“An academic analysis of guests chosen by the BBC to appear on Question Time has exposed the broadcaster as disproportionately platforming people from right-wing media outlets”
Research done in the Social Workers’ Arms in Hampstead?
says one of many sceptical reply tweets
It does sound like the Socialist Workers saying “We did a study and it shows that black is white”
Also it’s old
It’s a Scottish Nationalist newspaper article dating from June 17th
someone tweets beware of the clever caveat wording
“disproportionately platforms voices from right-wing **media**”
You see you classify Peter Hitchens as media
Then other lefty people as non media
“it misses all the comedy guests leftwing
all the churches left wing
then their is the usual crusty actor left wing
then a leftwing politician “
I am not sure if that adds anything to the understanding of the bBC. They would struggle to defend a position where they overtly supported one faction in terms of speakers selection. Their bias will be harder to prove in the subject matters discussed and audience selection.
I wonder how often they discuss a topic such as final salary pension schemes on Question Time and their affordability. Plenty of other topics remain undiscussed.
I cannot comment in detail because I would never watch this sort of shite.
The Internet . What a marvellous invention . A progress that doesn`t have any downsides . Look up any subject you want FOR FREE , sift through the information and benefit .
You can take part in politics even if vicariously , open up your mind , discover new thoughts and take part in debates .
A freedom from censorship that every ordinary Joe benefits .
A power given to everyone .
Oh but there are some people against it . Not the Aristocracy , military juntas , oligarchs or High Church elders .
No it comes from people who call themselves progressive . Obviously they only want progression to be in one direction , they choose the direction even if it is a backwards step .
Regarding themselves as the Way , the Truth and the Light , this clerisy thinks all information should come through them , to be filtered and their interpretation is the only information you get .
As I said , a backwards step , as in the priests of old who spoke Latin translating the bible to the peasants in their own language .
The buzzword these progressives such as the BBC now use is Gatekeepers . They receive the info , see how it fits their agenda and pass on what what they think you should know . Their other buzzword is Verify .
Which is why , to the “progressives ” they must make a huge rear guard action to keep the BBC unaccountable to the general public .
Nibor, as we tend towards a marxist state (progression) it is interesting to observe that the players become more arrogant. Arrogance is a very unattractive characteristic and will be an active ingredient in failure. It is does not stretch the imagination too far to describe internet gatekeepers as a product of arrogance.
Not so much Marxist but Chinese Mk2 as the UN hopes to achieve. Every Government in the World is against their peoples.
Otherwise, much hand-wringing and, “Starmer has to go”. The only reality to that desire is that Starmer and his cronies have the next 4.5 or so years to gaily carry out the final steps in the destruction/transformation of the UK. There’s no way legally to remove them. This neo Communist outfit will not volunteer to leave office and, I hesitate to say, will only be removed by a rebellion or other event designed to stop their UN communist style takeover.
It has been surprising how quiet it has been in America since Trump’s decisive victory. Perhaps the Globalists know that the people are with Trump and any ‘disturbances’ or ‘events’ will only strengthen his position or that of JD Vance if they take him out.
But in the Spectator I think that we are getting the first hints of the Globalists new tactics to prop up their position and undermine Trump and Vance. This is to say that any attempt to ‘cleanse’ the FBI or CIA will lead to the possibility of increased terror attacks in the USA and to the rise of terrorist regimes overseas.
If they plug this line for a few months , prepare the ground, then encourage terrorists to launch some attacks they will be able to show that the deep state was necessary to protect America and that Trump’s dismantling of it was reckless and has endangered US citizens at home and abroad.
Watch this space.
And there just happen to be drones everywhere, especially over military bases and no one in officialdom has “any idea” who or what they are………………and no one wants to shoot them down…..
“The mystery drone swarms over British bases that could be a sign of an impending Russian attack – as alarm over New Jersey UFOs spreads across the globe.”
“What are the mystery drones flying over the US?”
“U.S. Air Force Confirms Drone Sightings Over Ramstein Air Base In Germany”
“the drones were part of a wider spate of small, ‘seemingly isolated’ incidents which could be part of a larger coordinated test of disruption tactics.
It follows a series of suspicious incidents worldwide, which have seen hackers carrying out cyber attacks, underwater internet cables sabotaged and bomb scares triggering chaos at Gatwick and in central London.
In America, drone sightings have spread across the US at an alarming rate, with unknown craft hovering in the skies above New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, as well as Texas and Oklahoma.
The FBI and other agencies are investigating, but the Department of Homeland Security said on Wednesday: ‘We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they’re launching from, where they’re landing.’ “
The USA doesn’t need protecting from foreign malign forces. It already has active home-grown threats against democracy right their in the Pentagon…Posing as “Democrats” but in reality Marxist World Order followers.
More left-wing propaganda from our very own North Korean style national news outlet.
This article is using the full-on BBC empathy tricks to sway your opinion and it is relentless. It reads like some children wrote it for a school assignment. It’s full of stories about people thought they would die. But – like the Jan 06 protests – nobody was killed by protestors. I am 100% certain the BBC wish they had been.
But the most disgusting thing about this article is that it does not explain anywhere what caused this social unrest. This is how they explain it:
‘She was one of the officers at the centre of the Middlesbrough riot which was sparked after three girls died in a knife attack in Southport earlier this year.’
And the article they link to is one where the murderer cannot be named because of his age. That’s it. It should read ‘three young girls were stabbed to death along with the attempted murder of 8 others by an Islamic terrorist’. Because they know full well now that it what he is.
Nowhere do they explain that these protests started because people are fed up with people being murdered by Muslim immigrants. 10 people stabbed in cold blood including young girls killed. The slogan was ‘enough is enough’ but the BBC omit to tell us any of this. They just say it was because three girls were killed. A massive lie by omission.
They are getting away with this shite day after day and getting worse.
The anology with children is apt, as many of them are little more than that, with shockingly and embarrasssingly limited education, especially regarding technical, scientific or physical geography matters or our nations history, that previous generations, and others in other occupations are required to learn at least to O level / GCSE standards, and they are constantly pushing and testing the nations patience with them.
They get it wrong over and over again with the national temperament, the views and feelings of the vast majority, meaning they dare not even allow comments on so many articles, as it would be as major embarrassment for them, and if they do allow will “moderate” to exclude ALL views not reflected in the article, (which shouldn’t have had their views in the first place).
When found wanting (often) they think they are bloody royalty with never apologising or explaining, despite being a public service.
This alone, like civil servants and so many of our politicians, shows they are completely and utterly bereft of any notion of public sevice, therefore not fit for office.
They are almost always on the wrong side of public opinion these days.
They think that if they keep pretending the world is how THEY want it to be according to their far-Left agenda, it will eventually change to be like that. That was their excuse to explain all the black people at King Arthurs court in Dr Who.
I am still wondering who gave them a mandate to do that.
Answer to that is their marxist teachers at school and college and whatever part of the WEF they are members of.
“World Economic Forum: The Forum of Young Global Leaders.
The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a community with the vision, courage and influence to drive positive change. During a transformational three-year experience, YGLs are inspired to be bold in undertaking a sense of shared responsibility, impact and ambition.
The Forum of Young Global Leaders was established in 2004 to unite outstanding next-generation leaders from around the world.
For the past two decades, it has epitomized the power of collective action in tackling the world’s most critical challenges. From pioneering initiatives in public health and economic development to advancing innovations in technology and sustainability, our diverse community has contributed to shaping policies and improving communities worldwide. Now in its 20th year, the Forum of Young Global Leaders continues to cultivate and support inspiring leaders committed to forging positive change.”
The Youth Employability and Skills Acquisition (Y.E.S.A) programme aims to bridge this gap by providing all the student union and career services of the city’s universities with curated videos on careers in diverse sectors. The programme will also facilitate job-shadowing opportunities and conduct career outreaches at hard to reach community centres.”
Using the same logic, just imagine what it would be like if they remade the film Zulu with rewired inclusive ethnic casting. All black British soldiers fighting off hordes of White Geordie tribesmen throwing spears and wearing lion skins?
There seemed to be rather less empathy from the BBC for the Police at Orgreave and at the Trafalgar Square poll tax riots.
But they were left wing events.
Just listening to the BBC news in Tony Blackburns show telling me that we can’t build all these new homes Starmer has promised because of Brexit. And he spat the word out like is was dirty.
He didn’t mention that they are needed to house all the immigrants though.
Beats me why Blackburn still works for the BBC, after the way they have treated him, and after so many of his ilk have wisely moved elsewhere. Still, it must be a nice little earner and we can only assume the evidential photos from times past he must have are *very* incriminating. He’d have been kicked out for being too old years ago otherwise, surely?
Here’s one I found in our local media yesterday. Of course it didn’t pique the interest of the local branch of the British-Bashing C#%ts here in EU-occupied NI in the slightest.
Jordanian asylum seeker in Belfast. Asylum from Jordan? Why?
Arrested for threatening to behead people with stolen swords and writing in Arabic was found on his hostel walls stating that thieves should have their hands chopped off.
With stolen swords? Hasn’t thought that one through now has he.
Mental health? Of course it is, again, because a mental health assessment has been directed. Or maybe it’s not, maybe his pos solicitor knows the real reason.
“He accepts that he had written the graffiti but states that it was passages from the Quran,”.
Much more anti-Britishbc is young Muphuselban, just your average Northern Irish masters student, in Science of course, struggling in ‘ R Costoflivin’ Crisis’ and having to avail of, no, being forced to survive on free breakfasts and lunches from a food bank.
Poor Muphuselban has to make choices.
“My breakfast is solely dependent on the Pantry,” Muphuselban told BBC News NI.
The foods I get in the Pantry I find very costly in supermarkets and I can spend my money on other things.
Using the Pantry keeps me healthy – I can eat more of a range of foods because I’m not worrying about cost.
I have to work, I have assignments to do.”
‘I can spend my money on other things’. Free stuff is great isn’t it?
“My breakfast is solely dependent on the Pantry,”
That’s GASLIGHTING cos in the UK “food poverty” is just a state of mind
As the supermarkets have both expensive food and super cheap food . It depends on your choices
Breakfast : oats ar 90p Kilo, own brand cornflakes 60p (500g) , Milk is £1 for 2L at poundland as is £1Kg bananas , etc.
Then any real money saver would know the times the sellbuy date reductions happen
Rent poverty is something else
and I am staggered to find that taxpayers are funding some pensioners rents at £100/week housing benefit
Would be interesting to see their income/bills … “”Half of students only have £100 left after they’ve paid their rent per month, for a lot of people that’s not including bills.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce324nng7v4o
“These alarming rates of student poverty are not normal.”
My daughter is in her 2nd year of a Law degree. She turned down a place at Queens University Belfast to study in England. Her decision.
The course in England is around £4000 a year more than the same one at QUB, she pays around £160 per week for an ensuite room in private halls, owned by Unite, all inclusive. £550 a month, what sort of shithole do you expect? It’s student life, they kind of have you over a barrel.
She eats well on about £25 or £30 a week. The first thing she did when she went there was to get herself a job in a well-known Irish clothing retailers store, 12 hours a week at £10 an hour , about £120 in her pocket every week.
She will have student debt , she knows it, that’s just the way it is. A law degree should afford a means of repaying any debt shouldn’t, we’re not talking Gender or Film Studies here.
Bbc selected students, stop your effin’ greetin, get a job, get a loan or if you can, live more cheaply at home. Cut your cloth to suit, it’s really that simple. If you can’t afford it , you can’t have it.
Just like the bbc themselves, like-minded pseudosocialists, entitled pricks expecting it all on a plate for nothing, everybody else doing everything for you.
DT reports ‘leaked’ details of a trade deal document with the Reich EU – full on continued fishing in UK waters – free movement of ‘students ‘. There was no brexit .
The UK could use the Trump method of threatening to do stuff to the EU until it controls its border at the channel . But no one has the strategic thinking or courage to take them on – in the foreseeable future ….
In many a heart-warming family Christmas movie a baby or a pregnant character will be featured.
And look here, our First Female Chancellor is having contractions: Blow to Reeves as economy shrinks… Growth mission falters… Second consecutive contraction (FT)
Betteridge’s law of headlines is an adage that states: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word NO.”
Jaguar’s leap of faith… Can its bold relaunch succeed? (FT)
Speaking of virtue-signalling rebrands…
Our FT Weekend undergoes somewhat of a transformation today as the familiar HTSI (How to spend it) branding does an Ebenezer Scrooge-like transformation: How to give it… a philanthropy special focuses on fresh ideas to help familiar causes
One googles the FT feature and finds a nice pic of a smiley happy looking black boy – I’d like to tell you more but the article is hidden behind a paywall.
“What’s to-day?” cried Scrooge, calling downward to a boy in Sunday clothes, who perhaps had loitered in to look about him… “To-day?” replied the boy. “Why, Christmas Day.” “Do you know the Poulterer’s, in the next street but one, at the corner… Do you know whether they”ve sold the prize Turkey that was hanging up there?” Scrooge inquired. “The Turkey what? You mean the Turkish Barber’s between the American Candy shop, and the Vietnamese Nail Bar, I should hope I did, Innit? Is you some sort of a paedo old man? I’ll stab you up!” replied the lad. “What a delightful boy!” said Scrooge.
Damascene conversion… Fun with flags…
The FT frontpage top photo story features: Star attraction… Crowds of Syrians in Damascus’s central Umayyad Square raise a giant flag, used by the opposition since 2011 – That’ll be the old red, white, green and black. Mr AsI’s vexillological adage is always beware any nation with black in its flag.
The FT’s prime frontpage ad spot, the habitual promotional location for top jewelry emporia, haute horlogists and mysterious Swiss health clinics, is bought this morning by London’s School of Oriental and African Studies: Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art… object-based study
And we’re sadly reminded how all that Starmer and Reeves had to do (prior to the general election) was not to drop that Ming vase. But now they’re going at it like the proverbial bull in a china shop. More China news later.
No-one gets France’s difficulty more than me, says Macron’s new PM Bayrou (BBC)
François Bayrou commands respect – but can he save France from crisis? (BBC) – Betteridge’s law of headlines, anyone?
Poor taste joke of the day – apparently it takes 50 Frenchmen to do one 9th the work of one American…
50 men accused in mass rape of Gisèle Pelicot… They are young, old, burly, thin, black and white. Among them are firefighters, lorry drivers, soldiers, security guards, a journalist and a DJ… they broadly represent a microcosm of French society… husband, Dominique Pelicot, 72, who drugged her for a decade with prescription sleeping pills. (BBC)
Bill Cosby: Nine women sue former comedian in Nevada over sexual abuse… The women say the former actor and comedian drugged and assaulted them in homes, dressing rooms and hotels in Nevada between 1979 and 92 (BBC)
In completely unrelated news (and with no relation to recent blanket coverage of the alleged antics of TV chef Gregg Wallace): How great chefs do it at home… Christmas lunch tips (Times)
Who’s getting pixelated this holiday season?
We’re going with the theme of legal anonymity once again – but doing the big frontpage feature picture story anyway: The Duke pictured at an event with the suspected Chinese spy H6, who cannot be identified for legal reasons (Telegraph)
Prince Andrew in China in 2019, with participants – none of whom is the alleged spy – in his Pitch@Palace programme, designed to link new business investors (Times) – insert that racist gag here about them all looking alike anyway. No wonder our M15 has to give them numbers. Do you see what I did there?
BBC release a first look at Tiddler, the new star-studded animation based on the much loved book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The forthcoming Christmas animated adventure shares the story of a little fish with a big imagination (BBC)
Tiddler eh? Well I suppose it will make a change from all the Fiddlers our BBC have put on our TV screens over the years.
“Tens of thousands of new recruits are needed for bricklaying, groundworks and carpentry to get anywhere near the target, they told the BBC.
The Home Builders Federation (HBF), along with the UK’s largest housebuilder Barratt Redrow said skills shortages, ageing workers and Brexit were some of the factors behind the shrinking workforce.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5yg1471rwpo
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
This article is more than 11 years old
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
“Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010. ”
Labour (fully costed) Gov Estimate 13,000
Reality 250,000
The hero will have a coloured accent / queer
The baddie with have a white British male accent
There will be a big green agenda ( don’t eat fish )
There will be a ban fish farming line
All fisherman are evil
The white baddie becomes fish fingers ….
Avoid – predicted TV ‘listing ‘( ugh )
Morecambe and wise
Dads army – turkey dinner / orange auction
Parkinson and that awful emu stuff
It’s a coloured countryside
Carols from the mosque ( maybe not )
Christmas Day in the delivery room – count the mo s ….
An imam at Christmas
Royal family has a Chinese Christmas dinner ….
As a 15 year old teenager I worked as a bricklayers labourer and the blokes on site informed me that Chinese girls were sliced horizontally.
To this day I have never found out if that is true or if they were laughing at my naivety but I have since made a calculated guess.However, just to be sure I will ask the beautiful young lady at our local Chinese takeaway next time I go for a Chinkee. Or perhaps not. I have no wish to be cast as Greg2
“Nadia echoed her comments saying: “We’ve got to start being brave and supporting each other not to laugh, when actually we feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.”
Viewers at home fumed that the women were being hypocritical, as they have often made inappropriate jokes and innuendos towards men.
Several of them took to Twitter to voice their fury.
One fan tweeted out: “Surely your own sexist behaviour needs to be addressed before simply generalising that an entire male generation needs to be re-educated? Replay your sexist comments and smut when you had Joey Essex jumping into a pool! Everyone needs to be more considerate.”
“Is it not inappropriate for Loose Women to be talking about men making dodgy comments when they are full of innuendos themselves!” echoed another.
Someone else chimed in: “I’m really getting sick of this men are this and that. Women can be sexist and pervy too. Coleen for example acts up whenever she sees a man but people think it’s funny. If a man does that lock them up!”
“I hope we’re never going to see another scantily clad man on Loose Women ever again for them to ogle over and comment about inappropriately,” commented a fourth.
A fifth pointed out: “Just watching the piece on sexist behaviour. I am female and sometimes feel your attitude towards men is sexist and never addressed. One case is Colleen’s comments towards Jack Savoretti. This would not have been acceptable if it was male to female.
My problem is the double standards that have been created. On Loose Women the presenters can perv over male guests and generally comment that men are bad at this and that. But men can’t even get close to matching that without losing their jobs and feminists being up in arms.”
On the subject of biased BBC, here’s an example so blatant. They clearly regard themselves as untouchable and so Far Left they either don’t care or don’t realise it..
A Tory peer has been banned for three weeks for calling an Indian peer ‘Lord Poppadum’. Since there is a Lord called Lord Popat, it might be considered a reasonable mistake to make. But in these grievance monkey days it just won’t do.
The BBC cover the story with a nice big headline thus
So why the bias?
Because, five paragraphs down, it is briefly revealed that one Lord Stone, a former Labour peer, has been suspended for six months for bullying. But you have to go down another 17 paragraphs, after a comprehensive exposition of Baroness Meyer’s transgression, to find details of Lord Stone.
Minor Tory error- main headlines and long explanation.
Serious Labour error – buried at the bottom.
‘Minor Tory error- main headlines and long explanation.
Serious Labour error – buried at the bottom.’
A baroness who called a peer of Indian origin “Lord Poppadom” is facing a suspension from the House of Lords after an investigation found her comments amounted to harassment “related to race”. (BBC)
He had previously been found to have sexually harassed staff by the Commissioner in 2019, leading to him losing the Labour whip. (BBC)
“A Muslim woman who was raised in Saudi Arabia is trying to abolish jury trials in Britain”
Jury trials could be scrapped to stop court backlog hitting unprecedented level
Justice Secretary says ‘once-in-a-generation reform’ is only answer to tackling delays as she backs new intermediate court
Ms Mahmood has commissioned Sir Brian Leveson, one of Britain’s top judges, to review ways in which defendants’ rights to jury trials could be scaled back without undermining fair justice.
defendants’ rights to jury trials could be scaled back without undermining fair justice.
defendants’ rights to jury trials could be scaled back without undermining fair justice.
Throughout the United Kingdom, the lord chancellor technically outranks the prime minister, although the latter generally possesses more power. The precedence of a lord keeper of the Great Seal is equivalent to that of a lord chancellor. wiki
New funding for farmers feeding the world
UK support to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will boost food security, protect the planet, and reduce poverty.
“Women and girls across Africa, Asia and the Middle East to benefit from a new UK higher education programme
At the Education World Forum, Deputy Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell announced a £45 million higher education programme to support women and girls. ”
Norway was paying Denmark 1p a kWh for excess wind and charging them 50p to “buy it back” later …. although the deal actually might’ve been worse than that.
Of course “ONE in four adults of working age in England are struggling with the flu ”
is a Fakenews headline
AS mentioned in the last thread , the Mail changed their headline
The origin of the #FakeNews headline is probably the government press release cos @TheSun used the same
#NudgeUnit stuff
History Debunked : A case which reveals much about immigration and international ‘students’ in Britain
… https://youtu.be/6ibduV6wx7Q
THe murderer and his brother turn out to be overstay Pakistanis who came on student visas
20 years later they need an interpreter
DEBUNKED: 8 “Great Black Britons” who were NOT Black
by Survive the Jive from 1 years ago “UPDATE: three weeks after this video was made, the plaque at Beachy head was removed!”
.. https://youtu.be/kaMD8gaIVPg
I Have ZERO Respect For This British Historian Because Of THESE Statements
.. https://youtu.be/C5Q1X-XZ2lA
Basically black Briton often means “NOT Black, NOT Briton”
They may have been mentioned here before but I didn’t spot that
It was lovely and cosy last night, lying alongside my wee dog, the lights low and the log burner warming us and in an unthinking moment I remembered that there was something on the BBC about Alan Benett. Honestly, at my age, I should know better…
Anyway, at first, it was a quite charming programme. Bennett, in his droll way, introduced us to his parents and remembered his early days with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. And then there was his Talking Heads series with Thora Hird and Patricia Routledge, all rather poignant and moving stories, beautifully acted.
He’s managed to create this image of the rather charming, eccentric uncle. The sort of fellow you would love to invite for Christmas. However, as is often the case, things aren’t always as they seem…
It was near the end that the wheels came off. Bennett has written a new piece about an “over-staying immigrant” from Pakistan. This chap is a brilliant doctor, “the sort of person we need”, and Bennett lectured us about English insularity and how we desperately needed “to open our arms to the world”. I had been almost dozing, but…FFS, I thought, we’re taking in over a million every bleedin’ year, how open should our arms be?
There then followed a few minutes of BBC news reel archive, showing last summer’s riots. You know the BBC. When they get the chance to “expose the far right” they don’t hold back.
Of course, neither the BBC nor Bennett pointed to the reasons for these demonstrations, ie the slaughter of three innocent little girls at the hands of a refugee and there was no mention of the attempted murder of so many other little girls in the same attack. You would have thought that these were simply independent explosions of racism. And Bennett didn’t seem to want to look at the widescale horrors of Muslim grooming gangs…no, that would have derailed the narrative…
You know, it’s just so bloody easy for these nice and comfortable Champagne socialists, residing in artistic enclaves in Primrose Hill, never getting on a bus or a tube train and never meeting the very people that they so readily sneer at from the pages of the Guardian.
These people present our world back to us through the distorting prism of a biased and bigoted media. It’s a hideous corruption of the truth…far worse than a blatant lie. They leave out what they don’t want us to see and exaggerate that which portrays us in the worst possible light.
Alan Bennett was also a Jeremy Corbyn supporter. He lives in a beautiful Georgian house in the most expensive part of London and owns a Grade one period cottage in the Yorkshire Dales.
I’m an old git so I can remember how I was SO pleased when Harold Wilson (narrowly) won the 1964 election for Labour and I thought at last we can start The Revolution.
Oh dear, what a naive little prick I was.
As the years past all that I witnessed was the destruction of Great Britain’s culture.
Of course for a while I revalled in the BBC mockery of the British class system and the Church of England and it’s support for the great unwashed as personified by so called musicians. A trend which prevails to this day, when it seems, it is O K to dress like a vagrant even in the office.
Images are an important weapon in the Communist armoury.
Some Indian actor, I bet nobody on here, or anyone you know, has ever heard of him (unless they’re Indian perhaps). He would’ve been 100 today. So he’s not even alive and celebrating his 100th or anything.
Died in 1988.
Sorry BBC, but we don’t GA (flying) F!
Mind you, with so many (unwanted and unwelcome) Indians now streaming into the Anglosphere in recent years, I suppose they’re preparing us? If young professionals are finding it hard to afford rent and mortgages today, think how it’ll be when Kapoor and 17 of his mates start moving into all the rentals? Still, some of the NIMBYs might now change their minds, when Ranjit becomes head of recruitment at their local tech company and starts to hire Indians only and starts to drive down salaries and benefits?
Perhaps we can expect some ‘interesting’ toilet habits on the side of the roads, on the beach, in the sea, in the street etc?
Allegedly anyway – sure it’s all just a far right conspiracy thank you please.
If the current rate of Indian immigration continues to Anglosphere nations, the Anglosphere will just become India within a few generations.
Stay in India please, Indians! If I wanted to live in Delhi I’d bloody move there. But I don’t because it’s a polluted, smelly shithole!
All this is alleged and according to some anyway (bigots!)
It’s a blunt reality check from a former Home Office minister describing one of the government’s most pressing dilemmas – how to crack down on illegal immigration.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0rn577yrpno
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
The Algerian coastguard has shot dead two tourists holidaying in Morocco who reportedly strayed into Algerian waters on their jet skis. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-66678886
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile long wall along its northern border with Iraq in order to keep ISIS at bay, the Telegraph newspaper reported today.
Once completed, the wall will consist of a ditch and a triple-layered steel fence, with 40 watchtowers spread out along it. Each watchtower will be equipped with high-tech surveillance radars that are capable of detecting low-flying helicopters and approaching vehicles, as well as being able to spot a human from the range of about 20km.
“The Middle Eastern kingdom is considering building a 60-kilometer-long moat around Qatar, which would virtually isolate the country.”
Saudi Arabia is planning to escalate its isolation of regional rival Qatar by using nuclear waste and a 650-foot wide canal to turn its neighbor into an island.
According to reports in the state-linked al-Riyadh and Sabq newspapers, the project—which would establish a military zone, nuclear waste dump and canal—would separate the two countries along the entire length of the 37.5-mile border.
The two nations have been locked in a crisis since the imposition of a Saudi-led diplomatic blockade on Qatar in June 2017. Saudi Arabia and its allies—including Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt—accuse Qatar of supporting terrorism in the Middle East, a charge Doha denies.
Gary Lineker pocketed a whopping £1.6million working for Qatar’s state broadcaster as he fronted Champions League coverage over four years
35,000 so far, this years known intake of dinghy boys.
It works out at costing the taxpayer £140,000,000 for them alone, not including any other years or the ‘legal’ immigration lot.
That’s something like 30,000+ nurses which could mean 30,000 less on benefits saving those payments which could be used for ….. and so on.
Will it be 2029 before they are stopped.
I see Cooper Balls is having talk with the Italians about the immigrant/asylum seeker situation. I predict that the outcome of these talks will be that we give many £millions of taxpayers money to Italy.
2022 … Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-63229010
There is no clear public record showing where this money went or how it was used, which makes any assessment of its impacts impossible. It also remains unclear whether these funds were even spent on climate-related initiatives….
Evette pixey balls – copper has asked her spads what can she do to cut the invasion . They sent her to Italy this weekend to have a chat with Italians …. Nothing will happen …
I think the overall immigration figures will come down next year by a few hundred thousand.
Starmer will take all the credit, but it’ll be nothing to do with him.
Just before the Tories got smashed, Cleverley brought in new rules that meant soon, immigrant workers had to get a job paying about close to 40k (it was just 17k). I think they have to have been earning that for 6 months if they want family over. I think it is more for each kid too.
Anyway, I’m no fan of the Tories and they fully deserved to get smashed, but Starmer knows full well these rules will almost certainly mean a drop in ‘legal’ migration for next year.
Remember that when the next figures are released. It’s nothing to do with any Labour policy.
If somehow the figures go up, then God knows how he’ll manage to blame the Tories again.
Lazy – the only thing to stop the invasion is the weather – the numbers will go up and up and the conditions in the UK attract the world –
The Further education industry only cares about the fees it gets for ‘foreign students ‘ and no care when they stay beyond the visa and disappear … the UK is doomed ….
“Keir Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions for England and Wales announced on 5 February 2010 that three Labour MPs, Elliot Morley, David Chaytor and Jim Devine, and Conservative peer Lord Hanningfield would face criminal charges of false accounting in relation to their expense claims. ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_parliamentary_expenses_scandal
2024 … “The donations, first reported by the Guardian, external, were initially declared as money for his private office as leader of the opposition.
The gifts – of £10,000 in October 2023 and £6,000 in February this year – were declared on time, but will now be re-categorised as donations in kind of clothing.”
false accounting in relation to their expense claims.?!
Make a Facebook post with no racial slurs and no threats which shows you don’t agree with mass immigration, you’ll be in the gulag.
Stand in front of no.10 in a live tv interview and call recent immigration policy from the Tories an ‘open borders experiment’ and that’s fine.
I really don’t see the difference between his comments and the comments of a few that he threw in his gulags after his fast tracking kangaroo court. Oh. They probably don’t vote Labour so…hmmmm…
When did dercades become deckaids (sunloungers, quoits, that sort of thing) as far as the BBC is concerned? The BBC has allegedly, a no doubt large and expensive Pronunciation Unit or have they all been made redundant as part of a BBC money saving measure? You here deckaids all the time on BBC R4. Is it the same for other BBC stations and TV?
Lefty, I only listen to R4 these days as I am legally TV Licence Free. Next April I will have saved or not spent nearly £3,000 at current prices! Do you not follow my TOADY Watch or TWatO Watch posts with enthusiasm?
Mr Snuff
Do you not have to pay the ransom money to listen to R4 as I was under the impression that R4 is owned and controlled by the Brainwashing Britain Corporation?
I never watch the BBC (I have an allergy) but the very beautiful Mrs Wright is still addicted to certain BBC programs so a while back I transferred ransom liability from me to her which she still seems to regard as value for money – bless her.
After 63 years of marriage I know my place.
Mr Lefty, there is no Radio Licence these days so I can be legally Licence Free. I made a mistake in my original post in that I listen to R4extra as well as R4, all quite legally. I don’t use iPlayer and am upset that the Brainwashing Britain Corporation reneged on the arrangement that you could use legally iPlayer for TV catch-up services. That arrangement continued until the end of December 2016. The last thing I watched on my PC was Dickensian.
I wonder how many TV Licences the BBC have sold as a consequence of the BBC’s reneging on the iPlayer arrangement. I would not be surprised if it was close to zero. I have just had a Love letter from TV Licencing giving me 10 days to buy a TV Licence. Fat chance – these days I just do not have time to watch TV. BBC – the void that you forced on me has been filled.
Thanks for your post.
I had no idea that the ransom money was only applicable to television. I was under the impression that it applied to ALL BBC services.
However, the British Bumboy Corporation will still hold me to ransom even if I only view non BBC TV programs. A situation which, in my view, needs a bloody good seeing to.Preferably not by the rear entrance,
“Police have appealed to the local community for information.”
Err could it be he died of hypothermia?
Apparently 65 years old homeless man living in a tent in car park..
Meanwhile down the road , nice and warm, enjoying full board accommodation..
“Here’s what we need to do to the people who supported mass immigration – and why they need to pay for the terrible consequences themselves…
I have a very simple and just suggestion for solving the housing crisis.
All those who have supported the recent policy of uncontrolled mass immigration should have a new house built in their back garden – or on top of their existing house if there is no room in the garden.
This will also apply to their second homes.”
No need to build anything at all, simply turf them all out and install multiple ‘refugees’. Let them figure out where they’re going to live, just like all the thousands that have dropped down the council house waiting list so these foreign freeloaders can go to the top.
I think if your suggestion was put into practice the numbers of NIMBY’S would swell dramatically.
I think it’s definitely worth a try.
How about it TTK? I reckon you could storm the opinion polls.
One snag though. The MSM probably would not support it or report it. There you go I’m a poet and I didn’t know it.
Anita Anand was away or unavailable so Felicity Hannah (occasional Business news reporter on TOADY*) was in charge of Any Answers.
There was an interesting caller who was Syrian (sorry, cannot remember name) who said that under Bashar-al-Assad (who the BBC have decided is totally evil and was a despot) that Christians, Jews, Alawites (the President’s sect within Islam) other devout non-Alawite Muslims as well as atheists all lived happily together as peaceful neighbours. Which rather re-inforces to me what my London friend says about her sister in Damascus. In fact Silva said that you should not believe what you hear on the BBC about the Syrian Civil War because her sister knows it is completely untrue.
Labour has been accused of “shamefully failing” to tackle illegal immigration after more than 600 people crossed the Channel by small boat in a single day.
Home Office figures revealed 609 migrants reached Britain in near-freezing conditions on Thursday, marking the highest number recorded in a single December day since data collection began in 2018
If the Home Office says 609 we can safely assume a minimum 1000 doctors scientists and inventors of gadgets to enhance our standard of living and to make our great land an even better place to be are joining us.
But on the other hand———-???? SINK THE BOATS!!
Oh dear I do hope I haven’t offended anyone.
Lefty – perversely I enjoy the thought of all those labour claim to have ‘deported’ who will find themselves in a dinghy in about a month …. 24/7 storms in the channel please ….
President trump awarded $15 million in z defamation suit against ABC- plus $1 million costs and a public apology – George Stephanopolod said he was a rapist .
I really hope he expends some energy on revenge against the msm and blob …. And Obama and the DoJ and the whole democrat poison – then maybe helps out here …..
original George Stephanopoulos video adds a lot of context
Among other things he’s hounding this rape victim
and He actually accused TRump of defaming
.. “yeh these women are afraid to come forward cos they are afraid of being DEFAMED by those who commit the RAPE”
One commenter
“… A great day for America. Journalists cannot convict someone of rape when they haven’t been convicted in a court of law.
It has to stop. “
comment from the time of the interview in March
“The dishonesty of Stephanopoulos’ interview is striking.
He says 10 times that Trump was found ‘liable for rape’ in the E Jean Carroll case.
He says that the jury found Trump ‘liable for rape.’
In fact, the jury specifically found Trump *not* liable for rape.
It found him liable for ‘sexual abuse.’
If wearing or not wearing a condom is the difference between consensual sex and rape then maybe it’s time to decide whether you should be even going anyway near either with any partner in my opinion.
Seems the yanks are at a loss to understand what the drones that are apparently flying over the country are up to.
Good luck then in understanding what loads of USSR nuclear missiles are when they start to flow in which I would guess is anytime in the next two or three years.
Some air defence system for the most powerful nation on Earth hey?
Another of those normal, yet superior, news reviews in this long twenty-first century edition
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff likes the Sunday Times for their top pick in the online print press line-up.
So it is we welcome an unabashed exemplar of the female celebrity angst feature: ‘Talented women get torn apart’ Florence Pugh
And we get another chance to smile at – pixelated for legal reasons – frontpage feature photos: With David Cameron… And Theresa May… The suspected Chinese spy who became a close confidant of the Duke of York has met two former prime ministers (Sunday Times)
Advice for our failing PM Keir Starmer – if, whilst busy on your multiple overseas foreign travels you happen to be introduced to some chap with blurred yellowish squares for a head – avoid the temptation to kowtow, make your excuses and politely decline the photo op.
Have you noticed how every declared enemy of our globalist liberal establishment regime is “Literally Hitler”?
While the mildly conservative Sunday Telegraph lightheartedly observes: What your go-to coffee shop says about you – the Sunday Times reaches reflexively for that go-to Nazi meme – but apparently this time it’s worse: ‘It’ll be bigger than Nuremberg’: the hidden archive of Assad’s attrocities (Christina Lamb, Sunday Times)
Remind me, isn’t there some internet trope named Godwin’s Law?
Indeed Assad’s father Hafez, who ruled from 1970 to 2000, is said to have been advised in torture methods by a former Nazi, Alois Brunner (Christina Lamb, Sunday Times)
So Syria… is it safe now?
Whereas one assumes the dorky-looking son, trained in London in the early 1990s, as an ophthalmologist, Bashar al-Assad, likely had to make do with torture tips from that Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier movie:
Marathon Man was a 1976 American thriller directed by John Schlesinger. It stars Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier, Roy Scheider, William Devane and Marthe Keller. In the film, “Babe” Levy, a graduate student, becomes embroiled in a plot by Nazi war criminal Christian Szell… To extort the information that he believes Babe may have received, Szell tortures Babe using his skills as a dentist and drilling into Babe’s teeth. (Thank you Wiki)
“Is it safe?”
“Yes, it’s safe. It’s very safe. So safe you wouldn’t believe it.”
For years, residents of Ghouta, an embattled opposition-held region, on the outskirts of Damascus, grew used to death (Bethan McKernan, Observer)
“Is it safe?”
” No, it’s not safe. It’s very dangerous. Be careful.”
US officials in ‘direct contact’ with victorious Syria rebels… It is the first acknowledgement of direct American contact with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which the US currently still designates as a terrorist organisation. (BBC)
Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), commonly referred to as Tahrir al-Sham, is a Sunni Islamist political and paramilitary organisation involved in the Syrian civil war. (Thank you Wiki)
Led by, as our BBC put it a – “Moderate Jihadist”
Our mate Matt in the Telegraph returns to form with his sketch of a sign on a fence enclosing multiple windmills: “New Windfarm Rate how well we’ve ignored you opinions”
It’s saucy office party season
Michael Gove, 57, caught in snog with Oxford lecturer, 32, just two years after divorce – Is the Mirror perhaps advocating for a Victorian values-style lengthy period of post-marital mourning?
Sometimes these sequeways write themselves…
‘I’m making my own burial shroud to avoid cremation pollution… I don’t want to end up in a box when I die – I want an eco funeral’… With awareness of our carbon footprints growing all the time, some people striving to lead eco-friendly lives are turning their attention to what happens when they die. “I don’t want my last act on this planet to be a polluting act, if I can help that,” Rachel Hawthorn explains. (Lizzy Steel, BBC Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Investigations) – cheer up luvs, you’re spoiling the mood.
Micky Gove’s new main squeeze Lola appears to be a bright girl – she has more degrees than a thermometer: Dr Lola Salem graduated from the École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, in 2015 (MA Musicology), the Sorbonne in 2018 (MA Philosophy of Arts) and the University of Oxford in 2023 (DPhil Musicology). She is a Lecturer in Music (Oriel) and French (Wadham, St Catherine’s). Her research lies in the fields of opera, performers, and other material conditions related to creativity during the long seventeenth century. (Oriel College) – Was the seventeenth century any longer than any other century? Well, I never knew that. So much for my education, eh?
Ex-Cabinet minister Michael Gove gets a Sheekey kiss from a woman 25 years his junior at a fancy fish restaurant… The pair stunned diners at London celebrity hotspot J Sheekey, where oysters can cost £79 a dozen, with a small serving of caviar costing £80 (Mirror)
The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were a man of distinction
A real big spender
Good looking, so refined
Say, wouldn’t you like to know
What’s goin’ on in my mind?
So let me get right to the point:
I don’t pop my cork for every man I see…
[Cy Coleman and Dorothy Fields for the musical Sweet Charity, first performed in 1966]
The Sun on Sunday is likewise interested in what the rich and famous are getting up to under the mistletoe: Eamon: I’ll wed Katie… plans to marry girlfriend Katie Alexander… The TV host – divorcing Ruth Langsford – spoke openly of his intentions
I love Green crap extremists . Don’t they realise their very existence is ‘harming the planet ‘ and that they should remove themselves from it . ? I bet a lot of them still breed or buy a pet baby though ……
But isn’t it something how powerful effect all that Green propaganda has an effect on the stupid ? But Joey Goebells knew that….
( file to 77 brigade )
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
Evidence of BBC bias.
“An academic analysis of guests chosen by the BBC to appear on Question Time has exposed the broadcaster as disproportionately platforming people from right-wing media outlets”
Research done in the Social Workers’ Arms in Hampstead?
says one of many sceptical reply tweets
It does sound like the Socialist Workers saying “We did a study and it shows that black is white”
Also it’s old
It’s a Scottish Nationalist newspaper article dating from June 17th
someone tweets beware of the clever caveat wording
“disproportionately platforms voices from right-wing **media**”
You see you classify Peter Hitchens as media
Then other lefty people as non media
“it misses all the comedy guests leftwing
all the churches left wing
then their is the usual crusty actor left wing
then a leftwing politician “
I caught a glimpse of QT a few weeks ago. Alastair Campbell was on. Along with a Labour MP!
Nelson60, thanks for a very good laugh! 🙂 x5
I am not sure if that adds anything to the understanding of the bBC. They would struggle to defend a position where they overtly supported one faction in terms of speakers selection. Their bias will be harder to prove in the subject matters discussed and audience selection.
I wonder how often they discuss a topic such as final salary pension schemes on Question Time and their affordability. Plenty of other topics remain undiscussed.
I cannot comment in detail because I would never watch this sort of shite.
This is in Oz and is good news all the same:
Covid Dissident Doctor William Bay Exonerated as Suspension Overturned
Next up is to get all our UK lot (Drs, Newscasters etc) exonerated then on to prosecuting all the scumbags like Fauci, Gates, and Drosten etc.
Couldn’t agree more atlas…
When “progressives ” hate progress .
The Internet . What a marvellous invention . A progress that doesn`t have any downsides . Look up any subject you want FOR FREE , sift through the information and benefit .
You can take part in politics even if vicariously , open up your mind , discover new thoughts and take part in debates .
A freedom from censorship that every ordinary Joe benefits .
A power given to everyone .
Oh but there are some people against it . Not the Aristocracy , military juntas , oligarchs or High Church elders .
No it comes from people who call themselves progressive . Obviously they only want progression to be in one direction , they choose the direction even if it is a backwards step .
Regarding themselves as the Way , the Truth and the Light , this clerisy thinks all information should come through them , to be filtered and their interpretation is the only information you get .
As I said , a backwards step , as in the priests of old who spoke Latin translating the bible to the peasants in their own language .
The buzzword these progressives such as the BBC now use is Gatekeepers . They receive the info , see how it fits their agenda and pass on what what they think you should know . Their other buzzword is Verify .
Which is why , to the “progressives ” they must make a huge rear guard action to keep the BBC unaccountable to the general public .
Nibor, as we tend towards a marxist state (progression) it is interesting to observe that the players become more arrogant. Arrogance is a very unattractive characteristic and will be an active ingredient in failure. It is does not stretch the imagination too far to describe internet gatekeepers as a product of arrogance.
Not so much Marxist but Chinese Mk2 as the UN hopes to achieve. Every Government in the World is against their peoples.
Otherwise, much hand-wringing and, “Starmer has to go”. The only reality to that desire is that Starmer and his cronies have the next 4.5 or so years to gaily carry out the final steps in the destruction/transformation of the UK. There’s no way legally to remove them. This neo Communist outfit will not volunteer to leave office and, I hesitate to say, will only be removed by a rebellion or other event designed to stop their UN communist style takeover.
It has been surprising how quiet it has been in America since Trump’s decisive victory. Perhaps the Globalists know that the people are with Trump and any ‘disturbances’ or ‘events’ will only strengthen his position or that of JD Vance if they take him out.
But in the Spectator I think that we are getting the first hints of the Globalists new tactics to prop up their position and undermine Trump and Vance. This is to say that any attempt to ‘cleanse’ the FBI or CIA will lead to the possibility of increased terror attacks in the USA and to the rise of terrorist regimes overseas.
If they plug this line for a few months , prepare the ground, then encourage terrorists to launch some attacks they will be able to show that the deep state was necessary to protect America and that Trump’s dismantling of it was reckless and has endangered US citizens at home and abroad.
Watch this space.
And there just happen to be drones everywhere, especially over military bases and no one in officialdom has “any idea” who or what they are………………and no one wants to shoot them down…..
“The mystery drone swarms over British bases that could be a sign of an impending Russian attack – as alarm over New Jersey UFOs spreads across the globe.”
“What are the mystery drones flying over the US?”
“U.S. Air Force Confirms Drone Sightings Over Ramstein Air Base In Germany”
“the drones were part of a wider spate of small, ‘seemingly isolated’ incidents which could be part of a larger coordinated test of disruption tactics.
It follows a series of suspicious incidents worldwide, which have seen hackers carrying out cyber attacks, underwater internet cables sabotaged and bomb scares triggering chaos at Gatwick and in central London.
In America, drone sightings have spread across the US at an alarming rate, with unknown craft hovering in the skies above New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, as well as Texas and Oklahoma.
The FBI and other agencies are investigating, but the Department of Homeland Security said on Wednesday: ‘We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they’re launching from, where they’re landing.’ “
The USA doesn’t need protecting from foreign malign forces. It already has active home-grown threats against democracy right their in the Pentagon…Posing as “Democrats” but in reality Marxist World Order followers.
‘My colleague had heart attack as bricks hurled’ – summer riots police speak out
More left-wing propaganda from our very own North Korean style national news outlet.
This article is using the full-on BBC empathy tricks to sway your opinion and it is relentless. It reads like some children wrote it for a school assignment. It’s full of stories about people thought they would die. But – like the Jan 06 protests – nobody was killed by protestors. I am 100% certain the BBC wish they had been.
But the most disgusting thing about this article is that it does not explain anywhere what caused this social unrest. This is how they explain it:
‘She was one of the officers at the centre of the Middlesbrough riot which was sparked after three girls died in a knife attack in Southport earlier this year.’
And the article they link to is one where the murderer cannot be named because of his age. That’s it. It should read ‘three young girls were stabbed to death along with the attempted murder of 8 others by an Islamic terrorist’. Because they know full well now that it what he is.
Nowhere do they explain that these protests started because people are fed up with people being murdered by Muslim immigrants. 10 people stabbed in cold blood including young girls killed. The slogan was ‘enough is enough’ but the BBC omit to tell us any of this. They just say it was because three girls were killed. A massive lie by omission.
The actual BBC article about this terrorist being charged with these murders is here:
Southport attack suspect in court on terror charge
It’s 405 words. This pointless, propaganda article has 1,588.
From this 100% typical BBC woman:

They are getting away with this shite day after day and getting worse.
The anology with children is apt, as many of them are little more than that, with shockingly and embarrasssingly limited education, especially regarding technical, scientific or physical geography matters or our nations history, that previous generations, and others in other occupations are required to learn at least to O level / GCSE standards, and they are constantly pushing and testing the nations patience with them.
They get it wrong over and over again with the national temperament, the views and feelings of the vast majority, meaning they dare not even allow comments on so many articles, as it would be as major embarrassment for them, and if they do allow will “moderate” to exclude ALL views not reflected in the article, (which shouldn’t have had their views in the first place).
When found wanting (often) they think they are bloody royalty with never apologising or explaining, despite being a public service.
This alone, like civil servants and so many of our politicians, shows they are completely and utterly bereft of any notion of public sevice, therefore not fit for office.
They are almost always on the wrong side of public opinion these days.
They think that if they keep pretending the world is how THEY want it to be according to their far-Left agenda, it will eventually change to be like that. That was their excuse to explain all the black people at King Arthurs court in Dr Who.
I am still wondering who gave them a mandate to do that.
Answer to that is their marxist teachers at school and college and whatever part of the WEF they are members of.
“World Economic Forum: The Forum of Young Global Leaders.
The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a community with the vision, courage and influence to drive positive change. During a transformational three-year experience, YGLs are inspired to be bold in undertaking a sense of shared responsibility, impact and ambition.
The Forum of Young Global Leaders was established in 2004 to unite outstanding next-generation leaders from around the world.
For the past two decades, it has epitomized the power of collective action in tackling the world’s most critical challenges. From pioneering initiatives in public health and economic development to advancing innovations in technology and sustainability, our diverse community has contributed to shaping policies and improving communities worldwide. Now in its 20th year, the Forum of Young Global Leaders continues to cultivate and support inspiring leaders committed to forging positive change.”
The Youth Employability and Skills Acquisition (Y.E.S.A) programme aims to bridge this gap by providing all the student union and career services of the city’s universities with curated videos on careers in diverse sectors. The programme will also facilitate job-shadowing opportunities and conduct career outreaches at hard to reach community centres.”
Using the same logic, just imagine what it would be like if they remade the film Zulu with rewired inclusive ethnic casting. All black British soldiers fighting off hordes of White Geordie tribesmen throwing spears and wearing lion skins?
There seemed to be rather less empathy from the BBC for the Police at Orgreave and at the Trafalgar Square poll tax riots.
But they were left wing events.
Just listening to the BBC news in Tony Blackburns show telling me that we can’t build all these new homes Starmer has promised because of Brexit. And he spat the word out like is was dirty.
He didn’t mention that they are needed to house all the immigrants though.
Tony Blackburn?
Have they preserved him with some ancient Egyptian recipe and then propped him up with some tape on endless loop?
Should he not be in some piss infested council care home being pumped full of the turkish juice?
Yes to both questions.
Beats me why Blackburn still works for the BBC, after the way they have treated him, and after so many of his ilk have wisely moved elsewhere. Still, it must be a nice little earner and we can only assume the evidential photos from times past he must have are *very* incriminating. He’d have been kicked out for being too old years ago otherwise, surely?
Plenty of room – just look at INdia..
Talk about flies on a turd!
Here’s one I found in our local media yesterday. Of course it didn’t pique the interest of the local branch of the British-Bashing C#%ts here in EU-occupied NI in the slightest.
Jordanian asylum seeker in Belfast. Asylum from Jordan? Why?
Arrested for threatening to behead people with stolen swords and writing in Arabic was found on his hostel walls stating that thieves should have their hands chopped off.
With stolen swords? Hasn’t thought that one through now has he.
Mental health? Of course it is, again, because a mental health assessment has been directed. Or maybe it’s not, maybe his pos solicitor knows the real reason.
“He accepts that he had written the graffiti but states that it was passages from the Quran,”.
Much more anti-Britishbc is young Muphuselban, just your average Northern Irish masters student, in Science of course, struggling in ‘ R Costoflivin’ Crisis’ and having to avail of, no, being forced to survive on free breakfasts and lunches from a food bank.
Poor Muphuselban has to make choices.
“My breakfast is solely dependent on the Pantry,” Muphuselban told BBC News NI.
The foods I get in the Pantry I find very costly in supermarkets and I can spend my money on other things.
Using the Pantry keeps me healthy – I can eat more of a range of foods because I’m not worrying about cost.
I have to work, I have assignments to do.”
‘I can spend my money on other things’. Free stuff is great isn’t it?
“Police also claimed graffiti on the walls at 32-year-old Abdallah Maiteh’s accommodation referred to cutting off thieves hands.
Maiteh, with a hostel address at Ligoniel Road in the city, appeared at Belfast Magistrates’ Court charged with one count of theft.
Defence lawyer Garrett Greene said the swords were kept as souvenirs.
“My breakfast is solely dependent on the Pantry,”
That’s GASLIGHTING cos in the UK “food poverty” is just a state of mind
As the supermarkets have both expensive food and super cheap food . It depends on your choices
Breakfast : oats ar 90p Kilo, own brand cornflakes 60p (500g) , Milk is £1 for 2L at poundland as is £1Kg bananas , etc.
Then any real money saver would know the times the sellbuy date reductions happen
Rent poverty is something else
and I am staggered to find that taxpayers are funding some pensioners rents at £100/week housing benefit
Would be interesting to see their income/bills … “”Half of students only have £100 left after they’ve paid their rent per month, for a lot of people that’s not including bills.”
“These alarming rates of student poverty are not normal.”
My daughter is in her 2nd year of a Law degree. She turned down a place at Queens University Belfast to study in England. Her decision.
The course in England is around £4000 a year more than the same one at QUB, she pays around £160 per week for an ensuite room in private halls, owned by Unite, all inclusive. £550 a month, what sort of shithole do you expect? It’s student life, they kind of have you over a barrel.
She eats well on about £25 or £30 a week. The first thing she did when she went there was to get herself a job in a well-known Irish clothing retailers store, 12 hours a week at £10 an hour , about £120 in her pocket every week.
She will have student debt , she knows it, that’s just the way it is. A law degree should afford a means of repaying any debt shouldn’t, we’re not talking Gender or Film Studies here.
Bbc selected students, stop your effin’ greetin, get a job, get a loan or if you can, live more cheaply at home. Cut your cloth to suit, it’s really that simple. If you can’t afford it , you can’t have it.
Just like the bbc themselves, like-minded pseudosocialists, entitled pricks expecting it all on a plate for nothing, everybody else doing everything for you.
Further to my comment above, above, check the “New young leaders” of the WEF being mentored for high positions:
First three pages of the list (106 pages) , check out how many white European (you’ll struggle to find any).
Africa, asia and the middles east, an obvious racist agenda, in plain sight: :
DT reports ‘leaked’ details of a trade deal document with the Reich EU – full on continued fishing in UK waters – free movement of ‘students ‘. There was no brexit .
The UK could use the Trump method of threatening to do stuff to the EU until it controls its border at the channel . But no one has the strategic thinking or courage to take them on – in the foreseeable future ….
Spirits of Christmases Past and Present edition
In many a heart-warming family Christmas movie a baby or a pregnant character will be featured.
And look here, our First Female Chancellor is having contractions: Blow to Reeves as economy shrinks… Growth mission falters… Second consecutive contraction (FT)
Betteridge’s law of headlines is an adage that states: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word NO.”
Jaguar’s leap of faith… Can its bold relaunch succeed? (FT)
Speaking of virtue-signalling rebrands…
Our FT Weekend undergoes somewhat of a transformation today as the familiar HTSI (How to spend it) branding does an Ebenezer Scrooge-like transformation: How to give it… a philanthropy special focuses on fresh ideas to help familiar causes
One googles the FT feature and finds a nice pic of a smiley happy looking black boy – I’d like to tell you more but the article is hidden behind a paywall.
“What’s to-day?” cried Scrooge, calling downward to a boy in Sunday clothes, who perhaps had loitered in to look about him… “To-day?” replied the boy. “Why, Christmas Day.” “Do you know the Poulterer’s, in the next street but one, at the corner… Do you know whether they”ve sold the prize Turkey that was hanging up there?” Scrooge inquired. “The Turkey what? You mean the Turkish Barber’s between the American Candy shop, and the Vietnamese Nail Bar, I should hope I did, Innit? Is you some sort of a paedo old man? I’ll stab you up!” replied the lad. “What a delightful boy!” said Scrooge.
Damascene conversion… Fun with flags…
The FT frontpage top photo story features: Star attraction… Crowds of Syrians in Damascus’s central Umayyad Square raise a giant flag, used by the opposition since 2011 – That’ll be the old red, white, green and black. Mr AsI’s vexillological adage is always beware any nation with black in its flag.
The FT’s prime frontpage ad spot, the habitual promotional location for top jewelry emporia, haute horlogists and mysterious Swiss health clinics, is bought this morning by London’s School of Oriental and African Studies: Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art… object-based study
And we’re sadly reminded how all that Starmer and Reeves had to do (prior to the general election) was not to drop that Ming vase. But now they’re going at it like the proverbial bull in a china shop. More China news later.
No-one gets France’s difficulty more than me, says Macron’s new PM Bayrou (BBC)
François Bayrou commands respect – but can he save France from crisis? (BBC) – Betteridge’s law of headlines, anyone?
Poor taste joke of the day – apparently it takes 50 Frenchmen to do one 9th the work of one American…
50 men accused in mass rape of Gisèle Pelicot… They are young, old, burly, thin, black and white. Among them are firefighters, lorry drivers, soldiers, security guards, a journalist and a DJ… they broadly represent a microcosm of French society… husband, Dominique Pelicot, 72, who drugged her for a decade with prescription sleeping pills. (BBC)
Bill Cosby: Nine women sue former comedian in Nevada over sexual abuse… The women say the former actor and comedian drugged and assaulted them in homes, dressing rooms and hotels in Nevada between 1979 and 92 (BBC)
In completely unrelated news (and with no relation to recent blanket coverage of the alleged antics of TV chef Gregg Wallace): How great chefs do it at home… Christmas lunch tips (Times)
Who’s getting pixelated this holiday season?
We’re going with the theme of legal anonymity once again – but doing the big frontpage feature picture story anyway: The Duke pictured at an event with the suspected Chinese spy H6, who cannot be identified for legal reasons (Telegraph)
Prince Andrew in China in 2019, with participants – none of whom is the alleged spy – in his Pitch@Palace programme, designed to link new business investors (Times) – insert that racist gag here about them all looking alike anyway. No wonder our M15 has to give them numbers. Do you see what I did there?
BBC release a first look at Tiddler, the new star-studded animation based on the much loved book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The forthcoming Christmas animated adventure shares the story of a little fish with a big imagination (BBC)
Tiddler eh? Well I suppose it will make a change from all the Fiddlers our BBC have put on our TV screens over the years.
Regarding Labour’s bulldozer plans, some advice on signage for so called NIMBY locals:
“Tens of thousands of new recruits are needed for bricklaying, groundworks and carpentry to get anywhere near the target, they told the BBC.
The Home Builders Federation (HBF), along with the UK’s largest housebuilder Barratt Redrow said skills shortages, ageing workers and Brexit were some of the factors behind the shrinking workforce.”
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
This article is more than 11 years old
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
“Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010. ”
Labour (fully costed) Gov Estimate 13,000
Reality 250,000
The hero will have a coloured accent / queer
The baddie with have a white British male accent
There will be a big green agenda ( don’t eat fish )
There will be a ban fish farming line
All fisherman are evil
The white baddie becomes fish fingers ….
Avoid – predicted TV ‘listing ‘( ugh )
Morecambe and wise
Dads army – turkey dinner / orange auction
Parkinson and that awful emu stuff
It’s a coloured countryside
Carols from the mosque ( maybe not )
Christmas Day in the delivery room – count the mo s ….
An imam at Christmas
Royal family has a Chinese Christmas dinner ….
No Jimmy Savile wandering around a childrens’ hospital this year ?
It’s a Knockout Christmas kid’s edition..
The Tiddler fish will be Vegan?
I bet the ‘photo editors ‘ are searching all the prince andy pictures for Chinese – especially girls – although he might fancy a bit of H6 …
The only trouble with Chinese women, you have one then an hour later you feel like another one.
Sounds like a Gregg Wallace comment.
Hmmm 2nd weekend running got out the wrong side of bed.
Never mind I saw a David Beckham Man Utd shirt just right for you to cheer you up at Xmas.
I’ll send a link, I know you love the links on here.
As a 15 year old teenager I worked as a bricklayers labourer and the blokes on site informed me that Chinese girls were sliced horizontally.
To this day I have never found out if that is true or if they were laughing at my naivety but I have since made a calculated guess.However, just to be sure I will ask the beautiful young lady at our local Chinese takeaway next time I go for a Chinkee. Or perhaps not. I have no wish to be cast as Greg2
RE Loose women for example:
“Nadia echoed her comments saying: “We’ve got to start being brave and supporting each other not to laugh, when actually we feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.”
Viewers at home fumed that the women were being hypocritical, as they have often made inappropriate jokes and innuendos towards men.
Several of them took to Twitter to voice their fury.
One fan tweeted out: “Surely your own sexist behaviour needs to be addressed before simply generalising that an entire male generation needs to be re-educated? Replay your sexist comments and smut when you had Joey Essex jumping into a pool! Everyone needs to be more considerate.”
“Is it not inappropriate for Loose Women to be talking about men making dodgy comments when they are full of innuendos themselves!” echoed another.
Someone else chimed in: “I’m really getting sick of this men are this and that. Women can be sexist and pervy too. Coleen for example acts up whenever she sees a man but people think it’s funny. If a man does that lock them up!”
“I hope we’re never going to see another scantily clad man on Loose Women ever again for them to ogle over and comment about inappropriately,” commented a fourth.
A fifth pointed out: “Just watching the piece on sexist behaviour. I am female and sometimes feel your attitude towards men is sexist and never addressed. One case is Colleen’s comments towards Jack Savoretti. This would not have been acceptable if it was male to female.
My problem is the double standards that have been created. On Loose Women the presenters can perv over male guests and generally comment that men are bad at this and that. But men can’t even get close to matching that without losing their jobs and feminists being up in arms.”
On the subject of biased BBC, here’s an example so blatant. They clearly regard themselves as untouchable and so Far Left they either don’t care or don’t realise it..
A Tory peer has been banned for three weeks for calling an Indian peer ‘Lord Poppadum’. Since there is a Lord called Lord Popat, it might be considered a reasonable mistake to make. But in these grievance monkey days it just won’t do.
The BBC cover the story with a nice big headline thus
‘Baroness faces suspension over offensive racial remark’
So why the bias?
Because, five paragraphs down, it is briefly revealed that one Lord Stone, a former Labour peer, has been suspended for six months for bullying. But you have to go down another 17 paragraphs, after a comprehensive exposition of Baroness Meyer’s transgression, to find details of Lord Stone.
Minor Tory error- main headlines and long explanation.
Serious Labour error – buried at the bottom.
‘Minor Tory error- main headlines and long explanation.
Serious Labour error – buried at the bottom.’
A baroness who called a peer of Indian origin “Lord Poppadom” is facing a suspension from the House of Lords after an investigation found her comments amounted to harassment “related to race”. (BBC)
He had previously been found to have sexually harassed staff by the Commissioner in 2019, leading to him losing the Labour whip. (BBC)
Race trumps feminism – QED
“A Muslim woman who was raised in Saudi Arabia is trying to abolish jury trials in Britain”
Jury trials could be scrapped to stop court backlog hitting unprecedented level
Justice Secretary says ‘once-in-a-generation reform’ is only answer to tackling delays as she backs new intermediate court
Ms Mahmood has commissioned Sir Brian Leveson, one of Britain’s top judges, to review ways in which defendants’ rights to jury trials could be scaled back without undermining fair justice.
defendants’ rights to jury trials could be scaled back without undermining fair justice.
defendants’ rights to jury trials could be scaled back without undermining fair justice.
Throughout the United Kingdom, the lord chancellor technically outranks the prime minister, although the latter generally possesses more power. The precedence of a lord keeper of the Great Seal is equivalent to that of a lord chancellor. wiki
New funding for farmers feeding the world
UK support to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will boost food security, protect the planet, and reduce poverty.
The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP
Since 2021, the number of people facing a serious lack of food has increased by 34%. In Africa, about 20% of the population faces hunger.
Ah yes – ‘plebgate ‘ Mitchell – one of the Marxists pretending to be tories …. He and miliband are deluded twins …
“Women and girls across Africa, Asia and the Middle East to benefit from a new UK higher education programme
At the Education World Forum, Deputy Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell announced a £45 million higher education programme to support women and girls. ”
Poorer white pupils let down and neglected – MPs
Published 22 June 2021
It says use of the term “white privilege”, suggesting white pupils are at an advantage, is the “opposite” of the reality for poor white pupils
She has.
Rachel has made sure the lady in question has purple toes as well.
The creeping hold of Chinese style Communism. All compliments to the UN/WEF.
The devil is indeed in the detail, hidden behind inocuous, vague and lofty words….
Digital security ? think big brother and no free speech
Tackling Inequality ? the rich stay rich the middle class impoverished.
Talking of Chinese style communism, the following shows question time for the mayor of London
Khan sits behind a row of security guards who silence what he does not want to hear, and manhandle and phsically throw people out.
He demands of a questioner at one point one time “where do you live ?”
“Harrow ? is that in London ?”
Then smiles and ignores him FFS
Labour “activists” all allowed to ask questions, and on the panel it’s their friends answering who they walk out the venue with afterwards.
Homeless shelter volunteer:
“I Was Outraged!” | Homeless Shelter Full Of “Asylum Claiming Young Men From Morocco”
Yes seeking asylum from that notorious conflict zone of Morrocco that so many go on holiday to….
Norway was paying Denmark 1p a kWh for excess wind and charging them 50p to “buy it back” later …. although the deal actually might’ve been worse than that.
Of course “ONE in four adults of working age in England are struggling with the flu ”
is a Fakenews headline
AS mentioned in the last thread , the Mail changed their headline
The origin of the #FakeNews headline is probably the government press release cos @TheSun used the same
#NudgeUnit stuff
Things on YouTube today
History Debunked : A case which reveals much about immigration and international ‘students’ in Britain
… https://youtu.be/6ibduV6wx7Q
THe murderer and his brother turn out to be overstay Pakistanis who came on student visas
20 years later they need an interpreter
DEBUNKED: 8 “Great Black Britons” who were NOT Black
by Survive the Jive from 1 years ago “UPDATE: three weeks after this video was made, the plaque at Beachy head was removed!”
.. https://youtu.be/kaMD8gaIVPg
I Have ZERO Respect For This British Historian Because Of THESE Statements
.. https://youtu.be/C5Q1X-XZ2lA
Basically black Briton often means “NOT Black, NOT Briton”
They may have been mentioned here before but I didn’t spot that
awww…. diddums
Why not? BBC ban right wing views! HA HA HAHA
It was lovely and cosy last night, lying alongside my wee dog, the lights low and the log burner warming us and in an unthinking moment I remembered that there was something on the BBC about Alan Benett. Honestly, at my age, I should know better…
Anyway, at first, it was a quite charming programme. Bennett, in his droll way, introduced us to his parents and remembered his early days with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. And then there was his Talking Heads series with Thora Hird and Patricia Routledge, all rather poignant and moving stories, beautifully acted.
He’s managed to create this image of the rather charming, eccentric uncle. The sort of fellow you would love to invite for Christmas. However, as is often the case, things aren’t always as they seem…
It was near the end that the wheels came off. Bennett has written a new piece about an “over-staying immigrant” from Pakistan. This chap is a brilliant doctor, “the sort of person we need”, and Bennett lectured us about English insularity and how we desperately needed “to open our arms to the world”. I had been almost dozing, but…FFS, I thought, we’re taking in over a million every bleedin’ year, how open should our arms be?
There then followed a few minutes of BBC news reel archive, showing last summer’s riots. You know the BBC. When they get the chance to “expose the far right” they don’t hold back.
Of course, neither the BBC nor Bennett pointed to the reasons for these demonstrations, ie the slaughter of three innocent little girls at the hands of a refugee and there was no mention of the attempted murder of so many other little girls in the same attack. You would have thought that these were simply independent explosions of racism. And Bennett didn’t seem to want to look at the widescale horrors of Muslim grooming gangs…no, that would have derailed the narrative…
You know, it’s just so bloody easy for these nice and comfortable Champagne socialists, residing in artistic enclaves in Primrose Hill, never getting on a bus or a tube train and never meeting the very people that they so readily sneer at from the pages of the Guardian.
These people present our world back to us through the distorting prism of a biased and bigoted media. It’s a hideous corruption of the truth…far worse than a blatant lie. They leave out what they don’t want us to see and exaggerate that which portrays us in the worst possible light.
Alan Bennett was also a Jeremy Corbyn supporter. He lives in a beautiful Georgian house in the most expensive part of London and owns a Grade one period cottage in the Yorkshire Dales.
Says it all…
I’m an old git so I can remember how I was SO pleased when Harold Wilson (narrowly) won the 1964 election for Labour and I thought at last we can start The Revolution.
Oh dear, what a naive little prick I was.
As the years past all that I witnessed was the destruction of Great Britain’s culture.
Of course for a while I revalled in the BBC mockery of the British class system and the Church of England and it’s support for the great unwashed as personified by so called musicians. A trend which prevails to this day, when it seems, it is O K to dress like a vagrant even in the office.
Images are an important weapon in the Communist armoury.
Thanks Jeff for this take-down of Alan Bennett, someone only just a nose ahead of Stephen Fry in the sanctimonious ninny stakes.
Tell me it’s distinguishable from the BBC
Labour’s green transition must cut the cost of living to prevent a right-wing backlash
Teaching unions call for real-terms pay cuts to be reversed
‘Anyone’s game, but not everyone’s game’
At least 30 Palestinians killed in latest Israeli strike on refugee camp
Reeves left red-faced as economy unexpectedly shrinks
it’s distinguishable from the BBC. I mean, look at the spelling of both.
Oh yes it is…
Too many white people on front cover
At the time of posting, this is the third story on the BBC News site.
Some Indian actor, I bet nobody on here, or anyone you know, has ever heard of him (unless they’re Indian perhaps). He would’ve been 100 today. So he’s not even alive and celebrating his 100th or anything.
Died in 1988.
Sorry BBC, but we don’t GA (flying) F!
Mind you, with so many (unwanted and unwelcome) Indians now streaming into the Anglosphere in recent years, I suppose they’re preparing us? If young professionals are finding it hard to afford rent and mortgages today, think how it’ll be when Kapoor and 17 of his mates start moving into all the rentals? Still, some of the NIMBYs might now change their minds, when Ranjit becomes head of recruitment at their local tech company and starts to hire Indians only and starts to drive down salaries and benefits?
Perhaps we can expect some ‘interesting’ toilet habits on the side of the roads, on the beach, in the sea, in the street etc?
Allegedly anyway – sure it’s all just a far right conspiracy thank you please.
If the current rate of Indian immigration continues to Anglosphere nations, the Anglosphere will just become India within a few generations.
Stay in India please, Indians! If I wanted to live in Delhi I’d bloody move there. But I don’t because it’s a polluted, smelly shithole!
All this is alleged and according to some anyway (bigots!)
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
It’s a blunt reality check from a former Home Office minister describing one of the government’s most pressing dilemmas – how to crack down on illegal immigration.”
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
Published 21 August 2023
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
Turkey: Border Guards Kill and Injure Asylum Seekers
Border Lock-Down Puts Syrian Lives at Risk
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
The Algerian coastguard has shot dead two tourists holidaying in Morocco who reportedly strayed into Algerian waters on their jet skis.
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”

Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile long wall along its northern border with Iraq in order to keep ISIS at bay, the Telegraph newspaper reported today.
Once completed, the wall will consist of a ditch and a triple-layered steel fence, with 40 watchtowers spread out along it. Each watchtower will be equipped with high-tech surveillance radars that are capable of detecting low-flying helicopters and approaching vehicles, as well as being able to spot a human from the range of about 20km.
“”There isn’t an easy or nice way of doing it.”
Go look at the moat the Saudis were planning to build across the bottom of Qatar 🙂
Saudi Arabia wants to build a moat around Qatar
“The Middle Eastern kingdom is considering building a 60-kilometer-long moat around Qatar, which would virtually isolate the country.”
Saudi Arabia is planning to escalate its isolation of regional rival Qatar by using nuclear waste and a 650-foot wide canal to turn its neighbor into an island.
According to reports in the state-linked al-Riyadh and Sabq newspapers, the project—which would establish a military zone, nuclear waste dump and canal—would separate the two countries along the entire length of the 37.5-mile border.
The two nations have been locked in a crisis since the imposition of a Saudi-led diplomatic blockade on Qatar in June 2017. Saudi Arabia and its allies—including Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt—accuse Qatar of supporting terrorism in the Middle East, a charge Doha denies.
Gary Lineker pocketed a whopping £1.6million working for Qatar’s state broadcaster as he fronted Champions League coverage over four years
We have mile upon mile of sea around our borders.
Saudi, if they go ahead with their plan, would have a few hundred metres of ‘sea’ at most.
If we can’t protect our coastline from ‘the boats’ imagine how hard it’ll be for the Saudis with, by comparison, such a tiny body of water!
In your face, Saudi!
Oh wait…
Is this why Saudi was so keen to stage the World Cup.
‘Anything you can do, I can do better…..’
Very interesting tomo!
erm…. no love lost there!
35,000 so far, this years known intake of dinghy boys.
It works out at costing the taxpayer £140,000,000 for them alone, not including any other years or the ‘legal’ immigration lot.
That’s something like 30,000+ nurses which could mean 30,000 less on benefits saving those payments which could be used for ….. and so on.
Will it be 2029 before they are stopped.
I see Cooper Balls is having talk with the Italians about the immigrant/asylum seeker situation. I predict that the outcome of these talks will be that we give many £millions of taxpayers money to Italy.
2018 … Theresa May to promise £44.5m in funding to strengthen UK border controls in France
2022 … Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
A hint of jealousy in there?
“Oxfam’s investigation revealed that obtaining even basic information on how the World Bank is using climate finance was painstaking and difficult.”
There is no clear public record showing where this money went or how it was used, which makes any assessment of its impacts impossible. It also remains unclear whether these funds were even spent on climate-related initiatives….
If any of it went to Africa …it’s long gone.
…….into various Swiss bank accounts……
“The previous Government were running an open borders experiment. As the ONS sets out 1 million people came to Britain June 2022. ” Keir Starmer
“To turn Britain into a one Nation experiment in open borders.” @83secs
“Hasn’t he been arresting people calling this out?”
“He threw people in jail for voicing the same concerns. What a hypocrite…”
“Stop The Boats”
“Smash the Gangs”
Its been going on for years!
Illegal arrivals = potential voters ?
“Military preparing options for No 10 but use of warships to turn back refugees seen as disproportionate”
22 murdered in Manchester is a loss the politicians are willing to make.
Given the circumstances maybe not using the RN is safer?
I wonder if the RN would ‘get involved ‘ if 30 or 40 thousand turned up in one day …? Maybe they could be press ganged …
Evette pixey balls – copper has asked her spads what can she do to cut the invasion . They sent her to Italy this weekend to have a chat with Italians …. Nothing will happen …
I think the overall immigration figures will come down next year by a few hundred thousand.
Starmer will take all the credit, but it’ll be nothing to do with him.
Just before the Tories got smashed, Cleverley brought in new rules that meant soon, immigrant workers had to get a job paying about close to 40k (it was just 17k). I think they have to have been earning that for 6 months if they want family over. I think it is more for each kid too.
Anyway, I’m no fan of the Tories and they fully deserved to get smashed, but Starmer knows full well these rules will almost certainly mean a drop in ‘legal’ migration for next year.
Remember that when the next figures are released. It’s nothing to do with any Labour policy.
If somehow the figures go up, then God knows how he’ll manage to blame the Tories again.
Lazy – the only thing to stop the invasion is the weather – the numbers will go up and up and the conditions in the UK attract the world –
The Further education industry only cares about the fees it gets for ‘foreign students ‘ and no care when they stay beyond the visa and disappear … the UK is doomed ….
MM, ahem! It was Tony Blair who flung the UK’s borders open to anyone.
For some strange reason the site software has put this down here. It was a reply to MM’s post @2.39pm.
A gunman has been jailed for more than 15 years after firing a potentially lethal Skorpion weapon in a Smethwick street
Mohammed Khan damaged a house and parked car after using the highly dangerous submachine gun in Melrose Place.
The home grown Socialists will defend this animal. He is unwell they will plead.They are as useless as he is.
Embrace multiculturalism!
Celebrate diversity!
“Keir Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions for England and Wales announced on 5 February 2010 that three Labour MPs, Elliot Morley, David Chaytor and Jim Devine, and Conservative peer Lord Hanningfield would face criminal charges of false accounting in relation to their expense claims. ”
2024 … “The donations, first reported by the Guardian, external, were initially declared as money for his private office as leader of the opposition.
The gifts – of £10,000 in October 2023 and £6,000 in February this year – were declared on time, but will now be re-categorised as donations in kind of clothing.”
false accounting in relation to their expense claims.?!
The rules don’t apply to our dear leader.
Make a Facebook post with no racial slurs and no threats which shows you don’t agree with mass immigration, you’ll be in the gulag.
Stand in front of no.10 in a live tv interview and call recent immigration policy from the Tories an ‘open borders experiment’ and that’s fine.
I really don’t see the difference between his comments and the comments of a few that he threw in his gulags after his fast tracking kangaroo court. Oh. They probably don’t vote Labour so…hmmmm…
Society for The Pismronunciation of Words
When did dercades become deckaids (sunloungers, quoits, that sort of thing) as far as the BBC is concerned? The BBC has allegedly, a no doubt large and expensive Pronunciation Unit or have they all been made redundant as part of a BBC money saving measure? You here deckaids all the time on BBC R4. Is it the same for other BBC stations and TV?
Mr Snuff
Goodness me! Whatever are you doing listening to enemy propaganda? I do hope you haven’t been turned.
Ha! Ha! Ha! XXX
Lefty, I only listen to R4 these days as I am legally TV Licence Free. Next April I will have saved or not spent nearly £3,000 at current prices! Do you not follow my TOADY Watch or TWatO Watch posts with enthusiasm?
Mr Snuff
Do you not have to pay the ransom money to listen to R4 as I was under the impression that R4 is owned and controlled by the Brainwashing Britain Corporation?
I never watch the BBC (I have an allergy) but the very beautiful Mrs Wright is still addicted to certain BBC programs so a while back I transferred ransom liability from me to her which she still seems to regard as value for money – bless her.
After 63 years of marriage I know my place.
Mr Lefty, there is no Radio Licence these days so I can be legally Licence Free. I made a mistake in my original post in that I listen to R4extra as well as R4, all quite legally. I don’t use iPlayer and am upset that the Brainwashing Britain Corporation reneged on the arrangement that you could use legally iPlayer for TV catch-up services. That arrangement continued until the end of December 2016. The last thing I watched on my PC was Dickensian.
I wonder how many TV Licences the BBC have sold as a consequence of the BBC’s reneging on the iPlayer arrangement. I would not be surprised if it was close to zero. I have just had a Love letter from TV Licencing giving me 10 days to buy a TV Licence. Fat chance – these days I just do not have time to watch TV. BBC – the void that you forced on me has been filled.
Thanks for your post.
I had no idea that the ransom money was only applicable to television. I was under the impression that it applied to ALL BBC services.
However, the British Bumboy Corporation will still hold me to ransom even if I only view non BBC TV programs. A situation which, in my view, needs a bloody good seeing to.Preferably not by the rear entrance,
Correction: hear not here. 🙁
“Death of man found in tent ‘unexplained’ – police”
“Police have appealed to the local community for information.”
Err could it be he died of hypothermia?
Apparently 65 years old homeless man living in a tent in car park..
Meanwhile down the road , nice and warm, enjoying full board accommodation..
Sounds fine to me…
“Here’s what we need to do to the people who supported mass immigration – and why they need to pay for the terrible consequences themselves…
I have a very simple and just suggestion for solving the housing crisis.
All those who have supported the recent policy of uncontrolled mass immigration should have a new house built in their back garden – or on top of their existing house if there is no room in the garden.
This will also apply to their second homes.”
No need to build anything at all, simply turf them all out and install multiple ‘refugees’. Let them figure out where they’re going to live, just like all the thousands that have dropped down the council house waiting list so these foreign freeloaders can go to the top.
I think if your suggestion was put into practice the numbers of NIMBY’S would swell dramatically.
I think it’s definitely worth a try.
How about it TTK? I reckon you could storm the opinion polls.
One snag though. The MSM probably would not support it or report it. There you go I’m a poet and I didn’t know it.
At least five people killed in shootings in and around French migrant camp – reports
“The man handed himself into the police & admitted killing a 5th person. 2 were guards
Some report he is native French.”
Anita Anand was away or unavailable so Felicity Hannah (occasional Business news reporter on TOADY*) was in charge of Any Answers.
There was an interesting caller who was Syrian (sorry, cannot remember name) who said that under Bashar-al-Assad (who the BBC have decided is totally evil and was a despot) that Christians, Jews, Alawites (the President’s sect within Islam) other devout non-Alawite Muslims as well as atheists all lived happily together as peaceful neighbours. Which rather re-inforces to me what my London friend says about her sister in Damascus. In fact Silva said that you should not believe what you hear on the BBC about the Syrian Civil War because her sister knows it is completely untrue.
* The BBC is completely overmanned & over-womanned. They are still recruiting like crazy and Felicity Hannah is onesuch newcomer, presenting the Business Segment on TOADY with Will Bain AND Sean Farrington. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_BBC_newsreaders_and_reporters
Labour has been accused of “shamefully failing” to tackle illegal immigration after more than 600 people crossed the Channel by small boat in a single day.
Home Office figures revealed 609 migrants reached Britain in near-freezing conditions on Thursday, marking the highest number recorded in a single December day since data collection began in 2018
wwfc, who is the gent wearing the non-Labour tie? Is it a Civil Serpent or the man recently appointed by Starmer to run the Border Farce?
If the Home Office says 609 we can safely assume a minimum 1000 doctors scientists and inventors of gadgets to enhance our standard of living and to make our great land an even better place to be are joining us.
But on the other hand———-???? SINK THE BOATS!!
Oh dear I do hope I haven’t offended anyone.
Lefty – perversely I enjoy the thought of all those labour claim to have ‘deported’ who will find themselves in a dinghy in about a month …. 24/7 storms in the channel please ….
I think maybe we should hang fire on a retreating adversary.
Let them go in safety.
President trump awarded $15 million in z defamation suit against ABC- plus $1 million costs and a public apology – George Stephanopolod said he was a rapist .
I really hope he expends some energy on revenge against the msm and blob …. And Obama and the DoJ and the whole democrat poison – then maybe helps out here …..
original George Stephanopoulos video adds a lot of context
Among other things he’s hounding this rape victim
and He actually accused TRump of defaming
.. “yeh these women are afraid to come forward cos they are afraid of being DEFAMED by those who commit the RAPE”
One commenter
“… A great day for America. Journalists cannot convict someone of rape when they haven’t been convicted in a court of law.
It has to stop. “
comment from the time of the interview in March
“The dishonesty of Stephanopoulos’ interview is striking.
He says 10 times that Trump was found ‘liable for rape’ in the E Jean Carroll case.
He says that the jury found Trump ‘liable for rape.’
In fact, the jury specifically found Trump *not* liable for rape.
It found him liable for ‘sexual abuse.’
If wearing or not wearing a condom is the difference between consensual sex and rape then maybe it’s time to decide whether you should be even going anyway near either with any partner in my opinion.
Seems the yanks are at a loss to understand what the drones that are apparently flying over the country are up to.
Good luck then in understanding what loads of USSR nuclear missiles are when they start to flow in which I would guess is anytime in the next two or three years.
Some air defence system for the most powerful nation on Earth hey?
The most powerful nation on earth has currently the weakest leader on earth. Roll on January 20th and then maybe,just maybe change will begin.
If you REALLY cared about CO2 would you really try to save CO2 by putting solar panels in a country which has 3 times less sun ?
Laurence Fox remembers the Harry Hill skit “Muslim Driving School”
.. https://x.com/LozzaFox/status/1867871637376467200
Another of those normal, yet superior, news reviews in this long twenty-first century edition
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff likes the Sunday Times for their top pick in the online print press line-up.
So it is we welcome an unabashed exemplar of the female celebrity angst feature: ‘Talented women get torn apart’ Florence Pugh
And we get another chance to smile at – pixelated for legal reasons – frontpage feature photos: With David Cameron… And Theresa May… The suspected Chinese spy who became a close confidant of the Duke of York has met two former prime ministers (Sunday Times)
Advice for our failing PM Keir Starmer – if, whilst busy on your multiple overseas foreign travels you happen to be introduced to some chap with blurred yellowish squares for a head – avoid the temptation to kowtow, make your excuses and politely decline the photo op.
Have you noticed how every declared enemy of our globalist liberal establishment regime is “Literally Hitler”?
While the mildly conservative Sunday Telegraph lightheartedly observes: What your go-to coffee shop says about you – the Sunday Times reaches reflexively for that go-to Nazi meme – but apparently this time it’s worse: ‘It’ll be bigger than Nuremberg’: the hidden archive of Assad’s attrocities (Christina Lamb, Sunday Times)
Remind me, isn’t there some internet trope named Godwin’s Law?
Indeed Assad’s father Hafez, who ruled from 1970 to 2000, is said to have been advised in torture methods by a former Nazi, Alois Brunner (Christina Lamb, Sunday Times)
So Syria… is it safe now?
Whereas one assumes the dorky-looking son, trained in London in the early 1990s, as an ophthalmologist, Bashar al-Assad, likely had to make do with torture tips from that Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier movie:
Marathon Man was a 1976 American thriller directed by John Schlesinger. It stars Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier, Roy Scheider, William Devane and Marthe Keller. In the film, “Babe” Levy, a graduate student, becomes embroiled in a plot by Nazi war criminal Christian Szell… To extort the information that he believes Babe may have received, Szell tortures Babe using his skills as a dentist and drilling into Babe’s teeth. (Thank you Wiki)
“Is it safe?”
“Yes, it’s safe. It’s very safe. So safe you wouldn’t believe it.”
For years, residents of Ghouta, an embattled opposition-held region, on the outskirts of Damascus, grew used to death (Bethan McKernan, Observer)
“Is it safe?”
” No, it’s not safe. It’s very dangerous. Be careful.”
US officials in ‘direct contact’ with victorious Syria rebels… It is the first acknowledgement of direct American contact with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which the US currently still designates as a terrorist organisation. (BBC)
Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), commonly referred to as Tahrir al-Sham, is a Sunni Islamist political and paramilitary organisation involved in the Syrian civil war. (Thank you Wiki)
Led by, as our BBC put it a – “Moderate Jihadist”
Our mate Matt in the Telegraph returns to form with his sketch of a sign on a fence enclosing multiple windmills: “New Windfarm Rate how well we’ve ignored you opinions”
It’s saucy office party season
Michael Gove, 57, caught in snog with Oxford lecturer, 32, just two years after divorce – Is the Mirror perhaps advocating for a Victorian values-style lengthy period of post-marital mourning?
Sometimes these sequeways write themselves…
‘I’m making my own burial shroud to avoid cremation pollution… I don’t want to end up in a box when I die – I want an eco funeral’… With awareness of our carbon footprints growing all the time, some people striving to lead eco-friendly lives are turning their attention to what happens when they die. “I don’t want my last act on this planet to be a polluting act, if I can help that,” Rachel Hawthorn explains. (Lizzy Steel, BBC Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Investigations) – cheer up luvs, you’re spoiling the mood.
Micky Gove’s new main squeeze Lola appears to be a bright girl – she has more degrees than a thermometer: Dr Lola Salem graduated from the École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, in 2015 (MA Musicology), the Sorbonne in 2018 (MA Philosophy of Arts) and the University of Oxford in 2023 (DPhil Musicology). She is a Lecturer in Music (Oriel) and French (Wadham, St Catherine’s). Her research lies in the fields of opera, performers, and other material conditions related to creativity during the long seventeenth century. (Oriel College) – Was the seventeenth century any longer than any other century? Well, I never knew that. So much for my education, eh?
Ex-Cabinet minister Michael Gove gets a Sheekey kiss from a woman 25 years his junior at a fancy fish restaurant… The pair stunned diners at London celebrity hotspot J Sheekey, where oysters can cost £79 a dozen, with a small serving of caviar costing £80 (Mirror)
The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were a man of distinction
A real big spender
Good looking, so refined
Say, wouldn’t you like to know
What’s goin’ on in my mind?
So let me get right to the point:
I don’t pop my cork for every man I see…
[Cy Coleman and Dorothy Fields for the musical Sweet Charity, first performed in 1966]
The Sun on Sunday is likewise interested in what the rich and famous are getting up to under the mistletoe: Eamon: I’ll wed Katie… plans to marry girlfriend Katie Alexander… The TV host – divorcing Ruth Langsford – spoke openly of his intentions
I love Green crap extremists . Don’t they realise their very existence is ‘harming the planet ‘ and that they should remove themselves from it . ? I bet a lot of them still breed or buy a pet baby though ……
But isn’t it something how powerful effect all that Green propaganda has an effect on the stupid ? But Joey Goebells knew that….
( file to 77 brigade )
Isn’t it strange how they all hate Israel and all Jews as well ?
And fervently support those arch environmentalists… cough, the palestinians, with all their windfarms and net zero aspirations
(Net Zero Jews that is).