I’m getting so many messages from
on here I’m thinking I should give him my number
6:52 pm · 4 Nov 2024
The BBC’s fourth-top earner Jeremy Vine has responded to the fallout from Wednesday’s salary revelations by tweeting a poignant message for his daughters.
The presenter, who earned between £700,000 and £749,999 in 2016, shared a cartoon by artist Matt, which commented on the controversial gender pay gap revealed by the list.
A competition is to be launched to rename the BEM – E – empire appears to be unacceptable now – but surely the ‘B” isn’t valid anymore and many find the word ‘Britain ‘ offensive …
The above may be mainly made up …
There’s no wind – anywhere – so it seems at the moment most – 67% of power is coming from gas … lucky we have enough gas …. At the moment … and it’s not too cold …. This time ..
“Here’s some text you can add to a letter and send to your local Member of Parliament.
As you know, according to the polls, immigration is the most important issue facing the country.
The vast majority of ordinary people in this country want to end the policy of mass, uncontrolled legal immigration, which the government is pursuing, and regain control over illegal immigration and our broken borders, which the government is failing to do.
This is causing a national crisis, with public trust in politics and the wider system collapsing.
According to new polling by Professor Matt Goodwin, only 6% of British people trust politicians to “tell them the truth” about the impact of immigration on British society, while only 19% trust journalists and only 27% trust civil servants to do the same
This crisis is being made worse by how data and information is either being withheld or deliberately concealed from the British public.
While many other governments across Europe and elsewhere in the world are collecting and making available data on the impact of immigration, government departments in the UK appear to be publishing less and less. Why is this?
The British people are routinely accused of suffering from “misinformation” and “disinformation” while the state and government departments withhold information from taxpayers about how immigration is impacting the economy, welfare, and crime.
This is outrageous and unacceptable.
This is why I am writing to you today.
I would like you to demand that the government collect and/r release the following data so we can better assess the impact of mass, uncontrolled immigration on our country:
· Data on the amount of income tax, National Insurance contributions, tax credits and Child Benefit data by nationality and immigration status
· Data on welfare claims by nationality and immigration status
· Data on arrest rates and prisoner status by nationality and immigration status
· Data on the sentencing of foreign nationals, including how many are repeat offenders
· Data on the cost, per night, of hotel and other accommodation for illegal migrants and asylum-seekers
· Data on spending programmes such as the refugee integration loan scheme
In addition, I would like to know why the Office for National Statistics has discontinued analysis of our population by nationality and when this will resume.
Most people in the country want this information to be collected and/or released to taxpayers.
Recent polling, in October 2024, by Professor Matt Goodwin finds between 56% and 67% British people support the government collecting and publishing this data on crime, welfare, taxation, use of the National Health Service, and housing and accommodation costs by nationality and immigration status.
It is only right that this information is collected and made available to the very taxpayers and citizens who are required to live with the effects of mass uncontrolled immigration.
So, I am asking you: when will it be made available to British workers, British taxpayers, and British families?”
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
why did you say that ? the power here has now cut off in my town and the next town also for last 30 minutes…just back on now ….for the moment…..
they have bypassed the damage and maybe will cut out again
I signed up to UK power network for update texts thus my info, and thousands affected, apparently “underground cable damage”, those moles again eh ?
Conspiracy hat on and maybe they are acclimatising us to candles, I’m lucky, an ex girlfriend once remarked I have way too many candles for a straight guy apparently…
I read it on X and then looked at that live meter app thing and that confirmed it – Europe is calm too …that’s why I writed it
…. I make my own candles … ]
The new Irish Online Safety Code (that’s code for ‘censorship’) will affect the Big Tech companies all over Europe and give them more information on users. It will also give regulators the power to control information. It will, of course, be used against companies like X which hold the ‘wrong’ views.
“It has absolutely nothing to do with free speech or anything like that, but what it does mean is that where laws are broken, there are obligations on the companies as to how they respond, and there’s also obligations around things to do with the protection of children and age verification of the likes which I think is so important,” he added.
By mixing it up with ‘protecting children’ they make it sound more palatable – even virtuous – and more difficult to object to.
What, you don’t want to protect children from porn, you paedophile!
The 2020 election took place on Tuesday 3 November. However, US TV networks did not declare Joe Biden the winner until late morning on Saturday 7 November, after the result in Pennsylvania became clearer.
In other recent elections, voters have had a much shorter wait.
In 2016, when Trump won the presidency, he was declared the winner shortly before 03:00 EST (08:00 GMT) the day after the election.
In 2012, when Barack Obama secured a second term, his victory was projected before midnight on polling day itself.
However, the 2000 election between George W Bush and Al Gore was a notable exception.
It will take as long as the Democrats need to manufacture the votes they need to overtake Trump. After that anyone who queries the result will be a conspiracy theorist.
“Sweden has blocked more than a dozen offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea over fears they could make the country more vulnerable to attacks from Russia.
Defence minister Pål Jonson said 13 applications had been rejected over concerns they would have “unacceptable consequences” for national security, cutting missile detection times to 60 seconds from 2 minutes. ”
from order-order.com comment
1. Wind Turbines and Radar – The Need for Co-Existence
There has never been sharper focus on the importance of both offshore wind’s contribution to UK energy security and net zero, and the importance of effective and robust defence of the UK homeland.
“November is Islamophobia Awareness Month in the UK, which is all about making people aware of discrimination against Muslim people and the Islamic faith.”
Considering recent…and not so recent… horrific events connected to this vile superstition, I’m almost lost for words, however…
Something I would like to ask…how is it “Islamophobia” gets an entire bloody month given over to it and yet, those generations of brave British men that sacrificed their lives for our country only get one paltry day?
A lumbering tale of how a teacher had his head cut off in the most savage and brutal way you can possibly imagine. All because a 13 year old Muslim girl lied and told other Muslims he had shown a prophet Muhammed cartoon to his class in a lesson about free speech.
It’s not a phobia at all. It’s a rational response to barbaric, brainwashed extremists who will literally cut your head off in the street for something as showing a picture.
All on the word of a single 13 year old girl. You can’t be more full of hate that that.
And those three young girls in Southport were murdered in cold blood for no reason whatsoever. Just Islamic hatred of infidels.
It could happen to any one of us. And the BBC paint us as ‘Islamophobic’ if we criticise them in any way.
But of course the ‘far-right’ are the threat according the far-Left ABBC (Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation).
Well said John C, I have been saying this for years as medically it is not a phobia. With me it is a complete loathing for this so called religion and its deluded acolytes.
If you dial 666 then you might get toasted because they can’t put the ladder up, or because you are told to remain in place (like at Grenfell), or the visitors are in. But hey there will be plenty of TLC and a warm cuddle.
Yep, let market forces decide whether the ‘customers’ want DEI ‘firepersons’ or fireMEN who actually get the job done.
PS. A very distressing story, though not surprising.
Let’s say it one more time: DEI is CANCER. At best, not too harmful for Mickey Mouse jobs like the BBC, but dangerous and potentially lethal for any real jobs.
You do NOT want a DEI hire to operate on your heart, fly your plane, put out your house fire, arrest your mugger, defend your country or a thousand and one other real jobs.
She was born to “ parents who were perhaps co-blood relatives” and she “began to become virile during the post-pubescent period,” with the appearance of “ breast hypotrophy and pubic hair.” This is what is stated in the report by Professor Young, who subjected her to a battery of tests, based on the latest generation of exploration techniques.
Results? The “pelvic MRI” shows “ an absence of a uterus” , the presence of “gonads in the inguinal canals” ( testicles in her abdomen, editor’s note) , “a blind vagina” and a micro-penis in the form of “clitoral hypertrophy ”.
And once again the BBC use this 100% fake, staged left-wing agenda picture from Getty:
Young Asian female doctor being assisted by young black female while pale-and-stale older whitey watches.
And nobody on the operating table.
Not a good look for ‘BBC Verify’ idiots to be writing these kind of articles. But when you see what they look like, you can understand why. They just do whatever they are told. They didn’t get hired because of their integrity.
The BBC is now full of excited children who think they can change the world and are too dumb to realise why they actually got that job. Or why they’ve been dumped into a department which has no actual responsibility whatsoever. At BAE SYSTEMS, the people who were utterly useless generally migrated to the ‘Quality’ department where they just followed procedures. At the BBC it’s ‘BBC Verify’ where they just do what the suits on the third floor tell them to do.
“The Tobacco and Vapes Bill would also make it impossible for anyone currently aged 15 or under to buy cigarettes – something the previous government had planned – and give more powers to restrict vape flavours, displays and packaging.”
If as if it’s a continuation of the old government 😄
Many of the above posts serve to underline my post yesterday about the relentless attempts of the far left marxist globalist agenda to control every aspect of our lives, through tunnel visioned quangos and new laws.
So called country leaders in servitude to the World Economic Forum and Davos before their country.
Controlling who can sell apples, attacking small farmers, controlling where you can inhale tobacco, attacks on white males everywhere through exclusion and promotion of immigration, attacks on families via promotion of homosexuality and trans (non) issues, impoverishing us through increased taxation and immigration, etc etc etc.
For the future of our children it needs to be fought.
“Conspiracy theories aside, there is something fishy about the Great Reset. It’s a corporate takeover of global governance that affects our food, our data and our vaccines”
On a basic level, anyone can see the change, look aound your nearest town centre, or retail park, the same shops and companies are everywhere. EVERY town is the same, Costa Coffee, Starbucks, Poundland, W H Smith, Peacocks for clothes, Asda, Tesco, mobile phone shops, and a smattering of charity shops and the only bookshop is Waterstones, if you are lucky enough to have one.
And bloody Greggs, with every sheep wondering around with a Greggs suasage roll in a paper bag “coz they saw everyone else do it on Tik Tok” or something.
Surrounded by massive fields of yellow rape seed.
Why I love places like Bury St Edmunds and Saffron Walden, some of the very few left with independent shops.
One wouldn’t say say we ought to turn a blind eye to what happens on the far side of the Atlantic – but one notes it’s those left-leaning media outlets that are teetering on the edge of their seats over the outcome of a foreign election.
Harris or Trump: US faces its moment of reckoning – says the Guardian top banner headline – no actual news there then, you’ll notice. Just the pre-match warm-up, as they say in sport.
And then we have the junior poundshop wanna-be Guardian that is the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper, likewise it purports to speak for us all, as it would have us clench our collective buttocks over the outcome: America decides – as world holds its breath
To stretch the sport analogy, I believe it was Sir Alex Ferguson who popularised the phrase ‘squeeky bum time’ back in 2003 at a media conference to describe the tense final stages of an English Premier League season when Manchester United was challenging for the title.
Naturally the left-liberal cap wearing globalist FT plays a similar game of tense match build-up, as opposed to bringing us any news: America votes as polls show dead heat
And as night follows day… and as stray dogs follow a butcher’s van… our BBC: Trump or Harris? Millions set to vote in razor-tight US election
Let me dispell a couple of myths. There is and there was no election day as such: More than 81 million Americans have already voted early. (CBS News) – and don’t imagine we will necessarily have the result by tomorrow: Narrow victories could also mean recounts. In the key swing state of Pennsylvania, for example, a state-wide recount would be required if there’s a half-percentage-point difference… Legal challenges are also possible. (BBC)
Think VAR – there’s one for the football fans. That horrible interlude, that unatural pregnant pause, prior to getting our official permission to celebrate, or to commiserate.
The red top Labour tabloid paper bucks the badge-wearing left-wing trend of unhealthy obesession with the Yankie ballot game and instead the bleeding heart Daily Mirror goes with: Strictly Amy shock… My broken heart… Shattered dancer forced out of show by injury
Other media outlets carry other top stories of strictly British interest.
Dark Academia – there’s one for the young trendies
Labour vow to improve universities as fees rise – excuses the left-liberal Times top headline, giving Keir the benefit of the doubt.
Putin ate my hamster
Take a heavy dose of propaganda with your Number 10 press release: Parcel fires ‘a Russian rehearsal for attack on transatlantic jet’ (Times)
My Amazon parcel went astray… I wonder if Vlad was involved?
Tuition fees rise in push to fix crisis at cash strapped English universities (FT) – gotta feed “The Blob”, eh Starmer?
Starmer’s 180-degree Uni U-turn (freebie Metro)
Now that’s what you call a U-turn… Four years ago, Keir Starmer pledged to abolish student tuition fees (Daily Mail)
I’m beginning to see why the left-leaners, covering for their man, go so big with the US election today – at least a day early.
Now I'm trying to recall a previous national leader who was both bad and politically inept?
Edward II had multiple noble favorites – think Lord Alli.
Asiseeit – im thinking of putting another £ on a Harris win – but I’d be more than happy to lose it . It’s a BBC free 24 hours for me I think – whatever the result they’ll be plunging their Far Left daggers into `president Trump . Even if he loses they’ll keep going at him – reminds me of that film ‘king rat ‘ where the security officer in a jap pow camp survived by hating a certain soldier – Trump gives the likes of the BBC someone to hate – along with Farage – Robinson – and the other cancelled victims
It will show ‘something ‘ that a creature like her can be installed as puppet president … as a failed ‘border czar ‘ that should have been enough to fail her – yet alone the word salads .
But you have to hand it to the Obama crew – a great job at covering up her multiply inabilities and failures …
I fear I might be 3 £ better off tomorrow … and Russia and the Chinese and starmer will be so pleased …
Oh they will be replaced in time and the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be heard this side of the Atlantic. I shall sit with a G&T in my hideout that is nowhere of use to the invaders and smile.
Mein Gott. The new leader of the blue-marxists has got off to a bad start and appointed a lockup fanatic to be shadow education minister. Take a bow Neil O’Brien another crackpot Oxbridge PPE graduate.
During the Covid panic-demic innocent Oxford students were locked-up for weeks at a time – not seeing daylight, or having exercise, and with no contact with others. This just because of bogus ‘contacts’ based on bizarre metrics and with no proper evidence of actual infection.
Contrast this with one of our worst serial-killers held in the past at Oxford prison in a padded cell during his trial. He had full ‘rights’ including exercise and contact with others.
Oxbridge PPE graduates like O’Brien are so stuffed full of their own arrogance and self-importance that they feel more expert and able to smear, criticise, and know better than qualified scientists who have spent their live specialising in e.g. epidemiology and are recognised world experts in their field such as Prof. Sunetra Gupta and others.
The harm that extremists like O’Brien did to the education of UK children was infinite.
ABC Australia just apologised to Parliament, but that was after their independent inquiry using an ex-employee found that gunshots had ACCIDENTALLY been added to footage twice
.. they end up paying out in libel court
NHS to the international rescue… Two new cases of more spreadable mpox found in UK… now under specialist care at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust… All three patients were infected with the Clade 1b variant of the virus, which was first detected in central Africa… a patient who had recently been on holiday in at least one of the affected countries in Africa and began to feel sick 24 hours after flying home. (BBC)
mpox, you say?
Saiyūki (西遊記, lit. ’Account of the Journey to the West’), (titled Monkey in English, but often referred to as Monkey Magic due to the lyrics of its title music), was a Japanese television drama based on the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en. – thank you Wiki.
I think I heard that the ‘gentleman ‘ who came back from Africa with the pox gave details of 10 – ten – ‘close friends ‘ with whom he had been very close and at least 2 of them are now pox ridden ….
Pretty high if you ramp up the Cycle Threshold (Ct) on the PCR test. Kary Mullis the nobel prize winning inventor of PCR said you can misuse the PCR to find anything in anything.
What is the betting this was diagnosed with a PCR test?
Now when they say “Italian man” do they mean it as in a man of Italian descent or an Italian man who set foot on Italian land last year and was granted asylum.
A lot of ‘regulars’ have disappeared. Tonya Bux is another, and whst happened to Christine Hamilton ? And the new faces are overworked like Jonathan Lis and Mouthy Stride – who appears every other day now.
Funny thing is, I’ve never seen GBN on the telly, I’ve only ever seen it on Youtube, so I won’t miss them because I can still listen those they’ve axed elswhere.
Interesting piece in the DT about how those who have built up pension pots will change their behaviour to avoid inheritance tax now that the Marxists are after it .
Putting assets in a trust as avoidance seems one way – as well as ‘gifting ‘ and ‘spending ‘ to prevent the reds getting it . This doesn’t affect me personally but it shows the consequences of tax grabs …
In a Marxist state individuals will having nothing …
Im trying to work out what the next big tax grab will be …
A moderately interesting interview on Newsnight.
Despite the clear bias and constant interruptions of the BBC hackette, Robby Starbuck manages to get across some good points about DEI, Trans-mania, illegal immigrants, leftist indoctrination, wokeism, the US economy and other ‘talking points’.
Unfortunately, because he knows he is constantly about to get interrupted by a hostile interviewer, he has to speak at the speed of sound and some of his message gets lost in the rush.
An honest interview would allow him the time and space to present his arguments properly.
‘Honest interview’ – on the BBC? What am I thinking?
And OMG doesn’t resident lefty race-grifter Bonnie Greer look old and ugly.
Final thought: just imagine if by some miracle Trump is allowed to win, the faces of all those people in that studio!
One can but dream.
The BBC not take the same tack with left wing agitators who campaign against companies such as GB News or the Mail or Isralei ones etc and try to get advertisers to stop using them. Indeed the BBC’s very own Springtimeforhitler tried to get advertisers to stop funding ‘The Light’.
Not very bonny Bonnie Greer is horrified by any criticism of DEI.
But then, she herself is a prime example of DEI in action.
The only reason she is constantly getting invited to grace the BBC studio couches is that she’s black, female, and very, very woke.
That’s all 3 DEI boxes ticked, right there.
So of course she believes in it: without it, she’d have to get a real job.
The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
From Spiked….odd that the Marianna Wench doesn’t ever mention this….the biggest hoax in history by a major political party colluding with intelligence services and the corporate media [and with Putin by default as Clinton pushed his disinformation as fact] that has vast repercussions….but she’s more interested in groups that the vast, vast majority have never heard of and certainly not joined in with such as QAnon…or indeed a whole report on a faked photo…of a woman whose dress had been changed in a photo…all very meaningful apparently…
‘Gerard Baker, now an editor-at-large for the Wall Street Journal, condemned the media’s performance during the Trump-Russia saga. He described the journalism produced as ‘among the most disturbing, dishonest and tendentious I’ve ever seen’.’
‘What we saw from 2016 onwards was a spectacular effort to delegitimise a presidential election. A years-long effort to justify withholding losers’ consent. We saw the Democratic party-political elite, feeding dubious information to an all-too-receptive FBI, set out to deny an election. And throughout it all, the press cheered them on, eagerly colluding with power, rather than even attempting to speak truth to it.
A concerted, years-long effort, that is, to present the 2016 election result as the will not of US voters, but of Vladimir Putin, with Trump and his team cast as Moscow’s willing puppets.
This conspiracy theory – for that is what it was – was first seriously pushed by then Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign team in the summer of 2016.
According to notes declassified in 2020 of a briefing CIA director John Brennan gave President Barack Obama in the summer of 2016, Clinton was very keen on promoting the Russia-collusion conspiracy theory. Brennan told Obama that Clinton had approved ‘a proposal from one of her foreign-policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services’.
The infamous product of this attempt to ‘vilify’ Trump was the so-called Steele dossier.
Thus were the seeds sown for a gross act of election denial in the event of Trump’s victory.
According to reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, Clinton and her team decided within 24 hours of Trump’s win to ‘engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up… Already, Russian hacking was the centrepiece of the argument.’
From that moment on, one of the greatest acts of ‘election denial’ in American political history was underway. Large swathes of America’s political establishment, led by the Democratic Party, proceeded to cast Trump’s victory as the illegitimate product of Russian interference.
And here we come to the role played by the corporate media in this shameless attempt at so-called election denial.
After Clinton lost the election that November, the media focus on Russiagate intensified to the point of obsession.
On and on it went for over two years. Report after report proved very little, but still generated a constant whiff of Russian foul play. Print and broadcast media seemed to be singing from the same conspiratorial hymn sheet.
What we saw from 2016 onwards was a spectacular effort to delegitimise a presidential election. A years-long effort to justify withholding losers’ consent. We saw the Democratic party-political elite, feeding dubious information to an all-too-receptive FBI, set out to deny an election. And throughout it all, the press cheered them on, eagerly colluding with power, rather than even attempting to speak truth to it.
Through their efforts to deny the 2016 election, politicians, state agencies and the corporate media did enormous damage to their own reputations and to the institutions of democracy in which the citizens put their trust. Countless polls show that from the Russiagate scandal onwards, public trust in the media and the political system plummeted.’
Article Two of the convention defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such”:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
The fertility rate in Hertfordshire fell last year, new figures show – as the birth rate in England and Wales hit a new record low.
Some experts have suggested economic uncertainty with the cost-of-living crisis, difficulties finding a partner, and more people deciding not to have children may be factors in the falling birth rate.
Office for National Statistics figures show there was an average of 1.52 live births per woman in Hertfordshire in 2023 – down from 1.56 the year before.
The rate for England and Wales fell to the lowest level since records began in 1938, at 1.44.
Office for National Statistics data shows there was an average of 1.82 live births per woman in Bradford in 2023 – up slightly from 1.8 the year before. Meanwhile, the fertility rate for England and Wales fell to the lowest level since records began in 1938, at 1.44.5 days ago
Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year. https://bradford2025.co.uk/
So what is the real problem?
Are birth rates falling and we will be wiped out as a species……or
Are there too many people on the planet draining the resources and we will be wiped out as a species.
Plenty of room for more people once degrowth has kicked in.
Just means we’ll have to get used to not buying, making, eating or driving things. Or going out. Still at least praying and vaping will be on the approved list.
Now I’m most certainly not on Russia’s side for any of this just as I am sure not many Russians are on our side. But the extremely obvious rhetoric and propaganda WE churn out is just cringeworthy and much of it is no better than what the Russians come out with.
Take this headline by the BBC. It’s presented as a fact. But it isn’t. It’s what a prosecutor has said – and they are less trustworthy than the BBC to stick to the whole truth.
Then we get:
‘Ken McCallum, head of the UK’s domestic intelligence agency MI5, said last month that Russian secret agents had carried out “arson, sabotage and more dangerous actions conducted with increasing recklessness” after the UK had helped Ukraine in Russia’s war.’
No shit Ken !. How much arson, sabotage and much, much worse are all the advanced weapons we have GIVEN Ukraine to use against Russia are being done with ‘increasing recklessness’ ?. What would WE be doing in secret if we went to war and Russia started arming our enemy to the extent we are doing it ?.
And if Trump had said any of this and the BBC didn’t like it, it would be littered with ‘without providing any evidence’ with each claim. Isn’t it amazing how certain things are reserved by the BBC purely to use against the Right ?.
It reminds me of the Novichok poisonings when they didn’t have a clue what the truth was so they just fed us the most ridiculous theories as very-nearly fact and thus implicitly proved Russia did it.
What is annoying me the most about everything these days is how the entire establishment is treating us all like we are idiot children and will believe whatever they want us to believe.
Mind you, it is from the BBC’s ‘Europe’ correspondent and I suspect you have to be extreme-Left and pro-EU to get that job.
Powercut last night here, back to the 70’s… without the good music as a comfort.
Electricity generation at Zephir Towers was courtesy of a combination of Duracell and Poundstretcher AA supported by fake carboot spiced berry Yankee candles.
Maybe he would have died … “Lily Allen on Asian grooming gangs: There’s a strong possibility they would have been raped or abused by someone else at some point.”
Millions more households to be asked to switch off to hit Ed Miliband’s net zero targets
Energy Secretary’s decarbonisation plans will require ‘Herculean effort’ on every front
Wall Street Apes
🚨 South Carolina Poll Station not letting American submit their own ballots
“I just went by one of the places that you vote — you don’t go in to vote. You pull up in your car. They bring the machine out to your car. They push the buttons for you”
“They were all Democrats. — There was no Republicans there.”
“What is going on, America? What the hell is happening in our country right now with our elections?”
Update on the Samuel Paty case which the BBC are now covering —
Hugh Schofield thinks “a 13-year-old schoolgirl’s lie span out of control thanks to social media, triggering an international hate campaign […] with the Internet to send it on its way, the lie spread… and spread.
A lie about some cartoon pictures ignited Islamic rage, but really we can only blame ourselves for not properly regulating the world wide web. False equivalence again being the BBC’s go-to analysis… questions whether a girl with meat & two veg is actually female and street beheadings are both comparable acts of hate according to W1A’s weird law of similitude.
Everything’s equivalent and occupies that smug, brainless middle ground of being ‘problematic’. Except when it comes to non-progessives, whose thoughts and acts are dangers to democracy and clear examples of Nazism.
The racist, marxist, far left scum just cannot stop themselves…
“Fury at BBC Chris Kaba documentary: Panorama film is condemned for ‘utter lack of balance’ as critics question timing of broadcast while officer cleared of murder has bounty on head.
Critics rounded on the BBC for repeatedly referring to the career criminal as ‘unarmed’ despite him being behind the wheel of a Audi Q8 that Sgt Blake feared he would use to run over his colleagues in a desperate bid to escape.
The documentary featured an interview with Kaba’s grieving parents, who said officers should have arrested their son rather than shooting him dead. Police footage shows that officers repeatedly ordered the gang member to get out of his car.
Matt Cane, General Secretary of the Metropolitan Police Federation, accused the BBC of failing in its duty to be impartial.
‘Police officers will be stunned – but perhaps not surprised – about the utter lack of balance in the BBC Panorama documentary aired last night over the death of Chris Kaba,’ he said.
‘We say again the ramifications of this case remain widespread; police officers should not have their livelihoods, and their liberty, put at risk for performing what unequivocally, in this case, was his lawful and appropriate function.
‘The continued use of the word ”unarmed” when talking about Kaba remains scandalous when we consider how many colleagues have lost their lives because of vehicles. Cars are – in the hands of dangerous criminals – very much weapons.”
I couldn’t bring myself to watch it . But the vermin is dead – no bad thing – but so many more …. And I understand it bred . I suppose his parents can’t be deported – not that that could ever happen ….
I assume the BBC went a bit softer on plod than it once did since plod is now a lefty institution with a few residual bits of law enforcement such as firearms … but why they carry guns now – who would ?
And that moment of hesitation ( recalling what happened to the shooter in this case )when the armed copper is deciding to shoot could cost lives ….
Watching David starkey at 1.5x on YouTube – he suggests we are in the 1970s and that there is a need for a Keith Joseph to come along and start to roll back the State again . I can’t see it – the liberal tide is so strong – all key institutions are now run by liberal university ‘educated’ rubbish …
Starkey also predicts economic trouble – IMF style – as we are ‘taxed out’ and starmer can’t borrow any more – followed by enforced cutbacks and the disorder that comes with it . Add to that the ethnic factions fighting their wars on British streets and you’ve got a one way ticket out of Britain …
“NHS to review prostate cancer guidance after Chris Hoy’s diagnosis
Health Secretary lauds ‘powerful’ call by Olympic cycling champion, who has terminal cancer, for more men to be screened”
“I’m more grateful for each day – Sir Chris Hoy”
Non – I want a test – but was wary of paying £65 for a private PSA ….. the NHS having refused my request …. I don’t think the NHS will change its’ non policy of screening men over – say – 60 as men don’t matter – even if coloured men are more likely to get prostate cancer I understand .
But maybe the bike bloke can make enough noise before he dies …
-that it even partially worked on bBBC was a surprise, effin Miliband’s stupidity and innumeracy … less so.
Bombshell. The @neso_energy report to Ed Miliband shows that we would be better off *not* pursuing a Net Zero grid in 2030, *even taking into account the cost of global warming*. (THREAD) pic.twitter.com/qoOJqTeBJ6— Andrew Montford (@aDissentient) November 5, 2024
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
It is starting to look certain Vile is one of the thicker ones.
I’m getting so many messages from @elonmusk on here I’m thinking I should give him my number
I’m getting so many messages from
on here I’m thinking I should give him my number
6:52 pm · 4 Nov 2024
The BBC’s fourth-top earner Jeremy Vine has responded to the fallout from Wednesday’s salary revelations by tweeting a poignant message for his daughters.
The presenter, who earned between £700,000 and £749,999 in 2016, shared a cartoon by artist Matt, which commented on the controversial gender pay gap revealed by the list.
A competition is to be launched to rename the BEM – E – empire appears to be unacceptable now – but surely the ‘B” isn’t valid anymore and many find the word ‘Britain ‘ offensive …
The above may be mainly made up …
Will we be seeing this on the BBC from now on?
“Kemi Badenoch (real name Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch)”
If so, I can’t wait to see the BBC journos wrap their tongues around that.
Bad Enoch
There’s no wind – anywhere – so it seems at the moment most – 67% of power is coming from gas … lucky we have enough gas …. At the moment … and it’s not too cold …. This time ..
I don’t know there seems to be an abundance of wind and gas emanating from the House of Commons.
What a flatulent bunch of farts they are.
This is about getting data on illegal migration which the government are concealing.
Matt Goodwin asks everybody to send the text in this tweet to their MPs:
More details here:
“Here’s some text you can add to a letter and send to your local Member of Parliament.
As you know, according to the polls, immigration is the most important issue facing the country.
The vast majority of ordinary people in this country want to end the policy of mass, uncontrolled legal immigration, which the government is pursuing, and regain control over illegal immigration and our broken borders, which the government is failing to do.
This is causing a national crisis, with public trust in politics and the wider system collapsing.
According to new polling by Professor Matt Goodwin, only 6% of British people trust politicians to “tell them the truth” about the impact of immigration on British society, while only 19% trust journalists and only 27% trust civil servants to do the same
This crisis is being made worse by how data and information is either being withheld or deliberately concealed from the British public.
While many other governments across Europe and elsewhere in the world are collecting and making available data on the impact of immigration, government departments in the UK appear to be publishing less and less. Why is this?
The British people are routinely accused of suffering from “misinformation” and “disinformation” while the state and government departments withhold information from taxpayers about how immigration is impacting the economy, welfare, and crime.
This is outrageous and unacceptable.
This is why I am writing to you today.
I would like you to demand that the government collect and/r release the following data so we can better assess the impact of mass, uncontrolled immigration on our country:
· Data on the amount of income tax, National Insurance contributions, tax credits and Child Benefit data by nationality and immigration status
· Data on welfare claims by nationality and immigration status
· Data on arrest rates and prisoner status by nationality and immigration status
· Data on the sentencing of foreign nationals, including how many are repeat offenders
· Data on the cost, per night, of hotel and other accommodation for illegal migrants and asylum-seekers
· Data on spending programmes such as the refugee integration loan scheme
In addition, I would like to know why the Office for National Statistics has discontinued analysis of our population by nationality and when this will resume.
Most people in the country want this information to be collected and/or released to taxpayers.
Recent polling, in October 2024, by Professor Matt Goodwin finds between 56% and 67% British people support the government collecting and publishing this data on crime, welfare, taxation, use of the National Health Service, and housing and accommodation costs by nationality and immigration status.
It is only right that this information is collected and made available to the very taxpayers and citizens who are required to live with the effects of mass uncontrolled immigration.
So, I am asking you: when will it be made available to British workers, British taxpayers, and British families?”
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
@ F2
why did you say that ? the power here has now cut off in my town and the next town also for last 30 minutes…just back on now ….for the moment…..
they have bypassed the damage and maybe will cut out again
I signed up to UK power network for update texts thus my info, and thousands affected, apparently “underground cable damage”, those moles again eh ?
Conspiracy hat on and maybe they are acclimatising us to candles, I’m lucky, an ex girlfriend once remarked I have way too many candles for a straight guy apparently…
I read it on X and then looked at that live meter app thing and that confirmed it – Europe is calm too …that’s why I writed it
…. I make my own candles … ]
So, you make my own candles…
That wouldn’t be just after you get your ears syringed ?
…………………….Not forgetting little wind…………@ 0900: 59.1% Fossil Fuels (Gas) & 5.1% Renewables.
The new Irish Online Safety Code (that’s code for ‘censorship’) will affect the Big Tech companies all over Europe and give them more information on users. It will also give regulators the power to control information. It will, of course, be used against companies like X which hold the ‘wrong’ views.
That’ll go down like a bomb, oops.
“It has absolutely nothing to do with free speech or anything like that, but what it does mean is that where laws are broken, there are obligations on the companies as to how they respond, and there’s also obligations around things to do with the protection of children and age verification of the likes which I think is so important,” he added.
By mixing it up with ‘protecting children’ they make it sound more palatable – even virtuous – and more difficult to object to.
What, you don’t want to protect children from porn, you paedophile!
Does anyone have a timeline on when the US election result will come out ….?
The 2020 election took place on Tuesday 3 November. However, US TV networks did not declare Joe Biden the winner until late morning on Saturday 7 November, after the result in Pennsylvania became clearer.
In other recent elections, voters have had a much shorter wait.
In 2016, when Trump won the presidency, he was declared the winner shortly before 03:00 EST (08:00 GMT) the day after the election.
In 2012, when Barack Obama secured a second term, his victory was projected before midnight on polling day itself.
However, the 2000 election between George W Bush and Al Gore was a notable exception.
Thanks Marky – so the result could take as long as the weekend then ….
Harris won before it started! HA HA HA HAH AHA!
Rwanda’s Kagame wins 99% of vote in election, as expected
Kagame has ruled since Rwanda’s genocide ended in 1994. Critics condemn his violent authoritarianism, and supporters praise the country’s economic growth.
I can see legal disputes dragging on for weeks.
@Fedup2 – The results are already in. They were decided in 2020 by Obama’s gang of crooks.
But I don’t know when they’ll be announced.
It will take as long as the Democrats need to manufacture the votes they need to overtake Trump. After that anyone who queries the result will be a conspiracy theorist.
“Sweden has blocked more than a dozen offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea over fears they could make the country more vulnerable to attacks from Russia.
Defence minister Pål Jonson said 13 applications had been rejected over concerns they would have “unacceptable consequences” for national security, cutting missile detection times to 60 seconds from 2 minutes. ”
from order-order.com comment
1. Wind Turbines and Radar – The Need for Co-Existence
There has never been sharper focus on the importance of both offshore wind’s contribution to UK energy security and net zero, and the importance of effective and robust defence of the UK homeland.
As the nation strives to meet our renewable energy targets, the need to find and implement technical measures to achieve coexistence of radar surveillance systems and wind turbines is both important and urgent. This report describes work that the MOD has undertaken, funded by the wind power industry, as a crucial step in identifying and assessing systems with potential to fulfil this requirement.
Something to think about…
“November is Islamophobia Awareness Month in the UK, which is all about making people aware of discrimination against Muslim people and the Islamic faith.”
Considering recent…and not so recent… horrific events connected to this vile superstition, I’m almost lost for words, however…
Something I would like to ask…how is it “Islamophobia” gets an entire bloody month given over to it and yet, those generations of brave British men that sacrificed their lives for our country only get one paltry day?
Just asking…
good question
The first thing they should teach is that classing a dislike of Islam as a ‘phobia’ is gross misinformation.
The BBC are running this today:
Trial begins over beheading of teacher who showed Prophet Muhammed cartoon
A lumbering tale of how a teacher had his head cut off in the most savage and brutal way you can possibly imagine. All because a 13 year old Muslim girl lied and told other Muslims he had shown a prophet Muhammed cartoon to his class in a lesson about free speech.
It’s not a phobia at all. It’s a rational response to barbaric, brainwashed extremists who will literally cut your head off in the street for something as showing a picture.
All on the word of a single 13 year old girl. You can’t be more full of hate that that.
And those three young girls in Southport were murdered in cold blood for no reason whatsoever. Just Islamic hatred of infidels.
It could happen to any one of us. And the BBC paint us as ‘Islamophobic’ if we criticise them in any way.
But of course the ‘far-right’ are the threat according the far-Left ABBC (Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation).
Well said John C, I have been saying this for years as medically it is not a phobia. With me it is a complete loathing for this so called religion and its deluded acolytes.
They are the masters now.
Clearly the answer to diversification of firemen is to have two different numbers. Dial 999 for traditional OR dial 666 for the Pink fire brigade.
If you dial 666 then you might get toasted because they can’t put the ladder up, or because you are told to remain in place (like at Grenfell), or the visitors are in. But hey there will be plenty of TLC and a warm cuddle.
Yep, let market forces decide whether the ‘customers’ want DEI ‘firepersons’ or fireMEN who actually get the job done.
PS. A very distressing story, though not surprising.
Let’s say it one more time: DEI is CANCER. At best, not too harmful for Mickey Mouse jobs like the BBC, but dangerous and potentially lethal for any real jobs.
You do NOT want a DEI hire to operate on your heart, fly your plane, put out your house fire, arrest your mugger, defend your country or a thousand and one other real jobs.
the female/male boxer Imane Khelif, is trending
Piers Morgan is convinced the leaked report is true
Libmob media call it Russian propaganda
.. but the actual source is this French newspaper, and known journalist
She was born to “ parents who were perhaps co-blood relatives” and she “began to become virile during the post-pubescent period,” with the appearance of “ breast hypotrophy and pubic hair.” This is what is stated in the report by Professor Young, who subjected her to a battery of tests, based on the latest generation of exploration techniques.
Results? The “pelvic MRI” shows “ an absence of a uterus” , the presence of “gonads in the inguinal canals” ( testicles in her abdomen, editor’s note) , “a blind vagina” and a micro-penis in the form of “clitoral hypertrophy ”.
Even a few minutes ago the Washington Post put up a new article that had a bash at Trump for “repeating a debunked claim that she is a man”
The WP would be way wrong if the leaked report is true.
Who is this woman ?
Well Twitter isn’t helping by refusing to embed this tweet . you’ll have to click to play the video
Is she far right?
Top tax on earnings 83%
Top tax on savings 98%
Joe Rogan and Elon Musk
Timestamp, they discuss illegals being moved to swing states
Love it if trump can win😃
If she wins the Obama justice department will go after him bigly ….
Doctors paid £200,000 overtime to tackle NHS backlog
And once again the BBC use this 100% fake, staged left-wing agenda picture from Getty:

Young Asian female doctor being assisted by young black female while pale-and-stale older whitey watches.
And nobody on the operating table.
Not a good look for ‘BBC Verify’ idiots to be writing these kind of articles. But when you see what they look like, you can understand why. They just do whatever they are told. They didn’t get hired because of their integrity.
The BBC is now full of excited children who think they can change the world and are too dumb to realise why they actually got that job. Or why they’ve been dumped into a department which has no actual responsibility whatsoever. At BAE SYSTEMS, the people who were utterly useless generally migrated to the ‘Quality’ department where they just followed procedures. At the BBC it’s ‘BBC Verify’ where they just do what the suits on the third floor tell them to do.
With that choice of theatre personnel they probably couldn’t find anybody to volunteer to be the patient.
“Plans to ban smoking outside schools and hospitals”
“The Tobacco and Vapes Bill would also make it impossible for anyone currently aged 15 or under to buy cigarettes – something the previous government had planned – and give more powers to restrict vape flavours, displays and packaging.”
If as if it’s a continuation of the old government 😄
Whoever you vote for, the government always gets in.
Many of the above posts serve to underline my post yesterday about the relentless attempts of the far left marxist globalist agenda to control every aspect of our lives, through tunnel visioned quangos and new laws.
So called country leaders in servitude to the World Economic Forum and Davos before their country.
Controlling who can sell apples, attacking small farmers, controlling where you can inhale tobacco, attacks on white males everywhere through exclusion and promotion of immigration, attacks on families via promotion of homosexuality and trans (non) issues, impoverishing us through increased taxation and immigration, etc etc etc.
For the future of our children it needs to be fought.
“Conspiracy theories aside, there is something fishy about the Great Reset. It’s a corporate takeover of global governance that affects our food, our data and our vaccines”
Hidden in plain sight…………The UN/WEF coordinating everything.
On a basic level, anyone can see the change, look aound your nearest town centre, or retail park, the same shops and companies are everywhere. EVERY town is the same, Costa Coffee, Starbucks, Poundland, W H Smith, Peacocks for clothes, Asda, Tesco, mobile phone shops, and a smattering of charity shops and the only bookshop is Waterstones, if you are lucky enough to have one.
And bloody Greggs, with every sheep wondering around with a Greggs suasage roll in a paper bag “coz they saw everyone else do it on Tik Tok” or something.
Surrounded by massive fields of yellow rape seed.
Why I love places like Bury St Edmunds and Saffron Walden, some of the very few left with independent shops.
One wouldn’t say say we ought to turn a blind eye to what happens on the far side of the Atlantic – but one notes it’s those left-leaning media outlets that are teetering on the edge of their seats over the outcome of a foreign election.
Harris or Trump: US faces its moment of reckoning – says the Guardian top banner headline – no actual news there then, you’ll notice. Just the pre-match warm-up, as they say in sport.
And then we have the junior poundshop wanna-be Guardian that is the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper, likewise it purports to speak for us all, as it would have us clench our collective buttocks over the outcome: America decides – as world holds its breath
To stretch the sport analogy, I believe it was Sir Alex Ferguson who popularised the phrase ‘squeeky bum time’ back in 2003 at a media conference to describe the tense final stages of an English Premier League season when Manchester United was challenging for the title.
Naturally the left-liberal cap wearing globalist FT plays a similar game of tense match build-up, as opposed to bringing us any news: America votes as polls show dead heat
And as night follows day… and as stray dogs follow a butcher’s van… our BBC: Trump or Harris? Millions set to vote in razor-tight US election
Let me dispell a couple of myths. There is and there was no election day as such: More than 81 million Americans have already voted early. (CBS News) – and don’t imagine we will necessarily have the result by tomorrow: Narrow victories could also mean recounts. In the key swing state of Pennsylvania, for example, a state-wide recount would be required if there’s a half-percentage-point difference… Legal challenges are also possible. (BBC)
Think VAR – there’s one for the football fans. That horrible interlude, that unatural pregnant pause, prior to getting our official permission to celebrate, or to commiserate.
The red top Labour tabloid paper bucks the badge-wearing left-wing trend of unhealthy obesession with the Yankie ballot game and instead the bleeding heart Daily Mirror goes with: Strictly Amy shock… My broken heart… Shattered dancer forced out of show by injury
Other media outlets carry other top stories of strictly British interest.
Dark Academia – there’s one for the young trendies
Labour vow to improve universities as fees rise – excuses the left-liberal Times top headline, giving Keir the benefit of the doubt.
Putin ate my hamster
Take a heavy dose of propaganda with your Number 10 press release: Parcel fires ‘a Russian rehearsal for attack on transatlantic jet’ (Times)
My Amazon parcel went astray… I wonder if Vlad was involved?
Tuition fees rise in push to fix crisis at cash strapped English universities (FT) – gotta feed “The Blob”, eh Starmer?
Starmer’s 180-degree Uni U-turn (freebie Metro)
Now that’s what you call a U-turn… Four years ago, Keir Starmer pledged to abolish student tuition fees (Daily Mail)
I’m beginning to see why the left-leaners, covering for their man, go so big with the US election today – at least a day early.
Now I'm trying to recall a previous national leader who was both bad and politically inept?
Edward II had multiple noble favorites – think Lord Alli.
Most of the BBC F Team looks to be there.
Looking for some snacks to see you through the US Election?
sent us on a mission to find some of the best treats to enjoy while here in America!
Raking in the audience too. Add Justin and they have half a dozen in a day… to ‘report’ on sod all.
Asiseeit – im thinking of putting another £ on a Harris win – but I’d be more than happy to lose it . It’s a BBC free 24 hours for me I think – whatever the result they’ll be plunging their Far Left daggers into `president Trump . Even if he loses they’ll keep going at him – reminds me of that film ‘king rat ‘ where the security officer in a jap pow camp survived by hating a certain soldier – Trump gives the likes of the BBC someone to hate – along with Farage – Robinson – and the other cancelled victims
President: Popular Vote Winner :Trump 3 to 1 ?
But I’m staying away as I got my fingers burnt with the “fix” in the last race.
Cometh the hour …
Best of luck, Don.
Cometh the hour, they’ll scam-eth the man.
Like they did last time.
Just how dense is the American people?
A cackling Marxist with no good history versus a proven ex President who did a lot of good when in that position?
I fear a ‘Brexit Referendum’ result if the ‘Mainstream conspirators’ (“nothing in it”; “neck and neck” etc) are correct.
It will show ‘something ‘ that a creature like her can be installed as puppet president … as a failed ‘border czar ‘ that should have been enough to fail her – yet alone the word salads .
But you have to hand it to the Obama crew – a great job at covering up her multiply inabilities and failures …
I fear I might be 3 £ better off tomorrow … and Russia and the Chinese and starmer will be so pleased …
Just how dense is the American people?
Over 1.5 million have watched this song in the US
Jobs for life in “education” smug bastards all.
should be forced to replace the boys with Syrian immigrants and see what happens after dark
Oh they will be replaced in time and the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be heard this side of the Atlantic. I shall sit with a G&T in my hideout that is nowhere of use to the invaders and smile.
You’re in the Houses of Parliament? To be fair, they’re of no use to anybody without a nose in the trough.
Mein Gott. The new leader of the blue-marxists has got off to a bad start and appointed a lockup fanatic to be shadow education minister. Take a bow Neil O’Brien another crackpot Oxbridge PPE graduate.
During the Covid panic-demic innocent Oxford students were locked-up for weeks at a time – not seeing daylight, or having exercise, and with no contact with others. This just because of bogus ‘contacts’ based on bizarre metrics and with no proper evidence of actual infection.
Contrast this with one of our worst serial-killers held in the past at Oxford prison in a padded cell during his trial. He had full ‘rights’ including exercise and contact with others.
Oxbridge PPE graduates like O’Brien are so stuffed full of their own arrogance and self-importance that they feel more expert and able to smear, criticise, and know better than qualified scientists who have spent their live specialising in e.g. epidemiology and are recognised world experts in their field such as Prof. Sunetra Gupta and others.
The harm that extremists like O’Brien did to the education of UK children was infinite.
ABC Australia just apologised to Parliament, but that was after their independent inquiry using an ex-employee found that gunshots had ACCIDENTALLY been added to footage twice
.. they end up paying out in libel court
Strange how the nation hating Far Left never do anything wrong – and inquiries are carried out by ex employees …
NHS to the international rescue… Two new cases of more spreadable mpox found in UK… now under specialist care at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust… All three patients were infected with the Clade 1b variant of the virus, which was first detected in central Africa… a patient who had recently been on holiday in at least one of the affected countries in Africa and began to feel sick 24 hours after flying home. (BBC)
mpox, you say?
Saiyūki (西遊記, lit. ’Account of the Journey to the West’), (titled Monkey in English, but often referred to as Monkey Magic due to the lyrics of its title music), was a Japanese television drama based on the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en. – thank you Wiki.
I think I heard that the ‘gentleman ‘ who came back from Africa with the pox gave details of 10 – ten – ‘close friends ‘ with whom he had been very close and at least 2 of them are now pox ridden ….
Comes around goes around
‘Covid, monkey pox and HIV’
Or to borrow Harry Hill’s catchphrase “What are the chances of that…?”
Not as bad as a case of GASH – (Gonorrhea, Aids, Syphillis, Herpes)…
The only cure is complete isolation and a diet of Kraft Cheese slices on Ryvita!
Because it’s the only food they can slide under the door!
Thoughts and prayers …Scroblene ..
That must have been one hell of a toilet seat.
> “What are the chances of that…?”
Pretty high if you ramp up the Cycle Threshold (Ct) on the PCR test. Kary Mullis the nobel prize winning inventor of PCR said you can misuse the PCR to find anything in anything.
What is the betting this was diagnosed with a PCR test?
Yet to be formally diagnosed with full blown gayness.
I don’t suppose he won the lottery either.
Now when they say “Italian man” do they mean it as in a man of Italian descent or an Italian man who set foot on Italian land last year and was granted asylum.
Currently a Labour MP has hit Twitter, as they do, to fluff Po Po, as pols do, for helping him out after a street crime in London, as can happen.
To help fellow victims or warn others, he has described the perps as ‘individuals’, as they do in Khanistan.
So far, #ccbgb, as is no surprise.
Matthew Stadlen is hoping to start a support group during his next outing on some loser channel loser panel.
GB News has dropped David Starkey.
Without; Mark Steyn, Dan Wootton, Laurence Fox, Calvin Robinson, Neil Oliver, David Starkey…… not much worth watching anymore.
Next thing you know they’ll be signing up Paul Mason, Andrew Marr and Emily Maitlis
you’ve seen the memo from Ofcom then?
A lot of ‘regulars’ have disappeared. Tonya Bux is another, and whst happened to Christine Hamilton ? And the new faces are overworked like Jonathan Lis and Mouthy Stride – who appears every other day now.
They have a very strange rota at GBN.
Funny thing is, I’ve never seen GBN on the telly, I’ve only ever seen it on Youtube, so I won’t miss them because I can still listen those they’ve axed elswhere.
Interesting piece in the DT about how those who have built up pension pots will change their behaviour to avoid inheritance tax now that the Marxists are after it .
Putting assets in a trust as avoidance seems one way – as well as ‘gifting ‘ and ‘spending ‘ to prevent the reds getting it . This doesn’t affect me personally but it shows the consequences of tax grabs …
In a Marxist state individuals will having nothing …
Im trying to work out what the next big tax grab will be …
Tax on white maleness and heterosexuality.
A moderately interesting interview on Newsnight.
Despite the clear bias and constant interruptions of the BBC hackette, Robby Starbuck manages to get across some good points about DEI, Trans-mania, illegal immigrants, leftist indoctrination, wokeism, the US economy and other ‘talking points’.
Unfortunately, because he knows he is constantly about to get interrupted by a hostile interviewer, he has to speak at the speed of sound and some of his message gets lost in the rush.
An honest interview would allow him the time and space to present his arguments properly.
‘Honest interview’ – on the BBC? What am I thinking?
And OMG doesn’t resident lefty race-grifter Bonnie Greer look old and ugly.
Final thought: just imagine if by some miracle Trump is allowed to win, the faces of all those people in that studio!
One can but dream.
The BBC not take the same tack with left wing agitators who campaign against companies such as GB News or the Mail or Isralei ones etc and try to get advertisers to stop using them. Indeed the BBC’s very own Springtimeforhitler tried to get advertisers to stop funding ‘The Light’.
Not very bonny Bonnie Greer is horrified by any criticism of DEI.
But then, she herself is a prime example of DEI in action.
The only reason she is constantly getting invited to grace the BBC studio couches is that she’s black, female, and very, very woke.
That’s all 3 DEI boxes ticked, right there.
So of course she believes in it: without it, she’d have to get a real job.
2077 ? Someone’s optimistic.
The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
“Away from the glitz and glamour of celebrity endorsements (see our last post)”
Go on them then, I’ll have a look to who you class as glitzy celebrities.
“At her final rally, Kamala Harris was joined in Pennsylvania by pop star Lady Gaga..”
No real name shoved down our throats here
ie Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known professionally as Lady Gaga.
‘with podcaster Joe Rogan announcing to his followers on Monday “for the record” that he endorses Trump.’
From Spiked….odd that the Marianna Wench doesn’t ever mention this….the biggest hoax in history by a major political party colluding with intelligence services and the corporate media [and with Putin by default as Clinton pushed his disinformation as fact] that has vast repercussions….but she’s more interested in groups that the vast, vast majority have never heard of and certainly not joined in with such as QAnon…or indeed a whole report on a faked photo…of a woman whose dress had been changed in a photo…all very meaningful apparently…
‘Gerard Baker, now an editor-at-large for the Wall Street Journal, condemned the media’s performance during the Trump-Russia saga. He described the journalism produced as ‘among the most disturbing, dishonest and tendentious I’ve ever seen’.’
‘What we saw from 2016 onwards was a spectacular effort to delegitimise a presidential election. A years-long effort to justify withholding losers’ consent. We saw the Democratic party-political elite, feeding dubious information to an all-too-receptive FBI, set out to deny an election. And throughout it all, the press cheered them on, eagerly colluding with power, rather than even attempting to speak truth to it.
A concerted, years-long effort, that is, to present the 2016 election result as the will not of US voters, but of Vladimir Putin, with Trump and his team cast as Moscow’s willing puppets.
This conspiracy theory – for that is what it was – was first seriously pushed by then Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign team in the summer of 2016.
According to notes declassified in 2020 of a briefing CIA director John Brennan gave President Barack Obama in the summer of 2016, Clinton was very keen on promoting the Russia-collusion conspiracy theory. Brennan told Obama that Clinton had approved ‘a proposal from one of her foreign-policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services’.
The infamous product of this attempt to ‘vilify’ Trump was the so-called Steele dossier.
Thus were the seeds sown for a gross act of election denial in the event of Trump’s victory.
According to reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, Clinton and her team decided within 24 hours of Trump’s win to ‘engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up… Already, Russian hacking was the centrepiece of the argument.’
From that moment on, one of the greatest acts of ‘election denial’ in American political history was underway. Large swathes of America’s political establishment, led by the Democratic Party, proceeded to cast Trump’s victory as the illegitimate product of Russian interference.
And here we come to the role played by the corporate media in this shameless attempt at so-called election denial.
After Clinton lost the election that November, the media focus on Russiagate intensified to the point of obsession.
On and on it went for over two years. Report after report proved very little, but still generated a constant whiff of Russian foul play. Print and broadcast media seemed to be singing from the same conspiratorial hymn sheet.
What we saw from 2016 onwards was a spectacular effort to delegitimise a presidential election. A years-long effort to justify withholding losers’ consent. We saw the Democratic party-political elite, feeding dubious information to an all-too-receptive FBI, set out to deny an election. And throughout it all, the press cheered them on, eagerly colluding with power, rather than even attempting to speak truth to it.
Through their efforts to deny the 2016 election, politicians, state agencies and the corporate media did enormous damage to their own reputations and to the institutions of democracy in which the citizens put their trust. Countless polls show that from the Russiagate scandal onwards, public trust in the media and the political system plummeted.’
A years-long effort to justify withholding losers’ consent.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Neil Oliver: It’s Genocide
Article Two of the convention defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such”:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.
socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
They should erect a statue of the Southport stabber in the act with his 13 victims as a monument to the result of the great multicultural experiment.
In local news today:
The fertility rate in Hertfordshire fell last year, new figures show – as the birth rate in England and Wales hit a new record low.
Some experts have suggested economic uncertainty with the cost-of-living crisis, difficulties finding a partner, and more people deciding not to have children may be factors in the falling birth rate.
Office for National Statistics figures show there was an average of 1.52 live births per woman in Hertfordshire in 2023 – down from 1.56 the year before.
The rate for England and Wales fell to the lowest level since records began in 1938, at 1.44.
Office for National Statistics data shows there was an average of 1.82 live births per woman in Bradford in 2023 – up slightly from 1.8 the year before. Meanwhile, the fertility rate for England and Wales fell to the lowest level since records began in 1938, at 1.44.5 days ago
Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
So what is the real problem?
Are birth rates falling and we will be wiped out as a species……or
Are there too many people on the planet draining the resources and we will be wiped out as a species.
Plenty of room for more people once degrowth has kicked in.
Just means we’ll have to get used to not buying, making, eating or driving things. Or going out. Still at least praying and vaping will be on the approved list.
Mystery fires were Russian ‘test runs’ to target cargo flights to US
Now I’m most certainly not on Russia’s side for any of this just as I am sure not many Russians are on our side. But the extremely obvious rhetoric and propaganda WE churn out is just cringeworthy and much of it is no better than what the Russians come out with.
Take this headline by the BBC. It’s presented as a fact. But it isn’t. It’s what a prosecutor has said – and they are less trustworthy than the BBC to stick to the whole truth.
Then we get:
‘Ken McCallum, head of the UK’s domestic intelligence agency MI5, said last month that Russian secret agents had carried out “arson, sabotage and more dangerous actions conducted with increasing recklessness” after the UK had helped Ukraine in Russia’s war.’
No shit Ken !. How much arson, sabotage and much, much worse are all the advanced weapons we have GIVEN Ukraine to use against Russia are being done with ‘increasing recklessness’ ?. What would WE be doing in secret if we went to war and Russia started arming our enemy to the extent we are doing it ?.
And if Trump had said any of this and the BBC didn’t like it, it would be littered with ‘without providing any evidence’ with each claim. Isn’t it amazing how certain things are reserved by the BBC purely to use against the Right ?.
It reminds me of the Novichok poisonings when they didn’t have a clue what the truth was so they just fed us the most ridiculous theories as very-nearly fact and thus implicitly proved Russia did it.
What is annoying me the most about everything these days is how the entire establishment is treating us all like we are idiot children and will believe whatever they want us to believe.
Mind you, it is from the BBC’s ‘Europe’ correspondent and I suspect you have to be extreme-Left and pro-EU to get that job.
Saz reeling the audience in too.
🏈 Has Trump got the football fan’s vote?
🌭 And what’s tailgating!?
Sarah Smith’s in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania
#Americast | Listen on BBC Sounds
And still using carefully selected Vox pops.
Right now UK electricity generation is made up of 58.3% from GAS.
Gas is the future.
and wind is 3% at 1.13 GW.
Powercut last night here, back to the 70’s… without the good music as a comfort.
Electricity generation at Zephir Towers was courtesy of a combination of Duracell and Poundstretcher AA supported by fake carboot spiced berry Yankee candles.
From the BBC:
“Mr Kaba was surrounded by armed police during the stop, demanding he get out of the car. Had he done so, he might have lived”.
Maybe he would have died … “Lily Allen on Asian grooming gangs: There’s a strong possibility they would have been raped or abused by someone else at some point.”
“All of these promises are lies.
Only emissions-reduction is “legally binding”. All the promises that Miliband and others during and since he was last in office have already failed.”
5/ The prize on offer for our country is huge:
⚡️energy security
☀️cheaper power
👷♀️thousands of jobs
✅wealth for Britain
Every family and business deserves affordable, secure power.
That is what we will deliver with our Mission for Clean Power.
Millions more households to be asked to switch off to hit Ed Miliband’s net zero targets
Energy Secretary’s decarbonisation plans will require ‘Herculean effort’ on every front
Ed Miliband: we only use the smaller of our two kitchens
This article is more than 9 years old
Labour leader confirms his house has two kitchens, but says he and his wife barely use the larger one
Ed presumably on full MP gas and leccy claims?
Former Labour MP Beth Winter quits the party, accusing it of pursuing an “authoritarian political agenda
Wall Street Apes
🚨 South Carolina Poll Station not letting American submit their own ballots
“I just went by one of the places that you vote — you don’t go in to vote. You pull up in your car. They bring the machine out to your car. They push the buttons for you”
“They were all Democrats. — There was no Republicans there.”
“What is going on, America? What the hell is happening in our country right now with our elections?”
Update on the Samuel Paty case which the BBC are now covering —
Hugh Schofield thinks “a 13-year-old schoolgirl’s lie span out of control thanks to social media, triggering an international hate campaign […] with the Internet to send it on its way, the lie spread… and spread.
A lie about some cartoon pictures ignited Islamic rage, but really we can only blame ourselves for not properly regulating the world wide web. False equivalence again being the BBC’s go-to analysis… questions whether a girl with meat & two veg is actually female and street beheadings are both comparable acts of hate according to W1A’s weird law of similitude.
Everything’s equivalent and occupies that smug, brainless middle ground of being ‘problematic’. Except when it comes to non-progessives, whose thoughts and acts are dangers to democracy and clear examples of Nazism.
The racist, marxist, far left scum just cannot stop themselves…
“Fury at BBC Chris Kaba documentary: Panorama film is condemned for ‘utter lack of balance’ as critics question timing of broadcast while officer cleared of murder has bounty on head.
Critics rounded on the BBC for repeatedly referring to the career criminal as ‘unarmed’ despite him being behind the wheel of a Audi Q8 that Sgt Blake feared he would use to run over his colleagues in a desperate bid to escape.
The documentary featured an interview with Kaba’s grieving parents, who said officers should have arrested their son rather than shooting him dead. Police footage shows that officers repeatedly ordered the gang member to get out of his car.
Matt Cane, General Secretary of the Metropolitan Police Federation, accused the BBC of failing in its duty to be impartial.
‘Police officers will be stunned – but perhaps not surprised – about the utter lack of balance in the BBC Panorama documentary aired last night over the death of Chris Kaba,’ he said.
‘We say again the ramifications of this case remain widespread; police officers should not have their livelihoods, and their liberty, put at risk for performing what unequivocally, in this case, was his lawful and appropriate function.
‘The continued use of the word ”unarmed” when talking about Kaba remains scandalous when we consider how many colleagues have lost their lives because of vehicles. Cars are – in the hands of dangerous criminals – very much weapons.”
I couldn’t bring myself to watch it . But the vermin is dead – no bad thing – but so many more …. And I understand it bred . I suppose his parents can’t be deported – not that that could ever happen ….
I assume the BBC went a bit softer on plod than it once did since plod is now a lefty institution with a few residual bits of law enforcement such as firearms … but why they carry guns now – who would ?
And that moment of hesitation ( recalling what happened to the shooter in this case )when the armed copper is deciding to shoot could cost lives ….
Watching David starkey at 1.5x on YouTube – he suggests we are in the 1970s and that there is a need for a Keith Joseph to come along and start to roll back the State again . I can’t see it – the liberal tide is so strong – all key institutions are now run by liberal university ‘educated’ rubbish …
Starkey also predicts economic trouble – IMF style – as we are ‘taxed out’ and starmer can’t borrow any more – followed by enforced cutbacks and the disorder that comes with it . Add to that the ethnic factions fighting their wars on British streets and you’ve got a one way ticket out of Britain …
Headlines 05/11/24
“NHS to review prostate cancer guidance after Chris Hoy’s diagnosis
Health Secretary lauds ‘powerful’ call by Olympic cycling champion, who has terminal cancer, for more men to be screened”
“I’m more grateful for each day – Sir Chris Hoy”
Non – I want a test – but was wary of paying £65 for a private PSA ….. the NHS having refused my request …. I don’t think the NHS will change its’ non policy of screening men over – say – 60 as men don’t matter – even if coloured men are more likely to get prostate cancer I understand .
But maybe the bike bloke can make enough noise before he dies …
Clap harder on Thursday to be seen!
Dead blue party
Apparently a shadow cabinet has now been formed by the dead party …. Who cares ..?
Hmmm… using Twitter’s “embed” option….
-that it even partially worked on bBBC was a surprise, effin Miliband’s stupidity and innumeracy … less so.