“And you wonder why they all fall into line. Why they run with zeal to arrest people for hurty words but ignore actual crime.
Because they’ll be sacked if they aren’t preaching and worshiping from the cultural Marxist globohomo hymn sheet 24/7/365.
…Thoroughly captured organisation and no longer fit for any purpose.”
“Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.”
Jan 10 : The Chair of MET Black Police Officers Association Insp Charles Ehikioya
has today been dismissed for sending & sharing over 7,000 Racist & Sexist WhatsApp messages bet 20017- 2020
Met officer sacked over racist & sexist WhatsApp messages
“It takes 4 years of vitriol and racial incitement to get sanctioned if you’re plod “
They must have done anything to keep the DEI in post – promote him maybe? But he’ll be off to a taxpayer funded tribunal for the payout and re instatement …
Anas Sarwar is pinning his Holyrood 2026 hopes on politicising the NHS. BBC Scotland will do all it can to assist him. At times it will be impossible to distinguish between Scottish Labour, BBC Scotland and the Daily Record as all three exploit the NHS to undermine the SNP.
Always had a feeling that our Fiona Bruce was just another BBC brain-infused lefty stooge, this just seals the deal for me….
The ridiculous thing is that these posh top level BBC-ites do it because it’s BBC mantra and not because it’s the right and proper thought-through thing to do.
Liam leaves her in the dust when it comes to real truth and backbone!
Being a human climate change non believer – i glaze over whenever a Green crap zealot turns up .. today one from the met office was on about a ‘1.5%’ temperature increase last year because of more carbon dioxide in the atmos .
The zealot wants an even bigger reduction in hydro carbon usage …..I disagree
Burn that oil , coal , gas – dump the Green crap …
What is the point of bankrupting ourselves, and then insisting on rolling out unaffordable and impractical EVs for the allegedly 7% saving in CO2 they will make in the UK ?
Where is all this CO2 coming from ?
India, China, we make no difference but it makes a bloody great difference to everyone in the UK victim to this virtue signalling insanity
“Last month Ms Rayner was reported to have called Conservative ministers “a bunch of scum” and described the prime minister as a “racist, homophobic misogynist”.
“I was angry about where our country is headed and policies that have made life harder for so many people I represent.
“I will continue to speak my mind, stand up for Labour values and hold the government to account. ”
(think, budget lies, black hole lies, pensioners fuel allowance taken, employees new taxes lies, council house sale lies, sleaze with thousands of pounds in free gift lies, rape gang cover ups, far right slanders, imprisoned for face book posts )
Sir Keir told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show: “Angela and I take a different approach and that is not the language I would have used.”
Pressed on whether he would be asking her to apologise, he said it was a matter for her. Why won’t Sir Keir Starmer be telling Angela Rayner to apologise for her comments even though he says he wouldn’t have used that language? Maybe he just does not want to help the story to live longer?
former Unite union leader Len McCluskey called Ms Rayner’s comments “pretty accurate”, adding: “There is an angry mood out there. I think Angie captures it.”
Len McCluskey, a supporter of Sir Keir’s more left-wing predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, told the BBC News Channel the planned rule changes were “disgraceful” and “right-wing manoeuvring”.
“It’s not what the British people are interested in talking about,” he added. “They want to know about what’s happening at petrol stations, electricity and gas charges, what’s happening to universal credit.”
Excellent news – 0.3% fall in retail sales in December – meant to be the best month of the year … Marxists hit the spot again … and retail jobs will be knocked when the NI increases kick in in April … get that recession going …
Oh dear…..Biased little Bowen sniping at Trump and cheering on BIden….
‘The push for a Gaza ceasefire demonstrated that Trump would put the interests of his presidency before the political requirements of Israel’s prime minister.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, was prepared to risk votes in swing states in the US presidential election because of his determination to support Israel, despite his own misgivings about the way that Israel was killing civilians in Gaza and depriving them of food, medical care, shelter and clean water.’
The title of course gave the mindset away…
‘Bowen: Israel has changed since Donald Trump’s last term – has he?’
Just listened to Mohammed Bowen on today doing his Hamas propaganda act . I wonder if he realises / knows what he is saying . ? Im surprised Israel hasn’t declared his a legitimate target and dealt with him by now .
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
Rather than go to China why didn’t Rachel Reeves just talk to her Huawei Airfryer?
“That’s why American users on RedNote are referring to themselves as “Chinese spies” – continuing a TikTok trend where people have been bidding farewell to their “personal Chinese spy” who has allegedly been surveilling them over the years.”
Rachel Revees has already made it pretty clear that she hates ordinary British people so why not let her suck up to China, a country that would annihilate the UK given a chance?
Fellow subscribers – Did I hear this correctly?
I was half watching Breakfast TV on the BBC at around
830 on 17/1. The “feature” was about baby deaths at
Leeds maternity units. an “expert” was being interviewed
and the lady I thought I heard say there being institutional
racism in the NHS. I say I thought because the two
presenters didn’t challenge her.
Terms of Endearment was a 1983 American family tragicomedy film directed, written, and produced by James L. Brooks, adapted from Larry McMurtry’s 1975 novel. (Thank you Wiki)
Whereas, terms of abuse mean unkind or unpleasant names to call someone.
Let’s begin at the bottom with the BBC’s habitual ‘and finally’ in their online line-up of print press titles. Note how your Mr AsI has – for once – neglected to name the girls at the BBC the gynaeceum.
The jokey blokey Daily Star this morning takes a poke at the US president elect – hardly an unusual play for our left-leaning media – the Star’s go-to term of abuse is “Orange Manbaby” and it finds amusement in the news that The Village People are booked to perform at his inauguration on Monday.
Orange manbaby’s favourite band vow to unite mankind… YMCA will save the world… Thought for the Day: It’s fun to stay at the YMCA. Apparently
Likewise the Guardian just ain’t feeling the love for the late 70s flamboyant fancy dress performing suggestively gay disco combo: Roll up, roll up! The Trump inauguration may be the least great show on Earth… Despite a few more recognisable names (er, Kid Rock) due to appear than last time, this will not be the cultural event of the year… the now reformed Village People, still led by Willis, who recently claimed, thrillingly, that YMCA wasn’t ever supposed to be a gay anthem and whose wife threatened to sue anyone who said otherwise (Emma Brockes bitching for the Guardian there)
To our BBC where in reference to the story: Abuse terror warning as ‘Satanist’ teenager jailed – some favourite terms of abuse are reeled out: The court heard the 19-year-old from Horsham was part of an extreme right-wing Satanist group called 764, which anti-terror police warn poses “an immense threat”. (BBC)
Get behind Me, Satan!
Some mum’s basement weirdo internet-based thrash metal fan geek teenagers: part of a loose, international network, admittedly ‘loose’, mind you, are apparently an immense threat – on a par with islamist terrorists? One doubts it.
The new one to watch for is “oligarch” the anti-Elon Musk term just recently coined – which has clear anti-Russia connotations: Biden warns of dangers of oligarchy taking shape in US (BBC)
The favourite term of abuse, closest to the heart of the globalist FT, is of course “Far Right”: Holding position Middle East on tenterhooks… Benjamin Netanyahu… faces pushback against the US-brokered agreement from his far right allies (FT)
In the view of the FT Benjamin Netanyahu is now, and was prior to the 7th October 2023 massacre of Israelis and multiple hostage-taking “far right”
To the junior poundshop Guardian that is i news – see Mr AsI slipped into one of his habitual terms of abuse there. i news is learning to speak globalist just like the grown up Guardian and FT: Ceasefire deal goes to wire… Israeli far right tries to block pact with Hamas (i news)
Mind you, the OG Gruan forgoes “far right” this morning and contents itself with: Delay prompts fears last-minute disputes or hardliners could scupper ceasefire on Sunday – one senses the Guradianistas hope the disasterous Joe Biden gets just this one foreign policy win before he’s put out to grass.
“Our survey said” – that was the catchphrase from TV quiz show Family Fortunes
Startling Mail survey that shows young men (and some women) think MEN are now the oppressed sex (Daily Mail)
On YouTube plenty of coverage of the dire dei hire White House muppet press Secretary doing her final ‘piece ‘ … i know if they gave her a round of applause at the end – her Knick name is – apparently ‘toilet brush ‘ … but good riddance …
The outgoing leader of the dead blue Labour Party – creamy ? Keemi? Kevin ? Kemi ? Says there is a need to look at means testing the state pension – and she claims to be a ‘Tory ‘ – lies all around .
L worked all my life and paid my taxes – now she wants my pension – and expects me to vote for her dead party .
And now she has given permission for the Marxists to screw pensioners – again …. Labour second term …
Here’s slippery slimy weasel Khan twisting and turning to avoid answering questions about ‘grooming gangs’ in Londonistan. (I suspect he’s trying to get his questioner to say ‘muslim’ or ‘Pakistani’ so he can accuse her of racism / islamophobia.)
“About 41% of Londoners were born outside of the United Kingdom, making London one of the most diverse cities in the world. This is more than double the UK average of 13%. “
And that’s why he gets elected. If London was still a majority white city he wouldn’t stand a chance. As it is, London cannot be called a British city any more.
“One experienced clinical staff member, currently at Leeds (NHS) and who has asked to remain anonymous, told us the service (NHS) is “completely broken” with chronic understaffing, with the impact being that “women and babies are not getting the care we want them to get”.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cq5gd48v10jo
…………………….. Diversity Inclusion & Wellbeing Manager
NHS North East London https://beta.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/jobadvert/D9161-24-0010
Salary £58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
………………………. The NHS spent at least £113,974,561 on translation and interpreting services between 2019–2020 and 2021–2022. This is an average of £725,953 per NHS trust.
Sickle cell disease is the name for a group of inherited health conditions that affect the red blood cells. The most serious type is called sickle cell anaemia.
“The NHS’s budget for 2024/25 is expected to be around £179 billion. This is a modest increase from the previous year, but it’s still below the long-term average growth rate. ”
“… the service (NHS) is “completely broken” with chronic understaffing, with the impact being that “women and babies are not getting the care we want them to get”.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cq5gd48v10jo
The development of an app for contact tracing and informing people when they had been in contact with someone who had tested positive was the only part of the test and trace system that was completely within the NHS. Development was by NHSX, the NHS’s technology department, which for some reason decided to develop its contact tracing app without the help of the two largest and most experienced app developers – Apple and Google – both of which had offered to collaborate.
Regular users of this site might recall the predictions before the uk election of how bad things were going to be if the reds won –
But 6 months in – I didn’t realise just how poor they’d be – and as the government returns to sanity in the US it’s about to get a lot worse – unless presidenr trump can find a way to save us ….
For those who don’t follow religious affairs, the present Pope is an arch ‘progressive’ and globalist. There’s not a woke cause he doesn’t champion. He excoriates Trump for building walls, advocates for open borders and welcomes more illegals in Europe. So how ironic to read the headline below in the Catholic press. Ironic but not surprising. Like all liberals, he’s a hypocrite who wants to impose migrants on the population but doesn’t want the riffraff on his own doorstep. Heaven forbid.
“Vatican cracks down on illegal entry into its territory”
I was surprised to read that the Famous BBC presenter Michael Parkinson had been cloned on the internet into an ‘AI Robot ‘- and was starting to interview NEW trendy famous ‘names’ – who can claim some prestige in being interviewed by a famous BBC personality. All artificial, almost but not quite real…
But its all false praise and tributes as the real Parkinson hated many of his ‘interviewee’s and often told them out for talking ‘UTTER CRAP’! – Not something the BBC would allow on its TV shows!, which are now overall BBC ‘CRAP’ – from start to finish. BBC have not been able to find another Parkinson as the BBC has changed into something that any of us hardly now recognise,- from its previous glorious past to a ‘Guardian inspired’ – left wing trendy rag full of paedo-weirdos with a constant political bent and climate alarmism 24/7.
I am only reminded of this due to a DT Newsletter today — that cheered my day up no end!…. Link here: DT Culture Newsletter!
In that write up I found this video link that i think some of us older folk may enjoy of Michael Parkinson trying to interview; Michael Parkinson, Kenneth Williams (Carry on Star), Maggie Smith (Actress) and Sir John Betjeman (the poet). Sadly Maggie Smith passed away not that long ago.
What great characters they all were! no scripting, all dedicated and vulnerable to the modern world. No room at the BBC for them any more. Nobody can go off script unless its Chris Packham or Gary Lineker who are instantly forgettable after 5 mins.
What the UK has now become. A state that is ‘careless, indifferent and uncaring’, with no ‘aspiration’ is reflected in the BBC.. A BBC that has lost all its former glory and is ‘cess-pit’ of mission creep. And yet Parky lives on in a virtual world as an AI Robot. Probably the first of many. Its the future of the BBC, it has lost whatever it had. A lost world.
That is the future of BBC presenters now. AI Robots trained specifically on EU approved ‘DEI’ diversity training with observed banned ‘hated’ English words and false praise (to those that would never have been interviewed) – as they have no talent , do not hold any views that are funny, entertaining or of any value. So I won’t be watching the Parkinson AI Robot, and I guess the BBC could not care less either or remember who he was.
I wonder if the BBC has a department for finding these old clips and modifying them via AI to fit with their new World mantra a la Winston in Orwell’s 1984 hoping people will forget what truth was in due course?
I searched under ‘The Guardian Mark Carney Rockstar’ and this gem popped up
📢 Exciting News! 🎉
Labor’s Rachel Reeves has received a rockstar reception at the conference, leaving everyone in awe. After the chaos of Kamikwasi and clueless Hunt, her calm and nerdy demeanor is just what voters are looking for. Even Mark Carney believes that Rachel is exactly what Britain needs!
Words I never thought I’d say! Not only was there standing room only at Rachel Reeves’ speech, but there was even a mosh pit! The entire shadow cabinet, along with Peter Mandelson, gathered in the front row. New Labour is definitely back in the game. And who was up on stage? Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner, the king and queen of this conference. But Rachel Reeves is the brains behind it all.
This is far from normal. Usually, people try to avoid a Reeves speech, not because she doesn’t have anything substantial to say – she always does – but because public speaking is not her natural forte. However, in these tumultuous times, sanity prevails over smooth talking. And Rachel, one of the most powerful people in the country, knows how to get things done.
Curious to know more? Make sure to check out the full blog post here: [Link to the Guardian article](https://ift.tt/SHmhWnI)
I have an idea for a new radio station – ‘wimmins ‘ radio ‘ – all the lady sports and lady issues in one place – put ‘wimmins ‘ hour on it too ‘ and any footy with a girl commentator / ‘pundit ‘…
BBC Asian Network is a national digital radio station featuring music, entertainment and speech appealing to those with an interest in British Asian lifestyles. It’s all about celebrating British Asian Identity including the culture, music and conversation that influence British Asians today. BBC Asian Network plays everything from latest Bollywood, Bhangra and British Asian music to underground and new DJs and artists.
Excellent idea Fedup. I have given up watching football live coverage
and highlights as the standard of the female commentary is nothing but atrocious. I know some of the male commentators are tossers but they are tolerable. If it happens to be on I now press the mute button to avoid the screeching nonsense.
I just can’t stand girls I’ve never heard of commenting on footy they have never played …. The personal pundit stuff is also becoming too ‘feminine ‘ for me …. But I am a boy of the ‘60s…
On immigration, why the BBC find it difficult to report mass rapes and violent crimes across the country in the UK (duplicated across Europe as most of us already know and the usual suspects can now be named). But not on the BBC… ever. Its a ‘person’ claiming to be, a victim. And we should all welcome them to our shores…
Taxpayers Alliance Newsletter reveals new findings…. It’s time to come clean about migration data
“The same applies to other areas of public policy, although few are more consequential to modern Britain than that of migration. Yet when it comes to this critical topic, transparency is nowhere to be found.
Consider this: while the government churns out endless reports on trivialities like the gender pay gaps in Whitehall departments, data on the effects of mass migration remains conspicuously absent. This lack of transparency undermines public trust and stifles informed debate, leaving us all poorer for it. Thankfully, the Centre for Migration Control (CMC) is doing what the government won’t.
Their recent analysis uncovered stark findings. Foreign nationals are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sex offences than British citizens and are arrested at twice the rate of natives for all crimes. Perhaps most damning is their breakdown of arrest rates by nationality. Albanians top the list with over 200 arrests per 1,000 people, while migrants from Afghanistan and Iraq are not far behind, with over 100 and 93 arrests per 1,000 respectively. These figures are as shocking as they are revealing. https://www.taxpayersalliance.com/it_s_time_to_come_clean_about_migration_data
The thing that annoys me is that at the push of a button, ONS could produce a coloured code map by postcode of net benefits (less state pension) versus net tax receipts (not including VAT). Then all those telling us how immigration is of such a benefit to the country could point to those tax paying hotspot towns with high immigrant ratios – or maybe not
Children in Need video of Southport suspect removedhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ced3dxeplp9o
The footage shows the teenager dressed as Doctor Who, wearing a tan trench coat and blue suit and tie. He is seen walking out of the Tardis before calling on audiences to “do your thing” for Children in Need.
I wonder if it is worth watching QT this week – I’ve seen the air head dorries responding to the bbc attack on Elon musk – only 2 minutes – complete with the usual biased audience ….
The sneer from the bbc woman chairing it was ‘required ‘…
I dislike Fiona Bruce more and more, from bitter experience. For instance, I saw a clip of QT (last night’s?) where she deliberately misrepresented what a panellist had said. Liam Halligan had argued for reducing the size of the state (unlikely to go down well with the biased audience at the best of times!) and described the discussion as “infantile”, not unreasonably. Fiona then claimed he had called the audience questioner “infantile” when he had clearly done no such thing. This was a dirty trick from a biased, nasty, overpaid, overpromoted b1t(h.
The sale of UK gold reserves was a policy pursued by HM Treasury over the period between 1999 and 2002, when gold prices were at their lowest in 20 years, following an extended bear market. The period itself has been dubbed by some commentators as the Brown Bottom or Brown’s Bottom.
Iirc they (Blair circle) knew they had to include the Broon, but knew he was clueless – so they got him to read the equivalent of “Economics for Dummies”…
To illustrate that Brown (as well as most lefties) are clueless about business, Brown actually told the markets exactly how much of our gold he was going to unload and when. Sold it for about £200 an ounce, currently at £2,280.
A businessman he wasn’t.
Not BBC but the Guardian publishes today the results of a YouGov poll showing how much Brits and Germans hate Musk (71% have a negative view).
There’s another poll YouGov published yesterday showing only 13% of people think Reeves is doing a good job as chancellor. But they don’t show that one.
Also the Guardian — Polly Toynbee says everyone needs to help the NHS get through the ‘toughest winter in history’ by getting more jabs.
But there’s a problem because even NHS staff aren’t keen to do so: “at the end of last year only 35% had a flu injection, down from 62% […] Only 18.4% of staff had their Covid booster – yet they are the ones who have seen so many Covid deaths in the last two winters. Surely they know that vaccinations reduce hospitalisation from infectious diseases.”
It’ll take another 5yrs for averagely intelligent people to catch on, and another 20yrs for Guardian writers.
Terminal Moraine (bloody silly name ha ha)
I think the Bum Boy Corporation and the NHS needs to explain to the public the difference between dying FROM covid and dying WITH covid which could help to allay any unwarranted fear and panic.
If they can STRONGLY make that distinction clear then I may start believing again. I’ll not hold my breath.
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said he removed a portrait of Margaret Thatcher from his Downing Street study because he doesn’t like “pictures of people staring down at me”.
I’m far from hard left as most here know but I truly hated Thatcher and still do. I remind everyone that she was the one that ruined the family structure that we had previously. Forcing businesses to have to pay the same cost for women, as well as having to hire the same number of women as men. For a while families benefitted from the increase of their salaries until the cost of housing made it not worthwhile. But having both parents at work, with strangers raising their children, we see the world that this has created.
I hate Thatcher and always will.
Teddy Bear
Are you seriously telling me that Maggie Thatcher deliberately carried out the stated Manifesto policy of the Gay Liberation Front to abolish the nuclear family?
Was Maggie a communist? Is Donald Trump a communist?
My mind these days and at my time of life is open to ALL possibilities.
Maybe 2+2 = 5.
Convince me baby!
Teddy – im glad you are from the Hard Left and not the Far Left … I admired maggie greatly – I regret some of the things she did – like failing to demolish the BBC and unions and not going far enough in reducing the public sector including starting to privatise the NHS.
But she championed the conventional family and would be appalled at what happened to what used to be Britain ….
Fedup – How can getting women to leave their homes and instead of being the ones that raise children and instilling the values for the benefit of family and society be championing the conventional family, I remember very few children growing up around me who had the problems that are exhibited today, and I come from a poor area of East End of London. She made it sound like businesses were at fault for mostly not paying women the same as men. She didn’t choose to recognise that the owner of a business needing to hire someone in sales to market their product would rather have a man that wouldn’t need to leave their work for the time they were having a baby. I thought you were somebody old enough to have understood this for yourself but clearly not.
Lefty – I don’t think she thought about what the far reaching effects of her policy would cause. She thought she was doing women a favour by her implication that they were not equal to men in the workplace. For the vast majority of time since human beings have been in existence – men went out hunting and the women and children gathering. Women raised the children!
I would say they are much more multifunctional than men because of this and are necessary to society as the nucleus of the family essential to raise children. The men are essential to provide the funds. This is how most of us older folks understood what society was about.
Thatcher changed this by creating the desire for women to leave their household duties and work for a business. If you really don’t understand the damage this has done to our society today by what you see around don’t bother replying.
NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BULLSHIT REASON YOU POSTED. Her own family relationship she had created was not very good and she no doubt thought she was being clever.
This is interesting: Mikhaila Peterson getting red-pilled about Pakistani Muslim Paedo rape gangs.
But only thanks to Musk. Otherwise, like millions of others, she would never have heard of them. Which shows just how successful the cover-up has been by the Establishment and the BBC.
(Three Girls, BBC – really? How about 300, or 3,000, or 30,000?)
Hopefully she’ll now tell daddy Peterson, who has a huge following.
Front page world news and top UK news at the BBC in a headline which includes his race, his extremist motivation and the word ‘terror’. None of which are EVER included in the many murders by Muslim terrorists even though this man didn’t even kill his victim.
Not only that, we get a picture of who did it but not the victim. Another extremely rare event.
Meanwhile, imagine a man is in court for going out with a steak knife, grabs a random 11 year old girl on the street into a headlock and repeatedly stabs her in the face.
The second attack is FAR more significant than the first : it happened on the streets and it was random. It could have been any one of our children.
The reason is obvious : he’s not a white, right-wing male who the far-Left BBC despise, his name is Ioan Pintaru – which means he is almost certainly a Romanian immigrant.
Proving once again beyond any doubt that the BBC only care about who did the stabbing and whether it can be used for their own political agenda. They don’t give a shit about the victims.
I imagine there will be much high-fiving at the BBC.
Yay, we finally found a white supremacist. And he’s even doing a Nazi salute, hallelujah.
From now on he will be constantly dredged up to demonstrate a false equivalency between the thousands of islamic terrorists and the one, solitary white ‘terrorist’ – who, by the way, was only provoked to extreme action by the extreme inaction of the authorities. He is a REACTION to the problem, not the CAUSE.
And he will be used as an excuse to further crack down on free speech and for even more draconian laws against so-called islamophobia.
“The young girl, who cannot be named due to her age, was on holiday in the UK for a “dream” trip to see Taylor Swift in concert when she was stabbed, at just after 11.30am on August 12 last year”
“Even the Army has come under fire for its manly culture. This led the then Chief of the Defence Staff, Nick Carter, to defend ‘laddish culture’. ‘Part of the reason we encourage a laddish culture’, he said, is because ‘ultimately our soldiers have to go close and personal with the enemy’.
You know the world has gone fully nuts when even the young men who give their all to defend the nation are looked up as a little too laddish.
When it comes to protecting Britain, give me a brawny bloke who tells un-PC jokes over any of those post-lad snowflakes who will melt into a puddle of tears if a sergeant major so much as raises his voice.
The turn against masculinity has hit our schools, too. Last year the Family Education Trust found that a third of England’s secondary schools teach kids about ‘toxic masculinity’.
Boys are essentially being told at an impressionable age that it’s ‘problematic’ to be a bloke. What a dispiriting message. And a dangerous one, too.
The more we tell boys that masculinity is a risky, even poisonous thing, the more likely they are to go looking for public figures who take a more ‘pro-masculinity’ view.
They end up following truly nefarious individuals such as Andrew Tate, the social-media personality whose idea of manliness is getting rich, being greedy and mistreating women.
That’s the dark irony of the cultural crusade against masculinity – it could end up driving more young men into a virtual underworld that really is sexist and stupid.
The truth is that we need masculinity. It is a good thing. Being confident, strong, daring, valiant, even having a dash of arrogance – these are virtues that make the world go round.
Look at LA right now. Brave, hulking men are fighting day and night to put out one of the the worst wildfires we have ever seen.
It brings to mind something that the great contrarian feminist Camille Paglia said way back in 1995: ‘All it will take is one natural disaster… then, the only thing holding this culture together will be masculine men of the working class.’ ”
I wonder if the Russian and Chinese military are encouraged to develop their “feminine side.”
Oh, and also the Islamic fighting force.
The West needs to develop MORE male swagger if it is to survive.
Our enemies are watching and waiting while our survival instinct ebbs away.
The inauguration on Monday is starting form a list of rubbish not going to it – Michelle Obama , Nancy the insider dealer and OAC have cried off . The spare seats have not been offered to British Marxist politicians …..personally I’d like to see mr Putin there …
Btw – the bbc reports he has banged up 3 ‘lawyers ‘ for years for political crimes – he’s learning from TTK ….
Lefty – no he is a KGB officer always was – always will be – but if he could cut a deal with the Donald over Ukraine it might save British taxpayers some serious cash …. I think everyone is totally fed up with Ukraine now – which was inevitable ….
And I can’t see Vlad trying it on with a NATO state with a real president in place …. As long as those states pay their way of course ….
So KGB officers are not Communists? Well, well, well.
Even at my advanced age I am learning new things.
Tomorrow I will buy a violin.
Move over Yehudi I’m coming to steal your crown!
Lefty the KGB supported the KGB within the State – which at the time was communist . When that failed – they just took over the State for their own benefit and ‘mother Russia ‘. – and it’s why Putin has never been threatened by anyone else …
I hope that you are right sir.
On this site at least we are permitted to disagree without being enemies so many thanks for that.
Long Live Biased BBC!
Left – I’ve committed the sin of straying way off the subject of the BBC . My read of the soviet state and evolution of their security apparatus isn’t for here …
While Labour play whack-a-mole with attempts to launch a national rape grooming gang enquiry, another potentially even bigger pile of shit starts to surface….I understand it involves the Bradford area….
There will be only so long before they have to accept the situation is dire with growing voices clammering for action becoming too serious to ignore and cave in their inexplicable opposition whatever the consequences are for anyone involved…..
Might be worth taking a look at many other conurbations in the Midlands and North while they are at it!
“He said: “Bradford is a big, big issue for me. I’ve been trying to persuade Bradford Council to implement a Jay-style enquiry for two-years without getting anywhere. I think Bradford is going to be bigger than Rotherham when it all comes out.”
“There is also a far bigger Asian population in Bradford than these other areas – I don’t want to stereotype the whole situation but we have to face facts that these guys involved are from that kind of background. It stands to reason that Bradford is hiding a massive issue and this needs to be exposed.”
“Every child deserves to have safe and loving family-based care. That’s why
and I are in Bulgaria today, to kick-start a new global campaign to reform children’s social care – working to end the institutionalisation of children.”
David Lammy
Making sure every child grows up in a safe and loving family environment is personal to me.
It is great to be working with
on reforming children’s social care around the world.
reforming children’s social care around the world.
reforming children’s social care around the world.
reforming children’s social care around the world.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”
In my view the responsibility to ensure that every child grows up in a loving family based environment lies with the parents not with the sodding nanny state which has anyway in many cases totally failed in the endeavour.
Thankfully my 4 boys bear out my view on the matter.
“Jury finds that CNN committed defamation against Navy veteran, awards punitive damages.
Young alleged that CNN smeared him by implying he illegally profited when helping people flee Afghanistan on the “black market” during the Biden administration’s military withdrawal from the country in 2021. Young believes CNN “destroyed his reputation and business” by branding him an illegal profiteer” who exploited “desperate Afghans” during a November 11, 2021, segment that first aired on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”
The decision comes after three-plus years of litigation and a wild, sometimes chaotic, eight-day trial. 14th Judicial Circuit Court Judge William S. Henry, who presided over the trial in Bay County, Florida, previously ruled that Young “did not act illegally or criminally” despite what the network reported on air.
“In another message, that person offering those evacuations, Zachary Young, he wrote, ‘Availability is extremely limited, and demand is high’… he goes on to say, ‘That’s how economics works, unfortunately,’” Marquardt told viewers.
Tapper responded, “Unfortunately, hmm,” before thanking Marquardt for the report.
The phone call became a point of contention during the trial, as the plaintiff suggested Marquardt didn’t really place a call to Young and behind-the-scenes footage of the segment showed Marquardt joking it was “theater” to colleagues.
Young’s legal team obtained damning CNN internal messages through discovery repeatedly showing staffers expressing overt hostility towards the Navy veteran. Among those presented to the jury include one calling him a “shitbag” an “a–hole” one saying he has a “punchable face.”
Marquardt’s own message telling a colleague “we’re gonna nail this Zachary Young mf—er” was often cited throughout the trial.
CNN issued an on-air apology on March 25, 2022, when substitute anchor Pamela Brown was sitting in Tapper’s chair. However, several CNN staffers who took the witness stand said he didn’t feel the apology was necessary and Adam Levine testified that the apology was only issued for legal purposes. ”
Starmers thinking ‘I wouldn’t abuse my power like Hitler if I got total control’.
Aid: ‘We caught a right-wing protestor watching other people riot Kier. What should we do ?’
Kier: Put him in a concentration camp.
Aid: We can’t : we don’t fully control the police or the media yet.
Kier: OK, lock him up for 2 years under some ambiguous charge which covers anything. Make sure the Judge is on our list and tell him what to do. No jury.
Hitler only turned the way he did once things didn’t go his way. It was the final solution.
Put Starmer back in the 1930’s and we would see the real monster.
Eddy Booth ,
Who’s the Woman ……..is she a standin for Lord Ali ?
Starmer has no empathy….so is this just another photo opportunity like the Southport failure .
Makes a change from the Muslim girl who followed Corbyn around with an umberella. It got a BAME in every picture of course – but Corbyn was too shallow to realise she was basically his slave girl.
I’ll never forget how he bedded Diane Abbot then brought his friends round and showed her to them her still in his bed to virtue-signal how he is so not racist, he shagged a thick, fat black woman.
I do miss Corbyn. He couldn’t hide it like Obergruppenführer Starmer. Barneir wrote admiringly in his book about Starmer being so sly and devious, he would go far.
He ll be getting ideas about what to do with the British ‘Far Right ‘…. He is already starting the process – suspending elections this summer across the country to stop Reform – not many steps before his enemies are cancelled …
Socialism world wide has failed the human race.
So it is time for the Socialists to take the knee for their denigration
of free enterprise for so long.
R4 was telling us how brilliant, if odd, Diogenes was…
‘Naomi Alderman investigates the eccentric brilliance of Diogenes. ‘
Much like Mark Easton thinks we need to celebrate the radical extremism of Islamists apparently the odd genius of Diogenes must be celebrated in other extremists…..the last thought of the programme was that maybe throwing soup on a iconic painting was very diogenes…ie maybe we should celebrate Just Stop Oil and their vandalism.
I imagine they think they are being clever slipping in such a comment but it gives away what we always new and thought abut the BBC and the bulk of its employees.
‘If women ran every country in the world there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes, former US President Barack Obama has said.’
Lol…Zuckerberg makes a comment on Rogan [amusing that the BBC is not just tracking Musk but also everything Zuck now that he has turned to the dark side] and the BBC goes into meltdown….unlike the praise they lavished on Obama for the above.
‘When Mark Zuckerberg appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast last week he said that the corporate world has moved away from masculine energy and is “pretty culturally neutered.” A culture that “celebrates aggression” can be positive, he claimed. ‘
Woman’s Hour was of course outraged and wheeled in a gay man who’d never worked with other men …no guesses as to his opinion…or indeed the opinions of anyone else on the outrage…Zuck is some kind of white supremacist patriarchal dinosaur.
Essentially this was the narrative…
”In a world where violence against women and girls is rife,’ wailed a commentator at the Independent, ‘why not add more toxic masculinity to the mix?”
‘AntiSocial’ discussed it in depth later on….the pro-Zuck speaker being constantly challenged and countered.
It’s curious women and their attributes are celebrated and held up for admiration, the BBC so often telling us the world would be a better place if women ran it, and yet when someone suggest maybe male traits channelled positively would be beneficial they are advocating a dangerous slide back to the 19th century where men ran everything and women knew their place.
‘Business is more profitable. Governments are more representative. Families are stronger, and communities are healthier. There is less violence – and more peace, stability and sustainability…. women communicate differently, that they listen, encourage dialogue, and build consensus.
Studies also show that women also lead differently than men. They’re more likely to be collaborative, inclusive and team-oriented, all characteristics that tend to be effective, particularly in today’s less-hierarchical, fast-paced, innovation-driven world.
Empowering women isn’t just the right thing, it’s the necessary thing. And because women are increasingly ruling, the world is changing for the better.’
Oh…and men don’t care about their kids or grandkids…
‘Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, says that women also bring an inter-generational perspective to their work. “We need to take decisions now that will make for a safer world for our grandchildren and their grandchildren, and I think women are more likely to do that when they come into positions of leadership.”‘
‘If women ran every country in the world there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes, former US President Barack Obama has said.’ That is a view but the outcomes are far from certain. I have a hypothesis that over the last 40 years the UK decision taking environment has shifted from one of fact to one of emotion. Emotion is important but countries have to be tethered in decisions taken on fact. It may be that the greater dominance of women in UK decision taking is introducing more emotion into decision taking. A successful society has to have a process of evaluation of its decision taking process, and when it happens it will be interesting to evaluate the impact of that change. Barack believes that living standards would rise. I am not so sure.
There’s a simpler explanation, aside from the merits of female leaders. Obama once stated in an interview his fantasy of having a third term by pulling the strings in the background behind someone else; which some might argue happened during the Biden presidency! He could get a fourth or even fifth term if the Democrats adopt Michelle as their candidate for 2028 and 2032.
When it came to pushing in ahead of Hillary Clinton for the 2008 nomination, Obama seemed less convinced of the value of female leadership. He didn’t have a female VP either, twice preferring the useless Biden, who represented no threat to him. I suspect that, like all narcissists, he enjoys being at the centre of things and would happily be POTUS for life; a bit like a monarch!
So is Obama simply making a pitch for female voters? And what price Michelle to run in 2028?
pug, look at the Criminal Cases Review Commission for example. Their Chairwoman was forced to resign this week. Prior to that other failed female CEOs Alison Rose for example, heading NatWest Group and Sharon White CEO (and some would say ruinor) of John Lewis. Barak Obama needs to think again!
The devil is in the detail with the BBC; the nuance is in the syntax.
They could plausibly argue that this headline is merely factual: “Ukrainian talk of victory fades as Trump returns”.
But I would argue that it implies that Trump is set to rob those brave Ukrainians of a victory that’s almost within their grasp.
BS. They’re getting slaughtered. And while Russia can go on forever, Ukraine can’t.
I happen to be in touch with a number of Ukrainian families. Every one of them is passionately praying that Trump will bring the warring leaders to the negotiating table and end the bloody war.
Armchair warriors in the West, and in BBC studios, may want it to continue to give Ivan a bloody nose, but Ukrainians do not, especially as they now understand there will have to be a compromise in the end.
Selfridges Group: Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) acquired a 40% stake in Selfridges Group, which operates luxury department stores including Selfridges in the UK, Brown Thomas, and Arnotts in Ireland.
Harrods: The iconic London department store was purchased by the Qatar Investment Authority in 2010 for £1.5 billion.
Aviation and Infrastructure:
Heathrow Airport: The Qatar Investment Authority holds a 20% stake in Heathrow Airport. Additionally, Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Investment Company has considered acquiring a stake, which would position it alongside other Gulf state-backed shareholders.
Energy and Utilities:
TAQA (Abu Dhabi National Energy Company): TAQA has substantial operations in the UK, including assets in the North Sea acquired from BP Netherlands in 2007. Their production in 2016 totaled 137,300 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
Thames Water: The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) previously held a 9.9% stake in Thames Water. However, due to regulatory and operational challenges, ADIA wrote off this investment.
Entertainment and Media:
DNEG Group: The British special effects company, known for films like “Dune: Part Two” and “Oppenheimer,” received a $200 million investment from Abu Dhabi’s United Al Saqer Group, valuing the company at over $2 billion.
Real Estate and Logistics:
Oryx Real Estate Partners: A UK-based investment and asset manager, backed by Saudi investors, acquired a five-acre development site in Milton Keynes to develop a logistics hub.
A totally benign headline I almost skipped over it. But expereince has taught me that such a headline on the BBC is always hiding something and is more than it seems.
And sure enough I discover the headline SHOULD have been:
‘Sadiq Khan to be investigated over Taylor Swift tickets’
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder if Farage has seen the interview – I have – he refers to countries which have not been…
moggiemooMar 4, 18:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 … or alienating his potential support base. I’ve lost interest in Reform, I feel they will prove to be no…
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nigel just can’t stop burning bridges. https://twitter.com/HoodedClaw1974/status/1896950774074347668
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
That’s his primary crime?
“And you wonder why they all fall into line. Why they run with zeal to arrest people for hurty words but ignore actual crime.
Because they’ll be sacked if they aren’t preaching and worshiping from the cultural Marxist globohomo hymn sheet 24/7/365.
…Thoroughly captured organisation and no longer fit for any purpose.”
Any news on Islamic posts and liking “they should shut up for the sake of Diversity?”
So any hint that you may just be a proper copper will get you the sack.
Very reassuring.
Lefty Wright – you can have any opinion as long as it is the correct one issued by the Government.
Very reassuring.
“Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.”
They can nudge nudge and wank wank all they like but I just find it amusing.
Jan 10 : The Chair of MET Black Police Officers Association Insp Charles Ehikioya
has today been dismissed for sending & sharing over 7,000 Racist & Sexist WhatsApp messages bet 20017- 2020
Met officer sacked over racist & sexist WhatsApp messages
“It takes 4 years of vitriol and racial incitement to get sanctioned if you’re plod “
“7,000 Racist & Sexist WhatsApp messages” do we get to see the content?
They must have done anything to keep the DEI in post – promote him maybe? But he’ll be off to a taxpayer funded tribunal for the payout and re instatement …
She tries to shut him down
And the looks on the bbc and far left faces …
Show that to the thousands of rape and torture victims.
That look is fear.
Fi finds a foe. Ho hum.
Her earwig must have been glowing hot.
Look at the QT threads; every issue gets full bbc crisis management responses.
Luckily, they are pure bbc and… #ccbgb
No wonder they want to ‘get’ Musk and shut X down.
Anas Sarwar is pinning his Holyrood 2026 hopes on politicising the NHS. BBC Scotland will do all it can to assist him. At times it will be impossible to distinguish between Scottish Labour, BBC Scotland and the Daily Record as all three exploit the NHS to undermine the SNP.
Always had a feeling that our Fiona Bruce was just another BBC brain-infused lefty stooge, this just seals the deal for me….
The ridiculous thing is that these posh top level BBC-ites do it because it’s BBC mantra and not because it’s the right and proper thought-through thing to do.
Liam leaves her in the dust when it comes to real truth and backbone!
Starmer leads “Then Briton-Last” Party
Assuming there is anything left of the country, he has ensured Labour won’t be involved.
Being a human climate change non believer – i glaze over whenever a Green crap zealot turns up .. today one from the met office was on about a ‘1.5%’ temperature increase last year because of more carbon dioxide in the atmos .
The zealot wants an even bigger reduction in hydro carbon usage …..I disagree
Burn that oil , coal , gas – dump the Green crap …
What is the point of bankrupting ourselves, and then insisting on rolling out unaffordable and impractical EVs for the allegedly 7% saving in CO2 they will make in the UK ?
Where is all this CO2 coming from ?
India, China, we make no difference but it makes a bloody great difference to everyone in the UK victim to this virtue signalling insanity
I think the whole country has every right to say:
Labour scum:
“Last month Ms Rayner was reported to have called Conservative ministers “a bunch of scum” and described the prime minister as a “racist, homophobic misogynist”.
“I was angry about where our country is headed and policies that have made life harder for so many people I represent.
“I will continue to speak my mind, stand up for Labour values and hold the government to account. ”
(think, budget lies, black hole lies, pensioners fuel allowance taken, employees new taxes lies, council house sale lies, sleaze with thousands of pounds in free gift lies, rape gang cover ups, far right slanders, imprisoned for face book posts )
Sir Keir told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show: “Angela and I take a different approach and that is not the language I would have used.”
Pressed on whether he would be asking her to apologise, he said it was a matter for her. Why won’t Sir Keir Starmer be telling Angela Rayner to apologise for her comments even though he says he wouldn’t have used that language? Maybe he just does not want to help the story to live longer?
former Unite union leader Len McCluskey called Ms Rayner’s comments “pretty accurate”, adding: “There is an angry mood out there. I think Angie captures it.”
Len McCluskey, a supporter of Sir Keir’s more left-wing predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, told the BBC News Channel the planned rule changes were “disgraceful” and “right-wing manoeuvring”.
“It’s not what the British people are interested in talking about,” he added. “They want to know about what’s happening at petrol stations, electricity and gas charges, what’s happening to universal credit.”
Excellent news – 0.3% fall in retail sales in December – meant to be the best month of the year … Marxists hit the spot again … and retail jobs will be knocked when the NI increases kick in in April … get that recession going …
“a budget for growth” hmm
Oh dear…..Biased little Bowen sniping at Trump and cheering on BIden….
‘The push for a Gaza ceasefire demonstrated that Trump would put the interests of his presidency before the political requirements of Israel’s prime minister.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, was prepared to risk votes in swing states in the US presidential election because of his determination to support Israel, despite his own misgivings about the way that Israel was killing civilians in Gaza and depriving them of food, medical care, shelter and clean water.’
The title of course gave the mindset away…
‘Bowen: Israel has changed since Donald Trump’s last term – has he?’
Biden has not got a bloody clue what is going on anywhere as has been unequivocally proved now.
Just listened to Mohammed Bowen on today doing his Hamas propaganda act . I wonder if he realises / knows what he is saying . ? Im surprised Israel hasn’t declared his a legitimate target and dealt with him by now .
Weakness by Israel – keep going IDF …
ROCKSTAR? Like on drugs?
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
Rather than go to China why didn’t Rachel Reeves just talk to her Huawei Airfryer?
“That’s why American users on RedNote are referring to themselves as “Chinese spies” – continuing a TikTok trend where people have been bidding farewell to their “personal Chinese spy” who has allegedly been surveilling them over the years.”
Rachel Revees has already made it pretty clear that she hates ordinary British people so why not let her suck up to China, a country that would annihilate the UK given a chance?
Fellow subscribers – Did I hear this correctly?
I was half watching Breakfast TV on the BBC at around
830 on 17/1. The “feature” was about baby deaths at
Leeds maternity units. an “expert” was being interviewed
and the lady I thought I heard say there being institutional
racism in the NHS. I say I thought because the two
presenters didn’t challenge her.
NHS to ban slavery to save lives?
Terms of abuse edition
Terms of Endearment was a 1983 American family tragicomedy film directed, written, and produced by James L. Brooks, adapted from Larry McMurtry’s 1975 novel. (Thank you Wiki)
Whereas, terms of abuse mean unkind or unpleasant names to call someone.
Let’s begin at the bottom with the BBC’s habitual ‘and finally’ in their online line-up of print press titles. Note how your Mr AsI has – for once – neglected to name the girls at the BBC the gynaeceum.
The jokey blokey Daily Star this morning takes a poke at the US president elect – hardly an unusual play for our left-leaning media – the Star’s go-to term of abuse is “Orange Manbaby” and it finds amusement in the news that The Village People are booked to perform at his inauguration on Monday.
Orange manbaby’s favourite band vow to unite mankind… YMCA will save the world… Thought for the Day: It’s fun to stay at the YMCA. Apparently
Likewise the Guardian just ain’t feeling the love for the late 70s flamboyant fancy dress performing suggestively gay disco combo: Roll up, roll up! The Trump inauguration may be the least great show on Earth… Despite a few more recognisable names (er, Kid Rock) due to appear than last time, this will not be the cultural event of the year… the now reformed Village People, still led by Willis, who recently claimed, thrillingly, that YMCA wasn’t ever supposed to be a gay anthem and whose wife threatened to sue anyone who said otherwise (Emma Brockes bitching for the Guardian there)
To our BBC where in reference to the story: Abuse terror warning as ‘Satanist’ teenager jailed – some favourite terms of abuse are reeled out: The court heard the 19-year-old from Horsham was part of an extreme right-wing Satanist group called 764, which anti-terror police warn poses “an immense threat”. (BBC)
Get behind Me, Satan!
Some mum’s basement weirdo internet-based thrash metal fan geek teenagers: part of a loose, international network, admittedly ‘loose’, mind you, are apparently an immense threat – on a par with islamist terrorists? One doubts it.
The new one to watch for is “oligarch” the anti-Elon Musk term just recently coined – which has clear anti-Russia connotations: Biden warns of dangers of oligarchy taking shape in US (BBC)
The favourite term of abuse, closest to the heart of the globalist FT, is of course “Far Right”: Holding position Middle East on tenterhooks… Benjamin Netanyahu… faces pushback against the US-brokered agreement from his far right allies (FT)
In the view of the FT Benjamin Netanyahu is now, and was prior to the 7th October 2023 massacre of Israelis and multiple hostage-taking “far right”
To the junior poundshop Guardian that is i news – see Mr AsI slipped into one of his habitual terms of abuse there. i news is learning to speak globalist just like the grown up Guardian and FT: Ceasefire deal goes to wire… Israeli far right tries to block pact with Hamas (i news)
Mind you, the OG Gruan forgoes “far right” this morning and contents itself with: Delay prompts fears last-minute disputes or hardliners could scupper ceasefire on Sunday – one senses the Guradianistas hope the disasterous Joe Biden gets just this one foreign policy win before he’s put out to grass.
“Our survey said” – that was the catchphrase from TV quiz show Family Fortunes
Startling Mail survey that shows young men (and some women) think MEN are now the oppressed sex (Daily Mail)
On YouTube plenty of coverage of the dire dei hire White House muppet press Secretary doing her final ‘piece ‘ … i know if they gave her a round of applause at the end – her Knick name is – apparently ‘toilet brush ‘ … but good riddance …
There’s a job for her here if they ever resurrect Jackanory..with a position at the bbc news a close second.
The outgoing leader of the dead blue Labour Party – creamy ? Keemi? Kevin ? Kemi ? Says there is a need to look at means testing the state pension – and she claims to be a ‘Tory ‘ – lies all around .
L worked all my life and paid my taxes – now she wants my pension – and expects me to vote for her dead party .
And now she has given permission for the Marxists to screw pensioners – again …. Labour second term …
Why does only ONE person in this country get the “real name..” treatment everytime he is mentioned ?
Are they “putting a target on his back” ? he has been physically attacked many times.
Anyway in the spirit of equality:
Kemi Badenoch, real name:
Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch
Tony Blair – Tony Blair · Rt. Hon. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
Sir Keir Rodney Starmer
Rachel Jane Reeves
Born Reginald Kenneth Dwight in 1947
Here’s slippery slimy weasel Khan twisting and turning to avoid answering questions about ‘grooming gangs’ in Londonistan. (I suspect he’s trying to get his questioner to say ‘muslim’ or ‘Pakistani’ so he can accuse her of racism / islamophobia.)
“About 41% of Londoners were born outside of the United Kingdom, making London one of the most diverse cities in the world. This is more than double the UK average of 13%. “
And that’s why he gets elected. If London was still a majority white city he wouldn’t stand a chance. As it is, London cannot be called a British city any more.
Maybe they should look into Spying for China?
Yes – but there’s always that MP pension ….and competition to spy for china must be very strong ..
Worth a look at their registered interests whilst MPs!
Maybe Boris can loan them money from their book deals?
“One experienced clinical staff member, currently at Leeds (NHS) and who has asked to remain anonymous, told us the service (NHS) is “completely broken” with chronic understaffing, with the impact being that “women and babies are not getting the care we want them to get”.”
Diversity Inclusion & Wellbeing Manager
NHS North East London
£58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
National FGM Support Clinics
-Female genital mutilation (FGM)
The NHS spent at least £113,974,561 on translation and interpreting services between 2019–2020 and 2021–2022. This is an average of £725,953 per NHS trust.
Sickle cell disease is the name for a group of inherited health conditions that affect the red blood cells. The most serious type is called sickle cell anaemia.
Sickle cell disease is particularly common in people with an African or Caribbean family background.
First-cousin marriages shown to put infants at major risk of congenital anomaly. A study of children born in Bradford has found that marriage between first cousins (consanguinity) is a major risk factor for congenital anomaly, even after adjustment for deprivation.
“The NHS’s budget for 2024/25 is expected to be around £179 billion. This is a modest increase from the previous year, but it’s still below the long-term average growth rate. ”
“… the service (NHS) is “completely broken” with chronic understaffing, with the impact being that “women and babies are not getting the care we want them to get”.”
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
The development of an app for contact tracing and informing people when they had been in contact with someone who had tested positive was the only part of the test and trace system that was completely within the NHS. Development was by NHSX, the NHS’s technology department, which for some reason decided to develop its contact tracing app without the help of the two largest and most experienced app developers – Apple and Google – both of which had offered to collaborate.
Regular users of this site might recall the predictions before the uk election of how bad things were going to be if the reds won –
But 6 months in – I didn’t realise just how poor they’d be – and as the government returns to sanity in the US it’s about to get a lot worse – unless presidenr trump can find a way to save us ….
Annex Britain after Greenland, then clear the Swamp and execute the traitors in power. Legally, of course.
For those who don’t follow religious affairs, the present Pope is an arch ‘progressive’ and globalist. There’s not a woke cause he doesn’t champion. He excoriates Trump for building walls, advocates for open borders and welcomes more illegals in Europe. So how ironic to read the headline below in the Catholic press. Ironic but not surprising. Like all liberals, he’s a hypocrite who wants to impose migrants on the population but doesn’t want the riffraff on his own doorstep. Heaven forbid.
“Vatican cracks down on illegal entry into its territory”
Heaven has strict border control.
Hell has open borders and is full of criminals of all sorts.
open borders and full of criminals? So, a bit like modern Britain.
Either way, I’ll let you know.
I was surprised to read that the Famous BBC presenter Michael Parkinson had been cloned on the internet into an ‘AI Robot ‘- and was starting to interview NEW trendy famous ‘names’ – who can claim some prestige in being interviewed by a famous BBC personality. All artificial, almost but not quite real…
But its all false praise and tributes as the real Parkinson hated many of his ‘interviewee’s and often told them out for talking ‘UTTER CRAP’! – Not something the BBC would allow on its TV shows!, which are now overall BBC ‘CRAP’ – from start to finish. BBC have not been able to find another Parkinson as the BBC has changed into something that any of us hardly now recognise,- from its previous glorious past to a ‘Guardian inspired’ – left wing trendy rag full of paedo-weirdos with a constant political bent and climate alarmism 24/7.
I am only reminded of this due to a DT Newsletter today — that cheered my day up no end!…. Link here: DT Culture Newsletter!
In that write up I found this video link that i think some of us older folk may enjoy of Michael Parkinson trying to interview; Michael Parkinson, Kenneth Williams (Carry on Star), Maggie Smith (Actress) and Sir John Betjeman (the poet). Sadly Maggie Smith passed away not that long ago.
What great characters they all were! no scripting, all dedicated and vulnerable to the modern world. No room at the BBC for them any more. Nobody can go off script unless its Chris Packham or Gary Lineker who are instantly forgettable after 5 mins.
What the UK has now become. A state that is ‘careless, indifferent and uncaring’, with no ‘aspiration’ is reflected in the BBC.. A BBC that has lost all its former glory and is ‘cess-pit’ of mission creep. And yet Parky lives on in a virtual world as an AI Robot. Probably the first of many. Its the future of the BBC, it has lost whatever it had. A lost world.
That is the future of BBC presenters now. AI Robots trained specifically on EU approved ‘DEI’ diversity training with observed banned ‘hated’ English words and false praise (to those that would never have been interviewed) – as they have no talent , do not hold any views that are funny, entertaining or of any value. So I won’t be watching the Parkinson AI Robot, and I guess the BBC could not care less either or remember who he was.
I wonder if the BBC has a department for finding these old clips and modifying them via AI to fit with their new World mantra a la Winston in Orwell’s 1984 hoping people will forget what truth was in due course?
They’re doing a good job on 1970s TOTP
Why not tell people that if they watch it it will turn them far-right!
Keir has a cell waiting.
I searched under ‘The Guardian Mark Carney Rockstar’ and this gem popped up
📢 Exciting News! 🎉
Labor’s Rachel Reeves has received a rockstar reception at the conference, leaving everyone in awe. After the chaos of Kamikwasi and clueless Hunt, her calm and nerdy demeanor is just what voters are looking for. Even Mark Carney believes that Rachel is exactly what Britain needs!
Words I never thought I’d say! Not only was there standing room only at Rachel Reeves’ speech, but there was even a mosh pit! The entire shadow cabinet, along with Peter Mandelson, gathered in the front row. New Labour is definitely back in the game. And who was up on stage? Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner, the king and queen of this conference. But Rachel Reeves is the brains behind it all.
This is far from normal. Usually, people try to avoid a Reeves speech, not because she doesn’t have anything substantial to say – she always does – but because public speaking is not her natural forte. However, in these tumultuous times, sanity prevails over smooth talking. And Rachel, one of the most powerful people in the country, knows how to get things done.
Curious to know more? Make sure to check out the full blog post here: [Link to the Guardian article](https://ift.tt/SHmhWnI)
“But Rachel Reeves is the brains behind it all.”
Yes, lied about being a chess champion and lied about being an economist.
A Halifax High Street branch customer admin rock star…
Howard Brown – Best TV Adverts
Nawaz being super based
India for Indians
Africa for Africans
Japan for Japanese
China for Chinese
UK for all of above.
Yes. I have to wonder what would happen to someone found to have illegally entered any of the above countries and committed serious crimes.
I have an idea for a new radio station – ‘wimmins ‘ radio ‘ – all the lady sports and lady issues in one place – put ‘wimmins ‘ hour on it too ‘ and any footy with a girl commentator / ‘pundit ‘…
BBC Asian Network is a national digital radio station featuring music, entertainment and speech appealing to those with an interest in British Asian lifestyles. It’s all about celebrating British Asian Identity including the culture, music and conversation that influence British Asians today. BBC Asian Network plays everything from latest Bollywood, Bhangra and British Asian music to underground and new DJs and artists.
Excellent idea Fedup. I have given up watching football live coverage
and highlights as the standard of the female commentary is nothing but atrocious. I know some of the male commentators are tossers but they are tolerable. If it happens to be on I now press the mute button to avoid the screeching nonsense.
I just can’t stand girls I’ve never heard of commenting on footy they have never played …. The personal pundit stuff is also becoming too ‘feminine ‘ for me …. But I am a boy of the ‘60s…
On immigration, why the BBC find it difficult to report mass rapes and violent crimes across the country in the UK (duplicated across Europe as most of us already know and the usual suspects can now be named). But not on the BBC… ever. Its a ‘person’ claiming to be, a victim. And we should all welcome them to our shores…
Taxpayers Alliance Newsletter reveals new findings….
It’s time to come clean about migration data
“The same applies to other areas of public policy, although few are more consequential to modern Britain than that of migration. Yet when it comes to this critical topic, transparency is nowhere to be found.
Consider this: while the government churns out endless reports on trivialities like the gender pay gaps in Whitehall departments, data on the effects of mass migration remains conspicuously absent. This lack of transparency undermines public trust and stifles informed debate, leaving us all poorer for it. Thankfully, the Centre for Migration Control (CMC) is doing what the government won’t.
Their recent analysis uncovered stark findings. Foreign nationals are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sex offences than British citizens and are arrested at twice the rate of natives for all crimes. Perhaps most damning is their breakdown of arrest rates by nationality. Albanians top the list with over 200 arrests per 1,000 people, while migrants from Afghanistan and Iraq are not far behind, with over 100 and 93 arrests per 1,000 respectively. These figures are as shocking as they are revealing.
Ban data with the new Keir Stramer AI initiative!
If you have a penchant for rape I guess it’s a good lan to move to a Country that couldn’t give a toss,!
Yes mate we seem to have become not so much a country. More a country without the O.
The thing that annoys me is that at the push of a button, ONS could produce a coloured code map by postcode of net benefits (less state pension) versus net tax receipts (not including VAT). Then all those telling us how immigration is of such a benefit to the country could point to those tax paying hotspot towns with high immigrant ratios – or maybe not
Fed, I can’t abide talking and bloody sport on the radio. Terrestrial radio is dead to me.
These are my favourite stations;
How delicious to read page after page in today’s Sun excoriating the BBC.
Julia Hartley-Brewer hits the nail on the head: “BBC bans an Xmas song mocking the PM… but a killer glorifying his crime is OK”.
“BBC is obsessed with banning ‘hurty words’ but welcomes killer glorifying crime – the stench of moral bankruptcy can’t be ignored.”
Link to Sun article above: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/32845419/bbc-killer-jake-fahri-crimes/
Children in Need video of Southport suspect removedhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ced3dxeplp9o
The footage shows the teenager dressed as Doctor Who, wearing a tan trench coat and blue suit and tie. He is seen walking out of the Tardis before calling on audiences to “do your thing” for Children in Need.
He is up before the beak on Monday 20th – I suspect an injunction in the air ….. he might try the ‘diminished ‘ trick to get off …
FINALLY In Court – Here’s what happened
“These people didn’t go straight into custody for their actions…..BUT anyone who published strong views on THEIR actions did!!!!!!!!!! FFS!!!!”
As Bob Geldof once put it “Give us yer fockin’ monny.”
End of week assessment of BBC news agenda –
It’s bored with –
1 Greg wats his name
2 winter fuel killing old Britons
3 tulip
4 Rachel from accounts
5 biden / Harris
6 California fires
Trump / Elon
Anti Israel
‘ the fictional far right ‘ (always )
I wonder if it is worth watching QT this week – I’ve seen the air head dorries responding to the bbc attack on Elon musk – only 2 minutes – complete with the usual biased audience ….
The sneer from the bbc woman chairing it was ‘required ‘…
I dislike Fiona Bruce more and more, from bitter experience. For instance, I saw a clip of QT (last night’s?) where she deliberately misrepresented what a panellist had said. Liam Halligan had argued for reducing the size of the state (unlikely to go down well with the biased audience at the best of times!) and described the discussion as “infantile”, not unreasonably. Fiona then claimed he had called the audience questioner “infantile” when he had clearly done no such thing. This was a dirty trick from a biased, nasty, overpaid, overpromoted b1t(h.
“Mortgage rules could be eased to boost loans”
The collapse of the United States housing bubble and high interest rates led to unprecedented numbers of borrowers missing mortgage repayments and becoming delinquent.
Gordon Brown: Bankers should have been jailed for role in financial crisis
Brown sold around half of Britain’s gold reserves for a total of $3.5billion (approx £2.14billion based on the exchange rate in 1999) but had it been sold today, it could have paid for the “black hole” in the UK’s public finances with around £5billion in headroom.7 days ago
The sale of UK gold reserves was a policy pursued by HM Treasury over the period between 1999 and 2002, when gold prices were at their lowest in 20 years, following an extended bear market. The period itself has been dubbed by some commentators as the Brown Bottom or Brown’s Bottom.
Iirc they (Blair circle) knew they had to include the Broon, but knew he was clueless – so they got him to read the equivalent of “Economics for Dummies”…
To illustrate that Brown (as well as most lefties) are clueless about business, Brown actually told the markets exactly how much of our gold he was going to unload and when. Sold it for about £200 an ounce, currently at £2,280.
A businessman he wasn’t.
Bogie picking tie wiper moron morelike
Not BBC but the Guardian publishes today the results of a YouGov poll showing how much Brits and Germans hate Musk (71% have a negative view).
There’s another poll YouGov published yesterday showing only 13% of people think Reeves is doing a good job as chancellor. But they don’t show that one.
Guardian desperate to smear, yet again. Seems a bit young for the term harridan – toxic bint gets front page byline….
Also the Guardian — Polly Toynbee says everyone needs to help the NHS get through the ‘toughest winter in history’ by getting more jabs.
But there’s a problem because even NHS staff aren’t keen to do so: “at the end of last year only 35% had a flu injection, down from 62% […] Only 18.4% of staff had their Covid booster – yet they are the ones who have seen so many Covid deaths in the last two winters. Surely they know that vaccinations reduce hospitalisation from infectious diseases.”
It’ll take another 5yrs for averagely intelligent people to catch on, and another 20yrs for Guardian writers.
needs to help the NHS get through the ‘toughest winter in history’ = clap pans and assisted dying?
Take the knee and pay more tax for rainbow stickers?
“Assisted dying”? Oh no,no. That is what Al Capone used to carry out. Surely you mean assisted suicide which is quite a different thing.
Terminal Moraine (bloody silly name ha ha)
I think the Bum Boy Corporation and the NHS needs to explain to the public the difference between dying FROM covid and dying WITH covid which could help to allay any unwarranted fear and panic.
If they can STRONGLY make that distinction clear then I may start believing again. I’ll not hold my breath.
Earlier I mentioned Rachel From Accounts had gone for a cosy chat with Toenails.
They have ‘shared’.
I will not let critics “get me down”, Chancellor Rachel Reeves says, following a turbulent few days for the economy
Just possibly they might have better stayed schtum, for her sake and theirs.
It is true the hard left hated Maggie.
Being universally despised as well as useless…. wicked skills.
PM explains decision to move Thatcher portrait
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said he removed a portrait of Margaret Thatcher from his Downing Street study because he doesn’t like “pictures of people staring down at me”.
Perhaps he could replace it with a portrait of Karl Marx.
HA HA HA HAH A “Jeremy Corbyn took me on a date to Karl Marx’s grave, says Diane Abbott”
I would like Jezza to tell us if he managed to shag her at the sacred site.
Guest Who
I have a confession to make.
As a “hard leftist” (in a previous life) I too would have professed to hate Maggie.
I know better now.
I’m far from hard left as most here know but I truly hated Thatcher and still do. I remind everyone that she was the one that ruined the family structure that we had previously. Forcing businesses to have to pay the same cost for women, as well as having to hire the same number of women as men. For a while families benefitted from the increase of their salaries until the cost of housing made it not worthwhile. But having both parents at work, with strangers raising their children, we see the world that this has created.
I hate Thatcher and always will.
Teddy Bear
Are you seriously telling me that Maggie Thatcher deliberately carried out the stated Manifesto policy of the Gay Liberation Front to abolish the nuclear family?
Was Maggie a communist? Is Donald Trump a communist?
My mind these days and at my time of life is open to ALL possibilities.
Maybe 2+2 = 5.
Convince me baby!
Teddy – im glad you are from the Hard Left and not the Far Left … I admired maggie greatly – I regret some of the things she did – like failing to demolish the BBC and unions and not going far enough in reducing the public sector including starting to privatise the NHS.
But she championed the conventional family and would be appalled at what happened to what used to be Britain ….
Fedup – How can getting women to leave their homes and instead of being the ones that raise children and instilling the values for the benefit of family and society be championing the conventional family, I remember very few children growing up around me who had the problems that are exhibited today, and I come from a poor area of East End of London. She made it sound like businesses were at fault for mostly not paying women the same as men. She didn’t choose to recognise that the owner of a business needing to hire someone in sales to market their product would rather have a man that wouldn’t need to leave their work for the time they were having a baby. I thought you were somebody old enough to have understood this for yourself but clearly not.
Lefty – I don’t think she thought about what the far reaching effects of her policy would cause. She thought she was doing women a favour by her implication that they were not equal to men in the workplace. For the vast majority of time since human beings have been in existence – men went out hunting and the women and children gathering. Women raised the children!
I would say they are much more multifunctional than men because of this and are necessary to society as the nucleus of the family essential to raise children. The men are essential to provide the funds. This is how most of us older folks understood what society was about.
Thatcher changed this by creating the desire for women to leave their household duties and work for a business. If you really don’t understand the damage this has done to our society today by what you see around don’t bother replying.
NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BULLSHIT REASON YOU POSTED. Her own family relationship she had created was not very good and she no doubt thought she was being clever.
This is interesting: Mikhaila Peterson getting red-pilled about Pakistani Muslim Paedo rape gangs.
But only thanks to Musk. Otherwise, like millions of others, she would never have heard of them. Which shows just how successful the cover-up has been by the Establishment and the BBC.
(Three Girls, BBC – really? How about 300, or 3,000, or 30,000?)
Hopefully she’ll now tell daddy Peterson, who has a huge following.
Won’t be seeing any BBC dramas about paki rape gangs … strictly off limit …
Nah. Sorry mate the BBC don’t do truth.
Come back in a couple of years. You never know——–
White supremacist jailed for asylum terror attack
Front page world news and top UK news at the BBC in a headline which includes his race, his extremist motivation and the word ‘terror’. None of which are EVER included in the many murders by Muslim terrorists even though this man didn’t even kill his victim.
Not only that, we get a picture of who did it but not the victim. Another extremely rare event.
Meanwhile, imagine a man is in court for going out with a steak knife, grabs a random 11 year old girl on the street into a headlock and repeatedly stabs her in the face.
The second attack is FAR more significant than the first : it happened on the streets and it was random. It could have been any one of our children.
Leicester Square stabbing: Man accused of attempted murder of girl, 11, on Taylor Swift concert trip in court
The BBC have not even reported it.
The reason is obvious : he’s not a white, right-wing male who the far-Left BBC despise, his name is Ioan Pintaru – which means he is almost certainly a Romanian immigrant.
Proving once again beyond any doubt that the BBC only care about who did the stabbing and whether it can be used for their own political agenda. They don’t give a shit about the victims.
I imagine there will be much high-fiving at the BBC.
Yay, we finally found a white supremacist. And he’s even doing a Nazi salute, hallelujah.
From now on he will be constantly dredged up to demonstrate a false equivalency between the thousands of islamic terrorists and the one, solitary white ‘terrorist’ – who, by the way, was only provoked to extreme action by the extreme inaction of the authorities. He is a REACTION to the problem, not the CAUSE.
And he will be used as an excuse to further crack down on free speech and for even more draconian laws against so-called islamophobia.
“The young girl, who cannot be named due to her age, was on holiday in the UK for a “dream” trip to see Taylor Swift in concert when she was stabbed, at just after 11.30am on August 12 last year”
“Even the Army has come under fire for its manly culture. This led the then Chief of the Defence Staff, Nick Carter, to defend ‘laddish culture’. ‘Part of the reason we encourage a laddish culture’, he said, is because ‘ultimately our soldiers have to go close and personal with the enemy’.
You know the world has gone fully nuts when even the young men who give their all to defend the nation are looked up as a little too laddish.
When it comes to protecting Britain, give me a brawny bloke who tells un-PC jokes over any of those post-lad snowflakes who will melt into a puddle of tears if a sergeant major so much as raises his voice.
The turn against masculinity has hit our schools, too. Last year the Family Education Trust found that a third of England’s secondary schools teach kids about ‘toxic masculinity’.
Boys are essentially being told at an impressionable age that it’s ‘problematic’ to be a bloke. What a dispiriting message. And a dangerous one, too.
The more we tell boys that masculinity is a risky, even poisonous thing, the more likely they are to go looking for public figures who take a more ‘pro-masculinity’ view.
They end up following truly nefarious individuals such as Andrew Tate, the social-media personality whose idea of manliness is getting rich, being greedy and mistreating women.
That’s the dark irony of the cultural crusade against masculinity – it could end up driving more young men into a virtual underworld that really is sexist and stupid.
The truth is that we need masculinity. It is a good thing. Being confident, strong, daring, valiant, even having a dash of arrogance – these are virtues that make the world go round.
Look at LA right now. Brave, hulking men are fighting day and night to put out one of the the worst wildfires we have ever seen.
It brings to mind something that the great contrarian feminist Camille Paglia said way back in 1995: ‘All it will take is one natural disaster… then, the only thing holding this culture together will be masculine men of the working class.’ ”
I wonder if the Russian and Chinese military are encouraged to develop their “feminine side.”
Oh, and also the Islamic fighting force.
The West needs to develop MORE male swagger if it is to survive.
Our enemies are watching and waiting while our survival instinct ebbs away.
Bri-ant of da valleeze
Yeah. Makes yer fink dunnit?
The inauguration on Monday is starting form a list of rubbish not going to it – Michelle Obama , Nancy the insider dealer and OAC have cried off . The spare seats have not been offered to British Marxist politicians …..personally I’d like to see mr Putin there …
Btw – the bbc reports he has banged up 3 ‘lawyers ‘ for years for political crimes – he’s learning from TTK ….
Hang on Fed. Isn’t “mr Putin” a communist?
Lefty – no he is a KGB officer always was – always will be – but if he could cut a deal with the Donald over Ukraine it might save British taxpayers some serious cash …. I think everyone is totally fed up with Ukraine now – which was inevitable ….
And I can’t see Vlad trying it on with a NATO state with a real president in place …. As long as those states pay their way of course ….
So KGB officers are not Communists? Well, well, well.
Even at my advanced age I am learning new things.
Tomorrow I will buy a violin.
Move over Yehudi I’m coming to steal your crown!
Lefty the KGB supported the KGB within the State – which at the time was communist . When that failed – they just took over the State for their own benefit and ‘mother Russia ‘. – and it’s why Putin has never been threatened by anyone else …
I hope that you are right sir.
On this site at least we are permitted to disagree without being enemies so many thanks for that.
Long Live Biased BBC!
Left – I’ve committed the sin of straying way off the subject of the BBC . My read of the soviet state and evolution of their security apparatus isn’t for here …
While Labour play whack-a-mole with attempts to launch a national rape grooming gang enquiry, another potentially even bigger pile of shit starts to surface….I understand it involves the Bradford area….
There will be only so long before they have to accept the situation is dire with growing voices clammering for action becoming too serious to ignore and cave in their inexplicable opposition whatever the consequences are for anyone involved…..
Might be worth taking a look at many other conurbations in the Midlands and North while they are at it!
“He said: “Bradford is a big, big issue for me. I’ve been trying to persuade Bradford Council to implement a Jay-style enquiry for two-years without getting anywhere. I think Bradford is going to be bigger than Rotherham when it all comes out.”
“There is also a far bigger Asian population in Bradford than these other areas – I don’t want to stereotype the whole situation but we have to face facts that these guys involved are from that kind of background. It stands to reason that Bradford is hiding a massive issue and this needs to be exposed.”
Were I a UK labour Pol, I’d worry. A lot.
How To Avoid Harmfully Stereotyping A Muslim Immigrant Who Is Assaulting You
Anyhoo, seems that you can get government approved training at only £1000 a day. Oh, and like the BBC, it is compulsory.
Bulgaria! Bulgaria?
“Every child deserves to have safe and loving family-based care. That’s why
and I are in Bulgaria today, to kick-start a new global campaign to reform children’s social care – working to end the institutionalisation of children.”
David Lammy
Making sure every child grows up in a safe and loving family environment is personal to me.
It is great to be working with
on reforming children’s social care around the world.
reforming children’s social care around the world.
reforming children’s social care around the world.
reforming children’s social care around the world.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”
In my view the responsibility to ensure that every child grows up in a loving family based environment lies with the parents not with the sodding nanny state which has anyway in many cases totally failed in the endeavour.
Thankfully my 4 boys bear out my view on the matter.
Has JezBo scrambled BBC verify?
In Canada the Muslims are upset at some enhanced graffiti
The vicious, vindictive far left media:
“Jury finds that CNN committed defamation against Navy veteran, awards punitive damages.
Young alleged that CNN smeared him by implying he illegally profited when helping people flee Afghanistan on the “black market” during the Biden administration’s military withdrawal from the country in 2021. Young believes CNN “destroyed his reputation and business” by branding him an illegal profiteer” who exploited “desperate Afghans” during a November 11, 2021, segment that first aired on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”
The decision comes after three-plus years of litigation and a wild, sometimes chaotic, eight-day trial. 14th Judicial Circuit Court Judge William S. Henry, who presided over the trial in Bay County, Florida, previously ruled that Young “did not act illegally or criminally” despite what the network reported on air.
“In another message, that person offering those evacuations, Zachary Young, he wrote, ‘Availability is extremely limited, and demand is high’… he goes on to say, ‘That’s how economics works, unfortunately,’” Marquardt told viewers.
Tapper responded, “Unfortunately, hmm,” before thanking Marquardt for the report.
The phone call became a point of contention during the trial, as the plaintiff suggested Marquardt didn’t really place a call to Young and behind-the-scenes footage of the segment showed Marquardt joking it was “theater” to colleagues.
Young’s legal team obtained damning CNN internal messages through discovery repeatedly showing staffers expressing overt hostility towards the Navy veteran. Among those presented to the jury include one calling him a “shitbag” an “a–hole” one saying he has a “punchable face.”
Marquardt’s own message telling a colleague “we’re gonna nail this Zachary Young mf—er” was often cited throughout the trial.
CNN issued an on-air apology on March 25, 2022, when substitute anchor Pamela Brown was sitting in Tapper’s chair. However, several CNN staffers who took the witness stand said he didn’t feel the apology was necessary and Adam Levine testified that the apology was only issued for legal purposes. ”
Starmer visits Auschwitz
Quotes from him about how moving the experience was – unlikely as he’s dead inside .
Quickly moves on talk of a treaty with Poland that
” would see both countries working together to protect Europe from Russian aggression ”
Comically the article doesn’t mention that it was the Russian army who liberated Auschwitz.
Starmers thinking ‘I wouldn’t abuse my power like Hitler if I got total control’.
Aid: ‘We caught a right-wing protestor watching other people riot Kier. What should we do ?’
Kier: Put him in a concentration camp.
Aid: We can’t : we don’t fully control the police or the media yet.
Kier: OK, lock him up for 2 years under some ambiguous charge which covers anything. Make sure the Judge is on our list and tell him what to do. No jury.
Hitler only turned the way he did once things didn’t go his way. It was the final solution.
Put Starmer back in the 1930’s and we would see the real monster.
Eddy Booth ,
Who’s the Woman ……..is she a standin for Lord Ali ?
Starmer has no empathy….so is this just another photo opportunity like the Southport failure .
Makes a change from the Muslim girl who followed Corbyn around with an umberella. It got a BAME in every picture of course – but Corbyn was too shallow to realise she was basically his slave girl.
I’ll never forget how he bedded Diane Abbot then brought his friends round and showed her to them her still in his bed to virtue-signal how he is so not racist, he shagged a thick, fat black woman.
I do miss Corbyn. He couldn’t hide it like Obergruppenführer Starmer. Barneir wrote admiringly in his book about Starmer being so sly and devious, he would go far.
He ll be getting ideas about what to do with the British ‘Far Right ‘…. He is already starting the process – suspending elections this summer across the country to stop Reform – not many steps before his enemies are cancelled …
Exactly how ‘National Socialism’ works fed.
Remove the opposition before you show your true hand. Because then nobody can do anything about it.
It has been ‘in-progress’ since COVID here. With the BBC fully complicit as a key player.
Socialism world wide has failed the human race.
So it is time for the Socialists to take the knee for their denigration
of free enterprise for so long.
R4 was telling us how brilliant, if odd, Diogenes was…
‘Naomi Alderman investigates the eccentric brilliance of Diogenes. ‘
Much like Mark Easton thinks we need to celebrate the radical extremism of Islamists apparently the odd genius of Diogenes must be celebrated in other extremists…..the last thought of the programme was that maybe throwing soup on a iconic painting was very diogenes…ie maybe we should celebrate Just Stop Oil and their vandalism.
I imagine they think they are being clever slipping in such a comment but it gives away what we always new and thought abut the BBC and the bulk of its employees.
‘If women ran every country in the world there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes, former US President Barack Obama has said.’
Lol…Zuckerberg makes a comment on Rogan [amusing that the BBC is not just tracking Musk but also everything Zuck now that he has turned to the dark side] and the BBC goes into meltdown….unlike the praise they lavished on Obama for the above.
‘When Mark Zuckerberg appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast last week he said that the corporate world has moved away from masculine energy and is “pretty culturally neutered.” A culture that “celebrates aggression” can be positive, he claimed. ‘
Woman’s Hour was of course outraged and wheeled in a gay man who’d never worked with other men …no guesses as to his opinion…or indeed the opinions of anyone else on the outrage…Zuck is some kind of white supremacist patriarchal dinosaur.
Essentially this was the narrative…
”In a world where violence against women and girls is rife,’ wailed a commentator at the Independent, ‘why not add more toxic masculinity to the mix?”
‘AntiSocial’ discussed it in depth later on….the pro-Zuck speaker being constantly challenged and countered.
It’s curious women and their attributes are celebrated and held up for admiration, the BBC so often telling us the world would be a better place if women ran it, and yet when someone suggest maybe male traits channelled positively would be beneficial they are advocating a dangerous slide back to the 19th century where men ran everything and women knew their place.
‘Business is more profitable. Governments are more representative. Families are stronger, and communities are healthier. There is less violence – and more peace, stability and sustainability…. women communicate differently, that they listen, encourage dialogue, and build consensus.
Studies also show that women also lead differently than men. They’re more likely to be collaborative, inclusive and team-oriented, all characteristics that tend to be effective, particularly in today’s less-hierarchical, fast-paced, innovation-driven world.
Empowering women isn’t just the right thing, it’s the necessary thing. And because women are increasingly ruling, the world is changing for the better.’
Oh…and men don’t care about their kids or grandkids…
‘Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, says that women also bring an inter-generational perspective to their work. “We need to take decisions now that will make for a safer world for our grandchildren and their grandchildren, and I think women are more likely to do that when they come into positions of leadership.”‘
‘If women ran every country in the world there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes, former US President Barack Obama has said.’ That is a view but the outcomes are far from certain. I have a hypothesis that over the last 40 years the UK decision taking environment has shifted from one of fact to one of emotion. Emotion is important but countries have to be tethered in decisions taken on fact. It may be that the greater dominance of women in UK decision taking is introducing more emotion into decision taking. A successful society has to have a process of evaluation of its decision taking process, and when it happens it will be interesting to evaluate the impact of that change. Barack believes that living standards would rise. I am not so sure.
There’s a simpler explanation, aside from the merits of female leaders. Obama once stated in an interview his fantasy of having a third term by pulling the strings in the background behind someone else; which some might argue happened during the Biden presidency! He could get a fourth or even fifth term if the Democrats adopt Michelle as their candidate for 2028 and 2032.
When it came to pushing in ahead of Hillary Clinton for the 2008 nomination, Obama seemed less convinced of the value of female leadership. He didn’t have a female VP either, twice preferring the useless Biden, who represented no threat to him. I suspect that, like all narcissists, he enjoys being at the centre of things and would happily be POTUS for life; a bit like a monarch!
So is Obama simply making a pitch for female voters? And what price Michelle to run in 2028?
pug, look at the Criminal Cases Review Commission for example. Their Chairwoman was forced to resign this week. Prior to that other failed female CEOs Alison Rose for example, heading NatWest Group and Sharon White CEO (and some would say ruinor) of John Lewis. Barak Obama needs to think again!
The devil is in the detail with the BBC; the nuance is in the syntax.
They could plausibly argue that this headline is merely factual: “Ukrainian talk of victory fades as Trump returns”.
But I would argue that it implies that Trump is set to rob those brave Ukrainians of a victory that’s almost within their grasp.
BS. They’re getting slaughtered. And while Russia can go on forever, Ukraine can’t.
I happen to be in touch with a number of Ukrainian families. Every one of them is passionately praying that Trump will bring the warring leaders to the negotiating table and end the bloody war.
Armchair warriors in the West, and in BBC studios, may want it to continue to give Ivan a bloody nose, but Ukrainians do not, especially as they now understand there will have to be a compromise in the end.
That was a strange sound ,oh Biden just soiled his trousers again lol
Retail and Luxury Goods:
Selfridges Group: Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) acquired a 40% stake in Selfridges Group, which operates luxury department stores including Selfridges in the UK, Brown Thomas, and Arnotts in Ireland.
Harrods: The iconic London department store was purchased by the Qatar Investment Authority in 2010 for £1.5 billion.
Aviation and Infrastructure:
Heathrow Airport: The Qatar Investment Authority holds a 20% stake in Heathrow Airport. Additionally, Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Investment Company has considered acquiring a stake, which would position it alongside other Gulf state-backed shareholders.
Energy and Utilities:
TAQA (Abu Dhabi National Energy Company): TAQA has substantial operations in the UK, including assets in the North Sea acquired from BP Netherlands in 2007. Their production in 2016 totaled 137,300 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
Thames Water: The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) previously held a 9.9% stake in Thames Water. However, due to regulatory and operational challenges, ADIA wrote off this investment.
Entertainment and Media:
DNEG Group: The British special effects company, known for films like “Dune: Part Two” and “Oppenheimer,” received a $200 million investment from Abu Dhabi’s United Al Saqer Group, valuing the company at over $2 billion.
Real Estate and Logistics:
Oryx Real Estate Partners: A UK-based investment and asset manager, backed by Saudi investors, acquired a five-acre development site in Milton Keynes to develop a logistics hub.
‘Mayor to be investigated over Taylor Swift tickets’
A totally benign headline I almost skipped over it. But expereince has taught me that such a headline on the BBC is always hiding something and is more than it seems.
And sure enough I discover the headline SHOULD have been:
‘Sadiq Khan to be investigated over Taylor Swift tickets’
It’s just relentless.