, the economic watchdog predicted that the Chancellor’s Budget measures would fuel inflation, push up mortgage rates and squeeze wages. In a bleak finding, the OBR said average real household disposable incomes would be around £300 lower per person as a result of the Budget. ‘
The BBC itself seems very positive about it pushing Labour’s narrative in justification of its massive tax grab and borrowing splurge…
‘This Budget will “wipe the slate clean on the fiscal fiction” of the previous government, sources suggest to me. ‘
Curiously not a whisper that Labour lied to us on an industrial scale during the election and essentially ‘stole’ the election on that lie that suggested we wouldn’t suffer any extra taxation and in fact would be hundreds of pounds better off.
Where is the ‘fact-checking’? There came none. Isabel Oakeshott asks…..
‘Will BBC Verify call Labour out for their lies? Don’t hold your breath’
‘n a blizzard of claim and counterclaim, thank goodness for brilliantly qualified, lavishly funded truth seekers. As voters try to make sense of a momentous Budget, where better to turn than BBC Verify, which employs some 60 specialist journalists to separate fact from fiction?
But on today’s historic Budget? At the time of writing, absolutely nada post-Budget.
It is hard to imagine more fertile territory for forensic examination than Rachel Reeves’s historic statement. After all, her plans have sweeping implications for every business and every household – in other words, everyone who pays for the BBC.
Her £40 billion tax heist was announced with all sorts of murky justifications – providing BBC Verify’s experts with plenty to get stuck into. That infamous “£22bn black hole in the public finances” would be an obvious place to start.
Until now, the Treasury was unable to say precisely how she had reached that figure, prompting accusations that the figure was plucked from thin air. Finally, the Chancellor has published what she called a “line by line breakdown.” With its ample resources, BBC Verify should be crawling all of it. Yet the nation awaits. ‘
The normal procedure is for the BBC, should they in actually do a ‘fact-check’, is to announce that there may be some questions about some statements but on the whole they are very minor and the broad sweep is generally accurate and thus ‘nothing to see here’….whilst of course presenting a very hostile portrayal of the otherside’s claims be they Tories or Brexiteers.
100 Days following Trump.
0 Days following Biden.
BBC Verify has a very clear notion of what needs verifying and what is ‘not news’.
BBC Verify has found clear clues, including false addresses and a stock image, that indicate a viral video of Haitian men voting “multiple times” using multiple IDs in Georgia is fake.
US intelligence agencies say “Russian influence actors” are behind it.
The gaslighting is interminable
“Energy suppliers can hide their use of ‘dirty’ fuels behind an eco-friendly banner of ‘renewable’
First, the small segmentation of fuel types in the FMD (fossil fuel, nuclear and renewable) enables suppliers to hide the truth about their energy supply.
Because the term ‘renewable’ in the context of the FMD does not necessarily mean non-polluting, sustainable or carbon neutral.
As well as clean sources such as wind, solar and hydro power, ‘renewable’ in the FMD constitutes energy from a range of ‘brown’ sources, too. These include biomass, landfill gas and sewage gas.
In fact, biomass creates just as much CO2 as burning coal. Plus, biomass pellets are usually shipped in from outside the UK – as far away as in North and South America.
When you consider the carbon footprint of biomass pellets, that ‘so called’ green energy starts to become an awful lot browner.
Energy suppliers can buy cheap renewable energy certificates to cover up their use of fossil fuels. But they do not need to declare this in the FMD
Second, energy suppliers can buy fossil fuel electricity from the wholesale market or generate it themselves, combine it with a renewable energy certificate – a Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) or an European Guarantee of Origin (GO) – and legally claim that fuel is 100% renewable.
This is called greenwashing.
How can this happen?
REGO and European GO certificates can be sold separately from the power.
In essence, a supplier could source all of its energy from fossil fuel sources, then buy the equivalent volume of REGOs and claim they only sell renewable energy.
Energy suppliers are required to declare the makeup of their energy in the FMD. But they are not required to provide detailed information about the source of their power and their use of REGOs and European GOs.”
Herr Stormer und Herr Gates, gute Freunde, Jawohl.
Gates wants to wipe out half the population, Starmer the Stormtrooper just wants to jail them.
Once the old UK farmers have died off and their land sold off for housing then nu-liebour will be able to get on with the job of building sh1t-holes and the banlieus of the 21st centuries so they can import and fill them with criminals.
See Paris and Londonistan for more information.
Starmer to ask Bill Gates to pay his taxes at 100%?
In Chicago, a muslim man shot a Jew while shouting Allahu Akbar.
Newsweek – a former news magazine, now a Democrat propaganda outlet – runs the headline:
“No Hate Crime Charges for Suspect Who Shot Jewish Man on Way to Temple”
The BBC – a former news broadcaster, now islamist propaganda outlet – can’t even bother to cover the story.
Because Jews and conservatives are kicking up a stink, the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation might eventually get round to it, though no doubt twisting and minimising the story.
Could that have anything to do with the ferocity of the crackdown against anti-islamist protesters; the leniency towards the Manchester Airport thugs; the lies around the Southport murderer?
Just wondering.
Sharia next?
2018 … in a country where Islam is 5% of population and Christianity is the dominate religion ….
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
. . . .
0. Islam asks you to have zero thought about its origins and practices. And make zero comparisons with successful cultures.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
MM, Islam also asks for no music (apart from wedding ceremonies, iirc)!
Another image of the UK Justice Minister
“Meet the UK’s new Justice Minister.
Shabana Mahmood has become the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.
The ‘Free Palestine’ activist will be in charge of the administration and reform of core parts of the British justice system.”
Further to post above regarding so called “green energy”
” The dirty secret behind premium ‘green’ energy deals. Millions of households are being ‘duped’ into believing their electricity is clean, experts say.
Britain’s biggest energy suppliers are refusing to stop buying controversial certificates that allow them to sell tariffs as “100pc green” when they are not.
“Green” energy tariffs have typically come at a premium and have been up to £60 more expensive than a standard deal. About 9m households had “green” energy deals in 2021.
But industry experts say that households are being “duped” into thinking their electricity is clean because suppliers can buy certificates that allow them to market tariffs as sustainable.
Energy suppliers can buy certificates, known as Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin or “Regos”, from green energy generators – and still provide their own customers with power generated from fossil fuels.
Suppliers are facing increasing pressure to ditch the practice and it is understood that a regulatory review into greenwashing in the sector could be restarted later this year. Meanwhile, Britain’s major energy companies have spent nearly £2bn on the certificates over the past five years.
Archie Lasseter, the head of sustainability at Utilita, said: “The problem is industry wide. Almost all suppliers are offering tariffs purporting to be ‘100pc renewable’ or ‘zero-carbon’ electricity. “Households on these energy tariffs have been duped into thinking the energy they use is 100pc renewable when it’s not.
“It’s unbelievable that suppliers have been willing to do it for so long, but even worse, the regulator and the Government have simply watched on and done nothing.”
Last month Ovo Energy said it would stop buying Regos, because they allow suppliers to “greenwash” their environmental credentials without boosting the supply of renewable energy.
Telegraph Money approached all of the major energy suppliers, but not one would commit to stop the use of Regos.
Regulator Ofgem issues the certificates to energy generators, which can include wind and solar farms, who then sell them on to suppliers, without the green energy created.”
So, not renewable, as EON admit below, when fossil fuel prices rise, the “renewable energy” has to rise, funny that, unless of course the “renewable energy” is…wait for it, FOSSIL FUEL.
“Although E.ON Next electricity is backed by 100% renewable sources (through E.ON’s renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates), the electricity supplied to your home or business comes from the National Grid and Distribution Network Operators. The distribution network operator (DNO) is the company that owns and operates the power lines and infrastructure that connect National Grid network to your property. National Grid doesn’t connect directly to homes and businesses because its voltage is too high.”
Since renewables and nuclear will always run when they can, it is fossil fuels – and at present, gas, plus the cost of taxes on CO₂ pollution – that subsidise the rest of the energy production, albeit a small amount (under 40% in the UK and only about 20% across the EU). unfortunately the most expensive generator sets the price almost all the time and so the wholesale costs rise across the board.
So idiots are paying a premium to go around, like vegans and organic food buyers, feeling smug and virtuous for paying extra for green energy that isn’t.
Zephir ,
Hence the huge profits at Ecotricity enabling Dale Vince to fund the Liebour Party 🥳……..Selling the Green Dream to STUPID PEOPLE….he might be an obnoxious git but you have to admire his scheme for making money !
In business we are always told not to discuss our salaries with other workers and the problems this causes
‘We earn £100,000. We are not worse off after the Budget’
Anyone work with this lot:-
Ben Howard £70,000
Hannah Clarke £21,500
Yasmin Taylor £150,000
“Has there ever been a political betrayal of this magnitude in so short a space of time?
This Labour Government is breaking new ground. It has adopted mendacity as a way of doing business.
Yesterday’s Budget, with its £40 billion of tax increases, was the most shocking example so far. And yet Rachel Reeves had the brass neck in her speech to make much of her supposed honesty.
The first Labour lie is that it inherited a basket-case economy after 14 years of Tory incompetence. Of course, not everything was rosy. But as Tory leader Rishi Sunak argued in a barnstorming response to Ms Reeves, Labour inherited inflation at 2 per cent, extremely low unemployment and economic growth among the highest in the advanced G7 economies.
The second lie, even more egregious, is that the Budget honours Labour’s manifesto commitment not to increase taxes for ‘working people’, and specifically not to raise National Insurance.
It is incredible that the Chancellor should have insisted that her measures were entirely consistent with her party’s manifesto.
On May 28, in her first speech of the campaign, she promised that if Labour won the election, there would be ‘no additional tax rises’ beyond the comparatively limited ones already announced for private school fees, non-doms and energy companies.
Has there ever been a political betrayal of this magnitude in so short a space of time? The truth is that millions of working people are likely to find themselves worse off as result of Labour’s assault.
The lion’s share of the tax hike, about £25 billion, will come from National Insurance, the very tax that the party’s manifesto pledged not to touch. True, it will fall directly on employers, not employees, but because it is a tax on jobs it’s bound to affect working people.
Thousands of small businesses, which constitute the lifeblood of our economy, will struggle with this extra cost. In addition, they will have to fork out a much higher national living wage to staff. It is being raised by 6.7 per cent (more than three times the rate of inflation) to £12.21 an hour.”
It is of course no defence for it to pretend it didn’t know about the public finances during the campaign since bodies such as the Institute for Fiscal Studies openly discussed them.
Falsehoods are always hard to bear. They become intolerable when they drop easily from the mouths of Sir Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves, who wrapped themselves in the raiment of virtue and integrity when they so freely accused former PM Boris Johnson’s administration of lying.
Even before yesterday’s Budget Britain was more highly taxed than at any time outside war. Over the next few years this dismal and dishonest crew are going to break many more terrifying records.”
“Rachel Reeves’s claims of a £22billion ‘black hole’ in the public finances have not been backed up by Britain’s economic watchdog.
The Office for Budget Responsibility instead said only that the Treasury had failed to share information about £9.5billion of ‘net pressures’ on departments’ budgets.
While the watchdog says it would have reached a ‘materially different judgment’ on Tory spending plans had the information been available, the size of the ‘black hole’ is less than half that the Chancellor claimed.
Responding to the publication of the OBR review, Tory ex-chancellor Jeremy Hunt told the Mail: ‘They say no conclusive evidence their forecasts were inappropriate.
‘They say you cannot judge how the £9.5billion would have scored but even if they had counted it all we would still have broadly met our fiscal rules.'”
Zephir, hidden away in the Budget details were increases in car tax that would hit working people, especially those in rural areas or without reliable trains, the hardest. Even EV drivers will be paying road tax under the Liebour Government.
‘Racist abuse made my daughter want to leave Wales’
25 month jail sentence for words. I wonder if the manchester lot will ever be brought to justice
Hey engleeeesh …go home … ( I had that in wales )
It happened to us as well. We had a Welsh Cottage but we found Covid exacerbated Welsh-English tensions so we sold.
Wales is turning in to a Socialist paradise.
seen entire village pubs where you can hear outside that they’re talking in English about that Saturday’s rugby switch to Welsh
“Shakila Meli was told to “go home” and that she “didn’t belong” while at a bus stop with her children in Caernarfon, Gwynedd.
But the 31-year-old hairdresser who grew up in Kenya refused to back down and called the police.
The man shouting abuse has since been jailed for two years after admitting racial harassment.”
But Michael Owen Williams began insulting her, first in Welsh, which her five-year-old daughter Pegah speaks.
“She came running to me and she told me ‘mum – he’s saying really mean and racial things to you’,” said Shakila.
“She said ‘he’s saying that you’re a dirty Muslim. You shouldn’t be here, you’re illegal’.”
Anyone think the BBC will report on this?
Comments Could Be Going Better
@9:33 Take a Fee Quran!
That was an advert by the londonistan tourist board ..avoid
Not direct criticism of the BBC for a change – but the interview by comrade Robinson of the reeve was cringing . She could not justify her tax rises – the 22 billion ‘hole ‘ doesn’t exist – according to the OBR
We will suffer for the next 5 years – but what will the alternatives be ? Some one cut the size of the State please …
Btw – her justification for taxing businesses more with NI thresholds dropped was that a ‘business conference ‘ yield investment …. But maybe those businesses will rework their sums and not invest here …I wouldn’t …
Expect to see queues of union leaders , civil servants , diversity managers , teachers , medical mafia in Whitehall getting their handouts today …
The outrage over the non Islamic non terrorist alleged triple murderer and manufacturer of a biological weapon – has – as planned by TTK – gone away – and I suspect – will stay away as attention now turns to the Harris victory in the fixed US election and subsequent civil war …
Mr AsI strives to curate – on behalf of our mainstream news sceptical virtual friends hereabouts – to purvey, to be a connoisseur, if you will, of those awkward little approved narrative-busting juxtapositions sometimes to be discovered on the frontpages of our national press.
Those tin foil-hatted conspiracy nerds will tell you something about “It’s all there in Plain Sight. You just have to recognise the signs”
The glitches in the matrix, as the kids would say. The exceptions that disprove the rules. The tell tale whiff of rabbit droppings emanating from the conjurer’s supposedly empty pockets. Don’t believe him if he tells you those are his Maltesers.
Like the late lamented diminutive dandy-like Minneapolis multi-instrumentalist, Prince, Mr AsI enjoys presenting to you a Sign o’ the Times (and much like ‘The Artist formerly known as’ in his rush to compose and to type his morning review his spelling can occasionally be a bit off)
Anyway, before one meanders into a longer run-up than West Indian fast bowler Michael Holding…
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff will be like pigs in clover this morning – what with their penchant for sucking on the public sector teat and of course their celebration the first female chancellor and all.
They do however pick a fine punning tabloid headline for their top pick of the press pack frontpages – excuse the irony but it’s the freebie hand-out giveaway Metro: Things can only debt better – playing the bum note variation on that classic Labour D:Ream theme.
Given the morning after the budget before hangover, they really couldn’t be off promoting the broadsheet pink paper to second spot. And here’s our sign of the times, state of the nation moment. Prime frontpage ad spot on the cover of the FT – familiar home to such luxary brands as Bulgari, Chopard and Graff – this morning is bought by: Delfont Mackintosh Theatres
I digress for a moment – dramatic pause, if you will – so as to reminisce about that ace TV professional Geordie darts commentator, Sid Waddell – and his classic off-the-cuff quip“You see some Shakespeare on BBC2… but you can’t beat darts for drama!”
And what iconic moment from what popular West End stage show will our impressarios wish to promote to the rarified auditorium that is the Financial Times frontpage?
And given it being the morning after what we may in future times look back on as the budget that broke Britian what image is deployed?
Could it be that little girl from those Les Misérables posters? Provoking at once notions of innocence, poverty and revoultion?
Close but no Cohiba Behike cigar… instead: Please Sir, I want some more!
Yep, it’s the Parisian waif Young Cosette’s orphaned British cousin, our very own Dickensian creation the boy named Twist, holding out his begging bowl for a tad more workhouse gruel in Lionel Bart’s Oliver
Some budget-proof seats still available… Gielgood Theatre
And what better image representative of the State Sector profering it’s begging bowl keen to nosh further into an even greater percentage proportion of our remaining national wealth crusty pie chart, such as it is.
Oliver Twist or is it really more a case of Littile Jack Horner?
Little Keir Starmer,
Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said ‘What a good boy am I’.
Oh, and in case you were wondering – about the biggest political scandal and official cover-up of recent times – the only frontpage passing reference in a major national daily can be discovered in the mildly conservative Telegraph: ‘Information gap’ after Southport killings – that’s your lot.
But of course that’s how our curators of mainstream news planned it, right?
Let’s close with a word puzzle:
Q. When is a terror incident not perpetrated by a terrorist? (allegedly)
A. When Keir Starmer is the PM
I mused here yesterday about the meaning of words ( in the context of working people ) – but I think the TTK trick applies equally to Terrorism . I don’t think there will ever be a terrorist attack again – excepting what the religious plod describe as ‘Far Right Terrorism ‘ – which Labour MPs will fall over themselves describing ,
If the next MP murdered is a labour one – then it will be ‘far right terrorism ‘ but if it is a Tory – it won’t be terrorism – it will be a ‘lone actor’ ( see David Amess) .
There are 5 categories at which the threat levels could be set:
LOW – an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE – an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL – an attack is likely
SEVERE – an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL – an attack is highly likely in the near future
Members of the public should always remain alert to the danger of terrorism and report any suspicious activity to the police on 999 or the anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321. If your information does not relate to an imminent threat, you can also contact MI5.
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from all forms of terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.*
So he / she / it is cross about cross dressing … omg lol -like whatever girl/boy/it friend .. yawn …
Wearing a suit is cultural appropriation!
Billions? Am I missing something?
8 billion in the world – billions would mean 2 billion are trans!
Just seen the Trump “garbage ‘ piece at his last rally – a democrat president Biden calling half the electorate garbage’- in a fair election – would make Trump president now – but that election is fixed … it’s …er ..garbage ….
Deplorable garbage?
US Election.
Trump looks increasingly likely to win. It seems impossible that Harris can win by a large margin.
What happens if Trump does win.
Suppose he wins bigly .
The left will probably not contest the result via legal or governmental means but they will organise well coordinated ‘spontaneous’ rioting , looting, arson and violence designed to undermine his second term before it has even started. In its last few weeks the Biden WH will be clandestinely pouring fuel on the fires. The legacy media will be egging the rioters on. It will much worse than the BLM riots. No one will be held to account and Trump’s rhetoric will be blamed. But democracy might survive this challenge.
Suppose the result is close, or can be fixed to seem close.
Then all hell will break loose. The Biden administration will use any means to keep Trump out , the whole power of the state and MSM will be mobilised to put Harris in the WH.
Will the American public stand for this? If the Trump voters riot the jails will be filled overnight and martial law declared. Retribution will be swift and savage.The crackdown post Southport protests will be like a tea party in comparison.
Democracy will be seen by all to be dead , the Globalists will try to pretend all is well but we will all know that we live under tyranny.
“‘spontaneous’ rioting , looting, arson and violence”
Double – seems inevitable that Obama will try to kill trump again ….
Well it is certainly likely that there will be more assassination attempts. But Vance maybe regarded as a more formidable proponent of the MAGA agenda than Trump is. So putting him in the WH might be a big own goal for the Dems/ Globalists. Assassinating two MAGA Presidents would surely be a bridge too far even for the Globalists and it would certainly trigger great resistance from the MAGA base.
Is it hyperbole to suggest it might plunge the country into civil war ?
If by some miracle he’s allowed to win (without being shot), the left will unleash hell on the streets, the ‘Resistance’ will click into top gear, while the Deep State / Swamp will pull out all the stops to thwart him at every turn, with the full connivance of the msm and of course our very own BBC.
Require schools teach about Islam as part of religious education
We want the Government to add ‘Islam’ to the national curriculum. Islam is an important topic that should be taught in school. We need to educate the younger generation about different religions and culture so they have a wide range of knowledge and understanding for the future.
“How can the UK have a budget if the UK has no borders? Like stocktaking in a shop with no doors.”
Comment on order-order.com
The illegal immigrants are shoplifters
Boris had a good go as well ….

The BBC is reporting on the terrible floods in Spain, which have so far claimed 92 lives. It states: “Meteorologists believe the extreme weather is due, in part, to the Dana phenomenon – when a pool of cold air interacts with an area of low pressure to create an intensely unstable atmospheric environment.”. Being the BBC and unable to control itself, it continues: While studies suggest Dana events occur many times each year in the western Mediterranean, the intensity of such rainfall events appears to be increasing due to climate change. Naturally this assertion is not supported by any evidence or references to research. Instead, the BBC would like you to think: ‘It’s always warm and sunny and dry in Spain. Now there are floods, so it must be global warming’.
Well, not quite. Historically, floods throughout Spain are a regular occurence, and records dating back to the 13th Century are available. The worst recorded flood in the Murcia area was the Santa Teresa flood of October 1879, when the Segura river overflowed and killed more than 1,000 people. In January/February 1626, flooding in Seville and other cities killed 642 people. The document below cites 589 floods categorised as ‘catastrophic’ between the years 1203 to 1992. These floods are associated with the geography of the country, given its location between the Atlantic and the Meditterreanean, and many large river basins. There is undoubtedly an influence due to human activity, such as changes in irrigation techniques and the development of the south-east coast during the 20th Century, but imaginary ‘global boiling’ isn’t one of them.
China are doing their bit .. ha ha hah ah ha 2015
“Fires are still burning at the site of two massive explosions in the Chinese city of Tianjin, some 36 hours after the blasts.
Military chemical experts are testing for toxic gases and rescuers have been told to wear protective clothing.
At least 56 people died and more than 720 were injured, 25 critically and 33 seriously, in the explosions late on Wednesday evening, officials said.
But search teams did find one survivor in the debris early on Friday.
Ian the BBC’s go-to source for extreme events is often https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/ who are a partner of Imperial College. However their own analysis of their modelling states:
“… we would like to check whether the extremes are caused by the same meteorological mechanisms as in reality. This can involve checking a large number of processes, making it difficult in practice […] Quantitative meteorological checks are still under development (Vautard et al. 2018). It is therefore still possible that the climate models we use generate the right extreme statistics for the wrong reasons.”
The MSM frequently feed us questionable modelling which they report as empirical ‘fact’. Ignorance, deceit, or both?
I use bbbc radio newcastle as my alarm clock radio station in the mornings (only) and listening to the news I guess that Southport is all over and done with now.
Not a mention of this huge scandalous behaviour of misleading and lies to the population by MPs, bbbc and the rest of the media plus most of the papers.
It looks like the left have played a blinder and have got away with it.
Giving out this information just before a huge controversial budget so that Southport will go away and be forgotten.
They’ve got away with it just like they get away with everything else as the media is on their side.
Even GB News is becoming more like the rest after getting rid of all the good presenters because of their fear of Ofcom.
A couple remain, Michelle Dewbury is ‘one of us’ plus there’s a couple who ask the right questions (but don’t seem to follow up on whatever answer they get)
Labour (the left in general) are having it all their own way and have been for quite some time. Will we ever get a return to impartial and truthful reporting?
Priceless thank you 😄
What a convenient excuse 2TK has for continuing to lie about the vermin who murdered the children at Southport: that any discussion of the case who jeopardise the trial.
The BBC, of course, are all too willing to cover for him: “The most senior figures in government first became aware of the possibility of new charges against the suspect in the Southport murders in the past few weeks, the BBC has been told.”
And of course they don’t challenge that official statement.
In other words, “we didn’t know nuffink” while they were persecuting those who – it turns out – were telling the truth about the murderer’s islamist connection.
Like hell they didn’t know. In a matter of terrorism, potentially involving national security (Ricin; terrorist manuals) the PM and his inner circle would have been kept informed every step of the way.
Starmer’s Southport Shame.
workers! They have found out who they are! HA HA HAH A
“Reeves accepts tax-raising Budget likely to hit pay for workers”
Chancellor Rachel Reeves tells the BBC it’s likely her tax-raising Budget may affect pay for workers, as businesses will have to absorb the costs of paying more National Insurance or give out smaller pay rises
“A woman whose nine-year-old daughter became the first person in the UK to have air pollution recognised as a factor in her death has settled legal action against the government for an undisclosed amount.”
against the government for an undisclosed amount. = TAX PAYER
undisclosed amount. = TAX PAYER
“We know that air pollution has a significant impact on our life… and the government has a clear responsibility for improving air quality in the UK.”
22 die at a concert after picking up a migrant from Libya?! ??!?>!>!>>!???!
Does that mean that every member of her family (or School or friends or whoever hung about with her) are due money from the taxpayers as well.
Whatever affected her must have also affected those around her. She didn’t live in her personal cloud of pollution.
Or is it a scam.
Have the flood gates just been opened.
Emmanuel all we have to do is Tick the right box = compensation
For anyone facing higher taxes, I suggest just knock some off when you do your return and say you identify as a working person.
Personally I’ve recently come out as tax-fluid. I’m sure this government will be sympathetic.
Yesterday, the government announced what it described as the biggest hike in NHS funding since 2010 – £22bn extra for the front line and another £3bn for equipment and buildings for the rest of this financial year and the following one. That’s against an overall health budget for this year of more than £190bn.
“Unimaginable” cost of Test & Trace failed to deliver central promise of averting another lockdown
10 March 2021
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
BBC Two, 18 September 2024
While making a variety of points about Israel’s new strategy against Hezbollah, a contributor wrongly stated that the International Court of Justice said what had happened in Gaza is “plausible genocide”. To be clear the ICJ actually decided that the Palestinians had a right to be protected from genocide.
To be clear!
To be clear after the story!
Someone help me with the math …. (S) if GBnews is fined £100 000 for a programme with the UK PM which was biased ….
..then how much should the BBC be fined for 24/7 biased labour coverage ….? Show your workings ….
” how much should the BBC be fined ” – BBC to be compensated for just being BBC 10000 billion!
Gary Lineker still BBC’s top earner on £1.35m, annual report shows
This article is more than 1 year old
Pay of Match of the Day host unchanged in year he was suspended for criticising ministers’ language
World at one
A favourite of mine – saffron corduroy is the chair of NHS providers ( lol ) who is ‘happy ‘ to get the £22 billion of tax payers ‘ money – but it’s only a ‘small step ‘ …
Maybe the UK should just be renamed ‘NHSland’ where we are all subject by an authoritarian medical mafia filling the bank accounts with taxpayers ‘ money ….
I felt sick listening to saffron moaning about how it is still not enough …
A number of pundits suggesting more taxes being raised next year – another big increase – I bet it’s another £40 billion ….
Wouldn’t it be something if Elon Musk bought into GB News.
With the kind of top lawyers he could afford Ofcom might be put in their place instead of fining them £100,000 because they thought Sunak got easy questions from the public audience.
If that was worth a £100,000 fine then they could make a real fortune for every question time and their fully left wing audiences.
And that’s just a start.
The bbbc bias is off the scale on everything so we’re talking £billions.
There’s rich pickings with the other channels as well.
Of course, it won’t happen.
It’s like our ‘justice’ system where only right wingers are punished when they say or do something the lefties disagree with. Not when it’s the other way round though. Everybody knows that.
For attention of all on here :
“Tommy Robinson has been found in contempt of court for publishing a documentary film, and he has been sent to the UK’s most notorious prison, HMP Belmarsh.
That’s been dubbed the UK’s “Guantanamo Bay”, where many terrorists and murderers are serving their time.
But the new prison governor has decided to make Tommy’s life hell — and to possibly put him in a position where he’ll be killed by jihadist prison gangs.
Click here to see the latest details that Tommy described in a phone call:
PLEASE HELP: They’re trying to kill Tommy Robinson in prison
At Tommy’s request, we’ve hired a UK law firm specializing in prison law to take action to compel the prison to protect Tommy. If you can help us crowdfund the cost of these lawyers, please do by clicking here or going to http://www.SaveTommy.com.
Tommy has been in Belmarsh before, but the previous prison governor put Tommy in a special unit called the “contingency suites” where no other prisoners had access to him. It was the same prison within a prison where Julian Assange was held. It’s psychologically damaging to be in solitary confinement for so long, but at least Tommy was allowed visitors and he knew he wouldn’t be attacked.
But the new prison warden, a diversity hire named Jenny Louis, gave Tommy two choices: be thrown into the general population of the prison (where he would be killed by jihadist gangs) or be locked up in a tiny cell “down the block” for 23½ hours a day.
But being put “down the block” is a punishment, usually reserved for violent prisoners who engage in misconduct while in prison. It’s not a permanent holding cell meant for long-term use. According to a recent government inspection of Belmarsh, the average length of time a prisoner has been punished “down the block” is 18 days. Tommy was sentenced to 18 months. No-one could survive that, but that’s what this woke prison governor was threatening to do. She also threatened to punish Tommy in other ways, including severely limiting the number of visitors he’s allowed to receive.
This is morally unacceptable. And it’s illegal, too. Tommy wasn’t convicted of a crime — contempt of court is a civil offence. As a civil prisoner, he has many more rights. A politically angry prison governor can’t just punish him because she dislikes him.
She’s done this before, by the way. When Julian Assange was in prison there, she tried to stop him from even getting married. And she banned Reporters Without Borders from even visiting Assange to see if he was OK.
She’s used to bullying prisoners. It’s only been a couple of days and she is adding extra punishments to Tommy’s sentence. Well, not if we have anything to say about it.
We’ve got to fight back. Even the judge who sentenced Tommy to prison said how dangerous a prison setting is for Tommy.
Before Tommy went to prison, he asked me to look after legal matters like this, and now that he sees what it’s like on the inside, he has approved the plan to hire specialist prison lawyers to challenge this out-of-control governor. I’m pleased to say the new law firm has already made contact with Tommy and is going to battle for him. I’ve promised to crowdfund the cost, so that Tommy’s family doesn’t have to bear this burden.
Please help us protect Tommy in prison — it might even save his life. Visit http://www.SaveTommy.com to help me pay for his prison lawyers.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
Rebel News
P.S. Sentencing someone like Tommy Robinson to prison in the UK is tantamount to a death penalty — the prisons are dominated by Muslim gangs. But the alternative, putting him in solitary confinement, is a form of torture, too.
P.P.S. We absolutely have to push back against this out-of-control prison warden. This new prison law firm specializes in fights like this. Please click here or visit http://www.SaveTommy.com to help me cover their fees.
P.P.P.S. I’ve applied to the prison to visit Tommy to see with my own eyes how he’s being treated. So far, the prison isn’t accepting visitors for him AT ALL. I’ll keep you posted.”
I don’t like Tommy Robinson – but I do admire his courage and drive . To think that the British State has treated him like a cat A criminal – when he should be treated as a ‘civil law ‘ inmate – is …. Soviet …. Brutal … and points to where this country is ( I was going to say ‘our country ‘ but that would be a lie ) ….
The prison governor clearly wants him dead – one way or another …. And it will be good for her career – which is all that matters …
This interview with Jordan Peterson gives the background to much of this;
World at one
As a towny – the changes to taxes on farming should go over my head … but … Baring in mind TTK is a big player fir the WEF – getting family farms up for sale to the likes of the evil William Gates – it’s pretty obvious what is going on …. Pure corruption …
Green members of the European Parliament working on the protection of the EU’s budgets have claimed in a new report that the misuse of European agricultural funds is widespread and a major concern in Central and Eastern Europe.
The report that looks at five countries — Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania — and reveals that EU funds tend to end up in the hands local oligarchs connected to political elites or big conglomerates, rather than helping medium and small-sized farms as intended.
August 21, 2023
“They Fired on Us Like Rain”
Saudi Arabian Mass Killings of Ethiopian Migrants at the Yemen-Saudi Border
We were fired on repeatedly. I saw people killed in a way I have never imagined. I saw 30 killed people on the spot. I pushed myself under a rock and slept there. I could feel people sleeping around me. I realized what I thought were people sleeping around me were actually dead bodies. I woke up and I was alone.
– Hamdiya, 14 years old
X posts seem to show up arbitrarily. I didn’t do anything differently from the one I posted earlier which shows up.
“Do you remember on the day of the Southport murders, the suspect’s home was raided?
Is that when they found the ricin & the Al-Qaeda training manual?
Was it right from the start they knew it might be an Islamic terrorist attack?”
The charges relate to “from 29 July”
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
112,000 former coal miners will receive a 32% boost to their pension through the government-backed Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme.
Ensuring those who powered the country for decades get the just reward for their labour.
Historic injustice reversed as 112,000 former coalminers finally have £1.5 billion from their pension scheme transferred to them, boosting their pensions.
This will end an historic injustice and will ensure members of the scheme see an average increase of £29 per week added to their pay – an increase of 32%.
Ex-miners die in poverty as government takes pension funds, say campaigners
This article is more than 7 months old
On strikes’ 40th anniversary, campaign says £4.2bn taken from scheme under deal that gives government 50% of surplus funds
The National Mineworkers Pension Campaign said the former prime minister Boris Johnson “lied through his back teeth” when he promised in 2019 to end an arrangement that has seen the government take 50% of the Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme surplus funds in exchange for a commitment that the pot’s value would not drop.
The scheme had more than 300,000 members when it was set up and now has 115,000, as each year about 7,000 former miners and their spouses die.
“The government control our scheme. We control nothing. So we’re, in effect, voiceless.”
More to be hidden on local news if mentioned at all on the far left bbc, how many hundreds of islamist perpetrators and thousands of young victims ?
“Three brothers who waged 14-year campaign of rape and sexual abuse against young girls face decades in prison”
“Three brothers who abused girls as young as six in a 14-year campaign of rape and sexual assault face decades in prison.
Shaha Amran Miah, 48, Shaha Alman Miah, 47, and Shaha Joman Miah, 38, were convicted after a lengthy trial at Preston Crown Court.
The abuse happened in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, and Leeds, West Yorkshire, between 1996 and 2010.”
The girls abused by Amran Miah and Joman Miah were as young as six or seven when the abuse began, the court heard.
The middle brother, Alman Miah, faced three sexual offence charges against one girl.
Joman Miah started a relationship with a girl of 14 and groomed her by giving her gifts, alcohol and cigarettes.
Around the same time, Alman Miah started a relationship with a 15-year-old girl, who was raped by Amran Miah.
Zephir – there does seem to be a weird disconnect between the sort of coverage these animals get – and then the sistas going on about ‘make violence against women ‘.
Now being a chap my reaction to reading this report to the gas chamber – just off them – but other say we can’t rely on the state to off the correct people – and TTK would target white British victims …
Still don’t get the lack of publicity or interest white British young female victims of third world Muslim vermin get .. maybe the reality is the liberal women just regard the girls as trailer trash ..
I’m having troulbe getting X material to post properly
This is from Active Patriot
Failed Gateshead asylum seeker who threatened to burn down flat while paramedics were inside given 4 months suspended prison sentence
Ali Raswli was annoyed with the Home Officer when he tried to light a duvet inside his home, while medical staff were trying to help him
A failed asylum seeker took his frustration out on paramedics who were trying to help him when he threatened to burn down his flat and tried to set fire to a duvet.
An ambulance crew had attended Ali Raswli’s Gateshead home following concern he may self-harm but were met by him acting aggressively. A court heard that 27-year-old, who had recently been refused asylum in the UK and was going through the appeals process at the time, then took his frustration at the Home Office out on the two medics.
Kurdish Raswli threatened to set the flat on fire then tried but failed to light a duvet, which was on the living room floor. Prosecutors said Raswli then lit pieces of paper, which thankfully didn’t take, and dropped them on the floor.
His behaviour prompted the paramedics to fear for their safety and leave the premises and Raswli was arrested after the police were called. However, his behaviour didn’t stop there and just three weeks later, on August 19 this year, he made similar threats.
Paul Coulson, prosecuting at Newcastle Magistrates’ Court, said Raswli was speaking on the phone to a welfare support officer, who was also trying to help him, when he claimed he’d doused himself and his home, on Maxwell Street, in Saltwell, in kerosene. Mr Coulson added: “When police attended, the defendant was outside his address.
“He was standing with his left hand behind his back and was challenged to show his hands, which he didn’t do, so he was detained by police with the use of a Taser. The police noted that, when they entered the defendant’s property, there was no smell of fuel or accelerant. The defendant was also wearing dry clothing.”
The court heard that Raswli had also been arrested earlier in the month after he claimed to be lying across railway tracks waiting for a train to hit him. He was located near the tracks and detained.
Raswli pleaded guilty to two counts of threatening to damage property endangering life, one of trespass on a railway and one of failing to surrender to custody when he appeared in the dock earlier this month. The case was adjourned until this week for sentence.
Heather Bolton, defending, said: “The offending all relates to problems with his status in this country and also the torture of his family at home. This appears to have massively impacted his mental health.”
Giving him a four-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, District Judge Paul Currer said: “These offences have occurred when you have become frustrated by the lack of progress with you application for asylum in this country. You were unhappy your application had been refused and you were having to go through the appeal process.
“It may well be that you find the process frustrating and annoying, but that does not provide you with an excuse to behave in a criminal manner and make criminal threats. Your offending is made more serious because the people you were threatening were people who were trying to help you.”
Listen Well Yvette Cooper “refugees welcome”
“He said “most people in their heart of hearts” would agree with Labour’s brand-new policies.” (c) Starmer
Freeze pensioners ✅
Ruin small businesses ✅
Hide the truth about crime ✅
Use our tax to fight ‘overseas climate change’ ✅
Kill off the oil & gas industry ✅
Give money to union mates ✅
Put taxes up ✅
Tax the poor with ULEZ ✅
Ruin British farmers ✅
Tax education ✅
I am beginning to think that we should never allow a lawyer to serve as PM again.
I plead Tony B Liar and TTK Staliner as evidence.
We have to know what a Labour Gov (with 30% of the vote) would do – know we know! All doubt removed.