426 Responses to Midweek 18th December 2024

  1. Lazy Cat says:

    From the BBC website today.

    “Abdelali Dallal is sentenced to eight years, but walks free today due to medical issues and will need to placed in a special jail, according to the judge.

    The 47-year-old is one of the few men who pleaded guilty, admitting he knew at the time that Gisèle Pelicot was given sleeping pills.”

    Oh so he’s one of the good ones then, BBC?


    “Hassan Ouamou receives 12 years. The 30-year-old is currently on the run in Morocco. He has told investigators he has no intention of returning to France.”

    Funny how they suddenly don’t have a problem leaving Honkyland when they’re charged and sentenced for a crime.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Hassan Ouamou receives 12 years. ” how can he receive anything if he is not there to get it?


    • Eddy Booth says:

      “Hassan Ouamou receives 12 years. The 30-year-old is currently on the run in Morocco. He has told investigators he has no intention of returning to France.”

      So hows that work in france?
      Roman Polanski lives there un-extraditable for his pedo rape in USA.
      So they don’t bother trying to get foreign criminals returned either?


      • MarkyMark says:

        “For 31 years he lived as the world’s most celebrated fugitive, feted by his peers in the film industry while on the run from American police after admitting having sex with a child.

        But, it was revealed today, the past has finally caught up with Roman Polanski. The film director was arrested in Switzerland on Saturday on a decades-old warrant relating to the rape of a 13-year-old girl in 1977.


        If only he had made it to Iraq in 2024?!


  2. Lazy Cat says:

    Although I will say this.

    All these lefty (white) middle class feminists out on the streets of France today are hypocrites. I fully expect our own purple-haired man haters to do the same shortly.

    They’re only out because the main perpetrator and the vast majority of his accomplices are white males.

    Had the main guy been black or brown, not one of these harridans would be out on the streets today.

    The thing is, they’d say I was a misogynist for calling them out for this.

    But the fact is this (and it is something you can use against them.)

    If you ask them, “Do you think that the men guilty of this awful crime should be executed?”

    They will say no. The death penalty is evil etc.

    You can then point out that they would not do more about ‘smashing toxic masculinity’ than you would, so they can just stfu about it


  3. Eddy Booth says:

    “Mentality, Paris effect & Malta sun – inside Fury’s revenge bid”



    This weekends heavyweight boxing world title fight rematch Fury v Usyk .

    “Fury – who was saved by the bell in the ninth round – did not make excuses for his performance in the aftermath of the split-decision points loss.”

    Says some clueless BBC diversity hire stani, Kal Sajad.
    Fury even started making excuses right in the ring – along the lines that the judges favoured Ukraine.
    And he wasn’t saved by the bell in the 9th.
    He was saved by the referee.
    Fury was seemingly one punch away from being put to sleep. When the ref jumped in, deeming him considered already knocked down, but held up by the ropes.
    Gives him a count, then the usually time to prove he’s fit to continue, starts the fight, then the bell goes.


  4. Lazy Cat says:

    Fury started to look like the middle aged fat bloke he almost is in that fight.

    I’d like him to win, but he’s not the fighter he was 4 years ago.

    I think he’ll be stopped inside 8 rounds.

    My tips are legendarily terrible, so you can now fully expect Fury to hit Usyk with an upper cut in the first 5 seconds and knock him into row 17.


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Rachel from Accounts has ‘shelved ‘ some sort of pension review which was meant to be a ‘priority ‘ . I reckon it’s in preparation for accelerating the increase in pension age once the waspi women thing is out of the way …

    There may be some legal action on waspi which some might hope the Marxists lose – putting more pressure on an ever struggling treasury ….
    The budget tax increases are nothing like what the Marxists need to get anywhere near their manifesto fantasy ……

    The BBC economics types must be in some difficulty avoiding this truth – although they are used to being economic with the truth …


  6. Eddy Booth says:

    “Under the Pensions Act 2007 the State Pension age for men and women will increase from 67 to 68 between 2044 and 2046. The Pensions Act 2014 provides for a regular review of the State Pension age, at least once every five years.”

    No way are they going to take 20 odd years to get it up to 68.
    Someone has to keep working to support the immigrants.
    This WASPI thing stinks of government manufactured protest, to misdirect.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Eddy – if I recall – each added year to the State pension saves the treasury £3 billion … so it must be on the ‘to do list ‘ for Rachel from accounts …

      … and it’s one of those where people shrug their shoulders – unlike the mad winter fuel thing which hits fast and directly …

      Mouths like Alan sugar – who moaned about getting the money should be ashamed …


      • digg says:

        Don’t forget that for every additional year you can oblige old people to keep working, the odds are higher that more of them will never make it to the age to draw the pension so it’s a win-win double whammy cash-saver for the Government.


  7. Guest Who says:

    Posting to share and review the thread later.

    This is Jacqui Wakefield…

    She is a BBC “disinformation” reporter.
    Recently, she published an article, detailing how @StevenBartlett spreads “health misinformation”.
    In reality, she omitted a lot of key detail.
    This is how much of a shit show the BBC has become. Thread🧵

    Lovely smile, mind.

    A quick scan shows a lot of Graun, blue hair and booger snags. This is not optimal to approach open minded.


  8. wwfc says:


  9. vlad says:

    Well, if the BIASED BBC won’t play it – to protect their pals in Labour – it behoves us to do so.


  10. digg says:

    I have a growing impression that Starmer, Streeting and Reeves all seem to come across with a bit of an AI generated aura.

    It couldn’t be could it?……….

    Or could it?………

    Switched by some foreign bad actor maybe?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Theresa May dances on to the stage at the Tory party conference


      • JohnC says:

        She is just thanking God that Starmer means she is not the worst PM in history. Just as Gordon Brown did when they arranged it for her to be PM without a vote (same as they did for Sunak).


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Digg, someone should investigate the HOC for alien pods. It’s getting harder to believe they are human.


  11. MarkyMark says:

    Members’ Interests Tulip Siddiq

    Minister named in Bangladesh corruption probe (WHY NOT LABOUR???)


  12. JohnC says:

    BBC front page news:
    Family’s £3,500 Lapland holiday dream shattered

    The holiday dream was shattered because it didn’t snow. That’s it.

    ‘A family who spent their life savings on a holiday to Lapland were left “stressed and disappointed” after the tour operator failed to cancel their trip due to a lack of snow.’

    Life savings on one holiday ?. Tut tut Federica, I think you just lied to try and spice up your pathetic article. Freerica also writes about LGBT so I suspect she is another quota-employee who has to be given something to do.


    Not on the BBC at all:
    Met Police overpower and arrest crazed knifeman who tried to murder two women

    ‘The attacker then told the women: “everyone in the room is going to die.”’
    ‘Eleto burst into the property in December 2023 and started stabbing the victim in her 30s before turning the knife onto the victim’s mother.’
    A man attempting to murder two women can make the big story of the day when it suits the BBC’s agenda. It will come as no surprise that this one didn’t when you see who did it:



  13. MarkyMark says:

    “The law of the wise is a fountain of life”
    “The welfare of the people is supreme”
    “Right lives by law and law subsists by power”
    “Poise the cause in justice’s equal scales”
    “Moses gave unto the people the laws of God”
    “London shall have all its ancient rights”



    “The welfare of the people is supreme”

    “The welfare of the people is supreme”

    A grandfather convicted of violent disorder after taking part in rioting outside a hotel used to house asylum seekers has died in prison.



  14. MarkyMark says:

    Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame:
    All their attempts to bend thee down,
    Will but arouse thy generous flame;
    But work their woe, and thy renown.

    “Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
    “Britons never will be slaves.”




  15. atlas_shrugged says:

    Here we go again. Batshit bonkers Californian Gavin Newsom declares state of emergency in California over bird-flu:


    “It comes shortly after an individual in Louisiana was sent to hospital with bird flu, marking the U.S.’s first severe reaction to the H5N1 virus.”

    So that is one infection in the whole of the US. The bloke caught it from back-yard birds and he is not even dead. So why the emergency compared to fentanyl deaths / shooting deaths that actually happen in California?

    There is no sign at the moment of human-human transmission.

    P.S. Gavin H5N1 is a virus so medical masks are completely useless – you need FFP3 minimum.


  16. MarkyMark says:

    ‘The Democrats Freak Out Over Cartoon Joe Biden’s Lead’ Ep. 202 Cold Open | Our Cartoon President


  17. JohnC says:

    Man dives into gravy-filled Yorkshire pudding – and 99 other stories to make you smile

    Pictures from the first 2 pages. I simply don’t have the will to look at any more:
    There were a few others but precisely 2 which just had white males in them. And 2 videos I can’t link which showed 6 more women.
    And which 2 BBC stars produced this amazingly racist and sexist selection ?

    You know, I’m pretty certain that these two are so clueless and so absorbed in BBC groupthink that they don’t even realise how racist and sexist they actually are.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of acts of genocide in Gaza over water access

    Ukraine shut down the canal in 2014 soon after Russia annexed Crimea. Russia restored the flow of water in March 2022 during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. A 2015 study found that the canal had been providing 85% of Crimea’s water prior to the 2014 shutdown.


    • JohnC says:

      HRW are a corrupt left-wing activist farce just like the UN.

      ‘HRW lists the left-of-center Ford Foundation as a partner1 and has received major funding from prominent left-of-center foundations, including the Open Society Foundations, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.’

      They only stand up for the rights of people on their ‘victims’ list. They don’t give a shit about anyone else. Which sums up the Left perfectly. The BBC are exactly the same.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Seeing the everyday violence
        in our own lives represented,
        written down, validated as a
        real human rights issue, has
        been so powerful.

        Ilaria Todde
        Lesbian activist, about “This Is Why We Became
        Activists,” a Human Rights Watch report


        Click to access 2023_HRW_Annual_Report.pdf

        USD USD
        ASSETS 2023 FY 2022 FY
        Cash and cash equivalents 27,698,327 37,221,783
        Contributions receivable, net 30,078,862 22,837,169
        Prepaid expenses and other assets 3,795,202 4,724,821
        Investments 169,886,086 167,472,898
        Operating lease right-of-use assets, net 17,977,348 –
        Finance lease right-of-use assets, net 294,686 –
        Property and equipment, net 4,573,757 6,461,026
        Total Assets 254,304,268 238,717,697
        Liabilities and Net Assets
        Accounts payable and accrued expenses 9,753,000 8,109,135
        Deferred rent – 3,158,345
        Operating lease liabilities 20,722,142 –
        Finance lease liabilities 298,853 –
        Total Liabilities 30,773,995 11,267,480
        Commitments and contingencies
        Net Assets
        Without donor restrictions 9,939,801 23,760,474
        With donor restrictions 213,590,472 203,689,743
        Total Net Assets 223,530,273 227,450,217
        Total Liabilities and Net Assets 254,304,268 238,717,697


      • MarkyMark says:


        Children’s Rights $4,945,784
        Women’s Rights $4,421,597
        Disability Rights $3,939,196
        LGBT Rights $2,610,790

        Click to access 2023_HRW_Annual_Report.pdf


  19. MarkyMark says:

    NHS to diversify into Voodoo to use all medical ideas open minded … “Almost 200 massacred in Haiti as Vodou practitioners reportedly targeted Killings overseen by ‘powerful gang leader’ convinced his son’s illness was caused by followers of the religion”


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Estimates based on two US studies and one UK study suggest that negligence in the NHS in England may cause around 90000 adverse events per year involving 13500 deaths, but only resulting in around 7000 claims and 2000 payments.

    United Kingdom
    Coronavirus Cases: 24,910,387
    Deaths: 232,112
    Recovered: 22,954,691

    NHS 13,500 deaths
    Covid Deaths: 232,112

    Oh dear …..


  21. MarkyMark says:

    Maybe old people are burning on the fire?



    • JohnC says:

      If that’s meant to be Lammy, it’s a few hundred pies short of the truth.

      But of course truth means nothing to that racist.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      White men roasting on an open fire La de da la de da ——-


  22. atlas_shrugged says:

    One of the more egregious examples of this is the recent production of a
    film by West-Indian heritage race baiter, Steve McQueen, entitled “Blitz”. In this, he recasts the drama of the early days of the London Blitz in September 1940, through the eyes of a mixed-race (West-Indian father) boy, improbably mentored by a Nigerian (ethnicity not disclosed) ARP warden.



  23. JohnC says:

    BBC’s Steve Rosenberg challenges Putin on his 25-year rule of Russia

    So once again a BBC ‘journalist’ asks a question which is not a question at all. It’s just a collection of leading, meaningless rhetoric which contains bullet points hiding a whole stack of inconvenient truths. I expect the whole question came from the commissars on the third floor propaganda dept here in the UK and poor Steve had to deliver it.

    And once agains the response makes him seem like a naive schoolboy.

    I enjoyed watching Trump do it to Sopel as well – but Sopel was so thick and arrogant, he didn’t even realise he should be embarassed.

    I don’t understand why anyone at all has dialogue with the BBC : they do it 100% in bad faith. Especially to any Tory politicians.


  24. Zephir says:

    This morning I got a letter from Rachel from accounts, yes really.

    I’ve told her to leave me alone, that I’m not interested, and don’t really care that she “worked in a real bank, a really posh one wiv glass doors and everyfing, an it woz on the High Street”

    Just leave it Rachel, it’s over.

    See below, how much did it cost to get this delivered ? and still banging on with the 22 billion lie, why put this crap in a letter to me ?



  25. Zephir says:



    • Zephir says:

      There were some more photos attached which I’d rather not share on here….

      And there goes my text alert again.

      If it’s not her it’s that bloody Liz Truss turning up with a half empty bottle of prosecco in her hand staggering around and banging on about banker bonuses and business tax.


    • JohnC says:

      lol – look how she uses the weasel words ‘in your payslips’ every time she talks about tax. When of course she increased the employers contributions which is still increasing the tax on their pay.

      Whenever I see specific and unusual wording like that on the BBC, it always bears some further examination because the lying b@stards have twisted the truth to hide it from you.

      Deliberate duplicity.


  26. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    There’s a post on X which says ‘They are suppressing the petition’
    It’s stuck below 3 million.
    Apparently the confirm emails are not being sent to the email address so the vote is not counted.

    I actually tried to open the article to read the comments and my iPad went black. When I went back on X after closing the iPad I couldn’t see this article.

    Are they suppressing it?
    It’s not like they would do that is it?
    That would be like suppressing the Starmer farmer harmer granny freezing song which is probably being played on bbc radio stations all over the Land seeing as it’s number 1.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      The petition is doing fine. I just sat for about 10 minutes to watch it and it went up by 25


  27. Zephir says:

    We might as well write the news here and send it over, we have been saying this from day one as well as many other things now being proved to be correct despite the best efforts of the bbc et al:

    No 1 Headline news in the Mail:



    • Fedup2 says:

      You heard it here first- a brutal prediction – Biden won’t be around very long after 20 January .

      He won’t be a loss – but to have put him through the last 4 years was pure Obama evil ….. people with dementia do not need stress or demanding times

      Presumably his wife has been running the show and taking instructions from Obama …

      TTK lied about how ‘well ‘ we was …

      I hope president trump holds some sort of investigation into who ran America instead of Biden – and perhaps puts them in court …


  28. Zephir says:

    Far left democrat lawfare now failing big time:

    “Trump cheers disqualification of ‘corrupt’ Fani Willis, says case is ‘entirely dead.’ ‘Everybody should receive an apology,’ President-elect Donald Trump told Fox News Digital.

    President-elect Trump reacted to the Georgia Court of Appeals decision to disqualify “corrupt” Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her team, telling Fox News Digital that the case “is entirely dead” and that the “wonderful patriots who have been caught up in this for years” should “receive an apology.”

    The Georgia Court of Appeals on Thursday disqualified Willis and her team from prosecuting Trump and co-defendants in her election interference case.

    In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump said the “whole case has been a disgrace to justice.”

    “It was started by the Biden DOJ as an attack on his political opponent, Donald Trump,” he said, “They used anyone and anybody, and she has been disqualified, and her boyfriend has been disqualified, and they stole funds and went on trips.”



  29. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news “And you’ll be wanting a lower carbon Christmas”
    FFS blatant libmob #PRasNews

    I looked at the reporters twitter
    Rainbow flag and this

    I’m hoping the discourse on blue sky remains better.
    It looks more appealing so far” ·

    Punter replies
    “Censored and authoritarian of course the media lacky loves it”


    • MarkyMark says:

      I’m hoping the discourse on blue sky remains better.
      It looks more appealing so far”

      In the real world … Starmer locks you up for protesting … ha ha hah a!


  30. Zephir says:

    Little doubt this one will be head hunted by the bbc:

    “A Tennessee college revealed that racist messages found written on campus were fabricated by a student in an apparent attempt to make Donald Trump supporters look bad.

    Rhodes College confirmed to Fox News Digital that a student had admitted to leaving the messages strewn about campus that were found over Thanksgiving break and were being investigated as a hate crime. Instead, it turned out to be yet another race hoax.

    “Thanks to the tireless efforts of our Campus Safety officers and the Memphis Police Department, the investigation into the hate crime that occurred recently on our campus has ended with the identification of the perpetrator and the conclusion this incident was fabricated. This individual has admitted responsibility,” the statement read.”



    • Zephir says:

      Why do they use the word “instead” ?

      It’s STILL a hate crime, just different victims…


  31. Richard Pinder says:

    Flag of the Deep State


    Flag of the European Union



    • Zephir says:

      Interesting… so thats how they stopped Trump doing anything first time around…bit like the civil service here


  32. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    On Dewbs they’ve been discussing the increasing use of Sharia Courts in the UK.

    Whlie I’m against this, I wouldn’t mind letting them handle the shoplifting criminals which our police and courts appear to be ignoring.

    Instead of the £200 (per shop) daily allowance to help yourself to without anything happening I would think a lot of shopkeepers would quite like the idea of the thieves being tried in Sharia Courts.
    There could be a lot of one arm bandits around after a year of Sharia shoplifting trials.


  33. StewGreen says:

    Farage “on GBNEWS we don’t barr anybody ”

    FFS Katie Hopkins and Tommy are banned by GBnews management
    ..presenters have said such.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Steyn – there’s a list of banned presenters and guests now – which is why I gave up on that channel long ago ….

      No loss when it closes


    • MarkyMark says:

      Farage – Islam is just a religion.


  34. Zephir says:

    More lying and double standards:

    “More Labour MPs join revolt over Waspi women as it emerges Chancellor Rachel Reeves campaigned for compensation alongside her MUM for those who suffered ‘injustice’
    Sir Keir, Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall – who ruled out a compensation package on Tuesday – are among the senior ministers who backed the Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi) campaign when Labour was in opposition, including posing for pictures.

    And last night it was revealed that Ms Reeves once campaigned against the change in the state pension age – making it 65 for both sexes – with her mum.

    In 2016 she told a Parliamentary debate: ‘The women who are being forced to wait longer for their pension, and who have been hit twice—by the changes in 1995 and then again in 2011—have been done an injustice.

    ‘In 2011, as shadow Pensions Minister, I was proud to work with Age UK, USDAW and many women, including my mother, in calling on the Government to think again.’



    • Fedup2 says:

      Imagine if a right wing government was in the same position . You’d hear it on the BBC every day for 5 years – but this will be swept away by the ‘home for Christmas ‘ thing where BBC sort of reverts to British tradition – something that really doesn’t work any more …


  35. Fedup2 says:

    Mandelson as UK ambassador to the US – TTK sends a full swamp dweller to Washington – TTK knows he is at the back of the line ….


  36. Zephir says:

    Well F2, RE your post a little further above.

    The cat is truly out of the bag now, Daily Mail online no 1 headline now:



    • Fedup2 says:

      Zephir – the entire left wing politics and all the msm covered up what everyone with eyes could see . The bunker campaign in the 2020 election really gave it away –

      The msm won’t be turning on itself though …. Nor the medics who covered it up .


      • Zephir says:

        Agreed, all complicit, call themselves journalists who can’t see what is in front of their eyes ?

        Which makes the motive for these headlines strange to say the least.


    • MarkyMark says:



      President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day 

      Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,

      You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.

      Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?

      ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’ 


      Thank you again for contacting us,

      BBC Complaints Team


  37. Zephir says:

    Richard Pinders link above which I repeat, shows some possibilites about who was involved:

    “Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES employees are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies. They are referred to as members by the Office of Personnel Management and are considered above “employee” designation. They are members of the SES, and don’t you forget that! Today’s SES runs the country.

    The SES even has its own flag (which has been largely removed from the government web pages since I last wrote about the SES in June of 2022). and their own non-profit agency called the Senior Executive Association (SEA), whose stated goal is to protect the rights of SES members – which lists both lobbying Congress and instituting legal action to protect SES member status. This non-profit acts like a union.

    SES members operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies and serve in key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. Thus positioned, the SES bosses enforce political orthodoxy and fidelity to the deep state. They can act in this manner because their employment is virtually guaranteed. An SES employee’s job is so secure that an Agency Head cannot terminate an SES employee unless the Commissioner issues a certificate stating that the termination is in the public interest. Even then, the termination is subject to litigation.”



  38. atlas_shrugged says:

    In batshit bonkers Britain this beauty sues the anychess over gender madness three times:


    Mr > Samantha > Charles

    Meanwhile there are little 90 year-old ladies waiting outside A&E in queuing ambulances for 6 hours as the anychess has no money.


  39. digg says:

    BBC Newsnight, 100% left wing participants…. how they pretend to call themselves the National Broadcaster when they demonstrate such partisan biased loyalty to the left beats me!

    They have gone 100% brazen since starmer wormed is way into being the PM.


  40. MarkyMark says:

    Comment order-order.com “Prince Andrew gets the Maitlis treatment and banished from public life for his Jeffrey Epstein friendship and contacts.
    Peter Mandelson gets to be UK Ambassador to the USA for his Jeffrey Epstein friendship and contacts.

    It’s a mad world we now live in!”



  41. MarkyMark says:

    “In 2019, UK’s Channel 4 aired an episode of Dispatches in which a source close to sex offender Jeffrey Epstein claimed that Peter Mandelson (while serving as a UK Cabinet Minister) made a phone call to Epstein in order to set up a meeting with Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan.”

    It found that Epstein appeared to “maintain a particularly close relationship with Prince Andrew the Duke of York and Lord Peter Mandelson, a senior member of the British government”.


  42. Zephir says:

    It’s Friday. so here’s some Led Zeppelin from 1941….


  43. Zephir says:

    Or some 1968 Fred Astaire at 71


  44. pugnazious says:

    Economy doing badly due to the budget creating uncertainty and job losses and cuts in consumer spending….
    funny how the BBC hides the story away, a big story, in the business pages….

    ‘Interest rates held as Bank says economy doing worse’


    The BBC takes its time to get to the budget whilst the Telegraph notes it in the first paragraph of its report…and of course it’s on the main news page…

    ‘The UK economy will fail to grow in the wake of the Budget, the Bank of England has warned, as companies respond to Rachel Reeves’s record tax raid by raising prices and slashing jobs.’

    BBC hides the story away and then hides what is responsible for the downturn away….if it had been a Tory budget would they be so quiet?


  45. Zephir says:

    Kept a close an eye on certain promises…



  46. Zephir says:

    Including the second cheek of the backside, the Guardian:



    • Zephir says:

      And yet, from other news sources:

      “Red alert on economy: Rachel Reeves is accused of killing growth as Bank of England warns UK is grinding to halt after her anti-business Budget”


  47. JohnC says:

    Hundreds attend vigils ‘in tribute’ to Karen Cummings

    ‘More than 600 people attended a vigil in Banbridge on Thursday evening.’
    ‘Banners bearing the names of 25 women killed in Northern Ireland since 2020 were held up.’
    ‘There were also candles, speeches and a minute’s silence.’

    ‘Ms Cummings, a children’s nurse, was found unconscious with a serious head injury in Laurel Heights in Banbridge, on Saturday evening.’
    Oddly we are given no other details whatsoever. There’s more to this story.

    Contrast this with the NHS worker who was assaulted in Londonistan and orally raped to death. A long, horrific way to be murdered.
    No vigil. No outrage and the story quickly disappeared.
    Why might that be ?.

    Suspects for the first murder: Glenn King and Kevin McGuigan.
    Convicted murderer for the second: Mohamed Iidow

    Sorry but I have nothing but contempt for the racist feminist misandrist hypocrites of this country who are suddenly outraged. Their ethics disgust me.


  48. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – well he would say that anyway, he’s a Lefty that is why the BBC like him

    Lord Darroch on Peter Mandelson’s probable appointment as Ambassador to the USA. “A very good appointment” unless President-elect Donald Trump does not like Mandelson’s past as an EU-apparatchik.


  49. Zephir says:



  50. Zephir says:

    Time to right this wrong.

    Please, please do not use the $1, $20, $50 or $100 bills as they have images of former slave owners on them !

    Send them all to me and I will dispose of them properly.

    Do not just throw them away, send them to me, I am a certified money disposer.


    • MarkyMark says:

      I will send you photos of Labour’s David Lammy in front of a warm fire to send to all the freezing pensioners!


    • moggiemoo says:

      You’re not Rachel the Accountant, are you?


      • Zephir says:

        And just how would you know what alternative clothes I have in the back of the wardrobe for special occasions ?