Babbling test.
Yesterday my friends were talking about schizophrenics and how their dreams seem to intrude on reality
and that the nature of dreams is that they go round and around and are full of babbling.
Not a problem for most people cos they just wake up into reality and the dreams are gone, but cos the schizophrenics can’t seem to separate dreams from reality it manifests in obsessive compulsive behaviour like addiction, hoarding etc. with them focused more on the dreamworld rather than the real world,
And that made me think “do some POLITICAL discussions have the same root ?”
“Climate Crisis” seems to be obsessively based in babbling dreamworld
Hating Trump, hating Farage, hating the mythical far-right and the extremist trans world with its idea that men in dresses are 100% the same as biological women ALL seem to be based in babbling dreamworld,
Ed Miliband is a compulsive “green-dream” shopper
Stew – the Green crap thing must surely be a ‘mania’ – actions such as physically destroying coal power stations – are signs of a madness …. Or maybe those concerned are just bribed by interested party’s.
There are reports of increasing mental disorder – being used in the public sector to avoid work . If they can’t be fired it’s inevitable – and they still get paid ….
Smarmer and Labour are blaming the trafficking gangs for asylum seeker deaths in the Channel. Let’s be clear about this, it’s Smarmer and Labour who are responsible for the deaths because they are encouraging crossings. They scrapped the Rwanda scheme without any consideration and are endorsing a very high rate of asylum application approvals. Labour have constantly opposed and blocked actions that might have at least slowed the crossings and yet have increased the use of hotels despite saying they wouldn’t. They are liars.
Two very strange features on Toady this morning.
Dame Laura Kenny was the guest presenter. 5 cycling Olympic golds.
There was a piece about the fact that she wondered if there could be more PE lessons in school. Given the levels of obesity these days a reasonable enquiry.
But the following report selected only schools with excellent provision and no issues.
Then there was a piece where Kenny pondered about elite women’s sport (what you have to put your body through in training etc) and it’s possible impact on fertility. Kenny had two miscarriages. She spoke with swimmer Rebecca Adlington who also miscarried. But Rebecca hadn’t really thought about it so the interview was pretty bland and uninformative.
The clear overall impression, indeed effect, of these two pieces was to undermine the presenter.
Would they have done that to Floella Benjamin?
Stuff – an ideal day for a sporty type to do ‘today’,as the DT points out a noticeable lack of sporty types getting gongs – a few tick box coloured runner types got something for coming second but the rest got blanked for doing their job …..
Anyway … to more trivial things ….. 2025 … the outlook for the UK on every front – in my opinion – is dire. But the prospect of a political war between the Trump regime and TTK is a hope for us – the types who want to see the reds destroyed even more than the blues .
It’s gonna be painful – rates staying up – taxes going up as TTK won’t be able to afford to borrow – recession by autumn …. All this was predicted before Sunak threw the towel in … but painful times until we throw them out …..
.. culturally I think the gulf between the US – coming to its senses with musk – Kennedy – trump – and the UK – run by Marxist thick fruit loops like balls – Phillipson – lammy – reeves from accounts — will widen even wider ….
If there is really serious widespread disorder I don’t think the deterrent sentences of the TTK judges will work now – the anger and rage is even stronger . Another Southport ( inevitable ) may well be the trigger ….
Btw – have you noticed that Arab Muslim terrorist who drove through innocent Germans has now become a ‘mental case ‘…. Inevitable cover up of Islamic terrorism before their election …
Popeye – careful – you are straying into the world of our chief pedant … right stew ?
I reckon that at this time of year the BBC is run by interns with Engleesh as a second language … I don’t engage with their website much but the target audience must be of below average intelligence -foreign – and very young .. like themselves ….
“pedant : a person who is excessively concerned with MINOR details and rules”
That is not me by a million miles, I am super tolerant of minor things. I make typos myself all the time “their” instead of “there” etc.
However when people mislead by presenting year old stories as if they are today’s news etc. the record should be corrected.
The word “pedant” is often used as a smear-label, when someone is losing an argument or has a fragile ego, to DEHUMANISE and belittle a discussion opponent .
Just the same as the words “climate denier” or “far right” are often used.
BBC’s annual income in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2024, by source. In the year ending March 31, 2024, the BBC saw an income of approximately 5.39 billion British pounds. Of this, 3.66 billion British pounds were attributed to the license fees paid by UK households.26 Aug 2024”
Central to A BBC for the Future is the
prioritisation of three roles; to pursue truth
with no agenda; back the best homegrown
storytelling; and bring people together.
These are driven by audience need and each
is supported by
“Obama and the Beach House Loopholes
Although Hawaii has laws meant to preserve disappearing shorelines, beachfront property owners have been able to bypass them. That’s what happened at an expansive coastal estate officials say the Obamas will live in.
by Sophie Cocke, Honolulu Star-Advertiser Aug. 15, 2020, 6 a.m. EDT”
Report’s main points – and that’s it from us
published at 15:49 9 August 2021
15:49 9 August 2021
We’re ending our live updates following the release of the landmark UN report on climate change. Thank you for joining us.
Here are the key points:
Human activity is “unequivocally” to blame for global warming and some changes, such as sea-level rises, are irreversible
Human influence is “very likely” the main driver of the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990s and the decrease in Arctic sea-ice
It is “virtually certain” that hot extremes including heatwaves have become more frequent and more intense since the 1950s, while cold events have become less frequent and less severe
The past five years have been the hottest on record since 1850
There is still an opportunity to prevent even more severe impacts, by cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
Transcript … “[Music] well I’m fortunate today to be giving you this New Year’s message from blenin Palace not only a magnificent place and a wonderful place to come and visit but of course the birthplace of Winston Churchill who represented something when this country was indeed a great country uh not just in terms of looking after its own people but in standing up for the right things in the world and I look back on 2024 a year that started with me in almost semi- hment not involved in active politics approaching my 60th birthday with my first two grandchildren on the way and I couldn’t help thinking about what this country had been the values that it represented and what it was looking like today you know the fish rots from the head down we have been appallingly LED in this country now for several decades we are in societal decline we are in economic decline most people are getting poorer with every year that passes we’re losing any sense of national identity and we’re actually teaching kids at school that people like Winston Churchill born in this Palace are bad people and that our country’s history is something to be ashamed of it was also because I’d fought so hard and so long for us to get back our independence brexit taking back control of our own lives and to see that completely squandered by a conservative party who frankly never believed in it but used it for electoral advantage in 2019 and almost knowing that labor were going to win with a big majority that I decided something had to be done so I got back involved with politics took the leadership of Reform UK and I made one big promise I said in that general election albeit with four weeks to go we’d get millions of votes and we’d establish Bridge head in Parliament well that is what we have done and I think everybody acknowledges that we’re just a handful of MPS we’ve made a real impact over the course of these last six months and everything we do is based on values and those values are around the things that matter to us family community and Country they’re the things that got me back in politics and we’re going to campaign for us to look at history in a different way for our kids to be proud of who we are as a nation we’re going to campaign for proper border controls the fact that now 150,000 people nearly all of them young men have been able to catch dingies across the English Channel and come into this country frankly is an outrage to everybody but it isn’t just that legal migration look at 2023 a conservative party in power promising us that net migration will be tens of thousands a year and it was nearly 1 million we get a campaign to reduce the cost of living I promise you the net zero plans put in place at the time of Theresa May now being pursued by ad millerand in the most extraordinary way will do nothing more than put up everybody’s bills and close down British manufacturing industry we want to make this country prouder we want to make our borders secure we want to make our people better off and that message is resonating and over the course of Christmas tens of thousands of people have joined reform UK there is a buzz there is an energy there is an optimism we’re not negative yes we know the other lot made an absolute mess of it that labor and conservative are virtually the uni party we believe we can turn this country around by 180° and make Britain a much better place but also on the world stage we think of Churchill we think of what he meant in 1940 and the fact we managed to extinguish with our American colleagues Nazism and of course Imperial Japan right now the world is in a more dangerous place than it’s been at any point in my lifetime and I have to tell you like his style or not Donald Trump coming back as the American president is good news not bad news if history teaches us one thing it is is that dictators and bad guys only respect strength and let’s face it without America we are defenseless so that relationship is crucial I think what reform offers for 2025 is exciting I know it is because the other parties are getting absolutely mad they’re throwing accusations around that I’ve have no doubt that will get tougher throughout the course of 2025 but we know what we believe in we’ve Infuse millions of people in this country and I want to say this to you if you agree with what we’re trying to do don’t just sit back and Nod do something about it join those 150,000 people who’ve already joined our party because I promise you this the only way we win the only way we mend broken Britain the only way we get reform in our country that so badly needs it is if you who agree with us join our People’s Army so make it your New Year’s resolution join reform UK join the fight back let’s make Britain Great again Happy New Year [Music]”
Philip May has been knighted for his political service to the country in supporting wife Theresa May while she was prime minister.
supporting wife Theresa May ????!!??!
Police ends probe into King Charles’s charity over cash-for-honours claims. The Metropolitan Police has closed its investigation into cash-for-honours claims involving the Prince’s Foundation and will take no further action, it has announced.21 Aug 2023
Charles charity: Police pass file on cash-for-honours allegations to CPS
It’s going to be “interesting” to watch what happens in Washington wrt WFH.
US Federal agency workers have been doing urine larceny for nearly the entire sleepy Joe incumbency.
As somebody who’s had periods of WFH – I was doing 30-40% more time on task (for zero £) but equally I know extremely well that many regard it as a supreme cover for malingering …
“In the early hours of March 12, 2022, Thomas Roberts, a 21-year-old aspiring Royal Marine, was stabbed twice in the chest. One incursion sliced through his heart and he was soon dead.
The man who murdered him in cold blood was Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai —an Afghan asylum seeker who had illegally entered Britain a few years earlier. “
Whatever they go with, it’s certain to be some half-arsed, woke, bullshit that appeals to Muzzies, pro Europeans and self-loathing middle-class lefties.
I won’t be watching. I’ll be snuggled on the sofa with my wee dog, a good book and a mug of cocoa.
Excellent Jeff. I’ll raise a wee dram at midnight to you with similar thoughts about the weather, and perhaps tsunami conditions will prevail in the Channel and along the French coastline.
OR the bastard who ORDERED the knock on the door.
A job, perhaps, for one of the many BBC investigative reporters.
After all, isn’t this exactly what we pay the BBC to do.
Sorry. I am obviously deluded.
Because Dawn Butler is tweeting that the 18 year old British guy Marcus Fakana is a super victim, cos he accepted a 1 year Dubai jail term for sleeping with a 17 year old girl
breaking some UAE sex out of wedlock law
The girl is British Indian the boy British African
The strange thing is almost all of those support tweeting him are black race-baiters
The media are ubiquitous in calling it “consenual sex” *”holiday romance”*
and frothing against the Indian mother who got back to UK found something on the girl’s phone which made her phone the Dubai police, who then detained the boy.
AFAIK we don’t know if it was entirely consensual, either party could have been manipulating the other.
I was hoping Lammy would go to the UAE to plead on behalf of a member of his race – but somehow I think the Arabs might lock up lammy too for insolence …. Besides im sure the UAE provide the reds with suitcases of cash …let’s hope the kid does his time ….
Why anyone would go to the UAE is beyond me …
Tomo i nicked the idea from someone on X …. I can’t think of a PM more hated / despised in the last 100 years … even Blair had a sort of ‘charm ‘… truss wasn’t there long enough for any real public view and ‘may’ – neutral … but TTK ? Does anyone like him at all ?
Evidence of other celebrations came from far and wide. The journalist William Cobbett witnessed the execution from his cell window at Newgate and offered a memorable account: “Demonstrations of joy, the most unequivocal, amongst the people in several of the most populous parts of England… at Nottingham the church bells were rung, at Leicester there was a supper and songs; at Sheffield there were sheep roasted whole.”
I think you’re absolutely right, Fed, although Gordon Brown’s disastrous takeover after Blair ran away, was worse.
His government’s cock-ups couldn’t have come at a worse time for my fledgeling company, and we were on the brink of some real UK business, but that fumbling idiot put paid to any financial dealings ing on for ages – well – long enough to scupper the deal we’d been working on for months. The banks just clammed up..
Mohammed flew to the moon on a horse – the horse farted and caused a methane increase of 1000000% on the moon. The fart is still there and Islam claims the Moon as its territory.
– BBC Verfied
The temperatures at Heathrow Airport increased from 1410 due to (1) Heath became farmland (2) Farmland became a runway (3) Grass runway became tarmac runway (4) Props became Jets (5) Increasing number of buildings increase the heat island effect (6) Air-conditioning blew out hot air from the buildings (7) The weather station is positioned north-east of the Airport, the prevailing wind is from the south-west.
Dick Pinder
Oh No!No!No!
It’s ALL down to the greedy Capitalist lifestyle.
You will attend a government reset of your brain cells or spend the rest of your miserable life in the gulag.
You heff 2 minutes to decide!!!
Am I pissed or are You, because I couldn’t make head nor tail of your post. Please translate.
Are you saying that no one should rise above the level of the weakest link?
Nah. I must be pissed!
Lefty – sorry – i wrote ‘dies ‘ when it should be the proper achronim DEI – my point was that cleaners do a far more tangible job than DEI types and DEI types should not be paid more than cleaners . I write as someone who did a ‘student job ‘ as a cleaner when I was a kid …
As for booze – im suffering from an ailment so haven’t had a drink for several days ….
Thank you very much for your reply.
I was beginning to think that I was losing it, which at my age is quite a common occurrence I’m told.
I’m very sorry to read that you have been unable to partake of a celebratory drink over the Festive Season.
I wish you the very best of health and luck for 2025 and I would like to thank you also for ensuring that my comments do not exceed the bounds of decency.
Thanks for the link.
I have subscribed because I think that the whole world has gone nuts except for you and me —- and I have my doubts about you.
Emma Barnett is well spoken. Jonny Dymond is well spoken evn if he cannot connect phrases together. Dame Laura Kenny has appalling diction, glottal stopping faster than she is on a track with her bicycle!
She was the interviewee at 8.10 a.m. and I just could not listen. Off switch activated in protest. I don’t like the BBC’s Guest Editor thing around Christmas and New Year as the BBC have agendas all of their own anyway. At least I am grateful that my parents taught me to speak proherly, innit!
Well as my mum would ‘av sed ” Yer may not speak posh but at least you understand nuffink”
I will always cherish the memory of my parents. After all if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here.
My parents were devout Royalists but both supported the Labour Party which, nowadays would appear to be an oxymoron.
However, King Charles does appear to have some rather unorthodox ideas.
BBC1 prime time New Years Eve : the move is Black Panther
“With a selection of 19 Marvel films on offer , they choose that one. Made entirely by black people. How curious”
ITV have the more normal James Bond , flips to adverts ..mostly black, comes back and we have the scene where a black woman appears, she’s the NEW 007
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
Kelly Holmes. Olympic 800m winner – dame hood
Keely Hodgkinson. Olympic 800 m winner – MBE.
Now I wonder what might have contributed to the different awards.
Choose from
As expected the little khant has been knighted.
I think it’s the final insult for many Londoners as well as many who wish to travel or do business in London.
Piers Morgan to Sadiq Khan: Where Are The 400 Known Jihadists In London?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 7, 2017
Babbling test.
Yesterday my friends were talking about schizophrenics and how their dreams seem to intrude on reality
and that the nature of dreams is that they go round and around and are full of babbling.
Not a problem for most people cos they just wake up into reality and the dreams are gone, but cos the schizophrenics can’t seem to separate dreams from reality it manifests in obsessive compulsive behaviour like addiction, hoarding etc. with them focused more on the dreamworld rather than the real world,
And that made me think “do some POLITICAL discussions have the same root ?”
“Climate Crisis” seems to be obsessively based in babbling dreamworld
Hating Trump, hating Farage, hating the mythical far-right and the extremist trans world with its idea that men in dresses are 100% the same as biological women ALL seem to be based in babbling dreamworld,
Ed Miliband is a compulsive “green-dream” shopper
Stew – the Green crap thing must surely be a ‘mania’ – actions such as physically destroying coal power stations – are signs of a madness …. Or maybe those concerned are just bribed by interested party’s.
There are reports of increasing mental disorder – being used in the public sector to avoid work . If they can’t be fired it’s inevitable – and they still get paid ….
Smarmer and Labour are blaming the trafficking gangs for asylum seeker deaths in the Channel. Let’s be clear about this, it’s Smarmer and Labour who are responsible for the deaths because they are encouraging crossings. They scrapped the Rwanda scheme without any consideration and are endorsing a very high rate of asylum application approvals. Labour have constantly opposed and blocked actions that might have at least slowed the crossings and yet have increased the use of hotels despite saying they wouldn’t. They are liars.
Two very strange features on Toady this morning.
Dame Laura Kenny was the guest presenter. 5 cycling Olympic golds.
There was a piece about the fact that she wondered if there could be more PE lessons in school. Given the levels of obesity these days a reasonable enquiry.
But the following report selected only schools with excellent provision and no issues.
Then there was a piece where Kenny pondered about elite women’s sport (what you have to put your body through in training etc) and it’s possible impact on fertility. Kenny had two miscarriages. She spoke with swimmer Rebecca Adlington who also miscarried. But Rebecca hadn’t really thought about it so the interview was pretty bland and uninformative.
The clear overall impression, indeed effect, of these two pieces was to undermine the presenter.
Would they have done that to Floella Benjamin?
Stuff – an ideal day for a sporty type to do ‘today’,as the DT points out a noticeable lack of sporty types getting gongs – a few tick box coloured runner types got something for coming second but the rest got blanked for doing their job …..
Anyway … to more trivial things ….. 2025 … the outlook for the UK on every front – in my opinion – is dire. But the prospect of a political war between the Trump regime and TTK is a hope for us – the types who want to see the reds destroyed even more than the blues .
It’s gonna be painful – rates staying up – taxes going up as TTK won’t be able to afford to borrow – recession by autumn …. All this was predicted before Sunak threw the towel in … but painful times until we throw them out …..
.. culturally I think the gulf between the US – coming to its senses with musk – Kennedy – trump – and the UK – run by Marxist thick fruit loops like balls – Phillipson – lammy – reeves from accounts — will widen even wider ….
If there is really serious widespread disorder I don’t think the deterrent sentences of the TTK judges will work now – the anger and rage is even stronger . Another Southport ( inevitable ) may well be the trigger ….
Btw – have you noticed that Arab Muslim terrorist who drove through innocent Germans has now become a ‘mental case ‘…. Inevitable cover up of Islamic terrorism before their election …
Is the poor grammar down to BBC holiday staffers or the Welsh NHS “managers”?
BBC report on Welsh NHS crisis:
He apologised to patients waiting “far to (too) long” but said there were plans in place to manage the backlog of calls.
She said: “The amount (number) of acute respiratory illnesses we are seeing at the moment is extraordinary.”
I am a bit of a grammar “Nazi” mainly because if one has a good point to make, it does somewhat detract from its validity if poorly written.
Popeye – careful – you are straying into the world of our chief pedant … right stew ?
I reckon that at this time of year the BBC is run by interns with Engleesh as a second language … I don’t engage with their website much but the target audience must be of below average intelligence -foreign – and very young .. like themselves ….
“pedant : a person who is excessively concerned with MINOR details and rules”
That is not me by a million miles, I am super tolerant of minor things. I make typos myself all the time “their” instead of “there” etc.
However when people mislead by presenting year old stories as if they are today’s news etc. the record should be corrected.
The word “pedant” is often used as a smear-label, when someone is losing an argument or has a fragile ego, to DEHUMANISE and belittle a discussion opponent .
Just the same as the words “climate denier” or “far right” are often used.
BTW that BBC Wales article still didn’t spot the basic grammar errors. There are more than Popeye mentions.
There is a Guardian article which almost has the same wording as the BBC article
Has the same grammar errors , even though it’s been re-edited once.
THe BBC byline is Maria Cassidy
There have now been 4 stealth edit stages and still the two basic errors Popeye mentioned are still there.
“Laura Kenny: Can elite sport damage TRANS women’s fertility?”
Their balls drop off?
“approximately 5.39 billion British pounds
BBC’s annual income in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2024, by source. In the year ending March 31, 2024, the BBC saw an income of approximately 5.39 billion British pounds. Of this, 3.66 billion British pounds were attributed to the license fees paid by UK households.26 Aug 2024”
Central to A BBC for the Future is the
prioritisation of three roles; to pursue truth
with no agenda; back the best homegrown
storytelling; and bring people together.
These are driven by audience need and each
is supported by
It seems the Edinburgh Hogmanay fireworks have been cancelled due to extreme weather.
I wonder if BBC will use the midnight broadcast as an opportunity to rachet up the climate change drama.
To the sound of pipes.
“Obama and the Beach House Loopholes
Although Hawaii has laws meant to preserve disappearing shorelines, beachfront property owners have been able to bypass them. That’s what happened at an expansive coastal estate officials say the Obamas will live in.
by Sophie Cocke, Honolulu Star-Advertiser Aug. 15, 2020, 6 a.m. EDT”
An SNP appointed creep – (director of energy and climate change in the Scottish Government) – I wonder if he had any input to the ferry debacle …
Report’s main points – and that’s it from us
published at 15:49 9 August 2021
15:49 9 August 2021
We’re ending our live updates following the release of the landmark UN report on climate change. Thank you for joining us.
Here are the key points:
Human activity is “unequivocally” to blame for global warming and some changes, such as sea-level rises, are irreversible
Human influence is “very likely” the main driver of the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990s and the decrease in Arctic sea-ice
It is “virtually certain” that hot extremes including heatwaves have become more frequent and more intense since the 1950s, while cold events have become less frequent and less severe
The past five years have been the hottest on record since 1850
There is still an opportunity to prevent even more severe impacts, by cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
p.s. China laugh and continue!
Transcript … “[Music] well I’m fortunate today to be giving you this New Year’s message from blenin Palace not only a magnificent place and a wonderful place to come and visit but of course the birthplace of Winston Churchill who represented something when this country was indeed a great country uh not just in terms of looking after its own people but in standing up for the right things in the world and I look back on 2024 a year that started with me in almost semi- hment not involved in active politics approaching my 60th birthday with my first two grandchildren on the way and I couldn’t help thinking about what this country had been the values that it represented and what it was looking like today you know the fish rots from the head down we have been appallingly LED in this country now for several decades we are in societal decline we are in economic decline most people are getting poorer with every year that passes we’re losing any sense of national identity and we’re actually teaching kids at school that people like Winston Churchill born in this Palace are bad people and that our country’s history is something to be ashamed of it was also because I’d fought so hard and so long for us to get back our independence brexit taking back control of our own lives and to see that completely squandered by a conservative party who frankly never believed in it but used it for electoral advantage in 2019 and almost knowing that labor were going to win with a big majority that I decided something had to be done so I got back involved with politics took the leadership of Reform UK and I made one big promise I said in that general election albeit with four weeks to go we’d get millions of votes and we’d establish Bridge head in Parliament well that is what we have done and I think everybody acknowledges that we’re just a handful of MPS we’ve made a real impact over the course of these last six months and everything we do is based on values and those values are around the things that matter to us family community and Country they’re the things that got me back in politics and we’re going to campaign for us to look at history in a different way for our kids to be proud of who we are as a nation we’re going to campaign for proper border controls the fact that now 150,000 people nearly all of them young men have been able to catch dingies across the English Channel and come into this country frankly is an outrage to everybody but it isn’t just that legal migration look at 2023 a conservative party in power promising us that net migration will be tens of thousands a year and it was nearly 1 million we get a campaign to reduce the cost of living I promise you the net zero plans put in place at the time of Theresa May now being pursued by ad millerand in the most extraordinary way will do nothing more than put up everybody’s bills and close down British manufacturing industry we want to make this country prouder we want to make our borders secure we want to make our people better off and that message is resonating and over the course of Christmas tens of thousands of people have joined reform UK there is a buzz there is an energy there is an optimism we’re not negative yes we know the other lot made an absolute mess of it that labor and conservative are virtually the uni party we believe we can turn this country around by 180° and make Britain a much better place but also on the world stage we think of Churchill we think of what he meant in 1940 and the fact we managed to extinguish with our American colleagues Nazism and of course Imperial Japan right now the world is in a more dangerous place than it’s been at any point in my lifetime and I have to tell you like his style or not Donald Trump coming back as the American president is good news not bad news if history teaches us one thing it is is that dictators and bad guys only respect strength and let’s face it without America we are defenseless so that relationship is crucial I think what reform offers for 2025 is exciting I know it is because the other parties are getting absolutely mad they’re throwing accusations around that I’ve have no doubt that will get tougher throughout the course of 2025 but we know what we believe in we’ve Infuse millions of people in this country and I want to say this to you if you agree with what we’re trying to do don’t just sit back and Nod do something about it join those 150,000 people who’ve already joined our party because I promise you this the only way we win the only way we mend broken Britain the only way we get reform in our country that so badly needs it is if you who agree with us join our People’s Army so make it your New Year’s resolution join reform UK join the fight back let’s make Britain Great again Happy New Year [Music]”
One guesses that our top Whitehall working from home civil servants will be getting their knighthhoods via Deliveroo
“Theresa May’s husband knighted by Prince Charles for ‘political service’”
‘political service’????
‘political service’????
Philip May has been knighted for his political service to the country in supporting wife Theresa May while she was prime minister.
supporting wife Theresa May ????!!??!
Police ends probe into King Charles’s charity over cash-for-honours claims. The Metropolitan Police has closed its investigation into cash-for-honours claims involving the Prince’s Foundation and will take no further action, it has announced.21 Aug 2023
Charles charity: Police pass file on cash-for-honours allegations to CPS
“The investigation remains ongoing and we will not be providing a running commentary on its progress.”
It’s going to be “interesting” to watch what happens in Washington wrt WFH.
US Federal agency workers have been doing urine larceny for nearly the entire sleepy Joe incumbency.
As somebody who’s had periods of WFH – I was doing 30-40% more time on task (for zero £) but equally I know extremely well that many regard it as a supreme cover for malingering …
This is Matt Goodwin’s top substack choice for 2024:
An unbelievable tale of UK incompetence in keeping us safe from the invaders.
“In the early hours of March 12, 2022, Thomas Roberts, a 21-year-old aspiring Royal Marine, was stabbed twice in the chest. One incursion sliced through his heart and he was soon dead.
The man who murdered him in cold blood was Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai —an Afghan asylum seeker who had illegally entered Britain a few years earlier. “
I wonder what messaging Sir Sad Dick has lined up for tonight’s firework display from London…
BLM…The EU…Just Stop Oil…Palestine…Transgenderism…
Whatever they go with, it’s certain to be some half-arsed, woke, bullshit that appeals to Muzzies, pro Europeans and self-loathing middle-class lefties.
I won’t be watching. I’ll be snuggled on the sofa with my wee dog, a good book and a mug of cocoa.
I don’t lie to be unkind but
I hope it pisses down…
Excellent Jeff. I’ll raise a wee dram at midnight to you with similar thoughts about the weather, and perhaps tsunami conditions will prevail in the Channel and along the French coastline.
Nice one Jeff, same here!
“”We will arrest you for reasons we will never disclose” sounds like a super free society there guys…”
“When the police rings at your door and tells you you’re being investigated for not commiting a crime, you’re already way past democracy.
We never got the names of the plod involved did we …? But no surprise in the TTK Reich …
OR the bastard who ORDERED the knock on the door.
A job, perhaps, for one of the many BBC investigative reporters.
After all, isn’t this exactly what we pay the BBC to do.
Sorry. I am obviously deluded.
Because Dawn Butler is tweeting that the 18 year old British guy Marcus Fakana is a super victim, cos he accepted a 1 year Dubai jail term for sleeping with a 17 year old girl
breaking some UAE sex out of wedlock law
The girl is British Indian the boy British African
The strange thing is almost all of those support tweeting him are black race-baiters
The media are ubiquitous in calling it “consenual sex” *”holiday romance”*
and frothing against the Indian mother who got back to UK found something on the girl’s phone which made her phone the Dubai police, who then detained the boy.
AFAIK we don’t know if it was entirely consensual, either party could have been manipulating the other.
I was hoping Lammy would go to the UAE to plead on behalf of a member of his race – but somehow I think the Arabs might lock up lammy too for insolence …. Besides im sure the UAE provide the reds with suitcases of cash …let’s hope the kid does his time ….
Why anyone would go to the UAE is beyond me …
Do they have cells big enough to put him in?
Keir Starmer used Qatar-funded private jet for Emir trip
Published 11 January
In a speech to the party’s autumn conference, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves attacked Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s “private jet habit”.
Now they’re targeting your kids…
“A famous Song from the Manic Street Peachers. If you tolerate this then your Children will be next.”
“This discussion was at Infant Level , questions simplistic = answers puerile generalities.”
“A very special call this Christmas.”
The crowd fund to keep TTK in Madeira permanently has now reached £1 000 000 . There is also parliamentary petition …
.. my 2025 resolution is only to tell lies ( misinformation ) . This resolution may be a lie ….
If there were a crowdfunder to process Portuguese asylum + residency for Starmer – I’m confident it’d be in 8 digit territory.
If Elon Musk knew about it – he’d make certain of it 🙂
Tomo i nicked the idea from someone on X …. I can’t think of a PM more hated / despised in the last 100 years … even Blair had a sort of ‘charm ‘… truss wasn’t there long enough for any real public view and ‘may’ – neutral … but TTK ? Does anyone like him at all ?
forecast …. it ain’t gonna get any better.
History …. if TB hadn’t gotten seditious libel removed from the judicial toolbox – does anybody think TTK could resist using it?
I think you’re absolutely right, Fed, although Gordon Brown’s disastrous takeover after Blair ran away, was worse.
His government’s cock-ups couldn’t have come at a worse time for my fledgeling company, and we were on the brink of some real UK business, but that fumbling idiot put paid to any financial dealings ing on for ages – well – long enough to scupper the deal we’d been working on for months. The banks just clammed up..
I’ll never forgive that a******e.
The Met office are intent on shredding any remaining vestige of credibility?
The gaslighting is epic…. BBC fully on board.
Civil Servants obstructing…
Mohammed flew to the moon on a horse – the horse farted and caused a methane increase of 1000000% on the moon. The fart is still there and Islam claims the Moon as its territory.
– BBC Verfied
BBC verified? DEFINITELY the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Only kidding.
The temperatures at Heathrow Airport increased from 1410 due to (1) Heath became farmland (2) Farmland became a runway (3) Grass runway became tarmac runway (4) Props became Jets (5) Increasing number of buildings increase the heat island effect (6) Air-conditioning blew out hot air from the buildings (7) The weather station is positioned north-east of the Airport, the prevailing wind is from the south-west.
But no concrete bunker at the end of the runway ….. I wonder how many there are ….?there are 47900 airports according to Alexa …
Dick Pinder
Oh No!No!No!
It’s ALL down to the greedy Capitalist lifestyle.
You will attend a government reset of your brain cells or spend the rest of your miserable life in the gulag.
You heff 2 minutes to decide!!!
One, a single yookneeversitee in the USA
The numbers are impressive
I strongly suspect that the rot is well advanced in UK academia (+ Public Sector), we sorely need something akin to here.
The extents of what must be excised have to be mapped.
There should be a law to either ban dies or endure that never earn more than the cleaner ….
Am I pissed or are You, because I couldn’t make head nor tail of your post. Please translate.
Are you saying that no one should rise above the level of the weakest link?
Nah. I must be pissed!
Lefty – sorry – i wrote ‘dies ‘ when it should be the proper achronim DEI – my point was that cleaners do a far more tangible job than DEI types and DEI types should not be paid more than cleaners . I write as someone who did a ‘student job ‘ as a cleaner when I was a kid …
As for booze – im suffering from an ailment so haven’t had a drink for several days ….
Thank you very much for your reply.
I was beginning to think that I was losing it, which at my age is quite a common occurrence I’m told.
I’m very sorry to read that you have been unable to partake of a celebratory drink over the Festive Season.
I wish you the very best of health and luck for 2025 and I would like to thank you also for ensuring that my comments do not exceed the bounds of decency.
Thanks for the link.
I have subscribed because I think that the whole world has gone nuts except for you and me —- and I have my doubts about you.
Welcome to the UK
Ratio of the Year for 2024 goes to ??
Guess …. it was an advrt
Runners up 🥇@BBCNews 🥇@AP 🏅@guardian
BBCnews ..most train drivers are white males
still guessing ? … a car company
This man is right
TOADY Watch #1 – appalling diction on the BBC
Emma Barnett is well spoken. Jonny Dymond is well spoken evn if he cannot connect phrases together. Dame Laura Kenny has appalling diction, glottal stopping faster than she is on a track with her bicycle!
She was the interviewee at 8.10 a.m. and I just could not listen. Off switch activated in protest. I don’t like the BBC’s Guest Editor thing around Christmas and New Year as the BBC have agendas all of their own anyway. At least I am grateful that my parents taught me to speak proherly, innit!
Well as my mum would ‘av sed ” Yer may not speak posh but at least you understand nuffink”
I will always cherish the memory of my parents. After all if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here.
My parents were devout Royalists but both supported the Labour Party which, nowadays would appear to be an oxymoron.
However, King Charles does appear to have some rather unorthodox ideas.
BBC1 prime time New Years Eve : the move is Black Panther
“With a selection of 19 Marvel films on offer , they choose that one. Made entirely by black people. How curious”
ITV have the more normal James Bond , flips to adverts ..mostly black, comes back and we have the scene where a black woman appears, she’s the NEW 007