A petition demanding a fresh general election has now exceeded 1.5 MILLION signatures …after it has been ‘up ‘ for 4 days … the BBC chooses not to report this – and there is only limited coverage in the ‘free press ‘.. welcome to soviet Britain ….
Start the Week 25th November 2024 -petition
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Against my better judgment I am watching Wolf Hall on BBC1. We are only 30 seconds into it and I have seen a nun who appears to be on Indian descent. I wasn’t aware there were many nuns of Indian descent in Tudor England. I could be corrected.
Deborah Perhaps it could be turned into one of those drinking games – every time you spot a tick box colour out of context – take a swig …
And how long before I got drunk? At least I don’t think they will manage to weave ‘climate change’ into Wolf Hall. If they do I will eat my hat.
Deborah – yes – and there my idea fails . One day – when /if sense returns – they’ll look at this time and wonder what we / they were thinking … bit like the self destruction of jaguar ..
I think the climate thing can be added to the list
Jaguar?? That reminds me.
” I bought my wife a Jaguar for Christmas. I hope it tears her to pieces”
The late,great Tommy Cooper of course.
@mephistomatt4 tweets
All roads lead back to this policy from 2017 https://downloads.bbc.co.uk/diversity/pdf/diversity-code-of-practice-2018.pdf
I loved Wolf Hall in 2015.
They decided to make a second season in 2024 but couldn’t get out of their own dogma.
As soon as I see 10% of Henry VIII’s court – 1536 AD – is black, including his privy counsel, I nope out.
What is the point in the costumes, the speech patterns, the sets if you’re going to shove 2020’s politics into the story?
It destroys the verisimilitude- you may as well have the actors drinking from Starbucks cups.
I hear the script is something else though.
“My Liege, what hath thou done to thee?”
I won’t watch it. It is just gaslighting us. There might be people who actually believe that there were many blacks in Henry VIII’s court. That is why they are doing it, it is a brainwashing operation.
Anyway, I’m sick of Thomas Cromwell. The Thatcher hating writer, Mantel, seems to think he was some sort of hero. He was a villain who met with the end he deserved. Since then we have gone soft, for which Tony Blair should be eternally grateful.
RiC, I cannot watch it legally. The BBC have reneged on so many promises: they agreed that iPlayer could be used without a TV Licence for catch-up TV, then they reneged on free TV Licences for the over-75s, am edging horribly near that age. If I’m desperate to watch all of Wolf Hall’s series I will wait for the DVD to appear in a charity shop and buy it to add to my long list of yet to watch DVDs!
Time to get rid of the Licence Fee. I wonder if the Labour Party will be forced to do that to remove a cost from the general public due to ‘the cost of living crisis’ when they crash the UK economy as Labour always seem to do? I note that the BBC have dropped ‘cost of living crisis’ from the red banner on their w-site.
How very convenient for the Labour Party!
The first two series were worth watching, this one I would give a miss.
RiC, think I did watch the first two – legally – on iPlayer. The last thing I was legally allowed to watch was ‘Dickensian’ before they changed the rules on iPlayer. Think I commented on this site that there were a significant lack of Orthodox Jews and Rabbis in the City of London, together with a distinct lack of Hugenots.
Dread to think there may be a remake of Scrooge this time of year……..
That didn’t age well!
Yasser, I think that will rate as my Comment of the Year Award. No prizes, but – as with a certain BBC Radio 4 programme* – you get this round of applause. Maybe the apochryphal sound of one hand clapping
* Guess the name of the R4 programme for a further round of silent applause
1.57 million have now signed the petition.
BBCnews have a habit of tweeting a story when a petition reaches 1 million 10 examples
eg the ban fireworks petition from 2 week ago.
Debs, I signed it last night. Nearly 2.5 million signatures on there!
Latest from Springsters Petrify :- Rachel Reeves actually said she read the Economist, whilst making the morning tea at the Bank of England.
I rather hope a vendor of ginger nuts does a maliciously viral advert…
Someone on the X suggested the petition might make 2 million by midnight Sunday … it might well make it …
Fed, read my post above. Nearly 2.5 million when I signed, I reckon it will hit 3 million+ by Sunday night.
Now over 2.5m – currently 2,684114.
The Manchester George Floyd did step forward and for 2 seconds his hand was in the officer’s personal space
but 19,000 people think the cop’s violence was too much
Any of those cops at Manchester airport!
It looked as though one of the police officers kicked the man on the ground.
I was watching a Thin Blue Line a couple of nights ago, written by Ben Elton and starring Rowan Atkinson as the Chief Inspector, originally on the BBC. It was on the tv many years ago, but what a predictor of the world we live in now. Rowan Atkinson said the police have to police equally, without fear or favour or it was all over.
Indeed. I’ve only seen that short clip. Assuming nothing went on before it, that was a massive overreaction from the police.
Can you imagine the cops doing that had he been black?
The cops have lost all public respect.
Sara Everard.
That rapey met cop (more than one I think)
Reaction to Southport.
Reaction to BLM.
I could say what I really think, but I’d probably get 3 years in a gulag.
PC 18317 needs to explain to his bosses what obliged him to use extreme physical force against a member of the public who was simply talking to him and why several other PC’s decided to barrel in with extreme force. The bloke was nowhere near a threat and it looks like the officer was unable to hold his own temper tantrum to me.
Poor policing in my opinion,
I was waiting for the head stamp.
I noticed that the bBC managed to bury the Reeves lies in an article about a difficult week. Job done and no question of whether there might be questions about her judgement and her role as Chancellor.
Any news of the incidents at Gatwick, Euston, Chester etc?
BBC 10 pm news
A long feature by Feargal Keane in the Republic of Ireland. An election is imminent and immigration is an issue.
Initially there was some apparent sympathy for dumping 250 asylum seekers on a 250 population village.
But it soon migrated into ‘far right’ ‘antisemitic’ name calling. He was virtually wetting himself as he tried to persuade a local protestor that she didn’t want the ‘far right’ on her side.
It was absolutely desperate.
The feature ended with the immediate deportation of people who had no right to be in the Republic. They were put on a ferry and ……..sent to the UK.!!!!! No negative comment whatever. But compare and contrast if the UK should try to do this.
The excruciating BBC at their selective far left worst.
= an old wheeze, first tested in the modern era with a selection of the worst tinker families on the island, €5000 each family member with a pulse and as much diesel as they could carry to Pembroke, Fishguard, Holyhead etcetera…
“Patrick! , oi’ve an idea!”
Fine Gael: I am holding a gun and my feet are full of holes
The coming election is going to be slightly more interesting than usual.
I read the link, and it mentions “Trumpian” in a negative tone and “the risk” of far right” and “immigration is not an issue”
So far left WEF lackeys then
Happens in France all the time …..
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Expelled the same day: Ireland hardens illegal immigration response
In Canada Ezra Levant has been arrested .
From his X account
” I was arrested two hours ago, handcuffed, searched and jailed for “causing a disturbance”.
I was just released moments ago.
I wasn’t causing a disturbance — I was standing by myself on a public sidewalk, silently filming a grotesque pro-Hamas mannequin in a Jewish neighbourhood — a reenactment of Hamas leader Yayha Sinwar. It would be like someone reenacting Hitler — and police were stopping me from filming it.
I was pushed away from it by one officer. And another officer, named Macduff, said if I didn’t go to a special “free speech zone” they’d set up far away, I’d be arrested. I told him Canada was my free speech zone, I was a citizen and taxpayer, and I would not get off the sidewalk.
Macduff said that was causing a reaction. I said the hysterical reaction of foreign thugs who hate Jews (and most other Canadians) doesn’t give them a veto over my Charter rights.
Macduff said he “was the law”. I told him no, he was a servant of the law. So he arrested me and had me taken to jail. I was just released and I’ll have more to say — including in a lawsuit against Macduff and
for violating my rights and refusing to protect me. Go to http://SaveEzra.com for more updates, and to help. (Thanks.)
“Macduff said he “was the law”.”
“, solemnly swear that I will faithfully, diligently and impartially execute and perform the duties required of me as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and will well and truly obey and perform all lawful orders and instructions that I receive as such, without fear, favour or affection of or toward any …”
Link to Petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700143
Live updates:
Oops, duplicate.
Gonna be 2 million by the morning, squeaky bum time at the BBC
It will be interesting to see how the BBC handle this one.
Or, better yet, how they try not to.
1.7 million now.
Google shows the BBC does not report many petitions. Here are the ones which came up in my search:
‘Government urged to honour funding for theatre’
‘A petition to remain in the EU received the highest number of signatures so far – 6,103,056 – in March 2019.’
Other notable petitions including one urging Prime Minister Boris Johnson not to suspend Parliament in 2019, signed by 1.7m people,.
Another petition, to stop US President Donald Trump from making a State visit to the UK in 2017, was signed by 1.8m people.
Bit of a theme going on there … but remember, they are impartial and unbiased. Sopel told me.
The BBC always handle these kind of inconvenient stories by using their many ways to lie. If they even report it, it will quickly disappear from the front page and you can be sure it will have some kind of reference in it to a leftist petition to divert your attention.
Comically, It reminds me of one of those spaghetti westerns where the sheriff (BBC) is at the bar with his back to the room trying to ignore the gunslinger (petition) who just walked in and and is standing behind him hand on holster and getting increasingly loud and vocal.
Will the sheriff go for his gun or knock back his whisky and silently walk out of the door to the ridicule of all the townsfolk?
Their obvious decision not to report at all on one of the biggest and possibly most dramatic public protests in modern times shows exactly how they have decided to react. They are obviously intent on covering the arse of the bunch of idiots in Westminster at all costs simply because, as a organisation, they have predominantly left-wing sympathies.
It is the wrong way to go for a public broadcaster and will bite their arse in due course.
Just imagine for one second what they would be doing if it was the Conservatives feet to the public fire and it will tell you all you need to know about their “balanced” reporting.
The time to protest in large numbers was March 2020. Everyone should have refused to comply. It’s way too late now.
A glance at the counter seems to show around 70 people signing every 5 seconds or so and this is at 7am in the morning. It really will be interesting to see how long the nations news provider pretends it’s a case of nothing to see here!
Doughboy, you are out of date already: over 2.5 million now, nearly 2.5 million when I signed last night.
Has anyone else noticed the standard labour answer to ANYTHING yet ?
They “would work” , are “working ” or “working with”
Not doing, not achieving… not “we will” nope, never.
I saw it again today for the umpteenth time:
“Responding to the criticism, she said the Bill will ‘have a long period in parliament to get through all of those legislative stages’ and that the government would work with bodies including the FSB during the process”
“Snatch Land Rovers were supposed to have been scrapped by the British Army as early as 2008 but a small number have remained in service a decade and a half after an emergency review.
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “The small number of Snatch Land Rovers in service deliver niche capabilities within the UK.
“Work is ongoing to identify a suitable replacement.”
“In response to her comments, ministers said they were working “tirelessly” on the compensation schemes for those affected.”
Just in from Austria. In the election for the state of Styria the populist Freedom Party (FPO) has just come from third place to win with 35% of the vote. No doubt all the other parties will form a bloc to stop it from having any influence, but it is good to see the surge in support.
Also good to see the Green Party lose half of their seats. Now they only have three.
I don’t know if the BBC are covering it so I thought I would.
The powers that be seem well able to remove passengers from a terminal building because of e.g. a suspicious package (causing chaos) but completely unable to remove a suspicious package from a terminal.
I am thinking of Gatwick airport for the 2nd time with trains no longer stopping at the airport. It seems any excuse to disrupt travel.
Stay home – don’t move – eat your bugs.
“Official policy is hardening. Ukrainian asylum seekers who arrived amid widespread public sympathy and were given special benefits, recently saw these slashed from €232 (£190) to €38.80 (£32) per week – a cut of 83%.
South Africans now need visas to enter the country. A visa loophole which allowed Jordanians – at one point the largest group of asylum seekers in Ireland – to enter from the UK has been closed.”
“But the rise in far-right populism internationally is a warning for the future – of how concern over immigration can be made a focus for other discontents and create turbulent politics.”
Far-right candidate takes shock lead in Romania presidential election
‘A far-right, pro-Russia candidate has taken a surprise lead in the first round of Romania’s presidential election, with preliminary results putting his pro-Europe rival in close second.’
‘Exit polls released earlier on Sunday suggested that Ciolacu had a commanding lead, and projected the centre-right candidate, Elena Lasconi, would take second place.’
This situation is happening everywhere now. We are being told that the Leftist candidate is winning and then it’s a complete shock when they don’t.
Trump’s victory is an absolute classic example. The BBC told us the Cackler was winning right to the end then he absolutely wiped the floor with her.
It seems none of that same media want to ask why this complete failure to get the truth is happening so often. And that in itself is a clue as to why I think it is. They know why.
Basically the Left have created an environment which casts anyone ‘right wing’ as ‘untermensch’ -a German language word literally meaning ‘underman’, ‘sub-man’, or ‘subhuman’, which was extensively used by Germany’s Nazi Party to refer to their opponents and non-Aryan people they deemed as inferior.
According to the BBC, anyone right-wing is now ‘far-right’ and a racist and a bigot who deserves to be in prison. There is no middle ground for them any more : we are the enemy. They NEVER use that kind of language against anyone else.
So now people are reluctant to admit to people who they don’t know that they ARE right-wing because of the negative connotations it now comes with thanks to the likes of the BBC. They have been oppressed – which is the very definition of fascism in it’s original sense before the Left changed it so it didn’t apply to them. Children are being conditioned to think it by the leftist-infested schools – I’m sure we’ve all heard stories like students who supported Brexit being slow-clapped by the mob.
And of course the BBC know this. Which is why they never go near the subject and every result is still a ‘shock’. The believe that if they present the world as THEY want it to be, not as it really is – it might actually change to be like that. It’s 100% political activism.
Everyone is racist now …
“I Hear You’re A Racist Now, Father! – Father Ted”
In October, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) sent a chartered flight carrying Indian nationals back home, marking a growing trend in deportations to India.
This was no ordinary flight – it was one of multiple large-scale “removal flights” carried out this year, each typically carrying more than 100 passengers. The flights were returning groups of Indian migrants who “did not establish a legal basis to remain in the US”.
In October, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) sent a chartered flight carrying Indian nationals back home, marking a growing trend in deportations to India.
This was no ordinary flight – it was one of multiple large-scale “removal flights” carried out this year, each typically carrying more than 100 passengers. The flights were returning groups of Indian migrants who “did not establish a legal basis to remain in the US”.
“Sanctuary states, cities should explain to DOGE why they deserve federal money.
“I’d like to talk to the governors of sanctuary states and the mayors of sanctuary cities and have them come before our committee and explain why they deserve federal dollars if they’re going to harbor illegal criminal aliens in their states and their cities,” she said.
Greene specifically noted the death of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student who was brutally murdered while jogging on the University of Georgia campus in Athens in February. Jose Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant, was convicted in her murder. Ibarra had been granted a “humanitarian flight” from New York City to Atlanta in September 2023.
“The way to do that is to cut programs, contracts, employees, grant programs, you name it, that are failing the American people and not serving the American people’s interests,” Greene said.
The congresswoman said government-funded media programs like NPR, which she claimed “spread nothing but Democrat propaganda,” will be under the subcommittee’s microscope.”
Greene mentioned government workers who have been working remotely since the COVID-19 pandemic – which forced many across the workforce, both in the government and private sectors, to work from home.
“We’re also looking at many – we have thousands – of buildings that the federal government owns and pays for with over $15 billion a year, but yet those government buildings stood empty and these government employees stay at home.”
Greene called these points “failures” in the government’s service to the American people.”
“The incoming Trump administration will likely target many DEI initiatives. In 2020, then-President Trump issued an executive order to ban “divisive” training for federal contractors. And the House Oversight Committee held a hearing this week about dismantling DEI policies.
“It is a multibillion-dollar industry that pushes a left-wing, far-left ideological orthodoxy in essentially every area of American life, which is why I’ve begun to call it the DEI enterprise, instead of just DEI, so that people have a sense of what I’m talking about,” Devon Westhill, constitutional and civil rights attorney, told Fox News Digital in an interview.
Westhill, who researches DEI policies at the Center for Equal Opportunity, a Washington, D.C.-based conservative think tank, said DEI isn’t interested in “diversity of thought, true diversity,” but rather, it is “interested in racial quotas.”
“It wasn’t so much a dollars and cents motivation [for corporations],” Will Hild, executive director of Consumer’s Research, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “You had it coming from the federal government, where if you wouldn’t go along with under the Biden administration, with the DEI regime, they were threatening to sue you, or to claim that you’re violating civil rights of minorities. So, it was more a combination of the threat of bad press or government action against these corporations.”
Hild said he expected to see over the next year many red state attorneys general “start suing these corporations” for hiring based on racial quotas. Consumers have also suffered as a result of DEI policies, he said, arguing that it shifted companies’ focus away from the quality of goods.”
from order-order.com
Let’s face it…this is just what the BBC does to our history as it fills it with black faces that were never there.
Call a general election petition now at 1.8million 🙂 at counting
Brexit won – Brexit still ongoing!
Expelled the same day: Ireland hardens illegal immigration response
Perhaps BBC Verify could advise why, if the Republic of Ireland can ship asylum seekers back to the UK, the UK cannot ship asylum seekers back to France ?
Apparently it would be an act of war if we did it.
R4 Today Christmas guest editors
List of 6 ..you listen for the white male
No, no, no, no no, yes Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Check for his pro Labour tweets..yes he’s their man
List had 2 black celebrities
2 guests said they would focus on children
I can’t help feeling the rejection of woke Faguar, the rejection of woke Kamala and the rejection of woke Starmer (fast approaching 2 million and rising) are all part of the same trend.
Would it be too much to hope for the mass rejection of the woke BBC?
Link to Petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700143
It’s not just a rejection of wokeness but, as the BBC’s Fergal Keane tells us….‘the rise in far-right populism internationally is a warning for the future ‘
If you don’t just adore the Jag ad you’re basically a Nazi.
LOL….Jaguar…like Budweiser, like Gillette…like the BBC…showing utter contempt for their core audience and customer base as they try to lure the yoof….
Battered Britain, in storm’s shadow edition
Just like our BBC our print press feel free to attribute blame and possibly prejudice the outcome, even as inquests and insurance claims are still sub judice…
Four die in extreme weather (‘i’); Death toll rises to five as Bert batters Britain (Daily Express) – I jest of course.
We note how anxious the Guardian is to get that word deadly into their weather report: Storm Bert Flooding and chaos after deadly weather lashes Britain
Do you think this outbreak of obsessive weather phobia – formerly the preserve of the jokey blokey comic tabloids: Five storms by Xmas (Daily Star, 25 November 24); Brit Turkey sizzler… 5 day heatwave hotter than Istambul (Daily Star, 4 October 21); Britain on the lash… Hurricane Lee storms in with fortnight’s rain in day (Daily Star, 18 September 23); Blast of the summer shine (Daily Star, 13 Septemebr 21); Polar Excess… -21c blast will go on until Christmas; 25 days of snow and ice; Brrrace yourselves for the Beast From The East; Nessie the proof – sorry, that last one concerns the Star’s interest in cryptozoology rather than their weather phobia – but you’ll get the point… do we guess today’s Guardianista mimicking of the tabloid style of weather reporting might have something to do with: Climate deal ‘travesty of justice’ say poor nations (Guardian)
Poor nations? Are you feeling as though you live in a rich nation right now?
Mr AsI joked recently about the growing prevalence of the notion “Safety First” as spoofed by comic Bob Mortimer.
And right on cue our BBC delivers…
Queensferry Crossing ice closure a ‘safety first’ decision (BBC)
Meanwhile, some real safety concerns are somewhat too controversial to properly specify: Man critical after fight on Westminster Bridge (BBC)
US retailers stretch Black Friday deals for weeks to draw in flagging shoppers (FT)
Research tells us women are the big shoppers, and as we approach the big shopping season, our freebie giveaway ad sheet, friend and mouthpiece to the major super markets and retail corporations, the Metro, goes with a women’s issue to catch the attention of the shopping sex: Enough! This is not right… Every 11 minutes a woman or girl is killed in their own home – not in Britain they’re not.
I wonder if they have this case in mind: Harshita Brella: Family of woman found dead in car boot in Ilford, east London, release statement as manhunt for husband continues… Pankaj Lamba is the prime suspect in the police investigation and is believed to have fled the country (Sky News)
We’ve a veritable miscellany of calm down dears this morning
Why real men adore larger ladies like me (the ever excitable Daily Mail)
Why mums like me watch porn (The Sun)
# ‘like Me’ Too ?
Do you have sheer optimism for sunnier future times here in Britain…?
Dozens killed in Pakistan sectarian violence (BBC)
Sonny & Cher were an American pop and entertainment duo in the 1960s and 1970s, made up of spouses Sonny Bono and Cher.
I’m not entirely familiar with the Sonny and Cher output, apart from the obvious one, so looking forward to a Youtube search for the ditty “Pakistan Sectarian Violence”, no luck so far…
Sunni and Shiite?
“Tax rises will make it harder to hire, says CBI”
Tax rises – Labour will not raise tax! HA HAHA HHAH A HAH HA!
The BBC has decided to tell the story of immigration to Ireland…but of course it’s not the one the people of Ireland might understand as the BBC trashes them and adopts the Irish government’s line that anyone who protests is ‘Far-Right’…Fergal Keane ending his piece on Today and on the website with this chilling warning…Ireland might be a progressive [hurray] democracy for now but…
‘The rise in far-right populism internationally is a warning for the future – of how concern over immigration can be made a focus for other discontents and create turbulent politics.’
It didn’t take long for Keane to segue into the Far-Right narrative and thus rapidly dismissing the very real concerns of the indigenous population who are being shunted out of their own homeland…replaced one might say…oh hang on…that’s a wicked lie….
‘A common conspiracy theory is that migrants are being “planted” in Ireland as part of a plot to dominate Irish people and destroy their culture.’
Trouble is it’s true…you can ironically see it in Keane’s own report as he celebrates ‘progressiveness’…ie the importing of different cultures and people becasue the Irish people just aren’t good enough…and we know Labour wanted to ‘brown Britain’ and ‘rub the Rights nose in diversity’…and the BBC relishes demographic change and the fal in the numbers of white people in various countries.
And it’s in black and white…the Irish government’s ‘Project Ireland 2040’ which tells us they will flood Ireland with immigrants….‘ to grow their population and jobs by 50-60%’…20% of the population is now foreign born…in a population of 5 million…and they’re still flooding in…welcomed in….
‘The future development of Ireland, taking into account a projected 1 million increase in our population, the need to create 660,000 additional jobs to achieve full employment and a need for 550,000 more homes by 2040;
Of the 1 million extra people,
25% is planned for Dublin, recognised as our key international and global city of scale and principal economic driver,
25% across the other four cities combined (Cork, Limerick, Galway and Waterford), enabling all four to grow their population and jobs by 50-60%, and become cities of greater scale, i.e. growing by twice as much as they did over the previous 25 years to 2016, and
with the remaining 50% of growth to occur in key regional centres, towns, villages and rural areas.’
I Seem to recall they had no hesitation chucking out swathes of their “travellers” who were allegedly causing many problems, and who all seemed to end up here.
“Angela Merkel on Putin, Trump and defending her legacy”
Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’ 2010
Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democratic Union party, Merkel said the idea of people from different cultural backgrounds living happily “side by side” did not work.
She said the onus was on immigrants to do more to integrate into German society.
Ezra gives compelling explanations re TR
.. I set it to minute 23
Today’ policy exchange ‘ publishes a report on non crime hate incidents … it recommended the abolition
I won’t go through the convoluted definitions of ‘hate ‘ but it includes ‘hostility ‘ which is not defined .
Basically – the whole NCHI thing is just a load of tosh . One of the strengths of criminal law is exact definition – so that you can know whether you break the law or not . The exception is ‘common law ‘ offences such as ‘breach of the peace ‘ which is left purposely vague as a fall back for plod to act .
But ‘hostility ‘ ? What is ‘hostility ‘ . If I get fed up with Marky s posts from 5 years ago and say so here – is that a NCHI ? Probably ….
But plod have recognised they can use the NCHI on the likes of Alison Pearson if they fancy it on a Sunday morning ….
The formalising of such human behaviour – such as ‘dislike ‘ plays well in 2024 Soviet Britain – it’s bound to get worse – with Fines to follow on penalty notices – like parking tickets – pay in 14 days – get a discount ….
Sad init ?
The petition is heading for 2 Million by lunchtime Monday … the msm – bbc – continues to ignore it . If it was a Tory government getting such a response – would that be ignored likewise ? I think not ….
Fed. I am not sure they know about, it judging by the lack of of signatures from within the m25.
Davy – perhaps it needs to be in the languages of londonistan … Urdu – Farsi – polish – Nigerian and the like …. 1 950 000 ..
Far-right candidate poised for shock win in Romania presidential election
Shock, horror.. well in the bbc bubble
No bbc, the greater have voted for this party, so not a shock
Biden in shock as he finds out he is running the county.
Anybody think they’ve fudged the number?
Petitions get ignored
I reckon they’ve fudged the numbers on this
So… they aren’t ignoring it….. 🙂
If you look at the ramp -they slowed it so it wouldn’t get over 2 million for Monday morning?
don’t like it up ’em
I see the state’s stenographers and mouthpieces are full of “it doesn’t matter” – Labour nuts are saying “they got the MPs – suck it up”….
Re: Jaguar “reimagine”
When I was very small my father was a banqueting and conference manager a a London hotel. He set up the launch of the Jaguar XJ6 at the the hotel. He brought back a press pack for me. It had an introduction by William Lyons, the then Chairman about cars. It also had (shock horror) photos of cars in it. The blurb was mainly about cars. Fast forward to now what a difference.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears (NO CARS). It was their final, most essential command. (DIVERSITY ROCKS)”
― George Orwell, 1984
bbc still ignoring the petition, but if you want to know about this:-
Bowler hat-wearing teen finds comfort in antiques
“Bystanders should intervene if women appear at risk (Jess Phillips), says minister”
“There will also be training for up to 10,000 bar staff across the country over the next few months, to encourage them to prevent incidents, support victims and help police collect evidence”
Jess Phillips puts her foot in it: ‘Cologne attacks similar to a night out in Birmingham’ 29 January 2016, 12:00am
Should men hold our doors open?
The feminist’s guide to modern-day chivalry
Also present was UK Hospitality chief executive Kate Nicholl and Chief Constable Maggie Blythe – the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for violence against women and girls.
It’s called common courtesy.
I’d hold the door open for man or woman. I did once give a butch lady type a mouthful (oo-er).
Marks and Sparks decades ago. Christmas time. Busy. Raining. I go in. See some bint who looks like someone who didn’t pass the audition for ‘Prisoner Cell Block H’ for being ‘too butch’ behind me. She (how dare I assume its gender) had her hands full with Christmas shopping. Probably large plastic, vibrating objects and large, oversized carrots. And some KD Lang CDs.
But I digress.
I hold the door open for her.
She says something like, “Women can actually open doors for themselves, you know!?”
Now my memory is a little hazy on this, but I think I said something like, “I’d hold the door open for a man too. It’s called politeness. You should try it sometime you ugly fat c…t! Merry Christmas !”
I remember her scuttering off and a few people staring.
Looking back I got lucky. She could’ve beaten me to death I think. She looked like a cross between Les Dawson and Rocky Marciano.
That sounds like the sort of thing I’d still say now. Frankly, I’m not sure why I’m not banged up for not being far left.
Latest in the Muslim leaning BBC’S anti alcohol series:
‘I had no idea being a social drinker would damage my liver by 31’
“BBC journalist Hazel Martin was told to cut out drinking alcohol altogether”
“When we think of binge drinking, we tend to imagine people drunkenly sprawling out of bars and falling over at bus stops. But actually, a binge can be less alcohol than you might think.
In the UK, a binge is considered as drinking six or more units of alcohol in one sitting for women, and eight or more for men. That is two large glasses of wine for a woman.”
Two glasses = binge drinking ?
It’s not even a detonator…
Soft arses.
A few bevvies on the weekend and he’s knackered his liver at 31?
Imagine the shame? What a soft tw@t.
Might as well say he got Mpox from shagging an actual M.
Less embarrassing.
I’d drink 6 units whilst wondering what to have to drink. And another 6 whilst considering whether to have a mixer, and what.
Call A General Election Petition
10.52 GMT 2,000,004 signatures
Any mention on the BBC, 2 million Nazis,yet ?
2 million!
We want three!!!
Indeed. Let’s get it over Lammy’s expenses figure.
Bingo! 2 million have signed the petition!
Link to Petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700143
2 million and four signatures last time I looked
Petition to get rid of Khan next ? instead of continual anti Trump, anti police pro woke virtue signalling THIS is still going on (the gang warfare he seems to protect by vilifying police ):
Breaking news:
“Schoolgirl, eight, and man shot in London street attack at 5,30pm on Sunday afternoon in affluent Ladbroke Grove, as police hunt gunman”
“affluent Ladbroke Grove”… maybe so, but also vibrantly diverse.
2 000 007
I see underpants Bryant MP from the valeez doesn’t like the petition – that cheered me up.
“A teenager burned alive. A toddler shot in the head. And a hitman aged 14 paid 50,000 euros for a revenge shooting. How ultra-violent drug gangs are bringing terror to middle-class French towns”
I wonder where they came from ?