The Archers on R4 has been pushing climate change as a reason to rewild near Ambridge. Two crackpots Rex and Kirsty were thinking of releasing beavers into the environment but opposition was voiced by angry local farmers. Local rewilding may have benefits … but it is nothing to do with global climate.
Being very tall – I think I qualify as an ‘unrepresented group ‘. I deserve to work from home for four days a week subject to my work life balance needs .. as well as the stress of the job …
Don’t forget your entitlement to maternity leave and don’t let any “Far Right” people tell you that you can’t give birth to – or indeed chest-feed – a baby.
I’m definitely an unrepresented minority discriminated group.
I don’t have pierced ears !! Jewellers don’t want to know about the likes of us with our lobes in tact, so it’s nigh on impossible to buy clip on earrings on the High Street. Etsy is my saviour.
Perhaps I should stage a one woman protest outside Parliament 🤔
Brissles, you’ve always been a minority – in fact, you have no equal, well, probably Lucy and Debs (phew)…
I’m sure the overcharged poll tax payers of Westminster will be delighted to open their doors to spy a ‘global’ character, tatooed all over, with pink hair, wearing some sort of kaftan dress thing, some type of animal bones protruding from various appendages, sandals made from car tyres, (to keep out the snow), and gabbling unintelligable gibberish concerning something about which they are totally ignorant!
I am sure one day Brissels I will be able to find you. I am building up a picture. I am assuming a lady, living near the A1 and now I know to look for someone without piercings.
Ha! Ha! Not forgetting having a Border Terrier beside me while wearing a self designed and created fascinator ! (An image you cannot unsee 😀 )
I’m boringly normal actually.
I self-identify as Malaysian Chinese. I have done for years. This on the basis that our guberment seems so keen on effnic minorities that I had better give them some.
I remember at the last census having a furious argument with a work colleague who was from Singapore who told me I was not Chinese to which my response was:
“Why can’t I if I want to be?”
Anyway after our guberment stole my lovely green lifelong driving licence and replaced it with EHuwww plastic it says where I come from is KL. See, I was born there.
No one can accuse me of racial discrimination. I have a trusty shield – my EHuwww driving licence.
I always tick the effnic boxes. All part of the service!
a_s, a much valued old friend, now deceased, came from Singapore and he told me that before and after his marriage to a Malaysian woman, that his in-laws did not approve of their daughter marrying someone from Singapore. I am sure that their opposition was weakened when their daughter produced beautiful twin daughters.
Then sit back and watch Westminster sink to 3rd world levels of governance, corruption and mismanagement. Or go up in flames like California.
Unbelievable. We’re actually advertising and paying for people to destroy our country.
Douglas Murray’s first words in The Strange Death of Europe: “Europe is committing suicide.”
Read the intro below, and share, share, share, as if our lives depended on it. Because they do.
Re City of Westminster job advert…..No doubt this is public cash they are spaffing around so some sort of accountability on the best use of such is a matter for scrutiny and debate in my opinion.
This is definitely a most racist advert, Even the Equality & Human Rights Commission say- among many other things, it’s discriminatory to mention or consider race in a employment advert .
Well just for today but I can’t make up my mind what to be tomorrow. Definitely not a Socialist because that will damage my brain and I have to say that at 84 years old my brain thus far is as good as new.
I know that because it has never been used.
*Fat bastard* is getting name makeover too, looks like to make sure plump people, who can’t quite manage to reach a BMI of 30, can still be prescribed expensive drugs
“Obesity needs new definition, says global report”
“The report calls for a “reframing” of obesity to distinguish between patients with a disease and those who remain healthy, but at risk of disease in the future.
Those with chronic illnesses caused by their weight should be diagnosed with ‘clinical obesity’ – but those with no health problems should be diagnosed with ‘pre-clinical obesity’ ”
Coming next: being diagnosed with thought crime and pre thought crime.
A World going bonkers Eddy, obesity has always been judged by BMI. Whether you have good or poor health if your BMI is high you are Fat! Smoke and mirrors again but to what end?
Always ask what the real headline is
Monday BBC local news
“GOOD news for Scunthorpe as Teeside mayor says Scunthorpe will be granted 2 electric arc furnaces..*green steel* rah, rah, rah”
real news
“GOODBAD news for BRITAIN as announcement implies UK will close it’s last blast furnaces
and thus need to IMPORT the high quality virgin steel the military needs”
The item seemed to be deep spin for Labour
No one in Scunthorpe who knows steel industry would write it that way.
Going electric arc means closing the raw steel making side
that’s half the steel plant .. so means thousands of job losses
So is not GOOD for Scunthorpe”
“Putin’s nuclear deal, a tangled web of properties and how I shone the spotlight on the murky world of holier-than-thou Tulip Siddiq.
While I believe the Labour Party did not mislead me deliberately, The Mail on Sunday took the view that Ms Siddiq lied to us.
So we published our own story that weekend, detailing exactly what Ms Siddiq told us and how she had threatened to sue when cornered.
Dozens of Bangladeshis contacted me via social media, email and phone calls thanking me for investigating Ms Siddiq.
They said that her aunt’s government – from which Ms Siddiq continues to distance herself – had not only committed the worst human rights abuses in the country for the past 15 years, but they also looted the country like never before.
It was the world’s worst kleptocracy, they told me.”
“Fury as PM paves the way to give Gerry Adams tens of thousands of pounds in compensation: Former Sinn Fein leader in line for payout following unlawful detention in the 1970s after Labour law change.
Experts said that Mr Adams could get tens of thousands of pounds if the new legislation, tabled by ministers last month, passes.
If hundreds of others also lodge claims, it raises the prospect of the compensation bill reaching tens of millions of pounds.”
BBC blasted after hiring new boss from Canada who told journalists not to call Hamas ‘terrorists’
During his time at Canada’s public broadcaster, leaked emails showed Mr Achi instructing staff not to refer to Hamas as terrorists, in the wake of the October 7th attacks.
This was despite the fact that Canada had categorised the Palestinian group as a ‘terrorist entity’ many years earlier.
According to the leaked emails, released in October 2023, shortly after the attacks took place, Mr Achi had told staff: ‘Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists’.’
He added: ‘The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicised and is part of the story. Even when quoting/clipping a government or a source referring to fighters as ‘terrorists’, we should add context to ensure the audience understands this is opinion, not fact.’
Strangely the most significant thing about this ‘most dramatic breakthrough in 15 months of war, which began when the armed Palestinian group Hamas attacked Israel in October 2023’ (the most benign way I have ever seen to describe a terrorist mass-murder of civilians) is that the fact it has been rushed through in the week before Trump takes office is not mentioned.
Nor are his threats to Hamas of what would happen if the hostages are not relased by then.
It seems Trump has managed in one statement to accomplish what Biden and the Democrats could not do in 15 months.
Surely it would have been worth mentioning. But of course the BBC don’t care one bit about the truth. They hate Trump with a passion and so refuse to admit what he has already done before he even takes office.
I full nothing but disgust at the BBC’s ethics and double-standards. They sum up the Left perfectly.
Smarmer’s Government are falling over themselves in a rush to give away Chagos before Trump takes office. Trump has expressed his concern. One can only imagine what he will make of this snub. The stupidity of this Government is beyond relief.
Would a Conservative Minister get this paragraph in a bbc hit job ?
“It is vital to stress Tulip Siddiq has always insisted she has done nothing wrong and the prime minister’s independent adviser on ministerial standards concluded she had not broken the ministerial code.”
Been reading that Zephir and of course the BBC are giving full credence to a report by Starmers own man.
BBC version:
‘Before her resignation was announced, Siddiq had been named in a second investigation in Bangladesh.’
The truth:
‘Authorities in Bangladesh have filed a criminal case against the UK Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq, accusing her of misusing her position as an MP to gain influence and illegally acquire land with her aunt the ousted prime minister Sheikh Hasina.’
Totally different.
The most extreme of political double standards. How many ‘live updates’ did the BBC run to get rid of Tory ministers like Boris and Raab ?.
What a ridiculous state of affairs we are in now. The BBC are running rampant with political bias. When was the last time you saw a positive story about the Tories or Reform ?. Or an actively negative one against Labour or the Lib Dems ?.
He actually said some of the transactions are too old to trace the records so no documentary evidence was available and that her position as minister should be reviewed in the light of some of her actions.
“In it’s current form the UK could be viewed as a police state ”
“What do think happens when society that is trained to be tolerant, is faced with an influx of a religion or cult based on expansionism, conquest and control, who’s primary goal is to subjugate, which one will win?”
“Will it be the part of society that is not allowed to speak or protect itself?”
If you’re a racist black person on the streets for no reason at all (and the accidental killing of a drug dealer career criminal in the USA who was resisting arrest does not count as a reason), you can riot and the police will take the knee to avoid upsetting you.
If you are white and are protesting against Islamic terrorism murdering multiple innocent young girls, you get the riot police charging you and a mandatory jail sentence just for being there.
Cut out all the left-wing BS which the BBC and media have wrapped it all up in and that’s the basic truth you end up with.
“In it’s current form the UK could be viewed as a police state ”
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
"Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: 'Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.' So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny"
“The paradox of tolerance is a philosophical concept that suggests that a society that is too tolerant of intolerance will eventually become intolerant itself. It was developed by philosopher Karl Popper in his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies”
Below is a report of Court case involving a man who possessed indecent images of children. He got 10 years in prison. Compare that to the slap on the wrist for pedophile Huw Edwards. There is previous criminal history but Edward’s sentence seems unduly lenient.
It looks as though there may be a national ‘independent’ enquiry into the Pakistani rape and torture gangs after all. But the government will set the terms of reference and choose the chairman or chairwoman .
The government will attempt to set terms for the enquiry which minimise the focus on the gangs . The Tories did this brilliantly when they set up the Jay enquiry where the remit was so wide that the gangs were peripheral and received little attention. Labour will attempt something similar to avoid the ethnicity of the gangs being focussed on .
They will also try to avoid allowing the true scale of the number of victims to be known and they will minimise the opportunity that the tens of thousands of victims have to tell their distressing and horrendous stories of torture and repeated rape so as not upset the indigenous population and get them out on the streets. Community harmony is very important to the elite.
As to the investigation and prosecution of the thousands of public officials and police who chose to look the other way they will try to avoid this happening at all costs . All the main political parties have been involved to some extent and they don’t want their complicity coming out.
We can be certain that the person they choose to chair the enquiry will be easily bribed or manipulated to deliver a report that the political elite want. Perhaps not a white wash , things have gone too far for that thanks to Elon Musk, but a grey wash certainly.
The duration of the enquiry is also key. This government and all the political and legacy media class will want it to rumble on for years , at least until after the next GE, hoping public interest will lessen . They want their complicity covered up as long as possible.
Basically, the enquiry is the liberal establishment , which knowingly allowed the rape and torture of tens of thousands , perhaps hundreds of thousands, of white British girls to go on unchecked for decades, investigating itself!
We know they are corrupt , we know they will reveal as little as they can get away with. We know the legacy media has been complicit in the cover up and we know that complicity will continue.
With every passing month there are new and powerful reasons to get rid of the corrupt , rotten liberal establishment which has ruled our country since 1997.
The starmer mob will NEVER allow a truly independent inquiry outside of their draconian control.
An independent inquiry that will formalise what we already know: labour councillors and MPs pandering to muslim drug dealers and rapists for votes:
“Welcome to Oldham.
The explosive Welcome to Oldham series lifts the lid on the relationship between Labour Party politicians, Council Officers and the Asian Criminal Cartels that really run the town. Originally posted on Medium, its censorship was celebrated by senior Oldham Council figures with what they believed was a successful attempt at hiding these revelations. Undeterred, Raja Miah MBE transferred his findings to the Recusant-Nine platform where he continues to reveal the inner workings of a morally bankrupt Council. His disclosures will be all too familiar to those who have knowledge and experience of Labour Party controlled towns and cities reliant on the Asian Muslim block vote.
As a consequence of his revelations, and having failed to stop his posts through all legal means including failing to have him arrested, senior individuals within Oldham Council have associated themselves with convicted criminals and even endorsed his murder in an attempt to silence him.
Though originally intended for the people of his hometown, the Welcome to Oldham series has now been read by an audience of over 1 million by people from across the world. Raja Miah’s message to all those who have read his posts and stand against criminals and their political associates that freely operate as a consequence of their partnership with public officials is a simple one.”
Andy – being ‘over 50’ i volunteered to do the bowel cancer test using the home kit a few years ago . I recommend it . I also want NHS prostate testing every year over 60 .
I think such screening is good for anyone who wants any problem to be ‘caught ‘ early . The test kit – I think – is pretty cheap … i pay a lot of taxes for it ….
“Sweden unveils tough new ‘honest living’ requirements for citizenship with migration minister warning: ‘Girls and boys have the right to swim and play football. If you don’t accept that, this is not the country for you.’
The government said on Tuesday it wanted to toughen the rules for obtaining Swedish nationality, with a probe recommending ‘honest living’ as a prerequisite.
It also recommended extending the required duration of time spent in the country prior to obtaining citizenship – increasing to eight years from the current five.
Those seeking citizenship would also have to pass a test on Swedish society and values, and do a language exam, according to the government-ordered probe.
‘Citizenship must be earned, not be handed out unconditionally,’ Migration Minister Johan Forssell said in a post on Instagram.
Forssell told a press conference that citizenship also helped tie people of disparate backgrounds together under ‘a common Swedish identity’.
He said it was ‘crucial’ to ‘always be very clear about the values that must apply in Sweden’.
‘Family is important but it does not stand above the law. There is equality between the sexes. You can marry whoever you want.”
Not BBC – the telegraph alleges that one of TTKs ‘aim at growth ‘ is to lobby presidenr trump for a fast trade deal . Starmer Delusion Syndrome ….
Unless there is a good reason the Trump regime should – will – see the current UK regime as an enemy – with the British people as victims and some as political prisoners .
So why do a deal to make TTK’s life easier …? As the comments reflect ..
I reckon the yanquis aren’t best happy with the Chagos islands deal and that that aspect of the business is being played down by the MSM stenographers.
On October 9, 2023, Lord Waheed Alli donated £10,000 to support Keir Starmer’s activities as an MP.
Gifts and Hospitality:
On November 4, 2023, Teescraft Engineering Ltd provided four tickets with hospitality for the Newcastle United vs. Arsenal football match, valued at £1,000.
On October 21, 2023, Cain International UK Services Ltd provided two tickets with hospitality for the Chelsea vs. Arsenal football match, valued at £2,400.
On an unspecified date, Lord Waheed Alli provided two tickets and hospitality for a Tottenham Hotspur vs. Arsenal match, with an approximate market value of £500 each, totaling £1,000.
Overseas Visits:
Between November 30 and December 3, 2023, Keir Starmer visited Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar provided private jet transportation and other services valued at £25,508.83. Additionally, the COP28 Presidency Office provided transportation services valued at £765.
Between September 15 and 17, 2023, he visited Canada to speak at the Montreal Global Progress Conference. Canada 2020 contributed towards flight and accommodation expenses totaling £1,494.55.
It’s very simple. Jihad, conquest and conversion are the sole duty of every muslim in the West, by their own admission.
“Muslim invaders do not hide and tell us their true goal: “It is Islamic duty of every Muslim living in West to destroy Western civilization and strive to establish Islamic law by any means necessary!”‘
The ‘news’ seemed to hit the markets yesterday and the Guardian appeared to be first out of the blocks this morning. Finger prints of choreography and given the BoE/Treasury’s differential treatment of Truss and Rachel from accounts you might be forgiven for wondering whether you can trust the figures.
“Rachel Reeves has been warned not to target farmers for a second time as she bids to cut costs to see off a potential financial crisis.
The Chancellor is already under fire over Labour’s plan to hit the wealthiest by making their families pay inheritance tax on the agricultural value of their land.
But fears have been raised that she could hit farmers again this year by making cuts to the Environment Land Management (Elm) scheme.
The scheme pays farmers to make their land nature-friendly and includes cash for flood defences for productive farmland.
It was set up after Brexit to replace the EU Common Agricultural Policy, which subsidised measures including ‘local nature recovery’ habitat creation on farms.
Ms Reeves protected Defra’s £2.4billion allocation for Elms in her Budget last year, but buried in the notes was a warning that it faced ‘significant funding pressures on flood defences and farm schemes of almost £600 million’, signalling they would be reviewed for the 2025-2026 financial year.
Yesterday signalled she may need an emergency Budget as soon as March as soaring Government borrowing costs threatened to derail Labour’s spending plans. ”
“Censorship at the pub! Welcome to Starmer’s brave new world, where diversity means shutting down conversations over drinks in case you offend some eavesdropping snowflake.
Arguably the last Labour government’s most memorable slogan was ‘education, education, education’.
If I had to come up with one for this lot, it would be ‘legislation, legislation, legislation’. But then what do you expect if you elect a nit-picking human rights lawyer as Prime Minister?
Forget common sense; it’s all about shiny new directives that may sound great on the face of it, but more often than not mask a sinister agenda.
The Government’s proposed workers’ rights legislation, which is expected to come into force next year, is a case in point. It places a duty on bosses to protect their employees from harassment in the workplace.
Hurrah, a fine sentiment indeed. But examine the proposals more closely and it quickly becomes clear that the repercussions could be far more serious and far-reaching than anticipated.
For example, according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), one of the consequences of this Act would be that pubs would find themselves forced to ban customers from discussing ‘contentious’ topics such as religious beliefs or transgender rights if there’s a risk that their views might constitute ‘harassment’ of staff.
A conversation would count as harassment if it ‘has the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’.
This is compounded if it is an opinion about a protected characteristic under the Equality Act, such as religious beliefs, views on women’s and transgender rights, political philosophies and (astonishingly) ethical veganism.
In other words, if you want to have any kind of discussion, serious or otherwise, about any of the important or controversial issues today, stay at home lest you accidentally offend some eavesdropping snowflake.
Welcome to Starmer’s brave new world, where diversity means shutting down free speech and censorship and dogma are promoted in the name of tolerance. As an example of double-think, it’s quite an impressive one, even for him.
The irony of this isn’t lost on most intelligent people, not least the writer Julie Burchill. Last year, she and a group of middle-aged women were ejected from a pub in Hove because they were having a discussion about the rights and wrongs of teaching gender ideology in schools.
Apparently ‘a complaint’ was made about the subject matter, and as a result the landlord requested that they leave.
There was widespread outrage at their treatment. Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, claimed the pub did ‘not have a leg to stand on’. Under this new legislation, the opposite would be true. In fact, the landlord would be under a legal obligation to ban them.
But there is another, more prosaic reason for objecting to this nonsense. The hospitality industry, and pubs in particular, have not had an easy time of late. Covid, the cost of living crisis, the recent NI hike – they’ve all taken their toll. The last thing they need is another set of bureaucratic hoops to jump through. Something like this could be the last straw for many landlords.
And that would be a great shame. Pubs are a quintessential part of the British identity, vital social hubs, especially in rural areas (perhaps that’s why the Government are doing this: they clearly hate the countryside). One of the great joys of life is meeting friends in your local, sinking a few lemonades and putting the world to rights over a packet of pork scratchings (no doubt also soon to be banned – let’s not forget those ‘ethical vegans’).
Pubs occupy a unique social space somewhere between your own front room and an actual restaurant, less formal and more familiar than the latter but more social than the former. There’s nothing quite like the buzz of a packed pub. All human life is here: it’s somewhere you can go with the dog, where it’s fine to be on your own or with friends, where no one minds if you get slightly over-refreshed and make a fool of yourself.
The upper classes have their swanky members’ clubs; ordinary people have pubs, places where people of all ages and social persuasions can and do mingle.
Inevitably, there are differences of opinion; inevitably, there are customers who sometimes step out of line. But generations of landlords and landladies have always known how to police their own premises, without the need for interference from the state.
No employer, especially not one who’s serving alcohol for a living, can guarantee the rights of their staff not to be offended. It’s just in the nature of the beast.
If this legislation comes into place, it will be another nail in the coffin of the great British pub.
But then perhaps that’s just what this joyless, sanctimonious Government wants.”
JULIE BURCHILL: When cry-bully goons ejected me and a group of 50 middle-aged people from a pub because someone disagreed with our views I realised: We no longer live in a free country
Oliver Reed was a regular at the White Horse Hotel in Dorking, Surrey, and the Duke of Hamilton in Hampstead, and created a crawl of the eight pubs around Wimbledon Common. “You meet a better class of people in pubs,” Reed observed, though he himself was barred from plenty.
I follow still your comments and i am informed by them. THanks Haven’t commented as my comments are from the past – this one from over 24 years ago !. I was teaching at a primary school when i was critical of Arafat the PLO leader ( in the staff room at break time) – that he said something different tin Arabic to his people. Well, the Head called me in and gave me a warning not to upset her staff!!
It was about the same time that Pam Ayres read out her poem on the BBC when her husband said something funny but critical of Arafat. The following week the programme repeat missed that line out!!!
I’m going to make an in depth study of cockney rhyming slang so I can say what I like in the rub-a-dub. Even if I get a bit Brahms and Liszt
Following the notorious vote in the HOC, Starmer hid for about 48hrs behind a series of X-posts about AI.
Somebody must have come up with an uncunning plan to make it appear as though he is doing something about the overwhelming immigration problem.
Starmer then welcomes The PM of Babylon where they’ve just lowered the age of sexual consent to 9 in accordance with the examle set by the false prophet.
None of The Leader’s advisors seem to have understood how bizarrely inappropriate it is to release an PR image of 2 pedo-protectors shaking hands at a time like this.
“A new era for UK-Iraq co-operation We are working together on trade, growth, and a first-of-its-kind returns agreement to help crack down on organised immigration crime. Welcome to Downing Street, Prime Minister Al-Sudani.”
She told MEE that unlike previous attempts at passing the reforms, she believed that the current government – led by Coordination Framework member Mohammed Shia al-Sudani – would manage to get it passed, despite Iraqi society being “divided” on the issue.
Rachel from accounts is saved shout both the BBC and its house journal The Guardian in their lead articles… inflation is only 2.5 percent which doesn’t sound that brilliant to me!
….. that it is all so unfair. She was a Watcher (some might call her a Watchdog but I couldn’t possibly as she ain’t no oil painting!) and no doubt was on a very high salary has complained that she has been made a ‘scapegoat’. Mrs Helen Pitcher was the Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission when the Andrew Malkinson’s case came before them. He had been wrongly convicted for a rape that he did not commit and spent sixteen years in prison.
Almost all of them black. Even the white ones have names like ‘Vittorio Di Murro’ and ‘Zak Baako’.
And nobody ever points out the clear and extreme bias to which specific groups of people are doing the murders. Because it might annoy the indignous white people.
JohnC – you can also pop onto the londonistan standard site – coloured foreigner stabbed to death in tottenhamistan on Monday – probably homicides running at 1 a day ….and going up …
I noticed some months ago the BBC started distributing the murders by enrichment across both ‘regions’ – presumably to dilute what people saw if they went looking.
That’s a new way they lie I think. Not sure what to call this one : maybe ‘concealement by distributed filing’.
London violence
Murder charge after woman shot dead outside church
Breaking News
Father-of-two named as Haringey stabbing victim
Gregory Castillo Volque smiles at camera
Vigil held for teenage boy fatally stabbed on bus
A close up photo of Kelyan, smiling whilst wearing a cap.
Two teens sought over killing of boy on London bus
Side-by-side image of Mosawar Zazi, left, and Colin Chabikwa seen from the shoulders up.
Drill rapper jailed for rival gang member’s murder
Kacey Boothe
Four men guilty of killing taxi passenger
An image of the external of the Old Bailey court. Writing in front of the building reads central criminal court.
Man admits using walking stick to kill pensioner
Bernard Fowler is seen wearing a suit in a group photo with the others cut out of it.
Two shot and one stabbed near London station
Homerton station entrance shows orange London Overground signage and two men to the left
Murderer who kept designer manbag guilty of murder
Tyreece Scott is seen smiling and has sunglasses on above his forehead. He is being pictured against a white background.
Man arrested over murder of woman outside church
Michelle Sadio smiles at camera wearing large white hooped earrings and a pale coloured dress, in front of a green background
Police hunt killer of boy stabbed on London bus
Wide amateur shot of the stationary bus after the attack, surrounded by emergency vehicles
Man stabbed on Oxford Street on New Year’s Day
Police cordon tape is stretched across a deserted Oxford Street. In the foreground is a police forensic services van and a red sign saying “road closed”.
‘It’s good for everyone’: Chief scout calls for volunteer push
Chief scout Dwayne Fields in the Today studio. A light blue Radio 4 microphone can be seen in the foreground in front of him and the Today logo can be seen on screens in the background. Fields is wearing his scout necker on top of his black hoodie which has the Scouts logo and his title printed on the left breast.
Woman’s heartache as mother’s body search goes on
Fiona Holm, a black woman of 48 with her hair tied back, with her daughter Savannah Holm-Aderemi, a young black woman with long braided hair
Police seek people linked to triple shooting
A low resolution CCTV image of two cars in the road, one black and one white, facing in opposite directions. The rear lights of the black care and headlights of the white car are on. There are two people standing by the side of the white car.
Drug dealer’s killers traced by DNA on cigarettes
The replacements for the match of the day comrade Linacker have been named – 2 girls and a bloke … no word about how much TV tax money they will be getting …. Personally I can do with out it as you tube do the job for nothing …
“Muhammad Yunus – the Nobel Prize winner advising Bangladesh – said London properties gifted to the former City minister may be proceeds of robbery. So will the Prime Minister offer Bangladesh the full support of our National Crime Agency in ensuring that any properties bought with stolen funds are properly investigated?”
Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, has on an Oldham survivor who was raped by 9 men aged 12. She’s in favour of an enquiry but she doesn’t think the council should be investigating themselves.
She’s not a fan of Tommy Robinson (thinks it’s not about race and that her rapists represent only a “small minority of a culture”). Also says that the Tories are the party to have reached out but “Labour are constantly putting up a wall”. But throughout the whole piece we never get to hear what that culture is, why it’s relevant to these cases, or why Labour would be stonewalling a rape victim.
Naga with a masterclass in anti-journalism by refusing to ask any relevant questions.
I see BBC verify have verified that the IDF dropped 100 bombs.
What a shame that even though they have so many Muslim Palestinian locals reporting for them (all unbiased and impartial of course), not a single one can verify whether Hamas were indeed using civilians as human shields.
You can be sure we won’t be told the truth when the ceasefire breaks down – such as when Hamas don’t release some hostages or they start firing rockets again and Israel resume bombing. It will be written about what Israel did first so it appears to the casual reader that what Hamas did was the response, not the cause.
Like the BBC have done so often already. One of their ‘lies by inference’.
The starmer mob and it’s twisted socialist logic:
AKA thick as sh@tness
“Labour has come under fire over plans to slash funding for councils that set lower tax bills.
Communities Secretary Angela Rayner has introduced new rules under which town halls that keep bills down will receive less in government grants than those with high bills.
Her department has said it would be wrong to “reward places that have been able to keep council tax levels low”.
But the Tories accused the Deputy Prime Minister of “classic socialist redistribution” and warned the move would encourage local authorities to increase bills by the maximum 5%.
“It could mean tens of millions of pounds being taken from thrifty councils and given to spendthrift ones.
“By punishing responsible councils and rewarding those who raise taxes, this Government is actively encouraging higher bills for hardworking families.
“This proves yet again that Labour’s idea of fairness is filling their pals’ boots in areas they represent with taxpayers’ cash raised in areas that they don’t.””
As you can see on the bill we added the climate tax, diversity tax, slave ownership tax and BBC tax …. the diversity tax is free. Hope you enjoyed you white privilege ….
The chagos thing has fallen apart . Presumably presidenr trump ended it with a phone call . Do the chagosians really want to upset him ? And I bet the Trump government will remember this Marxist act by TTK for the day of reckoning …
How is it that all these ‘asylum seekers’ who are to be deported, all these gang bangers who are supposed to be deported and all these ‘penniless’ enrichers who are listed for deportation, how can they all get/afford these top lawyers who run rings round our legal system and invariably get the right result for their clients.
Compare them to the lawyers that those posting tweets, shouting at police dogs etc get who invariably advise them to plead guilty and get banged up. These lawyers must be unbelievably crap.
Anyone might think there’s something two tier going on.
Forgive me while I gloat: a far-left, far-woke activist ‘theatre’ in Paris that staged conferences promoting open-borders and mass migration has been taken over and occupied by those selfsame migrants and is now going bust as a result.
Delicious. Bon appetit, mes amis francais, and enjoy your self created merde.
There’s a theme – people in California who have nowhere to be are having difficulty finding hotels because the democrats filled them with third world illegal vermin / peasants ….
The lying scum. Pissing off and losing any trust from the bond market and now:
It is NEVER their fault, first “Iss der Tories innit”
And now, “Iss der rest of der wurld innit”:
“Starmer hints at spending cuts as he blames ‘volatile’ global economy for post-Budget meltdown at PMQs – and insists Reeves will be in No11 for ‘many years'”
Isn’t it amazing how the BBC can ignore BAME murders by giving them very brief basic-facts only articles and quickly burying the story into ‘regions’ one minute – then all of a sudden the stabbing of a young black boy who carries machetes and deals drugs by other black boys who also deal drugs makes a ‘live update’ column and several articles when the BBC don’t want to report all the demands for a public enquiry into the raoe gangs (and Starmers culpability) ?.
Yet someone being charged for muder of an innocent woman during a drive-by shooting (far more significant than mere knives) is suddenly back on the ‘basic facts only’ list.
They have no picture of who did it. It took me 30 seconds to find him:
It’s all just so blatantly obvious.
Here’s the BBC idiot who wrote it demonstrating that she is one of the BBC’s finest virtue-signalling racists:
We need a name for these people who are racist and sexist against white males. I might start calling them ‘Misandracists’
5 days to go before Trump’s 2nd inauguration and The Democrats are doing everything they can to obstruct the process.
• Three day delay for snow. (Climate change) I don’t think it will stick.
Three of Trump’s cabinet picks, Kristi Noem, Doug Bergum, and Tulsi Gabbard, have all had their confirmation hearings postponed due to paperwork issues. They’re blaming both FBI background check delays and a failure of the Office of Government Ethics to complete their reviews.
Seems like TTK has a network of £lawyer £ mates who are involved in his dirty works – one sold himself to defence an IRA terrorist – another involved in the now failed chagos deal .
The Trump regime would do well to monitor these as the UK media are treating TTK like they did Biden – nothing ever wrong ..
We could play a game starting on 20th of January of ‘what will Trump get the blame for ?
Yesterday there was a hearing for the new defence Secretary which was fun to watch at he dealt with vile democrat types trying to wind him up . … it’s all over X and YouTube but I don’t think made news in Britain .
Look – know its ’foreign ‘ but next week trump will be demanding all NATO countries pay 5% GDP toward NATO defence rather than living off the US . At the exact time TTK would want to cut defence spending to nothing and selling those aircraft carriers …
JohnCMar 4, 10:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I suspect the EU have arranged this to bring the UK back closer to the EU in everybodies eyes. I…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 09:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelensky blew it. Trump was right, he has no cards. he was bluffing. Now Ukraine will pay the price.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘The world wants more Britain’: David Lammy on Trump, tariffs, Gaza and the Chagos Islands The foreign secretary’s diplomatic skills…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A big hint is it won’t be the middle classes who send their youth to the slaughter, it’ll be those…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’m begging everyone please stop showing this, every time I see it I start laughing and at my age it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The art of doing something to achieve nothing … Digital advertising launches today in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
The Archers on R4 has been pushing climate change as a reason to rewild near Ambridge. Two crackpots Rex and Kirsty were thinking of releasing beavers into the environment but opposition was voiced by angry local farmers. Local rewilding may have benefits … but it is nothing to do with global climate.
btw congratulations on the top spot Mustapha.
Like the Winter Olympics – my Golds are few and far between, probably because of Climate Change or Tory cuts, or something …
Second that Lu …
Here is the rest of the racist job advert.
Being very tall – I think I qualify as an ‘unrepresented group ‘. I deserve to work from home for four days a week subject to my work life balance needs .. as well as the stress of the job …
Don’t forget your entitlement to maternity leave and don’t let any “Far Right” people tell you that you can’t give birth to – or indeed chest-feed – a baby.
I’m definitely an unrepresented minority discriminated group.
I don’t have pierced ears !! Jewellers don’t want to know about the likes of us with our lobes in tact, so it’s nigh on impossible to buy clip on earrings on the High Street. Etsy is my saviour.
Perhaps I should stage a one woman protest outside Parliament 🤔
Brissles, you’ve always been a minority – in fact, you have no equal, well, probably Lucy and Debs (phew)…
I’m sure the overcharged poll tax payers of Westminster will be delighted to open their doors to spy a ‘global’ character, tatooed all over, with pink hair, wearing some sort of kaftan dress thing, some type of animal bones protruding from various appendages, sandals made from car tyres, (to keep out the snow), and gabbling unintelligable gibberish concerning something about which they are totally ignorant!
Welcome to Khant’s GLC suburb across the Thames…
I am sure one day Brissels I will be able to find you. I am building up a picture. I am assuming a lady, living near the A1 and now I know to look for someone without piercings.
Ha! Ha! Not forgetting having a Border Terrier beside me while wearing a self designed and created fascinator ! (An image you cannot unsee 😀 )
I’m boringly normal actually.
Liz Truss reckons she buys clip on earrings from Claire’s Accessories store and she says they are cheaper than jewellers. So there!
I self-identify as Malaysian Chinese. I have done for years. This on the basis that our guberment seems so keen on effnic minorities that I had better give them some.
I remember at the last census having a furious argument with a work colleague who was from Singapore who told me I was not Chinese to which my response was:
“Why can’t I if I want to be?”
Anyway after our guberment stole my lovely green lifelong driving licence and replaced it with EHuwww plastic it says where I come from is KL. See, I was born there.
No one can accuse me of racial discrimination. I have a trusty shield – my EHuwww driving licence.
I always tick the effnic boxes. All part of the service!
a_s, a much valued old friend, now deceased, came from Singapore and he told me that before and after his marriage to a Malaysian woman, that his in-laws did not approve of their daughter marrying someone from Singapore. I am sure that their opposition was weakened when their daughter produced beautiful twin daughters.
Isn’t racial discrimination complicated?!!!
That’s effnic good finkin’ that bruv -innit?
Then sit back and watch Westminster sink to 3rd world levels of governance, corruption and mismanagement. Or go up in flames like California.
Unbelievable. We’re actually advertising and paying for people to destroy our country.
Douglas Murray’s first words in The Strange Death of Europe: “Europe is committing suicide.”
Read the intro below, and share, share, share, as if our lives depended on it. Because they do.
Bought it when it was first published. At the time it was a jaw dropping read. So many have followed suit since.
I sent a copy to No.10 for Theresa May to read – no response.
Re City of Westminster job advert…..No doubt this is public cash they are spaffing around so some sort of accountability on the best use of such is a matter for scrutiny and debate in my opinion.
This is definitely a most racist advert, Even the Equality & Human Rights Commission say- among many other things, it’s discriminatory to mention or consider race in a employment advert .
I see they have changed the Newspeak term BAME to “global majority” I think our minority rights have been violated.
I am SO thankful to be part of the global minority without whom we would still be sitting in the woods chewing on bamboo shoots.
I see you self-identify as a Giant Panda – nice one.
Well just for today but I can’t make up my mind what to be tomorrow. Definitely not a Socialist because that will damage my brain and I have to say that at 84 years old my brain thus far is as good as new.
I know that because it has never been used.
They are now in power! HA HA HA
We just want a voice.
We only want 50%.
We decide now as we are 99%.
*Fat bastard* is getting name makeover too, looks like to make sure plump people, who can’t quite manage to reach a BMI of 30, can still be prescribed expensive drugs
“Obesity needs new definition, says global report”
“The report calls for a “reframing” of obesity to distinguish between patients with a disease and those who remain healthy, but at risk of disease in the future.
Those with chronic illnesses caused by their weight should be diagnosed with ‘clinical obesity’ – but those with no health problems should be diagnosed with ‘pre-clinical obesity’ ”
Coming next: being diagnosed with thought crime and pre thought crime.
A World going bonkers Eddy, obesity has always been judged by BMI. Whether you have good or poor health if your BMI is high you are Fat! Smoke and mirrors again but to what end?
Always ask what the real headline is
Monday BBC local news
“GOOD news for Scunthorpe as Teeside mayor says Scunthorpe will be granted 2 electric arc furnaces..*green steel* rah, rah, rah”
real news
GOODBAD news for BRITAIN as announcement implies UK will close it’s last blast furnacesand thus need to IMPORT the high quality virgin steel the military needs”
The item seemed to be deep spin for Labour
No one in Scunthorpe who knows steel industry would write it that way.
Going electric arc means closing the raw steel making side
that’s half the steel plant .. so means thousands of job losses
So is not GOOD for Scunthorpe”
MUCH more to this than meets the eye:
“Putin’s nuclear deal, a tangled web of properties and how I shone the spotlight on the murky world of holier-than-thou Tulip Siddiq.
While I believe the Labour Party did not mislead me deliberately, The Mail on Sunday took the view that Ms Siddiq lied to us.
So we published our own story that weekend, detailing exactly what Ms Siddiq told us and how she had threatened to sue when cornered.
Dozens of Bangladeshis contacted me via social media, email and phone calls thanking me for investigating Ms Siddiq.
They said that her aunt’s government – from which Ms Siddiq continues to distance herself – had not only committed the worst human rights abuses in the country for the past 15 years, but they also looted the country like never before.
It was the world’s worst kleptocracy, they told me.”
“Fury as PM paves the way to give Gerry Adams tens of thousands of pounds in compensation: Former Sinn Fein leader in line for payout following unlawful detention in the 1970s after Labour law change.
Experts said that Mr Adams could get tens of thousands of pounds if the new legislation, tabled by ministers last month, passes.
If hundreds of others also lodge claims, it raises the prospect of the compensation bill reaching tens of millions of pounds.”
Zephir, whatever happened to the concept ‘Don’t do the crime if you won’t do the time’ ?
Free winter allowance for all terrorists?
BBC blasted after hiring new boss from Canada who told journalists not to call Hamas ‘terrorists’
During his time at Canada’s public broadcaster, leaked emails showed Mr Achi instructing staff not to refer to Hamas as terrorists, in the wake of the October 7th attacks.
This was despite the fact that Canada had categorised the Palestinian group as a ‘terrorist entity’ many years earlier.
According to the leaked emails, released in October 2023, shortly after the attacks took place, Mr Achi had told staff: ‘Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists’.’
He added: ‘The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicised and is part of the story. Even when quoting/clipping a government or a source referring to fighters as ‘terrorists’, we should add context to ensure the audience understands this is opinion, not fact.’
I would hazard a guess that there are quite a few Mr Achi types embedded into the National broadcaster….
What we know about the Gaza ceasefire deal
Strangely the most significant thing about this ‘most dramatic breakthrough in 15 months of war, which began when the armed Palestinian group Hamas attacked Israel in October 2023’ (the most benign way I have ever seen to describe a terrorist mass-murder of civilians) is that the fact it has been rushed through in the week before Trump takes office is not mentioned.
Nor are his threats to Hamas of what would happen if the hostages are not relased by then.
It seems Trump has managed in one statement to accomplish what Biden and the Democrats could not do in 15 months.
Surely it would have been worth mentioning. But of course the BBC don’t care one bit about the truth. They hate Trump with a passion and so refuse to admit what he has already done before he even takes office.
I full nothing but disgust at the BBC’s ethics and double-standards. They sum up the Left perfectly.
Trump’s influence has an impact even before taking office.
Smarmer’s Government are falling over themselves in a rush to give away Chagos before Trump takes office. Trump has expressed his concern. One can only imagine what he will make of this snub. The stupidity of this Government is beyond relief.
Chris Mason: Political heat map flashes red over Treasury
Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd turd
Would a Conservative Minister get this paragraph in a bbc hit job ?
“It is vital to stress Tulip Siddiq has always insisted she has done nothing wrong and the prime minister’s independent adviser on ministerial standards concluded she had not broken the ministerial code.”
Been reading that Zephir and of course the BBC are giving full credence to a report by Starmers own man.
BBC version:
‘Before her resignation was announced, Siddiq had been named in a second investigation in Bangladesh.’
The truth:
‘Authorities in Bangladesh have filed a criminal case against the UK Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq, accusing her of misusing her position as an MP to gain influence and illegally acquire land with her aunt the ousted prime minister Sheikh Hasina.’
Totally different.
The most extreme of political double standards. How many ‘live updates’ did the BBC run to get rid of Tory ministers like Boris and Raab ?.
What a ridiculous state of affairs we are in now. The BBC are running rampant with political bias. When was the last time you saw a positive story about the Tories or Reform ?. Or an actively negative one against Labour or the Lib Dems ?.
He actually said some of the transactions are too old to trace the records so no documentary evidence was available and that her position as minister should be reviewed in the light of some of her actions.
Bit of a different slant there bbc.
Things are so bad here now that people in other parts of the world are noticing how we stand out:
Thank you BBC. This is your legacy. You have done as much as anyone to put us here.
Quotes from the above:
“In it’s current form the UK could be viewed as a police state ”
“What do think happens when society that is trained to be tolerant, is faced with an influx of a religion or cult based on expansionism, conquest and control, who’s primary goal is to subjugate, which one will win?”
“Will it be the part of society that is not allowed to speak or protect itself?”
I don’t think we’re trained to be tolerant, it’s in our nature but, since Kier Stalin won the election, it’s being diminished at a rate of knots.
If you’re a racist black person on the streets for no reason at all (and the accidental killing of a drug dealer career criminal in the USA who was resisting arrest does not count as a reason), you can riot and the police will take the knee to avoid upsetting you.
If you are white and are protesting against Islamic terrorism murdering multiple innocent young girls, you get the riot police charging you and a mandatory jail sentence just for being there.
Cut out all the left-wing BS which the BBC and media have wrapped it all up in and that’s the basic truth you end up with.
“In it’s current form the UK could be viewed as a police state ”
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
“The paradox of tolerance is a philosophical concept that suggests that a society that is too tolerant of intolerance will eventually become intolerant itself. It was developed by philosopher Karl Popper in his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies”
Below is a report of Court case involving a man who possessed indecent images of children. He got 10 years in prison. Compare that to the slap on the wrist for pedophile Huw Edwards. There is previous criminal history but Edward’s sentence seems unduly lenient.
It looks as though there may be a national ‘independent’ enquiry into the Pakistani rape and torture gangs after all. But the government will set the terms of reference and choose the chairman or chairwoman .
The government will attempt to set terms for the enquiry which minimise the focus on the gangs . The Tories did this brilliantly when they set up the Jay enquiry where the remit was so wide that the gangs were peripheral and received little attention. Labour will attempt something similar to avoid the ethnicity of the gangs being focussed on .
They will also try to avoid allowing the true scale of the number of victims to be known and they will minimise the opportunity that the tens of thousands of victims have to tell their distressing and horrendous stories of torture and repeated rape so as not upset the indigenous population and get them out on the streets. Community harmony is very important to the elite.
As to the investigation and prosecution of the thousands of public officials and police who chose to look the other way they will try to avoid this happening at all costs . All the main political parties have been involved to some extent and they don’t want their complicity coming out.
We can be certain that the person they choose to chair the enquiry will be easily bribed or manipulated to deliver a report that the political elite want. Perhaps not a white wash , things have gone too far for that thanks to Elon Musk, but a grey wash certainly.
The duration of the enquiry is also key. This government and all the political and legacy media class will want it to rumble on for years , at least until after the next GE, hoping public interest will lessen . They want their complicity covered up as long as possible.
Basically, the enquiry is the liberal establishment , which knowingly allowed the rape and torture of tens of thousands , perhaps hundreds of thousands, of white British girls to go on unchecked for decades, investigating itself!
We know they are corrupt , we know they will reveal as little as they can get away with. We know the legacy media has been complicit in the cover up and we know that complicity will continue.
With every passing month there are new and powerful reasons to get rid of the corrupt , rotten liberal establishment which has ruled our country since 1997.
The starmer mob will NEVER allow a truly independent inquiry outside of their draconian control.
An independent inquiry that will formalise what we already know: labour councillors and MPs pandering to muslim drug dealers and rapists for votes:
“Welcome to Oldham.
The explosive Welcome to Oldham series lifts the lid on the relationship between Labour Party politicians, Council Officers and the Asian Criminal Cartels that really run the town. Originally posted on Medium, its censorship was celebrated by senior Oldham Council figures with what they believed was a successful attempt at hiding these revelations. Undeterred, Raja Miah MBE transferred his findings to the Recusant-Nine platform where he continues to reveal the inner workings of a morally bankrupt Council. His disclosures will be all too familiar to those who have knowledge and experience of Labour Party controlled towns and cities reliant on the Asian Muslim block vote.
As a consequence of his revelations, and having failed to stop his posts through all legal means including failing to have him arrested, senior individuals within Oldham Council have associated themselves with convicted criminals and even endorsed his murder in an attempt to silence him.
Though originally intended for the people of his hometown, the Welcome to Oldham series has now been read by an audience of over 1 million by people from across the world. Raja Miah’s message to all those who have read his posts and stand against criminals and their political associates that freely operate as a consequence of their partnership with public officials is a simple one.”
The legal profession eyeing up Tuscan swimming pool refurbishments then.
The government mouthpiece is promoting this..
Over-50s in England offered home bowel-cancer tests
Do you have the following symptoms:-
No to all the options, but we will waste money sending the kit to everyone in the both range ??????
Send the shit to No.10 so they can dig themselves out of it.
Andy – being ‘over 50’ i volunteered to do the bowel cancer test using the home kit a few years ago . I recommend it . I also want NHS prostate testing every year over 60 .
I think such screening is good for anyone who wants any problem to be ‘caught ‘ early . The test kit – I think – is pretty cheap … i pay a lot of taxes for it ….
“Sweden unveils tough new ‘honest living’ requirements for citizenship with migration minister warning: ‘Girls and boys have the right to swim and play football. If you don’t accept that, this is not the country for you.’
The government said on Tuesday it wanted to toughen the rules for obtaining Swedish nationality, with a probe recommending ‘honest living’ as a prerequisite.
It also recommended extending the required duration of time spent in the country prior to obtaining citizenship – increasing to eight years from the current five.
Those seeking citizenship would also have to pass a test on Swedish society and values, and do a language exam, according to the government-ordered probe.
‘Citizenship must be earned, not be handed out unconditionally,’ Migration Minister Johan Forssell said in a post on Instagram.
Forssell told a press conference that citizenship also helped tie people of disparate backgrounds together under ‘a common Swedish identity’.
He said it was ‘crucial’ to ‘always be very clear about the values that must apply in Sweden’.
‘Family is important but it does not stand above the law. There is equality between the sexes. You can marry whoever you want.”
Not BBC – the telegraph alleges that one of TTKs ‘aim at growth ‘ is to lobby presidenr trump for a fast trade deal . Starmer Delusion Syndrome ….
Unless there is a good reason the Trump regime should – will – see the current UK regime as an enemy – with the British people as victims and some as political prisoners .
So why do a deal to make TTK’s life easier …? As the comments reflect ..
Donald Trump should not be given state visit says Sadiq Khan
Published 31 May 2019
** note that the Saudi King was allowed to visit London and kills journalists and locks up woman! HA HHA HAHHA!
The Little Khant should be locked up in a 15-min neighbourhood, made to walk everywhere in it, with no security detail (save the money).
Mastermind Lammy is clearly full of hate. It is good to hate.
In the future hating which of these groups will still be legal?:
DEI hires
Telephone Sanitisers
I reckon the yanquis aren’t best happy with the Chagos islands deal and that that aspect of the business is being played down by the MSM stenographers.
We need rid of Labour ASAP
Emma Reynolds replaces Siddiq as economic secretary to the Treasury
Reynolds, former Treasurer of the APPG for China, has some eyebrow-raising form on Jinping’s regime.
top entries as of January 15, 2025:
Donations and Support:
On October 9, 2023, Lord Waheed Alli donated £10,000 to support Keir Starmer’s activities as an MP.
Gifts and Hospitality:
On November 4, 2023, Teescraft Engineering Ltd provided four tickets with hospitality for the Newcastle United vs. Arsenal football match, valued at £1,000.
On October 21, 2023, Cain International UK Services Ltd provided two tickets with hospitality for the Chelsea vs. Arsenal football match, valued at £2,400.
On an unspecified date, Lord Waheed Alli provided two tickets and hospitality for a Tottenham Hotspur vs. Arsenal match, with an approximate market value of £500 each, totaling £1,000.
Overseas Visits:
Between November 30 and December 3, 2023, Keir Starmer visited Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar provided private jet transportation and other services valued at £25,508.83. Additionally, the COP28 Presidency Office provided transportation services valued at £765.
Between September 15 and 17, 2023, he visited Canada to speak at the Montreal Global Progress Conference. Canada 2020 contributed towards flight and accommodation expenses totaling £1,494.55.
As of January 15, 2025, Sir Keir Starmer has declared receiving hospitality gifts totaling approximately £76,000 since December 2019.
These gifts include:
Football Match Tickets and Hospitality:
Over 20 football games, including Arsenal matches.
Concert Tickets:
Events such as a Taylor Swift concert.
Clothing and Accessories:
Items valued at £16,200 from Lord Waheed Alli.
Other Events:
A private box at Epsom Downs.
It’s very simple. Jihad, conquest and conversion are the sole duty of every muslim in the West, by their own admission.
“Muslim invaders do not hide and tell us their true goal: “It is Islamic duty of every Muslim living in West to destroy Western civilization and strive to establish Islamic law by any means necessary!”‘
Click link for vid:
Well, gosh, by golly
Just as Surkeer and his accounts girl head for Davos inflation is down, glory be!
quite handy really
The ‘news’ seemed to hit the markets yesterday and the Guardian appeared to be first out of the blocks this morning. Finger prints of choreography and given the BoE/Treasury’s differential treatment of Truss and Rachel from accounts you might be forgiven for wondering whether you can trust the figures.
pretty clear you can’t trust the figures they issue.
bbc stirring it again:-
Almost 100 strikes hit Gaza ‘humanitarian zone’, BBC Verify analysis suggests
Just suggests???????? Not confirms, anything to upset the natives
Andy they’ve been reading your posts, the headline now reads ‘finds’ instead of ‘suggests’
“Rachel Reeves has been warned not to target farmers for a second time as she bids to cut costs to see off a potential financial crisis.
The Chancellor is already under fire over Labour’s plan to hit the wealthiest by making their families pay inheritance tax on the agricultural value of their land.
But fears have been raised that she could hit farmers again this year by making cuts to the Environment Land Management (Elm) scheme.
The scheme pays farmers to make their land nature-friendly and includes cash for flood defences for productive farmland.
It was set up after Brexit to replace the EU Common Agricultural Policy, which subsidised measures including ‘local nature recovery’ habitat creation on farms.
Ms Reeves protected Defra’s £2.4billion allocation for Elms in her Budget last year, but buried in the notes was a warning that it faced ‘significant funding pressures on flood defences and farm schemes of almost £600 million’, signalling they would be reviewed for the 2025-2026 financial year.
Yesterday signalled she may need an emergency Budget as soon as March as soaring Government borrowing costs threatened to derail Labour’s spending plans. ”
“Censorship at the pub! Welcome to Starmer’s brave new world, where diversity means shutting down conversations over drinks in case you offend some eavesdropping snowflake.
Arguably the last Labour government’s most memorable slogan was ‘education, education, education’.
If I had to come up with one for this lot, it would be ‘legislation, legislation, legislation’. But then what do you expect if you elect a nit-picking human rights lawyer as Prime Minister?
Forget common sense; it’s all about shiny new directives that may sound great on the face of it, but more often than not mask a sinister agenda.
The Government’s proposed workers’ rights legislation, which is expected to come into force next year, is a case in point. It places a duty on bosses to protect their employees from harassment in the workplace.
Hurrah, a fine sentiment indeed. But examine the proposals more closely and it quickly becomes clear that the repercussions could be far more serious and far-reaching than anticipated.
For example, according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), one of the consequences of this Act would be that pubs would find themselves forced to ban customers from discussing ‘contentious’ topics such as religious beliefs or transgender rights if there’s a risk that their views might constitute ‘harassment’ of staff.
A conversation would count as harassment if it ‘has the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’.
This is compounded if it is an opinion about a protected characteristic under the Equality Act, such as religious beliefs, views on women’s and transgender rights, political philosophies and (astonishingly) ethical veganism.
In other words, if you want to have any kind of discussion, serious or otherwise, about any of the important or controversial issues today, stay at home lest you accidentally offend some eavesdropping snowflake.
Welcome to Starmer’s brave new world, where diversity means shutting down free speech and censorship and dogma are promoted in the name of tolerance. As an example of double-think, it’s quite an impressive one, even for him.
The irony of this isn’t lost on most intelligent people, not least the writer Julie Burchill. Last year, she and a group of middle-aged women were ejected from a pub in Hove because they were having a discussion about the rights and wrongs of teaching gender ideology in schools.
Apparently ‘a complaint’ was made about the subject matter, and as a result the landlord requested that they leave.
There was widespread outrage at their treatment. Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, claimed the pub did ‘not have a leg to stand on’. Under this new legislation, the opposite would be true. In fact, the landlord would be under a legal obligation to ban them.
But there is another, more prosaic reason for objecting to this nonsense. The hospitality industry, and pubs in particular, have not had an easy time of late. Covid, the cost of living crisis, the recent NI hike – they’ve all taken their toll. The last thing they need is another set of bureaucratic hoops to jump through. Something like this could be the last straw for many landlords.
And that would be a great shame. Pubs are a quintessential part of the British identity, vital social hubs, especially in rural areas (perhaps that’s why the Government are doing this: they clearly hate the countryside). One of the great joys of life is meeting friends in your local, sinking a few lemonades and putting the world to rights over a packet of pork scratchings (no doubt also soon to be banned – let’s not forget those ‘ethical vegans’).
Pubs occupy a unique social space somewhere between your own front room and an actual restaurant, less formal and more familiar than the latter but more social than the former. There’s nothing quite like the buzz of a packed pub. All human life is here: it’s somewhere you can go with the dog, where it’s fine to be on your own or with friends, where no one minds if you get slightly over-refreshed and make a fool of yourself.
The upper classes have their swanky members’ clubs; ordinary people have pubs, places where people of all ages and social persuasions can and do mingle.
Inevitably, there are differences of opinion; inevitably, there are customers who sometimes step out of line. But generations of landlords and landladies have always known how to police their own premises, without the need for interference from the state.
No employer, especially not one who’s serving alcohol for a living, can guarantee the rights of their staff not to be offended. It’s just in the nature of the beast.
If this legislation comes into place, it will be another nail in the coffin of the great British pub.
But then perhaps that’s just what this joyless, sanctimonious Government wants.”
JULIE BURCHILL: When cry-bully goons ejected me and a group of 50 middle-aged people from a pub because someone disagreed with our views I realised: We no longer live in a free country
Oliver Reed was a regular at the White Horse Hotel in Dorking, Surrey, and the Duke of Hamilton in Hampstead, and created a crawl of the eight pubs around Wimbledon Common. “You meet a better class of people in pubs,” Reed observed, though he himself was barred from plenty.
I follow still your comments and i am informed by them. THanks Haven’t commented as my comments are from the past – this one from over 24 years ago !. I was teaching at a primary school when i was critical of Arafat the PLO leader ( in the staff room at break time) – that he said something different tin Arabic to his people. Well, the Head called me in and gave me a warning not to upset her staff!!
It was about the same time that Pam Ayres read out her poem on the BBC when her husband said something funny but critical of Arafat. The following week the programme repeat missed that line out!!!
Following the extinction of free speech they all switched to speaking a strange new language in the cafes, pubs, and workplaces:
Fulle Rulle means Drunk Rulle
I’m going to make an in depth study of cockney rhyming slang so I can say what I like in the rub-a-dub. Even if I get a bit Brahms and Liszt
Following the notorious vote in the HOC, Starmer hid for about 48hrs behind a series of X-posts about AI.
Somebody must have come up with an uncunning plan to make it appear as though he is doing something about the overwhelming immigration problem.
Starmer then welcomes The PM of Babylon where they’ve just lowered the age of sexual consent to 9 in accordance with the examle set by the false prophet.
None of The Leader’s advisors seem to have understood how bizarrely inappropriate it is to release an PR image of 2 pedo-protectors shaking hands at a time like this.
“A new era for UK-Iraq co-operation We are working together on trade, growth, and a first-of-its-kind returns agreement to help crack down on organised immigration crime. Welcome to Downing Street, Prime Minister Al-Sudani.”
Women in Iraq condemn ‘sectarian’ draft bill that could legitimise child marriage … open the door for marriage to be legalised for children as young as nine years old.
She told MEE that unlike previous attempts at passing the reforms, she believed that the current government – led by Coordination Framework member Mohammed Shia al-Sudani – would manage to get it passed, despite Iraqi society being “divided” on the issue.
The difference between a mosquito and a Lawyer;
One is a blood-sucking parasite and the other is an insect.
There it is AGAIN, every time they say ANYTHING
“we are working”
Bloody great, like the rest of the country is all sitting at home doing nothing ?
Everybody is blaming the useless DEI Democrat officials for their response (or lack of) to the wildfires, even the leftist NY Times and LA Times.
The biased BBC, however, doesn’t have a word of criticism for their favourite party.
Rachel from accounts is saved shout both the BBC and its house journal The Guardian in their lead articles… inflation is only 2.5 percent which doesn’t sound that brilliant to me!
TOADY Watch #1 – a wimmin is complaining …..
….. that it is all so unfair. She was a Watcher (some might call her a Watchdog but I couldn’t possibly as she ain’t no oil painting!) and no doubt was on a very high salary has complained that she has been made a ‘scapegoat’. Mrs Helen Pitcher was the Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission when the Andrew Malkinson’s case came before them. He had been wrongly convicted for a rape that he did not commit and spent sixteen years in prison.
The BBC ‘London Violence’ page is a veritable treasure trove of stories you never saw. A quick glance at it will show you why:
Almost all of them black. Even the white ones have names like ‘Vittorio Di Murro’ and ‘Zak Baako’.
And nobody ever points out the clear and extreme bias to which specific groups of people are doing the murders. Because it might annoy the indignous white people.
JohnC – you can also pop onto the londonistan standard site – coloured foreigner stabbed to death in tottenhamistan on Monday – probably homicides running at 1 a day ….and going up …
I noticed some months ago the BBC started distributing the murders by enrichment across both ‘regions’ – presumably to dilute what people saw if they went looking.
That’s a new way they lie I think. Not sure what to call this one : maybe ‘concealement by distributed filing’.
Literally – ‘Covering’ the story. Camouflage lying?
London violence
Murder charge after woman shot dead outside church
Breaking News
Father-of-two named as Haringey stabbing victim
Gregory Castillo Volque smiles at camera
Vigil held for teenage boy fatally stabbed on bus
A close up photo of Kelyan, smiling whilst wearing a cap.
Two teens sought over killing of boy on London bus
Side-by-side image of Mosawar Zazi, left, and Colin Chabikwa seen from the shoulders up.
Drill rapper jailed for rival gang member’s murder
Kacey Boothe
Four men guilty of killing taxi passenger
An image of the external of the Old Bailey court. Writing in front of the building reads central criminal court.
Man admits using walking stick to kill pensioner
Bernard Fowler is seen wearing a suit in a group photo with the others cut out of it.
Two shot and one stabbed near London station
Homerton station entrance shows orange London Overground signage and two men to the left
Murderer who kept designer manbag guilty of murder
Tyreece Scott is seen smiling and has sunglasses on above his forehead. He is being pictured against a white background.
Man arrested over murder of woman outside church
Michelle Sadio smiles at camera wearing large white hooped earrings and a pale coloured dress, in front of a green background
Police hunt killer of boy stabbed on London bus
Wide amateur shot of the stationary bus after the attack, surrounded by emergency vehicles
Man stabbed on Oxford Street on New Year’s Day
Police cordon tape is stretched across a deserted Oxford Street. In the foreground is a police forensic services van and a red sign saying “road closed”.
‘It’s good for everyone’: Chief scout calls for volunteer push
Chief scout Dwayne Fields in the Today studio. A light blue Radio 4 microphone can be seen in the foreground in front of him and the Today logo can be seen on screens in the background. Fields is wearing his scout necker on top of his black hoodie which has the Scouts logo and his title printed on the left breast.
Woman’s heartache as mother’s body search goes on
Fiona Holm, a black woman of 48 with her hair tied back, with her daughter Savannah Holm-Aderemi, a young black woman with long braided hair
Police seek people linked to triple shooting
A low resolution CCTV image of two cars in the road, one black and one white, facing in opposite directions. The rear lights of the black care and headlights of the white car are on. There are two people standing by the side of the white car.
Drug dealer’s killers traced by DNA on cigarettes
The replacements for the match of the day comrade Linacker have been named – 2 girls and a bloke … no word about how much TV tax money they will be getting …. Personally I can do with out it as you tube do the job for nothing …
Who is it?
My guesses;
Claudia Winkelman.
Holly Willoughby.
Lenny Henry.
Naga – idris – that bloke with the weird head they have on Channel 4 – with the impediment …
Kemi blew it on sidique and Rachel – pitiful to listen to… blue party really is dead if she is the best they have ….
Some context I came across on “LA burning” a few days stale but actually, useful I feel….
Looks like Australian politicians are having a whinge about Oscar Jenkins
” ‘Grave concern’ for Australian man reportedly killed by Russian forces ”
Tucked away in world news :
“Prisoners of War are protected from all acts of violence or intimidation by the Geneva convention.”
Except mercenaries aren’t classed a POWs or covered by the convention.
“Muhammad Yunus – the Nobel Prize winner advising Bangladesh – said London properties gifted to the former City minister may be proceeds of robbery. So will the Prime Minister offer Bangladesh the full support of our National Crime Agency in ensuring that any properties bought with stolen funds are properly investigated?”
Starmer completely ignored that question.
R5 earlier —
Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, has on an Oldham survivor who was raped by 9 men aged 12. She’s in favour of an enquiry but she doesn’t think the council should be investigating themselves.
She’s not a fan of Tommy Robinson (thinks it’s not about race and that her rapists represent only a “small minority of a culture”). Also says that the Tories are the party to have reached out but “Labour are constantly putting up a wall”. But throughout the whole piece we never get to hear what that culture is, why it’s relevant to these cases, or why Labour would be stonewalling a rape victim.
Naga with a masterclass in anti-journalism by refusing to ask any relevant questions.
“I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.”
” I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task.”
Im still proud to have been called a ‘racist’ by writing her name on this site … hopefully by a long dead troll …
With a bit of luck no ‘peace deal ‘ in Gaza
Keep going IDF – stop now – they’ll be back …
I see BBC verify have verified that the IDF dropped 100 bombs.
What a shame that even though they have so many Muslim Palestinian locals reporting for them (all unbiased and impartial of course), not a single one can verify whether Hamas were indeed using civilians as human shields.
You can be sure we won’t be told the truth when the ceasefire breaks down – such as when Hamas don’t release some hostages or they start firing rockets again and Israel resume bombing. It will be written about what Israel did first so it appears to the casual reader that what Hamas did was the response, not the cause.
Like the BBC have done so often already. One of their ‘lies by inference’.
“Bbc verify”
Also known as:
“Bbc tell a lie”
“Bbc embarrassed by”
“Bbc sterilise”
When involving Israel, the Reform Party and / or Tommy Robinson:
“Bbc crucify”
When involving the starmer mob:
“Bbc glorify”
When involving black rioters:
Bbc justify”
When involving climate change:
“Bbc petrify”
“Bbc falsify”
Anything involving a black murder victim or Obama, Biden and Harris:
“Bbc deify”
BBC vilify?
Yes, what the Spring thing did to those vaccine doubters, as shown in detail on Youtube, as they filmed it from start to finish and showed their side.
And what she has little wet dreams about doing to Elon Musk if he was foolish enough to give her the time of day.
Hopefully the daft bint is fully up to date with her 9th injection.
How about: “BBC – very iffy” ?!
I’ll get me coat.
The starmer mob and it’s twisted socialist logic:
AKA thick as sh@tness
“Labour has come under fire over plans to slash funding for councils that set lower tax bills.
Communities Secretary Angela Rayner has introduced new rules under which town halls that keep bills down will receive less in government grants than those with high bills.
Her department has said it would be wrong to “reward places that have been able to keep council tax levels low”.
But the Tories accused the Deputy Prime Minister of “classic socialist redistribution” and warned the move would encourage local authorities to increase bills by the maximum 5%.
“It could mean tens of millions of pounds being taken from thrifty councils and given to spendthrift ones.
“By punishing responsible councils and rewarding those who raise taxes, this Government is actively encouraging higher bills for hardworking families.
“This proves yet again that Labour’s idea of fairness is filling their pals’ boots in areas they represent with taxpayers’ cash raised in areas that they don’t.””
As you can see on the bill we added the climate tax, diversity tax, slave ownership tax and BBC tax …. the diversity tax is free. Hope you enjoyed you white privilege ….
Surprise fall in inflation boosts interest rate cut hopes
I wonder if they rented by the hour…?
The chagos thing has fallen apart . Presumably presidenr trump ended it with a phone call . Do the chagosians really want to upset him ? And I bet the Trump government will remember this Marxist act by TTK for the day of reckoning …
On GB News, lefty chris hope said that Trump was “not keen” on this Chagos deal.
bbbc level newspeak.
How is it that all these ‘asylum seekers’ who are to be deported, all these gang bangers who are supposed to be deported and all these ‘penniless’ enrichers who are listed for deportation, how can they all get/afford these top lawyers who run rings round our legal system and invariably get the right result for their clients.
Compare them to the lawyers that those posting tweets, shouting at police dogs etc get who invariably advise them to plead guilty and get banged up. These lawyers must be unbelievably crap.
Anyone might think there’s something two tier going on.
Forgive me while I gloat: a far-left, far-woke activist ‘theatre’ in Paris that staged conferences promoting open-borders and mass migration has been taken over and occupied by those selfsame migrants and is now going bust as a result.
Delicious. Bon appetit, mes amis francais, and enjoy your self created merde.
There’s a theme – people in California who have nowhere to be are having difficulty finding hotels because the democrats filled them with third world illegal vermin / peasants ….
California can start from scratch – net zero everything!
The lying scum. Pissing off and losing any trust from the bond market and now:
It is NEVER their fault, first “Iss der Tories innit”
And now, “Iss der rest of der wurld innit”:
“Starmer hints at spending cuts as he blames ‘volatile’ global economy for post-Budget meltdown at PMQs – and insists Reeves will be in No11 for ‘many years'”
Is he going to lock her in a wardrobe?
Starmer empties prisons to make room for Labour MPs?
Murder charge after woman shot dead outside church
Isn’t it amazing how the BBC can ignore BAME murders by giving them very brief basic-facts only articles and quickly burying the story into ‘regions’ one minute – then all of a sudden the stabbing of a young black boy who carries machetes and deals drugs by other black boys who also deal drugs makes a ‘live update’ column and several articles when the BBC don’t want to report all the demands for a public enquiry into the raoe gangs (and Starmers culpability) ?.
Yet someone being charged for muder of an innocent woman during a drive-by shooting (far more significant than mere knives) is suddenly back on the ‘basic facts only’ list.
They have no picture of who did it. It took me 30 seconds to find him:

It’s all just so blatantly obvious.
Here’s the BBC idiot who wrote it demonstrating that she is one of the BBC’s finest virtue-signalling racists:

We need a name for these people who are racist and sexist against white males. I might start calling them ‘Misandracists’
5 days to go before Trump’s 2nd inauguration and The Democrats are doing everything they can to obstruct the process.
• Three day delay for snow. (Climate change) I don’t think it will stick.
Three of Trump’s cabinet picks, Kristi Noem, Doug Bergum, and Tulsi Gabbard, have all had their confirmation hearings postponed due to paperwork issues. They’re blaming both FBI background check delays and a failure of the Office of Government Ethics to complete their reviews.
Is it next week Harry will be deported?
Maybe the swift and the Springsteen and all the other ‘luvvies ‘ will leave America and come to the Marxist Islamic republic of Britainistan ….
TTK s mates
Seems like TTK has a network of £lawyer £ mates who are involved in his dirty works – one sold himself to defence an IRA terrorist – another involved in the now failed chagos deal .
The Trump regime would do well to monitor these as the UK media are treating TTK like they did Biden – nothing ever wrong ..
We could play a game starting on 20th of January of ‘what will Trump get the blame for ?
Yesterday there was a hearing for the new defence Secretary which was fun to watch at he dealt with vile democrat types trying to wind him up . … it’s all over X and YouTube but I don’t think made news in Britain .
Look – know its ’foreign ‘ but next week trump will be demanding all NATO countries pay 5% GDP toward NATO defence rather than living off the US . At the exact time TTK would want to cut defence spending to nothing and selling those aircraft carriers …
Let’s see if the BBC cover this
Looks like an archive was opened….