Jeremy Corbyn: I was present at wreath-laying but don’t think I was involved
This article is more than 6 years old
Labour leader rows with Israeli PM over ceremony for individuals from group behind Munich massacre
The londonistan terrorist attack today wasn’t conducted by an African man screaming Allah Ackbar a couple of minutes after the 2 minutes silence … but that won’t be reported because of a squirrel story …
Please don’t speculate about this Islamic terrorist attack because it never happened ….
Another totally misleading article from the BBC to complement the totally misleading information our own Chief of Defence Staff gave us when talking to the vile Kuenssberg.
The only relevant fact is buried deep in this BBC article:
‘The drone barrages comes as Russian troops reportedly made their largest territorial gains in October since March 2022, according to analysis of Institute for the Study of War data by the AFP news agency.’
Russia’s tactics now are to form a U around an objective where Ukrainian troops are dug in then saturate it with glide bombs. These are far, far more destructive than artillery. Then when there isn’t much left, they assault it and take it.
This is why they are losing so many troops. They are on the offensive and winning. One does wonder how we can be so accurate about Russian casualties but have no information about them from our ‘ally’ Ukraine.
Reading between the lines of what is going on, it looks like the Ukrainian army are not far away from collapsing. What NATO do then is anybody’s guess – but all these statements from our own politicians that Russia cannot be allowed to keep any of the territory they have taken – including the Crimea – will never happen (and they know it) and is killing tens of thousands of Ukrainian men yet will not change the final outcome at all.
Only one thing can do that now. NATO boots. Is Ukraine worth WW3 ?. And will the USA+EU take drastic action to win the prize of Ukraine with all it’s resources and the plentiful ‘lebensraum’ for the future mass immigration of Africans due to climate change before Trump gets in to stop it ?. They will have to go somewhere and it has finally dawned on everyone what they do to a country once they are here.
What do the BBC consider to be the most important things which ‘full control of the house’ enables ?.
‘allowing the ruling party to initiate spending legislation and launch impeachment proceedings.’
They don’t even realise just how obviously desperate they are. It’s pathetic.
By chance I found a Times Radio podcast hosted by none other than Cathy Newman , yes the woman exposed as an idiot by Jordan Peterson years ago.
Anyway she was interviewing An American veteran pollster Lichfield who had predicted a Harris victory. He was warning that Trump was a puppet of billionaires who really ran him behind the scenes. Newman of course didn’t point out that Hilary , Biden and Harris had the support of Gates, Zuckerberg et al and had spent much more campaign money than Trump had. Plus they got free positive media coverage worth billions whereas Trump was mercilessly attacked by the media for 8 years.
In general the Democrat /Globalist alliance are still thrashing around to find an explanation for their heavy defeat. The obvious truth , that given an opportunity voters will reject their agenda , is unacceptable and an alternative explanation must be found.
In my view the key factor is that the influence of the legacy media has hugely diminished over the past 8 years and that it can no longer convince voters that white is black ( is that phrase still allowed) . People are increasingly getting their news and information from other sources and forming their views from ‘long form’ podcasts eg Rogan . The Globalists captured the legacy media years, decades ago and an anti globalist MSM outlet no longer exists. We have just wall to wall globalist propaganda.
The Globalists are trying to undermine these alternative sources by claiming they are fake news or misinformation etc and trying to bring in laws to control the internet content. With Trump in charge this isn’t going to work in the USA but it might elsewhere. But will they really be able to keep the Internet out of people’s lives?
A priority for Trump must be to increase the influence of this type of news/ information provider and further erode the influence of the legacy media.
Of course the Globalists will pile money into these alternative sources , eg The Rest is Politics , with Rory Stewart and Campbell, but there will be a whole spectrum of opinion on offer so people can chose. It will operate just as the free press did decades ago prior to globalist capture.
The good news for us on this site is that these developments will hasten the descent of the BBC into obsolescence and irrelevance . Our job will be done.
Double – do people have regard for pollsters any more ? People don’t tell the truth to them anymore because they know pollsters are lefties . I assume thr thing about ‘billionaires ‘ is a stab at Elon musk . But can Trump of all people in the pocket of anyone ?
Fortunately for us as the bbc gets more desperate to get the ‘approved message ‘ across the more people are switching it off and more importantly dumping the licence .
The victory of Trump in the US is being so celebrated because the alternative was a woke dark age and eternal fixed elections . At least there will be some freedom there and they’ll be looking at the repression being inflicted here …
I remember listening to a bit of Times radio on election night and there was a conversation with some ‘expert’ or other convinced that Harris would win. He seemed so sure.
How are these people so sure about something that gets proved they know nothing about?
I listened to Times Radio on this morning’s commute.
What an utter pile of shite.
Lies, omission and exaggeration – nothing straight – putting words into people’s mouths and using fantasically slanted / skewed language – so bad it was a bit mesmerising / compelling listening.
I didn’t realise that David Lammy was susch a bosom buddy of JD Vance !
Utter trash
They actually ran a promo for Dale effin Vince too.
BBC news – they really are in favour of killing the old ( assisted dying ) with biased reporting about ‘assurances ‘ being given that it won’t lead to routine suicide – which it will . You can always tell when the BBC approves of something – there is never a contrary view . They know BBCOFCOM won’t touch it – it’s not the hated gutted GBNews ….
“Archbishop of Canterbury rejects calls for him to resign over child abuse ‘failings’”
I cannot find anything on the webshite at the moment and my three days of schadenfreude listening to the Toady programme are over. Is this because they are conflicted by their years with Saville, or that the bBC do not criticise an Archmarxist?
BBC reports our Great leader is off to France again to conspire with macron to ‘deal with ‘ President Trump . They are assuming Trump will stop throwing dollars into Ukrainian Swiss bank accounts and require Europe to do it .
Which is where the crunch comes . Ukraine is a long way away and spouting about ‘freedom’ costs money because war is expensive . So cut the losses – do a deal – or let the countries nearest to Ukraine pay for it .
“Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer will join French President Emmanuel Macron for Armistice Day events in Paris on Monday morning, with the two men set to hold talks on European security and the likely IMPACT of a second Trump presidency in the US”
Usual news blackout about killings in londonistan on Sunday . Don’t speculate – but just wonder why the public isn’t being told anything …. Maybe it’s Dutch men on scooters again ….
Amol having a nice chat with someone called Giles Fraser over some c of e type with a fascination for masturbatinv young men ‘ ( gulp – bit much for 0740) Giles went on and on bashing the archbishop about some pervert hiding in his ‘church ‘… apparently Welty covered it up …and there is a call for him to ‘go’ …
It was all blah blah . No mention of God – no mention of Jesus – no mention of religion …. Just sex and sex … devil will be happy ….
Btw – ‘today ‘ sounds so deflated now – the BBC Counsellors must be fully booked well into 2025 …
The BBC has no interest in religion (other than islam).
Only the more salacious aspects.
But it’s good that they’re highlighting this particular story, which hopefully might force the ghastly useless woke Welby to resign.
Of course his successor will probably be just as bad, as the C of E slowly dies.
….on the other hand, another potential nail in the coffin for the gutless spineless multiculti lefty Welby, who knew about the ‘Jimmy Savile’ of the CofE and did f*** all about it, in his seemingly ongoing aim to close every church in the country.
If you recall it was Giles Fraser who was in charge of St Paul’s Cathedral when all those Occupy London lot were encamped outside. Blimey, it went on for ages.
Giles is the typical, lefty Radio 4 man. He has all the fashionable views on race, climate and Donald Trump. Well entrenched in the church…probably an atheist…
I have to say, following your observations about these perv’s in the C of E, masturbating young boys…and him “bashing the archbishop”, did afford me a chuckle.
Back in the sixties, when Private Eye used to publish news cuttings from the papers that had double meanings, or rude spelling mistakes, I found one in my newspaper with the headline describing – I think – an avant garde production in St Paul’s which touched on the soft porn or similar/worse! There was uproar from the stuffy press and down-your-nosery from the prudes everywhere! The Met got involved too!
The headline said: –
“Bishop charged after St Paul’s rumpus”, which had me in fits, imagining a senior man of the cloth belting around in all directions, chasing the worthy saint’s bum!
I was working in London at the time, and even went to PE’s office in Greek Street to give the cutting to Richard Ingrams, but he never published it!
For every battery being charged, two electricities-worth of battery charging energy is going up in hot steam at the gas/biomass/nuclear cooling tower of a power station. See the Carnot cycle for more details.
They’d have had a job running the trains this last ten days, there’s been absolutely no wind whatsoever down here!
Someone really should be taking Miliband out and giving him a bloody good hiding for absolutely screwing the nation for his manic bid for what he calls ‘renewables’! The stupid man doesn’t even understand the word, as Sluffy says below!
He really is a danger to our national energy security, and is giving money we have to borrow to other countries, to do the same!
It’s commercial suicide, and TTK has to sack him immediately, before he does any more harm!
Surely tidal energy is the most reliable renewable energy source because the oceans never sleep.
They say that the initial outlay is too costly. So what? Get the global Socialist billionaires to finance it.
COP 24.
The repulsive ‘aloc Sharma ‘ – the Tory energy minister who blew up the coal power stations – going on about Green crap .
Fortunately thr big countries are not doing the cop crap so it’s just an opportunity for the likes of him to get his snout in the trough …
And with a bit of luck president trump will dump thr Green crap in 71 days ,,,,,
Footage of Biden stumbling along a beach in the US . Loss of balance is a sign of dementia – he looks like he is going to need a frame soon . ….. but at least his days of failing to read a teleprompter are over …..
that he (Joe) perked up astoundingly when Harris lost is curious ….. Some US commentators are likening him to a certain Mr Fetterman who suddenly recovered some marbles when his nasty wife was out of the loop….
Other things noticed over the weekend – I suspect that Trump supporting commentators are being subjected to electronic warfare tactics – several conservative commentators that I regularly visit had severe streaming problems over the weekend while insane DNC inspired kerrapp came through loud and clear.
Has anybody seen anything about why Twitter / X embeds are currently broken here ? – anybody done any testing?
Tomo – I saw that mr fetterman got re elected – presumably no voter ID .
It would be logical for Silicon Valley to seek revenge…
I saw the Biden speech after Harris lost – I thought they’d overdone the meds …
Elsewhere – John Harris Has a column in the Guardisn mentioning that a lot of people don’t like ‘the left ‘… but then wanders off . He replaces ‘left ‘ with ‘ progressive ‘ which is a more common word in the body politic I think – and used to conceal the drive to take our freedoms and money…
Clearly Ms Harris doesn’t get it – or chooses not to – but he lives in the group think bubble so never will get it – unless he grows up of course ….
I now prefer to call them the ‘radical left’, like sort of students we get in Beeboidland with boring repetition, squealing about everything they haven’t a clue about, but expect the private sector to support them!
The words ‘radical left’ sum up khaki tee-shirts, Che Guevara motifs, greasy hair and general unkemptness, which all fit the rabble in the HoC now, as they’re only a bit older, but certainly not wiser.
We learn this morning that Mr Starmer and that great “giant” of euro politics President micron of France will meet and discuss events and The Ukraine today.
How will they control the new President Trump? the BBC are awash with the notion that “Donald ” is a loose cannon and will mess things up. Sadly for the BBC the “government” through Mr Healy , apparently a defence minister, says it was good that Trump told Putin not to escalate the war ( BBC will have to focus hard to make that sound bad for Donald)
However , one subject will not be mentioned, at least not in public, an independent report , just weeks old, which shows how France and the EU generally are funding Putin with their increased purchase of LNG and of course Oil , albeit often through the middle man India. (Sales are massive! AND increasing)
Those who imagine that sanctions are stopping this trade are as daft as Harris voters and the media clearly don’t want to talk about it either, it really doesn’t fit the agenda. EU supporting Putin’s death and destruction.
Long live the free press.blah..blah..if only it had something to say.
France and the EU generally are funding Putin with their increased purchase of LNG
Ah, but Ursula van Undress or whatever her name is, the Girl Boss of the EU, has the answer to that. She is urging EU states to stop buying Russian LNG and instead only purchase American LNG. There are several ‘advantages’:
1. American LNG is only four times the price of Russian LNG, meaning it is a great bargain and will make lots of money for American energy companies.
2. The much higher energy costs will make European industry hopelessly uncompetitive, meaning American industry can sweep the board.
3. It makes Europe even more dependent on the USA, thereby reducing its scope for doing things that the Americans and globalists don’t like.
Go on then, I’ll click to find out how..
Did the giant doll spin around and catch him clean on the chops with her arm?
Of course being the hopeless BBC at the end of the article the reader is no wiser.
Just, “the directors teeth are aching again.”
We’re told “Hwang is even more pessimistic about the state of the world.. He points to current wars, climate change ..” 🥱
“They paid him a modest upfront amount, leaving him unable to cash in on the whopping £650m it is estimated to have made the platform.”
Modest as in what amount ?
Would netflix have charged him had they lost money.
The marvelously non-diverse cast goes unnoticed by the BBC..
When der sturmer is finished his day out with his euromates he could save a little money by using the French shuttle service (free) which is getting all the doctors and engineers up to their embarkation points on the coast.
He could even catch one of the daily dinghies over to the collection point a few miles off the French coast although at £5,000 a pop it’s probably cheaper to use the tunnel.
Only the doctors and rocket scientists can afford those prices.
Does anyone else find the sight of Starmer scuttling to Paris to remember armistice day preening with Macron a bit of a slap in the face for the population of the UK?
I’m sure there is a longer term plan which entails the UK once more falling into line with the globalists in the EU and that this is the opening gambit.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
The other thing I notice about the Starmer-Macron love-in is that when you watch the footage everyone seems to be invited guests, not much sign of “Pierre Public” at all. The only reason I can think of is that Paris has a high level of recent “Citizens” who might try to disrupt things to some extent so best to keep it just for the annointed to avoid any embarrassing rioting, explosions, murders etc…. After all we can’t have one of the major EU nations looking a bit ragged can we?
Oh and as for the photo-op of the two serious looking leaders sharing a short ride in what appeared to be an oversize military jeep, in a previous time this has happened in the Champs, it was a bunch of military vehicles manned by another now EU bunch who were not there to celebrate the entente cordial….
It’s COP29 in Baku
Justin Rowlatt will be creaming his undies.
I heard some bod state this was an opportunity for the UK to ‘show a lead’. TTK will be there and Ed Millipede must be also creaming himself.
‘Show a lead’. Is that showing a lead in trashing the economy? Pushing up business costs? Pushing up electricity costs for all residents? Becoming internationally uncompetitive? Giving the likes of India and China a free ticket? A lead in hypocrisy by offshoring energy usage so green fanatics can feel virtuous? A lead in being unable to cover our own electricity needs and reliant on imports through the interconnectors?
I think we should be told.
PS Wind delivered a magnificent 12% contribution to electricity production for the whole of the past week. Luckily we put on the gas central heating.
Looking at the football results this past weekend, let’s see how the BBC’s aim to give parity and equality between women’s and men’s football is going out there in the real world.
Men’s premier league
Manchester United 3 Leicester City 0. Attendance 73,829.
Women’s super league
Manchester United 0 Aston Villa 0. Attendance 3,833.
General public conclusion. They are not equal.
BBC bubble world conclusion. 95% of football fans are sexist.
And it’s £38-£60 for a ticket to mens’ game. £6-£12 for womens’ game.
Plus probably lots of free tickets to local schools etc for womens’ game.
How many would go if it cost £50 for women?
The Welsh Government is ploughing on with its taxpayer-funded “Anti-racist Wales Action Plan,” which it says is a “transformational path toward creating an anti-racist Wales by 2030.” Whatever that means…
BBC has finally caught up on the Archmarxist story:
“Welby faces pressure to resign over Church abuse scandal”
Not an easy one for the bBC to cover, then in the text you see a touch of blue on blue:
“Anglican priest Giles Fraser told the BBC the Most Rev Justin Welby had “lost the confidence of his clergy” and his position was untenable.”
Fraser has been a long standing bBC pin up. He is in the mould of Welby and it is very difficult to establish whether he is a politician or a man of the cloth. What a dilemma for the bBC.
“The move ends an embarrassing situation for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who last year pledged to try to put Wonga out of business by helping credit unions compete with it.
Oops – BBC has it in for the C of E – Justin welby – the Muslim religious editor – alli mcbeal – seems to have legitimate standing over reporting Christian stuff – to quote father ted – it would be an ecumenical matter …
I understand Charles Windsor is the head of the c of e so he ll probably appoint a Muslim as head of the c of e…
Good news keeps pouring in from all directions.
As if ugly leftist feminazi wimmin withholding sex wasn’t good enough, now we learn that leftist YouTube commentators are haemorrhaging viewers as subscribers cancel in their droves.
Why? Because they’re starting to realise they’ve been lied to for decades.
They are waking up from the Matrix, they are getting red-pilled to reality.
Hopefully, this awakening will spread across the pond, and normie Brits will cancel the biggest gaslighter of all: the BBC.
This little commie lost 10,000 subscribers overnight, and he can’t understand why, boo-hoo. 🙂
If an enricher brought his 9 year old wife into the UK and was ‘sleeping’ with her would he be breaking the law and charged.
If not, could ‘our’ pedo’s (or perhaps a new British citizen) go there and marry a 9 year old girl to bring back here and carry on ‘sleeping’ with her?
Both would be legally married so would our law apply to both of them.
Lots of loopholes to be exploited.
Any person may be forced into marriage – this includes people
of all ages, genders, ethnicities and religions.
A forced marriage is where one or both people do not or cannot consent to the marriage and pressure or abuse is used to force them into the marriage. It is also when anything is done to make someone marry before they turn 18, even if there is no pressure or abuse.
Forced marriage is illegal in the UK. It is a form of domestic abuse and a serious abuse of human rights.
The use of Sharia, or Islamic religious law, is growing in Britain, with thousands of Muslims using it to settle disputes each year, but women’s groups and some others are objecting.
“In sharp contrast to the fears voiced in Europe about Donald Trump’s famous unpredictability, Gulf Arab countries tend to view him as a force for stability.”
Sharp contrast and fears voiced – by? Oww yes you bbc
MSM have a deep foreboding of a totalitarian hellscape regarding Trump’s victory. No such worries over our election… a pundit on R5 just said of Starmer that UK voters have “innate sympathy” that govs need time to effect change. “We did have quite a lot of promises from the Labour party before the election and I think people will be waiting to see those come good quite soon…”
In BBCLand there’s ample patience and understanding for the right sort of ideologues… otherwise it’s anxiety attacks two months before someone’s even taken office.
Sir Keir Starmer pledges to ‘tread more lightly’ on lives of voters
The Prime Minister wants to deliver a government guided by policy, pragmatism and ‘service’, rather than ideology
Interesting thought; Joe will, of course, pardon Hunter as apparently retiring Presidents are allowed to do. But surely, to be pardoned one has to be guilty. I believe he’s pleaded guilty to gun charges but going by what was found on THAT laptop (the “Russian Disinformation”, one, copyright FBI lol) there is the potential for many more charges to be brought later on if Trump so wished.
1. Major questions raised about the president’s memory
2. Biden stored classified documents next to a dog bed
3. Biden thought Obama was making a major mistake with Afghanistan surge
4. Contrast drawn with evasive Trump
5. It was reasonable for Biden to keep some classified diaries
5. It was reasonable for Biden to keep some classified diaries
Hey StewGreen, you think i was wrong to mock the libtard relative of Kamala who had a mental breakdown over the Trump win?
Well, get ready to be shocked: I’m now laughing my ass off at this other libtard who murdered his whole family and then killed himself for fear of what the fascist Trump would do to them.
I say Good. Natural Selection weeding out the imbeciles.
And you know who I blame? The Dems, wokies and liberals who so demonised Trump that some gullible morons preferred death to Orange Man.
Question 1: Which is the best and most inclusive way to address a group of people?
Answer: a. The best and most inclusive way to address a group of people is using terms like “folks” or “everyone” that are gender neutral. This is inclusive of the diversity of gender identities that do exist.
Sharing your pronouns with other people lets them know how to refer to you. It also helps to create a culture that is more inclusive and acknowledges the diversity of gender identities that exist, and doesn’t assume people’s pronouns.
Didn’t he also more or less say, “We should give the Falklands to the Argies.”
I find it absolutely disgraceful that he has a big fat pension and millions in the bank for being nothing short of a traitor to this country and his people (opinion not fact).
He should count his lucky stars that someone like me isn’t in power. He’d be stripped of his pension, his assets and be up in my kangaro court by teatime, then quickly thrown into a cell for the rest of his miserable life.
Corbyn’s £3m in pay and perks… just for being an MP: Labour leader due to pocket £50,000 a year pension when he leaves Parliament
Official records suggest Mr Corbyn has been paid £1.5 million since 1983
His pension pot is estimated at £1.6 million – £50,000 a year when he retires
Mr Corbyn’s tax return showed he declared outside earnings of £1,850
Boris Johnson paid nearly £1m tax on earnings of £2m over four years
For more of the latest Labour news visit
Published: 01:04, 14 April 2016 | Updated: 12:42, 14 April 2016
Dear sir
60% of Chinese electricity generation is from coal.
Although this percentage is declining, the rate of total generation is increasing by around 6% per year, so the need for coal power stations is continuing to increase.
Therefore if the entire UK population slept in muds huts, with no heating or lighting, and all forms of motorised transport were banned, it would not make the slightest difference to global CO2 production as in a matter of weeks, our reduction would be swallowed up by China’s growth. Your policies are therefore impoverishing all your citizens, who are not part of the government climate change agenda, to no effect other than to satisfy your own ego and those of your fellow eco-fanatics.
Positive Impact Development Community Interest Company
Project costs, equipment and facilities, Birmingham
This grant will allow young people in areas of poverty to take part in more weekly sports and gardening activities. The intended outcomes are to develop confidence and encourage positive relationships between young people and trusted adults.
As Der Starmer was poncing around in gay Paris with his boyfriend Macron spare a thought for a poor victim back in our leaders capital city – Londonistan.
A man cried out as he lay dying:
‘I’m gone, it’s the end of my life’
But I am sure our Fuhrer had more important things to discuss such as how to increase the number of illegal invaders coming into the UK and Macron would be only too happy to assist.
More of those pesky mental health issues I see. Odd how often these mentalists seem to agree that their god is the greatest. Is that how we establish mental illness nowadays?
TWatO Watch #1 – really BBC, can I believe you when WW2 in Europe was still going on?
BBC 1 p.m. News: Keir Starmer was the first UK PM to go to Paris to commemorate Remembrance Day since 1944. There is of course a time gap of almost three months from late August 1944 to 11 November 1944 but I question whether Winston Churchill would have gone to Paris when there was a chance that a German sniper or three might be infiltrated to Paris. German snipers (according to Wiki – yes, I know, may be unreliable) were operating in Paris on 23 August.
Personally, I think Winston Churchill would have waited for V-E Day in May 1945. The UKG-E was in July 1945 when Clement Attlee was elected for the Labour Party. Can I trust the BBC’s word on this? Old Winnie was made of pretty stern stuff. He had to be to deal with the Civil Service and assorted Military Chiefs, so maybe, after all, he did go to Paris for 11 November 1944. He would have stood alongside Charles de Gaulle who Britain provided refuge for during WW2.
Illegal border crossings surged under the Biden administration, with nearly 3 million in fiscal year 2024, according to Homeland Security’s website. There have been more than 10.8 million illegal encounters since FY 2021.
“Former ICE Director Tom Homan ‘honored’ to be appointed Trump’s border czar: ‘We have to fix it'”
A friend sent me an email about the attack in Amsterdam last week – and not exactly what was reported in the MSM. There is no mention of a Palestinian flag being torn down before the match but that the authorities knew it was going to happen.
What I post below is just a short extract.
There are a number of factors that make this situation exceedingly disturbing:
[] Information about the planned attack had reached Israeli security authorities before the event. They then notified Dutch authorities and requested that there be a significant reinforcement of police in place by 7 PM. The request was ignored.
[] In fact, police were slow in responding when the violence began. According to one Israeli who was on the scene, “The police were not present at the conclusion of the games, and Muslims were waiting near train stations for Israeli fans and followed them. The police only started to intervene after about half an hour to 45 minutes into the attacks, after the attackers threw firecrackers at people and into buildings.” (Emphasis added)
[] According to outraged Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders, writing on X Saturday, “Amsterdam Police just confirmed that NO ONE has been arrested during the Islamic Jew-hunt in Amsterdam Thursday night. All arrests have been made before and during the soccer match [when there were some clashes that resulted in injuries] and NOT during the pogrom.” (Emphasis added)
[] About a month ago, a report surfaced that Dutch police were allowing officers to refuse to protect Jewish institutions. “We take moral objections into account when creating schedules,” said police spokeswoman Mireille Beentjes.
Consider the shocking implications of this: “Among the sites some officers refused to be stationed near is the Dutch National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam.” Moral objections to protecting a Holocaust museum!!
What we are seeing then, clearly, is not “just” anti-Semitic rioting by Muslim immigrants. We are seeing official indifference to providing protection for Jews.
This is from a Dutch Jew, speaking after rioters tore down the Israeli flag he flew outside his home and burned it (emphasis added):
“Things have been taking a turn the past year though. Antisemitism has been getting worse, and it feels like it isn’t an ‘isolated incident here and there’ anymore, as many people often like to say. It is everywhere. You can feel it. My wife is Israeli, and she always looks around before speaking Hebrew to our little daughter in public. That is the point it has come to…
“I feel sad, scared, angry and resentful. So many emotions, all at the same time.
“…I don’t feel like the government is taking their job to protect us seriously. We’re just Jews after all, right? …The mayor does nothing of substance to protect us. It is infuriating.”
“…I don’t feel like the government is taking their job to protect us seriously. We’re just Jews after all, right? …The mayor does nothing of substance to protect us. It is infuriating.”
The Dutch have proud tradition of persecuting Jews . I remember seeing a documentary of how thr Dutch civil service / police enthusiastically helped the Germans purge Holland of Jews – sending them ‘east ‘… looks like things don’t change .
Also seems that Israel has to provide its’ own security and the woke anti Israel euro countries can’t be trusted – including – of course – Britain … boys on scooters …
“Some of the world’s most prominent leaders’ movements were tracked online through a fitness app used by their bodyguards, an investigation has suggested”
This grant will fund creative workshops and local research, supporting the local council’s mental health strategy through a racial justice lens. This will enable black children to engage in research and inform trauma work.
A little green – net – zero fiasco that will certainly not attract any attention from the greenies at the BBC despite multiple local authorities and huge amounts of lost taxpayer cash being involved.
“APSE is a non-profit organisation that advises members on how to improve public services. It also has clients in the private sector, such as Rockfire Capital. It valued the 32 solar farms for the company in October 2017. At that time it said they were worth £542m.
When Kavanagh later asked Thurrock to increase its investment in November 2018, APSE produced a second valuation. This time it said the sites were worth £124m more than they were a year earlier. Based on this valuation, Thurrock also made multi-million top ups in 2019 and 2020. In total, the council increased its investment in the farms by £130m on the basis of APSE’s 2018 valuation.”
Thurrock would ultimately invest in 53 sites owned by Kavanagh. When they were eventually sold in January this year, the approximate losses for the taxpayer were £200m.
It’s a great day – our great leader is rubbing shoulders with the chief surrender monkey -the French head of state no less —- surely – then a job for the king – not our great leader .
Next he is off to the COP show where he and macron will strut their stuff because no one important is going …. Apart from that loopy rowlat character …
Btw – the killings of Sunday have disappeared without trace – suggesting the killers are foreigners / coloured or both ….but please don’t speculate – with that to me (joke )
The news updates of an attempted murder of a girl by 6 of her friends in East Yorkshire a couple of weeks ago has disappeared from the ether. One of the children was arrested and local information is that she was out camping. I cannot understand why a 13 year old girl was out camping with a mixed group of 13 to 16 year olds (Duke of Edinburgh Award children perhaps?), but the story has gone awfully quiet.
The longer it’s quiet the greater the suspicion that the authorities are covering up. Of course after Southport and their illegal crackdown this government has much to be concerned about. The fuse is fizzing , the bomb could go off at anytime.
Deb “Nov 4
COURTS: A boy aged 14 has appeared in court charged with attempted murder and possession of a Samurai sword after a 13-year-old girl was stabbed. Neither can be identified for legal reasons”
Of course new is quite after a minor has been charged.
Welby loves to apologise for everything that has nothing to do with him (slavery, colonialism, bla bla) but when it comes to a massive child abuse case and cover-up BY HIM, no resignation and not even an apology.
In the first couple of minutes of the clip below, Talk TV offers a sample of Welby’s woke, leftist meddling in all sorts of issues that are not his business.
EU, immigration, Brexit, Rwanda, climate change…
Resign now, you clown.
Welby is Islamophobic …. “Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values”
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
In 1984 he became treasurer of the oil exploration group Enterprise Oil plc in London, where he was mainly concerned with West African and North Sea oil projects. He retired from his executive position in 1989 and said that he sensed a calling from God to be ordained.
Gary Lineker says he is in Qatar to “report, not support” the World Cup and will discuss the issues surrounding the “tainted” tournament on air. The host nation has been criticised for its stance on same-sex relationships, its human rights record and treatment of migrant workers.18 Nov 2022
Speaking to BBC sports editor Dan Roan, Match of the Day presenter Lineker said: “There are significant issues around this World Cup, obviously with human rights issues, what has happened with the building of the stadiums and workers’ rights and homophobia and various things they have here.
“I am accustomed to it as I’ve spent most of my life in the build-up to World Cups talking about issues other than football, but when the football starts you tend to stop talking about it. But that is how sportswashing works so you have to be careful.”
Gary Lineker pocketed a whopping £1.6million working for Qatar’s state broadcaster as he fronted Champions League coverage over four years
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
Should I put up a special thread about the loss of a football presenter from the BBC . Set up one of those apps counting down the days -a special programme devoted to Gary – but like the one for saville ?
A food industry award for selling fried potato’s ?
Is Jermaine in the frame ? Or a coloured girl who has done nothing ?
I struggle a bit with this one.
Where would they have put the beds?
In our local hospital not even the corridors are suitable- they’re full of A and E patients.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Jeremy Corbyn: I was present at wreath-laying but don’t think I was involved
This article is more than 6 years old
Labour leader rows with Israeli PM over ceremony for individuals from group behind Munich massacre
The londonistan terrorist attack today wasn’t conducted by an African man screaming Allah Ackbar a couple of minutes after the 2 minutes silence … but that won’t be reported because of a squirrel story …
Please don’t speculate about this Islamic terrorist attack because it never happened ….
Moscow targeted as Ukraine and Russia trade huge drone attacks
Another totally misleading article from the BBC to complement the totally misleading information our own Chief of Defence Staff gave us when talking to the vile Kuenssberg.
The only relevant fact is buried deep in this BBC article:
‘The drone barrages comes as Russian troops reportedly made their largest territorial gains in October since March 2022, according to analysis of Institute for the Study of War data by the AFP news agency.’
Russia’s tactics now are to form a U around an objective where Ukrainian troops are dug in then saturate it with glide bombs. These are far, far more destructive than artillery. Then when there isn’t much left, they assault it and take it.
This is why they are losing so many troops. They are on the offensive and winning. One does wonder how we can be so accurate about Russian casualties but have no information about them from our ‘ally’ Ukraine.
Reading between the lines of what is going on, it looks like the Ukrainian army are not far away from collapsing. What NATO do then is anybody’s guess – but all these statements from our own politicians that Russia cannot be allowed to keep any of the territory they have taken – including the Crimea – will never happen (and they know it) and is killing tens of thousands of Ukrainian men yet will not change the final outcome at all.
Only one thing can do that now. NATO boots. Is Ukraine worth WW3 ?. And will the USA+EU take drastic action to win the prize of Ukraine with all it’s resources and the plentiful ‘lebensraum’ for the future mass immigration of Africans due to climate change before Trump gets in to stop it ?. They will have to go somewhere and it has finally dawned on everyone what they do to a country once they are here.
Trump allies back Senate leader contender, while House control hangs in the balance
What do the BBC consider to be the most important things which ‘full control of the house’ enables ?.
‘allowing the ruling party to initiate spending legislation and launch impeachment proceedings.’
They don’t even realise just how obviously desperate they are. It’s pathetic.
Like PM Keir Starmer getting power to lock anyone up and free prisoners!
Mitch McConnell is trying to do down the Trump crew – secret votes etc., etc
The DC swamp is going to fight as dirty as they can – the election was only the start….
By chance I found a Times Radio podcast hosted by none other than Cathy Newman , yes the woman exposed as an idiot by Jordan Peterson years ago.
Anyway she was interviewing An American veteran pollster Lichfield who had predicted a Harris victory. He was warning that Trump was a puppet of billionaires who really ran him behind the scenes. Newman of course didn’t point out that Hilary , Biden and Harris had the support of Gates, Zuckerberg et al and had spent much more campaign money than Trump had. Plus they got free positive media coverage worth billions whereas Trump was mercilessly attacked by the media for 8 years.
In general the Democrat /Globalist alliance are still thrashing around to find an explanation for their heavy defeat. The obvious truth , that given an opportunity voters will reject their agenda , is unacceptable and an alternative explanation must be found.
In my view the key factor is that the influence of the legacy media has hugely diminished over the past 8 years and that it can no longer convince voters that white is black ( is that phrase still allowed) . People are increasingly getting their news and information from other sources and forming their views from ‘long form’ podcasts eg Rogan . The Globalists captured the legacy media years, decades ago and an anti globalist MSM outlet no longer exists. We have just wall to wall globalist propaganda.
The Globalists are trying to undermine these alternative sources by claiming they are fake news or misinformation etc and trying to bring in laws to control the internet content. With Trump in charge this isn’t going to work in the USA but it might elsewhere. But will they really be able to keep the Internet out of people’s lives?
A priority for Trump must be to increase the influence of this type of news/ information provider and further erode the influence of the legacy media.
Of course the Globalists will pile money into these alternative sources , eg The Rest is Politics , with Rory Stewart and Campbell, but there will be a whole spectrum of opinion on offer so people can chose. It will operate just as the free press did decades ago prior to globalist capture.
The good news for us on this site is that these developments will hasten the descent of the BBC into obsolescence and irrelevance . Our job will be done.
Double – do people have regard for pollsters any more ? People don’t tell the truth to them anymore because they know pollsters are lefties . I assume thr thing about ‘billionaires ‘ is a stab at Elon musk . But can Trump of all people in the pocket of anyone ?
Fortunately for us as the bbc gets more desperate to get the ‘approved message ‘ across the more people are switching it off and more importantly dumping the licence .
The victory of Trump in the US is being so celebrated because the alternative was a woke dark age and eternal fixed elections . At least there will be some freedom there and they’ll be looking at the repression being inflicted here …
I remember listening to a bit of Times radio on election night and there was a conversation with some ‘expert’ or other convinced that Harris would win. He seemed so sure.
How are these people so sure about something that gets proved they know nothing about?
I listened to Times Radio on this morning’s commute.
What an utter pile of shite.
Lies, omission and exaggeration – nothing straight – putting words into people’s mouths and using fantasically slanted / skewed language – so bad it was a bit mesmerising / compelling listening.
I didn’t realise that David Lammy was susch a bosom buddy of JD Vance !
Utter trash
They actually ran a promo for Dale effin Vince too.
BBC news – they really are in favour of killing the old ( assisted dying ) with biased reporting about ‘assurances ‘ being given that it won’t lead to routine suicide – which it will . You can always tell when the BBC approves of something – there is never a contrary view . They know BBCOFCOM won’t touch it – it’s not the hated gutted GBNews ….
DT headline:
“Archbishop of Canterbury rejects calls for him to resign over child abuse ‘failings’”
I cannot find anything on the webshite at the moment and my three days of schadenfreude listening to the Toady programme are over. Is this because they are conflicted by their years with Saville, or that the bBC do not criticise an Archmarxist?
BBC reports our Great leader is off to France again to conspire with macron to ‘deal with ‘ President Trump . They are assuming Trump will stop throwing dollars into Ukrainian Swiss bank accounts and require Europe to do it .
Which is where the crunch comes . Ukraine is a long way away and spouting about ‘freedom’ costs money because war is expensive . So cut the losses – do a deal – or let the countries nearest to Ukraine pay for it .
“Belarus Is Weaponizing Migrants Using Putin’s Playbook. Europe Must Legally Fight Back.”
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Hello Fedup2
“Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer will join French President Emmanuel Macron for Armistice Day events in Paris on Monday morning, with the two men set to hold talks on European security and the likely IMPACT of a second Trump presidency in the US”
Impact?? What planet is the bbc on
PS one way ticket would be nice
Usual news blackout about killings in londonistan on Sunday . Don’t speculate – but just wonder why the public isn’t being told anything …. Maybe it’s Dutch men on scooters again ….
Lone mental wolf on a scooter
If you could find a way to fit that to a page I would be grateful.
Sorry was lazy ….
If you’re on an android device press and hold in the area, it brings up a menu, then preview image, it opens a popup with the image.
Amol having a nice chat with someone called Giles Fraser over some c of e type with a fascination for masturbatinv young men ‘ ( gulp – bit much for 0740) Giles went on and on bashing the archbishop about some pervert hiding in his ‘church ‘… apparently Welty covered it up …and there is a call for him to ‘go’ …
It was all blah blah . No mention of God – no mention of Jesus – no mention of religion …. Just sex and sex … devil will be happy ….
Btw – ‘today ‘ sounds so deflated now – the BBC Counsellors must be fully booked well into 2025 …
The BBC has no interest in religion (other than islam).
Only the more salacious aspects.
But it’s good that they’re highlighting this particular story, which hopefully might force the ghastly useless woke Welby to resign.
Of course his successor will probably be just as bad, as the C of E slowly dies.
….on the other hand, another potential nail in the coffin for the gutless spineless multiculti lefty Welby, who knew about the ‘Jimmy Savile’ of the CofE and did f*** all about it, in his seemingly ongoing aim to close every church in the country.
If you recall it was Giles Fraser who was in charge of St Paul’s Cathedral when all those Occupy London lot were encamped outside. Blimey, it went on for ages.
Giles is the typical, lefty Radio 4 man. He has all the fashionable views on race, climate and Donald Trump. Well entrenched in the church…probably an atheist…
I have to say, following your observations about these perv’s in the C of E, masturbating young boys…and him “bashing the archbishop”, did afford me a chuckle.
I often think Welby needs a damn good bashing…
Though, not like that!
Ha ha ha, Jeff!
Back in the sixties, when Private Eye used to publish news cuttings from the papers that had double meanings, or rude spelling mistakes, I found one in my newspaper with the headline describing – I think – an avant garde production in St Paul’s which touched on the soft porn or similar/worse! There was uproar from the stuffy press and down-your-nosery from the prudes everywhere! The Met got involved too!
The headline said: –
“Bishop charged after St Paul’s rumpus”, which had me in fits, imagining a senior man of the cloth belting around in all directions, chasing the worthy saint’s bum!
I was working in London at the time, and even went to PE’s office in Greek Street to give the cutting to Richard Ingrams, but he never published it!
But it is now!!!
I think it’s time to stop bashing the bishop.
Ha Ha Ha No pun intended?
Your post reads like a line from a “Carry On” movie.
Will new battery-powered trains replace diesel, and are they safe?
Safe? Electric isn’t the answer then
Image after about 4-5 years how the batteries will have depleted, and the expensive battery changes
the power to charge the batteries almost never gets mentioned -these people are absolute cretins.
For every battery being charged, two electricities-worth of battery charging energy is going up in hot steam at the gas/biomass/nuclear cooling tower of a power station. See the Carnot cycle for more details.
They’d have had a job running the trains this last ten days, there’s been absolutely no wind whatsoever down here!
Someone really should be taking Miliband out and giving him a bloody good hiding for absolutely screwing the nation for his manic bid for what he calls ‘renewables’! The stupid man doesn’t even understand the word, as Sluffy says below!
He really is a danger to our national energy security, and is giving money we have to borrow to other countries, to do the same!
It’s commercial suicide, and TTK has to sack him immediately, before he does any more harm!
Surely tidal energy is the most reliable renewable energy source because the oceans never sleep.
They say that the initial outlay is too costly. So what? Get the global Socialist billionaires to finance it.
Coal oil and gas are much cheaper.
Look at La Rance scheme in France
I’ve been there a couple of times – it is impressive – but RoI…. meh….
The batteries can go on the same junk heap as all the old wind turbines- which I gather cannot be recycled.
Will battery powered aircraft replace jet fuel and will they be safe enough for all the climate nutters when they travel the world?
COP 24.
The repulsive ‘aloc Sharma ‘ – the Tory energy minister who blew up the coal power stations – going on about Green crap .
Fortunately thr big countries are not doing the cop crap so it’s just an opportunity for the likes of him to get his snout in the trough …
And with a bit of luck president trump will dump thr Green crap in 71 days ,,,,,
On the subject of remigration it seems the UK has some catching up to do:
The article has a cheerful picture of armed police patrolling a Christmas market.
Footage of Biden stumbling along a beach in the US . Loss of balance is a sign of dementia – he looks like he is going to need a frame soon . ….. but at least his days of failing to read a teleprompter are over …..
that he (Joe) perked up astoundingly when Harris lost is curious ….. Some US commentators are likening him to a certain Mr Fetterman who suddenly recovered some marbles when his nasty wife was out of the loop….
Other things noticed over the weekend – I suspect that Trump supporting commentators are being subjected to electronic warfare tactics – several conservative commentators that I regularly visit had severe streaming problems over the weekend while insane DNC inspired kerrapp came through loud and clear.
Has anybody seen anything about why Twitter / X embeds are currently broken here ? – anybody done any testing?
Tomo – I saw that mr fetterman got re elected – presumably no voter ID .
It would be logical for Silicon Valley to seek revenge…
I saw the Biden speech after Harris lost – I thought they’d overdone the meds …
Elsewhere – John Harris Has a column in the Guardisn mentioning that a lot of people don’t like ‘the left ‘… but then wanders off . He replaces ‘left ‘ with ‘ progressive ‘ which is a more common word in the body politic I think – and used to conceal the drive to take our freedoms and money…
Clearly Ms Harris doesn’t get it – or chooses not to – but he lives in the group think bubble so never will get it – unless he grows up of course ….
I now prefer to call them the ‘radical left’, like sort of students we get in Beeboidland with boring repetition, squealing about everything they haven’t a clue about, but expect the private sector to support them!
The words ‘radical left’ sum up khaki tee-shirts, Che Guevara motifs, greasy hair and general unkemptness, which all fit the rabble in the HoC now, as they’re only a bit older, but certainly not wiser.
We learn this morning that Mr Starmer and that great “giant” of euro politics President micron of France will meet and discuss events and The Ukraine today.
How will they control the new President Trump? the BBC are awash with the notion that “Donald ” is a loose cannon and will mess things up. Sadly for the BBC the “government” through Mr Healy , apparently a defence minister, says it was good that Trump told Putin not to escalate the war ( BBC will have to focus hard to make that sound bad for Donald)
However , one subject will not be mentioned, at least not in public, an independent report , just weeks old, which shows how France and the EU generally are funding Putin with their increased purchase of LNG and of course Oil , albeit often through the middle man India. (Sales are massive! AND increasing)
Those who imagine that sanctions are stopping this trade are as daft as Harris voters and the media clearly don’t want to talk about it either, it really doesn’t fit the agenda. EU supporting Putin’s death and destruction.
Long live the free press.blah..blah..if only it had something to say.
Starmer and Macron meet to discuss how to stop peace breaking out under Trump.
France and the EU generally are funding Putin with their increased purchase of LNG
Ah, but Ursula van Undress or whatever her name is, the Girl Boss of the EU, has the answer to that. She is urging EU states to stop buying Russian LNG and instead only purchase American LNG. There are several ‘advantages’:
1. American LNG is only four times the price of Russian LNG, meaning it is a great bargain and will make lots of money for American energy companies.
2. The much higher energy costs will make European industry hopelessly uncompetitive, meaning American industry can sweep the board.
3. It makes Europe even more dependent on the USA, thereby reducing its scope for doing things that the Americans and globalists don’t like.
(That’s enough of those ‘advantages’ – Editor)
‘I lost nine teeth filming Squid Game’: BBC on set with show’s director
Go on then, I’ll click to find out how..
Did the giant doll spin around and catch him clean on the chops with her arm?
Of course being the hopeless BBC at the end of the article the reader is no wiser.
Just, “the directors teeth are aching again.”
We’re told “Hwang is even more pessimistic about the state of the world.. He points to current wars, climate change ..” 🥱
“They paid him a modest upfront amount, leaving him unable to cash in on the whopping £650m it is estimated to have made the platform.”
Modest as in what amount ?
Would netflix have charged him had they lost money.
The marvelously non-diverse cast goes unnoticed by the BBC..
Every little helps.
When der sturmer is finished his day out with his euromates he could save a little money by using the French shuttle service (free) which is getting all the doctors and engineers up to their embarkation points on the coast.
He could even catch one of the daily dinghies over to the collection point a few miles off the French coast although at £5,000 a pop it’s probably cheaper to use the tunnel.
Only the doctors and rocket scientists can afford those prices.
“House vote hangs in balance as Trump appoints border tsar”
New investment for Border Security Command
Up to £75 million in new investment for the Border Security Command paves way for an autumn immigration crime crackdown.
Does anyone else find the sight of Starmer scuttling to Paris to remember armistice day preening with Macron a bit of a slap in the face for the population of the UK?
I’m sure there is a longer term plan which entails the UK once more falling into line with the globalists in the EU and that this is the opening gambit.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
I thought Macron was a little guy, but he seems about the same height as Spanner. Is he standing on a box?
The other thing I notice about the Starmer-Macron love-in is that when you watch the footage everyone seems to be invited guests, not much sign of “Pierre Public” at all. The only reason I can think of is that Paris has a high level of recent “Citizens” who might try to disrupt things to some extent so best to keep it just for the annointed to avoid any embarrassing rioting, explosions, murders etc…. After all we can’t have one of the major EU nations looking a bit ragged can we?
Oh and as for the photo-op of the two serious looking leaders sharing a short ride in what appeared to be an oversize military jeep, in a previous time this has happened in the Champs, it was a bunch of military vehicles manned by another now EU bunch who were not there to celebrate the entente cordial….
The Jackal’s never around when you need him.
Women share ‘frustration’ at lack of birthing pools
Plus Getty model.
It’s COP29 in Baku
Justin Rowlatt will be creaming his undies.
I heard some bod state this was an opportunity for the UK to ‘show a lead’. TTK will be there and Ed Millipede must be also creaming himself.
‘Show a lead’. Is that showing a lead in trashing the economy? Pushing up business costs? Pushing up electricity costs for all residents? Becoming internationally uncompetitive? Giving the likes of India and China a free ticket? A lead in hypocrisy by offshoring energy usage so green fanatics can feel virtuous? A lead in being unable to cover our own electricity needs and reliant on imports through the interconnectors?
I think we should be told.
PS Wind delivered a magnificent 12% contribution to electricity production for the whole of the past week. Luckily we put on the gas central heating.
Looking at the football results this past weekend, let’s see how the BBC’s aim to give parity and equality between women’s and men’s football is going out there in the real world.
Men’s premier league
Manchester United 3 Leicester City 0. Attendance 73,829.
Women’s super league
Manchester United 0 Aston Villa 0. Attendance 3,833.
General public conclusion. They are not equal.
BBC bubble world conclusion. 95% of football fans are sexist.
Men dress as women to help themout?
And it’s £38-£60 for a ticket to mens’ game. £6-£12 for womens’ game.
Plus probably lots of free tickets to local schools etc for womens’ game.
How many would go if it cost £50 for women?
The Welsh Government is ploughing on with its taxpayer-funded “Anti-racist Wales Action Plan,” which it says is a “transformational path toward creating an anti-racist Wales by 2030.” Whatever that means…
Draft Iraqi law allowing 9-year-olds to marry would ‘legalise child rape’, say activists
This article is more than 3 months old
Opponents fear proposed bill could allow girls as young as nine to marry, erode women’s rights and give greater powers to clerics
BBC has finally caught up on the Archmarxist story:
“Welby faces pressure to resign over Church abuse scandal”
Not an easy one for the bBC to cover, then in the text you see a touch of blue on blue:
“Anglican priest Giles Fraser told the BBC the Most Rev Justin Welby had “lost the confidence of his clergy” and his position was untenable.”
Fraser has been a long standing bBC pin up. He is in the mould of Welby and it is very difficult to establish whether he is a politician or a man of the cloth. What a dilemma for the bBC.
Surely let God decide?
“The move ends an embarrassing situation for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who last year pledged to try to put Wonga out of business by helping credit unions compete with it.
It later emerged that the Church had indirectly staked about £75,000 in Wonga through an investment fund.”
Oops – BBC has it in for the C of E – Justin welby – the Muslim religious editor – alli mcbeal – seems to have legitimate standing over reporting Christian stuff – to quote father ted – it would be an ecumenical matter …
I understand Charles Windsor is the head of the c of e so he ll probably appoint a Muslim as head of the c of e…
Good news keeps pouring in from all directions.
As if ugly leftist feminazi wimmin withholding sex wasn’t good enough, now we learn that leftist YouTube commentators are haemorrhaging viewers as subscribers cancel in their droves.
Why? Because they’re starting to realise they’ve been lied to for decades.
They are waking up from the Matrix, they are getting red-pilled to reality.
Hopefully, this awakening will spread across the pond, and normie Brits will cancel the biggest gaslighter of all: the BBC.
This little commie lost 10,000 subscribers overnight, and he can’t understand why, boo-hoo. 🙂
“The Left Is Imploding”
If an enricher brought his 9 year old wife into the UK and was ‘sleeping’ with her would he be breaking the law and charged.
If not, could ‘our’ pedo’s (or perhaps a new British citizen) go there and marry a 9 year old girl to bring back here and carry on ‘sleeping’ with her?
Both would be legally married so would our law apply to both of them.
Lots of loopholes to be exploited.
Any person may be forced into marriage – this includes people
of all ages, genders, ethnicities and religions.
A forced marriage is where one or both people do not or cannot consent to the marriage and pressure or abuse is used to force them into the marriage. It is also when anything is done to make someone marry before they turn 18, even if there is no pressure or abuse.
Forced marriage is illegal in the UK. It is a form of domestic abuse and a serious abuse of human rights.
Click to access what_is_forced_marriage_0223.pdf
UK 2012 …. Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims
Published 16 January 2012
The use of Sharia, or Islamic religious law, is growing in Britain, with thousands of Muslims using it to settle disputes each year, but women’s groups and some others are objecting.
Well, it’s obvious they’re racist. And far right. No doubt Brexiteers as well.
Optimism and uncertainty at summit as Middle East awaits Trump’s return
“In sharp contrast to the fears voiced in Europe about Donald Trump’s famous unpredictability, Gulf Arab countries tend to view him as a force for stability.”
Sharp contrast and fears voiced – by? Oww yes you bbc
MSM have a deep foreboding of a totalitarian hellscape regarding Trump’s victory. No such worries over our election… a pundit on R5 just said of Starmer that UK voters have “innate sympathy” that govs need time to effect change. “We did have quite a lot of promises from the Labour party before the election and I think people will be waiting to see those come good quite soon…”
In BBCLand there’s ample patience and understanding for the right sort of ideologues… otherwise it’s anxiety attacks two months before someone’s even taken office.
Sir Keir Starmer pledges to ‘tread more lightly’ on lives of voters
The Prime Minister wants to deliver a government guided by policy, pragmatism and ‘service’, rather than ideology
@ Terminal – Quite. I have a deep foreboding of a totalitarian landscape here in Blighty.
Interesting thought; Joe will, of course, pardon Hunter as apparently retiring Presidents are allowed to do. But surely, to be pardoned one has to be guilty. I believe he’s pleaded guilty to gun charges but going by what was found on THAT laptop (the “Russian Disinformation”, one, copyright FBI lol) there is the potential for many more charges to be brought later on if Trump so wished.
Perhaps Marianna could investigate?
Biden to pardon himself?
Five things in the Biden classified documents report
1. Major questions raised about the president’s memory
2. Biden stored classified documents next to a dog bed
3. Biden thought Obama was making a major mistake with Afghanistan surge
4. Contrast drawn with evasive Trump
5. It was reasonable for Biden to keep some classified diaries
5. It was reasonable for Biden to keep some classified diaries
Hey StewGreen, you think i was wrong to mock the libtard relative of Kamala who had a mental breakdown over the Trump win?
Well, get ready to be shocked: I’m now laughing my ass off at this other libtard who murdered his whole family and then killed himself for fear of what the fascist Trump would do to them.
I say Good. Natural Selection weeding out the imbeciles.
And you know who I blame? The Dems, wokies and liberals who so demonised Trump that some gullible morons preferred death to Orange Man.
Keep an eye on your phone – we’ll be in touch to send you your LGBTQIA+ ally guide!
Question 1: Which is the best and most inclusive way to address a group of people?
Answer: a. The best and most inclusive way to address a group of people is using terms like “folks” or “everyone” that are gender neutral. This is inclusive of the diversity of gender identities that do exist.
Sharing your pronouns with other people lets them know how to refer to you. It also helps to create a culture that is more inclusive and acknowledges the diversity of gender identities that exist, and doesn’t assume people’s pronouns.
Trump: “I’m going to stop all the wars.”
BBC, Starmer, Macron and lefties: “End wars? How can we stop this evil madman?”
Hamas are our friends (c) Old leader of the Labour Party
Didn’t he also more or less say, “We should give the Falklands to the Argies.”
I find it absolutely disgraceful that he has a big fat pension and millions in the bank for being nothing short of a traitor to this country and his people (opinion not fact).
He should count his lucky stars that someone like me isn’t in power. He’d be stripped of his pension, his assets and be up in my kangaro court by teatime, then quickly thrown into a cell for the rest of his miserable life.
No, I’m not a fan of his.
Corbyn’s £3m in pay and perks… just for being an MP: Labour leader due to pocket £50,000 a year pension when he leaves Parliament
Official records suggest Mr Corbyn has been paid £1.5 million since 1983
His pension pot is estimated at £1.6 million – £50,000 a year when he retires
Mr Corbyn’s tax return showed he declared outside earnings of £1,850
Boris Johnson paid nearly £1m tax on earnings of £2m over four years
For more of the latest Labour news visit
Published: 01:04, 14 April 2016 | Updated: 12:42, 14 April 2016
Memo to E Milliband.
Cc Justin Rowlatt, BBC
Dear sir
60% of Chinese electricity generation is from coal.
Although this percentage is declining, the rate of total generation is increasing by around 6% per year, so the need for coal power stations is continuing to increase.
Therefore if the entire UK population slept in muds huts, with no heating or lighting, and all forms of motorised transport were banned, it would not make the slightest difference to global CO2 production as in a matter of weeks, our reduction would be swallowed up by China’s growth. Your policies are therefore impoverishing all your citizens, who are not part of the government climate change agenda, to no effect other than to satisfy your own ego and those of your fellow eco-fanatics.
Yours sincerely
Everyone else.
Very good, but I’m not convinced the likes of Millipede are pushing the green madness for purely egotistical reasons.
He has two kitchens to heat!
Positive Impact Development Community Interest Company
Project costs, equipment and facilities, Birmingham
This grant will allow young people in areas of poverty to take part in more weekly sports and gardening activities. The intended outcomes are to develop confidence and encourage positive relationships between young people and trusted adults.
As Der Starmer was poncing around in gay Paris with his boyfriend Macron spare a thought for a poor victim back in our leaders capital city – Londonistan.
A man cried out as he lay dying:
‘I’m gone, it’s the end of my life’
But I am sure our Fuhrer had more important things to discuss such as how to increase the number of illegal invaders coming into the UK and Macron would be only too happy to assist.
More of those pesky mental health issues I see. Odd how often these mentalists seem to agree that their god is the greatest. Is that how we establish mental illness nowadays?
Sod those idiots with their “welcome here” placards
“Fury in Sweden at video of Syrian asylum seeker pushing a 91-year-old widow down stairs before violently mugging her as she visits husband’s grave”
“and was on parole after raping a different women in 2021”
TWatO Watch #1 – really BBC, can I believe you when WW2 in Europe was still going on?
BBC 1 p.m. News: Keir Starmer was the first UK PM to go to Paris to commemorate Remembrance Day since 1944. There is of course a time gap of almost three months from late August 1944 to 11 November 1944 but I question whether Winston Churchill would have gone to Paris when there was a chance that a German sniper or three might be infiltrated to Paris. German snipers (according to Wiki – yes, I know, may be unreliable) were operating in Paris on 23 August.
Personally, I think Winston Churchill would have waited for V-E Day in May 1945. The UKG-E was in July 1945 when Clement Attlee was elected for the Labour Party. Can I trust the BBC’s word on this? Old Winnie was made of pretty stern stuff. He had to be to deal with the Civil Service and assorted Military Chiefs, so maybe, after all, he did go to Paris for 11 November 1944. He would have stood alongside Charles de Gaulle who Britain provided refuge for during WW2.
THIS is what the Biden mob have accomplished:
Illegal border crossings surged under the Biden administration, with nearly 3 million in fiscal year 2024, according to Homeland Security’s website. There have been more than 10.8 million illegal encounters since FY 2021.
“Former ICE Director Tom Homan ‘honored’ to be appointed Trump’s border czar: ‘We have to fix it'”
‘We have to fix it’ – maybe they can look at tolerant Islam.
Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
21 August 2023
A friend sent me an email about the attack in Amsterdam last week – and not exactly what was reported in the MSM. There is no mention of a Palestinian flag being torn down before the match but that the authorities knew it was going to happen.
What I post below is just a short extract.
There are a number of factors that make this situation exceedingly disturbing:
[] Information about the planned attack had reached Israeli security authorities before the event. They then notified Dutch authorities and requested that there be a significant reinforcement of police in place by 7 PM. The request was ignored.
[] In fact, police were slow in responding when the violence began. According to one Israeli who was on the scene, “The police were not present at the conclusion of the games, and Muslims were waiting near train stations for Israeli fans and followed them. The police only started to intervene after about half an hour to 45 minutes into the attacks, after the attackers threw firecrackers at people and into buildings.” (Emphasis added)
[] According to outraged Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders, writing on X Saturday, “Amsterdam Police just confirmed that NO ONE has been arrested during the Islamic Jew-hunt in Amsterdam Thursday night. All arrests have been made before and during the soccer match [when there were some clashes that resulted in injuries] and NOT during the pogrom.” (Emphasis added)
[] About a month ago, a report surfaced that Dutch police were allowing officers to refuse to protect Jewish institutions. “We take moral objections into account when creating schedules,” said police spokeswoman Mireille Beentjes.
Consider the shocking implications of this: “Among the sites some officers refused to be stationed near is the Dutch National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam.” Moral objections to protecting a Holocaust museum!!
What we are seeing then, clearly, is not “just” anti-Semitic rioting by Muslim immigrants. We are seeing official indifference to providing protection for Jews.
This is from a Dutch Jew, speaking after rioters tore down the Israeli flag he flew outside his home and burned it (emphasis added):
“Things have been taking a turn the past year though. Antisemitism has been getting worse, and it feels like it isn’t an ‘isolated incident here and there’ anymore, as many people often like to say. It is everywhere. You can feel it. My wife is Israeli, and she always looks around before speaking Hebrew to our little daughter in public. That is the point it has come to…
“I feel sad, scared, angry and resentful. So many emotions, all at the same time.
“…I don’t feel like the government is taking their job to protect us seriously. We’re just Jews after all, right? …The mayor does nothing of substance to protect us. It is infuriating.”
“…I don’t feel like the government is taking their job to protect us seriously. We’re just Jews after all, right? …The mayor does nothing of substance to protect us. It is infuriating.”
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.
The Dutch have proud tradition of persecuting Jews . I remember seeing a documentary of how thr Dutch civil service / police enthusiastically helped the Germans purge Holland of Jews – sending them ‘east ‘… looks like things don’t change .
Also seems that Israel has to provide its’ own security and the woke anti Israel euro countries can’t be trusted – including – of course – Britain … boys on scooters …
“Some of the world’s most prominent leaders’ movements were tracked online through a fitness app used by their bodyguards, an investigation has suggested”
Global Black Thrive CIC
Not coded, Westminster
This grant will fund creative workshops and local research, supporting the local council’s mental health strategy through a racial justice lens. This will enable black children to engage in research and inform trauma work.
BBC Children in Need.
A little green – net – zero fiasco that will certainly not attract any attention from the greenies at the BBC despite multiple local authorities and huge amounts of lost taxpayer cash being involved.
It will be sent straight to room 101….
“APSE is a non-profit organisation that advises members on how to improve public services. It also has clients in the private sector, such as Rockfire Capital. It valued the 32 solar farms for the company in October 2017. At that time it said they were worth £542m.
When Kavanagh later asked Thurrock to increase its investment in November 2018, APSE produced a second valuation. This time it said the sites were worth £124m more than they were a year earlier. Based on this valuation, Thurrock also made multi-million top ups in 2019 and 2020. In total, the council increased its investment in the farms by £130m on the basis of APSE’s 2018 valuation.”
Thurrock would ultimately invest in 53 sites owned by Kavanagh. When they were eventually sold in January this year, the approximate losses for the taxpayer were £200m.
£200m in the Rachel Reeves 22 billion black hole
Who is Elise Stefanik, Trump’s pick for UN ambassador?
Thus far, no one seems minded to assist them.
It’s a great day – our great leader is rubbing shoulders with the chief surrender monkey -the French head of state no less —- surely – then a job for the king – not our great leader .
Next he is off to the COP show where he and macron will strut their stuff because no one important is going …. Apart from that loopy rowlat character …
Btw – the killings of Sunday have disappeared without trace – suggesting the killers are foreigners / coloured or both ….but please don’t speculate – with that to me (joke )
The news updates of an attempted murder of a girl by 6 of her friends in East Yorkshire a couple of weeks ago has disappeared from the ether. One of the children was arrested and local information is that she was out camping. I cannot understand why a 13 year old girl was out camping with a mixed group of 13 to 16 year olds (Duke of Edinburgh Award children perhaps?), but the story has gone awfully quiet.
The longer it’s quiet the greater the suspicion that the authorities are covering up. Of course after Southport and their illegal crackdown this government has much to be concerned about. The fuse is fizzing , the bomb could go off at anytime.
Deb “Nov 4
COURTS: A boy aged 14 has appeared in court charged with attempted murder and possession of a Samurai sword after a 13-year-old girl was stabbed. Neither can be identified for legal reasons”
Of course new is quite after a minor has been charged.
Welby loves to apologise for everything that has nothing to do with him (slavery, colonialism, bla bla) but when it comes to a massive child abuse case and cover-up BY HIM, no resignation and not even an apology.
He knew. He knew. He knew. EVERYBODY KNEW. Liar.
Put him high up on the list.
He’d make a good doormat.
Once skinned.
Needs a good American History X
In the first couple of minutes of the clip below, Talk TV offers a sample of Welby’s woke, leftist meddling in all sorts of issues that are not his business.
EU, immigration, Brexit, Rwanda, climate change…
Resign now, you clown.
Welby is Islamophobic …. “Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values”
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
In 1984 he became treasurer of the oil exploration group Enterprise Oil plc in London, where he was mainly concerned with West African and North Sea oil projects. He retired from his executive position in 1989 and said that he sensed a calling from God to be ordained.
Justin Welby – Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Justin_Welby
St.Gary of Lineker to leave MOTD after the world cup.
A nation mourns…………….
Gary Lineker says he is in Qatar to “report, not support” the World Cup and will discuss the issues surrounding the “tainted” tournament on air. The host nation has been criticised for its stance on same-sex relationships, its human rights record and treatment of migrant workers.18 Nov 2022
Speaking to BBC sports editor Dan Roan, Match of the Day presenter Lineker said: “There are significant issues around this World Cup, obviously with human rights issues, what has happened with the building of the stadiums and workers’ rights and homophobia and various things they have here.
“I am accustomed to it as I’ve spent most of my life in the build-up to World Cups talking about issues other than football, but when the football starts you tend to stop talking about it. But that is how sportswashing works so you have to be careful.”
Gary Lineker pocketed a whopping £1.6million working for Qatar’s state broadcaster as he fronted Champions League coverage over four years
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
But he was paid £400k a year for 4 years by Al Jazeera, owned by Qatari state
Should I put up a special thread about the loss of a football presenter from the BBC . Set up one of those apps counting down the days -a special programme devoted to Gary – but like the one for saville ?
A food industry award for selling fried potato’s ?
Is Jermaine in the frame ? Or a coloured girl who has done nothing ?
What about an advent calendar, a different picture of St Gary every day ?
Gary Lineker shits himself at World Cup 1990 against Ireland
It never gets old.
“Covid inquiry told Treasury blocked NHS bed request”
The empty Nightingale hospitals show the cost of putting buildings before people
The government spent £530m on showy infrastructure for healthcare – but failed to invest in the staff who provide it
I struggle a bit with this one.
Where would they have put the beds?
In our local hospital not even the corridors are suitable- they’re full of A and E patients.