Whilst people are pre occupied with the coming socialist budget more details of the alleged non terrorist murderer and bio weapon are announced . The dishonesty of the labour politicians -police and CPS and main stream media is there for us to see. luckily for them they’ve just locked up a prominent campaigner for the truth..go verify that BBC.
Midweek 30th October 2024 . Budget
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Reeves appointed David Goldstone as the new Chair of the Office of Value for Money to “help us realise the benefits from every pound of public spending”. Ironically, Goldstone will work once per week at a daily rate of £950 – more than the Prime Minister. No need to know the value for money when the taxpayer is paying for it…
Goldstone won’t even be allowed to weigh in on HS2 discussions due to conflicts of interest; he’s the Treasury’s nominee member for the HS2 Board. A scheme renowned as one of the state’s most spectacular flops in delivering bang for the taxpayer’s buck. You couldn’t make it up…
Dave Golstone must have bunged the reds a lot of Money to get a non job and a 2025 peerage – maybe he holds the same secrets as the corrupt Alli creature or Billy bill gates….
Our good friend
went to visit Tommy this morning with Tommy’s family.
Tommy is in good spirits.
We still have a battle ahead of us to ensure he gets all of his rights as a CIVIL prisoner at Belmarsh.
Lucy -thanks – but to ‘upbeat ‘ for my liking – the British far left state is vindictive at the best of times …
I thought similar Fed.
I expect Tommy is in better spirits when someone is visiting.
I’ve decided to wait a couple of months to send a letter or email.
When the initial inundation dies down he will still need friends.
I’ve found another black hole!
Everything Net Zero – Services, Products, Solutions, and Support for the public sector transition to Net Zero
It’s interesting to see that Private Schools are taking legal action against the Government regarding their VAT raid. Ironically it’s on the basis of the European Convention of Human Rights as well as Our Human Rights Act 1998. You would have thought Smarmer would have known something about that. As a fundamental point, Education has always been considered to be tax exempt up to now.
We’re being Governed by some particularly nasty and unpleasant people.
Do indigenous British have human rights ? just fill in the form and find out..
Im trying to game the US election ——
Harris wins via the Obama Fix
President Trump wins because the Obama fix fails
Neither concede because the vote is too tight …
Not sure how the constitution works but I think it’s down to th ‘electoral council ‘?
Anyway – out come
1 clear Trump win – easy – but old Obama legal challenge but the Donald in the big house come January ( unless they kill him
2 Harris wins – crack down by the federal democrat state on dissenters – kill a few – lock a lot up – touch of the Capitol Hill treatment
3 civil disorder …. Starting 6th November – attempts at news blackout by Obama and MSM …. Deep trouble
4 Americans shrug their shoulders like the 2020 election and are more interested in swiftly Taylor and her new beau ….
Thoughts and disagreement welcome ….
Fed, dem grate bibbycee are a tad gloomy about the chance of a Harris victory so they have burned some desperate CO2, despite telling the rest of us not to fly anywhere, sending JustRemainIn Webb to the US on the TOADY Prog this morning just to see if he can make the difference between Harris winning or not.
@Fed If 1) happens there will be 3) organised by various left wing fractions with possible further assassinations attempts to follow. I can’t see any so called celebrities leaving if 1) happens they’ll be too busy screeching about it being fixed. I’m of that age now where I’m finding it extremely difficult to worry but I’ve found lately it’s entertaining to watch suitable amounts of pennies dropping especially with the lefty middle class as they start to realise they’re being shafted against all expectations.
Up2, Mrs K – I heard our Justin back in his old liberal land – and he mentioned that ‘marianna ‘ is there – maybe to collect another award or try her pitiful attempts at getting Elon to sit down with her – when she has the time .
I somehow think it’s a ‘ careful what you wish for ‘ with mr musk because she just might find she really is as dim as we know she is …
As for next week – America will not be a happy place whatever the outcome . I still think the fix is in across those states … and that Harris will win through the Obama Fix … maybe there will be a proper ‘objection ‘ to the outcome – not just a minor ‘capitol ‘ type demo …. They’ve all got weapons so there not going to be a minor TTK type event …..
Enrichment, Gallic style:
“Massive shootout sparks battle between ‘up to 600 people’ in France: Minister condemns the country’s ‘Mexicanisation’ as drug gang violence spirals.
Cops said that between 400 and 600 people were involved in the violence that escalated in the aftermath of the shootout, which reportedly came ‘against a backdrop of tensions between the Maghreb and Guadeloupean communities.’
Cops were ‘set upon’ by ’80 to 100′ people in the crowd, and were forced to arrest dozens to restore calm by around 2:30am. ”
Farewell ‘douce France’.
But you brought it upon yourselves.
” a backdrop of tensions between the Maghreb and Guadeloupean communities”
No integration then, as this is, apparently, France ??
The lying, biased BBC have a wonderfully convenient tool for attacking Trump while cloaking their attacks under the sanctimonious mantel of “fact checking”.
So they ‘fact check’ Musk’s claims that the Dems are importing voters and decide ‘nope, nothing to see here’.
In truth, that’s exactly what the Dems are doing, even busing and flying them in to swing states in huge numbers.
“Investigating Musk’s far-fetched claim about Democrats importing voters”
PS. The headline itself gives away their predetermined conclusion that it’s “far-fetched”. The only thing that’s far-fetched is that the BBC would be unbiased in their “fact-checking”.
Thomas Wei Huang,- 17 – can now be named . He was a public school boy who waited for his 2 student victims to be asleep before he took a claw hammer to them . He also tried to kill a teacher …
He has just got a minimum 12 years for attempted murder x3 – nothing special – but the reason I record it is that it’s another case where the judge has specifically allowed the criminal to be named
He is due out by his 29th birthday so that means he’ll be home for …Christmas ….
Name then all
Looks like the TTK religious plod will practicing their baton charges on farming folk in coming days – the farming folk will become far right thugs with Starmer Judges eager to hand out 2 year sentences for forced ‘guilty ‘ pleas. Never plead guilty –
I’m still reeling from the knowledge that this country is now facing a financial crisis which already easily beats the unmitigated mayhem caused by Gordon Brown several years ago, and Healey several years before that! The risks are appalling, and the reality that we now have a ‘chancellor’ with the experience of an assistant stapler and rubber-stamp maintenance monitor from the crud end of the Bank of England, is beginning to sink in – quite deeply as it happens.
Many of my friends around here, (Kent and Sussex) are farmers, and they have it bad enough already, with the crap still flowing from the disgraceful EU hangovers left by Blair when he ran away, but this inheritance rubbish is just blind hatred of the British way of life, and the death knell of Labour ever getting into power again when they’re kicked out – even possibly forcibly!
This pseudo-government is providing the midnight cashpoint for drunks and their painted shags coming out of the clubs and trumpeting their non-jobs in the snivel cervix. They’re screwing everyone and the bile on their faces and in their rhetoric is too plain to see, especially as they lied constantly before the election, and I fully expect them to lie continuously from now on.
The BBC have already bowed down to the disastrous budget, and solemnly agree that ‘it is for the best’, which is an anomaly, because as far as I can see, there aren’t any experts working for this bloated tax-funded agency for obfuscation and untruths which, in fact, just what Labour wants.
Scrobie, dem grate bibbycee are screaming about the Budget. I listen to Farming Today most weekdays as there are loads of farming ancestors on my father’s side of the family. The Inheritance Tax changes wrought by the Iron Chancellor (ho ho) will mean any farm over, iirc, 300 acres having to be sold off, bit by bit. There was an estate agent on the programme this morning explaining how the tax rule change will affect farms.
There is already a generational crisis in farming with average age of farmers north of the pensionable age and not enough younger farmers joining the profession.
Then again on TWATO (I should have done aTWATO Watch on the subject but I haven’ quite got used to being ‘connected’ again) dem grate bibbycee were pointing out that GPs, Pharmacies and commercial companies supplying the NHS, had written to the Iron Lady about the Employers’ NI increase. Will we discover the Lady is for turning or will she take a leaf out of Maggie’s book? As you correctly state the 2024 Budget is likely to crash the economy, leading to greater inflation and possible food shortages.
PS: Did you mean Bojo, not Blair, ‘running away’?
Scrobie, more economic gloom from Paul Homewood at the excellent NaLoPKT site: https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/11/01/environmental-levies-to-cost-108-billion-by-2029-30/
Uppers, bless you – I said Blair, (the font of all the chaos we now have), and should have also said Bozza as a replacement…
I felt so let down when he just caved in to the ‘pressure’, but sod it, he used to be a DT hack once , being PM would have been a doddle compared with that job – unless you ‘work’ for the BBC!
Well, I didn’t think much of his tap dancing, but when he attempted to pull off twelve angry men in under two minutes on Give us a Clue it was a sight to behold.
The budget really doesn’t seem to be thought through – which I don’t get … labour always want to spend more – but the blue regime acted like socialists – throwing borrowed money about fir some incoherent reason – eg the £1200 last year for the cost of living for anyone on benefits .
Yet – remove winter payments from pensioners – then increased NI payments for GPs and Care Homes – was this done to make reeve look good when she inevitably backs down ?
And then there is the reduced NI threshold – does Labour know what that is going to do to small businesses ? It’s a horror show –
Btw – I don’t have skin in the game and have been hoping that the market would take the reds on …
Whitehall here we come…..
Lawyer Akhmed Yakoob is at Birmingham Crown Court defending 10 of his clients. They were charged with conspiracy to commit wounding & violent disorder.
The conspiracy charges were dropped, but they pleaded guilty of violent disorder.
Suspended sentences.
A Noose is a Suspended Sentence !
Guido notes the BBC is trying to hide the market’s reaction to the budget [unlike its hyperbloic and hysterical reportng on the Truss budget]…
‘BBC Caught Altering Budget Article to Be More Favourable to Labour’
The BBC is dangerous…not just with its campaigning on immigration, Islam, trans and climate but in the way it attempts, and sometimes succeeds, in swaying the markets.
While I know that this is a website about the prejudice of the bBC, but its impact runs much deeper and further.
Currently one of the DT headings on their website is:
“Reform was banned from discussing Southport ‘attacker’ in Parliament, Nigel Farage reveals”
Straight forward stuff – but even the DT is not allowing comment. People are now running frightened of free speech. How can a dictatorial government be held to account in this environment.
Non – the way things are going a new terrorism is going to start in Britain – after only three months of red rule the despair is rapidly building up – im sure the guys at 77 brigade and the ‘intelligence community ‘ is snooping even more – eyes off the Muslim terrorism and onto British nationalism …
Just caught the last minute of this today…but it was enough as they compared Islam in Europe today with the Jews of the ’30’s…and of course claimed what happened to the Jews could happen to the Muslims.
‘Misha Glenny explores a number of political divides facing Europe and asks whether the continent is undergoing the same crises it went through in the 1930s.’
Of course there is no comparison either in the numbers nor the aggressive and hostile behaviour and attitudes of all too many Muslims and the attempts to Islamise Europe which bares no comparison to how the Jews behaved in the ’30’s.
It’s an extraordinarily dishonest, prejudiced and one-sided piece with no attempt to ask if immigratioin is doing any harm.
The BBC here calls criticism of immigration ‘stoking anti-immigrant feeling’ and of course ‘Far-Right’….but it is neither for the vast majority who look on and see what is happening and don’t like it….they have every right to ask questions when they see their countries, culture and societies being slowly but steadily destroyed….and their children murdered, raped and abused.
It’s much more likely that what happened to the Jews in the 30’s will happen again today.
The Jewish people have been part of British Culture for generations and have totally integrated and been of great benefit to us all.
Not so Islam which seems hell bent – by violence if necessary – on replacing our culture and traditions to suit some geezer they seem to worship called Allah. Well I have a message for them and it goes like this. UP YOURS ALLAH!!!
Adrian Chiles today very concerned about the language used by the Trump campaign or people associated with it…such as the ‘garbage’ comedian.
The language was certainly peppery…’son of a bitch’, ‘garbage’ and Harris’ handlers were ‘pimps’ [the idea that she is a puppet…maybe ‘puppetmasters’ might have been a better word]…but hardly beyond the pale.
Curiously not a word about the Democrat’s constant refrain that Trump is dangerous, a danger to democracy, a tyrant, a Fascist, a Nazi, a racist…or how about ‘weird and creepy’….or indeed that his supporters are ‘garbage’.
Surely Chiles and his team must have heard all this guff from the Dems? But they ignore it…just as they ignore Clinton bemoaing the fact that her election was ‘stolen’ and Trump was an illegitimate President…or that she voted for a ‘wall’ to control illegal immigration or that Harris frequently urges her supporters to ‘fight’…but when Trump says it the BBC always implies he is actually urging them to take up arms and fight for real.
Chiles is an ugly obnoxious lefty shit whose opinions are just best ignored.
Married to Guardian editor ….
Tommy Robinson has been moved to a cat B prison – woodhill and is on a ‘wing ‘ – information from X – maybe they’ll have killed him by Monday …
I suppose they want to kill him in order to get a ‘reaction’ so that the TTK system can be used again ….
I wonder if 77th are blocking embeds – I wonder if they get signalled when one unapproved embed gets used?
There you go lads.
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
BBC on Trump 100 days + 100 days more
BBC on Biden 0 (net zero) Days
Somebody at the BBC take this as an example….
I know Owen Jones did similar…..
Well unless The Donald turns out to be a complete fraud -when and if elected -this doesn’t look to be a very auspicious moment in UK/ US relations. I am hoping for another Trump presidency but we must wait and see what he does and NOT what he says he will do.
Israel-Gaza conflict: BBC staff accuse broadcaster of bias in Palestine coverage | The Independent
These hundred… by chance all with similar names?
Hey, Hermitage Barracks peeps
The BBCOneShow presenters tonight 2 black women Clara Amfo and Angellica Bell
The BBCOneShow on Tuesday ..special about Afro hair
agenda pushing ? hugely disproportionately black ?
BBC has hugely fake idea of actual diversity
Neither presenters sport their afro
One has tied her hair back, the other has a wig
The guests are the Dyer family … ie Danny Dyer promoting his daughter & their new podcast
ie #BBCluvvies ..mates
screen has a constant ticker begging for money for Children in Need (fake charity)
Mail : “Dani Dyer from being a mother of one .. to having new twins with West Ham United star Jarrod Bowen”
A “ticker” at the bottom of the screen, and some “ticker boxes” at the top ?
On TICKER on the screen ..begging for CIN
Two BOX TICKERS on the screen .. for BBC fake diversity in presenters
We need more Albino’s on the TV!
Fresh nightmare for Starmer as Reform UK wins yet another by-election in Labour heartland
Reform UK has swept to victory in Wolverhampton, beating Labour and the Tories in the Bilston North by-election.
Bilston North, Wolverhampton
Reform 34.8%
Labour’s 25.1%
the Greens 23.4%.
Conservatives won just 13.7%
Liberal Democrats 2.9%,
I read that as actually the left vote was split by a surge for Greens
More than 50% voted for lefty parties , well two thirds if you incude the Blue Socialists
Congrats to Reform for their win in Bilston North (Wolverhampton) council by-election result.
Zephir and Stew, it is only an election for a seat on the Council, not a seat in Parliament.
Yes @Up2snuff I did know that already
But there is a bigger story
#1 turnout was just 19.18%
#2 People who are crowing about Reform winning CHOOSE not to mention that
That’s bad faith f you ask me.
Reform’s Anita STANLEY got just 652 votes
She was the only woman .. all the others are men
“In the run-up to the General Election, Sir Keir Starmer claimed that he led a “changed” party which would govern from the centre, foster wealth creation and promote fiscal restraint. How hollow those pledges now sound. Rarely in British history has an incoming Government been so dishonest about its intentions.
It is now clear that the stance of moderation was cynically designed to mislead voters, while Reeves and Starmer plotted a return to full-blooded socialism, where the private wealth and enterprise are ruthlessly plundered to provide cash for a bloated, inefficient public sector run in the narrow interests of its workforce rather than the needs of the country.
The impulse to deceive the public is fast becoming one of the hallmarks of this Government. Even the normally restrained Institute for Fiscal Studies accused Reeves of indulging in “silly manoeuvres” to conceal the impact of her policies, while Labour have resorted to endless linguistic gymnastics about the definition of “working people” to distract attention from the breach of the party’s promise not to increase national insurance.”
After 40 years of voting Labour, I am deeply indebted To Sir Tony Blair for showing me the insanity of Socialism. Let us never forget that both Hitler and Stalin considered themselves to be Socialists. I have never looked back. Cheers Tone!
Funny how all the people wanting socialism seem to have never contributed much to society or the economy to begin with.
Modern socialism is seeing all the money other people have when you are a student and wanting it for yourself without the hard work which goes with it. It is rooted in jealousy and greed. I see the same character traits to prove it in the general nasty comments full of spite they make on BBC HYS and other social media.
Socialism only works in poor countries where everyone has nothing to lose. Once they get money, the corruption it enables for those a bit more equal than the others comes out.
More grumbles from the BBC about the 30th October 2024 Budget: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5ypv0vlyrmo
Regarding labour’s war on farmers, and various other affronts to us all,
I propose a new definition of the word “countryside”:
The killing of Keir Starmer
A man lived by a sewer
And by a sewer he died
At the coroners inquest
They called it sewercide
I’ll get my coat.
I’ve noticed an attempted justification of the Budget changes to farm inheritance rules put forward by someone called Darren Jones, Chief Secretary to the Treasury. What a pathetic wet behind the ears, University educated nonentity he is. He is typical of the leftie types beloved of Labour, never had anything that I would call a real job, a Remoaner, he worked on the the Clinton Presidential campaign, married to a woman who runs a renewable energy company………………
‘A lot of women are rising up’: Could they deliver for Harris?
Deliver what whilst ‘rising up’?
What a bizarre headline.
… and as usual, when the BBC ask a question in the headline it means the answer is no but they wish it was yes.
Question as a headline fallacy.
Saudi TV ridicules Biden in rare dig as relations sour | AFP