Look guys, just because a man with a muslim name and some others conspired to carry out an attack that bears all the hallmarks of an islamic terrorist attack, that does NOT mean it was.
It could equally well have been a far-right, islamophobic Welshman.
You are advised to stop speculating immediately, or Starmer / Khant will send their goons around, and a hanging judge will have you banged up by tomorrow.
Further update: Ok, so some ISIS flags were found in the vehicle, so what? The inscription on those flags is open to interpretation, and can mean “let’s be nice to Infidels” according to language experts from the Met.
Experts, you hear? EXPERTS!
Firstly, I have been under the impression from the BBC that all gas from Russia was stopped because Russia deserves to die in the most horrible way possible. But clearly it wasn’t. A massive combination of lies-by-inference and lies-by omission from the BBC. Again.
It rambles about about some contract, but what I see is this:
‘The Soviet-era pipeline enters Ukraine near the Russian village of Sudzha, which has been occupied by Ukrainian forces which have staged an incursion into areas of Russia’s Kursk region’
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his country would not allow Russia to “earn additional billions on our blood”.
Quite how they are earning it ‘on their blood’ I’m not sure. It’s just a pipe. But Zelensky has had a free pass at the BBC to say any nonsense he likes and not be questioned. I do not trust anything about that man.
So in all the confusion of this article, it seems that as Ukraine have the area where this pipeline enters Ukraine, he has unilaterally decided to shut it off and let the EU suffer the consequences. In the middle of winter.
The article makes no mention of what happens when Ukraine are ejected from Kursk – as they surely will be.
All in all a bizarre piece from the BBC. And when they do that, it always means they are trying to prevent us all working out the real truth of what has happened. The lie by obfuscation.
One thing for sure is that this one:
Who is more at home writing about ‘art’ did not play any part in the intellectual content. That will be from the third-floor commissars in BBC head office.
Despite the title, it says EU will still take Russian gas.
“Russia can still send gas to Hungary, Turkey and Serbia through the TurkStream pipeline across the Black Sea.”
So the EU is not cut off from Russian gas
But I guess Turkey charges a transit fee
A BBC spokesperson, Mr Saville-Edwards-Harris (pronouns he/she/it) writes:
“We stand by our claim that the EU is cut off from Russian gas. Turkey and Serbia are not members of the EU. Although Hungary is in one sense still technically a member, we do not recognise as such because of, you know, Viktor Orban being in charge. So there.”
Vlad – too dry – the law enforcement show ( press conference ) was carried live by sky – I guess the BBC had to cover it too . They sure like to all throw their bit in ….
…. I still think this Islamic terrorist attack will land up with president trump being blamed …..
So I guess she will do nothing to safeguard the Brighton girls even though this is the ONE SINGLE JOB that she has as the Minister for Safeguarding and Violence against women and girls.
Liston everybody please be fair. Shamsud was born in the USA.
And we know that EVERYBODY who was born in the UK
is loyal to the UK. Maybe the reason that Shamsun was
depraved . Was because he was deprived. Please be
understanding . He may well have had a mental problem.
I bet he passed his driving test, Like the BBC is concerned
don’t assume anything. Because you know you can trust
the BBC. The BBC take as gospel everything that Hamas
tells them, What more do you need to know about the BBC?
Breaking news: The BBC informs us that the Suspected attacker was a US citizen from Texas.
See? He was an all-American, red-blooded Texan, probably a cowboy with a grudge or mental problems. Most likely far-right.
TWato Watch from today #1 – Jonny Dymond presents a whitewash of events in New Orleans …
It was not terror related but the truth will not be liked by the BBC. It was terror related and the man reponsible had experience with guns from his days in the military although he was now a civilian Realtor (US speak for Estate Agent) but had links to ISIS.
You have to laugh at the absolute rubbish the Leftists MSM – with the BBC leading the charge – feed us when something like this happens.
From the BBC live report:
‘The pavement bollards on Bourbon Street, from Canal Street to St. Ann Street, which are partly-designed to keep pedestrians safe, were in the process of being upgraded when the attack occurred this morning.’
Yes BBC. Safe from Islamic terrorist attacks.
How many millions of bollards are spread across all the streets of major cities in the Western world now – with the sole purpose to guard against terrorist attacks such as this one by Muslims ?.
And how many times have you seen that fact being reported by the MSM ?.
Never in my experience. Meanwhile a far-right kid makes headline news being sent to prison because he downloaded something or printed something on his 3D printer.
The USA has a chance to do something about this with the re-election of Trump. What can we do with this far-Left fascist in power ?. He would burn the country before he would resign. No matter what the people say.
Of course the tragic victims are already yesterday’s news and, it seems, the perp.
No, the issue is the lessons to be learned from the bits and bobs now required to stop death cult racers which, admitedly appear to be still proving tricky to perfect given the many and varied ways they can be circumvented.
Our two just got back from NYE in London, and though my place of birth I let go a sigh of relief as they signalled they safe arrival back in the Shires, as yet untainted by the oversight of enobled mayoral types in armoured 4x4s.
Authorities in the US are looking at potential problems with barricades to prevent vehicles from entering pedestrian areas… leading to multiple deaths…. So it suddenly all becomes about civil issues and nothing to do with mad bastards from the Middle East trying to murder as many westerners as they can… this is a repetitive failing with “socially aware” cunts in the West. Wake up and fight back you spineless bastards!
Neil Young pulls out of Glastonbury over BBC involvement.
‘The veteran singer said he had been booked to play the festival this summer with his new band, The Chrome Hearts, but suggested that the BBC had imposed rules that were not to his liking’.
My admiration for Neil Young has gone up 100%.
I can only imagine what the BBC elites are demanding for sponsoring it. And i do wonder where they get the money from in the first place as if we did no know. Glastonbury has gone WOKE, so its end is nigh.
Happy New Year to all who maintain and contribute to this valuable site.
Nuffink to do with the Beeb…
I’ve just seen the New Year message from king charisma Starmer…
Oh dear. I think he could do an audio book of the khama sutra and make it sound boring.
Just a thought.
If you lived in Afghanistan or Iran the establishment might know a leader has died but keep it a secret from the people.
Then when people speculate that the leader may have died, the same establishment would jail people for speculating.
In the UK the establishment might know an attacker was an Islamlc terrorist but keep it a secret from the people.
Then when people speculate that the attacker was an Islamlc terrorist , the same establishment would jail people for speculating.
… that is absolutely extremist crazy
Sorry for the downtime today folks – the website was transferred to a new server but it went wrong somewhere. Unfortunately we’ve lost any comments made this morning as I had to restore off last night’s backup.
On the plus side this server should be a tiny bit faster and better because it’s new. (hah!)
Revealed as a bbc favoured feminazi, shocking, violent threatening, foul mouthed footage…
“Revealed: Scottish woman who had foul-mouthed meltdown at Nashville airport is award-winning comic Rachel Jackson, 37, who moved to US ‘for love’ and is launching new comedy show called ‘American Horror Story'”
Thanks Rufus and happy new year to you. I know you do a lot in the background, profound thanks.
I was on notalotofpeopleknowthat website, where I lurk. The comments there (from people I don’t think post on this site) had noticed that this site was down. We never know who we reach.
I saw the loss of the server and worried … I think I might collect email addresses of frequent users of this site as a matter of resilience ….
And it seems my long and incisive comment from last night is lost – it was the best I’ve ever writed ….
Elsewhere – the BBc is hiding the Jess Phillips cowardice over paki rape gangs behind New Orleans terrorism ‘porn ‘… just going after stuff 2 days only now ….
No public inquiry because starmer will be shown as culpable for the cover up and failure to investigate – prosecute – convict … he won’t be shouting ‘, I was DPP too often …’
Never fear, the Leader of the Opposition, Elon Musk is on the case…
“Kemi Badenoch backs Elon Musk’s demand for a new probe into ‘rape gangs scandal’ after X owner claimed Keir Starmer allowed abusers to ‘exploit young girls without facing justice’.
The X owner used the platform to allege that the Prime Minister allowed rape gangs to ‘exploit young girls without facing justice’ when he was England and Wales’ top prosecutor.
He also alleged that Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips was refusing to investigate the gangs because it would lead back to the PM’s time as director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013.
Mr Musk, who also shared his backing for far-right agitator Tommy Robinson, wrote that she ‘deserves to be in prison’, after she denied requests from Oldham Council to lead a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in the town.”
Costly report into Rotherham police failings ‘lets down’ grooming survivors
This article is more than 2 years old
Police and crime commissioner ‘disappointed’ as child sexual abuse inquiry ‘fails to identify individual accountability’
Mark Brown North of England correspondent
Wed 22 Jun 2022 12.00 BST
Share A long £6m investigation into multiple police failings during the Rotherham grooming scandal “lets down victims and survivors” by failing to identify any individual accountability, a police and crime commissioner has said.”
Tens of thousands of victims…think about that…silence from the bbc etc
“Last January a report found young girls were ‘left at the mercy’ of paedophile grooming gangs for years in Rochdale because of failings by senior police and council bosses.
The damning 173-page review covers 2004 to 2013 and sets out multiple failed investigations by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and apparent local authority indifference to the plight of hundreds of youngsters, mainly white girls from poor backgrounds, all identified as potential victims of abuse in Rochdale by Asian men.
Successive police operations were launched, but these were insufficiently resourced to match the scale of the widespread organised exploitation within the area.
The report follows reports by the same authors on grooming in Manchester and Oldham, which found authorities had again failed children, leaving them in the clutches of paedophiles.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse, which published its final report in 2022, described the sexual abuse of children as an ‘epidemic that leaves tens of thousands of victims in its poisonous wake’.”
And that’s just Rochdale. Multiply that by dozens for the whole country and the figure is astronomical.
And it can’t be repeated too often that opinion formers like the BBC are DIRECTLY to blame for having created a mindset where it was verboten to notice what was going on, or report it, or take action, for fear of the dreaded accusation of racism and islamophobia.
And nothing’s changed.
“And nothing’s changed.” – you can get arrested for hurt words and protesting (no taking the knee)!!! Things have gotten better for the criminals – plus the criminals were let out early!
A late Merry Christmas to all you good people on this site and nice to see it hasn’t been taken down (yet).
Not solely BBC but an observation from the last few days… with right-wingers the language is that someone’s been radicalised by or drawn into far-right circles. Implying a shadowy, sinister underworld. Whereas I see the MSM’s go-to phrase now for terror attacks is that they’re “inspired by” various Islamic groups. Which suggests they’ve been roused by some sort of creative force or stirred into action by an inventive idea.
It’s a far cry from the total destruction that always results, and I don’t think the double standard is accidental.
I have just watched a “celebrity” Mastermind. One of the so-called celebs was of course a drag queen. It seems to be the law now on the BBC. He even won.
Also the Christmas University Challenge had its obligatory transgender on. Quite convincing, but as always the voice lets them down.
5 people dead, fire brigade spokesperson called the streets a “battlefield” and emergency workers were targeted. The Guardian calls them “young revellers” and wants a ban on imported fireworks.
It’s not just the likes of the BBC that despise Trump.
Sadly, even the so-called right-wing press can barely hide their contempt.
In today’s DT, its Associate Editor Gordon Rayner writes a piece dripping with disdain for Orange Man’s response to the New Orleans islamic terror attack.
It’s peppered with words like ‘crass’ ‘distasteful’ ‘shameless opportunism’ and ‘populist’ (a dirty word for our elite grandees).
Trump’s got one hell of an uphill struggle ahead, with not just the liberal left against him, but even the legacy conservative media.
It’s just possible the exploding Tesla outside the Trump Hotel was an accident (but what are the odds?!); it’s also possible it was an islamic terror attack. But it’s also not impossible that it was a Deep State attack, or warning.
A lot of very important people are very nervous about what Trump will do when in power, and what he and Musk will expose about the Deep State. They will stop at nothing to intimidate or eliminate them.
I hope they have good security around them – private, not FBI.
“”In the last couple of years we have seen a change. I am speaking from opinion here now rather than research… ”
Opinion? HA HA HA HAHAH !
“This is actually a great place, and the thing about it is anybody from anywhere could come to Bradford and feel like they belong and we hold that. People come and completely feel welcomed.
The Palestinian authority in the ” West Banks” has
announced the suspension of Al Jazeera. And sent them
packing. Israel should do the same with the BBC !
” You know you can trust the BBC” Just as much
as the BBC does with with what they are told by Hamas !!
If an old white indigenous Brit was caught doing the terrible things as described on some X posts to an 11 year old enrichers daughter do you think the msm would hush it up like they do with the Rotherham etc gangs or do you think they would use it for all it’s worth (think Floyd or Lawrence) to show that whitey is depraved and the enrichers daughter is a victim (as opposed to a white slag as they describe the many thousands of abused little white girls)
Sort of like the police saying the far right are the terrorist danger when we all know the truth.
Jess Phillips . Ok – as rough as a rough thing . But appeared to actually care about wimmen. But then the ministerial job came along and all those ‘principles ‘ went out of the window refusing a national inquiry into paki rape gangs – with her boss – evette cooper silent in the background . Not a good look – particularly since ms Phillips is only an mp because of Muslims ….
Pretty shameful stuff really – and now that Elon is on the case she really will be infamous …
Payment Description: I was provided with entry to event and dinner hosted by Lloyds Bank at Chelsea Flower show and I was accompanied by my husband
Value: 310.00
Payments from the BBC, New Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, for appearing on This Week:
14 March 2019, received £350. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2019)
2 May 2019, received £350. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2019)
25 April 2019, received £600 from Global Radio, 30 Leicester Square, Charing Cross, London WC2H 7LA, for hosting a radio show on LBC. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2019)
Until February 2019, I employed my husband, Tom Phillips, as Constituency Support Manager.
While the list of New Orleans victims gets amped up with customary liberal BBC pathos pandering emote hose – I feel that’s handy, as looking a bit closer at the Las Vegas exploders hints at some wierd shit….
seems cheap though – the agent is likely counting that the SF peeps can’t count $1000 / day is more like it.
Wasn’t Bob Crow head of the Railway Union at one time?
With the out and out communists now running the unions.
Couldn’t we get some of Bob’s feathered friends to
take up the mantle of driving the trains?
Just with a pouch of bird seed in the drivers cabin. And
with the IQ of an an eight year old child, I reckon a
murder of crows could learn how to drive a train in
less than an hour. That would solve the problem of
the four day a week most over paid workers in the country
wanting hundreds of pounds more for working overtime.
So the government refuses to hold an enquiry into the rape and torture gangs and says that it is up to councils to hold their own enquiries if the wish to.
Usually local council election aren’t of great significance but if Reform pledge to hold such enquiries in any council ares that they win control of it will add a great deal of importance to the May elections.
We all know that if the truth is ever allowed to come out a lot of establishment supporters , some probably very senior , will have a lot of questions to answer.
Reform would show how necessary it is to overthrow the corrupt LibLabCon establishment and how dangerous it is have a large and growing Muslim population in our country.
It would be enormously popular with the public and very uncomfortable for the establishment.
I’m not sure if local councils are allowed to receive large donations from business to fund such enquiries , to employ the very best investigators and legal eagles , but if they are Elon Musk could fund them. He would get a huge return on his money in terms of busting open British politics and freeing the British people.
“Another vital crime solved. Swindon Police in 2022 had a complaint a camper van had golliwog stickers on the windows.
The Sergeant valiantly peels off the offending images.
Meanwhile, Wiltshire’s 19,172 sexual offences & 1,913 burglaries, no doubt have all been cleared up.”
Where is all this headed?
The signs are not good.
Musk’s libertarian leanings and emphasis on free speech fundamentally clash with what he perceives as Starmer’s more regulatory and progressive policies.
These ideological differences make reconciliation challenging since they reflect core beliefs about governance and societal structure.
All this would be a headache for Starmer if it only existed in the online realm, but it’s about to cross over into a political one.
With Musk playing a key role in the incoming Trump administration, his criticisms take on an international dimension, potentially affecting UK-US relations.
Heading up the newly-created Department of Government Efficiency, Musk will advise Donald Trump on innovation and efficiency, aiming to reduce the federal budget by at least $2trillion (£1.5trillion).
He aims to “clear the decks” of undue regulations and federal agencies, suggesting a massive overhaul in government operations.
Contrast this with the Labour Party under Starmer, which seeks to strengthen the role of government in strategic sectors, such as infrastructure and public services. Starmer’s vision involves revitalising public services through investment rather than reduction, emphasising the role of government in setting national strategies and ensuring equitable growth.
Musk’s philosophy leans towards libertarianism, emphasising free markets, minimal government intervention, and a belief that less regulation leads to more innovation and economic freedom.
His comments about Starmer’s government being a “police state” indicate his discomfort with what he perceives as over-regulation.
This extends to his absolutist approach to free speech.
It would appear that Starmer and his close circle are hoping that Trump will come to his senses and Musk’s influence will wane once he gets down to business.
When asked about Musk’s political ambitions, senior cabinet Senior Cabinet Office minister Pat McFadden said: “Let’s see how that works out. In terms of specific outreach to him, not that I am aware of.”
As I have written here before there really is going to be a political war between the US and TTK – which TTK stands no chance of winning on any front .
Trump has all the cards – ranging from a real electoral mandate through to huge public support – TTK has neither .
I just hope Trump uses is tools to bring down the current regime – which I submit has no true legitimacy ….
No answers yet, but more and more questions about the connections between the New Orleans terrorist, the Las Vegas attacker, the second would-be Trump assassin and the US military installation at Fort Bragg. Curiouser and curiouser.
Elon musk is speaking out more and more on X about the political repression in the UK . I bet TTK bans X this year – for community cohesion … I think mr musk is beyond the understanding of TTK – being bribed for a £2k pair of glasses ..
Been dipping in on X this evening. There is a serious disturbance in The Farce. All the usually suspect are out on the platform they loathe, owned by the bloke they are utterly deranged about.
Hundreds of the predictable weasels. This rather epitomises them.
Notably, and encouragingly, they are all getting ratioed up the whazoo. Seems folk are pretty fed up with the whole sorry cabal of cover up apologists and their legal kapos.
And TTK might not be jumping queue at the airport to get back.
I mentioned to RatioWatch about how almost all tweets from UK Labour top figures like Miliband and Starmer etc, get routinely ratioed , unless they rope a lefty-bot army in.
Irrespective of the reports of links or otherwise between the NOLA and Las Vegas car events…….
I am struck by the issuing of key information about the perpetrators at high speed. We know who, what, how, why, when, background details etc.
I can’t help thinking that if it had happened in the UK, all we would know by this same point would be that is was ‘a man’ and the BBC would have absolutely no idea what happened and why.
It’s a pity that people’s comments from this morning were lost.
In the past I have recovered missing such data , cos I have been lucky enough to have had the page open on another machine. so I rushed back to it, disconnected it from the internet so it didn’t overwrite the cached copy I had in an open tab . Then saved that open tab and rebuilt the webpage from that.
Sometimes I find Google has visited the site that day so there is a cached copy on the Google server.
However today we are unlucky .. neither Google nor Bing visited today so cache from them
And the internet archive sites think we are so small , they rarely archive us.
“We have no idea how many people are living in Britain.
More recently, NHS records found there to be 63 million registered GP patients in England as of September 2024. Yet the population of England was 56 million in the 2021 census, and only 57 million in 2022, according to the Office for National Statistics. Even if you factor in net migration since then – 764,000 in 2022 and 685,000 in 2023 for the whole of the UK – that doesn’t add up. ”
“In fact, everything is a mystery. In November last year, for example, ‘the Home Office admitted it does not know the whereabouts of more than 17,000 asylum seekers whose claims have been discontinued.’
When Lee Anderson asked Home Office officials how many people arriving on small boats had been returned, they didn’t know either. ‘The big boss hasn’t got a clue’, he concluded.”
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Look guys, just because a man with a muslim name and some others conspired to carry out an attack that bears all the hallmarks of an islamic terrorist attack, that does NOT mean it was.
It could equally well have been a far-right, islamophobic Welshman.
You are advised to stop speculating immediately, or Starmer / Khant will send their goons around, and a hanging judge will have you banged up by tomorrow.
Update: ok, so some IEDs and guns were found in the area. Still doesn’t prove anything.
Further update: Ok, so some ISIS flags were found in the vehicle, so what? The inscription on those flags is open to interpretation, and can mean “let’s be nice to Infidels” according to language experts from the Met.
Experts, you hear? EXPERTS!
Era of cheap Russian gas to EU ends as transit across Ukraine stops
Here we have a very confusing story.
Firstly, I have been under the impression from the BBC that all gas from Russia was stopped because Russia deserves to die in the most horrible way possible. But clearly it wasn’t. A massive combination of lies-by-inference and lies-by omission from the BBC. Again.
It rambles about about some contract, but what I see is this:
‘The Soviet-era pipeline enters Ukraine near the Russian village of Sudzha, which has been occupied by Ukrainian forces which have staged an incursion into areas of Russia’s Kursk region’
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his country would not allow Russia to “earn additional billions on our blood”.
Quite how they are earning it ‘on their blood’ I’m not sure. It’s just a pipe. But Zelensky has had a free pass at the BBC to say any nonsense he likes and not be questioned. I do not trust anything about that man.
So in all the confusion of this article, it seems that as Ukraine have the area where this pipeline enters Ukraine, he has unilaterally decided to shut it off and let the EU suffer the consequences. In the middle of winter.
The article makes no mention of what happens when Ukraine are ejected from Kursk – as they surely will be.
All in all a bizarre piece from the BBC. And when they do that, it always means they are trying to prevent us all working out the real truth of what has happened. The lie by obfuscation.
One thing for sure is that this one:

Who is more at home writing about ‘art’ did not play any part in the intellectual content. That will be from the third-floor commissars in BBC head office.
Despite the title, it says EU will still take Russian gas.
“Russia can still send gas to Hungary, Turkey and Serbia through the TurkStream pipeline across the Black Sea.”
So the EU is not cut off from Russian gas
But I guess Turkey charges a transit fee
Turkey charges a transit fee
– iirc the Emir’s family are in that business.
The Turkish economy is presently imploding
A BBC spokesperson, Mr Saville-Edwards-Harris (pronouns he/she/it) writes:
“We stand by our claim that the EU is cut off from Russian gas. Turkey and Serbia are not members of the EU. Although Hungary is in one sense still technically a member, we do not recognise as such because of, you know, Viktor Orban being in charge. So there.”
Vlad – too dry – the law enforcement show ( press conference ) was carried live by sky – I guess the BBC had to cover it too . They sure like to all throw their bit in ….
…. I still think this Islamic terrorist attack will land up with president trump being blamed …..
13? Old by their standards.
The accused was “a Brighton man” named Hamdan Alshamsi.
Here is Mz Jezz Philips MP doing nothing about safeguarding wimmin and girls:
So I guess she will do nothing to safeguard the Brighton girls even though this is the ONE SINGLE JOB that she has as the Minister for Safeguarding and Violence against women and girls.
Here is Elon suggesting that Mzzzz Philips should be in prison for lack of action on safeguarding these girls:
Funny how these arch feminazis seem to be so relaxed about young girls being raped – almost as though they did not care.
Liston everybody please be fair. Shamsud was born in the USA.
And we know that EVERYBODY who was born in the UK
is loyal to the UK. Maybe the reason that Shamsun was
depraved . Was because he was deprived. Please be
understanding . He may well have had a mental problem.
I bet he passed his driving test, Like the BBC is concerned
don’t assume anything. Because you know you can trust
the BBC. The BBC take as gospel everything that Hamas
tells them, What more do you need to know about the BBC?
Breaking news: The BBC informs us that the Suspected attacker was a US citizen from Texas.
See? He was an all-American, red-blooded Texan, probably a cowboy with a grudge or mental problems. Most likely far-right.
So all you islamophobic racists can shut up.
TWato Watch from today #1 – Jonny Dymond presents a whitewash of events in New Orleans …
It was not terror related but the truth will not be liked by the BBC. It was terror related and the man reponsible had experience with guns from his days in the military although he was now a civilian Realtor (US speak for Estate Agent) but had links to ISIS.
You have to laugh at the absolute rubbish the Leftists MSM – with the BBC leading the charge – feed us when something like this happens.
From the BBC live report:
‘The pavement bollards on Bourbon Street, from Canal Street to St. Ann Street, which are partly-designed to keep pedestrians safe, were in the process of being upgraded when the attack occurred this morning.’
Yes BBC. Safe from Islamic terrorist attacks.
How many millions of bollards are spread across all the streets of major cities in the Western world now – with the sole purpose to guard against terrorist attacks such as this one by Muslims ?.
And how many times have you seen that fact being reported by the MSM ?.
Never in my experience. Meanwhile a far-right kid makes headline news being sent to prison because he downloaded something or printed something on his 3D printer.
The USA has a chance to do something about this with the re-election of Trump. What can we do with this far-Left fascist in power ?. He would burn the country before he would resign. No matter what the people say.
Of course the tragic victims are already yesterday’s news and, it seems, the perp.
No, the issue is the lessons to be learned from the bits and bobs now required to stop death cult racers which, admitedly appear to be still proving tricky to perfect given the many and varied ways they can be circumvented.
Our two just got back from NYE in London, and though my place of birth I let go a sigh of relief as they signalled they safe arrival back in the Shires, as yet untainted by the oversight of enobled mayoral types in armoured 4x4s.
Authorities in the US are looking at potential problems with barricades to prevent vehicles from entering pedestrian areas… leading to multiple deaths…. So it suddenly all becomes about civil issues and nothing to do with mad bastards from the Middle East trying to murder as many westerners as they can… this is a repetitive failing with “socially aware” cunts in the West. Wake up and fight back you spineless bastards!
Oh well, at least the city will get a candle lit vig, and a teddy bear mountain, accompanied by a jazz soundtrack.
It almost like some Sci-Fi film, with sleeper code instructions going off in their heads causing these attacks.
So it seems the van outside the Trump hotel in vegas had some home made ied type things ……
Will there be a link to New Orleans ? Will it just be filed because no one died ..?
The Tesla Cybertruck will be found to be powered by diesel and so just like the Luton airport carpark fire there will be nothing to see there.
Maybe the little sir khant will hire some of these trucks next year to feature in the londonistan fireworks.
The Cybertruck in Las Vegas had a bomb in the back that wasn’t the battery….
The Ford truck in New Orleans was an EV
Neil Young pulls out of Glastonbury over BBC involvement.
‘The veteran singer said he had been booked to play the festival this summer with his new band, The Chrome Hearts, but suggested that the BBC had imposed rules that were not to his liking’.
My admiration for Neil Young has gone up 100%.
I can only imagine what the BBC elites are demanding for sponsoring it. And i do wonder where they get the money from in the first place as if we did no know. Glastonbury has gone WOKE, so its end is nigh.
Indeed Philip. Never been a great fan of Young but anyone who gives the atrocious BBC a panning is aces in my book.
Happy New Year to all who maintain and contribute to this valuable site.
Nuffink to do with the Beeb…
I’ve just seen the New Year message from king charisma Starmer…
Oh dear. I think he could do an audio book of the khama sutra and make it sound boring.
Just a thought.
If you lived in Afghanistan or Iran the establishment might know a leader has died but keep it a secret from the people.
Then when people speculate that the leader may have died, the same establishment would jail people for speculating.
In the UK the establishment might know an attacker was an Islamlc terrorist but keep it a secret from the people.
Then when people speculate that the attacker was an Islamlc terrorist , the same establishment would jail people for speculating.
… that is absolutely extremist crazy
Is Londonistan now an alien province?
Personally I couldn’t care less about Glasto, with all the woke brainwashed kids singing along to ‘F the Torie… F Trump’ etc.
But if Neil Young’s story damages the BBC, then so much the better.
me neither / me too – dgaf about the grifting Eavis tribe these days
A soupçon/serving of schadenfreude is always welcome though.
Sorry for the downtime today folks – the website was transferred to a new server but it went wrong somewhere. Unfortunately we’ve lost any comments made this morning as I had to restore off last night’s backup.
On the plus side this server should be a tiny bit faster and better because it’s new. (hah!)
Phew! Had me worried earlier,
Me too. I thought some disgruntled beeboid had taken the site down.
Heavens …. What a relief !
Can’t cope with any more disasters at my age so early in the year.
Thanks Rufus
any chance of X embeds working in the future?
Rufus have we given up on the biasedBBC DOT org domain ?
Google sill refers to some old pages, but clicking gives a “domain parked” message
Revealed as a bbc favoured feminazi, shocking, violent threatening, foul mouthed footage…
“Revealed: Scottish woman who had foul-mouthed meltdown at Nashville airport is award-winning comic Rachel Jackson, 37, who moved to US ‘for love’ and is launching new comedy show called ‘American Horror Story'”
Thanks Rufus and happy new year to you. I know you do a lot in the background, profound thanks.
I was on notalotofpeopleknowthat website, where I lurk. The comments there (from people I don’t think post on this site) had noticed that this site was down. We never know who we reach.
I saw the loss of the server and worried … I think I might collect email addresses of frequent users of this site as a matter of resilience ….
And it seems my long and incisive comment from last night is lost – it was the best I’ve ever writed ….
Elsewhere – the BBc is hiding the Jess Phillips cowardice over paki rape gangs behind New Orleans terrorism ‘porn ‘… just going after stuff 2 days only now ….
No public inquiry because starmer will be shown as culpable for the cover up and failure to investigate – prosecute – convict … he won’t be shouting ‘, I was DPP too often …’
Never fear, the Leader of the Opposition, Elon Musk is on the case…
“Kemi Badenoch backs Elon Musk’s demand for a new probe into ‘rape gangs scandal’ after X owner claimed Keir Starmer allowed abusers to ‘exploit young girls without facing justice’.
The X owner used the platform to allege that the Prime Minister allowed rape gangs to ‘exploit young girls without facing justice’ when he was England and Wales’ top prosecutor.
He also alleged that Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips was refusing to investigate the gangs because it would lead back to the PM’s time as director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013.
Mr Musk, who also shared his backing for far-right agitator Tommy Robinson, wrote that she ‘deserves to be in prison’, after she denied requests from Oldham Council to lead a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in the town.”
” new probe into ‘rape gangs scandal”
Costly report into Rotherham police failings ‘lets down’ grooming survivors
This article is more than 2 years old
Police and crime commissioner ‘disappointed’ as child sexual abuse inquiry ‘fails to identify individual accountability’
Mark Brown North of England correspondent
Wed 22 Jun 2022 12.00 BST
A long £6m investigation into multiple police failings during the Rotherham grooming scandal “lets down victims and survivors” by failing to identify any individual accountability, a police and crime commissioner has said.”
A NEW QUANGO! FREE glasses! FREE knickers for the PM’s WIFE! FREE! 6 million! NO ONE TO BLAME!
The dirt flying out the Paki rape hole that Tom Holland has dug for himself is being magically flung back with interest.
Should’ve kept his stupid gob shut.
Tens of thousands of victims…think about that…silence from the bbc etc
“Last January a report found young girls were ‘left at the mercy’ of paedophile grooming gangs for years in Rochdale because of failings by senior police and council bosses.
The damning 173-page review covers 2004 to 2013 and sets out multiple failed investigations by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and apparent local authority indifference to the plight of hundreds of youngsters, mainly white girls from poor backgrounds, all identified as potential victims of abuse in Rochdale by Asian men.
Successive police operations were launched, but these were insufficiently resourced to match the scale of the widespread organised exploitation within the area.
The report follows reports by the same authors on grooming in Manchester and Oldham, which found authorities had again failed children, leaving them in the clutches of paedophiles.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse, which published its final report in 2022, described the sexual abuse of children as an ‘epidemic that leaves tens of thousands of victims in its poisonous wake’.”
And that’s just Rochdale. Multiply that by dozens for the whole country and the figure is astronomical.
And it can’t be repeated too often that opinion formers like the BBC are DIRECTLY to blame for having created a mindset where it was verboten to notice what was going on, or report it, or take action, for fear of the dreaded accusation of racism and islamophobia.
And nothing’s changed.
“And nothing’s changed.” – you can get arrested for hurt words and protesting (no taking the knee)!!! Things have gotten better for the criminals – plus the criminals were let out early!
Sorry for any comments lost because of the computer glitch – the one time I didn’t put up a midweek thread too …
Well done & A happy New Year to you.
A late Merry Christmas to all you good people on this site and nice to see it hasn’t been taken down (yet).
Not solely BBC but an observation from the last few days… with right-wingers the language is that someone’s been radicalised by or drawn into far-right circles. Implying a shadowy, sinister underworld. Whereas I see the MSM’s go-to phrase now for terror attacks is that they’re “inspired by” various Islamic groups. Which suggests they’ve been roused by some sort of creative force or stirred into action by an inventive idea.
It’s a far cry from the total destruction that always results, and I don’t think the double standard is accidental.
I have just watched a “celebrity” Mastermind. One of the so-called celebs was of course a drag queen. It seems to be the law now on the BBC. He even won.
Also the Christmas University Challenge had its obligatory transgender on. Quite convincing, but as always the voice lets them down.
Happy Politically Correct New Year from the BBC.
“Suspected people smugglers face phone and travel ban”
Big deal !
Whatever happened to “Stop the Boats” and “Smash the Gangs”?
> “Suspected people smugglers face phone and travel ban”
BA HAA HAA HAA – A travel ban??????
How the hell are they going to implement a travel ban? By having a secure boarder perhaps?
These twats just live in a parallel universe with no idea about reality!
Naughty step to be added to No.10 Downing street
The Home Office MoJ is going to trial three strokes of a month old supermarket baby lettuce for repeat offenders.
New Year’s Eve in Germany —
5 people dead, fire brigade spokesperson called the streets a “battlefield” and emergency workers were targeted. The Guardian calls them “young revellers” and wants a ban on imported fireworks.
Thank God you got the site back. I have no idea how I would have coped otherwise!
It’s not just the likes of the BBC that despise Trump.
Sadly, even the so-called right-wing press can barely hide their contempt.
In today’s DT, its Associate Editor Gordon Rayner writes a piece dripping with disdain for Orange Man’s response to the New Orleans islamic terror attack.
It’s peppered with words like ‘crass’ ‘distasteful’ ‘shameless opportunism’ and ‘populist’ (a dirty word for our elite grandees).
Trump’s got one hell of an uphill struggle ahead, with not just the liberal left against him, but even the legacy conservative media.
It’s just possible the exploding Tesla outside the Trump Hotel was an accident (but what are the odds?!); it’s also possible it was an islamic terror attack. But it’s also not impossible that it was a Deep State attack, or warning.
A lot of very important people are very nervous about what Trump will do when in power, and what he and Musk will expose about the Deep State. They will stop at nothing to intimidate or eliminate them.
I hope they have good security around them – private, not FBI.
you don’t hate the MSM enough
“UK’s new city (BRADFORD) of culture (WHOSE CULTURE?) seeks to overturn negative image”
Naan x 4
Islam x 0
Rushdie x 0
“”In the last couple of years we have seen a change. I am speaking from opinion here now rather than research… ”
Opinion? HA HA HA HAHAH !
“This is actually a great place, and the thing about it is anybody from anywhere could come to Bradford and feel like they belong and we hold that. People come and completely feel welcomed.
“It’s beautiful.”
………………… MEANWHILE………………………
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
Yes, I’ve seen how welcome the police are, for instance. Although they’re not exactly welcome anywhere now, for obvious reasons.
The Palestinian authority in the ” West Banks” has
announced the suspension of Al Jazeera. And sent them
packing. Israel should do the same with the BBC !
” You know you can trust the BBC” Just as much
as the BBC does with with what they are told by Hamas !!
Just think.
If an old white indigenous Brit was caught doing the terrible things as described on some X posts to an 11 year old enrichers daughter do you think the msm would hush it up like they do with the Rotherham etc gangs or do you think they would use it for all it’s worth (think Floyd or Lawrence) to show that whitey is depraved and the enrichers daughter is a victim (as opposed to a white slag as they describe the many thousands of abused little white girls)
Sort of like the police saying the far right are the terrorist danger when we all know the truth.
Jess Phillips . Ok – as rough as a rough thing . But appeared to actually care about wimmen. But then the ministerial job came along and all those ‘principles ‘ went out of the window refusing a national inquiry into paki rape gangs – with her boss – evette cooper silent in the background . Not a good look – particularly since ms Phillips is only an mp because of Muslims ….
Pretty shameful stuff really – and now that Elon is on the case she really will be infamous …
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Jess Phillips
Payment received on 13 November 2024 – £27,675.00
2024-11-13 27675.00 Simon & Shuster UK Publishing
Payment Description: I was provided with entry to event and dinner hosted by Lloyds Bank at Chelsea Flower show and I was accompanied by my husband
Value: 310.00
Payments from the BBC, New Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, for appearing on This Week:
14 March 2019, received £350. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2019)
2 May 2019, received £350. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2019)
25 April 2019, received £600 from Global Radio, 30 Leicester Square, Charing Cross, London WC2H 7LA, for hosting a radio show on LBC. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2019)
Until February 2019, I employed my husband, Tom Phillips, as Constituency Support Manager.
New Orleans. A lone wolf, who claimed to have joined Isis.
Wait and see if he had mental problems
We can already guess he was far right. Probably a football hooligan too.
He will not have been a ‘promising footballer’ because that’s how they describe the rare enrichers victim if the attacker was a white Brit.
While the list of New Orleans victims gets amped up with customary liberal BBC pathos pandering emote hose – I feel that’s handy, as looking a bit closer at the Las Vegas exploders hints at some wierd shit….
seems cheap though – the agent is likely counting that the SF peeps can’t count $1000 / day is more like it.
Wasn’t Bob Crow head of the Railway Union at one time?
With the out and out communists now running the unions.
Couldn’t we get some of Bob’s feathered friends to
take up the mantle of driving the trains?
Just with a pouch of bird seed in the drivers cabin. And
with the IQ of an an eight year old child, I reckon a
murder of crows could learn how to drive a train in
less than an hour. That would solve the problem of
the four day a week most over paid workers in the country
wanting hundreds of pounds more for working overtime.
So the government refuses to hold an enquiry into the rape and torture gangs and says that it is up to councils to hold their own enquiries if the wish to.
Usually local council election aren’t of great significance but if Reform pledge to hold such enquiries in any council ares that they win control of it will add a great deal of importance to the May elections.
We all know that if the truth is ever allowed to come out a lot of establishment supporters , some probably very senior , will have a lot of questions to answer.
Reform would show how necessary it is to overthrow the corrupt LibLabCon establishment and how dangerous it is have a large and growing Muslim population in our country.
It would be enormously popular with the public and very uncomfortable for the establishment.
I’m not sure if local councils are allowed to receive large donations from business to fund such enquiries , to employ the very best investigators and legal eagles , but if they are Elon Musk could fund them. He would get a huge return on his money in terms of busting open British politics and freeing the British people.
They are trying for a revolt – aren’t they?
The Green Taliban out + about in PR land. Have to wonder at the tone, reads like something from JSO / Hope not Hate adjacent extruded leftoid loons.
DT has it too https://archive.is/TEHVs
Coming in thick n fast…..
If it’s a fake, it’s a good one
The TNI screed dispatched, the tenets of the narrative set
A sergeant, no less – of, as I understand it, the Greater Manchester Police – out enforcing …
Shoe size exceeds IQ.
I bet his neighbours love him.
It’s predictable that video is at least 2.5 years old
Same video in July 2022 https://x.com/mlke27048/status/1549677890983313410
“Another vital crime solved. Swindon Police in 2022 had a complaint a camper van had golliwog stickers on the windows.
The Sergeant valiantly peels off the offending images.
Meanwhile, Wiltshire’s 19,172 sexual offences & 1,913 burglaries, no doubt have all been cleared up.”
Thanks Stew
I didn’t look very far for provenance on the fathead plod.
Wiltshire police – seems like about one a month gets sacked for something sexual.
– they actually suppress reporting in the local News quest papers
From GBNews
As I have written here before there really is going to be a political war between the US and TTK – which TTK stands no chance of winning on any front .
Trump has all the cards – ranging from a real electoral mandate through to huge public support – TTK has neither .
I just hope Trump uses is tools to bring down the current regime – which I submit has no true legitimacy ….
No answers yet, but more and more questions about the connections between the New Orleans terrorist, the Las Vegas attacker, the second would-be Trump assassin and the US military installation at Fort Bragg. Curiouser and curiouser.
If you haven’t seen it yet, Matt Goodwin’s show on GB News, he’s doing the State of the Nation tonight, 8pm – 9pm, is top class.
Dr Ashenden asks: Was the King’s Speech used to suppress the truth about grooming and violence?
Elon musk is speaking out more and more on X about the political repression in the UK . I bet TTK bans X this year – for community cohesion … I think mr musk is beyond the understanding of TTK – being bribed for a £2k pair of glasses ..
Been dipping in on X this evening. There is a serious disturbance in The Farce. All the usually suspect are out on the platform they loathe, owned by the bloke they are utterly deranged about.
Hundreds of the predictable weasels. This rather epitomises them.
Notably, and encouragingly, they are all getting ratioed up the whazoo. Seems folk are pretty fed up with the whole sorry cabal of cover up apologists and their legal kapos.
And TTK might not be jumping queue at the airport to get back.
I mentioned to RatioWatch about how almost all tweets from UK Labour top figures like Miliband and Starmer etc, get routinely ratioed , unless they rope a lefty-bot army in.
Irrespective of the reports of links or otherwise between the NOLA and Las Vegas car events…….
I am struck by the issuing of key information about the perpetrators at high speed. We know who, what, how, why, when, background details etc.
I can’t help thinking that if it had happened in the UK, all we would know by this same point would be that is was ‘a man’ and the BBC would have absolutely no idea what happened and why.
It’s a pity that people’s comments from this morning were lost.
In the past I have recovered missing such data , cos I have been lucky enough to have had the page open on another machine. so I rushed back to it, disconnected it from the internet so it didn’t overwrite the cached copy I had in an open tab . Then saved that open tab and rebuilt the webpage from that.
Sometimes I find Google has visited the site that day so there is a cached copy on the Google server.
However today we are unlucky .. neither Google nor Bing visited today so cache from them
And the internet archive sites think we are so small , they rarely archive us.
” ‘Wikipedia is as biased as the BBC’: How the Left took over the platform
Wikipedia has long been accused of having a liberal bias – now a study has given that argument considerable weight”
iirc Mike Benz has said that Jimmy Whales’ s Wikipedia has a big team of spooks working it from DC area.
The co-founder Larry Sanger has been critical.
“We have no idea how many people are living in Britain.
More recently, NHS records found there to be 63 million registered GP patients in England as of September 2024. Yet the population of England was 56 million in the 2021 census, and only 57 million in 2022, according to the Office for National Statistics. Even if you factor in net migration since then – 764,000 in 2022 and 685,000 in 2023 for the whole of the UK – that doesn’t add up. ”
“In fact, everything is a mystery. In November last year, for example, ‘the Home Office admitted it does not know the whereabouts of more than 17,000 asylum seekers whose claims have been discontinued.’
When Lee Anderson asked Home Office officials how many people arriving on small boats had been returned, they didn’t know either. ‘The big boss hasn’t got a clue’, he concluded.”