Odd thing but diving into the swamp that is X, apparently, and I’ve never yet come across any of this extremist, nasty, racist etc etc hate that the BBC/Guardian constantly complain about…I’m sure it’s there but it’s pretty rare on the scale of things…Then again I haven’t looked at Allison Pearson’s X feed yet….lol.
The media are not yet running with it; they will no doubt be wanting to double check.
It looks bona fide and would substantiate why the budget was so politically inept.
No doubt there will be nothing for the bBC to see or verify. They will have another Hunter moment.
Labour is missing a trick here. They should increase the amount of stuff their voters are allowed to steal by the rate of inflation each budget.
Law abiding shoplifters are having to visit more shops to be able to steal enough to keep their lifestyle as it is and the way prices are rising they will have to keep on increasing their work rate.
With the ever increasing price of fags and booze the £200 is easily reached with just a couple of cartons. Perhaps £2,000 should be the value of stuff they can legally steal before the police can do anything.
It can be said that the future of mankind could be two steps forward, one step back – or vise versa.
Let’s take cars : even the cheapest modern car has, luxuries and gadgets that surpass the luxury cars of years ago, are more reliable and cheaper to run. The downside are the traffic conditions of our roads, the aggressive behaviour of some motorists, the theft and vandalism and monitoring by the authorities.
Clothes : so cheap to buy, comfortable and exciting new fabrics. But we have to admit not as smart and pleasing to the eye as say a forties suit in a Bogart movie.
And you can see the trade offs with health, food, holidays etc.
But there is one thing we have today incomparable to devices of old, because they didn’t have anything like it ::
The Internet.
This wonderful thing that allows the ordinary Joe to access nearly every information, be entertained by his/her own choice at the time of his/her choosing — and send and receive uncensored opinions beyond the control of state authorities: democratic, pseudo democratic, semi democratic or tyrannical.
And what do the liberal / left and the BBC want to do about it?
Control it.
Using weasel words like “there must be gatekeepers” to information the plebs receive, “misinformation” peddled on the Web, etc, their meme is that They, the Enlightened, the clerrissy, should shift through the happenings around the world and sanitise the information you receive. Then add their interpretation and you agree and accept their premise if you’re intelligent.
They are certainly not on the side of the Chartists.
Perhaps Vilify, the Beeboid’s big waste of ‘research’, could aso find out where all the pedophiles are getting and sending their filth? Is the term ‘the black web’ or similar?
There you are Marianna, you have a starting point, go do some actual work!
Nibor …
.Being long retired I generally avoid the ‘old’ generally recognised rush hour on the roads. In more recent times there is more chaos with the dropping off and picking up of kids from school, which leaves around a a solitary quietish hour at lunchtime, when lorry and van drivers pull off the road to eat, kids are still at school and workers are still ensconced at home or at their building location.
Today something went wrong with my evaluation. I was on the road at 11 and until 5 til I reached home it was full on congested roads – main roads, country lanes, village high streets. OK it was Friday but jeez this will only get worse with population growth. I’m not a city dweller but if we’re almost grid locked now in our rural areas then “driving home for Christmas” had better start in August with food supplies !
Dear Brissles,
As a lorry driver I note :
That every Summer the traffic increases
It doesn’t decrease in autumn, winter or spring
It increases again the next summer
Again it doesn’t decrease the next three seasons
It increases again the next summer
And repeats.
The footfall at motorway service stations would confirm.
Nibor, ahem! You could say that newspapers were the internet of old, along with coffee shops in the City of London. The South Sea Bubble could not have happened without newspapers and coffee shops.
That is why newspaper sales are so dire in the Age of the Internet.
Some protestors on Jan 6 got out of hand…helped out by security at the Capitol who actually invited them in…and it’s a huge threat to democracy…the infamous ‘insurrection’ that never was.
On the other hand….a political party that colluded with the Russians to unseat the President, which tried every dirty trick in the book to topple him, which used lawfare and show trial inquiries and impeachments to stop Trump, which had its BLM and Antifa militias on hand to trash ‘America’ and of course a couple of assassination attempts…nothing to see here…unless, say, you are not fully convinced that vaccines are as safe as we are told…then you’re dangerous and mad.
It is remarkable how the BBC can never find a good word to say about Trump, his policies or his picks for cabinet where the BBC uses the word ‘loyalty’ as a codeword for ‘fascist strongman’…nudge nudge…Trump only wants people loyal to him…just like a fascist dictator would!
Bit like the insurrection in Ukraine where their democratically elected president was usurped and exiled and Zelensky put in his place ?
“In November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests known as “Euromaidan” began in response to President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia.
Yanukovych ran for President in the 2010 election, this time beating Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in an election that was judged free and fair by international observers.
In November 2013, Yanukovych made a sudden decision, amidst economic pressure from Russia, to withdraw from signing an association agreement with the EU and instead accept a Russian trade deal and loan bailout. This sparked mass protests against him that ultimately led to his ousting as president. The civil unrest peaked in February 2014, when almost 100 protesters were killed.
Ukraine’s political forces managed to reach an agreement. After the agreement was signed, Yanukovych, fearing for his life and the safety of his family, left Kyiv without warning, first for Kharkiv and later for Crimea. ”
I wonder who was really behind all those sudden anti Russia “mass protests” ??
All those “mass protests”against a country that offered to wipe out their debts and give them a trade deal, oh no we don’t want that.
“Yanukovych stated during the 2010 presidential election-campaign that the current level of Ukraine’s cooperation with NATO was sufficient and that the question of the country’s accession to the alliance was therefore not urgent. “The Ukrainian people don’t currently support Ukraine’s entry to NATO and this corresponds to the status that we currently have. We don’t want to join any military bloc”. On 27 May 2010 Yanukovych stated he considered Ukraine’s relations with NATO as a partnership, “And Ukraine can’t live without this [partnership], because Ukraine is a large country”.
In early November 2011, Yanukovych claimed that “arms are being bought in the country and armed attacks on government agencies are being prepared.” These claims were met with disbelief.”
Economy not doing as well as Rachel Reeves and Labour expecting it to do?
Hold on! It should be stratosphering. All these bogus asylum seekers _sorry immigrant enrichers arriving here – legally, semi legally and illegally, that The Powers That Be tell us are good for the economy, how brilliant they are, they are the successful ones, more hard working than the Brits, enterprising, innovative and adaptable, well if it’s as good as the Powers That Be say we should comfortably retire at 12.
Why did the countries that they left let them go : or refuse to take them back?
I only watch the BBC news on very rare occasions when I can’t sleep.
Last night I switched on wondering, “will they be telling me that Trump eats babies (raw)?”
Well, not quite, but almost.
Some ‘expert’ was excitedly explaining to a delighted interviewer that Trump’s appointment of RFK Jr as head of the Health Department would cause babies to die because of his stance on vaccines. Presumably the same sort of expert who spent Covid telling us that the vaccine was safe.
Don’t they ever let up?
All us honkies will move to Africa and take it over.
And all the Africans, Indians and other third worlders are all free to move to and take over the UK, USA, Australia etc.
A swap, if you will.
Well, it’s what a lot of them want to do, isn’t it? Come to the Anglosphere and pretty much take over? Right?
But the deal is they get 1st world nations with first world infrastructure, (and we don’t) but they can never come to Africa. Not even for a holiday.
I give it five years before Africa looks like every other Anglosphere nation and the current Anglosphere looks like …well…where the new citizens originally came from.
And they’d be banging on our doors trying to get in again!
Crikey, I sound worse than Alf Garnett outside a chicken shop this morning.
Yes, this is the BBC’s distinct ploy: Condemning Trump appointees and attempting to pull their ability/suitability for the role apart. Marxist/Communist to the bitter end. But, joy of joys, I have no doubt that future interviews with the Trump ‘Dream Team’ will receive short shrift and, hopefully, extreme levels of response rudeness.
Perhaps the BBC could, more safely, focus on the Reeves employment history and now suitability/ability to carry out the role of Chancellor of the Exchequer.
In 1987, Kennedy founded the Environmental Litigation Clinic at Pace University School of Law, where for three decades he was the clinic’s supervising attorney and co-director and Clinical Professor of Law.[53] Kennedy obtained a special order from the New York State Court of Appeals that permitted his 10 clinic students to practice law and try cases against Hudson River polluters in state and federal court, under the supervision of Kennedy and his co-director, Professor Karl Coplan. The clinic’s full-time clients are Riverkeeper and Long Island Soundkeeper.[54]
The clinic has sued governments and companies for polluting Long Island Sound and the Hudson River and its tributaries.[55] It argued cases to expand citizen access to the shoreline and won hundreds of settlements for the Hudson Riverkeeper.[56] Kennedy and his students also sued dozens of municipal wastewater treatment plants to force compliance with the Clean Water Act.[54] In 2010, a Pace lawsuit forced ExxonMobil to clean up tens of millions of gallons of oil from legacy refinery spills in Newtown Creek in Brooklyn.[57]
On April 11, 2001, Men’s Journal gave Kennedy its “Heroes” Award for creating the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic.
In June 1999, as Riverkeeper’s success on the Hudson began inspiring the creation of Waterkeepers across North America, Kennedy and a few dozen Riverkeepers gathered in Southampton, Long Island, to found the Waterkeeper Alliance, which is now the umbrella group for the 344 licensed Waterkeeper programs[64] in 44 countries.[65] As president, Kennedy oversaw its legal, membership, policy and fundraising programs. The Alliance is dedicated to promoting “swimmable, fishable, drinkable waterways, worldwide.”
he helped orchestrate the $1.2 billion New York City Watershed Agreement, which New York magazine recognized in its cover story, “The Kennedy Who Matters.”[80] This agreement, which Kennedy negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.
n 2000, Kennedy and the environmental lawyer Kevin Madonna founded the environmental law firm Kennedy & Madonna, LLP, to represent private plaintiffs against polluters.[82] The firm litigates environmental contamination cases on behalf of individuals, non-profit organizations, school districts, public water suppliers, Indian tribes, municipalities and states. In 2001, Kennedy & Madonna organized a team of prestigious plaintiff law firms to challenge pollution from industrial pork and poultry production.[83] In 2004, the firm was part of a legal team that secured a $70 million settlement for property owners in Pensacola, Florida whose properties were contaminated by chemicals from an adjacent Superfund site.[84]
Kennedy & Madonna was profiled in the 2010 HBO documentary Mann v. Ford,[85] which chronicles four years of litigation by the firm on behalf of the Ramapough Mountain Indians against the Ford Motor Company for dumping toxic waste on tribal lands in northern New Jersey.[86] In addition to a monetary settlement for the tribe, the lawsuit contributed to the community’s land being re-listed on the federal Superfund list, the first time that a de-listed site was re-listed.[87]
In 2007, Kennedy was one of three finalists nominated by Public Justice as “Trial Lawyer of the Year” for his role in the $396 million jury verdict against DuPont for contamination from its Spelter, West Virginia zinc plant.[88] In 2017, the firm was part of the trial team that secured a $670 million settlement on behalf of over 3,000 residents from Ohio and West Virginia whose drinking water was contaminated by the toxic chemical perfluorooctanoic acid, which DuPont released into the environment in Parkersburg, West Virginia.[89]
In 2016, Kennedy became counsel to the Morgan & Morgan law firm.[90] The partnership arose from the two firms’ successful collaboration on the case against SoCalGas Company following the Aliso Canyon gas leak in California.[91] In 2017, Kennedy and his partners sued Monsanto in federal court in San Francisco, on behalf of plaintiffs seeking to recover damages for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that, the plaintiffs allege, were a result of exposure to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup. Kennedy and his team also filed a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for failing to warn consumers about the dangers allegedly posed by exposure to Roundup.[92]
In September 2018, Kennedy and his partners filed a class-action lawsuit against Columbia Gas of Massachusetts alleging negligence following gas explosions in three towns north of Boston. Of Columbia Gas, Kennedy said “as they build new miles of pipe, the same company is ignoring its existing infrastructure, which we now know is eroding and is dilapidated.”
In 1999, Kennedy, Chris Bartle and John Hoving created a bottled water company, Keeper Springs, which donated all of its profits to Waterkeeper Alliance.
In his first case as an environmental attorney, Kennedy represented the NAACP in a lawsuit against a proposal to build a garbage transfer station in a minority neighborhood in Ossining, New York.[106]
In 1987, he successfully sued Westchester County to reopen the Croton Point Park, which was heavily used primarily by poor and minority communities from the Bronx.[107] He then forced the reopening of the Pelham Bay Park, which New York City had closed to the public and converted to a police firing range.[41]
International and indigenous rights
Starting in 1985, Kennedy helped develop the Natural Resources Defense Council’s international program for environmental, energy, and human rights, traveling to Canada and Latin America to assist indigenous tribes in protecting their homelands and opposing large-scale energy and extractive projects in remote wilderness areas.[108]
In 1990, Kennedy assisted indigenous Pehuenches in Chile in a partially successful campaign to stop the construction of a series of dams on Chile’s iconic Biobío River. That campaign derailed all but one of the proposed dams.[109] Beginning in 1992, he assisted the Cree Indians of northern Quebec in their campaign against Hydro-Québec to halt construction of some 600 proposed dams on eleven rivers in James Bay.[110]
In 1993, Kennedy and NRDC, working with the indigenous rights organization Cultural Survival, clashed with other American environmental groups in a dispute about the rights of Indians to govern their own lands in the Oriente region of Ecuador.[111] Kennedy represented the CONFENIAE, a confederation of Indian peoples, in negotiation with the American oil company Conoco to limit oil development in Ecuadorian Amazon and, at the same time, obtain benefits from resource extraction for Amazonian tribes.[111] Kennedy was a vocal critic of Texaco for its previous record for polluting the Ecuadoran Amazon.[112]
From 1993 to 1999, Kennedy worked with five Vancouver Island Indian tribes in their campaign to end industrial logging by MacMillan Bloedel in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia.[113]
In 1996, Kennedy met with Cuban President Fidel Castro to persuade the leader to halt his plans to construct a nuclear power plant at Juraguá.[114] During a lengthy latenight encounter, Castro reminisced about Kennedy’s father and uncle, speculating that U.S. relations with Cuba would have been far better had President Kennedy not been assassinated.[115]
Between 1996 and 2000, Kennedy and NRDC helped Mexican commercial fishermen to halt Mitsubishi’s proposal to build a salt facility in the Laguna San Ignacio, a known area in Baja where gray whales bred, and nursed their calves.[116] Kennedy wrote in opposition to the project, and took the campaign to Japan, meeting with the Japanese prime minister, Keizo Obuchi.[117]
In 2000, he assisted local environmental activists to stop proposals by Chaffin Light, a real estate developer, and U.S. engineering giant Bechtel from building a large hotel and resort development that, Kennedy argued, threatened coral reefs and public beaches used by local Bahamians, at Clifton Bay, New Providence Island.[118]
Kennedy was one of the early editors of Indian Country Today, North America’s largest Native American newspaper.[119] He helped lead the opposition to the damming of the Futaleufú River in the Southern Zone of Chile.[120] In 2016, due to the pressure precipitated by the Futaleufú Riverkeepers campaign against the dams, the Spanish power company Endesa, which owned the right to dam the river, reversed its decision and relinquished all claims to the Futaleufú.
Kennedy is critical of the United States’ alliances with dictatorships like Saudi Arabia. He criticized the Saudi-led intervention in the Yemeni civil war, calling it a “genocide against the Iranian-backed Houthi tribe.”
An opponent of the military industry and foreign interventions, Kennedy was critical of the Iraq War as well as American support for Ukraine against Russia’s invasion of the country. He condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine,[150] but called the Russo-Ukrainian War “a U.S. war against Russia”
Kennedy said Ukraine should be forbidden from joining NATO, and announced that as president he would consider admitting Russia to NATO and deescalating tensions with China.
Kennedy attacked the operations of former CIA director Allen Dulles, condemning U.S.-backed coups and interventions such as the 1953 Iranian coup d’état as “bloodthirsty,” and blamed U.S. interventions in countries such as Syria and Iran for the rise of terrorist organizations such as ISIS and creating anti-American sentiment in the region.[148] Kennedy said the CIA has no accountability and declared his intention to restructure the agency.
In an article titled “Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria” published in Politico in February 2016, Kennedy referred to the “bloody history that modern interventionists like George W. Bush, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio miss when they recite their narcissistic trope that Mideast nationalists ‘hate us for our freedoms.’ For the most part they don’t; instead they hate us for the way we betrayed those freedoms—our own ideals—within their borders.”
Kennedy believes that the administration of President Joe Biden in large part caused the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia due to reckless and militant action; he has specifically cited the issue of NATO expansion into Eastern Europe.”
Kennedy has said that he is not against vaccines but wants them to be more thoroughly tested and investigated.[237][238] In Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, Kennedy writes that he does not see himself as anti-vaccine: “People who advocate for safer vaccines should not be marginalized or denounced as anti-vaccine. I am pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines have saved the lives of hundreds of millions of humans over the past century and that broad vaccine coverage is critical to public health. But I want our vaccines to be as safe as possible.”
Thalidomide: the tragedy of birth defects and the effective treatment of disease
Thalidomide was a widely used drug in the late 1950s and early 1960s for the treatment of nausea in pregnant women. It became apparent in the 1960s that thalidomide treatment resulted in severe birth defects in thousands of children. Though the use of thalidomide was banned in most countries at that time, thalidomide proved to be a useful treatment for leprosy and later, multiple myeloma. In rural areas of the world that lack extensive medical surveillance initiatives, thalidomide treatment of pregnant women with leprosy has continued to cause malformations.
Under a deal unveiled today by Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb, the Department of Health will pay around £80 million over 10 years to the Thalidomide Trust through an annual grant, which dispenses help and support to people disabled by the drug.
Use of mercury in hatmaking is thought to have been adopted by the Huguenots in 17th-century France, at a time when the dangers of mercury exposure were already known. This process was initially kept a trade secret in France, where hatmaking rapidly became a hazardous occupation.
BBC write about the BBC … “Other large institutions such as the BBC and the NHS have held major inquiries into the abuse carried out over decades by the television and radio personality, Jimmy Savile. He died before his crimes were made public. All these organisations promised change and overhauled their safeguarding policies in the wake of the scandals.”
So after a week of slurring and mudslinging, the BBC end it all with a summary article which is just re-printing everything they already reported.
Their conduct over Trumps cabinet selection has been absolutely disgraceful. We have had non-stop mud-slinging and inferred accusations without little if any actual evidence. They truly are the ultimate double-standard hypocrites.
Where was this critique about Starmer’s cabinet ?. What about the racist Lammy being given the Foreign Secretary job after insulting other world leaders ?.
Trump is not a weakling Tory. He will just say ‘f*ck you’ to all these MSM extremists and do exactly what he said he would do before he was elected. The polar opposite of the weasel Starmer – yet the BBC give HIM a very easy ride.
The net result of this BBC spiteful onslaught and Starmer’s ideology-over-ability government will be to simply make the duly elected President of the USA think of us as an unfriendly country and will deal with us as such. We will all suffer for their blatant activism. The BBC should be up in front of ministers explaining themselves over this. Instead Starmer will be laughing as he reads what they wrote.
Has anybody EVER seen the BBC run such critical and unfriendly ‘live-updates’ about any left-wing politicians ?. I can’t recall any. They are always people the BBC don’t agree with. Where are you OFCOM ?. You – like the BBC and the UN – have become utterly unfit for purpose.
I can see President Trump just looking at the basket case that is Europe and saying ‘bye’ – we ll deal with US problems and look to the pacific .
The only reason to stay in touch with Europe is the fear it will become a threat to the US as the caliphate grows with the UK likely to be the first Muslim nuclear weaponed state … Iran need not bother …
“We are dying every moment’ – the Afghans risking their lives to reach UK”
An article devoid of any of the ‘fact checking’ the BBC like to commit to (especially for Trump or anything else to the right of centre).
Yes, this chap gets his genitals beaten by the Taliban and whacked with the butt of a rifle when caught trying to flee Afghanistan. He’s starving, has no job, no hope for his family etc etc.
Well guess what BBC?
Even if this guy is telling the truth (and I’d put my life on it that he isn’t)…so what?
This is not our problem.
Afghanistan is the way it is because of the Afghans that live there! Ever thought of that, you geniuses?
The UK is on its arse and we can’t take in unlimited ‘refugees’ on the take.
They are economic migrants who, as the BBC themselves point out, treck all the way across western Asia and Europe to get to the UK.
Of course, the BBC fail to ‘fact check’ that they don’t seem to want to stop in any number of safe countries before hitting the UK.
Did they even check if this guy had a serious criminal record? Or if any single one of his claims are actually true?
Of course not! It’s all about the ‘feelz’
Well I feel sick.
We don’t want them here BBC, what part of that don’t you understand?
And I couldn’t give a toss about this chap’s life. Tell me he got eaten by a crocodile and I’d barely blink and just put the kettle on.
This is a problem (if it even is a problem!) for Afghans/Muslims to fix. Not ours.
It did not even make the grade for Pakistani TV’s typically hysterical breaking news marathons. Many Pakistanis would not even have known she was up for the award.
Indeed, journalist Tariq Khattack , actually condemned it, telling the BBC: “It’s a political decision and a conspiracy.”
Is that the same lass who was given a new life in the uk, a place at Oxford and a few cushy non jobs?
From what I’ve seen since, her role, after the generosity shown to her by the UK, has been to slag the country off and push Islamic causes (and we thought that’s what she was running away from in the first place? Silly us, eh?) She likes to have a go at whitey too.
Malala is an ungrateful cow who should be deported back to Afghanistan.
That’d take that smug, shit eating grin off her face, wouldn’t it?
If I’d been shown such mercy by a nation and given such opportunity and privilege, I’d walk around dressed in their flag every day and do nothing but give my life to serving and helping the people of that county.
Not sneering at it and slagging it off at every opportunity.
For any site members who want a surreal experience I recommend watching Chopper ( Christopher Hope ) interview Lord Glasman the Labour peer on GB News.
Glasman says that Labour should welcome Trump’s election. That Globalism is dead and has nearly wrecked our country. That Labour must rediscover its roots as a party of the working people. That the army must be doubled in size and re equipped . That the country must re industrialise.That Brexit was a good thing. That the UK must not rejoin the EU which is dying.
On and on he goes.All stuff with which it is difficult to disagree. But then comes the truly surreal bit , he claims that Davos Man himself our beloved leader TTK , agrees with him!!
Of course Chopper , being a globalist stooge and generally useless, doesn’t ask him why, if Starmer agrees with him , why does he prefer Davos to Westminster. He also avoids asking about Net Zero or anti Semitism or two tier justice or mass immigration. But as I say he is just a Globalist stooge.
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has written in the Daily Mail warning against the scourge of “thought police” in the UK under Sir Keir Starmer, comparing it to the “Soviet Union at its worst”. It comes amid a row over non-crime hate incidents thrust into the spotlight after columnist Allison Pearson revealed police knocked on her door over a tweet from a year ago. Elsewhere, Davina McCall is pictured as the paper reports the presenter is out of surgery after undergoing an operation to remove a brain tumour.
I may be wrong but, the Conservatives introduced the Communist thought crimes not Liebour.
In the day well prior to the last election, I continually asked Reform where their priorities would lie if given power. My continually unanswered question was, ‘what existing legislation would you urgently repeal’…………….No replies.
Is BoJo growing some balls at last?
On the plus side I saw him actually get angry with a BBC interviewer recently.
On the minus side, he put up a very weak defence of Trump against Emily Mateless at the time of the election, dissolving instead into his characteristic jokey mumbling.
The time for ingratiating jokes is over Boris. They won’t like you anyway, so get tough with them.
How unexpected….the BBC ignored the Pearson story for as long as possible hoping it would die down and vanish…but it got too big…so the next move is to attack Pearson and her story as in this blatantly one-sided defence of the police…
Warning: This article contains language that some people may find offensive
“The BBC has seen the now-deleted post from 16 November last year. It shows an image of two police officers standing next to two men holding what appears to be a flag of the Pakistani political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
The post tags the Metropolitan Police alongside the words “how dare they”.
It adds: “Invited to pose for a photo with lovely peaceful British Friends of Israel on Saturday police refused. Look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters.”
X added a notice to the post stating that the image was taken in Manchester, not London, and that it is “not related to Palestine”.”
Just think of all the robberies, thefts, and muggings that multiple Police forces do not have to deal with for the next two years while they take on the above ‘serious’ twitter posting.
Cigarettes and alcohol Orwellian directness edition
In this morning’s FT Weekend, columnist Janan Ganesh observes: Liberals speak an odd language
Liberals have evolved a language of their own. Or at least a dialect. Those who speak it tend to have no earthly idea how odd it sounds
Mr AsI is somewhat of a keen aficionado of our left-leaning headline argot and can’t help but admire any sudden new coinings which apparently come from out of nowhere into common media usage and get forthwith accepted and received into the common parlance – such as the classic recent launch of Small Boats.
Ah, Small Boats… what an adorable cute-sounding term. I’m put in mind of The Cockleshell Heroes – 1955, British Technicolor war film with Trevor Howard, Anthony Newley, Christopher Lee, David Lodge and José Ferrer, who also directed. The film depicts a heavily fictionalised version of Operation Frankton, the December 1942 raid on German cargo shipping by British Royal Marine Commandos, who infiltrated Bordeaux Harbour using folding kayaks. (Thank you Wiki)
Our BBC under their online news Climate tab gifts us a brand new term: COP29 hosts accused of detaining climate defenders (Esme Stallard, BBC, Climate and science reporter, Ilkin Hasanov, BBC News)
Climate Defenders…? Now pray tell, what do they be?
The Azerbaijani government is using COP29 to crack down on environmental activists and other political opponents, according to human rights groups… Climate Action Network, a group of nearly 2,000 climate groups, told BBC News the protection of civil society is crucial if countries want to see progress on climate change. (BBC)
So what you mean by the term Climate Defenders are activist protest campaign groups, the likes of our very own Just Stop Oil, Insulate UK and Extinction Rebellion.
Oh, by the way: Half of Brits disagree with the protest tactics of Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil… 50% of Brits disagree with Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil’s protest tactics, according to our annual National Home Energy Survey… with just 16% agreeing with their tactics. (The Eco Experts ‘climate-friendly writers who can tell you exactly how to cut your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint’)
Our Janan cites various strands of liberal-speak: First, psychotherapeutic jargon. The spraying around of such concepts as intentionality is an attempt to give things a scientific and even medical veneer by people who mostly studied comparative literature. Second, an unbecoming obsession with transient pop culture. References to the “Beyhive” and to “Brat summer” are lost on much more of the population than liberals think. (FT)
On the subject of new coinings I’m put in mind of a scene in the South Korean action-thriller movie Oldboy, 2003. Our hero, Oh Dae-su, is kidnapped by a criminal gang and imprisoned sedated and hypnotised in near complete isolation from the outside world for a period of 15 years. In the way of such dramas he does however teach himself to be a fighter – we see a montage of him toughening himelf by punching the wall of his windowless cell-like room. He then escapes and runs into a group of street punks from whom he cadges a cigarette. They knock him to the ground and call him a “Dick Head”. This gives him the chance to test his warrior skills but first he ponders the unfamiliar curse he just heard for the first time “Dick Head, that’s a new one”
While we’re in Asia…
No 10 sorry for meat and alcohol at Diwali event (Kate Whannel, BBC Political reporter)
Diwali-Party-gate, anyone?
Quick, get Sue Grey onto it. And have her put on a Sari
But I digress.
Our Ganesh is of course a liberal himself: I’m such a cartoon metropolitan that I have a favourite Eurostar seat. (FT)
He doesn’t register the rather sinister nudging intentional official regime motivations that lie behind the enforced popularisation of euphemisms such as Small Boats and Climate Defenders.
His article is more in the way of friendly advice to the leftists. Rather than complain of left-speak our Ganesh instead bemoans the rise of the plainspeaking, presumably populist, right: Among the megastars such as Joe Rogan, not to mention Donald Trump, what stands out is an Orwellian directness. “Bros” or not, their speech is far closer to the American or Anglosphere median… Style and substance are linked. If you can’t tell that a word lacks resonance outside of big cities, you can’t tell that a candidate does either. Meanwhile, the right is out there, in people’s ears, on their screens and all too easy to understand. (FT)
Although I have very limited exposure to the BBC I am curious about the propaganda narrative the BBC is using in relation to the appointees of president trump .
Firstly all appointees are ‘disapproved ‘ out of the TDS trump derangement syndrome ..
Second – there is ‘surprise ‘ inexperienced people are appointed . A big lie because the likes of Kennedy was given the health job in the campaign – similarly with Elon
Third – they are set to fail
Another strand is the tarif threat . Trump – hopefully – is going to use the threats of tariffs to get his way – such as forcing Europeans to pay for their defence rather than continuing to freeload on the US – and even UK ..
A further strand is the prospect of TTK using Trump as the reason for all the coming failures ( negative costs – higher interest – higher inflation – higher fuel ) across the years to 2029 …
I think we ll see the above pushed a lot up to 20 January and beyond .
Any dissent by any trump appointed will rapidly be jumped on as failure of the entire regime – particularly since he has appointed so many strong characters ….
How the likes of the great leader and his shambolic cabinet are going to relate to the Trump regime is beyond imagination because of the consistent overt hatred for him … just like the BBC …
Starmer’s cabinet will do what Lammy did and claim all their hateful, TDS comments were in the past and are now forgotten – or pretend like they’d never said them at all.
I’m hoping Trump rubs their noses in it a bit.
And…lets have a look at what the lying bb bastard c mostly ignored in Biden’s cabinet:
“Several other Biden officials have faced heated criticism over their qualifications in recent years, including former senior Department of Energy official Sam Brinton, who identifies as nonbinary and was arrested multiple times for baggage theft at airports.
Eric Lipka, who served as a deputy press secretary on the Biden-Harris campaign, sparked controversy earlier this year over his drag queen alter ego “Erotica the Drag Queen.”
Tyler Cherry, who worked in both the Biden White House and the Department of Interior, was hired and promoted despite several social media posts comparing police to “slave patrols,” promoting conspiracies about Russia colluding with Trump and supporting the anti-Israel movement.”
“Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., when asked on Thursday about the controversy surrounding Trump’s appointment of Gaetz, held up a photo of assistant HHS Secretary Rachel Levine and Brinton asked, “Did you ask Democratic senators about this?”
Perhaps that image is one of the many reasons the illegitimate Biden Obama regime got finally kicked out …. I’d empty the justice department – refill it with Republicans – and use lawfare against every one in that Regime ….
It seems the leader of the Germans, Mr Scholz, who is in charge despite the collapse of the government, has been on the phone to Mr putin… shock horror…..imagine my surprise…….the bbc are suggesting its Guess what , all because The Donald has made everything so unsettled.
Much more likely ,as the temperature is dropping in Europe….it happens every winter l seem to remember ..and Mr Scholz is just putting in a new updated request for that lurverley cheap, cheap , Russian oil and gas. But do remember the Germans are equipping the Ukrainian forces more so than anyone else( except the USA).
So all this is fine. Nothing to see here..and it’s all actually Trumps fault anyway.
The Gold Group of Essex Police are saying the plod video shows Alison Pearson being invited for interview over a criminal offence – s17 public dissent act . Surely then – 12 months after the crime – she must be arrested – interviewed – charged – remanded into custody for 2 years or bribed with TTK guilty plea ?
Otherwise ‘justice ‘ in Britain isn’t being served is it ?
The victim will then be able to give evidence in court – with an order not to disclose the identity of ‘mr Mohammed ‘… ‘
“A teenage girl was almost choked to death outside her school in an alleged ‘honor killing’ by her parents after she refused an arranged marriage.
Ihsan Ali, 44, and his wife Zahraa Subhi Mohsin Ali, 40, were charged with attempted murder and attempted kidnapping after their arrest on October 18. Shocking video allegedly showed the father on the ground with his daughter on top of him as he choked her.
The girl, 17, who wasn’t named, ran away from home to Timberline High School in Lacey, Washington, where her 16-year-old boyfriend also studied, after her parents tried to put her on a plane to Iraq.”
She must be arrested and charged and the CPS decide on the ‘public interest ‘ … then she should sue Essex Plod for malicious prosecution … who is her MP ? Where is he she it ?
Let’s hear it for Laura Helmuth . Ms Mr / miss/mrs whatever – was the editor of Scientific American – but she twittered various insults against the majority of American voters who voted trump -fascists – presumably after the second difficult bottle of Chablis ….
She has now apologised ( yeah right ) and resigned before being fired – another glass ceiling tick box …
Elsewhere – BBC got for hots for the family £ and lawyers £ of Malcolm Twitter – formerly Malcolm X after he got deaded 50? Years ago because the feds looked the other way,,,
Btw – for younger viewers Malcolm Twitter was a negro Islamic type in America. And head nothing to do with the UK – or the BBC …
“Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of a young woman in Altrincham, or anyone in that community, or even the hundreds of other areas affected.
300 male migrants placed in their town, next to schools and nurseries. Residents only finding out when bookings, meetings and even weddings were abruptly cancelled. It’s reprehensible.
300 young males, unchecked with no papers – many from cultures that do not respect women, or morals which underpin our way of life.
These males are allowed to come and go as they like, with reports of them loitering and smoking around the hotel.
Ask yourself – would you be happy with your 18 year old daughter going out late at night, enjoying a few drinks, with these men free to roam the streets?
If our weak and incompetent establishment is to continue on this path, we need secure detention for illegal migrants. These are unknown and unchecked men, who must have strict controls on their movements.
To rub salt in the wounds, a Conservative councillor has told residents that the migrants will receive some form of private healthcare. What’s the GP situation like in Altrincham for British citizens? Not great, I would bet.
I look at these stories, and I just cannot believe we are doing this to communities up and down the country.
I have pushed and pushed the Home Office for the numbers of crimes committed by illegal migrants – guess what the response was?
“The information requested is not available from published statistics.”
It’s just criminal – absolutely disgusting. When I questioned a Minister on this scandal in the Commons, her response was…
“That will be the way we go forwards”
This is happening in Altrincham, and communities ALL over the country.
If these men are allowed to stay in our country, cared for by the British taxpayer – what message does that send to millions of others looking to make the trip? This will go on and on and on.
Anybody who sets foot in our country illegally must be deported – this madness has gone on for too long. “
Farage is too left wing. A little bird tells me quite a few in Reform are far more ‘based’ than Farage. Farage is on the ‘left’ of the Reform party, so to speak
His recent comments on deportations were weak. Like something Diane Abbot would say.
Come on Nige, stop messing about and say it how it is.
Sometimes I have low blood pressure – so I listen to BBC moneybox . This week the feckless get their water bills paid for courtesy of people who pay the full water bill – you ? Some feckless scouser gets £15 off their water bill each month – means they can buy more milk powder for the babies – or maybe a bottle of scotch …. Bloody love that show …. Blood pressure back up now – through the roof …
Many moons ago, people who didn’t pay their bills would be cut off at the stop tap, they would then pay up within hours unfortunately that practice was outlawed years ago by the dogooders so everyone else pays a lot more to subsidise the non paying lot!
“War will end sooner with Trump as president”, says zelensky.
He’s probably right; I have this mental picture of the peace talks – Putin and Trump, with their teams, thrash out a commonsense peace deal and the world is a safer place.
In the meantime, zelensky is sitting outside with a bottle of pop and a bag of crisps.
Whatever the peace deal is, is won’t involve you, pal.
Trump is a good negotiator. He did come from privilege, but he was/is a very successful businessman, even if you count the big head start he got.
I’d imagine he realises that the only way to end the Ukraine/Russia war is for both sides to not lose face. They both need to feel like they can tell their public that they ‘won’.
Of course, it only ends with Russia winning in reality, but if the Ukraine ends up with a ‘devolved’ parliament (like the UK has with the Scottish Parliament, Welsh assembly etc), then that might be the winner?
I don’t know, but Trump will know the score.
And it’ll be ‘What do you need to end this and be able to say that you didn’t lose?’
I think Trump will end the conflict with some common ‘business’ sense.
To combat the massive increase in stabbing crime, which the politicians vehemently denied was going to happen and when it did eventually happen they denied it and called anybody who mentioned it a racist and Islamophobe, Berlin’s politicians — intellectual supremacists that they are — have thought of a solution.
This is the proposal:
1. Whoever pulls a knife in a conflict
2. a total of six times
3. within a period of two years
4. and stabs at least one person (prerequisite for a conviction)
5. and is caught in the act (prerequisite for a conviction)
6. and is arrested (prerequisite for a conviction)
7. and is criminally prosecuted for this crime
8. could lose their driving license.
Not the BBC -but just thinking on the Alison Pearson story –
How has it come to pass that plod is turning up a peoples ‘ homes over comments they make on the internet – perhaps months ago ?
Maybe it was the extension of ‘threatening or insulting ‘…. In the criminal law. But now ‘offensive ‘ is included – but what is the threshold of ‘offensive ‘?
The state – plod – needs to have a reasonable threshold for ‘offensive ‘ – same with this nonsense of ‘likely to incite ‘ …. A Subjective jelly of a term ….
Maybe the next state down will be the crime of ‘causing upset ‘ – a crime caused by having to stop at a red light – or missing a bus or train .
Surely – there must be a ‘victim ‘- a real victim . If someone makes an allegation of being ‘upset ‘ or ‘offended ‘ then they must be ready to declare themselves – and know that the plod will declare them to their accused ….
The British state has lost the plot …. And more and more people are getting ‘distressed ‘ by it – which might be another case for plod …
This thing above stinks of the nasty marxists at hope not hate who have still not been arrested for inciting riots through false claims online:
“If you don’t believe there is a fair system, if you think that there are people that are being treated better than you, or getting a better deal than you, or are a favoured group of people, then what happens is ideas around free speech and democracy start to break down because you don’t believe in it.
“And I think over the riots or the disorder, we saw that quite clearly, because we saw Nick Lowles, from Hope not Hate, post that in Middlesbrough white racists were throwing acid in Muslim women’s faces.
“He said that on Twitter, I saw it, there was no nothing came out of that. He wasn’t even visited by the police.”
And we all know which sector of our society are past masters at playing the victim….. until they outnumber and then you see what you are dealing with, some of the most intolerant, vicious, violent “victims” you will ever see.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
Saudi Arabia: Mass Killings of Migrants at Yemen Border
Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity.
(London) – Saudi border guards have killed at least hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers who tried to cross the Yemen-Saudi border between March 2022 and June 2023, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. If committed as part of a Saudi government policy to murder migrants, these killings, which appear to continue, would be a crime against humanity.
The 73-page report, “‘They Fired on Us Like Rain’: Saudi Arabian Mass Killings of Ethiopian Migrants at the Yemen-Saudi Border,” found that Saudi border guards have used explosive weapons to kill many migrants and shot other migrants at close range, including many women and children, in a widespread and systematic pattern of attacks. In some instances, Saudi border guards asked migrants what limb to shoot, and then shot them at close range. Saudi border guards also fired explosive weapons at migrants who were attempting to flee back to Yemen.
The civil war in Yemen continues to devastate the country. An estimated 233,000 people have been killed since the outbreak of hostilities in 2015. Seven years of conflict have decimated the country’s economy, infrastructure, and basic services, creating the world’s most severe humanitarian crisis.
24.1 million people in Yemen – over 80 percent of the population – require humanitarian assistance. 58 percent of Yemen’s population faces extreme poverty, and over 19 million people require emergency food assistance due to acute levels of food insecurity. The conflict has also triggered an internal displacement crisis: over 4.3 million people have been forced from their homes since 2015.
“Both warring sides have obstructed humanitarian activity. Houthi authorities have restricted information about COVID-19 and impeded the distribution of vaccines in their areas of control. The Saudi coalition has enforced a blockade of ports since 2016, restricting the delivery of food and medical supplies and contributing to a growing food and healthcare crisis. Mwatana, a Yemeni Human Rights organization, has accused both the Houthi and coalition forces of using starvation as a weapon of war. These blockades of food violate international humanitarian law. ”
Both sides in the conflict have repeatedly committed war crimes. Landmines planted by Houthi militias have caused hundreds of civilian deaths. Both Houthi and government forces have inflicted heavy civilian casualties through attacks against hospitals, schools, and residential areas. In January 2022, three coalition airstrikes killed 80 civilians and injured 156.
JEDDAH: Large-scale “massacres” have been perpetrated in Yemen by Houthi militias and forces loyal to ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh, a recent report has found.
Yemen’s National Human Rights Commission pointed to crimes against unarmed civilians including indiscriminate shelling of residential compounds and popular markets, using artillery and Katyusha rocket launchers.
The report described grave violations of international human rights law and crimes against humanity, saying the perpetrators must be punished.
It cited 11 incidents in which Houthi and forces loyal to Saleh carried out massacres, including the targeting and killing of displaced people from Tawahi, with militia dropping mortars on unarmed civilians fleeing in small boats.
According to the report, human rights teams monitored the killing of 10,811 Yemeni civilians over the past two years by Houthi gunfire and shelling, including 679 women, 1,002 children, and 9,160 men. The majority were killed in 2015, the report revealed, confirming that Houthi and Saleh militias had been deliberately targeting civilians.
Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen has created what the U.N. calls “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”
Zerphir – Saudi Arabia buys each UN member a car and a flat in Dubai – story disappears.
Saudi millionaire cleared of raping teenager after telling court he may have accidentally penetrated 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her
By Stephanie Linning and Lucy Crossley for MailOnline
Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, invited two women back to his flat after a night out
He had sex with the 24-year-old as her 18-year-old friend slept on the sofa
Teenager claimed she woke to find Mr Abdulaziz forcing himself inside her
But the businessman claimed he slipped and was today cleared of rape https://www.nairaland.com/3952709/saudi-prince-accidentally-penetrated-18-year-old
Which of you Islamophobes can honestly say you haven’t – erm – slipped into someone by accident?
The judge and jury were quite right to believe his completely plausible explanation, and I’m quite certain there had been no bribes offered or threats made.
The BBC ignored the Allison Pearson story for a long time and then turned on her and defended the police…on the other hand….a BBC journalist’s personal story about the police is given second place prominence on the site and a massively long article.
Wonder what the reason for the completely different treatment is.
The Beeboid reporter seems to bury that the pervert has a Muslim name
“He had an accent I didn’t recognise, maybe Midlands.”
right down the page (the name of the owner of the phone the masturbation call came from)
“The suspect – Amjad Khan from Blackburn – appeared at Blackburn Magistrate’s Court and pleaded not guilty.”
Does he have form ?
2015 “Blackburn man made 15,000 ‘dirty’ calls in 91 days to total strangers”.
Yes it was the same guy but that was not mentioned in court
REMEMBER this is NOT happening, and you are a conspiracy theorist if you say it is, according to the lying bbc and the rest:
“The Associated Press has called the race for Republican Sen.-elect Dave McCormick, who currently holds a 26,000 vote lead over incumbent Democratic Sen. Bob Casey. But Casey has refused to concede and insisted that every vote be counted. The close margin – within one percentage point – triggered an automatic recount under Pennsylvania law.
Yet the critical question is which votes should be counted? The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled before the election that mail ballots lacking formally required signatures or dates should not be included in official results. However, Democratic officials in Philadelphia and surrounding Bucks, Centre and Montgomery counties are ignoring that court order.
“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country,” Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, said Thursday as she and other Democrats voted to reject a GOP-led challenge to ballots that should be disqualified.”
“Let’s be clear about what’s happening here: Democrats in Pennsylvania are brazenly trying to break the law by attempting to count illegal ballots. They are doing this because they want to steal a senate seat,” Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley wrote on X.
He said the RNC has filed four lawsuits contesting county decisions on undated ballots and vowed to “fight for as long as necessary” to ensure that McCormick’s victory is upheld.
“This is the exact kind of left-wing election interference that undermines voter confidence,” Whatley said.
Smoggie Queens has been made by Hat Trick Productions, which pulled the Father Ted musical. Someone with knowledge of the show has contacted to say: “It’s horrendous. A fetish club features heavily. It normalises pups, BDSM, cross-dressing and denigrating lesbians.”
ohhh..hang on…..is the Allison Pearson that the BBC says is the Telegraph’s Allison Pearson actually her? Was that her ‘hate’ tweet that the BBC reported they’d seen? It’s not is it?
‘The BBC has seen the now-deleted post that the police complaint relates to, which dates from 16 November last year. It shows an image of two police officers standing next to two men holding what appears to be a flag of the Pakistani political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
The post tags the Metropolitan Police alongside the words “how dare they”.
It adds: “Invited to pose for a photo with lovely peaceful British Friends of Israel on Saturday police refused. Look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters.”’
Which is what the tweet said…but one…it’s not deleted..and two…it’s not the Telegraph’s Pearson….and you kind of suspect the Brit Pearson would not have said that anyway.
As much as I hoped this would be a massive BBC and/or police cock up it seems that Pearson’s original tweet was copied by someone else with the same name.
Tommy Robinson – NOT HIS REAL NAME (c) BBC VERIFIED AT 3.5 billion cost to 159 license payer paid under threat of prosecution.
Mars missions should be all-female to avoid astronauts having SEX during 1.5-year journey, according to secret Nasa report on ‘impure thoughts in space’
Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut in space, spoke at a conference today
She said that Nasa had conducted studies on ‘impure thoughts’ in space
Yes I woke up this morning to The Art Of Law channel saying “Oh Guardian screwed up it’s a different Allison Pearson”.
It took me a quick check to find this debunk is a bit false
cos the impersonaion account basically just retweets her genuine tweets
but does not delete when she deletes
Starmer scuttles away from farmers out the back door:
” Moment farmer blasts ‘rat’ Keir Starmer and says he’s ‘not man enough’ to face protesters.
The furious farmer blasted the PM as anger mounts over Labour plans to saddle rural families with a massive new tax burden.”
“Sir Keir did not mention the inheritance tax move on farmers explicitly in his speech, but said he would defend the “tough decisions” his Government has made.
He said “Make no mistake, I will defend our decisions in the Budget all day long. I will defend facing up to the harsh light of fiscal reality.”
(addendum: except for train drivers and council staff etc)
BREAKING: Lady Gaga and Robert De Niro say they will leave the United States if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024. What have these celebrities to do with Trump?
A Deranged conclusion from Kathryn Yusoff, (who is a professor of inhuman geography at Queen Mary University London), printed in the Telegraph. – what are the Telegraph thinking !!!
GEOLOGY IS RACIST, claims university professor.
The study of the Earth’s rocks and natural resources is racist and linked to “white supremacy”, according to a geography professor at a leading UK university.
Kathryn Yusoff, an academic at Queen Mary University of London, said the hard science subject of geology was “” and criven by systemic racismolonialism.
She also suggested palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life through fossils, was partly to blame for racism, labelling it “pale-ontology”.
In her book, Geologic Life, the professor argued the extraction of gold, iron, and other metals was racist. She wrote that geology began as a “colonial practice” that created hierarchies, promoted materialism, destroyed environments and led to climate change.
The theft of land, mining and other geological aspects of colonialism led “toward the white supremacy of the planet” and resulted in “geotrauma”, Prof Yusoff wrote. She also claimed “geology continues to function within a white supremacist praxis”
WHAT ! ! !
I’m not usually disposed to using bad language but … FFS
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Who do Dutch officials (eagerly quoted by the BBC) blame for the violent mayhem in Amsterdam?
“City officials described the violence as a “toxic combination of antisemitism, hooliganism, and anger” over the war in Gaza, Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East.”
How about plain old “Muslims”?
Instead, the whole article seeks to paint them as the victims.
Whoever you blame, this is further proof that multiculturalism isn’t working. Hopefully it will red-pill the Dutch – or at least those not too stupid to side with the Islamists.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Can it get worse?
Guido has spotted that Rachel Reeves has quietly changed her LinkedIn account’s CV.
Instead of admitting that she lied, she has tried to alter the lie. This amateur needs to resign.
So she was a cashier?
tomo, Halifax/Bank of Scotland went bust, iirc, sometime during 2007-2008.
Odd thing but diving into the swamp that is X, apparently, and I’ve never yet come across any of this extremist, nasty, racist etc etc hate that the BBC/Guardian constantly complain about…I’m sure it’s there but it’s pretty rare on the scale of things…Then again I haven’t looked at Allison Pearson’s X feed yet….lol.
Pug, I think it’s because the woketards now have their views disagreed with at times, after Musk allowed more free speech.
Having someone politely disagree with a wokie and provide an alternative viewpoint is ‘toxic’ and ‘fascist’ to them.
They can’t handle even looking at a bit of text on a screen that does not comply fully with their worldview.
These people are idiots.
The media are not yet running with it; they will no doubt be wanting to double check.
It looks bona fide and would substantiate why the budget was so politically inept.
No doubt there will be nothing for the bBC to see or verify. They will have another Hunter moment.
Great that you found it.
She’s a lying cow…but would you expect anything different!
“COP29 is a chance for Britain to show climate leadership on the global stage.
This government believes that climate security is national security.
Behind the scenes earlier this week 👇”
ITV’s infinite “Last Chance to save the planet” logos
2021 vs 2024 yesterday on ITV Calendar
COP26 vs COP29 #irony
I like the comments on the X piece, Tomo!
The bloke really is an idiot!
Luckily Vuukle doesn’t apply!
Is the shoplifting allowance still £200 a go.
Labour is missing a trick here. They should increase the amount of stuff their voters are allowed to steal by the rate of inflation each budget.
Law abiding shoplifters are having to visit more shops to be able to steal enough to keep their lifestyle as it is and the way prices are rising they will have to keep on increasing their work rate.
With the ever increasing price of fags and booze the £200 is easily reached with just a couple of cartons. Perhaps £2,000 should be the value of stuff they can legally steal before the police can do anything.
It can be said that the future of mankind could be two steps forward, one step back – or vise versa.
Let’s take cars : even the cheapest modern car has, luxuries and gadgets that surpass the luxury cars of years ago, are more reliable and cheaper to run. The downside are the traffic conditions of our roads, the aggressive behaviour of some motorists, the theft and vandalism and monitoring by the authorities.
Clothes : so cheap to buy, comfortable and exciting new fabrics. But we have to admit not as smart and pleasing to the eye as say a forties suit in a Bogart movie.
And you can see the trade offs with health, food, holidays etc.
But there is one thing we have today incomparable to devices of old, because they didn’t have anything like it ::
The Internet.
This wonderful thing that allows the ordinary Joe to access nearly every information, be entertained by his/her own choice at the time of his/her choosing — and send and receive uncensored opinions beyond the control of state authorities: democratic, pseudo democratic, semi democratic or tyrannical.
And what do the liberal / left and the BBC want to do about it?
Control it.
Using weasel words like “there must be gatekeepers” to information the plebs receive, “misinformation” peddled on the Web, etc, their meme is that They, the Enlightened, the clerrissy, should shift through the happenings around the world and sanitise the information you receive. Then add their interpretation and you agree and accept their premise if you’re intelligent.
They are certainly not on the side of the Chartists.
Perhaps Vilify, the Beeboid’s big waste of ‘research’, could aso find out where all the pedophiles are getting and sending their filth? Is the term ‘the black web’ or similar?
There you are Marianna, you have a starting point, go do some actual work!
Nibor …
.Being long retired I generally avoid the ‘old’ generally recognised rush hour on the roads. In more recent times there is more chaos with the dropping off and picking up of kids from school, which leaves around a a solitary quietish hour at lunchtime, when lorry and van drivers pull off the road to eat, kids are still at school and workers are still ensconced at home or at their building location.
Today something went wrong with my evaluation. I was on the road at 11 and until 5 til I reached home it was full on congested roads – main roads, country lanes, village high streets. OK it was Friday but jeez this will only get worse with population growth. I’m not a city dweller but if we’re almost grid locked now in our rural areas then “driving home for Christmas” had better start in August with food supplies !
Dear Brissles,
As a lorry driver I note :
That every Summer the traffic increases
It doesn’t decrease in autumn, winter or spring
It increases again the next summer
Again it doesn’t decrease the next three seasons
It increases again the next summer
And repeats.
The footfall at motorway service stations would confirm.
Nibor, ahem! You could say that newspapers were the internet of old, along with coffee shops in the City of London. The South Sea Bubble could not have happened without newspapers and coffee shops.
That is why newspaper sales are so dire in the Age of the Internet.
‘Protests’ not ‘insurrection’ as insurrectionists storm parliament and force leaders to flee….
‘Pro-Russia bill triggers protests in Georgia breakaway region’
Some protestors on Jan 6 got out of hand…helped out by security at the Capitol who actually invited them in…and it’s a huge threat to democracy…the infamous ‘insurrection’ that never was.
On the other hand….a political party that colluded with the Russians to unseat the President, which tried every dirty trick in the book to topple him, which used lawfare and show trial inquiries and impeachments to stop Trump, which had its BLM and Antifa militias on hand to trash ‘America’ and of course a couple of assassination attempts…nothing to see here…unless, say, you are not fully convinced that vaccines are as safe as we are told…then you’re dangerous and mad.
It is remarkable how the BBC can never find a good word to say about Trump, his policies or his picks for cabinet where the BBC uses the word ‘loyalty’ as a codeword for ‘fascist strongman’…nudge nudge…Trump only wants people loyal to him…just like a fascist dictator would!
Bit like the insurrection in Ukraine where their democratically elected president was usurped and exiled and Zelensky put in his place ?
“In November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests known as “Euromaidan” began in response to President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia.
Yanukovych ran for President in the 2010 election, this time beating Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in an election that was judged free and fair by international observers.
In November 2013, Yanukovych made a sudden decision, amidst economic pressure from Russia, to withdraw from signing an association agreement with the EU and instead accept a Russian trade deal and loan bailout. This sparked mass protests against him that ultimately led to his ousting as president. The civil unrest peaked in February 2014, when almost 100 protesters were killed.
Ukraine’s political forces managed to reach an agreement. After the agreement was signed, Yanukovych, fearing for his life and the safety of his family, left Kyiv without warning, first for Kharkiv and later for Crimea. ”
I wonder who was really behind all those sudden anti Russia “mass protests” ??
All those “mass protests”against a country that offered to wipe out their debts and give them a trade deal, oh no we don’t want that.
“Yanukovych stated during the 2010 presidential election-campaign that the current level of Ukraine’s cooperation with NATO was sufficient and that the question of the country’s accession to the alliance was therefore not urgent. “The Ukrainian people don’t currently support Ukraine’s entry to NATO and this corresponds to the status that we currently have. We don’t want to join any military bloc”. On 27 May 2010 Yanukovych stated he considered Ukraine’s relations with NATO as a partnership, “And Ukraine can’t live without this [partnership], because Ukraine is a large country”.
In early November 2011, Yanukovych claimed that “arms are being bought in the country and armed attacks on government agencies are being prepared.” These claims were met with disbelief.”
Economy not doing as well as Rachel Reeves and Labour expecting it to do?
Hold on! It should be stratosphering. All these bogus asylum seekers _sorry immigrant enrichers arriving here – legally, semi legally and illegally, that The Powers That Be tell us are good for the economy, how brilliant they are, they are the successful ones, more hard working than the Brits, enterprising, innovative and adaptable, well if it’s as good as the Powers That Be say we should comfortably retire at 12.
Why did the countries that they left let them go : or refuse to take them back?
I only watch the BBC news on very rare occasions when I can’t sleep.
Last night I switched on wondering, “will they be telling me that Trump eats babies (raw)?”
Well, not quite, but almost.
Some ‘expert’ was excitedly explaining to a delighted interviewer that Trump’s appointment of RFK Jr as head of the Health Department would cause babies to die because of his stance on vaccines. Presumably the same sort of expert who spent Covid telling us that the vaccine was safe.
Don’t they ever let up?
I’ve got an idea for wokies.
All us honkies will move to Africa and take it over.
And all the Africans, Indians and other third worlders are all free to move to and take over the UK, USA, Australia etc.
A swap, if you will.
Well, it’s what a lot of them want to do, isn’t it? Come to the Anglosphere and pretty much take over? Right?
But the deal is they get 1st world nations with first world infrastructure, (and we don’t) but they can never come to Africa. Not even for a holiday.
I give it five years before Africa looks like every other Anglosphere nation and the current Anglosphere looks like …well…where the new citizens originally came from.
And they’d be banging on our doors trying to get in again!
Crikey, I sound worse than Alf Garnett outside a chicken shop this morning.
Alf was a visionary. As are you. Best listen for the police knock.
Yes, this is the BBC’s distinct ploy: Condemning Trump appointees and attempting to pull their ability/suitability for the role apart. Marxist/Communist to the bitter end. But, joy of joys, I have no doubt that future interviews with the Trump ‘Dream Team’ will receive short shrift and, hopefully, extreme levels of response rudeness.
Perhaps the BBC could, more safely, focus on the Reeves employment history and now suitability/ability to carry out the role of Chancellor of the Exchequer.
In 1987, Kennedy founded the Environmental Litigation Clinic at Pace University School of Law, where for three decades he was the clinic’s supervising attorney and co-director and Clinical Professor of Law.[53] Kennedy obtained a special order from the New York State Court of Appeals that permitted his 10 clinic students to practice law and try cases against Hudson River polluters in state and federal court, under the supervision of Kennedy and his co-director, Professor Karl Coplan. The clinic’s full-time clients are Riverkeeper and Long Island Soundkeeper.[54]
The clinic has sued governments and companies for polluting Long Island Sound and the Hudson River and its tributaries.[55] It argued cases to expand citizen access to the shoreline and won hundreds of settlements for the Hudson Riverkeeper.[56] Kennedy and his students also sued dozens of municipal wastewater treatment plants to force compliance with the Clean Water Act.[54] In 2010, a Pace lawsuit forced ExxonMobil to clean up tens of millions of gallons of oil from legacy refinery spills in Newtown Creek in Brooklyn.[57]
On April 11, 2001, Men’s Journal gave Kennedy its “Heroes” Award for creating the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic.
In June 1999, as Riverkeeper’s success on the Hudson began inspiring the creation of Waterkeepers across North America, Kennedy and a few dozen Riverkeepers gathered in Southampton, Long Island, to found the Waterkeeper Alliance, which is now the umbrella group for the 344 licensed Waterkeeper programs[64] in 44 countries.[65] As president, Kennedy oversaw its legal, membership, policy and fundraising programs. The Alliance is dedicated to promoting “swimmable, fishable, drinkable waterways, worldwide.”
he helped orchestrate the $1.2 billion New York City Watershed Agreement, which New York magazine recognized in its cover story, “The Kennedy Who Matters.”[80] This agreement, which Kennedy negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.
n 2000, Kennedy and the environmental lawyer Kevin Madonna founded the environmental law firm Kennedy & Madonna, LLP, to represent private plaintiffs against polluters.[82] The firm litigates environmental contamination cases on behalf of individuals, non-profit organizations, school districts, public water suppliers, Indian tribes, municipalities and states. In 2001, Kennedy & Madonna organized a team of prestigious plaintiff law firms to challenge pollution from industrial pork and poultry production.[83] In 2004, the firm was part of a legal team that secured a $70 million settlement for property owners in Pensacola, Florida whose properties were contaminated by chemicals from an adjacent Superfund site.[84]
Kennedy & Madonna was profiled in the 2010 HBO documentary Mann v. Ford,[85] which chronicles four years of litigation by the firm on behalf of the Ramapough Mountain Indians against the Ford Motor Company for dumping toxic waste on tribal lands in northern New Jersey.[86] In addition to a monetary settlement for the tribe, the lawsuit contributed to the community’s land being re-listed on the federal Superfund list, the first time that a de-listed site was re-listed.[87]
In 2007, Kennedy was one of three finalists nominated by Public Justice as “Trial Lawyer of the Year” for his role in the $396 million jury verdict against DuPont for contamination from its Spelter, West Virginia zinc plant.[88] In 2017, the firm was part of the trial team that secured a $670 million settlement on behalf of over 3,000 residents from Ohio and West Virginia whose drinking water was contaminated by the toxic chemical perfluorooctanoic acid, which DuPont released into the environment in Parkersburg, West Virginia.[89]
In 2016, Kennedy became counsel to the Morgan & Morgan law firm.[90] The partnership arose from the two firms’ successful collaboration on the case against SoCalGas Company following the Aliso Canyon gas leak in California.[91] In 2017, Kennedy and his partners sued Monsanto in federal court in San Francisco, on behalf of plaintiffs seeking to recover damages for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that, the plaintiffs allege, were a result of exposure to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup. Kennedy and his team also filed a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for failing to warn consumers about the dangers allegedly posed by exposure to Roundup.[92]
In September 2018, Kennedy and his partners filed a class-action lawsuit against Columbia Gas of Massachusetts alleging negligence following gas explosions in three towns north of Boston. Of Columbia Gas, Kennedy said “as they build new miles of pipe, the same company is ignoring its existing infrastructure, which we now know is eroding and is dilapidated.”
In 1999, Kennedy, Chris Bartle and John Hoving created a bottled water company, Keeper Springs, which donated all of its profits to Waterkeeper Alliance.
In his first case as an environmental attorney, Kennedy represented the NAACP in a lawsuit against a proposal to build a garbage transfer station in a minority neighborhood in Ossining, New York.[106]
In 1987, he successfully sued Westchester County to reopen the Croton Point Park, which was heavily used primarily by poor and minority communities from the Bronx.[107] He then forced the reopening of the Pelham Bay Park, which New York City had closed to the public and converted to a police firing range.[41]
International and indigenous rights
Starting in 1985, Kennedy helped develop the Natural Resources Defense Council’s international program for environmental, energy, and human rights, traveling to Canada and Latin America to assist indigenous tribes in protecting their homelands and opposing large-scale energy and extractive projects in remote wilderness areas.[108]
In 1990, Kennedy assisted indigenous Pehuenches in Chile in a partially successful campaign to stop the construction of a series of dams on Chile’s iconic Biobío River. That campaign derailed all but one of the proposed dams.[109] Beginning in 1992, he assisted the Cree Indians of northern Quebec in their campaign against Hydro-Québec to halt construction of some 600 proposed dams on eleven rivers in James Bay.[110]
In 1993, Kennedy and NRDC, working with the indigenous rights organization Cultural Survival, clashed with other American environmental groups in a dispute about the rights of Indians to govern their own lands in the Oriente region of Ecuador.[111] Kennedy represented the CONFENIAE, a confederation of Indian peoples, in negotiation with the American oil company Conoco to limit oil development in Ecuadorian Amazon and, at the same time, obtain benefits from resource extraction for Amazonian tribes.[111] Kennedy was a vocal critic of Texaco for its previous record for polluting the Ecuadoran Amazon.[112]
From 1993 to 1999, Kennedy worked with five Vancouver Island Indian tribes in their campaign to end industrial logging by MacMillan Bloedel in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia.[113]
In 1996, Kennedy met with Cuban President Fidel Castro to persuade the leader to halt his plans to construct a nuclear power plant at Juraguá.[114] During a lengthy latenight encounter, Castro reminisced about Kennedy’s father and uncle, speculating that U.S. relations with Cuba would have been far better had President Kennedy not been assassinated.[115]
Between 1996 and 2000, Kennedy and NRDC helped Mexican commercial fishermen to halt Mitsubishi’s proposal to build a salt facility in the Laguna San Ignacio, a known area in Baja where gray whales bred, and nursed their calves.[116] Kennedy wrote in opposition to the project, and took the campaign to Japan, meeting with the Japanese prime minister, Keizo Obuchi.[117]
In 2000, he assisted local environmental activists to stop proposals by Chaffin Light, a real estate developer, and U.S. engineering giant Bechtel from building a large hotel and resort development that, Kennedy argued, threatened coral reefs and public beaches used by local Bahamians, at Clifton Bay, New Providence Island.[118]
Kennedy was one of the early editors of Indian Country Today, North America’s largest Native American newspaper.[119] He helped lead the opposition to the damming of the Futaleufú River in the Southern Zone of Chile.[120] In 2016, due to the pressure precipitated by the Futaleufú Riverkeepers campaign against the dams, the Spanish power company Endesa, which owned the right to dam the river, reversed its decision and relinquished all claims to the Futaleufú.
Kennedy is critical of the United States’ alliances with dictatorships like Saudi Arabia. He criticized the Saudi-led intervention in the Yemeni civil war, calling it a “genocide against the Iranian-backed Houthi tribe.”
An opponent of the military industry and foreign interventions, Kennedy was critical of the Iraq War as well as American support for Ukraine against Russia’s invasion of the country. He condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine,[150] but called the Russo-Ukrainian War “a U.S. war against Russia”
Kennedy said Ukraine should be forbidden from joining NATO, and announced that as president he would consider admitting Russia to NATO and deescalating tensions with China.
Kennedy attacked the operations of former CIA director Allen Dulles, condemning U.S.-backed coups and interventions such as the 1953 Iranian coup d’état as “bloodthirsty,” and blamed U.S. interventions in countries such as Syria and Iran for the rise of terrorist organizations such as ISIS and creating anti-American sentiment in the region.[148] Kennedy said the CIA has no accountability and declared his intention to restructure the agency.
In an article titled “Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria” published in Politico in February 2016, Kennedy referred to the “bloody history that modern interventionists like George W. Bush, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio miss when they recite their narcissistic trope that Mideast nationalists ‘hate us for our freedoms.’ For the most part they don’t; instead they hate us for the way we betrayed those freedoms—our own ideals—within their borders.”
Kennedy believes that the administration of President Joe Biden in large part caused the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia due to reckless and militant action; he has specifically cited the issue of NATO expansion into Eastern Europe.”
Kennedy has said that he is not against vaccines but wants them to be more thoroughly tested and investigated.[237][238] In Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, Kennedy writes that he does not see himself as anti-vaccine: “People who advocate for safer vaccines should not be marginalized or denounced as anti-vaccine. I am pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines have saved the lives of hundreds of millions of humans over the past century and that broad vaccine coverage is critical to public health. But I want our vaccines to be as safe as possible.”
Thalidomide: the tragedy of birth defects and the effective treatment of disease
Thalidomide was a widely used drug in the late 1950s and early 1960s for the treatment of nausea in pregnant women. It became apparent in the 1960s that thalidomide treatment resulted in severe birth defects in thousands of children. Though the use of thalidomide was banned in most countries at that time, thalidomide proved to be a useful treatment for leprosy and later, multiple myeloma. In rural areas of the world that lack extensive medical surveillance initiatives, thalidomide treatment of pregnant women with leprosy has continued to cause malformations.
Under a deal unveiled today by Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb, the Department of Health will pay around £80 million over 10 years to the Thalidomide Trust through an annual grant, which dispenses help and support to people disabled by the drug.
Thimerosal is an organomercury compound. It is used as a preservative. Mercury stays in the body.
When used in vaccines it allows extended life, so one phial can be kept for more than one dose so saving money on packaging etc.
Extra harm 4 babies = More profit 4 Big Pharma
Thankfully this stuff is being banned.
Use of mercury in hatmaking is thought to have been adopted by the Huguenots in 17th-century France, at a time when the dangers of mercury exposure were already known. This process was initially kept a trade secret in France, where hatmaking rapidly became a hazardous occupation.
BBC write about the BBC … “Other large institutions such as the BBC and the NHS have held major inquiries into the abuse carried out over decades by the television and radio personality, Jimmy Savile. He died before his crimes were made public. All these organisations promised change and overhauled their safeguarding policies in the wake of the scandals.”
** Rotherham/Jay Report 1400 raped kids missing
Trump cabinet picks battle misconduct claims and controversy
So after a week of slurring and mudslinging, the BBC end it all with a summary article which is just re-printing everything they already reported.
Their conduct over Trumps cabinet selection has been absolutely disgraceful. We have had non-stop mud-slinging and inferred accusations without little if any actual evidence. They truly are the ultimate double-standard hypocrites.
Where was this critique about Starmer’s cabinet ?. What about the racist Lammy being given the Foreign Secretary job after insulting other world leaders ?.
Trump is not a weakling Tory. He will just say ‘f*ck you’ to all these MSM extremists and do exactly what he said he would do before he was elected. The polar opposite of the weasel Starmer – yet the BBC give HIM a very easy ride.
The net result of this BBC spiteful onslaught and Starmer’s ideology-over-ability government will be to simply make the duly elected President of the USA think of us as an unfriendly country and will deal with us as such. We will all suffer for their blatant activism. The BBC should be up in front of ministers explaining themselves over this. Instead Starmer will be laughing as he reads what they wrote.
Has anybody EVER seen the BBC run such critical and unfriendly ‘live-updates’ about any left-wing politicians ?. I can’t recall any. They are always people the BBC don’t agree with. Where are you OFCOM ?. You – like the BBC and the UN – have become utterly unfit for purpose.
I can see President Trump just looking at the basket case that is Europe and saying ‘bye’ – we ll deal with US problems and look to the pacific .
The only reason to stay in touch with Europe is the fear it will become a threat to the US as the caliphate grows with the UK likely to be the first Muslim nuclear weaponed state … Iran need not bother …
“We are dying every moment’ – the Afghans risking their lives to reach UK”
An article devoid of any of the ‘fact checking’ the BBC like to commit to (especially for Trump or anything else to the right of centre).
Yes, this chap gets his genitals beaten by the Taliban and whacked with the butt of a rifle when caught trying to flee Afghanistan. He’s starving, has no job, no hope for his family etc etc.
Well guess what BBC?
Even if this guy is telling the truth (and I’d put my life on it that he isn’t)…so what?
This is not our problem.
Afghanistan is the way it is because of the Afghans that live there! Ever thought of that, you geniuses?
The UK is on its arse and we can’t take in unlimited ‘refugees’ on the take.
They are economic migrants who, as the BBC themselves point out, treck all the way across western Asia and Europe to get to the UK.
Of course, the BBC fail to ‘fact check’ that they don’t seem to want to stop in any number of safe countries before hitting the UK.
Did they even check if this guy had a serious criminal record? Or if any single one of his claims are actually true?
Of course not! It’s all about the ‘feelz’
Well I feel sick.
We don’t want them here BBC, what part of that don’t you understand?
And I couldn’t give a toss about this chap’s life. Tell me he got eaten by a crocodile and I’d barely blink and just put the kettle on.
This is a problem (if it even is a problem!) for Afghans/Muslims to fix. Not ours.
Afghanistan: Boris Johnson vows to help those left behind
27 August 2021
** book costs only £10
*** signed copy is £20
Malala: The girl who was shot for going to school
7 October 2013
It did not even make the grade for Pakistani TV’s typically hysterical breaking news marathons. Many Pakistanis would not even have known she was up for the award.
Indeed, journalist Tariq Khattack , actually condemned it, telling the BBC: “It’s a political decision and a conspiracy.”
“She is a normal, useless type of a girl. Nothing in her is special at all. She’s selling what the West will buy.”
But in Malala’s hometown of Mingora in north-western Pakistan, it remained a quiet Friday.
Many were busy with prayers when the news arrived. Most schools were closed for Eid, and those that were open did not have any special celebrations.
Is that the same lass who was given a new life in the uk, a place at Oxford and a few cushy non jobs?
From what I’ve seen since, her role, after the generosity shown to her by the UK, has been to slag the country off and push Islamic causes (and we thought that’s what she was running away from in the first place? Silly us, eh?) She likes to have a go at whitey too.
Malala is an ungrateful cow who should be deported back to Afghanistan.
That’d take that smug, shit eating grin off her face, wouldn’t it?
If I’d been shown such mercy by a nation and given such opportunity and privilege, I’d walk around dressed in their flag every day and do nothing but give my life to serving and helping the people of that county.
Not sneering at it and slagging it off at every opportunity.
She can get f…d, the ungrateful little shit.
Good morning.
Good morning Lazy Cat – that was a funny rant for a lazy cat!
Thanks MM 🙂
For any site members who want a surreal experience I recommend watching Chopper ( Christopher Hope ) interview Lord Glasman the Labour peer on GB News.
Glasman says that Labour should welcome Trump’s election. That Globalism is dead and has nearly wrecked our country. That Labour must rediscover its roots as a party of the working people. That the army must be doubled in size and re equipped . That the country must re industrialise.That Brexit was a good thing. That the UK must not rejoin the EU which is dying.
On and on he goes.All stuff with which it is difficult to disagree. But then comes the truly surreal bit , he claims that Davos Man himself our beloved leader TTK , agrees with him!!
Of course Chopper , being a globalist stooge and generally useless, doesn’t ask him why, if Starmer agrees with him , why does he prefer Davos to Westminster. He also avoids asking about Net Zero or anti Semitism or two tier justice or mass immigration. But as I say he is just a Globalist stooge.
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has written in the Daily Mail warning against the scourge of “thought police” in the UK under Sir Keir Starmer, comparing it to the “Soviet Union at its worst”. It comes amid a row over non-crime hate incidents thrust into the spotlight after columnist Allison Pearson revealed police knocked on her door over a tweet from a year ago. Elsewhere, Davina McCall is pictured as the paper reports the presenter is out of surgery after undergoing an operation to remove a brain tumour.
I may be wrong but, the Conservatives introduced the Communist thought crimes not Liebour.
In the day well prior to the last election, I continually asked Reform where their priorities would lie if given power. My continually unanswered question was, ‘what existing legislation would you urgently repeal’…………….No replies.
Is BoJo growing some balls at last?
On the plus side I saw him actually get angry with a BBC interviewer recently.
On the minus side, he put up a very weak defence of Trump against Emily Mateless at the time of the election, dissolving instead into his characteristic jokey mumbling.
The time for ingratiating jokes is over Boris. They won’t like you anyway, so get tough with them.
Mark Mark,
They are not police they are TOCs (Tools of Control)
How unexpected….the BBC ignored the Pearson story for as long as possible hoping it would die down and vanish…but it got too big…so the next move is to attack Pearson and her story as in this blatantly one-sided defence of the police…
‘Police defend investigation into journalist’s social media post’
Note that though Pearson herself wasn’t shown the alleged tweet the BBC has been shown it by the police.
Also note Pearson herself hasn’t been spoken to by the BBC and allowed to comment.
Warning: This article contains language that some people may find offensive
“The BBC has seen the now-deleted post from 16 November last year. It shows an image of two police officers standing next to two men holding what appears to be a flag of the Pakistani political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
The post tags the Metropolitan Police alongside the words “how dare they”.
It adds: “Invited to pose for a photo with lovely peaceful British Friends of Israel on Saturday police refused. Look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters.”
X added a notice to the post stating that the image was taken in Manchester, not London, and that it is “not related to Palestine”.”
Just think – those plod will be attacking farmers next week
Teach them to hate and hide their faces from the cradle, just like their genocidal colleagues.
Just think of all the robberies, thefts, and muggings that multiple Police forces do not have to deal with for the next two years while they take on the above ‘serious’ twitter posting.
Cigarettes and alcohol Orwellian directness edition
In this morning’s FT Weekend, columnist Janan Ganesh observes: Liberals speak an odd language
Liberals have evolved a language of their own. Or at least a dialect. Those who speak it tend to have no earthly idea how odd it sounds
Mr AsI is somewhat of a keen aficionado of our left-leaning headline argot and can’t help but admire any sudden new coinings which apparently come from out of nowhere into common media usage and get forthwith accepted and received into the common parlance – such as the classic recent launch of Small Boats.
Ah, Small Boats… what an adorable cute-sounding term. I’m put in mind of The Cockleshell Heroes – 1955, British Technicolor war film with Trevor Howard, Anthony Newley, Christopher Lee, David Lodge and José Ferrer, who also directed. The film depicts a heavily fictionalised version of Operation Frankton, the December 1942 raid on German cargo shipping by British Royal Marine Commandos, who infiltrated Bordeaux Harbour using folding kayaks. (Thank you Wiki)
Our BBC under their online news Climate tab gifts us a brand new term: COP29 hosts accused of detaining climate defenders (Esme Stallard, BBC, Climate and science reporter, Ilkin Hasanov, BBC News)
Climate Defenders…? Now pray tell, what do they be?
The Azerbaijani government is using COP29 to crack down on environmental activists and other political opponents, according to human rights groups… Climate Action Network, a group of nearly 2,000 climate groups, told BBC News the protection of civil society is crucial if countries want to see progress on climate change. (BBC)
So what you mean by the term Climate Defenders are activist protest campaign groups, the likes of our very own Just Stop Oil, Insulate UK and Extinction Rebellion.
Oh, by the way: Half of Brits disagree with the protest tactics of Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil… 50% of Brits disagree with Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil’s protest tactics, according to our annual National Home Energy Survey… with just 16% agreeing with their tactics. (The Eco Experts ‘climate-friendly writers who can tell you exactly how to cut your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint’)
Our Janan cites various strands of liberal-speak: First, psychotherapeutic jargon. The spraying around of such concepts as intentionality is an attempt to give things a scientific and even medical veneer by people who mostly studied comparative literature. Second, an unbecoming obsession with transient pop culture. References to the “Beyhive” and to “Brat summer” are lost on much more of the population than liberals think. (FT)
On the subject of new coinings I’m put in mind of a scene in the South Korean action-thriller movie Oldboy, 2003. Our hero, Oh Dae-su, is kidnapped by a criminal gang and imprisoned sedated and hypnotised in near complete isolation from the outside world for a period of 15 years. In the way of such dramas he does however teach himself to be a fighter – we see a montage of him toughening himelf by punching the wall of his windowless cell-like room. He then escapes and runs into a group of street punks from whom he cadges a cigarette. They knock him to the ground and call him a “Dick Head”. This gives him the chance to test his warrior skills but first he ponders the unfamiliar curse he just heard for the first time “Dick Head, that’s a new one”
While we’re in Asia…
No 10 sorry for meat and alcohol at Diwali event (Kate Whannel, BBC Political reporter)
Diwali-Party-gate, anyone?
Quick, get Sue Grey onto it. And have her put on a Sari
But I digress.
Our Ganesh is of course a liberal himself: I’m such a cartoon metropolitan that I have a favourite Eurostar seat. (FT)
He doesn’t register the rather sinister nudging intentional official regime motivations that lie behind the enforced popularisation of euphemisms such as Small Boats and Climate Defenders.
His article is more in the way of friendly advice to the leftists. Rather than complain of left-speak our Ganesh instead bemoans the rise of the plainspeaking, presumably populist, right: Among the megastars such as Joe Rogan, not to mention Donald Trump, what stands out is an Orwellian directness. “Bros” or not, their speech is far closer to the American or Anglosphere median… Style and substance are linked. If you can’t tell that a word lacks resonance outside of big cities, you can’t tell that a candidate does either. Meanwhile, the right is out there, in people’s ears, on their screens and all too easy to understand. (FT)
Comment “Seems that men don’t exist in the woke world of advertising. John Lewis have no men in their ad either.”
Comedian on Boots hypocritical “anti-white” Christmas ad – or is Boots secretly far-right?
Shall have to get my rubber johnnies elsewhere from now on.
Although I have very limited exposure to the BBC I am curious about the propaganda narrative the BBC is using in relation to the appointees of president trump .
Firstly all appointees are ‘disapproved ‘ out of the TDS trump derangement syndrome ..
Second – there is ‘surprise ‘ inexperienced people are appointed . A big lie because the likes of Kennedy was given the health job in the campaign – similarly with Elon
Third – they are set to fail
Another strand is the tarif threat . Trump – hopefully – is going to use the threats of tariffs to get his way – such as forcing Europeans to pay for their defence rather than continuing to freeload on the US – and even UK ..
A further strand is the prospect of TTK using Trump as the reason for all the coming failures ( negative costs – higher interest – higher inflation – higher fuel ) across the years to 2029 …
I think we ll see the above pushed a lot up to 20 January and beyond .
Any dissent by any trump appointed will rapidly be jumped on as failure of the entire regime – particularly since he has appointed so many strong characters ….
How the likes of the great leader and his shambolic cabinet are going to relate to the Trump regime is beyond imagination because of the consistent overt hatred for him … just like the BBC …
Starmer’s cabinet will do what Lammy did and claim all their hateful, TDS comments were in the past and are now forgotten – or pretend like they’d never said them at all.
I’m hoping Trump rubs their noses in it a bit.
So all those locked up for mean tweets can be freed from Prison? HA HA HHA AH AHHAHAH AHH A!
3 Tier Keir!
And…lets have a look at what the lying bb bastard c mostly ignored in Biden’s cabinet:
“Several other Biden officials have faced heated criticism over their qualifications in recent years, including former senior Department of Energy official Sam Brinton, who identifies as nonbinary and was arrested multiple times for baggage theft at airports.
Eric Lipka, who served as a deputy press secretary on the Biden-Harris campaign, sparked controversy earlier this year over his drag queen alter ego “Erotica the Drag Queen.”
Tyler Cherry, who worked in both the Biden White House and the Department of Interior, was hired and promoted despite several social media posts comparing police to “slave patrols,” promoting conspiracies about Russia colluding with Trump and supporting the anti-Israel movement.”
“Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., when asked on Thursday about the controversy surrounding Trump’s appointment of Gaetz, held up a photo of assistant HHS Secretary Rachel Levine and Brinton asked, “Did you ask Democratic senators about this?”
Perhaps that image is one of the many reasons the illegitimate Biden Obama regime got finally kicked out …. I’d empty the justice department – refill it with Republicans – and use lawfare against every one in that Regime ….
It seems the leader of the Germans, Mr Scholz, who is in charge despite the collapse of the government, has been on the phone to Mr putin… shock horror…..imagine my surprise…….the bbc are suggesting its Guess what , all because The Donald has made everything so unsettled.
Much more likely ,as the temperature is dropping in Europe….it happens every winter l seem to remember ..and Mr Scholz is just putting in a new updated request for that lurverley cheap, cheap , Russian oil and gas. But do remember the Germans are equipping the Ukrainian forces more so than anyone else( except the USA).
So all this is fine. Nothing to see here..and it’s all actually Trumps fault anyway.
The Gold Group of Essex Police are saying the plod video shows Alison Pearson being invited for interview over a criminal offence – s17 public dissent act . Surely then – 12 months after the crime – she must be arrested – interviewed – charged – remanded into custody for 2 years or bribed with TTK guilty plea ?
Otherwise ‘justice ‘ in Britain isn’t being served is it ?
The victim will then be able to give evidence in court – with an order not to disclose the identity of ‘mr Mohammed ‘… ‘
The way forward for the UK is hidden within below:
My God, how much longer do the west have to put up with these ?
At least this is in the USA where they will be more likely to stand up and be counted. On video as well:
“Horrifying moment parents ‘try to choke their daughter, 17, to death in an honor killing’ outside her school.
“A teenage girl was almost choked to death outside her school in an alleged ‘honor killing’ by her parents after she refused an arranged marriage.
Ihsan Ali, 44, and his wife Zahraa Subhi Mohsin Ali, 40, were charged with attempted murder and attempted kidnapping after their arrest on October 18. Shocking video allegedly showed the father on the ground with his daughter on top of him as he choked her.
The girl, 17, who wasn’t named, ran away from home to Timberline High School in Lacey, Washington, where her 16-year-old boyfriend also studied, after her parents tried to put her on a plane to Iraq.”
“put her on a plane to Iraq” – oh dear – “Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine”

She must be arrested and charged and the CPS decide on the ‘public interest ‘ … then she should sue Essex Plod for malicious prosecution … who is her MP ? Where is he she it ?
The answer lies within:
Precedent exists.
Let’s hear it for Laura Helmuth . Ms Mr / miss/mrs whatever – was the editor of Scientific American – but she twittered various insults against the majority of American voters who voted trump -fascists – presumably after the second difficult bottle of Chablis ….
She has now apologised ( yeah right ) and resigned before being fired – another glass ceiling tick box …
Elsewhere – BBC got for hots for the family £ and lawyers £ of Malcolm Twitter – formerly Malcolm X after he got deaded 50? Years ago because the feds looked the other way,,,
Btw – for younger viewers Malcolm Twitter was a negro Islamic type in America. And head nothing to do with the UK – or the BBC …
So now the little weasel Khun’t says ‘Let’s give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt’.
Oh, how very gracious of His Highness, after years of calling Trump a racist, fascist, islamophobe etc.
I’ll tell you who I won’t be giving the benefit of the doubt to: the little Khun’t at City Hall.
And I hope Trump doesn’t either.
It’s a shame Farage has gone soft.
Rupert Lowe-
“Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of a young woman in Altrincham, or anyone in that community, or even the hundreds of other areas affected.
300 male migrants placed in their town, next to schools and nurseries. Residents only finding out when bookings, meetings and even weddings were abruptly cancelled. It’s reprehensible.
300 young males, unchecked with no papers – many from cultures that do not respect women, or morals which underpin our way of life.
These males are allowed to come and go as they like, with reports of them loitering and smoking around the hotel.
Ask yourself – would you be happy with your 18 year old daughter going out late at night, enjoying a few drinks, with these men free to roam the streets?
If our weak and incompetent establishment is to continue on this path, we need secure detention for illegal migrants. These are unknown and unchecked men, who must have strict controls on their movements.
To rub salt in the wounds, a Conservative councillor has told residents that the migrants will receive some form of private healthcare. What’s the GP situation like in Altrincham for British citizens? Not great, I would bet.
I look at these stories, and I just cannot believe we are doing this to communities up and down the country.
I have pushed and pushed the Home Office for the numbers of crimes committed by illegal migrants – guess what the response was?
“The information requested is not available from published statistics.”
It’s just criminal – absolutely disgusting. When I questioned a Minister on this scandal in the Commons, her response was…
“That will be the way we go forwards”
This is happening in Altrincham, and communities ALL over the country.
If these men are allowed to stay in our country, cared for by the British taxpayer – what message does that send to millions of others looking to make the trip? This will go on and on and on.
Anybody who sets foot in our country illegally must be deported – this madness has gone on for too long. “
Farage is too left wing. A little bird tells me quite a few in Reform are far more ‘based’ than Farage. Farage is on the ‘left’ of the Reform party, so to speak
His recent comments on deportations were weak. Like something Diane Abbot would say.
Come on Nige, stop messing about and say it how it is.
Sometimes I have low blood pressure – so I listen to BBC moneybox . This week the feckless get their water bills paid for courtesy of people who pay the full water bill – you ? Some feckless scouser gets £15 off their water bill each month – means they can buy more milk powder for the babies – or maybe a bottle of scotch …. Bloody love that show …. Blood pressure back up now – through the roof …
Many moons ago, people who didn’t pay their bills would be cut off at the stop tap, they would then pay up within hours unfortunately that practice was outlawed years ago by the dogooders so everyone else pays a lot more to subsidise the non paying lot!
Lovely – I’d be ashamed to be on benefits – yet now people without honour choose to live on them – but im from another time ….
Top story on the bbc :-
“War will end sooner with Trump as president”, says zelensky.
He’s probably right; I have this mental picture of the peace talks – Putin and Trump, with their teams, thrash out a commonsense peace deal and the world is a safer place.
In the meantime, zelensky is sitting outside with a bottle of pop and a bag of crisps.
Whatever the peace deal is, is won’t involve you, pal.
Trump is a good negotiator. He did come from privilege, but he was/is a very successful businessman, even if you count the big head start he got.
I’d imagine he realises that the only way to end the Ukraine/Russia war is for both sides to not lose face. They both need to feel like they can tell their public that they ‘won’.
Of course, it only ends with Russia winning in reality, but if the Ukraine ends up with a ‘devolved’ parliament (like the UK has with the Scottish Parliament, Welsh assembly etc), then that might be the winner?
I don’t know, but Trump will know the score.
And it’ll be ‘What do you need to end this and be able to say that you didn’t lose?’
I think Trump will end the conflict with some common ‘business’ sense.
Genius solution for knife crime in Berlin:
To combat the massive increase in stabbing crime, which the politicians vehemently denied was going to happen and when it did eventually happen they denied it and called anybody who mentioned it a racist and Islamophobe, Berlin’s politicians — intellectual supremacists that they are — have thought of a solution.
This is the proposal:
1. Whoever pulls a knife in a conflict
2. a total of six times
3. within a period of two years
4. and stabs at least one person (prerequisite for a conviction)
5. and is caught in the act (prerequisite for a conviction)
6. and is arrested (prerequisite for a conviction)
7. and is criminally prosecuted for this crime
8. could lose their driving license.
Maybe the bBC will come up with this cunning plan for the UK?
Not the BBC -but just thinking on the Alison Pearson story –
How has it come to pass that plod is turning up a peoples ‘ homes over comments they make on the internet – perhaps months ago ?
Maybe it was the extension of ‘threatening or insulting ‘…. In the criminal law. But now ‘offensive ‘ is included – but what is the threshold of ‘offensive ‘?
The state – plod – needs to have a reasonable threshold for ‘offensive ‘ – same with this nonsense of ‘likely to incite ‘ …. A Subjective jelly of a term ….
Maybe the next state down will be the crime of ‘causing upset ‘ – a crime caused by having to stop at a red light – or missing a bus or train .
Surely – there must be a ‘victim ‘- a real victim . If someone makes an allegation of being ‘upset ‘ or ‘offended ‘ then they must be ready to declare themselves – and know that the plod will declare them to their accused ….
The British state has lost the plot …. And more and more people are getting ‘distressed ‘ by it – which might be another case for plod …
This thing above stinks of the nasty marxists at hope not hate who have still not been arrested for inciting riots through false claims online:
“If you don’t believe there is a fair system, if you think that there are people that are being treated better than you, or getting a better deal than you, or are a favoured group of people, then what happens is ideas around free speech and democracy start to break down because you don’t believe in it.
“And I think over the riots or the disorder, we saw that quite clearly, because we saw Nick Lowles, from Hope not Hate, post that in Middlesbrough white racists were throwing acid in Muslim women’s faces.
“He said that on Twitter, I saw it, there was no nothing came out of that. He wasn’t even visited by the police.”
And we all know which sector of our society are past masters at playing the victim….. until they outnumber and then you see what you are dealing with, some of the most intolerant, vicious, violent “victims” you will ever see.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
UK muslims:
Where’s the protests ??
Saudi Arabia: Mass Killings of Migrants at Yemen Border
Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity.
(London) – Saudi border guards have killed at least hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers who tried to cross the Yemen-Saudi border between March 2022 and June 2023, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. If committed as part of a Saudi government policy to murder migrants, these killings, which appear to continue, would be a crime against humanity.
The 73-page report, “‘They Fired on Us Like Rain’: Saudi Arabian Mass Killings of Ethiopian Migrants at the Yemen-Saudi Border,” found that Saudi border guards have used explosive weapons to kill many migrants and shot other migrants at close range, including many women and children, in a widespread and systematic pattern of attacks. In some instances, Saudi border guards asked migrants what limb to shoot, and then shot them at close range. Saudi border guards also fired explosive weapons at migrants who were attempting to flee back to Yemen.
Saudi to buy football team to send over to Yemen to have photos with footballers.
UK muslims :
Where’s the protests ???
The civil war in Yemen continues to devastate the country. An estimated 233,000 people have been killed since the outbreak of hostilities in 2015. Seven years of conflict have decimated the country’s economy, infrastructure, and basic services, creating the world’s most severe humanitarian crisis.
24.1 million people in Yemen – over 80 percent of the population – require humanitarian assistance. 58 percent of Yemen’s population faces extreme poverty, and over 19 million people require emergency food assistance due to acute levels of food insecurity. The conflict has also triggered an internal displacement crisis: over 4.3 million people have been forced from their homes since 2015.
And where are the protests against the oppression, persecution and murder of Christians by muslims throughout much of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia?

Calling all UK muslims:
Wheres the protests ????
“Both warring sides have obstructed humanitarian activity. Houthi authorities have restricted information about COVID-19 and impeded the distribution of vaccines in their areas of control. The Saudi coalition has enforced a blockade of ports since 2016, restricting the delivery of food and medical supplies and contributing to a growing food and healthcare crisis. Mwatana, a Yemeni Human Rights organization, has accused both the Houthi and coalition forces of using starvation as a weapon of war. These blockades of food violate international humanitarian law. ”
Both sides in the conflict have repeatedly committed war crimes. Landmines planted by Houthi militias have caused hundreds of civilian deaths. Both Houthi and government forces have inflicted heavy civilian casualties through attacks against hospitals, schools, and residential areas. In January 2022, three coalition airstrikes killed 80 civilians and injured 156.
And again:
Houthis committed ‘massacres’ in Yemen: Report
JEDDAH: Large-scale “massacres” have been perpetrated in Yemen by Houthi militias and forces loyal to ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh, a recent report has found.
Yemen’s National Human Rights Commission pointed to crimes against unarmed civilians including indiscriminate shelling of residential compounds and popular markets, using artillery and Katyusha rocket launchers.
The report described grave violations of international human rights law and crimes against humanity, saying the perpetrators must be punished.
It cited 11 incidents in which Houthi and forces loyal to Saleh carried out massacres, including the targeting and killing of displaced people from Tawahi, with militia dropping mortars on unarmed civilians fleeing in small boats.
According to the report, human rights teams monitored the killing of 10,811 Yemeni civilians over the past two years by Houthi gunfire and shelling, including 679 women, 1,002 children, and 9,160 men. The majority were killed in 2015, the report revealed, confirming that Houthi and Saleh militias had been deliberately targeting civilians.
Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen has created what the U.N. calls “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”
Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen has created what the U.N. calls “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”
Zerphir – Saudi Arabia buys each UN member a car and a flat in Dubai – story disappears.
Saudi millionaire cleared of raping teenager after telling court he may have accidentally penetrated 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her
By Stephanie Linning and Lucy Crossley for MailOnline
Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, invited two women back to his flat after a night out
He had sex with the 24-year-old as her 18-year-old friend slept on the sofa
Teenager claimed she woke to find Mr Abdulaziz forcing himself inside her
But the businessman claimed he slipped and was today cleared of rape
Which of you Islamophobes can honestly say you haven’t – erm – slipped into someone by accident?
The judge and jury were quite right to believe his completely plausible explanation, and I’m quite certain there had been no bribes offered or threats made.
The BBC ignored the Allison Pearson story for a long time and then turned on her and defended the police…on the other hand….a BBC journalist’s personal story about the police is given second place prominence on the site and a massively long article.
Wonder what the reason for the completely different treatment is.
‘A sexually obscene phone call – and my two-year ordeal getting police to act’
Seems JO’bsworth did not ignore it.
Tried to reply to his tweet; not there any more.
Perhaps the bloated stirrer wishes he had now.
The Beeboid reporter seems to bury that the pervert has a Muslim name
“He had an accent I didn’t recognise, maybe Midlands.”
right down the page (the name of the owner of the phone the masturbation call came from)
“The suspect – Amjad Khan from Blackburn – appeared at Blackburn Magistrate’s Court and pleaded not guilty.”
Does he have form ?
2015 “Blackburn man made 15,000 ‘dirty’ calls in 91 days to total strangers”.
Yes it was the same guy but that was not mentioned in court
REMEMBER this is NOT happening, and you are a conspiracy theorist if you say it is, according to the lying bbc and the rest:
“The Associated Press has called the race for Republican Sen.-elect Dave McCormick, who currently holds a 26,000 vote lead over incumbent Democratic Sen. Bob Casey. But Casey has refused to concede and insisted that every vote be counted. The close margin – within one percentage point – triggered an automatic recount under Pennsylvania law.
Yet the critical question is which votes should be counted? The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled before the election that mail ballots lacking formally required signatures or dates should not be included in official results. However, Democratic officials in Philadelphia and surrounding Bucks, Centre and Montgomery counties are ignoring that court order.
“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country,” Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, said Thursday as she and other Democrats voted to reject a GOP-led challenge to ballots that should be disqualified.”
“Let’s be clear about what’s happening here: Democrats in Pennsylvania are brazenly trying to break the law by attempting to count illegal ballots. They are doing this because they want to steal a senate seat,” Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley wrote on X.
He said the RNC has filed four lawsuits contesting county decisions on undated ballots and vowed to “fight for as long as necessary” to ensure that McCormick’s victory is upheld.
“This is the exact kind of left-wing election interference that undermines voter confidence,” Whatley said.
BBC back in its unhappy place.
Smoggie Queens has been made by Hat Trick Productions, which pulled the Father Ted musical. Someone with knowledge of the show has contacted to say: “It’s horrendous. A fetish club features heavily. It normalises pups, BDSM, cross-dressing and denigrating lesbians.”
Sitcom about two flatmates and their search for the ideal man. Linda and Tom awake to find a half-naked man in their flat after a drunken night out.
ohhh..hang on…..is the Allison Pearson that the BBC says is the Telegraph’s Allison Pearson actually her? Was that her ‘hate’ tweet that the BBC reported they’d seen? It’s not is it?
The BBC reported this…
‘The BBC has seen the now-deleted post that the police complaint relates to, which dates from 16 November last year. It shows an image of two police officers standing next to two men holding what appears to be a flag of the Pakistani political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
The post tags the Metropolitan Police alongside the words “how dare they”.
It adds: “Invited to pose for a photo with lovely peaceful British Friends of Israel on Saturday police refused. Look at this lot smiling with the Jew haters.”’
Which is what the tweet said…but one…it’s not deleted..and two…it’s not the Telegraph’s Pearson….and you kind of suspect the Brit Pearson would not have said that anyway.
Is the BBC mistaken and spreading a huge lie?
Disinformation ?
Can we ask Springs’s mum if she’s still off sick after the US election , and for her to look into this, if she’s off the Calpol now.
Or is she still hiding upstairs with Mr Fluffy Bunny and an Elon Musk dartboard.
As much as I hoped this would be a massive BBC and/or police cock up it seems that Pearson’s original tweet was copied by someone else with the same name.
Tommy Robinson – NOT HIS REAL NAME (c) BBC VERIFIED AT 3.5 billion cost to 159 license payer paid under threat of prosecution.
Mars missions should be all-female to avoid astronauts having SEX during 1.5-year journey, according to secret Nasa report on ‘impure thoughts in space’
Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut in space, spoke at a conference today
She said that Nasa had conducted studies on ‘impure thoughts’ in space
ONLY MEN HAVE … ‘impure thoughts’ in space HA HA HA HAH HAAH HA AH
Yes I woke up this morning to The Art Of Law channel saying “Oh Guardian screwed up it’s a different Allison Pearson”.
It took me a quick check to find this debunk is a bit false
cos the impersonaion account basically just retweets her genuine tweets
but does not delete when she deletes
Bizarre but I stand corrected. Thanks.
Starmer scuttles away from farmers out the back door:
” Moment farmer blasts ‘rat’ Keir Starmer and says he’s ‘not man enough’ to face protesters.
The furious farmer blasted the PM as anger mounts over Labour plans to saddle rural families with a massive new tax burden.”
Just before he ran away:
“Sir Keir did not mention the inheritance tax move on farmers explicitly in his speech, but said he would defend the “tough decisions” his Government has made.
He said “Make no mistake, I will defend our decisions in the Budget all day long. I will defend facing up to the harsh light of fiscal reality.”
(addendum: except for train drivers and council staff etc)
He won’t be defending the borders though.
Sending 10 billion overseas for Green crap – but can’t afford to fund farmers or pensioners or social care …. Socialists …
Hartlepool, Crewe, Barrow in Furness?
Grimsby, so aptly named…I had a look around there when passing on a Sunday morning.
Los Angeles International Airport departures
So who is not on the invite list for the Election Parties on 20 January ? Springsteen – Taylor Swift – and so bee yon se? And more …
Oh, a whole lot more. Practically all of Hollywood and the entertainment business.
BREAKING: Lady Gaga and Robert De Niro say they will leave the United States if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024. What have these celebrities to do with Trump?
A Deranged conclusion from Kathryn Yusoff, (who is a professor of inhuman geography at Queen Mary University London), printed in the Telegraph. – what are the Telegraph thinking !!!
GEOLOGY IS RACIST, claims university professor.
The study of the Earth’s rocks and natural resources is racist and linked to “white supremacy”, according to a geography professor at a leading UK university.
Kathryn Yusoff, an academic at Queen Mary University of London, said the hard science subject of geology was “” and criven by systemic racismolonialism.
She also suggested palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life through fossils, was partly to blame for racism, labelling it “pale-ontology”.
In her book, Geologic Life, the professor argued the extraction of gold, iron, and other metals was racist. She wrote that geology began as a “colonial practice” that created hierarchies, promoted materialism, destroyed environments and led to climate change.
The theft of land, mining and other geological aspects of colonialism led “toward the white supremacy of the planet” and resulted in “geotrauma”, Prof Yusoff wrote. She also claimed “geology continues to function within a white supremacist praxis”
WHAT ! ! !
I’m not usually disposed to using bad language but … FFS
She gotta cat ?
That’s a real cool cat.
How dare you dox me like that, Zephir.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
The Telegraph is odd – almost like it wants to wind up its readers – has done hit job articles on most of Trumps picks.
Part of the problem discussed here:
Who do Dutch officials (eagerly quoted by the BBC) blame for the violent mayhem in Amsterdam?
“City officials described the violence as a “toxic combination of antisemitism, hooliganism, and anger” over the war in Gaza, Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East.”
How about plain old “Muslims”?
Instead, the whole article seeks to paint them as the victims.
Whoever you blame, this is further proof that multiculturalism isn’t working. Hopefully it will red-pill the Dutch – or at least those not too stupid to side with the Islamists.
From the river to the moon