In case anyone missed the Rachel Reeves speech on #WASPI after she deleted it from her website, here she is before she threw her own mother under a bus a few years later. Labour has money for Ukraine, Syria, Africa, China and Pakistan, but none for our own elderly.
Just watched another front bench Karen from accounts wibbling away to BBC Breakfast nodding along, talking about ‘choices’. Madelslime was also inspired.
A Prime Minister who cannot say a man has a penis.
The Mother of the House of Parliament who says “Mao did more good than harm.”
The energy minister who takes advice from a girl who missed school.
A foreign secretary who called American President a Nazi and left Xi Jingping out.
A US ambassador who courted with Epstein knowing he was ….
You are witnessing the end of a long cycle that will see the dawn of a new age. We have a long way to go before we reach rock bottom as the IQ drops 10 points every 5 years among the vast swathes of idiots that inhabit this planet whilst the demons in charge mock those few whose brain cells remain intact.
Sports report on BBC Radio 2 looking back at all the highlights of sport over the past year . The bloke reporter says but the winner it has to be ………………
This moment from the England Women’s Football Team ,,,,,,
They are just relentlessly woke it’s quite staggering.
I’m sure there are some funny Germans out there, but most Germans I’ve met seem to lack a sense of humour. It’s quite strange. Maybe they just have a different sense of humour and we just don’t get it?
Can imagine one trying his hand at stand up.
“So. I was in the shop yesterday. I tried to buy some ham but they had none left. Nothing more.
I think this is alternative comedy, ja?
Er…so… the chicken it crosses the road ja, and you want to know why? Its roosting area was on that side and it originally crossed because it was looking for food. It was just a going home chicken.
1833 …. Britain spends blood and money to end slavery ….”The Government used £20 million to fund the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. In 1833, this was equivalent to approximately 40% of the Government’s total annual expenditure.31 Jan 2018″
2024 …. Britain is now the place to become a slave … “A BBC investigation has found how, despite a national crackdown, Vietnamese migrants who have arrived in the UK illegally are finding jobs in nail bars and evading detection by authorities.”
Mandelson must think it’s Christmas – the bungs he can take as UK ambo in Washington must be massive . And TTK shuts him up if he gets too critical of the serial failures of the Marxist regime … I bet Mandy doesn’t come back …. If he is wise …
Political retribution and scratchy nylon underwear – read all about it in this edition
In lieu of our media having gone big on our own Pakistani muslim rape gangs we instead receive blanket coverage of a case in France.
Following the BBC’s close interest and lead in the case we now see the story dominate the frontpages of our national print titles.
And the reporting comes with a strong undercurrent of finger wagging at men in general.
Par exemple:
The woman who forced France to confront its misogyny (Judith Woods, Telegraph)
‘We share the same fight’ Gisèle Pelicot’s message to other women… “I am thinking about all the other families affected by this case, and the non-recognised victims in the stories that are often in the shadows…” (Taz Ali, i paper)
Just a hint there from the victim herself that our media can be somewhat fickle in their interest in such matters.
While the Guardian newspaper tends at times to imitate the attitudes and interests of the Harlem Voice, the i paper takes on the tone of the women only interest magazine Cosmopolitan: 9 natural remedies for the perimenopause – in case you were wondering: Perimenopause is the time before menopause when a woman’s hormone levels start to change and she experiences menopausal symptoms, while menopause is when a woman’s periods stop.
Sensible grown up adult health advice for the female of course.
But then there’s a Jennifer Aniston shampo advert-syle “Here comes the science bit – Concentrate!” : (backed by science) (i paper) – ‘cos the girlies are impressed by The Science.
I’m oddly reminded there of that Frank Sinatra and Nancy Sinatra song – you know how it goes: “And then I go and spoil it all, by saying somethin’ stupid…”
Meanwhile this morning, as conscerns the male as a class, the left-leaning i paper is very much in finger wagging mood: The Christmas presents that could break your marriage. Esther Walker’s advice for men
In case your were wondering, chaps…
The only thing that really bothers women when it comes to receiving gifts from husbands is receiving a gift that tells her that he has literally no idea who she is. That he has spent the sum total of zero minutes thinking about her. It’s the scratchy nylon underwear when she’s more of a big-pants girl. It’s the giant Le Creuset pot when she repeatedly declares that she hates cooking. It’s the history of World War II when she’s a Kardashians kind of girl. This does matter.
And apparently it’s very much a case of get this present buying thing right, or else…
If women don’t feel like they are seen in a relationship, even a bit, even just once a year, it can be the last straw.
Separation or divorce can be the ultimate final outcome – unlike Brexit of course… which is very much reversable
UK could rejoin Erasmus EU exchange scheme as pressure grows on under-30s migration (i paper); Keir Starmer refuses to rule out rejoining major EU migration scheme (Daily Express) – because that’s just what Britain is desperately crying out for – more foreign students.
On this spotlight on French misogyny day, our jokey blokey Daily Star, appropriately enough, finds itself relegated to the dog house of the ‘and finally’ last placed spot in the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s print press line-up.
Not that the Star neglects to bring big philosophical issues to the notice of white van men, builders, plumbers, professional darts enthusiasts, Brexit voters and football supporters…
Huuuuuuge if true! World’s boffiest boffin: Afterlife is REAL… A MAN who is so clever he makes Albert Einstein look like a dimwit says he has proof (Daily Star)
And don’t let the Star’s jokey tabloid style and phrasing have you dismissing their claims out of hand: Thought for the Day: If we want to create a new adjective then we bloody well will!
On the subject of adjectives – and given her picture is being plastered all over the news – it would be rather difficult for our media to refer to feminist heroine Gisèle Pelicot as a particularly belle femme or femme très jolie
So it is fascinating to witness our journos reach for that slim volume that is the press thesaurus for some alternate positive adjectives…
The elegant French woman with a core of steel who has become a heroine to every victim of male abuse (Sarah Vine in the ever-excitable Daily Mail)
The world’s bravest woman (Mirror)
Courageous Gisèle Pelicot… (freebie Metro which signs off for a rather long break today: A very merry Christmas to all our readers! Metro will be back in the new year on January 6)
Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
After investigating January 6, House GOP sides with Trump and goes after Liz Cheney… deep-seated distrust for law enforcement agencies that party leaders claim has been weaponized against conservatives… “until we hold accountable those responsible, and reform our institutions, we will not fully regain trust.”
With Trump laying the groundwork for political retribution, senior Biden White House aides, administration officials and prominent defense attorneys in Washington, DC, have been discussing potential preemptive pardons or legal aid for people like Cheney who might be targeted for prosecution by the incoming Trump administration. (CNN)
Asiseeit – I had the same thought about the French rape case . Blanket coverage – yet coverage of organised paki paedo gangs – still operating under the eyes of lefty councils , plod , schools – not much of a mention . …..
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
The withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance for pensioners has an interesting aspect to it. Theoretically pensioners the Government could be liable for more money than they are saving if every pensioner that qualifies for pension credit applies for it. Pension credit is means tested with an extensive enquiry into a pensioners wealth. And there you have it, the Government gets to find out which pensioners have money and how much which will open the door to the Government helping itself to pensioners money on death.
It’s all about control you know. Tax everything to the hilt and make everyone dependent on the State.
2024 Germany … ““Hit the ceiling too often while jumping on the trampoline” Pensioner has to pay 800 Euro fine for Baerbock comment!””
2018 UK … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
I’m beginning to think Starmer is pushing the boundaries of what he can get away with………..
Mandelson as US ambassador? Epstein list published by a Trump CIA? He’d have to go.
Lammy as Foreign Secretary? Did he think the title meant he had to be a foreigner?
A lot of the MSM are applauding Mandelson’s appointment, however……….
He’s a Labour apparatchik through and through, Labour are not in vogue with Trump.
He’s openly gay. I’m not being homophobic but America doesn’t seem to be as in love with homosexuality as we are.
He’s fundamentally pro EU which has to mean his negotiations with America will be slanted towards alignment with the EU
He’s known to be a devious Machiavellian performer. Americans prefer straight dealing.
The Ambassador should have been a neutral Civil Service staffer.
So, of course, Mandleson gets rewarded by the Blair brothers to represent the UK in the US, apologizing for all of those David Lammy ‘tweets’ and his hatred of Trump and Israel!!
Mandleson , I understand despite being a rich champagne Marxist, he is quote happy to play the Corporate globals and ‘represent’ Starmers UK socialist government ‘in the best possible light’, even as it collapses and is hated with the lowest UK polling possible, and is failing us.
Oxford is full of such Marxist progressives. William Hague will at least try to protect free speech which is why he was elected over and above Comrade Mandleson.
Have you had a look at the recent Black Belt Barrister youtube video that deals with this ? the wording appears to be a case of harrassment (it causes alarm and distress).
Worth sending them a cease and desist letter on those grounds ?
Withdraw the BBC enforcement thugs the right of access to your home.
I signed my letter: The Home Owner
and insisted that they acknowledge this condition and reply to my letter which they did and agreed to abide by.
I have also in the past tried to charge them storage for each unwanted letter they send me of £1000. I got a very aggressive letter back from their legal department saying under no circumstances were they going to agree to that condition blah blah.
From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures
This article is more than 3 months old
Record low asylum applications ‘surprising’ when global displacement is at all-time high, with aid agencies blaming fear and far-right rhetoric
I’m sure not to be alone in my applauding The ever brave Rodney Starmer in his choice of ambassador to the United States. Lord Mandelson…..what a choice……amazing.
I had to remind myself of some of Mandleson’s career having heard “some people ” describe him in glowing terms.
As a former Secretary of State for trade and industry, (even the BBC realised this experience would be invaluable) all the skills he acquired would help GB in its search for a larger American export market. Sadly although appointed in July 1998 , his role was short-lived ,as he had to resign in December 1998…..a slight misunderstanding over a loan of £375,000 (and declaring it on the register of interests) from cabinet colleague Geoffrey Robinson, who Mandlesons own department was at the time of the loan, investigating for his business dealings….All very unfortunate,as such misunderstandings often are.
However, a man of such talent was not wasted for long. In Oct 1999 Mandleson was Secretary of State for Northen Ireland. Once again it was short-lived due to “some people ” kicking up a fuss about Mandleson involving himself in a Mr Hinduja, seeking a British passport and unfortunately, the always honourable , Mr Mandleson felt he just had to resign…..but….he was later exonerated, it should be made clear..
After a period of very hard work in Europe , as a Commissioner Mandelson returned to U.K. politics , under his new title “Baron” Mandleson and enjoyed some popularity ,at last, with Labour supporters, he was voted to be “less disliked” than Harriet Harman indeed…not a bad place to be.
Obviously with his experience in Cabinet , he is an outstanding choice for Mr Starmer’s government’s” Man in Washington”…as “they” say “What could possibly go wrong”.
We can all be sure that with the new spirit of openness we will hear all about it.
Two men charged with assaulting police officers after Manchester Airport brawl
Two men have been charged with assaulting police officers following a brawl at Manchester Airport in July.
The Crown Prosecution Service said no police officers will be charged.
The charges relate to an altercation at Manchester Airport on July 23, which resulted in four men being arrested and a police officer being suspended and placed under criminal investigation.
Videos of the brawl were subsequently circulated widely online, stoking community tensions in Rochdale where the two defendants are from.
Announcing the decision, Frank Ferguson, the head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: “Following our review of an incident at Manchester Airport in July 2024, the Crown Prosecution Service has today issued charges against two individuals.
“Based on a careful consideration of this evidence, we have concluded that two men should be charged with offences including assaults on police officers.
“We have concluded no charges should be brought against any officers. We examined potential offences of actual bodily harm, and common assault, and reviewed expert evidence in the form of an independent report from an expert in the use of police force, to inform this decision.
Mohammed Amaaz, 20, faces two charges of causing actual bodily harm, one charge of assaulting an emergency worker and one charge of common assault. Muhammed Amaad, 25, is charged with causing actual bodily harm.
He added: “We acknowledge that in this case as in any other, the strength of feeling has been high.
I’m no fact-checker so I cannot vouch for the veracity of this claim, but just the headline gives me immense satisfaction. Marianna Spring might care to investigate?
“Links to extremists & anti-white racism” Why Donald Trump will BAN London Mayor Sadiq Khan from USA.
Why? To do all they can to leave Trump a damaged economy, while simultaneously brainwashing the next generation in the woke education system, and – it is hoped – ‘buying’ their lifelong allegiance to those nice Democrats. Win-win-win.
It feels very much to me like the usual stuff…. equality, fraternity, egalite and I’m in control isn’t working for him so he’s trying another totalitarian power grab route.
Proof if you need it that the Climate bandwagon is nothing more than a hard-left attempt at population control by hard left totalitarian Marxist masters which is all our Jeremy has ever wanted in life really.
Another multi post thread that deserves review and, if accurate, action by… er…
Meet James McSweeney, ex-parliamentary researcher turned whistleblower
He recently sat down for interview, recounting his experiences
It didn’t get too many views but what he divulged was shocking…
Shocking enough to change the way people view UK governance. Thread 🧵
This one midway..
“ The Westminster press corps plays its part. Modern political journalism operates more like a “gossip factory,” rewarding those who tweet rumours rather than those who laboriously scrutinise policy line by line.”
Few hold power to account; most are paid propagandists or ideologues, or both.
Turns out I am now on the VERY VERY naughty step. Anonymous email received today from BBC Complaints:
“You will be aware that we have applied Annex B of our complaints framework, as previously notified. This means that we do not consider your submissions as part of our service, but continue to review them for any substantive points raised. Having reviewed your continued use of the webform, it is clear to us that your continued correspondence is intended to be vexatious, with frequent potential for personal offence. As permitted under Annex B, we will now cease to review your continued submissions to the BBC. We are not obliged to continue processing it, and it has become clear that you are aware of the process and the potential for personal offence. The system has been abused to date, and there is no requirement for us to continue to expose our staff to these messages lacking any genuine merit. ”
This came from a no-reply unmonitored email address, so I cannot reply. I can, of course, appeal to the ECU (although the link provided does not work) and we all know what a waste of time that is.
This is all as a result of banging in multiple complaints per day, despite being in Annex B, and asking “Want to stop my complaints? Only you can do that.” at the end of each one. I’m going to take this is a “No” and it will be business as usual.
‘Two men are charged after an incident at Manchester Airport, but no officers will face charges’.
Reading this article, the BBC very obviously think the police are the villains here for attack those poor Muslims. Their summary is carefully written so it does not describe what these scum did:
‘Social media footage emerged in July showing a police officer kicking a man in the head as he lay on the ground.’
‘The footage shows punches being thrown and a police officer tasering a man and another officer stamping on the man’s head.’
‘BBC Verify’s analysis of five social media videos of the fight included one video, which appeared to show the officer who stamped on the man’s head then approaching another man, stamping on his thigh and hitting him on the back of the head with a Taser’
Absolutely disgraceful misrepresentation in favour of the Muslims yet again from the disgusting far-Left BBC.
Watch how they relentlessly campaign to get charges brought against the police.
Minimum 3 years for the violent scum in light of the sentences imposed on the Southport protestors. If not we should have another protest (peaceful of course officer monitoring this forum).
Been out walking with some ex-colleagues today, one of whome is a Trump hater.
I was stunned by the rhetoric he was repeating which was clearly from only watching leftist news sources. All his claims were embarassingly shallow and easily disproved with facts. He had none to back his statements up. His most powerful argument was that Trump HAD to get himself elected to pardon himself from all his convictions and that he would destroy democracy to the extent there would be no elections in 4 years !!. He didn’t answer when I asked him about Joe Biden promising to stop Trump running by any means they could. And he was also quiet when I asked him what he thought about Biden giving his son a pardon for any crimes he might be found guilty of in the future. He was unaware of the ‘10% for the big fellow’ which might well come out when Ukraines government collapses.
The most interesting thing though was the equal venom he went after Musk. He has now become a Leftist icon for hate.
TDS is well know by now – but this was my first experience of MDS.
It sums up the Left completely. If somebody disagrees with them, they hate them. That is their character and their nature.
I had a similar experience with some friends recently, so I asked “True or False: Did Trump suggest injecting or ingesting bleach during the Covid crisis?” To a man, they all said “Yes, he did”. I then read them exactly what Trump said and asked the same question again. Reluctantly, they all agreed that he had not suggested such behaviour.
Not sure I “converted” them, but it did at least make them realise that not all Trump news is true.
Keir Starmer: I will abolish House of Lords to ‘restore trust in politics’
This article is more than 2 years old
Exclusive: Labour leader plans a new elected chamber after accusing successive Tory governments of handing peerages to ‘lackeys and donors’
Sweden will no longer fund UNRWA, the UN refugee agency for Palestinians, and plans instead to provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza via other channels, the Nordic country’s aid minister, Benjamin Dousa, told Swedish TV4 on Friday.
The Swedish move comes amid criticism alleging the UN organization has collaborated with Hamas.
Dousa told TV4 that there were also political reasons for Sweden to end its cooperation with UNRWA. He cited the UN food program World Food Programme as an example of an alternative to UNRWA…
On 18 December, MPs debated the future funding of the BBC in Parliament.
This was a Westminster Hall debate led by Sir John Whittingdale MP. Culture, Media and Sport Minister Stephanie Peacock MP responded on behalf of the Government.
Read the transcript on why the BBC won;t be changing anytime soon. Its Charter is ‘SAFE’ under Labour and the Liberals and sadly by faux Conservatives who still think Its a WORLD CLASS SERVICE,
even if that means a ‘THIRD WORLD SERVICE’.
At least i though I had read it all until I read the newsletter by TAXPAYERS ALLIANCE campaign : AXE-THE=TAX and its clear that the BBC is damaged below the waterline… as you can see and read here
Well worth a read. They were the Ones that EXPOSED to greedy BBC *STARS* that earned a killing on the BBC. From Huw Edwards to Gary Linekar and more!!… A ‘part-time job’ that earns more than £1000,000 + year! — and many of them totally UNEMPLOYABLE – outside the BBC.
They only exist because of the BBC Charter protecting their employment. And that is why the BBC are so keen to keep the TV license fee. It stinks, but as along as we have stupid Liberal and Labour MP’s protecting the BBC Charter nothing will change. Even though the BBC is the enemy within, and would happily work under the Soviets, if they had the same Charter to pervert and tell us that its unbiased.
So it limps on for another few years. It will, of course have to change, eventually, but nobody can decide what to replace it with, as long as MP;s think its the ENVY of the world, alongside the NHS!
Elizabeth here.
I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier but I was on the bog.
You see I have been terribly constipated of late and I haven’t passed a motion for at least two weeks.
I was wondering if you could send me something to make me go. I promise I will refund any postal charges incurred.
Thank you so much.
Liz xx
‘At least so far, he is struggling, with the chaos of the last 24 hours showing some of the limits of his power and control of his party as he prepares to re-enter the White House.’
This, Mr Zurcher of the BBC, is what a proper democracy looks like. People in the party willing to vote against the orders from the top when they think about their constituents.
I have noticed many times how votes are ‘scuppered’ by Republicans voting with their conscience. In contrast to that I have noticed many times how the Democrats vote along the party lines without fail. As in this case.
Clearly the BBC think that politicians should always vote according to the political agenda and not for the people who voted them into office. That does not surprise me one bit. The Left are basically natural fascists and are utterly intolerant to everything against their own ideological agenda.
BBC news already blaming Trump for the shutdown and going after Elon, the so called state broadcaster does not represent the UK and is an embarrassment and have learned nothing from their bias coverage leading up to one of the greatest election victories in American history
The BBC will learn or die but thus far it has shown no sign of significant erudition.
As my old dad would have put it —- They ain’t learnt nuffink!
Two Muslim brothers charged with violence in the north west today.
Not the Manchester airport lot, another pair. Walid Saadaoui and Amar Hussein involved in a plot to carry out an ISIS-inspired attack on the Jewish community. (Saadaoui’s brother on a lesser charge of failing to disclose info about acts of terrorism.)
Tucked away on BBC local news. Further hearing set by Parmjit Kaur “Bobbie” Cheema-Grubb (the first Asian female High Court judge in the UK).
I just found there’s a Chief Jihadist Media Specialist post at the BBC.
From Mina Al-Lami’s LinkedIn: “I specialise in jihadist media, communications and online networks, with nearly two decades of experience in this field. My interest and expertise also lie in jihadist ideology and shifts within it.”
Does that position involve any research in the Middle East or is she just in charge of posters in the W1A canteen?
An attack on a Christmas Market in Germany….wonder if it was by one of those wonderful Merkel Migrants she shipped in?…Not as if plenty of others of similar ilk haven’t been busy lately…
‘On December 1 in Schöneck, Saxony, the mayor and another individual were shot at with a Softair pistol.
Three days later, a 37-year-old Iraqi national was arrested in Augsburg, Bavaria, for allegedly scouting the Christkindlesmarkt, and sharing Islamic State propaganda.
In November, a 17-year-old German-Turkish national was apprehended in the northern town of Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, for planning a truck attack inspired by the 2016 Berlin market tragedy.
And authorities in Mannheim and Frankfurt also arrested two German-Lebanese brothers on charges of planning attacks on local Christmas markets.’
And as TM notes above they’re busy here…just the BBC isn’t too keen on you knowing about these, er, Far-Right terror plotters…that is the biggest threat no?….
‘Two men have denied plotting an Islamic State group-inspired gun attack on the Jewish community in the UK.
Walid Saadaoui, 37, and Amar Hussein, 51, pleaded not guilty on Friday to preparing acts of terrorism between 13 December and 9 May 2023.
The charge against them alleges that they “arranged for the purchase and delivery of firearms, conducted reconnaissance and made plans of attack”.
It is alleged that the main targets of the proposed attack were members of the Jewish community in the north-west of England, members of law enforcement and military.’
“Fury & Usyk face off for just 7 seconds at weigh-in”
“Both men chose to wear their clothes on the scales, as Fury is 20st 1lb and Usyk is 16st 2lb””
No idea why the BBC is using stones.
Fury could be 281, or could be a lot less, who knows what’s underneath .
This after a similarity fully dressed open work out.
They they wonder why boxing isn’t so popular anymore.
Ukrainian Usyk held a sign :
” Free Azovstal Defenders”
That’s the Azov regiment who defended the city of Mariupol, most now POWs in Russia.
No mention by BBC..
Listening to the BBC news bulletins of the charging of the Manchester Muslims who attacked police…..the BBC says one tried to intervene as police tried to arrest another…then a ‘fight’ broke out….the intro to this was a comment, repeated twice, that a police officer had ‘assaulted’ one of them later.
Why does the BBC not report that the Muslims attacked and assaulted the police?
The web report is not much better telling us…
‘Two men have been charged over a fight with police at Manchester Airport which happened before an officer was filmed stamping on a suspect’s head.’
Though noting…but not the BBC’s own words…
‘Brothers Mohammed Amaaz, 20, and Muhammed Amaad, 25, of Rochdale, have been charged with assaulting police officers, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said. ‘
Read the report and you’ll get the idea that it is the police who should be on trial…..the BBC describes at length what police officers did…but barely a mention of what the two Muslims did…why is that?…and contrast with the emotive sob story about traumatised police at the ‘Far-Right’ riots in Southport….
‘Three Greater Manchester Police (GMP) officers are shown restraining a man at a car park ticketing machine before a fight ensues.
The footage shows punches being thrown and a police officer tasering a man and another officer stamping on the man’s head.
BBC Verify’s analysis of five social media videos of the fight included one video, which appeared to show the officer who stamped on the man’s head then approaching another man, stamping on his thigh and hitting him on the back of the head with a Taser.
Another officer appears to pepper-spray bystanders who are filming the incident.’
If you’re savagely attacked by Muslims it’s OK says the BBC…if you’re attacked by Whitey then it’s the return of the Nazis stormtroopers.
Surely the Coppers Academy teaches the first rule of Coppering is “Stick ’em up or I shoot to kill” when faced with a life threatening situation. However the tough hard bitten copper of today is —–well
Well it helps to divert public attention away from subjects that affect us BRITS (I love that title) day in and day out.
I am SO proud to be a BRIT.
The BBC do not give a shit about us BRITS and we should ban the organisztion as being anti British.
Cannot believe what I’ve just heard on the BBC.
Two guests, back to back, speculate why this 50-year-old Saudi Arabian committed this attack on the Magdeburg Christmas Market.
Neither mention Islam. Instead, they suggest he might have lost his job, or been divorced.
We cannot ignore the obvious elephant in the room.
The second guest then wondered in a later segment why this market had no concrete bollards to prevent the car from driving through the crowd.
We would not need such blockades, if politicians had not imported terrorists i to Europe.
Meanwhile Humzah Yusuf covers himself in further glory.
It appears we have more evidence of poor driving standards over in Europe.
I wonder what the ethnicity or religion of the driver might be?
Go on. Guess.
I believe the BBC are saying something terrible happened in Germany today, possibly involving a person (a doctor!) doing a thing. Or maybe the car did it.
Under our Dear Leader, I think this is how we need to talk about such things now, unless you want 5 years.
This is what our ancestors wanted for us I’m sure, so double plus good I suppose.
Saudi man arrested after Magdeburg attack, state premier says
A Saudi man has been arrested after the car ramming attack in Magdeburg, the state premier said.
“We have arrested the perpetrator, it is a man from Saudi Arabia… a doctor who has been in Germany since 2006,” state premier of Saxony-Anhalt Reiner Haseloff told reporters at the scene. “From what we currently know he was a lone attacker so we don’t think there is any further danger for the city.”
Police made the arrest after the vehicle drove “at least 400 metres across the Christmas market”, leaving behind a trail of bloodied casualties at the city’s central town hall square.
“We have arrested the perpetrator, it is a man from Saudi Arabia… a doctor who has been in Germany since 2006,” state premier of Saxony-Anhalt Reiner Haseloff told reporters at the scene.
Ring a bell?
Of course my main anger is directed at the person who drove the car and those that influenced him. But I reserve some of my ire at the press (including GBNews) saying the car did it.
“Magdeburg Christmas market car attack: Saudi Arabian doctor, 50, who killed at least two is ‘an ex-Muslim who ranted against Germany for Islamising Europe’
How tiresomely predictable. The SIS really do lack any kind of finesse.
“Analysis of his social media reveals tweets in support of Germany’s anti-immigration party AfD, while he has also made comments supporting Elon Musk, far-right thug Tommy Robinson and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.”
The only thing missing is ‘anti-vaxxer’.
Whilst hesitant to criticise your assertions, I would be interested if you could provide any kind of motive or even the upside to all the activities you have associated with deep state or security services.
Surely these kind of things, if preplanned or staged, as you say, have few advantages, if any, for anyone ?
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
In case anyone missed the Rachel Reeves speech on #WASPI after she deleted it from her website, here she is before she threw her own mother under a bus a few years later. Labour has money for Ukraine, Syria, Africa, China and Pakistan, but none for our own elderly.
Just watched another front bench Karen from accounts wibbling away to BBC Breakfast nodding along, talking about ‘choices’. Madelslime was also inspired.
UK 2024….
A Prime Minister who cannot say a man has a penis.
The Mother of the House of Parliament who says “Mao did more good than harm.”
The energy minister who takes advice from a girl who missed school.
A foreign secretary who called American President a Nazi and left Xi Jingping out.
A US ambassador who courted with Epstein knowing he was ….
“It came more than a decade after his conviction for soliciting prostitution from a minor, for which he was registered as a sex offender.”
We have reached peak idiocrasy.
You are witnessing the end of a long cycle that will see the dawn of a new age. We have a long way to go before we reach rock bottom as the IQ drops 10 points every 5 years among the vast swathes of idiots that inhabit this planet whilst the demons in charge mock those few whose brain cells remain intact.
Keir Starmer – I Wanna Be Like You 🐻🌴 #BalooLabour
1.1M views 3 years ago
Sports report on BBC Radio 2 looking back at all the highlights of sport over the past year . The bloke reporter says but the winner it has to be ………………
This moment from the England Women’s Football Team ,,,,,,
They are just relentlessly woke it’s quite staggering.
Surely best sporting moment was a male boxer beating a woman to death in the new Equality Olympics!?
Germans have no humour – BBC Verified.
2016 … “The German government has approved a criminal inquiry into a comic who mocked the Turkish president, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced.
By law, the government must approve any use of an article of the criminal code on insulting foreign leaders.
Mrs Merkel stressed that the courts would have the final word.”
I’m sure there are some funny Germans out there, but most Germans I’ve met seem to lack a sense of humour. It’s quite strange. Maybe they just have a different sense of humour and we just don’t get it?
Can imagine one trying his hand at stand up.
“So. I was in the shop yesterday. I tried to buy some ham but they had none left. Nothing more.
I think this is alternative comedy, ja?
Er…so… the chicken it crosses the road ja, and you want to know why? Its roosting area was on that side and it originally crossed because it was looking for food. It was just a going home chicken.
Ok you’ve been nice goodbye.”
1833 …. Britain spends blood and money to end slavery ….”The Government used £20 million to fund the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. In 1833, this was equivalent to approximately 40% of the Government’s total annual expenditure.31 Jan 2018″
2024 …. Britain is now the place to become a slave … “A BBC investigation has found how, despite a national crackdown, Vietnamese migrants who have arrived in the UK illegally are finding jobs in nail bars and evading detection by authorities.”
2989 000 nearly there ….
And bbc news perversely reporting that the mudd tune won’t be played on the BBC because the DG wants his peerage ….
Part of the above might not be quite true …
Omission is the greatest of the BBC lies!
Mandelson must think it’s Christmas – the bungs he can take as UK ambo in Washington must be massive . And TTK shuts him up if he gets too critical of the serial failures of the Marxist regime … I bet Mandy doesn’t come back …. If he is wise …
FCO staff and salary data
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Consular Directorate 13500 SMS1 70,000 117,800 Senior Policy Adviser 3 Policy
Political retribution and scratchy nylon underwear – read all about it in this edition
In lieu of our media having gone big on our own Pakistani muslim rape gangs we instead receive blanket coverage of a case in France.
Following the BBC’s close interest and lead in the case we now see the story dominate the frontpages of our national print titles.
And the reporting comes with a strong undercurrent of finger wagging at men in general.
Par exemple:
The woman who forced France to confront its misogyny (Judith Woods, Telegraph)
‘We share the same fight’ Gisèle Pelicot’s message to other women… “I am thinking about all the other families affected by this case, and the non-recognised victims in the stories that are often in the shadows…” (Taz Ali, i paper)
Just a hint there from the victim herself that our media can be somewhat fickle in their interest in such matters.
While the Guardian newspaper tends at times to imitate the attitudes and interests of the Harlem Voice, the i paper takes on the tone of the women only interest magazine Cosmopolitan: 9 natural remedies for the perimenopause – in case you were wondering: Perimenopause is the time before menopause when a woman’s hormone levels start to change and she experiences menopausal symptoms, while menopause is when a woman’s periods stop.
Sensible grown up adult health advice for the female of course.
But then there’s a Jennifer Aniston shampo advert-syle “Here comes the science bit – Concentrate!” : (backed by science) (i paper) – ‘cos the girlies are impressed by The Science.
I’m oddly reminded there of that Frank Sinatra and Nancy Sinatra song – you know how it goes: “And then I go and spoil it all, by saying somethin’ stupid…”
Meanwhile this morning, as conscerns the male as a class, the left-leaning i paper is very much in finger wagging mood: The Christmas presents that could break your marriage. Esther Walker’s advice for men
In case your were wondering, chaps…
The only thing that really bothers women when it comes to receiving gifts from husbands is receiving a gift that tells her that he has literally no idea who she is. That he has spent the sum total of zero minutes thinking about her. It’s the scratchy nylon underwear when she’s more of a big-pants girl. It’s the giant Le Creuset pot when she repeatedly declares that she hates cooking. It’s the history of World War II when she’s a Kardashians kind of girl. This does matter.
And apparently it’s very much a case of get this present buying thing right, or else…
If women don’t feel like they are seen in a relationship, even a bit, even just once a year, it can be the last straw.
Separation or divorce can be the ultimate final outcome – unlike Brexit of course… which is very much reversable
UK could rejoin Erasmus EU exchange scheme as pressure grows on under-30s migration (i paper); Keir Starmer refuses to rule out rejoining major EU migration scheme (Daily Express) – because that’s just what Britain is desperately crying out for – more foreign students.
On this spotlight on French misogyny day, our jokey blokey Daily Star, appropriately enough, finds itself relegated to the dog house of the ‘and finally’ last placed spot in the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s print press line-up.
Not that the Star neglects to bring big philosophical issues to the notice of white van men, builders, plumbers, professional darts enthusiasts, Brexit voters and football supporters…
Huuuuuuge if true! World’s boffiest boffin: Afterlife is REAL… A MAN who is so clever he makes Albert Einstein look like a dimwit says he has proof (Daily Star)
And don’t let the Star’s jokey tabloid style and phrasing have you dismissing their claims out of hand: Thought for the Day: If we want to create a new adjective then we bloody well will!
On the subject of adjectives – and given her picture is being plastered all over the news – it would be rather difficult for our media to refer to feminist heroine Gisèle Pelicot as a particularly belle femme or femme très jolie
So it is fascinating to witness our journos reach for that slim volume that is the press thesaurus for some alternate positive adjectives…
The elegant French woman with a core of steel who has become a heroine to every victim of male abuse (Sarah Vine in the ever-excitable Daily Mail)
The world’s bravest woman (Mirror)
Courageous Gisèle Pelicot… (freebie Metro which signs off for a rather long break today: A very merry Christmas to all our readers! Metro will be back in the new year on January 6)
Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
After investigating January 6, House GOP sides with Trump and goes after Liz Cheney… deep-seated distrust for law enforcement agencies that party leaders claim has been weaponized against conservatives… “until we hold accountable those responsible, and reform our institutions, we will not fully regain trust.”
With Trump laying the groundwork for political retribution, senior Biden White House aides, administration officials and prominent defense attorneys in Washington, DC, have been discussing potential preemptive pardons or legal aid for people like Cheney who might be targeted for prosecution by the incoming Trump administration. (CNN)
RE presents:
The wife has been leaving jewellery magazines around the house.
So I took the hint and got her a magazine rack.
Asiseeit – I had the same thought about the French rape case . Blanket coverage – yet coverage of organised paki paedo gangs – still operating under the eyes of lefty councils , plod , schools – not much of a mention . …..
“The woman who forced France to confront its misogyny (Judith Woods, Telegraph)”
1400 raped kids – some doused in petrol – meh
Woman has sex with 100 men in on day – wants to do 1000 – meh
“The world’s bravest woman (Mirror)”
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
BTW Christmas party catering tip:
You can cook 400 hotdogs at a time in a dishwasher.
Greg Wallace top “Hold my hotdog” tip?
Apropos of nothing in particular
Vic has probably committed a hate crime in that clip though (transphobia).
The withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance for pensioners has an interesting aspect to it. Theoretically pensioners the Government could be liable for more money than they are saving if every pensioner that qualifies for pension credit applies for it. Pension credit is means tested with an extensive enquiry into a pensioners wealth. And there you have it, the Government gets to find out which pensioners have money and how much which will open the door to the Government helping itself to pensioners money on death.
It’s all about control you know. Tax everything to the hilt and make everyone dependent on the State.
Free owl?
Once we end all jokes we end all hate.
2024 Germany … ““Hit the ceiling too often while jumping on the trampoline” Pensioner has to pay 800 Euro fine for Baerbock comment!””
2018 UK … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
I’m beginning to think Starmer is pushing the boundaries of what he can get away with………..
Mandelson as US ambassador? Epstein list published by a Trump CIA? He’d have to go.
Lammy as Foreign Secretary? Did he think the title meant he had to be a foreigner?
A lot of the MSM are applauding Mandelson’s appointment, however……….
He’s a Labour apparatchik through and through, Labour are not in vogue with Trump.
He’s openly gay. I’m not being homophobic but America doesn’t seem to be as in love with homosexuality as we are.
He’s fundamentally pro EU which has to mean his negotiations with America will be slanted towards alignment with the EU
He’s known to be a devious Machiavellian performer. Americans prefer straight dealing.
The Ambassador should have been a neutral Civil Service staffer.
I’m not sure I trust the average civil servant either.
Aha!. this proving that the liberal elite only fail upwards.
William Hague beats Peter Mandelson to become Oxford University chancellor
So, of course, Mandleson gets rewarded by the Blair brothers to represent the UK in the US, apologizing for all of those David Lammy ‘tweets’ and his hatred of Trump and Israel!!
Mandleson , I understand despite being a rich champagne Marxist, he is quote happy to play the Corporate globals and ‘represent’ Starmers UK socialist government ‘in the best possible light’, even as it collapses and is hated with the lowest UK polling possible, and is failing us.
Oxford is full of such Marxist progressives. William Hague will at least try to protect free speech which is why he was elected over and above Comrade Mandleson.
Will he be coming down the chimney?
@ Tomo
Have you had a look at the recent Black Belt Barrister youtube video that deals with this ? the wording appears to be a case of harrassment (it causes alarm and distress).
Worth sending them a cease and desist letter on those grounds ?
Zephir, I have done that to no avail.
Withdraw the BBC enforcement thugs the right of access to your home.
I signed my letter: The Home Owner
and insisted that they acknowledge this condition and reply to my letter which they did and agreed to abide by.
I have also in the past tried to charge them storage for each unwanted letter they send me of £1000. I got a very aggressive letter back from their legal department saying under no circumstances were they going to agree to that condition blah blah.
Almost all media is intrinsically LEFT wing
…. Even GBnews first sacked MARK Steyn
and have now sacked MARK Dolan
.. Proving GBnews is MARKSIST too
Definition: one who posts endless pictures on social media of police surrounding a pink boat and Ed Miliband playing a ukelele.
Extreme case, also continually posting 5 – 10 year old stories:
Marky Marksist
Wow! Thanks – now all I need are a million cult followers!
** or easy to buy tiktokers
US Government Shutdown?
Our GreenSupremacist overlords know better than us
WE think that solar panels don’t work in the middle of the night
Actual Octopus Energy PR
Night is day now as well, they realy are pushing the envelope on how stupid we all are
They would think charging the cells using lamps powered by diesel generators is a good idea. (Don’t let Miliband know otherwise this will happen.)
Mostly peaceful Sweden
BBC just love their rap artists
1st world country with 3rd world inhabitants.
From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures
This article is more than 3 months old
Record low asylum applications ‘surprising’ when global displacement is at all-time high, with aid agencies blaming fear and far-right rhetoric
Not heard much more about thsoe two Muslim Brits executed in Sweden….were they really just innocent businessmen on a trip?
I’m sure not to be alone in my applauding The ever brave Rodney Starmer in his choice of ambassador to the United States. Lord Mandelson…..what a choice……amazing.
I had to remind myself of some of Mandleson’s career having heard “some people ” describe him in glowing terms.
As a former Secretary of State for trade and industry, (even the BBC realised this experience would be invaluable) all the skills he acquired would help GB in its search for a larger American export market. Sadly although appointed in July 1998 , his role was short-lived ,as he had to resign in December 1998…..a slight misunderstanding over a loan of £375,000 (and declaring it on the register of interests) from cabinet colleague Geoffrey Robinson, who Mandlesons own department was at the time of the loan, investigating for his business dealings….All very unfortunate,as such misunderstandings often are.
However, a man of such talent was not wasted for long. In Oct 1999 Mandleson was Secretary of State for Northen Ireland. Once again it was short-lived due to “some people ” kicking up a fuss about Mandleson involving himself in a Mr Hinduja, seeking a British passport and unfortunately, the always honourable , Mr Mandleson felt he just had to resign…..but….he was later exonerated, it should be made clear..
After a period of very hard work in Europe , as a Commissioner Mandelson returned to U.K. politics , under his new title “Baron” Mandleson and enjoyed some popularity ,at last, with Labour supporters, he was voted to be “less disliked” than Harriet Harman indeed…not a bad place to be.
Obviously with his experience in Cabinet , he is an outstanding choice for Mr Starmer’s government’s” Man in Washington”…as “they” say “What could possibly go wrong”.
We can all be sure that with the new spirit of openness we will hear all about it.
Slow slow two tier justice ?
Two men charged with assaulting police officers after Manchester Airport brawl
Two men have been charged with assaulting police officers following a brawl at Manchester Airport in July.
The Crown Prosecution Service said no police officers will be charged.
The charges relate to an altercation at Manchester Airport on July 23, which resulted in four men being arrested and a police officer being suspended and placed under criminal investigation.
Videos of the brawl were subsequently circulated widely online, stoking community tensions in Rochdale where the two defendants are from.
Announcing the decision, Frank Ferguson, the head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: “Following our review of an incident at Manchester Airport in July 2024, the Crown Prosecution Service has today issued charges against two individuals.
“Based on a careful consideration of this evidence, we have concluded that two men should be charged with offences including assaults on police officers.
“We have concluded no charges should be brought against any officers. We examined potential offences of actual bodily harm, and common assault, and reviewed expert evidence in the form of an independent report from an expert in the use of police force, to inform this decision.
Mohammed Amaaz, 20, faces two charges of causing actual bodily harm, one charge of assaulting an emergency worker and one charge of common assault. Muhammed Amaad, 25, is charged with causing actual bodily harm.
He added: “We acknowledge that in this case as in any other, the strength of feeling has been high.
I’m no fact-checker so I cannot vouch for the veracity of this claim, but just the headline gives me immense satisfaction. Marianna Spring might care to investigate?
“Links to extremists & anti-white racism” Why Donald Trump will BAN London Mayor Sadiq Khan from USA.
Very very muted response in the USA to a story that should be headline news around the world :
unfit leader of the most powerful nation on earth, clearly incapable for years…and hidden from all as best they could
So, who is doing stuff like this ? attempting to wreck the economy ?
Biden-Harris admin rolls out another $4.28 billion in student loan handouts
Biden has approved nearly $180 billion in student loan handouts
Why? To do all they can to leave Trump a damaged economy, while simultaneously brainwashing the next generation in the woke education system, and – it is hoped – ‘buying’ their lifelong allegiance to those nice Democrats. Win-win-win.
Buying future voters!
So Jeremy Corbyn has morphed into a green zealot coming out of the cupboard screaming doom and disaster about Global Warming.
It feels very much to me like the usual stuff…. equality, fraternity, egalite and I’m in control isn’t working for him so he’s trying another totalitarian power grab route.
Proof if you need it that the Climate bandwagon is nothing more than a hard-left attempt at population control by hard left totalitarian Marxist masters which is all our Jeremy has ever wanted in life really.
Well I suppose if you feel you might drown it would seem quite natural to make a grab at any piece of available flotsam.
Lol…anti-semitism and green zealotry seem to go well together all too often.
Another multi post thread that deserves review and, if accurate, action by… er…
Meet James McSweeney, ex-parliamentary researcher turned whistleblower
He recently sat down for interview, recounting his experiences
It didn’t get too many views but what he divulged was shocking…
Shocking enough to change the way people view UK governance. Thread 🧵
This one midway..
“ The Westminster press corps plays its part. Modern political journalism operates more like a “gossip factory,” rewarding those who tweet rumours rather than those who laboriously scrutinise policy line by line.”
Few hold power to account; most are paid propagandists or ideologues, or both.
More trampoline people … I mean – don’t judge a book by its cover
Yes, I heard they have remade Nosferatu.
Nah. That’s Albert Steptoe dressed for Saturday night at the bum club.
Turns out I am now on the VERY VERY naughty step. Anonymous email received today from BBC Complaints:
“You will be aware that we have applied Annex B of our complaints framework, as previously notified. This means that we do not consider your submissions as part of our service, but continue to review them for any substantive points raised. Having reviewed your continued use of the webform, it is clear to us that your continued correspondence is intended to be vexatious, with frequent potential for personal offence. As permitted under Annex B, we will now cease to review your continued submissions to the BBC. We are not obliged to continue processing it, and it has become clear that you are aware of the process and the potential for personal offence. The system has been abused to date, and there is no requirement for us to continue to expose our staff to these messages lacking any genuine merit. ”
This came from a no-reply unmonitored email address, so I cannot reply. I can, of course, appeal to the ECU (although the link provided does not work) and we all know what a waste of time that is.
This is all as a result of banging in multiple complaints per day, despite being in Annex B, and asking “Want to stop my complaints? Only you can do that.” at the end of each one. I’m going to take this is a “No” and it will be business as usual.
“vexatious, with frequent potential for personal offence.” – this is a PRE CRIME! H AH AHAH HA HAH AH AH !
I don’t think calling the Director General “sartorially challenged” is personal offence, is it? It is true, after all.
You could try complaining to OFCOM
I find the BBC output offensive so I don’t watch it.
Problem solved.
Rest assured, neither do I. I just use the web site as “ammunition”, and there is plenty of it.
Brothers charged over airport fight with police
‘Two men are charged after an incident at Manchester Airport, but no officers will face charges’.
Reading this article, the BBC very obviously think the police are the villains here for attack those poor Muslims. Their summary is carefully written so it does not describe what these scum did:
‘Social media footage emerged in July showing a police officer kicking a man in the head as he lay on the ground.’
‘The footage shows punches being thrown and a police officer tasering a man and another officer stamping on the man’s head.’
‘BBC Verify’s analysis of five social media videos of the fight included one video, which appeared to show the officer who stamped on the man’s head then approaching another man, stamping on his thigh and hitting him on the back of the head with a Taser’
Absolutely disgraceful misrepresentation in favour of the Muslims yet again from the disgusting far-Left BBC.
Watch how they relentlessly campaign to get charges brought against the police.
Minimum 3 years for the violent scum in light of the sentences imposed on the Southport protestors. If not we should have another protest (peaceful of course officer monitoring this forum).
Been out walking with some ex-colleagues today, one of whome is a Trump hater.
I was stunned by the rhetoric he was repeating which was clearly from only watching leftist news sources. All his claims were embarassingly shallow and easily disproved with facts. He had none to back his statements up. His most powerful argument was that Trump HAD to get himself elected to pardon himself from all his convictions and that he would destroy democracy to the extent there would be no elections in 4 years !!. He didn’t answer when I asked him about Joe Biden promising to stop Trump running by any means they could. And he was also quiet when I asked him what he thought about Biden giving his son a pardon for any crimes he might be found guilty of in the future. He was unaware of the ‘10% for the big fellow’ which might well come out when Ukraines government collapses.
The most interesting thing though was the equal venom he went after Musk. He has now become a Leftist icon for hate.
TDS is well know by now – but this was my first experience of MDS.
It sums up the Left completely. If somebody disagrees with them, they hate them. That is their character and their nature.
I had a similar experience with some friends recently, so I asked “True or False: Did Trump suggest injecting or ingesting bleach during the Covid crisis?” To a man, they all said “Yes, he did”. I then read them exactly what Trump said and asked the same question again. Reluctantly, they all agreed that he had not suggested such behaviour.
Not sure I “converted” them, but it did at least make them realise that not all Trump news is true.
If someone disagrees with them they must be a Nazi.
But the Nazis were Socialists. Government by the government FOR the government.
MDS has been being cultivated for months ….
Beeboids fully signed up obviously
– there are things that both men can be legitimately criticised for – just not the list of prescribed parroting for incurious dimwits.
I see / hear it several times a week and I too suggest that they look closer at what they’re repeating….
Keir Starmer: I will abolish House of Lords to ‘restore trust in politics’
This article is more than 2 years old
Exclusive: Labour leader plans a new elected chamber after accusing successive Tory governments of handing peerages to ‘lackeys and donors’
2024 … … more x30 LORDS AND LADIES LEAPING AT XMAS including Sue Gray!
“Starmer set to nominate Sue Gray for peerage
The party also vowed to introduce new rules on participation, and a new process to make it easier to remove “disgraced” peers.
“Doesn’t watch TV, No BBC … She won’t fall for their tricks.”
Right Wing Woman by Dominic Frisby
Dom never fails to hit the bullseye!
Sweden will no longer fund UNRWA, the UN refugee agency for Palestinians, and plans instead to provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza via other channels, the Nordic country’s aid minister, Benjamin Dousa, told Swedish TV4 on Friday.
The Swedish move comes amid criticism alleging the UN organization has collaborated with Hamas.
Dousa told TV4 that there were also political reasons for Sweden to end its cooperation with UNRWA. He cited the UN food program World Food Programme as an example of an alternative to UNRWA…
Guardian… the BBC will be rooting for him too.
yeah, right….
got an effin Ouija board at the BBC?
What???! Mandy the lion tamer????!
Oh so sorry Mandy. That wasn’t an invitation!
On 18 December, MPs debated the future funding of the BBC in Parliament.
This was a Westminster Hall debate led by Sir John Whittingdale MP. Culture, Media and Sport Minister Stephanie Peacock MP responded on behalf of the Government.
Read the transcript on why the BBC won;t be changing anytime soon. Its Charter is ‘SAFE’ under Labour and the Liberals and sadly by faux Conservatives who still think Its a WORLD CLASS SERVICE,
even if that means a ‘THIRD WORLD SERVICE’.
I have just read it all. What a load of TOSH!
At least i though I had read it all until I read the newsletter by TAXPAYERS ALLIANCE campaign : AXE-THE=TAX and its clear that the BBC is damaged below the waterline… as you can see and read here
AXE THE TAX (taxpayers Alliance)
Well worth a read. They were the Ones that EXPOSED to greedy BBC *STARS* that earned a killing on the BBC. From Huw Edwards to Gary Linekar and more!!… A ‘part-time job’ that earns more than £1000,000 + year! — and many of them totally UNEMPLOYABLE – outside the BBC.
They only exist because of the BBC Charter protecting their employment. And that is why the BBC are so keen to keep the TV license fee. It stinks, but as along as we have stupid Liberal and Labour MP’s protecting the BBC Charter nothing will change. Even though the BBC is the enemy within, and would happily work under the Soviets, if they had the same Charter to pervert and tell us that its unbiased.
So it limps on for another few years. It will, of course have to change, eventually, but nobody can decide what to replace it with, as long as MP;s think its the ENVY of the world, alongside the NHS!
@ Tomo
Talking of which:
Elizabeth here.
I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier but I was on the bog.
You see I have been terribly constipated of late and I haven’t passed a motion for at least two weeks.
I was wondering if you could send me something to make me go. I promise I will refund any postal charges incurred.
Thank you so much.
Liz xx
Warning signs for Trump as Republican rebels defiant
‘At least so far, he is struggling, with the chaos of the last 24 hours showing some of the limits of his power and control of his party as he prepares to re-enter the White House.’
This, Mr Zurcher of the BBC, is what a proper democracy looks like. People in the party willing to vote against the orders from the top when they think about their constituents.
I have noticed many times how votes are ‘scuppered’ by Republicans voting with their conscience. In contrast to that I have noticed many times how the Democrats vote along the party lines without fail. As in this case.
Clearly the BBC think that politicians should always vote according to the political agenda and not for the people who voted them into office. That does not surprise me one bit. The Left are basically natural fascists and are utterly intolerant to everything against their own ideological agenda.
BBC news already blaming Trump for the shutdown and going after Elon, the so called state broadcaster does not represent the UK and is an embarrassment and have learned nothing from their bias coverage leading up to one of the greatest election victories in American history
The BBC will learn or die but thus far it has shown no sign of significant erudition.
As my old dad would have put it —- They ain’t learnt nuffink!
Two Muslim brothers charged with violence in the north west today.
Not the Manchester airport lot, another pair. Walid Saadaoui and Amar Hussein involved in a plot to carry out an ISIS-inspired attack on the Jewish community. (Saadaoui’s brother on a lesser charge of failing to disclose info about acts of terrorism.)
Tucked away on BBC local news. Further hearing set by Parmjit Kaur “Bobbie” Cheema-Grubb (the first Asian female High Court judge in the UK).
I just found there’s a Chief Jihadist Media Specialist post at the BBC.
From Mina Al-Lami’s LinkedIn: “I specialise in jihadist media, communications and online networks, with nearly two decades of experience in this field. My interest and expertise also lie in jihadist ideology and shifts within it.”
Does that position involve any research in the Middle East or is she just in charge of posters in the W1A canteen?
A repeat
worth a watch imho
An attack on a Christmas Market in Germany….wonder if it was by one of those wonderful Merkel Migrants she shipped in?…Not as if plenty of others of similar ilk haven’t been busy lately…
‘On December 1 in Schöneck, Saxony, the mayor and another individual were shot at with a Softair pistol.
Three days later, a 37-year-old Iraqi national was arrested in Augsburg, Bavaria, for allegedly scouting the Christkindlesmarkt, and sharing Islamic State propaganda.
In November, a 17-year-old German-Turkish national was apprehended in the northern town of Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, for planning a truck attack inspired by the 2016 Berlin market tragedy.
And authorities in Mannheim and Frankfurt also arrested two German-Lebanese brothers on charges of planning attacks on local Christmas markets.’
And as TM notes above they’re busy here…just the BBC isn’t too keen on you knowing about these, er, Far-Right terror plotters…that is the biggest threat no?….
‘Two men have denied plotting an Islamic State group-inspired gun attack on the Jewish community in the UK.
Walid Saadaoui, 37, and Amar Hussein, 51, pleaded not guilty on Friday to preparing acts of terrorism between 13 December and 9 May 2023.
The charge against them alleges that they “arranged for the purchase and delivery of firearms, conducted reconnaissance and made plans of attack”.
It is alleged that the main targets of the proposed attack were members of the Jewish community in the north-west of England, members of law enforcement and military.’
“Fury & Usyk face off for just 7 seconds at weigh-in”
“Both men chose to wear their clothes on the scales, as Fury is 20st 1lb and Usyk is 16st 2lb””
No idea why the BBC is using stones.
Fury could be 281, or could be a lot less, who knows what’s underneath .
This after a similarity fully dressed open work out.
They they wonder why boxing isn’t so popular anymore.
Ukrainian Usyk held a sign :
” Free Azovstal Defenders”
That’s the Azov regiment who defended the city of Mariupol, most now POWs in Russia.
No mention by BBC..
Listening to the BBC news bulletins of the charging of the Manchester Muslims who attacked police…..the BBC says one tried to intervene as police tried to arrest another…then a ‘fight’ broke out….the intro to this was a comment, repeated twice, that a police officer had ‘assaulted’ one of them later.
Why does the BBC not report that the Muslims attacked and assaulted the police?
The web report is not much better telling us…
‘Two men have been charged over a fight with police at Manchester Airport which happened before an officer was filmed stamping on a suspect’s head.’
Though noting…but not the BBC’s own words…
‘Brothers Mohammed Amaaz, 20, and Muhammed Amaad, 25, of Rochdale, have been charged with assaulting police officers, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said. ‘
Read the report and you’ll get the idea that it is the police who should be on trial…..the BBC describes at length what police officers did…but barely a mention of what the two Muslims did…why is that?…and contrast with the emotive sob story about traumatised police at the ‘Far-Right’ riots in Southport….
‘Three Greater Manchester Police (GMP) officers are shown restraining a man at a car park ticketing machine before a fight ensues.
The footage shows punches being thrown and a police officer tasering a man and another officer stamping on the man’s head.
BBC Verify’s analysis of five social media videos of the fight included one video, which appeared to show the officer who stamped on the man’s head then approaching another man, stamping on his thigh and hitting him on the back of the head with a Taser.
Another officer appears to pepper-spray bystanders who are filming the incident.’
If you’re savagely attacked by Muslims it’s OK says the BBC…if you’re attacked by Whitey then it’s the return of the Nazis stormtroopers.
The BBC is now a TROJAN HORSE. Wake up folks!!!
Astounding that not one of the armed officers used their firearms, even when attacked… but used their feet to keep their hands free…just in case.
Surely the Coppers Academy teaches the first rule of Coppering is “Stick ’em up or I shoot to kill” when faced with a life threatening situation. However the tough hard bitten copper of today is —–well
“At least one dead after car drives into crowd at German Christmas market, reports say”| BBC News
Damed cars, driving themselves into Christmas shoppers! Ban cars!
Ban home schooling, beaches, and Christmas Markets
Well it helps to divert public attention away from subjects that affect us BRITS (I love that title) day in and day out.
I am SO proud to be a BRIT.
The BBC do not give a shit about us BRITS and we should ban the organisztion as being anti British.
RIP the innocents.
These evil cars in Germany are out of control.
Why do these cars keep doing this?
The media is on it.
Cannot believe what I’ve just heard on the BBC.
Two guests, back to back, speculate why this 50-year-old Saudi Arabian committed this attack on the Magdeburg Christmas Market.
Neither mention Islam. Instead, they suggest he might have lost his job, or been divorced.
We cannot ignore the obvious elephant in the room.
The second guest then wondered in a later segment why this market had no concrete bollards to prevent the car from driving through the crowd.
We would not need such blockades, if politicians had not imported terrorists i to Europe.
Meanwhile Humzah Yusuf covers himself in further glory.
It appears we have more evidence of poor driving standards over in Europe.
I wonder what the ethnicity or religion of the driver might be?
Go on. Guess.
I believe the BBC are saying something terrible happened in Germany today, possibly involving a person (a doctor!) doing a thing. Or maybe the car did it.
Under our Dear Leader, I think this is how we need to talk about such things now, unless you want 5 years.
This is what our ancestors wanted for us I’m sure, so double plus good I suppose.
Saudi man arrested after Magdeburg attack, state premier says
A Saudi man has been arrested after the car ramming attack in Magdeburg, the state premier said.
“We have arrested the perpetrator, it is a man from Saudi Arabia… a doctor who has been in Germany since 2006,” state premier of Saxony-Anhalt Reiner Haseloff told reporters at the scene. “From what we currently know he was a lone attacker so we don’t think there is any further danger for the city.”
Police made the arrest after the vehicle drove “at least 400 metres across the Christmas market”, leaving behind a trail of bloodied casualties at the city’s central town hall square.
11 dead, 90 injured. Explosives found in the vehicle.
How many more victims until people realise the “far right” are just…right
there is NO reasoning with these types AT ALL and there are thousands living amongst us
And they hate everything about us. Figure it out people!
“We have arrested the perpetrator, it is a man from Saudi Arabia… a doctor who has been in Germany since 2006,” state premier of Saxony-Anhalt Reiner Haseloff told reporters at the scene.
Ring a bell?
Haseloff ? Baywatch ?
Of course my main anger is directed at the person who drove the car and those that influenced him. But I reserve some of my ire at the press (including GBNews) saying the car did it.
From the Mail:
“Magdeburg Christmas market car attack: Saudi Arabian doctor, 50, who killed at least two is ‘an ex-Muslim who ranted against Germany for Islamising Europe’
How tiresomely predictable. The SIS really do lack any kind of finesse.
“Analysis of his social media reveals tweets in support of Germany’s anti-immigration party AfD, while he has also made comments supporting Elon Musk, far-right thug Tommy Robinson and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.”
The only thing missing is ‘anti-vaxxer’.
Whilst hesitant to criticise your assertions, I would be interested if you could provide any kind of motive or even the upside to all the activities you have associated with deep state or security services.
Surely these kind of things, if preplanned or staged, as you say, have few advantages, if any, for anyone ?
Why not drive into a Mosque?