Britain is faced with a mad double whammy of huge building projects for foreign imports coupled with nuclear power stations and hundreds of miles of power cables ….. and hugely expensive electricity /gas bills on top …. The decline is accelerating ….
Im glad I have the option of leaving ….
Not a good luck if you have to reassure people … “She wants to reassure people that she doesn’t “want to recreate Nigeria in the UK.””
It needs to get a lot worse – a rapidly contracting economy – higher borrowing and interest rates – higher inflation – whilst the reds pump money into their union public sector friends whilst private sector employment reduces …..
.. the reds have probably got a couple of months to fall back on Tory misrule but then they own it ……
650 MPS to be reduced to 200 to save money?
800 LOrds to be reduced to 0 Lords to reduce money?
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
What could possibly go wrong in this social media pile on morale patch edition
As UK problems pile up… worked in McDonald’s as a teenager… Ms Badenoch visits McDonald’s HQ in London… (freebie Metro) – Sorry, but you’re no Donald Trump, luv.
The brilliance of Trump’s McDonald’s stunt… in Featersville-Trevose, Pennsylvania. From the window, the candidate handed out some fries and fielded some questions in what made for a masterful PR stunt… “Happy birthday Kamala,” the former president riffed from inside the fast-food restaurant… In an interview with MSNBC… in an attempt to appear sympathetic to the concerns of the working class, Harris talked about her time flipping burgers at McDonald’s. “I worked there as a student.”
but in a 1987 résumé uncovered by Trump’s allies, the Democratic candidate makes no mention of her purported professional experience at Mickey D’s. Furthermore, Trump’s campaign has noted the overall lack of proof that she ever worked for the chain — a punch-back at her purported working-class bona fides. (Juan P. Villasmil, The Spectator World)
After all that fast food for our starters – let’s put some healthy food on the menu… anyone for fruit?
Ye shall know them by their fruits [Matthew 7:16]
Dearly beloved, gathered here, here cometh the quitessential BBC headline…
Moment of relief as Romania and Bulgaria join EU border-free zone – Phew… I was almost as anxious for that to happen as I was for a loose alliance of various Turkish-backed, CIA-funded, Pentagon-armed, Islam-inspired, former Isis-linked rebel groups to suddenly seize control of the capital of Syria. What could possibly go wrong?
David Miliband UK must not abandon Syrian refugees (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
But we digress from by their fruits you shall know them
And at the risk of sounding like a Gregg Wallace, and speculating how many of them melons you get to a pound, let’s have a quick shufty at them apples…
By the way, my old English teacher was a font of wisdom – used to say: “I never pick those shiney apples at the front of the display. I don’t want to eat the ones the greengrocer has been busy rubbing up and down his trouser leg”
The Daily Express likewise likes this story as a frontpage feature.
My patience with NHS winter crises reports from ‘NHS chiefs’ has worn rather thin over the years. If you have a problem dealing with the sick perhaps you should consider an alternative career?
Mr AsI contends that Lockdown served to demoralise the British workforce.
British workforce to hit record low… surge in number of people too sick to work hits the economy… Projections show… the share of over-16s in work or looking for a job will never get back to pre-Covid levels… – You would think the Telegraph would know better.
True to form, Mr AsI is here to make the crucial edit: will never get back to pre-CovidPRE-LOCKDOWN levels
If only there were a well-funded, judge-led, presently constituted, public inquiry that could look into that.
Globalist Neocon porn alert!
Chicks With Guns was an infamous interlude in the movie Jackie Brown 1997
Financial Times frontpage full-colour pin up pic of Ukrainian GI Janes in camo fatigues undergoing military training – by implication of the photo caption: Military training on a shooting range in the Kharkiv region – one spies an instructor with a Norwegian/Ukraine flag patch. Nato military personel now being placed dangerously close to the front, we wonder?
Norway-Ukrainian National Flags Patch, NO-UA Cooperative Patch, Ukrainian-Norwegian Partnership, Morale patches (£9.08 on Etsy)
One thing is for sure – we’re bordering on calm down dear territory
We know our median media middle-class woman doesn’t appreciate the old-fashioned Gregg Wallace type. But aside from wanting their chaps to possess a better class and education, do they prefer their men older or younger than themselves?
Midlife glow up I’m haggered at 40 so went to extremes to look as young as my wife (‘i’)
Meanwhile: Like Kate Moss, I learned younger men can’t keep up (‘i’)
Extreme treatments that really are stopping me going bald… even though my wife doesn’t care! (Daily Mail)
Hey Labour, how’s that affordable house-building working out fo’ yer?
Low-cost home goal axed… Ministers have dropped pledge that half of all homes built on low-grade greenbelt must be affordable (FT)
‘low-grade greenbelt’ ? That’s a new one.
And finally, as though to prove that these days it’s a case of by their fruits ye shall NOT know them: Anonymity order for Sara custody judge… judge and social workers who agreed that Sara Sharif’s father could have custody of her have been given anonymity… order was made by a fellow Family Court judge who was concerned that there could be a “social media pile on” (Telegraph) – and we can’t be having that.
Dave Milliband must still be waiting for the call begging him to come back and save his party . It really is trait of such politicians to call for more of other peoples money to be thrown at overseas – lost – third world causes . It happens in both red and blue .
The uk ‘interest test ‘ is never applied ? What do I get in return ? Nothing – ever . Yet on they go sending borrowed tax money overseas . … both partys – every year …
Meanwhile presidenr trump will cut nato spending and demand that EU states take up the slack …. A good move …
Another move by presidenr trump was demanding Canada sorts out its ‘ border …. When Trudeau turned up in Florida to beg the true president not to impose tariffs at the end of the meeting he was told to go find a hotel – rather than stay in the Trump compound …. Nice bit of symbolism .
How much does David Miliband earn from International Rescue Committee?
It was reported that his total IRC remuneration for 2019 was c. $1 million. According to tax filings hosted by ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer, the International Rescue Committee CEO salary was $466,209 in financial year ending September 2012. In financial year ending September 2022, the salary was $1,142,413.
The Church of England has a large endowment of £8.7 billion which generates approximately £1 billion a year in income (2019),[1] this is their largest source of revenue. The 2019 Financial report showed that the size of the endowment has been steady or growing slightly in recent years, delivering a return of 10% (2019). In recent years, efforts have been made to make the Church’s investments more ethical,[2] by divesting from major arms manufacturers and divesting all fossil fuel investments in 2020.[3] The Church of England has been criticized in the past for investments in arms dealers, unethical loan companies and companies with poor environmental records[4] – however, the Church of England is now committed to being a strong ethical investor.
All charitable gifts (including gifts in wills left to the Church of England) are exempt from Inheritance Tax. Therefore the gift is already exempt from any tax that would have been charged on the amount of the gift.
Churches in England and Wales are exempt from paying non-domestic business rates on buildings used for public religious worship. This includes the church building, church hall, office premises and clergy housing. However, business rates still apply to other church properties not associated with worship.
Nearly 5,000 churches across the United Kingdom benefit from £42 million conservation fund
We’re luckier than the Germans who, as I understand it – still pay taxes to The Church.
In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, church tax equates to 8% of your income tax. For the rest of Germany, church tax equates to 9% of your income tax.
Legal incorporation of the church tax in the Weimar Constitution in 1919, in 1949 adoption of the regulation in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. In Germany, all religious and ideological communities that are corporations under public law are entitled to levy taxes by constitution law.
“Put simply, the church tax applies to registered members of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish churches. Other faiths are not subject to a religious tax in Germany.9 Feb 2024”
Lawmakers from Germany’s grand coalition government said on Wednesday that they were considering introducing a “mosque tax” for German Muslims, similar to the church taxes that German Christians pay.
There is so much bias reported on this esteemed website that I can’t find certain items I’ve read before.
So apologies to the first discoverer of this fine example of TTK.
Animal rights protesters who destroyed £1,000 of Selfridges cheese and poured 19 bottles of milk on Fortnum & Mason’s carpet avoid jail
Kemi Badenoch
This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to renew our party, our thinking and our country. It’s time to tell the truth. The system is broken. Let’s develop a blueprint that looks at every aspect of what our state does and why it does it. The work to rebuild trust starts now.
A message from Prime Minister, Keir Starmer
I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you for the support you gave us on Thursday 4 July.
A mandate like this comes with great responsibility. I promise you this: Labour will govern for the whole country. We will put the chaos of the last 14 years behind us, turn the page and start to rebuild.
Sterling close to its highest value against the Euro since the Brexit referendum. Markets appear to be rewarding the prospect of long term British political stability. Not something you’ve been able to say for a while.
Oh Lewis, you really need to put that Labour activist and blogger bio back on. The only reason the pound has strengthened against the Euro is the Euro has collapsed. From $1.12 to $1.04
Why anyone listens to most media clowns mystifies.
A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job.
The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks “What does two plus two equal?” The mathematician replies “Four.” The interviewer asks, “Four, exactly?” The mathematician looks at the interviewer incredulously and says, “Yes, four, exactly.”
Then the interviewer calls in the accountant and asks the same question: “What does two plus two equal?” The accountant says, “On average, four—give or take 10 percent, but on average, four.”
Then the interviewer calls in the economist and poses the same question: “What does two plus two equal?” The economist gets up, locks the door, closes the shades, sits down next to the interviewer and says, “What do you want it to equal?”
The BBC employ many of their staff from adverts
placed in The Guardian. As an alternative do you
think it might be a good idea if they found out from
the OXFORD UNION. The names of all the 75% undergraduates
who put their hands UP at the Oxford debate on Israel
recently. Who said they wouldn’t report to the
Israeli authorities if they knew about the forthcoming
attacks on 7th October 2023 on Israeli civilian citizens ?
This surely would be a good box ticker for a job at the BBC.
Let me think, what was happening in October that might have triggered that? Might be all the companies shedding workers and the massive cash being piled by Labour into union workers pay packets for zilch increase in output maybe?
“Analysts said the contraction in the UK economy could make it more likely that the Bank of England monetary policy committee will vote to cut the base rate when they meet later this month.”
Right on cue, to start another season of slashing interest rates to near zero, to stoke the property bubble some more.
Leading to the exact same group of people benefiting.
Problem is after decades of the same policy, this group has everything they want already, and can’t eat in restaurants any more often etc, so it won’t help boost the economy.
There are so many anecdotal reports of police inaction regarding many different matters, good to see they have priorities:
“Police launch crackdown on ‘dodgy firesticks’ used for illegally streaming football: Full list of target areas where homes are being visited is revealed”
A teenager accused of murdering a hotel worker at Bescott Stadium Station in Walsall has pleaded not guilty to the charge during a video-link appearance before a Crown Court judge.
Speaking through an Arabic interpreter, Deng Chol Majek, 18, said “not guilty
Excellent post.
A little number crunching.
That’s about 300 worker/ pensioners per civil servant.
That’s about 6 ‘working hours’ per worker/pensioner per year.
Given most people just get automated letters it does rather beg the question, what are all these people doing? Who has spent 12 hours solid working time solely on the affairs of myself and Mrs S?
So called “green” policies only matter it seems, when it’s taxpayers paying more and subsidised jobs for the boy’s and girls…
Homes for heroes ? No bloody chance, it’s for millions of illegal immigrants heading for a life on the dole.
Any British homeless will be lucky to get a night in a hostel.
“Towns targeted by Labour’s ‘bulldozer blitz’: The English councils that must build up to 21 TIMES more homes than they had planned to as Angela Rayner releases list of targets”
There’s load of room, but they want sky high house prices and rents (if you’re lucky enough to find somewhere.)
Take York.
Surrounded by huge blocks of green.
Give one section over to housing, eg circled.
You could build or even import holiday park style homes.
Just look what this Syrian who took Asylum in Turkey said:
‘Abdul, a 25-year-old mechanical engineer, returned to Aleppo four days ago, after spending 10 years in Turkey. “I thought I’d never come back. It’s a miracle. I’m proud,” he says. “I’ve already forgotten the racism and the humiliation I suffered being a refugee. We now have our dignity back. That’s the most important thing.”‘
Gratitude for all the free stuff not high on Abdul’s list – but of course he never even said it. It’s a child-like, clumsy attempt by the idiot BBC activist to infer that’s what they are suffering here in the UK. It’s completely made up : it just doesn’t fit at all in the story.
I bet he didn’t even realise he was calling other Muslims racists. His intent was to infer that’s what whitey is here in the UK.
More important than that BBC – when will all these refugees be sent back to Syria ?. After all, all your excuses are gone now. Something tells me that a) none of them will go back and b) the BBC will not go near the topic.
I’ve just been watching something on youtube telling me he couldn’t say much because the youtube censorship of anything going on in Syria is massive. Anything which doesn’t match the narrative is being censored and accounts being de-monetised.
It stink real bad. And it’s how completely the lies can now be enforced which concerns me.
Or of course maybe this terrorist has indeed suddenly become a moderate and has not been set up from the start to ‘play nice’ with the West until they have established their power. Then we have another Afghanistan and another rise of the Jihad. Coming soon to a Town centre near you.
Green Finance Institute Ltd – £99,000.00
Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Payment Type: InKind
Lisbet Rausing – £233,600.00
Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation Payment Type: Cash
1 July 2021, received £105 from the BBC, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1 1AA, for participation in BBC Radio 3’s The Verb. Hours: 1.5 hr. (Registered 13 July 2021)
In Socialism everyone else pays for you to have fun …
“Name of donor: PRS for Music
Address of donor: 1st Floor, Goldings House, 2 Hays Lane, London SE1 2HB Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Accommodation, food and travel for myself and a family member during Glastonbury festival, value £1,162”
Afghanistan … “The first also comes from Kunduz – but three years after that couple were stoned to death, the police managed to rescue one woman from a similar fate. The second case focuses on the sad tale of Sutara, who says her husband sliced off her lip and nose because she refused to hand him her jewellery to buy drugs.”
I see the government nudge dept have told the Telegraph to use the same headline
“One in four sick adults have flu as ‘quad-demic’ grips Britain
Who voted for these useless ‘fans’?
Who voted for ‘Net Carbon Zero’?
Are pensioners losing their Winter Fuel Payments to fund the above crazy project ?
Vote for ‘Reform’ next time!
The BBC is all over the Prince Andrew/China story….shame they weren’t so eager to report on Hunter Biden and family’s dodgy dealings. Not as if the Vice President and then President of the USA isn’t important enough to have dodgy deals investigated…surely?
‘…the Bidens and their associates have received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities.’ ‘China- CEFC: On March 1, 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to a Biden associate’s account. This is the same bank account used in the above “Romania” section. After the Chinese company wired the Biden associate account the $3 million, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,692 over a three-month period in different bank accounts. Additionally, the CEFC Chairman gives Hunter Biden a diamond worth $80,000. Lastly, CEFC creates a joint venture with the Bidens in the summer of 2017. The timeline lays out the “WhatsApp” messages and subsequent wires from the Chinese to the Bidens of $100,000 and $5 million. The total amount from China, specifically with CEFC and their related entities, to the Biden family and their associates is over $8 million.’
Remarkable attack by the BBC on the ‘riots’ in relation to Southport….why is this the top news story or a news story at all…the police bleating about how hard their job is?…and look how they talk about the rioters…
‘”I think they were just on a rampage,” said PC Teeley who described rioters as parasites. “These people have no place in society, the ones that were causing the carnage – are the people that draw everything out of the community, draw the life and soul out the community, give nothing but take everything”.’
‘Parasites’…with no place in society? ….imagine if he’d said this about the immigrants who come here to commit crime and hate this country…the BBC would hound him out of his job.
And very sad that one had a heart attack…but that just means he was unfit to be on duty…he could have had one chasing a burglar…but the BBC is keen to try and ramp it up to make it appear the rioters were terrible people doing enormous damage…oddly not the same narrative for the rioting immigrants in Leeds just a short while before where the police were sent packing…or indeed Manchester airport where ‘your boys took a beating’….and here’s the sickest comment….
‘Insp Dack has more than 20 years’ experience in some of the town’s most deprived communities.
He’s also a dad and coaches a girls football team, “I think about the kids growing up. I want them to grow up somewhere safe”.
But he is quick to add that if disorder does break out, he’ll be back on the front line.
“Yes, I don’t even need to think about that one” said Insp Dack, ” If that comes again – am I ready? Are the officers ready? Yes”.’
Really? How about policing those migrants who kill little girls with a knife or a bomb?…or maybe stopping them coming here in the first place as 600 crossed the Channel illegally yesterday…and the BBC doesn’t report it.
The sick irony of that comment considering the riots were in response to three girls being murdered and others attacked.
Isn’t it odd how the Southport ‘murders’ have essentially been memory-holed? Almost as if it were used as an excuse to intimidate the indigenous population and make them think twice before they dare question the regime running the district. Is questioning whether the MI5 or the special branch were actively involved in fabricating a crime itself a crime nowadays? Well, if it isn’t, it will be soon.
BBC Radio Humberside coverage of Ed Miliband was the total travesty you’d expect, as it made out that people only objected to his Net Zero dream and Wins, solar mgic solutions on minor grounds.
Rather than it being cos they are million miles away from proper maths and science.
ITV local news was a tone lower but still read from the Labour PR sheet.
Lines like “will lower bills”
and “Under the Tories onshore wind was EFFECTIVELY banned”
.. entirely false onshore wind was built every year
and large landowners are free to built them on their land,
The thing was the SUBSIDIES were low, and it’s such a rubbish power source no one builds them without huge huge SUBSIDIES.
BBC local TV news
Presenter “Hardly any onshore windfarms have been built in the past decade
relatively truthful
Eco nut enviro presenter “This is Sangton onshore windfarm , before the Tory government EFFECTIVELY banned them”
..that is a lie
Also “Miliband will say that wind offers a CHEAP green source of energy as the country tries to wean itself oof HARMFUL oil and gas”
lie .. It’s not cheap, and not very green
Fossil fuels are not very harmful .. it’s a PR phrase
Miliband : “We’ve got to build new energy infrastructure LIKE ONSHORE WIND & SOLAR
I we don’t do that we will be STILL exposed as country to those FOSSIL FUELS which have CAUSED so much DAMAGE , to SO MANY people across Britain”
FFS solar and wind GUARANTEE the UK needs to import fossil fuels
They are energy sources which only turn up when they feel like it. So gas plants have to be on standby all the time.
A mountainous low population country like Norway can use hydropower as backup.. the UK can’t
“CAUSED so much DAMAGE , to SO MANY people” WHO WHO ?
Now Tory MP Grahan Stuart ..a supporter of mad greenness
His only caveat was that local communities should not be overruled
BBC bigging up on the main news the ‘trauma’ of the plod dealing with the summer so-called riots.
I don’t remember the BBC having the same level of interest in the welfare of the Police after, for example, the Orgreave miners’ confrontation or the Poll Tax riots in Trafalgar Square.
But protests against mass immigration after three murders? Suddenly they care.
Looks like TTK does not apply only to the government.
The same BBC that now eulogises and romanticises the Tottenham riots as ‘rebellion’ and ‘resistance’ where this happened…
‘PC Keith Blakelock’s unit was attacked with a “flame-type thrower” before he was hacked to death by a mob during the Tottenham riots in 1985, a court heard.’
‘BBC reporters should know better. It is utterly remarkable that correspondents reporting on conflicts in the Middle East seem to know so little about the region’s history and are so uninterested in supplying audiences with the crucial historical context which helps us all understand the present.’
It’s not just the BBC’s ignorance on Jewish history but just about any history in the Middle East……they insist the Sykes-Picot agreement disastrously ‘carved up the Middle East’ and is the cause of all the problems there now. In fact Sykes-Picot had little to do with the final agreements which were hammered out over years with the locals deeply involved in the negotiations.
The line that Britain ‘carved up the Middle East’ is a line that the Jihadis use….and it’s a lie….why does the BBC parrot terrorist lies? The same BBC that is the cheerleader for Hamas and was a mouthpiece for Putin as it pumped out anti-Trump disinformation such as the ‘dodgy dossier’ that came directly from….Russian intelligence officers….the BBC doing Putin’s dirty work as he tried to destabilise and divide the US political system…which he did successfully thanks to the likes of the BBC.
Milliband’s tweet is as usual RATIOED and has many tweets that get more LIkes than his I’m at Siemens Gamesa in Hull this morning talking about how our Clean Power 2030 Action Plan will create good jobs right across the country.
This is a plan for energy security,
lower bills,
good jobs
and climate action.
David Bellamy reply 420 Likes
energy security ❌ lower bills ❌ good jobs ❓ climate action 🤡
Repeating nonsense does not make it any less ridiculous, Ed.
Lord Talbot 338 Likes
Julia Hartley-Brewer 2,800 Likes And in just 6 years’ time @Ed_Miliband and @Keir_Starmer
reckon 95% of our electricity is going to come from renewables,
not gas or nuclear.
Start stocking up on candles and torch batteries, folks.
@PatrickChristys I’ve got a LOT about Ed Miliband tonight at 10pm @GBNEWS
@LoftusSteve The “Rollercoaster” of fossil fuel prices over the last 12 months averages around £69.30 per MWh.
That’s cheaper than every renewable in operation. It’s cheaper than every renewable in the latest round of auctions.
Ed Miliband is a fraud and a liar.
The BBC’s reporting on Syria displays gross historical ignorance by Danny Cohen
.”It seems though that the BBC is optimistic. Reporting live from Damascus, the BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet said the following: ‘‘This is one of the most diverse countries in the Middle East with multiple Christian and Muslim sects. And you can see it here in the Old City, all the different Quarters – Jewish, Muslim, Christian. They’re all here. They want to believe they have a space now as Syria embarks on this new chapter.”
For anyone with the slightest knowledge of the 20th century history of Jewish people in the Arab world, this statement is both ignorant and offensive.
There are believed to be three Jews left in Syria. That’s right, three Jews. The rest fled for their lives.
I often wonder why the BBC hate Jews and Christians and claim to be Atheist at the same time supporting Islam, even as the BBC claim to be impartial and unbiased, its been clear for forty years it is not anything but a mouthpiece for the Left and should be dismantled, as reform is impossible.
“An academic analysis of guests chosen by the BBC to appear on Question Time has exposed the broadcaster as disproportionately platforming people from right-wing media outlets”
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
Britain is faced with a mad double whammy of huge building projects for foreign imports coupled with nuclear power stations and hundreds of miles of power cables ….. and hugely expensive electricity /gas bills on top …. The decline is accelerating ….
Im glad I have the option of leaving ….
Not a good luck if you have to reassure people … “She wants to reassure people that she doesn’t “want to recreate Nigeria in the UK.””
It needs to get a lot worse – a rapidly contracting economy – higher borrowing and interest rates – higher inflation – whilst the reds pump money into their union public sector friends whilst private sector employment reduces …..
.. the reds have probably got a couple of months to fall back on Tory misrule but then they own it ……
650 MPS to be reduced to 200 to save money?
800 LOrds to be reduced to 0 Lords to reduce money?
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Elsewhere the gits at ofcom drive up the price of postage…. I mean who at Royal Mail will bothered by this?
No one every demands less pay?! Not even 650 MPS!
What could possibly go wrong in this social media pile on morale patch edition
As UK problems pile up… worked in McDonald’s as a teenager… Ms Badenoch visits McDonald’s HQ in London… (freebie Metro) – Sorry, but you’re no Donald Trump, luv.
The brilliance of Trump’s McDonald’s stunt… in Featersville-Trevose, Pennsylvania. From the window, the candidate handed out some fries and fielded some questions in what made for a masterful PR stunt… “Happy birthday Kamala,” the former president riffed from inside the fast-food restaurant… In an interview with MSNBC… in an attempt to appear sympathetic to the concerns of the working class, Harris talked about her time flipping burgers at McDonald’s. “I worked there as a student.”
but in a 1987 résumé uncovered by Trump’s allies, the Democratic candidate makes no mention of her purported professional experience at Mickey D’s. Furthermore, Trump’s campaign has noted the overall lack of proof that she ever worked for the chain — a punch-back at her purported working-class bona fides. (Juan P. Villasmil, The Spectator World)
After all that fast food for our starters – let’s put some healthy food on the menu… anyone for fruit?
Ye shall know them by their fruits [Matthew 7:16]
Dearly beloved, gathered here, here cometh the quitessential BBC headline…
Moment of relief as Romania and Bulgaria join EU border-free zone – Phew… I was almost as anxious for that to happen as I was for a loose alliance of various Turkish-backed, CIA-funded, Pentagon-armed, Islam-inspired, former Isis-linked rebel groups to suddenly seize control of the capital of Syria. What could possibly go wrong?
David Miliband UK must not abandon Syrian refugees (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
But we digress from by their fruits you shall know them
And at the risk of sounding like a Gregg Wallace, and speculating how many of them melons you get to a pound, let’s have a quick shufty at them apples…
By the way, my old English teacher was a font of wisdom – used to say: “I never pick those shiney apples at the front of the display. I don’t want to eat the ones the greengrocer has been busy rubbing up and down his trouser leg”
The coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper rarely disappoints expectations: ‘Festive’ flu tidal wave hits hospitals. NHS chiefs issue warning as cases surge 70%
The Daily Express likewise likes this story as a frontpage feature.
My patience with NHS winter crises reports from ‘NHS chiefs’ has worn rather thin over the years. If you have a problem dealing with the sick perhaps you should consider an alternative career?
Mr AsI contends that Lockdown served to demoralise the British workforce.
British workforce to hit record low… surge in number of people too sick to work hits the economy… Projections show… the share of over-16s in work or looking for a job will never get back to pre-Covid levels… – You would think the Telegraph would know better.
True to form, Mr AsI is here to make the crucial edit: will never get back to
pre-CovidPRE-LOCKDOWN levelsIf only there were a well-funded, judge-led, presently constituted, public inquiry that could look into that.
Globalist Neocon porn alert!
Chicks With Guns was an infamous interlude in the movie Jackie Brown 1997
Financial Times frontpage full-colour pin up pic of Ukrainian GI Janes in camo fatigues undergoing military training – by implication of the photo caption: Military training on a shooting range in the Kharkiv region – one spies an instructor with a Norwegian/Ukraine flag patch. Nato military personel now being placed dangerously close to the front, we wonder?
Norway-Ukrainian National Flags Patch, NO-UA Cooperative Patch, Ukrainian-Norwegian Partnership, Morale patches (£9.08 on Etsy)
One thing is for sure – we’re bordering on calm down dear territory
We know our median media middle-class woman doesn’t appreciate the old-fashioned Gregg Wallace type. But aside from wanting their chaps to possess a better class and education, do they prefer their men older or younger than themselves?
Midlife glow up I’m haggered at 40 so went to extremes to look as young as my wife (‘i’)
Meanwhile: Like Kate Moss, I learned younger men can’t keep up (‘i’)
Extreme treatments that really are stopping me going bald… even though my wife doesn’t care! (Daily Mail)
Hey Labour, how’s that affordable house-building working out fo’ yer?
Low-cost home goal axed… Ministers have dropped pledge that half of all homes built on low-grade greenbelt must be affordable (FT)
‘low-grade greenbelt’ ? That’s a new one.
And finally, as though to prove that these days it’s a case of by their fruits ye shall NOT know them: Anonymity order for Sara custody judge… judge and social workers who agreed that Sara Sharif’s father could have custody of her have been given anonymity… order was made by a fellow Family Court judge who was concerned that there could be a “social media pile on” (Telegraph) – and we can’t be having that.
Dave Milliband must still be waiting for the call begging him to come back and save his party . It really is trait of such politicians to call for more of other peoples money to be thrown at overseas – lost – third world causes . It happens in both red and blue .
The uk ‘interest test ‘ is never applied ? What do I get in return ? Nothing – ever . Yet on they go sending borrowed tax money overseas . … both partys – every year …
Meanwhile presidenr trump will cut nato spending and demand that EU states take up the slack …. A good move …
Another move by presidenr trump was demanding Canada sorts out its ‘ border …. When Trudeau turned up in Florida to beg the true president not to impose tariffs at the end of the meeting he was told to go find a hotel – rather than stay in the Trump compound …. Nice bit of symbolism .
Trudeau will be looking for a new job soon …
How much does David Miliband earn from International Rescue Committee?
It was reported that his total IRC remuneration for 2019 was c. $1 million. According to tax filings hosted by ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer, the International Rescue Committee CEO salary was $466,209 in financial year ending September 2012. In financial year ending September 2022, the salary was $1,142,413.
Fedup2 – there are plenty of jobs – just create one!
“Jacinda Ardern appointed trustee of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize
4 April 2023”
“David Miliband UK must not abandon Syrian refugees (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)”
Socialist princeling
“Councils should take responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of old, closed graveyards, the Church in Wales has said.”
The Church of England has a large endowment of £8.7 billion which generates approximately £1 billion a year in income (2019),[1] this is their largest source of revenue. The 2019 Financial report showed that the size of the endowment has been steady or growing slightly in recent years, delivering a return of 10% (2019). In recent years, efforts have been made to make the Church’s investments more ethical,[2] by divesting from major arms manufacturers and divesting all fossil fuel investments in 2020.[3] The Church of England has been criticized in the past for investments in arms dealers, unethical loan companies and companies with poor environmental records[4] – however, the Church of England is now committed to being a strong ethical investor.
All charitable gifts (including gifts in wills left to the Church of England) are exempt from Inheritance Tax. Therefore the gift is already exempt from any tax that would have been charged on the amount of the gift.
Churches in England and Wales are exempt from paying non-domestic business rates on buildings used for public religious worship. This includes the church building, church hall, office premises and clergy housing. However, business rates still apply to other church properties not associated with worship.
Nearly 5,000 churches across the United Kingdom benefit from £42 million conservation fund
We’re luckier than the Germans who, as I understand it – still pay taxes to The Church.
In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, church tax equates to 8% of your income tax. For the rest of Germany, church tax equates to 9% of your income tax.
not sure if you can opt out as an atheist…
Anybody know if the Muzzies pay?
“Put simply, the church tax applies to registered members of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish churches. Other faiths are not subject to a religious tax in Germany.9 Feb 2024”
Germany mulls introducing ‘mosque tax’ for Muslims
12/26/2018December 26, 2018
Lawmakers from Germany’s grand coalition government said on Wednesday that they were considering introducing a “mosque tax” for German Muslims, similar to the church taxes that German Christians pay.
Crashing of gears
some equivalence
There is so much bias reported on this esteemed website that I can’t find certain items I’ve read before.
So apologies to the first discoverer of this fine example of TTK.
Animal rights protesters who destroyed £1,000 of Selfridges cheese and poured 19 bottles of milk on Fortnum & Mason’s carpet avoid jail
Phew! Good job they didn’t do anything really serious, like use negative words about illegal asylum seekers.
If it saves just one life!
2024 … Rochdale grooming: ‘I was raped more than 100 times from age 12’
Published 21 February
2024 … Student from a wealthy family who wants to have sex with 1,000 men in 24 hours: Lily Phillips (who’s made £2million from OnlyFans)
Kemi Badenoch
This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to renew our party, our thinking and our country. It’s time to tell the truth. The system is broken. Let’s develop a blueprint that looks at every aspect of what our state does and why it does it. The work to rebuild trust starts now.
A message from Prime Minister, Keir Starmer
I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you for the support you gave us on Thursday 4 July.
A mandate like this comes with great responsibility. I promise you this: Labour will govern for the whole country. We will put the chaos of the last 14 years behind us, turn the page and start to rebuild.
Change begins right here.
More than 90,000 people are Liberal Democrat members. Help us win a fair deal for Britain by joining today.
Support our campaign to push the Government to do better – much better – to protect and restore nature.
Our country has so much potential, but both Labour and the Conservatives have broken promise after promise for the last 30 years.
They went large on this in the BBC Moaning Emole.
Steven Bartlett sharing harmful health misinformation in Diary of CEO podcast
At the time I just glanced as I have no idea who he is, and hence why the might of the BBC is launched at a podcast.
Then, I read the comments.
Who does one turn to? The BBC? The government?
Ex bbc, still all Labour.
Sterling close to its highest value against the Euro since the Brexit referendum. Markets appear to be rewarding the prospect of long term British political stability. Not something you’ve been able to say for a while.
Oh Lewis, you really need to put that Labour activist and blogger bio back on. The only reason the pound has strengthened against the Euro is the Euro has collapsed. From $1.12 to $1.04
Why anyone listens to most media clowns mystifies.
A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job.
The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks “What does two plus two equal?” The mathematician replies “Four.” The interviewer asks, “Four, exactly?” The mathematician looks at the interviewer incredulously and says, “Yes, four, exactly.”
Then the interviewer calls in the accountant and asks the same question: “What does two plus two equal?” The accountant says, “On average, four—give or take 10 percent, but on average, four.”
Then the interviewer calls in the economist and poses the same question: “What does two plus two equal?” The economist gets up, locks the door, closes the shades, sits down next to the interviewer and says, “What do you want it to equal?”
Lewis obviously does not read The Guardian…
from (in case this is reported as HATE CRIME! HA HAHAHH AHA )
Marky – I don’t think she is too fond of Jews ….
..if only someone had got her a pony …
She makes a great Meme Fedup2 –
The BBC employ many of their staff from adverts
placed in The Guardian. As an alternative do you
think it might be a good idea if they found out from
the OXFORD UNION. The names of all the 75% undergraduates
who put their hands UP at the Oxford debate on Israel
recently. Who said they wouldn’t report to the
Israeli authorities if they knew about the forthcoming
attacks on 7th October 2023 on Israeli civilian citizens ?
This surely would be a good box ticker for a job at the BBC.
New Crimebodge video shows the system is corrupt at the top
court case kicked out , but bad copper did resign
UK economy unexpectedly shrinks 0.1% in October….Whispers the BBC’s house magazine The Guardian….
Let me think, what was happening in October that might have triggered that? Might be all the companies shedding workers and the massive cash being piled by Labour into union workers pay packets for zilch increase in output maybe?
Hardly unexpectedly really!
Nationalist NEWS so Labour can decide what is news and what is not news!
Like when Keir Starmer could not tell you what worker was – “You know who you are!”.
“Analysts said the contraction in the UK economy could make it more likely that the Bank of England monetary policy committee will vote to cut the base rate when they meet later this month.”
Right on cue, to start another season of slashing interest rates to near zero, to stoke the property bubble some more.
Leading to the exact same group of people benefiting.
Problem is after decades of the same policy, this group has everything they want already, and can’t eat in restaurants any more often etc, so it won’t help boost the economy.
There are so many anecdotal reports of police inaction regarding many different matters, good to see they have priorities:
“Police launch crackdown on ‘dodgy firesticks’ used for illegally streaming football: Full list of target areas where homes are being visited is revealed”
£10 for every stick collected from FIFA who say Saudi football is not being sports washed.
I reckon FIFA needed giant suitcases for all those bribes …
FIFA coming back from Saudi World Cup competition ….
A teenager accused of murdering a hotel worker at Bescott Stadium Station in Walsall has pleaded not guilty to the charge during a video-link appearance before a Crown Court judge.
Speaking through an Arabic interpreter, Deng Chol Majek, 18, said “not guilty
Ww – thx – surprising the court didn’t ’injunction ‘ the name to prevent tax paying British to know what’s going on “local man”
Department of work and pensions.
20m customers and 68,000 employees.
Aviva Insurances and Pensions.
20m customers and 6,000 employees.
Go Figure!
Excellent post.
A little number crunching.
That’s about 300 worker/ pensioners per civil servant.
That’s about 6 ‘working hours’ per worker/pensioner per year.
Given most people just get automated letters it does rather beg the question, what are all these people doing? Who has spent 12 hours solid working time solely on the affairs of myself and Mrs S?
So called “green” policies only matter it seems, when it’s taxpayers paying more and subsidised jobs for the boy’s and girls…
Homes for heroes ? No bloody chance, it’s for millions of illegal immigrants heading for a life on the dole.
Any British homeless will be lucky to get a night in a hostel.
“Towns targeted by Labour’s ‘bulldozer blitz’: The English councils that must build up to 21 TIMES more homes than they had planned to as Angela Rayner releases list of targets”
There’s load of room, but they want sky high house prices and rents (if you’re lucky enough to find somewhere.)
Take York.
Surrounded by huge blocks of green.
Give one section over to housing, eg circled.
You could build or even import holiday park style homes.
Syria has fee empty prison accommodation now all the prisoners are free and no longer commit crimes!
That empty land is probably the River Ouse FLOODPLAIN
‘Today we are celebrating a new Syria’: Mass rallies mark end of Assad regime
Just look what this Syrian who took Asylum in Turkey said:
‘Abdul, a 25-year-old mechanical engineer, returned to Aleppo four days ago, after spending 10 years in Turkey. “I thought I’d never come back. It’s a miracle. I’m proud,” he says. “I’ve already forgotten the racism and the humiliation I suffered being a refugee. We now have our dignity back. That’s the most important thing.”‘
Gratitude for all the free stuff not high on Abdul’s list – but of course he never even said it. It’s a child-like, clumsy attempt by the idiot BBC activist to infer that’s what they are suffering here in the UK. It’s completely made up : it just doesn’t fit at all in the story.
I bet he didn’t even realise he was calling other Muslims racists. His intent was to infer that’s what whitey is here in the UK.
More important than that BBC – when will all these refugees be sent back to Syria ?. After all, all your excuses are gone now. Something tells me that a) none of them will go back and b) the BBC will not go near the topic.
Racism does not exist in Syria and the prisons are empty! A Utopia!
I’ve just been watching something on youtube telling me he couldn’t say much because the youtube censorship of anything going on in Syria is massive. Anything which doesn’t match the narrative is being censored and accounts being de-monetised.
It stink real bad. And it’s how completely the lies can now be enforced which concerns me.
Or of course maybe this terrorist has indeed suddenly become a moderate and has not been set up from the start to ‘play nice’ with the West until they have established their power. Then we have another Afghanistan and another rise of the Jihad. Coming soon to a Town centre near you.
FRee Hijabs for all the ladies! FREE!
“Foreign Office employees invited to wear headscarves to work to mark World Hijab day”
They may as well get used to it whilst they still have a choice.
> World Hijab day
A great idea – should be made compulsory for liebour front benches. I’ve got a little list.
The Hijab is not really a religious garb so other cultural apparel should be ” celebrated” and invited to wear .
Inuit ( Eskimo) clothing should be tried .
As also the Chinese clothing – the flowing silk robes then Chairman Mao`s boiler suit .
Then the clothing , or lack of it , of the Australian Aborigine and Amazon rainforest tribes .
Go on Foreign Office , turn up with just a fig leaf to cover your modesty , make sure all the media is there .
How is it possible the country has 5 years of this and no way to correct?
“What’s it paid for Mr Miliband?”
@NickFerrariLBC asks the Energy Secretary about the £43,000 spent to ‘refurbish his office’.
Spoiler; he does not know, then giggles inanely.
300 Solar Panels?
405w JA Solar Solar Panels Mono All Black FOC DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF 6 Panels
Members’ Interests
Ed Miliband
Green Finance Institute Ltd – £99,000.00
Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Payment Type: InKind
Lisbet Rausing – £233,600.00
Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Payment Type: Cash
Cash £233,600.00
1 July 2021, received £105 from the BBC, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1 1AA, for participation in BBC Radio 3’s The Verb. Hours: 1.5 hr. (Registered 13 July 2021)
Members’ Interests
Ed Miliband
That Green Finance Institute looks to be a real trough of dark money.
Rather reticent about where their funds come from.
Luvverly titled pontificating
Click to access Finance-Advisory-Group-Report-The-Road-to-Net-Zero-Finance.pdf
same outfit?
In Socialism everyone else pays for you to have fun …
“Name of donor: PRS for Music
Address of donor: 1st Floor, Goldings House, 2 Hays Lane, London SE1 2HB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Accommodation, food and travel for myself and a family member during Glastonbury festival, value £1,162”
Wicked’ predator jailed for 10 years after raping ‘deeply unconscious’ woman on park bench
Woman says she is not Islamophobic or racist – BBC verified.
Death penalty …. Something slow …
“A man who was caught on CCTV raping and killing an NHS worker on a park bench in west London has been jailed for life.
Mohamed Iidow ….”
….”Muhammad overtakes Noah as most popular boy’s name”
Castration – slowly.
Afghanistan … “The first also comes from Kunduz – but three years after that couple were stoned to death, the police managed to rescue one woman from a similar fate. The second case focuses on the sad tale of Sutara, who says her husband sliced off her lip and nose because she refused to hand him her jewellery to buy drugs.”
According to the daily mail – one in four Briton has the flu ..
In London 4/10 are born elsewhere and hate British Weather! Inshallah!
“London has the largest proportion of migrants among UK regions, with over 40% of its residents born abroad.”
@Fed False, the headline actually says
“Shocking one in four adults *who are sick* have flu”
They changed the headline ….
I see the government nudge dept have told the Telegraph to use the same headline
“One in four sick adults have flu as ‘quad-demic’ grips Britain
“Government unveils new powers to approve onshore wind farms”
Who voted for these useless ‘fans’?
Who voted for ‘Net Carbon Zero’?
Are pensioners losing their Winter Fuel Payments to fund the above crazy project ?
Vote for ‘Reform’ next time!
The BBC is all over the Prince Andrew/China story….shame they weren’t so eager to report on Hunter Biden and family’s dodgy dealings. Not as if the Vice President and then President of the USA isn’t important enough to have dodgy deals investigated…surely?
‘…the Bidens and their associates have received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities.’
‘China- CEFC: On March 1, 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to a Biden associate’s account. This is the same bank account used in the above “Romania” section. After the Chinese company wired the Biden associate account the $3 million, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,692 over a three-month period in different bank accounts. Additionally, the CEFC Chairman gives Hunter Biden a diamond worth $80,000. Lastly, CEFC creates a joint venture with the Bidens in the summer of 2017. The timeline lays out the “WhatsApp” messages and subsequent wires from the Chinese to the Bidens of $100,000 and $5 million. The total amount from China, specifically with CEFC and their related entities, to the Biden family and their associates is over $8 million.’
And of course let’s not look at how much the Clinton’s palmed from the Russians.
Remarkable attack by the BBC on the ‘riots’ in relation to Southport….why is this the top news story or a news story at all…the police bleating about how hard their job is?…and look how they talk about the rioters…
‘”I think they were just on a rampage,” said PC Teeley who described rioters as parasites. “These people have no place in society, the ones that were causing the carnage – are the people that draw everything out of the community, draw the life and soul out the community, give nothing but take everything”.’
‘Parasites’…with no place in society? ….imagine if he’d said this about the immigrants who come here to commit crime and hate this country…the BBC would hound him out of his job.
And very sad that one had a heart attack…but that just means he was unfit to be on duty…he could have had one chasing a burglar…but the BBC is keen to try and ramp it up to make it appear the rioters were terrible people doing enormous damage…oddly not the same narrative for the rioting immigrants in Leeds just a short while before where the police were sent packing…or indeed Manchester airport where ‘your boys took a beating’….and here’s the sickest comment….
‘Insp Dack has more than 20 years’ experience in some of the town’s most deprived communities.
He’s also a dad and coaches a girls football team, “I think about the kids growing up. I want them to grow up somewhere safe”.
But he is quick to add that if disorder does break out, he’ll be back on the front line.
“Yes, I don’t even need to think about that one” said Insp Dack, ” If that comes again – am I ready? Are the officers ready? Yes”.’
Really? How about policing those migrants who kill little girls with a knife or a bomb?…or maybe stopping them coming here in the first place as 600 crossed the Channel illegally yesterday…and the BBC doesn’t report it.
The sick irony of that comment considering the riots were in response to three girls being murdered and others attacked.
Isn’t it odd how the Southport ‘murders’ have essentially been memory-holed? Almost as if it were used as an excuse to intimidate the indigenous population and make them think twice before they dare question the regime running the district. Is questioning whether the MI5 or the special branch were actively involved in fabricating a crime itself a crime nowadays? Well, if it isn’t, it will be soon.
BBC Radio Humberside coverage of Ed Miliband was the total travesty you’d expect, as it made out that people only objected to his Net Zero dream and Wins, solar mgic solutions on minor grounds.
Rather than it being cos they are million miles away from proper maths and science.
ITV local news was a tone lower but still read from the Labour PR sheet.
Lines like “will lower bills”
and “Under the Tories onshore wind was EFFECTIVELY banned”
.. entirely false onshore wind was built every year
and large landowners are free to built them on their land,
The thing was the SUBSIDIES were low, and it’s such a rubbish power source no one builds them without huge huge SUBSIDIES.
BBC local TV news
Presenter “Hardly any onshore windfarms have been built in the past decade
relatively truthful
Eco nut enviro presenter “This is Sangton onshore windfarm , before the Tory government EFFECTIVELY banned them”
..that is a lie
Also “Miliband will say that wind offers a CHEAP green source of energy as the country tries to wean itself oof HARMFUL oil and gas”
lie .. It’s not cheap, and not very green
Fossil fuels are not very harmful .. it’s a PR phrase
Miliband : “We’ve got to build new energy infrastructure LIKE ONSHORE WIND & SOLAR
I we don’t do that we will be STILL exposed as country to those FOSSIL FUELS which have CAUSED so much DAMAGE , to SO MANY people across Britain”
FFS solar and wind GUARANTEE the UK needs to import fossil fuels
They are energy sources which only turn up when they feel like it. So gas plants have to be on standby all the time.
A mountainous low population country like Norway can use hydropower as backup.. the UK can’t
“CAUSED so much DAMAGE , to SO MANY people” WHO WHO ?
Now Tory MP Grahan Stuart ..a supporter of mad greenness
His only caveat was that local communities should not be overruled
BBC bigging up on the main news the ‘trauma’ of the plod dealing with the summer so-called riots.
I don’t remember the BBC having the same level of interest in the welfare of the Police after, for example, the Orgreave miners’ confrontation or the Poll Tax riots in Trafalgar Square.
But protests against mass immigration after three murders? Suddenly they care.
Looks like TTK does not apply only to the government.
The same BBC that now eulogises and romanticises the Tottenham riots as ‘rebellion’ and ‘resistance’ where this happened…
‘PC Keith Blakelock’s unit was attacked with a “flame-type thrower” before he was hacked to death by a mob during the Tottenham riots in 1985, a court heard.’
you might think that 40 years might’ve let “beheaded” creep in?
Danny Cohen in the Telegraph….
‘BBC reporters should know better. It is utterly remarkable that correspondents reporting on conflicts in the Middle East seem to know so little about the region’s history and are so uninterested in supplying audiences with the crucial historical context which helps us all understand the present.’
It’s not just the BBC’s ignorance on Jewish history but just about any history in the Middle East……they insist the Sykes-Picot agreement disastrously ‘carved up the Middle East’ and is the cause of all the problems there now. In fact Sykes-Picot had little to do with the final agreements which were hammered out over years with the locals deeply involved in the negotiations.
The line that Britain ‘carved up the Middle East’ is a line that the Jihadis use….and it’s a lie….why does the BBC parrot terrorist lies? The same BBC that is the cheerleader for Hamas and was a mouthpiece for Putin as it pumped out anti-Trump disinformation such as the ‘dodgy dossier’ that came directly from….Russian intelligence officers….the BBC doing Putin’s dirty work as he tried to destabilise and divide the US political system…which he did successfully thanks to the likes of the BBC.
Milliband’s tweet is as usual RATIOED and has many tweets that get more LIkes than his
I’m at Siemens Gamesa in Hull this morning talking about how our Clean Power 2030 Action Plan will create good jobs right across the country.
This is a plan for energy security,
lower bills,
good jobs
and climate action.
David Bellamy reply 420 Likes
energy security ❌ lower bills ❌ good jobs ❓ climate action 🤡
Repeating nonsense does not make it any less ridiculous, Ed.
Lord Talbot 338 Likes
Julia Hartley-Brewer 2,800 Likes
And in just 6 years’ time @Ed_Miliband and @Keir_Starmer
reckon 95% of our electricity is going to come from renewables,
not gas or nuclear.
Start stocking up on candles and torch batteries, folks.
I’ve got a LOT about Ed Miliband tonight at 10pm @GBNEWS
The “Rollercoaster” of fossil fuel prices over the last 12 months averages around £69.30 per MWh.
That’s cheaper than every renewable in operation. It’s cheaper than every renewable in the latest round of auctions.
Ed Miliband is a fraud and a liar.
BBC Ignorance (again)
The BBC’s reporting on Syria displays gross historical ignorance by Danny Cohen
.”It seems though that the BBC is optimistic. Reporting live from Damascus, the BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet said the following: ‘‘This is one of the most diverse countries in the Middle East with multiple Christian and Muslim sects. And you can see it here in the Old City, all the different Quarters – Jewish, Muslim, Christian. They’re all here. They want to believe they have a space now as Syria embarks on this new chapter.”
For anyone with the slightest knowledge of the 20th century history of Jewish people in the Arab world, this statement is both ignorant and offensive.
There are believed to be three Jews left in Syria. That’s right, three Jews. The rest fled for their lives.
I often wonder why the BBC hate Jews and Christians and claim to be Atheist at the same time supporting Islam, even as the BBC claim to be impartial and unbiased, its been clear for forty years it is not anything but a mouthpiece for the Left and should be dismantled, as reform is impossible.
FedUp, punt it up mate!
Sorry I don’t know that that means …. Im putting up the weekend thread at 2100 uk time – so glad im not there …
FedUp, just mimicking gazzer again and hanging around the goal! Probably the impact of too much red wine.
Non – if I was a priest I’d absolve You on the grounds of my oh too expensive single malt …cheers – 77 brigade to file …
Evidence of BBC bias?
“An academic analysis of guests chosen by the BBC to appear on Question Time has exposed the broadcaster as disproportionately platforming people from right-wing media outlets”
Academic analysis – show your working out …
Define ‘right wing media outlets ‘’ or even ‘right wing ‘…
Academic – not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest.