I am keeping this place warm for JohnC in case he wants to have a go at three in a row again. Am surprised there are no comments so far.
May I propose a New Year Resolution for you all who post on this site? I suggest that you resolve to cancel your TV Licences at the earliest opportunity in the New Year. OK, I realise it is difficult for those with husbands/wives/partners who want to watch TV but you know it makes sense to say NO to the hideous BBC.
Nibor, #metoo. My 20th anniversary will not occur until April 2025 and by then I will have saved over £3300 at present Licence Fee rates. I actually cannot watch TV if I tried as my TV is an old CRT one up in the loft and I would have to mess around with something called a ‘set box top’ to get a signal. I just don’t have the time to do that. Have loads of DVD’s to watch anyway.
Up2snuff ,
I have been without a TV licence for 20 years now 👏 …..
In the 1990s we were being harassed by the licence Stasi……so I gave in and bought a Black and White one and for those who have a guilt compex they are still available for £57 👍
Snuffy, I was just typing a reply to your lovely post in the old thread when I realised that Fed had started the new one. This is going to seem out of place now but…
I sometimes remind my Christian friends that Jesus is (not was) Jewish. One of the earliest historical witnesses of Jews celebrating Hanukkah is in the NT book of John, when Yeshua was in The Temple at Jerusalem during the feast. Our Christian belief has Jewish DNA so to speak. 🙂
God bless you and the best of luck with your family-history search if/when you take it up again.
Lucy, Jeshua was divine though and of the House of David. Joseph was of the Davidic line and that is why Mary, carrying God in her womb, went with Joseph to Bethlehem, all thanks to the decree of a Roman Emperor. You can read the Davidic line in Matthew chapter 1 which interestingly contains a prostitute, Rahab, and an adulterer and murderer, King David!
There is a sermon worth listening to by Tony Pearce from The Bridge in North London: https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons. Click on that for the 22nd December.
Bit convoluted reply to the new year resolution comment but here goes. We left the U.K. in 2014 to retire to the south of France but have followed this website and hopefully been supportive against the biased Beeb. Had no choice but to pay the french tv tax as it was added into household tax until 2 years ago when Macron stopped it. I’m only hoping that TTK does not get the idea to add the tv tax to the council tax. Wishing everyone on here a wonderful and successful new year.
Mrs Kitty, wishing you and your husband a peaceful and prosperous New Year and 2025. I hope that TTK doesn’t harm the Council Taxpayer by adding the Licence Fee to Council Tax. It is the sort of thing he would do; Labour in Government seem to be oblivious to economic realities of inflation and regressive taxes whether on people or businesses and farmers!
Lembit Öpik Dec 28 tweets
Sky News just said Elon Musk
“supports, Reform, as he does many other FAR RIGHT parties.”
Unless Sky News confirms it does not state “far right” as a negative,
I’ll take legal action to protect millions
who support @Nigel_Farage and @reformparty_uk
I’ve contacted Sky News asking for:
(1) their definition of ‘far right.’
(2) their evidence that Reform UK is ‘far right’
(3) the ‘other far right parties’ they claim Elon Musk supports.
You may wish to ask them too, by emailing viewerR@sky.uk
I have also just emailed sky news on their misinformed headline on ending “Tax Breaks” on public school tuition fees Adding a tax onto something does not constitute a tax break.
I expect Lembit will receive no satisfactory reply
“So I ask the @BBCNews (and @SkyNews) journalists:
Why haven’t you mentioned that the acting hospital director Hassan Abu Safiya is a Hamas Colonel, whose rank was confirmed by Hamas in 2018?”
.. https://x.com/nicolelampert/status/1873339197022511338
“I’ve been a journalist all my working life and I love my fellow journalists.
But I have to ask, what the hell is going in with our TV reporters on the issue of Israel?
Because someone is going insane and I don’t believe it’s me.
If you look at the British television reports on the IDF attack on the Kamal Adwan Hospital, basic journalism is totally missing.
The question of WHY did something happen is a tenet – a central pillar of journalism.
Why would Israel, knowing the critical eyes of the world is on them, attack hospitals if they weren’t fighting terrorists?
If you look at this report you will see 15 seconds is given to explore this why. ‘Israel says it was being used as a headquarters for Hamas’ before sniffily adding, ‘but has not provided any evidence to support this’.
In the meantime the BBC report provided no evidence of other things that were being said and doesn’t explain where or what the repeated footage we are being shown is meant to be.
The BBC report is more interested in war porn than asking key questions
So I ask the
) journalists:
Why haven’t you mentioned that the acting hospital director Hassan Abu Safiya is a Hamas Colonel, whose rank was confirmed by Hamas in 2018?
Why don’t you mention that this is a Hamas military hospital, as described by Palestinian media?
Why the eyebrow raising over claims it was used by Hamas even though doctors who have worked there recently have testified seeing Hamas leaders hiding there?
In short, why is the BBC, which was once a highly respected news agency and the voice of the free world, allowing itself to be taken as a fool by a terrorist organisation?
Labour MPS’s are really thick, they say completely idiotic false things
@DawnButlerBrent’s tweet start
Hear that if you criticise EM on twitter (refuse to call it X) you get suspended
🤔 I thought this was a free speech platform?
One reply “A British MP spreading conspiracy theories about a US based platform, on that platform.”
Her party recently harshly jailed people they said tweeted inflammatory MISINFORMATION
Got your hankies out?
BBC reporting the tragic news that three people died trying to cross the channel on one of those rubberised ferries.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Wow EU law forbids the taxing of education
Last year Germany tried to say only vocational education is exempt, but The EU ruled against them
The EU VAT Directive clarified by the Court of Justice of the European Union requires member states to exempt from VAT private tuition covering school or university education. https://library.croneri.co.uk/wkus-gdn01-gdn01166132
Sadly Farage isn’t showing any of the targeted, full tilt challenges to opponents he’s capable of at Westminster – whatever the chinless numpty on the high chair has threatened him with, it seems to have had an effect.
Tomo – I used to do a bit of work with airport security / safety – and quite a few airports have the same stuff used in the ‘run off ‘bits of formula one circuits to slow the vehicle down and suppress fire … it’s a shame this airport didn’t have this – but had a concrete wall instead .
This chaps’ assessment seems pretty forensic on the information he has . Thanks for the post … very sad
Seems that the funeral for Jimmy Carter is to be on January 9th – I wonder if TTK has booked another foreign trip in the hope of getting an audience with president trump …..? Since he isn’t invited to the inauguration gig on the 20th ….and will have to wait until the end of February for his first ‘ photo op’..?
I bet Donald trump would not want to be in the same room or country as him …
I saw the missus has airbrushed TTK out of photos – I wonder if he’s still sofa surfing with his gay mates, d/t not having a working key to the family home?
I feel no loss on the death of a man who was responsible for removing the Shah from Iran. You could argue that the present state of the Middle East was sown from his term as president
It would have been so easy to provide a snippet of the evidence which they had seen. As it is you are left wondering whether the article is about drugs or a loathing of X now it has changed hands.
I referred at the end of the previous thread that comrade alistair Campbell had lost maybe £300k on a betting thing run by his sons . The telegraph reports this – but wisely – for the telegraph – it doesn’t allow comments ….. I guess they won’t risk the inevitable defamation actions …. Or sheer enjoyment of the loss .
Let’s hope someone really digs into this to expose the
Hypocrisy of Comrade Campbell … I wonder how many other dirty troughs he has his snout in . We are entitled to know ….
I believe Starmer and Campbell share the same psychological disorder. They are incapable of doing any wrong in their own minds.
“Further into the realm of psychological disorders, we find sociopathy and psychopathy. Both are characterised by a lack of empathy, shallow emotions, and manipulative behavior. Shame, as an emotion, is often foreign to them. Their lack of remorse or shame is not out of resilience or narcissistic self-perception but a result of these severe mental disorders” https://www.psychreg.org/why-some-people-feel-no-shame/
‘A slow-down in TV commissioning has led to a “crisis” behind the cameras, with growing numbers of freelance crews leaving the industry altogether.’
‘The head of one independent production company said it had been “frightening” to see other companies go bust in 2024.’
‘Freelancers who had seen drastic reductions in their work said they were struggling to get by.’
It always amuses me when the BBC distance themselves for things they are largely responsible for.
‘Producers said changing priorities by broadcasters had led to fewer programmes being commissioned, particularly entertainment shows and documentaries.’
‘Commercial broadcasters have faced rising costs and falling advertising revenue, while the BBC is also cutting costs.’
The giveaway is always when they just tell us about ‘consequences’ and ‘victims’ while loading it with empathy.
Of course they don’t go near the root cause of this article which has turned the entire public entertainent industry into unwatchable rubbish and can be summed up in 4 words:
‘Go woke, go broke’.
Perhaps if people like the BBC had focused their efforts into making programs purely for entertainment instead of forcefeeding us far-Left agenda in absolutely everything, we would still be watching. Every single one of the programs I used to love became dull and unwatchable because of it : Father Brown, Grantchester, Shetland, Death In Paradise and many others.
I suppose that explains why the likes of the BBC thrash anything remotely ‘successful ‘ to death with ‘follow ups ‘ and ‘spin offs ‘ and the like .
I remember trying ‘father brown ‘ as I like GK but Kenneth more ( I think ) was the real ‘father brown ‘- Sherlock the priest …
In the early days of woke, they systematically hijacked anything which was popular and hoodwinked it’s audience to watch their woke agenda.
Now they have destroyed all of them and have nothing left to con people into watching.
Meanwhile they introduced quotas in their recruitment and people were taken on for all the wrong reasons. It is very obvious that their staff are now mainly left-wing activists who didn’t get taken on because of their ability. Marianna Spring being an excellent example.
And the consequence of this is that the talented white males who did much of the BBC’s best stuff were rejected due to illegal BBC ‘positive discrimination’ and the creativity of the staff plummetted. As these new staff are simply unable to conjure up anything new, they started doing all the spin-offs and remakes but now they were stuffed full of agenda and appalling BBC scripts.
Even the stuff they outsource to people who do have quality staff is ruined because they force agenda-based rules on them to get the work. Hence all the strong people in new programs are women and BAME and whitey-man is more often than not a right-wing bumbling racist idiot. The current ‘trick’ is to make it light on agenda for the first episode or two to get people watching. Then it goes through the roof.
I think the ‘start light ‘ method was used on that dire over blown wolf hall thing … 5 hours and the out of place – ridiculous – coloured faces turned up more and more reminding the viewer that they are watching woke crap …. Why that woke rylance chap was chosen as lead god knows – and that bloke out of band of brothers playing Henry 8 also poor – idris have been betterer…
…and I’ve seen more adverts recently than usual … we are well past the DFS ‘mixed couple ‘ blond girl – coloured bloke joke now … off switch …
I gritted my teeth and watched Countryfile the other night, as there was to be coverage of the Cairngorms and Skye to see.
Yet as usual we were force fed more people with mental health issues, disabilities, wimmins groups, and BAME. Blimey, the countryside is rammed with them.
Except of course that it isn’t. Not in my many decades of walking and climbing. But then I’m obviously an uncaring racist whitey who needs to be ‘educated’. Or maybe just a regular guy the BBC totally despises.
Perhaps trig points are ‘colonial’.
There’s an article featuring photographs from 2024. The first picture is of President Trump after he was shot at the open air rally, punching the air while shouting “Fight!, Fight!, Fight!”
“Hmmm, he looks too much like a leader, how can we fix this?”
“Lets crop his clenched fist from the photograph”
There really is no limit to how petty the left can be. They probably have the clenched fist reserved; for negr0 use only.
Can Ukraine face another year of war? – asks Jonathan Beale, BBC Defence Correspondent, Reporting from Dnipro.
I do hope we all now understand the law of headlines within our regime compliant media outlets where a question mark ends the sentence. The rule says the answer is always NO.
Everything is put out there in plain sight – one just needs to notice it.
Democrats look to Kamala Harris – but could she beat Trump? (BBC, July 2024, Courtney Subramanian, Reporting from New Orleans and Washington DC)
Can Labour improve Britain’s place in the world? (Chatham House ‘expert comment’ July 2024)
Can Labour’s housing ambitions survive contact with reality? (Institute for Government, October 2024)
Nay, nay, and thrice nay. As Frankie Howerd as the saucy Roman slave in Up Pompeii! was wont to say.
But back to our prologue…
Our beeb-man Jonathan Beale answers his own question in the very first line of his report following that headline proposition: Ukraine is losing the battle on the ground (BBC) – were journalism an honest forthright business, dedicated to bringing the public the unadulterated news, thatline would have been the headline.
To summarise for you, the jig nearly is up. This disastrous adventure of misbegotten western foreign policy has failed. The huge expenditure in our treasure and Ukrainian blood is now exposed as having been counter productive. Putin’s Russia is stronger and we are weaker than when the west first provoked military conflict.
Our Johnny Beale may be breaking it to us gently but he’s preparing us for the inevitable end game: They all know that Donald Trump wants to bring an end to the war. Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky and Russia’s president have indicated they’re prepared for talks too, but the idea of workable deal seems hard to imagine. (BBC)
But imagine it we now must. You can haul down and put away all those slightly shabby looking blue and yellow flags in your trendy cafés now.
Time for some calm down old dears…
How Vera transformed the detective show – insists the left-leaning i news
Remind me, didn’t Agatha Christie already add the character of Miss Marple to her dective oeuvre, alongside her Hercule Poirot, way back in the late 1920s?
It’s a false tenet of feminism and modern journalism (but I repeat myself) that women are forever tasked with breaking supposed glass ceilings.
Where were we? Calm down old dears…
Fighting fit! TV Louise on Gladiators mission (Mirror) – Are you not entertained? (As Russell Crowe asked in the original (good) version of the movie Gladiator. There’s our second popular entertainment Rome-themed quote). But sadly the answer here to the question of are we to be entertained by a revamp of that old TV show Gladiators is a resounding NO.
The truth about older women and younger men (the formerly serious Times)
In hypochondria news…
First port of call – coronaphobia central: The long Covid treatments to avoid (i news)
It is among Mr AsI’s often expressed contentions that Lockdowns demoralised the British workforce.
Rising toll of young adults too ill to work… more women under 25 have long-term sickness than are looking after their children full-time… attention has focused on the post-Covid surge in long-term sickness to a record 2.8 million (Times)
Here I need to prescribe my little edit as being efficacious…
attention has focused on the post-Covid POST-LOCKDOWN (WHICH WAS A POLICY CHOICE) surge in long-term sickness
A policy choice most favoured, fervently preferred and indeed imposed on us by our public sector of course.
Councils let staff ‘work from beach’ in Ibiza and Australia… Probe reveals hundreds logging on from abroad – as local services are slashed and taxes soar (Daily Mail)
If only we had a presently sitting, well-funded, judge-led, officially constituted public inquiry that could look into that.
Seems we’re very prone to fretting about our health… but as our NHS fails and the cost of going private is prohibitive we’re tending to self-medicate…
End cosmetic ops carnage… call for new rules… so only medics can perform procedures – yells the Mirror
Thinking about fat jabs in 2025? …here’s everything you need to know (Mail)
Beware of weight loss drugs bought online (Express)
Chlamydia could make koalas extinct. Can a vaccine save them in time? (BBC) – gosh we’ve come a long way since Johnny Morris and Animal Magic – it was a nicer more innocent time.
Asiseeit – I noticed you referred to ‘gladiator ‘ and being a bit of a Ridley Scott ‘fan ‘ I thought I’d go find a cinema showing – £17.50 or £15 if over 60 – free for dinghy arrivals , labour voters , kids , disabled – women with bastard children , sen , coloured folk …
Forget it … sorry Ridley but I heard both gladiator 2 and napoleon were crap so will wait for the charity shop dvd …
As its that time of year again. A new year New hopes and all that we hope we don’t repeat the same mistakes and failures of the last year. Over the course of a year in 2024, across four Newspapers whenever the BBC commits an atrocity (several each year, usually sexual perversions), a poll is taken of what readers think about the TV license. This is a small collection… as an indicator of how bad the BBC has sunk. It no longer follows any kind of Charter, ignores OFCOM yet complains to OFCOM (about GB News), prints its own money called a TV License that is VAT exempt and pays No Corporation tax (unlike any other broadcaster) offsets its losses, so pays minimal ’employer’ employment tax to its *stars* who claim to be freelance such as the idiot Chris Packham who has only ever worked for the BBC his entire career.
It time for change. Reform is impossible. It has to go, like the Guardian it has to be sold for £1. Bill Gates would buy it and other global influences who think the BBC is easily manipulated by bribes. And has’ useful idiots’ (like Packham) – who all think a ‘climate apocalypse’ is long over due, and a tidy profit to be made.
Unaldulterated praise and worship of Jimmy Carter.
Guest editor Floella Benjamin, one-time Playschool presenter but whose chief attribute appears to have been for years that she is black. Talk about rising without trace.
Cue article about Barbados. Why?
Then some robot Labour MP (or was it some new form of AI) trotting out pre-written answers and unchallenged.
Then all those poor rubberised channel ferry passengers.
Total bilge from beginning to end. Luckily I was able to doze off in between the headline guff.
A small cheer for a BBC article. It exposes the uselessness and hypocrisy of the SNP Scottish government, though on the other hand by definition it therefore implies a better Scottish alternative. – Labour.
But that said, enjoy anyway.
‘Green’ ferry emits more CO2 than old diesel ship
The carbon footprint of a long-delayed new “green” ferry will be far larger than the 31-year-old diesel ship that usually serves the route between the Scottish mainland and the island of Arran.
An emissions analysis by CalMac has calculated MV Glen Sannox will emit 10,391 equivalent tonnes of CO2 a year compared with 7,732 for MV Caledonian Isles.
BBC reports that the 18 year old who had sex ( illegally) with a 17 year old girl in Dubai is beginning his prison sentence.
I quote
Marcus Fakana, of Tottenham, north London, began a secretive romance in September with another Londoner, who is now 18, while both were on holiday with their families.
I also quote
His parents had to return to London to resume their jobs in a warehouse and as a cleaner to help pay for their son’s accommodation.
So. A warehouse job and a cleaner job gets you enough cash to have a holiday in Dubai ??????????
A fact which somehow seems to have eluded the BBC as they focus on various obese people who apparently can’t afford to put food on the table……….
They don’t mention in this “romance” that a minor in UAE can’t give consent.
Rich or poor, why would anyone want to go there?
I can understand people getting jobs there for big cash, but a holiday.
I’ve been to the airport in transit.
In the gents, a man had taken his shoes and socks off and was busy washing his feet in the sink, as best he could.
But how’s he going to dry them ?
Didn’t, socks straight back on.
They don’t mention in this “romance” that a minor in UAE can’t give consent.
You may be on to something.
Could this be a new BBC tactic. Selective omission of ‘child type’ excuses for 16 and 17 year olds involved in misdemeanours.
Why would they do this? Simple. To bolster support for Labour Party policy giving the vote to 16 and 17 year olds who they will portray as ‘adults’.
Watch this space or even better relevant bBBC output for the next few months
BBC’s latest lite coverage of the war, concentrating on the touchy-feely human side.
Maybe just conditioning their readers for the enevitable land loss, after so much avoidable death BBC were cheerleading.
Basically the Russians in brown, Ukraine/NATO in green.
Kurakhove almost taken, bar the power station and industrial area.
Even covers the Syria situation better:
“Syrian resistance in process. This should be understood not so much as an insurgency against the new government but as an insurgency against anyone who attacks minorities.
Local groups are likely to start defending themselves because the government is either turning its back on them or is unable to control terrorist gangs.🇸🇾”
To my absolute amazement, the BBC have actually gone round the families of the victims of this crash, found any who speak English then asked them what they think about their family victims – taking great care to make sure they recount things such as ‘he was told that his two grandsons – a high-school sophomore and a senior – were “too scattered to be recognised”.’
I remember reading about complaints in Ukraine as well where BBC reporters were getting in the way of rescue services while they search around the rubble for victims who could speak English.
‘”Can you promise that they will be put back together?” a middle-aged man asked, visibly emotional.’
‘”I can’t believe the entire family has just disappeared,” Maeng, 78, told the BBC.
“My heart aches so much.”‘
And many more.
The only way they could be even more depraved and desperate for ’empathy’ would be to interview a dying victim laid in the wreckage and asking them to describe the pain of their injuries.
There is almost no news at all in this disgusting empathy-fest from the BBC.
And always from quota-clones like the two who did this disgusting report:
And also the unknown scumbag at head office to sent them there to do it. This is the new BBC. They love a disaster with innocent victims : so much empathy available and of course the chance of a trophy the next time the BBC gives awards to itself again.
“Why carbon offsetting is not the panacea Harry and Meghan might think it is
This article is more than 5 years old
Elton John claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private jet use was ‘carbon neutral’. The reality is more complicated”
“In the Catholic Church, an indulgence is the remission of punishment caused by sin. This punishment can be earthly suffering or time in Purgatory. A partial indulgence removes part of one’s suffering, while a plenary indulgence removes all of one’s suffering.”
“One expert on transport emissions told BBC News that if the “upstream” carbon cost of importing LNG from Qatar is included in the emissions calculation, it might be better to run the new ship on diesel.”
This story is widely reported today but the two news sites which usually revel in any stories directly from the police giving them a chance to demonstrate misandry and their hatred of men are both conspicuous in being absent from that list.
Of course you know why. They both hide what minorities do to preserve them as ‘victims’ for their anti-white male agenda.His name is Awalkhan Sultankhail.
They don’t care one bit that the woman was raped by this animal. It has no value for them.
It feels very much like reporting on all incidents like this by the BBC have to be automatically reviewed by an invisible panel consisting of employees from various minority groups who have the power to squash or suppress the story if it shows any of those certain groups in what they deem to be an unfavourable light.
Clearly, privileged white people choose not to spoil their Christmases by giving birth on Dec 25.
Whereas poor underprivileged BAME people have to put up with it.
They’ve found a fourth body in the channel this morning.
Another death.
What sort of people are we ‘welcoming’ in who leave someone who falls off a dinghy into the water and don’t stop to help them back aboard.
It would take a couple of minutes to pull the rocket scientist back into the dinghy yet they just leave the doctor to drown.
These are the people enriching us.
Indigenous Brits will risk their lives to save a squirrel drowning in a freezing lake or a dog who has fallen down a cliff yet these will not pull a soul back on board at no risk to themselves.
It’s widely known that many “Just Eat” and “Deliveroo” drivers are illegal immigrants that pay a fee to an employable person for the gig. As it is well known, why aren’t Border Force, Home Office or whoever doing something about it?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast (what is acceptable pace?), it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. {independent oct2015 – not that long ago, nothing has changed as of aug2017}”
– Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference / 06.10.2015
TWatO Watch #1 – No, Antonio, that is NOT the prime purpose of the UN, you are being delinquent in your principal duty
Antonio Guterres, General Secretary of the United Nations was on TWatO to scare the living daylights out of young people claiming that 2024 was the hottest ever in the history of the world and that Global Warming was out of control unless the world switches to renewables and battery cars and vans and trucks.
That is not the prime purpose of the UN, Antonio. You are meant to be a peacekeeper and peacemaker. You are being delinquent in your duty to the UN and the world. You are meant to be a peacekeeper negotiating peace between nations in conflict. You are not meant to scare children and youngsters with your talk of runaway Global Warming and Climate Change.
Tucker sums up the new political and cultural situation in the US very well: THE SPELL WAS SHATTERED.
Now will someone rise up and break the spell in the UK please?
This s the reason the BBC hates social media….it ‘democratises’ information and brings you the stuff that the lamestream refuse to publish….just why do we have to rely on social media to ask the hard questions about nut zero policy…where is the BBC? The BBC gaslights us on China waxing lyrical about it’s EV production and how much green energy it produces…and at the same time covering over the massive use of fossil fuels…..if the planet is on the brink of an apocalypse surely that should matter…if China is pumping out gazillions of tonnes of CO2 it doesn’t matter how many solar panels they have….
If I worked for BBC management I would be a tad worried to say the least and either trying to figure out what the Corporation is doing wrong…(We have a pretty good idea on this site!) or I’d be looking for another job!
digg, no it will be bonuses all round because they have done better than expected. This profile of decline offers a perfect opportunity to enhance salaries and pensions. Net result undiversified talentless people earning more money for doing less. What could possibly go wrong?
Ah but the BBC doesn’t depend for it’s livelihood on viewing figures or bums on seats. It simply relies on the fact that it is a criminal offense to use a TV receiver without a license even if you never view BBC programs.
It should be run as any other business. If I don’t use it’s products I don’t pay for them. So really it is an extortion racket backed up by the law of the land.
Neat that innit?
They don’t give a damn. The previous soi-disant ‘Tory’ gumment did booger all and the current bunch of incompetents are likely to give Al Beeb even more of our money to reach an ever decreasing woke audience.
A woman whose nine-year-old daughter became the first person in the UK to have air pollution recognised as a factor in her death is bringing a High Court claim against the government.
Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah’s daughter Ella had a fatal asthma attack in 2013.
In 2020, Southwark Coroner’s Court found that air pollution “made a material contribution” to Ella’s death.
Ms Adoo-Kissi-Debrah has brought her claim to try to establish the “right to clean air”, her lawyers say.
There must be huge swathes of Africa, offshore islands in the Caribbean etc. that have almost no air pollution because they have no industry and low traffic, which begs the question why migrate your family to a European heavily industrialised, densely populated Country and choose to live in one of its largest conurbations where pollution is more likely if you need to avoid the risk?
The man who needed a Lord to pay for his spectacles, Si Kier has gone to Madeira for a ‘well earned’ holiday. The poor dear didn’t realise how hard the work of being Prime Minister is. He had to postpone travel because of the death of his brother (earlier reports said cancelled). Apparently Sir Kier had travelled discreetly (Madeiran blogs report although if word is out I am not sure how that counts as ‘discrete’). Some sites also report that Sir Kier, accompanied by his wife, his children and security travelled commercial. I just marvel at the luck that man must have. If I tried to book 10 seats at short notice on a flight to Madeira (his brother only died on Boxing Day), to holiday over New Year, I would never have found the seats.
With its fog-shrouded forests and cozy villages tucked into craggy mountainsides, the lush landscapes of Ukraine make the perfect backdrop for a cold-weather vacation. This Eastern European country has long been renowned for its picturesque cities and beach holidays on the shores of the Black Sea, but Ukraine is also a fantastic destination for winter sports! Most of Ukraine’s ski resorts are centered around the Carpathian Mountains, an area of snow-capped summits and wild woodlands. There is something for everyone to enjoy, regardless of your skill level, with options from easy to challenging pistes and everything in between. The ski season in Ukraine typically runs from December through March and these accommodations have everything you need for an exciting getaway.
The news that the hog thing in Scotland has been cancellled has to be welcomed – along with the announcement by TTK that 2025 has been cancelled and declared ‘Year Zero’ in affectionate memory of pol pot
In londonistan the fireworks every hour for 12 hours is … tedious .. please let it rain …
I read elsewhere that he did manage to give away the Panama Canal for 1 US$, a feat which TTK is likely to exceed by several tens of billions in reverse with the Chagos Islands.
There’s an old adage that suggests history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
One could make a similar claim for headlines…
PM’s ‘reward for failure’ as Sadiq Khan is knighted (Daily Mail); Southgate scores in new year honours… Despite at times being pilloried by pundits and having pints hurled at him by fans for failing to bring a trophy home (Times)
Surely that’s a veritable prize-winning instance of our old friend the journalistic ‘despite’ there from the Times
Blair was urged to delay free movement from EU that fired immigration anger… allowing free movement from new EU countries would put huge pressure on housing and benefits, newly released documents reveal (FT); 2025 Year of the aliens – so speculates the UFO-curious Daily Star
‘Spectacular mistake’ to open borders… In 2004… unrestricted access… despite warnings – reflects the Express with added emphasis and journalistic ‘despite’
Get ready for a free range scramble – observes the Star as their New Year’s Eve thought for the day, in reference of course not to unfettered immigration but to their hair raising headline report: Eggheads have got some great news for slapheads… eating eggs can stop you going bald. Apparently.
What's occurring?
Welsh Ambulance Service declares critical incident… It said more than 340 calls were waiting to be answered… more than half of the trust’s ambulance vehicles were waiting to handover patients outside hospitals… Monday’s critical incident declaration came after several health boards implemented new rules for patients and visitors to control the spread of infection amid concerns about an increase in flu cases. (BBC)
Public sector takes three times as many ‘mental health sick days’… than those in the private sector… as local authorities are crippled by bankruptsies and the NHS struggles to bring down years-long waiting lists (Telegraph)
Old habits die hard
new rules for patients and visitors to wear masks across several health boards amid flu concerns (BBC)
Analysis by the Telegraph found that NHS England staff took 46.5 per cent more mental health sick leave in 2024 than they did before the pandemic
Oh come on Telegraph, you should know better than that: NHS England staff took 46.5 per cent more mental health sick leave in 2024 than they did before the pandemic LOCKDOWNS – which were a policy choice
The Culture War Doesn’t Exist – asserts left-leaning Novara Media – but Mr AsI increasingly hears the distinct sound of approaching war drums…
Push to de-Westernise school science lessons… Bridget Phillipson, the Education Secretary announced an overhaul that explicitly aims to make subjects better reflect the “diversities of our society” (Telegraph)
Let’s round up the old year with one of those State of the Nation snapshot news headlines…
Seems The Scots are Bravehearts no more – more like Lilly-livered Scardy hearts…
Hogmanay cancelled as storm warnings hit New Year’s Eve celebrations across UK (i news)
TTK continues to show his innate lack of understand ‘popular politics ‘ in those ‘honours ‘ awards – I mean nugee ? The emir ? That idiot footy bloke ?
Im violently against gongs unless in exceptional cases – same with the Lords ….but this lot hits a new depth ….. nothing changes – red or blue ….
I suppose various working from home state employees will be getting their gongs too – as well as the ‘charity ‘ types …..sometimes the British state is pretty repulsive – in fact – delete ‘sometimes ‘….
TTK is apparently in Madeira – no doubt in the compound of another rich mate – alli – Blackrock – dreaming up more ways of screwing decent British people to pay for his third world imports ….
Btw – do you notice the bbc doesn’t do that show which reviews documents released under the 30 year rule any more …?
Fed, I think Gareth Southgate getting a K will go down well with the population at large, but not Lady Nugee being elevated to HoLords and the failed London Mayor who is something of a nightmare for Londoners but has done wonders for the sale & carrying of knives in the Capital. Maybe that is why Khan got his K?
Up2 – being a schemer – I reckon the deal with the emir was to get a gong if not being a threat . Nugee is trickier because she was left outside the cabinet despite – I think – having been promised ‘justice ‘ – I guess she knows secrets .
Southgate was their nod to the plebs … his mismanagement of good English players in the euros was an art form ( Carlton Cole ) on the bench ….but it pleased me as I didn’t want woke united to win ….
Shows how really devalued titles are now …. I wonder why beckham hasn’t got his yet ? Corruption I guess – although those awarded are no strangers to troughing …
Lady nugee must know where the bodies are buried …
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC. https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/10/china-to-impose-retaliatory-tariffs-on-certain-canadian-imports-as-trade-war-intensifies
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383385
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cx2gprz84rlt “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/CliffCliffybabe/status/1899783365584150847
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black? Politicians have rounded on…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Uk gov to create a new team of 1000 people to look at how to make 100 cuts! HA HA…
I am keeping this place warm for JohnC in case he wants to have a go at three in a row again. Am surprised there are no comments so far.
May I propose a New Year Resolution for you all who post on this site? I suggest that you resolve to cancel your TV Licences at the earliest opportunity in the New Year. OK, I realise it is difficult for those with husbands/wives/partners who want to watch TV but you know it makes sense to say NO to the hideous BBC.
There are alternatives to the BBC that do not need a TV Licence.
Snuffy ,
That New Years resolution I did 20 years ago . No problems and thousands saved .
Nibor, #metoo. My 20th anniversary will not occur until April 2025 and by then I will have saved over £3300 at present Licence Fee rates. I actually cannot watch TV if I tried as my TV is an old CRT one up in the loft and I would have to mess around with something called a ‘set box top’ to get a signal. I just don’t have the time to do that. Have loads of DVD’s to watch anyway.
Up2snuff ,
I have been without a TV licence for 20 years now 👏 …..
In the 1990s we were being harassed by the licence Stasi……so I gave in and bought a Black and White one and for those who have a guilt compex they are still available for £57 👍
Charlie, that begs a question about your TV set …… but I refuse to ask it!
Scrap the Telly Tax , are you ‘readers’ still paying it ?
Snuffy, I was just typing a reply to your lovely post in the old thread when I realised that Fed had started the new one. This is going to seem out of place now but…
I sometimes remind my Christian friends that Jesus is (not was) Jewish. One of the earliest historical witnesses of Jews celebrating Hanukkah is in the NT book of John, when Yeshua was in The Temple at Jerusalem during the feast. Our Christian belief has Jewish DNA so to speak. 🙂
God bless you and the best of luck with your family-history search if/when you take it up again.
Lucy, Jeshua was divine though and of the House of David. Joseph was of the Davidic line and that is why Mary, carrying God in her womb, went with Joseph to Bethlehem, all thanks to the decree of a Roman Emperor. You can read the Davidic line in Matthew chapter 1 which interestingly contains a prostitute, Rahab, and an adulterer and murderer, King David!
There is a sermon worth listening to by Tony Pearce from The Bridge in North London: https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons. Click on that for the 22nd December.
Lucy, forgot to add may God bless you and yours richly through 2025 and beyond.
Also worth a listen are Martyn Iles sermons – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VgBdRYnaTw
This is truly excellent advice which I followed over 30 years ago and even sent my TV back to the bBC.
atlas_shrugged, that must have cost to post although not as much nowadays.
Ha ha – thanks Up2 but I’m in full on Xmas mode now and it’s getting harder to get out of my chair to do anything.
I’ll be very glad to get back to normal later this week. Just 3 more days of overdoing it to go.
JohnC, 🙂 x5!
Bit convoluted reply to the new year resolution comment but here goes. We left the U.K. in 2014 to retire to the south of France but have followed this website and hopefully been supportive against the biased Beeb. Had no choice but to pay the french tv tax as it was added into household tax until 2 years ago when Macron stopped it. I’m only hoping that TTK does not get the idea to add the tv tax to the council tax. Wishing everyone on here a wonderful and successful new year.
Mrs Kitty, wishing you and your husband a peaceful and prosperous New Year and 2025. I hope that TTK doesn’t harm the Council Taxpayer by adding the Licence Fee to Council Tax. It is the sort of thing he would do; Labour in Government seem to be oblivious to economic realities of inflation and regressive taxes whether on people or businesses and farmers!
I was caught on the red again.
Back link to last post on previous thread
SkyNews has FAR RIGHT Derangement Syndrome
Lembit Öpik Dec 28 tweets
Sky News just said Elon Musk
“supports, Reform, as he does many other FAR RIGHT parties.”
Unless Sky News confirms it does not state “far right” as a negative,
I’ll take legal action to protect millions
who support @Nigel_Farage and @reformparty_uk
I’ve contacted Sky News asking for:
(1) their definition of ‘far right.’
(2) their evidence that Reform UK is ‘far right’
(3) the ‘other far right parties’ they claim Elon Musk supports.
You may wish to ask them too, by emailing viewerR@sky.uk
Generally when someone resorts to SMEAR-labels
that shows they have lost the argument.
Fallacy of Ad Hom
I have also just emailed sky news on their misinformed headline on ending “Tax Breaks” on public school tuition fees Adding a tax onto something does not constitute a tax break.
I expect Lembit will receive no satisfactory reply
“So I ask the @BBCNews (and @SkyNews) journalists:
Why haven’t you mentioned that the acting hospital director Hassan Abu Safiya is a Hamas Colonel, whose rank was confirmed by Hamas in 2018?”
.. https://x.com/nicolelampert/status/1873339197022511338
From Stew’s X link.
“I’ve been a journalist all my working life and I love my fellow journalists.
But I have to ask, what the hell is going in with our TV reporters on the issue of Israel?
Because someone is going insane and I don’t believe it’s me.
If you look at the British television reports on the IDF attack on the Kamal Adwan Hospital, basic journalism is totally missing.
The question of WHY did something happen is a tenet – a central pillar of journalism.
Why would Israel, knowing the critical eyes of the world is on them, attack hospitals if they weren’t fighting terrorists?
If you look at this report you will see 15 seconds is given to explore this why. ‘Israel says it was being used as a headquarters for Hamas’ before sniffily adding, ‘but has not provided any evidence to support this’.
In the meantime the BBC report provided no evidence of other things that were being said and doesn’t explain where or what the repeated footage we are being shown is meant to be.
The BBC report is more interested in war porn than asking key questions
So I ask the
) journalists:
Why haven’t you mentioned that the acting hospital director Hassan Abu Safiya is a Hamas Colonel, whose rank was confirmed by Hamas in 2018?
Why don’t you mention that this is a Hamas military hospital, as described by Palestinian media?
Why the eyebrow raising over claims it was used by Hamas even though doctors who have worked there recently have testified seeing Hamas leaders hiding there?
In short, why is the BBC, which was once a highly respected news agency and the voice of the free world, allowing itself to be taken as a fool by a terrorist organisation?
Some (too many) “journalists” need to be called out
Labour MPS’s are really thick, they say completely idiotic false things
@DawnButlerBrent’s tweet start
Hear that if you criticise EM on twitter (refuse to call it X) you get suspended
🤔 I thought this was a free speech platform?
One reply “A British MP spreading conspiracy theories about a US based platform, on that platform.”
Her party recently harshly jailed people they said tweeted inflammatory MISINFORMATION
Got your hankies out?
BBC reporting the tragic news that three people died trying to cross the channel on one of those rubberised ferries.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Javier Milei is often known as Your Man of Action*
.. He has just described Rupert Lowe MP with the same words
* My translation
Wow EU law forbids the taxing of education
Last year Germany tried to say only vocational education is exempt, but The EU ruled against them
The EU VAT Directive clarified by the Court of Justice of the European Union requires member states to exempt from VAT private tuition covering school or university education.
BTW If British diplomatic staff send their children to local private schools in EU countries , they pay no VAT
but from January foreign diplomatic staff in Britain, who send their children to local private schools in the UK , will have to PAY no VAT
That goes against a principle of reciprocity.
Why is St. Nigel Farage not pointing out the obvious?
“A person who commits this offense, on summary conviction in England and Wales, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, a fine, or both. ”
Of course, we tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy nutjobs know why he never mentions it.
Sadly Farage isn’t showing any of the targeted, full tilt challenges to opponents he’s capable of at Westminster – whatever the chinless numpty on the high chair has threatened him with, it seems to have had an effect.
The absolute piles of misleading shit being spouted by (handsomely salaried) ignorant MSM twerps wrt to the Korean 737 crash is extremely tiresome.
Tomo – I used to do a bit of work with airport security / safety – and quite a few airports have the same stuff used in the ‘run off ‘bits of formula one circuits to slow the vehicle down and suppress fire … it’s a shame this airport didn’t have this – but had a concrete wall instead .
This chaps’ assessment seems pretty forensic on the information he has . Thanks for the post … very sad
the sheer quantity of shallow, overwrought speculation by utterly clueless tossers I’ve seen – is frankly infuriating.
The “mystery” angle of many reports says a lot about the pitiful calibre of those paid to write up these events.
Given who owns Newsquest … (US Intel / deep state) and who owns X
I’ve yet to see any local adverts on X
– with *no evidence* ….
Seems that the funeral for Jimmy Carter is to be on January 9th – I wonder if TTK has booked another foreign trip in the hope of getting an audience with president trump …..? Since he isn’t invited to the inauguration gig on the 20th ….and will have to wait until the end of February for his first ‘ photo op’..?
I bet Donald trump would not want to be in the same room or country as him …
I saw the missus has airbrushed TTK out of photos – I wonder if he’s still sofa surfing with his gay mates, d/t not having a working key to the family home?
I feel no loss on the death of a man who was responsible for removing the Shah from Iran. You could argue that the present state of the Middle East was sown from his term as president
It would have been so easy to provide a snippet of the evidence which they had seen. As it is you are left wondering whether the article is about drugs or a loathing of X now it has changed hands.
I referred at the end of the previous thread that comrade alistair Campbell had lost maybe £300k on a betting thing run by his sons . The telegraph reports this – but wisely – for the telegraph – it doesn’t allow comments ….. I guess they won’t risk the inevitable defamation actions …. Or sheer enjoyment of the loss .
Let’s hope someone really digs into this to expose the
Hypocrisy of Comrade Campbell … I wonder how many other dirty troughs he has his snout in . We are entitled to know ….
I believe Starmer and Campbell share the same psychological disorder. They are incapable of doing any wrong in their own minds.
“Further into the realm of psychological disorders, we find sociopathy and psychopathy. Both are characterised by a lack of empathy, shallow emotions, and manipulative behavior. Shame, as an emotion, is often foreign to them. Their lack of remorse or shame is not out of resilience or narcissistic self-perception but a result of these severe mental disorders”
can’t improve on this (apart from pointing out genetics) – so repeating….
Oxbridge arrogance.
Christmas TV masks ‘crisis’ behind the cameras
‘A slow-down in TV commissioning has led to a “crisis” behind the cameras, with growing numbers of freelance crews leaving the industry altogether.’
‘The head of one independent production company said it had been “frightening” to see other companies go bust in 2024.’
‘Freelancers who had seen drastic reductions in their work said they were struggling to get by.’
It always amuses me when the BBC distance themselves for things they are largely responsible for.
‘Producers said changing priorities by broadcasters had led to fewer programmes being commissioned, particularly entertainment shows and documentaries.’
‘Commercial broadcasters have faced rising costs and falling advertising revenue, while the BBC is also cutting costs.’
The giveaway is always when they just tell us about ‘consequences’ and ‘victims’ while loading it with empathy.
Of course they don’t go near the root cause of this article which has turned the entire public entertainent industry into unwatchable rubbish and can be summed up in 4 words:
‘Go woke, go broke’.
Perhaps if people like the BBC had focused their efforts into making programs purely for entertainment instead of forcefeeding us far-Left agenda in absolutely everything, we would still be watching. Every single one of the programs I used to love became dull and unwatchable because of it : Father Brown, Grantchester, Shetland, Death In Paradise and many others.
I suppose that explains why the likes of the BBC thrash anything remotely ‘successful ‘ to death with ‘follow ups ‘ and ‘spin offs ‘ and the like .
I remember trying ‘father brown ‘ as I like GK but Kenneth more ( I think ) was the real ‘father brown ‘- Sherlock the priest …
In the early days of woke, they systematically hijacked anything which was popular and hoodwinked it’s audience to watch their woke agenda.
Now they have destroyed all of them and have nothing left to con people into watching.
Meanwhile they introduced quotas in their recruitment and people were taken on for all the wrong reasons. It is very obvious that their staff are now mainly left-wing activists who didn’t get taken on because of their ability. Marianna Spring being an excellent example.
And the consequence of this is that the talented white males who did much of the BBC’s best stuff were rejected due to illegal BBC ‘positive discrimination’ and the creativity of the staff plummetted. As these new staff are simply unable to conjure up anything new, they started doing all the spin-offs and remakes but now they were stuffed full of agenda and appalling BBC scripts.
Even the stuff they outsource to people who do have quality staff is ruined because they force agenda-based rules on them to get the work. Hence all the strong people in new programs are women and BAME and whitey-man is more often than not a right-wing bumbling racist idiot. The current ‘trick’ is to make it light on agenda for the first episode or two to get people watching. Then it goes through the roof.
I think the ‘start light ‘ method was used on that dire over blown wolf hall thing … 5 hours and the out of place – ridiculous – coloured faces turned up more and more reminding the viewer that they are watching woke crap …. Why that woke rylance chap was chosen as lead god knows – and that bloke out of band of brothers playing Henry 8 also poor – idris have been betterer…
…and I’ve seen more adverts recently than usual … we are well past the DFS ‘mixed couple ‘ blond girl – coloured bloke joke now … off switch …
I know several redundant freelancers and they all complain about the committee style of content production , overseen by lawyers.
fwiw Big Brother has two lawyers on site for all recording – I daresay they had them in the celebrity jungle too.
I gritted my teeth and watched Countryfile the other night, as there was to be coverage of the Cairngorms and Skye to see.
Yet as usual we were force fed more people with mental health issues, disabilities, wimmins groups, and BAME. Blimey, the countryside is rammed with them.
Except of course that it isn’t. Not in my many decades of walking and climbing. But then I’m obviously an uncaring racist whitey who needs to be ‘educated’. Or maybe just a regular guy the BBC totally despises.
Perhaps trig points are ‘colonial’.
The BBC “Peanut Farmer”
some peanut farmer
Perhaps NSFW… (mind bleach might be needed)
;Summer Beach fun …
The bbc really can’t help themselves, can they?
There’s an article featuring photographs from 2024. The first picture is of President Trump after he was shot at the open air rally, punching the air while shouting “Fight!, Fight!, Fight!”
“Hmmm, he looks too much like a leader, how can we fix this?”
“Lets crop his clenched fist from the photograph”
There really is no limit to how petty the left can be. They probably have the clenched fist reserved; for negr0 use only.
Obviously Russian propaganda
Can Ukraine face another year of war? – asks Jonathan Beale, BBC Defence Correspondent, Reporting from Dnipro.
I do hope we all now understand the law of headlines within our regime compliant media outlets where a question mark ends the sentence. The rule says the answer is always NO.
Everything is put out there in plain sight – one just needs to notice it.
Democrats look to Kamala Harris – but could she beat Trump? (BBC, July 2024, Courtney Subramanian, Reporting from New Orleans and Washington DC)
Can Labour improve Britain’s place in the world? (Chatham House ‘expert comment’ July 2024)
Can Labour’s housing ambitions survive contact with reality? (Institute for Government, October 2024)
Nay, nay, and thrice nay. As Frankie Howerd as the saucy Roman slave in Up Pompeii! was wont to say.
But back to our prologue…
Our beeb-man Jonathan Beale answers his own question in the very first line of his report following that headline proposition: Ukraine is losing the battle on the ground (BBC) – were journalism an honest forthright business, dedicated to bringing the public the unadulterated news, thatline would have been the headline.
To summarise for you, the jig nearly is up. This disastrous adventure of misbegotten western foreign policy has failed. The huge expenditure in our treasure and Ukrainian blood is now exposed as having been counter productive. Putin’s Russia is stronger and we are weaker than when the west first provoked military conflict.
Our Johnny Beale may be breaking it to us gently but he’s preparing us for the inevitable end game: They all know that Donald Trump wants to bring an end to the war. Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky and Russia’s president have indicated they’re prepared for talks too, but the idea of workable deal seems hard to imagine. (BBC)
But imagine it we now must. You can haul down and put away all those slightly shabby looking blue and yellow flags in your trendy cafés now.
Time for some calm down old dears…
How Vera transformed the detective show – insists the left-leaning i news
Remind me, didn’t Agatha Christie already add the character of Miss Marple to her dective oeuvre, alongside her Hercule Poirot, way back in the late 1920s?
It’s a false tenet of feminism and modern journalism (but I repeat myself) that women are forever tasked with breaking supposed glass ceilings.
Where were we? Calm down old dears…
Fighting fit! TV Louise on Gladiators mission (Mirror) – Are you not entertained? (As Russell Crowe asked in the original (good) version of the movie Gladiator. There’s our second popular entertainment Rome-themed quote). But sadly the answer here to the question of are we to be entertained by a revamp of that old TV show Gladiators is a resounding NO.
The truth about older women and younger men (the formerly serious Times)
In hypochondria news…
First port of call – coronaphobia central: The long Covid treatments to avoid (i news)
It is among Mr AsI’s often expressed contentions that Lockdowns demoralised the British workforce.
Rising toll of young adults too ill to work… more women under 25 have long-term sickness than are looking after their children full-time… attention has focused on the post-Covid surge in long-term sickness to a record 2.8 million (Times)
Here I need to prescribe my little edit as being efficacious…
attention has focused on the
post-CovidPOST-LOCKDOWN (WHICH WAS A POLICY CHOICE) surge in long-term sicknessA policy choice most favoured, fervently preferred and indeed imposed on us by our public sector of course.
Councils let staff ‘work from beach’ in Ibiza and Australia… Probe reveals hundreds logging on from abroad – as local services are slashed and taxes soar (Daily Mail)
If only we had a presently sitting, well-funded, judge-led, officially constituted public inquiry that could look into that.
Seems we’re very prone to fretting about our health… but as our NHS fails and the cost of going private is prohibitive we’re tending to self-medicate…
End cosmetic ops carnage… call for new rules… so only medics can perform procedures – yells the Mirror
Thinking about fat jabs in 2025? …here’s everything you need to know (Mail)
Beware of weight loss drugs bought online (Express)
Chlamydia could make koalas extinct. Can a vaccine save them in time? (BBC) – gosh we’ve come a long way since Johnny Morris and Animal Magic – it was a nicer more innocent time.
Asiseeit – I noticed you referred to ‘gladiator ‘ and being a bit of a Ridley Scott ‘fan ‘ I thought I’d go find a cinema showing – £17.50 or £15 if over 60 – free for dinghy arrivals , labour voters , kids , disabled – women with bastard children , sen , coloured folk …
Forget it … sorry Ridley but I heard both gladiator 2 and napoleon were crap so will wait for the charity shop dvd …
£17 to sit in a dark room for 3 hours ? Really ?
It won’t be long before we’re all sitting in dark rooms (plebs only). I wonder if we’ll get a refund of the standing charge.
But to be fair, you do get that sweaty feet/ popcorn combo that is very hard to emulate elsewhere.
Agree that both of Ridley’s latest ‘epics’ were utter garbage. Actors who can’t act, dialogue which was dire and total unbelievability as a whole.
Yes, News by suggestion you might say.
As its that time of year again. A new year New hopes and all that we hope we don’t repeat the same mistakes and failures of the last year. Over the course of a year in 2024, across four Newspapers whenever the BBC commits an atrocity (several each year, usually sexual perversions), a poll is taken of what readers think about the TV license. This is a small collection… as an indicator of how bad the BBC has sunk. It no longer follows any kind of Charter, ignores OFCOM yet complains to OFCOM (about GB News), prints its own money called a TV License that is VAT exempt and pays No Corporation tax (unlike any other broadcaster) offsets its losses, so pays minimal ’employer’ employment tax to its *stars* who claim to be freelance such as the idiot Chris Packham who has only ever worked for the BBC his entire career.
It time for change. Reform is impossible. It has to go, like the Guardian it has to be sold for £1. Bill Gates would buy it and other global influences who think the BBC is easily manipulated by bribes. And has’ useful idiots’ (like Packham) – who all think a ‘climate apocalypse’ is long over due, and a tidy profit to be made.
Does OFCOM oversee LBC too? In that special way they don’t.
A masterclass in all that is wrong with media now and, if still having to engage, deal with the odious cabal.
Was it not Meesh who perfected the relative numbers school of ‘not quite having the numbers to hand’ school of hogging the mic?
Full on Leftie BBC on Toady this morning.
Unaldulterated praise and worship of Jimmy Carter.
Guest editor Floella Benjamin, one-time Playschool presenter but whose chief attribute appears to have been for years that she is black. Talk about rising without trace.
Cue article about Barbados. Why?
Then some robot Labour MP (or was it some new form of AI) trotting out pre-written answers and unchallenged.
Then all those poor rubberised channel ferry passengers.
Total bilge from beginning to end. Luckily I was able to doze off in between the headline guff.
A small cheer for a BBC article. It exposes the uselessness and hypocrisy of the SNP Scottish government, though on the other hand by definition it therefore implies a better Scottish alternative. – Labour.
But that said, enjoy anyway.
‘Green’ ferry emits more CO2 than old diesel ship
The carbon footprint of a long-delayed new “green” ferry will be far larger than the 31-year-old diesel ship that usually serves the route between the Scottish mainland and the island of Arran.
An emissions analysis by CalMac has calculated MV Glen Sannox will emit 10,391 equivalent tonnes of CO2 a year compared with 7,732 for MV Caledonian Isles.
Cost of living crisis update.
BBC reports that the 18 year old who had sex ( illegally) with a 17 year old girl in Dubai is beginning his prison sentence.
I quote
Marcus Fakana, of Tottenham, north London, began a secretive romance in September with another Londoner, who is now 18, while both were on holiday with their families.
I also quote
His parents had to return to London to resume their jobs in a warehouse and as a cleaner to help pay for their son’s accommodation.
So. A warehouse job and a cleaner job gets you enough cash to have a holiday in Dubai ??????????
A fact which somehow seems to have eluded the BBC as they focus on various obese people who apparently can’t afford to put food on the table……….
They don’t mention in this “romance” that a minor in UAE can’t give consent.
Rich or poor, why would anyone want to go there?
I can understand people getting jobs there for big cash, but a holiday.
I’ve been to the airport in transit.
In the gents, a man had taken his shoes and socks off and was busy washing his feet in the sink, as best he could.
But how’s he going to dry them ?
Didn’t, socks straight back on.
David Beckham’s Qatar Stopover
Eddy – im sorry about washing my feet in the sink – I usually use the loo but they were all full up ….
Your quote
They don’t mention in this “romance” that a minor in UAE can’t give consent.
You may be on to something.
Could this be a new BBC tactic. Selective omission of ‘child type’ excuses for 16 and 17 year olds involved in misdemeanours.
Why would they do this? Simple. To bolster support for Labour Party policy giving the vote to 16 and 17 year olds who they will portray as ‘adults’.
Watch this space or even better relevant bBBC output for the next few months
“Can Ukraine face another year of war?”
BBC’s latest lite coverage of the war, concentrating on the touchy-feely human side.
Maybe just conditioning their readers for the enevitable land loss, after so much avoidable death BBC were cheerleading.
There’s better coverage on tiny Telegram channels eg.
Basically the Russians in brown, Ukraine/NATO in green.
Kurakhove almost taken, bar the power station and industrial area.
Even covers the Syria situation better:
“Syrian resistance in process. This should be understood not so much as an insurgency against the new government but as an insurgency against anyone who attacks minorities.
Local groups are likely to start defending themselves because the government is either turning its back on them or is unable to control terrorist gangs.🇸🇾”
‘It’s unbearable’: Families wait to see loved ones’ bodies at airport
To my absolute amazement, the BBC have actually gone round the families of the victims of this crash, found any who speak English then asked them what they think about their family victims – taking great care to make sure they recount things such as ‘he was told that his two grandsons – a high-school sophomore and a senior – were “too scattered to be recognised”.’
I remember reading about complaints in Ukraine as well where BBC reporters were getting in the way of rescue services while they search around the rubble for victims who could speak English.
‘”Can you promise that they will be put back together?” a middle-aged man asked, visibly emotional.’
‘”I can’t believe the entire family has just disappeared,” Maeng, 78, told the BBC.
“My heart aches so much.”‘
And many more.
The only way they could be even more depraved and desperate for ’empathy’ would be to interview a dying victim laid in the wreckage and asking them to describe the pain of their injuries.
There is almost no news at all in this disgusting empathy-fest from the BBC.
And always from quota-clones like the two who did this disgusting report:

And also the unknown scumbag at head office to sent them there to do it. This is the new BBC. They love a disaster with innocent victims : so much empathy available and of course the chance of a trophy the next time the BBC gives awards to itself again.
BBC coffin dancing in hobnail clogs is normal and swerving the screechingly obvious….
Fully expecting ‘Most read’ – what is an airplane?
I’m trying to watch the Squid Games 2.
It’s hard work, they all look the same to me.
A few have dyed hair which helps but..
meanwhile – 10 years and counting for 2 ferries
and then
“Why carbon offsetting is not the panacea Harry and Meghan might think it is
This article is more than 5 years old
Elton John claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private jet use was ‘carbon neutral’. The reality is more complicated”
“In the Catholic Church, an indulgence is the remission of punishment caused by sin. This punishment can be earthly suffering or time in Purgatory. A partial indulgence removes part of one’s suffering, while a plenary indulgence removes all of one’s suffering.”
importing LNG from Qatar – energy independence!?
“One expert on transport emissions told BBC News that if the “upstream” carbon cost of importing LNG from Qatar is included in the emissions calculation, it might be better to run the new ship on diesel.”
Start Fracking under the houses of Parliament!
Watch: Student officers chase down man who raped woman in Birmingham park
This story is widely reported today but the two news sites which usually revel in any stories directly from the police giving them a chance to demonstrate misandry and their hatred of men are both conspicuous in being absent from that list.
Of course you know why. They both hide what minorities do to preserve them as ‘victims’ for their anti-white male agenda.His name is Awalkhan Sultankhail.
They don’t care one bit that the woman was raped by this animal. It has no value for them.
It feels very much like reporting on all incidents like this by the BBC have to be automatically reviewed by an invisible panel consisting of employees from various minority groups who have the power to squash or suppress the story if it shows any of those certain groups in what they deem to be an unfavourable light.
The two cheeks of the same arse of course being the BBC and The Guardian.
I can’t believe I missed that out …
Jimmy Carter’s challenges mirror those faced by Biden
And in an extraordinary last-minute entry, the winner of the biggest pile of bullshit anyone wrote in 2024 goes to Anthony Zurcher of the BBC.
It narrowly beats most of the other stuff he wrote through the year.
Zurcher is a total berk, only exceeded in his berkishness by Paul Mason while at Newsnight – there’s always something that causes teeth to grind.
Sticking with the BBC as the Global garbage pile (LBC, NewsAgents etc.. ) is overcrowded with lame leftoids.
New mothers tell of Christmas baby joy
Happy birthday Mohammed …
Why is a Prince using the NHS?
“Ms Nsiah explained her third child had arrived a couple of weeks early, giving her and husband Prince Yeboah a Christmas Day to remember.”
No wonder so many black men like white women.
Clearly, privileged white people choose not to spoil their Christmases by giving birth on Dec 25.
Whereas poor underprivileged BAME people have to put up with it.
They’ve found a fourth body in the channel this morning.
Another death.
What sort of people are we ‘welcoming’ in who leave someone who falls off a dinghy into the water and don’t stop to help them back aboard.
It would take a couple of minutes to pull the rocket scientist back into the dinghy yet they just leave the doctor to drown.
These are the people enriching us.
Indigenous Brits will risk their lives to save a squirrel drowning in a freezing lake or a dog who has fallen down a cliff yet these will not pull a soul back on board at no risk to themselves.
It’s widely known that many “Just Eat” and “Deliveroo” drivers are illegal immigrants that pay a fee to an employable person for the gig. As it is well known, why aren’t Border Force, Home Office or whoever doing something about it?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast (what is acceptable pace?), it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. {independent oct2015 – not that long ago, nothing has changed as of aug2017}”
– Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference / 06.10.2015
TWatO Watch #1 – No, Antonio, that is NOT the prime purpose of the UN, you are being delinquent in your principal duty
Antonio Guterres, General Secretary of the United Nations was on TWatO to scare the living daylights out of young people claiming that 2024 was the hottest ever in the history of the world and that Global Warming was out of control unless the world switches to renewables and battery cars and vans and trucks.
That is not the prime purpose of the UN, Antonio. You are meant to be a peacekeeper and peacemaker. You are being delinquent in your duty to the UN and the world. You are meant to be a peacekeeper negotiating peace between nations in conflict. You are not meant to scare children and youngsters with your talk of runaway Global Warming and Climate Change.
Antonio Guterres is a senile Portuguese communist who’s operated by his entourage – what do you expect?
Tucker sums up the new political and cultural situation in the US very well: THE SPELL WAS SHATTERED.
Now will someone rise up and break the spell in the UK please?
This s the reason the BBC hates social media….it ‘democratises’ information and brings you the stuff that the lamestream refuse to publish….just why do we have to rely on social media to ask the hard questions about nut zero policy…where is the BBC? The BBC gaslights us on China waxing lyrical about it’s EV production and how much green energy it produces…and at the same time covering over the massive use of fossil fuels…..if the planet is on the brink of an apocalypse surely that should matter…if China is pumping out gazillions of tonnes of CO2 it doesn’t matter how many solar panels they have….
It is, they were expecting over a million fewer viewers.
Everyone knows the Tardis was invented by Africans. And time travel. And physics. Pretty much everything.
It gives the whole family the opportunity to get together and say ‘ woke crap ‘
I came across this data showing how the BBC UK audience figures have been going for the past eight years.
If I worked for BBC management I would be a tad worried to say the least and either trying to figure out what the Corporation is doing wrong…(We have a pretty good idea on this site!) or I’d be looking for another job!
digg, no it will be bonuses all round because they have done better than expected. This profile of decline offers a perfect opportunity to enhance salaries and pensions. Net result undiversified talentless people earning more money for doing less. What could possibly go wrong?
Ah but the BBC doesn’t depend for it’s livelihood on viewing figures or bums on seats. It simply relies on the fact that it is a criminal offense to use a TV receiver without a license even if you never view BBC programs.
It should be run as any other business. If I don’t use it’s products I don’t pay for them. So really it is an extortion racket backed up by the law of the land.
Neat that innit?
They don’t give a damn. The previous soi-disant ‘Tory’ gumment did booger all and the current bunch of incompetents are likely to give Al Beeb even more of our money to reach an ever decreasing woke audience.
He gets to be “Sir” after midnight
£45 to £135 per person
– is it run by a subsidiary of Global?
Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah: High Court action over girl’s pollution death
25 January
A woman whose nine-year-old daughter became the first person in the UK to have air pollution recognised as a factor in her death is bringing a High Court claim against the government.
Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah’s daughter Ella had a fatal asthma attack in 2013.
In 2020, Southwark Coroner’s Court found that air pollution “made a material contribution” to Ella’s death.
Ms Adoo-Kissi-Debrah has brought her claim to try to establish the “right to clean air”, her lawyers say.
There must be huge swathes of Africa, offshore islands in the Caribbean etc. that have almost no air pollution because they have no industry and low traffic, which begs the question why migrate your family to a European heavily industrialised, densely populated Country and choose to live in one of its largest conurbations where pollution is more likely if you need to avoid the risk?
MM, I suspect (rubbing fingers on one hand gesture): that it is for more compo!
No doubt Shir Khan’s questionable ulez rubbish will figure in the case!
How many more reasons do we need to never go to London again?
tomo, it used to be free. At least for the Millenium it was free.
The man who needed a Lord to pay for his spectacles, Si Kier has gone to Madeira for a ‘well earned’ holiday. The poor dear didn’t realise how hard the work of being Prime Minister is. He had to postpone travel because of the death of his brother (earlier reports said cancelled). Apparently Sir Kier had travelled discreetly (Madeiran blogs report although if word is out I am not sure how that counts as ‘discrete’). Some sites also report that Sir Kier, accompanied by his wife, his children and security travelled commercial. I just marvel at the luck that man must have. If I tried to book 10 seats at short notice on a flight to Madeira (his brother only died on Boxing Day), to holiday over New Year, I would never have found the seats.
I wonder who Smarmer has gone on holiday with?
TTK won’t get papped?
Typically doesn’t head to any of the countries we take immigrants from.
Hasn’t Pakistan or Nigeria etc got warm weather in January too?
He could’ve …
maybe the occasional gay sauna
I’d add that it’s a shame TTK doesn’t get to experience the sort of exciting getaway I’d like to see him on…
“Russia and Ukraine exchange hundreds of prisoners of war”
Only about 150 on each side.
Maybe that’s all Ukraine had.
‘Zelenksy …added that those released included “defenders of Azovstal and Mariupol”, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Snake Island.’
BBC naturally didn’t challenge the veracity of the last two…
And don’t bother finding out if those released are required to continue in the army.
The news that the hog thing in Scotland has been cancellled has to be welcomed – along with the announcement by TTK that 2025 has been cancelled and declared ‘Year Zero’ in affectionate memory of pol pot
In londonistan the fireworks every hour for 12 hours is … tedious .. please let it rain …
Any update on the head found in an Edinburgh street at Halloween?
Re London fireworks, just get the Algerian community to do it off a bridge..
BBC telescopes raised to BBC eyepatches over the next few weeks….
We don’t see any rats.
Another one on the list of Obama Biden ‘pardons ‘…. 19th January gonna a busy busy …. 200 – 300?
British BBC are reporting ad nauseum and at great length on a dead do nothing ex us one term president from years ago as if he was a saint….
Why would that be I wonder? Oh yes I see it now he was a Democrat so anything to try to take the Trump taste away I suppose….
I read elsewhere that he did manage to give away the Panama Canal for 1 US$, a feat which TTK is likely to exceed by several tens of billions in reverse with the Chagos Islands.
“What to watch out for in Welsh politics in 2025”
I predict the rise of ‘Reform’ in Wales.
Turdeau missed an opportunity (open goal, even)
– took me a while to see the new country of Texico
Some nice Trudeau family holiday movies
BBC News ……
No news , just “male bovine excrement”.
“Two men found dead while searching for Sasquatch”
I guess it makes sense to the journalist…
BBC retards.
There’s an old adage that suggests history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
One could make a similar claim for headlines…
PM’s ‘reward for failure’ as Sadiq Khan is knighted (Daily Mail); Southgate scores in new year honours… Despite at times being pilloried by pundits and having pints hurled at him by fans for failing to bring a trophy home (Times)
Surely that’s a veritable prize-winning instance of our old friend the journalistic ‘despite’ there from the Times
Blair was urged to delay free movement from EU that fired immigration anger… allowing free movement from new EU countries would put huge pressure on housing and benefits, newly released documents reveal (FT); 2025 Year of the aliens – so speculates the UFO-curious Daily Star
‘Spectacular mistake’ to open borders… In 2004… unrestricted access… despite warnings – reflects the Express with added emphasis and journalistic ‘despite’
Get ready for a free range scramble – observes the Star as their New Year’s Eve thought for the day, in reference of course not to unfettered immigration but to their hair raising headline report: Eggheads have got some great news for slapheads… eating eggs can stop you going bald. Apparently.
What's occurring?
Welsh Ambulance Service declares critical incident… It said more than 340 calls were waiting to be answered… more than half of the trust’s ambulance vehicles were waiting to handover patients outside hospitals… Monday’s critical incident declaration came after several health boards implemented new rules for patients and visitors to control the spread of infection amid concerns about an increase in flu cases. (BBC)
Public sector takes three times as many ‘mental health sick days’… than those in the private sector… as local authorities are crippled by bankruptsies and the NHS struggles to bring down years-long waiting lists (Telegraph)
Old habits die hard
new rules for patients and visitors to wear masks across several health boards amid flu concerns (BBC)
Analysis by the Telegraph found that NHS England staff took 46.5 per cent more mental health sick leave in 2024 than they did before the pandemic
Oh come on Telegraph, you should know better than that: NHS England staff took 46.5 per cent more mental health sick leave in 2024 than they did before the
pandemicLOCKDOWNS – which were a policy choiceThe Culture War Doesn’t Exist – asserts left-leaning Novara Media – but Mr AsI increasingly hears the distinct sound of approaching war drums…
Push to de-Westernise school science lessons… Bridget Phillipson, the Education Secretary announced an overhaul that explicitly aims to make subjects better reflect the “diversities of our society” (Telegraph)
Let’s round up the old year with one of those State of the Nation snapshot news headlines…
Seems The Scots are Bravehearts no more – more like Lilly-livered Scardy hearts…
Hogmanay cancelled as storm warnings hit New Year’s Eve celebrations across UK (i news)
It’s a broad bricht moonlit nicht tonich!
TTK continues to show his innate lack of understand ‘popular politics ‘ in those ‘honours ‘ awards – I mean nugee ? The emir ? That idiot footy bloke ?
Im violently against gongs unless in exceptional cases – same with the Lords ….but this lot hits a new depth ….. nothing changes – red or blue ….
I suppose various working from home state employees will be getting their gongs too – as well as the ‘charity ‘ types …..sometimes the British state is pretty repulsive – in fact – delete ‘sometimes ‘….
TTK is apparently in Madeira – no doubt in the compound of another rich mate – alli – Blackrock – dreaming up more ways of screwing decent British people to pay for his third world imports ….
Btw – do you notice the bbc doesn’t do that show which reviews documents released under the 30 year rule any more …?
Fed, I think Gareth Southgate getting a K will go down well with the population at large, but not Lady Nugee being elevated to HoLords and the failed London Mayor who is something of a nightmare for Londoners but has done wonders for the sale & carrying of knives in the Capital. Maybe that is why Khan got his K?
Up2 – being a schemer – I reckon the deal with the emir was to get a gong if not being a threat . Nugee is trickier because she was left outside the cabinet despite – I think – having been promised ‘justice ‘ – I guess she knows secrets .
Southgate was their nod to the plebs … his mismanagement of good English players in the euros was an art form ( Carlton Cole ) on the bench ….but it pleased me as I didn’t want woke united to win ….
From credit card thief and fraudster to knight of the relm. Unbelievable.
This one?
General Melchet.
Shows how really devalued titles are now …. I wonder why beckham hasn’t got his yet ? Corruption I guess – although those awarded are no strangers to troughing …
Lady nugee must know where the bodies are buried …
“Some animals are MORE EQUAL than others”
.. the libmob gang