Just stumbled on this BBC article from only 7 hours ago where they have a ‘seasoned’ politician discussing the differences between Harris and Trump.
Who do they give the soapbox to ?. Democrat John Kerry.
What does he say ?. A tirade of insults and abuse against Trump.
No pro-Trump videos of course – but there is another one on why Harris was winning the polls in Iowa.
Turns out it was just more rhetoric and propaganda lies. Trump won 56.3% to 42.3%. Not even close.
Well done BBC : on the wrong side of what the people think yet again.
Lucky for you they can’t choose whether to fund you doing it.
I can’t wait to listen to the tone of the BBC newsreaders announcing that Trump has won.
It will be like Brexit where you might think someone had died.
She truly is a nasty and unpleasant woman. Full of hate and spite.
Which of course is why she got on so well at the BBC. It is their kind of hate and spite.
The BBC will be emphasising its impartiality and it’s thirst for rooting out the “truth”, by re-opening that old favourite the “Holding power to account” department.
Those anxious little people who have been off doing other stuff throughout the hopelessly , hopeless Biden years, where not a breath of criticism has been heard, will be on the screen spouting their bile against the 47th President.
But relax, it’s the BBC so “Never in the field of broadcasting will so much hate be listened to by so few” to misquote another half American politician.
Will the BBC roll out ‘Christian ‘ and ‘Katti’ to do the daily poison that was ‘100 days ‘ – which of course they didn’t do for sleepy joe and karmela …. ?
Is it egg on face time at the BBC or what?
Trump in a clear lead and may even win the popular vote.
Get out the Valium.
But hidden away here is a problem for him.
Over here in the UK we have ‘the blob’.
Over there do they have ‘the swamp?’
In the District of Columbia, Harris got 90% of the vote !!!!
And I found out some time ago, that DC is the gay capital of the USA, with around 14% LGBT. The average is 3-4%.
In other words the seat of government is totally unrepresentative of the population at large.
Not unlike our own entitled civil service in London.
So Trump has his work cut out to get things done. The whole apparatus is against him, despite his democratic mandate.
Draining the swamp is not a slogan but a necessity.
Presumably all those luvvies who queue up to support the nut case Harris will be buying single tickets / getting their private jet ready – to flee fascist America under an …er .. elected felon …( they really loved calling Donald Trump a felon )
Meanwhile – at the US Mexico border – there must be panic before he finishes the wall and starts throwing the illegals out ….
And later we will play the game of which country will trump go to first as President and which foreign leader will get the first visit . …
‘Sharing of skills’ eh? He means boat loads of economic migrants coming here doesn’t he?..and the BBC counting them as asylum seekers…
‘With an ageing population in the UK – as with much of the developed world – Dr Vines says that the sharing of skills will increase.
He adds that migration is an “emotive and complicated issue”, but the UK and other Western nations should avoid “cherry-picking the best and corroding African states from being successful themselves”. ‘
Our great leaders messed this up…bigly. They targeted China…if we helped their economy develop they’d turn into a democratic wonderland that would be oh so grateful to the West…how’d that turn out as China uses its massive economic might to hijack the world and scare the bejezuz out of everyone?
A more sensible approach would have been to develop individual African countries…thus you wouldn’t have a single all powerful state that could flex its huge muscles as China does [though not to say you couldn’t have trouble from smaller countries ala Iran]. Such a development policy would also provide jobs in Africa and reduce the desire to migrate for economic reasons….the economic migration might go the other way….especially many Blacks here who just want to be ‘African’.
“Abandoned stars and stripes at deserted Harris watch party
published at 09:18
Ahead of Donald Trump’s victory speech in Florida a little earlier, it was an entirely different scene at the site of Kamala Harris’s election night party in Washington DC.
The vice-president had been expected to speak to crowds at Howard University but when it became clear that wouldn’t happen, those gathered headed home – leaving behind empty chairs and abandoned flags.”
Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus Said They Will Leave US If Trump Wins 2024 Election.
Sharon Stone pledges to leave USA if Donald Trump is elected US President in November
“My act will change because I will need to learn to speak Spanish because I will move to Spain or somewhere. It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It’s just too crazy.” – Amy Schumer (AP Photo)
I know Americans are not noted for their international perspective, but I hope many may have noticed, maybe via Elon Musk, what happens to your life, your liberty, your right to free speech and your taxes when you elect a far left fascist government in the UK.
And that is only within 4 months, two dead already as a direct consequence of their actions, and many in jail for expressing their opinions.
‘Climate change supercharged Europe floods – scientists
Deadliest weather made worse by climate change – scientists
Scientists say climate change made Spanish floods worse’
The BBC tells us that they cannot say climate change was to blame for the floods etc but it did make them worse. Hmmm….if you can’t find the evidence to say this was caused by climate change how can you then say ‘well…climate change made it worse’? Where’s the evidence…real evidence?
Look at this statement from the BBC’s goto pro-climate change gurus..the World Weather Attribution group…
‘The new analysis highlights how scientists can now discern the fingerprint of climate change in complex weather events. [lol…really?]
“This study should be an eye-opener for political leaders hanging on to fossil fuels that heat the planet and destroy lives”, said Dr Friederike Otto, co-founder and lead of WWA.
“If we keep burning oil, gas and coal, the suffering will continue,” she said.’
Hardly in any way neutral is it? Fossil fuels destroy the planet and make us suffer.
The ‘makes it worse’ claim is much like the ‘institutional racism’ claims of inquiries when they can’t find any actual evidence of wrongdoing so they invent an overarching, generalised ‘everyone is to blame somehow’ accusation that’s almost impossible to refute.
Have to say the BBC’s Justin Rowlatt is just as if not even more extreme in his campaigning for the climate change lobby as Richard Black or Roger Harrabin ever were. Not a word of doubt ever crosses his lips.
Vaccine is save – if it saves one life – do not blame China for Covid – stop calling it Monkey Pox –
Starmer’s Cabinet. Are the grown-ups really back in charge?
Why did Sir Keir Starmer drop Emily Thornberry? Because she is gaffe-prone, a flag snob, and he wanted to appoint an old lawyer pal to the role, one assumes. Since Richard Hermer has recently defended Shamima Begum and Gerry Adams and has strong views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one imagines our new Attorney General will provide many Telegraph scoops in weeks to come.
Nonetheless, Starmer’s decision to unceremoniously dump a fellow Shadow Cabinet long-marcher – and erstwhile leadership rival, no less – shows an open ruthlessness. Despite unenthusiastic endorsement from the electorate, our new Prime Minister will never be more powerful than he is now.
Mental illness is a serious UK problem. One of the worst conditions is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). With this in mind and as a good citizen I thought about visiting the local BBC Studio to offer counselling for TDS sufferers – obviously offering a comfy chair. Some ideas I had:
* Making them aware of Der Starmers new assisted dying program.
* Ensuring they are up to date with their covid booster program
* Playing them soothing sounds of baahing sheep and nearby cookoos.
Any other ideas to help these very distressed people?
Trump win. At last some good news in a very bleak set of British and World situations.
It’s a warning to Smarmer and his virtue signaling National Socialist regime that his next General Election will be the end for him. The only issue arising from that is he might venture into really extreme policies and legislation (if it isn’t already) which would at least cement his position as leader of his far left Party for the time being. He has nothing to lose as he’s already lost.
They’ve rolled out Alistair Campbell – fresh from dosing himself up with anti depressants …
When you listen to someone who has a completely diffferent read of events it can be ‘ funny ‘. I – for instance – believe the 2020 election was stolen – and in some ways this result rebalances things to be ‘right ‘…
So people like Campbell go on about karmela failing to ‘engage ‘ blah blah – but even the dimmest American will know she failed as a vice president and that they were conned into thinking Biden was not suffering from dementia …. As well as putting up the price of gas because of Green crap ..
Ah one of the tolerant members of the ‘short back and sides’ brigade who refused to share a hustings platform with UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin. Current TDS measument on a 0-10 scale probably around 91?
The ‘unbridled joy’ is how she describes the people there : she is about as far from ‘joy’ as you can get. Her tone would not be out of place at a funeral.
The Beeb appear to be denying reality – still have President Trump on 266 electoral votes (270 needed for victory) three hours after sites like the Gateway Pundit declared that the Donald had won. Though they’re not alone as the New York Times have had him on 267 for just as long, as has Politico. It’s almost as if they think that by not declaring him on 270 they can somehow deny him his victory.
Thank goodness for gas.
Current electricity production by fuel type.
59.3% fossil fuels
Gas 59.3
13.1% renewables
Solar 2.4
Wind 9.6
Hydroelectric 1.0
21.3% other sources
Nuclear 13.0
Biomass 8.3
If Ed Milliband gets his way, he’ll sort it out.
He’ll just switch off the gas AND the electricity.
So get out the torches and thick woolies and blankets.
And feel zero-emissions virtuous.
MM, please, I almost brought breakfast up when I saw that image. Can’t you post a picture more in keeping with Millipede’s stature:
a small and insignificant Communist.
To be fair, the contribution from wind energy is very significant but the issue though is the cost. I notice that companies in the USA, as in the UK, are not installing offshore wind, due to cost. Offshore wind is astronomically expensive to build and maintain.
Telegraph reporting a massive downturn in wind energy replaced by backup gas and other……no report on BBC website….don’t want you getting the idea that maybe green energy is not all it is cracked up to be….
‘A “Dunkelflaute” period of weather has sent wind power generation tumbling in the UK, Germany and other parts of northern Europe.
The phenomenon – which translates roughly as “dark wind lull” – describes periods when wind speeds plunge, leading to little to no generation from turbines.
On Tuesday, it meant wind farms were only able to meet 3-4pc of the UK’s electricity demand during the morning and evening peaks, with gas-fired plants instead fired up to meet around 60pc of demand.”
I hope Trump does not visit the UK.
Last time Charles was “too busy” to see him.
Khan flying the Blimp in Trafalgar square, and now we have a PM and foreign secretary who`s on record saying he is a Nazi.
Only two days ago the BBC was reporting that the state of Iowa could go Democrat. Republicans were worried as it was not even regarded as a swing state.
““I know that many Londoners will be anxious about the outcome of the US Presidential election. Many will be fearful about what it will mean for democracy and for women’s rights, or how the result impacts the situation in the Middle East or the fate of Ukraine. Others will be worried about the future of NATO or tackling the climate crisis…The lesson of today is that progress is not inevitable. But asserting our progressive values is more important than ever – re-committing to building a world where racism and hatred is rejected, the fundamental rights of women and girls are upheld, and where we continue to tackle the crisis of climate change head on.””
Maitlis’ mate Lewis Goodfornothing explains it all…
‘Joe Biden inflicted avoidable chaos on the Democrats
The US president’s substantial patriotism was ultimately outweighed by his vanity.’
Nah…Harris had an enormous uplift and tidal wave of support and feelgoodery when she was annointed….she wasted it…it wasn’t difficult to cobble together a message to campaign on…but she didn’t have the personality to present it if she had got it together…she just didn’t look credible…just blackish and female [and a dem]…and that was enough for the likes of Maitlis and Goodfornothing but not for the US voters.
‘Money is now pouring in from the well of donors that had previously run dry (Harris raised more than $50m in a day, a total not achieved since 2020). The Democrats are enjoying an adrenaline jolt at the prospect of electing the first woman president, and a woman of colour at that. ‘
Goodfornothing kind of forgets Biden has dementia…try getting the carkeys off your grandfather…. getting the keys to the Whitehouse off the President was always gong to be difficult…he wasn’t rational enough to make his own decision.
Goodfornothing does get this right…
‘It is easy to dismiss the overwrought criticism of Biden from the Republicans and the Maga right – the invocation of Watergate – but there are legitimate questions about what the White House knew and what it concealed from the American public. That includes the top of the Democratic Party and its presumptive presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. If valid questions are not answered this will, to some extent, vindicate Trump’s repeated talk of a Democratic cabal. ‘
The Democrats knew way back in 2019 that Biden wasn’t fit for Office which is why they didn’t let him out on the campaign trail…and Trump called him Bunker Biden. The Democrats allowed a man with dementia to be elected President….with little to no comment from the media…including our own BBC which instead preferred to churn out reams of hitjobs claiming Trump was mentally ill and deranged.
Sorry for coming late to the party (I`ve got to sort out my Email A/C )
Got to feel sorry for the off licence businesses around Broadcasting House . If they listened to the BBC they would have heavily stocked up on the best champagne the empty bottles of which would have been strewn around Portland Place today .
Just after the final nails in Kamala’s coffin with the announcement that DJT had surpassed the projected 270 Electoral College votes in this US election, I have some potentially worse news for the Democrats.
After the absolute total failure of the last two presidential running mates (Harris and Walz), I am sure that DJT will give J D Vance opportunities to shine as Vice-President, since he will have a vested interest in the legacy after his second presidential period.
JD Vance has clearly been extremely impressive in the run-up to this election, so he will jump at any chance he gets (if he’s allowed to live) – and will be a very difficult candidate for the Democrats to beat in the 48th, and perhaps the 49th, presidential elections.
I bet the BBC will be delighted to hear that analysis.
(Sory if I’ve just repeated the gist of another post, but I haven’t had time to read this whole thread – yet !)
Richard D
Who can blame you for not being able to read the busy busy thread ? I don’t want to jump ahead too much but I wonder how senator kennedy will get on with his ‘health ‘ mission ? I reckon it will work well an DJTrump will let him just get on with it .
I wonder when all those Deranged Trump haters will surface ? The luvvies ? Clinton’s? Pelosi …? I just want to witness the pain … same with Harris …
.. but I will miss Harris – she brightened up YouTube and the lady who was her impersonator will be desolate … 😎
Extract from an email circulated by the New York Times received this morning …
“Americans should believe that Trump will want to act on some of his most extreme, anti-democratic ideas — because he has done so before.
It’s also essential, though, to remember that America knows Donald Trump. Americans know how to stand up to Trump’s worst instincts. “Civil servants, members of Congress, members of his own party and people he appointed to high office often stood in the way of the former president’s plans” in his first term, the editorial board writes, “other institutions of our society, including the free press and independent law enforcement agencies, held him accountable to the public.”
So….after repeatedly accusing Trump of fomenting insurrection, this is basically a call for insurrection against him the way I see it!
BBC news has some Indian girl as anchor really struggling with her bias … the poison just oozes out – apparently America is ‘divided’ – one of those empty liberal lines ‘some say ‘’’
Eddy congratulations . It seems that’ too big to fix ‘ won this time . I really hope president trump has an inquiry into the 2020 theft – as well as pardoning all those political prisoners after the Capitol demonstration.
Some one being interviewed mentioned there have been riots in Washington by democrats overnight … might be one for bbc verify …
Switched on Times and Rory Stewart was emoting…it’s all Biden’s fault for not stepping down quickly enough…Harris played a great hand[nah] …but what can you do against a populist? Hmmm…same as in 2020…just go on policy and hide your dumb candidate from scrutiny….oh and launch massive lawfare and smear campaign against opponent and collude with media to villify and demonise him.
Is this in fact the third US Presidency that Trump has won if we include the ‘stolen’ one?
Harris rally
Can you hear the crickets ? and I repeat, she refuses to concede until tomorrow, or even speak to the supporters who worked tirelessly for her. A complete lack of grace or any of the other values she has accused Republican voters of lacking…..
And, as I said before again, under that cackling, grinning false facade is a real nasty bullying operator.
Now let’s see if Farage can help repair relations with Trump after f***ers like Starmer, Lammy and Khant who have done unbelievable damage and should all be shot for treason.
I hope, considering far left Khans disgusting comments, that the next time, if he can be bothered to visit the UK, he avoids London and goes to Milton Keynes or somewhere, maybe Slough.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Is that the BBC newsroom ?.
Carlseberg Special Brew instead of champagne in the bbc corridors this morning I feel
No John. They’re all white.
Harris and Trump are such opposites – John Kerry
Just stumbled on this BBC article from only 7 hours ago where they have a ‘seasoned’ politician discussing the differences between Harris and Trump.
Who do they give the soapbox to ?. Democrat John Kerry.
What does he say ?. A tirade of insults and abuse against Trump.
No pro-Trump videos of course – but there is another one on why Harris was winning the polls in Iowa.
Turns out it was just more rhetoric and propaganda lies. Trump won 56.3% to 42.3%. Not even close.
Well done BBC : on the wrong side of what the people think yet again.
Lucky for you they can’t choose whether to fund you doing it.
I can’t wait to listen to the tone of the BBC newsreaders announcing that Trump has won.
It will be like Brexit where you might think someone had died.
Seems like ITV (Bradby) leading the UK MSM newsreader charge.
He’s a friend of Henry and Rachel so it’s to be expected.
When you are left with little to work with…
Sad Strumpet.
Why most msm ‘market rate talent’ should get any airtime again is a mystery.
She truly is a nasty and unpleasant woman. Full of hate and spite.
Which of course is why she got on so well at the BBC. It is their kind of hate and spite.
Dan Wootton
Here’s deranged @maitlis being absolutely destroyed by @seanspicer for blatant lies on Channel 4.
Give me Al Jazeera any day over Channel 4:
Sound quality 10
Video Quality 10
Quality of debate 10
Slickness with live TV 10
And Channel 4 for all of those? Nil Point! The sound was like it was coming from the bottom of a well, with some old hag constantly nagging.
Tom Bradby calls Donald Trump a fascist on ITV and Emily Maitlis mysteriously goes off air as Trump appears on the brink of victory
Sore loser American liberals lose their minds over Trump’s victory: MSNBC’S Joy Reid calls Florida ‘fascist’ and CNN host on brink of tears
Read Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Remarks About Donald Trump Supporters
The BBC will be emphasising its impartiality and it’s thirst for rooting out the “truth”, by re-opening that old favourite the “Holding power to account” department.
Those anxious little people who have been off doing other stuff throughout the hopelessly , hopeless Biden years, where not a breath of criticism has been heard, will be on the screen spouting their bile against the 47th President.
But relax, it’s the BBC so “Never in the field of broadcasting will so much hate be listened to by so few” to misquote another half American politician.
Will the BBC roll out ‘Christian ‘ and ‘Katti’ to do the daily poison that was ‘100 days ‘ – which of course they didn’t do for sleepy joe and karmela …. ?
0 Days of interest.
Is it egg on face time at the BBC or what?
Trump in a clear lead and may even win the popular vote.
Get out the Valium.
But hidden away here is a problem for him.
Over here in the UK we have ‘the blob’.
Over there do they have ‘the swamp?’
In the District of Columbia, Harris got 90% of the vote !!!!
And I found out some time ago, that DC is the gay capital of the USA, with around 14% LGBT. The average is 3-4%.
In other words the seat of government is totally unrepresentative of the population at large.
Not unlike our own entitled civil service in London.
So Trump has his work cut out to get things done. The whole apparatus is against him, despite his democratic mandate.
Draining the swamp is not a slogan but a necessity.
Sluff – with a bit of luck president trump has Elon to do practical things to deconstruct the Washington machine –
Already appointed, can’t recall the title, but to do with industry.
Presumably all those luvvies who queue up to support the nut case Harris will be buying single tickets / getting their private jet ready – to flee fascist America under an …er .. elected felon …( they really loved calling Donald Trump a felon )
Meanwhile – at the US Mexico border – there must be panic before he finishes the wall and starts throwing the illegals out ….
And later we will play the game of which country will trump go to first as President and which foreign leader will get the first visit . …
On a more sober note, and a warning to all in the UK
James Corden has promised to leave the USA if Harris loses. Be warned.
We already have an obesity crisis FFS why add to it ?
‘Sharing of skills’ eh? He means boat loads of economic migrants coming here doesn’t he?..and the BBC counting them as asylum seekers…
‘With an ageing population in the UK – as with much of the developed world – Dr Vines says that the sharing of skills will increase.
He adds that migration is an “emotive and complicated issue”, but the UK and other Western nations should avoid “cherry-picking the best and corroding African states from being successful themselves”. ‘
Our great leaders messed this up…bigly. They targeted China…if we helped their economy develop they’d turn into a democratic wonderland that would be oh so grateful to the West…how’d that turn out as China uses its massive economic might to hijack the world and scare the bejezuz out of everyone?
A more sensible approach would have been to develop individual African countries…thus you wouldn’t have a single all powerful state that could flex its huge muscles as China does [though not to say you couldn’t have trouble from smaller countries ala Iran]. Such a development policy would also provide jobs in Africa and reduce the desire to migrate for economic reasons….the economic migration might go the other way….especially many Blacks here who just want to be ‘African’.
bbc is in mourning
“Abandoned stars and stripes at deserted Harris watch party
published at 09:18
Ahead of Donald Trump’s victory speech in Florida a little earlier, it was an entirely different scene at the site of Kamala Harris’s election night party in Washington DC.
The vice-president had been expected to speak to crowds at Howard University but when it became clear that wouldn’t happen, those gathered headed home – leaving behind empty chairs and abandoned flags.”
What a shame 🙂
Typical festival goers, can’t take their bloody rubbish home with them.
Hopefully Trump and Elon will look at Argentina for inspiration.
Make government small again.
Free the sausages!
Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus Said They Will Leave US If Trump Wins 2024 Election.
Sharon Stone pledges to leave USA if Donald Trump is elected US President in November
“My act will change because I will need to learn to speak Spanish because I will move to Spain or somewhere. It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It’s just too crazy.” – Amy Schumer (AP Photo)
They could always move to Mexico!
They like hearing screechings and other crap!
It’s not far away!
I know Americans are not noted for their international perspective, but I hope many may have noticed, maybe via Elon Musk, what happens to your life, your liberty, your right to free speech and your taxes when you elect a far left fascist government in the UK.
And that is only within 4 months, two dead already as a direct consequence of their actions, and many in jail for expressing their opinions.
‘Climate change supercharged Europe floods – scientists
Deadliest weather made worse by climate change – scientists
Scientists say climate change made Spanish floods worse’
The BBC tells us that they cannot say climate change was to blame for the floods etc but it did make them worse. Hmmm….if you can’t find the evidence to say this was caused by climate change how can you then say ‘well…climate change made it worse’? Where’s the evidence…real evidence?
Look at this statement from the BBC’s goto pro-climate change gurus..the World Weather Attribution group…
‘The new analysis highlights how scientists can now discern the fingerprint of climate change in complex weather events. [lol…really?]
“This study should be an eye-opener for political leaders hanging on to fossil fuels that heat the planet and destroy lives”, said Dr Friederike Otto, co-founder and lead of WWA.
“If we keep burning oil, gas and coal, the suffering will continue,” she said.’
Hardly in any way neutral is it? Fossil fuels destroy the planet and make us suffer.
The ‘makes it worse’ claim is much like the ‘institutional racism’ claims of inquiries when they can’t find any actual evidence of wrongdoing so they invent an overarching, generalised ‘everyone is to blame somehow’ accusation that’s almost impossible to refute.
Have to say the BBC’s Justin Rowlatt is just as if not even more extreme in his campaigning for the climate change lobby as Richard Black or Roger Harrabin ever were. Not a word of doubt ever crosses his lips.
Vaccine is save – if it saves one life – do not blame China for Covid – stop calling it Monkey Pox –
Starmer’s Cabinet. Are the grown-ups really back in charge?
Why did Sir Keir Starmer drop Emily Thornberry? Because she is gaffe-prone, a flag snob, and he wanted to appoint an old lawyer pal to the role, one assumes. Since Richard Hermer has recently defended Shamima Begum and Gerry Adams and has strong views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one imagines our new Attorney General will provide many Telegraph scoops in weeks to come.
Nonetheless, Starmer’s decision to unceremoniously dump a fellow Shadow Cabinet long-marcher – and erstwhile leadership rival, no less – shows an open ruthlessness. Despite unenthusiastic endorsement from the electorate, our new Prime Minister will never be more powerful than he is now.
“Hardly in any way neutral is it? Fossil fuels destroy the planet and make us suffer.”
Rank Country/Region Mt CO2
1 China 10 613.171
2 India 2 516.967
3 Japan 973.667
4 Indonesia 651.671
Mental illness is a serious UK problem. One of the worst conditions is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). With this in mind and as a good citizen I thought about visiting the local BBC Studio to offer counselling for TDS sufferers – obviously offering a comfy chair. Some ideas I had:
* Making them aware of Der Starmers new assisted dying program.
* Ensuring they are up to date with their covid booster program
* Playing them soothing sounds of baahing sheep and nearby cookoos.
Any other ideas to help these very distressed people?
LOl….from a day ago….CNN thinks Trump is finished…Trump thinks he will win but he ‘has a pretty distorted view of political reality…’
How’s that going then?
Note they open with two attempts to smear Trump by twisting his words and meaning….
Trump win. At last some good news in a very bleak set of British and World situations.
It’s a warning to Smarmer and his virtue signaling National Socialist regime that his next General Election will be the end for him. The only issue arising from that is he might venture into really extreme policies and legislation (if it isn’t already) which would at least cement his position as leader of his far left Party for the time being. He has nothing to lose as he’s already lost.
They’ve rolled out Alistair Campbell – fresh from dosing himself up with anti depressants …
When you listen to someone who has a completely diffferent read of events it can be ‘ funny ‘. I – for instance – believe the 2020 election was stolen – and in some ways this result rebalances things to be ‘right ‘…
So people like Campbell go on about karmela failing to ‘engage ‘ blah blah – but even the dimmest American will know she failed as a vice president and that they were conned into thinking Biden was not suffering from dementia …. As well as putting up the price of gas because of Green crap ..
When Smarmer and Lammy visit Trump in Washington I think Smarmer will be pushing Lammy forward.
Is that under a yellow school bus driven by Harris ..?
Can’t really see starmer being invited to the White House for a good few months … maybe the President will meet Kemi first …
Or, better still, Farage.
Ah one of the tolerant members of the ‘short back and sides’ brigade who refused to share a hustings platform with UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin. Current TDS measument on a 0-10 scale probably around 91?
yup, the bigots, bullies and liars in the Greens project as ever….
I see Caroline Lucas is not happy – which makes me happy
And wrinkled old rubber tits Vorderman’s gob is running overtime again
Various dirges available on Classic FM this morning, Albinoni to the fore, coincidence ?
‘I haven’t seen the BBC this depressed since the former Hamas leader was killed.’
I’m finding amusement everywhere on the BBC at the moment.
BBC correspondent describes ‘unbridled joy’ at Trump event
The ‘unbridled joy’ is how she describes the people there : she is about as far from ‘joy’ as you can get. Her tone would not be out of place at a funeral.
The Beeb appear to be denying reality – still have President Trump on 266 electoral votes (270 needed for victory) three hours after sites like the Gateway Pundit declared that the Donald had won. Though they’re not alone as the New York Times have had him on 267 for just as long, as has Politico. It’s almost as if they think that by not declaring him on 270 they can somehow deny him his victory.
Suck it up BBC.
Just thinking about Marky’s graph up this trail.
Thank goodness for gas.
Current electricity production by fuel type.
59.3% fossil fuels
Gas 59.3
13.1% renewables
Solar 2.4
Wind 9.6
Hydroelectric 1.0
21.3% other sources
Nuclear 13.0
Biomass 8.3
If Ed Milliband gets his way, he’ll sort it out.
He’ll just switch off the gas AND the electricity.
So get out the torches and thick woolies and blankets.
And feel zero-emissions virtuous.
MM, please, I almost brought breakfast up when I saw that image. Can’t you post a picture more in keeping with Millipede’s stature:
a small and insignificant Communist.
Ed Miliband – What ever happened to ” 4 CONTROLS ON IMMIGRATION” ?
In addition to the torches I suspect ‘pitchforks’ might be added to the list……….
To be fair, the contribution from wind energy is very significant but the issue though is the cost. I notice that companies in the USA, as in the UK, are not installing offshore wind, due to cost. Offshore wind is astronomically expensive to build and maintain.
And interferes with radar defences
Telegraph reporting a massive downturn in wind energy replaced by backup gas and other……no report on BBC website….don’t want you getting the idea that maybe green energy is not all it is cracked up to be….
‘A “Dunkelflaute” period of weather has sent wind power generation tumbling in the UK, Germany and other parts of northern Europe.
The phenomenon – which translates roughly as “dark wind lull” – describes periods when wind speeds plunge, leading to little to no generation from turbines.
On Tuesday, it meant wind farms were only able to meet 3-4pc of the UK’s electricity demand during the morning and evening peaks, with gas-fired plants instead fired up to meet around 60pc of demand.”
Long may the Dunkelflaute reign…………….
I hope Trump does not visit the UK.
Last time Charles was “too busy” to see him.
Khan flying the Blimp in Trafalgar square, and now we have a PM and foreign secretary who`s on record saying he is a Nazi.
On the issue of ‘garbage’.
Only two days ago the BBC was reporting that the state of Iowa could go Democrat. Republicans were worried as it was not even regarded as a swing state.
Today? Trump is ahead by FOURTEEN percent.
Opinion polls are to swing opinion!
… Sadiq Khan …
““I know that many Londoners will be anxious about the outcome of the US Presidential election. Many will be fearful about what it will mean for democracy and for women’s rights, or how the result impacts the situation in the Middle East or the fate of Ukraine. Others will be worried about the future of NATO or tackling the climate crisis…The lesson of today is that progress is not inevitable. But asserting our progressive values is more important than ever – re-committing to building a world where racism and hatred is rejected, the fundamental rights of women and girls are upheld, and where we continue to tackle the crisis of climate change head on.””

Wisconsin called – the 45th President will also be the 47th – now I can go to bed a happy man.
Maitlis’ mate Lewis Goodfornothing explains it all…
‘Joe Biden inflicted avoidable chaos on the Democrats
The US president’s substantial patriotism was ultimately outweighed by his vanity.’
Nah…Harris had an enormous uplift and tidal wave of support and feelgoodery when she was annointed….she wasted it…it wasn’t difficult to cobble together a message to campaign on…but she didn’t have the personality to present it if she had got it together…she just didn’t look credible…just blackish and female [and a dem]…and that was enough for the likes of Maitlis and Goodfornothing but not for the US voters.
‘Money is now pouring in from the well of donors that had previously run dry (Harris raised more than $50m in a day, a total not achieved since 2020). The Democrats are enjoying an adrenaline jolt at the prospect of electing the first woman president, and a woman of colour at that. ‘
Goodfornothing kind of forgets Biden has dementia…try getting the carkeys off your grandfather…. getting the keys to the Whitehouse off the President was always gong to be difficult…he wasn’t rational enough to make his own decision.
Goodfornothing does get this right…
‘It is easy to dismiss the overwrought criticism of Biden from the Republicans and the Maga right – the invocation of Watergate – but there are legitimate questions about what the White House knew and what it concealed from the American public. That includes the top of the Democratic Party and its presumptive presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. If valid questions are not answered this will, to some extent, vindicate Trump’s repeated talk of a Democratic cabal. ‘
The Democrats knew way back in 2019 that Biden wasn’t fit for Office which is why they didn’t let him out on the campaign trail…and Trump called him Bunker Biden. The Democrats allowed a man with dementia to be elected President….with little to no comment from the media…including our own BBC which instead preferred to churn out reams of hitjobs claiming Trump was mentally ill and deranged.
20 million voters …. eh?
I doubt Lewis would be keen to discuss that?
Pretty banal and tick-boxy….
‘Re: Daily Mail story today. Yes, if Trump comes to the UK I will be out protesting on the streets. He is a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser.’
Legal action for libel
Sorry for coming late to the party (I`ve got to sort out my Email A/C )
Got to feel sorry for the off licence businesses around Broadcasting House . If they listened to the BBC they would have heavily stocked up on the best champagne the empty bottles of which would have been strewn around Portland Place today .
Bloody plebs being populist .
I cannot express my joy at the election result. What a wonderful day. Thank you God.
Just after the final nails in Kamala’s coffin with the announcement that DJT had surpassed the projected 270 Electoral College votes in this US election, I have some potentially worse news for the Democrats.
After the absolute total failure of the last two presidential running mates (Harris and Walz), I am sure that DJT will give J D Vance opportunities to shine as Vice-President, since he will have a vested interest in the legacy after his second presidential period.
JD Vance has clearly been extremely impressive in the run-up to this election, so he will jump at any chance he gets (if he’s allowed to live) – and will be a very difficult candidate for the Democrats to beat in the 48th, and perhaps the 49th, presidential elections.
I bet the BBC will be delighted to hear that analysis.
(Sory if I’ve just repeated the gist of another post, but I haven’t had time to read this whole thread – yet !)
The Queen, real name Camilla Parker-Bowles.
Richard D
Who can blame you for not being able to read the busy busy thread ? I don’t want to jump ahead too much but I wonder how senator kennedy will get on with his ‘health ‘ mission ? I reckon it will work well an DJTrump will let him just get on with it .
I wonder when all those Deranged Trump haters will surface ? The luvvies ? Clinton’s? Pelosi …? I just want to witness the pain … same with Harris …
.. but I will miss Harris – she brightened up YouTube and the lady who was her impersonator will be desolate … 😎
Extract from an email circulated by the New York Times received this morning …
“Americans should believe that Trump will want to act on some of his most extreme, anti-democratic ideas — because he has done so before.
It’s also essential, though, to remember that America knows Donald Trump. Americans know how to stand up to Trump’s worst instincts. “Civil servants, members of Congress, members of his own party and people he appointed to high office often stood in the way of the former president’s plans” in his first term, the editorial board writes, “other institutions of our society, including the free press and independent law enforcement agencies, held him accountable to the public.”
So….after repeatedly accusing Trump of fomenting insurrection, this is basically a call for insurrection against him the way I see it!
BBC news has some Indian girl as anchor really struggling with her bias … the poison just oozes out – apparently America is ‘divided’ – one of those empty liberal lines ‘some say ‘’’
If they hadn’t fixed the last election the Trump era would be coming to an end now.
Instead they’ve got 4 years ahead!
Delicious 🤤
Waiting for later today when the BBC will be reporting, with disgust, that Putin has congratulated Trump !
I claim the BiasedBBC Tipster of the year award 🏆
I called Trump the popular vote winner at 3 -1 😃
Eddy congratulations . It seems that’ too big to fix ‘ won this time . I really hope president trump has an inquiry into the 2020 theft – as well as pardoning all those political prisoners after the Capitol demonstration.
Some one being interviewed mentioned there have been riots in Washington by democrats overnight … might be one for bbc verify …
I want posters all over London.
Switched on Times and Rory Stewart was emoting…it’s all Biden’s fault for not stepping down quickly enough…Harris played a great hand[nah] …but what can you do against a populist? Hmmm…same as in 2020…just go on policy and hide your dumb candidate from scrutiny….oh and launch massive lawfare and smear campaign against opponent and collude with media to villify and demonise him.
Is this in fact the third US Presidency that Trump has won if we include the ‘stolen’ one?
Harris rally
Can you hear the crickets ? and I repeat, she refuses to concede until tomorrow, or even speak to the supporters who worked tirelessly for her. A complete lack of grace or any of the other values she has accused Republican voters of lacking…..
And, as I said before again, under that cackling, grinning false facade is a real nasty bullying operator.
Next attempt. another JFK job or, find him guilty of something and try to put him in jail.
First thing he should do: clean out the FBI and judiciary.
It seems that Mark Hamil, who has a severe case of TDS & hasn’t stopped gobbing off recently has not been heard from for about 9 hrs.

Now let’s see if Farage can help repair relations with Trump after f***ers like Starmer, Lammy and Khant who have done unbelievable damage and should all be shot for treason.
I hope, considering far left Khans disgusting comments, that the next time, if he can be bothered to visit the UK, he avoids London and goes to Milton Keynes or somewhere, maybe Slough.
Trump could be forgiven for putting Britain right at the back of the queue, in the words of that disgusting Obama.
Let’s hope he’s not as vindictive as the lunatics on the left claim.
And, just announced, the must have game for all the family at Christmas: