You get the feeling that Starmers days are very numbered now. With UK/German interest rate spreads indicating less confidence in this Government than Truss’s it is bizarre that the bBC is not referring to omnishambles et al; but that is what happens when you have a diversity policy that recruits exclusively from the left. We will be in unchartered territory when the Labour Party are forced to depose the radarless Starmer. The problem is that it is not just Starmer, it is the establishment and its Labour Party. The British people need to treat the last thirty years as a symptom and work out what the problem is.
Spinning the turbines : BBC local newsPR had a long opening item about Trump saying something about North Sea wind turbines.
Was this a TRUTH item or SPIN ?
Well truth items begin with the actual source. Show the video of the actual person saying the thing
OR cos this time it was a social media post simply put it on the screen so we can read it ourselves
Far from doing this the BBC item never showed a screenshot of the post
rather it was was “Trump said” “Trump RANTED”
FFS It’s only 17 words. How can it be a rant ?
– “Rant” is a loaded word .. so not impartial reporting
– The item next said years ago “Trump FALSELY said wind farms cause cancer “.. again falsely is a value judgement .
Many many things cause cancer .. and it is not impossible that repetitive stress due to constant subsonic wind farm rumbling could facilitate cancer.
Currently I couldn’t show you a body.
Stew, it could be that increased long-term exposure to sulphur hexaflouride from wind farm installation causes cancers in those doing the work of installing the wind farms. We know from 2024 that work had to stopped installing a wind farm because the workers had been overcome by sulphur hexaflouride and had experienced breathing difficulties. So DJT’s assertion may be correct.
“Keir Starmer is as ‘guilty as anyone’ over failures to tackle grooming gangs, former detective claims – as pressure mounts on Government to order public inquiry into Oldham scandal”
“Ms Oliver, who helped expose the failure to tackle paedophile gangs in Rochdale, intervened after Labour blocked calls for a public inquiry into rape and sexual abuse by gangs in neighbouring Oldham.
The former Greater Manchester Police detective said Labour and the Conservatives were ‘equally to blame’ for failing to get to grips with the scandal – and suggested that the PM was among those who had questions to answer about their past decisions.
‘Keir Starmer, as the former DPP, is perhaps as guilty as anyone I know in where we find ourselves today,’ she said. ‘We `all know what’s going on, but I don’t trust a single one of those who to date have been entrusted with keeping our children safe and prosecuting serial rapists. They’ve failed. Repeatedly. Knowingly. Criminally.'”
Remember what I said a while ago about the labour mob’s answer to anything they are not doing is talk about “work” ???
here we have it again, in response the above:
“Mr Streeting defended the Government’s record and told ITV News that ministers took child sexual exploitation ‘incredibly seriously’. …He urged Mr Musk to work with the Government on tackling online abuse of children.”
we’re willing to work with Elon Musk, who I think has got a big role to play with his social media platform to help us and other countries to tackle this serious issue.
‘So if he wants to work with us and roll his sleeves up, we’d welcome that.'”
“‘We would absolutely encourage and work with Oldham in establishing their own inquiries,’ he added.”
BBC is branded ‘despicable’ as Rabbi is ‘ambushed’ live on air with ‘hostile’ questions about Israel after he was ‘invited’ to talk about Jewish holiday – as Beeb issues an apology
I was wondering why the BBC think they are so unbiased as to claim that its ‘everybody else’ who are against them, the liberal socialist elite who run the country behind the veil of so called democracy.
BBC had staff fighting to get into Blairs government as Ministers and all the problems we have now are largely through that huge influx of undesirables. The one world globalists invented climate change. They know it does not exist , but they point is that we must be TOLD repeatedly that it exists, and that is why the STATE needs to take control and then hand over all means of production to the favored few. I only knew of the Bill Gates, Soros and fabian society links to Labour but also the shadow world behind it is the WEF. And this new video does explain why the BBC tries so hard to convince us ESG (Sustainability and Environmental codswallop) and the governance is not our UK government but the WEF by proxy.
Labour is our proxy. And they will try to ensure in four years, that there is no way back. As long as the BBC can rely on its eco-activists to keep us aware of the sky falling in. Project fear it has been called.
And they want private money diverted to its cause. They have invented a name for it and its called STAKEHOLDER capitalism.
It has nothing to do with ‘ecology’, ‘sustainability’ or ‘saving the polar bears’. Its about making us a bankrupt society that has to rely on….. the WEF. And they rely on the BBC who are paid to push the global agenda forward. TV license is really just a fig leaf. It has total bias to the cause.
This video (45mins) was made by a TV producer. He explores ‘The Great Reset’.
How will the BBC deal with Luke Littler – who apparently is the new Darts World Champion . He has a number of disabilities . First – he is male – then he is white – and ‘working class ‘ and plays darts – hence a peasant – English – British .- and 17 . He might also have a girl friend . All count against him when it comes to the 2025 sporty personality or anything else ….
… will TTK invite him to number 10 ?
I’ve never seen mr littler – but he should be a ‘positive ‘ – but somehow his disabilities will disqualify him from the recognition he deserves …
“Washington state Democrats accidentally email their ‘radical’ tax plan to entire Senate. Seattle radio host Jason Rantz claims docs show a ‘direct contradiction’ to campaign promises.
A PowerPoint slide, highlighted by Seattle radio host Jason Rantz, described the “Best way to talk taxes” — with a chart of do’s and don’ts for lawmakers.
Do say: “Pay what they owe” — but Don’t say: “Tax the rich” or “pay their fair share” because “taxes aren’t a punishment,” the graph read.
It also suggested using the terms “funding,” “providing” and “ensuring” when describing the apparent benefits of tax hikes, rather than the term “investing in [X].”
I might be confused …but I understand that the vile sopel has been reported for a ‘non crime hate incident ‘ ( whatever that woke mad nonsense is ) because of the title of yet another book he has pumped called something like ‘if only Americans didn’t speak English ‘
I only report this because it shows the madness of our time . I obviously don’t want to publicise the existence of a sopel book – he is as venal as any bbc type and worthy of any badness ..
” Jon Sopel book title at centre of non-crime race-hate row
Police investigate man who used ‘If Only They Didn’t Speak English’ in discussion with white American.
The title of Jon Sopel’s book on Donald Trump’s United States is at the centre of a race-hate row investigated by police, The Telegraph can reveal.
A British man who quoted former BBC journalist Sopel’s book title “If Only They Didn’t Speak English: Notes from Trump’s America”, was investigated by Wiltshire Police for racial hatred towards an American.
The man, from Wiltshire, had a non-crime hate incident (NCHI) recorded against him after citing the title in what he claimed was a “light-hearted” discussion with a white American, saying he was seeking to use it as a way to make conversation.
He followed up the conversation with an email to the American in which he maintained the book was an “affectionate” portrait of the US and defended raising it as it “seemed apposite”.
However, like The Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson, he was visited at his home by a Wiltshire Police officer to be questioned as a “suspect” over the incident and given “words of advice” over his allegedly racist behaviour towards the “victim”.
He subsequently discovered that it had been recorded by Wiltshire Police as a non-crime racial hate incident, which, although not a criminal offence, can still appear on checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for jobs involving children or vulnerable people.”
The X comments about this really focused on the Wiltshire constabulary – which is in ‘special needs ‘ because it cannot catch a cold – but which the home office loves for its’ zealotry with regard to responding to stuff outside the criminal law .
It’s a time when it’s good that plod is not armed – because there’d be the case of the first twitter user shot by plod because of a comment on X …
“non-crime racial hate incident, which, although not a criminal offence, can still appear on checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for jobs involving children or vulnerable people.”
“A scandal too deep even for Alastair Campbell to spin a way out of? His maths whizz son runs a football betting syndicate accused of losing its members up to £10million. Now he’s gone to ground and investors say they’re calling in police”
“According to local news reports, a little-known virus called human metapneumovirus (HMPV) has been blamed. It normally causes a mild cold-like illness, including fever, a cough, runny nose and wheezing.
In severe cases, HMPV can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia, particularly in children.
The virus spreads through respiratory droplets and close physical contact, making it highly contagious in crowded settings”
The problem is that the vast majority of idiots still believe viruses exist. I suggest you look into the murder of Pico della Mirandola. When you understand why he was murdered, you know what is going on. It’s a grand delusion, and the vast majority will die having not the slightest clue of what is going on.
I watched a brilliant 30 minute piece on Spectator TV of Freddie Gray , the Spectator US correspondent, interviewing Douglas Murray about the rape and torture gang , the decades long cover up by the British establishment and the recent intervention of Elon Musk. Douglas pulled no punches and Freddie let him rip, indeed encouraged him to do so.
It’s behind the pay wall and it’s way beyond my abilities to copy it on to this site. But it was a dramatic full on denunciation of the entire British political class and their decades long suppression of the truth , it was dynamite.The only thing I’ve seen that comes close would be Mark Steyn at his best on GB News or Tommy Robinson’s film.
For the ultra Tory establishment Spectator to run this is a clear indication that the political establishment consensus in the UK is cracking and that Musk and Trump have already started to shift the Overton window to the right. Once the British people begin to feel able to say what they think the views that many of us express on this site will rapidly become increasingly widespread and no amount of Starmer led suppression will keep the lid on things.
Times they are a changin.
I must say that when Gove was chosen as the editor of the Spectator I feared it would become even more Globalist Uniparty . I note that the previous editor Fraser Nelson has just published a piece saying how splendidly mass immigration is going in the UK. He always was a fool. But , assuming that Gove approved this anti establishment broadside and that Freddy continues to be employed, the new editor has surprised me.
Good, the following is also headline news and let’s see it every day like the bastard bbc and partygate until starmer is pilloried and EVERYONE who enabled it feels the “full bloody force of the law” including council officers, councillors, MPs, the police, the judiciary, the bloody lot.:
“How leering men pursued me when I was a nine-year-old schoolgirl: Life in a town where grooming gangs operated in plain sight and their victims got the blame, writes ELIZABETH HAIGH”
“The Rotherham cover-up
Why did so many turn a blind eye?
You all know what I mean by the word ‘Rotherham.’ In The Spirit of Terrorism, Jean Baudrillard observes that there is no true synonym for ‘9/11’ – no one refers to the ‘World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks’ or the ‘Bin Laden attacks’, but just to the date itself, typically in its abbreviated form. Perhaps, he suggests, this is because the events of that day were so shocking, and so significant, that they must be described abstractly. We cannot find the right words.
There is no true synonym for ‘Rotherham’, either. ‘Child sexual exploitation’ (CSE) is the sterile term favoured by most institutions. ‘Child sexual abuse ring’ or ‘grooming gangs’ is more common in the media. None of these terms are satisfactory.
When I use the word ‘Rotherham’, I am talking about the rape and sexual torture of thousands of underage girls in Britain over many decades by Muslim men from the Middle East, East Africa, and South Asia (predominantly Pakistan). The men targeted these girls because they were white and non-Muslim. Authorities failed to investigate the crimes for fear of being called racist. There is no disputing the fact that the motivation for the crimes was – and is – explicitly anti-white. Many of the perpetrators have said as much in both court testimony and police interviews.
‘Rotherham’ has become a catch-all for sex crimes that took place across the UK, not just in the town of Rotherham. The journalist Charlie Peters has described this as the biggest race hate scandal in 21st century Britain, having identified at least 50 places in the UK in which these gangs have operated, and are continuing to operate. Notable among these is Oxford, a city in which predominantly Pakistani areas in the east abut predominately poor white areas at the very edge. Excerpts from the sentencing remarks relating to the 2013 conviction of members of an Oxford gang have been circulated on Twitter this week. They tell the stories of girls between the ages of 11 and 16 being anally raped, branded with their perpetrator’s initials, forcibly injected with heroin and trafficked across Britain to have sex with more men.
The details of this deprave and calculated exploitation – and other exploitations very similar to it – have been in the public domain for a long time. Julie Bindel first wrote about the subject in 2007. But outrage at the ‘Rotherham’ phenomenon has been ignored and very effectively suppressed by local officials, the government and much of the media, which means that most people – including most Britons – do not know exactly what happened. Rotherham only returned to public conversation after Elon Musk joined a discussion on X.
For my sins, I already knew the details. From 2016 to 2018, I worked for a charity in Oxford that supports victims of sexual violence. This was in the wake of Operation Bullfinch, the police investigation into a gang that had been operating in the city since at least 2004, which included the individuals whose depravities have recently been circulated on Twitter. A 2015 serious case review led to the creation of a specialist charity and police unit (the Kingfisher team). I didn’t work with so-called ‘CSE victims’ directly, because that was not the role of our charity, but I did attend a lot of multi-agency meetings which were focused on CSE.
I never witnessed anyone failing to follow the procedures formally demanded of their role. What I did witness, however – many, many times – were charity workers and (to a lesser extent) social workers and police officers clamouring to insist that ‘the stereotypes’ about CSE were not true. That is, that the victims were not always white girls, and that the perpetrators were not always Muslim men.
Which, technically, is true – in large part because the definition of CSE adopted by government agencies came to be so expansive that it included all sorts of sex crimes that had nothing to do with what ‘Rotherham’ represents. Teenage boys groomed into sending naked photos to adult men on the internet, for instance, was a kind of crime that I repeatedly saw categorised as CSE. ‘People of all genders sexually assault people of all genders’ was a phrase one of my colleagues was fond of repeating. It was all obfuscation. They must have known that.
The specific kind of crime that ‘Rotherham’ represents is absolutely racialised, and it is not rare. Rotherham itself is a small town. By a conservative estimate, 1,400 children (the vast majority girls) were abused over a 15-year period, representing a very substantial minority of white girls living in Rotherham at the time. A 2020 study by academics from Reading and Chichester universities estimated that 1 in 73 Muslim men in Rotherham were prosecuted for their involvement in the abuse, with an unknown additional number evading detection. Almost everyone in Rotherham knows someone involved, either as victim or perpetrator. It should not surprise us that, during last Summer’s race riots, the town was the site of some of the most serious violence.
But a post-industrial northern town like Rotherham feels a very long way from Westminster. ‘Rotherham’ as a synecdoche doesn’t just represent the racially-motivated sexual torture of adolescent girls, it also represents catastrophic elite failure.
It was a failure, in the first instance, to permit the culture clash that resulted in ‘Rotherham’. Anyone with an ounce of sense should have realised that the post-sexual revolution culture of Britain and the very conservative sexual culture of a Muslim country like Pakistan would not mix happily. The men who participated in the rape gangs were clearly not good Muslims, not least because they drank alcohol. But they nevertheless conceived of themselves as ethnically and religiously distinct from Britain’s majority-white population, whose daughters were understood to be legitimate targets of sexual violence.
This, too, in the era when online porn became widely available, which surely contributed to the sense that white girls (‘white slags’ and ‘white whores’, as the perpetrators described them) were fair game. The predominance of white and East Asian women in online porn means that it effectively functions as racist propaganda, teaching men across the world – including those who have never actually met a white or East Asian person – that these women are as pornography represents them: desperate for pain and humiliation.
Men whose sexual tastes had been trained on this propaganda found themselves in the midst of a sexually liberated culture in which adolescent girls are not fiercely guarded by their male relatives, and most girls are not supervised when they go out, even at night. They targeted the girls whose supervision was most lax, particularly girls in foster care who could disappear for days on end without provoking much in the way of adult action. Very many teachers, carers, and NHS staff had a sense that something was going on, since they saw underage girls in the company of ‘older Asian boyfriends’. But this was typically written off as behaviour characteristic of the British underclass. They were just white slags.
The authorities did not want to know. Not only did these crimes go uninvestigated, but victims and their families were frequently stonewalled or persecuted by the police. The father of one 15-year-old girl in Rotherham, whose attack had been so brutal she later needed surgery, was told by a police officer that the experience would ‘teach her a lesson’. Again and again, adults in positions of authority discovered what was going on, and yet decided that these underage girls were making their own decisions – that they were demonstrating agency – and so took no action. During this long period of failure, at least three victims were murdered: Laura Wilson (17), Lucy Lowe (16), and Charlene Downes (14).
It’s awful, I know. So awful that it’s tempting to dismiss it all as exaggeration, or even as a malicious invention by the far-right. When Suella Braverman announced the creation of a Grooming Gangs Taskforce in 2023 when she was home secretary, even so many decades after the problem first emerged, one Guardian writer accused her of inflaming ‘Islamophobic and xenophobic prejudice’. Dismissing all of this evidence as lies has been the preferred coping mechanism of the British elite – the people with no social connections to places like Rotherham, who are all eager to believe in the success of our multicultural project. The establishment did not want to know about ‘Rotherham’ – still does not want to know about ‘Rotherham’ – because it upsets that fantasy.
But this is hard history now, beyond dispute: police forces across the country prioritised the prevention of race riots over the prevention of the sexual torture of tens of thousands of children. Almost all of the media and political class turned a blind eye to it (with some important and admirable exceptions), precisely because so many of the perpetrators were motivated by anti-white animus. That fact is so shocking, and so significant, that we cannot find the right words.”
It’s an absolute scandal that it has taken Elon Musk to raise these rape gangs up into any kind of spotlight.
And still the BBC are doing their very best to attack the messenger with headlines like this:
‘Farage distances himself from Musk on Robinson’
It just proves beyond any doubt that the extreme hypocrites at the BBC (and the Left in general) don’t care one bit about all those girls who got raped by all those Pakistani men. They only care about their left-wing agenda.
This is why those people disgust me so much. They have no actual ethics and no conscience whatsoever.
I’ve discovered that if it’s behind a paywall, it’s likely not worth reading. I stopped reading newspapers a few years ago as nothing in them could be taken at face value.
My point above is that the legacy media consensus that you refer to is showing signs of breaking down as the Overton window , which defines what elites allow to be discussed , is shifting to the right thanks to Trump and Musk.
If this shift continues then the entire globalist WEF hegemony will be under extreme threat.
And, the champagne socialists’ corrupt grifting continues…
“Treasury minister ‘given London flat by developer linked to ousted Bangladesh regime’
Developer Abdul Motalif is understood to have donated the two-bedroom home in central London to Ms Siddiq in 2004, without a payment being made.
Mr Motalif has links to Ms Siddiq’s aunt, the former prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, who ruled the country with an iron fist.
She fled Bangladesh to India in August with Ms Siddiq’s mother Sheikh Rehana after the deaths of hundreds of protesters.
The King’s Cross property, which Ms Siddiq still owns, was purchased in January 2001 for £195,000. A neighbouring property recently sold for £650,000, according to the Financial Times.
Ms Siddiq faced calls to step back from anti-corruption work last month amid claims she helped her family embezzle £4 billion from a nuclear power project.
The Rooppur nuclear plant was built in Bangladesh by Russian state-owned company Rosatom.
But the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation – which Ms Siddiq oversees – has imposed at least 45 measures on companies and individuals linked to Rosatom over the war on Ukraine. ”
Charlotte Gill on incredible libmob hypocrisy Did you know that Kim Darroch, the former British Ambassador to the United States, is a Director of Best for Britain?
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they said something about New Orleans along the lines of “what the Americans are calling a terrorist attack”
So then, not the bbbc, it’s the Americans.
I notice that low priority is given to EVs used in both the US attacks
That’s an outrage and sacrilege surely….
Particularly in New Orleans’ small, narrow streets the extra torque and rapid acceleration provided by the electric power train made the injuries significantly worse.
I’ve seen one video where the crazy fast off the line acceleration and low noise is evident….
EVs would be a weapon of choice in an islamic terrorist ramming attack because they are heavier (sometimes twice the weight of ICE equivalents). So more kinetic energy.
They also make less noise so more victims would be ambushed without warning (of vehicle noise).
“Remember that the home office priority under governments of both parties was not just to hush the rape of children up but to actively attack those who tried to raise it tarring them as extremists”
This is simply unbelievable. For ‘contempt of court’, Tommy has been sent to a maximum security jail for Islamic extremists then put into solitary for his own protection.
He says they moved him to stop him learning things about the Southport murderer which prove his attachment to Islam and telling people at the trial. Seems like they (meaning Starmer) don’t want him to be convicted of actual terrorism after what they did to the protestors.
‘the Labour Party is a control freak organisation’
I watched a documentary about Labour’s handling of Angela Eagle’s bust-up with her constituency party – they (Labour top tier) are proper nasty bunch – no mistake.
9am Radio Humberside news opening item was Windfarm PR based on the 6 minute carefully crafted windfarm-PR item on bbc Look North last night
I note that didn’t show Trump’s actual post
But rather relied on LOADED untrue words like “fumed” “ranted”
Honest media would begin by showing SOURCE post first
The Radio Humberside item aired no pro Trump voice
But rather used the 30 second clip of the Humber windfarm PR guy.
10am it was slightly tweaked by beginning with “Donald Trump has been invited to Hull”
a meaningless headline ..cos it’s based on the windfarm PR guy speaking off the cuff , saying “I’d like to invite Trump to visit Hull to show him.. “
There was a time, not so long ago, when terrorists targeted our elite: Earl Mountbatten; Margaret Thatcher and Norman Tebbit at the Tory party conference; John Major’s back garden at 10 Downing Street.
Security for our elites was tightened, the organised terror cells infiltrated and broken, their leadership brought inside the political tent, so to speak.
In February 1991, John Major survived an IRA mortar attack. But while publicly the British government refused to talk to terrorists, behind the scenes covert communications began. (BBC, Endgame in Ireland, series 1:2 Talking to Terrorists)
Now the modus operandi is the lone wolf, targeting us plebs – and apparently terrorism, for our elites, is now no biggie – the very word itself banished from media reports: Briton among dead in New Orleans vehicle attack… During the attack, a man in a pick-up truck ploughed through crowds on the city’s Bourbon Street before being killed by police. (Emily McGarvey, BBC News) – no mention of the word terror in this BBC report of course.
And as for motivation, the terorists are now so leary of the authorities denying their ideology that they have to stick their flag on it: The FBI says an Islamic State group flag was found inside the vehicle. (BBC)
All this talk of ‘men’ and their flags puts me in mind of: When Neil Armstrong planted the American flag on the moon on July 20, 1969, he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
Turning to news of rather less gravity – sometimes these segueways write themselves…
UK braces for heavy snow and freezing rain with road and rail disruption expected (BBC Live Reporting, edited by the wonderfully aptronymically named Matt Spivey)
I’ve said it before but these reports that would have us ‘brace’ for weather-related disruptions are remarkably self-fulfilling…
Increased likelihood of disruption today… Amber warnings are the second highest level of alert and should be taken seriously as there is an increased likelihood of disruption from severe weather with the possibility of travel delays, power cuts and the potential of risk to life and property… Speed restrictions and line closures, how weather may affect National Rail services (Elizabeth Rizzini, Lead Weather Presenter)
Time for a calm down dear: Can I mend my broken heart? Sophia Money-Coutts (the formerly serious Times)
Neil Young reverses his Glastonbury ‘boycott’… just days after saying he had turned down a slot because of the BBC’s involvement. (BBC)
I hate whingeing, self-obsessed rock stars Gary Kemp (Times) – you and me both, mate.
The jokey blokey Daily Star channels John Cleese as Basil Fawlty: “Can’t we get you on Mastermind, Sybil? Next contestant, Sybil Fawlty from Torquay, specialist subject the bleedin’ obvious!”
Secretary of State for the Bleedin’ Obvious… Health Secretary Wes Streeting – who represents the gits who stole OAPs’winter heating allowance – says we should turn on the heating and wrap up warm (Daily Star)
Interestingly, in these times of media absolute obsession with global warming: 2024 UK’s fourth warmest year on record (Tomasz Schafernaker, BBC Lead Weather Presenter – Hang on, I thought the BBC’s Lead Weather Presenter was Elizabeth Rizzini? No matter.) – interestingly… our Daily Star lampoons Streeting with their usual red clown’s nose, as applied to most politicians, but sits him astride a woolly mammoth in an Ice Age era landscape, albeit with an anachronistic pterodactyl flying in the background:
…as -8c snow and ice hit Britain (Daily Star) – but I guess that’s just the weather?
“This criticism of Jess Phillips MUST STOP. After all, is not as if she is in a position of influence and responsibility….
She always conducts herself professionally and should command respect, not criticism”
Alex Armstrong video
Big thread 28,000 Likes
“This is @jessphillips, a year ago.
She’s used the grooming gang epidemic like political football in opposition, morally grandstanding at every opportunity.
Now she has the power to do something, she’s chosen to do NOTHING.
Typical Labour politician, she is nothing more than a charlatan.
What an absolute disgrace
Still going batshizzle on X, owned by the guy no one using it can abide.
The power is now fully in all the wrong hands bar him, especially domestic media utterly corrupted in their account holding role by ideology or worse.
But X is offering a degree of popular kick back, hilariously dismissed by the groupie sectors mixing dismissing X as a dead medium with screaming about its influence.
And some of the traditionally successful appeals to respected power efforts are getting ratioed big time.
Seems Lord Ali will be funding new keks in not just Labour offices but tv studios too.
The power base of Phillips, Kaur, Vile, any Labour MP, the FT, Rory, Mad Al, etc is not proving the effective dominant propaganda force it used to be.
Off X or, as they are desperate in realising, still on.
Im waiting for the headline “pm cuts short sunshine holiday to deal with winter weather crisis ‘…. TTK holding a COBRA and orders the clouds not to snow with more TTK courts ordered to sentence snow clouds to long sentences or be on remand for ever if they plead not guilty …..
I think it’s brilliant ! Due to his youth and win, he’s brought renewed interest to the game, not seen since the 80s . Admittedly the trophies are a bit OTT – some of mine from back in the day were like graveside monuments ! 😀
This is how Labour tries to stop the boats! Home Office staff blow £10,000 of taxpayer cash at swanky skyscraper restaurant as they entertain Italian officials.
The expensive meal that happened at the Searcys at The Gherkin has been labelled an ‘outrageous extravagance’ at a time when the nation’s finances are tight.
After the election, Rachel Reeves warned there was not a ‘huge amount of money’ when speaking of the government’s finances.
Since then the the government cut the winter fuel allowance for millions of pensioners as well as pensioners as well as dropping a ‘tax bomb’ Budget, hiking employers’ national insurance to raise £25billion for the Treasury.
According to the Sun, civil servants had ‘exceptional permission’ to pay for the meal via Government Procurement Card for the event thrown for their Italian counterparts.
The £10,350 bill in November was declared in a government credit card spending report.
“You negotiated a contract worth billions with your friends from Pfizer, for a product that was useless at best, harmful at worst, and in many cases even fatal.”
“You are the subject of several corruption investigations. If you had a shred of decency in you, you wouldn’t be running for office in the first place.”
“You should not be re-elected, you should be chased out of this parliament—and out of office—in disgrace.”
Biden to award Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton, George Soros, 17 others, by Joey Garrison
WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden on Saturday named former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire political activist and philanthropist George Soros recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, part of a group of 19 people selected for the nation’s highest
The old race card is wearing a bit thin, Owen. It’s people like you who enabled the cover-up and are therefore directly responsible for the rape and the suffering of thousands of girls.
Oh come on , There`s Emily Maitless , Anna Soubry , Polly Toynbee , Greta Thunberg , Emily Thornbury and that LibDim woman .
Just to show Im not misogynist , There`s Maitless mates on their “The News Agents ” – John Sopel and the hand wringing one , John Simpson , David Cameron , his mate , Richard Branson , Marcus Prigstocke ,
In fact all the BBC , half the Labour [change your name] party , Tory wets , the LibDims [change your name ] university lecturers , Just Stop Oil , people who put Green Party signs on their village big cottage , people who drink soya milk etc .
The worst are senior civil servants and Gramscians .
If the French refuse to take back the unwanted enrichers setting off over the channel, can we take them to some kind of European Court for fly tipping.
From the little I’ve listened to with reporters/Government Ministers/MP’s, I’m suddenly suspicious of now often/repeated statement viz. “This will happen in our second term (of office)”
What do these interviewees know that is not apparent at the moment? I guess it could be simply the derangement which infects all Socialists/Communists.
Our Armed Services? Are in the unusual position of apparently acting/thinking 1st World having not adjusted yet to the country’s actual 3rd World status. That’s why they have not instigated a coup yet which is common in most countries the invaders have come from.
Surprised a coup is not encouraged to make the invaders more at home…………..
Last Tuesday/Wednesday the wind was strong and it was fairly mild, so renewables contributed about 60% of energy for electricity, and about 18GW was from wind.
But today it is very cold and there is no wind. To cope with the cold, demand has risen to nearly 40GW.
And wind power. Oh dear. We know it can produce 18GW but today on a day when we really need the energy, it’s ….errrr ….5GW, around 25% of capacity, a magnificent 13% of total need, a figure exceeded by interconnector imports. The cost of this wind power redundancy, is of course never mentioned by Ed Millipede or his fellow travellers.
Thank goodness for gas. I hope the eco-fanatics are freezing in their fossil fuel free houses. Or have they just turned on the gas central heating, the hypocrites?
The maker of The News Agents podcast has posted mounting losses after rising debt costs eclipsed higher advertising revenues.
Global Media and Entertainment, the media group owned by British entrepreneur Ashley Tabor-King, reported a loss of £129m in the year to the end of March, an increase of almost a quarter.
Global, which owns radio stations including LBC, Capital and Classic FM, said its podcasting division had been boosted by the success of The News Agents, a current affairs show hosted by former BBC journalists Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall.
The group also enjoyed growth in its billboard advertising division, which operates more than 253,000 sites on the London Underground, by roads and in airports. Total revenues rose by almost £50m to £858m.
However, this was largely offset by higher costs and administrative expenses. Rising interest rates drove a sharp increase in finance costs for the company, which is funded largely by loans from banks and Mr Tabor-King. Accumulated losses now stand at more than £1.3bn.
Er, reports abound that ” hospitals struggle as almost 5,000 flu patients take up beds EACH DAY ” …….
So, how come that many are getting a bed when dozens sit waiting every day in A & E waiting for a bed ? Yet 5000 suddenly become available when needed .
Which was why I was discharged with no way home at 2:30 am 6 miles away from home., in just basic home clothes and told to find my own way , after being rushed to hospital unconscious and very ill 9 hours earlier.
People often say “if it continues increasing at this rate then XYZ in 2 months time”
but in practice things rarely “continue increasing at this rate” graphs often hit a plateau after some time.
> Er, reports abound that ” hospitals struggle as almost 5,000 flu patients take up beds EACH DAY ” …….
The rockapes in the above report clearly do not understand how a Gompertz curve works.
Symptomatic cases are maximum when almost zero patients are in hospital. Then each day *fewer* patients present until finally herd immunity occurs. Each day the number of new cases is a declining straight line with negative slope.
“Gompertz refers to a mathematical model, a distribution, and a law of mortality, all named after Benjamin Gompertz, an English mathematician and actuary”
It is not 1st April and there is no way of telling if this is false info or whatever. Supposedly sent from the Trump Tower cybertruck giant firework chap to another military person he knew. Here is part of the email:
“In case I do not make it to my decision point or on to the Mexico border I am sending this now. Please do not release this until 1JAN and keep my identity private until then.
First off I am not under duress or hostile influence or control. My first car was a 2006 Black Ford Mustang V6 for verification.
What we have been seeing with “drones” is the operational use of gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft by most recently China in the east coast, but throughout history, the US. Only we and China have this capability. Our OPEN location for this activity in the box is below.
China has been launching them from the Atlantic from submarines for years, but this activity recently has picked up. As of now, it is just a show of force and they are using it similar to how they used the balloon for sigint and isr, which are also part of the integrated comms system. There are dozens of those balloons in the air at any given time.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
markhMar 12, 11:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s bad enough that the dire Comic Relief is heading our way again. What makes it infinitely worse is that…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Have we done the Fake Far Right Mob spotted at Liverpool mosque with big signs saying filming in progress ?…
Fedup2Mar 12, 10:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Atlas – I agree – the work address is public domain on the BBC website … she is on linked…
tomoMar 12, 10:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 A refreshed lexicon of climate woo bullshit is being re-tried – on the front page. Climate Weirding + Climate Whiplash…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:10 Midweek 12th March 2025
What a bonus!
You get the feeling that Starmers days are very numbered now. With UK/German interest rate spreads indicating less confidence in this Government than Truss’s it is bizarre that the bBC is not referring to omnishambles et al; but that is what happens when you have a diversity policy that recruits exclusively from the left. We will be in unchartered territory when the Labour Party are forced to depose the radarless Starmer. The problem is that it is not just Starmer, it is the establishment and its Labour Party. The British people need to treat the last thirty years as a symptom and work out what the problem is.
Spinning the turbines : BBC local newsPR had a long opening item about Trump saying something about North Sea wind turbines.
Was this a TRUTH item or SPIN ?
Well truth items begin with the actual source. Show the video of the actual person saying the thing
OR cos this time it was a social media post simply put it on the screen so we can read it ourselves
Far from doing this the BBC item never showed a screenshot of the post
rather it was was “Trump said” “Trump RANTED”
FFS It’s only 17 words. How can it be a rant ?
– “Rant” is a loaded word .. so not impartial reporting
– The item next said years ago “Trump FALSELY said wind farms cause cancer “.. again falsely is a value judgement .
Many many things cause cancer .. and it is not impossible that repetitive stress due to constant subsonic wind farm rumbling could facilitate cancer.
Currently I couldn’t show you a body.
The studio presenter handed over to the enviro-reporter
and which expert did he choose to air first ?
Yep the GREENPEACE guy Doug Parr
Yep BBC science = asking Greenpeace what they think
Stew, it could be that increased long-term exposure to sulphur hexaflouride from wind farm installation causes cancers in those doing the work of installing the wind farms. We know from 2024 that work had to stopped installing a wind farm because the workers had been overcome by sulphur hexaflouride and had experienced breathing difficulties. So DJT’s assertion may be correct.
More on SF6:
Used in switchgear as it is a good insulator, but being a gas it can leak.
Misinformation alert: The link is a BBC website, these pages often contain misinformation – reader caution advised.
“Keir Starmer is as ‘guilty as anyone’ over failures to tackle grooming gangs, former detective claims – as pressure mounts on Government to order public inquiry into Oldham scandal”
“Ms Oliver, who helped expose the failure to tackle paedophile gangs in Rochdale, intervened after Labour blocked calls for a public inquiry into rape and sexual abuse by gangs in neighbouring Oldham.
The former Greater Manchester Police detective said Labour and the Conservatives were ‘equally to blame’ for failing to get to grips with the scandal – and suggested that the PM was among those who had questions to answer about their past decisions.
‘Keir Starmer, as the former DPP, is perhaps as guilty as anyone I know in where we find ourselves today,’ she said. ‘We `all know what’s going on, but I don’t trust a single one of those who to date have been entrusted with keeping our children safe and prosecuting serial rapists. They’ve failed. Repeatedly. Knowingly. Criminally.'”
They are eventually going to have to drag the hollow man out of no 10 kicking and screaming…..
Remember what I said a while ago about the labour mob’s answer to anything they are not doing is talk about “work” ???
here we have it again, in response the above:
“Mr Streeting defended the Government’s record and told ITV News that ministers took child sexual exploitation ‘incredibly seriously’. …He urged Mr Musk to work with the Government on tackling online abuse of children.”
we’re willing to work with Elon Musk, who I think has got a big role to play with his social media platform to help us and other countries to tackle this serious issue.
‘So if he wants to work with us and roll his sleeves up, we’d welcome that.'”
“‘We would absolutely encourage and work with Oldham in establishing their own inquiries,’ he added.”
Every time Streeting opens his mouth a poor little fairy has to die.
Millions have perished.
bBC Verified Fact (c) 2025
BBC is branded ‘despicable’ as Rabbi is ‘ambushed’ live on air with ‘hostile’ questions about Israel after he was ‘invited’ to talk about Jewish holiday – as Beeb issues an apology
“as Beeb issues an apology” but will use footage/snippets for the next 6 months out of context.
I was wondering why the BBC think they are so unbiased as to claim that its ‘everybody else’ who are against them, the liberal socialist elite who run the country behind the veil of so called democracy.
BBC had staff fighting to get into Blairs government as Ministers and all the problems we have now are largely through that huge influx of undesirables. The one world globalists invented climate change. They know it does not exist , but they point is that we must be TOLD repeatedly that it exists, and that is why the STATE needs to take control and then hand over all means of production to the favored few. I only knew of the Bill Gates, Soros and fabian society links to Labour but also the shadow world behind it is the WEF. And this new video does explain why the BBC tries so hard to convince us ESG (Sustainability and Environmental codswallop) and the governance is not our UK government but the WEF by proxy.
Labour is our proxy. And they will try to ensure in four years, that there is no way back. As long as the BBC can rely on its eco-activists to keep us aware of the sky falling in. Project fear it has been called.
And they want private money diverted to its cause. They have invented a name for it and its called STAKEHOLDER capitalism.
It has nothing to do with ‘ecology’, ‘sustainability’ or ‘saving the polar bears’. Its about making us a bankrupt society that has to rely on….. the WEF. And they rely on the BBC who are paid to push the global agenda forward. TV license is really just a fig leaf. It has total bias to the cause.
This video (45mins) was made by a TV producer. He explores ‘The Great Reset’.
VIDEO explains what is going on and why Starmer praises DAVOS
How will the BBC deal with Luke Littler – who apparently is the new Darts World Champion . He has a number of disabilities . First – he is male – then he is white – and ‘working class ‘ and plays darts – hence a peasant – English – British .- and 17 . He might also have a girl friend . All count against him when it comes to the 2025 sporty personality or anything else ….
… will TTK invite him to number 10 ?
I’ve never seen mr littler – but he should be a ‘positive ‘ – but somehow his disabilities will disqualify him from the recognition he deserves …
Sound familiar ? the “do’s and don’ts below….
“Washington state Democrats accidentally email their ‘radical’ tax plan to entire Senate. Seattle radio host Jason Rantz claims docs show a ‘direct contradiction’ to campaign promises.
A PowerPoint slide, highlighted by Seattle radio host Jason Rantz, described the “Best way to talk taxes” — with a chart of do’s and don’ts for lawmakers.
Do say: “Pay what they owe” — but Don’t say: “Tax the rich” or “pay their fair share” because “taxes aren’t a punishment,” the graph read.
It also suggested using the terms “funding,” “providing” and “ensuring” when describing the apparent benefits of tax hikes, rather than the term “investing in [X].”
and…it starts again, the far left and their bloody masks….
> the far left and their bloody masks….
It is a fetish. A bit like wearing a rubber suit and being locked in a big box with a flashing blue light on top.
Popular with a judge or two so they say.
You’ve seen Personal Services as well then, very funny movie with a young Julie Walters.
I might be confused …but I understand that the vile sopel has been reported for a ‘non crime hate incident ‘ ( whatever that woke mad nonsense is ) because of the title of yet another book he has pumped called something like ‘if only Americans didn’t speak English ‘
I only report this because it shows the madness of our time . I obviously don’t want to publicise the existence of a sopel book – he is as venal as any bbc type and worthy of any badness ..
” Jon Sopel book title at centre of non-crime race-hate row
Police investigate man who used ‘If Only They Didn’t Speak English’ in discussion with white American.
The title of Jon Sopel’s book on Donald Trump’s United States is at the centre of a race-hate row investigated by police, The Telegraph can reveal.
A British man who quoted former BBC journalist Sopel’s book title “If Only They Didn’t Speak English: Notes from Trump’s America”, was investigated by Wiltshire Police for racial hatred towards an American.
The man, from Wiltshire, had a non-crime hate incident (NCHI) recorded against him after citing the title in what he claimed was a “light-hearted” discussion with a white American, saying he was seeking to use it as a way to make conversation.
He followed up the conversation with an email to the American in which he maintained the book was an “affectionate” portrait of the US and defended raising it as it “seemed apposite”.
However, like The Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson, he was visited at his home by a Wiltshire Police officer to be questioned as a “suspect” over the incident and given “words of advice” over his allegedly racist behaviour towards the “victim”.
He subsequently discovered that it had been recorded by Wiltshire Police as a non-crime racial hate incident, which, although not a criminal offence, can still appear on checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for jobs involving children or vulnerable people.”
The X comments about this really focused on the Wiltshire constabulary – which is in ‘special needs ‘ because it cannot catch a cold – but which the home office loves for its’ zealotry with regard to responding to stuff outside the criminal law .
It’s a time when it’s good that plod is not armed – because there’d be the case of the first twitter user shot by plod because of a comment on X …
It’s not Blighty any more …
“non-crime racial hate incident, which, although not a criminal offence, can still appear on checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for jobs involving children or vulnerable people.”
not a criminal offence – but recorded?!
” Inside the ‘priority’ NHS services for migrants
Asylum seekers receiving ‘preferential medical treatment’ despite increasing wait times for Britons ”
BBC QuoteAsAheadline trick
Musk ‘misinformed’ on grooming gangs, says Streeting
BBC are double ratioed there
Oh, the schadenfreude…
“A scandal too deep even for Alastair Campbell to spin a way out of? His maths whizz son runs a football betting syndicate accused of losing its members up to £10million. Now he’s gone to ground and investors say they’re calling in police”
And, here we go again..
Mystery disease outbreak in China overwhelms hospitals in chilling echo of Covid dark days
China is reportedly being ravaged by a mysterious viral outbreak that is overwhelming some hospitals.
“According to local news reports, a little-known virus called human metapneumovirus (HMPV) has been blamed. It normally causes a mild cold-like illness, including fever, a cough, runny nose and wheezing.
In severe cases, HMPV can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia, particularly in children.
The virus spreads through respiratory droplets and close physical contact, making it highly contagious in crowded settings”
“Meanwhile, WHO has urged China to share data on the origins of the global Covid-19 outbreak in 2020 which led to an estimated seven million deaths.”
The problem is that the vast majority of idiots still believe viruses exist. I suggest you look into the murder of Pico della Mirandola. When you understand why he was murdered, you know what is going on. It’s a grand delusion, and the vast majority will die having not the slightest clue of what is going on.
THIS is community cohesion
I watched a brilliant 30 minute piece on Spectator TV of Freddie Gray , the Spectator US correspondent, interviewing Douglas Murray about the rape and torture gang , the decades long cover up by the British establishment and the recent intervention of Elon Musk. Douglas pulled no punches and Freddie let him rip, indeed encouraged him to do so.
It’s behind the pay wall and it’s way beyond my abilities to copy it on to this site. But it was a dramatic full on denunciation of the entire British political class and their decades long suppression of the truth , it was dynamite.The only thing I’ve seen that comes close would be Mark Steyn at his best on GB News or Tommy Robinson’s film.
For the ultra Tory establishment Spectator to run this is a clear indication that the political establishment consensus in the UK is cracking and that Musk and Trump have already started to shift the Overton window to the right. Once the British people begin to feel able to say what they think the views that many of us express on this site will rapidly become increasingly widespread and no amount of Starmer led suppression will keep the lid on things.
Times they are a changin.
I must say that when Gove was chosen as the editor of the Spectator I feared it would become even more Globalist Uniparty . I note that the previous editor Fraser Nelson has just published a piece saying how splendidly mass immigration is going in the UK. He always was a fool. But , assuming that Gove approved this anti establishment broadside and that Freddy continues to be employed, the new editor has surprised me.
Good, the following is also headline news and let’s see it every day like the bastard bbc and partygate until starmer is pilloried and EVERYONE who enabled it feels the “full bloody force of the law” including council officers, councillors, MPs, the police, the judiciary, the bloody lot.:
“How leering men pursued me when I was a nine-year-old schoolgirl: Life in a town where grooming gangs operated in plain sight and their victims got the blame, writes ELIZABETH HAIGH”
@DT, there is a remove paywall thingy I use, I’ll check it out.
@Doublethinker the video is not paywalled It’s on YouTube and Xx
Riht clicking over Youtube vids gives you a menu saying “copy video URL”
Spectator 4 Jan 2025:
“The Rotherham cover-up
Why did so many turn a blind eye?
You all know what I mean by the word ‘Rotherham.’ In The Spirit of Terrorism, Jean Baudrillard observes that there is no true synonym for ‘9/11’ – no one refers to the ‘World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks’ or the ‘Bin Laden attacks’, but just to the date itself, typically in its abbreviated form. Perhaps, he suggests, this is because the events of that day were so shocking, and so significant, that they must be described abstractly. We cannot find the right words.
There is no true synonym for ‘Rotherham’, either. ‘Child sexual exploitation’ (CSE) is the sterile term favoured by most institutions. ‘Child sexual abuse ring’ or ‘grooming gangs’ is more common in the media. None of these terms are satisfactory.
When I use the word ‘Rotherham’, I am talking about the rape and sexual torture of thousands of underage girls in Britain over many decades by Muslim men from the Middle East, East Africa, and South Asia (predominantly Pakistan). The men targeted these girls because they were white and non-Muslim. Authorities failed to investigate the crimes for fear of being called racist. There is no disputing the fact that the motivation for the crimes was – and is – explicitly anti-white. Many of the perpetrators have said as much in both court testimony and police interviews.
‘Rotherham’ has become a catch-all for sex crimes that took place across the UK, not just in the town of Rotherham. The journalist Charlie Peters has described this as the biggest race hate scandal in 21st century Britain, having identified at least 50 places in the UK in which these gangs have operated, and are continuing to operate. Notable among these is Oxford, a city in which predominantly Pakistani areas in the east abut predominately poor white areas at the very edge. Excerpts from the sentencing remarks relating to the 2013 conviction of members of an Oxford gang have been circulated on Twitter this week. They tell the stories of girls between the ages of 11 and 16 being anally raped, branded with their perpetrator’s initials, forcibly injected with heroin and trafficked across Britain to have sex with more men.
The details of this deprave and calculated exploitation – and other exploitations very similar to it – have been in the public domain for a long time. Julie Bindel first wrote about the subject in 2007. But outrage at the ‘Rotherham’ phenomenon has been ignored and very effectively suppressed by local officials, the government and much of the media, which means that most people – including most Britons – do not know exactly what happened. Rotherham only returned to public conversation after Elon Musk joined a discussion on X.
For my sins, I already knew the details. From 2016 to 2018, I worked for a charity in Oxford that supports victims of sexual violence. This was in the wake of Operation Bullfinch, the police investigation into a gang that had been operating in the city since at least 2004, which included the individuals whose depravities have recently been circulated on Twitter. A 2015 serious case review led to the creation of a specialist charity and police unit (the Kingfisher team). I didn’t work with so-called ‘CSE victims’ directly, because that was not the role of our charity, but I did attend a lot of multi-agency meetings which were focused on CSE.
I never witnessed anyone failing to follow the procedures formally demanded of their role. What I did witness, however – many, many times – were charity workers and (to a lesser extent) social workers and police officers clamouring to insist that ‘the stereotypes’ about CSE were not true. That is, that the victims were not always white girls, and that the perpetrators were not always Muslim men.
Which, technically, is true – in large part because the definition of CSE adopted by government agencies came to be so expansive that it included all sorts of sex crimes that had nothing to do with what ‘Rotherham’ represents. Teenage boys groomed into sending naked photos to adult men on the internet, for instance, was a kind of crime that I repeatedly saw categorised as CSE. ‘People of all genders sexually assault people of all genders’ was a phrase one of my colleagues was fond of repeating. It was all obfuscation. They must have known that.
The specific kind of crime that ‘Rotherham’ represents is absolutely racialised, and it is not rare. Rotherham itself is a small town. By a conservative estimate, 1,400 children (the vast majority girls) were abused over a 15-year period, representing a very substantial minority of white girls living in Rotherham at the time. A 2020 study by academics from Reading and Chichester universities estimated that 1 in 73 Muslim men in Rotherham were prosecuted for their involvement in the abuse, with an unknown additional number evading detection. Almost everyone in Rotherham knows someone involved, either as victim or perpetrator. It should not surprise us that, during last Summer’s race riots, the town was the site of some of the most serious violence.
But a post-industrial northern town like Rotherham feels a very long way from Westminster. ‘Rotherham’ as a synecdoche doesn’t just represent the racially-motivated sexual torture of adolescent girls, it also represents catastrophic elite failure.
It was a failure, in the first instance, to permit the culture clash that resulted in ‘Rotherham’. Anyone with an ounce of sense should have realised that the post-sexual revolution culture of Britain and the very conservative sexual culture of a Muslim country like Pakistan would not mix happily. The men who participated in the rape gangs were clearly not good Muslims, not least because they drank alcohol. But they nevertheless conceived of themselves as ethnically and religiously distinct from Britain’s majority-white population, whose daughters were understood to be legitimate targets of sexual violence.
This, too, in the era when online porn became widely available, which surely contributed to the sense that white girls (‘white slags’ and ‘white whores’, as the perpetrators described them) were fair game. The predominance of white and East Asian women in online porn means that it effectively functions as racist propaganda, teaching men across the world – including those who have never actually met a white or East Asian person – that these women are as pornography represents them: desperate for pain and humiliation.
Men whose sexual tastes had been trained on this propaganda found themselves in the midst of a sexually liberated culture in which adolescent girls are not fiercely guarded by their male relatives, and most girls are not supervised when they go out, even at night. They targeted the girls whose supervision was most lax, particularly girls in foster care who could disappear for days on end without provoking much in the way of adult action. Very many teachers, carers, and NHS staff had a sense that something was going on, since they saw underage girls in the company of ‘older Asian boyfriends’. But this was typically written off as behaviour characteristic of the British underclass. They were just white slags.
The authorities did not want to know. Not only did these crimes go uninvestigated, but victims and their families were frequently stonewalled or persecuted by the police. The father of one 15-year-old girl in Rotherham, whose attack had been so brutal she later needed surgery, was told by a police officer that the experience would ‘teach her a lesson’. Again and again, adults in positions of authority discovered what was going on, and yet decided that these underage girls were making their own decisions – that they were demonstrating agency – and so took no action. During this long period of failure, at least three victims were murdered: Laura Wilson (17), Lucy Lowe (16), and Charlene Downes (14).
It’s awful, I know. So awful that it’s tempting to dismiss it all as exaggeration, or even as a malicious invention by the far-right. When Suella Braverman announced the creation of a Grooming Gangs Taskforce in 2023 when she was home secretary, even so many decades after the problem first emerged, one Guardian writer accused her of inflaming ‘Islamophobic and xenophobic prejudice’. Dismissing all of this evidence as lies has been the preferred coping mechanism of the British elite – the people with no social connections to places like Rotherham, who are all eager to believe in the success of our multicultural project. The establishment did not want to know about ‘Rotherham’ – still does not want to know about ‘Rotherham’ – because it upsets that fantasy.
But this is hard history now, beyond dispute: police forces across the country prioritised the prevention of race riots over the prevention of the sexual torture of tens of thousands of children. Almost all of the media and political class turned a blind eye to it (with some important and admirable exceptions), precisely because so many of the perpetrators were motivated by anti-white animus. That fact is so shocking, and so significant, that we cannot find the right words.”
It’s an absolute scandal that it has taken Elon Musk to raise these rape gangs up into any kind of spotlight.
And still the BBC are doing their very best to attack the messenger with headlines like this:
‘Farage distances himself from Musk on Robinson’
It just proves beyond any doubt that the extreme hypocrites at the BBC (and the Left in general) don’t care one bit about all those girls who got raped by all those Pakistani men. They only care about their left-wing agenda.
This is why those people disgust me so much. They have no actual ethics and no conscience whatsoever.
Anyone wanting to read articles paywalled, put the URL into this, it only does not work if the article is very new:
It works on most things
But not on some sites eg The Times newspaper.
I’ve discovered that if it’s behind a paywall, it’s likely not worth reading. I stopped reading newspapers a few years ago as nothing in them could be taken at face value.
My point above is that the legacy media consensus that you refer to is showing signs of breaking down as the Overton window , which defines what elites allow to be discussed , is shifting to the right thanks to Trump and Musk.
If this shift continues then the entire globalist WEF hegemony will be under extreme threat.
And, the champagne socialists’ corrupt grifting continues…
“Treasury minister ‘given London flat by developer linked to ousted Bangladesh regime’
Developer Abdul Motalif is understood to have donated the two-bedroom home in central London to Ms Siddiq in 2004, without a payment being made.
Mr Motalif has links to Ms Siddiq’s aunt, the former prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, who ruled the country with an iron fist.
She fled Bangladesh to India in August with Ms Siddiq’s mother Sheikh Rehana after the deaths of hundreds of protesters.
The King’s Cross property, which Ms Siddiq still owns, was purchased in January 2001 for £195,000. A neighbouring property recently sold for £650,000, according to the Financial Times.
Ms Siddiq faced calls to step back from anti-corruption work last month amid claims she helped her family embezzle £4 billion from a nuclear power project.
The Rooppur nuclear plant was built in Bangladesh by Russian state-owned company Rosatom.
But the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation – which Ms Siddiq oversees – has imposed at least 45 measures on companies and individuals linked to Rosatom over the war on Ukraine. ”
Charlotte Gill on incredible libmob hypocrisy
Did you know that Kim Darroch, the former British Ambassador to the United States, is a Director of Best for Britain?
It’s received over £4 million from The Open Society Foundations (George Soros) since 2017.
Best for🇬🇧recently complained about foreign interference in politics.
The bBC cannot help themselves – the disingenuous little shits:
Today’s headline:
“Briton among dead in New Orleans vehicle attack”
Where is the word terrorist? This is lalaland stuff.
By sheer coincidence that is the wording used in The Times page I opened 5 minutes ago
: British man among victims of New Orleans *terror* attack
See how bbc tweets rotinely describle it as attack, vehicle attack
And avoid mentioing islamic terrorism
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they said something about New Orleans along the lines of “what the Americans are calling a terrorist attack”
So then, not the bbbc, it’s the Americans.
vehicle attack
I notice that low priority is given to EVs used in both the US attacks
That’s an outrage and sacrilege surely….
Particularly in New Orleans’ small, narrow streets the extra torque and rapid acceleration provided by the electric power train made the injuries significantly worse.
I’ve seen one video where the crazy fast off the line acceleration and low noise is evident….
EVs would be a weapon of choice in an islamic terrorist ramming attack because they are heavier (sometimes twice the weight of ICE equivalents). So more kinetic energy.
They also make less noise so more victims would be ambushed without warning (of vehicle noise).
“Remember that the home office priority under governments of both parties was not just to hush the rape of children up but to actively attack those who tried to raise it tarring them as extremists”
This is simply unbelievable. For ‘contempt of court’, Tommy has been sent to a maximum security jail for Islamic extremists then put into solitary for his own protection.
Wasn’t TR moved yesterday ?
Er no, yesterday’s Andre Walker video was about the initial move.
Just been watching that video Stew.
He says they moved him to stop him learning things about the Southport murderer which prove his attachment to Islam and telling people at the trial. Seems like they (meaning Starmer) don’t want him to be convicted of actual terrorism after what they did to the protestors.
Labour are ‘very concerned’ about Elon Musk says @DrDominicGreen speaking to @StevenEdginton
Green says ‘the Labour Party is a control freak organisation’
and could control the grooming gangs debate through censorship
‘the Labour Party is a control freak organisation’
I watched a documentary about Labour’s handling of Angela Eagle’s bust-up with her constituency party – they (Labour top tier) are proper nasty bunch – no mistake.
Andrew Lawrence’s take.
9am Radio Humberside news opening item was Windfarm PR based on the 6 minute carefully crafted windfarm-PR item on bbc Look North last night
I note that didn’t show Trump’s actual post
But rather relied on LOADED untrue words like “fumed” “ranted”
Honest media would begin by showing SOURCE post first
The Radio Humberside item aired no pro Trump voice
But rather used the 30 second clip of the Humber windfarm PR guy.
Radio Lincolnshire news led with report about anticipated dangerous weather.
Also mentioned the British victim in New Orleans
Guess the language ?
“Died when an ARMY VETERAN drove a pickup truck into a crowd of people”
not an estate agent in an EV then….
10am it was slightly tweaked by beginning with “Donald Trump has been invited to Hull”
a meaningless headline ..cos it’s based on the windfarm PR guy speaking off the cuff , saying “I’d like to invite Trump to visit Hull to show him.. “
There was a time, not so long ago, when terrorists targeted our elite: Earl Mountbatten; Margaret Thatcher and Norman Tebbit at the Tory party conference; John Major’s back garden at 10 Downing Street.
Security for our elites was tightened, the organised terror cells infiltrated and broken, their leadership brought inside the political tent, so to speak.
In February 1991, John Major survived an IRA mortar attack. But while publicly the British government refused to talk to terrorists, behind the scenes covert communications began. (BBC, Endgame in Ireland, series 1:2 Talking to Terrorists)
Now the modus operandi is the lone wolf, targeting us plebs – and apparently terrorism, for our elites, is now no biggie – the very word itself banished from media reports: Briton among dead in New Orleans vehicle attack… During the attack, a man in a pick-up truck ploughed through crowds on the city’s Bourbon Street before being killed by police. (Emily McGarvey, BBC News) – no mention of the word terror in this BBC report of course.
And as for motivation, the terorists are now so leary of the authorities denying their ideology that they have to stick their flag on it: The FBI says an Islamic State group flag was found inside the vehicle. (BBC)
All this talk of ‘men’ and their flags puts me in mind of: When Neil Armstrong planted the American flag on the moon on July 20, 1969, he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
Turning to news of rather less gravity – sometimes these segueways write themselves…
UK braces for heavy snow and freezing rain with road and rail disruption expected (BBC Live Reporting, edited by the wonderfully aptronymically named Matt Spivey)
I’ve said it before but these reports that would have us ‘brace’ for weather-related disruptions are remarkably self-fulfilling…
Increased likelihood of disruption today… Amber warnings are the second highest level of alert and should be taken seriously as there is an increased likelihood of disruption from severe weather with the possibility of travel delays, power cuts and the potential of risk to life and property… Speed restrictions and line closures, how weather may affect National Rail services (Elizabeth Rizzini, Lead Weather Presenter)
Time for a calm down dear: Can I mend my broken heart? Sophia Money-Coutts (the formerly serious Times)
Neil Young reverses his Glastonbury ‘boycott’… just days after saying he had turned down a slot because of the BBC’s involvement. (BBC)
I hate whingeing, self-obsessed rock stars Gary Kemp (Times) – you and me both, mate.
The jokey blokey Daily Star channels John Cleese as Basil Fawlty: “Can’t we get you on Mastermind, Sybil? Next contestant, Sybil Fawlty from Torquay, specialist subject the bleedin’ obvious!”
Secretary of State for the Bleedin’ Obvious… Health Secretary Wes Streeting – who represents the gits who stole OAPs’winter heating allowance – says we should turn on the heating and wrap up warm (Daily Star)
Interestingly, in these times of media absolute obsession with global warming: 2024 UK’s fourth warmest year on record (Tomasz Schafernaker, BBC Lead Weather Presenter – Hang on, I thought the BBC’s Lead Weather Presenter was Elizabeth Rizzini? No matter.) – interestingly… our Daily Star lampoons Streeting with their usual red clown’s nose, as applied to most politicians, but sits him astride a woolly mammoth in an Ice Age era landscape, albeit with an anachronistic pterodactyl flying in the background:
…as -8c snow and ice hit Britain (Daily Star) – but I guess that’s just the weather?
“This criticism of Jess Phillips MUST STOP. After all, is not as if she is in a position of influence and responsibility….

She always conducts herself professionally and should command respect, not criticism”
Alex Armstrong video
Big thread 28,000 Likes
“This is @jessphillips, a year ago.
She’s used the grooming gang epidemic like political football in opposition, morally grandstanding at every opportunity.
Now she has the power to do something, she’s chosen to do NOTHING.
Typical Labour politician, she is nothing more than a charlatan.
What an absolute disgrace
Still going batshizzle on X, owned by the guy no one using it can abide.
The power is now fully in all the wrong hands bar him, especially domestic media utterly corrupted in their account holding role by ideology or worse.
But X is offering a degree of popular kick back, hilariously dismissed by the groupie sectors mixing dismissing X as a dead medium with screaming about its influence.
And some of the traditionally successful appeals to respected power efforts are getting ratioed big time.
Seems Lord Ali will be funding new keks in not just Labour offices but tv studios too.
The power base of Phillips, Kaur, Vile, any Labour MP, the FT, Rory, Mad Al, etc is not proving the effective dominant propaganda force it used to be.
Off X or, as they are desperate in realising, still on.
Im waiting for the headline “pm cuts short sunshine holiday to deal with winter weather crisis ‘…. TTK holding a COBRA and orders the clouds not to snow with more TTK courts ordered to sentence snow clouds to long sentences or be on remand for ever if they plead not guilty …..
No wonder the woke are called snowflakes ..
BBC News – No news.
Just a “Nudge Unit”.
Seen in the Daily Mail that a doctor wants warnings on alcohol bottles saying it can cause cancer.
There’s so many of these links with cancer causing food and drink that surely it would be simpler to put ‘Everything causes cancer’ on anything sold.
I sometimes think that the twats who come out of the woodwork with scare stuff like this are really just seeking fame…..
After Luke Littler’s triumph at the darts I think his Mam should give him a special treat by taking him on a trip to Disneyland.
I think it’s brilliant ! Due to his youth and win, he’s brought renewed interest to the game, not seen since the 80s . Admittedly the trophies are a bit OTT – some of mine from back in the day were like graveside monuments ! 😀
Our parliament is in need of reform . Next time vote Reform UK.
I’m sorry to say that I don’t trust them either. Although I likely will vote for them.
Anyone opposing an inquiry into Pakistani muslim grooming gangs has something to hide. You listening, Starmer? Or downplaying the story, BBC?
This is how Labour tries to stop the boats! Home Office staff blow £10,000 of taxpayer cash at swanky skyscraper restaurant as they entertain Italian officials.
The expensive meal that happened at the Searcys at The Gherkin has been labelled an ‘outrageous extravagance’ at a time when the nation’s finances are tight.
After the election, Rachel Reeves warned there was not a ‘huge amount of money’ when speaking of the government’s finances.
Since then the the government cut the winter fuel allowance for millions of pensioners as well as pensioners as well as dropping a ‘tax bomb’ Budget, hiking employers’ national insurance to raise £25billion for the Treasury.
According to the Sun, civil servants had ‘exceptional permission’ to pay for the meal via Government Procurement Card for the event thrown for their Italian counterparts.
The £10,350 bill in November was declared in a government credit card spending report.
No mention that I can see on the BBC web of Ursula VdL sudden illness – two weeks off minimum…
Could Christine Anderson’s moment at the EU parliament rostrum be related? (they cut her microphone feed)
Biden to award Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton, George Soros, 17 others, by Joey Garrison
WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden on Saturday named former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire political activist and philanthropist George Soros recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, part of a group of 19 people selected for the nation’s highest
The old race card is wearing a bit thin, Owen. It’s people like you who enabled the cover-up and are therefore directly responsible for the rape and the suffering of thousands of girls.
I have tried very very hard to think of anyone I dislike more than Owen Jones and just can’t.
Oh come on , There`s Emily Maitless , Anna Soubry , Polly Toynbee , Greta Thunberg , Emily Thornbury and that LibDim woman .
Just to show Im not misogynist , There`s Maitless mates on their “The News Agents ” – John Sopel and the hand wringing one , John Simpson , David Cameron , his mate , Richard Branson , Marcus Prigstocke ,
In fact all the BBC , half the Labour [change your name] party , Tory wets , the LibDims [change your name ] university lecturers , Just Stop Oil , people who put Green Party signs on their village big cottage , people who drink soya milk etc .
The worst are senior civil servants and Gramscians .
You have a point Nibor, never thought of soya milk drinkers!
@ digg 2.29 pm. Starmer?
Ending albino persecution in Africa
Governments, UN and human rights groups step up advocacy to enlighten communities
Many of the usually suspect defensive line are currently falling back on ‘tis not’ as a truly persuasive comeback. Bit of ‘ism. And no facts.
And the replies they get reflect that and the actual position those they are defending really are.
If the French refuse to take back the unwanted enrichers setting off over the channel, can we take them to some kind of European Court for fly tipping.
If one of them murders a UK citizen then arrest Macron!
From the little I’ve listened to with reporters/Government Ministers/MP’s, I’m suddenly suspicious of now often/repeated statement viz. “This will happen in our second term (of office)”
What do these interviewees know that is not apparent at the moment? I guess it could be simply the derangement which infects all Socialists/Communists.
Our Armed Services? Are in the unusual position of apparently acting/thinking 1st World having not adjusted yet to the country’s actual 3rd World status. That’s why they have not instigated a coup yet which is common in most countries the invaders have come from.
Surprised a coup is not encouraged to make the invaders more at home…………..
Your Saturday energy update.
Last Tuesday/Wednesday the wind was strong and it was fairly mild, so renewables contributed about 60% of energy for electricity, and about 18GW was from wind.
But today it is very cold and there is no wind. To cope with the cold, demand has risen to nearly 40GW.
And wind power. Oh dear. We know it can produce 18GW but today on a day when we really need the energy, it’s ….errrr ….5GW, around 25% of capacity, a magnificent 13% of total need, a figure exceeded by interconnector imports. The cost of this wind power redundancy, is of course never mentioned by Ed Millipede or his fellow travellers.
Thank goodness for gas. I hope the eco-fanatics are freezing in their fossil fuel free houses. Or have they just turned on the gas central heating, the hypocrites?
PS Do not expect the BBC to comment on any of the above.
It’d be a shame……
I thought Lineker was in there too?
Maybe the losses are mostly down Mad Al or Rory and their expertises?
So, he has form in stopping paedophile investigations?
vlad – yes – he has more odious antics in his repertoire that Central Office are desperate to suppress.
He’s an unmitigated PoS, as are (imho) most of his close crew – not all of whom are, I’d say widely known about.
I’m minded of Noel Gallagher’s opinion of Sam Smith
And did we ever find out what his ‘big secret’ was?
Just wondering.
We all know that Starmer is full of shit but not this much.
He absolutely should not get in a big box with a flashing blue light on top looking like that.
Why not?
He won’t fit!
Earlier, Tomo posted that the 2 vehicles used in the USA attacks were both ev’s.
It’s good to know that terrorists and suicide bombers are taking global warming seriously.
The symbolism and fitness for purpose in the use of the EVs is, to what’s left of my mind – abundantly clear.
Las Vegas
Iconic juxtaposition of Trump + Musk ✔️
New Orleans
Absolutely brutal low speed acceleration ✔️
Appeasing the CO2 faeries, maybe not so much.
Er, reports abound that ” hospitals struggle as almost 5,000 flu patients take up beds EACH DAY ” …….
So, how come that many are getting a bed when dozens sit waiting every day in A & E waiting for a bed ? Yet 5000 suddenly become available when needed .
Which was why I was discharged with no way home at 2:30 am 6 miles away from home., in just basic home clothes and told to find my own way , after being rushed to hospital unconscious and very ill 9 hours earlier.
AFAIK it’s similar to Covid stats
so it’s not 5,000 new beds, but rather includes people already in hospital with something else like a bad leg.
I had flu at the end of Nov , neighbours had severe cases over Christmas so it is going around
The source stat is here
People often say “if it continues increasing at this rate then XYZ in 2 months time”
but in practice things rarely “continue increasing at this rate” graphs often hit a plateau after some time.
> Er, reports abound that ” hospitals struggle as almost 5,000 flu patients take up beds EACH DAY ” …….
The rockapes in the above report clearly do not understand how a Gompertz curve works.
Symptomatic cases are maximum when almost zero patients are in hospital. Then each day *fewer* patients present until finally herd immunity occurs. Each day the number of new cases is a declining straight line with negative slope.
“Gompertz refers to a mathematical model, a distribution, and a law of mortality, all named after Benjamin Gompertz, an English mathematician and actuary”
Well, f@ck you Starmer and the rest, a UK company with a director on the UK electoral register means….
“Elon Musk sets up new AI tech company in UK amid speculation he is about to give millions to Nigel Farage’s Reform party.”
It is not 1st April and there is no way of telling if this is false info or whatever. Supposedly sent from the Trump Tower cybertruck giant firework chap to another military person he knew. Here is part of the email:
“In case I do not make it to my decision point or on to the Mexico border I am sending this now. Please do not release this until 1JAN and keep my identity private until then.
First off I am not under duress or hostile influence or control. My first car was a 2006 Black Ford Mustang V6 for verification.
What we have been seeing with “drones” is the operational use of gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft by most recently China in the east coast, but throughout history, the US. Only we and China have this capability. Our OPEN location for this activity in the box is below.
China has been launching them from the Atlantic from submarines for years, but this activity recently has picked up. As of now, it is just a show of force and they are using it similar to how they used the balloon for sigint and isr, which are also part of the integrated comms system. There are dozens of those balloons in the air at any given time.
The email can be read in full here:
gravitic propulsion systems?
gravitic propulsion systems?
gravitic propulsion systems?
Even better the West has … “New Zealand plays Barry Manilow to repel parliament protesters”
13 February 2022
The ghastly Jacinta hasn’t been seen much recently – I’m kind of OK with that.
Hopefully, Jacinta used a gravitic propulsion system that malfunctioned and put her into orbit close to the sun.
British press turning a blind eye…
He’s too restrained….