Brissles, thanks my dear old thing (well it is the Test Cricket in NZ and I guess Blowers would like to see England doing so well and be out there commentating for TMS) which is a long roundabout way of saying thanks! I just nipped in on the off-chance that Fed had put up the w/e Thread and sure enough he had. Thanks to Fedup2.
Yes, the dwarves were originally an efnically mixed bunch with only one actual dwarf until a backlash forced a rewrite..more here:
“Snow White and the Seven… Politically-Correct Companions? First pictures of new live-action remake of Disney classic shows stand-in princess walking with diverse band of merry men and women after row over using dwarf actors”
Co-written by Barbie’s Greta Gerwig, the upcoming adaptation will not feature a Prince Charming and will instead focus on a ‘stronger’ Snow White who dreams of becoming a leader.
“Ms Zegler previously addressed reports that the film was trying to be politically correct, claiming that the story needed ‘refreshing’.
She said: ‘People are making these jokes about ours being the PC Snow White… yeah, it is – because it needed that.”
In July 2023, footage of the production from Berkshire revealed that the depiction of the Seven Dwarfs had been reimagined for the film, consisting of only one actor with dwarfism along with six other non-dwarf actors of varying ethnicity, six males and one female portraying the associated set of seven individuals, who were originally all portrayed as supernatural beings from German folklore, not actual human beings.[34] After initially denying reports that these images depicted the actual film production, Disney later confirmed that they did indeed depict the production, with stand-in actors substituting for the leads (the already confirmed actor Martin Klebba not appearing in said footage).[35][36] The decision to reimagine the characters as such was criticised by mainstream and social media sources as being overly politically correct,[34][36] as well as potentially taking away acting opportunities from the dwarfism community.[37] Jackass actor Jason “Wee Man” Acuña criticised Disney for not casting dwarf actors and expressed disappointment about the changes.[38] Acuña said “You’re replacing jobs that people could have as little people. It’s for dwarfs. Why are you hiring ‘Snow White and the seven average people’?”[39] Wrestler and actor Dylan Postl also disagreed with Dinklage’s view and in an interview with Piers Morgan, he echoed Acuña’s sentiments and defended the portrayal of the dwarf characters in the animated film.[40][41]
In October 2023, coinciding with an announcement of the film’s delay, Disney unveiled a first-look image for the movie, which included Zegler portraying Snow White, alongside the Seven Dwarfs, all of which are CGI characters made to look similar to their appearances in the 1937 film.
The BBC remake would be Chalky, Pansy, Lefty, Paki, Transy, Lesby and – the evil one of the bunch who is constantly racist and sexist with a ridiculous, sleezy cockney accent – whitey.
‘Snow White’?????
Totally racist. Clear implication that white people are pure and full of goodness and, by definition, BAME people are not.
I much prefer ‘Precipitation Person and the Seven Differently Abled People’.
So much more modern. And Guardianista-approved.
I hesitate to tell you what they have done to that classic rural English village family tale set in the 40’s – 50’s…..Railway Children. I just caught the trailer……
As always, you only EVER see the word ‘Muslim’ in a BBC article when they are the victims. It is NEVER used for any of their rape or terrorist articles.
This story is front page, world news at the BBC. And it’s about one house in India FFS !!!.
Meanwhile, those same people at the BBC didn’t want us to see this article and so it’s not even on the UK front page. It’s gone straight to regions:
I would argue that this kind of attack is FAR more relevant to what the BBC should be telling us about.
Why has it been hidden ?. Of course we know why. The BBC are racists. Here’s the victim:
And it comes as no surprise whatsoever to see who the murderer is:
This jailing is a development of a brutal stabbing 8 years ago. If it had been a BBC agenda story, they would have recapped the whole thing to make it current again like they did extensively for George Floyd and are still doing for Stephen Lawrence.
So let me. Here’s what happened:
‘shoppers saw Jamel pinned up against a wall by Osei-Kofi near the car park of a supermarket.
They told the jury others watched “like a pack of animals surrounding a buffalo”.
Osei-Kofi, from East Dulwich, was heard shouting for a “chiv” (a knife) while holding his right arm against Jamel’s neck to trap him against some railings.
He then stabbed him and fled the scene.’
The ‘others watching’ of course all look remarkably similar to the man who did it.
That was much worse than a murder : it was a cold blooded execution with a full gang of people complicit and willing. It could happen to any one of us in any supermarket car-park if we don’t learn to keep our heads down and walk away.
And the BBC are hiding it.
I saw something on GB News which Kemi said:
“The truth is that the left are not that interested in ethnic minorities except as a tool to fight their battles against the right,” she said.
Absolutely right. The BBC are the most disguting of hypocrites. That alone tells us enough about the true, nasty character they keep hidden under the veneer of virtue-signalling.
I didn’t know until watching Nick Buckley’s YouTube offering that ‘stan’ as in Pakistan means ‘land of the tribe’ eg land of the Paki tribe
Likewise Kurdistan – land of the Kurds tribe
Uzbekistan – land of the Uzbek tribe
The Paki referral should not therefore be determined as a derogatory racist term.
This is a lefty BBC /Guardian invention imposing on the British people boundaries on what we cannot say. I notice also that they – the lefties- are now trying to impose us to stop referring to the lefties the word ‘globalist’ as being considered as an anti semitic term. Utter rubbish.
The lefty BBC are so ignorant yet deftly manipulative in propagandising onto us their warped view of the world
One final point. In Australia the populace freely call people from Pakistan ‘Paki’ they have no problem with saying this correct term. It’s just this country that has the problem.
But they have weaponised many innocent words into ‘racist slurs’ they can use against the Right. And all of the Muslim/Black activist groups are scouring the internet just to find something to be offended by.
The worst of all is ‘Islamophobia’. It’s an absolute nonsense, made up word to try and make it as nasty as possible. It should be banned as a racist term in itself. But of course all anti-white slurs are acceptable to the hypocrite Left.
Well, sort of. The name was invented by a chap called Choudhry Rahmat Ali, who was studying Law at Cambridge in the early 1930s. In his own words “It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands, Indian and Asian, Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan.” The word ‘pak’ means ‘pure’ in Persian and in Pashto, so it can also be expressed as ‘Land of the Pure’. Pure in the sense means spiritual, not racial. But yes, the term ‘Paki’ is not inherently offensive and more analogous to ‘Aussie’ or ‘Brit’.
The Left want to define the term ‘globalist’ as anti-semitic because people like George Soros (everything), Larry Fink (Blackrock), Robert Iger (Disney), David Zaslav (Warner Bros), Albert Bourla (Pfizer) are Jewish, although obviously most globalists are not. The hypocrisy is outstanding, as the Left has no problem with promoting anti-semitism when it is demonstrated by Pro-Palestinian supporters in the streets of London.
Pakistan is a made up name for a made up country.
It means land of the clean, or land of the pure. Some might say the name of the country turned out to be a bit optimistic. Still, the use of the term “Paki” just relates to one who is clean or pure, which seems hardly to be an insult.
This is an interesting interview by Tucker Carlson with Sergey Lavrov the Russian Foreign minister.
Of course you have to keep in mind it’s the Russian perspective, but once again I hear much more common sense than I do from anyone on our side. We just get the most ridiculous statements from Zelensky presented as fact and totally lop-sided BBC reports like this one which are completely useless as a balanced assessment of what is going on:
Russia’s ‘meat-grinder’ tactics bring battlefield success – but at horrendous cost
So as I listened to what he had to say, sure enough like a bad smell the BBC cropped up and took serious criticism for the type of ridiculously partisan stories they now churn out. Also Boris gets mentioned as one who sabotaged a peace agreement while he was PM.
The whole thing gives a background to the conflict you will never get from the BBC.
It’s further evidence that comrade starmer is just Corbyn in a dress . That criminal who was transport secretary was a Corbyn disciple and so is lammy . Both appointments would be unforgivable – unfortunately the general public are not encouraged to put the pieces together .
I can’t think of a single capable cabinet minister – even worse than the blue variety . I think we will fall a lot further and quicker ….
Btw – I can’t think lammy could say anything to get his mouth out of the hole it has created . President trump had not changed at all since 2016 .
I really hope he pulls US forces out of Europe and makes the parasite pay their own defence costs ….
JohnC – someone put it up on the last thread (ww – thanks ) – it’s worth the 1 hour 20 – okay at x2 speed . It’s good to hear a long interview which doesn’t have the childish ‘gotcha’ and interview ego ingredient …..
I suppose Russia will get the bits of Ukraine that speak Russian – Zelenski will get dead and there will be a promise of ‘no NATO ‘…. but maybe they can join the ReichEU …
I wondered if the lady knew who who that maitliss was .
I bet there’s a sort of ‘100 days ‘ thing being plotted across the Far Left . Desperate for ‘divisions ‘ in the White House – for Elon to ‘resign ‘ the whole Far Left playbook ….
Btw – notice that Biden doesn’t get the notra dame show – but then again he is the poorest of catholics – being ‘pro death ‘ …
If he was not demented im sure visiting notra Dame would have meant something too him . Im glad i visited before the fire ..
Fed, I visited Notre Dame, too, on a trip to Paris where I experience ‘culture loss/panic’ for the first time ever but that came after the Notre Dame visit … way back in 1983 or 1984.
Certainly walking from that Paris railway station toward notra dame is a ‘vibrant ‘ ‘rich ‘ experience – it felt like Hackney / jar town /brixton innit …
Profound and ferociously funny reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, told from the perspective of the enslaved Jim. When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a new owner in New Orleans and separated from his wife and daughter forever, he flees… (Amazon)
For British readers, it also helps to know something about the centrality of Huckleberry Finn in American literature – and African American discomfort with that centrality. (Guardian)
Funnily enough, here in the UK, one doesn’t get to hear that much about slavery (sarc) – as the kids would say
Dinner by Meera Sodha
Drawing from Meera’s ‘New Vegan’ Guardian column and from a wide range of Asian cuisines, Dinner also includes many brand-new recipes, all created to answer the question: What’s for dinner? Discover 100 vibrant, easy-to-make vegetarian and vegan main dishes (Waterstones)
Sounds as turkey is off the menu this Christmas
World Without End by Jean-Marc Jancovici & Christophe Blain
A word of mouth sensation… book whose alternative title might be: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Climate Change But Were Too Afraid to Ask. Jancovici [provides] the facts and clever concepts, and Blain the angst, the jokes and the occasional superhero … This is vital reading: every maison should have one, Rachel Cooke, Observer (Penguin)
Every maison should have one… ooooh get her…! – as the gays would say.
I Follow The Fox by Rob Biddulph
The family search high and low, but the teddy can’t be found. Then, one night, a beautiful fox calls at the window, and the young boy decides to follow her. They go on a magical winter adventure: moving through the city, past snowy meadows and icy rivers, until the boy realises the fox has led him to something special, and that she needs his help. (Harper Collins)
Sounds a bit too much like Narnia to me. Anyway, I give it a pass, it’s a kid’s book.
Our Evenings by Alan Hollinghurst
follows Dave Win from his youth in 1960s England through to the era of Brexit turmoil and pandemics. While the history is sweeping, the novel focuses on significant yet understated moments, particularly those that reflect on Dave’s close relationship with his resilient mother and his entanglement with a wealthy family encountered while a scholarship student at boarding school. Hollinghurst’s preoccupations are on display: class, sexuality, race and power, generational shifts, legacies and memories. (The Conversation ‘Academic rigour, journalistic flair’)
Further comment would seem superfluous
Gliff by Ali Smith
reading the signs of crisis… Two children decode a dystopia, in a chilling and wistful novel that speaks to our times… its fullest vindication came amid the xenophobic pageantry of Brexit. The Seasonal Quartet was the work of an intellectual first responder, urgently cataloguing the treasures of pluralism as the body politic celebrated its sweaty fiesta of insularity. Not many novelists could have pulled that off. (Guardian)
xenophobic pageantry of Brexit…? We wish…
I am going to concede defeat on this book, it beat me. I couldn’t finish it I just found it too hard to read. I didn’t even know which country they’re in until page 48, and that’s just a guess I have made, although I could well be wrong! I don’t even know what time it is based on, whether it’s in the future, the past or the present. (Reader ‘Sonya’ one star review ay Amazon)
Though hardly exhaustive in terms of what’s presently on offer literature-wise, I think this admittedly narrow Guardian-approved sample represents a fair indication of the way our culture is leaning.
But for a cheerful comic ‘and finally’ let’s borrow some more from the Guardian – apparently they tend not to do irony:
This is what we’re up against. A media ecosystem dominated by a handful of billionaire owners. Bad actors spreading disinformation online to fuel intolerance. Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see. Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science. Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press.
What, no Billy and the Epic Escape by Jamie Oliver?
Jamie Oliver pulls ‘offensive’ children’s book from sale…has pulled his new children’s book from the shelves after complaints it stereotyped Indigenous Australians.
The 400-page fantasy novel, Billy and the Epic Escape, features an Aboriginal girl with mystical powers living in foster care who is abducted from her home in central Australia. First Nations leaders have said the book reproduces “harmful stereotypes” and trivialises the “complex and painful” history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (BBC)
Well, you can’t pillory a celebrity chef for trying… or should you, Gregg Wallace?
This is what the muslims and wokes do not want you to see, what happens at 8:20 onwards with the screaming harridan confronted with facts, is indeed informing:
So, I show it in full.
It was muted when shown by that bastion of free speech, Oxford Union, so you don’t hear the muslim abuse:
“The Oxford Union has published a version of this speech at @OxfordUnion , however they have heavily censored it to remove the abuse from the audience levelled at the opposition team. The full version is shown here.”
“One woman shouted at Mr Sacerdoti that he was ‘a liar’ before adding: ‘F*** you, the genocidal motherf*****!’
A spokesman for Counter Terrorism Policing South East said it was ‘making enquiries’ into reports of ‘a person expressing support for a proscribed organisation’ during the event.”
Asiseeit – thank you – I know doing the ‘nazi ‘ comparison is a bit jaded – but there is no need to burn books now as the unapproved don’t get written yet alone published – and no need to send the unapproved up chimneys – they just get cancelled …. But allowed to continue breathing ….
I wonder if ‘Greg ‘ has a Christmas book – stuffing your bird – best way to roast – that sort of ting …
“That black woman in the front row with the headscarf is shaking her head in the first minute when he is talking about facts and common sense. Says just how open her mind is to discussion.”
“This was very hard to watch and stomach. The level of profanity at Oxford University is dishartening.”
“Thanks for uploading the uncensored version. I cannot believe they went as far as censoring the parts that harm their side”
“”Just because you dislike losing an unnecessary war you started does not make something genocide.”
“The screaming and laughing is absolutely disgusting and indeed recalls memories of the 1930s”
“All the anti-israel crowd has is emotion, ridicule, and slander because they dont have the truth on their side. That is why they behave like this. You exuded incredibe poise and strength in the face of barbaric behavior. Thank you for speaking for us.”
Tory James Cleverly was on GBnews the other day and I had the same impression.
One example was the debate about high energy prices hurting heavy industry like British Steel
Cleverly said it’s simple “WE WE WE need to be **subsidising** British Steel’s electricity costs cos all the other countries do that”
Moron, plenty of countries don’t have crazy green energy policies
and therefore don’t have mega electric prices.
LGBT Youth Scotland perverts guess who funds them ?
– Chairperson at BBC Children in Need resigned
Rosie Millard said it cos they are lying when they say “We know where your money is going
and that the org lies when it says it operates on the ages 13 to 25
“I discovered that LGBTYS operates within 40 PRIMARY schools within Scotland”
@Philip_2 mentioned it on December 2, 2024 at 9:31 am here
but it didn’t get much traction
“1./ If you’d like to read my FULL story of LGBT Youth Scotland: including how the FBI helped track down its paedophile CEO and why I suspect its current CEO is teling porkies I’ve taken down the paywall.
Click on the link in my bio. It’s dated September 4th.”
“Tyler Kerry spent nine months getting excited for his first family holiday.”
20 years old and on his first family holiday?
“he was found dead at the bottom of a hotel lift shaft. In spite of what police have said, his family believe he was murdered and are trying to investigate themselves.”
Terrible report, no indication of how a lift shaft managed to be open,
BBC includes a childhood photo of him, and focuses on “inappropriate” Halloween screens placed to shield the scene.
Rather than explaining why the family think it was murder.
Just blood, on a vape, above.
Chavs are notoriously unhealthy, and could have coughed it up himself or something.
50 min discussion about bias in the BBC as regards LGBT issues
LGB Alliance “Our Chair, Eileen Gallagher, is joined in conversation by Cath Leng a senior journalist with 25 years experience to discuss bias at the BBC “
Time to cancel this lot, close down their Twitter or something..get them of the Strictly and cookery shows pronto:
“Aeolus, keeper of the winds; later writers made him a full-fledged god. Anemoi, (in Greek, Ἄνεμοι—”winds”) were the Greek wind gods. Boreas (Βορέας), god of the north wind and of winter. Eurus (Εὖρος), god of the east or southeast wind.
Rigged ?
Turns out the man who challenged Nigel Farage last night on Question Time just so happens to write for the New European and had an article ready to publish the very next day
The demography of the QT seem to be a ‘something ‘…. I wonder how they sift the applicants to make sure the approved types get seats …? So pleased audiences are falling ….
What an bizarre coincidence that the man who compared Farage to Hitler just happens to write for the New European, which just happens to be the rag that Campbell writes for too. Amazing. These things just seem to happen by chance on the BBC, with no collusion whatsoever. Strange, but it cannot be a stitch up, the BBC would never do that, they are public service broadcasters after all.
The arrest of an illegal working for the border force – plus 3 others done for conspiracy to steal – doesn’t seem to have got much attention . So is it ‘disinformation ‘ …
I know that if I was running an illegal immigrant business I’d have people in the customs , border force , home office – the works – who wouldn’t ? My dinghy production company would be running flat out …
What a great idea by Atlas above to check on electricity generation now that we have a storm passing us. All that wind! Wow! Should be great for us.
We are currently importing 18% of our electricity demand from the continent!
Still, I suppose it makes up for all the solar power (a magnificent 0.9%).
I note the total wind power installed capacity of 28 GW. We are currently producing 16GW. In a storm! That’s 57% efficiency in optimal conditions, producing 41% of total need.
Over to Justin Rowlatt for an in-depth explanation.
I’m late again to the party, but I’m taking us back to the infamous Gregg Wallace outrage…or whatever else it was…
I’ve never seen this Master Chef prog’ before, but took a gander a few nights ago.
There seem to be three main presenters, Gregg, a rather debonair silver fox looking geezer and a podgy Oriental woman with blonde hair…and it was chock-full of innuendo.
The first I heard was the other bloke telling some woman, who had been roasting chicken, that her breasts were both firm and succulent. Blimey! Now, I take it he was referring to her chicken, but…
What did have me guffawing was all the pretentious waffle. “Oh, this is just sublime. The outer layer is beautifully caramelised, both crisp and moist, concealing the soft a tender asparagus souffle that hides within.” FFS!
I couldn’t take more than half an hour of this guff, but almost certainly the bloke who won it was a young Chinese lad. They were all eulogising some dish he’d produced using celeriac, grated cinnamon, lambs’ liver, egg whites, the zest of a lemon and drizzled with an oyster and walnut sauce.
It looked revolting. It was a sort of yellowy splodge with strange bits sticking out of it. I’d certainly never put the bloody thing in my mouth.
The John Anderson podcast this week features two US political analysts and commentators reviewing why so much of the the US election polling was so wrong.
They conclude that A) a few of the pollsters were right on the money , eg Rasmussen and Atlas , B) some were honestly wrong due to their own incompetence, C) some were wrong because they were paid to be plausibly wrong by the Dems and D) some were wrong because they were out and out ideologues who hated Trump so much they would say and do anything.
The cat C) pollsters were paid because the legacy media could be relied on to fill the airwaves with their spurious polls and this might create a Harris bandwagon of real votes. But mainly they were paid because their false polls would create the impression that the race was close and so allow plenty of time and opportunity for recounts so that the fix could be applied and bag fulls of spurious votes ‘found’.
Even so their analysis was that whilst there had been plenty of dirty tricks being played and the Harris vote boosted illegally Trump’s victory was just Too Big to Rig.
Anderson, the ex Deputy PM of Australia, avoided agreeing with this conclusion but you could see he was convinced by it but daren’t admit it .
Then the commentators quickly reviewed the 2020 election result and said that it was truly astonishing that the Dems got an extra 15 million votes more in 2020 than they did in either 2016 or 2024. Again Anderson avoided comment . You could a sense that this was something he just daren’t step into even though he probably agreed with it.
Anyway the cat is nearly out of the bag and the day of reckoning is just around the corner. How far back will Trump’s investigatory team go ? Even Hillary and Barry might be worried . Certainly many of their underlings are staring prison in the face. Should make for exciting viewing.
Double – I don’t think pollster can accept that they are not effective any more because people of the right know the pollsters are lefties so will lie and tell them what they want to hear .
And in a sane real world who would have voted for Harris ?
I wonder if casting agents for historical dramas ever reject an actor for his accent say Liverpool or Cornish etc.
but then end up recruiting a black actor and give them a free pass on appearance
Nothing against the hobby, i just watched a free climbing documentary, going hundreds of feet up on almost vertical cliff faces, no ropes, or nothing – insane
But I bet it’s mostly ‘progressives’ meeting up,
Naturally there’s a homo slant too,
“Many climbing centres host social events, including women’s and LBGT nights”
“Those poor Telford grooming gang survivors. This is the most disgusting, disgraceful, inconsiderate, and cruel decision by this government I have seen. Those poor girls will probably be too afraid to come out of their homes now.”
H and S only record fatalities, not just attacks, and statistics are being played with … RE a claimed 3 billion country walks versus number of reported attacks, 3 billion is not representative, as it includes walks around parks and beaches etc
“lack of self-awareness is a libmob characteristic
Here Denis MacShane
COMPLAINS the BBC is RESTRICTING debate on EV sales
yet he himself RESTRICTS debate by turning replies off
Richard Corbett the guy he quotes is a gaslighting charlatan
Did not need Brexit to wreck the car industry in the UK. A combination of labour and the trade unions killed it off years before due a dreadful work force continually on strike supported by labour.
“One potential danger was that over tightening the wheel bearing nuts could result in bearing failure, and it’s gone down in motoring folklore that there’s so much flex in the Allegro’s construction that if you jack it up in the wrong place, the back window will fall out and the doors will jam shut. “
Contrary to numerous conspiracy theorists on this website, the author of this article is not a journalist, nor was he a plant in the Question Time audience. We tracked him down afterwards and asked him to write about his experience. It’s a great read. Enjoy!
“Elizabeth Line worker, 61, dies after ‘unprovoked’ attack at London tube station”
Death has come 3 days after the attack
at Ilford railway station at around 8.49pm on Wednesday night
Are details of the attacker being suppressed ?
Oh charged already
“Ayodele Jamgbadi, 28, from Ilford, yesterday appeared at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court and was remanded in custody.”
Watching the live coverage of notra dame – the site of macron and wife standing wet and freezing outside as the bishop did his door knocking reminded me of the Sunnak election speech outside number 10 …
Maybe the reopening of the church will fire up Roman Catholicism …. And push back the moor …
Iraq – Mosul – On 4 June, the insurgents began their efforts to capture Mosul. The Iraqi army officially had 30,000 soldiers and another 30,000 federal police stationed in the city, facing a 1,500-member attacking force.
Seems comrade starmer wasn’t invited to the bash but Elon was ….. just a small victory – or maybe the Muslims wouldn’t let the British PM go into a church …
In the game: ” You have now learned how to use GASLIGHTING, BULLYING, TRIGGERING & CANCELLING! You can also use these against your FRIENDS to get what your way!”
Dustborn: the wokest videogame is govt funded propaganda AND unwittingly reveals the evil of wokeism
My X feed warns that if out and about be aware of suspicious things and people and put a call in // really ? And get the full TTK treatment ….? A visit to check my thinking ? Another note on the 77 brigade file ..?
Most senior UK officer criticised for fleeing Westminster terror attack
It has emerged that the acting Metropolitan Police Service commissioner witnessed Police Constable Keith Palmer being murdered and fled the scene.
Oct 9, 2018
By Website Editor
Sir Craig Mackey told the Westminster Bridge inquest that he did not get out of the car because he was in short sleeves, did not have any protective equipment and was told to leave by a police constable.
yet again the #GreenSupremacist dreamers of the uni-party get badly ratioed
Here the UK Prime Minister got 947 Likes & 1,700 opposing replies
Yet Sargon_of_Akkad got 3,200 Likes for his sensible reply
Thee people don’t understand 2030 UK energy independence is a total total fantasy
#1 the vast majority of UK energy is NOT electricity
It’s transport & heating fuel by far
And Labour is closing local extraction
#2 Electricity has a huge IMPORTED component
like wood fuel for Drax & the basic parts of wind/solar farms
as well as direct interconnector imports
The only wind solar parts made in the UK are the blades
..even the towers are made abroad
@lembitopik “In more plain stupidity, BBC suggests a polar bear attack in Canada was due to climate change.
In fact, attacks happen as humans encroach into their territory. Also, polar bear numbers are increasing.
BBC is therefore talking total nonsense”
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
OK, Snuffy is back on top of the heap. 🙂 I have just watched a great video clip thanks to Paul Homewood of Not a Lot of People Know That:
Watch it and see what you think of it.
Have a good weekend everyone!
FANTASTIC SNUFFY ! Nice to see an old ‘un on top 😉
Brissles, thanks my dear old thing (well it is the Test Cricket in NZ and I guess Blowers would like to see England doing so well and be out there commentating for TMS) which is a long roundabout way of saying thanks! I just nipped in on the off-chance that Fed had put up the w/e Thread and sure enough he had. Thanks to Fedup2.
lol – I notice the evil little b@stards are all white.
No doubt more ‘white men are bad, women are good’ woke Disney rubbish.
Yes, the dwarves were originally an efnically mixed bunch with only one actual dwarf until a backlash forced a rewrite..more here:
“Snow White and the Seven… Politically-Correct Companions? First pictures of new live-action remake of Disney classic shows stand-in princess walking with diverse band of merry men and women after row over using dwarf actors”
Co-written by Barbie’s Greta Gerwig, the upcoming adaptation will not feature a Prince Charming and will instead focus on a ‘stronger’ Snow White who dreams of becoming a leader.
“Ms Zegler previously addressed reports that the film was trying to be politically correct, claiming that the story needed ‘refreshing’.
She said: ‘People are making these jokes about ours being the PC Snow White… yeah, it is – because it needed that.”
In July 2023, footage of the production from Berkshire revealed that the depiction of the Seven Dwarfs had been reimagined for the film, consisting of only one actor with dwarfism along with six other non-dwarf actors of varying ethnicity, six males and one female portraying the associated set of seven individuals, who were originally all portrayed as supernatural beings from German folklore, not actual human beings.[34] After initially denying reports that these images depicted the actual film production, Disney later confirmed that they did indeed depict the production, with stand-in actors substituting for the leads (the already confirmed actor Martin Klebba not appearing in said footage).[35][36] The decision to reimagine the characters as such was criticised by mainstream and social media sources as being overly politically correct,[34][36] as well as potentially taking away acting opportunities from the dwarfism community.[37] Jackass actor Jason “Wee Man” Acuña criticised Disney for not casting dwarf actors and expressed disappointment about the changes.[38] Acuña said “You’re replacing jobs that people could have as little people. It’s for dwarfs. Why are you hiring ‘Snow White and the seven average people’?”[39] Wrestler and actor Dylan Postl also disagreed with Dinklage’s view and in an interview with Piers Morgan, he echoed Acuña’s sentiments and defended the portrayal of the dwarf characters in the animated film.[40][41]
In October 2023, coinciding with an announcement of the film’s delay, Disney unveiled a first-look image for the movie, which included Zegler portraying Snow White, alongside the Seven Dwarfs, all of which are CGI characters made to look similar to their appearances in the 1937 film.
The BBC remake would be Chalky, Pansy, Lefty, Paki, Transy, Lesby and – the evil one of the bunch who is constantly racist and sexist with a ridiculous, sleezy cockney accent – whitey.
Though not with those names of course.
‘Snow White’?????
Totally racist. Clear implication that white people are pure and full of goodness and, by definition, BAME people are not.
I much prefer ‘Precipitation Person and the Seven Differently Abled People’.
So much more modern. And Guardianista-approved.
I hesitate to tell you what they have done to that classic rural English village family tale set in the 40’s – 50’s…..Railway Children. I just caught the trailer……
In a hoodie with feet on the seat smoking a fat spliff ?
Muslim couple forced to sell house after protests by Hindu neighbours
As always, you only EVER see the word ‘Muslim’ in a BBC article when they are the victims. It is NEVER used for any of their rape or terrorist articles.
This story is front page, world news at the BBC. And it’s about one house in India FFS !!!.
Meanwhile, those same people at the BBC didn’t want us to see this article and so it’s not even on the UK front page. It’s gone straight to regions:
Man jailed for ‘senseless’ fatal stabbing of friend outside Clapham Sainsbury’s
I would argue that this kind of attack is FAR more relevant to what the BBC should be telling us about.
Why has it been hidden ?. Of course we know why. The BBC are racists. Here’s the victim:

And it comes as no surprise whatsoever to see who the murderer is:
This jailing is a development of a brutal stabbing 8 years ago. If it had been a BBC agenda story, they would have recapped the whole thing to make it current again like they did extensively for George Floyd and are still doing for Stephen Lawrence.
So let me. Here’s what happened:
‘shoppers saw Jamel pinned up against a wall by Osei-Kofi near the car park of a supermarket.
They told the jury others watched “like a pack of animals surrounding a buffalo”.
Osei-Kofi, from East Dulwich, was heard shouting for a “chiv” (a knife) while holding his right arm against Jamel’s neck to trap him against some railings.
He then stabbed him and fled the scene.’
The ‘others watching’ of course all look remarkably similar to the man who did it.
That was much worse than a murder : it was a cold blooded execution with a full gang of people complicit and willing. It could happen to any one of us in any supermarket car-park if we don’t learn to keep our heads down and walk away.
And the BBC are hiding it.
I saw something on GB News which Kemi said:
“The truth is that the left are not that interested in ethnic minorities except as a tool to fight their battles against the right,” she said.
Absolutely right. The BBC are the most disguting of hypocrites. That alone tells us enough about the true, nasty character they keep hidden under the veneer of virtue-signalling.
I didn’t know until watching Nick Buckley’s YouTube offering that ‘stan’ as in Pakistan means ‘land of the tribe’ eg land of the Paki tribe
Likewise Kurdistan – land of the Kurds tribe
Uzbekistan – land of the Uzbek tribe
The Paki referral should not therefore be determined as a derogatory racist term.
This is a lefty BBC /Guardian invention imposing on the British people boundaries on what we cannot say. I notice also that they – the lefties- are now trying to impose us to stop referring to the lefties the word ‘globalist’ as being considered as an anti semitic term. Utter rubbish.
The lefty BBC are so ignorant yet deftly manipulative in propagandising onto us their warped view of the world
One final point. In Australia the populace freely call people from Pakistan ‘Paki’ they have no problem with saying this correct term. It’s just this country that has the problem.
Say it anyway.
I’d rather not have to use ‘paki’ at all but they’ve been dumped on us like so many others …
I often hear the term “Brits” being used.
Is that ok ?
Yes, Taff……………
I find brits offensive because I first heard it coming from the mouths of IRA terrorists ….
@ F2
Another of the many things that are true but never to be mentioned… the Irish and many Scots are the gold standard for many kinds of racism.
Also never to be mentioned, the plethora of violent attacks by black and muslim people upon chinese and other east asians both here and in the USA.
I was always known by the Yorkshire rellies as a southern “cherry picker” 😀
An’ oi woz knowed as a Swede Basher.”
It’s more correct than calling us ‘Brits’.
But they have weaponised many innocent words into ‘racist slurs’ they can use against the Right. And all of the Muslim/Black activist groups are scouring the internet just to find something to be offended by.
The worst of all is ‘Islamophobia’. It’s an absolute nonsense, made up word to try and make it as nasty as possible. It should be banned as a racist term in itself. But of course all anti-white slurs are acceptable to the hypocrite Left.
Well, sort of. The name was invented by a chap called Choudhry Rahmat Ali, who was studying Law at Cambridge in the early 1930s. In his own words “It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands, Indian and Asian, Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan.” The word ‘pak’ means ‘pure’ in Persian and in Pashto, so it can also be expressed as ‘Land of the Pure’. Pure in the sense means spiritual, not racial. But yes, the term ‘Paki’ is not inherently offensive and more analogous to ‘Aussie’ or ‘Brit’.
The Left want to define the term ‘globalist’ as anti-semitic because people like George Soros (everything), Larry Fink (Blackrock), Robert Iger (Disney), David Zaslav (Warner Bros), Albert Bourla (Pfizer) are Jewish, although obviously most globalists are not. The hypocrisy is outstanding, as the Left has no problem with promoting anti-semitism when it is demonstrated by Pro-Palestinian supporters in the streets of London.
Pakistan is a made up name for a made up country.
It means land of the clean, or land of the pure. Some might say the name of the country turned out to be a bit optimistic. Still, the use of the term “Paki” just relates to one who is clean or pure, which seems hardly to be an insult.
This is an interesting interview by Tucker Carlson with Sergey Lavrov the Russian Foreign minister.
Of course you have to keep in mind it’s the Russian perspective, but once again I hear much more common sense than I do from anyone on our side. We just get the most ridiculous statements from Zelensky presented as fact and totally lop-sided BBC reports like this one which are completely useless as a balanced assessment of what is going on:
Russia’s ‘meat-grinder’ tactics bring battlefield success – but at horrendous cost
So as I listened to what he had to say, sure enough like a bad smell the BBC cropped up and took serious criticism for the type of ridiculously partisan stories they now churn out. Also Boris gets mentioned as one who sabotaged a peace agreement while he was PM.
The whole thing gives a background to the conflict you will never get from the BBC.
Contrast that with OUR foreign secretary.
Lammy dismisses past criticism of Trump as ‘old news’
Move the video forward to 30 seconds in when he starts talking.
What a complete and utter f*cking joke we are now. How did we fall so far ?.
It’s further evidence that comrade starmer is just Corbyn in a dress . That criminal who was transport secretary was a Corbyn disciple and so is lammy . Both appointments would be unforgivable – unfortunately the general public are not encouraged to put the pieces together .
I can’t think of a single capable cabinet minister – even worse than the blue variety . I think we will fall a lot further and quicker ….
Btw – I can’t think lammy could say anything to get his mouth out of the hole it has created . President trump had not changed at all since 2016 .
I really hope he pulls US forces out of Europe and makes the parasite pay their own defence costs ….
JohnC – someone put it up on the last thread (ww – thanks ) – it’s worth the 1 hour 20 – okay at x2 speed . It’s good to hear a long interview which doesn’t have the childish ‘gotcha’ and interview ego ingredient …..
I suppose Russia will get the bits of Ukraine that speak Russian – Zelenski will get dead and there will be a promise of ‘no NATO ‘…. but maybe they can join the ReichEU …
No constant interruptions a la bbc and ITV when the interviewer hears what SHE does not want to hear…Maitless etc
How to end a Maitless interview:
I wondered if the lady knew who who that maitliss was .
I bet there’s a sort of ‘100 days ‘ thing being plotted across the Far Left . Desperate for ‘divisions ‘ in the White House – for Elon to ‘resign ‘ the whole Far Left playbook ….
Btw – notice that Biden doesn’t get the notra dame show – but then again he is the poorest of catholics – being ‘pro death ‘ …
If he was not demented im sure visiting notra Dame would have meant something too him . Im glad i visited before the fire ..
Fed, I visited Notre Dame, too, on a trip to Paris where I experience ‘culture loss/panic’ for the first time ever but that came after the Notre Dame visit … way back in 1983 or 1984.
Certainly walking from that Paris railway station toward notra dame is a ‘vibrant ‘ ‘rich ‘ experience – it felt like Hackney / jar town /brixton innit …
Intellectual first responder (book) edition
Guardian: Best books of 2024 – allegedly…
James by Percival Everett
Profound and ferociously funny reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, told from the perspective of the enslaved Jim. When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a new owner in New Orleans and separated from his wife and daughter forever, he flees… (Amazon)
For British readers, it also helps to know something about the centrality of Huckleberry Finn in American literature – and African American discomfort with that centrality. (Guardian)
Funnily enough, here in the UK, one doesn’t get to hear that much about slavery (sarc) – as the kids would say
Dinner by Meera Sodha
Drawing from Meera’s ‘New Vegan’ Guardian column and from a wide range of Asian cuisines, Dinner also includes many brand-new recipes, all created to answer the question: What’s for dinner? Discover 100 vibrant, easy-to-make vegetarian and vegan main dishes (Waterstones)
Sounds as turkey is off the menu this Christmas
World Without End by Jean-Marc Jancovici & Christophe Blain
A word of mouth sensation… book whose alternative title might be: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Climate Change But Were Too Afraid to Ask. Jancovici [provides] the facts and clever concepts, and Blain the angst, the jokes and the occasional superhero … This is vital reading: every maison should have one, Rachel Cooke, Observer (Penguin)
Every maison should have one… ooooh get her…! – as the gays would say.
I Follow The Fox by Rob Biddulph
The family search high and low, but the teddy can’t be found. Then, one night, a beautiful fox calls at the window, and the young boy decides to follow her. They go on a magical winter adventure: moving through the city, past snowy meadows and icy rivers, until the boy realises the fox has led him to something special, and that she needs his help. (Harper Collins)
Sounds a bit too much like Narnia to me. Anyway, I give it a pass, it’s a kid’s book.
Our Evenings by Alan Hollinghurst
follows Dave Win from his youth in 1960s England through to the era of Brexit turmoil and pandemics. While the history is sweeping, the novel focuses on significant yet understated moments, particularly those that reflect on Dave’s close relationship with his resilient mother and his entanglement with a wealthy family encountered while a scholarship student at boarding school. Hollinghurst’s preoccupations are on display: class, sexuality, race and power, generational shifts, legacies and memories. (The Conversation ‘Academic rigour, journalistic flair’)
Further comment would seem superfluous
Gliff by Ali Smith
reading the signs of crisis… Two children decode a dystopia, in a chilling and wistful novel that speaks to our times… its fullest vindication came amid the xenophobic pageantry of Brexit. The Seasonal Quartet was the work of an intellectual first responder, urgently cataloguing the treasures of pluralism as the body politic celebrated its sweaty fiesta of insularity. Not many novelists could have pulled that off. (Guardian)
xenophobic pageantry of Brexit…? We wish…
I am going to concede defeat on this book, it beat me. I couldn’t finish it I just found it too hard to read. I didn’t even know which country they’re in until page 48, and that’s just a guess I have made, although I could well be wrong! I don’t even know what time it is based on, whether it’s in the future, the past or the present. (Reader ‘Sonya’ one star review ay Amazon)
Though hardly exhaustive in terms of what’s presently on offer literature-wise, I think this admittedly narrow Guardian-approved sample represents a fair indication of the way our culture is leaning.
But for a cheerful comic ‘and finally’ let’s borrow some more from the Guardian – apparently they tend not to do irony:
This is what we’re up against. A media ecosystem dominated by a handful of billionaire owners. Bad actors spreading disinformation online to fuel intolerance. Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see. Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science. Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press.
What, no Billy and the Epic Escape by Jamie Oliver?
Jamie Oliver pulls ‘offensive’ children’s book from sale…has pulled his new children’s book from the shelves after complaints it stereotyped Indigenous Australians.
The 400-page fantasy novel, Billy and the Epic Escape, features an Aboriginal girl with mystical powers living in foster care who is abducted from her home in central Australia. First Nations leaders have said the book reproduces “harmful stereotypes” and trivialises the “complex and painful” history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (BBC)
Well, you can’t pillory a celebrity chef for trying… or should you, Gregg Wallace?
This is what the muslims and wokes do not want you to see, what happens at 8:20 onwards with the screaming harridan confronted with facts, is indeed informing:
So, I show it in full.
It was muted when shown by that bastion of free speech, Oxford Union, so you don’t hear the muslim abuse:
“The Oxford Union has published a version of this speech at @OxfordUnion , however they have heavily censored it to remove the abuse from the audience levelled at the opposition team. The full version is shown here.”
“One woman shouted at Mr Sacerdoti that he was ‘a liar’ before adding: ‘F*** you, the genocidal motherf*****!’
A spokesman for Counter Terrorism Policing South East said it was ‘making enquiries’ into reports of ‘a person expressing support for a proscribed organisation’ during the event.”
Oh well at least no one set off a suicide vest …..
..the hate is too strong for sensible discussion …
Keep going IDF
Asiseeit – thank you – I know doing the ‘nazi ‘ comparison is a bit jaded – but there is no need to burn books now as the unapproved don’t get written yet alone published – and no need to send the unapproved up chimneys – they just get cancelled …. But allowed to continue breathing ….
I wonder if ‘Greg ‘ has a Christmas book – stuffing your bird – best way to roast – that sort of ting …
How to pull a cracker, did you empty your sack on Christmas morning etc etc
Some comments below the above:
“That black woman in the front row with the headscarf is shaking her head in the first minute when he is talking about facts and common sense. Says just how open her mind is to discussion.”
“This was very hard to watch and stomach. The level of profanity at Oxford University is dishartening.”
“Thanks for uploading the uncensored version. I cannot believe they went as far as censoring the parts that harm their side”
“”Just because you dislike losing an unnecessary war you started does not make something genocide.”
“The screaming and laughing is absolutely disgusting and indeed recalls memories of the 1930s”
“All the anti-israel crowd has is emotion, ridicule, and slander because they dont have the truth on their side. That is why they behave like this. You exuded incredibe poise and strength in the face of barbaric behavior. Thank you for speaking for us.”
Just listening to Times radio with some nu-liebour motor-mouth banging on about all the wonderful things they are doing to help small businesses.
It was absolute fantasy-land stuff. These people are not just semi-detached but live in a parallel world. They are absolutely clueless.
Jonathan Reynolds MP.
Tory James Cleverly was on GBnews the other day and I had the same impression.
One example was the debate about high energy prices hurting heavy industry like British Steel
Cleverly said it’s simple “WE WE WE need to be **subsidising** British Steel’s electricity costs cos all the other countries do that”
Moron, plenty of countries don’t have crazy green energy policies
and therefore don’t have mega electric prices.
Sounds like he drafted the ‘Govt’ repsonse to the petition.
This Government was elected on a mandate of change at the July 2024 general election.
It was no mandate and not on the basis of trashing everything.
It also references the discredited ‘black hole’ they inherited, justifying throwing cash around the globe to buy friends.
Major Australian Twitter account
“No matter what happens Syria should bomb Israel.
Decimate them for our future generations.”
She’s a refugee who lives in Australia. The authorities there never do anything against her
Shocking, countries give refuge to these monsters, free education, healthcare, security and jobs and this is what they say.
There should be something called “unrefugeeing” for those not fit to be in a civilised country.
LGBT Youth Scotland perverts guess who funds them ?
– Chairperson at BBC Children in Need resigned
Rosie Millard said it cos they are lying when they say “We know where your money is going
and that the org lies when it says it operates on the ages 13 to 25
“I discovered that LGBTYS operates within 40 PRIMARY schools within Scotland”
@Philip_2 mentioned it on December 2, 2024 at 9:31 am here
but it didn’t get much traction
11 years ago here on bBBC Alan pointed out that Millard couldn’t see the wood for the trees, when she claimed the BBC is not lefty
Oh last night David Atherton posted a summary
another one
The issues haven’t just come to light
Scottish campaigners have been exposing the org for months from August 2024 and before
cos the SNP gives it so much taxpayer money too
Big background article is now free
just click past the “Read Now” pop up , no need to out in your email address
“1./ If you’d like to read my FULL story of LGBT Youth Scotland: including how the FBI helped track down its paedophile CEO and why I suspect its current CEO is teling porkies I’ve taken down the paywall.
Click on the link in my bio. It’s dated September 4th.”
‘We’re having to investigate our grandson’s death’
Essex family on holiday in Turkey.
“Tyler Kerry spent nine months getting excited for his first family holiday.”
20 years old and on his first family holiday?
“he was found dead at the bottom of a hotel lift shaft. In spite of what police have said, his family believe he was murdered and are trying to investigate themselves.”
Terrible report, no indication of how a lift shaft managed to be open,
BBC includes a childhood photo of him, and focuses on “inappropriate” Halloween screens placed to shield the scene.
Rather than explaining why the family think it was murder.
Just blood, on a vape, above.
Chavs are notoriously unhealthy, and could have coughed it up himself or something.
It’s okay – Greg has autism – all is excused now – as a vulnerable disabled person Greg deserves all the support he needs …
Greg to transition into a woman?
Yes, she’s a lesbian trapped inside a man’s body.
50 min discussion about bias in the BBC as regards LGBT issues
LGB Alliance “Our Chair, Eileen Gallagher, is joined in conversation by Cath Leng a senior journalist with 25 years experience to discuss bias at the BBC “
Winter . Storms . Let’s blame some one .
How many dog walkers will die – how many trees will kill peoples – stop trees and dogs …. Let’s have a cobra ….
Yes indeed.
Time to cancel this lot, close down their Twitter or something..get them of the Strictly and cookery shows pronto:
“Aeolus, keeper of the winds; later writers made him a full-fledged god. Anemoi, (in Greek, Ἄνεμοι—”winds”) were the Greek wind gods. Boreas (Βορέας), god of the north wind and of winter. Eurus (Εὖρος), god of the east or southeast wind.
But leave Zephyrus (West wind) alone.
He din’ do nuffin, he’s got autism or ADHD or sumfink.
“BBC 99 Women has made a rod for its own back.
Not to include a man would send the message ‘transwomen are not women’.
This is how they see it. These are the conversations they had.
The corporate stance is that they are women. It simply can’t have a list of 100 Women any more.”
Rigged Question Time
this episode Farage said things that are very popular
yet almost zero applause in the audience.
That’s what libmob bullies to, they know they can’t win in free debate, so they rig things instead.
Certainly delusional. Campbell and acolytes are trying to make a hero out of a rather strange audience member.
I saw some of the libmob commentary – sheesh…..
Who’s got Campbell’s old job these days?
Well, fellow war criminal Bashar Al Assad is polishing up his CV as we speak, he may be looking for a new position very soon.
Tony Blair offers his CV polish service …
“Tony Blair: A woman has a vagina and a man has a penis”
Rigged ?
Turns out the man who challenged Nigel Farage last night on Question Time just so happens to write for the New European and had an article ready to publish the very next day
The demography of the QT seem to be a ‘something ‘…. I wonder how they sift the applicants to make sure the approved types get seats …? So pleased audiences are falling ….
The Trots held a demo protesting the BBC’s support for far right Reform and Farage
What an bizarre coincidence that the man who compared Farage to Hitler just happens to write for the New European, which just happens to be the rag that Campbell writes for too. Amazing. These things just seem to happen by chance on the BBC, with no collusion whatsoever. Strange, but it cannot be a stitch up, the BBC would never do that, they are public service broadcasters after all.
At 00:30 hours today the wholesale price of electricity was £57.93/MWh. This was when it was howling a gale and wind was generating 18.85GW.
The day before at the same time wholesale electricity was below £20/MWh with less wind.
So if wind is cheaper how come the wholesale price of electricity does not fall when there is more wind around (cough: curtailments, cough cough).
I think someone should explain this racket to the UK people and apologise for all the lies.
P.S. Why is that Dogger Bank wind farm that Wishy Washy opened over a year ago still not generating any power?
(paywall, but comments suffice)
Falling is long past. They are excavating beyond most abilities to locate.
The arrest of an illegal working for the border force – plus 3 others done for conspiracy to steal – doesn’t seem to have got much attention . So is it ‘disinformation ‘ …
I know that if I was running an illegal immigrant business I’d have people in the customs , border force , home office – the works – who wouldn’t ? My dinghy production company would be running flat out …
Looks like Roma shoplifting women being chased and detained by Harrods security team or something
Aways remember jk rowling is as woke as they come and if this turns out to be true then another massive flop is incoming .
JK Rowling is Lord Voldemort (he who cannot be named) in the Trans world! HA HA HAH A!
“Irish singer Dickie Rock dies aged 88”
Dickie Rock, the Dublin-born singer, apparently famous for finishing fourth in the 1966 Eurovision song contest.
“Rock was predeceased by his wife Judy who died in April
BBC always find poetic ways to say things.
That must have been the famous 60’s beat combo :
Dicky Rock and the Dentures.
What a great idea by Atlas above to check on electricity generation now that we have a storm passing us. All that wind! Wow! Should be great for us.
We are currently importing 18% of our electricity demand from the continent!
Still, I suppose it makes up for all the solar power (a magnificent 0.9%).
I note the total wind power installed capacity of 28 GW. We are currently producing 16GW. In a storm! That’s 57% efficiency in optimal conditions, producing 41% of total need.
Over to Justin Rowlatt for an in-depth explanation.
I’m late again to the party, but I’m taking us back to the infamous Gregg Wallace outrage…or whatever else it was…
I’ve never seen this Master Chef prog’ before, but took a gander a few nights ago.
There seem to be three main presenters, Gregg, a rather debonair silver fox looking geezer and a podgy Oriental woman with blonde hair…and it was chock-full of innuendo.
The first I heard was the other bloke telling some woman, who had been roasting chicken, that her breasts were both firm and succulent. Blimey! Now, I take it he was referring to her chicken, but…
What did have me guffawing was all the pretentious waffle. “Oh, this is just sublime. The outer layer is beautifully caramelised, both crisp and moist, concealing the soft a tender asparagus souffle that hides within.” FFS!
I couldn’t take more than half an hour of this guff, but almost certainly the bloke who won it was a young Chinese lad. They were all eulogising some dish he’d produced using celeriac, grated cinnamon, lambs’ liver, egg whites, the zest of a lemon and drizzled with an oyster and walnut sauce.
It looked revolting. It was a sort of yellowy splodge with strange bits sticking out of it. I’d certainly never put the bloody thing in my mouth.
Anyway, lunchtime.
I’m having beans on toast…
Crostini garnished with haricot, in a jus de pomme d’amour.
Shariqua Ahmed
BBC News, Peterborough
Is coming for your arm:
“The NHS has encouraged clinically at-risk groups to get their free Covid and flu vaccinations ahead of winter pressures.”
“Which is why we’d really urge you to get your winter vaccinations soon to make sure you’re protected in time,”
Said without providing any evidence…
I have had two postal invitations from the anychess to be executed by the Turkish juice.
Nein Danke.
MECCA BINGO degrades the Muslim MECCA so should be changed to Gaza Full house!
The John Anderson podcast this week features two US political analysts and commentators reviewing why so much of the the US election polling was so wrong.
They conclude that A) a few of the pollsters were right on the money , eg Rasmussen and Atlas , B) some were honestly wrong due to their own incompetence, C) some were wrong because they were paid to be plausibly wrong by the Dems and D) some were wrong because they were out and out ideologues who hated Trump so much they would say and do anything.
The cat C) pollsters were paid because the legacy media could be relied on to fill the airwaves with their spurious polls and this might create a Harris bandwagon of real votes. But mainly they were paid because their false polls would create the impression that the race was close and so allow plenty of time and opportunity for recounts so that the fix could be applied and bag fulls of spurious votes ‘found’.
Even so their analysis was that whilst there had been plenty of dirty tricks being played and the Harris vote boosted illegally Trump’s victory was just Too Big to Rig.
Anderson, the ex Deputy PM of Australia, avoided agreeing with this conclusion but you could see he was convinced by it but daren’t admit it .
Then the commentators quickly reviewed the 2020 election result and said that it was truly astonishing that the Dems got an extra 15 million votes more in 2020 than they did in either 2016 or 2024. Again Anderson avoided comment . You could a sense that this was something he just daren’t step into even though he probably agreed with it.
Anyway the cat is nearly out of the bag and the day of reckoning is just around the corner. How far back will Trump’s investigatory team go ? Even Hillary and Barry might be worried . Certainly many of their underlings are staring prison in the face. Should make for exciting viewing.
Double – I don’t think pollster can accept that they are not effective any more because people of the right know the pollsters are lefties so will lie and tell them what they want to hear .
And in a sane real world who would have voted for Harris ?
I wonder if casting agents for historical dramas ever reject an actor for his accent say Liverpool or Cornish etc.
but then end up recruiting a black actor and give them a free pass on appearance
On that subject, we have a Yorkshire King Richard…
Some apposite comments below the Youtube video:
“Thanks for talking over him speaking. Journalism at it’s finest”
“He’ll have a Jamaican accent by he time the BBC show this”
“How do they know he sounded like that? Elizabeth the first was born in London but I doubt she would have sounded like Dot Cotton.”
2,969,229 signatures
“We have sent you an email.
Your signature will not be counted until you click the link in the email”
It came in 80 seconds
When I clicked the page made a point of displaying the number had increased by 1″
and is still clicking up 2,969,273
One could almost think they are doing something to stop this ?
Jon Anderson podcast. I thought Great !
Maybe “Close to the Edge ” or “Yours is no Disgrace”
Sorely disappointed….back to my old CDs again.
Some King Crimson next…maybe Epitath, Starless and Red.
“How people are falling in love on climbing walls”
Nothing against the hobby, i just watched a free climbing documentary, going hundreds of feet up on almost vertical cliff faces, no ropes, or nothing – insane
But I bet it’s mostly ‘progressives’ meeting up,
Naturally there’s a homo slant too,
“Many climbing centres host social events, including women’s and LBGT nights”
With 2 nancy boys in bed to prove it:
I was climbing, looked up and fell in love, and later I saw his face.
You get a knighthood these days
for “services to stabbing”
Comment below the above video:
“Those poor Telford grooming gang survivors. This is the most disgusting, disgraceful, inconsiderate, and cruel decision by this government I have seen. Those poor girls will probably be too afraid to come out of their homes now.”
And they wonder why cows are all attacking people all of a sudden.. (apart from dog walkers with dogs off the lead with calves around)
I am open to evidence that cow attacks are increasing
If you have any ?
it’s a big claim
H and S only record fatalities, not just attacks, and statistics are being played with … RE a claimed 3 billion country walks versus number of reported attacks, 3 billion is not representative, as it includes walks around parks and beaches etc
Here is some links:
The trampling season?
In this opinion piece, one of our COWS members, David, challenges the official UK statistics, and offers his own risk analysis.
“lack of self-awareness is a libmob characteristic

Here Denis MacShane
COMPLAINS the BBC is RESTRICTING debate on EV sales
yet he himself RESTRICTS debate by turning replies off
Richard Corbett the guy he quotes is a gaslighting charlatan
Did not need Brexit to wreck the car industry in the UK. A combination of labour and the trade unions killed it off years before due a dreadful work force continually on strike supported by labour.
And this…
“One potential danger was that over tightening the wheel bearing nuts could result in bearing failure, and it’s gone down in motoring folklore that there’s so much flex in the Allegro’s construction that if you jack it up in the wrong place, the back window will fall out and the doors will jam shut. “
Owners used to call them allaggros
Guilty secret – my first car – on the upside the shape of the rear ( oo matron ) made it quite easy to push …
77 brigade to file ..
Mad Al fixes the record.
Contrary to numerous conspiracy theorists on this website, the author of this article is not a journalist, nor was he a plant in the Question Time audience. We tracked him down afterwards and asked him to write about his experience. It’s a great read. Enjoy!
Goes… badly
The Bloomberg journalist with the same name says he’s not the guy
David Hellier in the QT audience
“Elizabeth Line worker, 61, dies after ‘unprovoked’ attack at London tube station”
Death has come 3 days after the attack
at Ilford railway station at around 8.49pm on Wednesday night
Are details of the attacker being suppressed ?
Oh charged already
“Ayodele Jamgbadi, 28, from Ilford, yesterday appeared at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court and was remanded in custody.”
First name: Ayodele ;
Last name: Jamgbadi.
Alphabet :
Script: Latin.
Region :
Top region of origin: Africa ;
Sub-region of origin: Western africa ;
Region of origin: Africa.
Country :
Country of origin: Nigeria NG ;
Ayodele is a Yoruba name
Jamgbadi is a subtribe AFAIK
… At first glance there are more Christians with that surname than Muslims
Watching the live coverage of notra dame – the site of macron and wife standing wet and freezing outside as the bishop did his door knocking reminded me of the Sunnak election speech outside number 10 …
Maybe the reopening of the church will fire up Roman Catholicism …. And push back the moor …
“Moors,” “churches” and “firing up” eh ?
I thought I was being a bit dry …
“The Complete Collapse of The Syrian Army Explained”
Basically NATO (Turkey) furnished the “rebels” with all they needed.
USA Afghanistan!
Iraq – Mosul – On 4 June, the insurgents began their efforts to capture Mosul. The Iraqi army officially had 30,000 soldiers and another 30,000 federal police stationed in the city, facing a 1,500-member attacking force.
Seems comrade starmer wasn’t invited to the bash but Elon was ….. just a small victory – or maybe the Muslims wouldn’t let the British PM go into a church …
Part One – Origins
First broadcast in 2002. A look at the origins of Islam in the 6th century town of Mecca
Part Two – After Muhammad
First broadcast in 2002. The legacy of Muhammad’s death and what happened next
Part Three – Islam’s Golden Age
First broadcast in 2002. ‘The greatest land empire the world had ever seen at that date’
Part Four – The Mid-13th Century Massacres
First broadcast in 2002. The new world brought by the plundering Mongol warriors
Game Designers: “We have ZERO tolerance for HATE”
In the game: ” You have now learned how to use GASLIGHTING, BULLYING, TRIGGERING & CANCELLING! You can also use these against your FRIENDS to get what your way!”
Dustborn: the wokest videogame is govt funded propaganda AND unwittingly reveals the evil of wokeism
My X feed warns that if out and about be aware of suspicious things and people and put a call in // really ? And get the full TTK treatment ….? A visit to check my thinking ? Another note on the 77 brigade file ..?
They must be expecting a ‘bang ‘ ….
Most senior UK officer criticised for fleeing Westminster terror attack
It has emerged that the acting Metropolitan Police Service commissioner witnessed Police Constable Keith Palmer being murdered and fled the scene.
Oct 9, 2018
By Website Editor
Sir Craig Mackey told the Westminster Bridge inquest that he did not get out of the car because he was in short sleeves, did not have any protective equipment and was told to leave by a police constable.
Still working on the wave machine … and sharks …
I can imagine you as a Beachy Head version of Wile E. Coyote…
yet again the #GreenSupremacist dreamers of the uni-party get badly ratioed

Here the UK Prime Minister got 947 Likes & 1,700 opposing replies
Yet Sargon_of_Akkad got 3,200 Likes for his sensible reply
81% Net Zero Carbon.
Again, have you done a check for nitrous oxide leaks at home ?
I have bagged my trumps and send to Ed Miliband to convert to energy! Inshallah! Net Zero Carbon Wars!
Thee people don’t understand 2030 UK energy independence is a total total fantasy
#1 the vast majority of UK energy is NOT electricity
It’s transport & heating fuel by far
And Labour is closing local extraction
#2 Electricity has a huge IMPORTED component
like wood fuel for Drax & the basic parts of wind/solar farms
as well as direct interconnector imports
The only wind solar parts made in the UK are the blades
..even the towers are made abroad
@lembitopik “In more plain stupidity, BBC suggests a polar bear attack in Canada was due to climate change.
In fact, attacks happen as humans encroach into their territory. Also, polar bear numbers are increasing.
BBC is therefore talking total nonsense”
Trying to imagine the chat between the president elect and a future king … and what ‘brief ‘ TTK would have told Willy to say …..