Only a couple of years after a deaf person won Strictly Come Dancing, a blind person has won.
I hear Tanni Grey Thomson is an odds on favourite to win the show next year.
Reminds me of that wonderful picture of a black Muslim woman in a wheelchair with a Gay Pride flag outside the Tardis portrayed as the next Dr Who.
‘How Tony Blair built a business empire in China ‘
‘Asia-Pacific: Blair heralds new ‘partnership’ with China’ ‘The UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Chinese counterpart, Zhu Rongji, say they have opened a new chapter in Anglo-Chinese relations and built a “comprehensive partnership”. ‘
Oh and let’s not forget Boris opened the door, very stealthily to no comment from the media that is now outraged about Prince Andrew, to hundreds of thousands of Chinese from ‘Hong Kong’…but who are they and where are they employed?
And of course the government was going to allow Chinese telecomms company Huawei to run the 5G phone network until the Americans banned them from theirs and our naive, stupid and greedy government had to follow suit…
‘The UK government has announced a series of measures to remove the Chinese phone-maker Huawei from the UK’s 5G mobile networks.
It will ban UK mobile providers from buying new Huawei 5G equipment after the end of this year and they will have to remove all of its 5G kit from their networks by 2027.
The government had previously said Huawei could be involved in the project but it changed its mind following growing security concerns about China.’
There is a concerted effort to discredit the Royal Family using this shocking, lol, spy saga….
‘Questions over Andrew’s judgement and finances raised again’ ‘The Duke of York has been dogged by questions about two overlapping problems – his judgement and his finances.
It is a reminder of how the royals can be targeted by those wanting to build links either for their own personal ambition or for a strategic political agenda. Getting close to the royals is seen as a way of getting influence.’
..but no concern about Charley boys [and the Foreign Office’s] close ties to the Arabs…it was all focussed on Andrew at first, a BBC journo telling us ‘we all think he is a hooray Henry buffoon’ who was too naive, stupid and greedy to understand that every Chinese person is a high risk to have in your circle….even though it seems this dodgy person was probably introduced to him via the political circuit. The Times is going for that narrative as well and even now tries to suggest the Royal Family is as bad as the Chinese Communist Party….maybe they should be having a look around their own offices and let us know how many employees they have with links to China…and what business dealings News International has…betting a lot.
The Prince Andrew story is in comparison a nothing story….probably replicated up and down the country in so many political offices, in businesses, in the media, in academia, in thinktanks etc. It is an open secret that China has massively infiltrated every aspect of this country’s systems to varying degrees of influence.
The real problem was the politicians who thought it was a good idea to transfer technology, industry and money to China enabling it to become such a dangerous power in the world….as said before Africa would have been a better bet…individual countries rather than a single one that could become a massive power…and economic development would have stopped the mass immigration in its tracks as potential migrants got good jobs in their own countries.
The Prince Andrew narrative is designed for clocking up ‘likes’ for the media…it knows he’s good news so to speak…..Nigal on 5Live admitted he’d deliberately try to enrage the ‘Gammons’ about race on his BBC programme in order to drive traffic…no irony the BBC today has story about a similar tactic being used on social media….a tactic long used by the MSM of course…
‘Winta is part of a growing group of online creators making ‘rage bait’ content, where the goal is simple: record videos, produce memes and write posts that make other users viscerally angry, then bask in the thousands, or even millions, of shares and likes.’
The BBC tells us…
‘The growth in rage baiting content has coincided with the major social media platforms paying creators more for their content.’
Noooo…as said, it’s a long established mainstream media technique to attract eyeballs and business….bad news and ‘controversy’ sells….it’s why debate programmes often host the most obnoxious and provocative people they can get…they want fireworks not measured and reasoned debate.
Andrew is a mere nothing in this story…the real story is the close ties the various governments made huge efforts to foster with China…then there’s the the Arab world’s massive influence…and on the back of that ‘Islam’….why are the likes of Saudia Arabia and Qatar allowed to fund a drive to Islamify Britain and to push the hardline Islamic beliefs here that they enforce back home with little pushback?
What about the thousands of Chinese students imported to fund our universities?
The BBC notes concern about some of them but basically glosses over them and says it is racism really…
‘China is the world’s biggest exporter and one of its most contentious exports of late is students. ‘ ‘There are about 144,000 in Britain according to the Higher Education Statistics Authority, a number that is up 50% in just five years. ‘
Finishing on….yes, some concerns…but they are so vibrant…
‘”They are treated as a faceless group that shares certain negative stereotypes,” she says.
“[But] they’re extremely heterogeneous, extremely diverse – they are very, very vibrant.” ‘
Is the BBC being naive and stupid…are the universities just being greedy?
“A dozen poor countries are facing economic instability and even collapse under the weight of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign loans, much of them from the world’s biggest and most unforgiving government lender, China.”
The BBC has been covering the first cousin marriage issue.
Snoozing away this morning I heard something about it on the news or newspaper review.
What the BBC have mysteriously failed to mention is the number of first cousins who are not actually in this country but the Indian subcontinent, a region which accounted for one third of all immigration in 2023.
In other words it’s just another conduit for mass immigration.
I wonder if they mentioned the financial strain on the NHS, Department of Education and the local council that deliberate inbreeding (let’s just call a garden digging implement a garden digging implement) causes?
I’ve seen pics and videos of entire broods rolling around trying to munch on their own shoulders.
I do have a heart (honest!) and it’s sad to see children like that.
However, we shouldn’t be encouraging it! The country is on its arse because of pandering to third world nonsense!
Can we at least not make certain communities think they’ll get millions of pounds of tax payers’ cash to pay for their deliberately inbred offspring?
If you fire love glue into your cousin or neice, you shouldn’t be expecting everyone else to pay the millions in special care your child will need. Not to mention, the parent (s) need to stay home and not work, to care for their offspring. More bennies needed then. Special chairlifts, beds, ramps all paid for by Mr Muggins the taxpayer.
Then, he goes and humps his cousin again and has his 5th child! What’s the worry? The magic honky money will pay for everything!
Yes, we should pay for and help disabled children, but not if they’re from deliberate inbreeding.
The parents should pay the millions needed themselves.
We never left the EU … “The Mail on Sunday reports, external Sir Keir Starmer is accused of forming what the paper calls ‘an EU surrender squad’ to reverse Brexit. It says ‘an all powerful’ team of more than 100 civil servants is being assembled to run the UK’s negotiations with Brussels. Critics are said to have warned that the prime minister could jettison many of the freedoms won by the 2016 Brexit vote – and instead, as the paper says, lash the UK to an EU superstate, returning Britain into a ‘rule-taker rather than rule-maker’. The government said there would be no return to the customs union, single market or freedom of movement.”
Curious that the EU has just negotiated a free trade deal with South American countries without demanding the right to steal their fish or the right to free movement into those countries.
‘An interpreter who worked for the Foreign Office for decades also ran a website accused of forming part of a global influence network pushing the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Chen Shirong was an interpreter for UK state visits by Chinese presidents dating as far back as 1999, sitting two places away from Xi Jinping at a 2015 lunch in Manchester at which David Cameron, then the prime minister, was present. He also worked as a journalist and commentator on Chinese affairs at the BBC World Service.‘
‘The UK does not have enough construction workers to build the 1.5 million homes the government has promised, industry leaders have warned.
Tens of thousands of new recruits are needed for bricklaying, groundworks and carpentry to get anywhere near the target, they told the BBC.
The Home Builders Federation (HBF), along with the UK’s largest housebuilder Barratt Redrow said skills shortages, ageing workers and Brexit were some of the factors behind the shrinking workforce.
Skills shortages have been an issue in the UK for some time, but the gap had been partially plugged in recent decades with workers from the European Union – a recruitment pool which has dried up after freedom of movement ended as a result of Brexit. ‘
Oh…hang on…
‘The HBF said 40 to 50% of skilled workers had also left the industry following the 2008 financial crash and “restrictions” had made it harder to recruit from overseas.’
Maybe they should sort their industry out themselves..seems the building industry is failing to recruit and train people here and wants to rely on cheap, imported labour. It’s the industry not Brexit that is the problem.
Hmmm…so millions of migrants have come here in huge waves since Brexit and yet there are no builders? Maybe we’re importing the wrong sort of migrant.
The BBC just keeps on pushing the narrative that we need more and more workers…no deeper thoughts on the problems that such a policy entails….and of course all these new builders need homes themselves. It just compounds the problem.
Georgia..where pro-EU types refuse to accept the result of the election and demand a new one and the EU stooge president refuses to leave Office.
Nothing to see here says the BBC…no insurrection, no riots, no ‘threat to democracy’…that’ll just be Trump then…. never mind Clinton and the Democrats never accepted the 2016 result and did everything they could to overturn it…nothing to see there either apparently.
“Everyone in this Government really wants to rejoin the EU one day. Only public opinion is stopping them. So they are trying to act in secrecy and conceal their plans to align with EU rules, to bring back EU law and to give away our fishing grounds, by calling all this just a “reset”.
“An all-powerful team of more than 100 civil servants is being assembled to run the UK’s negotiations with Brussels – with insiders claiming its purpose is to negate the historic 2016 vote to leave the EU.
Last night, critics warned that the Prime Minister was on the brink of jettisoning the freedoms and opportunities of Brexit to permanently lash the UK to an EU superstate, and return us to the role of rule-taker rather than rule-maker.
Ahead of any talks for closer UK-EU trade ties, Brussels is expected to demand freedom of movement for young people, an acceptance of EU laws and the continued right for the European nations to fish in British waters beyond 2026.
Insiders say the new team, to be established in the heart of the Cabinet Office, will aim to ensure that any concessions yielded to Brussels will be almost impossible to undo by a future Tory government.”
Yep…as far as I can see the EU seeking to rob our fish again and send in their cultural ambassadors to our towns and cities is a story missing on the BBC….as is the one about French farmers preparing to create havoc after an EU trade deal with South America….
‘European farmers have threatened to blockade supermarket deliveries and leave shelves bare as part of their biggest tractor protests against the EU yet.
They are furious after Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, announced a free trade agreement with the Mercosur trading bloc of South American countries.’
The BBC did its best to downplay the farmer’s protests here as a favour to Labour and now look like ignoring the French farmers until it all kicks off…probably not want to reveal all is not rosy in the EU….just as they did when Dutch farmers protested…BBC ignored it for ages…because it was about the damage climate change policies were doing…can’t possibly let the people know about that….green policies are absolutely vital to us and must not be questioned!
You can definitely trust the BBC….to shape and manipulate the news to present a favoured narrative.
The BBC has spent years telling us how wonderful the yoof is and how tolerant they are of gayness etc…it’s the old dinosaurs who are the problem and uneducated, bigoted cultural backwater communities…..we all knew that’s a lie or rather a delusion on the BBC’s part….you can’t force people to like something…you can have the sinister NCHIs all you like but you can’t stop people thinking.
All that BBC propaganda promoting LGBTQ++++ telling us we must love the LGBTQ+ers….and it’s all a huge waste…but they still peddle it…still push the trans stuff even in this story.
‘Ed Miliband and his Ministers have repeatedly said the NESO report proves that Labour’s plans will lower energy bills.
Yesterday, the CEO of NESO directly rebutted those claims.
Will Ministers admit they’ve misled the House and correct the record?’
I’m sure the BBC is all over this…somewhere.
The BBC, which holds power to account appartently, loved to berate Boris & Co for anything they got wrong in statements to Parliament…the BBC happily labelling him a ‘liar’. Not so keen to skewer Labour’s finest…and let’s not talk about their manifesto and subsequent dumping of that.
Let’s just look at Miliband’s promise that his green Stalinism would save us money….claiming the ‘independent’ NESO said as much…turns out it’s not independent [owned by the government] and it didn’t say we’d save money…stating that that is a political decision…ie policy…ie Miliband…
Curious that the BBC is so uninterested in such an egregious lie by Miliband on such a crucial issue given the billions Miliband wants to spend on this and the effects it will have…not just the cost of energy for us but the cost to the environment and jobs.
murder investigation is underway following a horrific triple shooting on Gifford Road, Harlesden, that left one woman dead and two injured on Saturday night, just before 9 PM.
Look – I don’t know about you – Marxists destroying the UK – chinks infiltrating the woke royals – mystery drones – what about ‘Greg ‘ – surely some other ‘lady ‘ must suddenly £remember £ he said something Peckham saucy 20 years ago – and that al fayed – where’s he gone … ?
I wonder sometimes if we need a news ‘roundup ‘ of stuff that gets missed ….tricky in the UK because it’s all ‘secret ‘ and we just accept getting spoon fed … but in the states ….
The federal government is to be audited from 20 January – and lots of Obama Biden mafia are shredding and deleting ….
The Obama Biden mafia is selling off bits of the southern border wall at knock down prices to make it as difficult and expensive for the Trump Regime to restart it . I guess Elon will be on the case …
Them drones causing lots of worry and dark things being predicted as ever …
… here it seemsTTK has a gang of remainer civil servants scheming to get back into the reich EU bit by bit ( we never left ) ….
Major Saudi Arabia oil facilities hit by Houthi drone strikes
This article is more than 5 years old
Yemen’s rebel movement says it launched strikes that sparked huge fire at processing facility
She wants an eco friendly funeral. Basically no coffin, wrapped in a cloth and buried at a depth of only 3ft instead of 6ft.
The BBC admit themselves that the reason for the 6ft depth is due to disease being potentially released (Black Death they say…but is it actually safe to bury at 3ft? Seems the BBC don’t bother to ask or find out. Surely not because the answer might not suit their narrative?
She seems perfectly sane. Made her very much alive friend a ‘burial shroud’. Imagine getting a coffin for Christmas?
Some friend lol.
She’s also a ‘Death Duola’ (a nutcase, I think it means?)
I did a Google to see how Islam buries its dead.
“Optimally, the graves should be dug deep enough that an adult man could stand in it with his arms raised upwards, and wide enough for the body to be comfortably placed in it. The minimum is that it conceals the odour of the body and that the body is protected from being dug up by animals.”
And I’m sure wildlife won’t smell her rotting corpse, (no embalming fluid allowed btw) and dig her up? At just 3ft from the surface and not in a coffin, I have a feeling the local wildlife will really love her idea.
Imagine her grandkids going to visit her grave, only for them to find some badgers tossing her rotting limbs about?
For fans of head shaking and eye rolling – it looks like the New year honours will be vintage trash
The emir of londonistan – and sir Gareth Southgate … a country which rewards failure ….dread to think what the political gongs will look like for blue red Party types …. Maybe sir alistair Campbell …. Popcorn …. Might need a bit of colour though …. I suppose Rishi will get something – if only for ensuring the Marxists took over 6 months before time ….
If he’d spent more time worrying about tactics, taking penalties and strategy, instead of being the team’s (and nation’s)
woke social worker, England might’ve actually won something. Well they did have the best set of players they’d had in decades.
But at least they got to go on (and on) about BLM, homosexuals and how racist all white English folk are. And that’s what really matters, right?
Was good to see him and his players tie themselves in knots over going to Qatar though!
‘Woke’ is fine until it affects their careers and cashflow.
Im trying to think of others who are high profile – never deserve a gong – but will get one . I suppose that character who run companies exploiting Green crap and is a ‘labour supporter ‘ must be due something if he ain’t already got one …
Plot: Bilal flies over to Pakistan to marry his first cousin, Fatima and much hilarity ensues.
Laugh, as Fatima manages to bring over 17 family members, most of whom don’t speak a word of English.
Chuckle, as the local Citizen’s Advice worker, Saleema, helps them claim every penny possible and get bumped up the local council housing waiting list.
Guffaw, as the happy couple celebrate their ninth child. He too needs a spot on the little green bus in the morning.
Giggle, as the local council and tax payer pays out its millionth pound of the year in taking care of the offspring.
Be amazed, as they get care workers to be at their home on a rota basis to take care of their children, as they settle down to watch Sky Sports all day.
Point and laugh as the camera pans to the homeless, elderly white Brits on our streets over Christmas, freezing to death in their tents.
Lazy – how about ‘the benefits show ‘ – where a series of people who have worked all their lives – paid tax and NI have just above the threshold ( perhaps £1) where they get nothing from their country in return ….
… With someone who has never worked – has always had ‘special needs ‘- always on benefits from before birth … and how they want more…
BTW – someone who runs a recruitment firm says jobs have dried up at the same time the Marxists took over and predicts a recession …we can be certain if we are still about at the end of 2025 conditions will have generally got worse …
More murder and another article hiding the details about who was shooting and who got shot. Sadly that only means one thing in this racist society the Left have created. A certain group are being protected from blame until it’s not news any more.
While seeing what I could find out about it with google, I found a roughly similar story:
Life term for boy who shot mum dead through door
I didn’t see this at all on the main news page.
The original article BBC was a year ago and it was the usual ‘basic information only’ 6 sentence affair and all we got told was:
‘A 16-year-old boy has been charged with the murder of a woman who was shot in Hackney, east London.’
And now – a full year later – a Judge has decided he can be identified. Here he is. Drum roll please ….
I think we can safely assume this murder is just more of the same ‘enrichment’ of our society the BBC keep telling us about.
The argument liberals make is that we would be putting our confidence in a stats which might not be too just in who it kills .
I see that as one of those limp arguments so often rolled out . Personally I’d kill most of them – if only to save money on prison places and hopefully concentrate the ‘minds ‘ of the ferals … and to bring a bit to real justice …
“!!!Sold Out!!!!
Saturday, 18 January
An Evening with The Quran
Spend a day immersing yourself in the beauty and wisdom of the Quran – join us for a memorable and enriching experience!”
“Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing…. Barry Gardiner received the donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee – mainly to cover staffing costs in his office – over a period of six years, and employed her son as his diary manager.”
MPs hail ‘most diverse’ Tory leadership race ever as Jeremy Hunt’s Chinese wedding pictures revealed
How do I predict that the red commons speaker will crush any attempt to raise the china security breaches ( who cares ) – the security threat from china is nothing compared to the invasion – and the Trump regime will distance itself from the UK if it has any sense … ‘5 eyes ‘ might be reduced a bit …. ( 77 brigade to note ) …
Women like to play with guns too ?
Like this woman in Lincoln
ITV news “A woman has been charged with firearms offences after armed police raided a house in Lincoln.”
“Zoe Watts, 38, has been charged with possessing a firearm while banned from doing so, possession of a firearm without a certificate and manufacturing a firearm.”
What do you reckon ???
What do you imagine SHE looks like ?
Which scheme do our barking-mad marxists choose? Yep let us try the experimental one that costs a fortune, will consume massive amounts of energy (to compress the CO2), with a debatable benefit.
“one of the tanks fired on him directly…..
But some eyewitnesses say Dr Joudeh was shot by a drone.”
Fair play if Israelis have now got guns on drones, thought there was recoil difficulties or something.
Can we have a history lesson, for anyone that doesn’t know:
“On 7 October last year, Hamas launched an attack in southern Israel killing 1,200 people and taking 251 hostages.”
“So far, at least 44,875 people have been killed and more than 100,000 injured – mostly civilians, the Hamas-run health ministry says. The UN regards these figures as reliable.”
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes..
BBC can we end the article with a men and boy rubble inspection team milling around, please?
Whilst Mrs V was listening to Classic FM this morning, up pops an advert for Medicine sans Frontiers. Some female anaesthetist was panhandling for money to support her cause. She starts off by saying she got involved with MsF after the tsunami struck Indonesia, then the war in Sudan, then onto Palestine and Syria. Can anyone spot the theme running through the places she worked. Answers on a fag packet, if you can find one.
Imagine a Western European country being so overtly anti Israel that Israel closes its’ embassy . That’s the Republic of Ireland – which has a sad record of backing the wrong side – shameful neutrality in the Second World War . And a PM who paid his respects and sympathies when hitler allegedly topped himself ….
I can’t see President Trump having Ireland on his Christmas card list ….
“Boy, 2, dies in hit-and-run crash with stolen car”
‘Detectives said the driver of the Porsche, which had been stolen earlier in December, fled the scene.
Det Sgt Paul Hughes, from the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said:
“I would urge the driver of the Porsche to do the right thing and come and talk to us.” ‘
Why don’t you do the right thing and issue a description.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Only a couple of years after a deaf person won Strictly Come Dancing, a blind person has won.
I hear Tanni Grey Thomson is an odds on favourite to win the show next year.
Reminds me of that wonderful picture of a black Muslim woman in a wheelchair with a Gay Pride flag outside the Tardis portrayed as the next Dr Who.
As we watched the first episode I said I don’t know why the others bother we all know who’s going to win.
Like most things nowadays.
I remember watching that murder ‘mystery’ series, ‘The Night Of’.
Came highly recommend. A classic ‘whodunnit’ they said. Pffft
I worked out who the killer was early in episode one.
I’d say ‘spoiler alert’, but only a sub 60 IQ type wouldn’t work out who the killer was pretty quickly.
Yes, you see, it seems ‘for certain’ a Muslim type is the killer early on. All the evidence points to him.
However, a straight white male character, seemingly on the fringes of the story, makes a slightly racist and sexist comment.
“There’s your killer. Might as well turn it off now,” says I. Mrs sighs, but she’s not daft either. She stuck with it to the end…and yes…
Well, I was right.
Sluff – that picture is hard to find – not coming up in usual search
‘How Tony Blair built a business empire in China ‘
‘Asia-Pacific: Blair heralds new ‘partnership’ with China’
‘The UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Chinese counterpart, Zhu Rongji, say they have opened a new chapter in Anglo-Chinese relations and built a “comprehensive partnership”. ‘
Oh and let’s not forget Boris opened the door, very stealthily to no comment from the media that is now outraged about Prince Andrew, to hundreds of thousands of Chinese from ‘Hong Kong’…but who are they and where are they employed?
And of course the government was going to allow Chinese telecomms company Huawei to run the 5G phone network until the Americans banned them from theirs and our naive, stupid and greedy government had to follow suit…
‘The UK government has announced a series of measures to remove the Chinese phone-maker Huawei from the UK’s 5G mobile networks.
It will ban UK mobile providers from buying new Huawei 5G equipment after the end of this year and they will have to remove all of its 5G kit from their networks by 2027.
The government had previously said Huawei could be involved in the project but it changed its mind following growing security concerns about China.’
There is a concerted effort to discredit the Royal Family using this shocking, lol, spy saga….
‘Questions over Andrew’s judgement and finances raised again’
‘The Duke of York has been dogged by questions about two overlapping problems – his judgement and his finances.
It is a reminder of how the royals can be targeted by those wanting to build links either for their own personal ambition or for a strategic political agenda. Getting close to the royals is seen as a way of getting influence.’
..but no concern about Charley boys [and the Foreign Office’s] close ties to the Arabs…it was all focussed on Andrew at first, a BBC journo telling us ‘we all think he is a hooray Henry buffoon’ who was too naive, stupid and greedy to understand that every Chinese person is a high risk to have in your circle….even though it seems this dodgy person was probably introduced to him via the political circuit. The Times is going for that narrative as well and even now tries to suggest the Royal Family is as bad as the Chinese Communist Party….maybe they should be having a look around their own offices and let us know how many employees they have with links to China…and what business dealings News International has…betting a lot.
The Prince Andrew story is in comparison a nothing story….probably replicated up and down the country in so many political offices, in businesses, in the media, in academia, in thinktanks etc. It is an open secret that China has massively infiltrated every aspect of this country’s systems to varying degrees of influence.
The real problem was the politicians who thought it was a good idea to transfer technology, industry and money to China enabling it to become such a dangerous power in the world….as said before Africa would have been a better bet…individual countries rather than a single one that could become a massive power…and economic development would have stopped the mass immigration in its tracks as potential migrants got good jobs in their own countries.
The Prince Andrew narrative is designed for clocking up ‘likes’ for the media…it knows he’s good news so to speak…..Nigal on 5Live admitted he’d deliberately try to enrage the ‘Gammons’ about race on his BBC programme in order to drive traffic…no irony the BBC today has story about a similar tactic being used on social media….a tactic long used by the MSM of course…
‘Winta is part of a growing group of online creators making ‘rage bait’ content, where the goal is simple: record videos, produce memes and write posts that make other users viscerally angry, then bask in the thousands, or even millions, of shares and likes.’
The BBC tells us…
‘The growth in rage baiting content has coincided with the major social media platforms paying creators more for their content.’
Noooo…as said, it’s a long established mainstream media technique to attract eyeballs and business….bad news and ‘controversy’ sells….it’s why debate programmes often host the most obnoxious and provocative people they can get…they want fireworks not measured and reasoned debate.
Andrew is a mere nothing in this story…the real story is the close ties the various governments made huge efforts to foster with China…then there’s the the Arab world’s massive influence…and on the back of that ‘Islam’….why are the likes of Saudia Arabia and Qatar allowed to fund a drive to Islamify Britain and to push the hardline Islamic beliefs here that they enforce back home with little pushback?
What about the thousands of Chinese students imported to fund our universities?
The BBC notes concern about some of them but basically glosses over them and says it is racism really…
‘China is the world’s biggest exporter and one of its most contentious exports of late is students. ‘
‘There are about 144,000 in Britain according to the Higher Education Statistics Authority, a number that is up 50% in just five years. ‘
Finishing on….yes, some concerns…but they are so vibrant…
‘”They are treated as a faceless group that shares certain negative stereotypes,” she says.
“[But] they’re extremely heterogeneous, extremely diverse – they are very, very vibrant.” ‘
Is the BBC being naive and stupid…are the universities just being greedy?
“A dozen poor countries are facing economic instability and even collapse under the weight of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign loans, much of them from the world’s biggest and most unforgiving government lender, China.”
The BBC has been covering the first cousin marriage issue.
Snoozing away this morning I heard something about it on the news or newspaper review.
What the BBC have mysteriously failed to mention is the number of first cousins who are not actually in this country but the Indian subcontinent, a region which accounted for one third of all immigration in 2023.
In other words it’s just another conduit for mass immigration.
Braford city of UK future culture**
** Salman Rushdie statue?
Osama Bin Laden more likely.
I wonder if they mentioned the financial strain on the NHS, Department of Education and the local council that deliberate inbreeding (let’s just call a garden digging implement a garden digging implement) causes?
I’ve seen pics and videos of entire broods rolling around trying to munch on their own shoulders.
I do have a heart (honest!) and it’s sad to see children like that.
However, we shouldn’t be encouraging it! The country is on its arse because of pandering to third world nonsense!
Can we at least not make certain communities think they’ll get millions of pounds of tax payers’ cash to pay for their deliberately inbred offspring?
If you fire love glue into your cousin or neice, you shouldn’t be expecting everyone else to pay the millions in special care your child will need. Not to mention, the parent (s) need to stay home and not work, to care for their offspring. More bennies needed then. Special chairlifts, beds, ramps all paid for by Mr Muggins the taxpayer.
Then, he goes and humps his cousin again and has his 5th child! What’s the worry? The magic honky money will pay for everything!
Yes, we should pay for and help disabled children, but not if they’re from deliberate inbreeding.
The parents should pay the millions needed themselves.
It’s a ridiculous state of affairs.
We never left the EU … “The Mail on Sunday reports, external Sir Keir Starmer is accused of forming what the paper calls ‘an EU surrender squad’ to reverse Brexit. It says ‘an all powerful’ team of more than 100 civil servants is being assembled to run the UK’s negotiations with Brussels. Critics are said to have warned that the prime minister could jettison many of the freedoms won by the 2016 Brexit vote – and instead, as the paper says, lash the UK to an EU superstate, returning Britain into a ‘rule-taker rather than rule-maker’. The government said there would be no return to the customs union, single market or freedom of movement.”
Curious that the EU has just negotiated a free trade deal with South American countries without demanding the right to steal their fish or the right to free movement into those countries.
‘An interpreter who worked for the Foreign Office for decades also ran a website accused of forming part of a global influence network pushing the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Chen Shirong was an interpreter for UK state visits by Chinese presidents dating as far back as 1999, sitting two places away from Xi Jinping at a 2015 lunch in Manchester at which David Cameron, then the prime minister, was present. He also worked as a journalist and commentator on Chinese affairs at the BBC World Service.‘
Ah yes…Brexit…the cause of all our problems…
‘The UK does not have enough construction workers to build the 1.5 million homes the government has promised, industry leaders have warned.
Tens of thousands of new recruits are needed for bricklaying, groundworks and carpentry to get anywhere near the target, they told the BBC.
The Home Builders Federation (HBF), along with the UK’s largest housebuilder Barratt Redrow said skills shortages, ageing workers and Brexit were some of the factors behind the shrinking workforce.
Skills shortages have been an issue in the UK for some time, but the gap had been partially plugged in recent decades with workers from the European Union – a recruitment pool which has dried up after freedom of movement ended as a result of Brexit. ‘
Oh…hang on…
‘The HBF said 40 to 50% of skilled workers had also left the industry following the 2008 financial crash and “restrictions” had made it harder to recruit from overseas.’
Maybe they should sort their industry out themselves..seems the building industry is failing to recruit and train people here and wants to rely on cheap, imported labour. It’s the industry not Brexit that is the problem.
Hmmm…so millions of migrants have come here in huge waves since Brexit and yet there are no builders? Maybe we’re importing the wrong sort of migrant.
The BBC just keeps on pushing the narrative that we need more and more workers…no deeper thoughts on the problems that such a policy entails….and of course all these new builders need homes themselves. It just compounds the problem.
Georgia..where pro-EU types refuse to accept the result of the election and demand a new one and the EU stooge president refuses to leave Office.
Nothing to see here says the BBC…no insurrection, no riots, no ‘threat to democracy’…that’ll just be Trump then…. never mind Clinton and the Democrats never accepted the 2016 result and did everything they could to overturn it…nothing to see there either apparently.
Anti democracy Nazis ?
Further to the story above:
“Everyone in this Government really wants to rejoin the EU one day. Only public opinion is stopping them. So they are trying to act in secrecy and conceal their plans to align with EU rules, to bring back EU law and to give away our fishing grounds, by calling all this just a “reset”.
“An all-powerful team of more than 100 civil servants is being assembled to run the UK’s negotiations with Brussels – with insiders claiming its purpose is to negate the historic 2016 vote to leave the EU.
Last night, critics warned that the Prime Minister was on the brink of jettisoning the freedoms and opportunities of Brexit to permanently lash the UK to an EU superstate, and return us to the role of rule-taker rather than rule-maker.
Ahead of any talks for closer UK-EU trade ties, Brussels is expected to demand freedom of movement for young people, an acceptance of EU laws and the continued right for the European nations to fish in British waters beyond 2026.
Insiders say the new team, to be established in the heart of the Cabinet Office, will aim to ensure that any concessions yielded to Brussels will be almost impossible to undo by a future Tory government.”
Yep…as far as I can see the EU seeking to rob our fish again and send in their cultural ambassadors to our towns and cities is a story missing on the BBC….as is the one about French farmers preparing to create havoc after an EU trade deal with South America….
‘European farmers have threatened to blockade supermarket deliveries and leave shelves bare as part of their biggest tractor protests against the EU yet.
They are furious after Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, announced a free trade agreement with the Mercosur trading bloc of South American countries.’
The BBC did its best to downplay the farmer’s protests here as a favour to Labour and now look like ignoring the French farmers until it all kicks off…probably not want to reveal all is not rosy in the EU….just as they did when Dutch farmers protested…BBC ignored it for ages…because it was about the damage climate change policies were doing…can’t possibly let the people know about that….green policies are absolutely vital to us and must not be questioned!
You can definitely trust the BBC….to shape and manipulate the news to present a favoured narrative.
Shouldn’t laugh really but…..
‘Huge resurgence in homophobic insults in schools’
The BBC has spent years telling us how wonderful the yoof is and how tolerant they are of gayness etc…it’s the old dinosaurs who are the problem and uneducated, bigoted cultural backwater communities…..we all knew that’s a lie or rather a delusion on the BBC’s part….you can’t force people to like something…you can have the sinister NCHIs all you like but you can’t stop people thinking.
All that BBC propaganda promoting LGBTQ++++ telling us we must love the LGBTQ+ers….and it’s all a huge waste…but they still peddle it…still push the trans stuff even in this story.
‘Ed Miliband and his Ministers have repeatedly said the NESO report proves that Labour’s plans will lower energy bills.
Yesterday, the CEO of NESO directly rebutted those claims.
Will Ministers admit they’ve misled the House and correct the record?’
I’m sure the BBC is all over this…somewhere.
The BBC, which holds power to account appartently, loved to berate Boris & Co for anything they got wrong in statements to Parliament…the BBC happily labelling him a ‘liar’. Not so keen to skewer Labour’s finest…and let’s not talk about their manifesto and subsequent dumping of that.
Let’s just look at Miliband’s promise that his green Stalinism would save us money….claiming the ‘independent’ NESO said as much…turns out it’s not independent [owned by the government] and it didn’t say we’d save money…stating that that is a political decision…ie policy…ie Miliband…
Curious that the BBC is so uninterested in such an egregious lie by Miliband on such a crucial issue given the billions Miliband wants to spend on this and the effects it will have…not just the cost of energy for us but the cost to the environment and jobs.
Always change the Twitter image size to “small” or “medium” ..number sizes don’t work here
Reader can always right click to select Open Image in new tab .. to get a bigger view
murder investigation is underway following a horrific triple shooting on Gifford Road, Harlesden, that left one woman dead and two injured on Saturday night, just before 9 PM.
..she was probably a bystander
Look – I don’t know about you – Marxists destroying the UK – chinks infiltrating the woke royals – mystery drones – what about ‘Greg ‘ – surely some other ‘lady ‘ must suddenly £remember £ he said something Peckham saucy 20 years ago – and that al fayed – where’s he gone … ?
I wonder sometimes if we need a news ‘roundup ‘ of stuff that gets missed ….tricky in the UK because it’s all ‘secret ‘ and we just accept getting spoon fed … but in the states ….
The federal government is to be audited from 20 January – and lots of Obama Biden mafia are shredding and deleting ….
The Obama Biden mafia is selling off bits of the southern border wall at knock down prices to make it as difficult and expensive for the Trump Regime to restart it . I guess Elon will be on the case …
Them drones causing lots of worry and dark things being predicted as ever …
… here it seemsTTK has a gang of remainer civil servants scheming to get back into the reich EU bit by bit ( we never left ) ….
Major Saudi Arabia oil facilities hit by Houthi drone strikes
This article is more than 5 years old
Yemen’s rebel movement says it launched strikes that sparked huge fire at processing facility
A military spokesman for Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the strikes, saying 10 drones had been deployed in the attack.
The first appeared to be off-the-shelf, hobby-kit-style drones, but later versions have been nearly identical to Iranian models.
The BBC love themselves a loony harridan.
She wants an eco friendly funeral. Basically no coffin, wrapped in a cloth and buried at a depth of only 3ft instead of 6ft.
The BBC admit themselves that the reason for the 6ft depth is due to disease being potentially released (Black Death they say…but is it actually safe to bury at 3ft? Seems the BBC don’t bother to ask or find out. Surely not because the answer might not suit their narrative?
She seems perfectly sane. Made her very much alive friend a ‘burial shroud’. Imagine getting a coffin for Christmas?
Some friend lol.
She’s also a ‘Death Duola’ (a nutcase, I think it means?)
I did a Google to see how Islam buries its dead.
“Optimally, the graves should be dug deep enough that an adult man could stand in it with his arms raised upwards, and wide enough for the body to be comfortably placed in it. The minimum is that it conceals the odour of the body and that the body is protected from being dug up by animals.”
That seems even more eco unfriendly than what she’s complaining about (Christian burials).
I bet she doesn’t say a fluffing word about that though!
And I’m sure wildlife won’t smell her rotting corpse, (no embalming fluid allowed btw) and dig her up? At just 3ft from the surface and not in a coffin, I have a feeling the local wildlife will really love her idea.
Imagine her grandkids going to visit her grave, only for them to find some badgers tossing her rotting limbs about?
I bet there’s a law ….
Indeed. The BBC ‘journalist’ should’ve checked this, surely?
The answer might not suit the narrative though, so they didn’t even bother.
A Zoroastrian burial would be perfect for loony harridans
The local foxes will love it.
For fans of head shaking and eye rolling – it looks like the New year honours will be vintage trash
The emir of londonistan – and sir Gareth Southgate … a country which rewards failure ….dread to think what the political gongs will look like for blue red Party types …. Maybe sir alistair Campbell …. Popcorn …. Might need a bit of colour though …. I suppose Rishi will get something – if only for ensuring the Marxists took over 6 months before time ….
Ah Southgate.
If he’d spent more time worrying about tactics, taking penalties and strategy, instead of being the team’s (and nation’s)
woke social worker, England might’ve actually won something. Well they did have the best set of players they’d had in decades.
But at least they got to go on (and on) about BLM, homosexuals and how racist all white English folk are. And that’s what really matters, right?
Was good to see him and his players tie themselves in knots over going to Qatar though!
‘Woke’ is fine until it affects their careers and cashflow.
Most of the recipients that get awards (and I usually pay know very few, if any) should have a large W branded on their forehead.
Im trying to think of others who are high profile – never deserve a gong – but will get one . I suppose that character who run companies exploiting Green crap and is a ‘labour supporter ‘ must be due something if he ain’t already got one …
Pizza Hut | Gareth Southgate (1996)
I’m channelling my inner Alan Partridge.
Idea for BBC sitcom, ‘Keep it in the Family.’.
Plot: Bilal flies over to Pakistan to marry his first cousin, Fatima and much hilarity ensues.
Laugh, as Fatima manages to bring over 17 family members, most of whom don’t speak a word of English.
Chuckle, as the local Citizen’s Advice worker, Saleema, helps them claim every penny possible and get bumped up the local council housing waiting list.
Guffaw, as the happy couple celebrate their ninth child. He too needs a spot on the little green bus in the morning.
Giggle, as the local council and tax payer pays out its millionth pound of the year in taking care of the offspring.
Be amazed, as they get care workers to be at their home on a rota basis to take care of their children, as they settle down to watch Sky Sports all day.
Point and laugh as the camera pans to the homeless, elderly white Brits on our streets over Christmas, freezing to death in their tents.
All fictional, obviously.
Lazy – how about ‘the benefits show ‘ – where a series of people who have worked all their lives – paid tax and NI have just above the threshold ( perhaps £1) where they get nothing from their country in return ….
… With someone who has never worked – has always had ‘special needs ‘- always on benefits from before birth … and how they want more…
BTW – someone who runs a recruitment firm says jobs have dried up at the same time the Marxists took over and predicts a recession …we can be certain if we are still about at the end of 2025 conditions will have generally got worse …
14 years of tory neglect wrapped up in 6 months under Labour!
Woman killed and two injured in London shooting
More murder and another article hiding the details about who was shooting and who got shot. Sadly that only means one thing in this racist society the Left have created. A certain group are being protected from blame until it’s not news any more.
While seeing what I could find out about it with google, I found a roughly similar story:
Life term for boy who shot mum dead through door
I didn’t see this at all on the main news page.
The original article BBC was a year ago and it was the usual ‘basic information only’ 6 sentence affair and all we got told was:
‘A 16-year-old boy has been charged with the murder of a woman who was shot in Hackney, east London.’
And now – a full year later – a Judge has decided he can be identified. Here he is. Drum roll please ….

I think we can safely assume this murder is just more of the same ‘enrichment’ of our society the BBC keep telling us about.
I just cannot see what is wrong with the noose for scum like this. It might help deter a few other gangstas.
The argument liberals make is that we would be putting our confidence in a stats which might not be too just in who it kills .
I see that as one of those limp arguments so often rolled out . Personally I’d kill most of them – if only to save money on prison places and hopefully concentrate the ‘minds ‘ of the ferals … and to bring a bit to real justice …
Seeing more promotions of things like this…
“!!!Sold Out!!!!
Saturday, 18 January
An Evening with The Quran
Spend a day immersing yourself in the beauty and wisdom of the Quran – join us for a memorable and enriching experience!”
The City of Leicester College
Does it start with …”Mohammed so loved kids he married one aged 6!”
Philp Says He’s “Deeply Concerned” by China’s Infiltration in the UK
“Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing…. Barry Gardiner received the donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee – mainly to cover staffing costs in his office – over a period of six years, and employed her son as his diary manager.”
MPs hail ‘most diverse’ Tory leadership race ever as Jeremy Hunt’s Chinese wedding pictures revealed
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
How do I predict that the red commons speaker will crush any attempt to raise the china security breaches ( who cares ) – the security threat from china is nothing compared to the invasion – and the Trump regime will distance itself from the UK if it has any sense … ‘5 eyes ‘ might be reduced a bit …. ( 77 brigade to note ) …
Women like to play with guns too ?
Like this woman in Lincoln
ITV news “A woman has been charged with firearms offences after armed police raided a house in Lincoln.”
“Zoe Watts, 38, has been charged with possessing a firearm while banned from doing so, possession of a firearm without a certificate and manufacturing a firearm.”
What do you reckon ???
What do you imagine SHE looks like ?
I’ll make damned sure that she keeps her horny, hairy hands off MY little derringer!
Fancy working for @BBC?
No. That said, as an older, straight, white male, that is likely wise.
Well for once that promo is not dominated by black faces
all four faces were white
No young white male though
Consider two different proposals:
1) For a modest investment which will make a large contribution to UK energy using tried and tested technology:
2) Then the other scheme which will consume vast amounts of energy will be very expensive and is untested technology:
Which scheme do our barking-mad marxists choose? Yep let us try the experimental one that costs a fortune, will consume massive amounts of energy (to compress the CO2), with a debatable benefit.
Take a bow mad-ed, Der Starmer etc etc.
“Last bone surgeon in northern Gaza killed, Palestinians say”
Tell someone who cares.
“one of the tanks fired on him directly…..
But some eyewitnesses say Dr Joudeh was shot by a drone.”
Fair play if Israelis have now got guns on drones, thought there was recoil difficulties or something.
Can we have a history lesson, for anyone that doesn’t know:
“On 7 October last year, Hamas launched an attack in southern Israel killing 1,200 people and taking 251 hostages.”
“So far, at least 44,875 people have been killed and more than 100,000 injured – mostly civilians, the Hamas-run health ministry says. The UN regards these figures as reliable.”
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes..
BBC can we end the article with a men and boy rubble inspection team milling around, please?
Whilst Mrs V was listening to Classic FM this morning, up pops an advert for Medicine sans Frontiers. Some female anaesthetist was panhandling for money to support her cause. She starts off by saying she got involved with MsF after the tsunami struck Indonesia, then the war in Sudan, then onto Palestine and Syria. Can anyone spot the theme running through the places she worked. Answers on a fag packet, if you can find one.
It was a tad windy round here last week. I didn’t see her about.
Imagine a Western European country being so overtly anti Israel that Israel closes its’ embassy . That’s the Republic of Ireland – which has a sad record of backing the wrong side – shameful neutrality in the Second World War . And a PM who paid his respects and sympathies when hitler allegedly topped himself ….
I can’t see President Trump having Ireland on his Christmas card list ….
“Boy, 2, dies in hit-and-run crash with stolen car”
‘Detectives said the driver of the Porsche, which had been stolen earlier in December, fled the scene.
Det Sgt Paul Hughes, from the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said:
“I would urge the driver of the Porsche to do the right thing and come and talk to us.” ‘
Why don’t you do the right thing and issue a description.
Freezing this Christmas – By Starmer and the Granny Harmers:
With apologies if this has already been linked.