Just finished an eleven hour shift at work to see that another German Christmas market has been the scene of an appalling atrocity – how much more must the West take before the root cause is expelled? I don’t care if this one claims to have left the faith in question – enough is enough.
Cooper man – have a good noo noo … (sleep). Having returned to londonistan last night ( chilly ) I thought I’d catch up with the bbc propaganda .
There’s a difference about the Islamic terrorist attack in the Reich . The bbc seems to be putting out more propaganda than the usual silence from the plod and ‘don’t speculate ‘ ….
Perhaps it’s an ‘approved ‘ terrorist attack as opposed to their Islamic friends ….
Unsurprisingly, like the rest of the legacy media, Al Beeb news page have led the story that another pesky ‘car’ had destroyed many people’s lives at that market.
They were quick to mention that the ‘Doctor’ had lived in Germany since 2006 and acted alone. That’s alright then, nothing to see here, move along.
How many more ‘brain surgeons’ do we have to import to realise that Europe has fallen..
The German terror attack last night yet again underlines the total failure and immense danger of the mass migration policy instigated by Globalist ideology over the last three or four decades.
Surely even the most stupid indigenous European , even those indoctrinated by repeated dunking in liberalism, must realise that we need to protect ourselves , our culture , our way of life in order that future generations can live in free and peaceful lives not dominated by the medieval attitudes and beliefs of Islam.
The first step is stop all non European immigration . The second step is stop any further encroachment of Islam on our way of life. We are not Muslim and we don’t want to be.
But we all know that what will actually happen is , candles , teddy bears , silly songs, sermons about tolerance, politicians talking nonsense about protecting Muslims from the back lash , and then as quickly as possible the establishment political machines and legacy media will move on and try to distract us.
We can only hope that sensible Germans vote AfD in February and that Nationalist anti immigration parties are boosted right across the continent.
We have leaders obsessed with using ‘the full force of the law’ at the moment.
They need to remember that ‘laws’ can change.
For example, leaders in 1930s Germany, probably never thought they’d get hanged after legal process within Germany within a few years, simply for following orders and what the ‘law’ (no matter how nasty) was at the time.
But it happened.
Now, I’m not suggesting I would push for stringing up politicians, but I am but one man.
My influence would be almost non existent.
If I was part of a government that is unforgiving, heartless, corrupt, cruel and for some at least, working against the (real) British folk, I would be thinking about advising the party to dial the anti white/tyrannical nonsense back a bit. You know, just in case this law that they ‘love’ so much, doesn’t come back to bite them on the arse?
TOADY Watch #1 – what are the concerns of the BBC and Amol Rajan?
Amol Rajan is JustRemainIn Webb’s wingman on TOADY this morning. After the dreadful news from Magdeburg of a car being driven in to a crowded City Christmas Market, killing two, and leaving many more injured what are Amol’s concerns? Are they with the bereaved families? Are they with the injured? No. The BBC’s Amol Rajan is more concerned about “conspiracy theories” and ‘disinformation’.
The BBC and its employees: increasingly despicable.
For some reason our Justin has a chat with a loon ex mp called Rory Stewart who famously predicted Harris would win
An honourable man would realise he is a dope and withdraw from the public arena – but not our Rory.
Our Justin talked about the Trump plan to cut down the state . Our Justin wondered if it could happen here – a man working for a state tax funded broadcaster – long part it’s Sell by date …
Without any reference to TTK and his Marxist regime – throwing money at the public sector parasites …
If so, it’s yet another reason to avoid the sorry stuff spewed out by nutters in the Beeboid Towers!
Thanks for watching it on our behalf and warning us though Fed; have a Peerage -er – you may have to sit next to Sue Gray though, so here’s a K instead!,
“Honestly i thought this was a disappointing softball interview that crossed into fawning at times. It felt like a missed opportunity to challenge her on her legacy which seems far more mixed now than it probably did a couple of years ago.”
“Less of an interview and more of a promotion of herself, you didn’t press her on anything. You just sat there in awe.”
“Another Merkel masterclass in saying much and nothing.”
Angela Merkel On How She Faced Trump, Putin, COVID & Brexit
Christmas is a few days away, and another tragedy beforehand. I don’t suppose I’m alone in remembering others that have occurred in the lead up to Christmas over the decades past , be it acts of terrorism or accidents. Train wrecks, multiple vehicle pile ups, plane crashes, gun massacres – I can hear my Dad saying “and just before Christmas too”.
Let’s count our blessings, as there will be tears shed by many families for lost loved ones in whatever circumstances.
Merry Christmas everyone – hug your families tight, and we can but hope for a peaceful and healthy New Year.
Guardian … “The man arrested has been identified as Taleb A., a 50-year-old medical doctor from Saudi Arabia.
Saxony-Anhalt’s leader Reiner Haseloff said the man had been living in Germany since 2006. The suspect, a consultant for psychiatry and psychotherapy, was recognised as a refugee in 2016.
Some German media pointed to the suspect’s past social media posts in which he reportedly expressed views critical of Islam and had even warned of the “dangers” of an Islamisation of Germany.
“As things stand, he is a lone perpetrator, so that as far as we know there is no further danger to the city,” Haseloff said.
The suspect rented the car shortly before the attack, according to reports citing a security source, and was not known to authorities as having an Islamist background.””
At least 68 other people were injured, including 15 who were left in a critical state, according to the city government
So this chap was so against radical Islam to the point that he didn’t want muslims being let in the country.? So he then commits a terror offence, almost identical to something a radical Muslim might carry out?
Seems plausible.
As the late great Norm Macdonald said, something like, “You know, after 9/11 when thousands lost their lives, I don’t know about you, but my first thought was, ‘Gee, I really hope that nobody out there says anything that might upset a Muslim somewhere, that’s what’s important here.”
We simply must, as a nation (and as a people – those of European heritage – white people), vote in parties who will completely turn things around.
We need mass remigration policies (with incentives – I’m not suggesting rounding people up.)
Incentives can be substantial cash amounts to leave if they can (dual citizens etc). They can lose the right to vote and use the NHS for free. No benefits etc. No free house. Dinghies? Yeah that definitely won’t be a thing one day in my opinion.
We shouldn’t give benefits or free NHS access to anyone non British (even ‘refugees’) unless they become permanent residents. And that would be incredibly difficult to get in my world (skilled job that we have a shortage of and we need time to train our own etc). Paid in the tax system for 10 years. No criminal record and married a UK national etc? 100k in savings? Ok. You might get in.
Voting and standing as a political candidate should only be open to people who can prove that at least one grandparent fought in either WW1 or WW2 (in the British armed forces).
A constitution then put in place, so that we can never again have politicians do what they did to western nations.
I think we will one day see such things take place.
The youngest generations (of white males especially) are, in my experience anyway, very fed up and very right wing. They see no future and are sick of being treated as ‘bad’ because they’re white. They’re fed up of never (realistically) being able to buy a home. Of being constantly skint, even if they have a good job. Any pay increases going to the landlord etc.
Males are much more fed up than females.
Don’t believe it?
Go on TikTok and see for yourself. 4chan is about 90% young white males. Talk to them about their ‘future’ (in real life not 4chan, it’s a madhouse.)
If you think you hear right wing stuff on here from us crusties, wait until you hear that lot.
I think there will be a turnaround one day, perhaps a decade or so from now, and I bet it won’t be pretty.
It’s inevitable. You can only push folk so far and for so long while giving them so little.
Stay up on your soap box, Lazers, you sum up what most legal citizens in the UK feel, and it’s good to keep reading such encouraging notes!
Letting foreigners take control here is a disgraceful dereliction of duty by successive governments, and after Starmer has finished trashing our country, we can start again with some real commitment with Reform.
A constitution as you describe would do a lot for this!
Reform are the only viable ticket, but I see Farage as too left wing. He refuses to mention ‘remigration’.
Perhaps he’s aware that he might (under the current regime) end up being arrested for mentioning it outside of Parliament?
Who knows? But he just seems like an anti EU, Thatcherite Tory to me.
He’s not a bad egg and is charismatic, but he’s said stuff like getting out of the EU would be great because we can bring in people from the Commonwealth instead. Would you prefer Poles, Frenchies and Germans or Pakistans, Bangladeshis and Somalians?
But yes, I’ll vote Reform and hope they turn right a little and mention what is being mentioned (remigration) openly on the continent and in America.
It’s hard to tell if Farage is being cautious or being a bit too on the liberal side. It could be a bit of both. At the moment he is being monitored by the by the alternative media such as Paz, Paul Thorpe,
Gabby Taxi etc as if his every word could spell success or immediate doom for the cause!
I have found that this is a feature of new emergent political parties, right or left, where they get a few people elected and their more excitable supporters expect miracles and keep threatening to resign at every perceived misstep. It’s a sort of adolescent stage people new to politics seem to go through.
While I have said many times on here I do not quite trust Farage since he turned on Ukip, I think the situation is different now.
The Reform Party has a several MPs now and it is a force that could well survive even if Farage throws the towel in again.
The more MPs the stronger the movement becomes and relies less on one man. LC I think you have the right attitude, keep voting Reform and patriotic Brits will have ourselves a juggernaut very soon.
Now I know that a Saudi has driven through a Christmas market in Germany killing and injuring dozens.
But the important thing is that we don’t want any ‘Far Right’ people saying hurtey things about certain religions and ethnicities. Anyone doing that will surely feel the full force of the law. What we need to do instead is to celebrate diversity and embrace multiculturalism. I’m sure the BBC will keep us on the right road. Make that the left road.
You can take the raving lefty loon out of the BBC, but…
In case it’s not obvious: the far right narrative on Magdeburg switched overnight from Islamophobia to anti-asylum. No matter that the alleged perpetrator looks to be a Musk/AfD fan – radicalisation is never their fault. Solidarity with the victims, the city and Germany
And ‘solidarity with’ is about as cringe now as ‘thoughts and prayers’.
….so says the person who let us remember was employed by the BBC as the ‘impartial’ economics editor on Newshite, err I mean Newsnight.
You can’t make it up.
Article in the Spectator about the fate of Syrian and Iraqi over the past three decades.
There were several million Christians in those two countries fifty years ago now there are a few thousand. Many have fled , over 2 million to the USA alone, driven out by Muslim persecution, ie real refugees.There are similar stories in Pakistan and Egypt.
Do we hear of them , of the untold number murdered and millions forced to flee or convert against their will to Islam? Why is the legacy media so reluctant to tell their story?
If these were Muslims refugees or victims of persecution we would never hear the end of it. The UN would be issuing arrest warrants right , left and centre. Western politicians would rightly be accusing the leaders of those countries expelling the Muslims of crimes against humanity . Genocide would be banner headlines everywhere. But no one , or hardly anyone , raises an eyebrow. Even the leaders of Christian churches.
Christianity and the West is complicit in its own demise.
Absolutely laughable moments on Toady this morning.
They were ‘interviewing’ ( hahahaha) two GPs, as per usual at the BBC lobbing gentle balls.
The presenter (was it JustRemainin) asked about the importance of continuity of GP care, that is that you see the same GP each time where possible.
‘Of course’ said the GP ‘we make every effort to do that’.
And that dear readers is the presumed BBC assumption.
At my GP if I ask to see the same GP I am met with incredulity. First up, there are probably no available slots for any GP. If there are, you feel so lucky you are likely to accept any GP. If you want the same GP they are probably working part time or some sort of shift pattern or on holiday or working as the duty doctor and so are not available.
The BBC are thus trying to advocate a cosy pro NHS scenario which bears absolutely no relation at all to the reality of real patients real experience.
There’s more. As if by magic, ten minutes after the above we had a call from Miss S who advised she had to go to A and E yesterday evening. See what I mean?
The news report that ‘millions ‘? Of people are buying some far drug online didn’t meet a comment that more people are bi passing the NHS – overwhelmed by unrestricted foreign imports .
If I could opt out I gladly would …. I don’t believe in state ‘healthcare ‘…
“At my GP if I ask to see the same GP I am met with incredulity” … here in Wales, asking to see ANY GP is met with incredulity. We may get free prescriptions, but getting the prescription is the tricky bit.
We are the Eloi, they are the Morlocks and they are winning.
Just what is it about them that our woke wets find so endearing and want ever more of them to come. Surely it’s not just because they all hate Jews so much.
Anyway, lessons will be learned and we will all be OK …….Right?
Many refer to “Treason” in the context of what the elite is up to in the Western World. Treason for the UK, is really directed against acts against the monarchy. Seeing as the berk shown above is firmly on the side of destroying the UK ‘Real’ treason is very unlikely to be laid on the elite. However, there is another form of “Treason” that could.
“Treason Felony” I refer to.
“Treason felony
In addition to the crime of treason, the Treason Felony Act 1848 (still in force today) created a new offence known as treason felony, with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment instead of death (but today, due to the abolition of the death penalty, the maximum penalty both for high treason and treason felony is the same—life imprisonment). Under the traditional categorisation of offences into treason, felonies, and misdemeanours, treason felony was merely another form of felony. Several categories of treason which had been introduced by the Sedition Act 1661 were reduced to felonies. While the common law offences of misprision and compounding were abolished in respect of felonies (including treason felony) by the Criminal Law Act 1967, which abolished the distinction between misdemeanour and felony, misprision of treason and compounding treason are still offences under the common law.
It is treason felony to “compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend”:
to deprive the sovereign of the Crown,
to levy war against the sovereign “in order by force or constraint to compel her to change her measures or counsels, or in order to put any force or constraint upon or in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament”, or
to “move or stir” any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the sovereign.”
THE EU … “intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament” ”
ILLEGAL MIGRANTS … ““move or stir” any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the sovereign.””
Exactly. I’d love to hear the so-called, International Criminal Court’s views of their paymasters’ actions. Thing is, when the situation becomes so grim, the public take over and ignore, ‘the Law’ all the elite refer to when necessary. Otherwise, they simply ignore it at their choosing.
I’m still hoping to see/watch Starmer et al’s ‘de-thronement’, his, ‘Ceaușescu moment’ if you will. Has to come. You can’t wind up the public so much and not expect serious things to happen in return.
“Reports indicate that Taleb is wanted by Saudi authorities on charges of terrorism and smuggling girls from the Middle East to European Union countries. However, Germany refused to extradite him and granted him asylum despite these allegations.”
30 June 2017
“A Jeep Cherokee laden with propane gas cylinders and petrol cans was driven at speed into the doors of the Glasgow Airport departure area on one of the busiest days of the year.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-40416026
Inside the vehicle were Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdulla, 27, and 28-year-old engineer Kafeel Ahmed, who was born in India and grew up in Saudi Arabia.
New Christmas Market Jackets available from Left wing Banksy….
The desperate far left are claiming victory over some vote in the US which president trump didn’t ‘win ‘ . They think he is already in charge with four long weeks of Obama doing a scorched earth job destroying evidence of 4 years of crime ….
Those pardons will be thrown out like confetti – probably on Christmas Day ….
“Column writer in The Daily Telegraph. (£25,001-£30,000)
Six articles for GQ Magazine. (£5,001-£10,000)
Book publishing contract Harper Collins. (£30,001-£35,000)
Speaking engagement for JLA Agency (speech to Broadvision). (Up to £5,000)
Speaking engagements for Celebrity Speakers Agency (speeches to The Insolvency Lawyers Association and the Aircraft Golfing Society). (Up to £5,000)”
I heard Frank Gardner this morning. He claims we should not rush to judgment on the Magdeburg attack, the man might have been mentally ill. Well, he is a muslim, so QED. Gardner also suggested he might be an AfD supporter. On what evidence? Is it likely a Saudi muslim immigrant would support the AfD? But it did its trick, he managed to smear the AfD. Job done.
Indeed. I’ve seen few NK documentaries down the years.
In a few of them, I’ve seen clips and interviews with former troops (who defected ) that performed at parades.
Smashing bricks with their heads, smashing paving slabs with their forearms. Getting hit with baseball bats until they snap. No trickery it seems. Nutters.
Hardest men I’ve ever seen.
They might not be ‘experienced in battle’, but I’d bet they’d crush most countries’ troops easily in a fair fight. Especially a few western troops nowadays.
Gender-fluid visibility week and transgender parent day are among awareness events the NHS will recognise in 2025.
A calendar of events for NHS England staff to watch out for includes some 351 awareness days, weeks and months, to be marked next year.
After various religious holidays and festivals are removed, there are about 240 events left, and about one in eight is related to LGBT people.
A source said most awareness days and weeks were not typically marked in any way, but those relating to transgender people tended to be “highly visible” and get blog posts, emailed to all staff and put on the NHS staff homepage.
“The main issue is excessive airtime for awareness days for trans people and their gender identities and rules, and these are riddled with falsehoods about being more likely to be victims of murder or discrimination,” the source said. “And if you challenge it, you are a bigot.”
They queried why staff were spending so much time on promoting these days rather than doing their jobs.
The 31 awareness days and weeks for this group on the NHS list is significantly more than any other topic or area, followed by cancer, which has almost half the awareness events noted at just 16.
While most of the year is filled with some form of day of recognition, it means there is more than one day every other week on average for people who consider themselves as LGBTQ+.
Among the days being celebrated there is a transgender parent day, a pansexual and panromantic awareness and visibility day, an intersex day of solidarity, a transgender day of remembrance, a national coming out day, and an international pronouns day, the NHS says.
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at Sex Matters, has criticised the NHS for indulging ‘performative nonsense’ Credit: Jeff Gilbert
There is also an LGBT history month throughout January and a trans awareness month in November.
For women there are just four similar awareness days or weeks – including for the menopause – while maternity and baby loss awareness there are 10 such occasions.
Awareness events dedicated to racism and black and minority ethnic people also numbered 10 in total.
Disabilities and health conditions such as dementia, heart disease and eating disorders receive fewer mentions still.
Other inclusions are Christmas jumper day, physician associates’ week, and a national day for staff networks.
Kate Barker, chief executive of charity LGB Alliance, said: “Instead of celebrating made-up pronouns, the NHS should be raising awareness of the scandal of unevidenced, experimental medicalisation of gender-distressed young people.
“Marking Detransition Awareness Day on March 12th would be a welcome step in ending the irreversible damage – often inflicted by the NHS itself – on youth who are otherwise likely to grow up happily gay or lesbian.”
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at Sex Matters, a human rights charity said: “The NHS has one job: to provide healthcare to everyone. No doubt that does involve public health messaging, like days to raise awareness of dementia or menopause symptoms.
“But endless tripe about special identities is not only tiresome, it’s a distraction from what medical professionals should be doing. It makes NHS staff look obsessed with trivial nonsense like made-up genders and preferred pronouns. Over time that’s bound to erode patients’ trust.
“This is all a waste of time and money. The NHS needs to drop the performative nonsense and focus its efforts on treating sick people and improving the nation’s health.”
NHS England was asked for commen
Under FOIA UsForThem has obtained the minutes of meetings held in Sept 2021 in which the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers agreed to overrule the JCVI to push through the vaccination of children for C19.
The minutes indicate:
🛑significant undeclared conflicts of interest
🛑NO ethical input sought or received by the CMOs
🛑divergence of views between CMOs including concerns over potentially significant unknown harms
As we also explain, only one quarter of parents were aware that the JCVI had declined to recommend mass vaccination of 12-15 year olds. Just 1 in 3 say they would still have wanted their kids to be C19 vaccinated had they known this at the time.
Our latest video explains what we found in the minutes documenting this incredibly important (not to mention unethical and procedurally unprecedented) decision.
The full set of minutes are linked to in comments.”
If you see a news offering that seems too good to be true, it probably is, edition
Sometimes happenstance dictates that random copy that may appear on our newspaper frontpages is almost too ironic for words…
Puzzles special issue… Bumper culture quiz of the year (Guardian)
Return of the family doctor (Mirror)
Car hits crowds at German Christmas market, leaving four dead and dozens injured… The suspect, a 50-year-old Saudi doctor, is believed to have acted alone (BBC)
Traffic news and a lone wolf nature show there which catches our BBC still busy in the act of drawing conclusions on our behalf from this european news: Five unanswered questions from the Pelicot trial (BBC)
BBC question number 5, care of our Laura Gozzi, BBC, Avignon, is a quite a poser, as they say in reference to difficult questions: Will the trial be a turning point?
Our BBC would prefer to make it so – despite Betteridge’s law of headlines (“Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”)
“There will be a ‘before’ and there will be an ‘after’ the Pelicot trial,” one Parisian man told the BBC in the early days of the trial. (BBC)
No such Will this be a turning point? commentary is likely to be aired in the aftermath of this latest Magdeburg terror attack, we’re guessing.
Random BBC agenda-compliant vox pops, vaguely attributed, are something of a wonder of the age – re the Pelicot trial: “What we need to do is have much, much harsher sentences,” Nicolas and Mehdi, two residents of Mazan – the village where the Pelicots lived – told the BBC. (BBC) – ah, Nicolas and Mehdi, mes frères, joining hands across the multicultural divide, no doubt.
They said they were “disgusted” when they found out one of the defendants was a man they had played football with. (BBC)
Our BBC there, happily enjoying the opportunity to pick up the news in midfield, run with it dribbling, turn it into a narrative scoring chance and Bend It Like Beckham
This Gisèle Pelicot case has given the gynaeceum that is the feminist BBC news staff quite the rabona with the chance to nutmeg mankind in general.
How’s that 2030 Net Zero battery powered green future workin’ out fo’ yer?
E-bike battery fire destroys family home… The fire service has warned e-bikes can be “incredibly dangerous”… “We’ve seen around 160 e-bike and e-scooter fires in London this year… E-bikes are one of London’s fastest-growing fire risks, with a fire on average once every other day… If you’re planning on buying… for yourself or a loved one for Christmas and you see an offer online that seems too good to be true, it probably is.” (BBC) – there’s an epitaph for Net Zero energy, if ever I heard one.
Diplomatic relations, special relationship, and all that?
UK’s new ambassador to the US called giant orange manbaby ‘danger to world’ & ‘little short of a racist’ (Daily Star)
Trump aide: Mandelson is a moron (Telegraph)
Not much Ferrero Rocher on the embassy welcome party menu there then?
Gordon is a Moron went to number 4 in the UK pop charts in August 1978
I’m rather afraid past virtue-signalling statements made our gobby lefty politicians will have made Britain the Jilted John now that The Donald is the once and future president.
The supermarket in Abuja allegedly “exclusively permits individuals of Chinese descent to enter”, Nigeria’s consumer protection watchdog said on X, external.
“A new biography of French President Emmanuel Macron has revealed his parents shock when they discovered their 16-year-old son was having an affair with his married teacher.”
I am just trying to understand the sort of man being painted by the Daily Mail who was in the car which was involved in the Magdeburg Christmas market incident. I am being very careful because I know free speech is no longer allowed. According to the DM (and I guess the BBC has the same sources), there is endless evidence that the man wasn’t an Islamist, but just the opposite. He appears to be a fan of the AfD, he tweets anti Musk tweets on X, he is anti-Islam, he gives interviews to the BBC and far right publications. And yet to attack the country that gave him asylum, he attacks families at a Christmas market? I don’t understand. I know Jews who fled Germany in the 1930s and came to the UK. They respected this country to their dying day because this country saved their lives. I just don’t understand this Saudi man.
In a way I could liken the Saudi man to the man who shot Trump’s ear. There was a lot of evidence that he supported the far right.
Both men have a lot of evidence of their political leaning and yet the attack the people you might have thought they supported.
The “alleged” suspect doest fit ye classic terrorist (my word, not theirs) profile because they are normally lone wolf twentysomethings, rather than 50 year year olds.
Without pausing for breath, the next sentence brings up the “could he have mental health issues?” without any shred of evidence.
It’s as if they have a ready made template for commenting on these events, just change the name, place and number of fatalities.
harry, on R4 lunchtime news JustRemainIn Webb contributed that the man driving the car into Magdeburg Christmas Market was anti-Islam! Pull the other one BBC! I just don’t believe you.
He was from Saudi Arabia!!! Just as Stew posted, you don’t drive a car into a Christmas Market with mostly non-Muslims present.
‘Sikh family distraught as man’s beard is cut without his consent’ shrieks the BBC webshite. For God’s sake BBC if you haven’t got any proper news to report just shut up. Nobody’s interested.
Why would BBC run a Sikh as victims story ?
.. So it could then run 6 Muslim as victims stories
Sure hospital staff broke rules cos you are not supposed to shave anyone without their permission.
10,000 people per day are distraught about something : like their car getting run into etc.
but the BBC don’t run stories about them.
A Coldstream Guardsman who was the first to wear a turban during Trooping the Colour is understood to have tested positive for cocaine. Charanpreet Singh Lall, 22, from Leicester, registered “high levels” of the Class A drug during a random test at Victoria Barracks, Windsor.25 Sept 2018
Hot on the heels of Bowen criticism for out of touch with reality the BBC are when his third question to the new al-Qaeda controller of Syria was ‘what about alcohol’ (presumably because he is eyeing up a long-term stay there in the best hotel the BBC can find), they prove it was no fluke by making this a top-headline:
Be fair everybody. Islam is a religion in which Christmas
is an anathema. The BBC understands this and respects
it. So Christmas markets are like a red flag to a bull.
This needs to be understood. I reiterate , the BBC
are compliant with this. Why can’t everybody who
isn’t a Muslim understand ?
I have found that if you make a close study of his facial features they resemble Cheetah the chimp from the Tarzan movies but then none of us can help our looks.
Whose mother? …. and you may not be able to help your looks but several punches to the face can improve a person’s mood. Obviously not the recipient’s but, meh. Oh, and when I study his features I am inexplicably reminded of a pile of elephant shit.
“BBC correspondent Damien McGuinness in Magdeburg said the market was surrounded by concrete blocks. However, there was a gap for pedestrians to go through, but also wide enough for a car.”
And another one which appears to have been buried straight to regions.
The BBC do everything can while staying within their rules to hide all these inconvenient Muslim terrorist plots from everybody.
Meanwhile – after I’ve made several comments about the BBC not reporting the sentences of BMAE murderers recently – we suddenly get a very rare picture of someone who stabbed someone else to death on the BBC front page. In almost every other instance they show the victim.
“German police say nine-year-old among five people killed in Christmas market attack”
“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised an investigation after a car drove [ WAS DRIVEN ] into crowds at a Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg,
Police say the suspect entered the market through an entrance reserved for ambulances and other emergency vehicles
More than 200 people have been injured, according to city officials”
Phew.. I feared the locals weren’t going to get the statutory rite of passage, candle lit vig.
Pile the teddy bears up.
And don’t get angry at the causes.
The BBC have gone into wet-panties for this story using the word ‘Islamaphobe’ at every opportunity since they discovered he is apparently anti-Muslim.
But the real story going on here which the MSM are ignoring is that all of these murders and all the stabbing in Londonistan are nothing to do with the actual immigrants, they are about the culture they bring with them. This man is no different at all.
I also read that he did it because of the oppression of any ‘free speech’ which is anti-Muslim. It’s what happens when things snap. We’ve also seen several murder attempts due to the rhetoric of those same Lefties whipping up hate against the Right.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Looks like the full disinformation smokescreen is being deployed in Germany – an election in February and – hopefully – those of the right – anti foreigner – will get power ….. however many lies they are pumping out
And it will be noticed how quickly the lies have come …..
Fears far-right will descend on Magdeburg to exploit attack
A professor of sociology at a university in Magdeburg has warned the far-right will likely use this attack for their own ends.
“There are fears about the political exploitation of this attack,” said Dr Matthias Quent, of Magdeburg-Stendal University.
“There are strong far-right mobilisations from all over Germany to come to Magdeburg and to use this case for their political aims.”
This is despite the suspect being identified by authorities as an Islamophobe himself, Quent said.
Well yeah…not as if there isn’t something to ‘exploit’ is there? The real problem is those who wish to cover up what is going on in Europe and seek to demonise those who want to reveal that truth….and we all know that cover -ups never end well….you can only keep the lid on things so long before they explode.
German government and BBC desperate for this not to be an islamist attack…
‘Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told reporters that it was “clear to see” that the suspect holds “Islamophobic” views.
The suspect is an outspoken critic of Islam on social media, and has promoted conspiracy theories regarding an alleged plot by German authorities to islamicise Europe.’
Might suggest that his claims of having rejected Islam might have a lot to do with his claim for asylum…especially as he had already managed to get a conviction in Germany for a minor crime….hype up his anti-Islam story and that to be returned to Saudi Arabia would be a death sentence and voila…here’s your German citizenship.
The fact that he targeted a Christmas Market might suggest he is not such an Islamophobe as suggested.
I’m sure the Germans will be totally honest and open and tell us all about his background and that it is not the AFD’s fault…though the Times did try to promote that idea this morning.
And as for ‘not fitting the usual profile’ I’d say he was a good match…so many are in fact doctors, engineers, lawyers and students.
What BBC Verfiy ain’t telling us…a very good reason why our Islamophobic Islamist didn’t want to be returned to Saudi Arabia and so invented a reason to obtain asylum seeker status…ie being an ex-Muslim…
”Taleb Abdulmohsen’ flees Saudi Arabia after being accused of rape and implicated in serious crimes.’
‘After arriving in Germany, Abdulmohsen reinvents himself as a dissident, publicly declaring himself an atheist and ex-Muslim. This move appeared strategic, likely aimed at securing full asylum protection in Germany by portraying himself as a victim of persecution rather than a fugitive from justice.’
‘ A Saudi🇸🇦 source to @Reuters
:”We previously warned the German🇩🇪 authorities about the attacker in Magdeburg,.. The perpetrator of the ramming attack in Germany, Taleb Abdulmohsen, holds extremist ideologies.”‘
Sometimes it is the choice of story that gives away the BBC bias.
Here’s one from the front page of the webshite right now
Just Stop Oil activist jailed over ankle tag issue
A 77-year-old environmental campaigner has been returned to jail after problems with an electronic tag to monitor her.
Gaie Delap, a retired teacher from Montpelier in Bristol, was sentenced to 20 months in jail for participating in a Just Stop Oil protest that blocked the M25 in November 2022.
She was released on 18 November on a home detention curfew, but a tag could not be fitted to her leg because of deep vein thrombosis, and it was too large for her wrist.
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said if offenders could not be monitored in the community electronically, they would be returned to prison…….
I think one of the reasons the msm is top toeing around the German slaughter is because of the CCTV footage which is on X – the vermin drove through people at high speed as though they were not there . Pity the plod didn’t just shoot him …
Just watched the first episode of the BBC drama Wolf Hall series 2. And I have to say, I never realised our nobility AND the court of King Henry had so many black people in it.
My enjoyment was somewhat tempered by an article I read the other day that Hillary Mantel (the author) was a full-on socialist activist who hated Thatcher and the Catholic church. Which explains my confusion after reading all the books that Cromwell was some kind of well-meaning hero – when everything else I’ve read says he was a ruthless, evil b@stard.
But of course Hillary will be an icon for the BBC activists so in this rare case, they tell her story without their ridiculous edits for their political agenda (except the racist ones).
Telling the truth at the BBC depends entirely on the circumstances.
BBC very quick to push the single narrative of an ‘Islamophobe’ when the truth is probably more complex….he is allegedly a Shia Muslim and thus would be at odds with Saudi Sunni version of Islam…his criticism of ‘Islam’ may in fact be more a criticism of one kind of Islam..the Sunni kind.
GB News is quicker to explore these issues than the BBC which of course doesn’t actually want to explore them happy as it is with the label ‘Islamophobe’….
Yet another individual accused of mass murder who *just happens* to have featured on the BBC in the past: Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, Axel Rudakubana… And American terrorists feature on CNN and in Blackrock commercials. What a coincidence, eh? It’s almost as though something like the CIA’s MK-Ultra program is still in operation, maybe with the media charged with finding candidates? Those wearing metal foil hats, please remove them now…
🔴The Real BBC ‘Impartiality Crisis’ Is Its Constant Platforming of Hard Right Tufton Street Think Tanks
The broadcaster provides an oversized platform for representatives from opaquely-funded libertarian lobby groups, says media academic Julian Petley
JohnCMar 3, 01:16 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yup – everyone who actually watched it says the same thing. Zelensky suddenly changed the narrative. But if you read…
JohnCMar 3, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A Puma HC1 ! – I used to fix the avionics on those when I served in the RAF. There’s…
StewGreenMar 3, 00:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Blackbelt Barrister points out that the media scurrilously portray a false narrative that TRump ruined hte Zelinsky meeting yet the…
SluffMar 2, 23:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 In all the years of the Russia Ukraine war, I never heard anything about minerals. Then suddenly a minerals deal…
Van HelsingMar 2, 23:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think that’s the plan but there will undoubtedly be legal hurdles to be overcome before they can access even…
tomoMar 2, 23:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1895900224759234666 One clapped out chopper https://twitter.com/Gabriel64869839/status/1896285804907184303
DeborahMar 2, 23:01 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I read this elsewhere but it gets repeated in my brain. ‘Why do those who wanted a ceasefire in Gaza…
JohnCMar 2, 22:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think that what they have done is take out a huge loan, given it to Zelensky then are using…
DoublethinkerMar 2, 22:37 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We all knew that stupidity was a necessary requirement to be a liberal and that TDS was endemic amongst them…
Just finished an eleven hour shift at work to see that another German Christmas market has been the scene of an appalling atrocity – how much more must the West take before the root cause is expelled? I don’t care if this one claims to have left the faith in question – enough is enough.
2017 … “But it is time to say enough is enough.”
PM statement following London terror attack: 4 June 2017
Shultz to visit scene of atrocity. They always visit the scene after the event. Is that now just to view the results of Merkel’s handiwork?
Cooper man – have a good noo noo … (sleep). Having returned to londonistan last night ( chilly ) I thought I’d catch up with the bbc propaganda .
There’s a difference about the Islamic terrorist attack in the Reich . The bbc seems to be putting out more propaganda than the usual silence from the plod and ‘don’t speculate ‘ ….
Perhaps it’s an ‘approved ‘ terrorist attack as opposed to their Islamic friends ….
Unsurprisingly, like the rest of the legacy media, Al Beeb news page have led the story that another pesky ‘car’ had destroyed many people’s lives at that market.
They were quick to mention that the ‘Doctor’ had lived in Germany since 2006 and acted alone. That’s alright then, nothing to see here, move along.
How many more ‘brain surgeons’ do we have to import to realise that Europe has fallen..
The German terror attack last night yet again underlines the total failure and immense danger of the mass migration policy instigated by Globalist ideology over the last three or four decades.
Surely even the most stupid indigenous European , even those indoctrinated by repeated dunking in liberalism, must realise that we need to protect ourselves , our culture , our way of life in order that future generations can live in free and peaceful lives not dominated by the medieval attitudes and beliefs of Islam.
The first step is stop all non European immigration . The second step is stop any further encroachment of Islam on our way of life. We are not Muslim and we don’t want to be.
But we all know that what will actually happen is , candles , teddy bears , silly songs, sermons about tolerance, politicians talking nonsense about protecting Muslims from the back lash , and then as quickly as possible the establishment political machines and legacy media will move on and try to distract us.
We can only hope that sensible Germans vote AfD in February and that Nationalist anti immigration parties are boosted right across the continent.
Trouble with the AfD getting a hold, is that all the illegals will end up here, in Crayons’ 1.5m new prefabs!
We have leaders obsessed with using ‘the full force of the law’ at the moment.
They need to remember that ‘laws’ can change.
For example, leaders in 1930s Germany, probably never thought they’d get hanged after legal process within Germany within a few years, simply for following orders and what the ‘law’ (no matter how nasty) was at the time.
But it happened.
Now, I’m not suggesting I would push for stringing up politicians, but I am but one man.
My influence would be almost non existent.
If I was part of a government that is unforgiving, heartless, corrupt, cruel and for some at least, working against the (real) British folk, I would be thinking about advising the party to dial the anti white/tyrannical nonsense back a bit. You know, just in case this law that they ‘love’ so much, doesn’t come back to bite them on the arse?
TOADY Watch #1 – what are the concerns of the BBC and Amol Rajan?
Amol Rajan is JustRemainIn Webb’s wingman on TOADY this morning. After the dreadful news from Magdeburg of a car being driven in to a crowded City Christmas Market, killing two, and leaving many more injured what are Amol’s concerns? Are they with the bereaved families? Are they with the injured? No. The BBC’s Amol Rajan is more concerned about “conspiracy theories” and ‘disinformation’.
The BBC and its employees: increasingly despicable.
For some reason our Justin has a chat with a loon ex mp called Rory Stewart who famously predicted Harris would win
An honourable man would realise he is a dope and withdraw from the public arena – but not our Rory.
Our Justin talked about the Trump plan to cut down the state . Our Justin wondered if it could happen here – a man working for a state tax funded broadcaster – long part it’s Sell by date …
Without any reference to TTK and his Marxist regime – throwing money at the public sector parasites …
Isn’t that clown Stuart a mate of Mad Al?
If so, it’s yet another reason to avoid the sorry stuff spewed out by nutters in the Beeboid Towers!
Thanks for watching it on our behalf and warning us though Fed; have a Peerage -er – you may have to sit next to Sue Gray though, so here’s a K instead!,
“Honestly i thought this was a disappointing softball interview that crossed into fawning at times. It felt like a missed opportunity to challenge her on her legacy which seems far more mixed now than it probably did a couple of years ago.”
“Less of an interview and more of a promotion of herself, you didn’t press her on anything. You just sat there in awe.”
“Another Merkel masterclass in saying much and nothing.”
Angela Merkel On How She Faced Trump, Putin, COVID & Brexit
Buddhist Barriers installed in London to stop the spread of Buddhism….

The impact of Islam is coming … you cannot stop it ….
“Suspect got through heighted security and concrete blockades”
Ban Christmas – it is the only final solution!
They will not stop our way of life …
“Planned cultural events, including theatrical productions, will be cancelled for the next few days, DW adds.”
cancel cultural
cancelled cultural
new cultural events to be added
Christmas is a few days away, and another tragedy beforehand. I don’t suppose I’m alone in remembering others that have occurred in the lead up to Christmas over the decades past , be it acts of terrorism or accidents. Train wrecks, multiple vehicle pile ups, plane crashes, gun massacres – I can hear my Dad saying “and just before Christmas too”.
Let’s count our blessings, as there will be tears shed by many families for lost loved ones in whatever circumstances.
Merry Christmas everyone – hug your families tight, and we can but hope for a peaceful and healthy New Year.
Guardian … “The man arrested has been identified as Taleb A., a 50-year-old medical doctor from Saudi Arabia.
Saxony-Anhalt’s leader Reiner Haseloff said the man had been living in Germany since 2006. The suspect, a consultant for psychiatry and psychotherapy, was recognised as a refugee in 2016.
Some German media pointed to the suspect’s past social media posts in which he reportedly expressed views critical of Islam and had even warned of the “dangers” of an Islamisation of Germany.
“As things stand, he is a lone perpetrator, so that as far as we know there is no further danger to the city,” Haseloff said.
The suspect rented the car shortly before the attack, according to reports citing a security source, and was not known to authorities as having an Islamist background.””
At least 68 other people were injured, including 15 who were left in a critical state, according to the city government
Runs into Christian/Christmas event? Hates Islam? Last act supports Islam activity?
lone perpetrator
hates Islam
runs into Christmas Market like an Islamist
Germany is safe – carry on.
The Guardian are a disgrace.
So this chap was so against radical Islam to the point that he didn’t want muslims being let in the country.? So he then commits a terror offence, almost identical to something a radical Muslim might carry out?
Seems plausible.
As the late great Norm Macdonald said, something like, “You know, after 9/11 when thousands lost their lives, I don’t know about you, but my first thought was, ‘Gee, I really hope that nobody out there says anything that might upset a Muslim somewhere, that’s what’s important here.”
We simply must, as a nation (and as a people – those of European heritage – white people), vote in parties who will completely turn things around.
We need mass remigration policies (with incentives – I’m not suggesting rounding people up.)
Incentives can be substantial cash amounts to leave if they can (dual citizens etc). They can lose the right to vote and use the NHS for free. No benefits etc. No free house. Dinghies? Yeah that definitely won’t be a thing one day in my opinion.
We shouldn’t give benefits or free NHS access to anyone non British (even ‘refugees’) unless they become permanent residents. And that would be incredibly difficult to get in my world (skilled job that we have a shortage of and we need time to train our own etc). Paid in the tax system for 10 years. No criminal record and married a UK national etc? 100k in savings? Ok. You might get in.
Voting and standing as a political candidate should only be open to people who can prove that at least one grandparent fought in either WW1 or WW2 (in the British armed forces).
A constitution then put in place, so that we can never again have politicians do what they did to western nations.
Crikey I’ll get off my soapbox now, sorry 🙂
I think we will one day see such things take place.
The youngest generations (of white males especially) are, in my experience anyway, very fed up and very right wing. They see no future and are sick of being treated as ‘bad’ because they’re white. They’re fed up of never (realistically) being able to buy a home. Of being constantly skint, even if they have a good job. Any pay increases going to the landlord etc.
Males are much more fed up than females.
Don’t believe it?
Go on TikTok and see for yourself. 4chan is about 90% young white males. Talk to them about their ‘future’ (in real life not 4chan, it’s a madhouse.)
If you think you hear right wing stuff on here from us crusties, wait until you hear that lot.
I think there will be a turnaround one day, perhaps a decade or so from now, and I bet it won’t be pretty.
It’s inevitable. You can only push folk so far and for so long while giving them so little.
Stay up on your soap box, Lazers, you sum up what most legal citizens in the UK feel, and it’s good to keep reading such encouraging notes!
Letting foreigners take control here is a disgraceful dereliction of duty by successive governments, and after Starmer has finished trashing our country, we can start again with some real commitment with Reform.
A constitution as you describe would do a lot for this!
Reform are the only viable ticket, but I see Farage as too left wing. He refuses to mention ‘remigration’.
Perhaps he’s aware that he might (under the current regime) end up being arrested for mentioning it outside of Parliament?
Who knows? But he just seems like an anti EU, Thatcherite Tory to me.
He’s not a bad egg and is charismatic, but he’s said stuff like getting out of the EU would be great because we can bring in people from the Commonwealth instead. Would you prefer Poles, Frenchies and Germans or Pakistans, Bangladeshis and Somalians?
But yes, I’ll vote Reform and hope they turn right a little and mention what is being mentioned (remigration) openly on the continent and in America.
It’s hard to tell if Farage is being cautious or being a bit too on the liberal side. It could be a bit of both. At the moment he is being monitored by the by the alternative media such as Paz, Paul Thorpe,
Gabby Taxi etc as if his every word could spell success or immediate doom for the cause!
I have found that this is a feature of new emergent political parties, right or left, where they get a few people elected and their more excitable supporters expect miracles and keep threatening to resign at every perceived misstep. It’s a sort of adolescent stage people new to politics seem to go through.
While I have said many times on here I do not quite trust Farage since he turned on Ukip, I think the situation is different now.
The Reform Party has a several MPs now and it is a force that could well survive even if Farage throws the towel in again.
The more MPs the stronger the movement becomes and relies less on one man. LC I think you have the right attitude, keep voting Reform and patriotic Brits will have ourselves a juggernaut very soon.
Now I know that a Saudi has driven through a Christmas market in Germany killing and injuring dozens.
But the important thing is that we don’t want any ‘Far Right’ people saying hurtey things about certain religions and ethnicities. Anyone doing that will surely feel the full force of the law. What we need to do instead is to celebrate diversity and embrace multiculturalism. I’m sure the BBC will keep us on the right road. Make that the left road.
You can take the raving lefty loon out of the BBC, but…
In case it’s not obvious: the far right narrative on Magdeburg switched overnight from Islamophobia to anti-asylum. No matter that the alleged perpetrator looks to be a Musk/AfD fan – radicalisation is never their fault. Solidarity with the victims, the city and Germany
And ‘solidarity with’ is about as cringe now as ‘thoughts and prayers’.
….so says the person who let us remember was employed by the BBC as the ‘impartial’ economics editor on Newshite, err I mean Newsnight.
You can’t make it up.
Article in the Spectator about the fate of Syrian and Iraqi over the past three decades.
There were several million Christians in those two countries fifty years ago now there are a few thousand. Many have fled , over 2 million to the USA alone, driven out by Muslim persecution, ie real refugees.There are similar stories in Pakistan and Egypt.
Do we hear of them , of the untold number murdered and millions forced to flee or convert against their will to Islam? Why is the legacy media so reluctant to tell their story?
If these were Muslims refugees or victims of persecution we would never hear the end of it. The UN would be issuing arrest warrants right , left and centre. Western politicians would rightly be accusing the leaders of those countries expelling the Muslims of crimes against humanity . Genocide would be banner headlines everywhere. But no one , or hardly anyone , raises an eyebrow. Even the leaders of Christian churches.
Christianity and the West is complicit in its own demise.
Absolutely laughable moments on Toady this morning.
They were ‘interviewing’ ( hahahaha) two GPs, as per usual at the BBC lobbing gentle balls.
The presenter (was it JustRemainin) asked about the importance of continuity of GP care, that is that you see the same GP each time where possible.
‘Of course’ said the GP ‘we make every effort to do that’.
And that dear readers is the presumed BBC assumption.
At my GP if I ask to see the same GP I am met with incredulity. First up, there are probably no available slots for any GP. If there are, you feel so lucky you are likely to accept any GP. If you want the same GP they are probably working part time or some sort of shift pattern or on holiday or working as the duty doctor and so are not available.
The BBC are thus trying to advocate a cosy pro NHS scenario which bears absolutely no relation at all to the reality of real patients real experience.
There’s more. As if by magic, ten minutes after the above we had a call from Miss S who advised she had to go to A and E yesterday evening. See what I mean?
The news report that ‘millions ‘? Of people are buying some far drug online didn’t meet a comment that more people are bi passing the NHS – overwhelmed by unrestricted foreign imports .
If I could opt out I gladly would …. I don’t believe in state ‘healthcare ‘…
“At my GP if I ask to see the same GP I am met with incredulity” … here in Wales, asking to see ANY GP is met with incredulity. We may get free prescriptions, but getting the prescription is the tricky bit.
We are the Eloi, they are the Morlocks and they are winning.
Just what is it about them that our woke wets find so endearing and want ever more of them to come. Surely it’s not just because they all hate Jews so much.
Anyway, lessons will be learned and we will all be OK …….Right?
King Charles will show you the true path …
“May Allah guide you to the straight pass and bless you with Islam King Charles!🙏🏼”
Many refer to “Treason” in the context of what the elite is up to in the Western World. Treason for the UK, is really directed against acts against the monarchy. Seeing as the berk shown above is firmly on the side of destroying the UK ‘Real’ treason is very unlikely to be laid on the elite. However, there is another form of “Treason” that could.
“Treason Felony” I refer to.
“Treason felony
In addition to the crime of treason, the Treason Felony Act 1848 (still in force today) created a new offence known as treason felony, with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment instead of death (but today, due to the abolition of the death penalty, the maximum penalty both for high treason and treason felony is the same—life imprisonment). Under the traditional categorisation of offences into treason, felonies, and misdemeanours, treason felony was merely another form of felony. Several categories of treason which had been introduced by the Sedition Act 1661 were reduced to felonies. While the common law offences of misprision and compounding were abolished in respect of felonies (including treason felony) by the Criminal Law Act 1967, which abolished the distinction between misdemeanour and felony, misprision of treason and compounding treason are still offences under the common law.
It is treason felony to “compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend”:
to deprive the sovereign of the Crown,
to levy war against the sovereign “in order by force or constraint to compel her to change her measures or counsels, or in order to put any force or constraint upon or in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament”, or
to “move or stir” any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the sovereign.”
Last point seems good to me………..
Very interesting “G”….
THE EU … “intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament” ”
ILLEGAL MIGRANTS … ““move or stir” any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the sovereign.””
“Treason Felony”
Exactly. I’d love to hear the so-called, International Criminal Court’s views of their paymasters’ actions. Thing is, when the situation becomes so grim, the public take over and ignore, ‘the Law’ all the elite refer to when necessary. Otherwise, they simply ignore it at their choosing.
I’m still hoping to see/watch Starmer et al’s ‘de-thronement’, his, ‘Ceaușescu moment’ if you will. Has to come. You can’t wind up the public so much and not expect serious things to happen in return.
“Reports indicate that Taleb is wanted by Saudi authorities on charges of terrorism and smuggling girls from the Middle East to European Union countries. However, Germany refused to extradite him and granted him asylum despite these allegations.”
A lot of countries seem to have around 5 year passports .
I wonder how long before they come for our 10 yearer?
MM, the latest on the BBC R4 @ 9 a.m.? Lone individual with poor mental health! You could not make it up; time after time on BBC Radio!
You see, these illegal immigrants are Doctors surgeons and engineers.
Ban doctors! To save one life?!
30 June 2017
“A Jeep Cherokee laden with propane gas cylinders and petrol cans was driven at speed into the doors of the Glasgow Airport departure area on one of the busiest days of the year.”
Inside the vehicle were Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdulla, 27, and 28-year-old engineer Kafeel Ahmed, who was born in India and grew up in Saudi Arabia.
New Christmas Market Jackets available from Left wing Banksy….
The desperate far left are claiming victory over some vote in the US which president trump didn’t ‘win ‘ . They think he is already in charge with four long weeks of Obama doing a scorched earth job destroying evidence of 4 years of crime ….
Those pardons will be thrown out like confetti – probably on Christmas Day ….
Obama says he was close to being assassinated like Trump … bbc verified …
Cu… Duck!
“misspoke” = lied
I have heard he likes older white guys.
Well then, Mr Branson has immediately gone to the back of the queue surely?
Sue Gray gets enobled to the Lords by Smarmer for helping destroy democracy.
I wonder what Boris thinks?
Boris Johnson wonders how much money he can make out of the situation using words that mean nothing….
“Column writer in The Daily Telegraph. (£25,001-£30,000)
Six articles for GQ Magazine. (£5,001-£10,000)
Book publishing contract Harper Collins. (£30,001-£35,000)
Speaking engagement for JLA Agency (speech to Broadvision). (Up to £5,000)
Speaking engagements for Celebrity Speakers Agency (speeches to The Insolvency Lawyers Association and the Aircraft Golfing Society). (Up to £5,000)”
I heard Frank Gardner this morning. He claims we should not rush to judgment on the Magdeburg attack, the man might have been mentally ill. Well, he is a muslim, so QED. Gardner also suggested he might be an AfD supporter. On what evidence? Is it likely a Saudi muslim immigrant would support the AfD? But it did its trick, he managed to smear the AfD. Job done.
a mentally ill psychiatrist they gonna have to go someway to make that one fly
“Don’t underestimate North Korean troops in Russia, ex-soldiers tell BBC”
Not exactly clear why anyone would underestimate them..
Stories from a North Korean who defected 12 years ago, of mouldy cabbage, cracked corn, with rice cut with sand.
Another detector, 10 years ago, who:
” taught them martial arts, how to throw knives and make weapons out of cutlery and other kitchen utensils.”
Then talk of getting the NK troops in Russia to defect, but doesn’t say where to.
“I think they’ll be more willing to fight than Russian troops,”
Surely the frontline Russian troops are are volunteers attracted by the good salary.
Hardly reluctant.
Indeed. I’ve seen few NK documentaries down the years.
In a few of them, I’ve seen clips and interviews with former troops (who defected ) that performed at parades.
Smashing bricks with their heads, smashing paving slabs with their forearms. Getting hit with baseball bats until they snap. No trickery it seems. Nutters.
Hardest men I’ve ever seen.
They might not be ‘experienced in battle’, but I’d bet they’d crush most countries’ troops easily in a fair fight. Especially a few western troops nowadays.
Youtube just pushed a video at me that invading North Korean troops had been smashed cos they were using 19th century techniques
2024 “”Christmas in Magdeburg is over”” – Ronni Krug, Germany
2017 “The terrorists did not win, for we will never let anyone destroy our way of life.” – Theresa May, UK
On a lighter note … “Pet Peeves with Rachel Reeves 2 (A Parody)”
Gender-fluid visibility week and transgender parent day are among awareness events the NHS will recognise in 2025.
A calendar of events for NHS England staff to watch out for includes some 351 awareness days, weeks and months, to be marked next year.
After various religious holidays and festivals are removed, there are about 240 events left, and about one in eight is related to LGBT people.
A source said most awareness days and weeks were not typically marked in any way, but those relating to transgender people tended to be “highly visible” and get blog posts, emailed to all staff and put on the NHS staff homepage.
“The main issue is excessive airtime for awareness days for trans people and their gender identities and rules, and these are riddled with falsehoods about being more likely to be victims of murder or discrimination,” the source said. “And if you challenge it, you are a bigot.”
They queried why staff were spending so much time on promoting these days rather than doing their jobs.
The 31 awareness days and weeks for this group on the NHS list is significantly more than any other topic or area, followed by cancer, which has almost half the awareness events noted at just 16.
While most of the year is filled with some form of day of recognition, it means there is more than one day every other week on average for people who consider themselves as LGBTQ+.
Among the days being celebrated there is a transgender parent day, a pansexual and panromantic awareness and visibility day, an intersex day of solidarity, a transgender day of remembrance, a national coming out day, and an international pronouns day, the NHS says.
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at Sex Matters, has criticised the NHS for indulging ‘performative nonsense’ Credit: Jeff Gilbert
There is also an LGBT history month throughout January and a trans awareness month in November.
For women there are just four similar awareness days or weeks – including for the menopause – while maternity and baby loss awareness there are 10 such occasions.
Awareness events dedicated to racism and black and minority ethnic people also numbered 10 in total.
Disabilities and health conditions such as dementia, heart disease and eating disorders receive fewer mentions still.
Other inclusions are Christmas jumper day, physician associates’ week, and a national day for staff networks.
Kate Barker, chief executive of charity LGB Alliance, said: “Instead of celebrating made-up pronouns, the NHS should be raising awareness of the scandal of unevidenced, experimental medicalisation of gender-distressed young people.
“Marking Detransition Awareness Day on March 12th would be a welcome step in ending the irreversible damage – often inflicted by the NHS itself – on youth who are otherwise likely to grow up happily gay or lesbian.”
Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at Sex Matters, a human rights charity said: “The NHS has one job: to provide healthcare to everyone. No doubt that does involve public health messaging, like days to raise awareness of dementia or menopause symptoms.
“But endless tripe about special identities is not only tiresome, it’s a distraction from what medical professionals should be doing. It makes NHS staff look obsessed with trivial nonsense like made-up genders and preferred pronouns. Over time that’s bound to erode patients’ trust.
“This is all a waste of time and money. The NHS needs to drop the performative nonsense and focus its efforts on treating sick people and improving the nation’s health.”
NHS England was asked for commen
How about having a ‘white working class boys underperforming at school’ week?
At least that way, the time spent on the activity would better match the minority in question.
Gender-fluid visibility week.
How about Gender-fluid visibility lunch hour?
Molly Kingsley of UsForThem in a useful expose how the JVCI was overridden by CMO’s about the covid injections for children.
“‘JCVI Override’, kids Covid vaccination, EXCLUSIVE
Under FOIA UsForThem has obtained the minutes of meetings held in Sept 2021 in which the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers agreed to overrule the JCVI to push through the vaccination of children for C19.
The minutes indicate:
🛑significant undeclared conflicts of interest
🛑NO ethical input sought or received by the CMOs
🛑divergence of views between CMOs including concerns over potentially significant unknown harms
As we also explain, only one quarter of parents were aware that the JCVI had declined to recommend mass vaccination of 12-15 year olds. Just 1 in 3 say they would still have wanted their kids to be C19 vaccinated had they known this at the time.
Our latest video explains what we found in the minutes documenting this incredibly important (not to mention unethical and procedurally unprecedented) decision.
The full set of minutes are linked to in comments.”
If you see a news offering that seems too good to be true, it probably is, edition
Sometimes happenstance dictates that random copy that may appear on our newspaper frontpages is almost too ironic for words…
Puzzles special issue… Bumper culture quiz of the year (Guardian)
Return of the family doctor (Mirror)
Car hits crowds at German Christmas market, leaving four dead and dozens injured… The suspect, a 50-year-old Saudi doctor, is believed to have acted alone (BBC)
Traffic news and a lone wolf nature show there which catches our BBC still busy in the act of drawing conclusions on our behalf from this european news: Five unanswered questions from the Pelicot trial (BBC)
BBC question number 5, care of our Laura Gozzi, BBC, Avignon, is a quite a poser, as they say in reference to difficult questions: Will the trial be a turning point?
Our BBC would prefer to make it so – despite Betteridge’s law of headlines (“Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”)
“There will be a ‘before’ and there will be an ‘after’ the Pelicot trial,” one Parisian man told the BBC in the early days of the trial. (BBC)
No such Will this be a turning point? commentary is likely to be aired in the aftermath of this latest Magdeburg terror attack, we’re guessing.
Random BBC agenda-compliant vox pops, vaguely attributed, are something of a wonder of the age – re the Pelicot trial: “What we need to do is have much, much harsher sentences,” Nicolas and Mehdi, two residents of Mazan – the village where the Pelicots lived – told the BBC. (BBC) – ah, Nicolas and Mehdi, mes frères, joining hands across the multicultural divide, no doubt.
They said they were “disgusted” when they found out one of the defendants was a man they had played football with. (BBC)
Our BBC there, happily enjoying the opportunity to pick up the news in midfield, run with it dribbling, turn it into a narrative scoring chance and Bend It Like Beckham
This Gisèle Pelicot case has given the gynaeceum that is the feminist BBC news staff quite the rabona with the chance to nutmeg mankind in general.
How’s that 2030 Net Zero battery powered green future workin’ out fo’ yer?
E-bike battery fire destroys family home… The fire service has warned e-bikes can be “incredibly dangerous”… “We’ve seen around 160 e-bike and e-scooter fires in London this year… E-bikes are one of London’s fastest-growing fire risks, with a fire on average once every other day… If you’re planning on buying… for yourself or a loved one for Christmas and you see an offer online that seems too good to be true, it probably is.” (BBC) – there’s an epitaph for Net Zero energy, if ever I heard one.
Diplomatic relations, special relationship, and all that?
UK’s new ambassador to the US called giant orange manbaby ‘danger to world’ & ‘little short of a racist’ (Daily Star)
Trump aide: Mandelson is a moron (Telegraph)
Not much Ferrero Rocher on the embassy welcome party menu there then?
Gordon is a Moron went to number 4 in the UK pop charts in August 1978
I’m rather afraid past virtue-signalling statements made our gobby lefty politicians will have made Britain the Jilted John now that The Donald is the once and future president.
Ban doctors
“Jogging memories: Why some Nigerians in London set up their own running club”
err is it because they don’t want to integrate.
“This is the Ozo running club, formed by Igbo people to celebrate the culture of one of the largest of Nigeria’s more than 300 ethnic groups.”
300 ethnic
300 ethnic
300 ethnic
Chinese supermarket in Abuja shut for allegedly barring Nigerians
Published 23 April
The supermarket in Abuja allegedly “exclusively permits individuals of Chinese descent to enter”, Nigeria’s consumer protection watchdog said on X, external.
Why not just run?
“London Welsh was formed in 1885 by and for London’s Welsh community, and has played senior-level rugby since then”
WElsh people move to LOndon and don’t integrate ?
Likewise London has Irish clubs
There are none so blind, as they that cannot see.
BBC Website Watch #1 – only five? I can add a sixth, if I may …..
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2vlx20dm4o “Five unanswered questions from the Pelicot Trial.” One more: why do all the lawyers (even the prosecuting lawyer) look like vampires?
“Béatrice Zavarro, Dominique Pelicot’s lawyer, says schools have a responsibility to have better sex education.”
How Emmanuel Macron’s parents discovered their son was dating his 40-year-old teacher
better sex education … marry their teacher!
“A new biography of French President Emmanuel Macron has revealed his parents shock when they discovered their 16-year-old son was having an affair with his married teacher.”
MM, better sex education makes better rapists? The husband’s lawyer would say that, wouldn’t she?
I am just trying to understand the sort of man being painted by the Daily Mail who was in the car which was involved in the Magdeburg Christmas market incident. I am being very careful because I know free speech is no longer allowed. According to the DM (and I guess the BBC has the same sources), there is endless evidence that the man wasn’t an Islamist, but just the opposite. He appears to be a fan of the AfD, he tweets anti Musk tweets on X, he is anti-Islam, he gives interviews to the BBC and far right publications. And yet to attack the country that gave him asylum, he attacks families at a Christmas market? I don’t understand. I know Jews who fled Germany in the 1930s and came to the UK. They respected this country to their dying day because this country saved their lives. I just don’t understand this Saudi man.
In a way I could liken the Saudi man to the man who shot Trump’s ear. There was a lot of evidence that he supported the far right.
Both men have a lot of evidence of their political leaning and yet the attack the people you might have thought they supported.
If the man is an anti Islamist, then why would he attack a market full of non-Muslims
rather than a place full of Islamists ?
A lot of Muslims have the same name
A cunning plan to prop up his asylum claim…in 2016.
BBC news channel 231 on Freeview at 11.00.
The “alleged” suspect doest fit ye classic terrorist (my word, not theirs) profile because they are normally lone wolf twentysomethings, rather than 50 year year olds.
Without pausing for breath, the next sentence brings up the “could he have mental health issues?” without any shred of evidence.
It’s as if they have a ready made template for commenting on these events, just change the name, place and number of fatalities.
harry, on R4 lunchtime news JustRemainIn Webb contributed that the man driving the car into Magdeburg Christmas Market was anti-Islam! Pull the other one BBC! I just don’t believe you.
He was from Saudi Arabia!!! Just as Stew posted, you don’t drive a car into a Christmas Market with mostly non-Muslims present.
‘Sikh family distraught as man’s beard is cut without his consent’ shrieks the BBC webshite. For God’s sake BBC if you haven’t got any proper news to report just shut up. Nobody’s interested.
Why would BBC run a Sikh as victims story ?
.. So it could then run 6 Muslim as victims stories
Sure hospital staff broke rules cos you are not supposed to shave anyone without their permission.
10,000 people per day are distraught about something : like their car getting run into etc.
but the BBC don’t run stories about them.
A Coldstream Guardsman who was the first to wear a turban during Trooping the Colour is understood to have tested positive for cocaine. Charanpreet Singh Lall, 22, from Leicester, registered “high levels” of the Class A drug during a random test at Victoria Barracks, Windsor.25 Sept 2018
Hot on the heels of Bowen criticism for out of touch with reality the BBC are when his third question to the new al-Qaeda controller of Syria was ‘what about alcohol’ (presumably because he is eyeing up a long-term stay there in the best hotel the BBC can find), they prove it was no fluke by making this a top-headline:
‘We have to be more bold’: Syria’s musicians await future under new Islamist leaders
Nobody except you luvvies give a shit about them BBC. There are far more sinister things going on over there which you are ignoring.
More rubbish from the Muslim-friend Barbara Plett Usher who started crying when they took Arafat away.

Be fair everybody. Islam is a religion in which Christmas
is an anathema. The BBC understands this and respects
it. So Christmas markets are like a red flag to a bull.
This needs to be understood. I reiterate , the BBC
are compliant with this. Why can’t everybody who
isn’t a Muslim understand ?
“Terrorist cancels membership and starts new hobby.”
“Chris Packham quits RSPCA role over cruelty claims”
Chris Packham calls for a ‘tornado of change’ to stop global warming and urges the public to consider breaking the law to protect the climate
I might consider breaking the law to rearrange his features with a cricket bat. Or is it only all right when he does it?
Oh purleeeese !
Comment from order-order.com …
Is it just me or does he look more and more like his Spitting Image puppet the older he gets?
“Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson
Bliar has unnaturally long fingers. I think the alien stories might be true.
I have found that if you make a close study of his facial features they resemble Cheetah the chimp from the Tarzan movies but then none of us can help our looks.
There is a lot of truth in the sayings ….
A face for radio
A face only a Mother could love
Whose mother? …. and you may not be able to help your looks but several punches to the face can improve a person’s mood. Obviously not the recipient’s but, meh. Oh, and when I study his features I am inexplicably reminded of a pile of elephant shit.
Great clips there!
Was Rik Mayall the voice of Bliar?
“BBC correspondent Damien McGuinness in Magdeburg said the market was surrounded by concrete blocks. However, there was a gap for pedestrians to go through, but also wide enough for a car.”
Presumably, next, Lektionen werden gelernt?
Everybody elses headline:
Pair deny IS-inspired plot for gun attack on UK Jewish community
BBC Headline:
Pair deny alleged plot to attack Jewish community
And another one which appears to have been buried straight to regions.
The BBC do everything can while staying within their rules to hide all these inconvenient Muslim terrorist plots from everybody.
Meanwhile – after I’ve made several comments about the BBC not reporting the sentences of BMAE murderers recently – we suddenly get a very rare picture of someone who stabbed someone else to death on the BBC front page. In almost every other instance they show the victim.
Man jailed for ‘cowardly’ stabbing murder
And – as always – you know why. Here he is:

Their blatant racist discrimination campaign to shape public opinion for their own politics is just ridiculous now.
“German police say nine-year-old among five people killed in Christmas market attack”
“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised an investigation after a car drove [ WAS DRIVEN ] into crowds at a Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg,
Police say the suspect entered the market through an entrance reserved for ambulances and other emergency vehicles
More than 200 people have been injured, according to city officials”
Phew.. I feared the locals weren’t going to get the statutory rite of passage, candle lit vig.
Pile the teddy bears up.
And don’t get angry at the causes.
The BBC have gone into wet-panties for this story using the word ‘Islamaphobe’ at every opportunity since they discovered he is apparently anti-Muslim.
But the real story going on here which the MSM are ignoring is that all of these murders and all the stabbing in Londonistan are nothing to do with the actual immigrants, they are about the culture they bring with them. This man is no different at all.
I also read that he did it because of the oppression of any ‘free speech’ which is anti-Muslim. It’s what happens when things snap. We’ve also seen several murder attempts due to the rhetoric of those same Lefties whipping up hate against the Right.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
His back story smells of Taqiya to me
Looks like the full disinformation smokescreen is being deployed in Germany – an election in February and – hopefully – those of the right – anti foreigner – will get power ….. however many lies they are pumping out
And it will be noticed how quickly the lies have come …..
Fears far-right will descend on Magdeburg to exploit attack
A professor of sociology at a university in Magdeburg has warned the far-right will likely use this attack for their own ends.
“There are fears about the political exploitation of this attack,” said Dr Matthias Quent, of Magdeburg-Stendal University.
“There are strong far-right mobilisations from all over Germany to come to Magdeburg and to use this case for their political aims.”
This is despite the suspect being identified by authorities as an Islamophobe himself, Quent said.
They are terrified, not that the ‘far right’ will have a go at Muslims but that they will attempt to eradicate the far left.
Well yeah…not as if there isn’t something to ‘exploit’ is there? The real problem is those who wish to cover up what is going on in Europe and seek to demonise those who want to reveal that truth….and we all know that cover -ups never end well….you can only keep the lid on things so long before they explode.
German government and BBC desperate for this not to be an islamist attack…
‘Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told reporters that it was “clear to see” that the suspect holds “Islamophobic” views.
The suspect is an outspoken critic of Islam on social media, and has promoted conspiracy theories regarding an alleged plot by German authorities to islamicise Europe.’
Might suggest that his claims of having rejected Islam might have a lot to do with his claim for asylum…especially as he had already managed to get a conviction in Germany for a minor crime….hype up his anti-Islam story and that to be returned to Saudi Arabia would be a death sentence and voila…here’s your German citizenship.
The fact that he targeted a Christmas Market might suggest he is not such an Islamophobe as suggested.
I’m sure the Germans will be totally honest and open and tell us all about his background and that it is not the AFD’s fault…though the Times did try to promote that idea this morning.
And as for ‘not fitting the usual profile’ I’d say he was a good match…so many are in fact doctors, engineers, lawyers and students.
What BBC Verfiy ain’t telling us…a very good reason why our Islamophobic Islamist didn’t want to be returned to Saudi Arabia and so invented a reason to obtain asylum seeker status…ie being an ex-Muslim…
”Taleb Abdulmohsen’ flees Saudi Arabia after being accused of rape and implicated in serious crimes.’
‘After arriving in Germany, Abdulmohsen reinvents himself as a dissident, publicly declaring himself an atheist and ex-Muslim. This move appeared strategic, likely aimed at securing full asylum protection in Germany by portraying himself as a victim of persecution rather than a fugitive from justice.’
‘ A Saudi🇸🇦 source to @Reuters
:”We previously warned the German🇩🇪 authorities about the attacker in Magdeburg,.. The perpetrator of the ramming attack in Germany, Taleb Abdulmohsen, holds extremist ideologies.”‘
Pug summed up that admirable 11 tweet thread (26K Likes) (Good but not 100% proof)
Someone adds at the end
✅ Taleb AlAbdulmohsen drove his car into a Christmas Market in Magdeburg Germany ALSO appeared on the BBC in 2019 bbc video clip
✅ Rwandan teen stabbed 13 girls at Southport England killing 3, starred in a BBC ad for Children In Need
✅ Thomas Crooks who tried to take out TRUMP was in this “BlackRock” commercial while in high school
think you forgot the bbc’s rapist immigrant
510 bbc tv news – guess what re Germany – Islam mentioned ? No – Muslims mentioned ? No – the full Southport treatment …
.. one gets the feeling a lot more people will die after this Islamic terrorist attack …..
2 992 000 ….. 3 million by Christmas ?
Sometimes it is the choice of story that gives away the BBC bias.
Here’s one from the front page of the webshite right now
Just Stop Oil activist jailed over ankle tag issue
A 77-year-old environmental campaigner has been returned to jail after problems with an electronic tag to monitor her.
Gaie Delap, a retired teacher from Montpelier in Bristol, was sentenced to 20 months in jail for participating in a Just Stop Oil protest that blocked the M25 in November 2022.
She was released on 18 November on a home detention curfew, but a tag could not be fitted to her leg because of deep vein thrombosis, and it was too large for her wrist.
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said if offenders could not be monitored in the community electronically, they would be returned to prison…….
Have you got your hankies out?
Me neither.
But I think the BBC would rather we did.
I think one of the reasons the msm is top toeing around the German slaughter is because of the CCTV footage which is on X – the vermin drove through people at high speed as though they were not there . Pity the plod didn’t just shoot him …
Very Very good watch
When Frankie Met Owen.
Made for each other.
Just watched the first episode of the BBC drama Wolf Hall series 2. And I have to say, I never realised our nobility AND the court of King Henry had so many black people in it.
My enjoyment was somewhat tempered by an article I read the other day that Hillary Mantel (the author) was a full-on socialist activist who hated Thatcher and the Catholic church. Which explains my confusion after reading all the books that Cromwell was some kind of well-meaning hero – when everything else I’ve read says he was a ruthless, evil b@stard.
But of course Hillary will be an icon for the BBC activists so in this rare case, they tell her story without their ridiculous edits for their political agenda (except the racist ones).
Telling the truth at the BBC depends entirely on the circumstances.
Mantel was a deeply unpleasant, dishonest person.
And her books? Next to unreadable.
Or by accident JohnC…
BBC very quick to push the single narrative of an ‘Islamophobe’ when the truth is probably more complex….he is allegedly a Shia Muslim and thus would be at odds with Saudi Sunni version of Islam…his criticism of ‘Islam’ may in fact be more a criticism of one kind of Islam..the Sunni kind.
GB News is quicker to explore these issues than the BBC which of course doesn’t actually want to explore them happy as it is with the label ‘Islamophobe’….
Here is the bBC making the BMW driver look like a hero:
Yet another individual accused of mass murder who *just happens* to have featured on the BBC in the past: Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, Axel Rudakubana… And American terrorists feature on CNN and in Blackrock commercials. What a coincidence, eh? It’s almost as though something like the CIA’s MK-Ultra program is still in operation, maybe with the media charged with finding candidates? Those wearing metal foil hats, please remove them now…
These crop up regularly.
🔴The Real BBC ‘Impartiality Crisis’ Is Its Constant Platforming of Hard Right Tufton Street Think Tanks
The broadcaster provides an oversized platform for representatives from opaquely-funded libertarian lobby groups, says media academic Julian Petley
I find them bizarre.