FU2 re your post of 1.03pm on the old thread historically I have had my PSA checked each year by the NHS without paying. Last year it was removed from the tests without consultation. I had it restored this year but I was asked to complete a questionnaire that no female would ever be asked to complete. I was not charged.
As an aside I have just had a friend over from Australia. He has historically had an annual PSA check. Recently his GP noticed a small blip in the readings and they nipped an aggressive variant in the bud.
Non – thank you – I might well go down the private road – I’ve done it once . Im in some NHS research scheme monitoring for colon cancer – i self sample every 2 years – funny how the medical mafia care about some things and not others .
Im as annoyed by being refused as anything else because I haven’t needed to see a quack for years yet when I ask fir a blood test the answer is a dug in jobsworth ‘no’.
Fed, can you not ask at your GP for a ‘Well Person Check’ which includes a blood test – for cholesterol levels – and you get weighed and height measured, too? Maybe you are not old enough?
I had mine recently and chatted about diet with a slightly overweight nurse!
There is a hidden story here.
About the same number of men die from prostate cancer as women from breast cancer.
But are the cancers equally funded in research? Hell, no.
Breast cancer investment has massively overshadowed prostate cancer investment for years.
The PSA antigen test is the best we’ve got but has huge numbers of false positive and false negative results. There has been no progress on this for years. Thousands have had invasive surgery when they did not have cancer.
If Chris Hoy raises awareness to the level of equal funding then that would be a great result.
After all, Labour are supposed to be in favour of equality. Aren’t they?
Only recently I read that outcomes for men diagnosed through having a PSA test and those presenting with symptoms are little different. (It could have been research highlighted in the Mail on Line or else GBNews or even somewhere reliable). I don’t know if you men find that worrying or reassuring (and I am assuming only men can get prostrate cancer). However the advert on GBN is very encouraging for men to have a PSA test.
Deborah – I know and accept that the PSA test may be ‘inaccurate ‘ – but im a grown up – and would consider the result of a PSA accordingly . But to be denied it is just wrong – and disrespectful of the punter by the medical mafia .
If they got a £40 fee for a PSA they’d be throwing them at us – like with the fee they get for Covid jabs … to me the medical mafia is motivated by money – nothing else .
PSA? A ‘Rule of Thumb’ from one with vast experience of this over 20 years. The trend of the results is paramount. Rising rapidly? You may well have a problem. If its > 20 or even in the hundreds/thousands, you will have a problem.
My first alert was over 3 and in those days anything over the norm for your age was immediately treated as urgent. As is typical of the UK, Brits want to ‘Gold Plate’ everything. Slightly over the norm for age needs watching and monitoring.
I’ve been getting twice or even thrice weekly ‘reminders’ to have a covid jab and flu jab. They want me down the health centre to have one.
But if I want to see them about something else? I’m sorry but all the appointments are gone. We may be able to get you a telephone consultation with a nurse sometime this afternoon’.
Anyone would think they get a fee per jab. Oh, wait.
Deborah, it is a few years back when I had an early scare that I looked at the statistical outcomes from prostate cancer. The survival rate in the US was then almost twice that of the UK from memory. I think that would have been c10 years ago. The poor test accuracy and the poor UK outcomes do make the benefits of the test very marginal. Perhaps that might be a cue for the NHS to start to deliver on the sexual equality act. Education next!
Sorry Brissles, less than 1% of breast cancer deaths are male – about 85 out of 12000.
But in double checking this statistic I came across another one, that in the 10 years to 2017, female breast cancer mortality had declined by about 16%, whereas male breast cancer mortality had remained stable.
Another great example of male inequality that eludes the gaze of the left.
Sluff, an old school friend recently had a PSA testand when I texted that they are not reliable he replied 50% come back positive. I pointed out that that means 50% are falsely positive!
Why has the BBC been wetting its pants with wall to wall coverage of the US presidential election today?
There is nothing to say. It is election day. There are no facts. Only speculation.
Of course the coverage dresses up the nice guy Democrats against the evil Republicans. But so what? It has no bearing whatever.
Can you imagine the apoplexy and apocalyptic tone tomorrow throughout the BBC if The Donald gets over the line.
Just thinking about Suella Braverman. I have been a huge fan of hers. She supported Jenrick but Kemi won. Jenrick’s got a good job in the shadow cabinet. I hear she missed out. Will she move to Reform or meekly settle for a life on the back benches?
She has to choose. This is a good chance to show what she is made of. If she moves to Reform she should do it soon. It is a test of her mettle. Will she rise to the occasion or slip into obscurity?
The way things are going the dead blue party need only do and say nothing and wait for the reds to destroy the economy and themselves -then benefit from any election. In – say – 2 years – and get all those who didn’t vote last time to put the blues back in again .
Personally I wish there was a fully Right Wing party – which may turn up if trump wins / loses – but doesn’t seem to exist at the moment …
Thought I would sit down and see what’s happening in the world, guess what all 4 main channels all on us election, what the f… has this got to do with the UK, fair enough they need to report the news but the us polls haven’t even closed yet and all we are getting is speculative ball shit
Dough – I think the mindset they have is that the US is like the UK – but it isn’t like Britain at all … all those states count differently – in fact I reckon different counties count differently – which is what allowed Obama to fix the counts last time and same this time ….
Ideally Trump will win bigly quickly – but judging what happened last time the Democrats will find millions of postal votes to swing it for Harris /obama
He hasn’t even started yet. When they roll out the next ‘pandemic’ millions of ‘anti-vaxxer, swivel-eyed-tinfoilhat-wearing-nutjobs’ will be carted off to the camps with the support of the zombified masses. Now is the time to prove whether you stand with the creator of this magnificent universe or with the cnt-in-chief.
If all the other electoral cheating does not work, guess what:
“there is even the potential for a tie in the Electoral College votes.
When you consider how volatile US politics is right now, what both presidential candidates are saying about one another, and in the context of claims the 2020 election was stolen which lead to riots in Capitol, a drawn out process to determine the next President will create enormous tensions.
And here is where a potential nightmare scenario could unfold.
It would be the President of the Senate, as the constitutionally appointed officer who certifies the presidential election outcome at a joint congressional sitting, who ultimately declares the winner.
Guess who that is? Democratic candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris, that’s who!”
FFS set up to find racism and…guess what they find?
“In a review by its controversial racial justice unit, the CofE took aim at congregations in predominantly white areas for their ‘lack of cultural awareness’.
It also claims ethnic minorities are ‘viewed with suspicion’ by churchgoers and clergy in ‘rural/remote’ and ‘traditional- conservative’ locations.
The 68-page report brands the CofE as ‘structurally and institutionally’ racist. Elsewhere, it singles out ‘the North’ for having fewer Black and Asian clergy, suggesting it’s due to the region not being regarded as ‘attractive or welcoming’.”
But there is some sense in the church it seems:
“Clergy reacted with consternation last night and said the racial justice unit had clearly ‘set out to reach its own foregone conclusion’.
Reverend Ian Paul described the finding of institutional racism as ‘completely unproven’, saying: ‘The idea that congregations or panels being white-majority is a problem is bizarre – we live in a white-majority country.’
Mr Paul, a member of the General Synod and Archbishops’ Council, added: ‘The report appears to reflect more than anything the ignorance and prejudice of those who wrote it.
‘The table at the end is ignorant and offensive, reflecting the ill-informed stereotypes of the authors.’”
How long will it take for people to learn that when marxists take over an organisation they never let go. The C of E is now a political organisation. It should be standing for Parliament and not portraying itself as anything else.
Tuned into BBC news for a few minutes, hoping to see them cry.
What I got was Katty Kay starting to make excuses for what’s looking like a Trump win.
Guess who’s to blame: yes, it’s all those misogynistic, racist MEN (boo) who just aren’t comfortable with a black woman as President.
Five minutes of that is all I could take.
Shall tune in later for those tears, yummy.
They had Sopes and Shelagh Fogarty doing the bits, and by then, Donald Trump was looking to be the likely winner.
In the first two minutes, they had a WH flunky on, who Sopes claimed at first, had been both a Blues and Reds supporter, as he worked for both, but it was clear that he was a Democrat. Sopes managed two snidey digs at the Donald in those few seconds, so…
Here’s the picture the BBC are showing as their attitude remains flat and subdued:
And their stories are shifting to ones like this:
‘It is pretty grim right now – Democrat fundraiser tells BBC’
‘Moods shift at Harris’s watch party’
‘North Carolina voter says she doesn’t know if she ‘can live through another Trump era’
Guess who ‘Brandon’ wanted to win:
‘The fraction of the crowd that remains is carrying mixed emotions, glad to see three major Democratic candidates win here – governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general – but dejected by Kamala Harris’s apparent defeat in the state.’
“It’s hard. I’m sad,” Saira Estrada tells me.
“I don’t know if I can live through another Trump era.”
And in line with the same sentiment:
‘Li lists three points which have given her concern, including the economy and levels of inflation, immigration issues and Joe Biden only giving Kamala Harris 107 days to campaign.’
So it’s Joe’s fault !!!. An amazing statement when in fact Joe didn’t even quit the race voluntarily : he was forced out by Obama and Pelosi. I wonder if ‘Li’ is just stupid or a liar. Experience of the Left points to the latter.
Looks like the West might have done like Trump and dodged a bullet.
Now let’s see what the Left do if he wins. I suspect it’s going to get very nasty. I wonder if the BBC will be quizzed as to why all their articles told us Kamala was in the lead.
Not BBC but down to the same standards ,
Greatest Hits Radio newsreader yesterday …..
” Momentous day in the USA could be the first black woman elected or first convicted ex-president re-elected ‘
I’ve noticed the news is very left-wing on Greatest Hits radio.
Should be ‘Politically persecuted ex-President who was impeached twice by partisan committees whose only purpose was to look for ways to impeach him then had 88-odd criminal charges brought against him by his political opponents to prevent him running again and subsequently survived two assassination attempts is re-elected by democratic vote.’
At least he will hopefully get the proper protection against the Democrat assassins now. Things are about to get nasty : they really don’t like to lose.
And once again the BBC are on the wrong side of public opinion.
Mind you, we shouldn’t speak too soon. It’s not over until the fat lady sings and there are some VERY desperate people watching these results.
Oh yes, they will get very, very nasty now, very quickly. First verbally then in action.
fomenting dissent around the country, with the help of Khan and his mob doing the same here as before.
Just like the bbc are deliberately creating racial resentment here with their sanctification of a violent gangster.
Regarding that I urge all on here to try this exercise:
Do a search in the bbc news search bar for the words “racism” and / or “far right” it is absolutely astounding the number of stories they produce, EVERY MONTH with these words, separately or together. (15 stories since October)
One or the other or both of these words also used every time Tommy Robinson or Farage is mentioned.
Then search Google and, for example, find ONE SINGLE verifiable racist or far right thing that, for example Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage has said or done……
Find a BBC story which accuses any black person or Muslim of racism. Or any woman of misandry.
The BBC have been make to look complete chumps after their coverage of Kamala and Trump. Once again some questions should be asked and once again they won’t.
That smug English family infecting Youtube with their own form of hate disguised as song, had better sell their thousands of pounds worth of music instruments and resign from Youtube also.
Target on his back for life with the msm with the bbc at the helm responsible.
Remember the muslim leader of the SNP claiming when justifiable criticism was levelled at him ONCE that was the first thing HE claimed ?
Trump has had inflammatory slanderous and libellous, snidey and vicious comments and stories from the bbc and labour politicians for near on 10 bloody years.
But , bad , that nasty men came out to support Donald
Oh and a cracker from yesterday, bbc radio 2 had a guy on who had correctly predicted 10 out of the last 11 US elections and he had predicted a Kamala win . They were so proud 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“Liberal commentator Joy Reid has slammed Trump voters and described Florida as ‘extremely right-wing fascist’ after the Sunshine State was called for the Republican nominee.
Reid took part in the MSNBC election night panel on Tuesday and lashed out as votes rolled in, with Trump taking a the lead.
‘Think about the last two weeks and the things that Donald Trump has said into the TV that people could hear him say and do,’ she said.
‘The vulgarity in front of families with young children and the threats to do mass deportation and a violent start to his dictatorship on day one, you name it.’ ”
Hello All – having just turned on the wireless – ‘today ‘ – if you were not listening to the words – just the demeanour of the BBC types – you’d know something bad had happened .
Perhaps the result will be what is being projected … let’s wait and see and pray . If the Obama fix has been beaten -if the outcome is for President Trump – then it’s a Great Day …And Thank You God ….
Zephir – I will never be more happy to lose £2 . …. If it is true – then he has beaten the Obama fix – which I still believe existed . I really hope his security is tight and republican .
Listening to the new girl and Sarah smith it sounds like the narrative is ‘men versus women ‘ which is as sad as can be … cackle …
And, regarding women, they are saying now that Harris campaigned below the waist and Trump above.
Check Fox news for some insightful comments from a wide range of political commentators from all sides of the spectrum, so interesting that even the republicans did not want him at first, he campaigned state by state.
The ‘fix’ could only work when the result was very close and a truckload of fake ballots could make the difference.
This is a resounding victory for Trump and the BBC are going to be like petulant spoilt brats now.
After all the articles where the BBC quoted democrats going after Trump to ‘protect democracy’, it turns out everyone voted for Trump for that very reason. The BBC look a proper set of chumps now after all their rhetoric promoting Kamala and telling us she was going to win. Yet again they are on the wrong side of what the people want.
I can’t wait to see what the desperate and nasty Left do next. This is far from over.
At the risk of repetition can I just say how delighted I am that our useless PM and Foreign Secretary are now going to have to dig the country out of a diplomatic shithole of their own making.
Allegedly the grown ups are back in the room (oft repeated by the now non-flagellating bBC), and it beggars belief that a couple of grown ups can make such basic errors.
The sooner that the malcontent Lammy is sacked the better.
Hopefully President Trump will announce that he will have no truck with room-temperature-IQ David ‘Soros’ Lame. He might also want to put pressure on Two Tier Starmer to release the political prisoners languishing in Britain’s jails – those who have managed to avoid being ‘suicided’ by the time he assumes power.
Update – president trump is still on the podium – going for 20 minutes . He hasn’t mentioned Biden Harris or the democrats yet ….
I now want to put a bet on that when / if Harris speaks she bursts into tears . That – I cannot wait for ….
She won’t concede until tomorrow apparently or even talk to her own people that worked so hard for her, told you what she was like under that cackling demenour, a bitter, nasty bully.
Only the BBC would have Emily thornbury on and referred to president Trump as – I think ‘a sexist racist ‘ and that the UK needs to go with its’ ‘friends ‘ …..
And then someone called ‘shinewold’ – a true trougher looking down his nose at President Trump ….
Thornbury sounded a little bit emotional – let’s hope it hurts ….
FU2 that patronising interview with Thornberry and the dire ‘diplomat’ on toady neatly summed up why Trump should screw the UK.
Luckily the grown ups are back in the room. Embarrassing.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy defends calling Trump a ‘neo-Nazi sociopath’
David Lammy has sought to temper past remarks he made about Donald Trump, saying he will work with whoever ends up in the White House.
Oh what a beautiful mornin ,oh what a beautiful day, I’ve got a wonderful feelin that everything’s going my way.
So Trump is President and , importantly, the Senate and the House of Representatives have majorities which will back him unlike in his first term when even the Republican Never Trumper majorities tried to derail his agenda .
Additionally, this time he will have the experience to appoint people who also share his agenda rather than have to accept those that the the Never Trumpers proposed.
So the MAGA agenda will be given a fair crack of the whip.
By the way the stench that you can smell is the deep state soiling itself.
Our Justin is on Today – sounding bewildered – and the left is already worrying about what it means for their friends – Labour – in the UK …
…. Just think – all that poison from the deep state – Soros – the Media – CNN – BBC – the lawfare – the accusations – were beaten by the wisdom of ordinary Americans .
Imagine Starmer having to pick up the phone to his enemy – Donald Trump ….. and Mr Trump putting him on hold … for 4 years …
6 hours ago BBC
The race tilts towards Trump – can Harris still win?
3 hours ago BBC
Mood falls flat at Harris party as Democrats’ hopes slip away
— Just after midnight, a few hundred feet from where Kamala Harris was expected to stand on
Whatever you think of Donald Trump, watching the mood change in the BBC’s election studio has been delicious. It was like a New Orleans…
1 hour ago Ross Clark, The Spectator
Kamala Harris cancels election night party as path to victory narrows
BBC 9 hours ago — As Trump vaults into the lead, exit poll data suggests Kamala Harris may have under-performed with female voters.
Anthony Zurcher: Trump edges towards White House comeback
BBC 6 hours ago — While this US election is not yet over, Donald Trump is in pole position and seemingly on track to complete one of the most remarkable
Trump needs 3 more electoral college votes to win officially , Kamala needs 46
“Congratulations President-elect Trump on your historic election victory. I look forward to working with you in the years ahead. As the closest of allies, we stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of our shared values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.”
“Congratulations on history’s greatest comeback! Your historic return to the White House offers a new beginning for America and a powerful recommitment to the great alliance between Israel and America. This is a huge victory! In true friendship,” Netanyahu wrote on X.
“Congratulations, President Donald Trump. Ready to work together just as we knew how to do during four years. With your convictions and with mine. With respect and ambition. For more peace and prosperity.,” Macron wrote on X.
“Yesssss, God bless Trump,” Ben-Gvir said on X.
“Trump has one useful quality for us: as a businessman to the core, he mortally dislikes spending money on various hangers–on and stupid hanger-on allies, on bad charity projects and on voracious international organisations,” Medvedev, now a senior security official, posted on his official Telegram account.
“Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump on the election victory. The United States is an important strategic partner for Austria. We look forward to further expanding and strengthening our transatlantic relations to successfully address global challenges together.”
“In the United States a victory for common sense, passion and the future. Good luck with your work, President Donald Trump,” Salvini posted, adding the hashtag “GODonaldGO”.
“Congratulations to the President-Elect of the United States of America, @realDonaldTrump. May God bless and guide you,” Bukele posted on X.
“The biggest comeback in US political history! Congratulations to President @realDonaldTrump
on his enormous win. A much needed victory for the World!” Orban posted on X.
MM, it was a former diplomat. Hopefully Russia, N Korea etc will be more circumspect than the diplomat who was talking to the organisation not the listener.
Pretty impressed with the Al Jazerra coverage of the US election. I have been watching it for the last hour and it included Trumps speech to his supporters, in-studio coverage with Trump and Harris promoters, slick live interviews with on-site reporters. The audio quality and video were very good given this was live.
They even included an overweight Harris supporter in DC playing the race card. We did not win because ‘waycism’ blah blah.
Always remember: when it was setup, Al Jazeera was initially staffed with ex-BBC staff – those who had left the BBC because they found it too extreme and at variance with its own charter.
‘ The mood on my TV right now is funereal, which is most amusing.’
Woke up, turned on ‘Today’ and instantly knew the result just from the tone of voices…downbeat and dejected. If it had been their Special ‘K’ there would have been exultation and rejoicing and lots of excited chatter telling us how amazing and wonderful it all was…not now though.
They’re asking, on Today and Times, just why did she lose?
Simple…don’t pick the DEI candidate and in particular one who is totally unsuited to the job….Harris just couldn’t perform…it almost torturous watching her speak…and of course the laughter…a real turn off.
She was chosen for race and gender rather than any great skill or competence…and she was annointed rather than elected…if the Dems had chosen someone who could string a sentence together and didn’t look so woke [Harris had some extreme views of her own] they could have won.
Oddly neither Today nor the Times acknowledges that…woke lost.
Who will they blame this time…the Russians, the Chinese…the Jews?
Could it be that the Democrats just plain lost because they don’t really represent normal people.
ITV have had Stormy Daniels interview with Balls and Susanna……they knew Kamala was screwed then 😄 🤣
Finally some good news……..black arm bands at BBC and all the lefty MSM !
Eddie Davey it’s a Dark Dark Day ….made my Day !
The Labour government has committed to increasing the proportion of the UK’s energy generated from renewables to decarbonise the UK’s electricity system by 2030. As part of achieving this target, Labour has pledged to quadruple offshore wind power production in the UK by the end of the decade.4 Sept 2024
“Three incredible ways the far-left media helped Trump win again
Throughout the 2024 election campaign the legacy media continued to lose respect.
But the news media, who opposed Trump in 2016 and defeated him in 2020, came back with a vengeance in 2024. They screamed “fascist,” “Hitler,” “Nazi,” “garbage” and more at both Trump and his supporters. They hyped every negative story, every nasty soundbite and every pro-Harris poll, including one horribly wrong Iowa poll that came out just before the election.
Journalists whistled themselves past the graveyard of their decaying industry, ignoring, debating or downright bashing anyone who brought up the awful hurricane response, the border, crime, the economy, national security or the wars in Europe and the Mideast that didn’t exist when Trump was president.
The news media turned one of the hallmarks of our democracy – the Fourth Estate – into a cottage industry for people who promote the most insane, far-left opinions. Ordinary Americans grew increasingly outraged and made their voices heard.
Boy, did they.
Americans voted for Trump because they noticed all the times the supposedly neutral press called Trump “fascist,” compared him to Hitler and more. They noticed when wealthy, elite journalists pretended that inflation wasn’t a problem and that people could somehow afford the massive spike in housing and food costs. Oh, and that claiming otherwise made ordinary voters stupid or worse.
Voters saw ABC News host Martha Raddatz act like it didn’t matter when a violent foreign gang took over apartment buildings in Colorado because “the incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes.” What she meant was a handful of apartments where the poors live and ABC News staffers don’t.
We’ve seen repeated examples of journalists pretending anything they disagree with is either “misinformation” or “disinformation,” even if it turns out to be true. (The Hunter Biden laptop is only one example of many.)
And when they don’t openly lie about the news, they rely on so-called fact-checks to misrepresent it. Like how ABC’s moderators only fact-checked former President Donald Trump during the debate with Vice President Kamala Harris. Or how they allowed President Joe Biden to repeatedly make false claims about Trump’s comments regarding the Charlottesville protests.
What’s disturbing is all those aren’t the worst examples of the pathetic liberal press this election. Here they are, so you don’t forget:
1. That’s real ‘garbage’
Which one is more important, a comedian making a joke about “garbage” or the president of the United States calling half the country “garbage?” If you’re the news media, you covered the first and covered up the second. And Biden’s comment came as he was stumping for Harris.
The Washington Post tried to muddy the waters and claim what Biden did was unclear. “Did Biden call Trump supporters ‘garbage’? It comes down to an apostrophe.” Actually, it doesn’t. If Team Trump tried to doctor White House documents to pretend otherwise, the Post would have gone nuts. But when the current administration did it, nada. Even left-wing AP reported, “AP sources: White House altered record of Biden’s ‘garbage’ remarks despite stenographer concerns.”
The comment was so bad that Harris had to distance herself from what Biden said. So, even Harris was more honest than the press. But with early voting already happening, most in the news media are incapable of giving Trump any talking points. Even when they’re true.
2. Biden’s health is still an issue
Biden’s cognitive decline remains an enormous issue the major media don’t dare touch – even though he still has the nuclear codes and is still president. Just like they avoided it prior to the debate. But when Biden embarrassed himself against Trump, the press threw granddad from the train and the ticket.
Yet, journalists haven’t pushed to remove him from office. Because that would put Harris in the job and she would be connected to every stupid and awful thing this administration has done. Instead, they presented her as a change candidate even though she said she would do nothing different.
It’s worth remembering that Biden’s mental fitness was an issue even heading into the last election, so he hid in his basement. After he won, his obvious failings got so bad that White House staffers had one person in an Easter Bunny costume move Biden away from inquiring reporters. And that was in April … 2022.
Back in March, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough went on a classic rant claiming that Biden was at the top of his game. “Start your tape right now, because I’m about to tell you the truth. And f-you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever.” He wasn’t even laughed off the network.
One day, when D.C. reporters all write their books about the Biden years, they will all admit their stories of how out of it Biden was. But they refused to report those because they had to stop Orange Man Bad.
3. Endorsements don’t really matter
Readers and journalists don’t care about political endorsements except when it undermines their sense that an outlet is on their team. Both were upset enough that the Los Angeles Times pulled its endorsement of Harris. But, they were ready to throw their Pumpkin Spice Lattes in protest when the Washington Post did it.
The Post is in Democrat Central, or D.C., a place so leftist that Trump has gotten 4-5% there in the national election. Twice. So, when leftist readers and even-more leftist staff were unable to bash Trump one more time, they revolted. (The Post staff is revolting … write your own joke here ____________.)
The rest of the news media threw a tantrum so bad that the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) even suggested the Post owner give the paper away: “Jeff Bezos Should Donate the Washington Post to a Charity.” The article called it “a bold, patriotic move” to give away the paper along with perhaps $100 million to cover about one year’s losses. CJR’s hope is that the 250,000 readers who quit over the controversy would return.
What CJR failed to realize is that the Post is already a charity. It lost $77 million in 2023 alone. Even with those readers. “
@maitlis tweeted
Oh come with us !- we will tell you the story of the night with some of the best voices in the business. It will be fun. And it will be brilliant
Lee Harris 3h
I just switched back over to channel 4.
I kid you not. Emily Maitlis is no longer in the studio and Krishnan Guru-Murthy apologised and said she started to swear.
If the Republicans take both the Senate and Congress will be be hearing about a ‘one party state’ and a ‘threat to democracy’? Probably not just as the BBC is unconcerned about Labour’s massive steamroller majority…gained on a very shallow vote and thus entirely unrepresentative of the country as a whole…no government is of course going to be able to satisfy all views but this one in particular is very unrepresentative and the voting system has turned up something that is far, far more ‘unjust’ than the US electoral college system produces…but which the BBC often complains about….when the wrong candidate gets elected….though in 2024 The Donald looks to have won the popular vote as well.
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Glass of red at hand, warm dog at my feet, and a check on today’s alternative news after a hard day at the office!
What could be better!
Oh the picture that conjures up !
It’s a rather large picture, Brissles – are you sure you really want to see it?
Well done Scrobs. I was getting cold watching fireworks and didn’t get chance to even try for three in a row.
Debs, I’m mortified!
I really should have remembered that you were on a hat trick, and I should have waited!
Please accept my humblest apologies, and I hope the small cheque in the post will be enough to buy you a new hat!
I have had a few weeks off but I am on the team list for next week when I hope to get a few in the back of the net.
FU2 re your post of 1.03pm on the old thread historically I have had my PSA checked each year by the NHS without paying. Last year it was removed from the tests without consultation. I had it restored this year but I was asked to complete a questionnaire that no female would ever be asked to complete. I was not charged.
As an aside I have just had a friend over from Australia. He has historically had an annual PSA check. Recently his GP noticed a small blip in the readings and they nipped an aggressive variant in the bud.
Non – thank you – I might well go down the private road – I’ve done it once . Im in some NHS research scheme monitoring for colon cancer – i self sample every 2 years – funny how the medical mafia care about some things and not others .
Im as annoyed by being refused as anything else because I haven’t needed to see a quack for years yet when I ask fir a blood test the answer is a dug in jobsworth ‘no’.
Fed, can you not ask at your GP for a ‘Well Person Check’ which includes a blood test – for cholesterol levels – and you get weighed and height measured, too? Maybe you are not old enough?
I had mine recently and chatted about diet with a slightly overweight nurse!
Up2- thank you – I might try that but my GP/practice manager hates me because I challenged them .
There is a hidden story here.
About the same number of men die from prostate cancer as women from breast cancer.
But are the cancers equally funded in research? Hell, no.
Breast cancer investment has massively overshadowed prostate cancer investment for years.
The PSA antigen test is the best we’ve got but has huge numbers of false positive and false negative results. There has been no progress on this for years. Thousands have had invasive surgery when they did not have cancer.
If Chris Hoy raises awareness to the level of equal funding then that would be a great result.
After all, Labour are supposed to be in favour of equality. Aren’t they?
Only recently I read that outcomes for men diagnosed through having a PSA test and those presenting with symptoms are little different. (It could have been research highlighted in the Mail on Line or else GBNews or even somewhere reliable). I don’t know if you men find that worrying or reassuring (and I am assuming only men can get prostrate cancer). However the advert on GBN is very encouraging for men to have a PSA test.
Deborah – I know and accept that the PSA test may be ‘inaccurate ‘ – but im a grown up – and would consider the result of a PSA accordingly . But to be denied it is just wrong – and disrespectful of the punter by the medical mafia .
If they got a £40 fee for a PSA they’d be throwing them at us – like with the fee they get for Covid jabs … to me the medical mafia is motivated by money – nothing else .
PSA? A ‘Rule of Thumb’ from one with vast experience of this over 20 years. The trend of the results is paramount. Rising rapidly? You may well have a problem. If its > 20 or even in the hundreds/thousands, you will have a problem.
My first alert was over 3 and in those days anything over the norm for your age was immediately treated as urgent. As is typical of the UK, Brits want to ‘Gold Plate’ everything. Slightly over the norm for age needs watching and monitoring.
Yeah, Fedup
I’ve been getting twice or even thrice weekly ‘reminders’ to have a covid jab and flu jab. They want me down the health centre to have one.
But if I want to see them about something else? I’m sorry but all the appointments are gone. We may be able to get you a telephone consultation with a nurse sometime this afternoon’.
Anyone would think they get a fee per jab. Oh, wait.
Deborah, it is a few years back when I had an early scare that I looked at the statistical outcomes from prostate cancer. The survival rate in the US was then almost twice that of the UK from memory. I think that would have been c10 years ago. The poor test accuracy and the poor UK outcomes do make the benefits of the test very marginal. Perhaps that might be a cue for the NHS to start to deliver on the sexual equality act. Education next!
I agree Sluff. But whereas women don’t get prostate cancer, men are equally at risk with breast cancer.
Not right to say men cannot have a cervix (c) Starmer
Sorry Brissles, less than 1% of breast cancer deaths are male – about 85 out of 12000.
But in double checking this statistic I came across another one, that in the 10 years to 2017, female breast cancer mortality had declined by about 16%, whereas male breast cancer mortality had remained stable.
Another great example of male inequality that eludes the gaze of the left.
Sluff, an old school friend recently had a PSA testand when I texted that they are not reliable he replied 50% come back positive. I pointed out that that means 50% are falsely positive!
Why has the BBC been wetting its pants with wall to wall coverage of the US presidential election today?
There is nothing to say. It is election day. There are no facts. Only speculation.
Of course the coverage dresses up the nice guy Democrats against the evil Republicans. But so what? It has no bearing whatever.
Can you imagine the apoplexy and apocalyptic tone tomorrow throughout the BBC if The Donald gets over the line.
What’s Mark Easton’s home address? Let’s send him a present…lol…
Just thinking about Suella Braverman. I have been a huge fan of hers. She supported Jenrick but Kemi won. Jenrick’s got a good job in the shadow cabinet. I hear she missed out. Will she move to Reform or meekly settle for a life on the back benches?
She has to choose. This is a good chance to show what she is made of. If she moves to Reform she should do it soon. It is a test of her mettle. Will she rise to the occasion or slip into obscurity?
The way things are going the dead blue party need only do and say nothing and wait for the reds to destroy the economy and themselves -then benefit from any election. In – say – 2 years – and get all those who didn’t vote last time to put the blues back in again .
Personally I wish there was a fully Right Wing party – which may turn up if trump wins / loses – but doesn’t seem to exist at the moment …
3rd bullet point
what crap…..
Thought I would sit down and see what’s happening in the world, guess what all 4 main channels all on us election, what the f… has this got to do with the UK, fair enough they need to report the news but the us polls haven’t even closed yet and all we are getting is speculative ball shit
Rent over
Dough – I think the mindset they have is that the US is like the UK – but it isn’t like Britain at all … all those states count differently – in fact I reckon different counties count differently – which is what allowed Obama to fix the counts last time and same this time ….
Ideally Trump will win bigly quickly – but judging what happened last time the Democrats will find millions of postal votes to swing it for Harris /obama
He hasn’t even started yet. When they roll out the next ‘pandemic’ millions of ‘anti-vaxxer, swivel-eyed-tinfoilhat-wearing-nutjobs’ will be carted off to the camps with the support of the zombified masses. Now is the time to prove whether you stand with the creator of this magnificent universe or with the cnt-in-chief.
If all the other electoral cheating does not work, guess what:
“there is even the potential for a tie in the Electoral College votes.
When you consider how volatile US politics is right now, what both presidential candidates are saying about one another, and in the context of claims the 2020 election was stolen which lead to riots in Capitol, a drawn out process to determine the next President will create enormous tensions.
And here is where a potential nightmare scenario could unfold.
It would be the President of the Senate, as the constitutionally appointed officer who certifies the presidential election outcome at a joint congressional sitting, who ultimately declares the winner.
Guess who that is? Democratic candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris, that’s who!”
FFS set up to find racism and…guess what they find?
“In a review by its controversial racial justice unit, the CofE took aim at congregations in predominantly white areas for their ‘lack of cultural awareness’.
It also claims ethnic minorities are ‘viewed with suspicion’ by churchgoers and clergy in ‘rural/remote’ and ‘traditional- conservative’ locations.
The 68-page report brands the CofE as ‘structurally and institutionally’ racist. Elsewhere, it singles out ‘the North’ for having fewer Black and Asian clergy, suggesting it’s due to the region not being regarded as ‘attractive or welcoming’.”
But there is some sense in the church it seems:
“Clergy reacted with consternation last night and said the racial justice unit had clearly ‘set out to reach its own foregone conclusion’.
Reverend Ian Paul described the finding of institutional racism as ‘completely unproven’, saying: ‘The idea that congregations or panels being white-majority is a problem is bizarre – we live in a white-majority country.’
Mr Paul, a member of the General Synod and Archbishops’ Council, added: ‘The report appears to reflect more than anything the ignorance and prejudice of those who wrote it.
‘The table at the end is ignorant and offensive, reflecting the ill-informed stereotypes of the authors.’”
How long will it take for people to learn that when marxists take over an organisation they never let go. The C of E is now a political organisation. It should be standing for Parliament and not portraying itself as anything else.
Tuned into BBC news for a few minutes, hoping to see them cry.
What I got was Katty Kay starting to make excuses for what’s looking like a Trump win.
Guess who’s to blame: yes, it’s all those misogynistic, racist MEN (boo) who just aren’t comfortable with a black woman as President.
Five minutes of that is all I could take.
Shall tune in later for those tears, yummy.
Same here, Vlad, but on LBC!
They had Sopes and Shelagh Fogarty doing the bits, and by then, Donald Trump was looking to be the likely winner.
In the first two minutes, they had a WH flunky on, who Sopes claimed at first, had been both a Blues and Reds supporter, as he worked for both, but it was clear that he was a Democrat. Sopes managed two snidey digs at the Donald in those few seconds, so…
BTW, the betting as of now, is here…
Trump 1.01 (1/100)
Harris 80.0 (79/1)
Here’s the picture the BBC are showing as their attitude remains flat and subdued:
And their stories are shifting to ones like this:
‘It is pretty grim right now – Democrat fundraiser tells BBC’
‘Moods shift at Harris’s watch party’
‘North Carolina voter says she doesn’t know if she ‘can live through another Trump era’
Guess who ‘Brandon’ wanted to win:
‘The fraction of the crowd that remains is carrying mixed emotions, glad to see three major Democratic candidates win here – governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general – but dejected by Kamala Harris’s apparent defeat in the state.’
“It’s hard. I’m sad,” Saira Estrada tells me.
“I don’t know if I can live through another Trump era.”
And in line with the same sentiment:
‘Li lists three points which have given her concern, including the economy and levels of inflation, immigration issues and Joe Biden only giving Kamala Harris 107 days to campaign.’
So it’s Joe’s fault !!!. An amazing statement when in fact Joe didn’t even quit the race voluntarily : he was forced out by Obama and Pelosi. I wonder if ‘Li’ is just stupid or a liar. Experience of the Left points to the latter.
Looks like the West might have done like Trump and dodged a bullet.
Now let’s see what the Left do if he wins. I suspect it’s going to get very nasty. I wonder if the BBC will be quizzed as to why all their articles told us Kamala was in the lead.
Not BBC but down to the same standards ,
Greatest Hits Radio newsreader yesterday …..
” Momentous day in the USA could be the first black woman elected or first convicted ex-president re-elected ‘
I’ve noticed the news is very left-wing on Greatest Hits radio.
Should be ‘Politically persecuted ex-President who was impeached twice by partisan committees whose only purpose was to look for ways to impeach him then had 88-odd criminal charges brought against him by his political opponents to prevent him running again and subsequently survived two assassination attempts is re-elected by democratic vote.’
At least he will hopefully get the proper protection against the Democrat assassins now. Things are about to get nasty : they really don’t like to lose.
And once again the BBC are on the wrong side of public opinion.
Mind you, we shouldn’t speak too soon. It’s not over until the fat lady sings and there are some VERY desperate people watching these results.
Oh yes, they will get very, very nasty now, very quickly. First verbally then in action.
fomenting dissent around the country, with the help of Khan and his mob doing the same here as before.
Just like the bbc are deliberately creating racial resentment here with their sanctification of a violent gangster.
Regarding that I urge all on here to try this exercise:
Do a search in the bbc news search bar for the words “racism” and / or “far right” it is absolutely astounding the number of stories they produce, EVERY MONTH with these words, separately or together. (15 stories since October)
One or the other or both of these words also used every time Tommy Robinson or Farage is mentioned.
Then search Google and, for example, find ONE SINGLE verifiable racist or far right thing that, for example Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage has said or done……
Even harder than that Zephir:
Find a BBC story which accuses any black person or Muslim of racism. Or any woman of misandry.
The BBC have been make to look complete chumps after their coverage of Kamala and Trump. Once again some questions should be asked and once again they won’t.
Lammy to resign in disgrace ?
That smug English family infecting Youtube with their own form of hate disguised as song, had better sell their thousands of pounds worth of music instruments and resign from Youtube also.
I reckon Lammy has to go. If Trump wins, and with tariffs flying right left and centre, then the UK really better be on the best of terms with POTUS.
Remember Obama ?
UK will be back of the queue with the Brexit vote ?
The bbc webshte has somber images of people crying because of Harris most likely loosing 🙂
Well done the new President, unfortunately we will have to hear the constant negatives from the likes of the bbc with its future reporting
Target on his back for life with the msm with the bbc at the helm responsible.
Remember the muslim leader of the SNP claiming when justifiable criticism was levelled at him ONCE that was the first thing HE claimed ?
Trump has had inflammatory slanderous and libellous, snidey and vicious comments and stories from the bbc and labour politicians for near on 10 bloody years.
Times Radio clearly needs to follow the science.
They have been proudly boasting that wimmin will come out to support Kamala cos wimmins reproductive rights.
However it turns out that men have been coming out even more to support Trump for the same reason.
Has Times not heard of Newton’s 3rd Law? – To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
They are saying now that Harris campaigned below the waist and Trump above.
So in BBC world….
It’s great that women come out to support Kamala
But , bad , that nasty men came out to support Donald
Oh and a cracker from yesterday, bbc radio 2 had a guy on who had correctly predicted 10 out of the last 11 US elections and he had predicted a Kamala win . They were so proud 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Australia has closed its borders to US celebrities
Trump elected
Aaaannnd….. it starts already, 4 years of this :
“Liberal commentator Joy Reid has slammed Trump voters and described Florida as ‘extremely right-wing fascist’ after the Sunshine State was called for the Republican nominee.
Reid took part in the MSNBC election night panel on Tuesday and lashed out as votes rolled in, with Trump taking a the lead.
‘Think about the last two weeks and the things that Donald Trump has said into the TV that people could hear him say and do,’ she said.
‘The vulgarity in front of families with young children and the threats to do mass deportation and a violent start to his dictatorship on day one, you name it.’ ”
Joy Reid is a crazy… flat out unhinged
bbc news still in denial hoping for a miracle.
It is now being reported in the US that Harris will not even concede until tomorrow…..would not even talk to her own people.
“Harris a sign of the times, Trump a metaphor for the country with this comeback”
Hello All – having just turned on the wireless – ‘today ‘ – if you were not listening to the words – just the demeanour of the BBC types – you’d know something bad had happened .
Perhaps the result will be what is being projected … let’s wait and see and pray . If the Obama fix has been beaten -if the outcome is for President Trump – then it’s a Great Day …And Thank You God ….
Regarding your punting…any lottery tips ? 🙂
Trump party now has won the Senate…
Zephir – I will never be more happy to lose £2 . …. If it is true – then he has beaten the Obama fix – which I still believe existed . I really hope his security is tight and republican .
Listening to the new girl and Sarah smith it sounds like the narrative is ‘men versus women ‘ which is as sad as can be … cackle …
Yes agree, he is a marked man in the worse way.
And, regarding women, they are saying now that Harris campaigned below the waist and Trump above.
Check Fox news for some insightful comments from a wide range of political commentators from all sides of the spectrum, so interesting that even the republicans did not want him at first, he campaigned state by state.
Whatever anyone says, a truly amazing comeback
lol – it’s like the referendum all over again.
The ‘fix’ could only work when the result was very close and a truckload of fake ballots could make the difference.
This is a resounding victory for Trump and the BBC are going to be like petulant spoilt brats now.
After all the articles where the BBC quoted democrats going after Trump to ‘protect democracy’, it turns out everyone voted for Trump for that very reason. The BBC look a proper set of chumps now after all their rhetoric promoting Kamala and telling us she was going to win. Yet again they are on the wrong side of what the people want.
I can’t wait to see what the desperate and nasty Left do next. This is far from over.
thanks for that amazing video
A president and vice president that can talk lucidly and at length, what a new thing for America…
Decency ? compassion ????
Biden called those objecting to vaccination “neanderthals” and those that voted against his candidate “garbage” amongst many other insults.
Trump never insulted the electorate.
At the risk of repetition can I just say how delighted I am that our useless PM and Foreign Secretary are now going to have to dig the country out of a diplomatic shithole of their own making.
Allegedly the grown ups are back in the room (oft repeated by the now non-flagellating bBC), and it beggars belief that a couple of grown ups can make such basic errors.
The sooner that the malcontent Lammy is sacked the better.
Hopefully President Trump will announce that he will have no truck with room-temperature-IQ David ‘Soros’ Lame. He might also want to put pressure on Two Tier Starmer to release the political prisoners languishing in Britain’s jails – those who have managed to avoid being ‘suicided’ by the time he assumes power.
You know, I hardly ever watch the BBC these days…
I just don’t want to be lectured about global warming, my inherent “white privilege”, “systemic racism” or how repulsive Donald Trump is.
But today…for some reason…I just can’t resist it…
Same here… Marianna Springs mum has sent a sick note in I believe
Update – president trump is still on the podium – going for 20 minutes . He hasn’t mentioned Biden Harris or the democrats yet ….
I now want to put a bet on that when / if Harris speaks she bursts into tears . That – I cannot wait for ….
She won’t concede until tomorrow apparently or even talk to her own people that worked so hard for her, told you what she was like under that cackling demenour, a bitter, nasty bully.
I wonder if Harris disappear into a bottle?
– here’s hoping….
Only the BBC would have Emily thornbury on and referred to president Trump as – I think ‘a sexist racist ‘ and that the UK needs to go with its’ ‘friends ‘ …..
And then someone called ‘shinewold’ – a true trougher looking down his nose at President Trump ….
Thornbury sounded a little bit emotional – let’s hope it hurts ….
This is good day to monitor the BBC ….
Pudgee Nugee blubbing would make my day
FU2 that patronising interview with Thornberry and the dire ‘diplomat’ on toady neatly summed up why Trump should screw the UK.
Luckily the grown ups are back in the room. Embarrassing.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy defends calling Trump a ‘neo-Nazi sociopath’
David Lammy has sought to temper past remarks he made about Donald Trump, saying he will work with whoever ends up in the White House.
Faye Brown
Political reporter @fayebrownSky
Thursday 18 July 2024 08:33, UK
I wonder if DJT will have some nicknames for Starmer + crew?
That would be fun.
Blackhole gang!
usefully lose an “l” there?
Oh what a beautiful mornin ,oh what a beautiful day, I’ve got a wonderful feelin that everything’s going my way.
So Trump is President and , importantly, the Senate and the House of Representatives have majorities which will back him unlike in his first term when even the Republican Never Trumper majorities tried to derail his agenda .
Additionally, this time he will have the experience to appoint people who also share his agenda rather than have to accept those that the the Never Trumpers proposed.
So the MAGA agenda will be given a fair crack of the whip.
By the way the stench that you can smell is the deep state soiling itself.
Our Justin is on Today – sounding bewildered – and the left is already worrying about what it means for their friends – Labour – in the UK …
…. Just think – all that poison from the deep state – Soros – the Media – CNN – BBC – the lawfare – the accusations – were beaten by the wisdom of ordinary Americans .
Imagine Starmer having to pick up the phone to his enemy – Donald Trump ….. and Mr Trump putting him on hold … for 4 years …
6 hours ago BBC
The race tilts towards Trump – can Harris still win?
3 hours ago BBC
Mood falls flat at Harris party as Democrats’ hopes slip away
— Just after midnight, a few hundred feet from where Kamala Harris was expected to stand on
Whatever you think of Donald Trump, watching the mood change in the BBC’s election studio has been delicious. It was like a New Orleans…
1 hour ago Ross Clark, The Spectator
Kamala Harris cancels election night party as path to victory narrows
BBC 9 hours ago — As Trump vaults into the lead, exit poll data suggests Kamala Harris may have under-performed with female voters.
Anthony Zurcher: Trump edges towards White House comeback
BBC 6 hours ago — While this US election is not yet over, Donald Trump is in pole position and seemingly on track to complete one of the most remarkable
Trump needs 3 more electoral college votes to win officially , Kamala needs 46
Q: What’s the definition of gritted teeth ?
“Congratulations President-elect Trump on your historic election victory. I look forward to working with you in the years ahead. As the closest of allies, we stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of our shared values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.”
…he forgot to mention sending 100 Labour Party people to campaign against him … don’t forget that President Trump…
Trump to give UK elderly £400 for winter!
Sir Keir Starmer ‘angry’ to see prisoners popping champagne after their early release
Obviously. Only socialists are allowed to drink champagne…
“freedom, democracy and enterprise.” I’m surprised he even knows how to pronounce these, unfamiliar to him, words.
Via Reuters:
“Congratulations on history’s greatest comeback! Your historic return to the White House offers a new beginning for America and a powerful recommitment to the great alliance between Israel and America. This is a huge victory! In true friendship,” Netanyahu wrote on X.
“Congratulations, President Donald Trump. Ready to work together just as we knew how to do during four years. With your convictions and with mine. With respect and ambition. For more peace and prosperity.,” Macron wrote on X.
“Yesssss, God bless Trump,” Ben-Gvir said on X.
“Trump has one useful quality for us: as a businessman to the core, he mortally dislikes spending money on various hangers–on and stupid hanger-on allies, on bad charity projects and on voracious international organisations,” Medvedev, now a senior security official, posted on his official Telegram account.
“Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump on the election victory. The United States is an important strategic partner for Austria. We look forward to further expanding and strengthening our transatlantic relations to successfully address global challenges together.”
“In the United States a victory for common sense, passion and the future. Good luck with your work, President Donald Trump,” Salvini posted, adding the hashtag “GODonaldGO”.
“Congratulations to the President-Elect of the United States of America, @realDonaldTrump. May God bless and guide you,” Bukele posted on X.
“The biggest comeback in US political history! Congratulations to President @realDonaldTrump
on his enormous win. A much needed victory for the World!” Orban posted on X.
On BBC a reporter said Russia and North Korea will be throwing their hats into the air!
Whereas if Harris had won they’d be throwing their missiles into the air to see if the Girl Boss President had a backbone…
Surely the oppressed Russian and North Korean PEOPLE would celebrate Trump as a victor ?
MM, it was a former diplomat. Hopefully Russia, N Korea etc will be more circumspect than the diplomat who was talking to the organisation not the listener.
Pretty impressed with the Al Jazerra coverage of the US election. I have been watching it for the last hour and it included Trumps speech to his supporters, in-studio coverage with Trump and Harris promoters, slick live interviews with on-site reporters. The audio quality and video were very good given this was live.
They even included an overweight Harris supporter in DC playing the race card. We did not win because ‘waycism’ blah blah.
Always remember: when it was setup, Al Jazeera was initially staffed with ex-BBC staff – those who had left the BBC because they found it too extreme and at variance with its own charter.
So, how did it go?
Woke up to a photo of KGM and Strumpet suggesting it was not as planned?
Google page has a map which is almost entirely red
.. then a moniker “The AP hasn’t called this race”
Tim Stanley…
‘ The mood on my TV right now is funereal, which is most amusing.’
Woke up, turned on ‘Today’ and instantly knew the result just from the tone of voices…downbeat and dejected. If it had been their Special ‘K’ there would have been exultation and rejoicing and lots of excited chatter telling us how amazing and wonderful it all was…not now though.
They’re asking, on Today and Times, just why did she lose?
Simple…don’t pick the DEI candidate and in particular one who is totally unsuited to the job….Harris just couldn’t perform…it almost torturous watching her speak…and of course the laughter…a real turn off.
She was chosen for race and gender rather than any great skill or competence…and she was annointed rather than elected…if the Dems had chosen someone who could string a sentence together and didn’t look so woke [Harris had some extreme views of her own] they could have won.
Oddly neither Today nor the Times acknowledges that…woke lost.
Who will they blame this time…the Russians, the Chinese…the Jews?
Could it be that the Democrats just plain lost because they don’t really represent normal people.
ITV have had Stormy Daniels interview with Balls and Susanna……they knew Kamala was screwed then 😄 🤣
Finally some good news……..black arm bands at BBC and all the lefty MSM !
Eddie Davey it’s a Dark Dark Day ….made my Day !
Dark day ? have the wind farms failed then ?
5 days and still going?
Sweden rejects Baltic Sea wind farms, citing defence concerns
By Reuters
November 4, 20249:34 PM GMTUpdated 2 days ago
The Labour government has committed to increasing the proportion of the UK’s energy generated from renewables to decarbonise the UK’s electricity system by 2030. As part of achieving this target, Labour has pledged to quadruple offshore wind power production in the UK by the end of the decade.4 Sept 2024
“Three incredible ways the far-left media helped Trump win again
Throughout the 2024 election campaign the legacy media continued to lose respect.
But the news media, who opposed Trump in 2016 and defeated him in 2020, came back with a vengeance in 2024. They screamed “fascist,” “Hitler,” “Nazi,” “garbage” and more at both Trump and his supporters. They hyped every negative story, every nasty soundbite and every pro-Harris poll, including one horribly wrong Iowa poll that came out just before the election.
Journalists whistled themselves past the graveyard of their decaying industry, ignoring, debating or downright bashing anyone who brought up the awful hurricane response, the border, crime, the economy, national security or the wars in Europe and the Mideast that didn’t exist when Trump was president.
The news media turned one of the hallmarks of our democracy – the Fourth Estate – into a cottage industry for people who promote the most insane, far-left opinions. Ordinary Americans grew increasingly outraged and made their voices heard.
Boy, did they.
Americans voted for Trump because they noticed all the times the supposedly neutral press called Trump “fascist,” compared him to Hitler and more. They noticed when wealthy, elite journalists pretended that inflation wasn’t a problem and that people could somehow afford the massive spike in housing and food costs. Oh, and that claiming otherwise made ordinary voters stupid or worse.
Voters saw ABC News host Martha Raddatz act like it didn’t matter when a violent foreign gang took over apartment buildings in Colorado because “the incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes.” What she meant was a handful of apartments where the poors live and ABC News staffers don’t.
We’ve seen repeated examples of journalists pretending anything they disagree with is either “misinformation” or “disinformation,” even if it turns out to be true. (The Hunter Biden laptop is only one example of many.)
And when they don’t openly lie about the news, they rely on so-called fact-checks to misrepresent it. Like how ABC’s moderators only fact-checked former President Donald Trump during the debate with Vice President Kamala Harris. Or how they allowed President Joe Biden to repeatedly make false claims about Trump’s comments regarding the Charlottesville protests.
What’s disturbing is all those aren’t the worst examples of the pathetic liberal press this election. Here they are, so you don’t forget:
1. That’s real ‘garbage’
Which one is more important, a comedian making a joke about “garbage” or the president of the United States calling half the country “garbage?” If you’re the news media, you covered the first and covered up the second. And Biden’s comment came as he was stumping for Harris.
The Washington Post tried to muddy the waters and claim what Biden did was unclear. “Did Biden call Trump supporters ‘garbage’? It comes down to an apostrophe.” Actually, it doesn’t. If Team Trump tried to doctor White House documents to pretend otherwise, the Post would have gone nuts. But when the current administration did it, nada. Even left-wing AP reported, “AP sources: White House altered record of Biden’s ‘garbage’ remarks despite stenographer concerns.”
The comment was so bad that Harris had to distance herself from what Biden said. So, even Harris was more honest than the press. But with early voting already happening, most in the news media are incapable of giving Trump any talking points. Even when they’re true.
2. Biden’s health is still an issue
Biden’s cognitive decline remains an enormous issue the major media don’t dare touch – even though he still has the nuclear codes and is still president. Just like they avoided it prior to the debate. But when Biden embarrassed himself against Trump, the press threw granddad from the train and the ticket.
Yet, journalists haven’t pushed to remove him from office. Because that would put Harris in the job and she would be connected to every stupid and awful thing this administration has done. Instead, they presented her as a change candidate even though she said she would do nothing different.
It’s worth remembering that Biden’s mental fitness was an issue even heading into the last election, so he hid in his basement. After he won, his obvious failings got so bad that White House staffers had one person in an Easter Bunny costume move Biden away from inquiring reporters. And that was in April … 2022.
Back in March, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough went on a classic rant claiming that Biden was at the top of his game. “Start your tape right now, because I’m about to tell you the truth. And f-you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever.” He wasn’t even laughed off the network.
One day, when D.C. reporters all write their books about the Biden years, they will all admit their stories of how out of it Biden was. But they refused to report those because they had to stop Orange Man Bad.
3. Endorsements don’t really matter
Readers and journalists don’t care about political endorsements except when it undermines their sense that an outlet is on their team. Both were upset enough that the Los Angeles Times pulled its endorsement of Harris. But, they were ready to throw their Pumpkin Spice Lattes in protest when the Washington Post did it.
The Post is in Democrat Central, or D.C., a place so leftist that Trump has gotten 4-5% there in the national election. Twice. So, when leftist readers and even-more leftist staff were unable to bash Trump one more time, they revolted. (The Post staff is revolting … write your own joke here ____________.)
The rest of the news media threw a tantrum so bad that the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) even suggested the Post owner give the paper away: “Jeff Bezos Should Donate the Washington Post to a Charity.” The article called it “a bold, patriotic move” to give away the paper along with perhaps $100 million to cover about one year’s losses. CJR’s hope is that the 250,000 readers who quit over the controversy would return.
What CJR failed to realize is that the Post is already a charity. It lost $77 million in 2023 alone. Even with those readers. “
@maitlis tweeted
Oh come with us !- we will tell you the story of the night with some of the best voices in the business. It will be fun. And it will be brilliant
Lee Harris 3h
I just switched back over to channel 4.
I kid you not. Emily Maitlis is no longer in the studio and Krishnan Guru-Murthy apologised and said she started to swear.
Video https://x.com/WorldByWolf/status/1854036399940403428
Thanks for reminding me of her….just made my day thinking of her total anguish…lol!
If the Republicans take both the Senate and Congress will be be hearing about a ‘one party state’ and a ‘threat to democracy’? Probably not just as the BBC is unconcerned about Labour’s massive steamroller majority…gained on a very shallow vote and thus entirely unrepresentative of the country as a whole…no government is of course going to be able to satisfy all views but this one in particular is very unrepresentative and the voting system has turned up something that is far, far more ‘unjust’ than the US electoral college system produces…but which the BBC often complains about….when the wrong candidate gets elected….though in 2024 The Donald looks to have won the popular vote as well.
Before/After tweets about Maitlis
It seems Emily lost it on air on C4 and started swearing … that clip will do that ‘viral ‘ thing ….
… will be ignoring it as usual.
CNN I luv it !
When lies and slander fail to work….