Sorry Donald! The 6 Labour giants who will be regretting these brutal words on Trump:
1) In 2021, Starmer declared himself to be “anti-Trump but pro-American”. He added: “These aren’t Churchill’s Tories any more. If anything they behave more and more like Donald Trump.”
2) Mr Lammy called Mr Trump a “racist KKK and neo-Nazi sympathiser”.
A year later, referring to Mr Trump’s first official UK visit, the Tottenham MP wrote in Time magazine that he would be protesting against the then government’s “capitulation to this tyrant in a toupee”.
He added: “Trump is not only a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath, he is also a profound threat to the international order that has been the foundation of Western progress for so long.”
3) Rayner has publicly criticised Mr Trump in posts on X, formerly Twitter, more than once.
On the day of the Capitol Hill riots in January 2021, she tweeted: “The violence that Donald Trump has unleashed is terrifying, and the Republicans who stood by him have blood on their hands.”
Later that month she said of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president: “I am so happy to see the back of Donald Trump.”
4) Yvette Cooper said Mr Trump’s approach to politics was “normalising hatred”. Referring to his use of Twitter, she said: “This is the bully pulpit of the most powerful man on the planet.”
A few months later she said Britain could not “simply roll out a red carpet and give a platform” for Mr Trump to “sow discord in our communities”.
In July 2019 she signed an open letter from Hope Not Hate in solidarity with four US congresswomen told by Mr Trump to “go back” to the “broken and crime-infested places from which they came” – calling his words “racist attacks”
5) Miliband said of Mr Trump in 2016: “The idea that we have shared values with a racist, misogynistic, self-confessed groper beggars belief.” He told the BBC: “And I think we should be deeply worried about the implications for many of the things that we care about. Tackling climate change…His attitude to Russia. And then this fantasy about trade. I mean, this guy is anti-trade. He’s an odd combination of protectionism, plus the old trickledown formula that has got us into a lot of this mess in the first place.”
6) In 2017, Wes Streeting called Trump an “odious, sad little man”, adding on X: “Imagine being proud to have that as your president.”
Don’t you enjoy the msm when it tries to change the past ?all those months when ordinary people witnessed the election thief Biden descending into dementia . And a conspiracy the the MSM / politicians to tell people ‘he’s all right ‘…
.. but now ? Biden should have gone earlier and that cost Harris the election … or they could have got a better candidate …
Do they really think we don’t remember ? Are they thick .
It’s something isn’t it ? 2 issues which – if you believe otherwise – the news doesn’t work – the first is the Green crap – I don’t accept it – so everything knocks on … then there is the 2020 election theft – which I believe happened – rendering everything else distorted …
No wonder more and more people don’t believe / watch the ‘news ‘…
It feels like we are moving into a new “real” World where all the horrid shriekers and lunatics are being put back in their boxes. I first noticed it when the despicable, vindictive Nicola Sturgeon got wasted.
Now it seems the odious bloke in Canada and the twat in France are both on borrowed time.
They events in the US simply put a cap on events.
Long may the long March to truth and reality continue. Particularly when it involves the global green loonies who in reality just want to gain total control over your life and put a strangle-hold on everything you do!
It would be nice to think that it is true. But the response of the Starmer regime might be to double-down, and try to keep the flame of woke alive here whilst the rest of the Western world returns to a degree of normality. Analogous to the way North Korea is stuck in the communist mindset of 70 years ago.
Bad news our favoured church of marxism is implicated in a cover up (but we are a little conflicted with the christianity bit):
A British barrister’s “horrific” and violent abuse of more than 100 children and young men was covered up within the Church of England for decades, according to the conclusion of a damning report.
John Smyth QC is believed to be the most prolific serial abuser to be associated with the Church of England, a long-awaited independent review found.
Smyth QC, who died aged 77 in Cape Town in 2018, was accused of attacking boys at his Winchester home who he had met at a Christian summer camp in Dorset during the 1970s and 1980s.
On publication of the findings, the Archbishop of Canterbury apologised again to victims, and said Smyth’s abuse had “manipulated Christian truth to justify his evil acts”.
Smyth had also worked as a barrister representing morality campaigner Mary Whitehouse whilst he ran the camps for young evangelical Christians.”
Good news we can get that old bigot Mary Whitehouse from the 1970s implicated. (bBC shall we talk about the paedophile information exchange legal representative from the same period?).
Christian Frazier is back on the full anti trump gig – apparently trump has “escaped justice “ by becoming president and th court cases will go away …. Nice bias Christian ….
Christian has 3 talking heads – full on poisonous democrats and an ‘ex republican “ … not exactly balanced – but would guess … the far left misery continues …
The BBC is obsessed with Elon Musk…in a bad way….constantly criticising and denouncing him…naturally his support for Trump and financial backing comes in for a lot of stick.
Google Musk, Trump and the BBC and stand well back.
On the other hand…climate change fanatic Bill Gates secretly donates $50 million to the Harris campaign and…er….absolute silence…from the BBC. The story is absolutely everywhere else but apparently not a squeak from the BBC.
New York Times…
‘Bill Gates Privately Says He Has Backed Harris With $50 Million Donation’ ‘The donation was meant to stay under wraps.’
Wonder why the BBC thinks you really didn’t need to know things like this.
You do wonder what could possibly have been going through Starmer’s nasty little mind when he made that lumpen pillock, David Lammy, Foreign Secretary…
I mean, this is a position that requires a certain amount of tact, subtlety of thought and delicacy. Who the hell thought that was David Lammy?
This is a boorish, bigoted, bovine-brained berk, who spends most of his time bleating about racism, wanting “reparation” for HIS PEOPLE and calling those he doesn’t like, Nazis…even the president elect of the USA. Nice one Lammy…
And yet, knowing all of this loud-mouth’s shortcomings and how he’ll embarrass our country, Starmer thinks, “Oh yes, I’ve got just the job for you.”
It’s like putting a baboon in charge of a china shop.
One of the people who finds himself in this tricky place is our new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy. Lammy is not a man of knowledge. Who can forget the edition of Celebrity Mastermind some years ago in which he suggested that Marie Antoinette had won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for her work on radiation. And – more worryingly – when asked which monarch succeeded Henry VIII to the throne replied ‘Henry VII’. Lammy may be one of the only men on Earth who could benefit from listening to one of Kamala Harris’s disquisitions on the nature of time and the direction in which it flows.
Lammy is backed by Soros. Perhaps Starmer was ‘made an offer he couldn’t refuse’?
Aside from the widely held opinions about Lammy’s abilities, surely the fact that he also holds the nationality of another country should automatically exclude him from participating in government.
But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.
Having seen some of those ‘ladies’ on TikTok, screaming their little heads off and shaving their rainbow hair, I’m guessing a lot of men are quite relieved at their sex strike.
In the immortal words of Laurence Fox, “who’d want to shag that?”
“peaceful transfer of power”
Watch out for the above phrase.
Karamella kept saying that in her concession speech. (when she finally turned up)
I just listened to a woman from the Biden staff repeating it too. You can expect a “peaceful transfer of power”.
I’m suspicious because I know how ruthless these people are. To me it sounds odd –
Why shouldn’t an administration changeover be peaceful? Why do they have to make assurances?
Are they planning something? Repulicans have no reason to get violent. They are the winners.
MM – it is a real problem. I am equally concerned that when zealots take over that the attention to detail is lost. If there is any load shedding in the UK in the future it will be too late to do anything about the economy.
Be it resolved, what you call political correctness, I call progress…
Is political correctness an enemy of free speech, open debate and the free exchange of ideas? Or, by confronting head-on the dominant power relationships and social norms that exclude marginalised groups are we creating a more equitable and just society?
For some the argument is clear. Political correctness is stifling the free and open debate that fuels our democracy. It is also needlessly dividing one group from another and promoting social conflict.
Here’s the latest gobbledgook from Sid Lemworth, ‘Foreign – er what – Secretary? as portrayed by ‘ace’ reporter for the WiAABlob, Damyan Glamatticspace…
“The Foreign Secretary David Lammy has told the BBC his past criticisms of Donald Trump are “old news”.
Speaking to the BBC’s Political Editor Chris Mason (twonk – Ed), on the Newscast podcast Lammy was asked about comments he made on Twitter in 2019 when he said “deluded, dishonest, xenophobic, narcissistic, Donald Trump is no friend of Britain” and described him as a “tyrant in a toupe”.
“This is old news”, Lammy said, adding “in that period, particularly with people on Twitter, lots of things were said about Donald Trump. It was a daily occurrence”. He went on “you will struggle to find any politician, and that’s not just Labour politicians, because the last Foreign Secretary David Cameron had some pretty ripe things to say about Donald Trump”.
And he added, “I think what you say as a backbencher and what you do wearing the real duty of public office are two different things”.
Asked if Trump had brought up the comments when he had dinner with him in New York in the run up to the election, Lammy said “not even vaguely. I think he is someone that we can build a relationship with, in our national interest, because we must”.
And, after realising what the chump had said we get this…
UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy went on to say he “was a little bit surprised that the Democrats had made a decision not to centre particularly the economy in their approach to the election”.
“We obviously had been really clear about growth. For us we knew the cost of living crisis that’s where the public was at.”
And asked if his hunch had been that Trump might win the election he said “I’ve got to say it was, I felt in my bones that there could be a Trump presidency”.
On the issue of new taxes that Trump might seek to impose on imports to the US, and whether the UK would seek to be exempted from those, Lammy said “of course we would seek with a new administration to ensure that as a major ally we were aligned and that we were considered”.
However he qualified that by indicating the UK would seek the same treatment for other close allies of the US too, saying “we will seek to ensure and to get across the United States, and I believe that they would understand this, that hurting your closest allies cannot be in your medium or long-term interests”.
This stupid bloke is in the position of making UK Inc. buzz, throughout the world!
What an absolute twonk we have in one of the four main positions of government, and his ridiculous, cowardly boss should really start to learn the basics of leadership and tell him to bugger off!
Every word that moronic idiot spouts, means job-losses, higher living costs and huge headaches etc., for everyone in business and actual living in Great Britain!
The bloke’s an absolute disaster…
(All this of course, came from the dire twaddle, peddled by the state funded bridgecoster).
Ah but he’s a black man who’s risen to one of the great offices of state: Starmer’s father was a toolmaker, and Rayner came from a council estate and worked as a cleaner – or was that care worker ? Over to you Pixie, whats your claim to fame on reaching another great office of state ? (It surely can’t be married to Gangnam Ed )
How much longer are we going to be subjected to all these totally fake articles about why Kamala lost ?.
This one is about the polls. After Obama chose the the Cackler, all the polls shot up. I remember reading on a forum that nothing had actually changed and they were lying to us to make her seem more popular. And history proves they were right.
The BBC are totally unwilling to entertain the idea that the entire MSM is now infested with Left-Wing activists and is utterly politically corrupt. They avoid the subject like two North poles of a magnet. They simply will not go near it. And when they are corrupt, all the feeders who profit from them switch to give them what they want. Any company which produces reports which present Trump in a good light simply will not get any business. Those which say Kamal is going to win get on the front page and get paid to say it again.
The BBC front page is full of articles about Trump now – and they all have a negative edge to them :
‘Trump says ‘no price tag’ for mass deportations’
‘US central bank boss says Trump can’t fire him’
‘Putin hails ‘courageous’ Trump after election win’
No good news or celebration stories at all.
But the real problem here is this mindset the Left now have that it is right to be biased against the Right. The only question is how biased you should be. When they accuse the BBC of right-wing bias, they actually mean ‘not biased enough’. Which would include anything positive.
All the BBC articles are now littered with their lies of negativity. For example, in the Putin article ‘George Wright’ of the BBC write:
‘During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly said he could end the war “in a day” but has never elaborated on how that could happen.’
I’ve seen reports where Trump says he will broker a ceasefire and promise to arm Ukraine to the teeth to defend themselves. But if they use those arms to go on the offensive, the supply will be stopped.
This is another simple and blatant lie to discredit Trump.
The BBC are already in spoilt-brat spite mode. I look forward to reading their activists hate articles when Trump starts clearing the infestation of the Leftist cancer in the American swamp.
Unfortunately we have wait for that here.
JohnC – you write “ The BBC are totally unwilling to entertain the idea that the entire MSM is now infested with Left-Wing activists and is utterly politically corrupt. They avoid the subject like two North poles of a magnet.”
I was surprised at this comment because the BBC is a Far Left anti Trump organisation – and has been since 2016 at least .
It will now be fixated on everything mr trump does and says – it will rubbish him – accuse him – again – of being old and mentally frail . Every staffer getting fired will be read as ‘White House in chaos ‘ – every attempt to end the Ukraine war will “be doing put ins’ work “….
Forget the democratic mandate – or that the senate -house – Supreme Court are republican .
Nice one, tomo. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words.
This one sums up the sickness at the heart of the Biden/Obama woke administration and, hopefully, the fitness and sanity of Trump’s reign.
This is the consequence of our racist, 2-tier society which makes me angry:
‘Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said by focusing on Mr Kaba’s ethnicity, they had created “rumour and innuendo” which could “embolden those who work against the public.”’
Now if it was stirring up hatred in the far-Right, you can be sure they would be named.
But this time it’s the BLM racists. Why not name the groups you are talking about Mr Rowley instead of walking on eggshells trying not to offend those same people ?.
The blatant anti-white male racism and sexism has gone on long enough. Time for everybody to be treated equally on their merits.
Start by sacking people like the poisonous, TDS-loony Madeline Halpert who included in her recent article how Harris should have won simply because she is a woman.
Another death by labour, any comment in the House ?
Come on Kemi hold them accountable, because the bb bastard c will not hold power to account any more because they are far left biased marxists, who would be howling with outrage if the tories had done this.
“Desperate farmer spent his final hours working out how to protect his family from inheritance tax raid before he killed himself.
A farmer’s son last night accused the Prime Minister of having ‘blood on his hands’ over the government’s inheritance tax raid after his father’s apparent suicide 24 hours before the budget.
John Charlesworth, 78, was found dead the day before Rachel Reeves broke an election pledge to announce the tax would apply to all farm estates worth over £1m at a 20pc rate. The grandfather-of-six ran a 70-acre farm on the outskirts of Barnsley, South Yorkshire, which had been in his family since the 1950s.
But pre-budget news predicting the tax raid – ending the practice of allowing farmers to pass on estates without inheritance tax – had ‘eaten away’ at him and was the ‘final straw’, his son said. His son Jonathan, 46, last night told the Daily Mail: ‘I’m not sure you could publish what I’d say to (Keir Starmer). He’s got blood on his hands.”
Mr Charlesworth jr has been running the farm himself in recent years after his father devoted himself to caring for his dementia-stricken wife, Carolyn, 73.
‘If she’d gone into a home, it could have eaten up the farm in care costs and that’s why my father struggled with her,’ he said. He added that he ‘can’t see this being the last’ time a farmer may choose to take their own life over the hated new policy.
Mr Charlesworth jr, who now looks after the 70-acre farm of sheep and cattle at Silkstone, in the Pennine foothills, himself, added: ‘This government has absolutely zero understanding of agriculture let alone how it works. ‘They think we’re just jumped-up millionaires riding around in Land Rovers but that’s not true.
BBC ‘is probing the hiring of five presenters on its news channel’ after claims the recruitment process was a ‘sham’
The presenters who got the top jobs, which come with salaries of as much as £230,000 a year, were allegedly told they were a shoo in before the appointments process officially began, several sources told The Times.
A presenter who went through the recruitment process branded it a ‘sham’, when talking the paper.
They said that the broadcaster’s bosses who repeat values of truth, accuracy, impartiality and transparency ‘were behind a fig-leaf selection process that was predetermined months before anyone did a job interview’.
Another presenter told the paper the process was ‘rigged’ and a third said it was ‘common knowledge’ that it had already been decided who was getting the top jobs.
The BBC reports attacks on the supporters of an Israeli footy team in Holland ….. yet does the Today programme report more detail ? The sports section ignored it – nothing between 7 and 8 ……
And then there is an interview with Lammy – where the dreadful comments he has consistently made about president trump were flipped away – no apology – ( it would have been false ) . But where is the interview ? It’s buried in some podcast which the bbc likes to push so much .
I really hope that Farage is the first British politician to be welcomed to the Trump White House ….
As I write – the key 0810 bit is the usual anti Trump stuff in relation to putin / Ukraine … it’s gonna be the same old song …
> The mobs of Middle Eastern migrants hunting Jews in Amsterdam tonight
This should be a case for instant deportation of these gangs of thugs. Maybe the Israeli Hercules aircraft that are landing in Amsterdam airport could assist with their swift return to a middle eastern country.
Our Justin interviews a US journalist about their MSM and its’ position now that Trump has won . It was said that only 4 million watched CNN – the same as her podcast – and without trump to hate the likes of CNN would go out of business .
The attitude of our Justin was ‘interesting ‘ – sort of dissociated from the BBCs role in this – as though it’s not part of the MSM – as though it doesn’t hate Trump just like the rest. Pitiful .
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
… ‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
I’ve stuck with today to the end as I wanted to hear about the attacks on Jews / Israelis in Holland . Nothing – a clear editorial decision by the BBC – which I would consider anti semitic and offensive .
Instead Robinson announces that meesh got a tick box award for ‘journalism ‘ last night . Woopy doo.
Then she does an interview with some Islamic Hamas type whose dad is going to be ‘the new Islamic Palestinian Mandela ‘
As I was listening I was thinking it would be a good idea to bulldoze the rubble in northern Gaza into the Hamas tunnel complex….
Keep going IDF …
Update – the attacks got a 1 minute report at 0850 -0851 – meesh winning an award got more time
They have it on a ‘live update’ on the news site now, but I bet it’s not there for long.
This is one more example of violence as a result of hatred whipped up by the likes of the BBC. Their anti-Israel rhetoric and covering up of what terrorist are doing has got the stupid end of the Lefty spectrum accusing them of genocide whilst oblivious to the fact Hamas are actually using children as human shields.
We are seeing more and more of it – including 2 attempts (up to now) on Trumps life.
It’s time someone stopped them. The BBC’s hands are covered in blood.
The shock to the bBC’s of the Trump win in the USA has made listening to 10 minutes of the Today programme bearable.
Was anyone listening to the interview with the lady at c7.35 who runs the Youtube channel which had 4.1m viewers on election night (CNN 4.7m).
The interview was run by arch liberal Justin Webb (only just noticed similarity to Archmarxist Welby).
The interviewee said that the MSM model in the USA was dead because it had both alienated every right winger in the country and it had been caught out during the election weighting the news (my interpretation) to suit the desired narrative.
If I am not mistaken Webb clocked what she was saying and even the dimmest bBC light bulbs will work out that it is the same in the UK.
The impression I had, and it is the first time in 30 something years, is that an employee of the bBC has clocked that there is a substantive problem.
I wonder if the events in the USA might just be catalyst for change in the UK; or is this just wishful thinking?
FU2 Webb clearly speaks as a member of our new aristocracy and the faux dispassion grates more than a little, but I thought I detected a whiff of concern. Bear in mind the programme were just about to discuss the FDP withdrawl from the coalition. The FDP are not daft and the US election crystalised the issue. Justin Webb knows that the Social Democrats will get annihilated as SD voters flip to CD to offset the strong AfD performance. The political/economic problems in the UK and the USA have much in common with Germany, and Webb again knows it. If the USA has slipped the net and Germany is about to slip then the new left aristocracy in the UK are going to be in trouble.
“East Enders, like Palestinians, don’t go down easy.”
Oh yes they do, when met with soldiers instead of preying on women and children
And, when chucked out of Egypt for shit stirring, and Jordan and Kuwait.
No one but no one, even their fellow muslim countries, want them and their innate resentment, terrorism and violence that is inbred and also indoctrinated into each and every one of them from childhood
Bro votes and sex strikes edition – from your very own online personality
Like the proverbial moth, inexorably drawn to a flame, your very own Mr AsI cannot help but quote the headline: Women threaten sex strike over US result (Telegraph) – all together now… calm down dears
Improved special relations?
Apparently, our very own Angela Raynor won’t be ‘taking the knee’ in support of this anti-Trump resistance cause – quite the opposite: Raynor builds bridges with US after Trump ‘buffoon’ insult… has spoken to JD Vance in an effort to improve relations (Telegraph)
Women have shared social media videos pledging four “nos” – no sex, no dating or marriage and no having children with men (Telegraph) – I think the latter rather follows naturally from the initial clause there?
Anyway, that’s one political protest tactic our Met police won’t very well be able to either encourage or to disrupt, as is their wont to pick and choose demo-wise, whereas: Fury as farm protest demo blocked… Angry Jeremy Clarkson has hit out after a planned farmers’ protest in Westminster was axed “for legal reasons” (Sun)
For the classicists hereabouts (is the spirit of Boris Johnson still out there?) this political sex strike stuff originates with the tale of the ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, in which Lysistrata persuades the women of the warring cities to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate.
I wonder if First Lady Melania Trump is – even as we speak – on a three-way with Olena Zelenska and Putin’s missus? There’s a thought. Moving quickly on…
Remaining, however, on the subject of ancient texts: Life of Brian ‘more accurate than Bible’ (Telegraph) – No, that’s not the latest heresy from our agnostic Archbishop of Canterbury – he’s fallen from his right-on pulpit, right into the pillory in the press this morning…
Welby criticised over scandal… Church’s 40-year abuser cover-up (giveaway Metro) – this case involves the since deceased wonderfully English-named John Smyth QC, barrister and recorder, who was also involved in Christian ministry.
Since this bloke has died – and presumably departed for a worse place – I’m unclear as to what the present court case is all about. Anything beyond the frontpages is beyond my remit, I’m afraid, just as he’s beyond any earthy punishment.
Meanwhile, not on your frontpages but very much still with us: West Yorkshire grooming gang jailed for raping teenage girl… Omar Safdar, Barber Hussain, Hassan Basharat and Imran Sabir were jailed at Bradford Crown Court… fifth member of the group [Amjad Hussain] was found guilty of three rapes and will be sentenced at a later date (BBC online news, England, Leeds)
Sad cat ladies?
Daisy the cat almost blew up my house… There was only one explanation: Daisy must have jumped up onto the worktop, sat on one of the ignition dials and swivelled, accidentally turning it on and filling the house with gas… And it’s not as rare as you might think: Kent Fire and Rescue Service say they’ve been called to 28 kitchen fires linked to pets in the past three years. (Emma Parsons-Reid, Telegraph)
The fire brigade also warn women living alone not to jump up onto the washing machine and swivelling, accidentally turning anything on. What with this sex strike that might become more of a danger. I jest of course.
Stop focusing on exam results, Education Secretary tells schools (Telegraph)
Next up, the Heath Secretary will tell our NHS to stop focusing on patient health and the Chancellor will tell the Treasury to stop focusing on mitigating our cost of living crisis – oh but look – she already did that: Reeves is driving up prices, warns Bank… Tax-and-spend Budget piles pressure on families while US enjoys market boom (Telegraph)
What with our ancient Greek Lysistrata-themed opening at the top of the show this morning, so to speak, you’ll no doubt have noticed that the BBC staff gynaeceum (sometimes these sequeways write themselves) have promoted the mildly conservative Telegraph frontpage to top spot in their online press line-up.
And that broadsheet provides us with an amusing little hat-tip to its downmarket red top tabloid wayward cousin The Sun: It’s the son wot won it… Nigel Farage… has paid tribute to Baron Trump, saying that the ‘very bright 18-year-old’ played a big part in his father’s US election victory… helped introduce the president-elect to influential podcasters and online personalities that helped him attract the ‘bro vote’ (Telegraph)
Thinking how historically it was the Sun wot won it segueways neatly to: How Elon Musk and the tech bros stole power from the Murdoch family (‘i’)
We may simply be witnessing a recycling of our elite ruling factions. [Hat tip to Academic Agent on You Tube]
“recycling of our elite ruling factions” – power people want more power to keep power.
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country.
When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank.
You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
― Andrew Jackson
A senior official at COP29 climate change conference in Azerbaijan appears to have used his role to arrange a meeting to discuss potential fossil fuel deals, the BBC can report.
A secret recording shows the chief executive of Azerbaijan’s COP29 team, Elnur Soltanov, discussing “investment opportunities” in the state oil and gas company with a man posing as a potential investor.
“We have a lot of gas fields that are to be developed,” he says.
A former head of the UN body responsible for the climate talks told the BBC that Soltanov’s actions were “completely unacceptable” and a “betrayal” of the COP process.
Qatargate is an ongoing political scandal, involving allegations that European Parliament officials, lobbyists and their families have been influenced by the governments of Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania, engaging in corruption, money laundering, and organized crime.[1] Law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Italy and Greece seized €1.5 million in cash, confiscated computers and mobile phones, and charged four individuals with the alleged offences.[2][3][4][5]
I posted last night that I was keeping an eye on the Democrat’s of the “peaceful transition” slogan. Here it is again.
Joe Biden has promised a 'peaceful' transition and praised Kamala Harris; Elon Musk's plans for America as he prepares to join the Trump administration, and arm-wrestling in Africa. 🎧 #GlobalNewsPod— BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) November 8, 2024
Yeah….they have no shame…far from being ‘peaceful’ this is a continual attack on Trump…..and the irony of Biden saying…
‘”Something I hope we can do no matter who you voted for is see each other not as adversaries, but as fellow Americans,” he said. “Bring down the temperature.”‘
This is a man who ramped up the temperature by continuously calling Trump a danger to democracy, a dictator, a fascist, a white supremacist…and calling his supporters fascists and of course ‘garbage’…Trump was a massive threat to America and democracy.
Hmmm…no mention of a ‘return to the ’30’s’ as Jews are hunted on European streets once again…but Brexit….
Curiously no mention by the BBC of who the attackers are…no race or religion…just described as ‘locals’…let’s try and keep that all quiet….however as Jews are beaten unconscious the BBC had to add that Maccabi fans had taken down pro-Palestinian flags and sung anti-Palestine chants….they must have provoked the loveable pro-Palestine mob then? Jews took down Nazi flags and spoke critically of the Nazi regime…thus they provoked the Holocaust.
Though this is in Holland it’s no irony that Merkel invited in millions of Muslims to atone for what Germany did to the Jews…and of course anti-Semitism ramped up enormously.
Europe, our great leaders, won’t learn…importing people who hate you and your culture, not just the Jews, is a recipe for war.
I think starmer will hang on to him for as long as possible and see how the trump crew react . Apart from personal reasons I can’t see president trump having any interest in the UK whilst the reds are in charge .
Apparently he is due for a State Visit next summer .. but why bother… ?
I think he will be more interested in getting European states to pay for their own defence rather than continuing to freeload on the US ….
@ pugnazious – True, but with a little help from the BBC, that “borrowed time” can be quite long. After all, they managed to hide Biden’s senility and incompetence for over 4 years.
Odious attempt to smear Trump on Today by Rosenberg and Robinson tagteaming the poisonous narrative….they seemed very gleeful and pleased with themselves about how clever they were.
Apparently Trump would be delighted to hear what Putin said about him [get it?] and Putin tried not to show how delighted he was that Trump was going to be President [get it?]…oh and Trump was Putin’s friend in the White House [get it?].
This wasn’t news or even reasoned comment, it was just ludicrously partisan, juvenile and anti-Trump podcasty tripe.
Robinson brought in Sir Alex Younger and tried to spin the same tripe with him…but got shot down everytime…Trump in fact was not a good friend to Putin in his last Presidency, he does support a strong Nato but other countries have to stump up their fair share of the cash, and we have been letting Ukraine ‘slowly lose’…and maybe the sensible thing, if painful, is to come to an agreement on land as Ukraine can never win.
Robinson[and Rosenberg] and his anti-Trump narrative were just wiped out by Younger, commonsense and reality.
From the DT – comments by Clarkson about trying to have a farming demo in Westminster
STARTS A mass protest by farmers against Rachel Reeves’s inheritance tax raid has been blocked, Jeremy Clarkson has claimed.
The former Top Gear presenter was among hundreds of farmers who had planned to attend a major demonstration on Nov 19 against the Government’s inheritance tax raid on their land.
However the National Farmers Union (NFU) said that “legal issues” meant that only 1,800 of their members would be allowed to attend a lobbying event and that protesters could not “simply turn up in numbers in Westminster in the streets or the open spaces”.
Scotland Yard stressed that they “have not banned anyone from marching on this date” and officers “will work with anyone wishing to organise a peaceful protest”.
Clarkson, 64, owner of Diddly Squat Farm, questioned why demonstrations from Just Stop Oil and pro-Palestinian activists have been allowed to go ahead with far greater numbers.
In an interview with the Sun newspaper, Clarkson said he had booked a coach to London to protest alongside farmers from the Cotswolds, but he has now been forced to shelve his plans.
He told the newspaper: “Perhaps, if I had draped my tractor in a Palestinian flag it would be different.
“It seems that if you are from Just Stop Oil or protesting about Gaza, you can do what you want.
“But farmers are treated differently by a government that is waging an all out-war on the countryside.
“We wanted to protest in a dignified and sensible way – which was why I had booked the coach rather than causing disruption with tractors and farming vehicles.”
Last week, Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, used her Budget to end the practice of letting all farmers pass on estates without inheritance tax, instead placing a 20 per cent tax on assets worth more than £1 million.
It has led to warnings that the “tractor tax” will threaten food security and irreparably damage Britain’s farming industry.
Clarkson claimed that NFU organisers have been told to restrict their numbers for the rally.
NFU, in a message to their 55,000 members on Wednesday, urged those who have not registered to stay away from London.
“There are legal issues which mean we can’t simply turn up in numbers in Westminster on the streets, or the open spaces.
“We cannot risk either member or public safety, or the loss of public support, that could come from what could be an illegal demonstration.
“But far more than 1,800 NFU members want their voice to be heard, and rightly. The level of anger in the industry may never have been so high.”
“So whilst our mass lobby event is at capacity and we are asking members who have not registered not to do so now, we want this to be the first event, not the only event, where you can be heard.”ENDS
They want to kill off farming…Monbiot wants to kill off the hill farms and turn Wales into a safari park playground for his London chums..he can’t wait…
‘Goodbye – and good riddance – to livestock farming’
Even arable will be in their sights..ironically they want to shut down intensive ‘factory’ farming and replace it with…actual factory farming where all our food is grown in huge warehouses.
Maybe it should be rasing a few suspicions when it is the huge coporate farming businesses [ala Bill Gates who is buying up farms] that joins forces with government and urges us to go green….
‘Big agriculture warns farming must change or risk ‘destroying the planet’’ ‘Food companies and governments must come together immediately to change the world’s agricultural practices or risk “destroying the planet”, according to the sponsors of a report by some of the largest food and farming businesses released on Thursday.’
Hence we get the inheritance attack on farmers…designed to force them to sell their family farms…and who will buy them? Big Farmer.
Looks like all our ‘food’ will be produced by a few massive corporations in collaboration with government which will direct what can be in the food and what we are allowed to eat.
The hostage rapist mob are at it on remembrance day in Birmingham, why is that not banned ?
“Veterans outraged as pro-Palestine march threatens to ‘ruin’ Remembrance Day ceremony
A former British army officer has criticised the decision to allow a pro-Palestine march to take place concurrently to Armistice Day events in Birmingham.”
why is that not banned? It’s not banned because the leftists in charge are fully in agreement with the Palestinian terrorists.
Oh, and they’re sh*t scared of the muslim community.
Here’s a pic of Khan telling Starmer what to do… or else!
Always curious as to why none of these anti-Zionists [code] aren’t concerned about Jordan which was also ‘carved out’ of what was Palestine….or indeed bothered about the Muslim ‘Zion’ of Pakistan….a land created at the same time as Israel as a ‘Muslim’ state…let’s have right of return for the millions of Sikhs and Hindus driven from their lands by the Muslims.
“Driven from their lands”… and butchered in their thousands, by the trainload.
Oh, Jinnah got his independent islamic state alright, and look at it today: a backward, islamo-fascist country where human rights are ignored and that exports its backward child-groomers and radicals to us.
TOADY Watch #1 – oh dear, how sad, never mind … it gets worse for the BBC and those who despise Trump
I awoke to the news that the misogynist, adulterous, woman hating President-Elect of the USA has appointed as his Chief of Staff ………… a woman! Oh how I’m laughing at all the Lefties, all the Liberals, all the Socialists, including the BBC.
Maybe that is why there were two periods of ‘Dead Air’ on TOADY this morning. The BBC were in mourning over their Socialist ideals. Actually, I know two BBC engineers – (tech note: it is BBC Engineering that avoid ‘Dead Air’) – quite well and don’t believe they share the socialist ideals of their employer but may do. I estimated the first at just over two minutes, so we came within three minutes of nuking Moscow and starting WW3. 🙁
Trump ally floated as possible AG has harsh warning for Letitia James
New York Attorney General Letitia James ordered Trump to pay a $454 million bond payment earlier this year as part of a civil fraud case.
“Let me just say this to Big Tish James, the New York Attorney General … I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump in his second term,” the founder of the Article III Project said. “Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat a– in prison for conspiracy against rights and I promise you that.”
Davis warned James to “think long and hard before you want to violate President Trump’s constitutional rights or any other American’s constitutional rights.”
Mmm, sweet music: “Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat a– in prison for conspiracy against rights and I promise you that… think long and hard before you want to violate President Trump’s constitutional rights or any other American’s constitutional rights… It’s not going to happen again.”
Trump’s lawyer Mike Davis issues dark warning to NY AG Letitia James:
“I dare you to try to continue your lawfare against President Trump… listen here, sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time and we will put your fatass in prison for conspiracy against rights.”
Ex-BBC lies — Sopel’s in mourning in the i: “Make no mistake: this wasn’t just a disaster, it was a repudiation and rejection of the values of the Democratic Party itself“
On Biden: “There is a book to be written on what appears to be the cover-up at the White House over 2023 and 2024. The CNN debate at the end of June, when it appeared the president didn’t know what day of the week it was, was excruciating. It crystalised all the doubts that people had been speaking about for well over a year […] Presumably, this had been going on for a while, yet it was hidden from the American people. Surely those closest to him knew he wasn’t fit to run for office – but instead tried to brazen it out and pull the wool over our eyes?”
A year of doubts? Absolute revisionism by Sopel, who, like the rest of the MSM, was pretending in June 2023 that Biden was fine:
Just watched the rarer than hen’s teeth live interview that @POTUS has just given to @MSNBC. Is he old? Sure, he’s 80. Does he get a bit tongue tied? Yes, and always did having stammered as a child. But has he lost his marbles? No one could assert that having watched this
And now Lammy thinks his anti-Trump comments are “old news”. The establishment relies on people having the attention span of a gnat and the 24/7 delivery of slop to keep them confused and compliant.
The BBC, CNN and others did nothing but agree with and aid the jailing of political prisoners because they thought of them as ‘far right’.
Now, Trump has just won.
The left in the colonies are showing a mix of anger (the expected temper tantwums) and saying they’ll ‘eff things up’.
But a larger number are saying it’s time to ‘work together’ and ‘heal’. Or that we need to remember ‘all Americans and work to help everyone’.
You know what I think?
I think it’s about time ‘the right’ showed the left the same consideration they give their political opponents.
Let’s not forget, the left in the USA, after (somehow) gaining power, spent the entire term trying to jail Trump and his aides and shoving the ‘Jan 6 insurrectionists’ in prison for decades for next to nothing. They even shot a woman dead for nothing and still played the victim.
Starmpot and his bunch of viscous communists, have spent the first few months in power jailing political opponents on trumped (no pun intended) up charges, in hastily arranged kangaroo courts (all allegedly etc).
Well, if Reform (or even Kemi’s Blues) win next time, it’s about time we gave these vicious bastards the same treatment.
Kangaroo courts and putting prominent libtards and politicians in prison (or worse if that’s your thing!)
Let’s do this. In fact, put this on your manifesto and you have my vote.
Stop effing around with these clowns.
Do to them what they do to you. Stop being soft on them.
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And what about this mob, it was not just Lammy:
Sorry Donald! The 6 Labour giants who will be regretting these brutal words on Trump:
1) In 2021, Starmer declared himself to be “anti-Trump but pro-American”. He added: “These aren’t Churchill’s Tories any more. If anything they behave more and more like Donald Trump.”
2) Mr Lammy called Mr Trump a “racist KKK and neo-Nazi sympathiser”.
A year later, referring to Mr Trump’s first official UK visit, the Tottenham MP wrote in Time magazine that he would be protesting against the then government’s “capitulation to this tyrant in a toupee”.
He added: “Trump is not only a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath, he is also a profound threat to the international order that has been the foundation of Western progress for so long.”
3) Rayner has publicly criticised Mr Trump in posts on X, formerly Twitter, more than once.
On the day of the Capitol Hill riots in January 2021, she tweeted: “The violence that Donald Trump has unleashed is terrifying, and the Republicans who stood by him have blood on their hands.”
Later that month she said of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president: “I am so happy to see the back of Donald Trump.”
4) Yvette Cooper said Mr Trump’s approach to politics was “normalising hatred”. Referring to his use of Twitter, she said: “This is the bully pulpit of the most powerful man on the planet.”
A few months later she said Britain could not “simply roll out a red carpet and give a platform” for Mr Trump to “sow discord in our communities”.
In July 2019 she signed an open letter from Hope Not Hate in solidarity with four US congresswomen told by Mr Trump to “go back” to the “broken and crime-infested places from which they came” – calling his words “racist attacks”
5) Miliband said of Mr Trump in 2016: “The idea that we have shared values with a racist, misogynistic, self-confessed groper beggars belief.” He told the BBC: “And I think we should be deeply worried about the implications for many of the things that we care about. Tackling climate change…His attitude to Russia. And then this fantasy about trade. I mean, this guy is anti-trade. He’s an odd combination of protectionism, plus the old trickledown formula that has got us into a lot of this mess in the first place.”
6) In 2017, Wes Streeting called Trump an “odious, sad little man”, adding on X: “Imagine being proud to have that as your president.”
Rayner “blood on his hands”
2 dead as a direct consequence of Labours actions so far, one farmer and one Southport protester. Only 4 months into their tenure.
Many more to come this winter I would imagine.
We need to get rid of the Labour rabble
Don’t you enjoy the msm when it tries to change the past ?all those months when ordinary people witnessed the election thief Biden descending into dementia . And a conspiracy the the MSM / politicians to tell people ‘he’s all right ‘…
.. but now ? Biden should have gone earlier and that cost Harris the election … or they could have got a better candidate …
Do they really think we don’t remember ? Are they thick .
It’s something isn’t it ? 2 issues which – if you believe otherwise – the news doesn’t work – the first is the Green crap – I don’t accept it – so everything knocks on … then there is the 2020 election theft – which I believe happened – rendering everything else distorted …
No wonder more and more people don’t believe / watch the ‘news ‘…
It did not pass unnoticed..
It feels like we are moving into a new “real” World where all the horrid shriekers and lunatics are being put back in their boxes. I first noticed it when the despicable, vindictive Nicola Sturgeon got wasted.
Now it seems the odious bloke in Canada and the twat in France are both on borrowed time.
They events in the US simply put a cap on events.
Long may the long March to truth and reality continue. Particularly when it involves the global green loonies who in reality just want to gain total control over your life and put a strangle-hold on everything you do!
It would be nice to think that it is true. But the response of the Starmer regime might be to double-down, and try to keep the flame of woke alive here whilst the rest of the Western world returns to a degree of normality. Analogous to the way North Korea is stuck in the communist mindset of 70 years ago.
Bad news our favoured church of marxism is implicated in a cover up (but we are a little conflicted with the christianity bit):
A British barrister’s “horrific” and violent abuse of more than 100 children and young men was covered up within the Church of England for decades, according to the conclusion of a damning report.
John Smyth QC is believed to be the most prolific serial abuser to be associated with the Church of England, a long-awaited independent review found.
Smyth QC, who died aged 77 in Cape Town in 2018, was accused of attacking boys at his Winchester home who he had met at a Christian summer camp in Dorset during the 1970s and 1980s.
On publication of the findings, the Archbishop of Canterbury apologised again to victims, and said Smyth’s abuse had “manipulated Christian truth to justify his evil acts”.
Smyth had also worked as a barrister representing morality campaigner Mary Whitehouse whilst he ran the camps for young evangelical Christians.”
Good news we can get that old bigot Mary Whitehouse from the 1970s implicated. (bBC shall we talk about the paedophile information exchange legal representative from the same period?).
BBC tv news
Christian Frazier is back on the full anti trump gig – apparently trump has “escaped justice “ by becoming president and th court cases will go away …. Nice bias Christian ….
Christian has 3 talking heads – full on poisonous democrats and an ‘ex republican “ … not exactly balanced – but would guess … the far left misery continues …
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
‘ Okay Marky Mark, we’ll start 100 days again. Maybe in January 2025?’
“Scot gets dream job as lighthouse keeper on remote Australian island”
Breaking news: a Scot and his vanity beard have landed themselves a job as a caretaker.
So when’s he starting?
“Sandy .. started his new job back in March.”
They must be scrapping the barrel for stories.
Of course his salary isn’t mentioned, guess telling us that would be seen as vulgar by the BBC.
The BBC is obsessed with Elon Musk…in a bad way….constantly criticising and denouncing him…naturally his support for Trump and financial backing comes in for a lot of stick.
Google Musk, Trump and the BBC and stand well back.
On the other hand…climate change fanatic Bill Gates secretly donates $50 million to the Harris campaign and…er….absolute silence…from the BBC. The story is absolutely everywhere else but apparently not a squeak from the BBC.
New York Times…
‘Bill Gates Privately Says He Has Backed Harris With $50 Million Donation’
‘The donation was meant to stay under wraps.’
Wonder why the BBC thinks you really didn’t need to know things like this.
Musk attracted the ire of the globalists when he suggested peace talks for Ukraine ..
Downhill since
Wonder why the BBC thinks you really didn’t need to know things like this.
Possibly because Gates has also donated millions to the BBC over the years and it is isn’t going to bite the hand that feeds it?
You do wonder what could possibly have been going through Starmer’s nasty little mind when he made that lumpen pillock, David Lammy, Foreign Secretary…
I mean, this is a position that requires a certain amount of tact, subtlety of thought and delicacy. Who the hell thought that was David Lammy?
This is a boorish, bigoted, bovine-brained berk, who spends most of his time bleating about racism, wanting “reparation” for HIS PEOPLE and calling those he doesn’t like, Nazis…even the president elect of the USA. Nice one Lammy…
And yet, knowing all of this loud-mouth’s shortcomings and how he’ll embarrass our country, Starmer thinks, “Oh yes, I’ve got just the job for you.”
It’s like putting a baboon in charge of a china shop.
Thanks Keir…
Luckily the BBC is on hand to smooth the way.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy tells BBC his previous criticism of Donald Trump is “old news” and believes he can find “common ground”
Struggling mind. #Ccbgb
“common ground”
One of the people who finds himself in this tricky place is our new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy. Lammy is not a man of knowledge. Who can forget the edition of Celebrity Mastermind some years ago in which he suggested that Marie Antoinette had won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for her work on radiation. And – more worryingly – when asked which monarch succeeded Henry VIII to the throne replied ‘Henry VII’. Lammy may be one of the only men on Earth who could benefit from listening to one of Kamala Harris’s disquisitions on the nature of time and the direction in which it flows.
Lammy is backed by Soros. Perhaps Starmer was ‘made an offer he couldn’t refuse’?
Aside from the widely held opinions about Lammy’s abilities, surely the fact that he also holds the nationality of another country should automatically exclude him from participating in government.
@Jeff – DEI in action. Never mind the quality, look at the colour.
Not enough
not by a long chalk…
But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.
We must come together, we must pull together, and united we will take on and defeat our enemies.
** defeat our enemies
Wimmin to go on sex strike cos of Trump.
Female obesity rates to plummet as men decline dinner dates.
Ann Summers shares blip.
bBC Verify to check if Pelosi is leading the charge.
Having seen some of those ‘ladies’ on TikTok, screaming their little heads off and shaving their rainbow hair, I’m guessing a lot of men are quite relieved at their sex strike.
In the immortal words of Laurence Fox, “who’d want to shag that?”
“peaceful transfer of power”
Watch out for the above phrase.
Karamella kept saying that in her concession speech. (when she finally turned up)
I just listened to a woman from the Biden staff repeating it too. You can expect a “peaceful transfer of power”.
I’m suspicious because I know how ruthless these people are. To me it sounds odd –
Why shouldn’t an administration changeover be peaceful? Why do they have to make assurances?
Are they planning something? Repulicans have no reason to get violent. They are the winners.
The news just gets better and better, Top-5 big pharma CEOs hold panic meeting cos Trump:
MM – it is a real problem. I am equally concerned that when zealots take over that the attention to detail is lost. If there is any load shedding in the UK in the future it will be too late to do anything about the economy.
A pithy comment in these situations I have seen used a lot:
“The devil is in the detail”
We have infinite energy from the sun – it’s so simple!
China building two-thirds of world’s wind and solar projects
Be it resolved, what you call political correctness, I call progress…
Is political correctness an enemy of free speech, open debate and the free exchange of ideas? Or, by confronting head-on the dominant power relationships and social norms that exclude marginalised groups are we creating a more equitable and just society?
For some the argument is clear. Political correctness is stifling the free and open debate that fuels our democracy. It is also needlessly dividing one group from another and promoting social conflict.
Here’s the latest gobbledgook from Sid Lemworth, ‘Foreign – er what – Secretary? as portrayed by ‘ace’ reporter for the WiAABlob, Damyan Glamatticspace…
“The Foreign Secretary David Lammy has told the BBC his past criticisms of Donald Trump are “old news”.
Speaking to the BBC’s Political Editor Chris Mason (twonk – Ed), on the Newscast podcast Lammy was asked about comments he made on Twitter in 2019 when he said “deluded, dishonest, xenophobic, narcissistic, Donald Trump is no friend of Britain” and described him as a “tyrant in a toupe”.
“This is old news”, Lammy said, adding “in that period, particularly with people on Twitter, lots of things were said about Donald Trump. It was a daily occurrence”. He went on “you will struggle to find any politician, and that’s not just Labour politicians, because the last Foreign Secretary David Cameron had some pretty ripe things to say about Donald Trump”.
And he added, “I think what you say as a backbencher and what you do wearing the real duty of public office are two different things”.
Asked if Trump had brought up the comments when he had dinner with him in New York in the run up to the election, Lammy said “not even vaguely. I think he is someone that we can build a relationship with, in our national interest, because we must”.
And, after realising what the chump had said we get this…
UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy went on to say he “was a little bit surprised that the Democrats had made a decision not to centre particularly the economy in their approach to the election”.
“We obviously had been really clear about growth. For us we knew the cost of living crisis that’s where the public was at.”
And asked if his hunch had been that Trump might win the election he said “I’ve got to say it was, I felt in my bones that there could be a Trump presidency”.
On the issue of new taxes that Trump might seek to impose on imports to the US, and whether the UK would seek to be exempted from those, Lammy said “of course we would seek with a new administration to ensure that as a major ally we were aligned and that we were considered”.
However he qualified that by indicating the UK would seek the same treatment for other close allies of the US too, saying “we will seek to ensure and to get across the United States, and I believe that they would understand this, that hurting your closest allies cannot be in your medium or long-term interests”.
This stupid bloke is in the position of making UK Inc. buzz, throughout the world!
What an absolute twonk we have in one of the four main positions of government, and his ridiculous, cowardly boss should really start to learn the basics of leadership and tell him to bugger off!
Every word that moronic idiot spouts, means job-losses, higher living costs and huge headaches etc., for everyone in business and actual living in Great Britain!
The bloke’s an absolute disaster…
(All this of course, came from the dire twaddle, peddled by the state funded bridgecoster).
(Anyone want to buy a bridge – cheap)?
Ah but he’s a black man who’s risen to one of the great offices of state: Starmer’s father was a toolmaker, and Rayner came from a council estate and worked as a cleaner – or was that care worker ? Over to you Pixie, whats your claim to fame on reaching another great office of state ? (It surely can’t be married to Gangnam Ed )
Claim to fame?
How about a remake of the film, ‘Flipper’, named after all the houses those two kept exchanging to screw the parliamentry expenses scam…
Starring of course!
Did the US election polls fail?
How much longer are we going to be subjected to all these totally fake articles about why Kamala lost ?.
This one is about the polls. After Obama chose the the Cackler, all the polls shot up. I remember reading on a forum that nothing had actually changed and they were lying to us to make her seem more popular. And history proves they were right.
The BBC are totally unwilling to entertain the idea that the entire MSM is now infested with Left-Wing activists and is utterly politically corrupt. They avoid the subject like two North poles of a magnet. They simply will not go near it. And when they are corrupt, all the feeders who profit from them switch to give them what they want. Any company which produces reports which present Trump in a good light simply will not get any business. Those which say Kamal is going to win get on the front page and get paid to say it again.
The BBC front page is full of articles about Trump now – and they all have a negative edge to them :
‘Trump says ‘no price tag’ for mass deportations’
‘US central bank boss says Trump can’t fire him’
‘Putin hails ‘courageous’ Trump after election win’
No good news or celebration stories at all.
But the real problem here is this mindset the Left now have that it is right to be biased against the Right. The only question is how biased you should be. When they accuse the BBC of right-wing bias, they actually mean ‘not biased enough’. Which would include anything positive.
All the BBC articles are now littered with their lies of negativity. For example, in the Putin article ‘George Wright’ of the BBC write:
‘During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly said he could end the war “in a day” but has never elaborated on how that could happen.’
I’ve seen reports where Trump says he will broker a ceasefire and promise to arm Ukraine to the teeth to defend themselves. But if they use those arms to go on the offensive, the supply will be stopped.
This is another simple and blatant lie to discredit Trump.
The BBC are already in spoilt-brat spite mode. I look forward to reading their activists hate articles when Trump starts clearing the infestation of the Leftist cancer in the American swamp.
Unfortunately we have wait for that here.
Framing the public arena language….
Fcuk the MSM
Look at this lady’s cv …
JohnC – you write “ The BBC are totally unwilling to entertain the idea that the entire MSM is now infested with Left-Wing activists and is utterly politically corrupt. They avoid the subject like two North poles of a magnet.”
I was surprised at this comment because the BBC is a Far Left anti Trump organisation – and has been since 2016 at least .
It will now be fixated on everything mr trump does and says – it will rubbish him – accuse him – again – of being old and mentally frail . Every staffer getting fired will be read as ‘White House in chaos ‘ – every attempt to end the Ukraine war will “be doing put ins’ work “….
Forget the democratic mandate – or that the senate -house – Supreme Court are republican .
Interesting than an ex-PrimeMinister CHOSE to go on the internet channel of Dan Wootton
and say such straight forward but forbidden things
Full hour :
She is plugging her new book
Lots more on the way….
Nice one, tomo. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words.
This one sums up the sickness at the heart of the Biden/Obama woke administration and, hopefully, the fitness and sanity of Trump’s reign.
Police chief: Kaba shooting claims fuelled ‘dangerous narrative’
This is the consequence of our racist, 2-tier society which makes me angry:
‘Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said by focusing on Mr Kaba’s ethnicity, they had created “rumour and innuendo” which could “embolden those who work against the public.”’
Now if it was stirring up hatred in the far-Right, you can be sure they would be named.
But this time it’s the BLM racists. Why not name the groups you are talking about Mr Rowley instead of walking on eggshells trying not to offend those same people ?.
The blatant anti-white male racism and sexism has gone on long enough. Time for everybody to be treated equally on their merits.
Start by sacking people like the poisonous, TDS-loony Madeline Halpert who included in her recent article how Harris should have won simply because she is a woman.
Don’t forget our favourite race grifter here in the UK..delicious
Another death by labour, any comment in the House ?
Come on Kemi hold them accountable, because the bb bastard c will not hold power to account any more because they are far left biased marxists, who would be howling with outrage if the tories had done this.
“Desperate farmer spent his final hours working out how to protect his family from inheritance tax raid before he killed himself.
A farmer’s son last night accused the Prime Minister of having ‘blood on his hands’ over the government’s inheritance tax raid after his father’s apparent suicide 24 hours before the budget.
John Charlesworth, 78, was found dead the day before Rachel Reeves broke an election pledge to announce the tax would apply to all farm estates worth over £1m at a 20pc rate. The grandfather-of-six ran a 70-acre farm on the outskirts of Barnsley, South Yorkshire, which had been in his family since the 1950s.
But pre-budget news predicting the tax raid – ending the practice of allowing farmers to pass on estates without inheritance tax – had ‘eaten away’ at him and was the ‘final straw’, his son said. His son Jonathan, 46, last night told the Daily Mail: ‘I’m not sure you could publish what I’d say to (Keir Starmer). He’s got blood on his hands.”
Mr Charlesworth jr has been running the farm himself in recent years after his father devoted himself to caring for his dementia-stricken wife, Carolyn, 73.
‘If she’d gone into a home, it could have eaten up the farm in care costs and that’s why my father struggled with her,’ he said. He added that he ‘can’t see this being the last’ time a farmer may choose to take their own life over the hated new policy.
Mr Charlesworth jr, who now looks after the 70-acre farm of sheep and cattle at Silkstone, in the Pennine foothills, himself, added: ‘This government has absolutely zero understanding of agriculture let alone how it works. ‘They think we’re just jumped-up millionaires riding around in Land Rovers but that’s not true.
Rest in peace – the price of letting the reds in maybe far far too high ….
BBC ‘is probing the hiring of five presenters on its news channel’ after claims the recruitment process was a ‘sham’
The presenters who got the top jobs, which come with salaries of as much as £230,000 a year, were allegedly told they were a shoo in before the appointments process officially began, several sources told The Times.
A presenter who went through the recruitment process branded it a ‘sham’, when talking the paper.
They said that the broadcaster’s bosses who repeat values of truth, accuracy, impartiality and transparency ‘were behind a fig-leaf selection process that was predetermined months before anyone did a job interview’.
Another presenter told the paper the process was ‘rigged’ and a third said it was ‘common knowledge’ that it had already been decided who was getting the top jobs.
Reminds me of DECC – when they recruited FotE, Greenpiece, WWF goons etcetera
– they’re all still there
DECC (as was) refused to reply (twice) via FoI which eco crank NGOs supplied the activists…
key talent
Dunkelflaute continues
The BBC reports attacks on the supporters of an Israeli footy team in Holland ….. yet does the Today programme report more detail ? The sports section ignored it – nothing between 7 and 8 ……
And then there is an interview with Lammy – where the dreadful comments he has consistently made about president trump were flipped away – no apology – ( it would have been false ) . But where is the interview ? It’s buried in some podcast which the bbc likes to push so much .
I really hope that Farage is the first British politician to be welcomed to the Trump White House ….
As I write – the key 0810 bit is the usual anti Trump stuff in relation to putin / Ukraine … it’s gonna be the same old song …
Bloody shocking, who the bloody hell do they think they are ?
Are they Islamophobic?
> The mobs of Middle Eastern migrants hunting Jews in Amsterdam tonight
This should be a case for instant deportation of these gangs of thugs. Maybe the Israeli Hercules aircraft that are landing in Amsterdam airport could assist with their swift return to a middle eastern country.
To be played on repeat outside Broadcasting House
Yep…where’s Steve Bray and his boombox?
Our Justin interviews a US journalist about their MSM and its’ position now that Trump has won . It was said that only 4 million watched CNN – the same as her podcast – and without trump to hate the likes of CNN would go out of business .
The attitude of our Justin was ‘interesting ‘ – sort of dissociated from the BBCs role in this – as though it’s not part of the MSM – as though it doesn’t hate Trump just like the rest. Pitiful .
7 years ago, the UAE’s Foreign Minister issued a warning to the West. Radical extremists coming out of Europe because of political correctness.
His words now sound prophetic :
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
I’ve stuck with today to the end as I wanted to hear about the attacks on Jews / Israelis in Holland . Nothing – a clear editorial decision by the BBC – which I would consider anti semitic and offensive .
Instead Robinson announces that meesh got a tick box award for ‘journalism ‘ last night . Woopy doo.
Then she does an interview with some Islamic Hamas type whose dad is going to be ‘the new Islamic Palestinian Mandela ‘
As I was listening I was thinking it would be a good idea to bulldoze the rubble in northern Gaza into the Hamas tunnel complex….
Keep going IDF …
Update – the attacks got a 1 minute report at 0850 -0851 – meesh winning an award got more time
As above the kind of political bias that breeds extremism. With the UAE on video warning us seven years ago.
And it is the innocent that will become victims as in Manchester and Southport and the thousands of child rape victims of these monsters.
They have it on a ‘live update’ on the news site now, but I bet it’s not there for long.
This is one more example of violence as a result of hatred whipped up by the likes of the BBC. Their anti-Israel rhetoric and covering up of what terrorist are doing has got the stupid end of the Lefty spectrum accusing them of genocide whilst oblivious to the fact Hamas are actually using children as human shields.
We are seeing more and more of it – including 2 attempts (up to now) on Trumps life.
It’s time someone stopped them. The BBC’s hands are covered in blood.
Should be the Hamas person who writes her scripts that got the award….and it’s not ‘journalism’…it’s partisan emoting and disinformation.
The shock to the bBC’s of the Trump win in the USA has made listening to 10 minutes of the Today programme bearable.
Was anyone listening to the interview with the lady at c7.35 who runs the Youtube channel which had 4.1m viewers on election night (CNN 4.7m).
The interview was run by arch liberal Justin Webb (only just noticed similarity to Archmarxist Welby).
The interviewee said that the MSM model in the USA was dead because it had both alienated every right winger in the country and it had been caught out during the election weighting the news (my interpretation) to suit the desired narrative.
If I am not mistaken Webb clocked what she was saying and even the dimmest bBC light bulbs will work out that it is the same in the UK.
The impression I had, and it is the first time in 30 something years, is that an employee of the bBC has clocked that there is a substantive problem.
I wonder if the events in the USA might just be catalyst for change in the UK; or is this just wishful thinking?
Non – see my comment above – Justin thinks the bbc superiority gives it clean hands
FU2 Webb clearly speaks as a member of our new aristocracy and the faux dispassion grates more than a little, but I thought I detected a whiff of concern. Bear in mind the programme were just about to discuss the FDP withdrawl from the coalition. The FDP are not daft and the US election crystalised the issue. Justin Webb knows that the Social Democrats will get annihilated as SD voters flip to CD to offset the strong AfD performance. The political/economic problems in the UK and the USA have much in common with Germany, and Webb again knows it. If the USA has slipped the net and Germany is about to slip then the new left aristocracy in the UK are going to be in trouble.
Non – perhaps the trump election will signal that it’s okay for Germans to vote to make Germany great again ( but not too great ..)
The likes of bbc aristocracy like Webb and Naughtie ( gone silent eh jimmy ?) have that attitude that ‘we are never wrong ‘_ it will never change …
Hundreds of Labour members unfurled Palestinian flags and chanted slogans at the start of a conference debate on the plight of people in the region.
With passions running high, delegate Colin Monehen refused to leave the stage when told his time had expired.
“My time is not up, I’m speaking for the Palestinian people,” he cried to loud applause.
“If you want me off, you better send an army because East Enders, like Palestinians, don’t go down easy.”
“East Enders, like Palestinians, don’t go down easy.”
Oh yes they do, when met with soldiers instead of preying on women and children
And, when chucked out of Egypt for shit stirring, and Jordan and Kuwait.
No one but no one, even their fellow muslim countries, want them and their innate resentment, terrorism and violence that is inbred and also indoctrinated into each and every one of them from childhood
East Enders of where? There’s none in London.
Bro votes and sex strikes edition – from your very own online personality
Like the proverbial moth, inexorably drawn to a flame, your very own Mr AsI cannot help but quote the headline: Women threaten sex strike over US result (Telegraph) – all together now… calm down dears
Improved special relations?
Apparently, our very own Angela Raynor won’t be ‘taking the knee’ in support of this anti-Trump resistance cause – quite the opposite: Raynor builds bridges with US after Trump ‘buffoon’ insult… has spoken to JD Vance in an effort to improve relations (Telegraph)
Women have shared social media videos pledging four “nos” – no sex, no dating or marriage and no having children with men (Telegraph) – I think the latter rather follows naturally from the initial clause there?
Anyway, that’s one political protest tactic our Met police won’t very well be able to either encourage or to disrupt, as is their wont to pick and choose demo-wise, whereas: Fury as farm protest demo blocked… Angry Jeremy Clarkson has hit out after a planned farmers’ protest in Westminster was axed “for legal reasons” (Sun)
For the classicists hereabouts (is the spirit of Boris Johnson still out there?) this political sex strike stuff originates with the tale of the ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, in which Lysistrata persuades the women of the warring cities to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate.
I wonder if First Lady Melania Trump is – even as we speak – on a three-way with Olena Zelenska and Putin’s missus? There’s a thought. Moving quickly on…
Remaining, however, on the subject of ancient texts: Life of Brian ‘more accurate than Bible’ (Telegraph) – No, that’s not the latest heresy from our agnostic Archbishop of Canterbury – he’s fallen from his right-on pulpit, right into the pillory in the press this morning…
Welby criticised over scandal… Church’s 40-year abuser cover-up (giveaway Metro) – this case involves the since deceased wonderfully English-named John Smyth QC, barrister and recorder, who was also involved in Christian ministry.
Since this bloke has died – and presumably departed for a worse place – I’m unclear as to what the present court case is all about. Anything beyond the frontpages is beyond my remit, I’m afraid, just as he’s beyond any earthy punishment.
Meanwhile, not on your frontpages but very much still with us: West Yorkshire grooming gang jailed for raping teenage girl… Omar Safdar, Barber Hussain, Hassan Basharat and Imran Sabir were jailed at Bradford Crown Court… fifth member of the group [Amjad Hussain] was found guilty of three rapes and will be sentenced at a later date (BBC online news, England, Leeds)
Sad cat ladies?
Daisy the cat almost blew up my house… There was only one explanation: Daisy must have jumped up onto the worktop, sat on one of the ignition dials and swivelled, accidentally turning it on and filling the house with gas… And it’s not as rare as you might think: Kent Fire and Rescue Service say they’ve been called to 28 kitchen fires linked to pets in the past three years. (Emma Parsons-Reid, Telegraph)
The fire brigade also warn women living alone not to jump up onto the washing machine and swivelling, accidentally turning anything on. What with this sex strike that might become more of a danger. I jest of course.
Stop focusing on exam results, Education Secretary tells schools (Telegraph)
Next up, the Heath Secretary will tell our NHS to stop focusing on patient health and the Chancellor will tell the Treasury to stop focusing on mitigating our cost of living crisis – oh but look – she already did that: Reeves is driving up prices, warns Bank… Tax-and-spend Budget piles pressure on families while US enjoys market boom (Telegraph)
What with our ancient Greek Lysistrata-themed opening at the top of the show this morning, so to speak, you’ll no doubt have noticed that the BBC staff gynaeceum (sometimes these sequeways write themselves) have promoted the mildly conservative Telegraph frontpage to top spot in their online press line-up.
And that broadsheet provides us with an amusing little hat-tip to its downmarket red top tabloid wayward cousin The Sun: It’s the son wot won it… Nigel Farage… has paid tribute to Baron Trump, saying that the ‘very bright 18-year-old’ played a big part in his father’s US election victory… helped introduce the president-elect to influential podcasters and online personalities that helped him attract the ‘bro vote’ (Telegraph)
Thinking how historically it was the Sun wot won it segueways neatly to: How Elon Musk and the tech bros stole power from the Murdoch family (‘i’)
We may simply be witnessing a recycling of our elite ruling factions. [Hat tip to Academic Agent on You Tube]
“Women threaten sex strike over US result” – so sex is a powerful tool that can be used to force people into coercion.
“recycling of our elite ruling factions” – power people want more power to keep power.
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country.
When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank.
You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
― Andrew Jackson
A senior official at COP29 climate change conference in Azerbaijan appears to have used his role to arrange a meeting to discuss potential fossil fuel deals, the BBC can report.
A secret recording shows the chief executive of Azerbaijan’s COP29 team, Elnur Soltanov, discussing “investment opportunities” in the state oil and gas company with a man posing as a potential investor.
“We have a lot of gas fields that are to be developed,” he says.
A former head of the UN body responsible for the climate talks told the BBC that Soltanov’s actions were “completely unacceptable” and a “betrayal” of the COP process.
Qatargate is an ongoing political scandal, involving allegations that European Parliament officials, lobbyists and their families have been influenced by the governments of Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania, engaging in corruption, money laundering, and organized crime.[1] Law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Italy and Greece seized €1.5 million in cash, confiscated computers and mobile phones, and charged four individuals with the alleged offences.[2][3][4][5]
I posted last night that I was keeping an eye on the Democrat’s of the “peaceful transition” slogan. Here it is again.
Yeah….they have no shame…far from being ‘peaceful’ this is a continual attack on Trump…..and the irony of Biden saying…
‘”Something I hope we can do no matter who you voted for is see each other not as adversaries, but as fellow Americans,” he said. “Bring down the temperature.”‘
This is a man who ramped up the temperature by continuously calling Trump a danger to democracy, a dictator, a fascist, a white supremacist…and calling his supporters fascists and of course ‘garbage’…Trump was a massive threat to America and democracy.
And those who objected to the vaccine he called “neanderthals”
Hmmm…no mention of a ‘return to the ’30’s’ as Jews are hunted on European streets once again…but Brexit….
Curiously no mention by the BBC of who the attackers are…no race or religion…just described as ‘locals’…let’s try and keep that all quiet….however as Jews are beaten unconscious the BBC had to add that Maccabi fans had taken down pro-Palestinian flags and sung anti-Palestine chants….they must have provoked the loveable pro-Palestine mob then? Jews took down Nazi flags and spoke critically of the Nazi regime…thus they provoked the Holocaust.
Though this is in Holland it’s no irony that Merkel invited in millions of Muslims to atone for what Germany did to the Jews…and of course anti-Semitism ramped up enormously.
Europe, our great leaders, won’t learn…importing people who hate you and your culture, not just the Jews, is a recipe for war.
I keep thinking Lammy is on borrowed time….you can only hide your incompetence for so long.
I think starmer will hang on to him for as long as possible and see how the trump crew react . Apart from personal reasons I can’t see president trump having any interest in the UK whilst the reds are in charge .
Apparently he is due for a State Visit next summer .. but why bother… ?
I think he will be more interested in getting European states to pay for their own defence rather than continuing to freeload on the US ….
@ pugnazious – True, but with a little help from the BBC, that “borrowed time” can be quite long. After all, they managed to hide Biden’s senility and incompetence for over 4 years.
Has it been hidden?
“The mobs of Middle Eastern migrants hunting Jews in Amsterdam tonight are interrogating people they meet on the streets
If ppl don’t know Dutch or Arabic, they are attacked
This Ukrainian tourist was suspected of being Jewish and was forced to show his ID to be allowed to leave”
EU motto
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000.
Odious attempt to smear Trump on Today by Rosenberg and Robinson tagteaming the poisonous narrative….they seemed very gleeful and pleased with themselves about how clever they were.
Apparently Trump would be delighted to hear what Putin said about him [get it?] and Putin tried not to show how delighted he was that Trump was going to be President [get it?]…oh and Trump was Putin’s friend in the White House [get it?].
This wasn’t news or even reasoned comment, it was just ludicrously partisan, juvenile and anti-Trump podcasty tripe.
Robinson brought in Sir Alex Younger and tried to spin the same tripe with him…but got shot down everytime…Trump in fact was not a good friend to Putin in his last Presidency, he does support a strong Nato but other countries have to stump up their fair share of the cash, and we have been letting Ukraine ‘slowly lose’…and maybe the sensible thing, if painful, is to come to an agreement on land as Ukraine can never win.
Robinson[and Rosenberg] and his anti-Trump narrative were just wiped out by Younger, commonsense and reality.
From the DT – comments by Clarkson about trying to have a farming demo in Westminster
STARTS A mass protest by farmers against Rachel Reeves’s inheritance tax raid has been blocked, Jeremy Clarkson has claimed.
The former Top Gear presenter was among hundreds of farmers who had planned to attend a major demonstration on Nov 19 against the Government’s inheritance tax raid on their land.
However the National Farmers Union (NFU) said that “legal issues” meant that only 1,800 of their members would be allowed to attend a lobbying event and that protesters could not “simply turn up in numbers in Westminster in the streets or the open spaces”.
Scotland Yard stressed that they “have not banned anyone from marching on this date” and officers “will work with anyone wishing to organise a peaceful protest”.
Clarkson, 64, owner of Diddly Squat Farm, questioned why demonstrations from Just Stop Oil and pro-Palestinian activists have been allowed to go ahead with far greater numbers.
In an interview with the Sun newspaper, Clarkson said he had booked a coach to London to protest alongside farmers from the Cotswolds, but he has now been forced to shelve his plans.
He told the newspaper: “Perhaps, if I had draped my tractor in a Palestinian flag it would be different.
“It seems that if you are from Just Stop Oil or protesting about Gaza, you can do what you want.
“But farmers are treated differently by a government that is waging an all out-war on the countryside.
“We wanted to protest in a dignified and sensible way – which was why I had booked the coach rather than causing disruption with tractors and farming vehicles.”
Last week, Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, used her Budget to end the practice of letting all farmers pass on estates without inheritance tax, instead placing a 20 per cent tax on assets worth more than £1 million.
It has led to warnings that the “tractor tax” will threaten food security and irreparably damage Britain’s farming industry.
Clarkson claimed that NFU organisers have been told to restrict their numbers for the rally.
NFU, in a message to their 55,000 members on Wednesday, urged those who have not registered to stay away from London.
“There are legal issues which mean we can’t simply turn up in numbers in Westminster on the streets, or the open spaces.
“We cannot risk either member or public safety, or the loss of public support, that could come from what could be an illegal demonstration.
“But far more than 1,800 NFU members want their voice to be heard, and rightly. The level of anger in the industry may never have been so high.”
“So whilst our mass lobby event is at capacity and we are asking members who have not registered not to do so now, we want this to be the first event, not the only event, where you can be heard.”ENDS
Free country indeed ….
They want to kill off farming…Monbiot wants to kill off the hill farms and turn Wales into a safari park playground for his London chums..he can’t wait…
‘Goodbye – and good riddance – to livestock farming’
Even arable will be in their sights..ironically they want to shut down intensive ‘factory’ farming and replace it with…actual factory farming where all our food is grown in huge warehouses.
Maybe it should be rasing a few suspicions when it is the huge coporate farming businesses [ala Bill Gates who is buying up farms] that joins forces with government and urges us to go green….
‘Big agriculture warns farming must change or risk ‘destroying the planet’’
‘Food companies and governments must come together immediately to change the world’s agricultural practices or risk “destroying the planet”, according to the sponsors of a report by some of the largest food and farming businesses released on Thursday.’
Hence we get the inheritance attack on farmers…designed to force them to sell their family farms…and who will buy them? Big Farmer.
Looks like all our ‘food’ will be produced by a few massive corporations in collaboration with government which will direct what can be in the food and what we are allowed to eat.
Yes the Amish voted en mass for Trump in a crucial swing state after an FBI raid for them selling unapproved milk…to eachother.
Gates now has 277,000 acres in the USA
The Netherlands was picked as the WEF’s Food Innovation Hubs HQ to ‘transform’ farming, look how that turned out for Rutte.
Good job he quietly disappeared… oh wait he became head of NATO
If they put Jordanian flags on their tractors, no one will stop them.
The hostage rapist mob are at it on remembrance day in Birmingham, why is that not banned ?
“Veterans outraged as pro-Palestine march threatens to ‘ruin’ Remembrance Day ceremony
A former British army officer has criticised the decision to allow a pro-Palestine march to take place concurrently to Armistice Day events in Birmingham.”
why is that not banned? It’s not banned because the leftists in charge are fully in agreement with the Palestinian terrorists.
Oh, and they’re sh*t scared of the muslim community.
Here’s a pic of Khan telling Starmer what to do… or else!
Two Shites.
Always curious as to why none of these anti-Zionists [code] aren’t concerned about Jordan which was also ‘carved out’ of what was Palestine….or indeed bothered about the Muslim ‘Zion’ of Pakistan….a land created at the same time as Israel as a ‘Muslim’ state…let’s have right of return for the millions of Sikhs and Hindus driven from their lands by the Muslims.
“Driven from their lands”… and butchered in their thousands, by the trainload.
Oh, Jinnah got his independent islamic state alright, and look at it today: a backward, islamo-fascist country where human rights are ignored and that exports its backward child-groomers and radicals to us.
Thanks Jinnah.
Blimey…Trump wants a ‘loyal’ adminstration….f**k!…he’s such a undemocratic, dangerous dictator.
TOADY Watch #1 – oh dear, how sad, never mind … it gets worse for the BBC and those who despise Trump
I awoke to the news that the misogynist, adulterous, woman hating President-Elect of the USA has appointed as his Chief of Staff ………… a woman! Oh how I’m laughing at all the Lefties, all the Liberals, all the Socialists, including the BBC.
Maybe that is why there were two periods of ‘Dead Air’ on TOADY this morning. The BBC were in mourning over their Socialist ideals. Actually, I know two BBC engineers – (tech note: it is BBC Engineering that avoid ‘Dead Air’) – quite well and don’t believe they share the socialist ideals of their employer but may do. I estimated the first at just over two minutes, so we came within three minutes of nuking Moscow and starting WW3. 🙁
Trump ally floated as possible AG has harsh warning for Letitia James
New York Attorney General Letitia James ordered Trump to pay a $454 million bond payment earlier this year as part of a civil fraud case.
“Let me just say this to Big Tish James, the New York Attorney General … I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump in his second term,” the founder of the Article III Project said. “Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat a– in prison for conspiracy against rights and I promise you that.”
Davis warned James to “think long and hard before you want to violate President Trump’s constitutional rights or any other American’s constitutional rights.”
“It’s not going to happen again,” Davis said
Funny how the first thing they do when they get a bit of cash is get their hair straightened to look less black
I wonder why? After all, it’s the face I look at?
I hope James gets her fat arse served up on a plate.
I wonder if DJT will put somebody like Robert Barnes on her case.
That would be delicious …. Barnes has even elaborated a legal strategy that sounds like her and Alvin Bragg would crap themselves over….
Mmm, sweet music: “Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat a– in prison for conspiracy against rights and I promise you that… think long and hard before you want to violate President Trump’s constitutional rights or any other American’s constitutional rights… It’s not going to happen again.”
Video clip of that sweet “fat ass” interview:
(P.S. why don’t X clips open up like Twitter used to?)
Trump’s lawyer Mike Davis issues dark warning to NY AG Letitia James:
“I dare you to try to continue your lawfare against President Trump… listen here, sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time and we will put your fatass in prison for conspiracy against rights.”
Zephir, doesn’t the National Attorney General trump (ho-ho) a mere State Attorney General?
Tish James.
Well ‘Tish’ backwards is…………………….
Tr, hsit ?
Ex-BBC lies — Sopel’s in mourning in the i: “Make no mistake: this wasn’t just a disaster, it was a repudiation and rejection of the values of the Democratic Party itself“
On Biden: “There is a book to be written on what appears to be the cover-up at the White House over 2023 and 2024. The CNN debate at the end of June, when it appeared the president didn’t know what day of the week it was, was excruciating. It crystalised all the doubts that people had been speaking about for well over a year […] Presumably, this had been going on for a while, yet it was hidden from the American people. Surely those closest to him knew he wasn’t fit to run for office – but instead tried to brazen it out and pull the wool over our eyes?”
A year of doubts? Absolute revisionism by Sopel, who, like the rest of the MSM, was pretending in June 2023 that Biden was fine:
Just watched the rarer than hen’s teeth live interview that @POTUS has just given to @MSNBC. Is he old? Sure, he’s 80. Does he get a bit tongue tied? Yes, and always did having stammered as a child. But has he lost his marbles? No one could assert that having watched this
And now Lammy thinks his anti-Trump comments are “old news”. The establishment relies on people having the attention span of a gnat and the 24/7 delivery of slop to keep them confused and compliant.
RE Biden
And you, fearless journalist, said not a word about it, despite the whole world knowing it and seeing it.
Zephir, you must wait for the legacy media to tell you what wasn’t happening then did in fact happen. Verify will be along in a minute…
The BBC, CNN and others did nothing but agree with and aid the jailing of political prisoners because they thought of them as ‘far right’.
Now, Trump has just won.
The left in the colonies are showing a mix of anger (the expected temper tantwums) and saying they’ll ‘eff things up’.
But a larger number are saying it’s time to ‘work together’ and ‘heal’. Or that we need to remember ‘all Americans and work to help everyone’.
You know what I think?
I think it’s about time ‘the right’ showed the left the same consideration they give their political opponents.
Let’s not forget, the left in the USA, after (somehow) gaining power, spent the entire term trying to jail Trump and his aides and shoving the ‘Jan 6 insurrectionists’ in prison for decades for next to nothing. They even shot a woman dead for nothing and still played the victim.
Starmpot and his bunch of viscous communists, have spent the first few months in power jailing political opponents on trumped (no pun intended) up charges, in hastily arranged kangaroo courts (all allegedly etc).
Well, if Reform (or even Kemi’s Blues) win next time, it’s about time we gave these vicious bastards the same treatment.
Kangaroo courts and putting prominent libtards and politicians in prison (or worse if that’s your thing!)
Let’s do this. In fact, put this on your manifesto and you have my vote.
Stop effing around with these clowns.
Do to them what they do to you. Stop being soft on them.
Now for the UK, four more years to eliminate our mob in charge and their corrupt, so called “green” hangers on for a generation or more.
In Arizona
After allegations of election fraud arise, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer deactivates his X account..
Absolutely brilliant, the silence after his speech.
Anti semite Goldberg (false name by the way to try and get more work in the acting industry) real name: Caryn Elaine Johnson.
Only gets two weeks suspension for racist comments live on air.