“Speaking during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons, Mrs Badenoch said: “The Prime Minister has consistently backed criminals over law abiding British people. He defended terrorists like Hizb ut-Tahrir in the European court. He argued all immigration law had a racist undercurrent. He voted against life sentences for people smugglers.
“He voted against more than 100 measures to control migration. He even said it was wrong when the Conservatives took away Shamima Begum’s citizenship.
“Now he has appointed her defence lawyer as his attorney general. Events in Syria mean we may see more small boat arrivals. For once will he take the side of the British people and strip citizenship from jihadi terrorists and supporters of Assad who want to come back and destroy this country?”
“NHS calls for midwives specialising in inbred babies – as Labour refuses to back ban on marrying first cousins.
Midwives and nurses who specialise in genetic conditions caused by inbreeding have been deployed across the NHS to care for blood-related couples who have children.
MailOnline can reveal multiple NHS employers have advertised for several such roles over the past year-and-a-half, some offering salaries of about £50,000.
It comes as the devastating health consequences of cousin marriages was highlighted in the House of Commons this week, amid the launch of a new Bill that aims to ban the practice.
The former Conservative minister Richard Holden, who has tabled the Private Members’ Bill, said such unions have been linked to a higher rate of birth defects.
‘Studies show that it is associated with approximately double the rate of birth defects compared to the general population and can reinforce negative structures and control women,’ he told the House of Commons.
However, some MPs defended the practice. Independent Iqbal Mohamed claimed such unions could ‘build family bonds’ and put families on a ‘more secure financial foothold’, although he too acknowledged the heath risks.
Labour has indicated it has no plans to ban marriages between first cousins.
Cousin marriage is popular among certain communities in Britain such as those of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage.”
Leeds – Blossom Clinic, Oakwood Medical Practice
Leeds – St James’s Hospital
Liverpool – Liverpool Women’s Hospital Antenatal Clinic
Birmingham – Summerfield Health Centre
Birmingham – City Hospital Maternity Department
Birmingham – University Hospitals Birmingham Well Women’s Clinic
Inheritance Tax
The argument goes it only effects a small amount of estates, Farms or otherwise.
If they accept the principle is right, why only go after 4%?
What not tax the majority? No votes in it I guess.
So to be clear. Novarmedia are accusing GBN as being the engine of Islamaphobia. Yet the directors / founders of Novarmedia are regularly invited as guests by GBN for debating purposes !
I don’t mind being called Islamaphobic. Lock me up – food and heating provided !
Almost half of all mentions of Islam or Muslims on UK news channels since October 2022 came from a single source, a new report has found, confirming what many have suspected: GB News is an engine of Islamophobia.
I thought this one would resonate given Champion Ash’s prevalence in W1A studios.
Almost 75% of all mentions of drag queens on UK news channels comes from the BBC. The BBC is an engine of perversion and degeneracy.
With Saudi Arabia getting the World Cup in 2034 weeks it gives the FA lots of time to stock up on plenty of Stonewall rainbow laces and rainbow armbands.
Seems an ‘unfortunate’ consequence of the real presidenr getting elected is the next phase of democrat far left grief – this one is the ‘celebration of the nutter who shot a health care CEO and who is now playing to his ‘fans’ … some ladies with cats think he is ‘hot ‘….
I don’t think they’ll get to ‘acceptance ‘ any time in the next 4 years … 20 January 2029 …..( if they don’t murder president trump first of course ) – or someone fire the Bid One ….
I think the adoration of the utter coward who murdered the CEO by shooting him in the back before scuttling off like a rat illustrates just how deranged the left and possibly in particular the female left really are in the USA. It reveals an astounding total lack of moral compass. The barbaric events during the Irish “troubles” show what this sort of blind cult intolerance and killer worship can lead too.
Trump is not going to have an easy ride as this disgusting and evil process takes hold more and more.
The World Cup will just end up being ‘our Africans vs your Africans’. We’re already half way there. Modern computer based tactical and performance analysis has deemed that everyone should play the same way.
Football is now ‘press high up the pitch’ and try to ‘steal’ the ball and quickly counter. Or try to ‘beat the press’ and start your own attack as you break through the ‘high line’
It all gets rather boring after watching every game being played this way for the last few years.
I recall the World Cups of distant past.
The skillful Brazilians with the samba drums and half naked dancing girls in the crowd. Even the fans have changed. All middle class types who managed to get tickets at £3,000 a pop. Not the real fans of years ago.
The efficient Germans. Like their cars. A little bland but top notch. If nobody wants to win it, they’ll win it.
The naive Africans. Powerful, fast and skilful. But likely to get 2 red cards for appalling fouls or commit amateur defensive errors.
The Japanese. Quick, skillful and full of fair play and respect for the referee. Although lightweight and easily dominated physically.
The Latins. Argentina, Spain and Italy in particular. Skillful, can beat anyone, defensively sound…but can self destruct at any moment in a mass hissy fit. Dirty snide sods too, with their cynical fouling and play acting.
The French and Dutch. Like Brazil, but more likely to all fall out with each other within their own squafd than do well.
England. Start badly. Get better. Look like we might do it and then lose on penalties to countries we had wars with or lose in a controversial manner. Or both.
Scotland. Lose to minnows, beat or draw with good teams, but all too little, too late and out in round 1.
Yes, the World Cup was great because we had real diversity.
If globalism means every country’s teams look and play the same way, how is this ‘diverse’?
I think it’s great news – every prem team will be fully owned by Arabs – the corruption will be so beyond now – in fact big clubs will move overseas – the Riyadh Areenal -for starters …
The BBC cheerleads anyone who wants to annihilate the fossil fuel motor industry or any price rises on power that would ‘save the planet’….as witnessed recently when the boss of Scottish Power came on and demanded huge rises in prices and massive investment in electrification…it was absolutely crucial in order to ‘save the planet’…not a word of dissent or challenge from the BBC presenter despite such measures clearly being in the electricity industry’s interest…massive profits on the back of them.
Odd then that Tesla, ie Musk, gets singled out for BBC opprobrium for doing exactly the same thing…the tone of the BBC report is clearly meant to convey that Musk is doing something immoral and wrong…
‘Elon Musk’s electric car firm Tesla pushed the government to make petrol car drivers “pay more” in the days after Labour won the general election.
Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, has waded into British politics openly on social media, predicting “civil war” and criticising prime minister Sir Keir Starmer.
But behind the scenes his firm was trying to persuade the new government to extend a policy that would boost his firm’s profits.’
Funny how the BBC hates Musk so much but loves Dale Vince who is just as profiteering and grasping…but allegedly a ‘greenie’.
A man armed with an AK-47 assault rifle waves us down an alley. We’re in a small village in eastern Pakistan, to meet someone who says he can tell us how Sara Sharif’s family managed to hide from police for more than four weeks during an international police hunt.
I wonder if all those ‘celebs ‘ who endorsed Kamala ( remember her ) are now cursed ? J Z and J Lo and diddy Pee and bee yond say all see to be tabloid fodder for something or other – which is nice ….
Just as the BBC targets Musk and ignores those with a mindset conducive to the BBC worldview it also targets Israel whilst shutting its eyes to others.
The BBC spent yesterday telling us how the UN [often represented by a Russian voice…the BBC failing to note the Russian interest in Syria] was demanding Israel stop bombing targets in Syria….but somehow the fact that the Americans were busily bombing IS in Syria and Turkey was bombing the Kurds in Syria got totally forgotten.
Just little Israel then. Odd or not so odd…just the usual UN bigotry and BBC bias.
BBC still pushing the government line on farm inheritance tax as it tacks onto its reports that ‘the government says the majority of farms will not be affected’…..no mention of any other voices which beg to differ…including Defra itself.
Advani also suggested that where IHT forced sales of farms, they should be brought by the state. Very clear where his thinking is going.
PS still nothing on the farmers protest on the BBC news homepage. It’s almost as if they don’t want the public to know.
As the BBC targets Musk for lobbying the government in order to save the planet, lol, it is oddly quiet about the green grabber who made a fortune out of green subsidies and who gave Labour millions so that his ex-wife couldn’t get it in a divorce settlement….how does that go down at the BBC where women’s issues are a hot topic? Seems they’re not too bothered about the climate change hero’s dodgy dealings.
‘A green energy tycoon who previously bankrolled Just Stop Oil donated millions of pounds to the Labour Party to reduce the amount he would have to pay his ex-wife in a divorce battle, the High Court has been told.
Dale Vince, 63, and his former wife Kate Vince, 50, are in dispute over how money should be split following their divorce, which a judge granted on Tuesday.’
Talking about women’s rights….there’s Woman’s Hour where we get the world from a very bitter point of view.
Today we hear that women are victims of a wicked level of misogyny at triathlon events…
‘A new report from SheRACES and Fund Her Tri UK has found that women triathletes can experience unacceptable harassment at events. It also showed that women competitors struggle with the lack of toilet facilities and changing facilities. Sophie Power is an ultrarunner and founder of SheRACES – she joins Nuala McGovern to tell us more about the report and the change they hope to make.’
It was traumatic listening to the tales of woe as women, especially women of colour, and especially especially Muslim women, who are treated appallingly. It’s so unfair that men are at the front when races start…and just where are the facilities for women…just where do Muslims get changed? I guess they have the same level of facilities the men have…but they don’t moan.
Seems remarkably fragile and demanding…never heard of a ‘changing robe’ if you’re shy or Muslim? Muslims want the world to adapt to them rather than them adapt to the world.
One really annoying listen considering how many thousands of women partake in triathlons and love it and funnily enough seem to cope quite well with doing whatever is necessary without politicising and weaponisng it.
Shasme the BBC gives such a big platform to the whingers without anyone on to give any counter-arguments.
Comparative male / female suicide numbers might add to the flavour of the discussion . The friend of mine who hanged himself from a tree because his wife who took him to the cleaners – comes to mind – RIP
On the subject of wasteful public expenditure.
The little girl murdered by her Pakistani heritage parents in Woking after years of social services interventions.
The father admitted it from the off.
The evidence was overwhelming.
So…….why did the court case take EIGHT WEEKS.
Nice work for the legal profession if you can get it.
It reminds me of a murder some years ago by a man who murdered someone in church with a sword.
‘We’ve got ( insert large number) of detectives on the case’, said a police spokesman.
The murderer was caught red handed by the entire congregation.
It’s not the working class versus the middle class any more.
It’s about the entitled public sector class versus the embattled private sector class
Maybe they should add another specialist team to go alongside verify and misinformation called noinformation?
There is no doubt whatsoever that there is a hotline between the BBC newsroom and Labour HQ.
What they don’t realise is that every time they pull a “nothing to see here” stroke they get a bit less trusted by loads of new people. Hence they are gradually putting a noose round their own neck.
On X a person claiming to be victor orban says he had an hour long conversation with president Putin yesterday .. I don’t know about you – but I feel the ‘danger ‘ variables building up and up .
Can only count down the days until the vacuum left by Obama Biden is filled by the regime of President trump …
There’s a new trend among the media in America of cosying up to Trump.
Until very recently they were hysterically denouncing him as a Hitler / Nazi / fascist.
Now suddenly it’s all olive branches / unity / kumbaya, we were with you all along etc.
In the case of Cenk Uygur (below), by some extraordinary intellectual contortions, he’s claiming that he was right all along, that he was always on the same side as the populist right.
Matt Walsh is having none of it.
Something similar may happen here, as more and more wake up to the realisation that the populist right were the sane ones all along, and the lefties try to jump on the bandwagon. They should be made to make abject, grovelling apologies before being allowed on board.
The tragedy is that the sane right sat on its’ hands at the last election allowing the great leader into number 10 . We knew it was going to happen – and that the dead blues are directly responsible for it …
Sunak must be in California by now …. Nut nut think he still means something …. But listening to PMQs – however much the current blue leader spouts – it will always come back to their cowardice for the last 12 years … for which they should be buried .
And to show how out of touch they are – my MP – Ian Duncan smith asked a question about some foreigner locked up in an Arab jail … im sure the white people who voted for him will be suitably unimpressed …
From the DT report on the murder of Sara Sharif RIP:
‘ Jurors were brought to tears on several occasions as they heard details of Sara’s suffering. Sharif’s own barrister told the court his client was a “scumbag” who “would be in the circles of hell for eternity”.’
Which says it all. I hope this piece of excrement gets what he deserves, and he almost certainly won’t get long enough in the slammer cos he didn’t mean to kill her he was just giving her a legal punishment (British legal scholar!).
Even after admitting what he’d done, he had the gall to ask for her to be buried as a Muslim – ie he was more concerned about his religion’s rules than her life. Says it all – what a despicable piece of shit (can’t think of a word band enough).
I would be surprised if the bbc report that comment – thankfully I don’t listen to them any more. Unfortunately the country is full of people like that and that is why we are finished, shortly to become an Islamic shithole.
The reds want to build 4 new prisons . I was listening to a discussion on it today . The ex prison ‘chief ‘ nick hardwick was saying 4 was not enough and they’d by full pretty quick .
No reason was suggested – not the huge population increase – not the huge diversity – not the third world – but day in day out there are horror cases with evil people being locked up for long periods – more than 10 years .
Hardwick suggested we ( the state ) find new ways of dealing with criminals …. But never came up with even an idea ….
Import the third world – fill up the prisons – and there are the TTK political prisoners like Tommy Robinson of course – stuck in the gulag …
If a farming family has 100 acres
Then when grandparents die the 20% tax means they have 80 acres left after tax
30 years later the next generation dies that means they have 64 acres left after tax
30 years later the next generation dies that means they have 51 acres left after tax
30 years later the next generation dies that means they have 40 acres left after tax
32, 26, 21, etc
And more excellent news – 11000 met civilian support staff to strike because they have to go to work – it’s stressful apparently . Guys – stay at home -permanently – take the unemployment benefits….then cut the met budget …
Millipedes Green Dream going well , Vestas wind turbine makers based on the Isle of Wight are planning to make 300 out of 600 staff redundant , apparently the blades are for off shore use and demand has dramatically dropped or fallen off !……a sad situation for them pre Christmas 😔
I just thought Id have a Nibor news chanel and give only good things to say about Islam .
Well to start
Today in Bradford there were no riots by Islamists against something . The Police reported the non event was mostly peaceful .
Tube trains in Londonistan today were not bombed by Islamofascists . The survivors arrived at their destinations .
Fifteen year schoolgirls leaving St Marys Academy at Warmington On Sea were not accosted by Bogus asylum seekers from Pakistan . The Locals said they liked the area as it is .
Police praised the local Muslim community at Oldham for not throwing fireworks at the surviving churches in the area . They said it proved the local Imams were trying to reduce tensions .
A Muslim man said good morning to someone else . ( Reuters say this was in Hinkley Leicestershire , further reports to come ) .
A northern Muslim MP has raised an issue for one of his constituents which has nothing to do with Palestine .
No deaths were reported by Islamist attacks on London Bridge by an Islamofascist murdering a lorry driver and using his truck to run over pedestrians . Emergency services said this was a positive outcome .
A Muslim woman won a cake competition .
Or I could leave it to GB News to report when it is apposite to mention the religion .
And the BBC to cover it up .
Nibor- How brave of you with your comments. I am afraid
that I wrote something similar and took it off. The
BBC may just accept that the UK will become an Islamic
State in no more than four generations. BUT many
of us including GB News are trying not to accept this.
“Sara Sharif’s Polish family brand her killers ‘beasts’ and call for them to ‘rot in prison’ for schoolgirl’s horrific murder. The 10-year-old schoolgirl died after her father Urfan Sharif won custody and launched a campaign of sadistic abuse on her with his wife Beinash Batool.
British authorities allowed Sara’s Polish mother, Olga Domin, to be cut out of her life as the evil couple bound, burnt and beat the young girl until her death on August 8 last year. Jurors convicted Sharif, 42, and Batool, 30, of murder following a six-week trial at the Old Bailey.
Sara’s uncle, Faisal Malik, 29, who lived with them and five other children in a tiny two-bed flat in Woking, Surrey, was convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child.
Sara’s mother, who has since returned to Poland with her daughter’s body, was too upset to talk, but her relatives hit out at the killers.”
“The bigamist jewellery thief stepmother who led Sara Sharif to her death: How the evil housewife with links to a heroin dealer became the ‘true villain’ of the tragic story”
” 30-year-old Batool who was described as a ‘loving’ stepmum and whose ‘positive influence’ helped convince the authorities to give the couple full custody of the ten-year-old in 2019. Yet the beatings began almost as soon as Sara started living with them.
Neighbours reported hearing the sounds of children screaming, followed by Batool shouting ‘shut the f*** up’ and ‘go to your room you f****** bastard’.
She was also frequently heard referring to children as ‘c****’.
Two years before Sara died, Batool messaged her sister saying ‘Urfan beat the crap out of Sara’, that she was ‘covered in bruises, literally beaten black’ and that the ‘poor girl can’t walk’.
And yet she clearly did little or nothing to stop the abuse. If, indeed, she did not actively take part in it herself.
Bite marks were found on Sara’s body after her death.
Forensic tests proved they did not match Sharif or his brother’s teeth, both of whom provided their dental impressions. But Batool refused to do the same.”
News from the US, the corrupt politically biased arm of the democrats in charge of the FBI resigns, but they are certainly not finished with this one, they will not let him off the hook that easily :
Jim Jordan cheers Wray resignation, but says he’s not done probing his FBI tenure.
“I mean, Chris Wray was, you know, investigating moms and dads who show up for school board meetings. He was putting out a memorandum on saying, ‘If you’re a pro-life Catholic, you’re an extremist.’
The FBI retaliated against whistleblowers who came and gave us that kind of information. We learned yesterday that they were spying on congressional staffers and their metadata. And of course, he raided President Trump’s home,”
Jordan has made no secret of his thoughts on Wray’s leadership, overseeing multiple inquiries by the House Judiciary Committee into his leadership.
When asked by Fox News Digital if that oversight will continue, Jordan said, “Oh, yeah.”
bBC’s headline on the case of Sara Sharif: “Five words that changed the Sara Sharif murder trial”
This organisation has no shame. It is constantly avoiding walking on the egg shells of cultural sensitivities by not walking at all. In this case they will no doubt blame the social workers who took their lead from the dominant culture lead by the bBC.
So the UK has been importing 3rd world parenting hoping for the desired result which they now have. A monster biological father.
The Book: Broken Homes and Battered Children conclusively showed using the NSPCC’s own data that children were safest in the home of a biological father.
Now with this latest case they can go into overdrive with their nationalisation of children:
* Banning home schooling
* Teachers to become another anti-family agency
* Beefing up the SS (social services)
What they will not tell you is the number of children killed in state schools.
Ban schools … “The parents of one of the two children who died in the Wimbledon school crash have said they hope a new investigation will end the “hell” they are going through and believe the victims “deserve answers”.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwy4w6lqp4lo
Just listen to his report in the video. He is truly excited about this situation and the start of the mass murder of those he and his Muslim comrades hate. He even appears in the video at 1:22 and can barely conceal his happiness. I have to admit I find everything about this man repulsive.
What disturbs me most though as while he clearly wants this man to be murdered by by giving us great details of how evil this man is, he NEVER gives us details of the most appalling attrocities the people who have overthrown Assad have done as Internationally designated terrorists from the most evil groups of all. Nor does Jeremy EVER describe the pure evil of Hamas deliberately holding women and children nearby when fighting from hospitals, schools and refugee camps to be killed for the cameras when Israel strike.
When I see those people Jeremy is with, I see an extremist mob who want to watch someone getting murdered. They will willingly do it themselves. Maybe this man deserves it – but they would do exactly the same for others who might not. They don’t care.
He is a truly disgusting human being. Always has been.
The. Labour Party are fully aware that the majority of newcomers to the UK are likely to end up as Labour supporters as they give the easiest and most cushy and profitable ride for them.
This explains their total inaction on the dire direction this flood is taking the Country. It also explains the two-tier justice that they are handing out, it also explains why their bedfellows including The BBC and the Mayor of London etc. refuse to acknowledge the clear signs of the effect this is bound to have on this Nation and so the more incoming potential Labour voters the better.
They don’t care as long as they are running things. What they fail to take into account is what will happen to their holy party once the newcomers are sufficiently numerous and bold and decide it’s time to stop the pretence, revert to type and take over root and branch by force.
At which point it will become abundantly clear to all how traitorous they have behaved.
Our BBC reverts to their rather old-fashioned mode of understatement: The conviction of the father and stepmother of 10-year-old Sara Sharif for her murder leads many of the papers.
That’ll be the lead in the Daily Express, Daily Mirror, giveaway Metro, Daily Mail, Times, and the junior poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper.
The murdered child’s photo also dominates the covers of the Guardian and Telegraph – although the conviction is not their news headline story.
Of the national dailies featured on the gynaeceum that is the BBC news staff print press line-up, only the FT and Daily Star buck the trend. And it is, perhaps, for this neglect that our BBC relegates the globalist corporate pink paper and the jokey blokey tabloid comic to the very foot of their frontpages listing.
The ever-excitable Daily Mail best sums up the case with the strapline that sits above their main headline: Why does this keep happening?
Why indeed? Now that the actual perpetrators have been sent down for a long stretch at His Majesty’s Pleasure (and his taxpayers expense) the inevitable self-flagellation of British institutions begins: The courts, police, social services and teachers missed at least 15 chances to stop her being savagely murdered by her evil father and stepmother (Daily Mail) – practically every part of the public sector named and shamed – excepting of course the immigration service.
Oddly enough it is the Guardian which furnishes us with some interesting investigative background on the perps… kudos to Emine Sinmaz and Haroon Janjua in Islamabad – here are some highlights – it’s long but fascinating stuff, I think you’ll agree
Sara Sharif murder: who are the 10-year-old girl’s killers? Urfan Sharif’s family refused to believe he killed his daughter… His brother Imran Sharif told the Guardian at the time from the family’s eight-bedroom home in Pakistan’s northern city of Jhelum: “Urfan’s admission has left us devastated and heartbroken… Sharif’s family had cast blame on Batool…
Sharif, a taxi driver, had also sought to point the finger at Batool… he met Batool in late 2014 and she told him she was divorced but did not feel comfortable discussing her past… she told Sharif her ex-husband’s name and revealed he had been jailed for drug dealing… The Guardian tracked down the man, who said Batool, whom he knew as Aysha Khan…
The 42-year-old, who gave his name as Khan even though his full name was heard in court, was jailed for six years in September 2015 for smuggling heroin with a street value of £200,000 in mini-footballs from Pakistan into the UK… was deported to Pakistan on his release, said he met Batool at a takeaway in Woking, Surrey, before the pair married in an Islamic ceremony in early 2014…
Sharif claimed Batool had also been in a relationship with another Pakistani man, whom she was trying to sponsor to come to the UK… In November 2012, Batool told police that her family had held her against her will for three weeks and she and the man were placed in a refuge for victims of honour-based violence…
Sharif, who came to the UK from Pakistan on a student visa in 2003, denied attempting to orchestrate a sham marriage with a Polish woman to obtain an EU passport. “I wanted to settle down with a Polish girl,” he told jurors… The court heard three Polish women, including Sara’s biological mother, Olga Domin, reported Sharif to Surrey police for holding them captive and threatening and controlling them.
One of the women was alleged to have been under 18 at the start of their relationship, which Sharif denied. Sharif conceded during cross-examination that he had been married to a cousin in Pakistan in an Islamic ceremony in 2011 while married to Domin. Batool was his third wife, he eventually accepted. (Guardian)
As first officer Spock from Star Trek would say “Fascinating”.
Leaving aside this counter-cultural male muslim unashamed tendency to not believe all women…
I think you may agree, if any institution is to blame here, it’s our immigration service that ought to be under the spotlight as the media looks for institutional culpability in the girl’s death.
Diversity is our strength …. “The 42-year-old, who gave his name as Khan even though his full name was heard in court, was jailed for six years in September 2015 for smuggling heroin with a street value of £200,000 in mini-footballs from Pakistan into the UK… was deported to Pakistan on his release, said he met Batool at a takeaway in Woking, Surrey, before the pair married in an Islamic ceremony in early 2014…”
Exports The top exports of Malawi are Raw Tobacco ($435M), Gold ($225M), Tea ($84.3M), Ground Nuts ($81.4M), and Dried Legumes ($57.5M), exporting mostly to United Arab Emirates ($255M), Belgium ($143M), Tanzania ($72.8M), Kenya ($58.8M), and South Africa ($56.2M).
1. Tackle the climate emergency by building the resilience of Malawians and responding to climate shocks, so that a perpetual state of emergency is avoided.
2. Support the Malawi Government to deliver inclusive economic growth by building a Malawian economy that works for everyone.
3. Support the Malawi Government to drive reform to achieve robust public institutions, the delivery of high-quality public services to build Malawi’s human capital, and an active civil society.
Allocated ODA budget for financial year 2023 to 2024 Indicative ODA budget for financial year 2024 to 2025
£16,340,000 £51,000,000
“The causes of corruption in Malawi are multifaceted. Greed, lack of transparency, poverty, and low salaries have contributed to the problem. Weak institutions, lack of rule of law, and power imbalances have also enabled corruption to thrive. The effects of corruption have been devastating. Economic development has been stifled, poverty has persisted, and public trust in government has been eroded. Essential services like healthcare and education have suffered due to diversion of funds. Various institutions and individuals have been affected by corruption, including government ministries, parastatals, the police, and politicians. The mining sector has also been plagued by corruption, with officials accepting bribes to award contracts.”
Any problems with the armed services I would be looking at recruiting some GP surgery and A and E receptionists as urban warfare assault troops and drill seargents.
In the traditional aftermath of a kid murder case the bbc role out some extremist who recites the ‘something must be done ‘ ritual along with the ‘thinking of the dead child ‘ lie ….
Today the expert wants a ‘joined up approach to child care ‘ . Excellent . More intrusion and control by the Marxist state.
Kids can be monitored from birth – a chip inserted – a bar code tattooed by the midwife . Then all can be monitored – all will be safe .
Those with the chip and tattoo will get higher status treatment in the NHS – better schools – priority this and that from the State . All in the name of ‘safety ‘ of course . Inevitable ….
Elsewhere But some good news ? Option to not pay fuel standing charges might be in by the end of 2025 …. But maybe hot air ….
For two decades now Qatar has been one of the leading supporters, funders and hosts of the proscribed terrorist group Hamas. They have transferred billions of dollars to Hamas, and the Emir and his family continue to host the group’s leadership in luxury hotels and apartments in Doha. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/beware-the-qataris/
Giorgi confessed on 15 December 2022 to having been bribed by Qatari officials to influence the European Parliament’s decisions. He also confessed receiving funds from the Moroccan government, and while exonerating his partner, Kaili, he explicitly implicated the involvement of Panzeri, Cozzolino, and Tarabella.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Islam – winning the game of terror and attrition – do we close all Churches so we don’t offend Islam?
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ” jokey snog” – Spain’s ex-football chief Luis Rubiales found guilty of sexual assault Nice one Marky. You’re a fellow…
“Starmer refuses to say he’ll strip UK citizenship of terrorists fleeing Syria”
He IS an extremist and his views DO represent Islam, which is extremist to the core.
“Speaking during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons, Mrs Badenoch said: “The Prime Minister has consistently backed criminals over law abiding British people. He defended terrorists like Hizb ut-Tahrir in the European court. He argued all immigration law had a racist undercurrent. He voted against life sentences for people smugglers.
“He voted against more than 100 measures to control migration. He even said it was wrong when the Conservatives took away Shamima Begum’s citizenship.
“Now he has appointed her defence lawyer as his attorney general. Events in Syria mean we may see more small boat arrivals. For once will he take the side of the British people and strip citizenship from jihadi terrorists and supporters of Assad who want to come back and destroy this country?”
I wonder why?
“NHS calls for midwives specialising in inbred babies – as Labour refuses to back ban on marrying first cousins.
Midwives and nurses who specialise in genetic conditions caused by inbreeding have been deployed across the NHS to care for blood-related couples who have children.
MailOnline can reveal multiple NHS employers have advertised for several such roles over the past year-and-a-half, some offering salaries of about £50,000.
It comes as the devastating health consequences of cousin marriages was highlighted in the House of Commons this week, amid the launch of a new Bill that aims to ban the practice.
The former Conservative minister Richard Holden, who has tabled the Private Members’ Bill, said such unions have been linked to a higher rate of birth defects.
‘Studies show that it is associated with approximately double the rate of birth defects compared to the general population and can reinforce negative structures and control women,’ he told the House of Commons.
However, some MPs defended the practice. Independent Iqbal Mohamed claimed such unions could ‘build family bonds’ and put families on a ‘more secure financial foothold’, although he too acknowledged the heath risks.
Labour has indicated it has no plans to ban marriages between first cousins.
Cousin marriage is popular among certain communities in Britain such as those of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage.”
National FGM Support Clinics
-Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Leeds – Blossom Clinic, Oakwood Medical Practice
Leeds – St James’s Hospital
Liverpool – Liverpool Women’s Hospital Antenatal Clinic
Birmingham – Summerfield Health Centre
Birmingham – City Hospital Maternity Department
Birmingham – University Hospitals Birmingham Well Women’s Clinic
Bristol – Rose Clinic, Eastville Medical Practice
“Iraq is poised to slash the legal age of consent from 18 to to nine, allowing men to marry young children.”
Inheritance Tax
The argument goes it only effects a small amount of estates, Farms or otherwise.
If they accept the principle is right, why only go after 4%?
What not tax the majority? No votes in it I guess.
Dan Wootton tears into the BBC’s Clive Myrie over Islam report.
So to be clear. Novarmedia are accusing GBN as being the engine of Islamaphobia. Yet the directors / founders of Novarmedia are regularly invited as guests by GBN for debating purposes !
I don’t mind being called Islamaphobic. Lock me up – food and heating provided !
And don’t forget instant access to medical services, tv with no license to pay and three free meals a day.
Let’s just say….
Almost half of all mentions of Islam or Muslims on UK news channels since October 2022 came from a single source, a new report has found, confirming what many have suspected: GB News is an engine of Islamophobia.
I thought this one would resonate given Champion Ash’s prevalence in W1A studios.
Almost 75% of all mentions of drag queens on UK news channels comes from the BBC. The BBC is an engine of perversion and degeneracy.
Featured on BBC Three
The Rap Game UK
RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under
Smoggie Queens
Gavin & Stacey
With Saudi Arabia getting the World Cup in 2034 weeks it gives the FA lots of time to stock up on plenty of Stonewall rainbow laces and rainbow armbands.
Seems an ‘unfortunate’ consequence of the real presidenr getting elected is the next phase of democrat far left grief – this one is the ‘celebration of the nutter who shot a health care CEO and who is now playing to his ‘fans’ … some ladies with cats think he is ‘hot ‘….
I don’t think they’ll get to ‘acceptance ‘ any time in the next 4 years … 20 January 2029 …..( if they don’t murder president trump first of course ) – or someone fire the Bid One ….
I think the adoration of the utter coward who murdered the CEO by shooting him in the back before scuttling off like a rat illustrates just how deranged the left and possibly in particular the female left really are in the USA. It reveals an astounding total lack of moral compass. The barbaric events during the Irish “troubles” show what this sort of blind cult intolerance and killer worship can lead too.
Trump is not going to have an easy ride as this disgusting and evil process takes hold more and more.
The 2034 men’s football World Cup will be held in Saudi Arabia

In all three decisions just one voting option was available, shrouding the proceedings in controversy.
Why not?
The World Cup is a joke now anyway.
The World Cup will just end up being ‘our Africans vs your Africans’. We’re already half way there. Modern computer based tactical and performance analysis has deemed that everyone should play the same way.
Football is now ‘press high up the pitch’ and try to ‘steal’ the ball and quickly counter. Or try to ‘beat the press’ and start your own attack as you break through the ‘high line’
It all gets rather boring after watching every game being played this way for the last few years.
I recall the World Cups of distant past.
The skillful Brazilians with the samba drums and half naked dancing girls in the crowd. Even the fans have changed. All middle class types who managed to get tickets at £3,000 a pop. Not the real fans of years ago.
The efficient Germans. Like their cars. A little bland but top notch. If nobody wants to win it, they’ll win it.
The naive Africans. Powerful, fast and skilful. But likely to get 2 red cards for appalling fouls or commit amateur defensive errors.
The Japanese. Quick, skillful and full of fair play and respect for the referee. Although lightweight and easily dominated physically.
The Latins. Argentina, Spain and Italy in particular. Skillful, can beat anyone, defensively sound…but can self destruct at any moment in a mass hissy fit. Dirty snide sods too, with their cynical fouling and play acting.
The French and Dutch. Like Brazil, but more likely to all fall out with each other within their own squafd than do well.
England. Start badly. Get better. Look like we might do it and then lose on penalties to countries we had wars with or lose in a controversial manner. Or both.
Scotland. Lose to minnows, beat or draw with good teams, but all too little, too late and out in round 1.
Yes, the World Cup was great because we had real diversity.
If globalism means every country’s teams look and play the same way, how is this ‘diverse’?
World Cup has been pants since about 2002.
I think it’s great news – every prem team will be fully owned by Arabs – the corruption will be so beyond now – in fact big clubs will move overseas – the Riyadh Areenal -for starters …
West Mohammed United
Aston Villallah
Notting(no)ham Forest
Brighton and Hove Halalbion
I used to support Borussia Mönchengladbach.
Just so I could stand on the terraces with a megaphone and shout:
“Give us a B”
Sky and the BBC working with the government , no mention of the farmers on there web sites thank heaven for gb news
The BBC cheerleads anyone who wants to annihilate the fossil fuel motor industry or any price rises on power that would ‘save the planet’….as witnessed recently when the boss of Scottish Power came on and demanded huge rises in prices and massive investment in electrification…it was absolutely crucial in order to ‘save the planet’…not a word of dissent or challenge from the BBC presenter despite such measures clearly being in the electricity industry’s interest…massive profits on the back of them.
Odd then that Tesla, ie Musk, gets singled out for BBC opprobrium for doing exactly the same thing…the tone of the BBC report is clearly meant to convey that Musk is doing something immoral and wrong…
‘Elon Musk’s electric car firm Tesla pushed the government to make petrol car drivers “pay more” in the days after Labour won the general election.
Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, has waded into British politics openly on social media, predicting “civil war” and criticising prime minister Sir Keir Starmer.
But behind the scenes his firm was trying to persuade the new government to extend a policy that would boost his firm’s profits.’
Funny how the BBC hates Musk so much but loves Dale Vince who is just as profiteering and grasping…but allegedly a ‘greenie’.
A man armed with an AK-47 assault rifle waves us down an alley. We’re in a small village in eastern Pakistan, to meet someone who says he can tell us how Sara Sharif’s family managed to hide from police for more than four weeks during an international police hunt.
He was the one who hid them, he tells us.
The Jihadis Next Door review: Channel 4 was absolutely right to make this film
I wonder if all those ‘celebs ‘ who endorsed Kamala ( remember her ) are now cursed ? J Z and J Lo and diddy Pee and bee yond say all see to be tabloid fodder for something or other – which is nice ….
It rather looks like Mr Beyonce is deep in doo-doo with his old mate Sean Coombs…
You can absolutely see why the BBC are not poking around – given their entanglement / investment in the music businees
Just as the BBC targets Musk and ignores those with a mindset conducive to the BBC worldview it also targets Israel whilst shutting its eyes to others.
The BBC spent yesterday telling us how the UN [often represented by a Russian voice…the BBC failing to note the Russian interest in Syria] was demanding Israel stop bombing targets in Syria….but somehow the fact that the Americans were busily bombing IS in Syria and Turkey was bombing the Kurds in Syria got totally forgotten.
Just little Israel then. Odd or not so odd…just the usual UN bigotry and BBC bias.
BBC still pushing the government line on farm inheritance tax as it tacks onto its reports that ‘the government says the majority of farms will not be affected’…..no mention of any other voices which beg to differ…including Defra itself.
Pitchfork Revolt
Advani also suggested that where IHT forced sales of farms, they should be brought by the state. Very clear where his thinking is going.
PS still nothing on the farmers protest on the BBC news homepage. It’s almost as if they don’t want the public to know.
As the BBC targets Musk for lobbying the government in order to save the planet, lol, it is oddly quiet about the green grabber who made a fortune out of green subsidies and who gave Labour millions so that his ex-wife couldn’t get it in a divorce settlement….how does that go down at the BBC where women’s issues are a hot topic? Seems they’re not too bothered about the climate change hero’s dodgy dealings.
‘A green energy tycoon who previously bankrolled Just Stop Oil donated millions of pounds to the Labour Party to reduce the amount he would have to pay his ex-wife in a divorce battle, the High Court has been told.
Dale Vince, 63, and his former wife Kate Vince, 50, are in dispute over how money should be split following their divorce, which a judge granted on Tuesday.’
Look at the millions he got in taxpayer subsidies, much of which ended up back in Starmers coffers.
And could he operate a business without being propped up with endless subsidies ?
that’s a firm NO
EXCLUSIVE: BBC journalists are digging deeper into Gregg Wallace’s behaviour – and are set to uncover a string of new allegations for a Panorama-style show
All of the above is entirely typical… and makes zero sense in media terms.
Talking about women’s rights….there’s Woman’s Hour where we get the world from a very bitter point of view.
Today we hear that women are victims of a wicked level of misogyny at triathlon events…
‘A new report from SheRACES and Fund Her Tri UK has found that women triathletes can experience unacceptable harassment at events. It also showed that women competitors struggle with the lack of toilet facilities and changing facilities. Sophie Power is an ultrarunner and founder of SheRACES – she joins Nuala McGovern to tell us more about the report and the change they hope to make.’
It was traumatic listening to the tales of woe as women, especially women of colour, and especially especially Muslim women, who are treated appallingly. It’s so unfair that men are at the front when races start…and just where are the facilities for women…just where do Muslims get changed? I guess they have the same level of facilities the men have…but they don’t moan.
Seems remarkably fragile and demanding…never heard of a ‘changing robe’ if you’re shy or Muslim? Muslims want the world to adapt to them rather than them adapt to the world.
One really annoying listen considering how many thousands of women partake in triathlons and love it and funnily enough seem to cope quite well with doing whatever is necessary without politicising and weaponisng it.
Shasme the BBC gives such a big platform to the whingers without anyone on to give any counter-arguments.
Comparative male / female suicide numbers might add to the flavour of the discussion . The friend of mine who hanged himself from a tree because his wife who took him to the cleaners – comes to mind – RIP
Male suicides used to be 2 in 3. It is now 3 in 4.
The last Government’s major research into suicides was into females suicides only.
Typical state sexism.
(I still do not know how the sexual equality act will be promoted should the UK have to go to war again. One people one law)
On the subject of wasteful public expenditure.
The little girl murdered by her Pakistani heritage parents in Woking after years of social services interventions.
The father admitted it from the off.
The evidence was overwhelming.
So…….why did the court case take EIGHT WEEKS.
Nice work for the legal profession if you can get it.
It reminds me of a murder some years ago by a man who murdered someone in church with a sword.
‘We’ve got ( insert large number) of detectives on the case’, said a police spokesman.
The murderer was caught red handed by the entire congregation.
It’s not the working class versus the middle class any more.
It’s about the entitled public sector class versus the embattled private sector class
The BBC never noticed it!
Maybe they should add another specialist team to go alongside verify and misinformation called noinformation?
There is no doubt whatsoever that there is a hotline between the BBC newsroom and Labour HQ.
What they don’t realise is that every time they pull a “nothing to see here” stroke they get a bit less trusted by loads of new people. Hence they are gradually putting a noose round their own neck.
“Consult us on inheritance tax, farmers urge PM”
It has finally made the top half of the UK news page, although you would not have known that there was a demonstration from the head line.
bBC prejudice.
Far too undiverse I’m afraid. Where are the black farmers? Farming is racist a la countryfile.
Not called Lizard People for nothing.
It’s an amazing feat to get detested by so many people in such a short time that has been achieved by Starmer and Reeves.
On X a person claiming to be victor orban says he had an hour long conversation with president Putin yesterday .. I don’t know about you – but I feel the ‘danger ‘ variables building up and up .
Can only count down the days until the vacuum left by Obama Biden is filled by the regime of President trump …
40 days …..
There’s a new trend among the media in America of cosying up to Trump.
Until very recently they were hysterically denouncing him as a Hitler / Nazi / fascist.
Now suddenly it’s all olive branches / unity / kumbaya, we were with you all along etc.
In the case of Cenk Uygur (below), by some extraordinary intellectual contortions, he’s claiming that he was right all along, that he was always on the same side as the populist right.
Matt Walsh is having none of it.
Something similar may happen here, as more and more wake up to the realisation that the populist right were the sane ones all along, and the lefties try to jump on the bandwagon. They should be made to make abject, grovelling apologies before being allowed on board.
Bugger that, they shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the same.
The tragedy is that the sane right sat on its’ hands at the last election allowing the great leader into number 10 . We knew it was going to happen – and that the dead blues are directly responsible for it …
Sunak must be in California by now …. Nut nut think he still means something …. But listening to PMQs – however much the current blue leader spouts – it will always come back to their cowardice for the last 12 years … for which they should be buried .
And to show how out of touch they are – my MP – Ian Duncan smith asked a question about some foreigner locked up in an Arab jail … im sure the white people who voted for him will be suitably unimpressed …
Thousands of farmers and tractors in Londonistan to protest today.
No tractors nicked? Or farmers mugged?
From the DT report on the murder of Sara Sharif RIP:
‘ Jurors were brought to tears on several occasions as they heard details of Sara’s suffering. Sharif’s own barrister told the court his client was a “scumbag” who “would be in the circles of hell for eternity”.’
Which says it all. I hope this piece of excrement gets what he deserves, and he almost certainly won’t get long enough in the slammer cos he didn’t mean to kill her he was just giving her a legal punishment (British legal scholar!).
Even after admitting what he’d done, he had the gall to ask for her to be buried as a Muslim – ie he was more concerned about his religion’s rules than her life. Says it all – what a despicable piece of shit (can’t think of a word band enough).
I would be surprised if the bbc report that comment – thankfully I don’t listen to them any more. Unfortunately the country is full of people like that and that is why we are finished, shortly to become an Islamic shithole.
And she’s Polish, from her mothers side who lost custody, see below.
The reds want to build 4 new prisons . I was listening to a discussion on it today . The ex prison ‘chief ‘ nick hardwick was saying 4 was not enough and they’d by full pretty quick .
No reason was suggested – not the huge population increase – not the huge diversity – not the third world – but day in day out there are horror cases with evil people being locked up for long periods – more than 10 years .
Hardwick suggested we ( the state ) find new ways of dealing with criminals …. But never came up with even an idea ….
Import the third world – fill up the prisons – and there are the TTK political prisoners like Tommy Robinson of course – stuck in the gulag …
Damn – Obama / Biden FBI director has resigned . Pity he didn’t have the patience to wait until 20 January – let’s hope he gets to do Federal Time ….
Reuters “Wray, first appointed by Trump, will step down at end of Biden’s term”
Saudi Arabia World Cup 2034. And the amount in millions that David Beckham will get as ambassador / meet & greeter / sponsorship deals will be ………
Looks like beckham will get the same knighthood the emir of londonistan will get ….-suppose ms gray will get another gong too …
If a farming family has 100 acres
Then when grandparents die the 20% tax means they have 80 acres left after tax
30 years later the next generation dies that means they have 64 acres left after tax
30 years later the next generation dies that means they have 51 acres left after tax
30 years later the next generation dies that means they have 40 acres left after tax
32, 26, 21, etc
… and billy gates / Blackrock buys the fire sale ….
And more excellent news – 11000 met civilian support staff to strike because they have to go to work – it’s stressful apparently . Guys – stay at home -permanently – take the unemployment benefits….then cut the met budget …
Does anybody know a good course in the basics of government that we could send Starmer and his pals on?
Millipedes Green Dream going well , Vestas wind turbine makers based on the Isle of Wight are planning to make 300 out of 600 staff redundant , apparently the blades are for off shore use and demand has dramatically dropped or fallen off !……a sad situation for them pre Christmas 😔
Sweden rejects 13 offshore wind projects over national security risks
Nov 4, 2024, 5:31:43 PM
I just thought Id have a Nibor news chanel and give only good things to say about Islam .
Well to start
Today in Bradford there were no riots by Islamists against something . The Police reported the non event was mostly peaceful .
Tube trains in Londonistan today were not bombed by Islamofascists . The survivors arrived at their destinations .
Fifteen year schoolgirls leaving St Marys Academy at Warmington On Sea were not accosted by Bogus asylum seekers from Pakistan . The Locals said they liked the area as it is .
Police praised the local Muslim community at Oldham for not throwing fireworks at the surviving churches in the area . They said it proved the local Imams were trying to reduce tensions .
A Muslim man said good morning to someone else . ( Reuters say this was in Hinkley Leicestershire , further reports to come ) .
A northern Muslim MP has raised an issue for one of his constituents which has nothing to do with Palestine .
No deaths were reported by Islamist attacks on London Bridge by an Islamofascist murdering a lorry driver and using his truck to run over pedestrians . Emergency services said this was a positive outcome .
A Muslim woman won a cake competition .
Or I could leave it to GB News to report when it is apposite to mention the religion .
And the BBC to cover it up .
‘Allahu Akbar! Gaza won’t be silent’ | Councillor dedicates win to Palestine in controversial video
Bit of luck Gaza will be a car park …
Not free parking – £2.50 an hour and fines up to £70
Nibor- How brave of you with your comments. I am afraid
that I wrote something similar and took it off. The
BBC may just accept that the UK will become an Islamic
State in no more than four generations. BUT many
of us including GB News are trying not to accept this.
This explains a lot, IMHO :
“Sara Sharif’s Polish family brand her killers ‘beasts’ and call for them to ‘rot in prison’ for schoolgirl’s horrific murder. The 10-year-old schoolgirl died after her father Urfan Sharif won custody and launched a campaign of sadistic abuse on her with his wife Beinash Batool.
British authorities allowed Sara’s Polish mother, Olga Domin, to be cut out of her life as the evil couple bound, burnt and beat the young girl until her death on August 8 last year. Jurors convicted Sharif, 42, and Batool, 30, of murder following a six-week trial at the Old Bailey.
Sara’s uncle, Faisal Malik, 29, who lived with them and five other children in a tiny two-bed flat in Woking, Surrey, was convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child.
Sara’s mother, who has since returned to Poland with her daughter’s body, was too upset to talk, but her relatives hit out at the killers.”
“The bigamist jewellery thief stepmother who led Sara Sharif to her death: How the evil housewife with links to a heroin dealer became the ‘true villain’ of the tragic story”
2nd link above paywalled so :
” 30-year-old Batool who was described as a ‘loving’ stepmum and whose ‘positive influence’ helped convince the authorities to give the couple full custody of the ten-year-old in 2019. Yet the beatings began almost as soon as Sara started living with them.
Neighbours reported hearing the sounds of children screaming, followed by Batool shouting ‘shut the f*** up’ and ‘go to your room you f****** bastard’.
She was also frequently heard referring to children as ‘c****’.
Two years before Sara died, Batool messaged her sister saying ‘Urfan beat the crap out of Sara’, that she was ‘covered in bruises, literally beaten black’ and that the ‘poor girl can’t walk’.
And yet she clearly did little or nothing to stop the abuse. If, indeed, she did not actively take part in it herself.
Bite marks were found on Sara’s body after her death.
Forensic tests proved they did not match Sharif or his brother’s teeth, both of whom provided their dental impressions. But Batool refused to do the same.”
Jailhouse justice hopefully
No reckoning for the social workers unfortunately
Turn your back when it’s that lot, as Rotherham and Telford schoolchildren know only too well.
Lessons learnt my arse.
News from the US, the corrupt politically biased arm of the democrats in charge of the FBI resigns, but they are certainly not finished with this one, they will not let him off the hook that easily :
Jim Jordan cheers Wray resignation, but says he’s not done probing his FBI tenure.
“I mean, Chris Wray was, you know, investigating moms and dads who show up for school board meetings. He was putting out a memorandum on saying, ‘If you’re a pro-life Catholic, you’re an extremist.’
The FBI retaliated against whistleblowers who came and gave us that kind of information. We learned yesterday that they were spying on congressional staffers and their metadata. And of course, he raided President Trump’s home,”
Jordan has made no secret of his thoughts on Wray’s leadership, overseeing multiple inquiries by the House Judiciary Committee into his leadership.
When asked by Fox News Digital if that oversight will continue, Jordan said, “Oh, yeah.”
bBC’s headline on the case of Sara Sharif: “Five words that changed the Sara Sharif murder trial”
This organisation has no shame. It is constantly avoiding walking on the egg shells of cultural sensitivities by not walking at all. In this case they will no doubt blame the social workers who took their lead from the dominant culture lead by the bBC.
There was me thinking the bbc liked stories about racism ?
Seems to me to be more than a whiff of that in why that poor thing was targetting by the psychotic muslim mother in law ?
And how the hell did they get custody ? is that being examined ?
So the UK has been importing 3rd world parenting hoping for the desired result which they now have. A monster biological father.
The Book: Broken Homes and Battered Children conclusively showed using the NSPCC’s own data that children were safest in the home of a biological father.
Now with this latest case they can go into overdrive with their nationalisation of children:
* Banning home schooling
* Teachers to become another anti-family agency
* Beefing up the SS (social services)
What they will not tell you is the number of children killed in state schools.
Anyone remember the Romanian orphanages?
Ban schools … “The parents of one of the two children who died in the Wimbledon school crash have said they hope a new investigation will end the “hell” they are going through and believe the victims “deserve answers”.”
The 14-year-old boy killed in a sword attack in north-east London attended the same school as one of the Nottingham stabbing victims, the BBC understands.
I’m finding this BBC treatment of Syria to be quite sickening and their real nature is showing through.
This video from Jezza is an excellent example:
‘BBC sees crowd surge over rumoured execution of Assad henchman’
Just listen to his report in the video. He is truly excited about this situation and the start of the mass murder of those he and his Muslim comrades hate. He even appears in the video at 1:22 and can barely conceal his happiness. I have to admit I find everything about this man repulsive.
What disturbs me most though as while he clearly wants this man to be murdered by by giving us great details of how evil this man is, he NEVER gives us details of the most appalling attrocities the people who have overthrown Assad have done as Internationally designated terrorists from the most evil groups of all. Nor does Jeremy EVER describe the pure evil of Hamas deliberately holding women and children nearby when fighting from hospitals, schools and refugee camps to be killed for the cameras when Israel strike.
When I see those people Jeremy is with, I see an extremist mob who want to watch someone getting murdered. They will willingly do it themselves. Maybe this man deserves it – but they would do exactly the same for others who might not. They don’t care.
He is a truly disgusting human being. Always has been.
The. Labour Party are fully aware that the majority of newcomers to the UK are likely to end up as Labour supporters as they give the easiest and most cushy and profitable ride for them.
This explains their total inaction on the dire direction this flood is taking the Country. It also explains the two-tier justice that they are handing out, it also explains why their bedfellows including The BBC and the Mayor of London etc. refuse to acknowledge the clear signs of the effect this is bound to have on this Nation and so the more incoming potential Labour voters the better.
They don’t care as long as they are running things. What they fail to take into account is what will happen to their holy party once the newcomers are sufficiently numerous and bold and decide it’s time to stop the pretence, revert to type and take over root and branch by force.
At which point it will become abundantly clear to all how traitorous they have behaved.
A little thought exercise :
Asian muslim mother gets denied access to her child, Polish father gets custody.
Asian child gets tortured beaten and murdered by Polish father and stepmother.
What do you think the bbc would make of that one ? screaming from the front page headlines ?
Institutional culpability edition
Our BBC reverts to their rather old-fashioned mode of understatement: The conviction of the father and stepmother of 10-year-old Sara Sharif for her murder leads many of the papers.
That’ll be the lead in the Daily Express, Daily Mirror, giveaway Metro, Daily Mail, Times, and the junior poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper.
The murdered child’s photo also dominates the covers of the Guardian and Telegraph – although the conviction is not their news headline story.
Of the national dailies featured on the gynaeceum that is the BBC news staff print press line-up, only the FT and Daily Star buck the trend. And it is, perhaps, for this neglect that our BBC relegates the globalist corporate pink paper and the jokey blokey tabloid comic to the very foot of their frontpages listing.
The ever-excitable Daily Mail best sums up the case with the strapline that sits above their main headline: Why does this keep happening?
Why indeed? Now that the actual perpetrators have been sent down for a long stretch at His Majesty’s Pleasure (and his taxpayers expense) the inevitable self-flagellation of British institutions begins: The courts, police, social services and teachers missed at least 15 chances to stop her being savagely murdered by her evil father and stepmother (Daily Mail) – practically every part of the public sector named and shamed – excepting of course the immigration service.
Oddly enough it is the Guardian which furnishes us with some interesting investigative background on the perps… kudos to Emine Sinmaz and Haroon Janjua in Islamabad – here are some highlights – it’s long but fascinating stuff, I think you’ll agree
Sara Sharif murder: who are the 10-year-old girl’s killers? Urfan Sharif’s family refused to believe he killed his daughter… His brother Imran Sharif told the Guardian at the time from the family’s eight-bedroom home in Pakistan’s northern city of Jhelum: “Urfan’s admission has left us devastated and heartbroken… Sharif’s family had cast blame on Batool…
Sharif, a taxi driver, had also sought to point the finger at Batool… he met Batool in late 2014 and she told him she was divorced but did not feel comfortable discussing her past… she told Sharif her ex-husband’s name and revealed he had been jailed for drug dealing… The Guardian tracked down the man, who said Batool, whom he knew as Aysha Khan…
The 42-year-old, who gave his name as Khan even though his full name was heard in court, was jailed for six years in September 2015 for smuggling heroin with a street value of £200,000 in mini-footballs from Pakistan into the UK… was deported to Pakistan on his release, said he met Batool at a takeaway in Woking, Surrey, before the pair married in an Islamic ceremony in early 2014…
Sharif claimed Batool had also been in a relationship with another Pakistani man, whom she was trying to sponsor to come to the UK… In November 2012, Batool told police that her family had held her against her will for three weeks and she and the man were placed in a refuge for victims of honour-based violence…
Sharif, who came to the UK from Pakistan on a student visa in 2003, denied attempting to orchestrate a sham marriage with a Polish woman to obtain an EU passport. “I wanted to settle down with a Polish girl,” he told jurors… The court heard three Polish women, including Sara’s biological mother, Olga Domin, reported Sharif to Surrey police for holding them captive and threatening and controlling them.
One of the women was alleged to have been under 18 at the start of their relationship, which Sharif denied. Sharif conceded during cross-examination that he had been married to a cousin in Pakistan in an Islamic ceremony in 2011 while married to Domin. Batool was his third wife, he eventually accepted. (Guardian)
As first officer Spock from Star Trek would say “Fascinating”.
Leaving aside this counter-cultural male muslim unashamed tendency to not believe all women…
I think you may agree, if any institution is to blame here, it’s our immigration service that ought to be under the spotlight as the media looks for institutional culpability in the girl’s death.
Diversity is our strength …. “The 42-year-old, who gave his name as Khan even though his full name was heard in court, was jailed for six years in September 2015 for smuggling heroin with a street value of £200,000 in mini-footballs from Pakistan into the UK… was deported to Pakistan on his release, said he met Batool at a takeaway in Woking, Surrey, before the pair married in an Islamic ceremony in early 2014…”
A £22Bn black hole in our economy eh?
So why does this waycist misandrist 2-bagger on liebour front benches want to do this:
“We’re supporting 7.5m children in Malawi to get a great maths education and providing scholarships for 1,500 girls.”
Charity begins at home.
Exports The top exports of Malawi are Raw Tobacco ($435M), Gold ($225M), Tea ($84.3M), Ground Nuts ($81.4M), and Dried Legumes ($57.5M), exporting mostly to United Arab Emirates ($255M), Belgium ($143M), Tanzania ($72.8M), Kenya ($58.8M), and South Africa ($56.2M).
The UK’s mission in Malawi is to be a supportive and reliable partner in promoting inclusive, stable economic growth, climate-smart resilience, robust and democratic institutions, and high-quality services that protect the rights of the poorest.
1. Tackle the climate emergency by building the resilience of Malawians and responding to climate shocks, so that a perpetual state of emergency is avoided.
2. Support the Malawi Government to deliver inclusive economic growth by building a Malawian economy that works for everyone.
3. Support the Malawi Government to drive reform to achieve robust public institutions, the delivery of high-quality public services to build Malawi’s human capital, and an active civil society.
Allocated ODA budget for financial year 2023 to 2024 Indicative ODA budget for financial year 2024 to 2025
£16,340,000 £51,000,000
‘Charity begins at home.’ As long as that home isn’t in the UK.
“The causes of corruption in Malawi are multifaceted. Greed, lack of transparency, poverty, and low salaries have contributed to the problem. Weak institutions, lack of rule of law, and power imbalances have also enabled corruption to thrive. The effects of corruption have been devastating. Economic development has been stifled, poverty has persisted, and public trust in government has been eroded. Essential services like healthcare and education have suffered due to diversion of funds. Various institutions and individuals have been affected by corruption, including government ministries, parastatals, the police, and politicians. The mining sector has also been plagued by corruption, with officials accepting bribes to award contracts.”
2024 Warning: This article contains descriptions of physical abuse.
** bbc cannot decide if hijab or non hijab works on images.
1400+ ignored over 16 years.
Right now our wind turbines are producing 1.69GW which is 4.5% of our electricity demand.
Meanwhile Canada will get delivery of a small modular (nucleur) reactor (SMR) in 2029.
Canada has a way to reduce demand …
Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAID) law
@ atlas
One might as well get a shed full of hamsters running around in wheels.
I would be exploring a deal with a pet shop for also supplying the parrots to run the NHS 111 line.
I could save the taxpayer millions.
Can you buy monkeys in Pets At Home ? I have some more ideas.
Any problems with the armed services I would be looking at recruiting some GP surgery and A and E receptionists as urban warfare assault troops and drill seargents.
In the traditional aftermath of a kid murder case the bbc role out some extremist who recites the ‘something must be done ‘ ritual along with the ‘thinking of the dead child ‘ lie ….
Today the expert wants a ‘joined up approach to child care ‘ . Excellent . More intrusion and control by the Marxist state.
Kids can be monitored from birth – a chip inserted – a bar code tattooed by the midwife . Then all can be monitored – all will be safe .
Those with the chip and tattoo will get higher status treatment in the NHS – better schools – priority this and that from the State . All in the name of ‘safety ‘ of course . Inevitable ….
Elsewhere But some good news ? Option to not pay fuel standing charges might be in by the end of 2025 …. But maybe hot air ….
You will own nothing … “Which European football teams are owned by Arabs?”
Paris-Saint Germain
Newcastle United
Manchester City
Aston Villa
Sheffield United
For two decades now Qatar has been one of the leading supporters, funders and hosts of the proscribed terrorist group Hamas. They have transferred billions of dollars to Hamas, and the Emir and his family continue to host the group’s leadership in luxury hotels and apartments in Doha.
Giorgi confessed on 15 December 2022 to having been bribed by Qatari officials to influence the European Parliament’s decisions. He also confessed receiving funds from the Moroccan government, and while exonerating his partner, Kaili, he explicitly implicated the involvement of Panzeri, Cozzolino, and Tarabella.