This is an example of just another useless pseudo-intellectual (why are so many of them Scots?) who was promoting the death stab. Another useless eater who should be dragged before an English court and dealt with summarily.
lol – arrogant luvvies who are oblivious to the real world outside their bizarre little bubbles.
My favourite is still Judi Dench telling a big audience that we should remain in the EU because ‘isn’t it just better to be together’ ?. And the BBC reporting it as if she said something very clever and profound.
Wales has, of course, the most Woke, far left, Labour incompetent Government. Wales is a mostly rural Country badly affected by Smarmer/Reeves, I assume they won’t know what to do about being ruled by a totally incompetent Woke, far left, Labour Liar Government.
”Tyrant’ Assad has fled, Syria is free – rebels’
‘People celebrate in Damascus city centre’
‘The rebels also say they have freed inmates from Saydnaya prison where thousands of opposition supporters are said to have been tortured and executed’
The BBC are clearly celebrating the victory of these ‘rebels’. The ‘live update’ feed is exclusivelt for agenda topics so they can bombard us with new headlines every hour.
Two things spring immediately to mind.
First, where have these ‘rebels’ suddenly got all their weapons and associated apparatus for war from ?. It seems to have happened very quickly. But even more concerning is why the BBC are not asking that question at all.
Second, these people are TERRORISTS. They are al-Qaeda. They are Muslim extremists. Why are the BBC celebrating ?. My opinion of the BBC is now so low, I actually believe they would support these people simply because they hate the other side for agenda reasons. Right and wrong don’t come into it.
I have the distinct feeling that WE (ie NATO) have armed these terrorists with the sole purpose to cause problems for Russia in Ukraine. The aftermath may be absolutely horrific but like all the terrible things these Muslim terrorists do to people, the BBC will simply not report it. Because they don’t care. Only the agenda matters.
Stand by for lots more empathy-laden feminist sob-stories in a few months as the women start getting the ‘Islam’ treatment and the BBC instantly change their stance without any conscience or shame.
“Don’t believe fanatics’ spin – the West must brace for new wave of terror, writes former Middle East minister.
After decades of iron-fisted rule, Assad will want to fight to the bitter end, but he is reportedly already seeking exile – possibly in Russia.
His fall would send shock waves across the Middle East. For Iran, it would sever a critical corridor to Hezbollah forces in Lebanon for arms, drugs and human trafficking, reducing the terror group’s capacity to threaten Israel.
For Europe and the UK, Assad’s collapse and his country’s descent into civil war could spark a mass migration crisis reminiscent of 2015, as Syrians flee renewed violence and instability. The spectre of terrorism also looms large, as jihadi groups could exploit a fractured Syria as a launchpad to export violence globally.”
“Suella Braverman’s husband set to defect to Farage’s Reform in new scalp from the Conservative Party – and insiders predict she will follow next year”
Britain ‘must rescue it’s lost boys’ or ‘watch them fill our prisons’
EXCLUSIVE: Campaigners have warned of riots and mayhem if the country abandons its “lost boys”
Britain is in danger of abandoning a generation of boys to a life without hope with “destructive” consequences for the nation, leading campaigners have warned.
It is feared the UK will face more riots and even higher prison numbers if the country’s crisis of “lost boys” spirals further out of control.
There is alarm that Britain is storing up problems for the future if it turns a blind eye to boys’ educational failings and young men’s high suicide and imprisonment rates.
Former England rugby captain Lawrence Dallaglio called for society to stop treating boys and young men as the “lowest of the low”.
He is fed up seeing youths “on the employment scrapheap and filling up our prisons”.
Declaring that “enough is enough”, he said: “Boys and men matter just as much as anyone else, and it’s time that we got serious about that.”
White working class boys have underperformed at school for years and years.
And what have successive governments done about it ?
F*** all.
Much too busy dealing with school transgender issues.
There are so many of them, you know.
And ‘white’ means not BAME. That would never do.
The government has found a great way to reduce UK carbon emissions for electricity production.
In the last year over 12% of our electricity was imported !!!!
No wonder TTK wants to cosy up to Europe.
Oh, and here’s another thing. It’s less windy in Summer than Winter. Guess what that means?
Perhaps Justin Rowlatt should move across and do the weather forecasts.
So the BBC are wetting their panties about the wonderful things going on in Syria. They are directly leading us to believe they will be having free an dfair elections very soon:
‘The Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghazi al-Jalali has said the country should hold free elections in an interview with Al-Arabiya that has been cited by the Reuters news agency.’
‘He also mentioned having been in contact with rebel commander Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani regarding the transitional period.’
No other information about Mr al-Jawlani. Which makes me extremely suspicious for the BBC. Could it be this same man who is an out-and-out terrorist ?:
Muhammad al-Jawlani
Near East (North Africa and the Middle East)
‘Rewards for Justice is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information on Muhammad al-Jawlani, also known as Abu Muhammad al-Golani and Muhammad al-Julani. Al-Jawlani leads the al-Nusrah Front (ANF), al-Qa’ida’s (AQ) affiliate in Syria. In January 2017, ANF merged with several other hardline opposition groups to form Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). While al-Jawlani is not the leader of HTS, he remains the leader of AQ-affiliated ANF’
‘On May 16, 2013, the U.S. Department of State designated al-Jawlani as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist pursuant to Executive Order 13224’
Reading around the internet, the concensus seems to be that he is absolutely insincere in his ‘moderation’ in order to get help to overthrow Assad. Now we may well have unleashed someone much worse. I wonder how long before the BBC shamelessly do an about turn and pretend they never supported him.
This entire story is just bizarre. But that seems to be normal these days with the Left running things. Let’s hope things return to normal when Trump takes over.
The BBC has quickly switched to it’s ‘now prepare the population for reality’ mode. There’s presently an article on its website titled ‘No-one slept in Syria last night’ – how news of Assad’s toppling spread. The earlier version was illustrated by the smiling face of a young woman, her hair flowing freely as was the case in secular Syria. A few hours later and they’ve replaced the photo with one of another young woman, this time wearing a head covering, as will be the case in the new Islamist Syria.
So transparent, BBC, so transparent. We look forward to your creative descriptions in the coming weeks (‘Mainly peaceful with some beheadings and executions of religious minorities’?).
Absolutely : the BBC are so pathetic in their agenda-based drum-banging. They don’t care one bit about consequences and truth. They just want to push their agenda whenever they can.
We have seen it many times now. The stories will soon read ‘Early promise and optimism were not fulfilled when the more extreme factions of the rebels took control’.
The leader is an Islamic extremist terrorist BBC. What do you think is going to happen ?. Why aren’t you telling us what he is known to be ?.
They are setting this man up to be the next Bin Laden.
‘‘Your book is too Jewish’: How the British publishing industry began an ‘anti-Semitic silent boycott’’
‘Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict, Jewish people in the book industry have noticed a growing incidence of ‘soft boycotting’
A writer of commercial fiction describes it as “a chilling atmosphere for Jews, unless you are a Jew who is extremely pro-Palestinian”.
Part of the problem, she says, is that her peers are “taking all their news from the BBC and the Guardian”.
Abrahams agrees. “My frustration and fury the whole way through this war has been aimed at the BBC, the Guardian and New York Times for the way that they present this war. Publishing is in my opinion mostly Guardian readers and New York Times readers. And I just can see how it’s influenced them so clearly. And they don’t know anything about the history of this conflict. They don’t know enough about the particulars of the politics of this war.”’
In May this year, the Tories released a dossier on “Labour’s Tax Rises”.
The dossier said Labour’s planned tax rises would cost the average family £2,094 over the next parliament.
Sir Keir Starmer responded to this claim and said it was “lying”.
The Chairman of the UK Statistics Authority, Sir Robert Chote, wrote to the Tory Chairman with a mild rebuke, saying that more context should be given into how the Tories arrived at such a figure.
It now emerges that Sir Robert’s concerns were justified because the figure was wildly inaccurate.
The actual figure, from Labour’s first budget alone, is £2,237 per family per year. This is five times the Tories’ original estimate.
Andrew Griffith MP has written to Sir Robert to apologise for misleading the public.
The only blackhole is the one between her ears….a vast empty space where information and data might go in but never comes out….at least in any form that is intelligible and coherent to us mere mortals.
Nice of France to re-open Notre Dame just in time to honour Trump’s re-election. Here he is arm-wrestling Micron to assert his superiority right from the start of his reign.
And by the way, the fire was most definitely not an arson attack by a fanatical religious cult implacably hostile to Christianity. Definitely not. No, it was one of those careless French workers who left his Gauloise near a pile of sawdust. The interesting thing is that the authorities knew this while the fire was still blazing and before anyone could get anywhere near the fire to investigate.
Obviously their number one concern, being “Bri ‘ ish” ctizens, is the effect this may have on our country… The UK.
er…maybe not, they have only one interest, and it is not us or our citizens.
If she’d have gone to school instead of bunking off ‘to save the planet’ (a genius excuse , that much I will admit), she’d know what the scientific method is.
The effect man has on the climate is still a hypothesis. We cannot report conclusions yet.
The science is anything but ‘settled’ Greta.
And yet the world (well, the world’s idiots) is enthralled every time the spoon-faced doom goblin opens her gob.
Although at her latest staged ‘arrest’ she’d grown what looked like a serious set of bangers on her. So it’s not all bad, I suppose.
Her ugly face would put me off (not to mention being very annoying), but she’d probably make a good catch for some young lad.
Dors anyone know whether the syria thing is good or bad for us ? I know assad is better off dead but will it put the price of sprouts up ?
What are house prices like ? And I can’t get a room at the Damascus Hilton …
‘Assad will forever be remembered as the man who violently repressed peaceful protests against his regime in 2011, which led to a civil war.
With the help of Russia and Iran, he crushed the rebels, and survived.’
Er….Russia, Iran and Ed Miliband whose cowardly politicking forced Obama to hold fire…into which vacuum the Russians piled in thus giving them a toehold and influence they wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Funny how the BBC forgets to mention the significant and dangerous role Miliband played in Syria….and now, of course, he’s intent on destroying our own country’s transport, power and industrial infrastructure. You might think, ala Merkel, that he, by design or default, was doing all he could to give Russia every conceivable advantage. Whilst the BBC rages against Trump and always tries to smear him as a Russian puppet we maybe should be looking closer to home.
Which is why Trump is so right to refuse to get entangled in any conflicts where it is not clearly in the US interest to do so. If previous Presidents had done the same, the Middle East would be far less volatile than it is, and Europe would not be experiencing the current disastrous levels of immigration from islamic countries.
This is of course a relatively minor matter but it is the same BBC mindset after terror attacks….John Simpson explaining away French Islamist terrorism…
‘Muslim’s fury and resentment, bitter grievances, ignored and demeaned, kept in poverty by a system which cares very little about them’
And of course after 7/7 here the BBC were trying to push the blame onto ‘us’ as they asked ‘What drove these young British Muslims to do this act?’ The BBC’s answer was of course that it was our own fault…these poor Muslims were probably jobless, disenfranchised, disadvantaged and discriminated against…therefore the BBC concluded…the bombings could be ‘understandable’.
Wonder what it will take before they wake up and realise Islam is not compatible with liberal, progressive, western values, beliefs and culture.
So, London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, is to receive a knighthood. Anyone that still lives in or is brave enough to visit the capital must be scratching their heads…
I was born and raised in London, though I escaped a few years ago. It’s become increasingly dangerous, ugly and uninhabitable. It’s fast becoming (or has already become) a third world sh1t-hole.
On Wednesday evening a 61-year-old railway employee was brutally attacked at Ilford Station. The poor chap has since died from his injuries. The man in custody for this assault is named as Ayodele Jamgbadi (a nice old Anglo-Saxon name) and is just 28 years old.
You know, it’s been a long time since I was 28, and perhaps the old memory isn’t quite what it once was, but I’m bloody certain the thought of attacking a man of 61 would never have entered my head.
Perhaps the oddest part of this all too familiar and ugly tragedy, is that this subhuman brute has, according to the BBC, only been charged with grievous bodily harm. I mean, the 61-year-old is dead. Why not murder?
You know what will happen, don’t you? At the max, Jamgbadi will face a manslaughter charge and we’ll hear that he had mental health issues, drug problems and was from an underprivileged background and had to face racism. He’ll get a few years and be out enjoying his freedom.
Meanwhile, this poor 61-year-olds grandchildren are facing Christmas without their grandfather.
In the spirit of the BBC, here’s an “All You Need To Know” about Syria:
One bunch of muslim Arab savages are slaughtering another bunch of muslim Arab savages.
New Real Porridge video compares the same sentences of one judge
– 5.5 years Alex Belfield (online stalking), 7 years for baby in the drawer woman , 9 years to autistic youth who “poses no threat to public” except he likes to troll online
He adds that actual child attracted wrong uns so often end up walking free from court.
Financial Times OPINION “Democrats must not abandon the moral high ground ”
Super ratioed of course with just 134 Likes
Many replies get more Likes
One reply “A president pardoning his own criminal son because he refuses to accept his own legal system
– yeah. Stratospherically high moral ground”
One likely consequence of the fall of Assad: a wave of pro-Assad ‘refugees’ to our shores. Who will then no doubt continue their war with anti-Assadists here. Lucky us.
If only Trump could come and round them up and send them ALL back to their hellholes.
UK takes them in… and they, same as all the others, promptly start trying to change the UK into the place they are running away from (but go back to for holidays)
“1 Derogatory national stereotype” @0:12
– reference to Scottish people not spending money!
Watch this and see the YouTube added comments – hilarious.
“2. Agreeing with a LITERAL fascist (I agree with Donald Trump)” @0:24
“3 Assumption of gender, sexual objectification”
“4 Mocking incest (a recognised fetish)”
“5. Mocking Jedi (a known religion)”
“A lot of people have asked why there are no other Scottish comedians criticising the SNP. The answer is that the SNP own the two main comedy clubs in Scotland (the Stands in Glasgow and Edinburgh). If you want a career in comedy in Scotland, you’d better lick Sturgeon’s boots.”
Islamic state intelligence outfits must be laughing their heads off – they’ll know the vetting will be ‘light handed ‘ because the woke intel outfits need some coloured faces ….. not a good ..look
Yes, and it’s nice to see us, and the Americans under the democrats, are so ecologically and safety conscious as well.
Spies used to have to get dropped at night by parachute, they can just walk across the US border at the moment and row across the Channel to the UK and get a free lift to London.
Premier league footballer, Michail Antonio of West Ham United, is in a stable condition after crashing his Ferrari. He was unconscious and had to be cut out of the car.
I sincerely hope he makes a full recovery.
However, what the BBC fail to mention, is that this is not his first serious crash involving him driving a sports car
You see, a few years ago, he crashed his Lamborghini into a house while dressed as a snowman.
But for the grace of god,it appears that for both crashes he didn’t kill or injure anyone else.
He was complaining about finding it difficult to find Insurance.
Once he hopefully recovers, may I suggest that he perhaps thinks about using a vehicle that might be more risk free?
Like the bus.
If it’d been Wayne Rooney, do you think they’d have mentioned his previous crash?
I have no idea, but my hunch says they would have.
And I bet the BBC, if he does make a full recovery and then goes and buys a McLaren, will not be asking him why he keeps driving luxury sports cars when he keeps crashing them.
Lazy – thank you for mentioning this . I l know the bit of epping forest where he failed to tackle a tree . The road is treacherous at the best of times but yesterday in the storm it would have been very treacherous.
His season is now over for the hammers . Hope his career isnt done
Bit of a mystery why he was driving there and then …
The noxious Naughtie was doing all the bashing; at least it was a relief to not have Dalek Dymond with his hesitant pauses. The Naughtie did not ask some essential questions:
Will life be better for people now in Syria? Certainly, if you were well behaved under Bashar-al-Assad’s regime and did not engage in revolutionary talk or draw attention to your regime-toppling ideals, then life was good. But Christians, Jews and Muslims were able to live alongside each other in Damascus and elsewhere in Syria unlike the FTS controlled area in the north-west.
Another essential question not at asked by Naughtie:
The new army controlling Syria are Sunni Muslims. What happens to the remaining Shia (and Alawite) Muslims in Syria? How long before the Sunnis fall out with them?
Yet another question not asked by Naughtie: what does this all mean for Israel? Israel shares a border with Syria and if you have an al-Quaeda/Islamic State group in charge in Syria things could be difficult for Israel. Apparently IDF troops have already gone to the Syrian border.
We do appear to be edging towards the ‘end times’, Biblically speaking.
Up2 – i started listening but the moment i heard naghtie it was off switch
I got fed up with those pretentious pieces he did during the US election sticking to the approved approach and basically telling lies about how Americans really felt .
BTW – stuff seems to be happening all over the place before President Trump takes office . God knows what putin will do about syria . …
Fed, I can understand that, both the off-switch moment and his American stuff. How the BBC have the nerve to fly Naughtie to the US – all those naughty CO2 emissions – and then tell us we should not be flying on our summer hols and not driving our diesel & petrol cars! The BBC overpaid hypocrites and all over America, Europe, Oceana, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Far East and the Middle East. In fact all over the world.
For a platform the deranged woke Left have departed, my X timeline is curiously rammed with oddly brief template posts like this.
Add Angela Rayner to the list of people that @UKLabour and @Keir_Starmer need to send out for the media rounds more often.
She’s completely owned @lewis_goodall, and from what I hear, all of the other people she’s been on with this morning.
I love how people underestimate her.
Odd further because many diss the Labour supportive msm gobs trying to get her to string a sentence together, and after the first three supportive replies go very #ccbgb
I’m so glad Starmer has always had such confidence in @AngelaRayner and vice versa .. she’s a valuable asset. Stunning performances both on @TrevorPTweets @SkyNews and @bbclaurak despite their attempts at Tory journalism. @LBC
Were I Trev or Laura I’d be a bit wary at such an instantaneous, coordinated effort.
She is the equivalent to Harris – Female – Northern – ‘ordinary ‘ – corrupt – and therefore there’s an expectation that she will popular and get votes – yet any sensible voters would see the truth …..
But as I write i an ‘hoisted ‘ by the term ‘sensible voters ‘ – and the far left is so embedded in the UK that they really would vote for that idiot …
Funny how there are no hotels for this lot…too English / Scottish ?
They are reduced to hoping for help from a charity, one of the few I will support.
Crisis at Christmas Appeal
This Christmas can be the beginning of life beyond homelessness. Each year Crisis at Christmas opens its doors to thousands of people experiencing homelessness. Find out more about the impact our Christmas appeal has and how you can get involved.
“A VERY luxurious welcome to Britain! Beautiful 16th century country house – complete with four poster beds, open fireplaces and lake views – has been hosting migrants in its 49 historic bedrooms for THREE YEARS”
Just wait til Starmer-the-moron finds out about who is servicing our wind turbines. When the wind turbines near Aberdeen need servicing a team of German engineers come all the way from Germany to do this.
Der Starmer would be wetting himself in excitement – we are such good Europeans etc etc blah blah blah.
Not possible to train UK engineers to do this maintenance?
” BIG BROTHER How are we at the BBC going to treat the
” Syrian problem? ” For over 25 years we have been blaming
Israel for all the problems of the Middle East.”
” The answer is easy. We have Jeremy Bowen and his
Republic of Ireland colleagues Orla Guerrin and Fergus Keane
and others. The perfect group of reporters and correspondents,
to still blame Israel for everything. But maybe we can find a few
more Irish Republican reporters . Eire is just about the most
anti Israel country in Europe. Didn’t Eamon de Valera send his
condolences to the German legation in Dublin on hearing of
the death of Hitler? And wern’t the brave Republic soldiers
who fought for the Allies shunned , when they returned home?
Yes lets get some more Republican reporters .
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
Polar bears, now there’s a thought…
Plan B maybe.
Where’s the Borgs when you need them ?
This is an example of just another useless pseudo-intellectual (why are so many of them Scots?) who was promoting the death stab. Another useless eater who should be dragged before an English court and dealt with summarily.
lol – arrogant luvvies who are oblivious to the real world outside their bizarre little bubbles.
My favourite is still Judi Dench telling a big audience that we should remain in the EU because ‘isn’t it just better to be together’ ?. And the BBC reporting it as if she said something very clever and profound.
“Where we should be” – third world marxist status?
We will shortly be taking holidays in Venezuela because it is the only place we can afford.
Havving worked in Venezuela under Chavez + Maduro , I’d love to see that
Nothing like a liberal who’s been mugged as they say….
Labour lies, then they tell more lies
LNER failed to simply reply to a customer’s FOI request and started a campaign against him
That’s illegal
Would nationalising LNER improve that ?
Doh it is a government controlled corp already nationalised/
Tommy Robinson regards Steve Laws as a racist yet laws last tweet has 24,000 Likes .. Starmer couldn’t even get 1,000 today
Allegations that farmers protests are not being covered by media
Holyhead :
Wales has, of course, the most Woke, far left, Labour incompetent Government. Wales is a mostly rural Country badly affected by Smarmer/Reeves, I assume they won’t know what to do about being ruled by a totally incompetent Woke, far left, Labour Liar Government.
Leftmob turning up mob handed with the police and shutting down some opposing orgs legal meeting event
… sounds a bit fascist
Rebels say Syria free of Assad after reports he has fled
”Tyrant’ Assad has fled, Syria is free – rebels’
‘People celebrate in Damascus city centre’
‘The rebels also say they have freed inmates from Saydnaya prison where thousands of opposition supporters are said to have been tortured and executed’
The BBC are clearly celebrating the victory of these ‘rebels’. The ‘live update’ feed is exclusivelt for agenda topics so they can bombard us with new headlines every hour.
Two things spring immediately to mind.
First, where have these ‘rebels’ suddenly got all their weapons and associated apparatus for war from ?. It seems to have happened very quickly. But even more concerning is why the BBC are not asking that question at all.
Second, these people are TERRORISTS. They are al-Qaeda. They are Muslim extremists. Why are the BBC celebrating ?. My opinion of the BBC is now so low, I actually believe they would support these people simply because they hate the other side for agenda reasons. Right and wrong don’t come into it.
I have the distinct feeling that WE (ie NATO) have armed these terrorists with the sole purpose to cause problems for Russia in Ukraine. The aftermath may be absolutely horrific but like all the terrible things these Muslim terrorists do to people, the BBC will simply not report it. Because they don’t care. Only the agenda matters.
Stand by for lots more empathy-laden feminist sob-stories in a few months as the women start getting the ‘Islam’ treatment and the BBC instantly change their stance without any conscience or shame.
BBC muslim fanatics :
“Don’t believe fanatics’ spin – the West must brace for new wave of terror, writes former Middle East minister.
After decades of iron-fisted rule, Assad will want to fight to the bitter end, but he is reportedly already seeking exile – possibly in Russia.
His fall would send shock waves across the Middle East. For Iran, it would sever a critical corridor to Hezbollah forces in Lebanon for arms, drugs and human trafficking, reducing the terror group’s capacity to threaten Israel.
For Europe and the UK, Assad’s collapse and his country’s descent into civil war could spark a mass migration crisis reminiscent of 2015, as Syrians flee renewed violence and instability. The spectre of terrorism also looms large, as jihadi groups could exploit a fractured Syria as a launchpad to export violence globally.”
“Suella Braverman’s husband set to defect to Farage’s Reform in new scalp from the Conservative Party – and insiders predict she will follow next year”
She appears not to know which party she wants to belong to.
Britain ‘must rescue it’s lost boys’ or ‘watch them fill our prisons’
EXCLUSIVE: Campaigners have warned of riots and mayhem if the country abandons its “lost boys”
Britain is in danger of abandoning a generation of boys to a life without hope with “destructive” consequences for the nation, leading campaigners have warned.
It is feared the UK will face more riots and even higher prison numbers if the country’s crisis of “lost boys” spirals further out of control.
There is alarm that Britain is storing up problems for the future if it turns a blind eye to boys’ educational failings and young men’s high suicide and imprisonment rates.
Former England rugby captain Lawrence Dallaglio called for society to stop treating boys and young men as the “lowest of the low”.
He is fed up seeing youths “on the employment scrapheap and filling up our prisons”.
Declaring that “enough is enough”, he said: “Boys and men matter just as much as anyone else, and it’s time that we got serious about that.”
White working class boys have underperformed at school for years and years.
And what have successive governments done about it ?
F*** all.
Much too busy dealing with school transgender issues.
There are so many of them, you know.
And ‘white’ means not BAME. That would never do.
… and more, a lot more….
The slates a rattling
The government has found a great way to reduce UK carbon emissions for electricity production.
In the last year over 12% of our electricity was imported !!!!
No wonder TTK wants to cosy up to Europe.
Oh, and here’s another thing. It’s less windy in Summer than Winter. Guess what that means?
Perhaps Justin Rowlatt should move across and do the weather forecasts.
well said Gad
DEI scientists are like DEI everything else: useless.
So the BBC are wetting their panties about the wonderful things going on in Syria. They are directly leading us to believe they will be having free an dfair elections very soon:
‘The Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghazi al-Jalali has said the country should hold free elections in an interview with Al-Arabiya that has been cited by the Reuters news agency.’
‘He also mentioned having been in contact with rebel commander Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani regarding the transitional period.’
No other information about Mr al-Jawlani. Which makes me extremely suspicious for the BBC. Could it be this same man who is an out-and-out terrorist ?:
Muhammad al-Jawlani
Near East (North Africa and the Middle East)
‘Rewards for Justice is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information on Muhammad al-Jawlani, also known as Abu Muhammad al-Golani and Muhammad al-Julani. Al-Jawlani leads the al-Nusrah Front (ANF), al-Qa’ida’s (AQ) affiliate in Syria. In January 2017, ANF merged with several other hardline opposition groups to form Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). While al-Jawlani is not the leader of HTS, he remains the leader of AQ-affiliated ANF’
‘On May 16, 2013, the U.S. Department of State designated al-Jawlani as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist pursuant to Executive Order 13224’
Reading around the internet, the concensus seems to be that he is absolutely insincere in his ‘moderation’ in order to get help to overthrow Assad. Now we may well have unleashed someone much worse. I wonder how long before the BBC shamelessly do an about turn and pretend they never supported him.
This entire story is just bizarre. But that seems to be normal these days with the Left running things. Let’s hope things return to normal when Trump takes over.
The BBC has quickly switched to it’s ‘now prepare the population for reality’ mode. There’s presently an article on its website titled ‘No-one slept in Syria last night’ – how news of Assad’s toppling spread. The earlier version was illustrated by the smiling face of a young woman, her hair flowing freely as was the case in secular Syria. A few hours later and they’ve replaced the photo with one of another young woman, this time wearing a head covering, as will be the case in the new Islamist Syria.
So transparent, BBC, so transparent. We look forward to your creative descriptions in the coming weeks (‘Mainly peaceful with some beheadings and executions of religious minorities’?).
Absolutely : the BBC are so pathetic in their agenda-based drum-banging. They don’t care one bit about consequences and truth. They just want to push their agenda whenever they can.
We have seen it many times now. The stories will soon read ‘Early promise and optimism were not fulfilled when the more extreme factions of the rebels took control’.
The leader is an Islamic extremist terrorist BBC. What do you think is going to happen ?. Why aren’t you telling us what he is known to be ?.
They are setting this man up to be the next Bin Laden.
‘‘Your book is too Jewish’: How the British publishing industry began an ‘anti-Semitic silent boycott’’
‘Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict, Jewish people in the book industry have noticed a growing incidence of ‘soft boycotting’
A writer of commercial fiction describes it as “a chilling atmosphere for Jews, unless you are a Jew who is extremely pro-Palestinian”.
Part of the problem, she says, is that her peers are “taking all their news from the BBC and the Guardian”.
Abrahams agrees. “My frustration and fury the whole way through this war has been aimed at the BBC, the Guardian and New York Times for the way that they present this war. Publishing is in my opinion mostly Guardian readers and New York Times readers. And I just can see how it’s influenced them so clearly. And they don’t know anything about the history of this conflict. They don’t know enough about the particulars of the politics of this war.”’
Tory MP turning himself in
In May this year, the Tories released a dossier on “Labour’s Tax Rises”.
The dossier said Labour’s planned tax rises would cost the average family £2,094 over the next parliament.
Sir Keir Starmer responded to this claim and said it was “lying”.
The Chairman of the UK Statistics Authority, Sir Robert Chote, wrote to the Tory Chairman with a mild rebuke, saying that more context should be given into how the Tories arrived at such a figure.
It now emerges that Sir Robert’s concerns were justified because the figure was wildly inaccurate.
The actual figure, from Labour’s first budget alone, is £2,237 per family per year. This is five times the Tories’ original estimate.
Andrew Griffith MP has written to Sir Robert to apologise for misleading the public.
Rachel Reeves explains her theorem of black holes. It’s called “Reeves radiation”, I hear.
The only blackhole is the one between her ears….a vast empty space where information and data might go in but never comes out….at least in any form that is intelligible and coherent to us mere mortals.
Photos of Rachel Reeves have been released to prove she was an economist at Halifax.
Nice of France to re-open Notre Dame just in time to honour Trump’s re-election. Here he is arm-wrestling Micron to assert his superiority right from the start of his reign.
And by the way, the fire was most definitely not an arson attack by a fanatical religious cult implacably hostile to Christianity. Definitely not. No, it was one of those careless French workers who left his Gauloise near a pile of sawdust. The interesting thing is that the authorities knew this while the fire was still blazing and before anyone could get anywhere near the fire to investigate.
Just think 44 years to the day John Lennon was murdered….
I recall, I was at college that day, oh the memories..
they can all go home now
Obviously their number one concern, being “Bri ‘ ish” ctizens, is the effect this may have on our country… The UK.
er…maybe not, they have only one interest, and it is not us or our citizens.
we always knew she was a nasty little shit
Israel making Gaza net zero level playing field?!
I wonder when SpringtimeforHitler will be investigating the greatest hoax and conspiracy theory of all…global warming…the ‘man-made’ version that is.
If she’d have gone to school instead of bunking off ‘to save the planet’ (a genius excuse , that much I will admit), she’d know what the scientific method is.
The effect man has on the climate is still a hypothesis. We cannot report conclusions yet.
The science is anything but ‘settled’ Greta.
And yet the world (well, the world’s idiots) is enthralled every time the spoon-faced doom goblin opens her gob.
Although at her latest staged ‘arrest’ she’d grown what looked like a serious set of bangers on her. So it’s not all bad, I suppose.
Her ugly face would put me off (not to mention being very annoying), but she’d probably make a good catch for some young lad.
19. Millionaire. Big bazongas.
Could do worse I suppose (if you’re deaf maybe).
Dors anyone know whether the syria thing is good or bad for us ? I know assad is better off dead but will it put the price of sprouts up ?
What are house prices like ? And I can’t get a room at the Damascus Hilton …
The BBC tells us….
‘Assad will forever be remembered as the man who violently repressed peaceful protests against his regime in 2011, which led to a civil war.
With the help of Russia and Iran, he crushed the rebels, and survived.’
Er….Russia, Iran and Ed Miliband whose cowardly politicking forced Obama to hold fire…into which vacuum the Russians piled in thus giving them a toehold and influence they wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Funny how the BBC forgets to mention the significant and dangerous role Miliband played in Syria….and now, of course, he’s intent on destroying our own country’s transport, power and industrial infrastructure. You might think, ala Merkel, that he, by design or default, was doing all he could to give Russia every conceivable advantage. Whilst the BBC rages against Trump and always tries to smear him as a Russian puppet we maybe should be looking closer to home.
Isis are now in control of Syria?
“HTS was set up under a different name, Jabhat al-Nusra, in 2011 as a direct affiliate of al-Qaeda.
The leader of the self-styled Islamic State (IS) group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was also involved in its formation.”
Which is why Trump is so right to refuse to get entangled in any conflicts where it is not clearly in the US interest to do so. If previous Presidents had done the same, the Middle East would be far less volatile than it is, and Europe would not be experiencing the current disastrous levels of immigration from islamic countries.
UK is backing whoever flies the LGBT flag?
Assad to fly into the UK to help Keir Starmer lock up protestors who said murdering two girls at a Taylor Swift dance was wrong?
BBC spins a news story to make out bullying, aggressive Muslims are the victims….
‘School tells Muslim girls it’s ‘not safe’ for them’
This is of course a relatively minor matter but it is the same BBC mindset after terror attacks….John Simpson explaining away French Islamist terrorism…
‘Muslim’s fury and resentment, bitter grievances, ignored and demeaned, kept in poverty by a system which cares very little about them’
And of course after 7/7 here the BBC were trying to push the blame onto ‘us’ as they asked ‘What drove these young British Muslims to do this act?’ The BBC’s answer was of course that it was our own fault…these poor Muslims were probably jobless, disenfranchised, disadvantaged and discriminated against…therefore the BBC concluded…the bombings could be ‘understandable’.
Wonder what it will take before they wake up and realise Islam is not compatible with liberal, progressive, western values, beliefs and culture.
liberal, progressive, western values, beliefs and culture.
Otherwide known as civilisation
So, London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, is to receive a knighthood. Anyone that still lives in or is brave enough to visit the capital must be scratching their heads…
I was born and raised in London, though I escaped a few years ago. It’s become increasingly dangerous, ugly and uninhabitable. It’s fast becoming (or has already become) a third world sh1t-hole.
On Wednesday evening a 61-year-old railway employee was brutally attacked at Ilford Station. The poor chap has since died from his injuries. The man in custody for this assault is named as Ayodele Jamgbadi (a nice old Anglo-Saxon name) and is just 28 years old.
You know, it’s been a long time since I was 28, and perhaps the old memory isn’t quite what it once was, but I’m bloody certain the thought of attacking a man of 61 would never have entered my head.
Perhaps the oddest part of this all too familiar and ugly tragedy, is that this subhuman brute has, according to the BBC, only been charged with grievous bodily harm. I mean, the 61-year-old is dead. Why not murder?
You know what will happen, don’t you? At the max, Jamgbadi will face a manslaughter charge and we’ll hear that he had mental health issues, drug problems and was from an underprivileged background and had to face racism. He’ll get a few years and be out enjoying his freedom.
Meanwhile, this poor 61-year-olds grandchildren are facing Christmas without their grandfather.
And Sadiq Khan has been awarded a knighthood…
What an absolute disgrace to knight Khan.
Who’s next?
Ian Huntley?
He’s joining a club that no normal, sane person would ever want to be in.
In the spirit of the BBC, here’s an “All You Need To Know” about Syria:
One bunch of muslim Arab savages are slaughtering another bunch of muslim Arab savages.
And smashing up their country as they proceed
Once they’ve finished they’ll all come here.
dimbos will dimbo
Black Belt Barrister video about this
“There’s plenty of housing”
and then a minute later saying “Far too many people are waiting on council housing lists”.
Angela Rayner’s housing policy in a nutshell:
1. The law of supply and demand *does not* apply to immigrants, who apparently have enough housing.
2. The law of supply and demand *does* apply to British people, who don’t have enough affordable housing.
To a new form of establishment derangement from government to remora media. (Paywall)
Sanity dies in the MSM
“Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it…”
Innumerate, incompetent, inept.
And they’re her better qualities.
Job specs?
MIgrants bring their own homes – like turtles – (C) bbc verified.
New Real Porridge video compares the same sentences of one judge
– 5.5 years Alex Belfield (online stalking), 7 years for baby in the drawer woman , 9 years to autistic youth who “poses no threat to public” except he likes to troll online
He adds that actual child attracted wrong uns so often end up walking free from court.
Financial Times OPINION “Democrats must not abandon the moral high ground ”
Super ratioed of course with just 134 Likes
Many replies get more Likes
One reply “A president pardoning his own criminal son because he refuses to accept his own legal system
– yeah. Stratospherically high moral ground”
Presumably the new ISIS iteration now have possession of Assad’s chemical weapon store . Which will be ‘handy ‘…
One does wonder how such rapid take overs of states are taking place … did the US of Russia not see it coming ?
It’s probably too complicated for me as I’m only interested to any potential threats to us ….
The IDF are taking care of the chemical weapon store
”Israeli forces seize Golan buffer zone, bomb chemical weapons plant as rebels depose Assad…’
One likely consequence of the fall of Assad: a wave of pro-Assad ‘refugees’ to our shores. Who will then no doubt continue their war with anti-Assadists here. Lucky us.
If only Trump could come and round them up and send them ALL back to their hellholes.
Hong Kong falls – UK takes them in.
Afghan falls – UK takes them in.
Africa falls – UK takes them in.
Syria falls …
What’s the political situation RE Denmark at the moment ?
UK takes them in… and they, same as all the others, promptly start trying to change the UK into the place they are running away from (but go back to for holidays)
“1 Derogatory national stereotype” @0:12
– reference to Scottish people not spending money!
Watch this and see the YouTube added comments – hilarious.
“2. Agreeing with a LITERAL fascist (I agree with Donald Trump)” @0:24
“3 Assumption of gender, sexual objectification”
“4 Mocking incest (a recognised fetish)”
“5. Mocking Jedi (a known religion)”
“A lot of people have asked why there are no other Scottish comedians criticising the SNP. The answer is that the SNP own the two main comedy clubs in Scotland (the Stands in Glasgow and Edinburgh). If you want a career in comedy in Scotland, you’d better lick Sturgeon’s boots.”
Who ever did this should be arrested for hate crimes:
“Security services slammed for ‘racist’ internship that doesn’t let white students apply for roles at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ
Any white British student from a socially deprived background cannot apply ”
Islamic state intelligence outfits must be laughing their heads off – they’ll know the vetting will be ‘light handed ‘ because the woke intel outfits need some coloured faces ….. not a good ..look
Yes, and it’s nice to see us, and the Americans under the democrats, are so ecologically and safety conscious as well.
Spies used to have to get dropped at night by parachute, they can just walk across the US border at the moment and row across the Channel to the UK and get a free lift to London.
Good to know.
Premier league footballer, Michail Antonio of West Ham United, is in a stable condition after crashing his Ferrari. He was unconscious and had to be cut out of the car.
I sincerely hope he makes a full recovery.
However, what the BBC fail to mention, is that this is not his first serious crash involving him driving a sports car
You see, a few years ago, he crashed his Lamborghini into a house while dressed as a snowman.
But for the grace of god,it appears that for both crashes he didn’t kill or injure anyone else.
He was complaining about finding it difficult to find Insurance.
Once he hopefully recovers, may I suggest that he perhaps thinks about using a vehicle that might be more risk free?
Like the bus.
If it’d been Wayne Rooney, do you think they’d have mentioned his previous crash?
I have no idea, but my hunch says they would have.
And I bet the BBC, if he does make a full recovery and then goes and buys a McLaren, will not be asking him why he keeps driving luxury sports cars when he keeps crashing them.
LC, too much money paid to young footballers these days!
Indeed Up2snuff
Lazy – thank you for mentioning this . I l know the bit of epping forest where he failed to tackle a tree . The road is treacherous at the best of times but yesterday in the storm it would have been very treacherous.
His season is now over for the hammers . Hope his career isnt done
Bit of a mystery why he was driving there and then …
I think his club need to get him a taxi to work. Or it won’t just be his career that’s over.
He’s clearly unable to handle super powered sports cars.
Yes, let’s hope he recovers, it looked like a bad crash.
Not just ball kickers….
This won’t end well, mugging fishmongers, then diving off a glacier.
TWoTWee Watch #1 – Bashing Bashar
The noxious Naughtie was doing all the bashing; at least it was a relief to not have Dalek Dymond with his hesitant pauses. The Naughtie did not ask some essential questions:
Will life be better for people now in Syria? Certainly, if you were well behaved under Bashar-al-Assad’s regime and did not engage in revolutionary talk or draw attention to your regime-toppling ideals, then life was good. But Christians, Jews and Muslims were able to live alongside each other in Damascus and elsewhere in Syria unlike the FTS controlled area in the north-west.
Another essential question not at asked by Naughtie:
The new army controlling Syria are Sunni Muslims. What happens to the remaining Shia (and Alawite) Muslims in Syria? How long before the Sunnis fall out with them?
Yet another question not asked by Naughtie: what does this all mean for Israel? Israel shares a border with Syria and if you have an al-Quaeda/Islamic State group in charge in Syria things could be difficult for Israel. Apparently IDF troops have already gone to the Syrian border.
We do appear to be edging towards the ‘end times’, Biblically speaking.
Up2 – i started listening but the moment i heard naghtie it was off switch
I got fed up with those pretentious pieces he did during the US election sticking to the approved approach and basically telling lies about how Americans really felt .
BTW – stuff seems to be happening all over the place before President Trump takes office . God knows what putin will do about syria . …
I’m seeing mentions of Turkey’s hand in the Syria business
Fed, I can understand that, both the off-switch moment and his American stuff. How the BBC have the nerve to fly Naughtie to the US – all those naughty CO2 emissions – and then tell us we should not be flying on our summer hols and not driving our diesel & petrol cars! The BBC overpaid hypocrites and all over America, Europe, Oceana, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Far East and the Middle East. In fact all over the world.
Disgusting cheek.
For a platform the deranged woke Left have departed, my X timeline is curiously rammed with oddly brief template posts like this.
Add Angela Rayner to the list of people that @UKLabour and @Keir_Starmer need to send out for the media rounds more often.
She’s completely owned @lewis_goodall, and from what I hear, all of the other people she’s been on with this morning.
I love how people underestimate her.
Odd further because many diss the Labour supportive msm gobs trying to get her to string a sentence together, and after the first three supportive replies go very #ccbgb
Britain deserves raynor as PM …, another step toward ‘enough ‘ …
I’m so glad Starmer has always had such confidence in @AngelaRayner and vice versa .. she’s a valuable asset. Stunning performances both on @TrevorPTweets @SkyNews and @bbclaurak despite their attempts at Tory journalism. @LBC
Were I Trev or Laura I’d be a bit wary at such an instantaneous, coordinated effort.
She is the equivalent to Harris – Female – Northern – ‘ordinary ‘ – corrupt – and therefore there’s an expectation that she will popular and get votes – yet any sensible voters would see the truth …..
But as I write i an ‘hoisted ‘ by the term ‘sensible voters ‘ – and the far left is so embedded in the UK that they really would vote for that idiot …
Lavrov – Carlson
Funny how there are no hotels for this lot…too English / Scottish ?
They are reduced to hoping for help from a charity, one of the few I will support.
Crisis at Christmas Appeal
This Christmas can be the beginning of life beyond homelessness. Each year Crisis at Christmas opens its doors to thousands of people experiencing homelessness. Find out more about the impact our Christmas appeal has and how you can get involved.
“A VERY luxurious welcome to Britain! Beautiful 16th century country house – complete with four poster beds, open fireplaces and lake views – has been hosting migrants in its 49 historic bedrooms for THREE YEARS”
Just wait til Starmer-the-moron finds out about who is servicing our wind turbines. When the wind turbines near Aberdeen need servicing a team of German engineers come all the way from Germany to do this.
Der Starmer would be wetting himself in excitement – we are such good Europeans etc etc blah blah blah.
Not possible to train UK engineers to do this maintenance?
P.S Who refits Aldi and Lidl supermarkets 2TK?
No wonder they call us Treasure Island.
” BIG BROTHER How are we at the BBC going to treat the
” Syrian problem? ” For over 25 years we have been blaming
Israel for all the problems of the Middle East.”
” The answer is easy. We have Jeremy Bowen and his
Republic of Ireland colleagues Orla Guerrin and Fergus Keane
and others. The perfect group of reporters and correspondents,
to still blame Israel for everything. But maybe we can find a few
more Irish Republican reporters . Eire is just about the most
anti Israel country in Europe. Didn’t Eamon de Valera send his
condolences to the German legation in Dublin on hearing of
the death of Hitler? And wern’t the brave Republic soldiers
who fought for the Allies shunned , when they returned home?
Yes lets get some more Republican reporters .
Luton Airport “security guard”.
Go figure…
“Israeli author ‘subjected to anti-semitism’ after being detained at British airport having ‘offensive’ poster about October 7 attacks”