As the Left goes through the next stages of grief how long will it be before the full on Anti President Trump rituals get going again ?will there be a daily BBC ‘100 days ‘? With a half hour of hate every day ? On the upside we are still witnessing the bewildered group breakdown of the BBC and its’ friends – long may the enjoyment last . Dump the licence …
Weekend 9th November 2024
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First again – yipee ……..
I haven’t watched much on the BBC for some years now….well when I think about it, I have watched nothing. Sorry if this about Robert Kennedy was mentioned on the previous thread.
However, Trump’s success tempted me. I enjoyed watching all the miserable faces on the day after the election who just couldn’t compute the fact that ‘their team’ had lost. Bearing in mind that most of them live in the UK, why should they have so much invested in the Democrats? Clive Myrie looked a lot older than the last time I had seem him, Jeremy Bowen was bigger and Sarah Smith more lopsided.
So yesterday, Thursday, 7th, I thought I would repeat the exercise. I didn’t rush to the tv, so it was probably 6.05 by the time I switched on BBC1. Clive was obviously going through Republicans who might have senior positions in the Trump administration. I heard the end of the description of I think Eric, anyway one of Trump’s sons and it was excoriating.
The news team then moved down to Robert Kennedy, Bobby’s son. Their bile knew no bounds. What was delivered was a tirade about his concerns about the vaccines. The BBC news suggests that if Trump keeps his promise to give Robert a ‘big role in health care’, the BBC suggested it could result in the deaths of many people. When does news merge into opinion? It certainly did here and the BBC’s hate was visceral. The BBC very quickly moved on to other things – they obviously could not stand any more thought of what had happened in the election. I have to say that checking things on Wikipedia – description of Robert Kennedy junior was as nasty as anything on the BBC.
And don’t you deserve it Debs!
Have a chocolate mouse, and/or a tincture on me!
Scrob, I have a terror of mouses – whether chocolate or squeaky. I think I will have a large gin (virtual of course).
Not virtual – can you hear the clink of ice in a large glass, just by the Ferrari parked outside your house…;0)
Deborah – well done on the first – the circumstances are exceptional – and the pleasure to be derived from woke anti Trump pain is without price …. I have to plead guilty to watching you tube all afternoon pleasuring myself at democrat pain …( no bodily fluids involved ) .
I particularly enjoyed a CNN type describing all those who voted for Trump as nazis – although seeing how thick some their anchors are I reckon they don’t really know too much about what a nazi is / was .
Apart from the democrats being unable to fix the result ( to my surprise ) they seemed at a loss that all the things the msm find important counted for not a lot across many and all groups – what mattered was the price of gas and butter – and in my view a recognition that the 2020 was stolen .
The `far left will now pivot to obstruct the president in anyway possible . He has already upset them by appointing the first female chief of staff – after CJ cregg in the West wing of course. They are Also upset that Elon was on calls to other leaders – eg Ukraine …
… I’d like to thank all contributors for the contributions in the last few days – it’s been a pleasure – – even Marky
In my humble opinion Fed, I easily agree with you that I think 2020 was a huge fix, the Republicans didn’t have the technical resource to find out until it was far too late.
I remember President Trump going on live TV, and starting to claim victory, and suddenly a swaythe of votes against him became a torrent, which is just not possible in any regulated system! There are plenty of established technical experts who can show this!
This time, we can bet that the Republicans’ technical people were well in charge, and despite a few shenanigans in the odd state, the perpetrators of cheating were denied the opportunity!
Like here, all this is alleged, but the MSM was so proud of quoting all sorts of ‘facts’ from slebs and other useless idiots and chucking everything in the melting pot back then, especially ones with the lefties in charge, and guess what…
…someone smelled a rat…
On X people are talking about the voting numbers for democrats in the last 5? Elections – I can’t cut and paste – but the Biden vote sticks out a mile – with 20 million more than other elections …. Just . Not . Right …
I demand a recount!
** unless I was first of course!
I caught a minute of Sarah Smith reporting from Florida with all the grace and positivity of someone who had just eaten a wasp.
Wikipedia is a left wing view of the world and should be treated with caution. It certainly can’t be relied on.
I treat Wiki the same as a random stranger in a pub. A drunk one at that.
Lots of media outlets are covering the antisemitic attacks in Amsterdam.
But I cant find an outlet describing who the thugs actually were. The only clue seems to be apoplexy about some Jews having the temerity to pull down a Palestinian flag.
There are photos of Israelis parading their flag but weirdly the photos of the antisemites are all taken from the rear!
Funny how uninterested the MSM is.
I wonder why.
“We must not turn blind eye to antisemitism, says Dutch king after attacks on Israeli football fans”
BBC keeps mentioning countries kings recently..🤔
“We must not turn blind eye to antisemitism”
Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
29 October 2020
BBC news manages to report the attacks on Israelis as ‘men on bikes ‘ – no mention of Islamic terrorism – just ‘morocans ‘
The bbc will do anything to avoid reporting the crimes of Muslims ….effing disgusting …
They even said ‘bbc verified it – verified What ?
This is interesting, how it actually hapened
We should rename the bbc as ITMA
It’s those “men” again.
It’s the only language they understand.
We will have to wait a few more years, unfortunately, and for a real leader to emerge.
Hamadeh added that he expects Democrats, who labeled Trump a “fascist” on the presidential campaign trail, aren’t being honest when they say they will work with Trump and do what they can to help his transition.
“They said the same thing in 2016, 2017, after President Trump won and what did they do?” Hamadeh said. “They opened up multiple impeachment inquiries. They tried to derail his presidency with distractions. They had the media, the corporate media, so many of them like the left wing MSNBC and CNN, drive home so many false narratives. So that’s what they’re going to do.”
“Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me. And we’re not going to get fooled again.”
A plot by Iran to kill president trump – whether he won or lost – if ever there was a reason for dropping the big one of Tehran – ( 8.8 million people ) there it is …
Democrats had bet on women showing up in force. They didn’t
And another BBC cretin trying to tell us all that the reason Harris is not President-elect is because America is sexist.
I am often stunned by their shameless double standards. In what way is not shamelessly sexist to imply THIS is a GOOD thing ?:
‘Across the country, the majority of women did cast their ballots for Harris, but not by the historic margins she needed.’
‘The shortfall was not for lack of trying.’
‘Throughout her 15-week campaign, much of Harris’s messaging was aimed directly at women, most obviously with her emphasis on abortion.’
It’s utterly sexist. Just imagine reversing the roles and writing the same thing about men. Why isn’t it a good thing that the majority of men voted for Trump ?.
Another crock of complete shit from a BBC clone who has no idea of the real world outside the bizarre left-wing activist bubble these people live in. They seem to think the entire election was about abortion laws. In the scheme of the world, it’s insignificant.
The REAL reason Kamala lost is that she is a cackling idiot with zero charisma and nobody likes her. She was placed into that position because she is so weak and pathetic, she could be easily controlled by those behind the scenes – just like Joe was. They thought it would be a close election and they could cheat again when just a few thousand votes would make the difference.
After watching everything going on for the last few years, I am 100% certain that what I just wrote is the actual truth. Yet I have never seen anything at all in the BBC news which even suggests things might not be quite what they seem.
But then the BBC totally hid Joe’s mental decay right up until the debate when it was an awful spectacle to watch him humiliate himself like that. He could have soiled his pants and it wouldn’t have been much worse. They they dropped him completely and gave Kamala the same treatment.
This is how warped and dishonest BBC news now is. It is not news, it is political activist propaganda cleverly disguised as news with all the tricks they have to lie without actually lying. Except by omission. Which is the greatest lie of all.
Here’s the sexist idiot clone responsible for this one:

Only doing what she is told of course. She knows she doesn’t deserve that job and will do anything at all to keep it.
No doubt they will have a very similar article somewhere telling us that it’s because she is BAME and America is racist.
“Democrats had bet on women showing up in force. They didn’t”
So women are misogynists? I’m confused.
The only thing Kamala Harris was offering women were abortions. Maybe a lot of women decided that that was not their main concern?
Watch: Police target fishing boat over ‘modern slavery’ claim
lol – one thing you can be sure of when the BBC do an ‘investigation’ and show you a video is that the guy being accused is white and his victims are BAME. Though you have to dig in to the actual article to learn it’s only ‘suspected’.
Why not get yourself down to the factories in Leicester BBC (you know, the ones which kept working during the COVID lockdown but you didn’t tell us) and see how many people working there are effectively slaves ?. I expect many are women too – double bonus!.
We all know why you don’t. Muslim slavery is acceptable to the Left. It’s only wrong when whitey does it.
Pelosi blames Biden for election loss as finger pointing intensifies
‘Pelosi is widely reported to have led the Democrats’ push to oust Biden’
Not on the BBC she wasn’t. Everything was fine right up until the last minute because they didn’t want to create any negative feeling towards Biden.
‘Pelosi told the New York Times: “The anticipation was that, if the president were to step aside, that there would be an open primary.”‘
‘Pelosi argued that Harris would have done well in such a primary process and it would have made her “stronger going forward”.’
Complete and utter lie by the witch Pelosi. They put Harris in without any vote because she was weak and would make a good puppet who did everything she was told to do. They thought the race was close enough that they could fix it again if it came to that.
They were utterly wrong. They – like the BBC – are entirely disconnected from the real people. They live in their own ideological leftist bubble. Now they can’t contain their nasty side.
Saturday morning and Classic FM led with Pelosi blaming Biden for their loss of power. But then came the diatribe from Schultz (?)that Trump is a showman with a grievance and it was him (I think, remembering the illogical is difficult early morning) accessing others grievance was what won him the election. The newsreader was then onto the next item. Nothing positive, or even neutral, to say at all.
I am sure many on here, like me, have colleagues or acquantances that have bought into the anti Trump lie, a bit like the Tommy Robinson is racist lie, lies with little or no evidence presented, funnily enough, just repeated over and over until some are conditioned like Pavlov’s dog.
so here is a reply:
(I have heard evidence that Trump is a pretty unpleasant person to do business with, and I respond with “well, if he is putting America first, when he used to put his buniness first, surely that is the kind of person you want in charge of YOUR country ?” evidenced by the fact, never mentioned by the MSM, that he takes NO salary)
Look at our leaders, feathering their own nest and enriching their colleagues, union friends and hangers on whilst taxing us the the hilt. Are any of these very wealthy individuals taking no salary like Trump ?
Anyway, the following is from a Harvard fellow in the US and based on that simple thing, observation of what people ACTUALLY DO rather than say
“based on observing how Kamala Harris’s party has run California since it gained undivided control of that state’s executive and legislative branch. They insist that they are the party that upholds democracy. But I’m going to call what they represent ‘Democraticy Inc.’ – a pseudo-democratic ‘progressive’ version of Tammany Hall, the corrupt machine that ran New York politics from the mid-19th century until the 1920s.”
(apologies for the length, the article is behind a paywall so annotated in full) :
Sir Niall Ferguson is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford:
“Appalled by Trump? Read how Kamala’s woke ideology has left my beloved San Francisco a cesspit of drugs and crime, and you’ll begin to see why it’s lucky she didn’t win.
To listen to some of my London friends, you would think that Donald Trump’s re-election to a second term as president is the prelude to the Apocalypse.
Many in Britain seem almost absurdly fearful of him.
While in opposition, senior members of the Labour shadow cabinet – including the Foreign Secretary David Lammy – famously bad-mouthed Trump as ‘a tyrant in a toupee’, a ‘racist and KKK/neo-Nazi sympathiser’, and ‘a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath’ among other things.
Now that Trump is back, an embarrassed Keir Starmer is doing his best to sweep these insults into the memory hole. But the truth is that a huge proportion of Britons still think these things – and worse – about Trump.
If Britain were the 51st state, Kamala Harris would have won it 68 per cent to 32 per cent, according to poll aggregator Europe Elects – that’s a bigger margin than she won in any of the blue states the Democrats held on Tuesday night.
Even in the Daily Mail – hardly Left-leaning – a fellow columnist was unenthused about Trump’s victory.
Stephen Glover wrote on Thursday that he was ‘profoundly depressed. There is good reason to believe that Trump will be bad for America, the world and Britain’.
He called Trump a ‘convicted felon who incited an insurrection’, a ‘liar’, a ‘cheat’ and a ‘foul-mouthed braggart’.
Well, as someone who has spent much of the past eight years living under Democratic Party rule in California (which ended with a vote share of 58 per cent for Harris and 40 per cent for Trump), I know how much better Trump will be for Britain than Harris would have been.
Donald Trump’s more sophisticated American critics, including my old friend, the commentator and historian Anne Applebaum, link him to Autocracy Inc. – the title of her recent book on how autocracies around the world are conspiring to undermine democracy.
She argues he has a dangerous affinity with such authoritarian leaders as the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Liberal political commentator and TV host Rachel Maddow took this line of argument to the next level on Wednesday night, calling on her fellow Democrats to ‘actively resist’ the coming ‘strongman, authoritarian’ overthrow of the Constitution.
According to Maddow, the incoming Trump administration intends to ‘undermine the American way of government’ — to subordinate the military, Congress, the courts, the media and civil society to the will of the president.
She demanded formal ‘assurances’ from all these bodies that they would not succumb to the pressures of the ‘Dear Leader’ – equating Trump with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
Meanwhile, late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel, choking on his tears, declared: ‘It was a terrible night for women, for children, for immigrants . . .for healthcare, for our climate, for science, for journalism, for justice, for free speech, for poor people, for the middle class, for seniors, for our allies in Ukraine, for NATO, for the truth, and democracy and decency. But let me offer a counterargument, based on observing how Kamala Harris’s party has run California since it gained undivided control of that state’s executive and legislative branch.
They insist that they are the party that upholds democracy. But I’m going to call what they represent ‘Democraticy Inc.’ – a pseudo-democratic ‘progressive’ version of Tammany Hall, the corrupt machine that ran New York politics from the mid-19th century until the 1920s.
Democraticy Inc. has almost nothing to do with true democracy. It is a political racket based on the institutionalised power of organisations such as the teachers’ unions, the divisive ideology of identity politics, and the cynical mobilisation of immigrants as voting fodder.
Democraticy destroys every state and city that it gets control of.
It has destroyed Illinois and turned Chicago into a vast crime scene by almost bankrupting the state government and pretending that gun violence is not primarily a problem of black communities.
It is in the process of destroying California and has already transformed downtown San Francisco into a scene from Zombie Apocalypse by essentially inviting every junkie in America to come to the city, live (and die) on the street, and shoplift with impunity.
And, if the Harris campaign had duped enough voters with their hair-on-fire scaremongering, Democraticy would have had the chance to destroy America in its entirety. Democraticy doesn’t just control the coastal states and big cities of America –especially Washington DC (where a staggering 92 per cent of the votes were for Harris). It also dominates academia, schools, the legacy media (newspapers, TV and radio), Hollywood, and much of corporate America.
We know this because information on party political donations is publicly available. To understand what Democraticy stands for, the following statements provide good illustrations.
‘Black people have been treated as less than human in America . . . Our country has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has plagued [it] since its earliest days. It is the duty of every American to fix. . . In times like this, silence is complicity.’
‘It is status quo thinking to believe that putting more police on the streets creates more safety. That’s wrong. It’s just wrong.’
‘It is a serious mistake to conflate criminal justice policy with immigration policy as if they are the same thing. They are not. . . An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.’
‘It’s time to end mass incarceration. This includes legalising of marijuana, sentencing reforms, and abolishing private prisons.’
‘Federal prisoners and detainees [should be] able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained.’
These are the widely held positions of progressive Democrats. They also happen to be statements made by Kamala Harris prior to her presidential run this year.
Even if I were tempted to agree with the propositions that there is no such thing as gravity or that humans can breathe underwater, I would soon discover that, in practice, I cannot fly and would drown if I tried inhaling while submerged.
The same principle applies to progressive slogans such as ‘fight systemic racism by discriminating against white people’ or ‘reduce crime by defunding the police’.
California has been ruled by Democrats since the mid-1990s. There hasn’t been a Republican governor since Arnold Schwarzenegger’s term expired in January 2011. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of San Francisco since 1964. So the Dems have been able to run the experiment. And the results of one-party rule are stunning.
State taxes on the well-off are amongst the highest in the US, and set to rise higher, driving the wealthy away to low-tax states such as Florida and Texas. At the same time, the state has made itself a magnet for illegal immigrants by establishing no fewer than 20 ‘sanctuary’ cities or counties that refuse to enforce immigration law.
And the results? California now has 12 per cent of the nation’s population, but over 30 per cent of its welfare recipients. According to a 2020 Census Bureau report, which took housing and other costs into account, the poverty rate in California is 17.2 per cent, the highest of any state.
There’s a chronic housing shortage, mainly because a plethora of regulations make the construction of affordable housing well-nigh impossible. The state’s public schools rank 34th in the country overall and have the highest pupil-teacher ratio. Oh, and there are recurrent wildfires because of chronic management of public woodlands, and periodic droughts because of insufficient investment in reservoirs.
When I first visited San Francisco in 1981, it was still one of the loveliest cities I had ever beheld. Now its streets are so filthy – human excrement and syringe needles are the principal hazards – that I avoid it. The leaders of Democraticy Inc. – the Donorcrats who raised the billion dollars squandered by the Harris campaign since July – thought they could seize control of the whole of America, red states and all, and so perform the same reverse alchemy, turning gold into lead from coast to coast.
Thank God, they were wrong. That is why their candidate Kamala Harris has joined the sad list of sitting vice-presidents who failed to win the presidency, along with Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale and Al Gore.
What no one in Britain and Europe appears to understand is how lucky that makes us all. For the problem with the Democratic Party is that their myopic obsessions with diversity, equity and inclusion lead them — in foreign as much as in domestic policy — to decisions that are deeply harmful, often to precisely the people they are supposed to help.
Take the cases of Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel, three countries where we have seen Democraticy in action over the past three years and nine months.
In 2021, the Biden-Harris administration decided to pull all US forces out of Afghanistan, nearly 20 years after they had been sent there in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Joe Biden privately said it would be no worse than abandoning Vietnam in the mid-70s.
At a stroke, however, the not insignificant economic and social achievements of two decades were abandoned, leaving Afghan women and girls to the tender mercies of the Taliban. America’s allies were barely consulted about the decision, which was executed with reckless haste.
Putin drew the obvious conclusion from the chaotic fall of Kabul: these guys were weaklings. The Biden-Harris administration did nothing to discourage the invasion he was planning – instead in 2021 they reduced arms deliveries to Ukraine and lifted the sanctions on the Nordstream 2 pipeline to pump gas directly from Russia to Germany. When Putin invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the US response was to offer the president, Volodymyr Zelensky, a plane ticket out!
When, undaunted, Zelensky and his people resolved to fight, the Biden-Harris administration delivered some fine speeches.
What they did not and have not delivered was sufficient firepower for Ukraine to prevail. Two and half years later, with about 100,000 Ukrainians dead and much of their country in ruins, Biden and Harris are leaving office – and leaving Kiev on the brink of a defeat that would be disastrous for European security.
Throughout the past three years, the Biden-Harris government has relaxed the sanctions on Iran in the naïve belief that Barack Obama’s 2015 ‘nuclear deal’ (dispensed with by Trump in 2018) could be resuscitated.
That deal merely postponed Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons in return for easing sanctions. Iran then used the money it could access to fund Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and the Houthis – terrorist organisations that serve as Tehran’s proxies. On October 7 last year, terrorists from Gaza rampaged into Israel, killing about 1,200 people and kidnapping more than 250.
Once again, there were fine words from Washington.
But when Israel retaliated, as it was in every way entitled to, the American Left had a collective aneurysm and the Biden-Harris administration began arguing for a ceasefire – an argument that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had the good sense to ignore.
And liberals in America, Britain and across the West wanted four more years of this? Four more years of people with degrees from Yale Law School talking about ‘de-escalation’, when what is most needed from the US government is deterrence?
I am not saying that Donald Trump is going to make his allies’ lives easy. He will not. And I don’t want him to.
It’s long overdue that Britain and Europe pay their fair share of the costs of transatlantic security, rather than free-riding on Uncle Sam’s coat tails.
It’s long overdue that we grasp that the stakes are high in this Second Cold War, and that American allies cannot have it both ways, especially when it comes to transfers of critical technology to China.
And it’s long overdue that the major economies rethink their various ill-conceived green energy plans and deals.
A world that is consuming more energy with every passing year – not least to propel technological innovations such as artificial intelligence – cannot pretend it is going to rely exclusively on wind and solar power.
And yes, it’s long overdue that British and European politicians followed the lead given by American voters and bid a non-fond farewell to Democraticy Inc.’s warped word salad of preferred pronouns, gender fluidity, safe spaces, trigger warnings and critical race theory – the woke Newspeak of the Ivy League campuses that has spread too far and wide.
That Donald Trump won bigly is not a cause of fear and loathing.
Take it from a former Californian: It should be a cause for general jubilation.”
Sir Niall Ferguson is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford
Much of the above as everyone here probably knows, is creeping into the UK.
The anti police bbc as a case in point. (but pro police when anyone not from the left protests)
And, another prime example from this morning:
“BBC branded ‘jaw-achingly stupid’ over controversial decision to cast black and minority-ethnic actors in anticipated final series of Tudor period drama Wolf Hall”
Just from today:
“Debenhams forced to axe ‘A gay in a manger’ Christmas jumper after backlash from Christians”
“Pub named The Midget in honour of the classic car changes its name after disability lecturer with dwarfism says it is offensive”
“Oxford University to spend more than £3.3 million ‘decolonising’ the curriculum and encouraging reporting of microaggressions”
“Meet Dutch star set to become the first transgender player to take part in the PDC Grand Slam of Darts ”
“the Asylum King whose company earns a staggering £4.8million a day from taxpayers for housing migrants”
I enjoyed the first two series of Wolf Hall, and wanted to watch the third, but I shan’t now. I won’t be gaslit by the BBC into thinking the Tudor court had any BAME members. It is just crapping on English history. I can’t be bothered with their BS any more. I can’t be bothered to waste a single precious second of my life on their pathetic propaganda.
Besides which, Hillary Mantel was far too generous to Thomas Cromwell, who was an out and out villain.
Competition time:
Spot the two words from this Mail headline you will NEVER hear or see on the lying bbc:
I make it 6: pro Palestine mob + Arab migrant thugs
0r 8 if you include: hunting Jews
Or 35 if you include the whole bloody headline.
Hint : If you are stuggling with the above puzzle:
The lying bbc manages to use one of the words here, in their report about the attacks on Jews:
“The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned “anti-Arab chants” and an “attack on the Palestinian flag,” calling on the Dutch government to “protect Palestinians and Arabs” living in the Netherlands.”
One of the biggest losers from the US election is the legacy media and their pals in the polling industry.
Their loss of credibility is accelerating , the public knows that they distort to such an extent that they are increasingly regarded as outright liars. They have become a sunset industry which is well down the road to irrelevancy. Whilst this is most marked in the US there is some spill over into the UK , bad news for the BBC but good news for site members who recognised this years ago.
But we can see that they aren’t changing their output in fact , as Deborah highlights in the first post , they are doubling down!
Why ?
The legacy media are owned by and are entirely reliant on the Globalists . As indeed are the Democrats and as were the old Republican Party , the Never Trumpers. The Globalists know that Trump represents a major threat to their agenda , they cannot find a compromise position with him that allows them to retain power and influence. They have no hold over him.
Therefore they have to keep on attacking him by any means possible, legacy media, Lawfare, rioting , deep state operations, financial market manipulation and of course assassination. They have to try and wreck or at least massively hinder his second term just as they did his first.
I note that there are many commentators suggesting that Trump should be ‘statesman’ like and seek to heal the country and draw a line under the past wrongs of the deep state etc.
In my view Trump cannot seduced into letting bygones be bygones as the best way to ‘heal’ America. That way the puss in the abscess remains and will continue to poison the country. The abscess must be lanced . Americans must see what a nest of vipers the deep state had become and how it undermined their constitution.
Once the key deep state perpetrators have been exposed , tried and hopefully convicted , Trump can then offer clemency to those of lesser status. But heads must be set on spikes. Justice must be seen to be done. Only then can true healing take place.
Double – the problem is that the institutions have all been taken over by the Obama mindset / people . The big fight will be to detoxify the likes of that corrupt justice department and the rest –
It will take a lot better people than last time … and the way things are going – a lot of energy will be consumed by foreign stuff …
I honestly think Trump needs to order a presidential investigation into the 2020 election steal. The facts need to be established for all to see, and the corrupt carcass of the Democrat Party needs to be destroyed. The Democrats are no more than an organised crime organisation.
@ Doublethinker
This has been recognised for a few years now but generally dismissed as paranoid conspiracy nonsense, but the evidence is now in plain sight:
I urge all to have a look at my post above from a Harvard Fellow regarding what they have done to San Francisco when they had complete control, and what they will do everywhere they can, here too.
The evidence for those who look at the deeds, the results, and not the words and rhetoric, and that includes the bbc here.
A warning for the whole world about this satanic, false prophet, “service to self” anti humanity elitist cult which presents itself as the polar opposite to what it is.
San Francisco 2024
I was going to post one of the many ‘San Francisco has fallen’ videos after your post from Niall Ferguson. Then I decided it was just too depressing. The still pictures are bad enough.
I really hope the UK can heed the warning before it is too late.
To coin a phrase “Lest we forget.”
As for forgive, I’m sure many Californians will not, and, were the tables turned, that lot would see you rot in jail quite happily, as evidenced with their lawfare..
Vote Democrat! Vote Gavin Newsom!
Just checked the BBC article about the attacks on Jews in Holland.
I specifically searched it for the following words : racist, muslim, Islam, migrant.
None of them found. Just imagine what they would write if it were the far-Right attacking Muslims.
The most stupendous of racist double standards from the BBC. Again.
You’re right, the article says nothing about the perpetrators, other than ‘young men on scooters’.
You could think it was just rival football supporters.
Anyway there were incidents ‘on both sides’ so it was sort of fair, right?
In fact a Palestinian flag had been ‘attacked’ (oh horror) so they kind of had it coming.
The real culprit is ‘antisemitism’.
And quite possibly the Far-Right, as the BBC are keen to remind us that it happened around the time of Kristallnacht (see below).
So that’s it. It’s probably them Nazis again, the same ones what voted Trump.
Meanwhile, other sources are very clear that the ‘young men’ were gangs of immigrants of Arab origin.
DM: “The Times of Israel and other outlets in the country reporting that the attacks were largely perpetrated by Amsterdam locals of Arabic origin.”
BBC: “For many, it was especially shocking coming on the eve of commemorations marking Kristallnacht, the 1938 Nazi pogroms against German Jews. Three-quarters of Jewish people in the Netherlands were murdered during the Holocaust in World War Two.”
The jokey blokey tabloid Daily Star provides for us a handy concise round-up of the post-US election fall out.
World hit by a nasty dose of tango terrors… Women plan a rumpy pumpy ban in protest… Global politicians do a screeching U-turn on insults… Guardian editor offers devastated staff counselling (Daily Star)
Hey Guardian staff, do be careful who it is that you get your counselling from…
MPs call for immediate regulation of therapists… Unlike most other healthcare roles, ‘psychotherapist’ and ‘counsellor’ are not protected titles nor regulated professions in the UK (Guardian) – and we can’t be having anyone going ‘unregulated’
Also on the cover of the Gruan: Trump the second act… Plus Ways to cope in turbulent times
The gynaeceum that is BBC staff splash out on the formerly How To Spend It-branded FT Weekend for their top pick of the national dailies today.
I guess this headline caught their discerning eye: Surging US stock markets sound alarm for ‘overheating’ ecomomy – seems we can blame Trump already for all and any economic woes (if a rising stock market is a woe), whereas four months in, our Ms Reeves is still blaming the Tories for that ill defined black hole of hers.
My discerning (if jaded) eye catches the feature titles along with the headlines, with special interest in the juxtaposition of narratives…
Women are the Budget’s losers – complains Claer Barrett in the FT Money column – beside a teaser for the FT Weekend Magazine article: Sad girls of pop… The music executive behind Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo
Eilish and Rodrigo are both examples of empowered young women in pop music who are not afraid to address the world’s problems in their music. Their work is part of the “sad girl” pop subgenre – thank you AI Overview
Remember folks, there’s no such thing as sad cat ladies
Mind you: For as long as women have worked within the music industry, sad girl pop has existed. From Kate Bush’s existential longings or Fiona Apple’s intimate reflections on trauma, Alanis Morissette’s vulnerable balladry or Avril Lavigne’s angst-fuelled anthems, women artists have long explored themes of heartbreak, rejection, loneliness within their music. So, when the Recording Academy, AKA the organisation behind the Grammy Awards, credited Billie Eilish for inventing the Sad Girl Pop genre, people on Twitter weren’t convinced. (Dazed)
Ahhh, Alanis Morissette… how does that old gag go..? She’s sold 85 million albums worldwide… none of them to men.
YouTube right-leaning contrarian Simon Webb drew our attention to the regime’s sotto voce nudge efforts to put an end to that good old tradition English Guy Fawkes Night celebration.
Naturally our BBC obliges: Call for fireworks restrictions after dog’s death… Lily’s owner said her pet died as a result of stress caused by fireworks… Two-year-old Yorkshire terrier cross Lily was startled after a firework went off late at night on 4 November… The dog’s owner, Anna, from Lincoln, said she felt helpless (Harry Parkhill & Gemma Dawson, BBC News)
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
According to our BBC – Is Guy Fawkes “eating the dogs” ?
But is our BBC perhaps borrowing an apparently successful campaign line from The Donald?
The Daily Express cover page brings back the apparent cast of the Cosby Show in the unlikely role of National Trust visitors and supporters for their above the masthead advert special offer: Fee Family Pass
The black population of Britain is said to be just 3% but it feels as though 90% of them do contract work as extras with an advertising agency.
The formerly peacenik Guardian is perhaps wise to seek some counselling – it’s having an existential crisis – not knowing whether it’s coming or going: UN says 70% killed in Gaza are women and children – meanwhile: Ukraine’s relationship with the UK has “got worse”… frustration over Britain’s failure to supply extra long-range missiles
I find myself revisiting the lyrics of jazz-rap pioneer Gil Scott-Heron.
This country has been surprised by the way the world looks now
They don’t know if they want to be Matt Dillon or Bob Dylan
They don’t know if they want to be diplomats or continue the same policy – of nuclear nightmare diplomacy
“B” Movie, song by Gil Scott-Heron, 1981
The MSM now seems to have moved on -acceptance -in its grief – and wondering what sort of revenge president trump will take on 4 years of democrat hell – the msm – the law fare – the Obama DC bubble of federal agencies sent against him .
Some are saying he ll be too busy for revenge – others say there is to be a serious reckoning … I think it will be difficult even if he wants revenge because the swamp is so big and deep ….
The other plank of the msm narrative is the aim of democrats to resist Trump – and they might kill him yet …
Lock her up! Reality = net zero lock ups
I’m in two minds about the ‘revenge’ stuff.
On the one hand, if Trump doesn’t go full Payback Time, then all the warnings by the Left will be exposed as hysterical lies.
On the other hand, boy would I like to see him go scorched earth on the Dems, the Swamp, the msm, the various intelligence and security agencies, the Soros judges, etc. And perhaps, if he has any time left over: the BBC.
If he doesn’t, I firmly believe they’ll kill him, one way or another, but at least Vance is there too.
Kamala finally called Trump to congratulate him on winning.
But hang on, the Democrats – including Kamala – have been telling us that Trump’s a Nazi.
So Kamala’s a secret Nazi supporter?!
I think the BBC should be told, pronto.
Zephir, that is a very revealing fake video that shows a very different side to Kamala Harris that the BBC provides us listeners and and maybe viewers, too. The clips of Harris show that she is quite insane!
We avoided Corbyn (Activist) and got Starmer (Lawyer) on 30% of the vote.
UK voted for secure borders and got more porous ones under Rishi (Greencard) Truss (Stronger In) Boris (Buy my book) Theresa May (Enough is Enough hear my speech for £1 million).
1400 girls get raped with NO civil or police action.
2 girls murdered by a Koran reader (starred on BBC) and all the rioters get locked up for shouting at dogs and burning bins outside Asylum homes.
“A militant group, the Balochistan Liberation Army, said it carried out the bombing in what police are deeming a suicide attack.
There has been a recent surge in deadly attacks in the province, driven by demands for independence and control over local resources.”
Balochistan Liberation Army,
On 26 April 2022, Shari Baloch, a 30-year old science teacher and mother of two, detonated her explosives in the University of Karachi in Pakistan, killing three Chinese teachers. BLA claimed responsibility for the incident, claiming her as the organisation’s first female suicide bomber.[64][65]
I’ve mentioned earlier the evidence of the 2020 election theft – I got the following off X so the numbers are not verified
2008 Barack Obama 69M
2012 Barack Obama 65M
2016 Hilary Clinton 65M
2020 Joe Biden 81M
2024 Kamala Harris 66M
As the poster said ‘notice anything ?’
It’s – okay – im not going on and on about this – but the truth – as they say – is out there …
MM, any prizes for spotting the mistake in the above chart?
Hillary won! HA HA HAH AH !
MM, you got it! It was the popular vote in the chart not the States carried. DJT beat HRC by 304 States to 227. In other words she got spanked just like Kamala Harris. The Popular Vote in the chart is accurate if rounded up to the million above the actual PV.
Trogan Horses!
Google and the lying bbc doing their best, bless:
And, when the whole world is reporting arab immigrants hunting and assaulting Jews the bbc hide it.
That is IT I am only ever now voting for a party dedicated to defunding this racist, lying, far left marxist nest of vipers.
That’s unfair on vipers.
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
I think my favourite US election story so far is the Amish in Pennsylvania who voted for Trump because the feds raided a farm earlier in the year over unpasteurised milk .
It seems the Amish never bothered to register to vote – but this time they did – and it was for Trump – stick that in your FDA .
Please, Maitless and her mob next:
They didn’t even need to photoshop it, the original’s bad enough.
She is on sex strike – Je suis désolé.
I havnt seen Emily for ages but she does seem to have aged!
A bit late.
A few days ago I caught, by chance, part of a BBC2 programme called Warship, a doc about one of the Navy’s aircraft carriers.
But this is the BBC.
Within minutes we had an extended feature about how Gay Pride week was being celebrated on board, with dressing up, rainbow cakes, flags etc etc.
I don’t begrudge gay people enjoying themselves. But does the BBC need to bang on about them at every opportunity?
As we all know, the answer is yes.
When’s Monkey Pox month ?
Gays in the Navy? Surely not.
I thought the Navy was the home of Rum Bum &Baccy. At least that is what an old sailor once told me. Maybe he was kidding and I was very young and gullible back then.
Bum, for sure.
Bum was called ‘navy cake”
I like to feel im a sensitive moderator – so I’d like to ‘gift ‘ something to our Far Left friends who might be reading this blog… it’s a piece from The Guardian on help for those suffering because president trump won in a free election – enjoy
STARTS After Donald Trump’s US presidential election victory this week, a briefing handily re-appeared in the “most popular topics” section of the Mental Health Foundation website: “Tips to look after your mental health during traumatic world events.”
The briefing has been well-read before, at times of war, conflict, violence and social tension – and people were turning to it for advice once again as Trump’s win ushered in a phase of deep despondency and political uncertainty for many people.
“These are difficult and intense moments for many people. Anxiety is not an unreasonable response, and you should not feel diminished for being worried,” said Lee Knifton, a Mental Health Foundation director.
The potential changes augured by the Trump presidency – economic and social upheaval, threats to human rights, the prospect of racial divisiveness – can create or exacerbate feelings of anxiety, foreboding and loss of control.
Even if we are not directly involved, watching traumatic world events unfold that cause actual or portents of harm or suffering, whether to ourselves, loved ones or complete strangers, can affect our mental health, the foundation says.
It is worth trying to pause, reflect and see if perspectives settle after the initial shock and despair, it says. Try to accept events may be out of your control and influence. “Time is important. It’s useful to see how things land,” said Knifton.
If the feelings of gloom persist there are ways to cope, the foundation says, however helpless things may seem. One strategy is to limit your news consumption and reduce social media use, especially if it puts you in low spirits. Avoid long scrolling sessions.
Another strategy is to find ways to connect and engage with others. Don’t bottle things up, and remember many others share your feelings. Volunteering and activism are practical ways to find a sense of agency and esteem, often expressed as a desire to make a difference.
The beneficial mental health effects of volunteering are well documented. A 2023 study by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations found 75% of respondents reported that volunteering was good for their mental health and wellbeing.
Nine out of 10 respondents reported that volunteering – with a charity, community group, or school or civic institution – made them feel they were making a difference. Seventy-four per cent said it brought them into positive contact with people from different backgrounds, and 68% that it made them feel less socially isolated.
Getting involved in political and civic activism can help lessen the feelings of being voiceless or having little control. The foundation recommends exploring involvement with political, civic or social groups, or seeking out public events and debates.
Get involved in local civic causes
Politicians and activists often say they were inspired to start by local injustices encountered in their own lives or neighbourhoods. This could be campaigning against the closure of a school or library, opposing controversial planning decisions, or proactively setting up services where none exist, such as self-help groups for parents, or sports teams for children.
Charities are often crying out for volunteer expertise. Reach Volunteering is a national charity offering a range of opportunities for people with professional and technical skills – it might be finance, legal, IT, building work, education or cookery – and links them with voluntary roles at a wide range of good causes, from local community groups to food banks and hospices.
Political, social and environmental activism
Joining a local political party or activist group can open opportunities to discuss and debate pressing local and international issues. It may give you a voice in the drawing up of local or national policies, and offer opportunities for you to get your point across through elected roles as well as marches, demonstrations, and petitions. Donating financially to good causes close to your heart is another way to show solidarity.
This is what we’re up against
Bad actors spreading disinformation online to fuel intolerance.
Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see.
Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science.
Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press.
For unintended reasons -this piece did make me laugh …
Maybe Trump can do a 3rd term ….like Obama did
Funny fing that innit? I don’t remember the Daily Mail offering mental health advice to it’s staff when the Far Left won the UK election. They are probably made of sterner stuff!
Lefty – it’s partly the consequence of believing their MSM – such as the BBC spouting lie after lie in the Derangement Syndrome – and if it proves just one thing – that people see through the lies and the hate … we must be due for ‘suicide ‘ stories …..I think that suicide bomber type attack on the `president elect is a real danger now …
And the Guardian pick and choose their “victims” with care do they not ?
“Jokes about Paul Pelosi aren’t just in bad taste. They normalize political violence. Arwa Mahdawi”
Yet, other actual victims of assaults and threats of violence are treated a little differently by the guardian, just referred to by his surname in the actual headline:
“Farage claims he received official advice not to hold constituency surgeries.
Nigel Farage has said he received official parliamentary advice against holding in-person surgeries for his constituents – though his claim was immediately called into question by insiders.”
The Guardian won’t deviate from the official narrative wrt to Paul Pelosi.
If you wander off the approved narrative path there – it becomes rather apparent that there’s more, a lot more to their simple story…
mendacious cvnts
On X Trump is detailing how he is going to restore free speech within hours of becoming President.
He’s not holding back and it’s a brilliant speech.
It’s 6 minutes of everything we want to hear.
How I wish we could have this here in the UK.
This is it:
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
He warned that without free speech, America is not truly free, saying, “If we don’t have free speech, we don’t have a free country.”
DEVELOPING: 🚨 President-Elect Donald Trump Outlines Plan to “Shatter” Censorship Regime, Restore Free Speech 🚨
President-Elect Donald Trump has released a comprehensive strategy to dismantle what he calls the “left-wing censorship regime,” promising swift action on his first day in office.
He warned that without free speech, America is not truly free, saying, “If we don’t have free speech, we don’t have a free country.”
The five-point plan includes:
An executive order to prevent federal agencies from collaborating on speech suppression with private companies. Executive orders are not long term solutions, but this could be a start to gain the momentum needed for legislation.
DOJ investigations into censorship practices, with possible charges for violating civil rights and election laws.
Reforming Section 230 protections to hold tech giants accountable for biased content moderation.
Penalties for universities found engaging in censorship, including cuts to federal funding. This point is interesting because Trump also planned to crack down on antisemitism on day one by noon.
A “Digital Bill of Rights” to safeguard Americans’ online freedoms.
Trump’s strong stance against censorship has ignited debate over the role of government in regulating tech platforms.
Could this move reshape free speech in the digital age? Should this be the priority?
Crikes! This means we are going to have to put up with the sh!te that marxi comes out with.
Atlas – I would welcome the ‘contrary view ‘ about the BBC – you know – the one which shows the BBC is fair and unbiased . Would love to hear that case . But readers / writers here know that’s impossible .
The only line the ‘far left ‘ spin is that the BBC is ‘ right wing’ – which is the usual soviet style lie ….
Classic BBC agenda-driven bias.
Take this headline
‘Divided Arizona contends with Trump’s sweeping border plan’
Trump is ahead by about 6 points, almost the same as Harris was ahead in New Jersey. A clear lead.
Only lower down the article do we gather there is really not much division. Trump picked up a lot of Latino votes and the state overwhelmingly backed a proposal to give local law enforcement the power to enforce federal immigration laws.
So even their own article does not support the headline.
And moving on. What are the chances of a BBC headline such as ‘Divided New Jersey contends with Harris failure to win…….’
I frequently saw BBC headlines like “Biden’s plan divides …”
,,,no of course I didn’t , the BBC is that obvious with it’s bias againt Trump and FOR Biden
When there is parody of a righy, it’s extreme so obviously a parody
but UK Labour politicians are often so extreme
they are beyond parody
So when a woman with a rosette baited Konstan Kisin
he took her seriously
without even clicking the bio
Then June Slater piled in assuming Kisin must be tweeting a real MP
.. then did an apology later
Rosie Holt’s bio clearly says she’s a parody
Much of the media, including the BBC, are very vexed about the new rise of “antisemitism”.
But it’s not just any old antisemitism, is it? It’s ISLAMIC antisemitism, joined by the useful idiots on the left.
Many are sneakily trying to link it to the far-right by evoking Kristallnacht and the Nazis.
Sorry guys, this time it’s the Far-Left.
2024 “Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
A new law proposed by ultra conservative Shia Muslim parties seeks to strip women and girls of their rights”
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Mona Siddiqui OBE (Chair)
Mona Siddiqui, OBE, Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies
at the Divinity School, University of Edinburgh. She is a regular
commentator in the media and chairs the BBC’s Scottish Religious
Advisory Committee. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
and an internationally renowned speaker on religion and ethics.
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
The is no difference between the two. The clue is in the word ‘socialist’. Nationalist or otherwise.
Quite right. Except the Far-Right National Socialists get all the opprobrium, whereas the Far-Left “Socialists” get a free pass. They’re the good guys, at least for the BBC mindset.
From the archive
@BBCNews Feb 6, 2021
Biden: ‘Erratic’ Trump should not get intelligence briefings
Yeh 3 years ago Biden calling someone else eratic
Biden calls Trump his Vice President! HA HA HAH HAH ! Comedy gold!
100M of tax payer money – endless money!
“A “bat shed” intended to stop the creatures from flying near High Speed 2 (HS2) railway tracks between ancient woodlands in Buckinghamshire will cost “more than £100M” to build, the project’s chair Jon Thompson has revealed.
Speaking at the annual Rail Industry Alliance conference, Thompson said: “We call it a shed. This shed, you’re not going to believe this, cost more than £100M to protect the bats in this wood.””
Last post – honest!
Just a reminder of what tolerance and love look like from the FAR LEFT! HA HAH AH AH!
Musk buying Twitter and the Republicans having plenty of observers at the counting centres, making sure the Dems couldn’t pull off any funny business this time was the key.
Anyone else seen that chart which shows about 15 millon extra votes when Biden ‘won’?
Where did they come from?
Trump should be looking into that election, I’m almost positive something dodgy went on.
If so, get ol’ sparky out for Pelosi and co.
And release the Jan 6 protesters. Some of them got about 30 or 40 years I think.
I’ve seen some good videos of the liberal meltdowns now. Mostly women who simply don’t seem to comprehend that people might not vote for the same candidate as them.
I’ve even heard more than one of them going on about how ‘democracy has died’.
What, because people democratically elected someone you didn’t vote for?
That’s not how democracy works, cupcake. Some of us vote with our heads, not with misguided ‘feelz’ or what Taylor Swift says.
What you are requesting is a ‘dictatorship’ not any form of democracy.
Btw, if Trump doesn’t do what he promised in 2016, the Republicans will soon be unable to win an election ever again.
If the country becomes flooded with 3rd world immigrants (legal and illegal), then every state will soon resemble California.
And look how the votes go there.
Deport, deport, deport!
Hopefully many in the UK can wake up too, before it’s too late.
Biden’s was 100 % stolen election.
I’m not disagreeing with that statement.
Dodgy as hell.
Lazy – I reckon – on the 20th of January – if it can be done – president trump will sign the pardons of the victims of Obama/biden suffering in federal prisons – it will give the MSM something to moan about – but it will be worth it for the freedom …
And maybe then an inquiry into the complicity of Federal agencies in inciting the crowd …
The missing voters chart is a little bit fake cos the 2024 it shows Harris at 65m but that’s cos the count was incomplete .. she is at 70.35m with 99% of votes counted
Biden got 82m and population has increased so at least 11m switched away from Democrats
Note it doesn’t start at zero, so it does look like a vote double, but Biden was actually a rise from a Democrat base of 65m to 82m
but if that 17m votes is Republicans moving to Democraat you’d expect the Republican vote to be 17m down
but it rose too by 11m
1996 96,389,818
2000 105,594,024 54.3%
2004 122,349,480 .. 60.1%
2008 131,406,895 .. 61.6%
2012 129,139,997 .. 58.0%
2016 136,787,187 … 59.2%
2020 158,481,688 .. 65.9%
2024 PROJECTED to be near 152m but so far is 144m
While the BBC blabbers on with weasel words about some nebulous ‘antisemitism’, here’s a more honest headline about the Isamofascists in Amsterdam.
DE: “Israel sends flights to rescue football fans as pro-Palestine mob rampages.”
pro-Palestine! HA HA HHAHA
These guys?
Labour conference: Members fill hall with Palestinian flags
Published 25 September 2018
The beauty of the almost definitely stolen 2020 election is that Trump’s time would be up now had they not cheated.
But now, they’ve got an alleged vengeful and angry Trump in power for 4 years.
I do hope he doesn’t p….ssy out and goes for absolute revenge on the crooked Dems.
Lazy, I agree with the sentiment but if he goes for absolute revenge, won’t that give ammo to the Left to say, “See? We told you so.”?
Further to my post, I love women and many of them do think before they vote, but I recall a Canadian woman I know telling me why she voted for Trudeau.
‘I like his hair. And he has a nice smile.’ She was deadly serious.
I shit you not.
The latest Justin Trudeau meme is not about his love of pandas, his dance moves or his yoga prowess – it is instead about his bushy eyebrows.
A grainy video of the Canada PM taken at the G7 summit prompted online speculation over the weekend as to whether Mr Trudeau wears fake eyebrows.
His office has yet to release a statement regarding the veracity of his eyebrows.
I know a few women who support Turdeau for his looks.
Also Obama: tall, black, cool and thin – I’ll vote for him!
Sadly, the converse is true of Trump, whom many women find unattractive.
They seem to think an election is a popularity contest where you choose the ‘nice’ guy. But we’re at war; we don’t want ‘nice’. We want realistic, practical, and tough as nails – tough enough to stare down the CCP, Iran, Islam, terrorists, and most of all the huge array of domestic enemies hellbent on thwarting him.
I agree Vlad. In world politics we need a hard nosed business man and not someone who competes with his wife for the bathroom mirror.
Sorry ladies, you are out of luck with Obama.
Aww c’mon you clearly dont know women. We are visual creatures. We don’t see Ed Miliband we see Wallace (& Gromit) or the string cheese man. We don’t see James Cleverly, he’s Popey’s nemesis Bluto. Keir Starmer is Max Headroom. Rory Stewart – pimpley teenager…
Why do you think the Spanish Prime Minister got elected – for the women it wasn’t his politics !!!
@ Brissles
Just a note, CCTV picture of woman involved in another distraction robbery in local paper…might be same one ?
Thanks. Will check it out. Further toxic week – email been hacked too. Hey ho 😞