Right going to watch the Fury fight now. The build up has been about 5 hours long. I think 4 of it was the incredibly long Ukrainian national anthem, which has just ended.
I’m sure Fury’s beard wasn’t there when the anthem started.
In August 2022 the interest rate spread between the UK and Germany closed at 196.1 but during the day had touched 229.3. The on 20 December 2024 the spread closed at 229.3 having peaked at 235.3.
Time for the bBC to turn up the noise? Hahahahahaha, or are they heavily conflicted.
I caught a little piece on the news the other day about the latest Christmas market, Muslim atrocity and could barely believe my ears…
They interviewed a typically dishonestly local politician, who went through some strange contortions to avoid telling us who was responsible.
Firstly, we had the ever-reliable standby of “psychological problems”…always a good one…then we inevitably get “lone wolf” and then “so far there’s nothing to suggest terrorism, let’s not jump to conclusions”.
Then he bowled us a real googly and suggested that the vile killer might be “disgruntled” due to how Saudi refugees are treated in Germany. You see what he did there? In one dishonest sentence he criticised the German people for not being open hearted enough and never mentioned the bloody great pachyderm sitting on the sofa.
People like this are as much of the problem as the loathsome mad Muslims inflicting these horrors.
Germany needs a massive clear out of backward people and “liberal” politicians.
Oh the irony…. a car man from AutoTrader absolutely refusing to talk about EVs and the problems nut zero is doing to car sales and it’s the BBC presenter who was forced to ask him how EV legislation was affecting sales.
Carman claimed sales had in fact been almost record and only covid put a dent in them….then it was Ukraine and the costoflivingcrisis…and that’s it he said..that’s why car sales may be slower. BBC presenter knew she had to ask, as it is the ‘elephant in the room’, about EVs…he denied any effect and said all was going swimmingly….as the car industry implodes.
Telegraph today…
’16 million of the 34 million motors on Britain’s roads are more than a decade old. Experts believe this will continue to increase in the years to come thanks to Labour’s unrelenting war on motorists.
The reluctance to buy means the average car is now 9.4 years of age. That’s a 42pc rise from the average 6.6 years in 2003, according to insurer Green Flag…the number of shiny new cars sold to families and individuals has plummeted by almost 450,000 in the past eight years, according to figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) trade body.
The forecourts are struggling, and while headline figures show that sales are up year on year, the numbers are skewed by the volume sold to fleets and businesses which currently account for 61pc of all new car purchases.
The key barometer, the share bought by the everyday person using their car for commuting and pleasure, is down 9.1pc in the year to November.
A total of 701,964 cars have been sold to private buyers so far this year, compared to 772,589 in 2023. It’s a huge slump from the record 1,138,610 sold in 2016.’
Manufacturers are rationing new cars as well in order to not be hit by massive government fines, new car taxes are going up hugely…EVs included.
It’s getting more like Soviet Russia everyday with the police policing your thoughts and the government running businesses with its grand ‘five year plans’…not of course producing tractors…as Labour seem intent on an ‘ethnic cleansing’, as Jeremy Clarkson suggested, of farmers from the land…to make way for new homes for colonisers….and of course the government propaganda mouthpiece…the BBC..the new Pravda of news.
The real British Ambassador and not Mephistopheles? Sounds like he’ll be doing what Mandelson is meant to do…
‘US President-elect Donald Trump has appointed British TV executive Mark Burnett, who produced him on The Apprentice, as his special envoy to the UK.
Trump said it was his “great honour” to pick his former colleague for the role, which is separate to the position of US ambassador to the UK.
“Mark will work to enhance diplomatic relations, focusing on areas of mutual interest, including trade, investment opportunities, and cultural exchanges,” he added.’
A good third of the BBC report is, of course, trying to smear Trump…
‘Trump’s first run for the presidency as Republican nominee in 2016 was plunged into crisis as tapes emerged of him telling Access Hollywood presenter Billy Bush that “you can do anything” to women “when you’re a star”.
Burnett released a statement at the time denying he was a supporter of Trump.
“Further, my wife and I reject the hatred, division and misogyny that has been a very unfortunate part of his campaign,” he said. Burnett is married to Londonderry-born actress Roma Downey.
Another former producer of The Apprentice subsequently claimed that Trump had been heard making “far worse” remarks in recordings from the show.
But Burnett rejected calls to release all outtakes of Trump, saying he was unable to do so and citing “various contractual and legal requirements”.’
“Syria has become the biggest producer of Captagon on earth,” he said. “And today, Syria is going to be purified by the grace of God.”
The overwhelming majority of Captagon pills are produced in Syria, and a small portion in Lebanon. According to estimates, the drug trade amounts to billions of dollars.
The drug was used by militants of the Islamic State during the November 2015 Paris attacks[11] and Hamas during the 2023 attack on Israel.[12][11]
How is it that the BBC spends a lot of time and effort defending billionaire Soros who uses his billions to buy up democracy in so many countries and in comparison spends so much time and effort trying to attack and criticise Musk? What could be the difference and would a £100 million donation to Labour by Musk see a change in BBC reporting?
Would a £100 million donation to Labour by Musk see a change in BBC reporting?
How dare you Sir! What are you implying?
The whole world knows that the BBC is totally and utterly impartial in ALL of it’s reports and is without a stain or blemish on it’s underpants.
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
I demand that you offer a grovelling apology to all the wonderful people at the BBC who work their arses to the bone to bring us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but a load of left wing propaganda.
You might think this was big story given it’s about the NHS [and legal action against it], puberty blockers and Trans issues…can’t see it anywhere on the BBC…this is from the Telegraph….
‘The father of the 16-year old wants a judicial review, arguing a Brighton GP’s prescription defied Cass Review guidance
A father is bringing legal action against the NHS after his 16-year old was given cross-sex hormones despite official guidance against their use.
The Brighton man is seeking a judicial review in the High Court of the decision by his local GP to prescribe the drugs to his teenaged son for gender dysphoria.
He claims the treatment given to his son ran counter to the recommendations of the review by Dr Hilary Cass, the paediatrician.
She concluded there was “remarkably weak” evidence to support the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.
The Cass Review warned the drugs put children on an affirmative pathway that might “change the trajectory of psychosexual and gender identity development”.’
Green tech is about to destroy the environment … I imagine the country will not see the wealth produced … “Packed full of cobalt, nickel and manganese, these ancient formations are now valuable: the metals go into batteries that power modern life, from electric cars to mobile phones.”
“”While we’re only about 200 square kilometers in land mass, we have an exclusive economic zone of almost 2 million square kilometres,” she says.
That’s the equivalent of Mexico.
“It’s the only resource we’ve got,” Jean says.”
p.s.Mexico is now bought by China!! HA HA AHH AHA HA!
Listening to the pretty rubbish ‘The Naked Week’ on R4 yesterday and they were obsessed with Farage and not least his finances listing as they did every titbit they could cobble together.
They could have mentioned Clive Myrie I suppose…but they didn’t….nor any of the myriad number of BBC ‘top talent’ who have those nice little earners off-ranch….then again Farage’s earnings are out in the open unlike the BBC ‘talent’s’ which they so often forget to reveal to us or the taxman.
BBC refuses to play charity song mocking Keir Starmer over winter fuel payments as it hits No 1 in downloads charts
Published: 22:57, 19 December 2024
‘After 14 years of the Tories we were all fed up, and we thought things would be different under Labour, but it’s way worse than anyone thought.’
Oh wait ….light hearted liberals……
In 2013 the BBC ignored pleas to play ‘Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead’ which reached No 2 following the death of Margaret Thatcher.
It said the song, originally from The Wizard of Oz, was ‘clearly a celebration of a death’.
Print media this morning prove how, in the wake of one of these deadly terror attacks, it can be tricky to get all the details of the official story 100% straight…
Free to kill… 3 warnings over Christmas market maniac (Sun on Sunday) Germany warned four times of risk from market suspect (Telegraph)
The Sunday People keeps it vague: Cops warned about terror suspect – but goes with the ‘T’ word.
The Sunday Times likewise prefers to remain imprecise as to the number of iterations of these supposed warnings: Germany given multiple warnings by Saudi Arabia over market killer… says it repeatedly warned the German government
In case you wondering, the BBC goes with the higher number of those supposed warnings from the oil-rich desert arab kingdom: A source close to the Saudi government told the BBC it sent four official notifications known as “Notes Verbal” to German authorities, warning them about what they said were “the very extreme views” held by al-Abdulmohsen. (BBC)
You have to admire the way our BBC so easily makes a window into this man’s soul (as they say) for us, precisely and categorically categorising his fixed and now permanent stance on belief and his doctrinal theological persuasion and/or his faith community group affiliation: An atheist, he ran a website that aimed to help other former Muslims flee persecution in their Gulf homelands. His social media was full of anti-Islamic sentiment and conspiracy theories. (BBC)
Those within certain rather right-leaning circles will recognise the term “Glowie”
Agent provocateur, if you will.
Glowie: often used in online forums to refer to government agents, especially undercover operatives who infiltrate online extremist spaces. Newcomers that do not fit in with the culture of certain forums and are thus suspected to have bad intentions, journalists who report on extremist groups, tech companies that collect users’ personal data, and others. (Thank you Wiki)
Imagine a world in which Oskar Schindler had been advertising an escape route for concentration camp prisoners but was in fact secretly working for the Gestapo.
Or, think of the work of the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, an official operative of the imaginary fairytale state of Vulgaria, promoting his free treacle tarts and ice creams to the kiddies as a means of luring them into a cage.
An atheist… (BBC) – most people with little to no faith may be descibed as agnostic. Atheist is a rather extreme postion, don’t we think?
As for our BBC insistance on the term, I’m oddly reminded of the song No Doubt About It (1980) as sung by Errol Brown of the group Hot Chocolate – it was a different time of course.
The song deals with the experiences of a man who witnesses a UFO landing. (Thank you Wiki)
The Sunday Mirror goes with that hoary old trope – the female celebrity angst story: Tulisa: My secret jungle breakdown – not so secret now, is it luv?
I had anxiety attacks but I put on a good poker face
German authorities are facing the public’s grief and anger in Magdeburg… On a visit on Saturday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, ministers and regional political leaders were heckled by members of the public, some seemingly outraged by what was criticised as a lapse in security… As Scholz and his colleagues walked out of the cordoned-off market during their visit on Saturday, they were met with booing and heckling and shouts of “hau ab”, an extremely aggressive form of “get lost”. (BBC)
Remind you of anything closer to home?
‘How many more children will die?’: Starmer heckled on Southport visit… Prime Minister told to ‘go away, you’re not wanted’ at scene where three little girls were killed (Telegraph, 30 July 2024)
There’s a pub quiz question for perhaps twenty years hence – what’s the connection between an anti-islam Saudi atheist and a Doctor Who-loving Welsh choir boy? The answer is ‘official’
And if you should have any lingering doubts as to the veracity of official narratives provided to the media and dutifully repeated post such deadly terror attacks…
Trust me, I’m a journalist
Ronnie Kray ‘killed Marilyn Monroe’ (Daily Star Sunday)
The difference of course between Southport and Magdeburg is that the Germans immediately unleashed a tidal wave of information about the man…because, they want you to believe, he’s an Islamophobe whereas our Welsh friend…well, least said the better according to our elite who want to hide the likely Muslim identity of the attacker….even MPs in Parliament were instructed to shut up by the Speaker…whilst Starmer was openly denouncing people as ‘Far-Right’ before he knew who they were or the actual reasons they were on the streets and before they were sent to court for trial.
German 2016 … HA HA HA HAHA ! Gay Islamist spies for ISIS!
Berlin, Germany 2016
Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
Agents lured him into a private chat, and he gave away so many details about the spy agency — and his own directives within it to thwart Islamists — that they quickly identified him, arresting the 51-year-old the next day. Only then would the extent of his double life become clear.
It’s not only a rather bizarre, but also a quite scary, story that an agency, whose central role it is to engage in counterespionage, hired an Islamist who potentially had access to classified information, who might have even tried to spread Islamist propaganda and to recruit others to let themselves be hired by and possibly launch an attack”
Radio Lincs news “A Lincolnshire leaiure centre has saved ALMOST £17K/year by installing solar panels.. they cost £350K”
Councillor “With the reduction in annual energy bills it will allow money to be invested in other facilities at the centre.. wear and tear etc,”
FFS Why our Guardian reading overloards so anti-maths ?
If you spend £350K today on solar panels
You don’t have EXTRA money to spend this year or next
cos you are starting on minus £333K for 2025, then minus £316K in 2026 etc.
In fact the payback period is well over 20 years
which is about the same as the lifespan of solar panels
So you never have extra money to spend
Two tweets mention the story .. neither got any Likes
Same with EV cars which might be more polluting than normal ones…not forgetting we have to scrap all those cars that could in fact go on for tens of thousands of miles still and then replace them with shiny new EVs.
And heat pumps….cost a lot to fit and have to be fitted very accurately…the technology seems beyond your average plumber or even supposedly trained installer. Very tight parameters that need to be right or it will cost thousands more [and you’ll be cold in the meantime] to correct.
Here’s a nightmare story that only a team of experts on heat pumps could fix…
Cosy, green & cost effective heat pumps
Installation from £500 including a £7,500 government grant with Britain’s favourite heat pump installer. Our claims explained
Jeez…haven’t seen a BBC TV news report on Magdeburg….just as well might put a brick though the TV as [is it Mark Easton?..a huge supporter of mass immigration] tries to explain away an attempt at mass murder by a Muslim migrant. With this line of defence the BBC clearly knows this is about Islamism and migration and thus needs to invent some excuse and can’t genuinely claim he was a Far-Right AFD Musk supporting Islamophobe as the narrative now is…
Reminds you of Mark Mardell explaining away the murder of 13 US soldiers by a Muslim in the US….
‘The truth is of course cloudy. The alleged murderer was clearly a Muslim, but there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives.
He may or may not have posted something on the internet defending suicide bombers. But he also appears to have been traumatised by the idea of being sent to a combat zone.
I loathe cliche, but perhaps, for once, this is a “senseless tragedy”, devoid of deeper meaning.’
Then again Easton is a fan of extremist Muslims saying they should be favourably compared to Churchill, Ghandi and Mandela.
So, the German authorities received “multiple warnings” from the Saudi government, telling politicians that this man was a danger to their people. They knew. That’s the worst part…
These politicians aren’t just careless, they’re lethal. They just don’t care. They hesitate and prevaricate whenever there is an outrage like this. However, they’re quick enough to reach conclusions and condemn anyone if there’s a perceived “far right” riot. Then there’s no holding back.
Importing these people into your country is like a mother putting a crocodile in her baby’s carrycot. If we saw that she would be imprisoned and the child taken into care.
Politicians, across Europe, have put the native peoples in danger.
Being ‘charitable ‘ to the German authorities they probably have so many potential active Muslim terrorists that it’s difficult to sift out the real threats to the actual ones – I reckon all other European states are in the same boat .
I think we are almost at the stage of being unable to deal with them ..
“”There are names that are down as extremists and we’ve been told there are more than 20,000 of those in the UK, but they are not watched all the time.”
If we change “Christmas Markets” to “Festival Events” we can end the attack by upset Islamists and save lives. – this has been BBC Verified and Approved.
If we all become Islamic we can end Islamophobia and save lives.
If we cancel all music concerts we can save 22 lives.
If we rename pubs from “Saracen’s Head” to “Christian Kneeling for Mohammed” we can end the HATE and and Hope Not Hate.
– BBC Verified and approved.
Change churches into mosques and bishops into imams and that’ll calm them down…appeasement, surrender and colonisation is the order of the day….it’s well under way….will never be stopped because they are terrified of the violent backlash from Muslims if we do….which isn’t a good line of thinking as others might adopt the same terror tactics to pressure the dumbass politicians and you’ll get Musk’s ‘civil war’.
‘‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’’
Niall Fergusson…
‘ We let Lenin rise, millions died. Now it’s Islamism.
The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.
I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.’
‘People in MI5 tell me that denying the connection between Islamism and terrorism derives from the belief that if you accept it, there’s no hope for a multicultural society in Britain: we would just have to recognise that part of the population is permanently liable to become terrorists.’
On GB News they have a couple of people on doing wine tasting.
Maybe I’m just ‘scum’ as Labour might describe me but what’s the point of it.
They always say “yes, very nice” or words to that effect.
I’ve never heard any taster say anything bad about any wine they taste.
If one of them said “This tastes like piss” it would make it more interesting but it’s always the same agreeable comments.
As far as I’m concerned there are two flavours of wine (red and white) and once, when watching From Russia with love, I noticed you can tell a wrong’un if they order the wrong colour (as Bond noticed)
At least with food programs you can get an idea of what something will taste like by looking at it.
As of April 2024, there were 75,325 members of the UK’s regular Army forces (excluding Gurkhas and volunteers), according to the latest Ministry of Defence (MoD) figures, external.
Labour reminds me of the Monty Python hole in road sketch when they tell us how awful life was under the tories….hole, call that a hole…we’ve got this enoooormous blackhole in our finances….
Rachel from accounts says Farage will be no good at the numbers – she speaks from a position of authority . To fix the finances is pretty simple – cut all overseas aid and spending – get some one to deconstruct public bodies – eg diversity / communications staff- sort out tendering and fraud with reliable people – just for starters …. And charge an annual foreigner tax –
The state broadcaster -BBC news going after the state religion as usual – nice soft target .. don’t hear so much about incestuous Muslims or what happens in mosques though ….
Europe is committing cultural suicide as it imports people who hate us and don’t have the same values and beliefs we have and yet our elites welcome them in and protect them….Germany learnt that yet again yesterday as we did just recently….
‘Quite incredibly, it is believed that, in either 2021 or 2022, the authorities decided to grant asylum to Ezedi, who by now was a convicted criminal, on his third attempt. On this occasion, according to reports, a priest vouched for Ezedi and claimed that he had converted to Christianity. Under the UK’s human-rights laws, this made it virtually impossible for Ezedi to be sent back to Afghanistan – with his legal team being able to claim that he would be at risk of Islamist persecution, having ‘left’ Islam and being an ‘apostate’ who was supposedly now Christian.
Ezedi, it turns out, is far from alone in exploiting this human-rights loophole. His case is part of a disturbing trend emerging of Muslim asylum seekers opportunistically ‘converting’ to Christianity to claim asylum and avoid deportation.’
And our German friend was an Islamophobe because he criticised ‘Islam’…but he was a Shia just as the person who wrote this is….is she an Islamophobe as she talks about Sunni Islamists? Our German friend was apparently saying much the same.
Yasmin Alibhai-brown…
‘ The rapid spread of rigid, diehard Islam [In the UK] is deeply worrying. Yet those in power, focused on terrorist cells, seem oblivious to this other peril…. our politicians and Muslim ‘leaders’ allow their twisted ideology to spread across Britain.
Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools, playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms and universities.
And if we are to have any hope of combating them, we need to stop this attitude of appeasement and understand why so many Muslims are attracted to the most punishing forms of belief, suppressing women and children.
If this was happening in any other nation, we would be condemning it loudly.
Yet here, curtailed and deficient education endured by many Muslim children is seen as a religious entitlement, which, if opposed, apparently confirms Islamophobia.
Why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and indulging Taliban values here?
Even if it offends liberal principles, the powerful must find a way of stopping Islamicists from promulgating their distorted creed.’
Converted? Well Praise Jehovah!
Hello Mr recent convert, you must be so happy to learn that Allah and the false prophet Mohammed are under the feet of Jesus! God bless Israel! Would you like a bacon sandwich?
The German [and our own] authorities try to spin that Islamisation is entirely harmless so they hide the truth behind a great shining lie….knowing, ironically, that if they don’t lie about Muslim violence they will get more violence…
“Violence can only be concealed by a Lie, and the Lie can only be maintained by Violence.“
Main headline on BBC Wales news website today: “I wouldn’t poo if my husband were at home”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cdekdn3j4y3o.
More brilliant reporting from the BBC Wales news team.
“To understand the very serious trouble the U.K. is in I suggest watching Prime Ministers Question Time. Having just endured it again today, it’s only fair you do. In summary:
The Prime Minister did not answer a single question, not one.
He told lies.
He continually sneered with contemptuous disdain at the leader of the opposition, utterly disrespectful.
Starmer is always surrounded by a baying mob (interestingly women usually occupy all the seats closest to him,) who sycophantically mimic him, particularly his sneering.
This is not an accountable administration governing one nation, it is a dictatorial display of dominance and power by a vain and greedy man. Labour are a divisive Left Wing Supremacy, they are the rulers and don’t you forget it. No more insolent questions, inside or outside Parliament will be allowed.
In order to survive this dystopian two tier state, apply now to become a card carrying Labour party member ….. or starve.”
TWoTWee Watch #1 – BBC bashing the the former Bishop of Chelmsford & Church of England
Stephen Cottrell, is the present Archbishop of York and due to take a role in caretaking Canterbury following Welby’s resignation. The BBC were at it again on the R4 Sunday Programme this morning, bashing Bishops and the Church of England.
While I don’t support some of the bad decisions made by some of the Christian Church elders in the UK, the heavily anti-Christian influenced BBC religious reporting department are quite obviously on a mission at present to jump on any opportunity to wound and weaken the British Christian Churches, the negativity is repetitive and targeted. It can only really be explained by “actors” for alternative religions bent on inflicting damage wherever possible being highly influential. You can probably work out for yourselves what their desired end-game is.
The lying BBC (tautology) are claiming that the latest muslim terrorist (tautology) was a right-wing atheist anti-muslim, and it’s all X’s / Musk’s fault anyway.
Mahyar Tusi and Lubna are having none of it. Learn about sleeper cells, Taqiyya and other islamic delights.
TWoTWee Watch #2 – have you verified that BBC, and has Marianna sprung into action?
or are you merely trying to antagonise Amol Rajan with ‘fake’ news and ‘conspiracy theories’? TWoTWee, presenter Ed Stourton, was in the chair and he spent a brief period on the attack on the Christmas Market in Magdeburg. He claimed the attacker, a Saudi(!), was a ‘Islamaphobic’ and a supporter of the AfD which I am sure the BBC would like to describe as a Far Right and Hard Right political party.
Ed doesn’t question for one minute (as our Stew G. did) why a ‘nominal’ Muslim would attack a Christmas Market where there might be non-Muslims or even Christians in attendance. Most peculiar. I don’t know whether Germans pay for their health-care system. Perhaps this supposed Doctor wanted to drum up some business for hospitals in the area? The BBC really don’t understand the concept of ‘taqiyya’ do they?
Excellent – the Marxists legislating to ban unapproved donations to other political parties – just a step to banning other parties out of community cohesion reasons .
I mean – why have a tedious opposition in any form ? Nit efficient at all – and doesn’t deal with the 22 billion black hole … elections are an expensive waste of time any way …
NW NinepenceMar 3, 13:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Friday Whitehouse meeting with a ‘washed up’ Zalenski was certainly an eye-opener. As 1066 poem goes… they all started…
FlotsamMar 3, 13:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 David Starkey, spot on as usual. He touched upon an issue I voiced during the Brexit campaign with our European…
wwfcMar 3, 13:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlGoCnYXcAAQ5n1?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 3, 13:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Lucy. Does that mean we can all now get acting jobs on tv adverts.
MarkyMarkMar 3, 13:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 White slaves? “Many societies in Africa with kings and hierarchical forms of government traditionally kept slaves. But these were mostly…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 13:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Date Migrants arrived Boats arrived Boats involved in uncontrolled landings Notes 24 February 2025 0 0 0 25 February 2025…
AlthepalerpMar 3, 13:01 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Meanwhile.. . 592 came yesterday. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Syndicated article:
“Teachers to work from home”
Right going to watch the Fury fight now. The build up has been about 5 hours long. I think 4 of it was the incredibly long Ukrainian national anthem, which has just ended.
I’m sure Fury’s beard wasn’t there when the anthem started.
And that ‘Let’s get ready to rumble’ announcer is still going. He was doing the Tyson fights back in the 80s. I’m sure he was the same age then.
Got to be a cyborg
Trump shooter……..
“Jawdropping” propaganda from woke-Supremacist BBC and police
I found this interesting.
LOL…just because….funny and technically amazing….gotta love AI…
In August 2022 the interest rate spread between the UK and Germany closed at 196.1 but during the day had touched 229.3. The on 20 December 2024 the spread closed at 229.3 having peaked at 235.3.
Time for the bBC to turn up the noise? Hahahahahaha, or are they heavily conflicted.
I caught a little piece on the news the other day about the latest Christmas market, Muslim atrocity and could barely believe my ears…
They interviewed a typically dishonestly local politician, who went through some strange contortions to avoid telling us who was responsible.
Firstly, we had the ever-reliable standby of “psychological problems”…always a good one…then we inevitably get “lone wolf” and then “so far there’s nothing to suggest terrorism, let’s not jump to conclusions”.
Then he bowled us a real googly and suggested that the vile killer might be “disgruntled” due to how Saudi refugees are treated in Germany. You see what he did there? In one dishonest sentence he criticised the German people for not being open hearted enough and never mentioned the bloody great pachyderm sitting on the sofa.
People like this are as much of the problem as the loathsome mad Muslims inflicting these horrors.
Germany needs a massive clear out of backward people and “liberal” politicians.
And so do we…
Oh the irony…. a car man from AutoTrader absolutely refusing to talk about EVs and the problems nut zero is doing to car sales and it’s the BBC presenter who was forced to ask him how EV legislation was affecting sales.
Carman claimed sales had in fact been almost record and only covid put a dent in them….then it was Ukraine and the costoflivingcrisis…and that’s it he said..that’s why car sales may be slower. BBC presenter knew she had to ask, as it is the ‘elephant in the room’, about EVs…he denied any effect and said all was going swimmingly….as the car industry implodes.
Telegraph today…
’16 million of the 34 million motors on Britain’s roads are more than a decade old. Experts believe this will continue to increase in the years to come thanks to Labour’s unrelenting war on motorists.
The reluctance to buy means the average car is now 9.4 years of age. That’s a 42pc rise from the average 6.6 years in 2003, according to insurer Green Flag…the number of shiny new cars sold to families and individuals has plummeted by almost 450,000 in the past eight years, according to figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) trade body.
The forecourts are struggling, and while headline figures show that sales are up year on year, the numbers are skewed by the volume sold to fleets and businesses which currently account for 61pc of all new car purchases.
The key barometer, the share bought by the everyday person using their car for commuting and pleasure, is down 9.1pc in the year to November.
A total of 701,964 cars have been sold to private buyers so far this year, compared to 772,589 in 2023. It’s a huge slump from the record 1,138,610 sold in 2016.’
Manufacturers are rationing new cars as well in order to not be hit by massive government fines, new car taxes are going up hugely…EVs included.
It’s getting more like Soviet Russia everyday with the police policing your thoughts and the government running businesses with its grand ‘five year plans’…not of course producing tractors…as Labour seem intent on an ‘ethnic cleansing’, as Jeremy Clarkson suggested, of farmers from the land…to make way for new homes for colonisers….and of course the government propaganda mouthpiece…the BBC..the new Pravda of news.
The real British Ambassador and not Mephistopheles? Sounds like he’ll be doing what Mandelson is meant to do…
‘US President-elect Donald Trump has appointed British TV executive Mark Burnett, who produced him on The Apprentice, as his special envoy to the UK.
Trump said it was his “great honour” to pick his former colleague for the role, which is separate to the position of US ambassador to the UK.
“Mark will work to enhance diplomatic relations, focusing on areas of mutual interest, including trade, investment opportunities, and cultural exchanges,” he added.’
A good third of the BBC report is, of course, trying to smear Trump…
‘Trump’s first run for the presidency as Republican nominee in 2016 was plunged into crisis as tapes emerged of him telling Access Hollywood presenter Billy Bush that “you can do anything” to women “when you’re a star”.
Burnett released a statement at the time denying he was a supporter of Trump.
“Further, my wife and I reject the hatred, division and misogyny that has been a very unfortunate part of his campaign,” he said. Burnett is married to Londonderry-born actress Roma Downey.
Another former producer of The Apprentice subsequently claimed that Trump had been heard making “far worse” remarks in recordings from the show.
But Burnett rejected calls to release all outtakes of Trump, saying he was unable to do so and citing “various contractual and legal requirements”.’
Keir can now fill the 22bn black hole …
“What now for Syria’s £4.5bn illegal drug empire”
“Syria has become the biggest producer of Captagon on earth,” he said. “And today, Syria is going to be purified by the grace of God.”
The overwhelming majority of Captagon pills are produced in Syria, and a small portion in Lebanon. According to estimates, the drug trade amounts to billions of dollars.
The drug was used by militants of the Islamic State during the November 2015 Paris attacks[11] and Hamas during the 2023 attack on Israel.[12][11]
A bit more on Captagon in this article:
The question being was it used to turn hamas into monsters or are they pretty good at that without taking captagon?
The BBC’s curious fixation with Elon Musk…
‘Elon Musk’s curious fixation with Britain’
How is it that the BBC spends a lot of time and effort defending billionaire Soros who uses his billions to buy up democracy in so many countries and in comparison spends so much time and effort trying to attack and criticise Musk? What could be the difference and would a £100 million donation to Labour by Musk see a change in BBC reporting?
UK MP Paid £65,040 a year – with no demands on his voting?
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Would a £100 million donation to Labour by Musk see a change in BBC reporting?
How dare you Sir! What are you implying?
The whole world knows that the BBC is totally and utterly impartial in ALL of it’s reports and is without a stain or blemish on it’s underpants.
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
I demand that you offer a grovelling apology to all the wonderful people at the BBC who work their arses to the bone to bring us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but a load of left wing propaganda.
You might think this was big story given it’s about the NHS [and legal action against it], puberty blockers and Trans issues…can’t see it anywhere on the BBC…this is from the Telegraph….
‘The father of the 16-year old wants a judicial review, arguing a Brighton GP’s prescription defied Cass Review guidance
A father is bringing legal action against the NHS after his 16-year old was given cross-sex hormones despite official guidance against their use.
The Brighton man is seeking a judicial review in the High Court of the decision by his local GP to prescribe the drugs to his teenaged son for gender dysphoria.
He claims the treatment given to his son ran counter to the recommendations of the review by Dr Hilary Cass, the paediatrician.
She concluded there was “remarkably weak” evidence to support the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.
The Cass Review warned the drugs put children on an affirmative pathway that might “change the trajectory of psychosexual and gender identity development”.’
Green tech is about to destroy the environment … I imagine the country will not see the wealth produced … “Packed full of cobalt, nickel and manganese, these ancient formations are now valuable: the metals go into batteries that power modern life, from electric cars to mobile phones.”
“”While we’re only about 200 square kilometers in land mass, we have an exclusive economic zone of almost 2 million square kilometres,” she says.
That’s the equivalent of Mexico.
“It’s the only resource we’ve got,” Jean says.”
p.s.Mexico is now bought by China!! HA HA AHH AHA HA!
Listening to the pretty rubbish ‘The Naked Week’ on R4 yesterday and they were obsessed with Farage and not least his finances listing as they did every titbit they could cobble together.
They could have mentioned Clive Myrie I suppose…but they didn’t….nor any of the myriad number of BBC ‘top talent’ who have those nice little earners off-ranch….then again Farage’s earnings are out in the open unlike the BBC ‘talent’s’ which they so often forget to reveal to us or the taxman.
BBC refuses to play charity song mocking Keir Starmer over winter fuel payments as it hits No 1 in downloads charts
Published: 22:57, 19 December 2024
‘After 14 years of the Tories we were all fed up, and we thought things would be different under Labour, but it’s way worse than anyone thought.’
Oh wait ….light hearted liberals……
In 2013 the BBC ignored pleas to play ‘Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead’ which reached No 2 following the death of Margaret Thatcher.
It said the song, originally from The Wizard of Oz, was ‘clearly a celebration of a death’.
Read all about it/no doubt about it edition
Print media this morning prove how, in the wake of one of these deadly terror attacks, it can be tricky to get all the details of the official story 100% straight…
Free to kill… 3 warnings over Christmas market maniac (Sun on Sunday)
Germany warned four times of risk from market suspect (Telegraph)
The Sunday People keeps it vague: Cops warned about terror suspect – but goes with the ‘T’ word.
The Sunday Times likewise prefers to remain imprecise as to the number of iterations of these supposed warnings: Germany given multiple warnings by Saudi Arabia over market killer… says it repeatedly warned the German government
In case you wondering, the BBC goes with the higher number of those supposed warnings from the oil-rich desert arab kingdom: A source close to the Saudi government told the BBC it sent four official notifications known as “Notes Verbal” to German authorities, warning them about what they said were “the very extreme views” held by al-Abdulmohsen. (BBC)
You have to admire the way our BBC so easily makes a window into this man’s soul (as they say) for us, precisely and categorically categorising his fixed and now permanent stance on belief and his doctrinal theological persuasion and/or his faith community group affiliation: An atheist, he ran a website that aimed to help other former Muslims flee persecution in their Gulf homelands. His social media was full of anti-Islamic sentiment and conspiracy theories. (BBC)
Those within certain rather right-leaning circles will recognise the term “Glowie”
Agent provocateur, if you will.
Glowie: often used in online forums to refer to government agents, especially undercover operatives who infiltrate online extremist spaces. Newcomers that do not fit in with the culture of certain forums and are thus suspected to have bad intentions, journalists who report on extremist groups, tech companies that collect users’ personal data, and others. (Thank you Wiki)
Imagine a world in which Oskar Schindler had been advertising an escape route for concentration camp prisoners but was in fact secretly working for the Gestapo.
Or, think of the work of the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, an official operative of the imaginary fairytale state of Vulgaria, promoting his free treacle tarts and ice creams to the kiddies as a means of luring them into a cage.
An atheist… (BBC) – most people with little to no faith may be descibed as agnostic. Atheist is a rather extreme postion, don’t we think?
As for our BBC insistance on the term, I’m oddly reminded of the song No Doubt About It (1980) as sung by Errol Brown of the group Hot Chocolate – it was a different time of course.
The song deals with the experiences of a man who witnesses a UFO landing. (Thank you Wiki)
The Sunday Mirror goes with that hoary old trope – the female celebrity angst story: Tulisa: My secret jungle breakdown – not so secret now, is it luv?
I had anxiety attacks but I put on a good poker face
German authorities are facing the public’s grief and anger in Magdeburg… On a visit on Saturday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, ministers and regional political leaders were heckled by members of the public, some seemingly outraged by what was criticised as a lapse in security… As Scholz and his colleagues walked out of the cordoned-off market during their visit on Saturday, they were met with booing and heckling and shouts of “hau ab”, an extremely aggressive form of “get lost”. (BBC)
Remind you of anything closer to home?
‘How many more children will die?’: Starmer heckled on Southport visit… Prime Minister told to ‘go away, you’re not wanted’ at scene where three little girls were killed (Telegraph, 30 July 2024)
There’s a pub quiz question for perhaps twenty years hence – what’s the connection between an anti-islam Saudi atheist and a Doctor Who-loving Welsh choir boy? The answer is ‘official’
And if you should have any lingering doubts as to the veracity of official narratives provided to the media and dutifully repeated post such deadly terror attacks…
Trust me, I’m a journalist
Ronnie Kray ‘killed Marilyn Monroe’ (Daily Star Sunday)
The difference of course between Southport and Magdeburg is that the Germans immediately unleashed a tidal wave of information about the man…because, they want you to believe, he’s an Islamophobe whereas our Welsh friend…well, least said the better according to our elite who want to hide the likely Muslim identity of the attacker….even MPs in Parliament were instructed to shut up by the Speaker…whilst Starmer was openly denouncing people as ‘Far-Right’ before he knew who they were or the actual reasons they were on the streets and before they were sent to court for trial.
One rule for some, another rule for white people.
Germans are also, historically, more prone to get with the gummint program.
With the U.K. seemingly catching up fast, bar a significant chunk in, or headed to chokey for hurty thoughts.
German 2016 … HA HA HA HAHA ! Gay Islamist spies for ISIS!
Berlin, Germany 2016
Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
Agents lured him into a private chat, and he gave away so many details about the spy agency — and his own directives within it to thwart Islamists — that they quickly identified him, arresting the 51-year-old the next day. Only then would the extent of his double life become clear.
It’s not only a rather bizarre, but also a quite scary, story that an agency, whose central role it is to engage in counterespionage, hired an Islamist who potentially had access to classified information, who might have even tried to spread Islamist propaganda and to recruit others to let themselves be hired by and possibly launch an attack”
Radio Lincs news “A Lincolnshire leaiure centre has saved ALMOST £17K/year by installing solar panels.. they cost £350K”
Councillor “With the reduction in annual energy bills it will allow money to be invested in other facilities at the centre.. wear and tear etc,”
FFS Why our Guardian reading overloards so anti-maths ?
If you spend £350K today on solar panels
You don’t have EXTRA money to spend this year or next
cos you are starting on minus £333K for 2025, then minus £316K in 2026 etc.
In fact the payback period is well over 20 years
which is about the same as the lifespan of solar panels
So you never have extra money to spend
Two tweets mention the story .. neither got any Likes
Panels – inverters – reinforce ceilings – lifespan 20 years – need cleaning – maintenance – interest on loan for £350K?
£350K loan interest at 4% 20 years £2,214 £181,425
… and the solar panels get smashed up by storm WosIsName
Same with EV cars which might be more polluting than normal ones…not forgetting we have to scrap all those cars that could in fact go on for tens of thousands of miles still and then replace them with shiny new EVs.
And heat pumps….cost a lot to fit and have to be fitted very accurately…the technology seems beyond your average plumber or even supposedly trained installer. Very tight parameters that need to be right or it will cost thousands more [and you’ll be cold in the meantime] to correct.
Here’s a nightmare story that only a team of experts on heat pumps could fix…
Can a flat on the 10th floor have a heat pump?
Yup, just hang it from a window frame with bungee cords.
Cosy, green & cost effective heat pumps
Installation from £500 including a £7,500 government grant with Britain’s favourite heat pump installer. Our claims explained
Installation from £500
including a £7,500 FROM TAX PAYER (not gov)
including a £7,500 FROM TAX PAYER (not gov)
including a £7,500 FROM TAX PAYER (not gov)
Needs a holiday they say…. (Thanks Elon)
Revolver and a bottle of whisky?
Assisted Dying on the NHS – free POD for those who want to save the planet.
Jeez…haven’t seen a BBC TV news report on Magdeburg….just as well might put a brick though the TV as [is it Mark Easton?..a huge supporter of mass immigration] tries to explain away an attempt at mass murder by a Muslim migrant. With this line of defence the BBC clearly knows this is about Islamism and migration and thus needs to invent some excuse and can’t genuinely claim he was a Far-Right AFD Musk supporting Islamophobe as the narrative now is…
Reminds you of Mark Mardell explaining away the murder of 13 US soldiers by a Muslim in the US….
‘The truth is of course cloudy. The alleged murderer was clearly a Muslim, but there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives.
He may or may not have posted something on the internet defending suicide bombers. But he also appears to have been traumatised by the idea of being sent to a combat zone.
I loathe cliche, but perhaps, for once, this is a “senseless tragedy”, devoid of deeper meaning.’
Then again Easton is a fan of extremist Muslims saying they should be favourably compared to Churchill, Ghandi and Mandela.
So, the German authorities received “multiple warnings” from the Saudi government, telling politicians that this man was a danger to their people. They knew. That’s the worst part…
These politicians aren’t just careless, they’re lethal. They just don’t care. They hesitate and prevaricate whenever there is an outrage like this. However, they’re quick enough to reach conclusions and condemn anyone if there’s a perceived “far right” riot. Then there’s no holding back.
Importing these people into your country is like a mother putting a crocodile in her baby’s carrycot. If we saw that she would be imprisoned and the child taken into care.
Politicians, across Europe, have put the native peoples in danger.
They must be removed.
Sooner rather than later…
Being ‘charitable ‘ to the German authorities they probably have so many potential active Muslim terrorists that it’s difficult to sift out the real threats to the actual ones – I reckon all other European states are in the same boat .
I think we are almost at the stage of being unable to deal with them ..
I can’t even begin to imagine how many people we have monitoring our own population for terrorists now. It must be hundreds and hundreds.
It was unthinkable right up until the gates were opened to Islam for some cheap labour.
“But they will be interviewed, asked if they are sorry and asked if they want to go on a prevent scheme.”
Sorry .. .asked … HA HA HA HAH AHA HH A HA!
“”There are names that are down as extremists and we’ve been told there are more than 20,000 of those in the UK, but they are not watched all the time.”
but they are not watched all the time.
but they are not watched all the time.
but they are not watched all the time.
@Pug at 11.04 Depending on who you speak to all three of those names have carried the terrorist badge.
“Rishi has proved to be a diligent constituency MP and it was no surprise to see him re-elected in 2017, 2019 and 2024.
“He is an exceptional individual and I believe he will continue to be a strong and effective advocate for our community”
Lord William Hague of Richmond
Rishi visits Northallerton delivery office to support posties in the busy run-up to Christmas
Monday, 16 December, 2024
Rishi praises village history project
Rishi backs small businesses in Great Ayton
Rishi joins celebrations to mark completion of Dales affordable housing project
D&S column: why I believe this is a compassionate change
Rishi supports small Dales village store enterprise
D&S column: backing our local farmers
If we change “Christmas Markets” to “Festival Events” we can end the attack by upset Islamists and save lives. – this has been BBC Verified and Approved.
If we all become Islamic we can end Islamophobia and save lives.
If we cancel all music concerts we can save 22 lives.
If we rename pubs from “Saracen’s Head” to “Christian Kneeling for Mohammed” we can end the HATE and and Hope Not Hate.
– BBC Verified and approved.
Change churches into mosques and bishops into imams and that’ll calm them down…appeasement, surrender and colonisation is the order of the day….it’s well under way….will never be stopped because they are terrified of the violent backlash from Muslims if we do….which isn’t a good line of thinking as others might adopt the same terror tactics to pressure the dumbass politicians and you’ll get Musk’s ‘civil war’.
‘‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’’
Niall Fergusson…
‘ We let Lenin rise, millions died. Now it’s Islamism.
The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.
I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.’
‘People in MI5 tell me that denying the connection between Islamism and terrorism derives from the belief that if you accept it, there’s no hope for a multicultural society in Britain: we would just have to recognise that part of the population is permanently liable to become terrorists.’
Well if the Islamists DO manage to repeat the Bolshevik achievement then King Charles should be making plans NOW. History can repeat itself.
On GB News they have a couple of people on doing wine tasting.
Maybe I’m just ‘scum’ as Labour might describe me but what’s the point of it.
They always say “yes, very nice” or words to that effect.
I’ve never heard any taster say anything bad about any wine they taste.
If one of them said “This tastes like piss” it would make it more interesting but it’s always the same agreeable comments.
As far as I’m concerned there are two flavours of wine (red and white) and once, when watching From Russia with love, I noticed you can tell a wrong’un if they order the wrong colour (as Bond noticed)
At least with food programs you can get an idea of what something will taste like by looking at it.
What a wanker
Police parking in Leeds
top reply
emetric stuff is the norm now – really…..
Smarmer hates people. He’s a wanker.
“The Army is shrinking – but would Labour make it any bigger?”
As of April 2024, there were 75,325 members of the UK’s regular Army forces (excluding Gurkhas and volunteers), according to the latest Ministry of Defence (MoD) figures, external.
MI5 had 40,000 jihadists on its terror watchlist. Sounds quite a lot…
Jihadists growing – 40,000
UK Army shrinking – 75,325
Trevor Kavanagh On “Very Sinister” Shouts Of ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Green Councillor’s Election Victory
A nation in grief as the rotating helicopter blade came a bit closer.
With friends like that….
“When at work I change my CV… ”
A Day In The Life Of Rachel Reeves
Labour reminds me of the Monty Python hole in road sketch when they tell us how awful life was under the tories….hole, call that a hole…we’ve got this enoooormous blackhole in our finances….
Rachel from accounts says Farage will be no good at the numbers – she speaks from a position of authority . To fix the finances is pretty simple – cut all overseas aid and spending – get some one to deconstruct public bodies – eg diversity / communications staff- sort out tendering and fraud with reliable people – just for starters …. And charge an annual foreigner tax –
The state broadcaster -BBC news going after the state religion as usual – nice soft target .. don’t hear so much about incestuous Muslims or what happens in mosques though ….
The BBC love to do bit of Imam bum licking.
BBC to feature similar / same screen health warning in 2025?
Starmer’s media team look like they need similar….
Provincial councils are murdering retail… £5.34 per hour to park in York.
Less than 5000 signatures to go for the election petition to hit 3 million. 🙂
Yep. Good innit?
Europe is committing cultural suicide as it imports people who hate us and don’t have the same values and beliefs we have and yet our elites welcome them in and protect them….Germany learnt that yet again yesterday as we did just recently….
‘Quite incredibly, it is believed that, in either 2021 or 2022, the authorities decided to grant asylum to Ezedi, who by now was a convicted criminal, on his third attempt. On this occasion, according to reports, a priest vouched for Ezedi and claimed that he had converted to Christianity. Under the UK’s human-rights laws, this made it virtually impossible for Ezedi to be sent back to Afghanistan – with his legal team being able to claim that he would be at risk of Islamist persecution, having ‘left’ Islam and being an ‘apostate’ who was supposedly now Christian.
Ezedi, it turns out, is far from alone in exploiting this human-rights loophole. His case is part of a disturbing trend emerging of Muslim asylum seekers opportunistically ‘converting’ to Christianity to claim asylum and avoid deportation.’
And our German friend was an Islamophobe because he criticised ‘Islam’…but he was a Shia just as the person who wrote this is….is she an Islamophobe as she talks about Sunni Islamists? Our German friend was apparently saying much the same.
Yasmin Alibhai-brown…
‘ The rapid spread of rigid, diehard Islam [In the UK] is deeply worrying. Yet those in power, focused on terrorist cells, seem oblivious to this other peril…. our politicians and Muslim ‘leaders’ allow their twisted ideology to spread across Britain.
Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools, playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms and universities.
And if we are to have any hope of combating them, we need to stop this attitude of appeasement and understand why so many Muslims are attracted to the most punishing forms of belief, suppressing women and children.
If this was happening in any other nation, we would be condemning it loudly.
Yet here, curtailed and deficient education endured by many Muslim children is seen as a religious entitlement, which, if opposed, apparently confirms Islamophobia.
Why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and indulging Taliban values here?
Even if it offends liberal principles, the powerful must find a way of stopping Islamicists from promulgating their distorted creed.’
Converted? Well Praise Jehovah!
Hello Mr recent convert, you must be so happy to learn that Allah and the false prophet Mohammed are under the feet of Jesus! God bless Israel! Would you like a bacon sandwich?
The German [and our own] authorities try to spin that Islamisation is entirely harmless so they hide the truth behind a great shining lie….knowing, ironically, that if they don’t lie about Muslim violence they will get more violence…
“Violence can only be concealed by a Lie, and the Lie can only be maintained by Violence.“
Main headline on BBC Wales news website today: “I wouldn’t poo if my husband were at home”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cdekdn3j4y3o.
More brilliant reporting from the BBC Wales news team.
This, from a little while ago I noticed online:
“To understand the very serious trouble the U.K. is in I suggest watching Prime Ministers Question Time. Having just endured it again today, it’s only fair you do. In summary:
The Prime Minister did not answer a single question, not one.
He told lies.
He continually sneered with contemptuous disdain at the leader of the opposition, utterly disrespectful.
Starmer is always surrounded by a baying mob (interestingly women usually occupy all the seats closest to him,) who sycophantically mimic him, particularly his sneering.
This is not an accountable administration governing one nation, it is a dictatorial display of dominance and power by a vain and greedy man. Labour are a divisive Left Wing Supremacy, they are the rulers and don’t you forget it. No more insolent questions, inside or outside Parliament will be allowed.
In order to survive this dystopian two tier state, apply now to become a card carrying Labour party member ….. or starve.”
Are Sir Keir’s baying mob ” women of a certain age”?
Smarmer is an arrogant and revolting man
TWoTWee Watch #1 – BBC bashing the the former Bishop of Chelmsford & Church of England
Stephen Cottrell, is the present Archbishop of York and due to take a role in caretaking Canterbury following Welby’s resignation. The BBC were at it again on the R4 Sunday Programme this morning, bashing Bishops and the Church of England.
While I don’t support some of the bad decisions made by some of the Christian Church elders in the UK, the heavily anti-Christian influenced BBC religious reporting department are quite obviously on a mission at present to jump on any opportunity to wound and weaken the British Christian Churches, the negativity is repetitive and targeted. It can only really be explained by “actors” for alternative religions bent on inflicting damage wherever possible being highly influential. You can probably work out for yourselves what their desired end-game is.
The lying BBC (tautology) are claiming that the latest muslim terrorist (tautology) was a right-wing atheist anti-muslim, and it’s all X’s / Musk’s fault anyway.
Mahyar Tusi and Lubna are having none of it. Learn about sleeper cells, Taqiyya and other islamic delights.
Why bother? It’ll all be forced upon us soon enough.
Of course, the BBC reporting doesn’t make sense, but that’s the point: confuse, obfuscate and distract attention away from islam/ism.
The question of why an anti-Muslim activist would carry out mass murder of Christians at a Christmas fair is a good one.
Yeah the dog don’t hunt – pure Southport disinformation …
TWoTWee Watch #2 – have you verified that BBC, and has Marianna sprung into action?
or are you merely trying to antagonise Amol Rajan with ‘fake’ news and ‘conspiracy theories’? TWoTWee, presenter Ed Stourton, was in the chair and he spent a brief period on the attack on the Christmas Market in Magdeburg. He claimed the attacker, a Saudi(!), was a ‘Islamaphobic’ and a supporter of the AfD which I am sure the BBC would like to describe as a Far Right and Hard Right political party.
Ed doesn’t question for one minute (as our Stew G. did) why a ‘nominal’ Muslim would attack a Christmas Market where there might be non-Muslims or even Christians in attendance. Most peculiar. I don’t know whether Germans pay for their health-care system. Perhaps this supposed Doctor wanted to drum up some business for hospitals in the area? The BBC really don’t understand the concept of ‘taqiyya’ do they?
keep an eye on your local atheists then
Far right on the march then ? Or is it someone else …?
Far-right not explicitly stated so it’s Muslims.
The wonders of bBC output. Where would we be without Planet Earth:
This is a 100% genuine episode
bBC Verified Fact (c) 2024
This guy is actually quite funny:
Apologies if this has been posted before.
Dis is zer German vetter station
Alles ist normal und wunderbar. Heute ist vetter. Morgen ist jest vetter. Nexter vochen ich hoffer vetter auch ist.
Der Starmer, Der WEF Kongen, und bBC vetter
P.S. Bletchley Park says keep sending those weather reports.
Excellent – the Marxists legislating to ban unapproved donations to other political parties – just a step to banning other parties out of community cohesion reasons .
I mean – why have a tedious opposition in any form ? Nit efficient at all – and doesn’t deal with the 22 billion black hole … elections are an expensive waste of time any way …
Livvy is so sweet.
I’ve always disliked this
guyparasite … see no reason to change that opinion.https://x.com/BurnsideWasTosh/status/1871076107102925093