The Prime Minister is pledging a new crackdown on crime. Well I know where he can start, there’s a right couple of tea leaves that live next door to each other who are brazenly stealing from pensioners and farmers. Their addresses are 10 and 11 Downing Street.
UNDER TORIES … HA HA HAH AH….. “Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced a new national hub to tackle the emerging threat of online hate crime. It will ensure better support for victims and help drive up the number of prosecutions.”
Someone earlier posed the question “Could the bbc get any lower ?”
I think they have managed it today. Their favourite subject, racism, worse than that, someone has tried to burn a synagogue down with worshippers inside.
In a clearly racist attack, the reports, from other news sources are horrifying:
“Two injured in shocking ‘firebomb’ attack on one of Australia’s busiest synagogues while worshippers were inside”
And whilst the rest of the world remind people of the rise in RACIST attacks upon Jews, with echos of the holocaust, the bbc, who cover the story under “Australia news” only, do their muslim pandering best with the following sickening comments within their report:
“Community leaders have told local media that “a few people” were inside at the time”
“Police say that they believe the fire was deliberately lit but are keeping an “open mind” on a motive.”
Only a few bbc ? that makes it less horrifying does it ?
Keeping an open mind eh bbc ?
Sickening indeed. Just imagine if muslims had been the victims here, the bbc would be screaming it from the rafters on their front page, I suspect.
“Disturbing reason behind Britain’s barber shop boom: 665 opened last year and they’re appearing on every street. Now a special investigation reveals why…
A map of Coventry reveals the city has around 120 barbers – and it is not alone. When the Mail visited Kent seaside resorts, the commuter belt of Buckinghamshire’s Chilterns and one of England’s most beautiful Regency spa towns, we found that the spread of Turkish-style barber shops has touched them all, too. Even the Isle of Man, a tax haven off the Lancashire coast, boasts one.
Indeed, the internet is alive with reports of new salons springing up. ‘In Liverpool Road, Eccles [Greater Manchester], we have 19,’ reads one post. ‘I lost count at 27 in Lincoln,’ adds another. ‘Plymouth has 11 ‘Turkish’ barbers in around 300 yards,’ claims a third.
The police have warned for some time that some barber shops are being used as a front for criminal gangs laundering money reaped from drug-running or trafficking illegal migrants across the Channel.
Gangs of Kurds and Albanians, the nationalities which tend to dominate the Channel boat rackets, are reportedly at the helm of some of the seedier salons passing themselves off as genuine Turkish barbers.
They are replacing car washes and nail salons as the cash-only businesses suspected of ‘oiling the wheels’ of organised crime rings operating in the UK.
It was the arrest of the lynchpin of a huge Channel people-smuggling ring in 2022 that first brought the activities of some of the more dubious barber shops to the attention of the National Crime Agency (NCA) – Britain’s FBI.
Hewa Rahimpur, 30, and his gang of fellow Iranian Kurds were detained on suspicion of bringing 10,000 migrants into Dover from the French coast on small boats.
Rahimpur, who had arrived in the UK illegally and was granted asylum after claiming to have suffered ‘political oppression’ in his home country, was driving a top-of-the-range Mercedes when he was caught by police.
His gang had netted £13 million in cash from the crossings and it needed to be laundered somehow, so Rahimpur, a former barber, entered the hairstyling business a few years ago in Camden, North London.
He was extradited from the UK to stand trial in Belgium last year and is now serving an 11-year sentence for people-trafficking.
In a second high-profile trial, 33-year-old Albanian Gul Wali Jabarkhel was accused of using his barber shop in Colindale, North London, as a base for a smuggling racket in which he tried to recruit lorry drivers to bring migrants to the UK hidden in their cargo.
Money-laundering salons have also been linked to terrorism. West London snipper Tarek Namouz, proprietor of Boss Crew Barbers, was sentenced to 12 years last year for sending £11,000 to Syria to ‘purchase weapons and explosives’ to use against President Assad’s government forces.
The barber, who lived above his salon in Hammersmith, boasted to a prison visitor while on remand awaiting trial that he had actually managed to get out £25,000 to the Islamic State supporters he was financing.
So how exactly does a barber-shop scam work?
The object of money laundering is to make the large amounts of cash generated by a criminal activity appear to have come from a legitimate source – in this case a barber’s shop.
As long as there is a business in operation that the taxman accepts is a going concern, it doesn’t matter how much revenue it generates.
What matters is how much taxable income is declared to the HMRC and, therefore, how much cash is laundered.
‘They will report to HMRC that they’ve got three or four guys cutting five heads an hour, 12 hours a day for X price when actually they are empty or charging a fraction of X per customer,’ an accountant specialising in the retail trade told the Mail. ‘It means illegal cash is turned into legal income.’
Detective Superintendent Charlotte Tucker of Wiltshire Police, a national expert on the surge in bogus barber shops, said recently: ‘Establishments offering really low-price haircuts could be a red flag, indicating they are run by a criminal gang. Everyone loves a bargain, but if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.’
Former Scotland Yard police officer Ali Hassan Ali has observed the same phenomenon. ‘Ever since the Covid pandemic, we have seen a boom in barber shops opening up,’ he has said. ‘A lot of these have thousands of pounds worth of equipment and no customers.
‘While in many cases, the shops will be involved in legitimate business… there is strong reason to believe some, particularly some of the ones owned by Turks and Albanians, are linked to organised crime. This can be people or drug smuggling.’
Under most local planning laws, anyone can open a shop to cut hair. In Sedgley, an unprepossessing West Midlands town of about 12,000 people between Wolverhampton and Dudley, there were so many barbers (21) that two years ago local salon owners themselves demanded – unsuccessfully – that the council regulate their numbers.
The legitimate origins of the Turkish-style barber shop in Britain lie in our huge community of immigrants from Turkey, where barbering took off as a highly respected profession during the 16th century.
Formal barber shops, which were an extension of coffee houses, served as lively forums of public debate. Given their central place in Ottoman life, salons were controlled by the state, which could — and did — punish citizens for insulting barbers. Even today, barbers have an elevated status in Turkish society.
However, in Britain, it is increasingly clear that some of the famed ‘Turkish’ barbers are not all they seem.
Another aspect to this explosion in numbers is a rather worrying health scare.
Mike Taylor, who runs a hairdressers’ training academy in Dorset, claims customers are catching skin infections, such as ringworm, from ‘cheap, dirty and unqualified barber shops littering High Streets’.
He argues that it’s time the government introduced rigorous new rules to regulate what goes on in the salons.
But, as we have seen, there are some barbers who will not take kindly to any increased scrutiny.”
As you know, Mr AsI likes to monitor our media lexicology; in particular those coining innovations we so often see popping up in the headlines.
From fresh officially-seeded euphemistic terms like small boats, to the over-use of the journalistic despite – it’s all dripping roast to these daily reviews – as Andrew Neil once described the intricacies of international law were to lefty lawyers such as Emily Thornberry – despite the justifiable bewilderment of the British public who would prefer to have seen our home-grown Islamic State adherents banned from reentering the UK after their murderous sojourns abroad.
As far as one can tell there’s just that one of the three schoolgirl mosqueteers who got herself barred from these shores – but watch this space, eh, Sir Keir?
Quad-demic alert as flu cases increase (Telegraph) – catches this headline watcher’s jaded eye. I know we’ve recently upgraded the winter sniffles to pandemic proportions so it’s no surprise that: NHS chiefs are warning…
Let’s see what this is all about. As piggy-eyed stuffed shirt failure to launch Sir Keir passes the buck from himself off onto his officials: Starmer accuses Whitehall of being comfortable with failure (Guardian) – Just as the Royal Mail tends to advise us to post early for Christmas so one senses the NHS will be getting their excuses in early this year…
And so it came to pass: NHS medics fear waiting list pledge will make winter crisis worse (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
Late lamented comic Rik Mayall famously suffered a serious quad bike accident in 1998. But let’s explore the apparent danger of the quad-demic. And by the way, isn’t it remarkable how our NHS ‘winter crisis’ is now a predictable regular fixed event – fast encroaching on us much like the Twelve Days of Christmas itself. Perhaps NHS chiefs have simply had a quick peek at the staff holiday rota and that has prompted them to forsee their next winter crisis?
Health chiefs warn of ‘quad-demic’ of rising flu, Covid, norovirus and RSV infections (‘i’) – that’s a right royal flush full house of four. RSV are the initials of respiratory syncytial virus but we note Covid gets a capitalisation lacking for flu and norovirus from our historically histrionically coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper.
…last week… Ambulances also edured severe delays (Telegraph) – poor whiny lime green little things that they are having to endure those delays. So we get the flu and now we call for an ambulance? Who could have taught us winter infections were that serious, we wonder?
You know I’m going to go there… if only we had a well-funded judge-led official inquiry that could look into that.
NHS facing a ‘quad-demic’ of emergencies as winter bites… “busier than ever” for this time of year (Guardian) – Remind me, wasn’t there something in the news about our population soaring to some suddenly larger number than ever before this year? Perhaps that’s got something to do with the NHS being more busy?
More than a 1,000 patients were in hospital with influenza last week, up significantly on 243 this time last year (Telegraph) – there’s another four-fold quad reference. Very precise number for last year but this year a vaguely large round figure – are our NHS number crunchers losing their touch?
The ‘Potter’s Wheel’ interlude film was introduced on 16 February 1953 – but we’ll go with a calm down dear as our preferred interlude…
‘I don’t have a social life at all’ Sara Pascoe on motherhood – that’s the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper on its best habitual anti-family form. Taking upon itself the role of our print press leading national contraceptive title.
Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
Weekly quiz: Which baby boy’s name was knocked off the top spot? (BBC) – which is a rather roundabout way of saying: Muhammad is UK’s most popular boys’ baby name for first time (Guardian) – arguably it has been number one for some time given: Mohammed and Mohammad also made the top 100 list for England and Wales. The ONS considers each spelling as a separate name (BBC) – no hiding it this time though.
SEVEN pillars, SIX milestones, FIVE missions, THREE foundations – but not ONE firm target to cut immigration – mocks political sketch king Quentin Letts in the Daily Mail – he missed FOUR Quad-demics…
“Scientists say as the Earth’s climate warms, extreme weather events will become more frequent. For every 1C rise in average temperature, the atmosphere can hold up to around 7% more moisture.
Globally, heavy rainfall events have become more frequent and intense over most land regions, according to the UN’s climate body, which says the pattern will intensify with further warming.”..
I say, ‘borrocks’, just get some facts from the real acountable sources and stop listening to the twaddle from that toxic git, Miliband!
Regarding my post above and the shameful behaviour of the bbc, this is what they consider headline news today, from their “live feed” below their top story about some late trains… (of course some muslim news from abroad is also on the front page).
“One woman three hours late for job interview published at 08:10
Meghan Owen
Reporting from Waterloo
Here at Waterloo, one woman tells me she will be three hours late for a job interview – adding there has been very little communication from the railway operators.”
The BBC has paused its publication of a report into the conduct of former BBC Radio 1 DJ Tim Westwood, at the request of the Metropolitan Police.
Westwood, 67, who faces historical sexual abuse allegations from multiple women, “strongly denies all allegations of inappropriate behaviour”.
The Met Police have submitted a “file of evidence” to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) regarding allegations at the height of the veteran hip hop DJ’s career and prosecutors are considering whether to bring charges against him.
Gemma White, the barrister leading the report into Westwood, was appointed to look at Westwood’s work at the BBC in 2022.
In July, the corporation said the independent inquiry had been completed but could not be published because of an “ongoing police investigation”.
On Thursday, a BBC spokesman said: “The police have requested that the BBC pause its intended publication of the report.
This is to allow the investigating authorities further time to consider the impact of the publication of the report on the ongoing investigation.
“We have discussed the police’s request with Gemma White KC and she has agreed that it is appropriate to pause publication in these circumstances.
“The BBC has always been clear that it intends to publish Gemma White KC’s report.
“We recognise that this pause to publication will be disappointing, particularly to those who came forward to participate in the review and to whom we are very grateful.
“However, we must continue to ensure that any steps we take, including in relation to publication of the report, do not negatively impact any criminal process.
“We continue to correspond with the investigating authorities, and we will provide a further update regarding report publication when there is sufficient clarity to do so.”
Nigel Farage was on Question Time last night so we watched a bit.
An audience member starting talking about the Holocaust and the implied need to have open door mass immigration. He received rapturous applause from the ‘balanced’ audience.
Most panellists except Nigel then went overboard to welcome asylum seekers.
The BBC. Head in the sand. Totally unrepresentative.
TOADY Watch #1 – a certain amount of disarray this morning
Whether it was Mishal Husain’s impending departure from the programme and the BBC it was not clear. The news that a French company is bidding to take over Thames Water was announced but the details were not announced or discussed on the TOADY programme. With all that is going on in Paris with the French Government it does not appear to be a good idea to let a French company take over water provision for our Capital. Keir Starmer to comment and approve it?
Our external shareholders
Who How much What they do When
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System 31.777% One of Canada’s largest pension plans, with C$105 billion of net assets and global experience managing essential infrastructure 2017-2018
Universities Superannuation Scheme 19.711% A UK pension scheme for the academic staff of UK universities 2017, 2021
Infinity Investments SA 9.900% A subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds 2011
British Columbia Investment Management Corporation 8.706% An investment management services provider for British Columbia’s public sector 2006
Hermes GPE 8.699% One of Europe’s leading independent specialists in global private markets 2012 China Investment Corporation 8.688% One of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds 2012
Queensland Investment Corporation 5.352% A global diversified alternative investment firm and one of the largest institutional investment managers in Australia 2006
Aquila GP Inc. 4.995% A leading infrastructure management firm and a wholly owned subsidiary of Fiera Infrastructure Inc., a leading investor across all subsectors of the infrastructure asset class 2013
Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn 2.172% A pension fund service provider managing several different pension funds as well as affiliated employers and their employees 2006
Come on – who cares about the awful Thames water – or whether londonistan has a water supply at all – when is meesh last day – will the ice queen blub ? Will she speak in her native language to the folks back home ?
Today will be even easier to miss – just wish comrade Robinson would disappear …
“Now Guido hears David Lammy has directly contacted Port Louis once again in an effort to finalise the beleaguered agreement. Diplomatic sources speculate that Lammy will be forced to write Mauritius an even bigger cheque in order to save the deal – in an effort to seduce the new Mauritius administration. The original sum agreed between the parties has not been disclosed, even in Parliament. It must be stupendously big, and it’s about to get bigger…”
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer wants ‘transparency’ over donations
2024…. The original sum agreed between the parties has not been disclosed, even in Parliament. It must be stupendously big, and it’s about to get bigger…”
You pay for the BBC TV Tax – the BBC use it to buy left leaning papers – HA HA HAH AHA
“The BBC bought more copies of The Times than any other newspaper in 2020, Press Gazette has learned.
A freedom of information request to the BBC revealed that more than 52,000 copies of the publication were purchased, equivalent to 144 copies per day.
As of last year, News UK stopped sharing its circulation figures with the Audit Bureau of Circulations however, as of the last report (shared in March 2020) The Times was the seventh-highest selling UK-wide national newspaper, putting it around mid-table.
News UK titles accounted for the largest number of newspapers delivered to the BBC which included 45,897 copies of The Sun , 6,476 copies of the Sunday Times and 4,359 copies of the Sun on Sunday.”
Hot on the heels of Mad Al to scream at Farage on QT, to the delight of a highly select(ive) audience, now…
– Meta’s President of Global Affairs & key adviser to Mark Zuckerberg. He tells Political Thinking that Musk has an “oversized role” in politics & now faces a choice. Listen now
More comments than Toenails can usually raise, but most #CCBGB
The BBC is now pure desperation propaganda by proxy both sides of the pond.
Ah! Mark Zuckerberg … “Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.”
Ww – thank you for putting this up – I can’t imagine anyone from the Stats Broadcaster conducting such a long and detailed interview ….
The casual way nuclear war is talked about now is pretty frightening ….i sat the other day and tried to ‘game’ the indirect consequences of a ‘limited ‘ nuclear ‘exchange ‘ and it gets very very dark – even for those living a long way from any explosion ….
If it happens it will be a long time until survivors find out what happened ….
…I don’t think the Russians are too fond of nut nut …( boris Johnson )…minute 43 ….
Interesting that the Russians think the Obama/biden gang will try to make relations between US/Russia as bad as possible before the 20th January ….
Sounds like Zelensky has a limited lifetime in 2025 ….with everyone wanting him to not exist …
Can you imagine Lammy trying to negotiate with the Russians ?how they’d laugh – he wouldn’t even be fit to be a ‘useful idiot ‘…
“Russian drone operators noticed the cyclist leading a BMP infantry fighting vehicle—and posted a recording of their drone feed online, along with their bemused commentary. The Estonian analyst WarTranslated helpfully translated their conversation.
“Fella on a bike is leading the BMP into [the] attack!” one Russian laughed.
The notre dame bash tomorrow will have billy Windsor representing the UK – not Starmer Lammy or the other reds …. Maybe they’ve got something against President Trump – who has been specifically invited …. Popcorn …
As the teams come out they have their 11 mascots which are usually young children possibly handicapped or ill. Nothing wrong with that.
Then the teams, with their rainbow lgbtetc bootlaces and virtue signalling armbands usually gather for a huddle before the game.
Next there’s usually a minutes silence for somebody associated with the club (or maybe just football in general)
Next there’s the ‘taking the knee’ part when some do and some don’t.
After that lot the game gets going and you would think that’s that…..but…..usually there’s a minutes applause for somebody associated fan or whoever recently passed where the crowd will do the applause starting on the minute which has some significance to the recently late person, his age or shirt number for example.
There’s the ever increasing number of ‘medical emergencies’ in the crowd now. I can’t think why these have dramatically increased since 2019.
So much more for your money at the football now eh!
With cardboard spectators and fake cheers, sports leagues aim to make games ‘normal’ during the pandemic
Normalization efforts help to make fans feel engaged, says soccer writer
CBC Radio · Posted: Jul 03, 2020 7:26 PM EDT | Last Updated: July 3, 2020
The ‘minutes’ silence ‘ thing is rapidly being devalued because of over use. Im waiting for one when some one’s ‘ pet pooch has died – complete with picture of Fido on the stadium screen …
Btw – there should have been a minutes’ silence after the dire spurs game on Thursday
If Sir Sadiq gets confirmed would he be available to be called up as in the Knights of the Crusaders with his Red Cross on White outfit, ready to go on a modern Crusade in the Middle East against the usual enemy?
Not generally renowned against armed opposition that fight back are they ? women and children, and most unarmed civilians who are heavily outnumbered are fair game though.
Remember Sadam’s “Elite” Republican Guard” ?
Fantastic at pushing around the general population. Very good at executions and the odd massacre etc.
But it soon became glaringly obvious, the only thing elite about them was the speed at which they disappeared once an army came into view.
Apparently the housebuilding companies are demanding more immigration into the UK. Duher! Why do the housebuilding companies think they are having to build 1.5m homes in the first place?
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Ah, but the ones we have are the wrong type of immigrants. Remember, they are all rocket scientists,engineers, doctors and brain surgeons, whereas what we need now are brickies and labourers. And they need to bring their own bricks, timber and steel with them, as we don’t have any. Especially the latter, as we’ve flogged off our steelworks to the Indians and Chinese, who have shut them down.
1.5 million new homes? A tenth of that in the next 5 years would be a challenge. Why not reduce demand by stopping further migration and introducing a humane, manageable re-migration programme instead?
“Dramatic moment police smash one of Britain’s biggest county lines gangs that made £100,000 a month from heroin and crack cocaine – as they are jailed for more than 100 years.”
For two years the body of three-year-old Abiyah Yasharahyalah lay underground in the back garden of a terraced house in Birmingham. ……He was in a severely malnourished state and suffered with a list of other problems. Only when his body was exhumed by police in 2022 did the scale of his parents’ neglect emerge.
BBC has a new war – this time Syria – nice civil war – but looking a bit to hairy to send Clive or Jeremy to wear the kit on top of a 5 star hotel …
BBC bored with Ukraine and Gaza and even Gregg by the looks of it …. And they’ll hate the ‘rock star ‘ reception the Donald will get in Paris on Saturday …if they don’t kill him in an underpass of course …
LOL…Matt Chorley on 5 live has impressions, either AI or actual impressionist, of Starmer….they’re mickey takes.
Listening to Chiles on 5 today and we had a Starmer impression…him saying if we had a damp wall we’d use a hairdryer to dry it out…only….it was actually the real thing from his recent speech…which I unfortunately forgot to listen to.
When you can’t tell the joke from the real PM maybe it’s time to consider a new PM.
Starmer wants reform…perhaps that is what he should get…Reform.
Amnesty claims Israel is doing ‘genocide’ in Gaza…of course…and the BBC wheels in the usual voice of reason, Martin Griffiths, ex of the UN….no need to guess what he said….and imperceptible challenges to his own claims about Israel…naturally he thinks it is genocide…he says ‘if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s genocide’….even though relatively few Gazans have been killed in the course of a war in which it is inescapably going to be conducted in urban areas…and at least half the casualties are Hamas terrorists.
Griffiths is a regular pro-Palestinian mouthpiece on the BBC….he is not in anyway neutral in his opinions.
The usual BBC rigging of the narrative against Israel.
So. How are we doing on the ethical and moral issues?
‘Clive Myrie: BBC presenter apologises for not declaring £145,000 in earnings’
Apologising in a written statement, Myrie blamed the error on “several administrative issues” and said he will not be taking part in paid external events for the “foreseeable future”.
Figures suggest the 60-year-old newsreader earned at least £145,000, but it could have been more than £255,000, with the exact figure likely to be somewhere in between, according to retrospective entries to the BBC’s external events register.‘
In other words, about normal for the BBC.
He also earns over £300,000 from the BBC. Not including his fees for presenting Mastermind.
Nice work if you can get it.
Happy Marc Lépine massacre day everybody, and especially to Canadians.
December 6th, marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of the “Montreal Massacre” – a grim day in 1989 when fourteen female students at the École Polytechnique were murdered by a man known to posterity as “Marc Lépine”.
Here is the bit they do not tell you in Canada (‘cept for Mark Steyn):
M Lépine was born Gamil Gharbi, the son of an Algerian Muslim wife-beater, whose brutalized spouse told the court at their divorce hearing that her husband “had a total disdain for women and believed they were intended only to serve men.” At eighteen, young Gamil took his mother’s maiden name. The Gazette in Montreal mentioned this in its immediate reports of the massacre. The name “Gamil Gharbi” has not sullied its pages in the thirteen years since.
Yes so few people realise that Cows ‘burps’ and ‘farts; control the planet atmosphere and Weather conditions. Floods, Storms and even the tides are controlled by the new imperialist in an armchair in Whitehall. In a well ventilated room, due to ’emissions’ and carbon capture that Miliband will store in vast silos beneath the North Sea. Powered by Windmills!
Just looking at bits of the question time – the stony faces of the handpicked audience sort of give the game away .- it is so embarrassingly fixed – even the panel is embarrassing – isolating Farage – with just the occasional audience member getting the truth out – such as the failing red regime …
I do wonder how long it will take before there is a huge swing of public opinion against the reds … although as I write this I realise the MSm will support TTK similarly to the treatment of the democrats in the US by the MSM …
Hot of the press… The BBC now owns the Guardian….
“Journalists at The Guardian and The Observer are in open revolt after bosses approved the sale of the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper to a loss-making start-up, even after staff went on strike in protest against the deal.
The Scott Trust, the £1.3bn fund that owns both titles, voted in favour of selling The Observer to Tortoise at a meeting on Thursday night. The start-up is is run by James Harding, a former BBC News boss.:”
I suspect that to many Guardian journalists see the BBC as ‘right wing’ Corporate opportunists organ. A ‘sell out’ to the BBC, who will move its operations in-house, or make them all part time. Its true the BBC hates the free press and that is a real concern for the future of UK newspapers.. But its clearly not profitable. nor is the BBC, and yet the BBC has all the money in James Harding. Will it survive? i doubt it in its current form. It will be a pop up ‘agitprop’ rag the left will claim is impartial news but the BIG advertising clients (and all jobs) are the BBC itself – it will control the news, which is what they do behind the scenes on TV and radio.
Gove…we didn’t have the debate we should have had about which measures to introduce regarding covid because Labour were even more pro-strict measures than the government.
In other words the media failed to do its job and ask questions of the politicians who all sang from the same songbook. The media was the only voice that could have made proper challenges to the Establishment narrative of severe lockdowns etc….but instead the media became the mouthpiece of government pushing their line, demonising anyone who spoke out and indeed the BBC, like Labour, was often at the forefront demanding harsher measures.
The BBC failed to hold Power to account and nobody is holding the BBC to account.
The problem is the scale of the crime and the number of criminals involved, from your Swiss banker through to your lying PM and the hordes of clapping seals that supported the complete and utter destruction of the economy and what was left of our freedoms. Gove is one of the leading criminals. He and this woman know full well this was planned. He needs to be put before a court and judged accordingly, but that won’t happen because this country has no law and order.
The truth is there is no virus. It was planned a long time ago. This country has too many cowards who will not tell the truth.
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van Thanks for responding . I do value it . Im particularly interested because in those moments after the nuclear…
From Sickipedia
The Prime Minister is pledging a new crackdown on crime. Well I know where he can start, there’s a right couple of tea leaves that live next door to each other who are brazenly stealing from pensioners and farmers. Their addresses are 10 and 11 Downing Street.
UNDER TORIES … HA HA HAH AH….. “Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced a new national hub to tackle the emerging threat of online hate crime. It will ensure better support for victims and help drive up the number of prosecutions.”
Someone earlier posed the question “Could the bbc get any lower ?”
I think they have managed it today. Their favourite subject, racism, worse than that, someone has tried to burn a synagogue down with worshippers inside.
In a clearly racist attack, the reports, from other news sources are horrifying:
“Two injured in shocking ‘firebomb’ attack on one of Australia’s busiest synagogues while worshippers were inside”
And whilst the rest of the world remind people of the rise in RACIST attacks upon Jews, with echos of the holocaust, the bbc, who cover the story under “Australia news” only, do their muslim pandering best with the following sickening comments within their report:
“Community leaders have told local media that “a few people” were inside at the time”
“Police say that they believe the fire was deliberately lit but are keeping an “open mind” on a motive.”
Only a few bbc ? that makes it less horrifying does it ?
Keeping an open mind eh bbc ?
Sickening indeed. Just imagine if muslims had been the victims here, the bbc would be screaming it from the rafters on their front page, I suspect.
What we all suspected all along:
(Paywalled article so quoted in full)
“Disturbing reason behind Britain’s barber shop boom: 665 opened last year and they’re appearing on every street. Now a special investigation reveals why…
A map of Coventry reveals the city has around 120 barbers – and it is not alone. When the Mail visited Kent seaside resorts, the commuter belt of Buckinghamshire’s Chilterns and one of England’s most beautiful Regency spa towns, we found that the spread of Turkish-style barber shops has touched them all, too. Even the Isle of Man, a tax haven off the Lancashire coast, boasts one.
Indeed, the internet is alive with reports of new salons springing up. ‘In Liverpool Road, Eccles [Greater Manchester], we have 19,’ reads one post. ‘I lost count at 27 in Lincoln,’ adds another. ‘Plymouth has 11 ‘Turkish’ barbers in around 300 yards,’ claims a third.
The police have warned for some time that some barber shops are being used as a front for criminal gangs laundering money reaped from drug-running or trafficking illegal migrants across the Channel.
Gangs of Kurds and Albanians, the nationalities which tend to dominate the Channel boat rackets, are reportedly at the helm of some of the seedier salons passing themselves off as genuine Turkish barbers.
They are replacing car washes and nail salons as the cash-only businesses suspected of ‘oiling the wheels’ of organised crime rings operating in the UK.
It was the arrest of the lynchpin of a huge Channel people-smuggling ring in 2022 that first brought the activities of some of the more dubious barber shops to the attention of the National Crime Agency (NCA) – Britain’s FBI.
Hewa Rahimpur, 30, and his gang of fellow Iranian Kurds were detained on suspicion of bringing 10,000 migrants into Dover from the French coast on small boats.
Rahimpur, who had arrived in the UK illegally and was granted asylum after claiming to have suffered ‘political oppression’ in his home country, was driving a top-of-the-range Mercedes when he was caught by police.
His gang had netted £13 million in cash from the crossings and it needed to be laundered somehow, so Rahimpur, a former barber, entered the hairstyling business a few years ago in Camden, North London.
He was extradited from the UK to stand trial in Belgium last year and is now serving an 11-year sentence for people-trafficking.
In a second high-profile trial, 33-year-old Albanian Gul Wali Jabarkhel was accused of using his barber shop in Colindale, North London, as a base for a smuggling racket in which he tried to recruit lorry drivers to bring migrants to the UK hidden in their cargo.
Money-laundering salons have also been linked to terrorism. West London snipper Tarek Namouz, proprietor of Boss Crew Barbers, was sentenced to 12 years last year for sending £11,000 to Syria to ‘purchase weapons and explosives’ to use against President Assad’s government forces.
The barber, who lived above his salon in Hammersmith, boasted to a prison visitor while on remand awaiting trial that he had actually managed to get out £25,000 to the Islamic State supporters he was financing.
So how exactly does a barber-shop scam work?
The object of money laundering is to make the large amounts of cash generated by a criminal activity appear to have come from a legitimate source – in this case a barber’s shop.
As long as there is a business in operation that the taxman accepts is a going concern, it doesn’t matter how much revenue it generates.
What matters is how much taxable income is declared to the HMRC and, therefore, how much cash is laundered.
‘They will report to HMRC that they’ve got three or four guys cutting five heads an hour, 12 hours a day for X price when actually they are empty or charging a fraction of X per customer,’ an accountant specialising in the retail trade told the Mail. ‘It means illegal cash is turned into legal income.’
Detective Superintendent Charlotte Tucker of Wiltshire Police, a national expert on the surge in bogus barber shops, said recently: ‘Establishments offering really low-price haircuts could be a red flag, indicating they are run by a criminal gang. Everyone loves a bargain, but if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.’
Former Scotland Yard police officer Ali Hassan Ali has observed the same phenomenon. ‘Ever since the Covid pandemic, we have seen a boom in barber shops opening up,’ he has said. ‘A lot of these have thousands of pounds worth of equipment and no customers.
‘While in many cases, the shops will be involved in legitimate business… there is strong reason to believe some, particularly some of the ones owned by Turks and Albanians, are linked to organised crime. This can be people or drug smuggling.’
Under most local planning laws, anyone can open a shop to cut hair. In Sedgley, an unprepossessing West Midlands town of about 12,000 people between Wolverhampton and Dudley, there were so many barbers (21) that two years ago local salon owners themselves demanded – unsuccessfully – that the council regulate their numbers.
The legitimate origins of the Turkish-style barber shop in Britain lie in our huge community of immigrants from Turkey, where barbering took off as a highly respected profession during the 16th century.
Formal barber shops, which were an extension of coffee houses, served as lively forums of public debate. Given their central place in Ottoman life, salons were controlled by the state, which could — and did — punish citizens for insulting barbers. Even today, barbers have an elevated status in Turkish society.
However, in Britain, it is increasingly clear that some of the famed ‘Turkish’ barbers are not all they seem.
Another aspect to this explosion in numbers is a rather worrying health scare.
Mike Taylor, who runs a hairdressers’ training academy in Dorset, claims customers are catching skin infections, such as ringworm, from ‘cheap, dirty and unqualified barber shops littering High Streets’.
He argues that it’s time the government introduced rigorous new rules to regulate what goes on in the salons.
But, as we have seen, there are some barbers who will not take kindly to any increased scrutiny.”
Their biggest crime is the one and only style of haircut they give – the Albanian Thug crop.
The bloke who has a barbers shop near here is always lounging around his shop doorway with a fag on…
Who’d want to sit in a chair with filthy nicotine-stained fingers doing the chopping!
Clearly, he does have some customers occasionally, but not of the very bright variety…
“American” sweet shops too, I believe. I saw one of those in Douglas, Isle of Man, a few weeks ago … just down the road from the Turkish barbers.
Long… chock full of uncomfortable facts
As you know, Mr AsI likes to monitor our media lexicology; in particular those coining innovations we so often see popping up in the headlines.
From fresh officially-seeded euphemistic terms like small boats, to the over-use of the journalistic despite – it’s all dripping roast to these daily reviews – as Andrew Neil once described the intricacies of international law were to lefty lawyers such as Emily Thornberry – despite the justifiable bewilderment of the British public who would prefer to have seen our home-grown Islamic State adherents banned from reentering the UK after their murderous sojourns abroad.
As far as one can tell there’s just that one of the three schoolgirl mosqueteers who got herself barred from these shores – but watch this space, eh, Sir Keir?
Quad-demic alert as flu cases increase (Telegraph) – catches this headline watcher’s jaded eye. I know we’ve recently upgraded the winter sniffles to pandemic proportions so it’s no surprise that: NHS chiefs are warning…
Let’s see what this is all about. As piggy-eyed stuffed shirt failure to launch Sir Keir passes the buck from himself off onto his officials: Starmer accuses Whitehall of being comfortable with failure (Guardian) – Just as the Royal Mail tends to advise us to post early for Christmas so one senses the NHS will be getting their excuses in early this year…
And so it came to pass: NHS medics fear waiting list pledge will make winter crisis worse (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
Late lamented comic Rik Mayall famously suffered a serious quad bike accident in 1998. But let’s explore the apparent danger of the quad-demic. And by the way, isn’t it remarkable how our NHS ‘winter crisis’ is now a predictable regular fixed event – fast encroaching on us much like the Twelve Days of Christmas itself. Perhaps NHS chiefs have simply had a quick peek at the staff holiday rota and that has prompted them to forsee their next winter crisis?
Health chiefs warn of ‘quad-demic’ of rising flu, Covid, norovirus and RSV infections (‘i’) – that’s a right royal flush full house of four. RSV are the initials of respiratory syncytial virus but we note Covid gets a capitalisation lacking for flu and norovirus from our historically histrionically coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper.
…last week… Ambulances also edured severe delays (Telegraph) – poor whiny lime green little things that they are having to endure those delays. So we get the flu and now we call for an ambulance? Who could have taught us winter infections were that serious, we wonder?
You know I’m going to go there… if only we had a well-funded judge-led official inquiry that could look into that.
NHS facing a ‘quad-demic’ of emergencies as winter bites… “busier than ever” for this time of year (Guardian) – Remind me, wasn’t there something in the news about our population soaring to some suddenly larger number than ever before this year? Perhaps that’s got something to do with the NHS being more busy?
More than a 1,000 patients were in hospital with influenza last week, up significantly on 243 this time last year (Telegraph) – there’s another four-fold quad reference. Very precise number for last year but this year a vaguely large round figure – are our NHS number crunchers losing their touch?
The ‘Potter’s Wheel’ interlude film was introduced on 16 February 1953 – but we’ll go with a calm down dear as our preferred interlude…
‘I don’t have a social life at all’ Sara Pascoe on motherhood – that’s the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper on its best habitual anti-family form. Taking upon itself the role of our print press leading national contraceptive title.
Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
Weekly quiz: Which baby boy’s name was knocked off the top spot? (BBC) – which is a rather roundabout way of saying: Muhammad is UK’s most popular boys’ baby name for first time (Guardian) – arguably it has been number one for some time given: Mohammed and Mohammad also made the top 100 list for England and Wales. The ONS considers each spelling as a separate name (BBC) – no hiding it this time though.
SEVEN pillars, SIX milestones, FIVE missions, THREE foundations – but not ONE firm target to cut immigration – mocks political sketch king Quentin Letts in the Daily Mail – he missed FOUR Quad-demics…
And a partridge in a pear tree
Yeah yeah but what about Greg ?
The BBC “at it”
I recieved a 4G SIM card a few days ago, the IP address exposed is a random American one.
Internet DNS has been wangled to not show but returns
– which predictably is “rather different”
Tinkering with perception
Wind and solar – loads of it (*plus* a big battery)
doesn’t work
– yet the BBC cubicle goons keep pumping net zero…. looks like we might get the zero part ?
Walk everywhere! Save the boiling planet!
Usual beeboid parrotting – squark squark…
“Scientists say as the Earth’s climate warms, extreme weather events will become more frequent. For every 1C rise in average temperature, the atmosphere can hold up to around 7% more moisture.
Globally, heavy rainfall events have become more frequent and intense over most land regions, according to the UN’s climate body, which says the pattern will intensify with further warming.”..
I say, ‘borrocks’, just get some facts from the real acountable sources and stop listening to the twaddle from that toxic git, Miliband!
The infestation of media, academia by activists is beyond a joke.
Cardiff is closely linked to the BBC and so, I imagine, is this Messhal clone.
The legacy green clowns in our council who tried on the rigged citizens climate assembly.
Regarding my post above and the shameful behaviour of the bbc, this is what they consider headline news today, from their “live feed” below their top story about some late trains… (of course some muslim news from abroad is also on the front page).
“One woman three hours late for job interview published at 08:10
Meghan Owen
Reporting from Waterloo
Here at Waterloo, one woman tells me she will be three hours late for a job interview – adding there has been very little communication from the railway operators.”
BBC HR must be on overtime
From The Unindependent
The BBC has paused its publication of a report into the conduct of former BBC Radio 1 DJ Tim Westwood, at the request of the Metropolitan Police.
Westwood, 67, who faces historical sexual abuse allegations from multiple women, “strongly denies all allegations of inappropriate behaviour”.
The Met Police have submitted a “file of evidence” to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) regarding allegations at the height of the veteran hip hop DJ’s career and prosecutors are considering whether to bring charges against him.
Gemma White, the barrister leading the report into Westwood, was appointed to look at Westwood’s work at the BBC in 2022.
In July, the corporation said the independent inquiry had been completed but could not be published because of an “ongoing police investigation”.
On Thursday, a BBC spokesman said: “The police have requested that the BBC pause its intended publication of the report.
This is to allow the investigating authorities further time to consider the impact of the publication of the report on the ongoing investigation.
“We have discussed the police’s request with Gemma White KC and she has agreed that it is appropriate to pause publication in these circumstances.
“The BBC has always been clear that it intends to publish Gemma White KC’s report.
“We recognise that this pause to publication will be disappointing, particularly to those who came forward to participate in the review and to whom we are very grateful.
“However, we must continue to ensure that any steps we take, including in relation to publication of the report, do not negatively impact any criminal process.
“We continue to correspond with the investigating authorities, and we will provide a further update regarding report publication when there is sufficient clarity to do so.”
No hesitation in labelling protesters at Southport “Far Right ” and part of the “EDL” sub Judice though ?
“The BBC has paused its publication of a report into the conduct of former BBC Radio 1 DJ Tim Westwood, at the request of the Metropolitan Police.”
Time is a great healer.
1) The BBC is infested with evil male rapists and sexual abusers.
2) Feminists tell us that: “All Men Are Rapists” – so it must be true.
3) Close down the BBC and sack all the staff.
Nigel Farage was on Question Time last night so we watched a bit.
An audience member starting talking about the Holocaust and the implied need to have open door mass immigration. He received rapturous applause from the ‘balanced’ audience.
Most panellists except Nigel then went overboard to welcome asylum seekers.
The BBC. Head in the sand. Totally unrepresentative.
Did the audience members leave their doors open at night so anyone can help look after their kids?
Vaccinate them on the beaches.
Jaguar vs Volvo Song | ‘The Prize Goes To…’
TOADY Watch #1 – a certain amount of disarray this morning
Whether it was Mishal Husain’s impending departure from the programme and the BBC it was not clear. The news that a French company is bidding to take over Thames Water was announced but the details were not announced or discussed on the TOADY programme. With all that is going on in Paris with the French Government it does not appear to be a good idea to let a French company take over water provision for our Capital. Keir Starmer to comment and approve it?
Thames Water …
Our external shareholders
Who How much What they do When
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System 31.777% One of Canada’s largest pension plans, with C$105 billion of net assets and global experience managing essential infrastructure 2017-2018
Universities Superannuation Scheme 19.711% A UK pension scheme for the academic staff of UK universities 2017, 2021
Infinity Investments SA 9.900% A subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds 2011
British Columbia Investment Management Corporation 8.706% An investment management services provider for British Columbia’s public sector 2006
Hermes GPE 8.699% One of Europe’s leading independent specialists in global private markets 2012
China Investment Corporation 8.688% One of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds 2012
Queensland Investment Corporation 5.352% A global diversified alternative investment firm and one of the largest institutional investment managers in Australia 2006
Aquila GP Inc. 4.995% A leading infrastructure management firm and a wholly owned subsidiary of Fiera Infrastructure Inc., a leading investor across all subsectors of the infrastructure asset class 2013
Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn 2.172% A pension fund service provider managing several different pension funds as well as affiliated employers and their employees 2006
Come on – who cares about the awful Thames water – or whether londonistan has a water supply at all – when is meesh last day – will the ice queen blub ? Will she speak in her native language to the folks back home ?
Today will be even easier to miss – just wish comrade Robinson would disappear …
“Now Guido hears David Lammy has directly contacted Port Louis once again in an effort to finalise the beleaguered agreement. Diplomatic sources speculate that Lammy will be forced to write Mauritius an even bigger cheque in order to save the deal – in an effort to seduce the new Mauritius administration. The original sum agreed between the parties has not been disclosed, even in Parliament. It must be stupendously big, and it’s about to get bigger…”
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer wants ‘transparency’ over donations
2020 …. We need a transparency revolution. There should be no power without accountability, and true accountability requires transparency.
2024…. The original sum agreed between the parties has not been disclosed, even in Parliament. It must be stupendously big, and it’s about to get bigger…”
You pay for the BBC TV Tax – the BBC use it to buy left leaning papers – HA HA HAH AHA
“The BBC bought more copies of The Times than any other newspaper in 2020, Press Gazette has learned.
A freedom of information request to the BBC revealed that more than 52,000 copies of the publication were purchased, equivalent to 144 copies per day.
As of last year, News UK stopped sharing its circulation figures with the Audit Bureau of Circulations however, as of the last report (shared in March 2020) The Times was the seventh-highest selling UK-wide national newspaper, putting it around mid-table.
News UK titles accounted for the largest number of newspapers delivered to the BBC which included 45,897 copies of The Sun , 6,476 copies of the Sunday Times and 4,359 copies of the Sun on Sunday.”
Hot on the heels of Mad Al to scream at Farage on QT, to the delight of a highly select(ive) audience, now…
– Meta’s President of Global Affairs & key adviser to Mark Zuckerberg. He tells Political Thinking that Musk has an “oversized role” in politics & now faces a choice. Listen now
More comments than Toenails can usually raise, but most #CCBGB
The BBC is now pure desperation propaganda by proxy both sides of the pond.
Ah! Mark Zuckerberg … “Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.”
Again long but very good
Heading towards?
Ww – thank you for putting this up – I can’t imagine anyone from the Stats Broadcaster conducting such a long and detailed interview ….
The casual way nuclear war is talked about now is pretty frightening ….i sat the other day and tried to ‘game’ the indirect consequences of a ‘limited ‘ nuclear ‘exchange ‘ and it gets very very dark – even for those living a long way from any explosion ….
If it happens it will be a long time until survivors find out what happened ….
…I don’t think the Russians are too fond of nut nut …( boris Johnson )…minute 43 ….
Interesting that the Russians think the Obama/biden gang will try to make relations between US/Russia as bad as possible before the 20th January ….
Sounds like Zelensky has a limited lifetime in 2025 ….with everyone wanting him to not exist …
Can you imagine Lammy trying to negotiate with the Russians ?how they’d laugh – he wouldn’t even be fit to be a ‘useful idiot ‘…
Russia leading the way in NET ZERO armed forces….
“Russian drone operators noticed the cyclist leading a BMP infantry fighting vehicle—and posted a recording of their drone feed online, along with their bemused commentary. The Estonian analyst WarTranslated helpfully translated their conversation.
“Fella on a bike is leading the BMP into [the] attack!” one Russian laughed.
“No fucking way he’s going on a bike,” another Russian mused.”
The notre dame bash tomorrow will have billy Windsor representing the UK – not Starmer Lammy or the other reds …. Maybe they’ve got something against President Trump – who has been specifically invited …. Popcorn …
Satanists at work:
Have you been to a football match lately.
As the teams come out they have their 11 mascots which are usually young children possibly handicapped or ill. Nothing wrong with that.
Then the teams, with their rainbow lgbtetc bootlaces and virtue signalling armbands usually gather for a huddle before the game.
Next there’s usually a minutes silence for somebody associated with the club (or maybe just football in general)
Next there’s the ‘taking the knee’ part when some do and some don’t.
After that lot the game gets going and you would think that’s that…..but…..usually there’s a minutes applause for somebody associated fan or whoever recently passed where the crowd will do the applause starting on the minute which has some significance to the recently late person, his age or shirt number for example.
There’s the ever increasing number of ‘medical emergencies’ in the crowd now. I can’t think why these have dramatically increased since 2019.
So much more for your money at the football now eh!
With cardboard spectators and fake cheers, sports leagues aim to make games ‘normal’ during the pandemic
Normalization efforts help to make fans feel engaged, says soccer writer
CBC Radio · Posted: Jul 03, 2020 7:26 PM EDT | Last Updated: July 3, 2020
The ‘minutes’ silence ‘ thing is rapidly being devalued because of over use. Im waiting for one when some one’s ‘ pet pooch has died – complete with picture of Fido on the stadium screen …
Btw – there should have been a minutes’ silence after the dire spurs game on Thursday
Kneel for man who died under a knee!
If Sir Sadiq gets confirmed would he be available to be called up as in the Knights of the Crusaders with his Red Cross on White outfit, ready to go on a modern Crusade in the Middle East against the usual enemy?
Not generally renowned against armed opposition that fight back are they ? women and children, and most unarmed civilians who are heavily outnumbered are fair game though.
Remember Sadam’s “Elite” Republican Guard” ?
Fantastic at pushing around the general population. Very good at executions and the odd massacre etc.
But it soon became glaringly obvious, the only thing elite about them was the speed at which they disappeared once an army came into view.
Er, idiots guide to idiotic press statements, c/o the Telegraph
Apparently the housebuilding companies are demanding more immigration into the UK. Duher! Why do the housebuilding companies think they are having to build 1.5m homes in the first place?
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Ah, but the ones we have are the wrong type of immigrants. Remember, they are all rocket scientists,engineers, doctors and brain surgeons, whereas what we need now are brickies and labourers. And they need to bring their own bricks, timber and steel with them, as we don’t have any. Especially the latter, as we’ve flogged off our steelworks to the Indians and Chinese, who have shut them down.
1.5 million new homes? A tenth of that in the next 5 years would be a challenge. Why not reduce demand by stopping further migration and introducing a humane, manageable re-migration programme instead?
Using Cement for homes will destroy the climate!
Kharkiv Ukraine 1,421,225 population!
@ Ian
Talking of which:
“Dramatic moment police smash one of Britain’s biggest county lines gangs that made £100,000 a month from heroin and crack cocaine – as they are jailed for more than 100 years.”
Which mosques did these architects and doctors attend?
“…discovered unrefrigerated vans in London containing 48 sheep carcasses.”
Men do like their sheep.
“The Olympics joke is funny because it’s true!”
How Democrats use immigration to swing the vote & how Trump stopped them ( with Amish & a squirrel)
Another day. Another triumph of diversity and multiculturalism.
‘The fictional kingdom of couple who buried son in garden’
For two years the body of three-year-old Abiyah Yasharahyalah lay underground in the back garden of a terraced house in Birmingham. ……He was in a severely malnourished state and suffered with a list of other problems. Only when his body was exhumed by police in 2022 did the scale of his parents’ neglect emerge.
BBC has a new war – this time Syria – nice civil war – but looking a bit to hairy to send Clive or Jeremy to wear the kit on top of a 5 star hotel …
BBC bored with Ukraine and Gaza and even Gregg by the looks of it …. And they’ll hate the ‘rock star ‘ reception the Donald will get in Paris on Saturday …if they don’t kill him in an underpass of course …
Southport wheelie binners still in jail ?
“Rapist who preyed on children freed early as top Tory urges: ‘Keep monster behind bars’.
Banaras Hussain was a leading figure in the notorious Rotherham grooming gang which targeted children and teenagers over several years.”
LOL…Matt Chorley on 5 live has impressions, either AI or actual impressionist, of Starmer….they’re mickey takes.
Listening to Chiles on 5 today and we had a Starmer impression…him saying if we had a damp wall we’d use a hairdryer to dry it out…only….it was actually the real thing from his recent speech…which I unfortunately forgot to listen to.
When you can’t tell the joke from the real PM maybe it’s time to consider a new PM.
Starmer wants reform…perhaps that is what he should get…Reform.
Amnesty claims Israel is doing ‘genocide’ in Gaza…of course…and the BBC wheels in the usual voice of reason, Martin Griffiths, ex of the UN….no need to guess what he said….and imperceptible challenges to his own claims about Israel…naturally he thinks it is genocide…he says ‘if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s genocide’….even though relatively few Gazans have been killed in the course of a war in which it is inescapably going to be conducted in urban areas…and at least half the casualties are Hamas terrorists.
Griffiths is a regular pro-Palestinian mouthpiece on the BBC….he is not in anyway neutral in his opinions.
The usual BBC rigging of the narrative against Israel.
BBC 6 pm news.
Presented by Clive Myrie.
So. How are we doing on the ethical and moral issues?
‘Clive Myrie: BBC presenter apologises for not declaring £145,000 in earnings’
Apologising in a written statement, Myrie blamed the error on “several administrative issues” and said he will not be taking part in paid external events for the “foreseeable future”.
Figures suggest the 60-year-old newsreader earned at least £145,000, but it could have been more than £255,000, with the exact figure likely to be somewhere in between, according to retrospective entries to the BBC’s external events register.‘,Clive%20Myrie%3A%20BBC%20presenter%20apologises%20for%20not%20declaring%20%C2%A3145%2C000,for%20the%20%22foreseeable%20future%22.
In other words, about normal for the BBC.
He also earns over £300,000 from the BBC. Not including his fees for presenting Mastermind.
Nice work if you can get it.
Happy Marc Lépine massacre day everybody, and especially to Canadians.
December 6th, marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of the “Montreal Massacre” – a grim day in 1989 when fourteen female students at the École Polytechnique were murdered by a man known to posterity as “Marc Lépine”.
Here is the bit they do not tell you in Canada (‘cept for Mark Steyn):
M Lépine was born Gamil Gharbi, the son of an Algerian Muslim wife-beater, whose brutalized spouse told the court at their divorce hearing that her husband “had a total disdain for women and believed they were intended only to serve men.” At eighteen, young Gamil took his mother’s maiden name. The Gazette in Montreal mentioned this in its immediate reports of the massacre. The name “Gamil Gharbi” has not sullied its pages in the thirteen years since.
On X I’ve just seen this headline:
BREAKING: UK Government ‘commits’ to giving ALL cows in England, Bovaer, the controversial feed, by 2030
It’s posted by Adam Brooks, 170k+ followers.
He’s often on GB News panels.
It looks like it will be true.
Yes so few people realise that Cows ‘burps’ and ‘farts; control the planet atmosphere and Weather conditions. Floods, Storms and even the tides are controlled by the new imperialist in an armchair in Whitehall. In a well ventilated room, due to ’emissions’ and carbon capture that Miliband will store in vast silos beneath the North Sea. Powered by Windmills!
Just looking at bits of the question time – the stony faces of the handpicked audience sort of give the game away .- it is so embarrassingly fixed – even the panel is embarrassing – isolating Farage – with just the occasional audience member getting the truth out – such as the failing red regime …
I do wonder how long it will take before there is a huge swing of public opinion against the reds … although as I write this I realise the MSm will support TTK similarly to the treatment of the democrats in the US by the MSM …
Red Alert! No it’s not a Russian nuke. It’s the wind.
An OTT government alarm is scaring the crap out of phone users in Wales tonight.
Hot of the press…
The BBC now owns the Guardian….
“Journalists at The Guardian and The Observer are in open revolt after bosses approved the sale of the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper to a loss-making start-up, even after staff went on strike in protest against the deal.
The Scott Trust, the £1.3bn fund that owns both titles, voted in favour of selling The Observer to Tortoise at a meeting on Thursday night. The start-up is is run by James Harding, a former BBC News boss.:”
I suspect that to many Guardian journalists see the BBC as ‘right wing’ Corporate opportunists organ. A ‘sell out’ to the BBC, who will move its operations in-house, or make them all part time. Its true the BBC hates the free press and that is a real concern for the future of UK newspapers.. But its clearly not profitable. nor is the BBC, and yet the BBC has all the money in James Harding. Will it survive? i doubt it in its current form. It will be a pop up ‘agitprop’ rag the left will claim is impartial news but the BIG advertising clients (and all jobs) are the BBC itself – it will control the news, which is what they do behind the scenes on TV and radio.
Gove…we didn’t have the debate we should have had about which measures to introduce regarding covid because Labour were even more pro-strict measures than the government.
In other words the media failed to do its job and ask questions of the politicians who all sang from the same songbook. The media was the only voice that could have made proper challenges to the Establishment narrative of severe lockdowns etc….but instead the media became the mouthpiece of government pushing their line, demonising anyone who spoke out and indeed the BBC, like Labour, was often at the forefront demanding harsher measures.
The BBC failed to hold Power to account and nobody is holding the BBC to account.
The problem is the scale of the crime and the number of criminals involved, from your Swiss banker through to your lying PM and the hordes of clapping seals that supported the complete and utter destruction of the economy and what was left of our freedoms. Gove is one of the leading criminals. He and this woman know full well this was planned. He needs to be put before a court and judged accordingly, but that won’t happen because this country has no law and order.
The truth is there is no virus. It was planned a long time ago. This country has too many cowards who will not tell the truth.