As the Left goes through the next stages of grief how long will it be before the full on Anti President Trump rituals get going again ?will there be a daily BBC ‘100 days ‘? With a half hour of hate every day ? On the upside we are still witnessing the bewildered group breakdown of the BBC and its’ friends – long may the enjoyment last . Dump the licence …
Weekend 9th November 2024
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And it was a shocker to see Harrison Ford reduce himself to telling people to vote the same way as him, or it’s ‘hate’. All done in his 80s or whatever he is now.
Crikey Harrison, put your feet up by the pool in your mansion, grab a stiff drink and get some boobies in your face.
You might not have too long left.
He was probably normal wen he was a carpenter. Hollywood makes them insane.
These Hollywood “stars” are nowhere near reality and society so they just parrot what they hear at celeb parties and think it’s what everyone else thinks.
Totally stupid people who have sucked off the celeb teat for far too long as it creates their wealth and are blind to the real World.
Radio 4 promoting climate lies from the parasitic blob Octopus.
The Green Deal helps you make energy-saving improvements to your home and to find the best way to pay for them.
The improvements that could save you the most energy depend on your home, but typical examples include:
insulation, such as solid wall, cavity wall or loft insulation
double glazing
renewable energy generation, such as solar panels or heat pumps
If you need help paying for home improvements
You may be able to get a loan through the Green Deal, but you’ll have to pay this back.
Government writes off £1.4bn of PPE from Covid deal
Full Support Healthcare agreed a £1.78bn deal in April 2020 to deliver face masks, respirators, eye protection and aprons – the largest Covid PPE order from a single supplier, accounting for 13% of the government’s total spend.
Government eco-loonery has enriched a bunch of their mates and provided employment of legions of utterly useless twerps in the public sector.
Joe Public?
not so much
Sounds like an offer from a vagrant traveller in a white van with a set of ladders at your front door…
Extra large for the fattie on the left who looks like he enjoys his food.
650 MPS lick their lips!
FOI request for cost of policing palestinian mob in London released:
April 2024 : £3, 018, 713
May 2024 : £2, 670, 591
June 2024 : £1, 835, 455
It’s probably much more than that (we know the Police lie) but send the bill to:
The Muslim Council of Great Britain
Starmer and the Labour Party
Mayor Khunt
Hope Not Hate
Stop the War
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
and 1001 other islamist and terrorist organisations hiding behind charitable front names…
Oh, and the NUS maybe? I’m sure they’re involved.
And let’s not forget the BBC, complicit for stirring up anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred with their 24/7 rolling war-porn news.
Jeeeez. Near Oxford St. Guy just tried to grab my phone as I was on it. His hand was on it. I snatched it back shouted “fk you” and he ran off. Take care out there.
This is so sad to read. First Matty Saddo, now Nicky Don’t Lose That Mobly,
The retort was especially brave.
Nicky Campbell
Nations phone-in on BBC 5 live, Longlostfamily on ITV1. Sunday Times Bestselling author, Ukulelist, Composer – Love all animals and many people.…Joined August 2009
2,490 Following
No description? Mmm, usually means just one thing among beeboids.
They say a conservative is just a liberal who hasn’t been mugged yet, so here’s hoping.
Nicky Campbell saw a hand on his phone & saw the guy run away
but CHOSE to not give any description on Twitter
so people raised the obvious
Campbell replied
but then under pressure from libmob who told him not to talk to “racists” he deleted his attempt at humour
I had a stange day today.
First I found a hat full of money, then I got chased by an angry man with a guitar.
On a more serious note, there was a pro Europe stand in the street, I didn’t take the leaflet they were offering. Maybe I should have just to see what they are up to.
They are obviously becoming emboldened with our new far left fascist government.
And, you couldn’t make it up, not 3 metres away… the inevitable obese romanian Beeg Eeeshu beggar in her headscarf, probably just been dropped off by her gang in their S class Mercedes.
Freedom of movement to beg on our streets.
Always take a leaflet. If nothing else, it costs them a few pennies.
Also it means someone else won’t get brainwashed.
Using my electric abacus just now, I realised that if I can get to aged 90, the result of President Trump rolling up his sleeves to clear the s*** out of Washington, will give a head start to J.D.Vance to take over in 2028, as he’ll only be about 45 years old, and still raring to go! Then he’ll get re-elected for a second term!
That mean the hideous crooked dems will be out until 2036, which should be enough time to get the US back to normal, and also, back in with a normal Conservative/Reform government in place over here, after Labour inevitably end up in oblivion in four years time, and taking the ridiculous Lib Dems with them!
Also, by then the cubiclists will certainly be out of a ‘job’, and the buildings sold, as the new state broadcaster can easily work out of a tin shed in somewhere like Southall, because everything will be online, and nobody will care much for the woke rubbish they spew out!
Actually, by then, the’ll have to be a new word for ‘woke’, but I really can’t be arsed to work out what it will be!
Deffo BBC Head of News material…
Voters were wrong to support Trump. People will tell you this isn’t a helpful thing to say. But our role right now isn’t to be helpful. It is to be truthful
That said, #ccbgb, but the BBC has a higher calling, clearly.
Voting for Corbyn the Antisemitic person was great! HAH HA AHA HAHH AHA HAAH!
“The Big Issue was founded in 1991 with the belief that the key to solving the problem of homelessness lay in offering a way for rough-sleepers to help themselves via earning a legitimate income, instead of begging. This, I believe, is still the commonly understood reason for the magazine’s existence amongst the general public, i.e. that you would purchase something which you would probably not otherwise purchase in order to help a homeless person back on their feet. The Big Issue operated largely in this way for the first decade or two of its existence, but after the enlargement of the EU in the 2000s, large numbers of Roma started to migrate from Eastern Europe to Britain. From 2011 to 2013 a number of articles in publications such as The Times, the Telegraph, the Daily Mail and even the Guardian revealed that a large proportion of Big Issue vendors were now Roma (over half in some areas). The magazines would be collected in bulk by “men in cars” from the Big Issue depots, then distributed to the pitches together with the mostly female vendors who would sell them (the classic vendor profile of a woman in the headscarf and long skirt), who would then be picked up again at the end of the day by the same “men in cars”. This situation was enabled by a change in the Big Issue’s policies, meaning that vendors no longer had to be homeless to sell it. The Roma vendors, whilst undoubtedly operating in an economically marginal position, were not homeless in any commonly understood sense. It was further revealed in reporting that one of the motivations for them to be selling the Big Issue at the time was that it allowed the vendors to register as self-employed, claim certain benefits, and enable their family members to work in Britain. In one especially farcical case, “a woman who set herself up as a consultant to help Roma who wanted to sell the magazine, Lavinia Olmazu, was jailed for helping 172 of her countrymen illegally claim a total of £2.9million in benefits with the help of false documents”.
No more Big Issues for me then. Tbh, never did.
It just keeps getting better and better
Good stuff!
I like the continuing reference to ‘the radical left’…
It has that extra couple of hard syllables which accentuate what we know as just the ‘far left’, and hammers home the sordid title of the warped minds which inhabit that unpleasant area of society!
I don’t remember any Beeboid ever mentioning the term, but I suppose they’re not allowed to utter the words…
A couple of further points on the Amsterdam rampage by islamists (because we all know that’s who it was, except the BBC).
1) I read that ‘taxi drivers’ were involved in corralling some of the Israel fans who were then beaten up. Now, in my part of town, and most towns I’ve been to, taxi drivers are solidly muslim.
2) Mayor Halsema said Dutch counter-terror co-ordinator NCTV “had not flagged any concrete threat about the game itself as there was no animosity between the fans of the two clubs”.
Someone was extremely derelict in their duty. With frequent, violent demonstrations by all sorts of islamofascists and hard-leftists against Israel, they reckoned there was no risk of violence?
Below is a pic of Mayor Femke Halsema. A DEI hire, perchance?
She was a member of the Labour party, then the leftist Green Party. Oh dear. Perhaps she thought it would show prejudice and stereotyping to beef up security. Wouldn’t want to offend the muzzies, would we?
On video:
‘Pathetic’: Top 10 media meltdowns following Trump’s election win, from on-air tears to claims of ‘misogyny’
Liberal media figures called the election results ‘disturbing’ and a ‘referendum on cultural resentment’
Don’t you just love the utta predictability of the National Disgrace?
Return of unpredictable president puts UK defence spending top of agenda
How US election fraud claims changed as Trump won
Again, #ccbgb
This must sting.
Christo X – Most of this article refers to what happened on X. The BBC is now a middleman.
Yes, Guest, as you say, #ccbgb!
Many commneters would do well on our site, as they seem to have the same normality, and despair about the lies and radical left bias spewing from the tax-paid bunch in W1AA!
Next stop on Beeboidland will be CampbellCarrot and Snory Stuart as resident nutters, trying to cobble up some sort of theory to squirm away from this serious breech of trust from the hideous Dems! Perhaps they could invite fellow squirrells like Maitless, and Marr, and get a sort of ‘quorum’!
(or should that be ‘coven’)?
“FEMA official removed from role for directing hurricane relief away from Trump supporters’ homes. The FEMA official instructed workers canvassing Lake Placid in Florida to ‘avoid homes advertising Trump”
Soros DAs suffer 12 big defeats, billionaire’s agenda faces uncertain future.
Of the 25 Soros-linked district attorneys on the ballot, 12 were either defeated or recalled.
Americans are turning the page on the woke left’s approach to crime, if this week’s district attorney elections are anything to go by.
A dozen of the 25 George Soros-linked district attorneys on the ballot this week were defeated or recalled, signaling a backlash against progressive policies that critics say are to blame for a surge in crime across the country in recent years.
Many of the losing Soros candidates were running for office in deep blue jurisdictions and suffered heavy losses despite Vice President Harris clocking up comfortable majorities in those same areas – indicating that a large portion of Democrats are also done with the progressive Left’s soft on crime experiment, according to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, a pro-police non-profit that tracked the 25 races.
Soros, the Hungarian-born left-wing billionaire, runs a dark money web of non-profits that bankroll various candidates around the world who align with his progressive agenda, including his Open Society Foundations. Soros has given over $32 billion to Open Society Foundations since 1984, according to its website.
So Soros won 13 out of 25
That is not good news.
2nd week now of continual fireworks at night this is getting ridiculous, every night since last bloody Friday 1 November..all last night and now a firework display on…9 November, 2 miles away can still hear it banging away all night.
You’re lucky. It started here at least a week before that.
Looking at headphones at the moment, noise cancelling, Bose / Senheiser etc
Can Trump Save America and The West? What Can UK Learn from Trump? + New Tory Leader Kemi Badenoch
From the DT – a tribute the the BBC Muslim pin up girl –
STARTS Mishal Husain said she’d experienced more racism in the past year than at any other point in her career.
The BBC Today presenter also said the summer riots had cast a doubt on her beliefs about Britain.
“This year I think I have felt racism in a way that I probably haven’t at any point in my career before and that’s in this country,” she said at the Charles Wheeler Award ceremony this week.
“That has been hard, and that’s given me pause.”
Ms Husain recalled an interview she gave when starting out on the Today programme, in which she spoke about how she felt Britain was “probably the only country in Europe” where it was possible for her to have reached that point in her career with “a very obviously Muslim name”.
She continued: “But I kind of always felt that the UK was way ahead of so many other countries on that and I don’t feel as sure of that today, especially after this summer, than I have done in the past.”
Ms Husain, who was born in Britain to Pakistani parents, collected an award for Outstanding Contribution to Broadcast Journalism at the event. She began presenting the Today programme in 2013.
‘You have to hold your nerve’
The presenter said she was conscious that compared to other British Muslims she is “incredibly privileged”.
“Many of them are living in the most deprived postcodes in the country, so my life is very different from people with whom I share that aspect of my identity, the way that most live,” she said.
“But if we’re not honest about the way that those things do affect us at times then I think, you know, there’s a, well, it’s just a lack of honesty.”
She said that “you do need to toughen up” and “accept what goes with the territory to some extent” but said there are also times when she has felt “shaken”.
“I’ve been able to pull myself back together, but I think there’s a hard climate personally around,” she added.
In a Q&A event at the award ceremony, Ms Husain also spoke about covering the ongoing Middle East war.
“When you’re in quite a combative moment, you have to hold your nerve. And the only way, the only thing that gives me courage to hold my nerve is when I’m sure enough of my facts, and in the context of the conflict in Gaza at the moment that is made more difficult by not having the access that is normally the case,” she said.
“Even to the hardest of war zones your own colleagues who are, who have been trusted voices in so many different arenas for such a long time who are now in this arena, there’s a whole different level of connection that our audiences have and we are missing that in this context.”
‘I read the comments’
Last month the BBC admitted, after complaints, that Ms Husain had not sufficiently challenged a guest who called Israel a “genocidal regime” during an interview.
“I do generally read the comments and I think that there are times when they make you think about something that you’ve said or done in a way that is important. Sometimes people are sharing their knowledge and you’ll look at who they are and think that is a good point and next time I do an interview on that subject I’m going to think about that.”
Earlier this year an Israeli government spokesperson, David Mencer, accused Ms Husain of pro-Palestinian bias during an interview on Radio 4. In response the BBC said Ms Husain “was asking legitimate and important questions in a professional, fair and courteous manner.”ENDS
you can guess the comments summary – go hope to Pakistan …
“Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report”
Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
** cannot find this story on BBC site
The Republicans now have the Presidency, The Senate, the popular vote, a majority of governors, and are just a few seats away from clinching a majority in the House (of Representatives).
Expect more meltdowns at the BBC as those final results come in.
This represents probably the biggest triumph of any US president in the history of the USA. Any chance the BBC will report it as such?
Don’t make me f*****ing laugh!
BBC verify say they verified that bbc verified is verifiable!
£3.5bn service
digg – No, it’ll be: Dictatorial Trump seizes all the levers of power in his maniacal bid for world domination.
The biggest mistake of the Democrats did was antagonizing Elon Musk
We have a new caring socialist Labour Government right?
So equality of treatment health wise by the state is via the capable NHS right?
So why have the private health company BUPA launched a massive new ad campaign to sign up new users?
This new Government is a complete joke and will probably not last another year.
Clap Harder Comrade and the doctors might hear you!
‘The future belongs to those who turn up for it,’ –
-Mark Steyn.
In Britain, the birth-rate of foreigners greatly outpaces that of the native population
A few more years and the muslim invaders will outnumber and outbreed us. Not even Trump can stop that.
Something that’s been on the cards for years. The white Brits aren’t breeding !
They don’t have multiple wives each for a start, all legally on benefits despite polygamy being illegal in this country.
14 year old girl in Leeds is raped by three men….the Mail tells us they are ‘dark haired and of slim build’…..the BBC doesn’t even tell us that…and you have to dig into the local news pages to find the story……I’m guessing the BBC is thinking what you’re thinking and these may not be ‘local men’….unless Afghanistan [or some such] is now part of Leeds…
I stand to be corrected but isn’t the black female lead in the new Boots Christmas ad, the same one who said the the Royal balcony was hideously white ? Like castor oil, they get everywhere.
Briss, Yes that is her. She said they were too white. Even without knowing that, the add is awful. Santa couldn’t do the job without a black lesbian working behind the scenes seems to be the theme.
I’ve cancelled my plans to buy some new electrical items at Boots this month. Will get them elsewhere.
‘Bridgerton’ Star Adjoa Andoh Is Mrs. Claus in Boots UK’s Christmas Campaign
\\Santa’s a slacker, leaving all the work to Mrs Claus,
who, let’s face it, is stuck in the same old trope of the woman saving the day while the man lazes about.
The ‘werk-shop’ is a weak nod to drag culture trying to cash in on the vibe of 2018 with its ‘elf-fluencers’.
The CGI is quite impressive, but the ad is currently getting dragged online.//
LIz Kershaw slams it
Boots advert nutters
“Did you think it was all him?”
You do know that Christmas is all about HIM … as in CHRIST
… where’s their fun advert that’s mocks Mohammed and Eid ?
Brissles well spotted. We seem to live in an era where Gramsci is blossoming (but it will be a very short flowering season).
As ever vote with your feet!
Such an anti-British advert could only have been dreamt up by retailer and their PR/Ad bunch, who actually haven’t a clue who or what their ‘public’ is these days!
Last year’s Christmas ads were really dire, but this kicks off the season with a real ‘rotten tomato’!
#CCBGB in Liz’s piece, and quite rightly so!
Pakistan railway bomb blast kills at least 25
‘Authorities say at least 25 people have been killed after a bomb exploded at a railway station in Pakistan’s south-western Balochistan province.’
Oh those BBC bombs exploding. They are very bad. Like those cars which killed people by running them over.
You have to read a bit further to discover it was actually a suicide bomber.
And you need to use google to learn it was a Muslim terrorist organisation. Neither fact is mentioned in the BBC article.
The BBC call these savages ‘freedom fighters’ and will not criticise anything they do. Meanwhile a 16 year old boy who downloaded something on the internet without leaving his bedroom will be branded a far-Right terrorist by the BBC in the main headline.
That is how warped the BBC has become.
Lefty Student Radio on Saturday
5:30pm cosy chat with Labour mate Darren Jones, The Chief Secretary to the Treasury charts his rise to the heart of government.
The presenter openly stated that he was avoiding being combative
6:15pm Culture show .. actually a vehicle for our mates to plug their new books and shows
and they always have two black guests on as a form of virtue signalling
The special guest was ???
.. the presenter gushed about how she admired Alastair Campbell and Rory Stuart’s podcast
19:00 Profile of our Labour mate Yvette Cooper
Yep a hagiography featuring clips of lots of other Labour mates
and clips of the 5:30pm interviewer from when he gave her a soft interview
That interviewer is Nick Robinson
I suspect that it is huge gaslighting to claim he is a Tory
My guess he was in the university Tory association , but then when he left he became a Marxist .. I don’t hear him saying anything pro Tory
8pm Discussion panel : our lefty mates : Ash Sarkar, Mona Siddiqui (BBC’s go to Islamic voice, born in Pakistan), Giles Fraser, and righty Ella Whelan
PRESENTER: Michael Buerk also a righty !
The panel grill 4 guests, whose names are not published these days
Oh the 6:15pm show of course features BBC mates
it’s a free advert to help sell their books
This week it was Adrian Chiles
Stew I think that it was allowed to be circulated that he had joined the Young Conservatives – probably pre-university. His mentor and next door neighbour was St Brian of Redhead. The rest is history.
My post above relates to Nick Robinson in StewG’s post.
The sky is falling!!
Emergency Ayahuasca supplies being air dropped?
I really do hope it’s the end of the USA as we know it.
Dr Rachel Levine – an admiral of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

I can’t begin to tell yuu how much I am enjoying watching the BBC squirm as they have to report Trumps landslide victory in the election. It is a complete rejection of the Leftist agenda and a clear mandate for him to clear out the swamp.
They are playing their usual game of reporting what is going on but lacing the whole thing with negativity and slipping in the usual spite whenever they can.
This picture they chose from the thousands available at Getty for example:

Each time I see something like that I think of the BBC activists seething with hate.
And of course no BBC report like this would be complete without a totally pointless one of their God Obama.

Watch how quickly they start accusing Trump of political persecution when he goes after those who tried to destroy him.
Go Trump. They deserve it.
Qatar suspends role as mediator between Israel and Hamas
BBC reason:
The country said it would resume its work when Hamas and Israel “show their willingness” to negotiate.
The actual reason which the BBC refer to very briefly later on then immediately try to cast doubt upon:
‘A US official told The Times of Israel that Hamas’s execution of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin along with five other captives in late August and subsequent rejection of more ceasefire proposals are what led the administration to change its approach regarding the terror group’s continued presence in Doha, deeming it “no longer viable or acceptable.”’
Once again the BBC try to hide the facts about why Israel are fighting. No question at all about whose side they are on.
Too late for this poor victim:
“Ministers to review ‘cancel culture’ trend sweeping campuses after Oxford student, 20, took his own life when ostracised by peers.
Nicholas Graham is writing to the Department for Education over the death of Alexander Rogers, 20, who took his own life when he found himself frozen out by his friends in what appears to be a phenomenon sweeping campuses. The Oxford coroner is highlighting the findings of a serious incident review which found students could ‘rush to judgment without knowledge of all the facts’ and then ‘shun those accused’.
He said the study, carried out by specialist mental health GP Dominique Thompson following Alexander’s death, found ‘this culture had become established and normalised’ both at Oxford and the education sector more widely.
Mr Graham is asking ministers ‘to reflect on the concerns that have arisen in this case and to take those concerns forward’.”
Why was he ostracised ?
He had a consensual relationship with a girl who later told her friends she felt a “bit uncomfortable” about it.
How sick is that?
If nothing else, it proves precisely which is the side full of intolerance and hate.
But of course we knew that already. The BBC demonstrate it every day with their many ways to lie without directly lying.
Donald Trump has vowed to return a bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office as a ‘mark of respect’ to Britain’s great wartime leader.
The bronze bust was removed by ‘woke’ Joe Biden when he defeated Trump in 2020 and was replaced with a bust of Hispanic union leader Cesar Chavez.
The Churchill bust, by English modernist sculptor Sir Jacob Epstein, was a gift from the Wartime Friends of Winston Churchill to President Lyndon B Johnson in 1965. It took pride of place in the Oval Office until 2009 when Barack Obama replaced it with one of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
When Trump beat Hillary Clinton – who ran for the White House after Obama served the maximum two terms in office – in the 2016 election he immediately removed the Martin Luther King bust and restored Churchill ‘to his rightful place.’
Top private school in Oxfordshire to close over Labour’s tax raid.
A prestigious prep school has announced it will be shutting its doors within weeks because of Labour’s tax raid on private schools.
Carrdus School, in Oxfordshire, which is owned by leading girls’ school Tudor Hall, has told devastated parents it will be closing its doors in the spring if it cannot find a buyer.
In a letter to parents, Chair of Governors Alison Darling said falling numbers triggered by the VAT policy plus the extra burden of employers’ national
Insurance announced in the Budget meant Tudor Hall could no longer afford to finance the school.
‘Top private school in Oxfordshire to close over Labour’s tax raid.’
Which is exactly what they want.
could not find school news on bbc…. “Carrdus School in Banbury ”
An independent school in Banbury is likely to close after the Budget “put a great deal of pressure on parents and schools”.
8th November
Private school closes because of Labour VAT and NI tax raids
Budget changes will see the parents of children in private schools pay £2,000 more on average
The first result:
“A caravan of thousands of migrants traveling through Mexico hoping to reach the U.S. had shrunk to about half its original size as many migrants grapple with their prospects following former President Donald Trump’s victory in Tuesday’s election.”
“Shackled and whipped with canes: Israel uncovers ‘thousands of hours’ of sickening footage showing Hamas interrogators torturing innocent Palestinians
The harrowing videos show male prisoners with sacks over their heads, chained to floors and ceilings in painful positions.
Men writhe in agony as they are beaten with sticks on the soles of their feet.
In one distressing clip, a hooded man appears to be screaming and remonstrating with his captor.
The horrifying incidents appear to have been filmed inadvertently by CCTV cameras inside a Hamas military base in northern Gaza raided by Israeli troops earlier this year.
Gay men and adulterers are among those who have been tortured by Hamas, along with political opponents and anyone accused of collaborating with Israel.
A time stamp in the corner of the footage suggests the torture took place between 2018 and 2020.
Often, the guards appear casually at ease, chatting as the abuse unfolds.
One interrogator reclines on a chair, with his arms folded behind his head, in front of a chained-up prisoner hanging from the ceiling by his arms.
Another film features a man, with a red sack over his head, chained up so awkwardly he can just about place one foot on the floor. One captor later appears to brutally choke the man.”
Our mistake was thinking we lived in a better country. I want to assure you that, you, GloboLeftist voter, are perfect and pure. There was in no way a problem with a candidate whose major achievements in life was getting an attendance award and showing up.
While the lies, resentment, racism and misogyny of the Trump campaign were apparent to anyone as pure as we are, I believe that democracy was lost when the majority of Americans chose a competent white convicted felon Hitler who wants to holocaust, um someone over a Black woman. Our mistake was to think that democracy would work when people wanted competency (a dog whistle for white supremacy!) over a diverse POC who could read a teleprompter. And she read so well, at least at an eighth-grade level!
Only we, the GloboLeft, knew where the problems were and wanted to fix them. It is amazing to think that places like could allow unfettered speech that wasn’t controlled, so ideas couldn’t be rigorously vetted by GloboLeftist fact checkers! We knew that toxic masculinity would want sexist things like a “marriage” (code word for establishing a Handmaid’s Tale world!) and family (oppression of women’s right to take jobs to make PowerPoints™ rather than be domestic slaves to their unwanted offspring.
In fact, we know that we should not change. We need to make sure that trans girls can play basketball against other girls, despite being 6’3” and able to bench press 225, since we know that’s no advantage. They dared call us “weather retards” when we want to keep a particular climate that existed between 1895 and 1953 rather than allow dangerous climate change to require us to raise our buildings six centimeters if they’re on the beach!
We let them complain about their housing costs when otherwise strawberries might cost as much as $0.50 more a quart if we didn’t allow Guatemalans to live in four-star hotels in New York.
The media has failed us – they didn’t portray Donald Trump nearly as Hitlerly as we wanted them to, despite showing a Nazi rally that happened only 87 years ago, yesterday, when Donald Trump held a rally in that same place. Which is not at all what Bill Clinton did when he accepted the Democratic nomination, since Bill Clinton is not at all Hitlery. Plus, Russian collusion!
It sticks in my craw that that this affront to democracy happened when a vast majority of Americans voted for someone. That’s not at all our democracy. It’s because the voters are awful who disagree with the GloboLeft. And I certainly think that you should try to get Hondurans deported now that we know LatinX voters are going to turn into Hitler supporters over time.
What is the solution?
It is certainly not to look at our failings and how our message of incompetence and crony capitalism combined with mainly aimless spending coupled with bureaucratic incompetency isn’t right. Our message is right. Every white person is a racist and white women are even misogynist! Imagine that! I imagine they pretend they’re in Margaret Atwood’s glorious non-fiction book, The Handmaid’s Tale, as those strong, virile, white men thrust against them as their hands are bound, and they’re powerless to resist them, finally giving up and giving over to the pleasure . . . oh, I’m sorry. Got lost for a moment. White women are awful. They voted for this.
And, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr! How dare Donald Trump consider replacing Rachel Levine, trans hero and doctor, as a member of our federal bureaucracy. Kennedy, a curse on that hallowed family name, even thinks that the glorious COVID vaccine wasn’t glorious. Even though science says this largely untested vaccine is certainly safer than breathing. Why, Kennedy, with those strong muscles and couldn’t stand for a second in Rachel Levine’s size 18 pumps!
But the worst is Elon Musk. Elon Musk dares to allow people to say almost anything they want to on his hate-filled platform, X. They can show mean pictures of things that aren’t even true, like that squirrel, Peanut, clad in armor and blame what they call an authoritarian state just for serving a search warrant and keeping that horrible man who saved Peanut from a life in a house with people he loved and then, mercifully, euthanized him. I don’t understand it. They don’t even make plate armor for squirrels. And if a squirrel can’t be wild, it must be killed.
Why can’t MAGA understand that?
These are damaged people.
What should we do?
There is no way we should engage, at all, in self-reflection to understand why a vast majority of people in this country didn’t like our message. That majority simply doesn’t understand our democracy.
Also, we should keep looking for the most extreme cases of trans people, like the trans woman who wants to be on the girls’ swim team and let people know how Hitlery they are when they are bigots who don’t want middle-aged men looking at naked young girls in the locker room. This is normal because science from the last six months of human existence says so!
And keep sharing your stories like this one:
I was at a voting location in a deep-red state and a man with a beard covered in tobacco juice was standing behind a woman. She had a black eye. The man was telling the woman, I assume his wife, how to vote. I reported this to the precinct clerk and he just put some tobacco in his lip and said, “This is MAGA country, missy!”
Or this one:
My twelve-year-old daughter came up to me and said, “If only twelve-year-olds could vote, Adolf Drump would never have been elected since we know that the potential impact of tariffs may have an inflationary impact on our economy.” And then everyone in the Starbucks™ clapped.
Things like this don’t sound made up at all, and make us more relatable.
Again, the problem isn’t us and our message being incoherent or directly unconnected with reality. No. It’s someone else. And we’ll be the ones that will have to pick up the pieces, unless they put us in Handmaid’s Tale outfits and, oh, those thrusting hips. Whew. There must be Global Warming because it’s certainly getting hot in here.
“Our mistake was to think we lived in a better country than we do
Americans will be stuck cleaning up after Maga’s destructive streak because men like this never clean up after themselves.”
Joe Biden says wibble!
Sustainable clothing edition
Advice for vaguely right-of-centre newspaper titles on how to top the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s online press line-up…
Go with a nice safe Royal story – or should that be: ‘Smaller R in the royal’ – Prince William wants to do things differently (BBC)
Back on duty… Kate’s smiling return.. ready for royal tour (The Sun)
Brave Kate returns to work (Sunday Express)
One senses there’s something of a pact of self-interest on the part of the Royals here – we’ll cosy up to the Labour regime and pay lip servcie to all the Green guff and the diversity – in return Starmer will go easy on the republicanism. Afterall, we’re all in the public sector blob, doncha know… so you can naff orf…
The total Sovereign Grant for 2022-23, amounted to £86.3 million (2021-22: £86.3 million), which is made up of a core grant of £51.8 million which funds official travel, property maintenance and the operating costs of The Sovereign’s household. (The Royal Family)
Sovereign Grant – that sounds very grand. Didn’t that hefty tranche of taxpayer filthy lucre used to be termed the Civil List?
The Civil List was a list of annual payments from the British government to the royal family to cover their living expenses. It was abolished in 2012 and replaced by the Sovereign Grant, which is the primary source of taxpayer funding for the royal family. – thank you AI Overview.
The Prince of Wales has said he wants to use his royal role differently and make it relevant for a younger generation. (BBC) – here we go… this is like the dread anticipation of watching TV in the run-up to Christmas and hoping to witness traditional images of traditional British people in the corporate adverts…
Boots celebrates the ‘magic of beauty’ with new Christmas advert starring Bridgerton star Adjoa Andoh as Mrs Claus (Mail online) – roll over Raymond Briggs
It’s a sign of his view of modern royalty, and came while speaking to reporters at the end of his trip to South Africa for his Earthshot environmental prize… “And I think we could do with some more empathetic leadership around the world.” The chat was often light hearted – how he was settling into his wardrobe of sustainable clothing, the perils of having a beard when your daughter doesn’t like it and the ‘papa’ bracelet she made for him when he took his children to see Taylor Swift. (BBC)
Ahhh, moving swiftly on, as they say… Taylor Swift…
Welcome to the era of Donald Trump versus Taylor Swift… representing gender battles from opposite ends of the political playing field. (Myra Adams, Opinion Contributor, The Hill)
Don’t Look Back in Anger
Let’s pause for a moment to consider US politics. The Hill professes to be middle of the road politics-wise. Yet this article has the salty taste of liberal tears about it: …then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell used partisan political rationalization to discourage his Senate caucus from achieving the two-thirds vote needed to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial. At that time, McConnell and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) could have drawn up legislation prohibiting Trump from holding future public office. McConnell’s history-altering inaction made Trump’s resurgence possible. (The Hill)
Half the World Away… Stop Crying Your Heart Out…
The second circumstance was Biden’s wrong-headed, ego-driven strategic decision to seek reelection. This prevented a competitive Democratic primary, wherein a stronger candidate could have emerged to contest a then-weak and legally challenged Trump. (The Hill) – versus the weak and politically challenged… Harris?
Rock N Roll Star
Enter Taylor Swift, arguably the most famous star in the world. On Sept. 10, the singer dropped a pop-culture-meets-politics bombshell on her 280 million Instagram followers when she endorsed Kamala Harris, writing, “I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader, and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos.” (The Hill) – because the form of statesmanship we need in the world today comes with the endorsement of some long-legged teenybop stage diva in sparkly undercrackers
one area where Harris did outshine Biden and Trump was with celebrity endorsements. True to form, Trump turned Harris’s star power advantage into a liability when he exclaimed, “We don’t need a star because we have a policy.” (The Hill)
Roll With It
Swift’s endorsement of Harris offered clues about Trump’s victory, downplayed or overlooked by the unabashedly pro-Harris media. On Sept. 19, nine days after her endorsement, a major national poll found that Swift was viewed unfavorably by 60 percent of Republicans but favorably by 70 percent of Democrats. Overall, the singer’s favorable rating was only 44 percent. This implied an endorsement backlash which, in hindsight, presaged Harris’s defeat. (The Hill)
The Guardian thinks it has a spiffing Tory sleaze scoop: Tory ex-energy minister in JCB donation row – but does the climate change alarmist editorial line really want to go there? This sort of exposé could backfire badly: Department for Energy Security and Net Zero was resposible for allocating funding from the Net Zero Hydrogen Fund – expect the new Labour-branded administration to continue the Green gravy train – but just change some terminology – you known, like Civil List to Sovereign Grant – same grift different name.
Oh, and finally, in the traditional funny slot – the pointless propaganda: Russia suffers worst month for casualties, says UK defence chief (BBC) – but they’re winning, right?
I suppose it’s justified to be concerned about climate change if you’re so heavily involved in changing it.
Radio 4 8am news
Rushed past details of Trumps electoral college win
It got about 15 seconds
The went on to two PRasNews items
Some Cereal Palsy event promotion
And promoting the coming MTV Europe awards
..about 1 minute each.
9am news did have a proper report on the election results.
I didn’t hear the two PRasNews items this time.
R4 news went on to report “70% of Gaza dead are women and children”
Hang on
#1 Women can be Hamas terrorists too
#2 Bet definition of children is people under 18 so that includes a lot of terrorist youths too
Since Gaza’s demographics are skewed towards youth.
Also the news is at least 36 hours old
GENEVA, Nov 8 (Reuters) – The U.N. Human Rights Office said on Friday nearly 70% of the fatalities it has verified in the Gaza war were women and children
The 8,119 victims verified is a much lower number than the toll of more than 43,000 provided by Palestinian health authorities for the 13-month-old war
Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
> R4 news went on to report “70% of Gaza dead are women and children”
So what the bBC are saying is that if the dead were 100% men this would be OK.
How does this fit in with the bBC DEI policy?
To coin a phrase from the endless stream of rubbish pop CDs….
(and to encapsulate this grifting, grubby, self serving, greedy champagne socialist government in a nutshell)
“Now THAT’S what I call scum”
“It’s the height of hypocrisy for Angela Rayner to sabotage the policy that helped her move on to and up the housing ladder.”
“Angela Rayner has been accused of hypocrisy over plans to restrict a council home ownership scheme she benefited from. Under proposals expected to be announced by the Housing Secretary, tenants will have to live in their property for up to a decade before they can buy it at a discount. The extension of the period from three years is part of a tightening to Margaret Thatcher’s Right to Buy scheme, which the Deputy Prime Minister will launch a consultation on later this month.
But the Tories said Labour was “pulling up the drawbridge on home ownership” after Ms Rayner bought her council house in Stockport in 2007 following three years’ ownership.”
Ms Rayner, the MP for Ashton-under-Lyne, made an estimated £48,500 profit when she sold her house eight years later.
Labour has said it will reduce the discounts social housing tenants receive under the scheme.
The Housing Secretary also suggested last week that she wants to stop new council homes from being sold under the policy.
“Labour will protect ‘triple-lock’ on state pensions, maintain the Winter Fuel Allowance&free bus passes for pensioners #BattleForNumber10”
(c) Angela Rayner
…………………………………………………….. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL ……………………….
Rayner defends using donor’s New York flat for holiday
LauraK trying very hard to get some very high-ranking Navy bod to say something bad about Trump re the War in Ukraine. Meanwhile it is obvious he can see exactly where she is trying to lead him and refuses to play along maintaining a very professional stance and not playing lefty ball.
Nice to see!
RE Boots advert
The Pro black lobby were desperate to tell us that black people comprise only 3% of the population when it bloody well suites them i.e. talking about deaths in police custody.
Not so much when it comes to adverts and medieval dramas eh ?
is trending on X
Boots… trashy company owned by American Walgreen’s and most notable for selling meal deal sandwiches and fleecing the NHS:
“he owner of Boots has rejected claims it overcharged the NHS for a mouthwash used by cancer patients.
An investigation by the Times, external newspaper said the high street chemist charged the NHS £3,220 for the medicinal mouthwash, which can cost £93.”
The Times reports that specials cost the health service about £75m a year. The NHS in England spends around £16bn a year on drugs.