The BBC are slavering at the mouth over the possibility of some British soldiers being hauled up for not treating some bloodthirsty ISIS murderous terrorists very nicely…
Yes, a very happy and hopefully prosperous new year to all on this site. Thanks to fedup and all others involved in its management.
I don’t comment v much as I have minimised my bbc exposure, but I am here to read comments every day.
I wish nothing but good things for all those who follow their conscience and common sense instead of being obsessed by their own ideology and driven by intolerance of those who do not agree with it.
I have a strong sense that the ignorant masses are finally waking up to what the extremely dangerous hypocrites the Leftists actually are. It always amazes me at how long it take for the worm to turn for things like this.
I also have a feeling it could be an eventful year when those cretins who voted for Starmer realise what they have done. When things reach a head but he still refuses to resign, things could get very ugly.
But that is for tomorrow. Today we celebrate still being here for the start of another year.
John inflation, insolvencies in the hospitality sector and a roaring government defecit will bring the idiot to heel but not without much pain all around. Sadly Starmer is just a symptom and we need to restore Parliamentary democracy. The narrative which has driven the transfer of power to the unelected has been orchestrated by the bBC. For years I have said that you can either have the bBC or democracy but not both. Time for a change.
Happy New year to all of you who post and/or read here. You are a splendid group of people. This place is a bit like an online pub, you can pop by and see who is in at any given time. It’s also like a pressure relief valve.
Further to The Grinch Who Cancelled Hogmanay story, according to the BBC weather site, the wind is no stronger in Edinburgh than it is in London tonight.
Happy New Year to everyone on here. Trump will improve America bur we are in danger here so we must hope thay things will get better.
There is an old robot called Starmer
Who is known as the Farmer Harmer
To no-one’s surprise
He tells loads of lies
So we hope he’ll soon suffer his karma
I must join in and wish everyone who writes here, a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
As mentioned above by Loobs, I never listen to or watch the Beeboid Leftery, but I do look at their website occasionally, and of course, follow any links that chums here put up, just so I can have it confirmed that they are indeed a bunch of wrong-headed people up there in the Wireless Snivel Service, and they should really be taken to task, but that’ll never happen with such a weak ‘gummint’ as TTK’s…
And another positive for this year, is that I’ve been invited to a chum’s house for drinks at lunchtime today! What could be a better way to start the year!
Scrobie, although I take very little alcohol myself [just a glug or two of an appropriate wine in a cup-a-soup or casserole to improve it 😉 🙂 ] have a very happy New Years Day.
TTK posted a frankly miserable 3 minute New Year Message last night . It seems the reds are going to use the 80th anniversary of VE and VJ Day as a ‘coming together ‘ moment …we can guess how history is about to be rewritten and approved ….
But like TTK himself the whole thing was a dismal list of lies and promises
Fedup, I took a look at the video after your post. Hopefully that man will have had his comeupance by 8 May. I am gutted; we are organising a VE day event in our village. That Starmer is going to hijack it is making me think twice.
Non – by then the bad nazis will all be white British men and the good allies will be a variety of coloured multi sex types … as you might note – I mention both VE and VJ Day here each year and wonder whether the BBC mentions them . But im sure TTK won’t leave either commemoration early to do an interview with ITV – the DDay commemoration – right Rishi ?
Fedup it begs the question of how the Labour Party will replace Starmer. Given their righteous stance on every ism they should ban white males, straight or gay, from contesting. The really good outcome will be that the best potential leader may not be elected. It happens the whole time in the UK as we are ‘diversified’ into a mental straight jacket and the Labour Party need to feel the consequences. The margin between success and failure is very small.
Let’s hope that our poor , much abused country has a better year in 2025 than in 2024.
I’ve been looking at a lot of the political commentators and their reviews of last year and forecasts for this one. One thing that stands out is just how many of them seem unable , or more likely unwilling , to read the writing on the wall.
The enormous numbers joining Reform has taken many commentators by complete surprise. It’s as though they hadn’t noticed the growing disillusionment and discontent amongst the British people with the LibLabCon Globalist Uniparty. Some are still trying to play down the growing presence of Reform and hoping that politics will carry on unchanged.
Somehow they have convinced themselves , or are at least trying to convince their readers and listeners , that theUK is immune to the anti Globalist tide that swept Trump back into the White House, kicked Rutter out of Holland, that is close to unseating Macron and Trudeau and will probably see the AfD taking second place in the forthcoming German elections.
I hope and believe that politics is changing , that we are seeing ordinary people asserting their power at the ballot box , that the era of the Globalists is coming to an end.
History tells us that elites never give up power without a struggle so we can look forward to increased censorship , more propaganda, increased use of repression by the state against any opposition or dissent, increased use of lawfare to pull down political opponents .
But history also tells us that elites seldom hold on to power once the first breach in their defensive wall is made. I suspect that President Trump’s second term may well be that first breach.
Double – I agree – the approach that many conventional commentators take is that the ‘blue Labour Party ‘ is still alive – and in the case of the Telegraph punters in the comments section put them right with terms like ‘never vote Tory again – vote reform ‘ being quite common ….
The group think is quite strong and there is a deep denial that right minded people vote reform …. And if they get their structure right they might break the 2 party ( uni party ) dictatorship …
At 7 am, Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan gleefully announces a ‘bonus’. An extra guest presenter feature with Floella Benjamin. An excerpt was carefully chosen by the editorial team.
I kid you not. Within 5 seconds the words ‘people of colour’ came out of the radio.
Within 10 seconds I had switched off.
Off topic – a 21 y old relative has recently been diagnosed with pericarditis, no obvious underlying cause – symptoms chest and upper body pain. Her friend has presented with the same, and both have had a covid booster (she lives with an elderly relative). The medics said that they are seeing an increasing amount of this in people who’ve had the booster!
Is the worm starting to turn?
This is a terrible story by some absolute animal which on another day would be a big story about violence towards women and how evil men are.
Yet once again a brief, basic facts only report from your impartial and definitely not racially biased BBC. They don’t to care one bit about this story.
Perhaps this ‘artists impression’ of the man who did it which I found elsewhere tells us why:
Clearly the BBC do not have any New Years resolutions to stop their illegal racist discrimination to protect BAME and preserve them as ‘victims’.
Being londonistan – the evening standard has a handy murder review of 2024 with 24 male mugshots … the ‘heritage’ of said murderers says it for itself …
your article was by Kris Holland 31 December 2024
“Accused in court over Christmas Day double murder”
It’s superfluous cos they already did the same story 2 days earlier with extra photos
“Man in court charged with murders on Christmas Day”
by Lewis Adams 28 December 2024
The new story on 31st strips out a lot of context info
the only new info was minor : the date of next court appearance & provisional trial date
To speculate We have on one side a black knifeman
vs 4 white people and a Staffy , 2 dead
And it’s a flats so you’d guess that he’d come round to their place
OR maybe they all came round to his place.
Recent Channel deaths. There’s an interesting youtube video which reveals more information. The video features the three recent migrant deaths which we now know is four. What’s not been on the news is that an estimated 48 migrants went into the water from one boat in this incident and the boat actually continued its crossing regardless. The boat was obviously overloaded. What isn’t in the video but might be a possibility is that a bunch of boarders who hadn’t paid jumped on the boat and were thrown off. Our so called Government is doing nothing, the French Government are doing nothing despite being paid a tidy sum by us.
10:19am Radio4 “Our next guest Rhiane Fatinikun who founded Black Girls Hike to provide a SAFE SPACE for black women to explore the outdoors”
.. We heard how Fatinikun quit her job as her charity became a full time job
I wonder if her salary is ultimately paid by taxpayers
item started 10:25pm
“People don’t see representation”
She actually said that the one big is black people don’t LIVE NEAR the countryside
So to me the focus should be on helping ALL urban people not just those of on sex and skin colour.
Not a surprise it follows yesterday’s Guardian article : BBC and Guardian seem to often be doing the same PRasNews
I thoroughly enjoyed my New Year’s Eve, lounging on the sofa, drinking gallons of tea and trawling through my old diaries. Blimey, the things I used to get up to…
The telly didn’t go on until about midnight and I tuned into (I think) the regular Jools Holland show. Someone (or something) appeared on stage, like the ghost of Christmas past. I knew that I recognised this strange apparition, but I couldn’t place him.
The creature was emaciated, looked ancient, had unkempt white hair and a straggly white beard. It looked like a strange cross between old man Steptoe and an aging Catweazle. And then it struck me….Bob Bleedin’ Geldof. FFS, he looked AWFUL!
Thankfully the sound was muted and I had Vaughan Williams massaging my ears, while this ghastly creature, like a sack of animated bones, jigged about. He appeared to be absolutely furious about something…but then he always did. It was so weird I had to chuckle.
So, the old Boomtown Prat is still alive (just) and kicking. There’s hope for all of us…
Surfaced late this morning (!) Due to an amalgam of lurgy, Scotch and time of year, so my belated New Year wishes to you all – and dear Fed.
Thank you Jeff for a good giggle at the start of the year. Your description of Geldoff was spot-on. In fact I had to check if he was still alive. Holland’s end of year show can be hit or miss but sure as hell beats Andy Stewarts White Heather Club !
What a wonderful inspiring New Year’s speech from our TTK great leader. He begins – “We must look forward with hope” ..……. Sorry! I’m really TRYING to begin the year with optimism.
(This man is really off another planet – or I am! He tells a lie in every sentence of his speech.)
However the statement ‘We must look forward with HOPE’ should be followed, as it’s all we have.
Wishing everyone Health, Wealth and Happiness for 2025
I understand that he has also called for people to come together to celebrate VE and VJ days, 80 years of the ending of WW2 to honour those who helped bring about victory and freedom for the citizens of this Country.
Meaningless two-faced PR twaddle….. What we have all now seen and come to expect every time he opens his mouth.
At least 10 dead in New Orleans – vehicle plus gun fire – a traditional New Years’ Eve – happened at 3am local time -6 hours – I think behind londonistan time .
Are we to go through another traditional ritual of concealing the circumstances ….?
LOL…or Kek….the BBC continues to stalk Musk…front page news again…don’t know why they just don’t dedicate a whole channel to reporting on the depraved and dangerous views and philosophy of the Musk.
‘Elon Musk changes his name to Kekius Maximus on X’
Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. He is of British and Dutch ancestry with South African and US citizenship as well as being a subject of the Crown (King Charles III) under his Canadian citizenship. In 1990, he entered Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He was awarded the Royal Aeronautical Society Gold Medal in 2012 and elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2018. In November 2024, he wrote that Britain was “going full Stalin”. In response, the authoritarian criminal left-wing establishment including the BBC, OFCOM, TNI and former East German Communists in Germany, now regard him as a “Far-Right” free speech absolutist, who recently has been criticised for supporting democracy in Germany and other states under Stalinist and EU rule.
Should be interesting to find out the identity of the attacker….
‘The identity of the driver or possible motive(s) has not been made public by local police.’
FBI doing its best to shut down speculation that it is a terrorist attack….though what else the driver was trying to achieve is hard to think of given the timing, the method, the shooting and the explosives they had….regardless of identity it would be difficult to claim ‘terror’ was not an objective…unless it is another of Mark Mardell’s ‘senseless tragedies’…maybe he/she was just a very angry person….
‘Special agent Althea Duncan is speaking now. She has taken over the case on behalf of the FBI.
“This is not a terrorist event,” she says. This contradicts the mayor, who earlier described it as such.
There are “improvised explosive devices” found on scene, and they are working to find out if they are “viable” devices.
She stresses that the public should stay away from the area, “until we can figure out what is going on”.’
You can’t help thinking the cover-up is underway…ala Southport here…..comments, just about all, reflect this….
‘i’m guessing Muslim as they still haven’t released the defendant’s identity…if it has been a Trump supporting patriot his name would be All over the news….God bless all involved.’
Of course this could all be wrong and it’s an islamophobic, ex-Muslim born-again-Christian who voted Trump and wants to build a wall….the BBC’s North America editor is hoping it is.
What amazes me is how they have lots of witnesses saying what happened but not a single one has described the man who got out of the car.
That means only one thing : the government have locked down the entire media from reporting it. Just as our government do here to hide the fact it was enrichment until the story dies down a bit. I wonder how they do that so quickly and so effectively.
Usually if he was white we are told straight away.
Another Welsh born boy with no links to terrorism, nothing to do with the usual terrorists, nothing to do with Ricin and probably has some mental issues.
At least that’s what I’m thinking about this New Orleans car which drove into a crowd.
The best way to handle this is to keep everything secret (unless it can be proven that it’s a far right car that drove into the crowd)
It’s not as if it would start speculation leading to who knows what.
Of course, people are getting wise to all the governments handling of these terrorism attacks and know how to interpret the bits of news that they allow us to know about.
Nobody believes a word that governments say now.
“unbelievable. The mayor of New Orleans confirmed it was a terrorist attack,
and literally minutes later, at the same press conference, an FBI spokesperson stated it was not a terrorist attack.”
Well, regarding the horrendous events unfolding in New Orleans, at least the Americans have pretty swiftly ascertained that this was “a terrorist event”. I don’t think we’re sure who the terrorists are yet, but it’s a start…
If you contrast and compare the “terrorist incidents” we endure in Blighty, it’s quite telling.
Firstly, we would have the police obfuscating with, “We’re still conducting our inquiries.” This can go on for months. Then the mainstream media would, in one voice, ask us “not to jump to conclusions”…”let the police do their job”…and my personal favourite, “We don’t want to play into the hands of the far right”. That would never do!
Because of the endless obfuscation by our own elite, ordinary people would sometimes post rather heated and inappropriate comments on social media and Keir Starmer and his storm troopers would come down on them like a ton of bricks.
Our media spend more time criticising ordinary people who react to acts of terrorism than they ever do to the terrorist act itself. That seems to be conveniently forgotten.
New Orleans now seems to be all about why the attacker drove a vehicle which has a black flag with white lettering on .
A flag that from the beginning was still bound
Like did he forget to unfurl it ?
Ah…a ‘Mexican nationalist’ according to the Times…and FBI now decided it could be an act of terrorism…presumably because he’s not, maybe not, er, Islamic. What the heck will Trump say? BBC happy/not happy. He’s not white but he’s not Muslim either….though maybe like that ‘Hispanic’ who shot Trayvon Martin the BBC will classify him as white…..along with all those ‘white’ police officers ‘executing’ blacks…until photos showed most were black, Asian or Hispanic officers…then it was ‘police brutality’…at least for a while….then back to ‘racism’.
No-one else reporting that he’s a Mexican nationalist yet though.
beeboid Tom Holland was the BBC Making History presenter in 2025 when he tweeted this
…. Nick Dixon comments
“Astonishing that garbage like this was ever posted, and that almost ten years later we are still finding our voice about this atrocity.”
Noble … “Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch “brutally violent rapes” and warned they would be next if they told anyone.”
“The curriculum must be decolonised.” Bridget Philipson
Neil Oliver: A New Year BLAST!!!
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Tuesday’s Quote of the Day
quote_of_the_day09:33 UK time, Tuesday, 27 January 2009
“The suspected car thief we wanted to apprehend turned to that sheep, we quickly apprehended it” – Nigerian vigilante Prince Omoniyi Nasirudeen accuses a goat/sheep of being a shape-shifting car thief
It’s been a big story in Nigeria. Vigilantes handed a goat to Kwara state police, which was then apparently paraded it in front of local reporters, accused of being a man who had attempted to steal a Mazda 323 belonging to Henrietta Ayijesu. Upon capture, the man had transformed himself into a goat. Now the Nigerian national police are denying everything. A spokesman said: “Of course goats can’t commit crime.”
More details (the Vanguard)
New Orleans
In the void made by law enforcement the rumour industry delivers the goods . For instance on X it is suggested the killer came into the US from Mexico 2 days ago . Will this turn out to be true ? Who knows ?
In the US it is harder to suppress any reporting – but in the UK / EU it’s only a matter of time before such incidents don’t get reported at all …. In the interests of ‘community cohesion ‘…
In this case it is inevitable that the MSM will blame president trump
…. The attack in Germany on news eve where a road digger was used is small potatoes now ..
TWatO Watch (from yesterday) #1 – pro-Palestinian BBC at their worst …
The UN has decided. Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza. I think I have decided that the UN is complicit with the enemies of Israel (Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran) and the UN should be scrapped. The UN is meant to be a peacemaker, not sh1t thrower or stirrer. I remember UN Secretary Generals of old, people like Dag Hammersjkold who I constantly heard about on BBC Radio News on the Home Service in my childhood (long after my parents vicariously obtained a TV by having a grandparent move in with us), long before the decline of the BBC into bias. Dag Hammersjkold constantly sought to bring peace to various conflicts around the globe and there were a lot of them in the 1950s and 1960s; Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, Cyprus and Aden (present day Yemen).
I admit that I am biased in favour of Israel. It is one of the factors that attracted me to this web-site that it supported Israel. The UN has decided that Israel has committed a war crime by attacking hospitals in Gaza. The UN claims that Israel’s claims that hospitals are used as Hamas command posts is ‘sketchy’ a BBC phrase used by Jonny Dymond. Maybe Marianna should be sprung into place to BBC Verify that a Gazan hospital Doctor and director of medicine was a full Colonel in Hamas?
Babies are dying from the cold. The UN claims that Israel is pushing the hospital system to collapse. Maybe the UN could intervene to stop Hamas attacks on Israel. Oh, stupid me! I forgot that the UN appears to approve Hamas attacks on Israel via its UNRWA organisation. The UN appears to be blind to the fact that Hamas may be looting food lorries and making money from selling food to starving Palestinians. The UN claims that blankets are held up from reaching cold Palestinians by Israeli ‘red tape’. Maybe BBC Verify could fact-check that?
If the Hospitals were simply Hospitals then the Israelis could just walk in, no need to attack.
If they were being used by the terrorists then they are a legitimate target.
The Israelis have absolutely no reason to attack a Hospital with all the bad press that goes with it so it follows that there IS a terrorist presence there which needs to be sorted.
How can grown ups not understand this. I’m sure they all know the Hospitals (Schools etc) are being used by the terrorists but their hate for Jews is all consuming.
If you were to be ‘dropped’ into one of the Countries in the middle east the only one you can feel safe in is Israel.
Trump statement
BTW the photo showing the attackers body ..shows a very tanned guy .. hair is black tight curls like black African.
Fox News says it is confirmed that the vehicle crossed from Mexico 2 days ago
but “the truck, which crossed the Southern Border with Mexico at Eagle Pass was not driven by the attacker when it crossed the border”
There’s an extraordinary amount of image mirroring being used (or applied) to online content – particularly on YouTube – I’ve seen some weird stuff there, noticed it first on, of all things – Beatles videos.
Check any writing ….
I didn’t think it worth commenting on, now I do…. paranoia has me now looking at hands ….
First EV to be used in a terror attack? – BBC Verify?
Harry – I see that this is all over the internet – but as I write this the BBC TV news is repeating what it has been putting out all day …
The BBC will be desperate to swerve the name – maybe they’ll go to the TTK Madeira Toboggan incident being reported on YouTube …. TTK and family allegedly a jumped lots of British tourists ….. lol ….
530 BBC1 news, no mention of suspects name. On BBC news channel, same reports, name appears on screen banner fleetingly. Maybe get Sir Sadiq to comment.
He was an estate agent – brief biography – mundane sounding military service overseas, seemed pretty normal – one has to wonder why the wiring started sparking…
One thing I am absolutely certain of is that when some mass-murder like this takes place, the BBC staff are all hoping it was the far-right so they can use it in headlines for a week.
Yes name was already about when I posted, but I was cautious.
I now trace it to the local news station at 5pm ..So bbc should have had time to check.
When I last checked, the BBC were repeating the FBI line (or lie?) that the New Orleans killing was not an act of terrorism (which immediately led me to suspect that it was an act of terrorism).
Tousi seems to know otherwise.
It seems the attacker’s name is Shamsud Din Jabbar, which doesn’t sound very Louisiana, or old French, or even Welsh to me.
“Why is the FBI using Orwellian language?” Because, like police forces here, their first priority is not to protect the public or catch terrorists, but to deflect suspicion away from islamists and dampen down speculation. (Speculation which, 9 times out of 10, later turns out to have been correct. See Southport, etc.)
Hopefully Trump will change all that.
How many did this man murder ?.
‘He had been found guilty of terror offences, after police seized books, masks and memorabilia of an extreme right-wing nature, as well as a 3D-printed firearm from his home in August 2023.’
Didn’t even leave his house.
Let’s see what headline the BBC consider appropriate for this man.
I confidently predict the words Muslim, Islam and Terrorist will not be included. Despite what he did being a thousand times worse.
One thing that we can be certain of is that after Jan 20th there will be no cover up of the identity, beliefs or motive of the New Orleans attacker.
Compare and contrast with the Southport attacker . Not of course with those protesters who were arrested, thrown in jail , found guilty by a TTK Kangaroo court without proper representation and then given extremely harsh sentences.
Obviously TTK has zero regard for due process.
This old adage applies… “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
I will add to this…
Lessons to be learned eh? Begin by scrapping the Telly Tax.
Very sad to see that the bad driving we see from time to time in Europe, usually by people of certain religious beliefs, has spread across to New Orleans.
I suppose the perpetrator’s name and the suggestions he carried an IS flag and was wearing a suicide vest may be relevant but I am confident the impartial BBC will want to be absolutely 100% sure of the facts before announcing anything at all.
‘Shamsud Din Jabbar’…curious name for a Mexican nationalist….Times must have got that wrong somehow….I guess not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists still are Muslim…even if they’re islamophobic ones….and even if the BBC tries to assert that the Far-Right is the biggest threat we face.
Perhaps they’ll blame Trump…his desire to stop Muslim immigration must surely have inflamed feelings…just as the Tory government’s desire to control immigration led to the riots this summer…..says Asian Labour politician…
‘Tory focus on immigration helped stoke riots, equalities committee chair says’ ‘The Conservative government’s relentless focus on small boat crossings and delays processing asylum claims played a role in stoking August’s UK riots, the chair of the Commons equalities committee has said.
The Labour MP Sarah Owen, whose committee has launched an inquiry into improving community cohesion after the unrest, warned that Reform UK MPs were also making the task of strengthening communities more urgent.
“With a lot of the Reform MPs, their tone, their rhetoric, the language that they use – they know they’re whistling to that particular tune. They know that,” she told the Guardian.’
Very much the type of narrative the BBC uses to silence people.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
Happy New Year ,
May it bring the end of the BBC ,
Happy New Year to you Nibor and everyone posting on and reading posts on this site. And to Fed, too.
The BBC are slavering at the mouth over the possibility of some British soldiers being hauled up for not treating some bloodthirsty ISIS murderous terrorists very nicely…
This constant quest to belittle Britain by what is supposed to be our national broadcaster is disgusting.
Phil Shiner get a gig as technical consultant?
Yes, a very happy and hopefully prosperous new year to all on this site. Thanks to fedup and all others involved in its management.
I don’t comment v much as I have minimised my bbc exposure, but I am here to read comments every day.
Happy New year to all.
I wish nothing but good things for all those who follow their conscience and common sense instead of being obsessed by their own ideology and driven by intolerance of those who do not agree with it.
I have a strong sense that the ignorant masses are finally waking up to what the extremely dangerous hypocrites the Leftists actually are. It always amazes me at how long it take for the worm to turn for things like this.
I also have a feeling it could be an eventful year when those cretins who voted for Starmer realise what they have done. When things reach a head but he still refuses to resign, things could get very ugly.
But that is for tomorrow. Today we celebrate still being here for the start of another year.
John inflation, insolvencies in the hospitality sector and a roaring government defecit will bring the idiot to heel but not without much pain all around. Sadly Starmer is just a symptom and we need to restore Parliamentary democracy. The narrative which has driven the transfer of power to the unelected has been orchestrated by the bBC. For years I have said that you can either have the bBC or democracy but not both. Time for a change.
Happy New year to all of you who post and/or read here. You are a splendid group of people. This place is a bit like an online pub, you can pop by and see who is in at any given time. It’s also like a pressure relief valve.
I would bike a pint of litter pleeshe!
Further to The Grinch Who Cancelled Hogmanay story, according to the BBC weather site, the wind is no stronger in Edinburgh than it is in London tonight.
Happy new year to Fedup, the people behind the scenes making the site possible, the posters and the lurkers.
Happy New Year to everyone on here. Trump will improve America bur we are in danger here so we must hope thay things will get better.
There is an old robot called Starmer
Who is known as the Farmer Harmer
To no-one’s surprise
He tells loads of lies
So we hope he’ll soon suffer his karma
A sincere thank you to all posters + mods here – an island of (relative) sanity –
Happy New Year
I must join in and wish everyone who writes here, a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
As mentioned above by Loobs, I never listen to or watch the Beeboid Leftery, but I do look at their website occasionally, and of course, follow any links that chums here put up, just so I can have it confirmed that they are indeed a bunch of wrong-headed people up there in the Wireless Snivel Service, and they should really be taken to task, but that’ll never happen with such a weak ‘gummint’ as TTK’s…
And another positive for this year, is that I’ve been invited to a chum’s house for drinks at lunchtime today! What could be a better way to start the year!
Scrobie, although I take very little alcohol myself [just a glug or two of an appropriate wine in a cup-a-soup or casserole to improve it 😉 🙂 ] have a very happy New Years Day.
Yes – happy new year Scroblene and one and all .
TTK posted a frankly miserable 3 minute New Year Message last night . It seems the reds are going to use the 80th anniversary of VE and VJ Day as a ‘coming together ‘ moment …we can guess how history is about to be rewritten and approved ….
But like TTK himself the whole thing was a dismal list of lies and promises
‘Coming together’ as in rejoining the EU, on their terms.
Fedup, I took a look at the video after your post. Hopefully that man will have had his comeupance by 8 May. I am gutted; we are organising a VE day event in our village. That Starmer is going to hijack it is making me think twice.
Non – by then the bad nazis will all be white British men and the good allies will be a variety of coloured multi sex types … as you might note – I mention both VE and VJ Day here each year and wonder whether the BBC mentions them . But im sure TTK won’t leave either commemoration early to do an interview with ITV – the DDay commemoration – right Rishi ?
Fedup it begs the question of how the Labour Party will replace Starmer. Given their righteous stance on every ism they should ban white males, straight or gay, from contesting. The really good outcome will be that the best potential leader may not be elected. It happens the whole time in the UK as we are ‘diversified’ into a mental straight jacket and the Labour Party need to feel the consequences. The margin between success and failure is very small.
Happy New Year everyone.
Out of a bad bunch of speeches by 2TK the best speech was:
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
Yay. It worked. Said with all the enthusiasm of somebody who’s realised he’s shit himself.
Happy new ear to all those who have just had an ear transplant.
Let’s hope that our poor , much abused country has a better year in 2025 than in 2024.
I’ve been looking at a lot of the political commentators and their reviews of last year and forecasts for this one. One thing that stands out is just how many of them seem unable , or more likely unwilling , to read the writing on the wall.
The enormous numbers joining Reform has taken many commentators by complete surprise. It’s as though they hadn’t noticed the growing disillusionment and discontent amongst the British people with the LibLabCon Globalist Uniparty. Some are still trying to play down the growing presence of Reform and hoping that politics will carry on unchanged.
Somehow they have convinced themselves , or are at least trying to convince their readers and listeners , that theUK is immune to the anti Globalist tide that swept Trump back into the White House, kicked Rutter out of Holland, that is close to unseating Macron and Trudeau and will probably see the AfD taking second place in the forthcoming German elections.
I hope and believe that politics is changing , that we are seeing ordinary people asserting their power at the ballot box , that the era of the Globalists is coming to an end.
History tells us that elites never give up power without a struggle so we can look forward to increased censorship , more propaganda, increased use of repression by the state against any opposition or dissent, increased use of lawfare to pull down political opponents .
But history also tells us that elites seldom hold on to power once the first breach in their defensive wall is made. I suspect that President Trump’s second term may well be that first breach.
Double – I agree – the approach that many conventional commentators take is that the ‘blue Labour Party ‘ is still alive – and in the case of the Telegraph punters in the comments section put them right with terms like ‘never vote Tory again – vote reform ‘ being quite common ….
The group think is quite strong and there is a deep denial that right minded people vote reform …. And if they get their structure right they might break the 2 party ( uni party ) dictatorship …
Morning all.
Happy New Year.
New Year.
Same old biased, leftist, woke BBC.
At 7 am, Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan gleefully announces a ‘bonus’. An extra guest presenter feature with Floella Benjamin. An excerpt was carefully chosen by the editorial team.
I kid you not. Within 5 seconds the words ‘people of colour’ came out of the radio.
Within 10 seconds I had switched off.
Off topic – a 21 y old relative has recently been diagnosed with pericarditis, no obvious underlying cause – symptoms chest and upper body pain. Her friend has presented with the same, and both have had a covid booster (she lives with an elderly relative). The medics said that they are seeing an increasing amount of this in people who’ve had the booster!
Is the worm starting to turn?
The missus brother ‘died suddenly’ just after Christmas. Clearly this was a complete ‘coincidence’.
However it was not this one – that was another ‘coincidence’:
“In all my time” of 21 years eh? You might think there was something strange going on.
Accused in court over Christmas Day double murder
This is a terrible story by some absolute animal which on another day would be a big story about violence towards women and how evil men are.
Yet once again a brief, basic facts only report from your impartial and definitely not racially biased BBC. They don’t to care one bit about this story.
Perhaps this ‘artists impression’ of the man who did it which I found elsewhere tells us why:

Clearly the BBC do not have any New Years resolutions to stop their illegal racist discrimination to protect BAME and preserve them as ‘victims’.
Happy New Year to all !.
Being londonistan – the evening standard has a handy murder review of 2024 with 24 male mugshots … the ‘heritage’ of said murderers says it for itself …
Here’s all 99 of them:
And the BBC brushed most of them under the carpet because they think their agenda is more important than any of their lives.
Of the 99, I count only 6 who appear to be white with roughly English sounding names.
Import the third world , and we get the third world …
We will become the third world . Our governments have not been listening to us.
Next time vote Reform UK………
“The last group, made up of 291 people, arrived on 29 December.”
Nurses for the NHS?
your article was by Kris Holland 31 December 2024
“Accused in court over Christmas Day double murder”
It’s superfluous cos they already did the same story 2 days earlier with extra photos
“Man in court charged with murders on Christmas Day”
by Lewis Adams 28 December 2024
BBC also did a similar story the day before
“Man charged with murder after two women die on Christmas Day”
I put the texts of the 3 stories side by side
The new story on 31st strips out a lot of context info
the only new info was minor : the date of next court appearance & provisional trial date
To speculate We have on one side a black knifeman
vs 4 white people and a Staffy , 2 dead
And it’s a flats so you’d guess that he’d come round to their place
OR maybe they all came round to his place.
Recent Channel deaths. There’s an interesting youtube video which reveals more information. The video features the three recent migrant deaths which we now know is four. What’s not been on the news is that an estimated 48 migrants went into the water from one boat in this incident and the boat actually continued its crossing regardless. The boat was obviously overloaded. What isn’t in the video but might be a possibility is that a bunch of boarders who hadn’t paid jumped on the boat and were thrown off. Our so called Government is doing nothing, the French Government are doing nothing despite being paid a tidy sum by us.
Change our government. The present one is not defending our borders our homes or our people .
More than that, they are actively working against us. We’re the enemy.
And more and more British people are beginning to recognise it.
10:19am Radio4 “Our next guest Rhiane Fatinikun who founded Black Girls Hike to provide a SAFE SPACE for black women to explore the outdoors”
.. We heard how Fatinikun quit her job as her charity became a full time job
I wonder if her salary is ultimately paid by taxpayers
item started 10:25pm
“People don’t see representation”
She actually said that the one big is black people don’t LIVE NEAR the countryside
So to me the focus should be on helping ALL urban people not just those of on sex and skin colour.
Not a surprise it follows yesterday’s Guardian article : BBC and Guardian seem to often be doing the same PRasNews
I thoroughly enjoyed my New Year’s Eve, lounging on the sofa, drinking gallons of tea and trawling through my old diaries. Blimey, the things I used to get up to…
The telly didn’t go on until about midnight and I tuned into (I think) the regular Jools Holland show. Someone (or something) appeared on stage, like the ghost of Christmas past. I knew that I recognised this strange apparition, but I couldn’t place him.
The creature was emaciated, looked ancient, had unkempt white hair and a straggly white beard. It looked like a strange cross between old man Steptoe and an aging Catweazle. And then it struck me….Bob Bleedin’ Geldof. FFS, he looked AWFUL!
Thankfully the sound was muted and I had Vaughan Williams massaging my ears, while this ghastly creature, like a sack of animated bones, jigged about. He appeared to be absolutely furious about something…but then he always did. It was so weird I had to chuckle.
So, the old Boomtown Prat is still alive (just) and kicking. There’s hope for all of us…
Happy New Year.
Surfaced late this morning (!) Due to an amalgam of lurgy, Scotch and time of year, so my belated New Year wishes to you all – and dear Fed.
Thank you Jeff for a good giggle at the start of the year. Your description of Geldoff was spot-on. In fact I had to check if he was still alive. Holland’s end of year show can be hit or miss but sure as hell beats Andy Stewarts White Heather Club !
What a wonderful inspiring New Year’s speech from our TTK great leader. He begins – “We must look forward with hope” ..……. Sorry! I’m really TRYING to begin the year with optimism.
(This man is really off another planet – or I am! He tells a lie in every sentence of his speech.)
However the statement ‘We must look forward with HOPE’ should be followed, as it’s all we have.
Wishing everyone Health, Wealth and Happiness for 2025
I understand that he has also called for people to come together to celebrate VE and VJ days, 80 years of the ending of WW2 to honour those who helped bring about victory and freedom for the citizens of this Country.
Meaningless two-faced PR twaddle….. What we have all now seen and come to expect every time he opens his mouth.
At least 10 dead in New Orleans – vehicle plus gun fire – a traditional New Years’ Eve – happened at 3am local time -6 hours – I think behind londonistan time .
Are we to go through another traditional ritual of concealing the circumstances ….?
Clearly a ‘mental illness’ driver:
LOL…or Kek….the BBC continues to stalk Musk…front page news again…don’t know why they just don’t dedicate a whole channel to reporting on the depraved and dangerous views and philosophy of the Musk.
‘Elon Musk changes his name to Kekius Maximus on X’
Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. He is of British and Dutch ancestry with South African and US citizenship as well as being a subject of the Crown (King Charles III) under his Canadian citizenship. In 1990, he entered Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He was awarded the Royal Aeronautical Society Gold Medal in 2012 and elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2018. In November 2024, he wrote that Britain was “going full Stalin”. In response, the authoritarian criminal left-wing establishment including the BBC, OFCOM, TNI and former East German Communists in Germany, now regard him as a “Far-Right” free speech absolutist, who recently has been criticised for supporting democracy in Germany and other states under Stalinist and EU rule.
Should be interesting to find out the identity of the attacker….
‘The identity of the driver or possible motive(s) has not been made public by local police.’
FBI doing its best to shut down speculation that it is a terrorist attack….though what else the driver was trying to achieve is hard to think of given the timing, the method, the shooting and the explosives they had….regardless of identity it would be difficult to claim ‘terror’ was not an objective…unless it is another of Mark Mardell’s ‘senseless tragedies’…maybe he/she was just a very angry person….
‘Special agent Althea Duncan is speaking now. She has taken over the case on behalf of the FBI.
“This is not a terrorist event,” she says. This contradicts the mayor, who earlier described it as such.
There are “improvised explosive devices” found on scene, and they are working to find out if they are “viable” devices.
She stresses that the public should stay away from the area, “until we can figure out what is going on”.’
You can’t help thinking the cover-up is underway…ala Southport here…..comments, just about all, reflect this….
‘i’m guessing Muslim as they still haven’t released the defendant’s identity…if it has been a Trump supporting patriot his name would be All over the news….God bless all involved.’
Of course this could all be wrong and it’s an islamophobic, ex-Muslim born-again-Christian who voted Trump and wants to build a wall….the BBC’s North America editor is hoping it is.
What amazes me is how they have lots of witnesses saying what happened but not a single one has described the man who got out of the car.
That means only one thing : the government have locked down the entire media from reporting it. Just as our government do here to hide the fact it was enrichment until the story dies down a bit. I wonder how they do that so quickly and so effectively.
Usually if he was white we are told straight away.
Weird that at this stage the culpability of the driver is talked about in MSM – we all know the standard car/truck/excavator MO.
The dead perp in New Orleans
Happy new year to everyone, excluding the bbc
I see the Welsh are at it again.
Another Welsh born boy with no links to terrorism, nothing to do with the usual terrorists, nothing to do with Ricin and probably has some mental issues.
At least that’s what I’m thinking about this New Orleans car which drove into a crowd.
The best way to handle this is to keep everything secret (unless it can be proven that it’s a far right car that drove into the crowd)
It’s not as if it would start speculation leading to who knows what.
Of course, people are getting wise to all the governments handling of these terrorism attacks and know how to interpret the bits of news that they allow us to know about.
Nobody believes a word that governments say now.
“unbelievable. The mayor of New Orleans confirmed it was a terrorist attack,
and literally minutes later, at the same press conference, an FBI spokesperson stated it was not a terrorist attack.”
Emmanuel Goldstein
Phew, I thought it might be a dastardly Norwegian.
Well, regarding the horrendous events unfolding in New Orleans, at least the Americans have pretty swiftly ascertained that this was “a terrorist event”. I don’t think we’re sure who the terrorists are yet, but it’s a start…
If you contrast and compare the “terrorist incidents” we endure in Blighty, it’s quite telling.
Firstly, we would have the police obfuscating with, “We’re still conducting our inquiries.” This can go on for months. Then the mainstream media would, in one voice, ask us “not to jump to conclusions”…”let the police do their job”…and my personal favourite, “We don’t want to play into the hands of the far right”. That would never do!
Because of the endless obfuscation by our own elite, ordinary people would sometimes post rather heated and inappropriate comments on social media and Keir Starmer and his storm troopers would come down on them like a ton of bricks.
Our media spend more time criticising ordinary people who react to acts of terrorism than they ever do to the terrorist act itself. That seems to be conveniently forgotten.
Anyone might think our media is bent…
New Orleans now seems to be all about why the attacker drove a vehicle which has a black flag with white lettering on .
A flag that from the beginning was still bound
Like did he forget to unfurl it ?
It’s credible that the black is a jacked tied around the flagpole by the attacker to cover up another flag
Ah…a ‘Mexican nationalist’ according to the Times…and FBI now decided it could be an act of terrorism…presumably because he’s not, maybe not, er, Islamic. What the heck will Trump say? BBC happy/not happy. He’s not white but he’s not Muslim either….though maybe like that ‘Hispanic’ who shot Trayvon Martin the BBC will classify him as white…..along with all those ‘white’ police officers ‘executing’ blacks…until photos showed most were black, Asian or Hispanic officers…then it was ‘police brutality’…at least for a while….then back to ‘racism’.
No-one else reporting that he’s a Mexican nationalist yet though.
beeboid Tom Holland was the BBC Making History presenter in 2025 when he tweeted this
…. Nick Dixon comments
“Astonishing that garbage like this was ever posted, and that almost ten years later we are still finding our voice about this atrocity.”
Noble … “Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch “brutally violent rapes” and warned they would be next if they told anyone.”
Noble … “In just over a third of cases, the victims were previously known to social services because of child protection and neglect issues.”
“The curriculum must be decolonised.” Bridget Philipson
Neil Oliver: A New Year BLAST!!!
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
In Nigeria goats and cats occasionally get arrested by the police for shapeshifting after robberies.
I daresay some UK police are reviewing their racism policies.
Tuesday’s Quote of the Day
quote_of_the_day09:33 UK time, Tuesday, 27 January 2009
“The suspected car thief we wanted to apprehend turned to that sheep, we quickly apprehended it” – Nigerian vigilante Prince Omoniyi Nasirudeen accuses a goat/sheep of being a shape-shifting car thief
It’s been a big story in Nigeria. Vigilantes handed a goat to Kwara state police, which was then apparently paraded it in front of local reporters, accused of being a man who had attempted to steal a Mazda 323 belonging to Henrietta Ayijesu. Upon capture, the man had transformed himself into a goat. Now the Nigerian national police are denying everything. A spokesman said: “Of course goats can’t commit crime.”
More details (the Vanguard)
Oxford Street closed after New Year’s Day ‘machete’ attack
Man, 25, left hospitalised following stabbing in early hours of Wednesday morning
“#LondonForEveryone | A Message For All Londoners”
EVERYONE “Piers Morgan to Sadiq Khan: Where Are The 400 Known Jihadists In London?”
Happy New Year – and let’s hope we can shake off the flu that is Keir Starmer!
We could burn all the old people? Like in India! It reduces pensions and can feed Ed Milibands green energy plan!
First time posted
this year…
We are all equal – there will be NO QUEUES under labour for anything – free glasses! Free NHS! Free nickers for the wife!
TTK “down with the people” flying commercial
… until he isn’t
FFS even Cameron managed to do it without winding people up (much)
2003 – “MPs condemn scheme allowing them to jump NHS queues
Marie Woolf ” Monday 15 December 2003″
MPs and peers are to be given access to special sessions at an NHS primary care practice from which members of the public will be barred.
It’s not accident that there is a great big hospital about 500 yards from their parliament …
New Orleans
In the void made by law enforcement the rumour industry delivers the goods . For instance on X it is suggested the killer came into the US from Mexico 2 days ago . Will this turn out to be true ? Who knows ?
In the US it is harder to suppress any reporting – but in the UK / EU it’s only a matter of time before such incidents don’t get reported at all …. In the interests of ‘community cohesion ‘…
In this case it is inevitable that the MSM will blame president trump
…. The attack in Germany on news eve where a road digger was used is small potatoes now ..
pffff…. enough information for today
Long Covid anyone?
But how many of them do any bloody work? I’m betting not many.
TWatO Watch (from yesterday) #1 – pro-Palestinian BBC at their worst …
The UN has decided. Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza. I think I have decided that the UN is complicit with the enemies of Israel (Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran) and the UN should be scrapped. The UN is meant to be a peacemaker, not sh1t thrower or stirrer. I remember UN Secretary Generals of old, people like Dag Hammersjkold who I constantly heard about on BBC Radio News on the Home Service in my childhood (long after my parents vicariously obtained a TV by having a grandparent move in with us), long before the decline of the BBC into bias. Dag Hammersjkold constantly sought to bring peace to various conflicts around the globe and there were a lot of them in the 1950s and 1960s; Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, Cyprus and Aden (present day Yemen).
I admit that I am biased in favour of Israel. It is one of the factors that attracted me to this web-site that it supported Israel. The UN has decided that Israel has committed a war crime by attacking hospitals in Gaza. The UN claims that Israel’s claims that hospitals are used as Hamas command posts is ‘sketchy’ a BBC phrase used by Jonny Dymond. Maybe Marianna should be sprung into place to BBC Verify that a Gazan hospital Doctor and director of medicine was a full Colonel in Hamas?
Babies are dying from the cold. The UN claims that Israel is pushing the hospital system to collapse. Maybe the UN could intervene to stop Hamas attacks on Israel. Oh, stupid me! I forgot that the UN appears to approve Hamas attacks on Israel via its UNRWA organisation. The UN appears to be blind to the fact that Hamas may be looting food lorries and making money from selling food to starving Palestinians. The UN claims that blankets are held up from reaching cold Palestinians by Israeli ‘red tape’. Maybe BBC Verify could fact-check that?
If the Hospitals were simply Hospitals then the Israelis could just walk in, no need to attack.
If they were being used by the terrorists then they are a legitimate target.
The Israelis have absolutely no reason to attack a Hospital with all the bad press that goes with it so it follows that there IS a terrorist presence there which needs to be sorted.
How can grown ups not understand this. I’m sure they all know the Hospitals (Schools etc) are being used by the terrorists but their hate for Jews is all consuming.
If you were to be ‘dropped’ into one of the Countries in the middle east the only one you can feel safe in is Israel.
EG, I agree completely, especially with your final sentence.
Trump statement
BTW the photo showing the attackers body ..shows a very tanned guy .. hair is black tight curls like black African.
Fox News says it is confirmed that the vehicle crossed from Mexico 2 days ago
but “the truck, which crossed the Southern Border with Mexico at Eagle Pass was not driven by the attacker when it crossed the border”
Somebody covered the flag rigged to the back of the truck with a jacket….?
tomo, yes I was wondering about that as well as the strange structure that appears to protrude from it.
tomo, another thing about that pick-up truck, it appears to be r/h drive.
There’s an extraordinary amount of image mirroring being used (or applied) to online content – particularly on YouTube – I’ve seen some weird stuff there, noticed it first on, of all things – Beatles videos.
Check any writing ….
I didn’t think it worth commenting on, now I do…. paranoia has me now looking at hands ….
First EV to be used in a terror attack? – BBC Verify?
oh the body photo is unverified,
Probably fake cos it is said he ran away from the vehicle shooting
Not difficult to imagine that photos are being suppressed – give it 48 hours…. there were a lot of people there.
The “not a terrorist” FBI spox guy at the presser should be pilloried
got to love the steering control there – a metaphor?
New Orleans terrorist
Shamsud Din Jabbar – linked to Islamic State.
BBC will be adding “mental health problems / lone wolf” to future reports with zero justification.
Harry – I see that this is all over the internet – but as I write this the BBC TV news is repeating what it has been putting out all day …
The BBC will be desperate to swerve the name – maybe they’ll go to the TTK Madeira Toboggan incident being reported on YouTube …. TTK and family allegedly a jumped lots of British tourists ….. lol ….
530 BBC1 news, no mention of suspects name. On BBC news channel, same reports, name appears on screen banner fleetingly. Maybe get Sir Sadiq to comment.
very, very strange
The FBI spox?

YouTube account clised within the hour
What did the video say.
well, the guy’s promo video didn’t last long ….
He was an estate agent – brief biography – mundane sounding military service overseas, seemed pretty normal – one has to wonder why the wiring started sparking…
One thing I am absolutely certain of is that when some mass-murder like this takes place, the BBC staff are all hoping it was the far-right so they can use it in headlines for a week.
They don’t care much who died or how.
Yes name was already about when I posted, but I was cautious.
I now trace it to the local news station at 5pm ..So bbc should have had time to check.
And then there’s the 4×4 on fire outside the Las Vegas Trump hotel …… wonder if it’s the theme up to the 20th January ..?
When I last checked, the BBC were repeating the FBI line (or lie?) that the New Orleans killing was not an act of terrorism (which immediately led me to suspect that it was an act of terrorism).
Tousi seems to know otherwise.
It seems the attacker’s name is Shamsud Din Jabbar, which doesn’t sound very Louisiana, or old French, or even Welsh to me.
But hey, I’m no expert.
although gears have been crunched to get reverse….
“Why is the FBI using Orwellian language?” Because, like police forces here, their first priority is not to protect the public or catch terrorists, but to deflect suspicion away from islamists and dampen down speculation. (Speculation which, 9 times out of 10, later turns out to have been correct. See Southport, etc.)
Hopefully Trump will change all that.
Meanwhile from just a couple of months ago:
Far-right extremist jailed for terrorist offences
How many did this man murder ?.
‘He had been found guilty of terror offences, after police seized books, masks and memorabilia of an extreme right-wing nature, as well as a 3D-printed firearm from his home in August 2023.’
Didn’t even leave his house.
Let’s see what headline the BBC consider appropriate for this man.
I confidently predict the words Muslim, Islam and Terrorist will not be included. Despite what he did being a thousand times worse.
One thing that we can be certain of is that after Jan 20th there will be no cover up of the identity, beliefs or motive of the New Orleans attacker.
Compare and contrast with the Southport attacker . Not of course with those protesters who were arrested, thrown in jail , found guilty by a TTK Kangaroo court without proper representation and then given extremely harsh sentences.
Obviously TTK has zero regard for due process.
This old adage applies… “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
I will add to this…
Lessons to be learned eh? Begin by scrapping the Telly Tax.
Tesla cybertruck bursts into flames outside Trump towers in Las Vegas:
Very sad to see that the bad driving we see from time to time in Europe, usually by people of certain religious beliefs, has spread across to New Orleans.
I suppose the perpetrator’s name and the suggestions he carried an IS flag and was wearing a suicide vest may be relevant but I am confident the impartial BBC will want to be absolutely 100% sure of the facts before announcing anything at all.
‘Shamsud Din Jabbar’…curious name for a Mexican nationalist….Times must have got that wrong somehow….I guess not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists still are Muslim…even if they’re islamophobic ones….and even if the BBC tries to assert that the Far-Right is the biggest threat we face.
Perhaps they’ll blame Trump…his desire to stop Muslim immigration must surely have inflamed feelings…just as the Tory government’s desire to control immigration led to the riots this summer…..says Asian Labour politician…
‘Tory focus on immigration helped stoke riots, equalities committee chair says’
‘The Conservative government’s relentless focus on small boat crossings and delays processing asylum claims played a role in stoking August’s UK riots, the chair of the Commons equalities committee has said.
The Labour MP Sarah Owen, whose committee has launched an inquiry into improving community cohesion after the unrest, warned that Reform UK MPs were also making the task of strengthening communities more urgent.
“With a lot of the Reform MPs, their tone, their rhetoric, the language that they use – they know they’re whistling to that particular tune. They know that,” she told the Guardian.’
Very much the type of narrative the BBC uses to silence people.
Who should we believe, Labour MP Sarah Owen or our lying eyes?
Don’t piss in my pocket and tell me it’s raining, Sarah.