413 Responses to Midweek 11th December 2024

  1. Up2snuff says:

    Just signed the Petition to abolish the TV Licence Fee. I believe the BBC is corrupted by the vast amount that they receive from the LF. If they were warned the LF would be abolished at the next Licence Review, the BBC would have time to make economies ie. reduce the obscene salaries paid to Directors, Controllers and Presenters and put the money into a Trust. The trust could have investments which would pay an income to finance the future of the, now, fully independent BBC. If the luvvies who make a lot of money from the BBC wish to donate, they may give gifts to the Trust.

    After all, the BBC Radio used to have a LF all of its own. That was abolished without a problem but created the need for a much expanded BBC financed by an ever increasing TV Licence Fee. The TV Licence Fee is an anachronism and should be scrapped.


  2. StewGreen says:

    Green Subsidy junkie tries calling people who call him out “FAR RIGHT”
    Twitter super-ratios him

    Why was Dale the biggest domor to subsidy supporting Labour before the election ?

    Forest Green Rovers FC have the only chairman who is completely wooden


    • StewGreen says:

      Octopus flexible pricing means their customers are paying 92p KWh tonight
      Electricity until fairly recently was about 10p KWh


  3. StewGreen says:

    @CliveMyrieBBC tweets
    GB News broadcasts half of all UK stories about Muslims, analysis shows 2,000 Likes vs 1,600 replies

    GBNews presenter @MartinDaubney
    Clive think this is a damning headline.
    In reality, @GBNEWS is doing the job the BBC & others are to chicken to tackle,
    esp on grooming gangs and jihadi terror threats.
    To tell uncomfortable truths.
    That’s why we exist!

    Too right .. it’s truly shameful that BBCnews gives hours of airtime to the non-illegal actions of GREG WALLACE
    but barely gives a minute to the astonishing establishment and Muslim community coverup of grooming gang crimes


  4. StewGreen says:

    Annual changes in CO2 emissions for UK vs China
    go on ….guess

    Other tweets
    @Keir_Starmer We will build 1.5 million homes.

    Under the Conservatives, millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money was allowed to go to waste.


  5. StewGreen says:

    lib mob establishment view
    – Media spending time reporting the NON-CRIMES of Gregg WAllace GOOD
    – Media spending time reporting the SERIOUS-CRIMES of Muslims BAD

    @MuslimCouncil tweets
    🚨GB News aired half of UK news coverage on Muslims over 2 years, with most stories “overwhelmingly negative,” says @cfmmuk report*, sparking calls for Ofcom action. @TheGuardian
    The findings demonstrate an “excessive” focus on Muslims bordering on an “obsession”.
    * (funded by the MCB itself ie marking your own homework)

    One reply
    Perhaps @GBNEWS should only report the good side
    of cousin marriage, FGM, jihadists and child rape gangs from now on?


    Perhaps you should talk to Muslims
    about doing less terrorism, gang raping of schoolgirls
    and other crimes in which Muslims are over represented ?

    GBNews presenter This hit job via @MuslimCouncil has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.


    • StewGreen says:

      22:15pm GBNews taking it apart
      “It’s written by ex-BBC lefty Gavin Eslser”
      Patrick Cristys “I’m furious , there is my photo and my name and a quote underneath .. we’ve double checked I was not in the building that day. I didn’t say that thing”


      • StewGreen says:

        Yes the report is WRONG in attributing the quote to Patrick Christys
        I looked at the MCB’s report. On page 38 there is a large quote attributed to Patrick Christy’s

        “Good luck with that.” is a Mark Dolan catchphrase
        It was easy to track down the video and that proves the MCB report is WRONG in attributing the quote to Patrick Christys

        Seems on Nov 6th Mark Dolan was talking about progressives endorsing marches which appeared to support Hamas
        so he mentioned Hamas custom of chucking gays off buildings
        video https://x.com/No2BS/status/1866647449693253971 then transcript


  6. StewGreen says:

    Gavin Esler promoting the HATEY billboard against Farage
    .. https://x.com/gavinesler/status/1834610468062671027
    #SelectiveOutrage is bullying

    quoting the anti-GBnews report’s Foreword by Gavin Esler
    (my comments are in brackets)
    I had never seen it before, and it was a shock.
    I watched an hour of babble, switched off and called Prospect’s editor to refuse the assignment.
    Why would I watch weird commentators, amateurish presenters and mostly charisma-free politicians interviewing each other, agreeing with each other, and – as I noticed repeatedly – turning to one *constant theme*: the supposed dangers to the United Kingdom from Islam? (It’s not constant)
    It seemed obsessive nonsense, constantly suggesting
    Muslim citizens are somehow privileged in ways others are not.
    .. .
    The story of our times is Junk Journalism. (FFS Projection is a libmob characteristic)

    Nigel Farage, one of the presenters, spoke of scary ‘Turkish barber shops’…


  7. Sluff says:

    Not unrelated to Stew at 9.34 above.

    What fun it is to watch the BBC dancing round the handbags and managing not to spot the elephant in the room.

    ‘MP calls for first-cousin marriage to be banned’
    Though not this one

    ‘independent MP Iqbal Mohamed argued a ban would be ineffective……’Mmm. Why I am I not surprised.

    Funny how the BBC come over all impartial when it suits.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’ – Naz Shah, the Labour MP for Bradford West

      Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture.

      Down to 46%….”Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.”

      30 years on from Satanic Verses book burning, ‘Bradford has moved on’


  8. Sluff says:

    A bit slow on the uptake but I’ve just had a look at the BBC news webshite ‘Climate’ option, available from the front page.

    As an exercise in biased brainwashing propaganda even Joseph Goebbels himself would feel embarrassed.
    Absolutely appalling.

    Only glance at it when you are seated.


  9. StewGreen says:

    upto now the BBC has always over-protected fellow libmob
    but they have done a documentary about PinkNews
    saying the bosses are sleazey and creepy and need to go
    That’s difficult cos they and their family control the publication

    Talk of groping, bullying , no actual rape or crime charges


  10. Zephir says:

    This is London, England, United Kingdom, run by mobs of terrorist supporting racist muslims, caught on video as well :

    “Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather is ‘attacked by mob’ while out shopping in London’s jewellery quarter – before being bundled into blacked-out 4×4 by guards.

    The source said Mayweather was out shopping when he was asked about whether he supported Israel.

    He then said he was ‘proud to support the Jews’, which provoked someone into taking a swing at him, the source added.

    ‘Floyd took a few hits during it, but his security was trying to push people back.

    ‘I couldn’t really see Floyd trying to throw any punches back. His guards were just trying to get distance between him and them.’

    Videos posted to X also claimed the boxer had caused anger over his comments about Israel.

    One person posted a video of the incident with the caption: ‘Floyd Mayweather chased out of Hatton Gardens in London. The public are angry over his comments and support for Israel.’

    The source close to Mayweather also told The Sun members of the crowd ‘used racial slurs’ towards him.”



    • Zephir says:

      “The public are angry”

      Nope, they are not, they are angry at YOU.

      This country, and the overwhelmingly vast majority of it’s inhabitants, supports Israels right to defend itself from terrorist attacks.

      Its only racist terrorist supporting muslim mobs like YOU that are angry that Israel fights back, and fights back very effectively, to rescue it’s hostages and bring to justice those that killed and raped Israeli women and chidren.


  11. Zephir says:

    Gonna find them Starmer ? and do a press conference about racist mobs on the streets of London ?

    Statement from mayor about visitors to London not safe ?

    It’s also on video ….

    Those doing racist attacks and stirring up hatred on the streets of our capital ?

    Will they feel the “full force of the law” eh Starmer ?

    There’s lots of CCTV in London.


    • Zephir says:


      “Waiting for a statement from the Mayor saying how appalled he is and that visitors to London should never feel threatened.”

      “Hatton Garden isn’t the sort of area you would expect ‘mobs’ to hang out. I dread to think that they are there because the diamond stores & workshops are predominantly Jewish. That’s such a shame, those small family gem companies have been there for generations, since they had to escape the Russian pograms in the late 19th century.”

      “What is it that makes people,who have fled their own country because of discrimination against them, think it’s OK to live in our country,and then discriminate against others in this way? The Police brought this upon us by not acting decisively when they allowed hate filled marches to take place unchallenged.Unless it was the so called right wing, of course.”

      “Whatever your beliefs are on the Middle East – no one should ever feel That this behaviour is acceptable. This is all down to society allowing this type of agitator to believe they can pounce on anyone who disagrees with them or is a threat to their beliefs. They have been emboldened by the police and courts not giving them consequences for anti-social behaviour and yet … with other matters, tweets and protests the police And justice system Can get people and soft targets in court and locked up for years in a matter of weeks. Disgraceful t w o – t i e r system “


  12. andyjsnape says:

    EastEnders’ Joe Swash on Mickey Miller’s surprise return to Albert Square – “I was honoured to be asked back!”

    Its not a knighthood mate!
    Couldn’t think of anything worse


  13. Zephir says:

    Eastenders script writer: “Woss goin’ on ?”

    “Yer jus’ don’ get it do ya ?”

    And variations on the above.


  14. Zephir says:

    After my experience yesterday with a new printer, I don’t like my computer anymore. It’s getting ideas above its station.

    Especially when it has the bloody cheek to ask ME to prove I’m not a robot.


  15. Doublethinker says:

    The threat of Musk donating tens of millions to Reform has the UK establishment in panic mode. GB News is suggesting that emergency legislation may be rushed through to prevent foreigners making donations to political parties.But what ever the establishment does I’m sure that Musk will find a way of donating if he really wants to.
    It’s the same with media and internet censorship. The establishment can censor and erect barriers but they wont be able to stop the message from getting through and the people from knowing the truth.
    I think that the US election has holed the Globalist boat below the waterline. The entire liberal Globalist edifice relied on the voters never knowing the truth and being fed a diet of propaganda and soporific distraction. It was thus possible for the Globalists to convince voters that they lived in democracies when in fact they had no political choice at all as all political parties were infact just different wings of the Globalist Uniparty.

    Trump and Musk have ‘blown the bloody doors off ‘ that and the change can come quickly as the voters are awakened from their decades long legacy media induced slumber and realise the truth.
    For the first time in years I am optimistic that we may be able to throw off the yoke of Liberal Globalism and be able to salvage something from our badly damaged country and way of life. We don’t just live in interesting times but in exciting and hopeful times.


    • Flotsam says:

      On the other hand British people are forced under duress to pay a license fee to an ultra left wing propaganda outfit the the BBC. £3.8 Billion in total!


      • Doublethinker says:

        Yes but their influence , their hold over the population , is weakening at an accelerating rate. The establishment will try to help the legacy media ,their propaganda arm without which they know they will be overthrown, but I don’t think that they can prop it up for long as new and uncontrollable ways of getting news and info becomes increasingly available .


        • Scroblene says:

          I reckon your main post is spot on, Double…

          Already the tectonic plates of various competing/fighting countries are re-adjusting for when Donald Trump is in power, and he will also be in a position to do his bidding for US Citizens, while also rooting ot the poisonous scum floating on top of the swamp. He will be much more forthright this time over… The BBC will hate it all, and TTK will be running around trying escape from vanishing up his own a******e!

          I have great hopes for when Labour really are trounced, starting at the May elections which are only eighteen weeks away, and at a time when Labour councils will be slaughtered, there’ll be a fabulous uprising for Reform, and even the Conservatives, although they don’t deserve a bonus so early on in their recent inept handling of UK Inc.!


    • Lazy Cat says:

      Elon, if you’re reading this, I’m a British citizen (a proper one whose great grandparents and grandparents fought in WW1 and WW2, not a Johnny come lately paper citizen).

      If the gov do put a block of foreigners donating to political parties, you can give me, say £20 million as a ‘gift’. I’ll then send it on to Reform for you (after my 20% handling and commission fee, of course).


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    In case you were wondering: Calm down dear edition

    The proud mother of murdered diplomat… vows to keep fighting to stop violence against women as she is honoured by the King…. ‘IT STRENTHENS MY RESOLVE TO CONTINUE BECKY’S LEGACY’… global campaign to stop violence against women… – yells this morning’s Daily Express

    Rebecca, 30, was raped and strangled by a taxi driver in Lebanon – whispers this morning’s Daily Express (frontpage story by Jane Warren & Emily Ferguson)

    In case you were wondering: Uber driver Tariq Houshieh confessed to murdering Rebecca Dykes, whose body was found by the roadside in December 2017… The University of Manchester also posthumously awarded her an Outstanding Alumni award in July 2019, saying that her work led to Syrian and Palestinian refugee communities “becoming more peaceful” (BBC, November 2019) – that accolade hasn’t dated too well, especially since 7th October 2023, has it? Any further comment now would seem superfluous

    Women left in agony by ‘medical misogyny’ – shouts the ever excitable Daily Mail: MPs’ report condemns gynaecological care crisis – and says GPs are often to blame… Doctors often have a poor understanding of women’s health

    But by the way…

    The NHS workforce in England… Gender. A higher proportion of GPs were female compared to male by headcount. (58% compared to 42%) When looking at FTE GPs, this split is more even (53% and 47%) as female GPs work fewer hours on average. (House of Commons Library) – pull your fingers out luvs, your female patients need your special understanding and presence in the surgery.

    Sorry about the expression pull your fingers out in the context of gynaecology.

    Like many women, I’m conflicted about the ‘hot assassin’ by Clara Gaspar (Daily Mail)

    How wokeness turned a ‘killer’ into a pin-up (Telegraph)

    I’ve been on Prozac for 25 years By ex-Vogue editor Alexandra Shulman (Daily Mail)

    Middle-class women are hooked on fairy porn (Telegraph)

    In case you were wondering: The top audiobook of 2024 was a racy ‘romantasy’ novel about ‘sexy fairies’. How did this niche genre take over publishing? A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast where Belle is a spunky, cool protagonist called Feyre, the Beast is the alluring and mysterious High Lord faerie, Tamlin, and unsexy side characters like Cogsworth and Mrs Potts are also darker and more interesting. The book is a frontrunner in the new ‘romantasy’ – romance and fantasy – trend that is capturing the attention of everyone from Margot Robbie and Dua Lipa down to, well, me. Or, as many of the book’s most ardent fans are calling it, ‘fairy porn’… romantasy – imagine what Lord of the Rings’ Aragorn and Arwen, in full velvet and gossamer, might get up to in a quiet moment in Rivendell… Sarah J. Maas has blasted a hole in traditional publishing. She posted her first novel (which eventually became Throne of Glass) at the age of 16 on a popular fan fiction site, where it quickly became one of the most popular stories on there. Like ACOTAR, it is a front-footed retelling of a fairytale, Cinderella, where Cinders is actually at the ball to assassinate Prince Charming (Cleo Watson, Telegraph)


    • Zephir says:

      RE your mention of sexy fairies.

      Having never seen it, I was thinking of spending a small fortune on on a Games of Thrones Box set.

      I was advised to save the money and play a Lord of the Rings DVD and every now and then watch some internet porn for 5 minutes.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Game of Thrones – first 3 or 4 series are ok – then it gets totally unbelievable.

        I enjoyed Count Arthur Strong’s comment when he summed it up as “All dragons and bare bums”


        • Fedup2 says:

          Is the BBC still in ‘respectable Islamic terrorists ‘ mode with all those Syrian groups ?

          Id like to hear more exploits of the IDF laying waste to the Syrian military in a couple of days -with – I understand a bit of input from b52s – but I know the BBC can never say anything positive about Israel …

          .. all over by Christmas …


        • Zephir says:

          I must agree, it’s pretty unbelievable that when confronted by a fire breathing dragon one would “moon” at it.

          There’s an embarrassing trip to A and E and a few weeks sitting on an inflatable ring right there.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “where Cinders is actually at the ball to assassinate Prince Charming” .. misandry?


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Middle-class women are hooked on fairy porn

        No surprise bantering boysenberry and bananas barrow boy Gregg Wallace didn’t stand a chance – he just wasn’t fairylike enough for them.


  17. atlas_shrugged says:

    In my local city the buses have huge signs saying they are safe spaces 4 wimmin. Is this because of this:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Comment “This same city that nearly two thousand British and Polish paras died for in ’44 has had a Morroccan mayor since 2017.”

      “The victim in her 20s was walking to the station in Arnhem on the night in question around 3:30am with some friends. They were approached by the three young men, but the women indicated they were not interested. After that, things quickly get out of hand. The 22-year-old lady receives several blows. She is also kicked several times, as can be seen in the images. When she falls to the ground, she is also kicked. One of her friends is also treated violently.

      “She was taken to the hospital by ambulance and seems to have suffered, among other things, a broken nose, a concussion, and bruised back,” said a police spokesperson. “It is too crazy for words how two women were beaten up here.””


    • MarkyMark says:



  18. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – bashing Bashar all over again

    Jezbo takes his bias from Israel/Gaza/Lebanon, wherever, to Damascus in Syria. He opines that the Syrian people are free of the ‘jackboot’ (interesting terminology there, Mr Bowen) of the al-Assad family. This long-time experienced BBC journalist then observes a ransacked duty free shop where Islamists have broken in and shattered all the bottles of alcohol which is prohibited under Islamic diktats. The Syrian population move from one ‘jackboot’ to another, eh, Jeremy?


  19. MarkyMark says:



  20. tomo says:

    Sums are hard


    • Zephir says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Ed Milliband has two kitchens – and only used the small one – bbc verified fact.

      Ed Milliband does not have an electric car but says you should have one.

      Ed Milliband says Russell Brand is great.



    • Guest Who says:

      Meanwhile ex bbc Newsqwark Economics Ed sees the future, even if it’s clockwork.

      Starmer’s muscular social democracy is our only chance of defeating the right. 👇🏽 via @TheNewEuropean

      Using muscular social democracy propped up by state media and the input of guys who write for Mad Al’s title and appear on QT, coincidentally. Gary Lineker not available for comment.


      • MarkyMark says:

        muscular – manly?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Guest, two points about Starmer:
        1. He appears to asleep in that picture, asleep when he should be Governing!
        2. Starmer flys a lot around the world even though his Government says that people should not fly!


      • tomo says:

        Paul Mason is a nutso


        • MarkyMark says:

          Fully Automated Luxury Communism promises a radically new left future for everyone.
          Fully Automated Luxury Communism promises a radically new left future for everyone.

          “The first decade of the twenty-first century marked the demise of the current world order. Despite widespread acknowledgement of these disruptive crises, the proposed response from the mainstream remains the same. Against the confines of this increasingly limited politics, a new paradigm has emerged. Fully Automated Luxury Communism claims that new technologies will liberate us from work, providing the opportunity to build a society beyond both capitalism and scarcity. Automation, rather than undermining an economy built on full employment, is instead the path to a world of liberty, luxury and happiness. For everyone. In his first book, radical political commentator Aaron Bastani conjures a new politics: a vision of a world of unimaginable hope, highlighting how we move to energy abundance, feed a world of nine billion, overcome work, transcend the limits of biology and build meaningful freedom for everyone. Rather than a final destination, such a society heralds the beginning of history. Fully Automated Luxury Communism promises a radically new left future for everyone.”


    • moggiemoo says:

      The 2000 jobs would, no doubt, either be based abroad or based here but filled by foreign staff.


  21. G says:

    The biggest issue so far as immigrants/refugees is concerned is their Remittances. Estimated 22.24 BILLION £ Pounds in 2018. Lord knows what it is right now.

    The question is, what would the indigenous worker do with a similar sum? Answer, spend it/save it.

    The Government fallacy is that foreign workers boost the economy. Solution? Breed more indigenous slaves/proles.



  22. MarkyMark says:

    WHY NOT 100% …. or 120% …. “Union anger over Labour government’s ‘insulting’ 2.8% public sector pay plan”


    • Fedup2 says:

      I really hope they all go on strike . The reds give pay rises without conditions – such as having to go to work – they can expect plenty of union trouble from their ‘pals’….

      How can the country afford all those diversity officers to be on strike ? Making sure white doesn’t get through the job interviews …

      Elsewhere … what will get built first ? 4 new prisons of new nuclear power stations ?

      The current ones are apparently having their lives ‘extended’ if the cracks in the reactors don’t get worse.. ☠️


      • Zephir says:

        “what will get built first ? 4 new prisons or new nuclear power stations ? ”

        I would not be surprised if they combined the two for “certain offenders”. It would make a change from salt mines.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Here are some demographics of the UK prison population:
          Gender: 96% of the prison population is male, while 4% is female. The female prison population has decreased by 13% since 2019.
          Age: The most common age group is 30–39 years old. The prison population is aging, with 4% under 21 in 2024 compared to 15% in 2002.
          Ethnicity: White prisoners are the most common ethnicity, making up 63,103 prisoners in 2024. Black prisoners make up 10,624, Asian prisoners make up 7,067, and prisoners of mixed ethnicity make up 4,188.

          Nationality: The most common foreign nationality is Albanian, with 1,273 prisoners in 2024.

          Polish is the second most common foreign nationality, with 906 prisoners in 2024.

          Religion: Christianity is the most common religious faith, with 38,184 prisoners in 2023.
          Sentence length: 57% of determinate prison sentences in 2024 are over four years.
          Private prisons: 12.9% of the prisoner population are held in private prisons.


        • Zephir says:



          • Fedup2 says:

            If you get a chance – watch the ‘Chernobyl ‘ show on Prime / Cd – good depiction of human nature – particularly blame passing and cover ups – goes off the boil toward the end – yoy don’t need a spoiler alert either ….
            I think the UK government covered up the levels of contamination in the UK …


            • Zephir says:

              I recall hearing about the checks on sheep post Chernobyl.

              A farmer being checked also asked for some lamb in the freezer to be checked and was told he couldn’t sell that either.

              Funny, he said it was slaughtered long before Chernobyl…but we don’t live too far from Windscale.


  23. Althepalerp says:

    I remember when Boris reduced overseas aid from 0.7 to 0.5% of GDP, the BBC went ballistic.
    They don’t seem to care now.


    • MarkyMark says:

      1 Afghanistan £352m

      2 Ukraine £342m

      3 Nigeria £110m

      4 Somalia £100m

      5 Ethiopia £90m

      6 Yemen £77m

      7 South Sudan £76m

      8 Syria £63m

      9 Pakistan £58m

      10 Bangladesh £55m

      Table: Lin Taylor Source: Statistics on International Development: final UK aid spend 2022


      The proposed cuts to winter fuel payments will only save about £1.4bn a year. But if all the pensioners who are entitled to pension credit are prompted to apply for it as a result, the total cost of paying out this unclaimed money would cost the government £2.2bn a year—so it might save nothing at all.6 Sept 2024


  24. MarkyMark says:


    “Fifa’s confirmation of Saudi Arabia’s hosting of the men’s 2034 World Cup – despite the country facing years of scrutiny over its human rights and environmental record – will be one of the most controversial steps that football’s governing body has ever taken.”


    EU corruption scandal: MEP denies Qatar bribery after €1.5m seized Published 13 December 2022


    Gary Lineker pocketed a whopping £1.6million working for Qatar’s state broadcaster as he fronted Champions League coverage over four years


  25. Eddy Booth says:

    “The 50 men accused in mass rape of Gisèle Pelicot”


    ‘ France’s rape law defines rape as any sexual act committed by “violence, coercion, threat or surprise”; it has no reference to any need for consent.
    Therefore, they also argue they cannot be guilty of rape because they were unaware Gisèle Pelicot was not in a position to give her consent. ‘

    Does that make sense to anyone?

    “Among them are firefighters, lorry drivers, soldiers, security guards, a journalist and a DJ.”

    But it takes the unemployed man to come up with the best defence:

    “Redouane A, an unemployed man aged 40, argued that if he had set out to rape Gisèle he would not have allowed her husband to take videos.”

    Begs the question why would any of them let themselves be openly filmed in any circumstances.



  26. Zephir says:

    A picture speaks a thousand words, about what is wrong with Europe…in this case “German citizens”



  27. MarkyMark says:

    “My body raped her, but my brain didn’t,” insisted volunteer firefighter Christian L, in an example of the convoluted reasoning offered by some of the men.



    This article is more than 6 years old
    Jeremy Corbyn: I was present at wreath-laying but don’t think I was involved


    • Lazy Cat says:

      His penis raped her.

      Taking his brain out and raping her with that would’ve been depraved even for that lot.

      By the way, terrible case, I’d execute all of those men if guilty.

      I wonder why this case, in a foreign country, has been the BBC’s main story for most of the day, while other similar cases in the UK, of which there are many, particularly involving underaged girls, seem to get little or no coverage at all?

      I just can’t put my finger on it, can you?


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Greg is back in the headlines because ainsley thinks he’s okay … much more important than another war kicking off. Eh ?

    Suppose ainsley is gonna get the treatment now … job for lammy …


  29. Althepalerp says:

    Gas today running at 63.9%
    Whereas wind only 7.2%


  30. vlad says:

    It was only a matter of time. GB News has been accused of Islamophobia by the Centre for Media Monitoring.
    And who’s behind that? Why, the Muslim Council of Britain.
    As their numbers increase, and their power, and their boldness (backed up by the likes of Starmer and Khunt), they will be ‘monitoring’ and censoring more and more. Then prosecuting and persecuting. Remember the 4 stages of invasion.
    1. Infiltration 2. Consolidation of power 3. Open war with leadership and culture 4. Totalitarian Islamic Theocracy

    Click to access jus17a01.pdf


    • MarkyMark says:

      Muslim Council of Britain:
      Empowering British Muslim Communities

      Our mission is to empower Muslim communities to achieve a just, cohesive and successful British society.

      cohesive and successful British society
      cohesive and successful British society

      Islaphamobia is pervasive throughout our society and is deep-seated at an institutional level. Therefore, to tackle and highlight these issues, the MCB has encouraged affiliates across the UK to write to their MP and raise awareness of these challenges.

      4 Dec 2024
      MCB Express call for Government Action at Growing Hate Crime in Northern Ireland

      26 Nov 2024
      British Muslim Communities Unite to Develop Strategy Against Rising Islamophobia

      20 Nov 2024
      Islamophobia Awareness Month 2024: MCB co-hosts Parliamentary Drop-In

      18 Nov 2024
      MCB Welcomes 4th Annual BSML Conference

      18 Nov 2024
      MCB Executive team joins Islamophobia Awareness Month panel

      1 Nov 2024
      Islamophobia Awareness Month: Tackling Hatred in Unprecedented Times




      • vlad says:



        • MarkyMark says:

          “…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“

          Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’ – Naz Shah, the Labour MP for Bradford West


  31. MarkyMark says:



    House of Commons
    Wednesday 11 December 2024 Meeting started at 11.33am


  32. andyjsnape says:

    Front page news, apparently:-

    Medical misogyny leaves women in pain for years, say MPs

    Nothing else of a priority to report what is going on in the world


  33. Sluff says:

    Public sector up in arms over suggested 2.8% pay rise.
    Public sector not up in arms, in fact has had no BBC coverage, about the 6% increase in employer pension contributions last year for teachers.
    One quarter of the whole annual budget of a typical secondary school goes in teacher pension contributions.
    You know the sort of school. Crumbling buildings. Dodgy concrete. No maintenance. Yet millions into teachers pensions.
    And when is that ever front page news?


  34. vlad says:

    Hey everyone, the BBC have found a real-life Nazi, complete with Swastika!
    And he attacked an immigration law firm after reading a Daily Mail article!!

    See? The DM and their readers are all Nazis.



  35. Eddy Booth says:

    “HTS fighter gives ‘brotherly advice’, asking me to wear headscarf”
    Nafiseh Kohnavard


    ‘Out of respect and for security reasons I take my headscarf and cover a part of my hair similar to how I would wear it in Iran.
    “If you bring it further and cover all, it will [be] much better,” Hammam adds.’


    Why didn’t you request he remove his pink shirt.


    • Zephir says:

      Many can’t control themselves seeing too much of a female …


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Eddy she continues —

      “As an Iranian woman that ‘advice’ sounds familiar. I grew up in Iran under Islamic rules and had to wear headscarf. Our Syrian driver Wael feels uncomfortable. ‘They say they are not going to interfere [in] people’s lifestyles but this might be the beginning,’ he says….”

      But the BBC are giddy with hope Wael, don’t ruin it so soon.


  36. Sluff says:

    BBC breaking news at the time of writing.
    An 18 year old Brit has been sentenced to 1 year in jail in Dubai for having sex with a 17 year old girl while on holiday.

    Now personally I think it’s a bit harsh. But on the other hand he was in Dubai and should you not respect the laws and culture of a country you are visiting? I would say yes.

    So why are the UK authorities so unwilling to require asylum seekers and immigrants to the UK to do exactly the same?.


  37. Zephir says:

    Wht do you think so many media outlets are tiptoing around and pandering to muslims ?

    Well the self styled “muslim council of britain” used to have an open website, it is now hidden to non members.

    Why ? you may well ask, well when it was open you can see what they are up to:

    They were, for example, running workshops teaching people how to complain en mass with any media stories they didn’t like and how to word their complaints etc etc.

    That’s only ONE example, God only knows what they are all up to behind closed doors now.

    And that is very likely why the media are wary, hundreds and thousands of them complaining via emails about things they don’t like to see, no doubt instructed to tell each and every one of them and all members of their families and mosques to do the same.


  38. Eddy Booth says:

    “Monthly rent soars by £270 since pandemic, says Zoopla”


    “The average cost of renting is now £1,270 a month”

    Naturally no mention of immigration in the article.


    “Blyth Eling (right), a student at the University of Brighton who has a part-time job alongside her studies, spends over £1,000 per month on rent for a room in a flat.”

    Ridiculous situation.


    • Sluff says:

      All students are white. When it suits.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Do they pay for BBC TV Tax?


    • Lazy Cat says:

      Immigration on the scale we’ve seen has been deliberate.

      It seems to have been allowed to continue to push up demand for housing and decrease supply.

      Landlords (and politicians – many of whom are ‘sponsored’ by construction companies or are landlords themselves) get rich. Do you think they want demand to go down? Really?

      So now, if a young lad or lass wants to live in London on one wage (because loads of women seem to want to sh#g about until they’re 35 nowadays – glad I’m not a young man in today’s world) they can.
      Really, I don’t know what the fuss is all about.

      What’s wrong with living with 20 other people, mostly of immigrant stock? You get your own ‘room’ slightly bigger than your single bed and get to give 70% of your earnings to the landlord after working 60 hours and travelling to work on overpriced and overcrowded trains – if they’re not on strike, of course,!

      Youngsters are just too fussy nowadays.

      Although most young people I meet seem to gasp in horror if you tell them that mass immigration and greedy politicians have created this housing crisis. And that the only way they’ll ever get affordable housing is to do mass deportations.

      If they refuse to see this or call me the bad guy for pointing this out, then I have no sympathy, sorry.


  39. Terminal Moraine says:

    Yesterday BBC referred to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham as a “conservative religious political movement”. Today reporter in the field Clarissa Ward at CNN says they have “extremely conservative tendencies”.

    “One small detail… when we went into the palace, the rebels who were guarding it would not talk to me or look at me until I put my scarf on…”

    Fear not Clarissa; if we’ve learnt anything over the centuries it’s that such conservatism is nothing against the mighty hope of western media agencies.



  40. Sluff says:

    I’m appalled.
    The racist whities in the judicial system have found the two Muslims who brutalised and murdered their 10 year old daughter and then fled to Pakistan guilty of murder.
    Surely there must be an immediate review into this travesty of justice. Free the Woking Two.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tricky one for the BBC narratives ‘ women as victims ‘ versus ‘pakis/ Muslims as victims ‘ . Which = thoughts and prayers and gone by the 10 pm news …

      .. but it seems the immigration rules – presided over – no doubt – by third works Muslims – enabled the killer to come to Blighty as a student – buy a marriage with a pole EU passport and – hit the big time benefits bingo …..
      But I can think mark easton or his ‘home affairs ‘ mattes – cashiarni et al spending much time on that …

      ..now Frank Gardner to tell us about the security situation in the Middle East from his nice crib in W1…


  41. MarkyMark says:


    He goes on to ask me whether I am a Christian – I smile, trying to avoid talking about religion. He continues: “May I give you a brotherly nice advice? Do you have headscarf?”

    I say yes I have it with me.

    “I think you will be nicer if you wear it as a Muslim woman,” he says.

    Out of respect and for security reasons I take my headscarf and cover a part of my hair similar to how I would wear it in Iran.

    “If you bring it further and cover all, it will [be] much better,” Hammam adds.

    We’ll have more on Nafiseh’s reaction to the exchange shortly.



    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Me personally I am a fan of brown paper bags. If interviewing the liebour front benches then I might recommend two. One for yourself in case hers falls off.

      An old one I know.


  42. MarkyMark says:

    HTS fighter gives ‘brotherly advice’, asking me to wear headscarf


  43. MarkyMark says:

    “Badenoch asked Starmer why migration wasn’t one of his new reset “milestones” and went on to attack his record of writing letters saying criminals shouldn’t be deported. ”

    14 Years – Net Zero Boats Stopped under the Tories.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The dead blues are never going to combat the reds because of what they did / didn’t do . No one had the bravery to put ‘Britain first ‘ and use every means to stop the invasion – wiping away laws and treaties which got in the way .

      I don’t think even Reform has the determination to deal with it – even with bodies floating in the channel as the ultimate recourse….


  44. JohnC says:

    It seems to be the annual ‘BBC Misandry Day’ today.

    ‘Medical misogyny leaves women in pain for years, say MPs’
    If asked whether any males are left in pain for years for any treatments by the NHS, the BBC might reply : ‘F*ck knows. We don’t care about that.’

    ”The club should be equal’ – what’s going on with Man Utd Women?’
    What’s going on BBC is that they are NOT equal. Otherwise there would not be separate teams.

    ‘Women cops forging ties for life with the sex trafficking victims they rescue’
    What a nonsense, ambiguous headline.

    But this is the best one:
    ‘My childhood sweetheart took £42k from me’
    And of course it is a man defrauding a woman.
    It’s a ridiculously long article full of the kind of lop-sided tripe we might expect from Panorama and written by a BBC clone ‘Amy Johnstone’ who on better days writes about K-Pop.
    So I looked down the article to see whether – in the interests of not looking like some misandrist activist ranting – they give us some real world statistics about how often women rip men off as opposed to what happened in this cherry-picked example.
    And of course it’s not there. because the truth is far too inconvenient for the misandry and empathy packed into this one.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Taylor Swift conned me out of £100 for ticket and all she did was sing.


      • Lazy Cat says:

        I wouldn’t give her £100 if she sang in my front room, made my supper and then gave me a good seeing to (she’d have to do all the work, I can’t be arsed nowadays).

        £100? Nah.

        £5 maybe, but she’d need to call herself a taxi home or she can bloody well forget it, the ungrateful cow.


        • Zephir says:

          Is that before or after you’ve seen to the Doom Goblin Greta ?

          The paparrazi must love watching the queue at your front door.


          • Lazy Cat says:

            Ah I can just see it now. Misdirecting my ‘torpedo’ to the wrong ‘chamber’ (honest mistake) and her shouting “How dare you!” as she leaves.

            I then splash out a full £5 to bring around Ms Swift, only for me to then ‘misdirect’ my love glue into her beautiful hair.

            She then takes offense and leaves, after I tell her that she can simply ‘shake it off’.

            I’ll get me coat…


            • Zephir says:

              Reminds me of the trouble I had in the seventies and eighties with bloody Kate Bush…I couldn’t beat her off with a shitty stick, wailing on about Heathcliffe and Army Dreamers prancing around in a leotard.

              She was a dab hand with a strimmer in the garden though.


      • gb123 says:

        A YouTuber, Fil from a channel called Wings of Pegasus did an analysis of recordings from her recent tour. Apparently a lot of it was not live; mimed and backing tracks.


  45. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    If they are to be allowed sharia law in the UK then does that mean a German can drive on our motorway at 150mph on the right side of the road as they can in Germany according to their law.


    • JohnC says:

      Only if he goes out and tries to stab as many innocent people as possible or run them down in a truck whenever he gets upset.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      United Kingdom. One nation, one justice!


  46. Zephir says:

    Whatever happened to proper adverts ?


  47. Zephir says:

    Another black racist:

    “Outgoing Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., posted a lengthy screed directed at “White people” Tuesday in the wake of Daniel Penny’s acquittal in the death of Jordan Neely.

    On May 1, 2023, Penny confronted Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man with schizophrenia who had an active arrest warrant at the time and a history of violence, as he was shouting death threats on the subway. With the assistance of other passengers, Penny restrained Neely with a chokehold, but Neely later died.

    Outraged that a jury found Penny not guilty of criminally negligent homicide, Bowman took to X in his final days in office to write a thread that began, “Dear White People.”

    “I don’t know why I feel the need to keep talking to you,” the “Squad” member continued. “I don’t know why part of me still has hope for you and for us. Some of you are too far gone. But maybe enough of you aren’t and will join us in fighting to end white supremacy.”



    • vlad says:

      ‘White supremacy’, aka sanity.

      BLM and assorted riff-raff were hoping for another George Floyd situation, instead of which sanity prevailed and Penny was found not guilty. Didn’t stop the diverse lefties from marauding through NY in protest.

      Matt Walsh asks, Is This The End Of The BLM Era?


  48. non-licence payer says:

    Farmers protest on the front page of the DT. In the webshite it is under UK and features as updates but not on the landing page. Keep it buried bBC, farmers bad, Government good.


  49. MarkyMark says:

    Watch: Saudi Arabia to be confirmed 2034 men’s World Cup hosts – latest updates & reaction




  50. MarkyMark says:


    Christians ‘not at ease’ but ‘good signs’ from HTS – Christian director

    Damascus ice cream scene bustling as businesses make a return

    Videos confirm rebel presence at Deir al-Zour, north-east Syria

    New interim PM calls on Syrians refugees around the world to ‘come back’

    Armed rebel fighters pose for photos on the burnt gravesite of Assad’s father

    Russia refused Assad’s request to create a Syrian coastal statelet – reports

    ‘Brotherly advice’ sounds familiar

    This was also the case at the beginning of Iran’s revolution, when many didn’t expect that there would be an Islamic republic imposing Sharia laws on people.