First again in a New Year. I’d be very happy if everyone on here cancelled their TV LIcence and saved some money. You could put the money saved toward your heating bill! Nudge nudge 😉 😉 especially if, thanks to Rachel from Accounts, you have lost your Wnter Fuel Payment from HMG. 🙂
Following Fed’s reference to the Petition for a General Election, I was wondering about starting a Petition calling for an enquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation and the grooming gangs operating in the UK’s cities and towns.
Top of the morning Snuffy – your sentiments are well presented as usual!
Having saved yet another forty-six pence yesterday by not paying the TV tax, I’ve gone even further…
As the toxic clown Milliband has decided to increase my payments for power to pay for his stupidly suicidal green fantasies, I spent a happy few minutes cutting up all the reinforced cardboard which contained some furniture I had delivered a few days ago, and am using it to kick-start my open fire each morning!
The smoke has a delightful scent, and if used with some science, will provide at least an hour of really decent heat to Scrobs Turrets for several days!
The recycling thing beloved by councils can go whistle, I get warm, and everyone’s a winner!
So that hour saving me – oooh – fifty plus pence, added to my forty-six pence means a quid a day goes on important items like food!
Scrobie, excellent that you have a fireplace. I wish I had one but I am in a new build 20+yrs old, [built to the Prescott Standard(!)] that has no back-up for the gas-fired central heating. I have endured a few GCH failures and for the last one had to resort to electric fires. Oi – the expense!
Lucy & Brissles, well done to both of you and Happy New Year to you both. It adds up after a while. At current rates, in April this year I will have saved or not spent funding the BBC over £3,300. It is fun not funding the BBC …. 🙂 Teee heee!
Rupert Lowe MP
” More awareness has been raised around the rape and abuse of thousands of vulnerable British girls in the last few days than has ever happened before. As a country, this is a conversation we needed to have. It shames our political class that it has taken a man of Elon Musk’s influence to drag this into the light.
This is where the focus should remain, not elsewhere – swift and brutal justice for those responsible.
Tommy Robinson’s role in exposing these gangs should be acknowledged. He is not right for Reform, but I do think that his efforts in revealing these heinous crimes should not be overlooked.
I thank Elon for his kind comments. I just want to do what is right for my constituency and my country – that is my only interest.
Nigel is leader of Reform. He made Brexit happen, and for that I will always be grateful. I look forward to working with Nigel and the entire team to continue to hold this incompetent Labour Party to account, democratise our own party, win the next election and form a Reform Government.
A power from outside the existing political establishment is the ONLY way to achieve the change this country so desperately needs.”
It’s a pity there are disagreements within the Elon -Reform – Farage nexus . Really don’t want to hear it because there are our only hope for Britain to hold on to being Britain – but I think we – the British – are done for …
The trouble with Tommy Robinson is not Tommy
Robinson . BUT too many whom “follow” him. I for
one think that’s he has been treated by the judiciary
absolutely disgracefully. To put it simply he is
a POLITICAL prisoner , now being mentally tortured in
So far as the grooming gang rapists are concerned. What
has happened is that the ” shoot the messenge”r has been
applied to Tommy. At least Douglas Murray for one
understands this. It really is a shame that Nigel Farage
finds it a too hot potato to handle.
After the ceaseless dire weather warnings of the last several days, today we ……had some rain. As often happens in January.
Meanwhile up north there was some snow and some lane closures on motorways and the like.
It’s called Winter and it’s perfectly normal.
On top of mountains there was more snow, is that news? Is that in any way a surprise?
But whereas in years gone by, we just took it in our stride, the BBC regard it as a job opportunity for dozens of its bloated staff who presumably have no other more meaningful work to do.
I had to drive north today from London. I am sure the nudge unit was hard at work. I seriously considered whether to delay my journey and spent time over the last few days looking at different forecasts. If I looked at specific locations en route very little snow was predicted but full tv forecasts by the Met Office predicted doom and gloom. The forecast didn’t predict the snow we had in north London last night, nor the snow in the far east of the country. What there seemed to be was a thin layer everywhere not washed away by the heavy rain. I certainly hadn’t taken in any predictions of thick mist up the entire part of the A1 I covered. Once I got into Yorkshire the advisory signs said 40 mph, nearly everyone ignored them and thought 60mph more appropriate. Traffic was very light so either everyone had come home after new year travels or the nudge unit succeeded in clearing the country of traffic.
I might add that it seemed that the snow ploughs couldn’t handle the 1/2 inch of snow on the right hand lane of the A1 which was partially cleared but left too narrow to use as a lane.
Deb you must have driven over my doorstep on the A1 35 miles north of London. We just had a light dusting during the night, which had disappeared with rain and the temperature was a mild 12deg !
My brother in South Yorkshire said all the snow had gone by midday.
Lucy has just mentioned the first of two important tweets I have just seen.
The second is from Ben Habib who was right in the inner circle of Reform, but chose to leave.
His tweet speaks strongly against the persecution of TR.
It addresses Musk and Musk’s tweet about the jailing for contempt Had you been anyone else, @reformparty_uk would by now have disavowed you as that “lot”,
a term coined to define supporters of Tommy Robinson. But you are the richest man in the world.
The contempt case against TR was brought by the Attorney General, a POLITICAL APPOINTMENT.
It is extraordinary for the AG to get involved in a civil action.
He is only entitled to do so where there is a matter of public interest. His intervention in TR’s case was political.
It is also extraordinary for someone to be jailed as a result of a civil action.
Whether or not one supports TR, the contempt case against him and his incarceration was politically motivated.
As you said @elonmusk, TR is a political prisoner. You were right.
When @Nigel_Farage seeks to explain it to you, perhaps you could point him to this post?
Stew, my feeling is that there is a perfect storm brewing. The absolute incompetence of Herr Sturmfuhrer Starmer will add economic weakness to political weakness of the UK state.
Musk’s intervention on the third world nature of the politics in Oldham/Greater Manchester has added to the perfect storm and the state will have to answer to the electorate (or potentially given the weakness of the UK system – Trump/Musk).
The sturmfuhrer life as PM is now very limited – how he has lasted this long I do not know. It will present as an opportunity. The UK electorate will have one opportunity to press the reset button but it will not happen if the right fall apart. The reset will be critical. If the answer is more of the consensus marxism then the UK state will fail economically. Some tough decisions coming up.
Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
Therefore Labour will not support further investigations into child grooming by Pakistani heritage Muslims. Because they will not want to upset their voter base.
Young white girls can’t vote.
Sluff there is a trade agreement coming up. What if Trump demands resolution of the Oldham issue before any trade deal? Historically the UK has called out states for their abuse of human rights (quite correctly), Trump would be quite within his rights to ask questions of the British.
Nope. Me neither.
But I digress.
Now you may think such prioritisation is insane. But in fact it is rather well-timed. Because in the Telegraph last Thursday we had this story
‘When will the BBC end its obsession with drag queens’?
The article starts with ‘what % of the UK population are Drag Queens? Judging by the vast and ever-growing volume of coverage that the BBC devotes to them, it must be at least 50%’. It goes on ‘I wish the BBC would explain its feverish obsession with them. (The BBC’s) bosses seem determined to foist their odd enthusiasm on the rest of us’.
Now there would be a good use of BBC Verify!
It won’t happen of course.
Update as at 0900 on Monday 6th January.
The above story is STILL on the BBC webshite front page.
Is there absolutely nothing else going on in the world?
Case proved beyond reasonable doubt, I suggest .
Musk at 2pm
The Labour Party opposes a national inquiry on the mass rape of little girls in Britain for one reason only:
It will show that they were complicit.
@recusant_raja agreed and tweeted that he would be exposing something big in hs prog tonignt
He said there has never been a proper inquiry in Oldham
Complained about pretend inquiries which don’t have the power to compel testimony.
“We proved @AndyBurnhamGM Assurance Review was a cover up
by meticulously going through every page of his sham report and making the case to the people of Oldham. “
Raja’s prog “Angela Raynor was MP for part of Oldham at the time.
Watch about how close she is to the cover up.”
The Real Reasons Why Jess Phillips Said No To CSE Public Inquiry in Oldham
“It’s not about community cohesion ….. They sold our children for votes”
He complains that the GBnews exclusive about Jess Phillips refusing a public inquiry, actually came from him a few hours earlier, but says that is OK.
1h31 “Oldham is a gangster run town”
“Someone was convicted of crimes against me, he didn’t even bother turning up
BUT he was actually at the election count alongside Arooj Shah
Angela Raynor was too and the police-killers getaway driver”
“Angela Raynor’s protege is Oliver Ryan”
Miah maintains that when he was charged with setting fire to Arooj Sha’s car this was a setup that Raynor must have been in with
.. says luckily for him someone sent him CCTV which caused his trial to collapse.
.. And the thing is Labour cannot afford a grooming gang inquiry cos it would expose all of this.
“The cover up of the grooming and gang rape of our nation’s children has got absolutely nothing to do with ‘maintaining community relations’ as so many claim.
Instead, it has everything to do with the Labour Party keeping control of towns …”
The thing with these heaters is that they only come on when required so are very efficient.
Electric heaters by contrast need a tank because most houses do not have 3-phase that would be required to run an instantaneous tankless electric heater. Because electric heaters need a tank this leaks energy. A whole tank must be heated and then the water not required for e,g, days-months-years. Add to this that the electricity is already only 30% efficient as the other 70% goes up the cooling tower in the gas/nuclear power station (Carnot cycle).
“Report warns candidates to lead Muslim Council of Britain have ‘deeply disturbing views’
Concerns have been raised just days before the new leader is announced.
Wajid Akhter, the frontrunner to lead the MCB after elections this month, says UK Muslims should teach their children to identify primarily as Muslim, not as British, the Policy Exchange has found.
The only other candidate, Muhammad Adrees, praised the Iranian Revolution “when the great leader [Ayatollah Khomeini] led the nation to its destiny” in a publication linked to the Tehran regime.
One of the two will be elected to replace the current MCB secretary-general, Zara Mohammed, on January 25.
Khalid Mahmood, Britain’s longest-serving Muslim MP from 2001 to 2024, said:
“The views exposed by Policy Exchange are deeply disturbing.
“That the MCB keeps getting it wrong is no accident – it is a design fault, rooted in its ideology.
“The Government rightly refuses to engage with the MCB and this demonstrates why that policy should not change.”
Policy Exchange has researched both candidates as part of a broader investigation – to be published later this month – of the MCB, which claims to be the main democratic representative body for British Muslims.
Akhter, a doctor from east London, had a senior role in The Muslim Vote, a campaign at the last election to defeat Labour and Conservative candidates in favour of MPs sympathetic to Palestine and hostile to UK counter-terror policy.
In two speeches in 2023, he said Muslims should “organise” and “unite” into a “powerful community” which would “change from the hand that is begging to the hand that is giving.” He said he was part of a movement “trying to unite the Muslim world politically,” adding: “If we unite, we can win.”
Akhter has previously said Muslims should not celebrate the “pagan” event of New Year, with its “un-Islamic practices” such as “mixed gender events.”
In 2017 Adrees, the other candidate, travelled to Iran on a delegation, meeting Iranian officials and the grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini and praying at Khomeini’s shrine.
Writing about his trip in a magazine published by the Islamic Centre of England, described by MPs as a representative of the Iranian regime, he praised Khomeini and “the Iranian Revolution, when the great leader led the nation to its destiny.”
It comes as Keir Starmer has been urged to shelve plans for an official government definition of Islamophobia in the wake of the grooming gangs scandal.
Critics say a strict definition would curtail free speech and make it harder for whistleblowers to point out certain instances of wrongdoing.
They warn it could lead to a repeat of the racism accusations that were levelled at whistleblowers in Rotherham, Oldham and other towns where there was abuse of largely white children by gangs of men, predominantly of Pakistani heritage.
The Government said it was continuing to consider a formal definition of anti-Muslim discrimination, which some campaigners have likened to “blasphemy law”.
Robert Jenrick, the shadow justice secretary, said “the Government should drop its plans for such a deeply flawed definition of Islamophobia”, warning that “throughout the grooming gang scandal, the false label of Islamophobia was used to silence people”.
He added: “It appears the Government has learnt nothing and is determined to press ahead with a definition that will have a chilling effect on freedom of speech.”
An MCB spokesperson said: “The Policy Exchange has a long history of hostility towards British Muslims, including being exposed by BBC Newsnight for fabricating evidence to smear our community.
“They are consistent in advocating for indirectly denying Muslims equal rights and an equal say in our democracy.
“Khalid Mahmood, a politician rejected by his own electorate appears intent on targeting his own community to gain favour with those who seek to marginalise us.
“As for the specific allegations raised, we trust our affiliates will scrutinise candidates thoroughly in the weeks ahead at our hustings events and through the democratic process.”
“One woman alleged she was raped by Savile in his caravan in a car park on BBC premises in 1970. She was 22 years old and had just won a beauty contest.”
“I remember him patting the bed and saying something about a kiss and a cuddle,” she said. I went and sat next to him and I remember feeling terribly anxious and nervous, although he was very chatty and it was all ‘Now then, now then, come and sit here next to me’, and off he went. Everything was very quick… I did protest.”
About time, and a rich seam of corruption and perversion indeed. One could spend months there…
I hope he has noted what they have said about him and gives as good as he gets. If only other victims had his audience…
Maybe suggest he takes a close look at their verify and CV liars for a start as Spring has been slandering him for months, and their decades long campaign of abuse, libel and slander against Tommy Robinson who exposed the paki rape and torture gangs, muslim herion dealers, and the shocking abuse by muslims of the East Anglian Regiment in Luton.
Now, we all remember what happened to certain people in Southport…
“Violent thug who is on his ‘final chance’ after an attack that left a student with brain damage avoids prison AGAIN after glassing man in pub – before judge returns his XL Bully dog as well”
They are the lowest form of life aren’t they?
I suspect they were concerned it would become very expensive due to the sheer number of claimants. Because they knew how wipespread the abuse was.
And again, infinite funds available for foriegn criminals and climate worship but none for our children.
In particular, Mr. Simpson and Vlad highlight the Cloward-Piven strategy, which was formulated more than sixty years ago by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their innovative plan was to overload the social welfare system with beneficiaries, hastening its collapse. The entire capitalist system was expected to collapse along with it, allowing the socialist revolutionaries to move in and construct the long-awaited socialist state.
Presumably this was included in Blair/Brown’s sickening years’ appointments of countless quangos and ‘charities’, Atlas!
When ‘mental health’ becomes the new ‘pandemic’ this year, I can already see the collective hard-left rubbing their oily hands at the prospects of even more money to distribute to the feckless workshy and the illegal foreigners we’re infested with!
BBC news online top headline, this beginning of the working week – and for many the start of the working year – Monday morning: Government unveils plan to cut NHS waiting list backlog… A network of Community Diagnostic Centres, which provide appointments such as scans and endoscopies in local neighbourhoods, will extend their opening hours to 12 hours a day, seven days a week. (BBC)
So Labour’s cunning plan is to open the NHS seven days a week…? That sounds familiar…
Jeremy Hunt: Doctors ‘must work weekends’… has said he is prepared to impose seven-day working on hospital doctors in England (BBC, July 2015)
9 to 5, written and performed by Dolly Parton for the comic movie of the same title, was a hit in the year 1980.
Mr Hunt said that a “Monday to Friday culture” in parts of the NHS had “tragic consequences” and said 6,000 people die each year because of this… It is part of the push to deliver a seven-day-a-week NHS in England… British Medical Association leader Dr Mark Porter said the union supported more seven-day working but accused Mr Hunt of being “too simplistic”. (BBC, July 2015)
Mr AsI is of course something of a connoisseur of our media’s little ironies. Deep down at the bottom of the pile of our BBC’s online line-up of newspaper frontpages, in the habitual ‘and finally’ spot, we find the jokey blokey Daily Star.
Shirking from home!!! – jibes the admirable Thought For The Day in response to the Star’s banner headline: Snow Flakes… Weather sickies – illustrated, by the title that brought us the Liz Truss premiership characterised as a wilting lettuce, with a literal couch potato: It’s the Great British bunk off – runs the lead column: Sickies will double today with a million workers shirking the office because of snow and ice (Daily Star)
As you will recall, dear reader, Mr AsI asserts that Lockdowns demoralised the British workforce; Yellow Weather Alerts act as self-fulfilling prophecies.
Channel migrants: The real reason so many are fleeing Vietnam (BBC, Jonathan Head, South-East Asia correspondent / Thu Bui, BBC News Vietnamese) – this’ll be fascinating…
To begin with this report focuses on the atypical – female Channel migrants.
She recalls the fear, exhaustion and desperation on their faces. There weren’t enough lifejackets to go around. (BBC)
Can we cut to the chase and have the promised ‘real reasons’ for this desperate race for the UK shores?
“Five minutes later” (in a French accent) as that internet meme would have it…
Politics? Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, sits near the bottom of most human rights and freedom indexes. No political opposition is permitted. The few dissidents who raise their voices are harassed and jailed.
Nope: Yet most Vietnamese have learned to live with the ruling party, which leans for legitimacy on its record of delivering growth. Very few who go to Britain are fleeing repression.
Poverty? Nor are the migrants generally fleeing poverty. The World Bank has singled Vietnam out for its almost unrivalled record of poverty reduction among its 100 million people.
So what is then?
Rather, they are trying to escape what some call “relative deprivation”… “She could survive in Vietnam, but she wanted a home, a better life, with more security,” explains Hien.
And that free NHS health care must be a draw. Seven days a week if Labour can persuade the medics to pull their finger out.
Lan Anh Hoang, a professor in development studies at Melbourne University, has spent years studying migration patterns. “Twenty to thirty years ago, the urge to migrate overseas was not as strong, because everyone was poor,” she says. “People were happy with one buffalo, one motorbike and three meals a day. “Suddenly a few people successfully migrated to countries like Germany or the UK, to work on cannabis farms or open nail salons. They started to send a lot of money home. Even though the economic conditions of those left behind have not changed, they feel poor relative to all these families with migrants working in Europe.”
And what does the UK gain from this? Little incentive for employers to increase productivity due to relatively low wages and consequently not much tax being paid (if any), plus all that money going back home, won’t be helping our ailing economy much. And our ‘free’ services such a health and eduction will crumble due lack of funding.
I suppose once our British ‘relative deprivation’ has sunk to a level equal to that of Vietnam the incentive to move here will have gone.
“Can we cut to the chase and have the promised ‘real reasons’ for this desperate race for the UK shores?”
From above
“Their innovative plan was to overload the social welfare system with beneficiaries, hastening its collapse. The entire capitalist system was expected to collapse along with it, allowing the socialist revolutionaries to move in and construct the long-awaited socialist state.”
In 2011, a historic tipping point occurred with the release of the 2011 census indicating that the White British population, which had before been the majority, was now no longer a majority of the city’s population, although it remained by far the largest single ethnic group.[8]
Gideon van Meijeren is a member of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, for the FvD (Forum for Democracy, Forum Voor Democratie). In the following video from the floor of the Tweede Kamer, Mr. Van Meijeren discusses the ongoing replacement of the native Dutch people with culture-enrichers from the Third World.
During the Asylum and Migration Budget Debate for 2025, Forum for Democracy (FvD) MP Gideon van Meijeren delivered a bold and searing critique of the Netherlands’ immigration policy, exposing its devastating societal and cultural impacts. Central to his speech was his use of the term “population replacement,” a phrase that has sparked intense debate and controversy in the parliament, with prior motions even attempting to ban its use. Undeterred, Meijeren defended the term as a factual description of the demographic shifts caused by mass immigration, refusing to bow to parliamentary censorship.
In the current furore over child grooming and raping in Oldham and the like, we’ve heard from Labour, Tories, and Reform.
But I don’t remember hearing anything from the Lib Dems.
I wonder why.
Could it be because of things like this
“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to announce as early as Monday that he will resign as Liberal Party Leader, The Globe and Mail reported on Sunday, citing three sources.
The sources told the Globe and Mail that they don’t know definitely when Trudeau will announce his plans to leave but said they expect it will happen before a key national caucus meeting on Wednesday.”
“Its ex-leader reportedly said paedophilia was “as much a healthy part of the natural diversity of our species as red hair or left-handedness”.”
Harriet Harman expresses ‘regret’ after Daily Mail claims
I’ve been sorting through some old newspaper cuttings from January 2018…yes, I’m an anorak… Most of these are to do with President Trump’s aborted attempt to visit London.
Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan gloated, “It appears Trump got the message…his policies are the polar opposite of our city’s values on inclusion, diversity and tolerance. His visit would have been met by protests.”
You know, I do love all that guff about “tolerance and diversity” from the stab capital of Britian…
Chuka Umunna (who was then Labour MP for Streatham) said, “Nah, the reason is we Brits aren’t terribly welcoming of racists, misogynists and Islamophobes who promote hatred…”
With the exposure of all these Pakistani paedo gangs I don’t think this has stood the test of time.
David Lammy, now the smarmy and schmoozing, arse licking Foreign Secretary, told the President, “You finally got the message that you’d be met by millions of us out on the streets protesting.” Okay…It’s as well for Lammy that the president doesn’t hold a grudge…
And last and probably least, that lunatic who goes by the sobriquet “Nut Zero”, Mr Ed Miliband, who said, “Nope, it’s because nobody wanted you to come and you got the message.”
It really does beggar belief that all these virtue signalling twats were in the political party that turned a blind eye to child rape for generations and ran constituencies that were cesspits (and still are) but felt free to lecture and denigrate the leader of a great ally.
Quite clearly, seven years is a very long time in politics…
Straightforward s***- stirring Politics of Envy stuff from The Grauniad
‘FTSE 100 bosses make more money in 2025 by noon today than average worker in a year’
Median earnings are £4.2m.
Now I don’t condone all those remuneration committtees awarding nice big pay cheques to themselves on the basis that they have to offer competitive salaries. Nor do I condone rewards for failure, remembering that during the banking crisis with Lloyds and RBS going bust, their CEOs still somehow qualified for bonuses. But on the other hand, by definition, there are only 100 of them and they do carry significant responsibilities.
But there is no mention in The Grauniad of Premier League Footballers.
According to a website called Capology, 539 footballers earned an average of £3.5 million.
Five times as many people as the FT100 CEOs. And what are their responsibilities? Harry McGuire missed a sitter to win a match last night. Is he given a first written warning?
So what we really have here is just another anti-business narrative from the BBC’s in-house magazine.
Marcus Rashford is selling his smashed up Rolls Royce at a fraction of its original price after the luxury £700,000 car was wrecked in a collision with a 74-year-old grandmother in September
Just the two stories about Musk on the BBC frontpage today….but he looms large apparently….
‘Musk looms large over UK politics as MPs return for 2025’
He only ‘looms large’ because, paradoxically, the media that hates him gives him so much publicity….I imagine the vast, vast majority of people here do not read Musk’s twitter feed…I don’t even though I’m a bit of a fanboy. If they ignored him it wouldn’t be an issue at all….though he’s not wrong about Farage…he’s not ruthless or mould-breaking enough to make the big leap….he’s missing that little something that elevates someone to the highest position ala Trump….his failure to find a way to suggest Tommy Robinson might be right and is a victim of political pressure says it all as he runs scared of the BBC et al…he could have said Robinson has some dubious history but he is an important voice that brings things into the open that the Establishment wants covered up…maybe…maybe…he’s a Churchillian or Mandela-like or Ghandi-like figure as the BBC’s Mark Easton might say? [Muslim extremists are to be feted in Easton’s eyes but someone who dares to ask questions about Islamism is a Far-Right thug].
Times Radio is no better as it spent over an hour muttering about Musk…who they call a ‘South African billionaire’….never mind he is a naturalised US citizen. No irony that Stig Abell spins the truth for an Australian billionaire whose papers and media spins for whatever party Murdoch wants to support here in the UK.
Abell casually asserted that Jan 6 was when we had a ‘heavily armed violent riot in which 5 people died’…as if they were killed by the raging mob…..basically everyword a lie in that one little sentence. Not heavily armed, barely any real violence considering it was a ‘riot’ and an ‘insurrection’ and only one person was ‘killed’…an unarmed woman shot by a police officer known for his violence.
For a start it was only 4 people who died during the protest…all protesters…
‘D.C. medical examiner releases cause of death for four people who died during Capitol riot’
Two died from natural causes…one had a drug overdose and one was shot by police.
Abell minutes later proclaimed that he was all about truth…but that doesn’t seem so…lying about Musk and lying about Jan 6….oh and then of course targeting Tommy Robinson…they wheeled in ex-BBC Danny Shaw to do a hatchet job on Robinson….you’d have no idea that he might possibly be innocent in regards to the Syrian schoolboy story and that he might well be a’political prisoner’….but Shaw insisted not so….and made no attempt to question the ‘facts’ of the case…Robinson is guilty and that’s that…but if Robinson had been Black or Muslim and the schoolboy had been white? It would definitely be a miscarriage of justice by a racist system. The BBC would be leading the charge to free the black Tommy Robinson.
Oh yeah…and any reason Shaw was so protective of Starmer reference the rape gangs?
‘At the end of 2023, I took a seven-month break from media work when I joined Yvette Cooper’s team in the lead-up to the General Election, helping shape Labour’s policies on crime, policing, security and immigration and prepare the Party for government. ‘
“Times Radio is no better as it spent over an hour muttering about Musk…who they call a ‘South African billionaire’….never mind he is a naturalised US citizen.”
So Southport killer is NOT welsh as we all knew all along, as with all the other immigrant stabbers and rapists, we can now refer to their country of origin ONLY despite some deluded twat handing them a UK passport ?
The Musk Farage row is a severe set back on a number of fronts.
First it takes some of the grooming gang heat off Labour and the Tories.
Second it damages the Refom brand when it was gathering momentum .
We may all think that Farage is wrong in not being more respectful of Tommy Robinson and giving him full recognition for his persistence and courage in trying to expose the rape gang and cover up despite grossly unfair treatment by the authorities. After all Farage and Reform aren’t strangers to unfair treatment by the elite.He could do this whilst still criticising Tommy for his contempt of court . But Farage is making the calculation that Tommy is still a net vote loser.
This may be changing as the rape gang cover up story gathers momentum so it was bad politics to distance Reform so far from Tommy when he may have become an asset in the future.
As to Musk. You would think that such an astute man would recognise that the only anti globalist establishment party in the UK at present is Reform and his tweet has done far more harm than good to their chances of getting into power at council or national government level.
Surely he could have kept private pressure on Farage , via conditions on his donation and through Trump , that would have changed Reform’s position on Tommy over time and also prevented Farage taking such a hard line in recent weeks.
His outburst and the damage it has done does make you wonder if his volatility won’t get in the way of his DOGE role. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick is a better way forward when you already have power and don’t require votes.
See “Elon Musk wins defamation case over ‘pedo guy’ tweet about caver” Mr Musk told the court this week the phrase “pedo guy” was common in South Africa, where he grew up.
See “Elon Musk tweet wipes $14bn off Tesla’s value
Tesla boss Elon Musk wiped $14bn (£11bn) off the carmaker’s value after tweeting its share price was too high.
Fury as BBC director-general Tim Davie spent nearly a month at plush London hotel instead of commuting back to his £4m Oxfordshire home
The BBC’s director-general had stays totalling nearly a month at a plush central London hotel last year to avoid commuting back to his £4m Oxfordshire home.
Licence fee payers have picked up the tab for his repeated stays at the four-star hotel, as well as other overnight accommodation in the capital.
In total, Tim Davie spent more than 30 nights staying in hotels in London in the previous financial year, the majority of which were at the same one.
Mr Davie, who is paid £525,000 by the BBC, is thought to have spent more than £3,000 on stays at the luxury hotel, which the Mail has chosen not to name, booked through the BBC’s ‘central bookings system’.
Analysis of published documents suggests he spent 26 nights at this hotel throughout the 2023-24 financial year, including some two-night stays.
His main office is Broadcasting house, near Oxford Street in London’s West End. He is known to live near Henley-on-Thames, about an hour’s drive from his office in central London.
It has also emerged that the corporation’s £310,000-a-year chief financial officer, Alan Dickson, who oversees the BBC’s expenditure, spent about 65 nights staying in London hotels in the 2023-24 financial year.
This included 12 nights in the same hotel which was Mr Davie’s favourite.
Mr Dickson is understood to be based in Glasgow, despite the fact that the corporation’s main base is in London.
Former leader of the Conservative Party, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, branded the amount of overnight stays as ‘astonishing’ for someone who lives in ‘striking distance’ of London.
He said: ‘This is simply intolerable. There ought to a serious inquiry by the BBC internally into the money they haemorrhage through these type of costs.
‘You pay people salaries and you expect them to do things, so as I say if someone lives within striking distance of London you would think there would be little or no argument that they should go back home in the evening and get up early and either come in early by train or by car.’
He said Mr Davie ‘must set an example’, adding: ‘Every company that I know is already tightening their belts. The BBC should be doing the same. Expense levels at that point are just unacceptable.’
Mr Duncan Smith also called for both a parliamentary committee and the BBC itself to carry out inquiries into this spending.
He said: ‘The licence fee payers who already baulk at the cost of the licence won’t want to know their licence is paying for bureaucratic costs in the BBC.’
Analysis of BBC expenses data from the earlier financial year, 2022-23, reveals Mr Davie spent even more time at the hotel he frequented most – more than 30 days, in that period. His overall London hotel stays were also higher.
Mr Dickson, the BBC’s chief financial officer, racked up a bill of £1,600 in just over a month at the hotel where Mr Davie stayed most. He spent 12 nights there across March and April 2024. This was made up of four three-night stints at the hotel.
Mr Dickson in November 2023 had spent five nights at a Marble Arch hotel, costing £600, followed by a four-night stay in Shepherds Bush later in the month, for an economical £57.50 a night.
There was a four-night stint at a hotel in Piccadilly, which cost £460, while in September there were three nights not far from Oxford Street, costing £345.
Mr Dickson spent about 65 nights staying in London hotels in the financial year, totalling nearly £8,000.
The director-general has regularly claimed the BBC is struggling against a tough financial climate. He recently told a committee of MPs that the BBC was ‘woefully underfunded’ even though it receives about £3.6bn a year from licence fee income.
Among the director-general’s other expenses and central bookings was £3,545 return flight to Nairobi in Kenya in April 2024.
A source at the corporation claimed it had policies in place to ensure spending was ‘proportionate’ and ‘appropriate’ and added that all stays were within BBC expenses policy.
They added that the director-general was ‘occasionally required to stay late to attend business-related events and/or start early’ which made it ‘more economical’ to stay in London in these circumstances.
The source said Mr Dickson was based in Glasgow and his role provided financial leadership across the whole BBC group and that he uses hotels when travelling to London.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘Like any media organisation, staff are sometimes required to use hotels and we always keep costs to a minimum.’
Mr Tim Davie External hospitality
Hospitality for Business
Contacts Hospitality for business contact
12/02/2024 38.59
BBC indulging in a long propaganda piece for migrants…illegal ones…classic attempt to personalise the issue…using one migrant’s story and ramping up the sob-factor to justify millions coming here…the BBC knows that people baulk at ‘millions’ and feel little empathy with the big numbers but can be made to feel empathy for a single migrant’s sob-story…hence they try to manipulate the narrative…and dodge the ‘millions’ and the downsides to that…
‘More Vietnamese attempted small-boat Channel crossings in the first half of 2024 than any other nationality. Yet they are coming from one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Why, then, are so many risking their lives to reach Britain?’
What is it that makes so many people desperate to leave?
Ah yeah…
‘Very few who go to Britain are fleeing repression.
Nor are the migrants generally fleeing poverty. The World Bank has singled Vietnam out for its almost unrivalled record of poverty reduction among its 100 million people.
Rather, they are trying to escape what some call “relative deprivation”.’
So not actual poverty but relative poverty…they just want more and see Britain as easy pickings…and of course many have relatives here who probably came illegally in the first place…and were used as slaves….a situation euphemistically dodged by the BBC here…those ‘long hours’ eh?…
‘Her sister Hien had made it to Britain nine years earlier, smuggled inside a shipping container. It had cost her around £22,000 but she was able to pay that back in two years, working long hours in kitchens and nail salons. ‘
There’s absolutely no reason they should be accepted here either as migrants nor ‘asylum seekers’…they cost us billions…as they’re nearly all low-skill they don’t pay their way…
‘”For a majority of workers with limited skills, there is a glass ceiling. Even if you work 14 hours a day you cannot save enough to build a house or start a family.”‘
If a bit of political oppression is the justification for fleeing a country then most of the world could come here…though some might say out of the pot into the fire the way things are going here…see Tommy Robinson etc.
Whilst the BBC indulges in long, long articles shilling for illegal migrants the Telegraph reports an uncomfortable truth [and of course the BBC doesn’t]….
‘Foreign nationals are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sexual offences as British citizens, according to the first analysis revealing the scale of crime by migrants.
Foreigners were 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for sex offences as British suspects, based on a rate of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population against 48 per 100,000 for Britons.
For all crimes, foreign nationals were arrested at twice the rate of British natives, accounting for 131,000 of the arrests from January to October 2024.
While foreigners make up nine per cent of the population, they accounted for 16.1 per cent of the total number of arrests according to the figures, released under freedom of information (FOI) laws.’
Found a match in field: Description – … of the Vietnam National Trade Repository ….
The purpose of the “Vietnam National Trade Repository Programme”, known hereafter as the “Vietnam NTR”, is to establish a National Trade Repository (NTR) which…
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Programme Id
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Total budget
Vietnam – Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership S E Asia (WCSSP) – Met Office
Found a match in field: Title – … Vietnam – Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership S E Asia (WCSSP) – Met Office Vietnam – Weather and ….
Strengthened partnership between meteorological services in UK, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, to produce scoping study identifying Vietnam/ S-E Asian region weather forecasting and…
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Programme Id
Start date
Total budget
Andrew Neil, the Telegraph and Canadian media reporting that Trudeau may announce his resignation today….BBC missed it…perhaps they’re sitting there with fingers crossed unable to type as the tears flow hoping the hope that their lefty progressive dictator will stay on….they can’t believe another one if their kind might fall.
Listened to the Starmer speech on GBNews. How I dislike his voice although I suspect he has had voice training to appear slightly more animated. Did I believe a single word? Not one. As Bev Turner pointed out, how did the story of using private hospitals fit with the tale he told about never using private healthcare? And of course he didn’t use the NHS to get his spectacles.
So the Tory 20 billion black hole they magically “found” as soon as they came into office is now suddenly 33.4 billion including the giveaway to the NHS I guess and it’s no problem at all, it’s just the plebs cash, plenty more where that came from eh Starmer?
A lorry toppled over in the early hours of the morning on the M25 in Surrey.
The road is likely to be closed for most of the day.
What the hell do the authorities think they are doing?
Clipboards out. Tape measures out. Time of no importance. Wrecking thousands of people’s lives. A key artery off he nation.
Open the damn road, if necessary reduced lanes and slow speeds. Then sort it out overnight.
But no. Socialists and the big state hate us being reliant on our private cars. And as for all those ‘rich’ people trying to get to Gatwick or Heathrow, well they deserve all they get, don’t they?
Third world Britain. I’ve seen roads in India better than ours.
They’ve been instructed to string it out – unequivocally. Local councils as well, just crazy road closures in provincial towns.
As for roads – the southern section of the M5 at Cullompton in Devon being resurfaced is a joke. Months of average cameras and hardly a hiviz in sight.
“US President Joe Biden has announced a ban on offshore oil and gas drilling along most of America’s coastline, weeks before Donald Trump takes office.”
She said it was “designed to exact political revenge on the American people who gave President Trump a mandate to increase drilling and lower gas prices”.
Environmental groups, however, welcomed the decision.
Joseph Gordon, from conservation organisation Oceana, said: “This is an epic ocean victory.
“Our treasured coastal communities are now safeguarded for future generations.”
I saw and heard some of Smarmer’s Press conference. What a load of rubbish, Smarmer, as ever, not answering anything, just employing word soup methods to completely distract from the issues. Who the hell are all those people behind him?
One of the reasons put forward for the inaction regarding Pakistani rape gangs is interventions by local politicians. The towns and cities affected were pretty much Labour dominated.
A deeper reason might also be that the public sector is very largely Labour supporting as well. So when girls were going to Council operatives such as Social Services they are very aware that Labour need those Moslem votes, and even if they weren’t initially aware they were certainly made aware.
My rt hon Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sajid Javid) has today made the following Written Ministerial Statement:
Today the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published its latest case study report, which can be found at
This report relates to the Archdiocese of Birmingham in the Inquiry’s Roman Catholic Church investigation. I pay tribute to the strength and courage of the victims and survivors who have shared their experiences to ensure the Inquiry can deliver its vital work.
Government will review this report and consider how to respond to its content in due course.
I would like to thank Professor Jay and her Panel for their continued work to uncover the truth, expose what went wrong in the past and to learn the lessons for the future.
Flotsam – I’ve always ‘admired ‘ the Pakistani ability to corrup stuff . For instance – getting their relatives onto the council as councillors – or running the housing / benefits departments .
My local londonistan council famously has failed a full audit for years – with the local paper no longer ‘local ‘ so very little scrutiny due to it being a one party state ….
Senior plod will go along because they’ll all want the next rank and there’s always the community tax to milk when needed …
BBC report on a speech by Starmer defending actions on child grooming investigation, “lies and misinformation” he describes Musk and others interventions.
EG – it often comes back to that ‘far right ‘ label …. I heard Blair speak of ‘ populism ‘- defining it as ‘grievance politics ‘ with ‘easy solutions ‘. Interesting mindset he has …. But I suppose one needs to drill down into what ‘grievance ‘ means .
Considering that both Blair and TTK are legally trained ( me too ) it’s all about the meaning of words …. Such ‘Far ‘….
Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, has a trembling woman from the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission anxious about what’s happening under the new Taliban regime.
Apparently there’s a new law which prohibits houses next door to homes with female inhabitants from having windows. Lest catching a glance of a woman putting the kettle on next door arouses the men.
BBC Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet is shocked and confused, calling it “unbelievable and stomach churning”. Naga calls the treatment of women “bonkers”. As the BBC exists solely on naive slogans about hope and change, change and hope, perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise they continually fail to see the bleeding obvious. They so wished the new Taliban weren’t like the old Taliban, and they’re repeating it again with Al-Qaeda in Syria.
It’s the sixth-form stupidity of this country’s institutions and media that persist in the face of huge evidence to the contrary. Not sure I can take another year of this.
My son, who is a senior teacher, has had a directive (diktat?) from the Labour Local Authority saying that illegal migrants are not to be referred to as “illegal migrants”. Any teacher or school staff using that description will be subject to disciplinary action.
Wow ! I thought the opposite of legal is illegal. Are they being referred to what the Americans call undocumented migrants ? Anything to make it sound nicey nicey.
Somehow important enough to be above the fold of the page on BBC International: “How The Vivienne became a breakout star of British drag”
“… James Lee Williams was one of the biggest breakout stars of British drag, and it all started with an impression of Donald Trump in 2019 on the first season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK.”
I vaguely heard the big winner in the golden globes thing is a film about a tranny drugs lord …. And they’ll wonder why cinemas are closing …
Go woke go broke
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
First again in a New Year. I’d be very happy if everyone on here cancelled their TV LIcence and saved some money. You could put the money saved toward your heating bill! Nudge nudge 😉 😉 especially if, thanks to Rachel from Accounts, you have lost your Wnter Fuel Payment from HMG. 🙂
Following Fed’s reference to the Petition for a General Election, I was wondering about starting a Petition calling for an enquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation and the grooming gangs operating in the UK’s cities and towns.
Top of the morning Snuffy – your sentiments are well presented as usual!
Having saved yet another forty-six pence yesterday by not paying the TV tax, I’ve gone even further…
As the toxic clown Milliband has decided to increase my payments for power to pay for his stupidly suicidal green fantasies, I spent a happy few minutes cutting up all the reinforced cardboard which contained some furniture I had delivered a few days ago, and am using it to kick-start my open fire each morning!
The smoke has a delightful scent, and if used with some science, will provide at least an hour of really decent heat to Scrobs Turrets for several days!
The recycling thing beloved by councils can go whistle, I get warm, and everyone’s a winner!
So that hour saving me – oooh – fifty plus pence, added to my forty-six pence means a quid a day goes on important items like food!
Scrobie, excellent that you have a fireplace. I wish I had one but I am in a new build 20+yrs old, [built to the Prescott Standard(!)] that has no back-up for the gas-fired central heating. I have endured a few GCH failures and for the last one had to resort to electric fires. Oi – the expense!
I’m into my 6th year licence free. Happy New Year Snuffers
Ditto Lu !
Lucy & Brissles, well done to both of you and Happy New Year to you both. It adds up after a while. At current rates, in April this year I will have saved or not spent funding the BBC over £3,300. It is fun not funding the BBC …. 🙂 Teee heee!
Rupert Lowe MP
” More awareness has been raised around the rape and abuse of thousands of vulnerable British girls in the last few days than has ever happened before. As a country, this is a conversation we needed to have. It shames our political class that it has taken a man of Elon Musk’s influence to drag this into the light.
This is where the focus should remain, not elsewhere – swift and brutal justice for those responsible.
Tommy Robinson’s role in exposing these gangs should be acknowledged. He is not right for Reform, but I do think that his efforts in revealing these heinous crimes should not be overlooked.
I thank Elon for his kind comments. I just want to do what is right for my constituency and my country – that is my only interest.
Nigel is leader of Reform. He made Brexit happen, and for that I will always be grateful. I look forward to working with Nigel and the entire team to continue to hold this incompetent Labour Party to account, democratise our own party, win the next election and form a Reform Government.
A power from outside the existing political establishment is the ONLY way to achieve the change this country so desperately needs.”
6:00 PM · Jan 5, 2025
It’s a pity there are disagreements within the Elon -Reform – Farage nexus . Really don’t want to hear it because there are our only hope for Britain to hold on to being Britain – but I think we – the British – are done for …
The trouble with Tommy Robinson is not Tommy
Robinson . BUT too many whom “follow” him. I for
one think that’s he has been treated by the judiciary
absolutely disgracefully. To put it simply he is
a POLITICAL prisoner , now being mentally tortured in
So far as the grooming gang rapists are concerned. What
has happened is that the ” shoot the messenge”r has been
applied to Tommy. At least Douglas Murray for one
understands this. It really is a shame that Nigel Farage
finds it a too hot potato to handle.
After the ceaseless dire weather warnings of the last several days, today we ……had some rain. As often happens in January.
Meanwhile up north there was some snow and some lane closures on motorways and the like.
It’s called Winter and it’s perfectly normal.
On top of mountains there was more snow, is that news? Is that in any way a surprise?
But whereas in years gone by, we just took it in our stride, the BBC regard it as a job opportunity for dozens of its bloated staff who presumably have no other more meaningful work to do.
Overhyped drivel.
I had to drive north today from London. I am sure the nudge unit was hard at work. I seriously considered whether to delay my journey and spent time over the last few days looking at different forecasts. If I looked at specific locations en route very little snow was predicted but full tv forecasts by the Met Office predicted doom and gloom. The forecast didn’t predict the snow we had in north London last night, nor the snow in the far east of the country. What there seemed to be was a thin layer everywhere not washed away by the heavy rain. I certainly hadn’t taken in any predictions of thick mist up the entire part of the A1 I covered. Once I got into Yorkshire the advisory signs said 40 mph, nearly everyone ignored them and thought 60mph more appropriate. Traffic was very light so either everyone had come home after new year travels or the nudge unit succeeded in clearing the country of traffic.
I might add that it seemed that the snow ploughs couldn’t handle the 1/2 inch of snow on the right hand lane of the A1 which was partially cleared but left too narrow to use as a lane.
Deb you must have driven over my doorstep on the A1 35 miles north of London. We just had a light dusting during the night, which had disappeared with rain and the temperature was a mild 12deg !
My brother in South Yorkshire said all the snow had gone by midday.
I assume Brissles that you live near the Sainsbury’s roundabout where I buy petrol.
Not far !
Lucy has just mentioned the first of two important tweets I have just seen.
The second is from Ben Habib who was right in the inner circle of Reform, but chose to leave.
His tweet speaks strongly against the persecution of TR.
It addresses Musk and Musk’s tweet about the jailing for contempt
Had you been anyone else, @reformparty_uk would by now have disavowed you as that “lot”,
a term coined to define supporters of Tommy Robinson. But you are the richest man in the world.
The contempt case against TR was brought by the Attorney General, a POLITICAL APPOINTMENT.
It is extraordinary for the AG to get involved in a civil action.
He is only entitled to do so where there is a matter of public interest. His intervention in TR’s case was political.
It is also extraordinary for someone to be jailed as a result of a civil action.
Whether or not one supports TR, the contempt case against him and his incarceration was politically motivated.
As you said @elonmusk, TR is a political prisoner. You were right.
When @Nigel_Farage seeks to explain it to you, perhaps you could point him to this post?
Stew, my feeling is that there is a perfect storm brewing. The absolute incompetence of Herr Sturmfuhrer Starmer will add economic weakness to political weakness of the UK state.
Musk’s intervention on the third world nature of the politics in Oldham/Greater Manchester has added to the perfect storm and the state will have to answer to the electorate (or potentially given the weakness of the UK system – Trump/Musk).
The sturmfuhrer life as PM is now very limited – how he has lasted this long I do not know. It will present as an opportunity. The UK electorate will have one opportunity to press the reset button but it will not happen if the right fall apart. The reset will be critical. If the answer is more of the consensus marxism then the UK state will fail economically. Some tough decisions coming up.
Defunding the bBC will be the easy one!
Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
Therefore Labour will not support further investigations into child grooming by Pakistani heritage Muslims. Because they will not want to upset their voter base.
Young white girls can’t vote.
Sluff there is a trade agreement coming up. What if Trump demands resolution of the Oldham issue before any trade deal? Historically the UK has called out states for their abuse of human rights (quite correctly), Trump would be quite within his rights to ask questions of the British.
BBC headline news.
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK star The Vivienne dies aged 32
Nope. Me neither.
But I digress.
Now you may think such prioritisation is insane. But in fact it is rather well-timed. Because in the Telegraph last Thursday we had this story
‘When will the BBC end its obsession with drag queens’?
The article starts with ‘what % of the UK population are Drag Queens? Judging by the vast and ever-growing volume of coverage that the BBC devotes to them, it must be at least 50%’. It goes on ‘I wish the BBC would explain its feverish obsession with them. (The BBC’s) bosses seem determined to foist their odd enthusiasm on the rest of us’.
Now there would be a good use of BBC Verify!
It won’t happen of course.
Update as at 0900 on Monday 6th January.
The above story is STILL on the BBC webshite front page.
Is there absolutely nothing else going on in the world?
Case proved beyond reasonable doubt, I suggest .
Racist Trevor Philips film – an hour…. from 10 YEARS AGO
Musk at 2pm
The Labour Party opposes a national inquiry on the mass rape of little girls in Britain for one reason only:
It will show that they were complicit.
@recusant_raja agreed and tweeted that he would be exposing something big in hs prog tonignt
He said there has never been a proper inquiry in Oldham
Complained about pretend inquiries which don’t have the power to compel testimony.
“We proved @AndyBurnhamGM Assurance Review was a cover up
by meticulously going through every page of his sham report and making the case to the people of Oldham. “
Raja’s prog “Angela Raynor was MP for part of Oldham at the time.
Watch about how close she is to the cover up.”
The Real Reasons Why Jess Phillips Said No To CSE Public Inquiry in Oldham
“It’s not about community cohesion ….. They sold our children for votes”
He complains that the GBnews exclusive about Jess Phillips refusing a public inquiry, actually came from him a few hours earlier, but says that is OK.
1h31 “Oldham is a gangster run town”
“Someone was convicted of crimes against me, he didn’t even bother turning up
BUT he was actually at the election count alongside Arooj Shah
Angela Raynor was too and the police-killers getaway driver”
“Angela Raynor’s protege is Oliver Ryan”
Miah maintains that when he was charged with setting fire to Arooj Sha’s car this was a setup that Raynor must have been in with
.. says luckily for him someone sent him CCTV which caused his trial to collapse.
.. And the thing is Labour cannot afford a grooming gang inquiry cos it would expose all of this.
“The cover up of the grooming and gang rape of our nation’s children has got absolutely nothing to do with ‘maintaining community relations’ as so many claim.
Instead, it has everything to do with the Labour Party keeping control of towns …”
The brain-dead US President (the current one) has just banned tankless gas powered water heaters:
The thing with these heaters is that they only come on when required so are very efficient.
Electric heaters by contrast need a tank because most houses do not have 3-phase that would be required to run an instantaneous tankless electric heater. Because electric heaters need a tank this leaks energy. A whole tank must be heated and then the water not required for e,g, days-months-years. Add to this that the electricity is already only 30% efficient as the other 70% goes up the cooling tower in the gas/nuclear power station (Carnot cycle).
The Presidents brain really is missing.
GBnews segment from tonight
‘Grooming gang inquiries were a SHAM’ Reporter reveals ‘widespread COVER UP’ dating back DECADES
And….this lot AGAIN
“Report warns candidates to lead Muslim Council of Britain have ‘deeply disturbing views’
Concerns have been raised just days before the new leader is announced.
Wajid Akhter, the frontrunner to lead the MCB after elections this month, says UK Muslims should teach their children to identify primarily as Muslim, not as British, the Policy Exchange has found.
The only other candidate, Muhammad Adrees, praised the Iranian Revolution “when the great leader [Ayatollah Khomeini] led the nation to its destiny” in a publication linked to the Tehran regime.
One of the two will be elected to replace the current MCB secretary-general, Zara Mohammed, on January 25.
Khalid Mahmood, Britain’s longest-serving Muslim MP from 2001 to 2024, said:
“The views exposed by Policy Exchange are deeply disturbing.
“That the MCB keeps getting it wrong is no accident – it is a design fault, rooted in its ideology.
“The Government rightly refuses to engage with the MCB and this demonstrates why that policy should not change.”
Policy Exchange has researched both candidates as part of a broader investigation – to be published later this month – of the MCB, which claims to be the main democratic representative body for British Muslims.
Akhter, a doctor from east London, had a senior role in The Muslim Vote, a campaign at the last election to defeat Labour and Conservative candidates in favour of MPs sympathetic to Palestine and hostile to UK counter-terror policy.
In two speeches in 2023, he said Muslims should “organise” and “unite” into a “powerful community” which would “change from the hand that is begging to the hand that is giving.” He said he was part of a movement “trying to unite the Muslim world politically,” adding: “If we unite, we can win.”
Akhter has previously said Muslims should not celebrate the “pagan” event of New Year, with its “un-Islamic practices” such as “mixed gender events.”
In 2017 Adrees, the other candidate, travelled to Iran on a delegation, meeting Iranian officials and the grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini and praying at Khomeini’s shrine.
Writing about his trip in a magazine published by the Islamic Centre of England, described by MPs as a representative of the Iranian regime, he praised Khomeini and “the Iranian Revolution, when the great leader led the nation to its destiny.”
It comes as Keir Starmer has been urged to shelve plans for an official government definition of Islamophobia in the wake of the grooming gangs scandal.
Critics say a strict definition would curtail free speech and make it harder for whistleblowers to point out certain instances of wrongdoing.
They warn it could lead to a repeat of the racism accusations that were levelled at whistleblowers in Rotherham, Oldham and other towns where there was abuse of largely white children by gangs of men, predominantly of Pakistani heritage.
The Government said it was continuing to consider a formal definition of anti-Muslim discrimination, which some campaigners have likened to “blasphemy law”.
Robert Jenrick, the shadow justice secretary, said “the Government should drop its plans for such a deeply flawed definition of Islamophobia”, warning that “throughout the grooming gang scandal, the false label of Islamophobia was used to silence people”.
He added: “It appears the Government has learnt nothing and is determined to press ahead with a definition that will have a chilling effect on freedom of speech.”
An MCB spokesperson said: “The Policy Exchange has a long history of hostility towards British Muslims, including being exposed by BBC Newsnight for fabricating evidence to smear our community.
“They are consistent in advocating for indirectly denying Muslims equal rights and an equal say in our democracy.
“Khalid Mahmood, a politician rejected by his own electorate appears intent on targeting his own community to gain favour with those who seek to marginalise us.
“As for the specific allegations raised, we trust our affiliates will scrutinise candidates thoroughly in the weeks ahead at our hustings events and through the democratic process.”
Hopefully an annus’orriblis at the BBC
shaping up – Monday is going to be bumpy 🙂
“One woman alleged she was raped by Savile in his caravan in a car park on BBC premises in 1970. She was 22 years old and had just won a beauty contest.”
“I remember him patting the bed and saying something about a kiss and a cuddle,” she said. I went and sat next to him and I remember feeling terribly anxious and nervous, although he was very chatty and it was all ‘Now then, now then, come and sit here next to me’, and off he went. Everything was very quick… I did protest.”
Musk has the bbc in his crosshairs I see.
About time, and a rich seam of corruption and perversion indeed. One could spend months there…
I hope he has noted what they have said about him and gives as good as he gets. If only other victims had his audience…
Maybe suggest he takes a close look at their verify and CV liars for a start as Spring has been slandering him for months, and their decades long campaign of abuse, libel and slander against Tommy Robinson who exposed the paki rape and torture gangs, muslim herion dealers, and the shocking abuse by muslims of the East Anglian Regiment in Luton.
This lot, AGAIN
Syria’s leader snubs German foreign minister as he refuses to shake her hand ‘because she’s a woman’: Politician hits back over ‘handshake scandal’
Now, we all remember what happened to certain people in Southport…
“Violent thug who is on his ‘final chance’ after an attack that left a student with brain damage avoids prison AGAIN after glassing man in pub – before judge returns his XL Bully dog as well”
Keep going GB News:
“Revealed: Civil servants blocked compensation plans for grooming gang victims”
They are the lowest form of life aren’t they?
I suspect they were concerned it would become very expensive due to the sheer number of claimants. Because they knew how wipespread the abuse was.
And again, infinite funds available for foriegn criminals and climate worship but none for our children.
“Grooming gangs victim says officials ‘mocked’ her as she reported horrific abuse: ‘They laughed!’ ”
Manufactured Crisis:
In particular, Mr. Simpson and Vlad highlight the Cloward-Piven strategy, which was formulated more than sixty years ago by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their innovative plan was to overload the social welfare system with beneficiaries, hastening its collapse. The entire capitalist system was expected to collapse along with it, allowing the socialist revolutionaries to move in and construct the long-awaited socialist state.
“the social welfare system with beneficiaries,”
Presumably this was included in Blair/Brown’s sickening years’ appointments of countless quangos and ‘charities’, Atlas!
When ‘mental health’ becomes the new ‘pandemic’ this year, I can already see the collective hard-left rubbing their oily hands at the prospects of even more money to distribute to the feckless workshy and the illegal foreigners we’re infested with!
“construct the long-awaited socialist state”
Relatively deprived edition
BBC news online top headline, this beginning of the working week – and for many the start of the working year – Monday morning: Government unveils plan to cut NHS waiting list backlog… A network of Community Diagnostic Centres, which provide appointments such as scans and endoscopies in local neighbourhoods, will extend their opening hours to 12 hours a day, seven days a week. (BBC)
So Labour’s cunning plan is to open the NHS seven days a week…? That sounds familiar…
Jeremy Hunt: Doctors ‘must work weekends’… has said he is prepared to impose seven-day working on hospital doctors in England (BBC, July 2015)
9 to 5, written and performed by Dolly Parton for the comic movie of the same title, was a hit in the year 1980.
Mr Hunt said that a “Monday to Friday culture” in parts of the NHS had “tragic consequences” and said 6,000 people die each year because of this… It is part of the push to deliver a seven-day-a-week NHS in England… British Medical Association leader Dr Mark Porter said the union supported more seven-day working but accused Mr Hunt of being “too simplistic”. (BBC, July 2015)
Mr AsI is of course something of a connoisseur of our media’s little ironies. Deep down at the bottom of the pile of our BBC’s online line-up of newspaper frontpages, in the habitual ‘and finally’ spot, we find the jokey blokey Daily Star.
Shirking from home!!! – jibes the admirable Thought For The Day in response to the Star’s banner headline: Snow Flakes… Weather sickies – illustrated, by the title that brought us the Liz Truss premiership characterised as a wilting lettuce, with a literal couch potato: It’s the Great British bunk off – runs the lead column: Sickies will double today with a million workers shirking the office because of snow and ice (Daily Star)
As you will recall, dear reader, Mr AsI asserts that Lockdowns demoralised the British workforce; Yellow Weather Alerts act as self-fulfilling prophecies.
Channel migrants: The real reason so many are fleeing Vietnam (BBC, Jonathan Head, South-East Asia correspondent / Thu Bui, BBC News Vietnamese) – this’ll be fascinating…
To begin with this report focuses on the atypical – female Channel migrants.
She recalls the fear, exhaustion and desperation on their faces. There weren’t enough lifejackets to go around. (BBC)
Can we cut to the chase and have the promised ‘real reasons’ for this desperate race for the UK shores?
“Five minutes later” (in a French accent) as that internet meme would have it…
Politics? Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, sits near the bottom of most human rights and freedom indexes. No political opposition is permitted. The few dissidents who raise their voices are harassed and jailed.
Nope: Yet most Vietnamese have learned to live with the ruling party, which leans for legitimacy on its record of delivering growth. Very few who go to Britain are fleeing repression.
Poverty? Nor are the migrants generally fleeing poverty. The World Bank has singled Vietnam out for its almost unrivalled record of poverty reduction among its 100 million people.
So what is then?
Rather, they are trying to escape what some call “relative deprivation”… “She could survive in Vietnam, but she wanted a home, a better life, with more security,” explains Hien.
And that free NHS health care must be a draw. Seven days a week if Labour can persuade the medics to pull their finger out.
Lan Anh Hoang, a professor in development studies at Melbourne University, has spent years studying migration patterns. “Twenty to thirty years ago, the urge to migrate overseas was not as strong, because everyone was poor,” she says. “People were happy with one buffalo, one motorbike and three meals a day. “Suddenly a few people successfully migrated to countries like Germany or the UK, to work on cannabis farms or open nail salons. They started to send a lot of money home. Even though the economic conditions of those left behind have not changed, they feel poor relative to all these families with migrants working in Europe.”
And what does the UK gain from this? Little incentive for employers to increase productivity due to relatively low wages and consequently not much tax being paid (if any), plus all that money going back home, won’t be helping our ailing economy much. And our ‘free’ services such a health and eduction will crumble due lack of funding.
I suppose once our British ‘relative deprivation’ has sunk to a level equal to that of Vietnam the incentive to move here will have gone.
“Can we cut to the chase and have the promised ‘real reasons’ for this desperate race for the UK shores?”
From above
“Their innovative plan was to overload the social welfare system with beneficiaries, hastening its collapse. The entire capitalist system was expected to collapse along with it, allowing the socialist revolutionaries to move in and construct the long-awaited socialist state.”
“In 1991, 21.7% of the city was foreign born but by 2011 this had risen to 36.7%.”
In 2011, a historic tipping point occurred with the release of the 2011 census indicating that the White British population, which had before been the majority, was now no longer a majority of the city’s population, although it remained by far the largest single ethnic group.[8]
Gideon van Meijeren is a member of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, for the FvD (Forum for Democracy, Forum Voor Democratie). In the following video from the floor of the Tweede Kamer, Mr. Van Meijeren discusses the ongoing replacement of the native Dutch people with culture-enrichers from the Third World.
During the Asylum and Migration Budget Debate for 2025, Forum for Democracy (FvD) MP Gideon van Meijeren delivered a bold and searing critique of the Netherlands’ immigration policy, exposing its devastating societal and cultural impacts. Central to his speech was his use of the term “population replacement,” a phrase that has sparked intense debate and controversy in the parliament, with prior motions even attempting to ban its use. Undeterred, Meijeren defended the term as a factual description of the demographic shifts caused by mass immigration, refusing to bow to parliamentary censorship.
Video : Bootneck lists TwoTierKeirs judges
Twitter list
In the current furore over child grooming and raping in Oldham and the like, we’ve heard from Labour, Tories, and Reform.
But I don’t remember hearing anything from the Lib Dems.
I wonder why.
Could it be because of things like this
Cyril Smith child abuse inquiry ‘scrapped after his arrest’
Or this
…in which there is the following rather pertinent paragraph
Allegations of a pact between Labour and the Liberal Democrat’s
No doubt our impartial investigative journalists at the BBC will…..errrr……….do nothing.
ding dong
“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to announce as early as Monday that he will resign as Liberal Party Leader, The Globe and Mail reported on Sunday, citing three sources.
The sources told the Globe and Mail that they don’t know definitely when Trudeau will announce his plans to leave but said they expect it will happen before a key national caucus meeting on Wednesday.”
The week starts with good news.
“Monday that he will resign” – work in the background like Obama!
Today is the day parliament is supposed to debate the oust-Labour petition.
Did anyone notice that the Gov was on holiday?
Diversity is our Strength (c) European Union
“Its ex-leader reportedly said paedophilia was “as much a healthy part of the natural diversity of our species as red hair or left-handedness”.”
Harriet Harman expresses ‘regret’ after Daily Mail claims
I’ve been sorting through some old newspaper cuttings from January 2018…yes, I’m an anorak… Most of these are to do with President Trump’s aborted attempt to visit London.
Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan gloated, “It appears Trump got the message…his policies are the polar opposite of our city’s values on inclusion, diversity and tolerance. His visit would have been met by protests.”
You know, I do love all that guff about “tolerance and diversity” from the stab capital of Britian…
Chuka Umunna (who was then Labour MP for Streatham) said, “Nah, the reason is we Brits aren’t terribly welcoming of racists, misogynists and Islamophobes who promote hatred…”
With the exposure of all these Pakistani paedo gangs I don’t think this has stood the test of time.
David Lammy, now the smarmy and schmoozing, arse licking Foreign Secretary, told the President, “You finally got the message that you’d be met by millions of us out on the streets protesting.” Okay…It’s as well for Lammy that the president doesn’t hold a grudge…
And last and probably least, that lunatic who goes by the sobriquet “Nut Zero”, Mr Ed Miliband, who said, “Nope, it’s because nobody wanted you to come and you got the message.”
It really does beggar belief that all these virtue signalling twats were in the political party that turned a blind eye to child rape for generations and ran constituencies that were cesspits (and still are) but felt free to lecture and denigrate the leader of a great ally.
Quite clearly, seven years is a very long time in politics…
Yet the Saudi Prince was welcomed with open arms?
Straightforward s***- stirring Politics of Envy stuff from The Grauniad
‘FTSE 100 bosses make more money in 2025 by noon today than average worker in a year’
Median earnings are £4.2m.
Now I don’t condone all those remuneration committtees awarding nice big pay cheques to themselves on the basis that they have to offer competitive salaries. Nor do I condone rewards for failure, remembering that during the banking crisis with Lloyds and RBS going bust, their CEOs still somehow qualified for bonuses. But on the other hand, by definition, there are only 100 of them and they do carry significant responsibilities.
But there is no mention in The Grauniad of Premier League Footballers.
According to a website called Capology, 539 footballers earned an average of £3.5 million.
Five times as many people as the FT100 CEOs. And what are their responsibilities? Harry McGuire missed a sitter to win a match last night. Is he given a first written warning?
So what we really have here is just another anti-business narrative from the BBC’s in-house magazine.
Marcus Rashford is selling his smashed up Rolls Royce at a fraction of its original price after the luxury £700,000 car was wrecked in a collision with a 74-year-old grandmother in September
700000 breakfasts for the kids? NO? WHY NOT?
> car was wrecked in a collision with a 74-year-old grandmother
Chuffing Nora – these 74 year-old grannies are as tough as nails.
Just the two stories about Musk on the BBC frontpage today….but he looms large apparently….
‘Musk looms large over UK politics as MPs return for 2025’
He only ‘looms large’ because, paradoxically, the media that hates him gives him so much publicity….I imagine the vast, vast majority of people here do not read Musk’s twitter feed…I don’t even though I’m a bit of a fanboy. If they ignored him it wouldn’t be an issue at all….though he’s not wrong about Farage…he’s not ruthless or mould-breaking enough to make the big leap….he’s missing that little something that elevates someone to the highest position ala Trump….his failure to find a way to suggest Tommy Robinson might be right and is a victim of political pressure says it all as he runs scared of the BBC et al…he could have said Robinson has some dubious history but he is an important voice that brings things into the open that the Establishment wants covered up…maybe…maybe…he’s a Churchillian or Mandela-like or Ghandi-like figure as the BBC’s Mark Easton might say? [Muslim extremists are to be feted in Easton’s eyes but someone who dares to ask questions about Islamism is a Far-Right thug].
Times Radio is no better as it spent over an hour muttering about Musk…who they call a ‘South African billionaire’….never mind he is a naturalised US citizen. No irony that Stig Abell spins the truth for an Australian billionaire whose papers and media spins for whatever party Murdoch wants to support here in the UK.
Abell casually asserted that Jan 6 was when we had a ‘heavily armed violent riot in which 5 people died’…as if they were killed by the raging mob…..basically everyword a lie in that one little sentence. Not heavily armed, barely any real violence considering it was a ‘riot’ and an ‘insurrection’ and only one person was ‘killed’…an unarmed woman shot by a police officer known for his violence.
For a start it was only 4 people who died during the protest…all protesters…
‘D.C. medical examiner releases cause of death for four people who died during Capitol riot’
Two died from natural causes…one had a drug overdose and one was shot by police.
Abell minutes later proclaimed that he was all about truth…but that doesn’t seem so…lying about Musk and lying about Jan 6….oh and then of course targeting Tommy Robinson…they wheeled in ex-BBC Danny Shaw to do a hatchet job on Robinson….you’d have no idea that he might possibly be innocent in regards to the Syrian schoolboy story and that he might well be a’political prisoner’….but Shaw insisted not so….and made no attempt to question the ‘facts’ of the case…Robinson is guilty and that’s that…but if Robinson had been Black or Muslim and the schoolboy had been white? It would definitely be a miscarriage of justice by a racist system. The BBC would be leading the charge to free the black Tommy Robinson.
Oh yeah…and any reason Shaw was so protective of Starmer reference the rape gangs?
‘At the end of 2023, I took a seven-month break from media work when I joined Yvette Cooper’s team in the lead-up to the General Election, helping shape Labour’s policies on crime, policing, security and immigration and prepare the Party for government. ‘
“Times Radio is no better as it spent over an hour muttering about Musk…who they call a ‘South African billionaire’….never mind he is a naturalised US citizen.”
So Southport killer is NOT welsh as we all knew all along, as with all the other immigrant stabbers and rapists, we can now refer to their country of origin ONLY despite some deluded twat handing them a UK passport ?
Remember the weekend Labour messaging!
What is happening?
The Musk Farage row is a severe set back on a number of fronts.
First it takes some of the grooming gang heat off Labour and the Tories.
Second it damages the Refom brand when it was gathering momentum .
We may all think that Farage is wrong in not being more respectful of Tommy Robinson and giving him full recognition for his persistence and courage in trying to expose the rape gang and cover up despite grossly unfair treatment by the authorities. After all Farage and Reform aren’t strangers to unfair treatment by the elite.He could do this whilst still criticising Tommy for his contempt of court . But Farage is making the calculation that Tommy is still a net vote loser.
This may be changing as the rape gang cover up story gathers momentum so it was bad politics to distance Reform so far from Tommy when he may have become an asset in the future.
As to Musk. You would think that such an astute man would recognise that the only anti globalist establishment party in the UK at present is Reform and his tweet has done far more harm than good to their chances of getting into power at council or national government level.
Surely he could have kept private pressure on Farage , via conditions on his donation and through Trump , that would have changed Reform’s position on Tommy over time and also prevented Farage taking such a hard line in recent weeks.
His outburst and the damage it has done does make you wonder if his volatility won’t get in the way of his DOGE role. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick is a better way forward when you already have power and don’t require votes.
What is selectively reported is that TR’s incarceration is consequent from a civil case – anyone seen that reported by the BBC?
Elon loves drama and to be centre of it.
See “Elon Musk wins defamation case over ‘pedo guy’ tweet about caver”
Mr Musk told the court this week the phrase “pedo guy” was common in South Africa, where he grew up.
See “Elon Musk tweet wipes $14bn off Tesla’s value
Tesla boss Elon Musk wiped $14bn (£11bn) off the carmaker’s value after tweeting its share price was too high.
Fury as BBC director-general Tim Davie spent nearly a month at plush London hotel instead of commuting back to his £4m Oxfordshire home
The BBC’s director-general had stays totalling nearly a month at a plush central London hotel last year to avoid commuting back to his £4m Oxfordshire home.
Licence fee payers have picked up the tab for his repeated stays at the four-star hotel, as well as other overnight accommodation in the capital.
In total, Tim Davie spent more than 30 nights staying in hotels in London in the previous financial year, the majority of which were at the same one.
Mr Davie, who is paid £525,000 by the BBC, is thought to have spent more than £3,000 on stays at the luxury hotel, which the Mail has chosen not to name, booked through the BBC’s ‘central bookings system’.
Analysis of published documents suggests he spent 26 nights at this hotel throughout the 2023-24 financial year, including some two-night stays.
His main office is Broadcasting house, near Oxford Street in London’s West End. He is known to live near Henley-on-Thames, about an hour’s drive from his office in central London.
It has also emerged that the corporation’s £310,000-a-year chief financial officer, Alan Dickson, who oversees the BBC’s expenditure, spent about 65 nights staying in London hotels in the 2023-24 financial year.
This included 12 nights in the same hotel which was Mr Davie’s favourite.
Mr Dickson is understood to be based in Glasgow, despite the fact that the corporation’s main base is in London.
Former leader of the Conservative Party, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, branded the amount of overnight stays as ‘astonishing’ for someone who lives in ‘striking distance’ of London.
He said: ‘This is simply intolerable. There ought to a serious inquiry by the BBC internally into the money they haemorrhage through these type of costs.
‘You pay people salaries and you expect them to do things, so as I say if someone lives within striking distance of London you would think there would be little or no argument that they should go back home in the evening and get up early and either come in early by train or by car.’
He said Mr Davie ‘must set an example’, adding: ‘Every company that I know is already tightening their belts. The BBC should be doing the same. Expense levels at that point are just unacceptable.’
Mr Duncan Smith also called for both a parliamentary committee and the BBC itself to carry out inquiries into this spending.
He said: ‘The licence fee payers who already baulk at the cost of the licence won’t want to know their licence is paying for bureaucratic costs in the BBC.’
Analysis of BBC expenses data from the earlier financial year, 2022-23, reveals Mr Davie spent even more time at the hotel he frequented most – more than 30 days, in that period. His overall London hotel stays were also higher.
Mr Dickson, the BBC’s chief financial officer, racked up a bill of £1,600 in just over a month at the hotel where Mr Davie stayed most. He spent 12 nights there across March and April 2024. This was made up of four three-night stints at the hotel.
Mr Dickson in November 2023 had spent five nights at a Marble Arch hotel, costing £600, followed by a four-night stay in Shepherds Bush later in the month, for an economical £57.50 a night.
There was a four-night stint at a hotel in Piccadilly, which cost £460, while in September there were three nights not far from Oxford Street, costing £345.
Mr Dickson spent about 65 nights staying in London hotels in the financial year, totalling nearly £8,000.
The director-general has regularly claimed the BBC is struggling against a tough financial climate. He recently told a committee of MPs that the BBC was ‘woefully underfunded’ even though it receives about £3.6bn a year from licence fee income.
Among the director-general’s other expenses and central bookings was £3,545 return flight to Nairobi in Kenya in April 2024.
A source at the corporation claimed it had policies in place to ensure spending was ‘proportionate’ and ‘appropriate’ and added that all stays were within BBC expenses policy.
They added that the director-general was ‘occasionally required to stay late to attend business-related events and/or start early’ which made it ‘more economical’ to stay in London in these circumstances.
The source said Mr Dickson was based in Glasgow and his role provided financial leadership across the whole BBC group and that he uses hotels when travelling to London.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘Like any media organisation, staff are sometimes required to use hotels and we always keep costs to a minimum.’
Tim Davie CBE, Director-General
Annual remuneration (as at July 2024)
Mr Tim Davie External hospitality
Hospitality for Business
Contacts Hospitality for business contact
12/02/2024 38.59
Click to access tim-davie-expenses-q4-2023-24.pdf
BBC indulging in a long propaganda piece for migrants…illegal ones…classic attempt to personalise the issue…using one migrant’s story and ramping up the sob-factor to justify millions coming here…the BBC knows that people baulk at ‘millions’ and feel little empathy with the big numbers but can be made to feel empathy for a single migrant’s sob-story…hence they try to manipulate the narrative…and dodge the ‘millions’ and the downsides to that…
‘More Vietnamese attempted small-boat Channel crossings in the first half of 2024 than any other nationality. Yet they are coming from one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Why, then, are so many risking their lives to reach Britain?’
What is it that makes so many people desperate to leave?
Ah yeah…
‘Very few who go to Britain are fleeing repression.
Nor are the migrants generally fleeing poverty. The World Bank has singled Vietnam out for its almost unrivalled record of poverty reduction among its 100 million people.
Rather, they are trying to escape what some call “relative deprivation”.’
So not actual poverty but relative poverty…they just want more and see Britain as easy pickings…and of course many have relatives here who probably came illegally in the first place…and were used as slaves….a situation euphemistically dodged by the BBC here…those ‘long hours’ eh?…
‘Her sister Hien had made it to Britain nine years earlier, smuggled inside a shipping container. It had cost her around £22,000 but she was able to pay that back in two years, working long hours in kitchens and nail salons. ‘
There’s absolutely no reason they should be accepted here either as migrants nor ‘asylum seekers’…they cost us billions…as they’re nearly all low-skill they don’t pay their way…
‘”For a majority of workers with limited skills, there is a glass ceiling. Even if you work 14 hours a day you cannot save enough to build a house or start a family.”‘
If a bit of political oppression is the justification for fleeing a country then most of the world could come here…though some might say out of the pot into the fire the way things are going here…see Tommy Robinson etc.
Whilst the BBC indulges in long, long articles shilling for illegal migrants the Telegraph reports an uncomfortable truth [and of course the BBC doesn’t]….
‘Foreign nationals are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sexual offences as British citizens, according to the first analysis revealing the scale of crime by migrants.
Foreigners were 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for sex offences as British suspects, based on a rate of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population against 48 per 100,000 for Britons.
For all crimes, foreign nationals were arrested at twice the rate of British natives, accounting for 131,000 of the arrests from January to October 2024.
While foreigners make up nine per cent of the population, they accounted for 16.1 per cent of the total number of arrests according to the figures, released under freedom of information (FOI) laws.’
Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
20 November 2018
Amazing what you can raise from pickpocketing, car thefts, drug dealing and credit card scams.
Transfer of wealth by stealth!
Nathan Associates London Ltd.
Found a match in field: Description – … of the Vietnam National Trade Repository ….
The purpose of the “Vietnam National Trade Repository Programme”, known hereafter as the “Vietnam NTR”, is to establish a National Trade Repository (NTR) which…
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Programme Id
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Vietnam – Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership S E Asia (WCSSP) – Met Office
Found a match in field: Title – … Vietnam – Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership S E Asia (WCSSP) – Met Office Vietnam – Weather and ….
Strengthened partnership between meteorological services in UK, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, to produce scoping study identifying Vietnam/ S-E Asian region weather forecasting and…
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Programme Id
Start date
Total budget
Andrew Neil, the Telegraph and Canadian media reporting that Trudeau may announce his resignation today….BBC missed it…perhaps they’re sitting there with fingers crossed unable to type as the tears flow hoping the hope that their lefty progressive dictator will stay on….they can’t believe another one if their kind might fall.
Is it true that Turdeau’s people collect and take away all cups, glasses and cutlery from his public engagements?
Probably do it for most leaders – finger prints/DNA etc.
They’ve Fidel Castro’s DNA don’t they?
Sunday Scrum: Trudeau dodges ethics question 18 times during QP
18 times asked when he met ethics commission – HA HA HAH AH!
15K views 7 years ago
LIVE: Keir Starmer announces major plan to slash NHS waiting lists
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Does the NHS need any diversity officers at all?
x800 @ £40 million per year
Live- Keir Starmer announces major plan to throw even more taxpayers money into the NHS black hole.
Are you allowed to say black?
White Dwarf?!
Listened to the Starmer speech on GBNews. How I dislike his voice although I suspect he has had voice training to appear slightly more animated. Did I believe a single word? Not one. As Bev Turner pointed out, how did the story of using private hospitals fit with the tale he told about never using private healthcare? And of course he didn’t use the NHS to get his spectacles.
“didn’t use the NHS to get his spectacles” – Keir Starmer saves the NHS from spending £1000 on glasses – BBC fact checked to be true.
So the Tory 20 billion black hole they magically “found” as soon as they came into office is now suddenly 33.4 billion including the giveaway to the NHS I guess and it’s no problem at all, it’s just the plebs cash, plenty more where that came from eh Starmer?
Is he going to insist on anybody white on the waiting list being removed from it?
A lorry toppled over in the early hours of the morning on the M25 in Surrey.
The road is likely to be closed for most of the day.
What the hell do the authorities think they are doing?
Clipboards out. Tape measures out. Time of no importance. Wrecking thousands of people’s lives. A key artery off he nation.
Open the damn road, if necessary reduced lanes and slow speeds. Then sort it out overnight.
But no. Socialists and the big state hate us being reliant on our private cars. And as for all those ‘rich’ people trying to get to Gatwick or Heathrow, well they deserve all they get, don’t they?
Third world Britain. I’ve seen roads in India better than ours.
Sluff –
They’ve been instructed to string it out – unequivocally. Local councils as well, just crazy road closures in provincial towns.
As for roads – the southern section of the M5 at Cullompton in Devon being resurfaced is a joke. Months of average cameras and hardly a hiviz in sight.
Use HS2? David Lammy says trades men can take their tools with them! HA H AHA HAHA !
“US President Joe Biden has announced a ban on offshore oil and gas drilling along most of America’s coastline, weeks before Donald Trump takes office.”
She said it was “designed to exact political revenge on the American people who gave President Trump a mandate to increase drilling and lower gas prices”.
Environmental groups, however, welcomed the decision.
Joseph Gordon, from conservation organisation Oceana, said: “This is an epic ocean victory.
“Our treasured coastal communities are now safeguarded for future generations.”
China sets up new state body to drill deep for oil and gas reserves
By Reuters
July 1, 20249:19 PM GMT+1Updated 6 months ago
ban on offshore oil and gas drilling along most of America’s coastline
China sets up new state body to drill deep for oil and gas reserves
I saw and heard some of Smarmer’s Press conference. What a load of rubbish, Smarmer, as ever, not answering anything, just employing word soup methods to completely distract from the issues. Who the hell are all those people behind him?
Labour to provide free WORD SOUP to end poverty! HA HA HA HAH A!
Looks like NHS staff ?
Where’s the lion, the badger, the bulldog and the rabbit?
No thudding music track?
Matty Doyle fail
One of the reasons put forward for the inaction regarding Pakistani rape gangs is interventions by local politicians. The towns and cities affected were pretty much Labour dominated.
A deeper reason might also be that the public sector is very largely Labour supporting as well. So when girls were going to Council operatives such as Social Services they are very aware that Labour need those Moslem votes, and even if they weren’t initially aware they were certainly made aware.
2019 …
My rt hon Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sajid Javid) has today made the following Written Ministerial Statement:
Today the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published its latest case study report, which can be found at
This report relates to the Archdiocese of Birmingham in the Inquiry’s Roman Catholic Church investigation. I pay tribute to the strength and courage of the victims and survivors who have shared their experiences to ensure the Inquiry can deliver its vital work.
Government will review this report and consider how to respond to its content in due course.
I would like to thank Professor Jay and her Panel for their continued work to uncover the truth, expose what went wrong in the past and to learn the lessons for the future.
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Department of Health and Social Care
26 June 2021 – 5 July 2022 Commons
Flotsam – I’ve always ‘admired ‘ the Pakistani ability to corrup stuff . For instance – getting their relatives onto the council as councillors – or running the housing / benefits departments .
My local londonistan council famously has failed a full audit for years – with the local paper no longer ‘local ‘ so very little scrutiny due to it being a one party state ….
Senior plod will go along because they’ll all want the next rank and there’s always the community tax to milk when needed …
Just apologise and it will be ok!
“Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises for Gaza Comments”
BBC report on a speech by Starmer defending actions on child grooming investigation, “lies and misinformation” he describes Musk and others interventions.
The BBC consider this his “most impassioned” speech since becoming PM.
I think they might be confusing “passion” with “raw fear”…..
Digg Starmer’s “impassioned” speech sounds like it came from AI-generated middle manager vocal software.
Ditto Wes Streeting and Rachel Reeves. They just sound odd when trying to appear human.
I think of Starmer as “adenoidal” – “impassioned” – not so much
Heard TTK’s ‘grooming’ speech yet?
In essence it seems there are two types of people in the UK.
You are far right if you do not support the mass rape gangs abusing little girls.
I’m proud that this makes me far right.
EG – it often comes back to that ‘far right ‘ label …. I heard Blair speak of ‘ populism ‘- defining it as ‘grievance politics ‘ with ‘easy solutions ‘. Interesting mindset he has …. But I suppose one needs to drill down into what ‘grievance ‘ means .
Considering that both Blair and TTK are legally trained ( me too ) it’s all about the meaning of words …. Such ‘Far ‘….
Socialism has the mantra of easy solutions. Print money, tax everyone to the hilt and buy your votes with benefits and giveaways.
Raja Miah put up a new 7 part Twitter thread at midnight
Seems to be about Angela Raynor being implicated with Oldham Pakistani gangsters.
R5 just now —
Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, has a trembling woman from the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission anxious about what’s happening under the new Taliban regime.
Apparently there’s a new law which prohibits houses next door to homes with female inhabitants from having windows. Lest catching a glance of a woman putting the kettle on next door arouses the men.
BBC Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet is shocked and confused, calling it “unbelievable and stomach churning”. Naga calls the treatment of women “bonkers”. As the BBC exists solely on naive slogans about hope and change, change and hope, perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise they continually fail to see the bleeding obvious. They so wished the new Taliban weren’t like the old Taliban, and they’re repeating it again with Al-Qaeda in Syria.
It’s the sixth-form stupidity of this country’s institutions and media that persist in the face of huge evidence to the contrary. Not sure I can take another year of this.
Men to wear Hijabs and blindfold for equality?
“Lest catching a glance of a woman putting the kettle on next door arouses the men.”
Parliament are to discuss the 3 million petition to have Labour resign as government later today….
Don’t expect the debate to be featured on BBC, probably not even mentioned come to that!
My son, who is a senior teacher, has had a directive (diktat?) from the Labour Local Authority saying that illegal migrants are not to be referred to as “illegal migrants”. Any teacher or school staff using that description will be subject to disciplinary action.
Flotsam – bet it was drafted by an ‘illegal …..’ we are doomed
lone wolves?
Wow ! I thought the opposite of legal is illegal. Are they being referred to what the Americans call undocumented migrants ? Anything to make it sound nicey nicey.
So, teenage mass gang rape and torture victims are agents of misinformation and far right, since all comments have been based on their testimonials.
I have never seen a politician i would actually like to punch in the face until this one got in office
Somehow important enough to be above the fold of the page on BBC International: “How The Vivienne became a breakout star of British drag”
“… James Lee Williams was one of the biggest breakout stars of British drag, and it all started with an impression of Donald Trump in 2019 on the first season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK.”
Is it possible to retroactively defund the BBC?
I vaguely heard the big winner in the golden globes thing is a film about a tranny drugs lord …. And they’ll wonder why cinemas are closing …
Go woke go broke
Our young people are in urgent need of some new role models.