Seems that the Marxists are going to change planning laws to enable huge immigrant housing estates to but dumped on nice blue labour constituencies .
The popcorn will be the deputy prime minister delivering the plan to the commons later today . I bet she gets a junior to do the tricky stuff she could never understand – which means said junior will be busy ….
But if the reds and blue import 10 million people in 10 years – what else is there to do if they all can’t be thrown out ..?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
F@cking Rayner, just imagine what the arch hypocrite would have been banging on about if in opposition? :
“A council said it did “all it could” to stop a healthcare waste incinerator from being built after it was overruled by the government. Last year, Cambridgeshire County Council rejected Envar Composting’s application to build an incinerator at the company’s Woodhurst waste disposal site, near St Ives.
Envar appealed the decision and, after an eight-day public inquiry earlier in the year, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has granted planning permission.
The council said at the inquiry it “robustly defended” its decision and had made a “reasonable decision” in refusing the application. Permission for the development was granted on Monday but a request that Envar should be awarded costs against the council was not approved.
Cambridgeshire County Council’s planning committee initially voted by a majority to oppose the development plans, external. Opponents of the plans said they backed the council’s decision as they were worried about air quality as well as the visual impact of a 26m (85ft) high chimney. They were also concerned about the extra road movements from waste being brought in from other counties.
Ms Rayner, housing, communities and local government secretary, said in her report, external that, while the proposed chimney would introduce an industrial looking feature to the locality, it would not totally change the character of the local landscape.
It would be more than twice the height of any other structure on the site, but she said the chimney would appear as a slender feature and would not be overbearing. ”
Around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year, accounting for 4.7% of deaths in the country. Canada lawmakers are currently seeking to expand access to euthanasia to cover people with mental illnesses by 2027.
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
A recent hate crime conviction in Germany really shocked me and showed in stark contrast how Western society holds hate crimes to be much worse than actual crimes – even the gang rape of a child.
A 20 year old woman sent messages to a man who’d taken part in the gang rape calling him a “disgraceful pig” – and incredibly, the woman was given a harsher sentence than the rapist.
She’s just one of 140 people being investigated over hate crimes for messaging the rapists, reportedly none of whom was of German origin.
TOADY Watch #1 – planning, planning, planning but not thinking …
Mathew Pennycook MP, the Housing Minister, was interviewed on TOADY about Labour’s plans to build 1.5 million new homes by 2029. Labour is very anti-car/van/lorry of the diesel fuelled variety and I wonder if they will build the new roads that are essential for all these houses. No questions asked by Amol Rajan.
One thing I know about housebuilding is that it is one of the most dangerous occupations and that a number of builders are injured or killed every year. Therefore the first thing you need to build in a new development is a GP surgery, and to staff it, and a hospital, and to staff it. If you don’t do that, housebuilders when they get injured will not be able to get help and may be off work for a while. The next thing you need to build is a NHS dental surgery and to staff it because a housebuilder with toothache will not be a happy housebuilder and will not be able to concentrate on his or her work.
Only when that is all done, then you can build the primary school and the secondary school for the children that the adults occupying these houses may have. Then there are the libraries and places of worship to be built before that. The Post WW2 builders, especially under the Government of Harold Macmillan, when they were planning the ‘new towns’ had all this in mind.
I don’t think the current Labour leadership of Starmer, Rayner and Pennycook fill me with much confidence. I foresee trouble ahead. Here is an example, c/o the BBC:
Donations and other support (including loans) for activities as an MP
Martin E Taylor – £10,000.00
Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Payment Type: Cash
The BBC is pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda onto children once again!
In another concerning step to incorporate adult sexuality and transgender ideology into family programming, the BBC is featuring drag queens in its flagship show, Strictly Come Dancing.
Remember they don’t like to be called Marxists! They are Trotskyists!! At least thats what they like to be called, rather than predatory sexual perverts. The loss of the Travistock clinics (which they also sponsored), was paid for by the BBC ‘Children in Need’, (as a charity they control) the head of which recently resigned due to the ‘queering’ of children and the BBC endorsement of ‘puberty blockers’ which have been banned today by Wes Streeting. A small success, today, which means the BBC will try even harder to normalise its perversions to those that watch, mainly Woman!!
I suppose the lesson being learned in this and coming years is that the red reds cannot be allowed anywhere near power – and even the dead blue party can be expected to be a bit better – if they were just a bit conservative ….
But I think anyone other than the 8 million benefit junkies / foreigners realise Blighty is well and truly screwed on about all fronts ….
“UPDATE: Kemi now attacks Starmer’s sandwich briefing and says her thoughts on lunch are a joke: “PM has time to respond to my jokes about lunch… but no time for the farmers who produce our food.“”
This is the FOURTH BBC article about this boy for having illegal sex in Dubai. It’s 100% pressuring the Dubai government to release him.
I presume he’s the only British tourist to be jailed in that country because it’s the only time I can recall them using all that license-fee payers money and the world news front-page of the mighty BBC for such an article. The monetary value of this must be absolutely enormous : lucky this boy has the British public to pay it. We’ve even got Downing Street spokesman making comments about it and the BBC have actually contacted the Dubai government for comment.
So why are the BBC making such a big thing of it ?. The boy went to Dubai and broke the law. He’s guilty and I am certain he knew what he was doing.
Lets see what this boy looks like:
The first question of course is whether the BBC would give a shit if he was white.
‘Both teenagers were on holiday with their parents in the UAE from the UK, where the age of consent is 16.’
Odd that BBC because I don’t recall you saying that about Prince Andrew when he did it.
I’m often stunned by what the BBC activists decide to make front-page news and what they send straight to ‘regions’ to hide from us.
When the British Horseracing Authority drew up its “fit and proper” criteria for prospective racehorse owners it is likely the regulators had gangsters and money-launderers in mind, not foreign heads of state. Nonetheless, in the light of Thursday’s finding by a family court judge that Sheikh Mohammed arranged the abduction and imprisonment of two of his daughters, the implications of point 9(c) in the section headed “Honesty and Integrity” are difficult to avoid.
The indecent haste with which Mahmood al-Zarooni was ejected from racing seven years ago, without any meaningful investigation of the concerted doping operation at Godolphin’s Moulton Paddocks stable in Newmarket, suggests much about the regulator’s reluctance to cause offence to the sport’s biggest benefactor.
Saudi millionaire cleared of raping teenager after telling court he may have accidentally penetrated 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her
Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, invited two women back to his flat after a night out
He had sex with the 24-year-old as her 18-year-old friend slept on the sofa
Teenager claimed she woke to find Mr Abdulaziz forcing himself inside her
But the businessman claimed he slipped and was today cleared of rape
Published: 22:09, 15 December 2015 | Updated: 00:55, 1 February 2016
Only yesterday we were being told how all men are misogynists because women didn’t get extra-special treatment for ‘womens problems’.
Now we have a another woman-centric article about bowel cancer. Here’s their ‘sufferer’ pic:
Together with a pic of another woman sufferer in an article written by woman.
So I did a quick check with google and discovered the real story here is that 56% of bowel cancers cases are men compared to 44% for women. Which of course the BBC don’t mention. That’s the real story here BBC. You can be sure they would if were the other way round – and probably blame mysogyny for that as well in the same warped way they explain that racist whites are why black people keep stabbing each other.
No surprise who wrote it. In their bizarre BBC far-Left groupthink bubble, it doesn’t occur to them that women can misandrists or BAME can be racist.
Complete with picture of two people who I never heard of and I hope I never meet in real life. Yet the shallow BBC idiot wets his panties over them because they are famous.
But what’s worse is that they think this is front-page world news.
Another useless BBC employee who would have been sent with many more of them on Ark Ship B.
‘Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B’ (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
‘The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was a way of removing the basically useless citizens from the planet Golgafrincham.’
‘The captain remembers that he was told a good reason for this, but had forgotten it, although the reason was later revealed to be because the Ark Ship B Golgafrinchans were a ‘bunch of useless idiots’.’
Well done André Rhoden-Paul of the BBC.
I wonder if he ever asks himself if he only got that job because he was black.
Excellent news. – the great leader is to do away with jury trials and use his TTK pet judges to send unapproved people away in the hope they kill themselves – his Muslim ‘justice secretary ‘ will push the plan
Why have trials at all ? They cost a lot – are milked by the legal mafia for their own interests – and if you turn up in court you must be guilty of something ….
‘Judge Richardson told him: “You were a prominent participant. You played a part in almost every aspect of the racist mob violence on that terrible day in August in Rotherham.’
“You and many like you were intent on spreading a hateful message of violence and racism.
“From first to last, the venom of racism infected the entirety of what occurred.”
‘Mr Hartley said the tough sentence imposed should “serve as a lesson for anyone considering taking part in this type of disorder in future.”‘
One will note that the Judge had no interest whatsoever in any of the causes of these riots and no jury to balance his own predjudice. He was free to do whatever he liked.
One will also note that MURDERER Tyrese Osei-Kofi from the other day who held another black man against a rail by the neck while someone fetched him a knife to stab him only got 7 years 10 months.
And with the jury removed, this case shows us any of us can be locked away for years for anything Starmer directs them to for purely political reasons.
Presidenr Trump has invited the presidenr of china to the inauguration – will be bother to invite any British Marxists ? It would be a great way to start
I only read it looking for the snide little snipe from this woman. I can absolutely imagine the hate in her mind as she had to write it.
And of course it was there. She just had to put this in:
“His 2024 win is history-making in multiple ways: he will be the oldest President in U.S. history, and he was convicted earlier this year by a New York jury of 34 counts of fraud, making him the first convicted felon to be elected President.”
Convicted in the most outrageously biased trial I have ever witnessed Madeline.
She ends it with:
‘He has, however, continued to criticise the magazine’s choices since winning, including the selection of Taylor Swift as Time’s person of the year in 2024.’
This woman is a nasty and bitter piece of work. And 100% typical of people who work at the BBC.
Isn’t that great ?- a US celebrity really did leave the US because the true presidenr got elected – Ellen degeneris – pictured in the chilly wet dark Cotswolds …. Wonder if she has Jeremy Clarkson as a neighbour …
I like MLK because he is an excellent example of how the leftist activists can shamelessly ignore anything which doesn’t fit their agenda about black people.
‘FBI: … describe King witnessing a rape in a hotel room. Instead of stopping it, handwritten notes in the file say he encouraged the attacker to continue.’
And of course if he did that, him and rape were no strangers to each other.
How come HIS statues are still standing ?.
It seems #metoo is only for people the mob don’t like. Which makes them ethically barren, double-standard hypocrites in my book.
TWatO Watch #1 – Houses, houses, houses – but no questions asked by the Montacutie
Apparently, the Labour Government are only planning to build houses in London and the South-East of England where I would have thought the price of a new home would be least affordable for those wishing to own a home of their own.
The Government have ruled out making housing targets compulsory for East Anglia, the area bordering Wales, parts of the Midlands and the North-West and North-East of England. Why? The listener does not know because Sarah did not ask!
TWatO Watch #1 – bombs, bombs, bombs – but Montacutie is happy to to have a dig at Israel
There is the sound of warfare in Syria but Israel is to blame. The Israeli Government does not want weapons to fall into the hands of Islamists that might then be used to attack Israel. Very sensible it seems. But the pro-Islam BBC would prefer it for peace to come to Syria and hate the thought of bombs being dropped on weapons stores that might be then used to attack Israel.
USA could leave a billion’s worth of military gear?
“And the Taliban are clearly already using other US equipment.
Taliban special-forces members have been pictured in Kabul with M4 rifles.”
Rich fleeing capital gains tax raid can ‘f— off’, says top Labour donor
Dale Vince claims it’s ‘profoundly stupid’ to think higher taxes will hurt entrepreneurialism
Sometimes we should just let British heritage go, says major Labour donor
Dale Vince praises Angela Rayner’s approval of the demolition of M&S’s flagship Oxford Street store
UAE swoops on green energy firm backed by Labour donor Dale Vince
In the United Arab Emirates, the labor previously performed by slaves were now performed by poor migrant workers employed under the Kafala system, which has been compared to slavery. The Kafala laborers often came from Africa and Asia, just as the majority of the former slaves.
“The wind tycoon, the donations to Labour and £36m in subsidies
Dale Vince’s company, Ecotricity, has given £250,000 to the Labour party – of whose energy policies it has been a major beneficiary.
An examination of official government data shows Ecotricity presently receives in the region of £6 million a year through a generous subsidy introduced by Labour to encourage renewable energy projects.
In total, Ecotricity, which Mr Vince wholly owns, has been paid £36m in subsidies since 2002, when the scheme began, and which Mr Miliband oversaw as Climate Change Secretary from 2008.
The subsidy is added to household electricity bills and paid by consumers, pushing up bills for all households. It is probably fair to say Mr Vince has earned more from the Labour-introduced subsidy than any other individual in the UK.”
“Dale Vince has done all right for a former hippy. Reckoned to be Britain’s wealthiest green energy tycoon, he lives in a castle, drives a £750,000 electric sports car and sits on a fortune worth more than £100 million.”
“Labour’s biggest corporate donor Ecotricity accused of ‘greenwashing’
Energy firm making ‘misleading’ claims about ‘neutralising’ gas with carbon credits.
Ecotricity Ltd, which has given almost £3.4m to Labour since Keir Starmer became leader in 2020, claims to be “Britain’s greenest energy supplier”.
Yet 99% of the gas it supplies comes from fossil fuels. The company claims this gas is “carbon-neutralised” because it invests in “carbon reduction programmes to cancel out the carbon burned
The latest accounts filed by Green Britain Group Limited show it received £123m in “government grants” in the year ending April 2023. The financial support was designed to pay energy firms to cap prices for consumers.
The previous year, the company received a £9.4m Covid “business interruption” loan to support large companies in the pandemic.
However, Vince told openDemocracy: “Ecotricity hasn’t had any government subsidies.”.
But openDemocracy has learned that Ecotricity has no active carbon credits – despite listing four environmental projects on its website that it says it supports.
“Just Stop Oil Donor Received £110 Million in Green Subsidies from Taxpayer.
Alternative energy companies run by Just Stop Oil and Labour Party paymaster Dale Vince have collected taxpayer subsidies of around £110 million over the last 20 years. Vince’s company Ecotricity claims it is a “not for dividend” company with its money – “all of it” – going into our mission “to green-up Britain”.
But every labourer is worthy of his hire. In Vince’s case, over £43 million (pre-tax) from the company in the form of salary, share buybacks, loans and receipts from the sale of a subsidiary.”
Excerpt of a circular e-mail today from Dr Simone Gold, America’s Frontline Doctors:-
“On December 2, 2024 Congress said:
1. COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
2. The W.H.O. caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.
3. Six-foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on science.
4. There was no evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID.
5. The COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.
6. The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine.
7. Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and did more harm than good.
8. The ‘science’ never justified prolonged school closures.”
No surprises there, but some official recognition.
Following the Daniel Penny trial: “How safe do New Yorkers feel on subway after Penny verdict?”
You’d be forgiven for thinking, like I did, that the concern in question is safety from people like Neely — who was saying to passengers “I’m going to kill everybody, I don’t care if I go to jail” and who had 42 prior arrests, incl 4 for alleged assault.
But it’s the BBC so of course they mean the risk from terrible white vigilantes like Penny. First up is a queer man who “knows he has privilege” because he’s white.
The trouble is, as has been proved over and over, the developers will lie about the infrastructure they are meant to provide, such as improved drainage and roads.
OR they provide it via a section 106 agreement to the local authority and you can guess what happens then.
Once they get their hands on the money it disappears.
A developer wants to build a lot of new houses in your area. “It will be ok,” you hear, “We will also have a new school, a new health centre, better buses and better roads.” Fast forward 4 years, and none of those things have materialised. Instead, you have 6 playgrounds within 50 metres of each other, flooding on neighbouring estates, traffic jams and a 6 week wait for a doctor’s appointment. So whatever happened to those promises? Did the developers lie to us about this promised infrastructure?
Surprisingly, the answer is “No”. The developers sign a contract with the council to provide money or land – this is called the S106 agreement. It is then up to the council or the health service to spend that money to mitigate the harm of the development. Except, too often, that money does not get spent (and then has to be returned to the developer). Why?
Cllr Sue Wyeth-Price has spent years trying to get to the bottom of this. By tracking through all the S106 agreements, she believes that there is £20 million of money promised to just the Ash region (her Ward) that has not been spent. A promised Health Centre that the NHS has no intention of building. Money to extend the school that has been spent on another school.
So what is going wrong with the process?
The idea behind the S106 agreement sounds very reasonable. If you are building a lot of houses, then the council should be able to insist that you pay for a road/school/medical upgrade. Yet clearly it doesn’t work, or we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now. Why not? Let’s take the example of the promised Health Centre in Ash.
This was included because it was part of the Local Plan from 2019. That Local Plan was rushed through, and the Health Authority didn’t give it more than a cursory glance. This is then copied into the S106 agreement and a piece of land is set aside for a new Health Centre that the authority has no intention of building. That’s the first problem. Nobody is checking with the relevant authority that the requirement is still valid.
The second problem is that until Cllr Wyeth-Price started investigating, Guildford Borough hadn’t been tracking these agreements. Any money that was received was passed on without tracking whether it was being spent in accordance with the agreement. Any money that should be collected “when the 10th dwelling is occupied” would only get collected if the developer paid it.
And finally, the money gets diverted out of the Ward. Instead of increasing the capacity in the Local Ward, a school in a neighbouring Ward was upgraded.
In the days when we were building a few hundred houses a year, the process might have worked. Now, the council must do better with the original agreement, the collection and the tracking of these commitments. That is the battle that Sue is fighting.”
We’ve all seen them, haven’t we? The earth-shade painted, faux-timber-clad housing estates with their strips of fake grass, their crescents of executive homes in the best spots, and, overall, the dead, sterile look of a film set for the Stepford Wives. This pop-up townlet and its maze of little ‘streets’ boast dreamily bucolic names, often inspired by what has been destroyed to put them there: Woodland View, Meadowbrook (plenty of those!), Sawmills, The Orchard, The Old Dairy Farm…
They squat on the edges of our towns and villages, exposed and treeless and out on a limb. No shop. No bus stop (no buses!), not that the executive and second homers need them. Their Range Rovers and RVs stand charging on their paved aprons. No post office, which many older and less affluent people would use, but a post-box which almost nobody does. Who are these places for?
After the pervasive whiff of corruption, local councils and voters were, perhaps, hoping that Labour would be a breath of fresh air, ready to tackle the housing crisis in an inclusive, collaborative way and overlaying it all with a green, sustainable agenda.
This optimism looks to be misplaced.
“Cutting regulation and relaxing planning laws has never been good for the people who live there’ says a local councillor, wearily. ’All it means is a free for all for developers and profit before people or place. Developers always promise that they will build the necessary infrastructure when they pitch for planning consent, but, unsurprisingly, they don’t actually want to and don’t. Phase 1 is always for the lucrative higher end of the market – the big houses in the prime spots. They say that the roads, leisure centre, shops and school will come in later phases, but they don’t.
“Suddenly the building of affordable housing is ‘not viable’, not that it’s actually affordable in the first place. Ten per cent off the ‘normal’ price is still way out of the reach of people on salaries that are 16 per cent below the national average, while housing is amongst the most expensive in the UK. And the so-called affordable homes are only ten per cent cheaper and at least ten percent worse in terms of build quality.”
I am advised to take a look at Sherford, the ambitious development on the outskirts of Plymouth.
“A thousand homes have been built so far. Only a quarter have been sold. It’s been more than ten years since the project started but there still isn’t a single grocery shop, just a small coffee shop next to the primary school. The promised amenities just haven’t been delivered,” the councillor tells me.
A quick trawl on the internet reveals that the strongest sense of community comes from those who feel they’ve been sold a pup and that the promises of a vibrant, sustainable environment with shops and businesses and leisure facilities have not amounted to a hill of beans.
Elsewhere, substandard, corner-cutting building practices have led to developments riddled with problems. In Totnes, four out of five new developments are covered in scaffolding and homes on the evocatively-named Baltic Wharf cannot be sold by their owners, so great are the issues with build quality. Pretty on the outside, dodgy beneath the façade.
Where has it all gone wrong and why does this councillor feel that Labour have made the situation ten times worse?
This is where I try to get my head round how the system works.
Councils have to have a local plan which identifies housing needs, and at least five years’ worth of sites ready for development. Easier said than done. To keep it simple, the council needs a steady stream of single landowners who want to sell, but let’s say that there’s a big farmer or a member of the landed gentry who fancies raising a bit of capital. They’re pretty glad to see the pressure councils are under to find sizeable sites. The prices for agricultural land and development land are, of course, way different: £10k an acre for farmland, £200k for development.
Developers look at the land allocated for development and may bid on it and then land bank it because the numbers don’t stack up for their shareholders. Remember, affordable housing isn’t really their thing.
It might also be the case that the council really cannot find suitable land on which to build.
Now the council has problems. The sites have not been found and/or the developer hasn’t built the houses with the result that the council’s targets have not been met. The council is punished and the developers have the whip hand. Local planning policies are overruled and national policies take precedence. Any site that could be considered remotely sustainable is now fair game and councils decisions can be overturned. There are consultancy businesses that have spung up to exploit this situation, explaining that:
“In some locations, it may be possible to secure planning permission for new homes on sites where it has not been possible in the past, or where there is no support from the council.
“The XYZ Group is a specialist land promoter and deals with situations just like this across the country. We work with landowners to deliver planning permission on their sites at our cost and risk. Our return is a share of the value of the site once it is sold, which means if we don’t succeed, it doesn’t cost you a penny.”
There’s always money to be made, isn’t there? And an imbalance in supply and demand really helps…the profiteer.
What that means is riding rough-shod over perfectly reasonable local concerns and anxieties about real impact on communities and existing infrastructure.
Woolwell, on the edge of Dartmoor and the biggest housing development in South Devon since Sherford, is a case in point. Developers are already trying to get out of delivering on infrastructure promises and on the percentage of affordable housing. Locals, meanwhile, are understandably hostile to the prospect of having 250 construction vehicles a day passing close to a primary school. This isn’t nimbyism…this is justified concern. Will the developers prioritise building an access road? What do you reckon? You can bet it will be used to legitimise further reductions to the already dwindling percentage of affordable homes.
Labour appear to be happy to grant developers even more powers to exploit the situation at the council’s and community’s expense. They appear to have concluded that the only barrier to achieving the goal of building 1.5m houses by the next election is nimbyism and an obsession with nature, opening up a new front on the culture wars.
The Guardian reported that
“Keir Starmer has warned local leaders that he will not hesitate to overrule them if they attempt to ‘dodge their responsibilities’ in approving new homes, amid growing concerns among wildlife groups and councils over his plans for a housing revolution.”
Angela Rayner told Sky News that
“the government will cut the number of ‘subjective’ reasons that people can use to object to house building, including objections made on environmental grounds.
“We can’t have a situation where a newt is more protected than people who desperately need housing,’ she told Sky. “Protect the nature and wildlife, but not at the expense of people who need housing.”
Rayner is reinstating mandatory housing targets and plans to overhaul local planning committees to speed up decisions. To be honest, it sounds like bulldozing through local concerns and kowtowing to developers – wholly buying-in to the religion of the free-market economy and the superiority of the private over the public sector. Doesn’t sound like a vote-winner at a local level (but then Labour are not strong in rural constituencies, I observe, cynically!). So much for democracy!
What’s the answer?
“Data!” replies the councillor. “We need to collect proper data on what is needed and where so that we don’t end up with white elephant sink estates, built where there was no rationale, no employment or where the developer twigged that it was only ever worth their while to build the expensive (second) homes. And we need to look again at retrofitting. It’s expensive, but the properties are where people are and where they need to be, with the infrastructure already in place.”
There are thousands of empty properties in this category. Developers aren’t interested. Of course, they aren’t – but councils ARE.
“Regulation and protections need to be restored. Food security and the features that make Devon attractive to the vital tourism industry have to be factored in. Once farmland or an area of outstanding natural beauty has been destroyed for development, there’s no going back. The damage can’t be reversed.
“We need to build for a future changed by climate. We need to stop conceding to developers’ demands and we need to be protected from bullying from developers AND central government. If we are going to build housing, let it be for those who really, really need it.“
I think it reasonable to assume that the Builders, Barratts, Redrow etc are major donors to the Labour Party and will donate at an even higher level now.
I’m astounded at the arrogance of Smarmer declaring that building more houses is more important than nature. The very opposite of Green. The idea of directing Councils to allow more building is anti democratic. We shouldn’t be surprised at the Great Dictator exercising dictatorship.
In the real world providing suitable sites for development is far more problematic than Smarmer/Rayner think. Infrastructure, drainage, flooding all require careful consideration. I own a property flooded several times due to poorly sited development and that’s in recent history.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “The Moderna vaccine was developed initially by NIH, and NIH owns 50% of it. NIH is making billions of dollars on that product, and yet it’s getting us to use it, right? And it’s making billions, that’s a conflict of interest.”
“Plus, there are six individuals who work for NIH who are handpicked by Anthony Fauci who each make $150,000 a year forever, not for their lives, but their children, their children’s children. As long as that mRNA product is on the market, they’re collecting money. And these are the highest officials at NIH.”
“So NIH has a budget, an annual budget of $42 billion. It distributes that money. to 56,000 scientists, mainly at universities, to do scientific research. And it used to be they would be looking for what is causing the autism epidemic? What’s causing the diabetes epidemic? Why did food allergies, peanut allergies, suddenly appear in 1989?”
“Why did autoimmune diseases suddenly blow up in 1989? What happened? Those are the questions they would normally be asking. Those are the questions we want them to answer. They don’t look at any of those issues. What they look at is how do we develop new drugs to treat all these chronic diseases and then cash in on them. And I’m gonna end that.”
“And I’m gonna say, no, the maximum you can get is a dollar per year. Right? Right. And what has happened is that NIH, instead of doing scientific research now to find out what’s making us sick, most of the studies they do are about incubating new drugs for the pharmaceutical industry and then cashing in on them.”
“And so I’m going to end that and I’m going to say, you know what, we’re going to give infectious disease a break for a couple of years and we’re going to give drug development a break. And we’re going to find out why America has the sickest children on the face of the earth.”
Seem an injunction has been applied to prevent the judge who gave the Asian kid back to its’ father to me murdered being named – along – I think with the social worker in the case ….
So much for justice being seen to be done …… bit like the red idea to end jury trials because they are inconvenient ….. maybe defending people in court should also stop at it slows things down …. Comrades
An American woman came to UK aged 27 to study at the LSE
then 11 years later became a Tory MP
That is strange
She first became a Tory councillor in 2014 after she had been in the UK 6 years and then served 6 years
2008 entered country, 2014 Tory Councillor , 2019 an MP , 2024 still an MP
“Early life and education. Joyce Morrisey was born on 30 January 1981 in Indiana, United States. She attended Worthington Christian High School in Ohio and graduated in 1999.”
It’s unfortunate that neither will share a prison cell . Shiner didn’t even get to do time – but when would a lawyer ever send another lawyer to prison ?
“Niall McNamee was scrolling through his phone on the London underground when a thief on the platform snatched it from his hand just as the doors closed.”
No description of snatcher..
“Niall, a musician and actor who has lived in London for 12 years, reported his phone theft to police. But he said he did not immediately think to call his bank or cancel his cards.”
Meanwhile the thief emptied his account of 14k and a loan for 7k…
But Niall gets it refunded
*While Monzo reimbursed Niall with around £14,000 of the stolen money, he told the BBC the £7,000 fraudulent loan was yet to be written off by HSBC.”
“HSBC don’t seem to understand that I don’t have £7,000 to give them back..”
Hang on Niall haven’t you said you’ve got £14,000 in your account?
Police say “not our bag” – report it to Action Fraud, Action Fraud waste your time in insane Action Fraud victim support bureaucracy including sending out leaflets and handwringing pre-scripted “has this affected your emotional wellbeing” telephone sessions.
When pressed one discovers there’s no collation of reports and if Action Fraud see obvious criminal activity like the £7000 loan above – they report it to the police….
“Crystal Mangum confesses to lying about being raped by Duke lacrosse players in 2006.
Mangum says she lied because she wanted ‘validation’ from people.
The players she accused were arrested, igniting a national controversy and conversations about racism. ”
The allegations even resulted in the team having to cancel a game against Georgetown in March 2008.
Former Durham County district attorney Mike Nifong, who served as the lead prosecutor in the case, said in a March 2006 interview with CBS News that “there’s no doubt a sexual assault took place” and that it was “racially motivated.
“The information that I have does lead me to conclude that a rape did occur,” Nifong said. “The circumstances of thc rape indicated a deep racial motivation for some of the things that were done. It makes a crime that is by its nature one of the most offensive and invasive even more so.”
Nifong was later disbarred on June 16, 2007, by the North Carolina State Bar for lying in court and withholding DNA evidence which ultimately absolved the defendants of responsibility for Mangum’s allegations. ”
As many people have alluded, the FBI DID infiltrate on Jan 6th, despite having NO responsibility for security OR intelligence gathering:
“DOJ IG reveals 26 FBI informants were present on Jan. 6.
The FBI only directed 3 confidential human sources to attend the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Horowitz says.
Twenty-three of the confidential human sources present on Jan. 6 came to Washington, D.C., to the Capitol on their own. Of that group, three entered the Capitol during the riot, and an additional 11 sources entered the restricted area around the Capitol.
“This report confirms what we suspected,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News Digital. “The FBI had encouraged and tasked confidential human sources to be at the capitol that day. There were 26 total present. Four entered the Capitol and weren’t charged, which is not the same treatment that other Americans received.”
Jordan added: “This has been our concern all along — agencies being weaponized against the American people. It’s not how our system is supposed to work.”
“A ‘veil of secrecy’ was placed over the Sara Sharif scandal yesterday after a court banned the naming of a judge who placed the little girl in the custody of her murderous father.
A High Court judge ordered that none of the professionals involved in the family court proceedings could be named, including social workers, experts and guardians.
They also included the family court judge who made the fateful decision to give Urfan Sharif custody before he beat the ten-year-old to death.
The extraordinary ban sparked a secrecy row yesterday as Keir Starmer said questions must be answered about the appalling case.
Yesterday, former victims commissioner Dame Vera Baird KC said: ‘This has placed a veil of secrecy over this case. I think it’s appalling that we cannot know who was responsible for this obviously extremely damaging order which played a key role in the horrible death of this child.
‘This is the judiciary protecting the judiciary. How can the public be confident that the family courts can protect future children if the public are denied the knowledge of who is making such decisions… The judiciary needs to be held to account for the decisions they make. This is an awful case, people got it seriously wrong and the public need to know the truth.’ She added: ‘It is sinister.’
Sharif had been accused of violence against three ex-partners and two children, including his own, who were burned, bitten and bruised in a catalogue of cruelty dating back 16 years.
Yet police failed to bring charges and social workers later advised that Sara should be placed in her father’s custody in 2019.”
social services and teachers missing at least 15 opportunities to help save her.
Sara suffered an unimaginable ordeal at the hands of her father and stepmother, who bound her arms and legs and hooded her in a plastic bag while battering her with a cricket bat, metal pole and rolling pin. They strangled her until her neck broke, burnt her with an iron and bit her.
When police found her broken body dumped under the pink covers of her bunk bed there were more than 100 injuries and it was impossible to say which was fatal.
Must be encouraging for members of the legal and health mafia to know their fatal screw ups will be covered up by their mates .
A decent press would campaign against this or breach the court order …..if only for some level of accountability …..surely the names must be in the public domain somewhere ….?
As mentioned further above, a little more about this one who is subsidised by the taxpayer to the tune of millions, awards himself 43 million pounds, and who produces fossil fuels calling them green:
“Eco tycoon Dale Vince ‘lived life of excessive consumerism’, drinking Dom Perignon and taking private jets, court hears.
Kate Vince questioned her former husband’s public commitment to a sustainable lifestyle, saying periods of their marriage had been marked by ‘an exceptionally high standard of living’ including luxury international travel, top-of-the-range petrol cars and designer clothing.
She told the court they had taken a helicopter ride on their wedding day and had flown on a private jet on two occasions, travelled in first class or business, and owned a 56ft luxury yacht.”
Poor old Andrew, he’s is not an adult and knows what he does … “A Chinese businessman described as a “close confidant” of the Duke of York has lost an appeal against a decision to bar him from the UK on national security grounds.
Mr Windsor has all the attributes of the traditions royal – but why the press focus on him rather than ‘Greg ‘ or ‘al fayed ‘ – I don’t know .. or care really …..
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see who curated that list of “inspirational mums” Patricia Hidalgo should feel the heat – but the actual…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie as he squirms in front of DCMS Committee:
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Seems that the Marxists are going to change planning laws to enable huge immigrant housing estates to but dumped on nice blue labour constituencies .
The popcorn will be the deputy prime minister delivering the plan to the commons later today . I bet she gets a junior to do the tricky stuff she could never understand – which means said junior will be busy ….
But if the reds and blue import 10 million people in 10 years – what else is there to do if they all can’t be thrown out ..?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
BBC ‘journalism’ in a nutshell.
BBC breathlessly cites Damascus “Jewish quarter” as an example of tolerance. No Jews in it, though.
Has to be worthy of an award.
HTS fighter gives ‘brotherly advice’, asking me to wear headscarf
F@cking Rayner, just imagine what the arch hypocrite would have been banging on about if in opposition? :
“A council said it did “all it could” to stop a healthcare waste incinerator from being built after it was overruled by the government. Last year, Cambridgeshire County Council rejected Envar Composting’s application to build an incinerator at the company’s Woodhurst waste disposal site, near St Ives.
Envar appealed the decision and, after an eight-day public inquiry earlier in the year, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has granted planning permission.
The council said at the inquiry it “robustly defended” its decision and had made a “reasonable decision” in refusing the application. Permission for the development was granted on Monday but a request that Envar should be awarded costs against the council was not approved.
Cambridgeshire County Council’s planning committee initially voted by a majority to oppose the development plans, external. Opponents of the plans said they backed the council’s decision as they were worried about air quality as well as the visual impact of a 26m (85ft) high chimney. They were also concerned about the extra road movements from waste being brought in from other counties.
Ms Rayner, housing, communities and local government secretary, said in her report, external that, while the proposed chimney would introduce an industrial looking feature to the locality, it would not totally change the character of the local landscape.
It would be more than twice the height of any other structure on the site, but she said the chimney would appear as a slender feature and would not be overbearing. ”
Maybe say it is a piece of art?
“chimney would appear as a slender feature and would not be overbearing. ”
Canada Gov has a solution to building new houses….
Canada euthanasia now accounts for nearly one in 20 deaths
Around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year, accounting for 4.7% of deaths in the country. Canada lawmakers are currently seeking to expand access to euthanasia to cover people with mental illnesses by 2027.
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
cover people with mental illnesses
“Asylum hotel rioter jailed for nine years”
Levi Fishlock was part of a mob which attacked a hotel housing about 200 asylum seekers
A recent hate crime conviction in Germany really shocked me and showed in stark contrast how Western society holds hate crimes to be much worse than actual crimes – even the gang rape of a child.
A 20 year old woman sent messages to a man who’d taken part in the gang rape calling him a “disgraceful pig” – and incredibly, the woman was given a harsher sentence than the rapist.
She’s just one of 140 people being investigated over hate crimes for messaging the rapists, reportedly none of whom was of German origin.
Shocking but not surprising.
Hate crimes are on the up! Those hating rape!
Nigel Farage shows how to deal with the msm.
Here he shuts down the loathsome Beth Rigby of Sly News.
“This is why the mainstream media like you are losing the affections of the British public…”
As he tops the opinion polls, we can expect our own version of TDS – namely Nige Derangement Syndrome.
Rules are for small people….”‘I hated being the story’: Sky News’s Beth Rigby on her own Covid Partygate scandal”
TOADY Watch #1 – planning, planning, planning but not thinking …
Mathew Pennycook MP, the Housing Minister, was interviewed on TOADY about Labour’s plans to build 1.5 million new homes by 2029. Labour is very anti-car/van/lorry of the diesel fuelled variety and I wonder if they will build the new roads that are essential for all these houses. No questions asked by Amol Rajan.
One thing I know about housebuilding is that it is one of the most dangerous occupations and that a number of builders are injured or killed every year. Therefore the first thing you need to build in a new development is a GP surgery, and to staff it, and a hospital, and to staff it. If you don’t do that, housebuilders when they get injured will not be able to get help and may be off work for a while. The next thing you need to build is a NHS dental surgery and to staff it because a housebuilder with toothache will not be a happy housebuilder and will not be able to concentrate on his or her work.
Only when that is all done, then you can build the primary school and the secondary school for the children that the adults occupying these houses may have. Then there are the libraries and places of worship to be built before that. The Post WW2 builders, especially under the Government of Harold Macmillan, when they were planning the ‘new towns’ had all this in mind.
I don’t think the current Labour leadership of Starmer, Rayner and Pennycook fill me with much confidence. I foresee trouble ahead. Here is an example, c/o the BBC:
Donations and other support (including loans) for activities as an MP
Martin E Taylor – £10,000.00
Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Payment Type: Cash
Martin E Taylor
That is a great question for Fick Ange:
When building the 1.5 million houses how many men will be:
1) Killed
2) Seriously injured
3) Injured
Prisons are empty in Syria – no criminals!
We can send all uk rioters to Syria and pay Syria which will help their economy!
The BBC is pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda onto children once again!
In another concerning step to incorporate adult sexuality and transgender ideology into family programming, the BBC is featuring drag queens in its flagship show, Strictly Come Dancing.
Petition against (will be ignored, but its a protest).–agenda-onto-children?dr=60192::ce3386303ef7bc0b83cf3c3ea84eee66
Remember they don’t like to be called Marxists! They are Trotskyists!! At least thats what they like to be called, rather than predatory sexual perverts. The loss of the Travistock clinics (which they also sponsored), was paid for by the BBC ‘Children in Need’, (as a charity they control) the head of which recently resigned due to the ‘queering’ of children and the BBC endorsement of ‘puberty blockers’ which have been banned today by Wes Streeting. A small success, today, which means the BBC will try even harder to normalise its perversions to those that watch, mainly Woman!!
Huw Edwards to present Children In Need – send your money.
I suppose the lesson being learned in this and coming years is that the red reds cannot be allowed anywhere near power – and even the dead blue party can be expected to be a bit better – if they were just a bit conservative ….
But I think anyone other than the 8 million benefit junkies / foreigners realise Blighty is well and truly screwed on about all fronts ….
UK to produce 84 new genders!
“UPDATE: Kemi now attacks Starmer’s sandwich briefing and says her thoughts on lunch are a joke: “PM has time to respond to my jokes about lunch… but no time for the farmers who produce our food.“”
Let me come home, teen sentenced in Dubai pleads
This is the FOURTH BBC article about this boy for having illegal sex in Dubai. It’s 100% pressuring the Dubai government to release him.
I presume he’s the only British tourist to be jailed in that country because it’s the only time I can recall them using all that license-fee payers money and the world news front-page of the mighty BBC for such an article. The monetary value of this must be absolutely enormous : lucky this boy has the British public to pay it. We’ve even got Downing Street spokesman making comments about it and the BBC have actually contacted the Dubai government for comment.
So why are the BBC making such a big thing of it ?. The boy went to Dubai and broke the law. He’s guilty and I am certain he knew what he was doing.
Lets see what this boy looks like:

The first question of course is whether the BBC would give a shit if he was white.
‘Both teenagers were on holiday with their parents in the UAE from the UK, where the age of consent is 16.’
Odd that BBC because I don’t recall you saying that about Prince Andrew when he did it.
I’m often stunned by what the BBC activists decide to make front-page news and what they send straight to ‘regions’ to hide from us.
Princess Haya: The princess, the sheikh and the £550m divorce settlement
When the British Horseracing Authority drew up its “fit and proper” criteria for prospective racehorse owners it is likely the regulators had gangsters and money-launderers in mind, not foreign heads of state. Nonetheless, in the light of Thursday’s finding by a family court judge that Sheikh Mohammed arranged the abduction and imprisonment of two of his daughters, the implications of point 9(c) in the section headed “Honesty and Integrity” are difficult to avoid.
The indecent haste with which Mahmood al-Zarooni was ejected from racing seven years ago, without any meaningful investigation of the concerted doping operation at Godolphin’s Moulton Paddocks stable in Newmarket, suggests much about the regulator’s reluctance to cause offence to the sport’s biggest benefactor.
Saudi millionaire cleared of raping teenager after telling court he may have accidentally penetrated 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her
Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, invited two women back to his flat after a night out
He had sex with the 24-year-old as her 18-year-old friend slept on the sofa
Teenager claimed she woke to find Mr Abdulaziz forcing himself inside her
But the businessman claimed he slipped and was today cleared of rape
Published: 22:09, 15 December 2015 | Updated: 00:55, 1 February 2016
Bowel-cancer rates rising among younger people
Only yesterday we were being told how all men are misogynists because women didn’t get extra-special treatment for ‘womens problems’.
Now we have a another woman-centric article about bowel cancer. Here’s their ‘sufferer’ pic:

Together with a pic of another woman sufferer in an article written by woman.
So I did a quick check with google and discovered the real story here is that 56% of bowel cancers cases are men compared to 44% for women. Which of course the BBC don’t mention. That’s the real story here BBC. You can be sure they would if were the other way round – and probably blame mysogyny for that as well in the same warped way they explain that racist whites are why black people keep stabbing each other.
No surprise who wrote it. In their bizarre BBC far-Left groupthink bubble, it doesn’t occur to them that women can misandrists or BAME can be racist.

Cancer is racist?
vocabulary fail here
1. Citroën Ami
Price: £7695
2. Dacia Spring
Price: £14,995
FRee glasses from LOrd ALi to see the destruction of the UK in vision
** free knickers for his wife and free new york pad for all migrants.
Selena Gomez announces engagement to Benny Blanco
Complete with picture of two people who I never heard of and I hope I never meet in real life. Yet the shallow BBC idiot wets his panties over them because they are famous.
But what’s worse is that they think this is front-page world news.
Another useless BBC employee who would have been sent with many more of them on Ark Ship B.
‘Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B’ (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
‘The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was a way of removing the basically useless citizens from the planet Golgafrincham.’
‘The captain remembers that he was told a good reason for this, but had forgotten it, although the reason was later revealed to be because the Ark Ship B Golgafrinchans were a ‘bunch of useless idiots’.’
Well done André Rhoden-Paul of the BBC.

I wonder if he ever asks himself if he only got that job because he was black.
The bubble is un burstable … “Hey wait… that’s my wife,” Blanco commented on the post.
Swift replied: “Yes I will be the flower girl.”
Rapper Cardi B, actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Suki Waterhouse, and singer Lil Nas X also sent well wishes.
Maybe they could tax the rich on words they say?
Excellent news. – the great leader is to do away with jury trials and use his TTK pet judges to send unapproved people away in the hope they kill themselves – his Muslim ‘justice secretary ‘ will push the plan
Why have trials at all ? They cost a lot – are milked by the legal mafia for their own interests – and if you turn up in court you must be guilty of something ….
Long live the great leader …
‘Asylum hotel rioter jailed for nine years’
‘Judge Richardson told him: “You were a prominent participant. You played a part in almost every aspect of the racist mob violence on that terrible day in August in Rotherham.’
“You and many like you were intent on spreading a hateful message of violence and racism.
“From first to last, the venom of racism infected the entirety of what occurred.”
‘Mr Hartley said the tough sentence imposed should “serve as a lesson for anyone considering taking part in this type of disorder in future.”‘
One will note that the Judge had no interest whatsoever in any of the causes of these riots and no jury to balance his own predjudice. He was free to do whatever he liked.
One will also note that MURDERER Tyrese Osei-Kofi from the other day who held another black man against a rail by the neck while someone fetched him a knife to stab him only got 7 years 10 months.
And with the jury removed, this case shows us any of us can be locked away for years for anything Starmer directs them to for purely political reasons.
Presidenr Trump has invited the presidenr of china to the inauguration – will be bother to invite any British Marxists ? It would be a great way to start
Donald Trump named Time Person of the Year again
By the stage-3 TDS poisonous Madeline Halpert.
I only read it looking for the snide little snipe from this woman. I can absolutely imagine the hate in her mind as she had to write it.
And of course it was there. She just had to put this in:
“His 2024 win is history-making in multiple ways: he will be the oldest President in U.S. history, and he was convicted earlier this year by a New York jury of 34 counts of fraud, making him the first convicted felon to be elected President.”
Convicted in the most outrageously biased trial I have ever witnessed Madeline.
She ends it with:
‘He has, however, continued to criticise the magazine’s choices since winning, including the selection of Taylor Swift as Time’s person of the year in 2024.’
This woman is a nasty and bitter piece of work. And 100% typical of people who work at the BBC.
Isn’t that great ?- a US celebrity really did leave the US because the true presidenr got elected – Ellen degeneris – pictured in the chilly wet dark Cotswolds …. Wonder if she has Jeremy Clarkson as a neighbour …
Ellen DeGeneres and wife Portia de Rossi seen for first time since their multi-million pound Cotswolds move
No surprise there then. Looking at the pictures, Portia is dreaming of the day she gets the money.
The comments basically say she looks like compo and they will quickly and quietly go back to the USA.
Ellen DeGeneres: toxic workplace allegations are ‘misogynistic’
As sapphic comrades they can be assured of a warm welcome in the Shires.
Avoiding USA Taxes?
I like MLK because he is an excellent example of how the leftist activists can shamelessly ignore anything which doesn’t fit their agenda about black people.
‘FBI: … describe King witnessing a rape in a hotel room. Instead of stopping it, handwritten notes in the file say he encouraged the attacker to continue.’
And of course if he did that, him and rape were no strangers to each other.
How come HIS statues are still standing ?.
It seems #metoo is only for people the mob don’t like. Which makes them ethically barren, double-standard hypocrites in my book.
“A recent essay claims the civil rights leader was present during a rape, but the evidence is shaky and there’s reason to be skeptical”
TWatO Watch #1 – Houses, houses, houses – but no questions asked by the Montacutie
Apparently, the Labour Government are only planning to build houses in London and the South-East of England where I would have thought the price of a new home would be least affordable for those wishing to own a home of their own.
The Government have ruled out making housing targets compulsory for East Anglia, the area bordering Wales, parts of the Midlands and the North-West and North-East of England. Why? The listener does not know because Sarah did not ask!
TWatO Watch #1 – bombs, bombs, bombs – but Montacutie is happy to to have a dig at Israel
There is the sound of warfare in Syria but Israel is to blame. The Israeli Government does not want weapons to fall into the hands of Islamists that might then be used to attack Israel. Very sensible it seems. But the pro-Islam BBC would prefer it for peace to come to Syria and hate the thought of bombs being dropped on weapons stores that might be then used to attack Israel.
USA could leave a billion’s worth of military gear?
“And the Taliban are clearly already using other US equipment.
Taliban special-forces members have been pictured in Kabul with M4 rifles.”
Here, on Bluesky, probably hoping to fly under the radar, is the TWAT who can’t run a business without millions in subsidies from the taxpayer:
Rich fleeing capital gains tax raid can ‘f— off’, says top Labour donor
Dale Vince claims it’s ‘profoundly stupid’ to think higher taxes will hurt entrepreneurialism
Sometimes we should just let British heritage go, says major Labour donor
Dale Vince praises Angela Rayner’s approval of the demolition of M&S’s flagship Oxford Street store
UAE swoops on green energy firm backed by Labour donor Dale Vince
In the United Arab Emirates, the labor previously performed by slaves were now performed by poor migrant workers employed under the Kafala system, which has been compared to slavery. The Kafala laborers often came from Africa and Asia, just as the majority of the former slaves.
(Including 43 million to himself)
“The wind tycoon, the donations to Labour and £36m in subsidies
Dale Vince’s company, Ecotricity, has given £250,000 to the Labour party – of whose energy policies it has been a major beneficiary.
An examination of official government data shows Ecotricity presently receives in the region of £6 million a year through a generous subsidy introduced by Labour to encourage renewable energy projects.
In total, Ecotricity, which Mr Vince wholly owns, has been paid £36m in subsidies since 2002, when the scheme began, and which Mr Miliband oversaw as Climate Change Secretary from 2008.
The subsidy is added to household electricity bills and paid by consumers, pushing up bills for all households. It is probably fair to say Mr Vince has earned more from the Labour-introduced subsidy than any other individual in the UK.”
“Dale Vince has done all right for a former hippy. Reckoned to be Britain’s wealthiest green energy tycoon, he lives in a castle, drives a £750,000 electric sports car and sits on a fortune worth more than £100 million.”
I bet he heats his castle. With our money.
Capitalist PIG!!
“Labour’s biggest corporate donor Ecotricity accused of ‘greenwashing’
Energy firm making ‘misleading’ claims about ‘neutralising’ gas with carbon credits.
Ecotricity Ltd, which has given almost £3.4m to Labour since Keir Starmer became leader in 2020, claims to be “Britain’s greenest energy supplier”.
Yet 99% of the gas it supplies comes from fossil fuels. The company claims this gas is “carbon-neutralised” because it invests in “carbon reduction programmes to cancel out the carbon burned
The latest accounts filed by Green Britain Group Limited show it received £123m in “government grants” in the year ending April 2023. The financial support was designed to pay energy firms to cap prices for consumers.
The previous year, the company received a £9.4m Covid “business interruption” loan to support large companies in the pandemic.
However, Vince told openDemocracy: “Ecotricity hasn’t had any government subsidies.”.
But openDemocracy has learned that Ecotricity has no active carbon credits – despite listing four environmental projects on its website that it says it supports.
“Just Stop Oil Donor Received £110 Million in Green Subsidies from Taxpayer.
Alternative energy companies run by Just Stop Oil and Labour Party paymaster Dale Vince have collected taxpayer subsidies of around £110 million over the last 20 years. Vince’s company Ecotricity claims it is a “not for dividend” company with its money – “all of it” – going into our mission “to green-up Britain”.
But every labourer is worthy of his hire. In Vince’s case, over £43 million (pre-tax) from the company in the form of salary, share buybacks, loans and receipts from the sale of a subsidiary.”
1000/day next target? Ooooh errr Missus are you not breaking an unwritten contract to keep the blokes on short rations:
What would Springster say?
Men are evil – give me your money …. “Lily Phillips, from Derbyshire, is now planing to bed 1000 men in one day”
Authentication of a Conspiracy Theory
Excerpt of a circular e-mail today from Dr Simone Gold, America’s Frontline Doctors:-
“On December 2, 2024 Congress said:
1. COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
2. The W.H.O. caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.
3. Six-foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on science.
4. There was no evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID.
5. The COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.
6. The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine.
7. Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and did more harm than good.
8. The ‘science’ never justified prolonged school closures.”
No surprises there, but some official recognition.
Don’t you DARE touch a wheelie bin, but….
“Animal rights protesters who destroyed £1,000 of Selfridges cheese and poured 19 bottles of milk on Fortnum & Mason’s carpet avoid jail”
Following the Daniel Penny trial: “How safe do New Yorkers feel on subway after Penny verdict?”
You’d be forgiven for thinking, like I did, that the concern in question is safety from people like Neely — who was saying to passengers “I’m going to kill everybody, I don’t care if I go to jail” and who had 42 prior arrests, incl 4 for alleged assault.
But it’s the BBC so of course they mean the risk from terrible white vigilantes like Penny. First up is a queer man who “knows he has privilege” because he’s white.
Always looking to sh*t stir.
Sick, perverse, twisted bbc , hope the authors get the sh@t kicked out of them on the underground by a drugged up, drunk criminal and NO ONE helps.
It’d be funnier if they were recognised for what they are and the passengers joined in.
“Starmer’s plan to solve housing crisis faces first big test”
“But some locals in the areas where these houses will need to be built are steadfast in their opposition to more housing.”
Very considerate of them…
But I fully understand their green concerns.
Maybe knock their houses down and grass the plot over.
Either we have sensible immigration levels, or we build more houses.
The trouble is, as has been proved over and over, the developers will lie about the infrastructure they are meant to provide, such as improved drainage and roads.
OR they provide it via a section 106 agreement to the local authority and you can guess what happens then.
Once they get their hands on the money it disappears.
Merry Christmas
“What happened to the infrastructure?
What happened to the promised health centre?
A developer wants to build a lot of new houses in your area. “It will be ok,” you hear, “We will also have a new school, a new health centre, better buses and better roads.” Fast forward 4 years, and none of those things have materialised. Instead, you have 6 playgrounds within 50 metres of each other, flooding on neighbouring estates, traffic jams and a 6 week wait for a doctor’s appointment. So whatever happened to those promises? Did the developers lie to us about this promised infrastructure?
Surprisingly, the answer is “No”. The developers sign a contract with the council to provide money or land – this is called the S106 agreement. It is then up to the council or the health service to spend that money to mitigate the harm of the development. Except, too often, that money does not get spent (and then has to be returned to the developer). Why?
Cllr Sue Wyeth-Price has spent years trying to get to the bottom of this. By tracking through all the S106 agreements, she believes that there is £20 million of money promised to just the Ash region (her Ward) that has not been spent. A promised Health Centre that the NHS has no intention of building. Money to extend the school that has been spent on another school.
So what is going wrong with the process?
The idea behind the S106 agreement sounds very reasonable. If you are building a lot of houses, then the council should be able to insist that you pay for a road/school/medical upgrade. Yet clearly it doesn’t work, or we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now. Why not? Let’s take the example of the promised Health Centre in Ash.
This was included because it was part of the Local Plan from 2019. That Local Plan was rushed through, and the Health Authority didn’t give it more than a cursory glance. This is then copied into the S106 agreement and a piece of land is set aside for a new Health Centre that the authority has no intention of building. That’s the first problem. Nobody is checking with the relevant authority that the requirement is still valid.
The second problem is that until Cllr Wyeth-Price started investigating, Guildford Borough hadn’t been tracking these agreements. Any money that was received was passed on without tracking whether it was being spent in accordance with the agreement. Any money that should be collected “when the 10th dwelling is occupied” would only get collected if the developer paid it.
And finally, the money gets diverted out of the Ward. Instead of increasing the capacity in the Local Ward, a school in a neighbouring Ward was upgraded.
In the days when we were building a few hundred houses a year, the process might have worked. Now, the council must do better with the original agreement, the collection and the tracking of these commitments. That is the battle that Sue is fighting.”
“Planning: a system set up to fail?
We’ve all seen them, haven’t we? The earth-shade painted, faux-timber-clad housing estates with their strips of fake grass, their crescents of executive homes in the best spots, and, overall, the dead, sterile look of a film set for the Stepford Wives. This pop-up townlet and its maze of little ‘streets’ boast dreamily bucolic names, often inspired by what has been destroyed to put them there: Woodland View, Meadowbrook (plenty of those!), Sawmills, The Orchard, The Old Dairy Farm…
They squat on the edges of our towns and villages, exposed and treeless and out on a limb. No shop. No bus stop (no buses!), not that the executive and second homers need them. Their Range Rovers and RVs stand charging on their paved aprons. No post office, which many older and less affluent people would use, but a post-box which almost nobody does. Who are these places for?
After the pervasive whiff of corruption, local councils and voters were, perhaps, hoping that Labour would be a breath of fresh air, ready to tackle the housing crisis in an inclusive, collaborative way and overlaying it all with a green, sustainable agenda.
This optimism looks to be misplaced.
“Cutting regulation and relaxing planning laws has never been good for the people who live there’ says a local councillor, wearily. ’All it means is a free for all for developers and profit before people or place. Developers always promise that they will build the necessary infrastructure when they pitch for planning consent, but, unsurprisingly, they don’t actually want to and don’t. Phase 1 is always for the lucrative higher end of the market – the big houses in the prime spots. They say that the roads, leisure centre, shops and school will come in later phases, but they don’t.
“Suddenly the building of affordable housing is ‘not viable’, not that it’s actually affordable in the first place. Ten per cent off the ‘normal’ price is still way out of the reach of people on salaries that are 16 per cent below the national average, while housing is amongst the most expensive in the UK. And the so-called affordable homes are only ten per cent cheaper and at least ten percent worse in terms of build quality.”
I am advised to take a look at Sherford, the ambitious development on the outskirts of Plymouth.
“A thousand homes have been built so far. Only a quarter have been sold. It’s been more than ten years since the project started but there still isn’t a single grocery shop, just a small coffee shop next to the primary school. The promised amenities just haven’t been delivered,” the councillor tells me.
A quick trawl on the internet reveals that the strongest sense of community comes from those who feel they’ve been sold a pup and that the promises of a vibrant, sustainable environment with shops and businesses and leisure facilities have not amounted to a hill of beans.
Elsewhere, substandard, corner-cutting building practices have led to developments riddled with problems. In Totnes, four out of five new developments are covered in scaffolding and homes on the evocatively-named Baltic Wharf cannot be sold by their owners, so great are the issues with build quality. Pretty on the outside, dodgy beneath the façade.
Where has it all gone wrong and why does this councillor feel that Labour have made the situation ten times worse?
This is where I try to get my head round how the system works.
Councils have to have a local plan which identifies housing needs, and at least five years’ worth of sites ready for development. Easier said than done. To keep it simple, the council needs a steady stream of single landowners who want to sell, but let’s say that there’s a big farmer or a member of the landed gentry who fancies raising a bit of capital. They’re pretty glad to see the pressure councils are under to find sizeable sites. The prices for agricultural land and development land are, of course, way different: £10k an acre for farmland, £200k for development.
Developers look at the land allocated for development and may bid on it and then land bank it because the numbers don’t stack up for their shareholders. Remember, affordable housing isn’t really their thing.
It might also be the case that the council really cannot find suitable land on which to build.
Now the council has problems. The sites have not been found and/or the developer hasn’t built the houses with the result that the council’s targets have not been met. The council is punished and the developers have the whip hand. Local planning policies are overruled and national policies take precedence. Any site that could be considered remotely sustainable is now fair game and councils decisions can be overturned. There are consultancy businesses that have spung up to exploit this situation, explaining that:
“In some locations, it may be possible to secure planning permission for new homes on sites where it has not been possible in the past, or where there is no support from the council.
“The XYZ Group is a specialist land promoter and deals with situations just like this across the country. We work with landowners to deliver planning permission on their sites at our cost and risk. Our return is a share of the value of the site once it is sold, which means if we don’t succeed, it doesn’t cost you a penny.”
There’s always money to be made, isn’t there? And an imbalance in supply and demand really helps…the profiteer.
What that means is riding rough-shod over perfectly reasonable local concerns and anxieties about real impact on communities and existing infrastructure.
Woolwell, on the edge of Dartmoor and the biggest housing development in South Devon since Sherford, is a case in point. Developers are already trying to get out of delivering on infrastructure promises and on the percentage of affordable housing. Locals, meanwhile, are understandably hostile to the prospect of having 250 construction vehicles a day passing close to a primary school. This isn’t nimbyism…this is justified concern. Will the developers prioritise building an access road? What do you reckon? You can bet it will be used to legitimise further reductions to the already dwindling percentage of affordable homes.
Labour appear to be happy to grant developers even more powers to exploit the situation at the council’s and community’s expense. They appear to have concluded that the only barrier to achieving the goal of building 1.5m houses by the next election is nimbyism and an obsession with nature, opening up a new front on the culture wars.
The Guardian reported that
“Keir Starmer has warned local leaders that he will not hesitate to overrule them if they attempt to ‘dodge their responsibilities’ in approving new homes, amid growing concerns among wildlife groups and councils over his plans for a housing revolution.”
Angela Rayner told Sky News that
“the government will cut the number of ‘subjective’ reasons that people can use to object to house building, including objections made on environmental grounds.
“We can’t have a situation where a newt is more protected than people who desperately need housing,’ she told Sky. “Protect the nature and wildlife, but not at the expense of people who need housing.”
Rayner is reinstating mandatory housing targets and plans to overhaul local planning committees to speed up decisions. To be honest, it sounds like bulldozing through local concerns and kowtowing to developers – wholly buying-in to the religion of the free-market economy and the superiority of the private over the public sector. Doesn’t sound like a vote-winner at a local level (but then Labour are not strong in rural constituencies, I observe, cynically!). So much for democracy!
What’s the answer?
“Data!” replies the councillor. “We need to collect proper data on what is needed and where so that we don’t end up with white elephant sink estates, built where there was no rationale, no employment or where the developer twigged that it was only ever worth their while to build the expensive (second) homes. And we need to look again at retrofitting. It’s expensive, but the properties are where people are and where they need to be, with the infrastructure already in place.”
There are thousands of empty properties in this category. Developers aren’t interested. Of course, they aren’t – but councils ARE.
“Regulation and protections need to be restored. Food security and the features that make Devon attractive to the vital tourism industry have to be factored in. Once farmland or an area of outstanding natural beauty has been destroyed for development, there’s no going back. The damage can’t be reversed.
“We need to build for a future changed by climate. We need to stop conceding to developers’ demands and we need to be protected from bullying from developers AND central government. If we are going to build housing, let it be for those who really, really need it.“
I think it reasonable to assume that the Builders, Barratts, Redrow etc are major donors to the Labour Party and will donate at an even higher level now.
I’m astounded at the arrogance of Smarmer declaring that building more houses is more important than nature. The very opposite of Green. The idea of directing Councils to allow more building is anti democratic. We shouldn’t be surprised at the Great Dictator exercising dictatorship.
In the real world providing suitable sites for development is far more problematic than Smarmer/Rayner think. Infrastructure, drainage, flooding all require careful consideration. I own a property flooded several times due to poorly sited development and that’s in recent history.
Top virologist claims there’s ‘pandemics coming on Jan 21’
“A pro-lockdown virologist has warned that Donald Trump faces a torrent of infectious disease outbreaks when he takes office.
The comments from Dr Peter Hotez come as the Congo is put on ‘maximum alert’ after a mystery respiratory virus killed nearly 150 people, primarily teenagers.” Sure, it did.
Any self-respecting, swivel-eyed, tinfoil-hat-wearing loony suggests you stock up on water and other necessities.
They are getting desperate; desperate men will do what it takes to shut down the truth.
Hotez is a moron
Seem an injunction has been applied to prevent the judge who gave the Asian kid back to its’ father to me murdered being named – along – I think with the social worker in the case ….
So much for justice being seen to be done …… bit like the red idea to end jury trials because they are inconvenient ….. maybe defending people in court should also stop at it slows things down …. Comrades
injunction ?
– to cover up ?
no, can’t be ……
Even The Guardian is tugging on this….
Cover up….
An American woman came to UK aged 27 to study at the LSE
then 11 years later became a Tory MP
That is strange
She first became a Tory councillor in 2014 after she had been in the UK 6 years and then served 6 years
2008 entered country, 2014 Tory Councillor , 2019 an MP , 2024 still an MP
“Early life and education. Joyce Morrisey was born on 30 January 1981 in Indiana, United States. She attended Worthington Christian High School in Ohio and graduated in 1999.”
BBC & Government Won’t Discuss DEVASTATING CONTENT in EXPLOSIVE New Immigration Report…
What we thought really.
Gays in the military compensation ?
It’s OK someone being gay in the army as they don’t rub it in your fave.
Is the sitcom It Aint Half Hot Mum inaccurate then ?
Set in 1945 during the last months of the Second World War, it has obvious gays in.
“US man found wandering near Damascus after months in Syrian prison”
“The 30-year-old said he left prison with a large group of people and had been attempting to make his way to Jordan.”
People as in escaping prisoners?
All innocents no doubt
I’m not sure I’m buying the Americans story 🤔
“Travis Timmerman said he was arrested after entering the country on foot”
Who’s the blonde lady?
It’s unfortunate that neither will share a prison cell . Shiner didn’t even get to do time – but when would a lawyer ever send another lawyer to prison ?
‘Train phone snatcher stole £21,000 from my bank apps’
“Niall McNamee was scrolling through his phone on the London underground when a thief on the platform snatched it from his hand just as the doors closed.”
No description of snatcher..
“Niall, a musician and actor who has lived in London for 12 years, reported his phone theft to police. But he said he did not immediately think to call his bank or cancel his cards.”
Meanwhile the thief emptied his account of 14k and a loan for 7k…
But Niall gets it refunded
*While Monzo reimbursed Niall with around £14,000 of the stolen money, he told the BBC the £7,000 fraudulent loan was yet to be written off by HSBC.”
“HSBC don’t seem to understand that I don’t have £7,000 to give them back..”
Hang on Niall haven’t you said you’ve got £14,000 in your account?
Police say “not our bag” – report it to Action Fraud, Action Fraud waste your time in insane Action Fraud victim support bureaucracy including sending out leaflets and handwringing pre-scripted “has this affected your emotional wellbeing” telephone sessions.
When pressed one discovers there’s no collation of reports and if Action Fraud see obvious criminal activity like the £7000 loan above – they report it to the police….
and around it goes….
Over the pond, another big story about racism…
“Crystal Mangum confesses to lying about being raped by Duke lacrosse players in 2006.
Mangum says she lied because she wanted ‘validation’ from people.
The players she accused were arrested, igniting a national controversy and conversations about racism. ”
The allegations even resulted in the team having to cancel a game against Georgetown in March 2008.
Former Durham County district attorney Mike Nifong, who served as the lead prosecutor in the case, said in a March 2006 interview with CBS News that “there’s no doubt a sexual assault took place” and that it was “racially motivated.
“The information that I have does lead me to conclude that a rape did occur,” Nifong said. “The circumstances of thc rape indicated a deep racial motivation for some of the things that were done. It makes a crime that is by its nature one of the most offensive and invasive even more so.”
Nifong was later disbarred on June 16, 2007, by the North Carolina State Bar for lying in court and withholding DNA evidence which ultimately absolved the defendants of responsibility for Mangum’s allegations. ”
It gets worse and worse:
As many people have alluded, the FBI DID infiltrate on Jan 6th, despite having NO responsibility for security OR intelligence gathering:
“DOJ IG reveals 26 FBI informants were present on Jan. 6.
The FBI only directed 3 confidential human sources to attend the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Horowitz says.
Twenty-three of the confidential human sources present on Jan. 6 came to Washington, D.C., to the Capitol on their own. Of that group, three entered the Capitol during the riot, and an additional 11 sources entered the restricted area around the Capitol.
“This report confirms what we suspected,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News Digital. “The FBI had encouraged and tasked confidential human sources to be at the capitol that day. There were 26 total present. Four entered the Capitol and weren’t charged, which is not the same treatment that other Americans received.”
Jordan added: “This has been our concern all along — agencies being weaponized against the American people. It’s not how our system is supposed to work.”
Not enough Brits know the details of the Governor Whitmer kidnapping business and the activities of people running that wrt to Jan 6th.
– and that in large part is due to the antics of the BBC.
“A ‘veil of secrecy’ was placed over the Sara Sharif scandal yesterday after a court banned the naming of a judge who placed the little girl in the custody of her murderous father.
A High Court judge ordered that none of the professionals involved in the family court proceedings could be named, including social workers, experts and guardians.
They also included the family court judge who made the fateful decision to give Urfan Sharif custody before he beat the ten-year-old to death.
The extraordinary ban sparked a secrecy row yesterday as Keir Starmer said questions must be answered about the appalling case.
Yesterday, former victims commissioner Dame Vera Baird KC said: ‘This has placed a veil of secrecy over this case. I think it’s appalling that we cannot know who was responsible for this obviously extremely damaging order which played a key role in the horrible death of this child.
‘This is the judiciary protecting the judiciary. How can the public be confident that the family courts can protect future children if the public are denied the knowledge of who is making such decisions… The judiciary needs to be held to account for the decisions they make. This is an awful case, people got it seriously wrong and the public need to know the truth.’ She added: ‘It is sinister.’
Sharif had been accused of violence against three ex-partners and two children, including his own, who were burned, bitten and bruised in a catalogue of cruelty dating back 16 years.
Yet police failed to bring charges and social workers later advised that Sara should be placed in her father’s custody in 2019.”
social services and teachers missing at least 15 opportunities to help save her.
Sara suffered an unimaginable ordeal at the hands of her father and stepmother, who bound her arms and legs and hooded her in a plastic bag while battering her with a cricket bat, metal pole and rolling pin. They strangled her until her neck broke, burnt her with an iron and bit her.
When police found her broken body dumped under the pink covers of her bunk bed there were more than 100 injuries and it was impossible to say which was fatal.
Must be encouraging for members of the legal and health mafia to know their fatal screw ups will be covered up by their mates .
A decent press would campaign against this or breach the court order …..if only for some level of accountability …..surely the names must be in the public domain somewhere ….?
Jailhouse Justice required
2024 … “social services and teachers missing at least 15 opportunities to help save her.”
Lessons will be … oh wait …
2014… Report says failings in political and police leadership contributed to gang rape and trafficking in South Yorkshire
As mentioned further above, a little more about this one who is subsidised by the taxpayer to the tune of millions, awards himself 43 million pounds, and who produces fossil fuels calling them green:
“Eco tycoon Dale Vince ‘lived life of excessive consumerism’, drinking Dom Perignon and taking private jets, court hears.
Kate Vince questioned her former husband’s public commitment to a sustainable lifestyle, saying periods of their marriage had been marked by ‘an exceptionally high standard of living’ including luxury international travel, top-of-the-range petrol cars and designer clothing.
She told the court they had taken a helicopter ride on their wedding day and had flown on a private jet on two occasions, travelled in first class or business, and owned a 56ft luxury yacht.”
Poor old Andrew, he’s is not an adult and knows what he does … “A Chinese businessman described as a “close confidant” of the Duke of York has lost an appeal against a decision to bar him from the UK on national security grounds.
The man, known only as H6, brought the case after being banned from entering the country in March 2023.”
However, his only reported current income stream is a modest navy pension.
Mr Windsor has all the attributes of the traditions royal – but why the press focus on him rather than ‘Greg ‘ or ‘al fayed ‘ – I don’t know .. or care really …..
Selling the country brick by brick.
Selling the country information nugget by information nugget.