Well, I have been part cooking the parsnips for the big lunch (Delia’s recipe from when the BBC could do proper cookery programmes and not restaurant cooking competitions where the winners have to be female/gay/more tattooed than is good for one – has there been a trans chef on Masterchef?).
Luckily, there are lots of Delia’s programmes on YouTube, and there’s no need to watch the flashy, multi-culti stuff the cubiclists churn out these days!
Parsnips are a veg grown in heaven, and I know I shouldn’t really crash Fed’s Start the Week, but here’s a pic of a particularly disastrous failure…
They have different competitions:
First to post, 50, 100, or even 500 times on each new thread.
Most uninterrupted posts in a row.
Biggest image.
Oldest story.
Most repeated meme.
Fastest to empty their Twitter X Inbox into the thread wholesale.
Good post Eddy. I only dip in spasmodically now (after years of being a regular), and honestly can’t be ar..ed to read the lengthy diatribes which I scroll past. Perhaps it’s the miserable times we’re living in but it’s all become terribly serious with little humour anymore.
Nevertheless Fed is a sweetheart to keep this going despite his busy life travelling the world as an … airline pilot ? Travel rep ? Auditor? Oil rig worker? International diplomat? Film location crew? Travel writer? International sales? Or a multimillionaire who can afford endless holidays? (In which case, are you available ?) 😀
Sometimes this feels like a long slog – but never hopeless – it’s tricky for those who have been reducing their consumption of BBC products across the years .
I like to read the views of others here – particularly those with whom I disagree . I also have to limit my views are they are increasingly Right .. and goes well against the grain of ‘modern views’ ..
Im guessing guest who won’t have read this comment but im not the sort who cares about that or the ‘uptick ‘ number …
BBC keeping up the rhetoric about climate catastrophe….
‘UK ‘not ready’ for extreme weather like Storm Darragh’ ‘The government is “not ready” for the sort of extreme weather brought by Storm Darragh, the new head of the Climate Change Committee has warned.
Emma Pinchbeck, who heads the government’s independent climate advisory body, told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg that the UK is “off track” and must do more to prepare for scenarios like flooding and intense heat.’
Love how they call it an ‘independent’ climate advisory body….independent of what? Certainly not the pro-climate change lobby….its people are all zealously onboard…Lord Deben was a fanatic…and Emma Pinchbeck?
‘Emma has also been a powerful advocate for the economic as well as environmental benefits of the transition to clean energy, through the investment, growth and employment that the industry can bring to all parts of the country. ‘
Just how critical will she be of the narrative?…not at all it would seem…as shown by her latest comments lapped up by the BBC. Ed Miliband in a dress.
pug, it will be interesting to see if Emma Pinchbeck puts pressure on the Environment Agency to dredge our UK rivers and remove the waste (shopping trolleys, plastic bags and other detritus) to bring an end to flooding after the excessive rainfall that Emma predicts. She also predicts heatwaves in summer. Oh! How I wish …..
Taliban parade abandoned equipment 3 years after US withdrawal
DOD: Around $7B in US military equipment was left in Afghanistan
Equipment was demilitarized; much remains operational but condition unclear
Taliban now use and display repaired equipment; origin of repairs unclear
Saw Starmer on GBNews commenting on the fall of Assad. I am sure for many in Syria it is a good thing, but also for many in Syria, it won’t be good news. But for our Prime Minister (who let another man pay for his spectacles) not appear to consider what the fall of Assad has on the region or world politics is scary. We can hardly hope that the Foreign Secretary will have a more considered view. And what did Lammy study at Harvard. I have searched and failed to find out if it was anymore than an afternoon seminar.
I saw this online, I have not received a response so not sure on the veracity, nevertheless the arrogance of Starmer seems to shine through:
Government response to petition
As you know, there was a petition to hold a general election. I don’t want an election, I don’t think there should be one. Nevertheless I signed it on the grounds that the public needs to keep the pressure up on this wretched government. I wanted to be part of that.
Anyway, here is its response, which I just received on email.
Dear XXXX,
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Call a General Election”.
Government responded:
This Government was elected on a mandate of change at the July 2024 general election. Our full focus is on fixing the foundations, rebuilding Britain, and restoring public confidence in government.
The Prime Minister can call a general election at a time of their choosing by requesting a dissolution of Parliament from the Sovereign within the five-year life of a Parliament. The Government was elected by the British people on a mandate of change at the July 2024 general election.
This Government is fixing the foundations and delivering change with investment and reform to deliver growth, with more jobs, more money in people’s pockets, to rebuild Britain and get the NHS back on its feet. This will be built on the strong foundations of a stable economy, national security and secure borders as we put politics back in the service of working people.
On entering office, a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances. We inherited unprecedented challenges, with crumbling public services and crippled public finances, but will deliver a decade of national renewal through our five missions: economic growth, fixing the NHS, safer streets, making Britain a clean energy super-power and opportunity for all. This is what was promised and is what we are delivering.
The Government’s first Budget freed up tens of billions of pounds to invest in Britain’s future while locking in stability, preventing devastating austerity in our public services and protecting working people’s payslips.
Mission-led government rejects the sticking-plaster solutions of the past and unites public and private sectors, national, devolved and local government, business and unions, and the whole of civil society in a shared purpose. The Government will continue to deliver the manifesto of change that it was elected on.
Cabinet Office
A few observations:
“Deliver growth”. All economic analysis so far has suggested that the government’s policies, particularly the budget, will reduce growth.
“More jobs”. How exactly is this government going to deliver more jobs? It’s just announced an enormous jobs tax. Tax tobacco, you get less smoking; tax alcohol, you get less drinking; tax employment and… [fill in the answer here please]
“strong foundations of a stable economy”. Yeah, and the recent budget delivered an even worse market reaction than the Liz Truss budget of 2022. Higher borrowing costs destabilise governments (as France is now demonstrating). Stable government my arse
“more money in people’s pockets”. Right. And what’s Labour’s £40bn tax increase going to do (particularly the jobs tax)? Take money out of people’s pockets
“a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances”. No it wasn’t. You know that. The OBR refused to endorse the government’s statement. Even if it were true, the solution to a £22bn black hole is to reduce spending and borrowing by £22bn. Instead, they increased borrowing by £36bn, increased spending by £76bn. The government has negated its “black hole” narrative by its own actions.
Overall summary: the government is gaslighting you again.”
Deliver growth? The only growth that the government can deliver is the growth in the population, of which all governments of the past 30 years have demonstrated adeptness.
Zephir, ah yes but no but does not Parliament have to debate the petition because it attracted more than 10,000 signatures? There is a list of petitions awaiting debate in Parliament on the Gov.UK w/s: it makes interesting reading. The pressure is on! TTK to respond?
You create a petition here on the UK Government and Parliament site. Only British citizens and UK residents can create a petition.
You get 5 people to support your petition. We’ll tell you how to do this when you’ve created your petition.
We check your petition, then publish it. We only reject petitions that don’t meet the standards for petitions.
British citizens and UK residents can then sign your petition — and can only sign a petition once.
The Petitions Committee reviews all petitions we publish. They select petitions of interest to find out more about the issues raised. They have the power to press for action from government or Parliament.
At 10,000 signatures your petition on the UK Government and Parliament site gets a response from the government.
At 100,000 signatures your petition on the UK Government and Parliament site will be considered for a debate in Parliament.
Petitions which reach 100,000 signatures are almost always debated. But we may decide not to put a petition forward for debate if the issue has already been debated recently or there’s a debate scheduled for the near future. If that’s the case, we’ll tell you how you can find out more about parliamentary debates on the issue raised by your petition.
MPs might consider your petition for a debate before it reaches 100,000 signatures.
We may contact you about the issue covered by your petition. For example, we sometimes invite people who create petitions to take part in a discussion with MPs or government ministers, or to give evidence to a select committee. We may also write to other people or organisations to ask them about the issue raised by your petition.”
Since she thinks wearing a bikers jacket as an MP in Parliament is appropriate, perhaps she could do us all a favour and keep the full face helmet on next time.
I heard a couple of new MPs talking about their parliament and – of course – wanting an easier life . I’ve said here many times there is never a politician shortage – and in real life a true rare constituency MP might have to sacrifice part of their lives to serve the voters … but some seem to want it all ….
I think it’s one thing I share with the great leader – the commons is a waste of time – tied down by ‘tradition’ and party thuggery ….. it should be cut down in size and cost and moved to somewhere like Birmingham or hull where it can do less harm ….
I saw some pictures of Farage in his constituency doing a walk about and recalled the slagging he gets for not being a good constituency mp . Then I wondered if anyone monitors exactly how much time every MP spends in their constituency and doing constituency stuff .. i d love to see the findings . … they should be required to spend at least 50% of their time living in their constituency ….. but I dream …
This is where we are at. @Zephir’s post that gets 32 Likes is essentially FakeNews
cos it deliberately omits info to mislead you
When I came across the image of the purple haired MP some days ago
I actually read the Community Note that explained the photo does not show the MP sleeping but rather she is reading something on her phone which is on the seat top.
The second photo might be more legitimate if it is intended to illustrate that the MP does not dress professionally
an therefore probably has the same poor attitude to work
@Zephir you ask questions , then end by saying I am not allowed to answer
The post omits big information. We often talk here about the BBC of “lying by omission”
The caption says “**now** looking like this”
Yet the first photo is at least as old as August 2022
” Carolyn Harris, MP for Swansea East. She’s Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour”
It doesn’t matter the source of the Community note
It merely draws your attention to the fact that her phone is on the bench and that she does appear to be reading it .
All info does NOT depend on its messenger for its value,
rather it stands on the weight of evidence it presents
That’s why “Trusted sources” is a fallacy
Stew I think that is more of your second point. I just see a slob. I am sounding a bit like London youf when I say that they need to show a bit more respect.
“How are the first Tesla car batteries functioning now that it has been 7-10 years since the first release? Do they need to be fixed/replaced and how much has the costs been to maintain a Tesla for this duration?
We have a 2015 S85. Just recently the battery died. After 9.5 years the battery supercharging has become long. Too long for longer trips. So we asked Tesla to replace the battery with a new one. 85kW battery was not made anymore. Only a refurbished was possible. At 17000EUR. Then we asked for a 90kW battery. First an offer at +-23000EUR. Within a day that offer was retracted. Because too long delivery time/ not available.
We bought this car when it was 3,5 years old. Now it is almost 10 years. This car is not cheap to drive/own; it has cost us about 1100 EUR per month. Just owning it and replacing parts. Resale value is really bad. After sales in Belgium is really bad. If you want to talk to someone be prepared to wait 20–30 minutes. For me no more Tesla. Because of the way you are treated. Because of the cost. Because of the build quality. I would advise never to buy a Tesla, but rather lease it from new and get rid of it after max 3 years. Way cheaper. Let the leasing companies worry about it later.
Too bad actually because I like the car. But the after sales and maintenance cost ruin the total experience.”
I thought I’d monitor how delighted they are that Muslim fanatics now have control of chemical weapons and the rest in Syria … but not much at all
But on the upside it seems plod is running out of money – Essex might have to cut 200 plods . It’s clear that they can do this because they did the Alison Pearson twitter visit ….
Plod lost its ‘ way long ago – so cuts won’t affect the average tax payer because plod only has an interest in ‘getting ‘ them ….maybe cut the pay of their senior ranks as a start …
This celebration by the BBC because a known Muslim terrorist is now in control of Syria is just bizarre. It’s the worst thing which could have happened.
Yet everyone is supporting it – which confirms to me that everyone knows it is part of the bigger anti-Russia agenda.
Meanwhile a LOT of people are going to be tortured and murdered. And no doubt we will lose a few people here once they get started properly. And once again the BBC will use their lie techniques to hide it from us.
They kept quiet about Afghanistan to protect Joe Biden from the fallout of the bloodbath he created and now they will keep quiet because we have created this one ourselves. I wonder if these terrorist were even supposed to win as opposed to get slaughtered as part of a protracted and bloody war with Russia to help Ukraine.
Marky – it depends if you think plod is still on the side of the white British . I don’t . I think the TTK is really and the far left is deeply embedded in it and the legal system ….
They’ve already proved their job is now to enforce a specific political agenda, not the law. We saw it first at the BLM protests and it’s been getting worse ever since. The recent crackdown on the Right and the ensuing political persecution under the direction of Starmer is a very sinister sign of where we are now.
The most chilling part is how clearly the MSM is now infested by these people. Particularly at the BBC. They are allowed to regulate themselves as part of the vital check-and-balance they are supposed to perform against politicians. GB-News is one of they very few doing any of that now and look how hard they are working to shut them down.
Our BBC’s obsession with ‘foreign bang-bang’ (TM Kelvin MacKenzie)(patent opposition launched by Alex Crawford Sky News, Lyse Doucet BBC, Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4, et al, etc) and that big girls hocky club – that is modren liberal jounalism’s – resolute insistance that we the audience take notice, is epitomised this morning by the self-reverential report: Deafening gunfire drowns out BBC reporter…The BBC’s Lina Sinjab was drowned out by the sounds of celebratory gunfire as she reported from the scene (BBC) – together with the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff choosing to abandon their habitual double whammy title headline to their print headlines line-up for a single shot: Fall of Assad and the future of Syria dominate the papers (BBC)
Oddly enough, that’s not all that’s in the papers…
Well, not if you look a little beyond the frontpages of the couple of titles which the BBC prioritises this morning…
Starmer ‘ghosted’ pensioners over winter payments (the Daily Express there somewhat inappropriately deploying Gen Z slang to voice the opinion of OAPs)
Tax raid leads to sharp slump in hiring… businesses bace for blow from Rachel Reeves’s National Insurance tax raid… Demand for staff last month fell at its sharpest rate since August 2020 when the UK was in the throes of the pandemic – Come, come, the Telegraph, you should know better.
Let me edit that one for you: …fell at its sharpest rate since August 2020 when the UK was in the throes of the pandemic LOCKDOWN (WHICH WAS A GOVERNMENT POLICY DECISION, JUST LIKE THE CURRENT NATIONAL INSURANCE TAX HIKE) – sorry about the shouty caps so early on a Monday morning but I had hoped they’d got that clear by now – over at the mildly conservative Telegraph at least.
That employment report (looming unemployment report?) is reiterated over at the Times: Confidence ebbs – you may ask what confidence was that exactly? Well that’ll be the liberal flirting with Labour, Keir Starmer bromancing Times – speaking for itself just a little too transparently, perhaps?
So, returning to Syria, what do we reckon… do we think any of those previous Syrian refugees will be returning home any time soon? Or do we think we’re about to welcome a new influx escaping the latest islamist-flavoured chaos the US State Department has just unleashed… like they did in Iraq and Libya when they overthrew Sadbam and then not learning from that mistake overthrew Gaddafi?
I don’t know about this Syria thing but I still want to know about ‘Greg ‘ what’s happening ? Has he fondled anyone else ? Got some other mental condition ? And what about the jungle thing ? And diddy Pee sexing a 13year old groupee – BBC got the hots for that story ….
Syria to lower marriage age to 9 like in Iraq (which Tony Blair won) so that P Diddy will be let off if he says he is from Islam and Greg to wear a Hijab to get the heat off him.
Within the United States, each state, territory and federal district sets the marriage age in its jurisdiction. As of June 2023, every state permits marriage at age 18 except Nebraska where the age is 19. Most states have a minimum marriage age (ranging from 12–17 years old) for minors with parental consent or court approval. Six states (California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oaklahoma and Washington) have no statutory minimum age but permit marriage of a minor with one parent’s consent and court approval. Common circumstances considered by the court are pregnancy, the birth of a child, or eligibility for emancipation.
That insurance assasination in NY. Apparently… the victim was under multiple criminal investigations for stock frauds and might’ve been given a deal to testify…
reminds me of Jerry Lee Lewis and his 14 year old second cousin wife and Chuck Berry crossing a state border with a 14 year old for “immoral purposes” leading to a two year jail sentence.
Fed – A Place in the Sun female presenter has popped up to say she complained to the Beeb and production company about Wallace around 2018 (?) And nothing was done.
[Irony on] Keir Smarmer welcomes the end of Dictator Bashar al-Assad’s rule. The Syrian people have suffered under Assad’s barbaric regime for too long and we welcome his departure.[/Irony off]
Sir Keir Starmer promised to “tread more lightly” on the lives of voters during his first address to the nation as Prime Minister. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street following his landslide victory, he pledged that his Labour Government would be one of “service” and said he would “unite our country”. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/05/keir-starmer-pledges-tread-lightly-lives-voters/
“tread more lightly” WEARING A HEAVIER BOOT! HA AHA HA!
“tread more lightly” WEARING A HEAVIER BOOT! HA AHA HA!
Lots of Muslims being interviewed by the Pro-Muslim, anti-Semitic BBC reporter ‘Barbara Plett Usher’ in Damascus.
I notice she didn’t ask any Christians how they felt about the country now being in the hands of Muslim extremists.
Maybe none of those dared to stop as they fled.
Here she is getting panned for her pro-Muslim reporting for the BBC: https://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.com/2016/12/tearful-reminders.html
‘That’s the one where she said, “Yet when the helicopter carrying the frail old man [Yasser Arafat] rose above his ruined compound, I started to cry… without warning”, and which – after a struggle – even the BBC governors had to admit went too far and breached the BBC’s impartiality guidelines.’
I cannot believe that the BBC is almost treating the Jihadist takeover in Syria as a victory for freedom and a force for good.
What a short memory they have considering the mayhem and death this organisation has wreaked in the Middle East and will probably spread into Europe in due course.
Assad was certainly no angel but I cannot see any way the newcomers will be in any way preferable over time.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire comes to mind!
Take out the Islamic barbarian keeping all the other barbarians in check and all of a sudden you have 100 violent extremists trying to carve out their own little caliphate.
While they are slaughtering each other, I’m sure they will find time to go after the infidels as well. And the BBC will not report it until it’s on our own doorstep.
Then the BBC will switch their tone without a hint of remorse or shame for the outrageous way they are celebrating this and thus glorifying Muslim terrorists yet again.
aye – as I said last week the BBC play games with targeted content – they know about and use known VPN endpoints, archive.org IP addresses yada, yada….
“While Labour has ruled out re-joining the trade bloc, it has repeatedly said it wants the UK to “deepen ties” with the EU.”
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
When the BBC reported that waiting lists for gynaecology appointments across the UK had more than doubled since February 2020, many women shared their experiences of how they feel forced to turn to private care.
Jaysh al Khalifatu Islamiya (JKI) which translates as the Army of the Islamic Caliphate –proscribed November 2014
JKI is an Islamist jihadist group, consisting predominately of Chechen fighters. JKI is an opposition group active in Syria.
JKI splintered from Jaysh al-Muhajireen Wal Ansar (JAMWA) in 2013. At that point a number of members went with Umar Shishani (aka Umar the Chechen) to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and, the rest of the group stayed distinct and renamed itself Majahideen of the Caucasus and the Levant (MCL) and more recently renamed itself JKI.
Before his death in 2014, JKI was led by Seyfullah Shishani, who had pledged allegiance to the leader of the Al Nusrah Front, Mohammed Al-Jawlani. JKI has assisted ANF and ISIL in conducting attacks.
In February 2014, a British individual linked to the group, carried out a suicide attack on a prison in Aleppo, resulting in prisoner escapes.
“He goes on to ask “innovators” with tech expertise, or “weirdos or misfits”, (echoing Cummings again), to join the No. 10 Innovation Fellowship Program, saying “this is your time to serve your country.” Calling on them to channel their inner patriots…”
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham / Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham “… has claimed responsibility for nearly 600 attacks – such as ambushes, kidnappings, assassinations, Improvised Explosive Device attacks and suicide bombings – in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. In March 2017, 2 HTS suicide bombers attacked Damascus, killing at least 74 people, including 8 children. More recently, on December 21, 2019, HTS claimed killing 30 Syrian regime troops in a suicide bombing in Raffa, a town in the southeast of Idlib governorate.”
Jabhat al-Nusra (JN), Jabhet al-Nusra, The Victory Front, Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, Jabhat Al-Nusra li-Ahl al-Sham min Mujahedi al-Sham fi Sahat al-Jihad (The Support Front for the People of the Levant by the Levantine Mujahedin on the Battlefields of Jihad), the Front for the Defense of the Syrian People and the Front for the Support of the Syrian People, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Fath al-Sham Front, al-Jabha, Fath al-Sham, Tanzim al-Qaeda fi Bilad al-Sham, Al-Qaeda in the Levant, Conquest for al-Sham Front, Conquest of the Levant Front, Fatah al-Sham Front, Fateh al-Sham Front, Front for the Conquest of Syria, Front for the Conquest of Syria/The Levant, Jabhat Fath al-Sham, Jabhat Fath al Sham, Jabhat Fathah al-Sham, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Tahrir al-Sham Assembly, Liberation of Syria Assembly, Liberation of the Levant Organisation, Liberation of the Levant Committee, Liberation of al-Sham Commission, Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant, Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham, Tahrir al-Sham, Liwa al-Haqq, the Al-Haqq Brigade, Liwa al-Haq, the Brigade of the Right, the Truth Brigade, Lewa’ al-Haq, the al-Haq Battalion, Jabhat Ansar al-Din, Ansar al-Din Front, Supporters/Partisans of the Religion Front, Jaish al-Sunnah, Jaysh al-Sunnah, Jaish al-Sunna, Jaysh al-Sunna. https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx
5 minutes ago, the great and the good were telling us that Trump was literally Hitler. Now they’re lining up to shake his hand and have cosy chats with him in Notre Dame – including Jill and Ashley Biden.
So either they were lying then, or they’re being extremely hypocritical now in cosying up to such a monster.
Hard to keep up, with the globalists widespread election tactics, but dude here gives it a go.
Dec 08, 2024
One can hardly believe it anymore. The West has dropped all pretense of their sacred cow of ‘democracy’, used for generations as an instrument of moral superiority with which to browbeat the rest of the world.
Romanian candidate Calin Georgescu larruped his opponent in the first round of presidential elections, only for the entire result to be ‘nullified’ by a Romanian court, absurdly citing “Russian interference on TikTok”—with no real evidence.*
The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008. Our purpose is to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions targets and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
BBC have an article up about that ‘rebel’ group in Syria potentially being taken off the banned terror list.
It seems if you get rid of someone bad (Assad), then you’re now good, no matter what your past (or present, of course!).
I mean, when all’s said and done, what are a few decapitations between friends, eh?
If Lee Rigby’s killers behead a murderer in prison, shouldn’t they be released and bought a nice big house with a few million in cash chucked in? Seems to be the case, if we’re to follow our leaders’ example.
I saw part of an interview presidenr trump did where he suggested that unless European free loaders pay their way in defence – he’d think about pulling the US out of NATO .
Before the election the usual suspects would be lining up to accuse him of being a Putin puppet again … but not so much noise …. Im sure most of Europe is just a liability for the US – useful for airstrips and buffer zones but maybe more trouble than they are financially worth . The UK must be pretty cheap for the nuclear bases and refuelling facilities…
Not BBC but made the mistake of listening to LBC just now —
Shelagh Fogarty chats to a young 2nd gen Syrian immigrant. We hear the Syrians are a gentle and good people, and that he has every hope that Syria will become a secular democracy.
Shelagh’s reassured. She’s been to Syria, in fact she tells us the best coffee she ever had was in a Syrian refugee camp. Beautiful. Coffee and nice people are surely foundational items for state building and we can forget all that ethno-religious destruction.
Our media is populated by airheads in love with empty phrases about ‘change’ and ‘hope’ while the world carries on doing what it’s been doing for millennia.
‘Shoot them’: LBC presenter Shelagh Fogarty deletes tweet that called for DC police to open fire on Trump supporters an hour before Air Force vet was killed
LBC presenter Shelagh Fogarty tweeted that DC police should shoot rioters
She added ‘You would if they were black’ before Air Force veteran was killed
Ms Fogarty tried to defend her tweet before deleting it amid a Twitterstorm
Yes an old post but a good point that lib gang person Shelagh Fogarty did an incitement to violence tweet
and nothing happened , even though it had many views
Yet people are now in jail for years for spur of the moment posts that few people saw at the time/
“You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
And it took three droids to write this tosh. I can just imagine the News Editor shouting down the office: “Oi, you three, stop sexually abusing each other for a moment and write some crap for the web site”. Well, they did one of those things, at least.
I doubt the younger generation have the patience to let tea ‘brew’ for about 4 minutes. I bet loads have tried it by leaving a tea bag in boiling water for about 3 seconds and then wonder why it tastes rubbish.
Obviously I have nothing whatsoever to back up this claim, apart from seeing people becoming more impatient with every passing year. Everything needs to be ready now. Right now.
Coffee is the trendy thing. I once had a meeting in a Starbucks. I’d never go there myself. Not my thing. I got a coffee recommended to me by the barista, as I had no clue as a life long tea drinker what would be good.
Cost a fortune and I haven’t been so underwhelmed since I once tried watching women’s ‘football’.
Starbucks and “what would be good,” pointless quest there, and takes as long to get served as a wimmin’s football argument about what’s offside.
Cafe Nero is not too bad or any Italian place.
If you like it strong try a Turkish place, but only if you don’t mind being awake for 36 hours afterwards and getting three speeding tickets on the way home.
Forgot? “Do as I say, , not what I do”:
Political prisoners kept underground in an establishment where they are abused and some die. They are randomly rounded-up, tried and incarcerated for very little reason.
Jails cleared of serious criminals so as to be able to lock up relatively minor offenders sentenced and jailed by kangaroo courts. Some are abused in prison and some die in prison.
The former in Syria, the latter in the self-styled leading “Democratic” country, the UK
Nasen Saadi killed Amie Gray, 34, and seriously injured 38-year-old Leanne Miles on Durley Chine Beach in Bournemouth on 24 May, Winchester Crown Court was told. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ceqlnpg0gr1o
“He left them on the sand to bleed to death whilst he moved away and tried to disappear back into the shadows, away from the glare of the streetlights or the moonlight and back into anonymity.
Why on social media like here , do people take the premise as TRUE ?
“More in Common say XYZ”
FFS who are More in Common ?
They are Labour front group
So the BBCnews story is #PRasNews for Labour
.. so it’s junk
From fantastic scoops and interviews to innovative formats, rising stars and outstanding production teams, the awards will celebrate a banner year for the UK’s political podcasts and podcasters.
Please join us to recognise world-class, cutting-edge journalism and podcast production.
Chris Mason, Laura Kuenssberg, Adam Fleming, and Paddy O’Connell – Newscast (BBC)
Hannah Barnes – The New Statesman
Jack Blanchard and Sam Coates – Politics at Jack and Sam’s (Sky News and Politico)
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bash
“Sorry that it’s boring Alistair. I’m sure the million dead in Iraq would love to be sitting here listening to this journalist bore them with questions that you find uncomfortable.”
A high-placed civil servant, recalling the dossier about Iraq’s supposed weapons of mass destruction, describes it as “an unutterable pile of dribble”.
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Guaranteed premium position with unrestricted view
Branded logo on your dinner table Magnum of champagne on your table
Seven bottles of house wine
Three course dinner
Cheeseboard for the table
Chocolate gift for your guests
Professional group photo of your table
Awards ceremony
Post awards entertainment
A bunch of terrorists stage a coup to remove a dictator so they can impose their rule on the country and the UK Government ponder whether they are still to be regarded as a terrorist organisation.
This is utter madness and smacks of Starmer going for brownie points. He’s already thrown Assad into the crap even though he can have no real idea in such a short timespan what has actually happened.
He’s a knee-jerk jerk trying to get a global persona on the cheap in my opinion.
It’s freezing out. And I’ve just cut up a dozen boxes so
they would fit into the right dustbin which will be
collected tomorrow. Anyway I am feeling a bit facetious.
Honestly, Honestly Myself and my wife have been involved
in charitable work for the 56 years of our marriage up
to now. So of course all the folk we see on TV involved
in finding novel ways of raising money , for sure, we
wish them well. BUT
To be honest , and here is where the sarcasm comes in.
I am getting a little bored of seeing on breakfast BBC TV every
day., latter day FOREST GUMPS running 365 marathons over the year. And we see where they have got
to every morning.
The BBC must be in a quandary over the Syria take over.
I saw an interview on I24 . The Israeli internet news channel.
Where one of the chief opposition commanders thanked
Israel for helping to prepare the way for their success.
To be honest this could be the same approach as the
anarchist Marxist BBC’S news editors doctrine on why they
despise Israel so much. You see Israel is a democracy . And
this an anathema to the BBC editors. So ” The enemy of my
enemy is my friend . Being why they support Hamas and Hezbollah.
For the Syrian commander it could well be the same reason.
We have seen in Libya and Iraq what happens when a tyrant is
overthrown. Lets just hope the same does nor befall Syria.
Lucky you RE dustbins, We have just been informed they will no longer be collected every two weeks but now every three or four weeks. It saves them money, and as long as cost cutting doesn’t affect their jobs or pensions, like it may well do in the private sector, alls OK with the council…
Health implications of rotting rubbish sitting there for weeks in a hot summer ? not an issue AT ALL apparently, although the council stasi stopping carnivals and street fairs due to endless health and safety demands..no problem there and creaming themselves with painting the pavements, closing public toilets and the rest, marching around with clipboards during covid of course..
and boasting and laughing in a meeting how they made Robbie William’s teams lives’ a misery at the Knebworth concert with their endless health and safety interfering.
But rotting rubbish with flies, maggots and bacteria rife, on every street for weeks on end…nope, NO problem.
There was footage on X yesterday of a ‘dub’ lady on O’Connell bridge tearing down a Palestinian flag and throwing it in a bin saying ‘this is Ireland ‘…
..I wonder if the Garda is going after her ? Be sure if it was here – Westminster bridge – they’d have her banged up by a TTK by now ….
10 October 2015 “Virtually everyone in the US, including Obama, wanted to support the opposition in Syria. …. Ford told administration officials years ago they should arm the rebels. If the US doesn’t help, he said at the time, extremists will give them money and lure them into their organisations.”” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33997408
“The UK has announced an additional £3 million to bolster aid to Syria. The most vulnerable civilians fleeing the Lebanon conflict into Syria will be provided with life-saving emergency assistance and healthcare, as the UK boosts its humanitarian support with a £3 million package.23 Oct 2024”
Syrians? Wherever they arrive it is without any documents & speaking Arabic like most others they arrive with. How will the Government decide who not to process…………..
The BBC seem to be bigging up Syrians living in the UK who ‘would love to go back’.
Mmmm. I wonder what percentage actually will?
How is free education, healthcare, housing, and social security over there, not to mention job availability?
Cynical? Moi?
Or is it just the BBC downplaying mass immigration again?
Just like last week’s ‘balanced’ Question Time audience.
“Biden spent millions on ‘misinformation’ research. The details are even more disturbing than you think.
‘Misinformation’ efforts by Biden-Harris White House included the creation of ‘counter-messages’
What we found is clear evidence that the Biden-Harris White House used funds to support or develop Orwellian surveillance and propaganda strategies, create methods and tools to restrict speech online, and even to finance highly politicized reports critical of Trump.
A new report by Open the Books, a nonpartisan government watchdog, has revealed that since 2021, the Biden administration has spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on research related to “misinformation,” a significant rise compared to the first Trump administration.
The increase in spending raises serious concerns about civil liberties and free speech online, especially on social media platforms, where much of the Biden administrations’ efforts were directed.
Since 2021, the Biden-Harris White House has spent at least $267 million on research grants and contracts related to “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
Disturbing details
On its own, the fact that the Biden-Harris administration has spent $267 million on misinformation grants and contracts is extremely disconcerting. The federal government shouldn’t be involved, directly or indirectly, in the fact-checking industry. Nor should it engage in efforts designed to limit the speech of citizens, particularly when taxpayers are the ones footing the bill.
But the cost and creation of these misinformation programs is just the tip of the iceberg. Open the Books conducted a detailed review of many of the programs, contracts and grants as part of its report, and I subsequently verified and expanded upon some of their findings.
What we found is clear evidence that the Biden-Harris White House used funds to support or develop Orwellian surveillance and propaganda strategies, create methods and tools to restrict speech online, and even to finance highly politicized reports critical of Trump.
For example, Open the Books reports that in 2022 the Department of Health and Human Services provided $2.3 million to the University of Pennsylvania for “investigating and identifying the heterogeneity in COVID-19 misinformation exposure on social media among black and rural communities to inform precision public health messaging” because “misinformation contributes to confusion, distrust, and distress around health behaviors such as vaccination, mask wearing, and social distancing.”
The research description suggests that the project requires collecting and analyzing large amounts of social media posts online, all in the name of stopping public health misinformation — a term that has been used to justify silencing the speech of Americans questioning the views of government, academia and other powerful institutions.
The Biden administration funded similar COVID-19 misinformation projects at other universities as well, including the University of Texas and Michigan State University.
Of course, it’s true that health-related misinformation can be harmful to the public, but the Biden administration and many of America’s elite universities are clearly not qualified to speak authoritatively on the matter, nor worthy of receiving significant taxpayer funding. After all, throughout the height of the coronavirus pandemic, they repeatedly spread false information about public health issues.
For example, despite overwhelming evidence that mask mandates do not prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Biden administration forced Americans to wear masks while using public transportation systems, such as airlines. It also required masks for many federal workers and for citizens entering government buildings. This continued until 2022 — two years after the pandemic began and long after government health data had shown mask mandates do not work.
The University of Pennsylvania didn’t perform much better. It imposed Draconian mask-mandate policies of its own and its School of Medicine published poorly designed research claiming designed research claiming mask mandates were effective.
Much more comprehensive studies conducted over longer periods later proved reports like those published by the University of Pennsylvania were wrong, a conclusion supported by countless public health officials and even some pundits at left-wing publications, including New York Times columnist Bret Stephens.
Incredibly, the grant to the University of Pennsylvania is still active and isn’t slated to end until 2027, which means taxpayers will likely continue to fund the research for years to come.
Propaganda machine
Open the Books also discovered that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hired a defense contractor, Guidehouse, to conduct “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation analysis.” In September 2023, DHS started a $1.2 million contract with Guidehouse.
Public and private sector clients use Guidehouse to help them combat alleged misinformation online. In one report published by Guidehouse about the “growing threat of misinformation,” the group noted that it helps its clients, including governments, using a “six-step approach to misinformation and disinformation detection.” Among the six steps is a plan to “Configure and deploy the tools and technologies that will be used to monitor the information landscape,” as well as the creation of “counter-messages to inaccurate or false information.”
It’s not hard to imagine how such programs and strategies could be abused by federal officials, who have repeatedly been caught pressuring social media companies to restrict the speech of their users and limit the spread of news stories that damage left-wing politicians and their family members, such as Hunter Biden.
The Biden administration even went so far as to fund partisan reports about its chief political opponent, Donald Trump. In Fiscal Year 2022, the National Science Foundation paid nearly $200,000 to George Washington University researchers to develop a study titled “Pandemic Communication in Time of Populism: Building Resilient Media and Ensuring Effective Pandemic Communication in Divided Societies.”
As Open the Books explains, “Researchers on this Biden-era grant examined how so-called ‘populist’ leaders supposedly prevented society from coming together in ‘solidarity’ during the COVID pandemic. Trump’s presidency was a focus of the research, along with the leaders of three other countries.”
“f you ever needed a case study of an archetypal car crash interview then Angela Rayner’s gaffe this weekend was everything you could ever ask for.
The Deputy PM’s appearance on Sky News was surely the kind of nightmare that will have her coming out in a cold sweat whenever she thinks about it. Shudder!
For those who didn’t catch the exchange which has, naturally, now gone viral, Ange – who is also the Secretary of State for Housing – was being grilled by Trevor Phillips on the Government’s plan to end the housing crisis by building 1.5 million new homes.
He asked her how many of those will be filled by the 2.5 million immigrants Labour claims will arrive in the UK over the same period.
A perfectly predictable question. Given the policy is now one of Labour’s very top priorities – after they effectively last week binned off focusing on bringing migration down – it’s a question you’d damn well hope she had an answer for.
Ms Rayner said: “There is plenty of housing already, but there’s not enough for the people that desperately need it.”
Pointing out the obvious Phillips was quick on the uptake, saying no part of her retort made any sense whatsoever.
He said: “You start the interview by telling me that there is a housing crisis and when I remind you that you have said as a government that we are going to have 2.5 million migrants, suddenly there is a lot of housing. Where are these people going to go?”
Gah! What a horrible hell hole to be in! In one foolish sentence Ms Rayner effectively kiboshed the argument underpinning Labour’s now centre-piece bit of policy to build, build, build.
It quickly got worse as she sidestepped to safer ground saying that “far too many people are waiting on council housing lists” (despite the abundance of homes that she says the UK has).”
Also on BBC Londonistan.
Another triumph for our NHS heroes.
Social workers are touring care homes and introducing lawyers to vulnerable residents. The residents then sign up for Powers of Attorney with the lawyers being the attorney.
As if by magic…….all their money disappears, their homes are sold and the cannot access their bank accounts or credit cards.
Meanwhile the Office of the Public Guardian does not have a system for monitoring organisations acting with multiple Powers of Attorney.
It’s another win for the public sector. And the lawyers.
Looks like the US has 2 big stories – the acquittal of a white man who killed a thing on the underground – and now the arrest of the ‘ceo hitman ‘… but I prefer ‘Greg ‘…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
First lol
Well done wwfc.
Isn’t it surprising that the 24 hour posters on here rarely get the top spot ? Perhaps they’re napping or grabbing a pizza !
Well, I have been part cooking the parsnips for the big lunch (Delia’s recipe from when the BBC could do proper cookery programmes and not restaurant cooking competitions where the winners have to be female/gay/more tattooed than is good for one – has there been a trans chef on Masterchef?).
Luckily, there are lots of Delia’s programmes on YouTube, and there’s no need to watch the flashy, multi-culti stuff the cubiclists churn out these days!
Parsnips are a veg grown in heaven, and I know I shouldn’t really crash Fed’s Start the Week, but here’s a pic of a particularly disastrous failure…
As for other Christmas veg, I’ve started boiling the brussels sprouts for the big day, and am wondering if I may have started them a bit too late…
My mother-in-law recommended October start for the sprouts.
Ha ! Ha! John Hurt indeed – my thoughts entirely !
@Deborah 10.37 pm There was one transgender chef on the celebrity version last year I think .
They have different competitions:
First to post, 50, 100, or even 500 times on each new thread.
Most uninterrupted posts in a row.
Biggest image.
Oldest story.
Most repeated meme.
Fastest to empty their Twitter X Inbox into the thread wholesale.
bitterest post ?
Think you’ve hit a nerve there, Eddy.
. 😩
Love Thy Neighbour.
Good post Eddy. I only dip in spasmodically now (after years of being a regular), and honestly can’t be ar..ed to read the lengthy diatribes which I scroll past. Perhaps it’s the miserable times we’re living in but it’s all become terribly serious with little humour anymore.
Nevertheless Fed is a sweetheart to keep this going despite his busy life travelling the world as an … airline pilot ? Travel rep ? Auditor? Oil rig worker? International diplomat? Film location crew? Travel writer? International sales? Or a multimillionaire who can afford endless holidays? (In which case, are you available ?) 😀
I tend to pop past non BBC relevant chit chat posts.
Sometimes this feels like a long slog – but never hopeless – it’s tricky for those who have been reducing their consumption of BBC products across the years .
I like to read the views of others here – particularly those with whom I disagree . I also have to limit my views are they are increasingly Right .. and goes well against the grain of ‘modern views’ ..
Im guessing guest who won’t have read this comment but im not the sort who cares about that or the ‘uptick ‘ number …
Guess again. I tend to read things that tend to mention me 🙂
Going to dine out ‘modern views’, which I guess means staying abreast of what is going on via one of the few truly independent resources.
If it helps this does not include Mastadon, Blue Sky etc, so what the heck Sopes, VD, Mad Al, etc are exchanging there Lord knows.
BBC keeping up the rhetoric about climate catastrophe….
‘UK ‘not ready’ for extreme weather like Storm Darragh’
‘The government is “not ready” for the sort of extreme weather brought by Storm Darragh, the new head of the Climate Change Committee has warned.
Emma Pinchbeck, who heads the government’s independent climate advisory body, told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg that the UK is “off track” and must do more to prepare for scenarios like flooding and intense heat.’
Love how they call it an ‘independent’ climate advisory body….independent of what? Certainly not the pro-climate change lobby….its people are all zealously onboard…Lord Deben was a fanatic…and Emma Pinchbeck?
‘Emma has also been a powerful advocate for the economic as well as environmental benefits of the transition to clean energy, through the investment, growth and employment that the industry can bring to all parts of the country. ‘
Just how critical will she be of the narrative?…not at all it would seem…as shown by her latest comments lapped up by the BBC. Ed Miliband in a dress.
pug, it will be interesting to see if Emma Pinchbeck puts pressure on the Environment Agency to dredge our UK rivers and remove the waste (shopping trolleys, plastic bags and other detritus) to bring an end to flooding after the excessive rainfall that Emma predicts. She also predicts heatwaves in summer. Oh! How I wish …..
Taliban parade abandoned equipment 3 years after US withdrawal
DOD: Around $7B in US military equipment was left in Afghanistan
Equipment was demilitarized; much remains operational but condition unclear
Taliban now use and display repaired equipment; origin of repairs unclear
Saw Starmer on GBNews commenting on the fall of Assad. I am sure for many in Syria it is a good thing, but also for many in Syria, it won’t be good news. But for our Prime Minister (who let another man pay for his spectacles) not appear to consider what the fall of Assad has on the region or world politics is scary. We can hardly hope that the Foreign Secretary will have a more considered view. And what did Lammy study at Harvard. I have searched and failed to find out if it was anymore than an afternoon seminar.
I saw this online, I have not received a response so not sure on the veracity, nevertheless the arrogance of Starmer seems to shine through:
Government response to petition
As you know, there was a petition to hold a general election. I don’t want an election, I don’t think there should be one. Nevertheless I signed it on the grounds that the public needs to keep the pressure up on this wretched government. I wanted to be part of that.
Anyway, here is its response, which I just received on email.
Dear XXXX,
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Call a General Election”.
Government responded:
This Government was elected on a mandate of change at the July 2024 general election. Our full focus is on fixing the foundations, rebuilding Britain, and restoring public confidence in government.
The Prime Minister can call a general election at a time of their choosing by requesting a dissolution of Parliament from the Sovereign within the five-year life of a Parliament. The Government was elected by the British people on a mandate of change at the July 2024 general election.
This Government is fixing the foundations and delivering change with investment and reform to deliver growth, with more jobs, more money in people’s pockets, to rebuild Britain and get the NHS back on its feet. This will be built on the strong foundations of a stable economy, national security and secure borders as we put politics back in the service of working people.
On entering office, a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances. We inherited unprecedented challenges, with crumbling public services and crippled public finances, but will deliver a decade of national renewal through our five missions: economic growth, fixing the NHS, safer streets, making Britain a clean energy super-power and opportunity for all. This is what was promised and is what we are delivering.
The Government’s first Budget freed up tens of billions of pounds to invest in Britain’s future while locking in stability, preventing devastating austerity in our public services and protecting working people’s payslips.
Mission-led government rejects the sticking-plaster solutions of the past and unites public and private sectors, national, devolved and local government, business and unions, and the whole of civil society in a shared purpose. The Government will continue to deliver the manifesto of change that it was elected on.
Cabinet Office
A few observations:
“Deliver growth”. All economic analysis so far has suggested that the government’s policies, particularly the budget, will reduce growth.
“More jobs”. How exactly is this government going to deliver more jobs? It’s just announced an enormous jobs tax. Tax tobacco, you get less smoking; tax alcohol, you get less drinking; tax employment and… [fill in the answer here please]
“strong foundations of a stable economy”. Yeah, and the recent budget delivered an even worse market reaction than the Liz Truss budget of 2022. Higher borrowing costs destabilise governments (as France is now demonstrating). Stable government my arse
“more money in people’s pockets”. Right. And what’s Labour’s £40bn tax increase going to do (particularly the jobs tax)? Take money out of people’s pockets
“a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances”. No it wasn’t. You know that. The OBR refused to endorse the government’s statement. Even if it were true, the solution to a £22bn black hole is to reduce spending and borrowing by £22bn. Instead, they increased borrowing by £36bn, increased spending by £76bn. The government has negated its “black hole” narrative by its own actions.
Overall summary: the government is gaslighting you again.”
Deliver growth? The only growth that the government can deliver is the growth in the population, of which all governments of the past 30 years have demonstrated adeptness.
Zephir, ah yes but no but does not Parliament have to debate the petition because it attracted more than 10,000 signatures? There is a list of petitions awaiting debate in Parliament on the Gov.UK w/s: it makes interesting reading. The pressure is on! TTK to respond?
As follows, from the government website:
“How petitions work
You create a petition here on the UK Government and Parliament site. Only British citizens and UK residents can create a petition.
You get 5 people to support your petition. We’ll tell you how to do this when you’ve created your petition.
We check your petition, then publish it. We only reject petitions that don’t meet the standards for petitions.
British citizens and UK residents can then sign your petition — and can only sign a petition once.
The Petitions Committee reviews all petitions we publish. They select petitions of interest to find out more about the issues raised. They have the power to press for action from government or Parliament.
At 10,000 signatures your petition on the UK Government and Parliament site gets a response from the government.
At 100,000 signatures your petition on the UK Government and Parliament site will be considered for a debate in Parliament.
Petitions which reach 100,000 signatures are almost always debated. But we may decide not to put a petition forward for debate if the issue has already been debated recently or there’s a debate scheduled for the near future. If that’s the case, we’ll tell you how you can find out more about parliamentary debates on the issue raised by your petition.
MPs might consider your petition for a debate before it reaches 100,000 signatures.
We may contact you about the issue covered by your petition. For example, we sometimes invite people who create petitions to take part in a discussion with MPs or government ministers, or to give evidence to a select committee. We may also write to other people or organisations to ask them about the issue raised by your petition.”
At 3,000,000 the PM tells you all to piss off or you’ll be arrested.
‘A larger than life character ‘…
That’s one way of putting it….
Since she thinks wearing a bikers jacket as an MP in Parliament is appropriate, perhaps she could do us all a favour and keep the full face helmet on next time.
As in many walks of life, equality seems not to apply to dress codes.
I heard a couple of new MPs talking about their parliament and – of course – wanting an easier life . I’ve said here many times there is never a politician shortage – and in real life a true rare constituency MP might have to sacrifice part of their lives to serve the voters … but some seem to want it all ….
I think it’s one thing I share with the great leader – the commons is a waste of time – tied down by ‘tradition’ and party thuggery ….. it should be cut down in size and cost and moved to somewhere like Birmingham or hull where it can do less harm ….
I saw some pictures of Farage in his constituency doing a walk about and recalled the slagging he gets for not being a good constituency mp . Then I wondered if anyone monitors exactly how much time every MP spends in their constituency and doing constituency stuff .. i d love to see the findings . … they should be required to spend at least 50% of their time living in their constituency ….. but I dream …
This is where we are at. @Zephir’s post that gets 32 Likes is essentially FakeNews
cos it deliberately omits info to mislead you
When I came across the image of the purple haired MP some days ago
I actually read the Community Note that explained the photo does not show the MP sleeping but rather she is reading something on her phone which is on the seat top.
The second photo might be more legitimate if it is intended to illustrate that the MP does not dress professionally
an therefore probably has the same poor attitude to work
Fake News my arse SG, a lot of cheap sniping going on today from first thing.
Did I say she was sleeping ? the answer to that is NO
And BTW Mr bloody self appointed expert on everyone else’s posts:
Who “community noted” it ?
Do you trust them ?
how did they know more than anyone else ?
Can’t see a phone on the seat why not pick it up and look at it ?
Don’t even bother answering just ask yourself
@Zephir you ask questions , then end by saying I am not allowed to answer
The post omits big information. We often talk here about the BBC of “lying by omission”
The caption says “**now** looking like this”
Yet the first photo is at least as old as August 2022
” Carolyn Harris, MP for Swansea East. She’s Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour”
And you use whichever activist and their agenda who community noted it as gospel truth
It doesn’t matter the source of the Community note
It merely draws your attention to the fact that her phone is on the bench and that she does appear to be reading it .
All info does NOT depend on its messenger for its value,
rather it stands on the weight of evidence it presents
That’s why “Trusted sources” is a fallacy
The first photo is so old that it is addressed in this BBC March 2021 story
Stew I think that is more of your second point. I just see a slob. I am sounding a bit like London youf when I say that they need to show a bit more respect.
Exactly NLP even the picture text below does not make any mention of sleeping but mentions appearance.
It mentions “now” yet the first photo is 3 years old
The post does not mention that so it is deceptive
What they don’t want you to know:
“How are the first Tesla car batteries functioning now that it has been 7-10 years since the first release? Do they need to be fixed/replaced and how much has the costs been to maintain a Tesla for this duration?
We have a 2015 S85. Just recently the battery died. After 9.5 years the battery supercharging has become long. Too long for longer trips. So we asked Tesla to replace the battery with a new one. 85kW battery was not made anymore. Only a refurbished was possible. At 17000EUR. Then we asked for a 90kW battery. First an offer at +-23000EUR. Within a day that offer was retracted. Because too long delivery time/ not available.
We bought this car when it was 3,5 years old. Now it is almost 10 years. This car is not cheap to drive/own; it has cost us about 1100 EUR per month. Just owning it and replacing parts. Resale value is really bad. After sales in Belgium is really bad. If you want to talk to someone be prepared to wait 20–30 minutes. For me no more Tesla. Because of the way you are treated. Because of the cost. Because of the build quality. I would advise never to buy a Tesla, but rather lease it from new and get rid of it after max 3 years. Way cheaper. Let the leasing companies worry about it later.
Too bad actually because I like the car. But the after sales and maintenance cost ruin the total experience.”
I thought I’d monitor how delighted they are that Muslim fanatics now have control of chemical weapons and the rest in Syria … but not much at all
But on the upside it seems plod is running out of money – Essex might have to cut 200 plods . It’s clear that they can do this because they did the Alison Pearson twitter visit ….
Plod lost its ‘ way long ago – so cuts won’t affect the average tax payer because plod only has an interest in ‘getting ‘ them ….maybe cut the pay of their senior ranks as a start …
This celebration by the BBC because a known Muslim terrorist is now in control of Syria is just bizarre. It’s the worst thing which could have happened.
Yet everyone is supporting it – which confirms to me that everyone knows it is part of the bigger anti-Russia agenda.
Meanwhile a LOT of people are going to be tortured and murdered. And no doubt we will lose a few people here once they get started properly. And once again the BBC will use their lie techniques to hide it from us.
They kept quiet about Afghanistan to protect Joe Biden from the fallout of the bloodbath he created and now they will keep quiet because we have created this one ourselves. I wonder if these terrorist were even supposed to win as opposed to get slaughtered as part of a protracted and bloody war with Russia to help Ukraine.
Didn’t BLM want to defund the police? Now it’s a reality we can all kneel!
Are Essex plod still mis-fuelling dozens of cars + vans a year?
Marky – it depends if you think plod is still on the side of the white British . I don’t . I think the TTK is really and the far left is deeply embedded in it and the legal system ….
They’ve already proved their job is now to enforce a specific political agenda, not the law. We saw it first at the BLM protests and it’s been getting worse ever since. The recent crackdown on the Right and the ensuing political persecution under the direction of Starmer is a very sinister sign of where we are now.
The most chilling part is how clearly the MSM is now infested by these people. Particularly at the BBC. They are allowed to regulate themselves as part of the vital check-and-balance they are supposed to perform against politicians. GB-News is one of they very few doing any of that now and look how hard they are working to shut them down.
I’ve said it many times : the Nazis are back.
Nazis but with purple air – stylist nazis!
News drowned out by celebratory gunfire edition
Our BBC’s obsession with ‘foreign bang-bang’ (TM Kelvin MacKenzie)(patent opposition launched by Alex Crawford Sky News, Lyse Doucet BBC, Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4, et al, etc) and that big girls hocky club – that is modren liberal jounalism’s – resolute insistance that we the audience take notice, is epitomised this morning by the self-reverential report: Deafening gunfire drowns out BBC reporter…The BBC’s Lina Sinjab was drowned out by the sounds of celebratory gunfire as she reported from the scene (BBC) – together with the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff choosing to abandon their habitual double whammy title headline to their print headlines line-up for a single shot: Fall of Assad and the future of Syria dominate the papers (BBC)
Oddly enough, that’s not all that’s in the papers…
Well, not if you look a little beyond the frontpages of the couple of titles which the BBC prioritises this morning…
Starmer ‘ghosted’ pensioners over winter payments (the Daily Express there somewhat inappropriately deploying Gen Z slang to voice the opinion of OAPs)
Tax raid leads to sharp slump in hiring… businesses bace for blow from Rachel Reeves’s National Insurance tax raid… Demand for staff last month fell at its sharpest rate since August 2020 when the UK was in the throes of the pandemic – Come, come, the Telegraph, you should know better.
Let me edit that one for you: …fell at its sharpest rate since August 2020 when the UK was in the throes of the
pandemicLOCKDOWN (WHICH WAS A GOVERNMENT POLICY DECISION, JUST LIKE THE CURRENT NATIONAL INSURANCE TAX HIKE) – sorry about the shouty caps so early on a Monday morning but I had hoped they’d got that clear by now – over at the mildly conservative Telegraph at least.That employment report (looming unemployment report?) is reiterated over at the Times: Confidence ebbs – you may ask what confidence was that exactly? Well that’ll be the liberal flirting with Labour, Keir Starmer bromancing Times – speaking for itself just a little too transparently, perhaps?
So, returning to Syria, what do we reckon… do we think any of those previous Syrian refugees will be returning home any time soon? Or do we think we’re about to welcome a new influx escaping the latest islamist-flavoured chaos the US State Department has just unleashed… like they did in Iraq and Libya when they overthrew Sadbam and then not learning from that mistake overthrew Gaddafi?
I don’t know about this Syria thing but I still want to know about ‘Greg ‘ what’s happening ? Has he fondled anyone else ? Got some other mental condition ? And what about the jungle thing ? And diddy Pee sexing a 13year old groupee – BBC got the hots for that story ….
Syria to lower marriage age to 9 like in Iraq (which Tony Blair won) so that P Diddy will be let off if he says he is from Islam and Greg to wear a Hijab to get the heat off him.
Within the United States, each state, territory and federal district sets the marriage age in its jurisdiction. As of June 2023, every state permits marriage at age 18 except Nebraska where the age is 19. Most states have a minimum marriage age (ranging from 12–17 years old) for minors with parental consent or court approval. Six states (California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oaklahoma and Washington) have no statutory minimum age but permit marriage of a minor with one parent’s consent and court approval. Common circumstances considered by the court are pregnancy, the birth of a child, or eligibility for emancipation.
cross a state border and the Federal rules apply
That insurance assasination in NY. Apparently… the victim was under multiple criminal investigations for stock frauds and might’ve been given a deal to testify…
reminds me of Jerry Lee Lewis and his 14 year old second cousin wife and Chuck Berry crossing a state border with a 14 year old for “immoral purposes” leading to a two year jail sentence.
Fed – A Place in the Sun female presenter has popped up to say she complained to the Beeb and production company about Wallace around 2018 (?) And nothing was done.
Must keep that story running until Christmas – ‘Greg leave UK for winter sunshine ‘ – journos in pursuit ….
..now back to the war (s) ….
Greg Wallace to be deployed to Russia to end the war news over there!
[Irony on] Keir Smarmer welcomes the end of Dictator Bashar al-Assad’s rule. The Syrian people have suffered under Assad’s barbaric regime for too long and we welcome his departure.[/Irony off]
Sir Keir Starmer promised to “tread more lightly” on the lives of voters during his first address to the nation as Prime Minister. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street following his landslide victory, he pledged that his Labour Government would be one of “service” and said he would “unite our country”.
“tread more lightly” WEARING A HEAVIER BOOT! HA AHA HA!
“tread more lightly” WEARING A HEAVIER BOOT! HA AHA HA!
‘You can breathe’: On the streets of Damascus after Assad
Lots of Muslims being interviewed by the Pro-Muslim, anti-Semitic BBC reporter ‘Barbara Plett Usher’ in Damascus.
I notice she didn’t ask any Christians how they felt about the country now being in the hands of Muslim extremists.
Maybe none of those dared to stop as they fled.
Here she is getting panned for her pro-Muslim reporting for the BBC:
‘That’s the one where she said, “Yet when the helicopter carrying the frail old man [Yasser Arafat] rose above his ruined compound, I started to cry… without warning”, and which – after a struggle – even the BBC governors had to admit went too far and breached the BBC’s impartiality guidelines.’
Here she is:

Found the right employer.
From Syrian jihadist leader to rebel statesman: How Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani reinvented himself
Mostly not a terrorist?
Took off his Turban and is now a moderate! HA HA HAH AHAHA H!
I cannot believe that the BBC is almost treating the Jihadist takeover in Syria as a victory for freedom and a force for good.
What a short memory they have considering the mayhem and death this organisation has wreaked in the Middle East and will probably spread into Europe in due course.
Assad was certainly no angel but I cannot see any way the newcomers will be in any way preferable over time.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire comes to mind!
Iraq/Libya the re-run.
Take out the Islamic barbarian keeping all the other barbarians in check and all of a sudden you have 100 violent extremists trying to carve out their own little caliphate.
While they are slaughtering each other, I’m sure they will find time to go after the infidels as well. And the BBC will not report it until it’s on our own doorstep.
Then the BBC will switch their tone without a hint of remorse or shame for the outrageous way they are celebrating this and thus glorifying Muslim terrorists yet again.
It’s all about Marketing!
that bbc.com page redirects to bbc.co.uk
I wonder if there’s any difference in content?
Rolex adverts etcetera?
Tomo.. . . I am in Portugal.
bbb.co.uk page redirects to bbc.com
aye – as I said last week the BBC play games with targeted content – they know about and use known VPN endpoints, archive.org IP addresses yada, yada….
– it’s a lot more than just domestic vs. furrin.
Information mushroom farming
Que ?
Labour say thanks to Assad they are not in the news.
Here we go….
Reeves first step in sliding the UK quietly back into the EU even though the EU is pretty much a basket case now!
“While Labour has ruled out re-joining the trade bloc, it has repeatedly said it wants the UK to “deepen ties” with the EU.”
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
“deepen ties” = MORE MIGRANTS?
World Leading FREE Service …
“Gynaecology patients going private to avoid NHS waiting lists”
When the BBC reported that waiting lists for gynaecology appointments across the UK had more than doubled since February 2020, many women shared their experiences of how they feel forced to turn to private care.
Starmer welcomes the end of Assad, where people got jailed for dissent, and people died in jail.
HA HA HA HA HA! Release the prisoners – say an interview with one on France TV – “We asked him if he was criminal, he said no so we released him.”
” Jihadi terrorists now rule Syria.
Assad’s overthrow is welcome news. But our enemy’s enemy is not our friend.”
Bbc (muslim) newsroom :
Jaysh al Khalifatu Islamiya (JKI) which translates as the Army of the Islamic Caliphate –proscribed November 2014
JKI is an Islamist jihadist group, consisting predominately of Chechen fighters. JKI is an opposition group active in Syria.
JKI splintered from Jaysh al-Muhajireen Wal Ansar (JAMWA) in 2013. At that point a number of members went with Umar Shishani (aka Umar the Chechen) to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and, the rest of the group stayed distinct and renamed itself Majahideen of the Caucasus and the Levant (MCL) and more recently renamed itself JKI.
Before his death in 2014, JKI was led by Seyfullah Shishani, who had pledged allegiance to the leader of the Al Nusrah Front, Mohammed Al-Jawlani. JKI has assisted ANF and ISIL in conducting attacks.
In February 2014, a British individual linked to the group, carried out a suicide attack on a prison in Aleppo, resulting in prisoner escapes.
“He goes on to ask “innovators” with tech expertise, or “weirdos or misfits”, (echoing Cummings again), to join the No. 10 Innovation Fellowship Program, saying “this is your time to serve your country.” Calling on them to channel their inner patriots…”

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham / Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham “… has claimed responsibility for nearly 600 attacks – such as ambushes, kidnappings, assassinations, Improvised Explosive Device attacks and suicide bombings – in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. In March 2017, 2 HTS suicide bombers attacked Damascus, killing at least 74 people, including 8 children. More recently, on December 21, 2019, HTS claimed killing 30 Syrian regime troops in a suicide bombing in Raffa, a town in the southeast of Idlib governorate.”
Jabhat al-Nusra (JN), Jabhet al-Nusra, The Victory Front, Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, Jabhat Al-Nusra li-Ahl al-Sham min Mujahedi al-Sham fi Sahat al-Jihad (The Support Front for the People of the Levant by the Levantine Mujahedin on the Battlefields of Jihad), the Front for the Defense of the Syrian People and the Front for the Support of the Syrian People, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Fath al-Sham Front, al-Jabha, Fath al-Sham, Tanzim al-Qaeda fi Bilad al-Sham, Al-Qaeda in the Levant, Conquest for al-Sham Front, Conquest of the Levant Front, Fatah al-Sham Front, Fateh al-Sham Front, Front for the Conquest of Syria, Front for the Conquest of Syria/The Levant, Jabhat Fath al-Sham, Jabhat Fath al Sham, Jabhat Fathah al-Sham, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Tahrir al-Sham Assembly, Liberation of Syria Assembly, Liberation of the Levant Organisation, Liberation of the Levant Committee, Liberation of al-Sham Commission, Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant, Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham, Tahrir al-Sham, Liwa al-Haqq, the Al-Haqq Brigade, Liwa al-Haq, the Brigade of the Right, the Truth Brigade, Lewa’ al-Haq, the al-Haq Battalion, Jabhat Ansar al-Din, Ansar al-Din Front, Supporters/Partisans of the Religion Front, Jaish al-Sunnah, Jaysh al-Sunnah, Jaish al-Sunna, Jaysh al-Sunna.
5 minutes ago, the great and the good were telling us that Trump was literally Hitler. Now they’re lining up to shake his hand and have cosy chats with him in Notre Dame – including Jill and Ashley Biden.
So either they were lying then, or they’re being extremely hypocritical now in cosying up to such a monster.
Hitler was a Vegan – so all is good.
“Cynical Overtakes Sacred, as the West Bares its True Face”
Hard to keep up, with the globalists widespread election tactics, but dude here gives it a go.
Dec 08, 2024
One can hardly believe it anymore. The West has dropped all pretense of their sacred cow of ‘democracy’, used for generations as an instrument of moral superiority with which to browbeat the rest of the world.
Romanian candidate Calin Georgescu larruped his opponent in the first round of presidential elections, only for the entire result to be ‘nullified’ by a Romanian court, absurdly citing “Russian interference on TikTok”—with no real evidence.*
Davos or Westminster? Starmer: “Davos”
The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008. Our purpose is to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions targets and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
Climate Change Committee members
Professor Piers Forster
Interim Chair
Professor Keith Bell
Dr Steven Fries
Professor Corinne Le Quéré FRS
Nigel Topping CMG
Professor Swenja Surminski
Baroness Brown DBE FREng FRS
Dr Ben Caldecott
Professor Richard Dawson FREng
Professor Chris Evans
Dr Marina Romanello
Professor Nathalie Seddon
Professor Swenja Surminski
Professor Richard Betts MBE
Adaptation Committee adviser
Professor Michael Davies
Adaptation Committee adviser
Professor Rebecca Willis
Mitigation Committee adviser
Climate Change Committee members
BBC have an article up about that ‘rebel’ group in Syria potentially being taken off the banned terror list.
It seems if you get rid of someone bad (Assad), then you’re now good, no matter what your past (or present, of course!).
I mean, when all’s said and done, what are a few decapitations between friends, eh?
If Lee Rigby’s killers behead a murderer in prison, shouldn’t they be released and bought a nice big house with a few million in cash chucked in? Seems to be the case, if we’re to follow our leaders’ example.
Enemy’s enemy is friend – or something….
Cubicle goons having feverish meetings to adjust …..
Maybe just ignore them and build a better border?
Hong Kong spy suspect death not suspicious – police
I saw part of an interview presidenr trump did where he suggested that unless European free loaders pay their way in defence – he’d think about pulling the US out of NATO .
Before the election the usual suspects would be lining up to accuse him of being a Putin puppet again … but not so much noise …. Im sure most of Europe is just a liability for the US – useful for airstrips and buffer zones but maybe more trouble than they are financially worth . The UK must be pretty cheap for the nuclear bases and refuelling facilities…
Not BBC but made the mistake of listening to LBC just now —
Shelagh Fogarty chats to a young 2nd gen Syrian immigrant. We hear the Syrians are a gentle and good people, and that he has every hope that Syria will become a secular democracy.
Shelagh’s reassured. She’s been to Syria, in fact she tells us the best coffee she ever had was in a Syrian refugee camp. Beautiful. Coffee and nice people are surely foundational items for state building and we can forget all that ethno-religious destruction.
Our media is populated by airheads in love with empty phrases about ‘change’ and ‘hope’ while the world carries on doing what it’s been doing for millennia.
“Shelagh Fogerty”
‘Shoot them’: LBC presenter Shelagh Fogarty deletes tweet that called for DC police to open fire on Trump supporters an hour before Air Force vet was killed
LBC presenter Shelagh Fogarty tweeted that DC police should shoot rioters
She added ‘You would if they were black’ before Air Force veteran was killed
Ms Fogarty tried to defend her tweet before deleting it amid a Twitterstorm
Yes an old post but a good point that lib gang person Shelagh Fogarty did an incitement to violence tweet
and nothing happened , even though it had many views
Yet people are now in jail for years for spur of the moment posts that few people saw at the time/
BBC Business page — “‘It’s an old person’s drink.’ Is Britain’s love for tea cooling off?”
Old dreary Brits stuck in their tired ways again. Syrian refugee coffee all round then… it’s the spirit of hope in a plastic cup.
“You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
Well I suppose there’s always the Moroccan (Islamic) mint tea – no one dare blaspheme against that !
They’re discussing Gregg Wallace’s tackle
Maybe he made them drinks, and it tastes..funny
And it took three droids to write this tosh. I can just imagine the News Editor shouting down the office: “Oi, you three, stop sexually abusing each other for a moment and write some crap for the web site”. Well, they did one of those things, at least.
I doubt the younger generation have the patience to let tea ‘brew’ for about 4 minutes. I bet loads have tried it by leaving a tea bag in boiling water for about 3 seconds and then wonder why it tastes rubbish.
Obviously I have nothing whatsoever to back up this claim, apart from seeing people becoming more impatient with every passing year. Everything needs to be ready now. Right now.
Coffee is the trendy thing. I once had a meeting in a Starbucks. I’d never go there myself. Not my thing. I got a coffee recommended to me by the barista, as I had no clue as a life long tea drinker what would be good.
Cost a fortune and I haven’t been so underwhelmed since I once tried watching women’s ‘football’.
Starbucks and “what would be good,” pointless quest there, and takes as long to get served as a wimmin’s football argument about what’s offside.
Cafe Nero is not too bad or any Italian place.
If you like it strong try a Turkish place, but only if you don’t mind being awake for 36 hours afterwards and getting three speeding tickets on the way home.
Forgot? “Do as I say, , not what I do”:
Political prisoners kept underground in an establishment where they are abused and some die. They are randomly rounded-up, tried and incarcerated for very little reason.
Jails cleared of serious criminals so as to be able to lock up relatively minor offenders sentenced and jailed by kangaroo courts. Some are abused in prison and some die in prison.
The former in Syria, the latter in the self-styled leading “Democratic” country, the UK
When lawyers rule the land!
“Someone has anxiety caused by your post (a repost of someone elses post).”
Nasen Saadi killed Amie Gray, 34, and seriously injured 38-year-old Leanne Miles on Durley Chine Beach in Bournemouth on 24 May, Winchester Crown Court was told.
“He left them on the sand to bleed to death whilst he moved away and tried to disappear back into the shadows, away from the glare of the streetlights or the moonlight and back into anonymity.
No picture on this one probably as well
“Schoolgirl, 15, was stabbed to death during fit of ‘white-hot anger’ by ‘friend’s ex-boyfriend in row over teddy bear’, court hears”
Despite decades of anti-Thatcher propaganda from the BBC she’s still top dog….
I’m betting Winston Churchill is still up there too.
Ask the Chinese, the answer : Churchill and Thatcher, every time.
Why on social media like here , do people take the premise as TRUE ?
“More in Common say XYZ”
FFS who are More in Common ?
They are Labour front group
So the BBCnews story is #PRasNews for Labour
.. so it’s junk
All shall have prizes.
👏 @RoryStewartUK and @campbellclaret have been nominated for Presenter of the Year at the Political Podcast Awards 2025
Based on airmiles?
From fantastic scoops and interviews to innovative formats, rising stars and outstanding production teams, the awards will celebrate a banner year for the UK’s political podcasts and podcasters.
Please join us to recognise world-class, cutting-edge journalism and podcast production.
Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart – The Rest is Politics (Goalhanger)
Beth Rigby, Ruth Davidson, Harriet Harman, and Jess Phillips – Electoral Dysfunction (Sky)
Chris Mason, Laura Kuenssberg, Adam Fleming, and Paddy O’Connell – Newscast (BBC)
Hannah Barnes – The New Statesman
Jack Blanchard and Sam Coates – Politics at Jack and Sam’s (Sky News and Politico)
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bash
“Sorry that it’s boring Alistair. I’m sure the million dead in Iraq would love to be sitting here listening to this journalist bore them with questions that you find uncomfortable.”
Alastair Campbell defends ‘every word’ of Iraq dossier
A high-placed civil servant, recalling the dossier about Iraq’s supposed weapons of mass destruction, describes it as “an unutterable pile of dribble”.
If Rory really wants to know more about what London is like he could sleep in a shop doorway like loads of other Londoners and really find out.
Rory can keep the old people warm this Xmas by snuggling up to them all!
Campbell: Brexit, brexit, brexit for years now.
Lying over Iraq war ?
Stop going on about that please.
(10 seats)
PRICE – £8,200 +VAT
Company logo branded VIP E-ticket
15 minutes early access to drinks reception
Branded meeting point with two bottles of champagne (per table of 10)
Guaranteed premium position with unrestricted view
Branded logo on your dinner table
Magnum of champagne on your table
Seven bottles of house wine
Three course dinner
Cheeseboard for the table
Chocolate gift for your guests
Professional group photo of your table
Awards ceremony
Post awards entertainment
Em this year how was Rory Stewart as a presenter ?
He repeatedly made statements that Trump was going to lose, and by a mile.
So will they make him Presenter of the Year at the Political Podcast Awards 2025 ?
A bunch of terrorists stage a coup to remove a dictator so they can impose their rule on the country and the UK Government ponder whether they are still to be regarded as a terrorist organisation.
This is utter madness and smacks of Starmer going for brownie points. He’s already thrown Assad into the crap even though he can have no real idea in such a short timespan what has actually happened.
He’s a knee-jerk jerk trying to get a global persona on the cheap in my opinion.
I am led to beleive the Kurds are now in the firing line…again.
Maybe we can free our own UK prisoners and take in some Syrian prisoners to help the islamists?
Our POS, sorry, ‘Prime Minister’ is like the BBC to me, whatever position he takes, the opposite is where I am.
It’s freezing out. And I’ve just cut up a dozen boxes so
they would fit into the right dustbin which will be
collected tomorrow. Anyway I am feeling a bit facetious.
Honestly, Honestly Myself and my wife have been involved
in charitable work for the 56 years of our marriage up
to now. So of course all the folk we see on TV involved
in finding novel ways of raising money , for sure, we
wish them well. BUT
To be honest , and here is where the sarcasm comes in.
I am getting a little bored of seeing on breakfast BBC TV every
day., latter day FOREST GUMPS running 365 marathons over the year. And we see where they have got
to every morning.
The BBC must be in a quandary over the Syria take over.
I saw an interview on I24 . The Israeli internet news channel.
Where one of the chief opposition commanders thanked
Israel for helping to prepare the way for their success.
To be honest this could be the same approach as the
anarchist Marxist BBC’S news editors doctrine on why they
despise Israel so much. You see Israel is a democracy . And
this an anathema to the BBC editors. So ” The enemy of my
enemy is my friend . Being why they support Hamas and Hezbollah.
For the Syrian commander it could well be the same reason.
We have seen in Libya and Iraq what happens when a tyrant is
overthrown. Lets just hope the same does nor befall Syria.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
“Hamas are our Friends” (c) Corbyn – BBC Verified.
@ Foscari
Lucky you RE dustbins, We have just been informed they will no longer be collected every two weeks but now every three or four weeks. It saves them money, and as long as cost cutting doesn’t affect their jobs or pensions, like it may well do in the private sector, alls OK with the council…
Health implications of rotting rubbish sitting there for weeks in a hot summer ? not an issue AT ALL apparently, although the council stasi stopping carnivals and street fairs due to endless health and safety demands..no problem there and creaming themselves with painting the pavements, closing public toilets and the rest, marching around with clipboards during covid of course..
and boasting and laughing in a meeting how they made Robbie William’s teams lives’ a misery at the Knebworth concert with their endless health and safety interfering.
But rotting rubbish with flies, maggots and bacteria rife, on every street for weeks on end…nope, NO problem.
2019 … Rats roam as hundreds of Birmingham bins go uncollected
A resident has filmed rats on a residential road, blaming uncollected rubbish for the infestation.
Zaheer Akbar said missed collections in Alum Rock, Birmingham, had resulted in some fly-tipping.
Birmingham City Council has admitted up to 900 bin collections are being missed every day.
It said it was partly down to a change in workers’ shift patterns and said it needed to do better.
Birmingham & Black Country
6 June 2019
Birmingham bins chaos salmonella health warning as rats invade the city
Size of cats they are.
Stop paying the CT rates.
If you want to be a 3rd world country you need to look the part.
Was once told you can tell a banana republic by the potholes……
Tent city in London just underlines it.
There was footage on X yesterday of a ‘dub’ lady on O’Connell bridge tearing down a Palestinian flag and throwing it in a bin saying ‘this is Ireland ‘…
..I wonder if the Garda is going after her ? Be sure if it was here – Westminster bridge – they’d have her banged up by a TTK by now ….
I hope TTK goes to Damascus …
@Fed, I apologise for knowing the story you relayed about the flag on the Dublin bridge actually happened in February 2024
That’ll soon change when people start selectively fly tipping 4 week old bins in the gardens of councilors and officials?
Great minds think alike.
I am suddenly developing a preference for fish and seafood in general.
And disposing of some old bottles of red fox urine hunting lure that may break upon disposal.
Two hard ons from one picture for most middle aged male islamists I suppose…
10 October 2015 “Virtually everyone in the US, including Obama, wanted to support the opposition in Syria. …. Ford told administration officials years ago they should arm the rebels. If the US doesn’t help, he said at the time, extremists will give them money and lure them into their organisations.””
I had cause to ring 111 earlier today
5 layers of menus interspersed with monkey pox warnings and assorted randomness from “Control of Communicable Diseases Manual”.
Complete waste of time, they are so “risk averse” if there is the slightest chance you need help it’s dial 999 otherwise it’s see your GP.
I could get a team of parrots from a pet shop to do that.
Just some seed and a mirror to headbut. Change the sandpaper once a week , millions saved.
Check google instead. (and you could get a trained monkey to do that, just don’t give it your credit card number)
“The UK has announced an additional £3 million to bolster aid to Syria. The most vulnerable civilians fleeing the Lebanon conflict into Syria will be provided with life-saving emergency assistance and healthcare, as the UK boosts its humanitarian support with a £3 million package.23 Oct 2024”
Syrians? Wherever they arrive it is without any documents & speaking Arabic like most others they arrive with. How will the Government decide who not to process…………..
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
The BBC seem to be bigging up Syrians living in the UK who ‘would love to go back’.
Mmmm. I wonder what percentage actually will?
How is free education, healthcare, housing, and social security over there, not to mention job availability?
Cynical? Moi?
Or is it just the BBC downplaying mass immigration again?
Just like last week’s ‘balanced’ Question Time audience.
Goodluck with that … “….other African Americans supported the concept, but few actually left the United States.”
“Biden spent millions on ‘misinformation’ research. The details are even more disturbing than you think.
‘Misinformation’ efforts by Biden-Harris White House included the creation of ‘counter-messages’
What we found is clear evidence that the Biden-Harris White House used funds to support or develop Orwellian surveillance and propaganda strategies, create methods and tools to restrict speech online, and even to finance highly politicized reports critical of Trump.
A new report by Open the Books, a nonpartisan government watchdog, has revealed that since 2021, the Biden administration has spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on research related to “misinformation,” a significant rise compared to the first Trump administration.
The increase in spending raises serious concerns about civil liberties and free speech online, especially on social media platforms, where much of the Biden administrations’ efforts were directed.
Since 2021, the Biden-Harris White House has spent at least $267 million on research grants and contracts related to “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
Disturbing details
On its own, the fact that the Biden-Harris administration has spent $267 million on misinformation grants and contracts is extremely disconcerting. The federal government shouldn’t be involved, directly or indirectly, in the fact-checking industry. Nor should it engage in efforts designed to limit the speech of citizens, particularly when taxpayers are the ones footing the bill.
But the cost and creation of these misinformation programs is just the tip of the iceberg. Open the Books conducted a detailed review of many of the programs, contracts and grants as part of its report, and I subsequently verified and expanded upon some of their findings.
What we found is clear evidence that the Biden-Harris White House used funds to support or develop Orwellian surveillance and propaganda strategies, create methods and tools to restrict speech online, and even to finance highly politicized reports critical of Trump.
For example, Open the Books reports that in 2022 the Department of Health and Human Services provided $2.3 million to the University of Pennsylvania for “investigating and identifying the heterogeneity in COVID-19 misinformation exposure on social media among black and rural communities to inform precision public health messaging” because “misinformation contributes to confusion, distrust, and distress around health behaviors such as vaccination, mask wearing, and social distancing.”
The research description suggests that the project requires collecting and analyzing large amounts of social media posts online, all in the name of stopping public health misinformation — a term that has been used to justify silencing the speech of Americans questioning the views of government, academia and other powerful institutions.
The Biden administration funded similar COVID-19 misinformation projects at other universities as well, including the University of Texas and Michigan State University.
Of course, it’s true that health-related misinformation can be harmful to the public, but the Biden administration and many of America’s elite universities are clearly not qualified to speak authoritatively on the matter, nor worthy of receiving significant taxpayer funding. After all, throughout the height of the coronavirus pandemic, they repeatedly spread false information about public health issues.
For example, despite overwhelming evidence that mask mandates do not prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Biden administration forced Americans to wear masks while using public transportation systems, such as airlines. It also required masks for many federal workers and for citizens entering government buildings. This continued until 2022 — two years after the pandemic began and long after government health data had shown mask mandates do not work.
The University of Pennsylvania didn’t perform much better. It imposed Draconian mask-mandate policies of its own and its School of Medicine published poorly designed research claiming designed research claiming mask mandates were effective.
Much more comprehensive studies conducted over longer periods later proved reports like those published by the University of Pennsylvania were wrong, a conclusion supported by countless public health officials and even some pundits at left-wing publications, including New York Times columnist Bret Stephens.
Incredibly, the grant to the University of Pennsylvania is still active and isn’t slated to end until 2027, which means taxpayers will likely continue to fund the research for years to come.
Propaganda machine
Open the Books also discovered that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hired a defense contractor, Guidehouse, to conduct “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation analysis.” In September 2023, DHS started a $1.2 million contract with Guidehouse.
Public and private sector clients use Guidehouse to help them combat alleged misinformation online. In one report published by Guidehouse about the “growing threat of misinformation,” the group noted that it helps its clients, including governments, using a “six-step approach to misinformation and disinformation detection.” Among the six steps is a plan to “Configure and deploy the tools and technologies that will be used to monitor the information landscape,” as well as the creation of “counter-messages to inaccurate or false information.”
It’s not hard to imagine how such programs and strategies could be abused by federal officials, who have repeatedly been caught pressuring social media companies to restrict the speech of their users and limit the spread of news stories that damage left-wing politicians and their family members, such as Hunter Biden.
The Biden administration even went so far as to fund partisan reports about its chief political opponent, Donald Trump. In Fiscal Year 2022, the National Science Foundation paid nearly $200,000 to George Washington University researchers to develop a study titled “Pandemic Communication in Time of Populism: Building Resilient Media and Ensuring Effective Pandemic Communication in Divided Societies.”
As Open the Books explains, “Researchers on this Biden-era grant examined how so-called ‘populist’ leaders supposedly prevented society from coming together in ‘solidarity’ during the COVID pandemic. Trump’s presidency was a focus of the research, along with the leaders of three other countries.”
“f you ever needed a case study of an archetypal car crash interview then Angela Rayner’s gaffe this weekend was everything you could ever ask for.
The Deputy PM’s appearance on Sky News was surely the kind of nightmare that will have her coming out in a cold sweat whenever she thinks about it. Shudder!
For those who didn’t catch the exchange which has, naturally, now gone viral, Ange – who is also the Secretary of State for Housing – was being grilled by Trevor Phillips on the Government’s plan to end the housing crisis by building 1.5 million new homes.
He asked her how many of those will be filled by the 2.5 million immigrants Labour claims will arrive in the UK over the same period.
A perfectly predictable question. Given the policy is now one of Labour’s very top priorities – after they effectively last week binned off focusing on bringing migration down – it’s a question you’d damn well hope she had an answer for.
Ms Rayner said: “There is plenty of housing already, but there’s not enough for the people that desperately need it.”
Pointing out the obvious Phillips was quick on the uptake, saying no part of her retort made any sense whatsoever.
He said: “You start the interview by telling me that there is a housing crisis and when I remind you that you have said as a government that we are going to have 2.5 million migrants, suddenly there is a lot of housing. Where are these people going to go?”
Gah! What a horrible hell hole to be in! In one foolish sentence Ms Rayner effectively kiboshed the argument underpinning Labour’s now centre-piece bit of policy to build, build, build.
It quickly got worse as she sidestepped to safer ground saying that “far too many people are waiting on council housing lists” (despite the abundance of homes that she says the UK has).”
She will make an ideal labour PM when the coup comes – it shows how far politics gets when it’s all about tick boxes ….
And then, what do I see moments later in some local news:
“Thousands kicked off (labour run) Stevenage council house waiting list.
Prior to the change, there were 4,894 live and on hold applications, but now only 1,336 households are able to bid for homes.
In total, 2,458 applications have been removed from the list as they are no longer eligible for a council home under the new rules.”
Im guessing st evenage voted Labour …
The labour MP is called bonavis and has much connection. To Stevenage as me – and I’ve never been there ….
Kind of a cross between Slough and Beirut.
Classic coverage on BBC Londonistan.
Main feature was opposition to Thames Water bailouts etc.
Ample, no, sole coverage of the pressure group ‘We own it’.
Their website reveals them as a Marxist, hard left, mass nationalisation outfit, with a main team member who stood for Labour at the 2019 GE.
In order words, par for the course at the ‘impartial’ BBC.
Also on BBC Londonistan.
Another triumph for our NHS heroes.
Social workers are touring care homes and introducing lawyers to vulnerable residents. The residents then sign up for Powers of Attorney with the lawyers being the attorney.
As if by magic…….all their money disappears, their homes are sold and the cannot access their bank accounts or credit cards.
Meanwhile the Office of the Public Guardian does not have a system for monitoring organisations acting with multiple Powers of Attorney.
It’s another win for the public sector. And the lawyers.
I know somebody who had this happen 10 years ago – the solicitor forged their mother’s signature…
Bent Court of Protection did their job and protected the bent lawyer.
Looks like the US has 2 big stories – the acquittal of a white man who killed a thing on the underground – and now the arrest of the ‘ceo hitman ‘… but I prefer ‘Greg ‘…