283 Responses to Weekend 4th January 2025

  1. tomo says:

    Sometimes the absence of something says a lot

    BBC SOP / MO we’re all familiar with.

    If the incoming admin in Washington do release the Epstein lists – I wonder if there’d be any familiar faces…. obviously few Paki taxi drivers but once the can of worms is opened….


  2. tomo says:

    Hmmm… BBC Licence goons have a new web “advert” – seen on Daily Mail web site of all places and doubtless coming to other platforms….

    On Android, bottom of screen

    “You Need A Television License”

    – doesn’t scroll with the content


    • MarkyMark says:

      “I get these letters regularly. If anyone at the BBC (or TV licencing) thinks these kind of strong arm tactics will work then they are barmy. Threatening people when they have no evidence of wrongdoing is the worst way to get support from the public. It is harassment and I would guess it is probably illegal.”


  3. Flotsam says:

    Pakistani rape gangs.
    I used to have some customers from Bolton near Manchester when I was in business. Around 1995 we were in casual conversation and they stated that gangs of Pakistani men in town were regularly raping young white girls and the Police were doing nothing about it.
    I have to be honest that I thought the situation rather far fetched and what they were saying was exaggerated casual racism. I dare say many people thought along similar lines.

    It seems that this has been going on for far longer than the media or Liebour are admitting.


  4. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I am left wondering what good a Home Office lead inquiry would do. How many Muslims, extreme feminists & Lefties are in The Home Office?


    • MarkyMark says:

      2018 …. Islam is a minority….

      1. Sajid Javid (Home Office, UK Security, Islamist)
      2. Sadiq Khan (London Mayor, Islamist)
      3. Javed Khan (CEO of Bernados, UK Children, Islamist )
      4. Lord Ahmed (Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Islamist)
      5. Fatima Salaria (BBC religion and ethics commissioning, Islamist)

      ISLAMIC rules (javid,khan,khan,ahmed,salaria) are incompatible with British laws (welby) which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the (Justin Welby) Archbishop of Canterbury has declared. {www.express.co.uk 24feb2018}


    • tomo says:

      what good a Home Office lead inquiry would do?

      = more cover ups – spiced with character assassination of whiteys….

      A campaign of private criminal prosecutions might be fun – after all, private prosecution used to be the norm in the UK. The lefty judiciary / CPS will of course resist… – both are stuffed with Starmer clones.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I’m guessing it only takes one Muslim in a department to have everybody bending over and dropping their trousers and pants so as not to appear to be racist. Management will almost certainly jump on anybody who has a contrary opinion.


  5. vlad says:

    William and Charles are said to be shocked by the murder of their former nanny’s son in law by the islamist in New Orleans.
    Good. A few more shocks like that might shock them out of their reverence for all things woke and DEI.


  6. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    What do we think about the breaking news that Elon Musk is saying Farage should be replaced as leader of Reform.

    Is it about Tommy?

    It’s definitely bad news.
    Or could it be Elon laying some sort of trap for the lefties.


    • tomo says:

      Farage seems to have misplaced his testicles – he might usefully borrow some from Christine Anderson


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Farage started down a slippery slope by taking money from Zia Yusuf. Next he ousted Ben Habib. Then he courted the Muslim demographic. Now he craps on Tommy Robinson publicly because TR threatens Farage’s chances of winning Muslim votes.

      How far will Farage go to please his Muslim voters and his Muslim fanancier?

      Reform already needs reform.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Opposition parties have condemned the government for opting not to publish a much-delayed report into the funding and support of extremist groups, saying the decision appeared intended to bury any criticism of Saudi Arabia.”


        Wed 12 Jul 2017 17.53 BST

        Some extremist Islamist organisations “portray themselves as charities to increase their credibility and to take advantage of Islam’s emphasis on charity”, and are vague about both their activities and their charitable status, it said.


      • tomo says:

        One has to wonder if Farage has listened to some “do as we say and you’ll be a shoo-in” + threats from the establishment.

        Probably not, but stranger things have happened.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Musk says Farage ‘doesn’t have what it takes’ to be Reform UK leader”


      Farage defended Musk to the BBC on Sunday, saying “free speech was back”, after the tech entrepreneur attacked the UK government’s response to grooming gangs.

      The Reform UK leader has distanced himself from Musk’s support for Tommy Robinson, a far-right activist who is serving a jail term in the UK for contempt of court.


      DAY1: “free speech was back”,


  7. tomo says:

    shots fired….



  8. tomo says:



  9. MarkyMark says:


    “Slicing veggies, baking cakes – will Meghan’s rebrand work?”

    The couple’s previous business initiatives include a multi-million pound deal with Netflix.

    But for her fans, they will say it’s great to see her back, and that this shows exactly what the Royal Family are missing.


  10. StewGreen says:

    BBC gang ” yeh Twitter is dead everyone in on Blue Sky”

    BBC reality : The top right of the BBC news page
    #1 Musk has TWEETED about Farage
    #2 Musk has TWEETED about Jess Philips and our mate Wes Streeting doesn’t like it


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Ultimately, Sunny Hostin, Stephen King, and the others are not looking for a robust conversation online, but for a circle jerk of their peers and sycophants. They don’t want their thoughts tested. They want their challengers censored, punished, and silenced. ”



    • Guest Who says:

      Pathetic, isn’t it?

      I have no intention of adding any more than X, which serves fine, but profess to being a bit curious how well BS, Matterhorn, etc are actually doing.

      I am suspecting they are all sitting there looking at each other, agreeing how awful X and people on it are, and then heading back.


  11. StewGreen says:

    BTW RT have “Musk compares Soros to Star Wars villain”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Hillary is great – watch her dodge those Serbian bullets on the stage!


    • tomo says:

      I saw his little boy at The White House….

      What a shame he couldn’t collect in person – are there armed guards on the freezers?

      They couldn’t get George through the door?



  12. StewGreen says:

    Strange BBC anti-Labour story

    BBCnews copied a Times story from 3 days ago about old couple who don’t get Winter Fuel Allowance, cos their income is £5over the cutoff,
    …boohoo Starmer is evil

    People point out that is a lie cos the woman is 57 so you don’t get it anyway , and the guy actually seems pretty wealthy from his company financial statement etc.


  13. tomo says:

    Raja Miah MBE On Grooming Gang Cover-Up In Oldham

    25 minutes in.(From January 2020 but very relevant imho)



  14. Zephir says:

    “We don’t have much to show for 14 years of Tory rule, but there has been one success story.

    Schools reform has paid off in spades.

    The Tories restored traditional teaching methods and discipline, something parents have been demanding for years.

    The results are outstanding.

    In 2009, schools in England produced dreadful results for maths. Our 15-year-olds were 27th in the world, according to the PISA rankings.

    Since then, they’ve shot up to 11th place.

    It’s the same story for another reading. Our kids have jumped from a lowly 25th place to a more respectable 13th.

    For science, they’ve jumped from 16th to 13th.

    Obviously, there’s still a long way to go. But it’s still a superb improvement.

    With grim inevitability, hard-left teaching unions resisted vital reforms every step of the way. Unfortunately, the unions are back in charge and the impact will be horrible.

    Labour has shown its true ideological colours by slapping VAT on private school fees. It’s also clamping down on excellence in our state schools.

    Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has wasted no time in caving into the unions, by allowing teachers to work from home. Yes, you read that correctly.

    Labour has cancelled the next wave of free schools. It has weakened Ofsted school inspections and plans to make it harder for schools to exclude disruptive pupils.

    Now it’s appointed a left-wing academic who’s previously criticised the recent “obsession with academic achievement” in charge of a curriculum overhaul.

    You read the correctly, too.

    Her name is Becky Francis and she’s a professor of education and social justice. She’s rewriting the curriculum to make it match what she calls the “issues and diversities of our society”.

    Labour is full of nonsense about de-Westernising and de-colonising our education system, and will doubtless vilify any parents who protest.

    It’s a war on excellence, using our children as cannon folder. And we’ll pay the price as standards fall and our indoctrinated kids slide back down the educational rankings.

    Like Labour’s war on the economy, the war on education is deliberate. It could be the most destructive thing this government does. And the competition for that title is pretty stiff.”



  15. tomo says:

    It’s not like Elon Musk is focussing on the UK to the exclusion of other places



  16. Up2snuff says:

    TWoTWeee Watch #1 – BBC are looking for someone or something to bash …

    ….. and the BBC have found the ‘far right’ to bash! Jonny Dymond spent virtually the whole programme on the subject. I suspect the BBC are running scared of the ‘far right’ in general and the Reform Party with Farage at its head in particular. The BBC attacked Farage, Elon Musk and Reform and then moved on to Giorgia Meloni whilst also mentioning the AfD in Germany.

    I wonder if the BBC feel threatened by the supposed ‘far right’ becoming increasingly powerful then a policy of removing the BBC TV Licence Fee to make the BBC subscriber only or removing the TV Licence Fee altogether and forcing the BBC to live on an income from a trust may prove to be extremely popular with the UK Electorate.


  17. tomo says:

    A response to Sky trying to attack Musk

    Why is Soros?
    Why is the EU?
    Why is Gates?
    Why is Blackrock?
    Why is WEF?

    Not once have I ever heard Sly News ask this question. Not once did I ever see Adam Boulton complain then or perform ANY analysis.

    Comments blocked in 3…2…1!

    BBC comments on anything related – simply non existent.


  18. tomo says:

    OMG is this real?


    Latest on Labour TikTok

    – video link doesn’t use TikTok


  19. tomo says:

    It isn’t subsiding

    Matt Goodwin
    EXCLUSIVE. I’ve just been sent this by ex-Conservative MP for Telford, Lucy Allan, who was the MP for Telford 2015-2024. This is what happened when she tried to investigate grooming gangs. Unreal🤐🤐🤐

    “The horrific crimes perpetrated against vulnerable girls in towns and cities across our country, by groups of Pakistani men, are now finally out in the open.

    I feel huge sense of relief that finally Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) can no longer be hidden away as a shameful secret by those in authority.

    It has been a long and struggle to get here.

    When I started speaking out in Parliament about CSE in 2016, having met Telford victims, the push back was swift and robust.

    There was coordinated official response by people in positions of power. The Telford Council Leader (now Telford’s [Labour] MP [
    ]) immediately published a letter to the Home Secretary stating that no inquiry into CSE was necessary.

    He backed up his assertion with claims that we now know were false. Multiple senior figures were asked to be co-signatories to his claims, to lend authority to them and they all readily agreed.

    The Council Leader and his councillors, instead of trying to right wrongs, set about discrediting the messengers; not just me but investigative journalists and victims, even claiming one victim was coming forward so she could sell her story.

    I was accused of lying, causing division, racism, being unbalanced, irrational, stupid and motivated not by desire to help victims but to score political points.

    This narrative was relentlessly pushed for as long as I campaigned on the issue. It had the intended effect of ensuring that the voice I sought to be for victims would not be heard.

    Early on I had an unexpected visit from the Chief Constable of West Mercia Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner.

    The Chief Constable was disparaging about Rotherham MP Sarah Champion [
    ] suggesting she was exaggerating the issue and was discredited.

    He said: “you wouldn’t want to be known as a troublemaker like Sarah Champion. It will harm your reputation and career.”

    The then newly minted Junior Minister for Safeguarding, Vicky Atkins MP [
    ], told me not to speak to the media on the subject as ‘you do not understand the issues.’

    I was summoned by Conservative Peer Baroness Warsi [
    ] to explain myself. Then there was the repeated refrain that as 90% of child abuse is committed by white men in domestic settings, why didn’t I concern myself with that as it was a more significant problem.

    This was a blatant denial of the existence of groups of interrelated men of Pakistani heritage, preying on young girls, at school gates, in takeaways, taxis and playgrounds. They did not want to know.

    Then there was the appalling victim blaming, referring always to the victims’ ‘risky behaviours’ and the fact that the victims had ‘sought contact with multiple males.’

    In one case a young victim was described to me by police as ‘having been in contact with 53 different Asian males’ as if it were by choice, illustrating complete denial that these men were related to each other through cousin marriage and were engaged in a joint enterprise.

    I thought the desire by the authorities to hush it up was to disguise shortcomings in the organisations they led. But now I know it wasn’t just that: the people in power believed that being honest about what had happened would fuel racial tensions.

    They pushed a narrative that hiding the problem was in the interests of the community that looking the other way would cement social cohesion and protect society.

    I know now that that this was the line pushed by Home Office officials themselves.

    Junior ministers both Conservative and Labour have spun the same lines almost word for word, clearly at the behest of Civil Servants.

    People have accused Telford’s Council Leader of a cover up. It is more complicated than that.

    His public statement saying no inquiry was necessary was signed by him, but I do not believe it was written by him. Whist he may have been willing to collude with officials to protect his career, he was not the instigator of the pretence. Public denial of these horrific crimes was the standard response by officials both locally and in Whitehall.

    It takes bravery for a politician to speak up and the repercussions can be costly. If Telford’s Council leader had been courageous, if he had done the right thing, it is unlikely he would be in Parliament now sitting on the Home Affairs Select Committee, tasked with holding the Home Office to account; perhaps in it was more cowardice and self-interest than cover up.

    The denial strategy may be motivated by good intentions, but it is fatally flawed. At best, it is an insult to victims and to all fair-minded people.

    At worst, it is a deeply divisive, dishonest policy that destroys our social fabric and the social contract between State and individual.

    Officials have actively sought to hide reality from politicians and too many politicians are willing to collude. We know now we have been routinely lied to by the State and now we can no longer trust the State.

    Lucy Allan was the Conservative MP for Telford 2015-2024 and a campaigner on Child Sexual Exploitation throughout her time in Parliament.
    2:29 PM · Jan 5, 2025


  20. Guest Who says:

    First there was BBC Verify, and we almost died laughing.

    Then there were all the TNI clones, and the laughs got louder.

    Then governments got involved.



  21. Zephir says:

    Spectator, 5 Jan 2025

    Tommy Robinson isn’t the story here.

    Elon Musk’s Twitter attack on Jess Phillips is certainly offensive. It may even deserve to be called a ‘disgraceful smear’, as Wes Streeting put it on the Laura Kuenssberg Show this morning. But the trouble is that every time government ministers bring up Musk’s spat with Phillips, the more they remind people of just how close Labour was to the scandal of rape gangs in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Telford and other places. Much as Streeting and others might like to bat it away and plead that Phillips, Keir Starmer and everyone else in his government are ‘good people’, who have done masses during their careers to help put child abusers behind bars, the fact is that for years gangs of men were allowed to get away with the gang rape of teenage girls even though the criminal activity was known about by police and social services.

    Moreover, these were social services departments in mostly Labour-run councils where key figures, it has already been established by Alexis Jay’s report in 2014, were motivated to turn a blind eye for fear of appearing to be racist. Whistleblowers were silenced. Had it not been that the perpetrators were largely men of Pakistani heritage and the victims white girls, it is inconceivable that these crimes would have been allowed to pass for so long.

    Why doesn’t Labour, which was in the practice of demanding a public inquiry every time a Conservative minister so much as left a shoelace undone, want one into the scandal? It is not unreasonable to wonder whether it might possibly have something to do with the fact that Starmer was director of public prosecutions for much of the time that the abuse was going on, between 2008 and 2013, and would undoubtedly be invited into the hot seat. As for Phillips’s dismissal of a national inquiry on the grounds she thinks that a local inquiry would be more appropriate, it rather misses the point. We know of half a dozen towns where men were preying upon teenage girls in this way; there is a clear need for an inquiry to establish whether similar mass rapes were happening, and being covered up, elsewhere.

    This is a matter which you might think the BBC, which is not normally slow to back demands for public inquiries, would be eager to take up. Yet, once again this morning, the BBC angled the story principally as one about Musk and his relationship with Nigel Farage and Reform.

    Yes, of course it is outrageous that Musk demands Jess Phillips be jailed and Tommy Robinson set free. But you don’t have to support Robinson to acknowledge that for years he and the BNP were the only ones prepared to talk about grooming gangs. Indeed, the first time I ever heard about grooming gangs was in a 2004 BBC Panorama investigation into the BNP, where an undercover reporter had infiltrated the party. Like most viewers, I suspect, I assumed that the claim, made in a private BNP meeting, was a load of claptrap dreamed up by a racist party to try to stir up hatred. But I was wrong: what the BNP was talking about really was going on – and after several years of cover-up, we found out the truth.

    If you want to encourage extremism, that is exactly how to do it: cover up something like the grooming gangs scandal, and by doing so gift the whole subject to the far-right. Refusing a public inquiry is perpetuating the problem. That is the main story. Musk’s rudeness is a side issue.


  22. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I wonder how Trump will handle this Elon Musk – Farage thing.
    Both are his mates so you would think he will try to get them to kiss and make up. I hope so.

    It does seem to be about Tommy and I think Reform could have handled it better, maybe infer that he is a political prisoner.

    Nelson Mandela was in prison and the USA called him a terrorist, as did Maggie yet the left revered him and all was fine.
    Tommy has done a huge amount of good (reporting on the rape gangs for example) but they found a way to lock him up, just like locking people up for tweets or shouting at a police dog.
    He IS a political prisoner.
    Reform should find a way to handle this better, it doesn’t need to make Tommy a Reform member but it could help him against the corruption used to lock him up.


    • tomo says:

      It’s a bit strange, this TR thing – they (Reform) could say we don’t want him as a member, but we still feel that he has been targeted unfairly.

      There is more to this – and Farage has gone from hinting darkly about Southport to, well… somewhere else… It’s too easy to be paranoid and wonder if Farage and other Reform characters have been threatened. Farage is still a physical target of loony leftoids.


  23. Zephir says:

    I would like to thank all at the bbc, MSM and Met office for their invaluable yellow slush warning today.

    I spent a few hours in a very pleasant town, armed with a wooly hat and stout coat and boots, I must have lost at least a half a kilo through sweat.

    And that was after having to remove at least a handful of slush from the car windscreen.

    I remembered the NHS warning about walking like a penguin, with sweat dripping off me, and got many strange looks, with people taking a wide berth thinking I was going through a drug withdrawal or something, but I was SAFE.


  24. digg says:

    Watching border force Australia…. They find 6 illegal Malaysian immigrants working on a farm.. they are on a plane back to Malaysia the next morning…

    So why in hell is it so difficult in the UK?

    Who the hell is blocking this sort of perfectly legitimate and sensible reaction and why?

    TTK, any response?

    No thought not, possible Labour voters hey?


    • Lefty Wright says:



    • tomo says:

      Some colleagues of mine overstayed their visas in Indonesia – one of them didn’t even manage to grab his suitcase prior to ejection – straight to the airport.


  25. tomo says:

    The Guardian / BBC are in full ostrich mode wrt rape gangs.

    Mustn’t talk about it – community cohesion against racism.


  26. wwfc says:

    Very very good watch


  27. Eddy Booth says:

    “RuPaul’s Drag Race UK star The Vivienne dies aged 32”



    “She will be dearly missed, but her legacy will live on as a beacon of creativity and authenticity – she embodied what it means to be a true champion”.

    Hang on, how can a woman be a drag queen?

    “Mr Jones asked for privacy for the star’s family and said no further details would be released at this time.”

    They haven’t told us not to speculate.
    So… best guess he probably had a moment of self realisation and seeing what a skin crawling filthy lifestyle he led, topped himself.

    ‘ Cheryl The Queen – who used to go by Cheryl Hole – took part in the same series of Drag Race as The Vivienne. The performer wrote on Instagram: “I will love you forever Viv.” ‘

    He kept classy company then


  28. Eddy Booth says:

    “New Orleans attacker wore Meta smart glasses – what else do we know?”


    Apparently we know everything, except what country he originates from.
    They should have jailed him for riding his bicycle on the pavement.


  29. tomo says:


  30. Nibor says:

    What’s all this nonsense by the Powers That Be and BBC about Elon Musk being involved in our ( their) politics?

    This is Britain, the UK.

    The PTB are always telling us that Britain must have influence, Britain must set an example, Britain must lead in this that and the other.

    Britain spends billions on foreign aid, millions on a permanent seat at the UN, billions sent to the EU, billions spent on universities to invent ( be the first) things the Chinese use.

    Britain has a Foreign Office that is four times the size and cost of what we need. It likes to interfere everywhere and sends representatives to all foreign political parties meetings and rallies to monitor.

    Britain spends billions on wars we don’t have to eg the Yugoslavian civil war. Britain is interfering in the Middle East where we are not seen as honest brokers and we see the results on the streets of our cities.

    The BBC spends billions opening stations abroad and has the World Service. It castigates any party in any democracy it doesn’t like as far right eg the AFD, showing it’s ignorance despite pounds spent.

    Britain is going to wreck it’s economy with Net Zero to “lead the pack not follow it”. It imports millions of immigrants it does not have to because of outdated international treaties.

    Britain’s ruling part sent delegates over to a friendly country to interfere in their democracy.

    Then TPTB and BBC get het up over a tweet that Elon Musk wrote that was truthful.