LAST WEEK independent journalist Alex Berenson reported that a pre-school child died of ‘cardio-respiratory arrest’ after taking a dose of Moderna’s covid mRNA vaccine during its clinical trials. Despite federal requirements to report all trial information, the company withheld the truth for years as it raked in billions from its covid shots.
Fedup he was the iconic goal hanger! In a way a sporting metaphor for socialism. Let others do the work and then deliver the final blow and take all the plaudits. I am trying to learn!
“The News Quiz” on R4 from 18:30 hit a new low. Host Andy Zaltzman, who I don’t mind when he does cricket statistics on Test Match Special, is the epitome of BBC Lefty metropolitan globalist smugness. His jokes are so predictable that you can see them coming. He described the “climate emergency” [sic] as “harrowing” – I mean, really, Andy? The unfunny show was stuffed full of anti-Trump bias and warnings of the end of democracy in the USA, because of Musk presumably. Does the moronic conformist Andy Z really believe this rubbish? What about Biden, Trudeau and Starmer? Or is he simply a money-grubbing parasite who knows exactly what buttons to push to keep in with the Marxists who run the BBC?
The News Quiz ( and other BBC so called comedy shows) is so predictable that the Beeb don’t need expensive script writers to produce such puerile rubbish. We could do it in five minutes for free saving the TV taxpayers a little but off the mugging by the BBC.
Its easy.
Trump – ha ha stupid.
Farage _ ha ha stupid
Brexit – ha ha, stupid
Starmer _- ha ha not forceful enough
Musk – ha ha not understands complexities about rape gangs
UKIP/ Brexit / Reform voters – ha ha, stupid little people
People who think the BBC is biased – ha ha ignorant
The EU – ha ha not getting the message across its great
The Labour/ LibDims ha ha not winning elections even though they’re right
Etc etc
The pink FT Weekend tops the BBC line-up of print titles online – as the globally-focused newspaper and our globally-focused nationalised broadcaster fret over the Trump/Starmer relationship.
Put the names Starmer and Trump into a four-word headline – that’s your starter for ten – as Bamber Gascoigne used to say on University Challange – then it was Jeremy Paxman and now it’s Amol Rajan
Starmer touts Trump relationship (FT) – your guess is as good as mine – as to what that’s supposed to mean?
Our BBC – for once – are perhaps justified in ‘scare quoting’ that odd word choice: Starmer ‘touts’ Trump relationship and ‘farewell’ Denis Law (BBC) – the second clause in that BBC headline refers to a Scottish footballer getting the final whistle from the big referee in the sky. That’s your top local news story.
The Art of the Deal is a 1987 book credited to Donald J. Trump and journalist Tony Schwartz. Part memoir and part business-advice book (Thank you Wiki – but spare us the snark in the term ‘credited to’ – you don’t usually do that with celeb/ghost writer collabs)
Sir Keir Starmer said he could strike a trade deal with Donald Trump… dismissed as “noises off” Elon Musk’s strident criticism of his leadership… Farage ties shrugged off… Interview with the Finanacial Times – that’s right, folks – our socialist anti-business Starmer playing nicey nicey with the FT – and the FT playing nicey nicey back.
Despite: Labour’s tax plans trigger exodus of millionaires… Huge rise in rich quitting UK since election (Times)
Just yesterday, according to the FT, the Israeli ‘far right’ stood in the way of peace with Hamas: Gaza ceasefire Path cleared to Israel approval – FT headlines are rarely understandably plain English. But we eventually discern: Israel’s security cabinet has endorsed the Gaza ceasefire deal (FT)
The end of woke investing? ESG in the Trump 2.0 era – frets the FT Money column.
Lunch with the FT features: Doris Kearns Goodwin Trump biographer – in case you were wondering: On MSNBC, the presidential historian said voters will have to decide “do we really, really want to go through this again? Doris Kearns Goodwin: ‘I Think It’s Time For Trump To Go’… And I don’t think they’re going to say yes. I really, really don’t.” Kearns Goodwin described Trump’s current message as one of “retribution” against his perceived enemies, a message she believes will ultimately fail when voters go to the polls next fall. (Forbes, June 2023) – other such rank punditry insights no doubt shared with the FT by our Doris over their lunch.
And to cap it all we have the FT’s prime frontpage advertising spot taken by:FT Live The Davos Show
The magic words are ‘stakeholder capitalism’, a concept that WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has been hammering for decades and which occupies pride of place in the WEF’s Great Reset plan from June 2020. The idea is that global capitalism should be transformed so that corporations no longer focus solely on serving shareholders but become custodians of society by creating value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities and other ‘stakeholders’. The way the WEF sees stakeholder capitalism being carried out is through a range of ‘multi-stakeholder partnerships’ bringing together the private sector, governments and civil society across all areas of global governance.
The idea of stakeholder capitalism and multi-stakeholder partnerships might sound warm and fuzzy, until we dig deeper and realise that this actually means giving corporations more power over society, and democratic institutions less.
The plan from which the Great Reset originated was called the Global Redesign Initiative. Drafted by the WEF after the 2008 economic crisis, the initiative contains a 600-page report on transforming global governance. In the WEF’s vision, “the government voice would be one among many, without always being the final arbiter.” Governments would be just one stakeholder in a multi-stakeholder model of global governance. Harris Gleckman, senior fellow at the University of Massachusetts, describes the report as “the most comprehensive proposal for re-designing global governance since the formulation of the United Nations during World War II.”
Who are these other, non-governmental stakeholders? The WEF, best known for its annual meeting of high-net-worth individuals in Davos, Switzerland, describes itself as an international organization for public-private cooperation. WEF partners include some of the biggest companies in oil (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna).
Instead of corporations serving many stakeholders, in the multi-stakeholder model of global governance, corporations are promoted to being official stakeholders in global decision-making, while governments are relegated to being one of many stakeholders. In practice, corporations become the main stakeholders, while governments take a backseat role, and civil society is mainly window dressing.
Perhaps the most symbolic example of this shift is the controversial strategic partnership agreement the United Nations (UN) signed with the WEF in 2019. Harris Gleckman describes this as a move to turn the UN into a public-private partnership, creating a special place for corporations inside the UN.
The multi-stakeholder model is already being built. In recent years, an ever-expanding ecosystem of multi-stakeholder groups has spread across all sectors of the global governance system. There are now more than 45 global multi-stakeholder groups that set standards and establish guidelines and rules in a range of areas. According to Gleckman, these groups, which lack any democratic accountability, consist of private stakeholders (big corporations) who “recruit their friends in government, civil society and universities to join them in solving public problems”.
Multi-stakeholderism is the WEF’s update of multilateralism, which is the current system through which countries work together to achieve common goals. The multilateral system’s core institution is the UN. The multilateral system is often rightly accused of being ineffective, too bureaucratic and skewed towards the most powerful nations. But it is at least theoretically democratic because it brings together democratically elected leaders of countries to make decisions in the global arena. Instead of reforming the multilateral system to deepen democracy, the WEF’s vision of multi-stakeholder governance entails further removing democracy by sidelining governments and putting unelected ‘stakeholders’ – mainly corporations – in their place when it comes to global decision-making.
Put bluntly, multi-stakeholder partnerships are public-private partnerships on the global stage. And they have real-world implications for the way our food systems are organized, how big tech is governed and how our vaccines and medicines are distributed.
In autumn 2021, the UN is set to host the World Summit on Food Systems (FSS) in Rome. This is necessary, given that 3.9 billion people – more than half of the world’s population – are currently battling hunger and malnutrition, even though there is enough food to feed the world. But this year’s summit differs significantly from past UN food summits, embracing ‘multi-stakeholder inclusivity’, in which the private sector has ‘an important role’. A concept note from 2019 showed that the WEF was set to be involved in organising the summit, though it is not now clear what the role of the WEF will be.
“Abandoning pesticides is not on the table. How come?” asks Sofia Monsalve of FIAN International, a human rights organisation focused on food and nutrition. “There is no discussion on land concentration or holding companies accountable for their environmental and labour abuses.” This fits into a bigger picture Monsalve sees of large corporations, which dominate the food sector, being reluctant to fix the production system. “They just want to come up with new investment opportunities.”
FIAN International together with 300 other organizations have expressed their concerns about the multi-stakeholder setup in an open letter to the secretary general of the UN, António Guterres. In a meeting with civil society groups who signed the letter, Amina Mohammed, the UN deputy secretary general, assured them that strong safeguards would prevent a corporate capture of the event, “by allowing only platforms or networks and no single corporation to the summit.”
But for Monsalve, “this only makes it worse. Now corporations can protect their interests and hide behind these platforms because it’s unclear who is in there.” Indeed, a corporate partner list is nowhere to be found on the official website. The FSS organisers were contacted for comment but had not responded by the time of publication.
The signatories to the letter fear that, with corporate involvement in the summit, food will continue to be treated “as a commodity and not as a human right”. If unchanged, industrial food systems will continue to have irreversible impacts on our health and the health of our planet.
Big tech governing big tech
Another landmark in the development of stakeholder capitalism can be found in the Big Tech sector. As a part of his 2020 Roadmap for Digital Cooperation the UN Secretary-General called for the formation of a new ‘strategic and empowered multi-stakeholder high-level body’. Again it’s not easy to find a list of stakeholders but after some digging a long list of ‘roundtable participants’ for the roadmap includes Facebook, Google, Microsoft and the WEF.
Although the functions laid out for this new body are quite vague, civil society organizations fear it will come down to Big Tech creating a global body to govern itself. This risks institutionalising these companies’ resistance against effective regulation both globally and nationally and increasing their power over governments and multilateral organizations. If the body comes to fruition, it could be a decisive victory in the ongoing war GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft) is waging with governments over tax evasion, antitrust rules, and their ever-expanding power over society.
More than 170 civil society groups worldwide have signed another open letter to the secretary general of the UN – this time to prevent the digital governance body from forming. The secretary general was approached for comment but had not replied at the time of publication.
Then there’s COVAX. The COVAX initiative aims to “accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world”. That, again, sounds wonderful, especially given the staggering inequalities in vaccination levels between rich and developing countries.
But why is the World Health Organization (WHO), which is part of the UN, not calling the shots? “Countries together, through multilateral agencies like the WHO, were supposed to take decisions about global health issues, with maybe some technical support by others,” says Sulakshana Nandi from NGO People’s Health Movement, which has recently brought out a Policy Brief on COVAX.
COVAX was set up as a multi-stakeholder group by two other multi-stakeholder groups, GAVI (the Vaccine Alliance) and CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), in partnership with the WHO. Both GAVI and CEPI have strong ties with the World Economic Forum (which was one of the founders of CEPI) as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and both are also connected to companies like Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson through manufacturer partnerships (GAVI) or as ‘supporters’ (CEPI). Even though COVAX is funded predominantly by governments, it is these corporate-centred coalitions that are overseeing its roll-out.
The contrast between the multi-stakeholder approach and a ‘classic’ multilateral one came to the surface when South Africa and India proposed the so-called TRIPS waiver at the end of last year. They requested a temporary lifting of intellectual property rules on all COVID-19 technologies in order to boost the manufacturing and distribution of vaccines and other essential medical products in mainly developing countries. WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a speech that he backed the proposal. “But GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – even Bill Gates himself – and Big Pharma opposed this proposal very strongly,” said Nandi. “It’s more important for them to protect their interests and market mechanisms than to protect universal health or protect people from COVID.” The WHO was approached for comment but has not replied.
Again, there is a stark choice between a human rights-led approach carried out by the UN and a profit-led approach carried out by multistakeholder bodies representing the interests of corporations. In the case of COVAX – which is failing to meet its modest aim of vaccinating 20% of the populations of low- and middle-income countries – the former has won out.
Stake out stakeholder capitalism
So even if the WEF (or Bill Gates) is not responsible for the COVID pandemic, even if the vaccines are not laced with microchips to control our thoughts, something fishy really is going on in the realm of global governance. If you value your right to public health, to privacy, to access healthy food or to democratic representation, be wary of the words ‘stakeholder capitalism’ when they pop up at the next Davos summit.
The WEF was approached for comment on the issues raised in this article, but had not replied at the time of publication.”
About as ‘current’ as you can get for UK news. Nowhere to be seen on the BBC news site.
Here they are:
They got between 6.5 and 9 years in jail.
Just get that into perpective : these men groomed and raped 13 year old girls and passed them between them like sex slaves. 6.5 years.
Meanwhile a while right-wing male attending the Southport riots got 2 years. For not doing anything illegal at all except being there.
And at the top we get:
‘The men are the latest of eight defendants who have been jailed in relation to the abuse of the two girls, it can now be reported.’
Why can it only ‘now be reported’ ?. I don’t see this for any other crimes. What’s so special about historic cases of Muslims raping young girls which means we must not be told about it ?.
We need a full inquiry into all of this. Including the corruption of the judges and their political masters who should be jailed themselves for what they have done in the name of the failed multicultural experiment.
I know that there are some folks in the site who study the energy security of the country closely and they probably know everything that there is to know but I found the UnHerd podcast of UK blackouts very interesting.
The complications of attempting to switch to renewables are even more severe than I knew and are well explained in the podcast. I had never believed such a switch was necessary and knew it was going to be very expensive and technically difficult.
After watching the podcast I think that it is totally impossible and lunatic to even try. The democratic process will take a heavy toll on those who try to force it on the country. Another big vote winner for Reform.
“Jimmy Mizen’s mother slams his killer as ‘heartless’ after drill rapper who shamelessly boasted about violent murder of altar boy in lyrics is hauled back to jail for breaching parole.
Jake Fahri, also known as drill rapper TEN, was handed a life sentence in 2009 with a minimum term of 14 years for killing Jimmy by throwing an oven dish at him and was released in June 2023.
It emerged the killer was being looked into for gloating in rap videos about the altar boy’s murder, including with the line: ‘Watched him melt like Ben and Jerry’s.’
However, the 35-year-old was arrested by the Met Police on Thursday after facing calls that he breached his license by seeming to reference his offences in lyrics and filming a rap video inside a police-enforced exclusion zone.
Hours after the arrest, it was claimed on his social media that Jimmy and his brother started the fatal altercation – going against the evidence given in court.
Jimmy’s mother, Margaret Mizen, has now slammed the rapper as ‘heartless’.
She told The Sun: ‘It saddens me it could be so heartless. So much has happened in the last 48 hours. I need to sit with my family and digest what’s been going on. But what he’s said is making me feel a little bit sad.’
It comes after Jimmy’s family criticised the BBC after it played several of Fahri’s tracks on the radio. ”
Nice to see the Germans adopting the British model of censorship / cancelling / prosecuting / punishing .. in the name of ‘ community cohesion ‘ ( a euphemism for Islamic domination )…
Greedy far left union bstards, £70,000 a year for a 4 day week driving a train is not enough:
“15% rise? Train drivers say they want MORE than inflation-busting increases they were handed last summer.
Train drivers will demand a bigger pay rise this year than the inflation-busting increases they were handed last summer, unions warned yesterday.
Mick Whelan, boss of militant Aslef, said drivers wanted more than the 15 per cent given to them last July by then-transport secretary Louise Haigh.
He added proposed changes to drivers’ terms and conditions would come at a cost.
It raises the prospect of fresh strikes just six months after Labour agreed to the backdated increase spread over three years up to 2024-25.
The deal took the average drivers’ salary to just under £70,000 for a four-day week and sparked accusations that Labour had caved in to the demands of union paymasters.
It was agreed just weeks after winning the election last July, and included a 5 per cent pay rise for 2022/23, 4.75 per cent for 2023/24 and 4.5 per cent for 2024/25.”
Is that the communist cnut toe-rag that we gave all our tax money to during covid. This so they could drive empty trains around the country for the next two years.
Then as soon as everybody has to get back to work the little bar-stewards go on strike.
Enemies of the Realm
Enemies of the Realm
Enemies of the Realm
Goodness me !. 10 minutes !. What cataclysmic event was due in 10 minutes which they avoided by the skin of their teeth ?.
‘Literally, negotiations were up until 10 minutes before the press conference.’
Oh. A press conference.
I will now make another of my predictions : Hamas will break the ceasefire, Israel will retaliate and the BBC headline will be
‘Israel bomb Gaza as ceasefire crumbles’.
Note it will deliberately infer Israel broke it with their usual weasel wordswhich don’t actually say it and in the article it will say that Israel claim Hamas broke it first – but the BBC will do everything they can to infer that might not be true. Even thought they know full well it is.
We’ve seen the same thing a hundred times now at the shamelessly anti-semetic BBC.
“Hamas, already reeling from Israel’s killing of its leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza two months earlier, had become increasingly isolated. Its Lebanon-based ally Hezbollah had been decimated and had agreed to a truce with Israel. ”
Plain Hezbollah ?
BBC always used to add the prefix POWERFUL, looking forwards to Israel getting into trouble.
That will be like the Palestine people in October 2023 lining the streets in Gaza City cheering the pickup truck with the body of the naked, tortured, raped, murdered, young German girl.
The inauguration circus is about to begin . So I’ve been trying to work out how starmer and the other Marxists will try to benefit from President Trump being in office ….
Let’s face it – the UK won’t feature too highly in what the Trump regime wants to do – but it knows the governing regime is completely hostile ….
I think starmer will use the distancing from the US as a mechanism to get even closer to the EU than now –
And I think the vitriol against Trump – which has been an unthinking 6th form hobby of Labour will build again – aided by the BBC SKY and the like .
Britain will continue on its ‘ downward course of being a third world broken backwater. The US economy will strengthen as Trump gets to grip with the democrat institutions … roll back green and woke crap .
Threats on the use of sanctions will continue – and someone will sooner or later be on the actual receiving end . If it is the UK – because of the failing human rights record – imprisonment of dissidents – protection of Muslim rapist for electoral purposes – then that will also be used by starmer to rejoin the EU and finally destroy Britain as a recognisable country .
I agree. Winding up Trump and antagonising US relations will result in rejoining the EU being much more easily justified. Why would Smarmer keep Lammentable, a wooden dolt Foreign Secretary who openly insulted Trump?
My solution to the Gaza situation.. . . open to Gaza / Egyptian border and push the whole lot over. Then seal the border and turn Gaza into an eco park.
I was just thinking of flattening Gaza but the eco park is a better idea – Egypt is bound to welcome brother Muslims ….
…. Being a bit jaded about politics – I am concerned about the heightened expectations of the Trump government in the face of the Obama resistance ….
The likes of the BBC will seek out division and ‘failure ‘… luckily president trump has 8 years of combat experience and was successful in his first term – including the Abraham accords which could have brought real peace and prosperity in the region … something the BBC Marxists ignored …
I for one am hoping his official portrait reflects the change in his attitude and he sorts out the swamp much more agressively than he did the first time.
God knows they deserve it after the outrageous political persecution we have witnessed against him and his supporters (unreported by the BBC of course).
I could click to read on, but that might activate an an alert in Belfast.
Not clear whose neck it was, but presuming child’s.
The possible not them Getty image in question inspires some CSI:W1A questions for our ordnance team experts.
The round in question looks substantial, likely not hand gun, so high velocity. How does that lodge in a neck? And if a ricochet from within or off exterior, how so intact?
From Our BBC
Raids to detain and deport migrants living in the US without permission are set to begin on the first full day of the new Trump administration, US media report.
The operations – threatened by Donald Trump’s “border tsar” Tom Homan – could begin in Chicago.
Why use the word “Threatened” shouldn’t that be “Promised” ?
The BBC simply cannot bring themselves to use the word ‘illegal’ for these immigrants.
They deliberately miss it out when it is very, very relevant to the story because they want you to think they are innocent victims.
BBC news is putting out an appeal to find the breeders of 3 babies who dumped them separately over a number of years in the same bit of londonistan – which the bbc describes as ‘ east London ‘ – it is – I think – newham – south of the A13 …
Anyway the BBC doesn’t mention anything about these ‘offspring ‘ but sky shows a picture of one with distinctly African features ….
Some might think adding the negro description might help identify the breeders . But the BBC left it out ….
Often it’s about what isn’t mentioned – no mention of paki race gangs – no mention of tulip or Labour MPs convicted of assault – -the subjects ? AI – yawn – jam tomorrow or never … in 10 years apparently the ‘digital assistant ‘ will remind you of ‘anniversaries ‘ .. wow – and then Latin . Yes Latin . A dead blue party deleted politician wants ‘Latin ‘.._ – far more important than paki rape gangs …
Watching Fox News on YouTube – bits of the end of Biden are starting to come out such as Obama being disappointed not to have an aircraft carrier named after him like every one else -…
This Brazilian ship went from being a slaver ship called Henrietta to a slave-chaser after she was captured by the Royal Navy in 1827.
The Royal Navy renamed her after an English song of the same name and signed her to the West Africa Squadron. She became the most famous ship that hunted slave ships and freed all of those enchained onboard.
Declared no longer fit for sail, she was decommissioned in 1832 because of her timber being rotten.
When the Admiralty ordered the famous slave chaser to be burned, Peter Leonard, a surgeon on HMS Dryard said of HMS Black Joke:
“[She] has done more towards putting an end to the vile traffic in slaves than all the ships of the station put together.”
All that remains of the famous slave-chaser is an envelope full of her burned timbers in The National Archives.
HMS Terrible
There have been eight ships named Terrible in the service of the Royal Navy. The first one had 26 guns and was launched in 1694.
Back then the word had a different meaning than it does now. A ship that was terrible would arouse fear or terror in the eyes of the enemy.
The name hasn’t aged well. The definition still applies today but has morphed into being synonymous with anything that is awful, lousy or outright bad.
The name was particularly popular in the 18th century. During that period three ships have had the formidable name.
That wasn’t the only thing the ships had in common, they were all third rate ships bearing 74 guns. However, only one of them initially was a French navy ship named Le Terrible that was captured by the British fleet, under Admiral Sir Edward Hawke and became HMS Terrible in 1753. ”
And for our illustrious leader and some of his more notable mob maybe:
“[HMS] Happy Entrance
A middling ship from Tudor times before the official use of “His or Her Majesty’s ship.”
Happy Entrance was launched in 1619 and destroyed in a fire in 1658.
Not much is known about the ship apart from her classification as a third rate ship which at that time was defined as those ships having at least 200 but not more than 300 men.
The Tudor ship belonged to the last generation of ships that had their classification defined by the number of men and not guns.
By the 1660s third rate ships mounted between 48 and 60 guns. By the turn of the century, the criteria had grown and third rate carried more than 60 guns, with second rates having between 90 and 98 guns, while first rates had 100 guns or more.
Even though second and first rate ships were bigger and more powerful, third rate ships were often more successful due to being faster and easier to manoeuvre while still packing enough firepower to take down a first rater. “
Our fascist anti semitic favourite minorty marching again today and initially refusing to move away from a synogogue, in direct opposition to police in London…
Now they have complied, or some of them have….others still want to attack jews going to their place of worship:
Let’s see what happens…
“Pro-Palestine protesters prepare for London rally as Met puts 1,000 officers on the streets and bans marchers from approaching synagogue.
The force also said a woman had been arrested for inciting others to breach the force’s restrictions.
A 61-year-old woman was arrested on Friday on suspicion of inciting others to breach Public Order Act conditions after she was allegedly heard at a rally on January 10 encouraging other protesters to do so, police said.
The Met said further investigations into other allegations of inciting people to breach conditions are ongoing.”
They play the victim when prevented from intimidating jews:
The PSC described the Met’s conditions as ‘repressive’, saying: ‘We reiterate our call for the police to lift the repressive restrictions they have imposed and allow us to march.
‘If they continue to refuse to do so and prevent us from marching, we will rally on Whitehall in protest.’
“Police have powers under the Act to insisted the route of a protest march should be altered to prevent ‘intimidation, serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community’.
In a statement, the police said it had considered the ‘cumulative impact’ of regular protests over a prolonged period that have taken place on Saturdays and ‘on numerous occasions’ in the vicinity of synagogues.”
I notice on the bBC webshite that there has been a major incident with Welsh Water and 40,000 odd people have no potable water. This happened recently in SW Water’s area along with stories of dividends and executive bonuses and other socialist drivel. Bizarrely the Welsh Water report sticks to facts probably on the grounds that it is better to have no water from a not for profit organisation. It tastes better when you cannot taste the profit.
The socialists came up with a public money give away back in 2002 . Any kid born between 2002 – 2011 got a hand out of £1000 into a trust paying out at – I think 18.
But they are so feckless as to not know about it – which leaves just undervalued billion unclaimed . No question of it being used to fill the 22 billion black hole of course – no – just ‘plans’ to give the money to these kid ults whether they want it or not …very socialist ….
… and in another totally blatant racist agenda piece, the BBC only include a picture of the victim. Pictures of the killer are freely available and as the whole article is about him, they have no excuse for not using his instead.
You will, of course, understand why they didn’t when you see him:
In Trump’s first term, his staff were underqualified and didn’t know that the civil servants left behind from the Obama years were lying to them.
In this egregious example, career DOL employees simply lied and then proved they were lying the day Biden came into power.
Of course, once Bliar had politicised the civil service, the whole rotten lot were embedded.
There was once slim chance, Boris, you sweaty thick corrupt oik, and you utterly Horlicksed it.
It will be interesting to see who / how many are invited to the Trump inauguration … Kate Hoey is on the list as is – it seems Lawrence Fox … no starmer – no mandelson – presumably William Windsor will represent Charles …
The inauguration is now to take place in one of the buildings ‘entered by J6 protesters ‘ which has a sort of symmetry to it . I really hope President Trump pardons them all – even the under cover FBI types who orchestrated the protest ….
.. I bet a lot of files are being deleted this weekend …
“Ms Vince’s lawyers told the court her ex was giving away matrimonial assets, of which she should be entitled to half, including £5.4m in donations to the Labour Party.”
Anti Trump protesters gather in Washington, sometimes no need for words….
But maybe some from the bard:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
I was watching an episode of Grantchester the other day. Not BBC, but ITV are just as woke.
Set in 1960, in a Cambridge which seems bizarrely multicultural for the time. One of the suspects was a mixed race girl, which went unremarked. It must have been so common back then.
But it was not the racial nonsense which bothered me, because that is just par for the course these days. No, I was struck by a meeting the vicar had with his bishop. He was Scottish. Now, I may be mistaken, but I was under the impression that Scotland has its own church, It’s even called the Church of Scotland. Why do the programme makers suppose a Scottish man would be a bishop in the Church of England? It’s just so jarring.
Anyway, that’s the last episode I shall be watching. Apparently the white vicar is being replaced by an Indian one. In 1960. Not for me, I have decided not to watch programmes which crowbar members of the global majority into British life at times when this just would not have happened. It’s a small protest, but I feel better for it.
I wonder how the new BAME vicar will get on with the former curate who just happens to be gay?
I’m sure we can expect a wheelchair using transgender person in a few episodes time. Or a drag queen. Or a dwarf maybe. No they already have one of those on Silent Witness.
The Cambridge police already have a female administrator/crime fighter with one arm. Not impossible for the time, perhaps, but what is, is the way she does not cover up her stump. That is done now, for reasons I do not know. Back then, people were a bit more discreet about displaying damaged body parts, out of consideration for other people. Not something which matters these days.
Greetings from the rural South West.
On the local news, ‘Points West’ we hear a story that the money saved by not upgrading the A303, an only part dualled strategic route from Basingstoke to Taunton avoiding the M4/M5 and crying out for investment by any normal opinion, should be spent on ….you guessed it, rail. Because of course so many families just want to avoid taking their car on their family holiday. Not.
We hear from an advocate. He turns out to be from the Transport Action Network. What the BBC fail to mention is that the T.A.N is just yet another Marxist-Statist group, fiercely against the private car and in favour of collectivised transport.
Yep. Even in the wilds of nowhereseville, miles from a railway line and never having had one, the BBC’s Far Left agenda is alive and kicking.
BBC news featuring an anti Trump demonstration in Washington against his entirely democratically justified inauguration.
My goodness, the coverage showed literally dozens of people there!
That’s good enough for the biased BBC though to run yet another anti-Trump story.
Yes Sluffy, I peered at the various pics chosen by the beeboid shutterstock cubiclists, and decided that while they always magnify and photoshop pics of anything Bamalam or Nutterbiden did, to show ‘thousands’ ata any fete or jamboree they attended, this time, the piccy-fiddlers didn’t have much to work on did they!
It’s laughable that any beeboid with any self-honour does all this crap, they’re seriously deluded!
X suggesting Presidenr Trump will reject mandelson as UK ambassador – im not sure if that be could be done but it would be a great slap down for TTK … maybe he and the rest can be banned from entering the US
Angela Rayner bombshell as Tories claim she ‘asked civil servants to help her move house.’
The Deputy Prime Minister has “breached the ministerial code” by asking civil servants to help with cleaning and moving into Admiralty House, a Tory MP claims.”
Most people recognise that Yvette Cooper’s course of action regarding the ‘grooming gangs’ falls well short of what is required.
With no statutory powers it is toothless.
It looks like an attempt to cover up or whitewash what’s going on with the tens of thousands of little girls getting gang banged.
We want these people who have enabled the gangs, hidden evidence and are part of the cover up to be put in prison.
Is there a case to be made that by avoiding a real national enquiry with statutory powers, Cooper is guilty of being a part of the cover up and she could be charged and put in prison if found guilty.
If the lower down people in the enabling/cover up chain are made to answer questions they will say they were told to do what they did (or didn’t do) by their bosses.
Then next lot, police inspectors, council leaders etc will then say they were told to behave in a certain way by their bosses.
Eventually, the real people behind this shameful scandal will be found to be those at the top. Serving politicians, judges, police commissioners and the like.
That’s why the ‘higher ups’ are doing everything they can to stop the truth getting out. They are the ones doing the covering up, those going down the food chain were “only obeying orders”
We need Maggie Oliver to head this national enquiry with full powers. Nobody else can be trusted.
“Fifty years since the introduction of thalidomide, sold as a “safe” cure for morning sickness in pregnancy, its seriously disabled victims yesterday launched a campaign for greater compensation from the German manufacturer outside the German embassy in London.
At least 3,500 of more than 5,000 babies born with severe deformities are still alive. It is estimated 100,000 babies died in the womb and 10,000 were born with serious disabilities. Half of those died within a year of birth.
The thalidomide scandal rocked the world of medicine and led to major reforms in drug safety testing and licensing. But while victims in some countries have been helped by their governments and companies such as Distillers, which manufactured and sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation.”
sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation
sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation
sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation
“Labour had told the Trump transition team that Sir Keir sending such a senior Labour figure out “is a huge compliment”, however, a source from the other side said: “We are not buying that.”
The Independent reports that a source said the strained relationship between Mr Trump and Sir Keir’s government remains an issue which has “been made worse” by the nomination of Lord Mandelson.
The nominee for the UK ambassador has raised alarm bells due to his connections with China, as he is a strong advocate of close trading and other ties with the country.
“It is quite possible that Mandelson’s credentials could still be rejected,” a source said. “There are serious concerns about his links to China.”
How to change the Left’s minds on migration
By Micheal Deacon in today’s DT – has a brilliant solution on housing the illegal immigrants – and its obvious!! How can they refuse!
“No doubt about the week’s most entertaining story. Last month in Paris, a Left-wing theatre group decided to host a special conference entitled “Reinventing the Welcome for Refugees in France”. And, in a noble demonstration of solidarity, the group offered free tickets to 250 mostly African migrants.
After the conference had ended, however, the migrants point-blank refused to leave. They occupied the theatre – and five weeks later, they’re still in there. Indeed, their numbers have now swollen to over 300, as more and more migrants rush to join them, undeterred by the overcrowding and increasingly unsanitary conditions. As a result, the theatre now faces financial ruin.
Perfect. Aesop himself could not have written a more exquisite fable.
Having said this, I can’t help but feel that these migrants have made a mistake. In any Western European society, the demographic that has the most delusionally gooey view of uncontrolled immigration is the cultural elite. And an experience like this, which for once puts their own livelihoods at risk, might finally cause the scales to fall from their eyes. Which in turn might cause Western European governments to do something about uncontrolled immigration, rather than just make endless empty promises.
Come to think of it, this gives me an idea. If any Calais-based people smugglers happen to be reading this column, I urge them to inform their customers that, once they have successfully crossed the Channel, there is a beautiful and spacious building, slap-bang in the middle of London, where they will all find free accommodation. Its address is Portland Place, W1A 1AA, and its name is Broadcasting House.
If that doesn’t cause BBC journalists to take a more sceptical view of uncontrolled immigration, and stop labelling all those who oppose it as “far-Right”, I don’t know what will.”
Officers arrested 77 people as thousands of pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets of London today – with some carrying signs praising Hamas and others displaying swastikas.
The Metropolitan Police said this was the highest number of arrests the force has seen and that it was in response to the ‘the most significant escalation in criminality’.
Despite the demonstrations initially starting in Whitehall, demonstrators went on to force their way through police lines in a ‘coordinated effort to cause disruption’, police said.
TTK orders arrests to show Trump he is tough on the supporters of Islamic terrorism. … blah blah .. as opposed to turning britanistan into the first fully Islamic state with nuclear weapons ..
I look forward to seeing the prison sentences awarded.
Purely to confirm what I already know about how the government of my country considers me to be the enemy whilst pandering to the Muslims hoping they won’t get upset and behave like they do in the shitholes they came from.
When a REAL far-right football hooligan is arrested, all decent people think he deserved it.
When a Muslim extremist is arrested, the majority of the Muslims are angry that an infidel did it to a Muslim. The offence is irelevant. In fact if it was cold blooded murder based on the teachings of the Koran then I am 100% certain the majority privately agree that the victim deserved it.
media gaslight about basic things all the time.
Usually they conceal that the Regional news slot consistently gets the highest viewership of the day.
by saying since each region has its own edition, so you can’t add them all up.
“Regional news again the most watched programme of the day on BBC1 with 4.1m viewers at 6.30pm
– indeed it attracted the biggest audience across all channels Tuesday
– ITV equivalent half an hour earlier watched by 2.9m,
less than 100k from being most watched programme there too
I didn’t see anyone post about the recent trafficking gang trial
The prosecution just finished but started under the Tories of course
5 had already pleaded guilty
Now 3 of the gang were found guilty of assisting unlawful immigration*
Sentencing in a couple of weeks.
Jozef Kadet, 25, of Manchester,
Redar Curtis, 30, of Kennington, Kent,
Khales Akram Jabar, 44, of Middlesbrough
5 other gang members had previously pleaded guilty to same charge
Mukhlis Jamal Hamadamin, 43, of Stockport,
4 counts (+2 fraud chrges)
His brother, Muhamad Jamal Hamadamin, 27,
3 counts of fraud
Yassen Jalal Mohammed, 43, from Huddersfield
3 counts
Dlawar Omar, 40, from Hull AND Emily Etherington, 37, from Kennington
1 count each
* The entire woke establishment is guilty of assisting illegal immigration anyways
Local news opening item”today a women’s march in Lincoln against the election of TRump”
Leader said Trump is “convicted sex offender”
..But Trump has no such criminal conviction
just a Mickey Mouse CIVIL damages trial
The item was clearly PRasNews for a series of HATE marches against Trump/Farag across the country
Leo Kearse asks
“They didn’t march against rape gangs.
The “UK Women’s March” is against Trump and Farage, neither of whom pose a risk to women.
It’s not for women’s safety – it’s for COMMUNISM ”
Leo adds “As proof that the “UK Women’s March” isn’t about women’s safety – they invited someone convicted of kidnap, torture and attempted murder to speak:”
BBC forgot to mention that
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
On the minute. In the goal. Not even Gary noticed the speed and precision.
Non He had a tendency to hang around the goal when he played for the spurs too … 😎
And I’ve tried to be disciplined to change the thread at 2100 londonistan time
Clearly offside

Eddy you are timed out – a new rule.
Lest we forget…
The ridiculous covid days
Hancock cocked it up!

Moderna and Child:
LAST WEEK independent journalist Alex Berenson reported that a pre-school child died of ‘cardio-respiratory arrest’ after taking a dose of Moderna’s covid mRNA vaccine during its clinical trials. Despite federal requirements to report all trial information, the company withheld the truth for years as it raked in billions from its covid shots.
Fedup he was the iconic goal hanger! In a way a sporting metaphor for socialism. Let others do the work and then deliver the final blow and take all the plaudits. I am trying to learn!
“The News Quiz” on R4 from 18:30 hit a new low. Host Andy Zaltzman, who I don’t mind when he does cricket statistics on Test Match Special, is the epitome of BBC Lefty metropolitan globalist smugness. His jokes are so predictable that you can see them coming. He described the “climate emergency” [sic] as “harrowing” – I mean, really, Andy? The unfunny show was stuffed full of anti-Trump bias and warnings of the end of democracy in the USA, because of Musk presumably. Does the moronic conformist Andy Z really believe this rubbish? What about Biden, Trudeau and Starmer? Or is he simply a money-grubbing parasite who knows exactly what buttons to push to keep in with the Marxists who run the BBC?
The News Quiz ( and other BBC so called comedy shows) is so predictable that the Beeb don’t need expensive script writers to produce such puerile rubbish. We could do it in five minutes for free saving the TV taxpayers a little but off the mugging by the BBC.
Its easy.
Trump – ha ha stupid.
Farage _ ha ha stupid
Brexit – ha ha, stupid
Starmer _- ha ha not forceful enough
Musk – ha ha not understands complexities about rape gangs
UKIP/ Brexit / Reform voters – ha ha, stupid little people
People who think the BBC is biased – ha ha ignorant
The EU – ha ha not getting the message across its great
The Labour/ LibDims ha ha not winning elections even though they’re right
Etc etc
Political bias 10/10, humour 1/10
The art of the deal edition
The pink FT Weekend tops the BBC line-up of print titles online – as the globally-focused newspaper and our globally-focused nationalised broadcaster fret over the Trump/Starmer relationship.
Put the names Starmer and Trump into a four-word headline – that’s your starter for ten – as Bamber Gascoigne used to say on University Challange – then it was Jeremy Paxman and now it’s Amol Rajan
Starmer touts Trump relationship (FT) – your guess is as good as mine – as to what that’s supposed to mean?
Our BBC – for once – are perhaps justified in ‘scare quoting’ that odd word choice: Starmer ‘touts’ Trump relationship and ‘farewell’ Denis Law (BBC) – the second clause in that BBC headline refers to a Scottish footballer getting the final whistle from the big referee in the sky. That’s your top local news story.
The Art of the Deal is a 1987 book credited to Donald J. Trump and journalist Tony Schwartz. Part memoir and part business-advice book (Thank you Wiki – but spare us the snark in the term ‘credited to’ – you don’t usually do that with celeb/ghost writer collabs)
Sir Keir Starmer said he could strike a trade deal with Donald Trump… dismissed as “noises off” Elon Musk’s strident criticism of his leadership… Farage ties shrugged off… Interview with the Finanacial Times – that’s right, folks – our socialist anti-business Starmer playing nicey nicey with the FT – and the FT playing nicey nicey back.
Despite: Labour’s tax plans trigger exodus of millionaires… Huge rise in rich quitting UK since election (Times)
Just yesterday, according to the FT, the Israeli ‘far right’ stood in the way of peace with Hamas: Gaza ceasefire Path cleared to Israel approval – FT headlines are rarely understandably plain English. But we eventually discern: Israel’s security cabinet has endorsed the Gaza ceasefire deal (FT)
The end of woke investing? ESG in the Trump 2.0 era – frets the FT Money column.
Lunch with the FT features: Doris Kearns Goodwin Trump biographer – in case you were wondering: On MSNBC, the presidential historian said voters will have to decide “do we really, really want to go through this again? Doris Kearns Goodwin: ‘I Think It’s Time For Trump To Go’… And I don’t think they’re going to say yes. I really, really don’t.” Kearns Goodwin described Trump’s current message as one of “retribution” against his perceived enemies, a message she believes will ultimately fail when voters go to the polls next fall. (Forbes, June 2023) – other such rank punditry insights no doubt shared with the FT by our Doris over their lunch.
And to cap it all we have the FT’s prime frontpage advertising spot taken by:FT Live The Davos Show
Davos and the WEF:
“The real Great Reset
The magic words are ‘stakeholder capitalism’, a concept that WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has been hammering for decades and which occupies pride of place in the WEF’s Great Reset plan from June 2020. The idea is that global capitalism should be transformed so that corporations no longer focus solely on serving shareholders but become custodians of society by creating value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities and other ‘stakeholders’. The way the WEF sees stakeholder capitalism being carried out is through a range of ‘multi-stakeholder partnerships’ bringing together the private sector, governments and civil society across all areas of global governance.
The idea of stakeholder capitalism and multi-stakeholder partnerships might sound warm and fuzzy, until we dig deeper and realise that this actually means giving corporations more power over society, and democratic institutions less.
The plan from which the Great Reset originated was called the Global Redesign Initiative. Drafted by the WEF after the 2008 economic crisis, the initiative contains a 600-page report on transforming global governance. In the WEF’s vision, “the government voice would be one among many, without always being the final arbiter.” Governments would be just one stakeholder in a multi-stakeholder model of global governance. Harris Gleckman, senior fellow at the University of Massachusetts, describes the report as “the most comprehensive proposal for re-designing global governance since the formulation of the United Nations during World War II.”
Who are these other, non-governmental stakeholders? The WEF, best known for its annual meeting of high-net-worth individuals in Davos, Switzerland, describes itself as an international organization for public-private cooperation. WEF partners include some of the biggest companies in oil (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna).
Instead of corporations serving many stakeholders, in the multi-stakeholder model of global governance, corporations are promoted to being official stakeholders in global decision-making, while governments are relegated to being one of many stakeholders. In practice, corporations become the main stakeholders, while governments take a backseat role, and civil society is mainly window dressing.
Perhaps the most symbolic example of this shift is the controversial strategic partnership agreement the United Nations (UN) signed with the WEF in 2019. Harris Gleckman describes this as a move to turn the UN into a public-private partnership, creating a special place for corporations inside the UN.
The multi-stakeholder model is already being built. In recent years, an ever-expanding ecosystem of multi-stakeholder groups has spread across all sectors of the global governance system. There are now more than 45 global multi-stakeholder groups that set standards and establish guidelines and rules in a range of areas. According to Gleckman, these groups, which lack any democratic accountability, consist of private stakeholders (big corporations) who “recruit their friends in government, civil society and universities to join them in solving public problems”.
Multi-stakeholderism is the WEF’s update of multilateralism, which is the current system through which countries work together to achieve common goals. The multilateral system’s core institution is the UN. The multilateral system is often rightly accused of being ineffective, too bureaucratic and skewed towards the most powerful nations. But it is at least theoretically democratic because it brings together democratically elected leaders of countries to make decisions in the global arena. Instead of reforming the multilateral system to deepen democracy, the WEF’s vision of multi-stakeholder governance entails further removing democracy by sidelining governments and putting unelected ‘stakeholders’ – mainly corporations – in their place when it comes to global decision-making.
Put bluntly, multi-stakeholder partnerships are public-private partnerships on the global stage. And they have real-world implications for the way our food systems are organized, how big tech is governed and how our vaccines and medicines are distributed.
In autumn 2021, the UN is set to host the World Summit on Food Systems (FSS) in Rome. This is necessary, given that 3.9 billion people – more than half of the world’s population – are currently battling hunger and malnutrition, even though there is enough food to feed the world. But this year’s summit differs significantly from past UN food summits, embracing ‘multi-stakeholder inclusivity’, in which the private sector has ‘an important role’. A concept note from 2019 showed that the WEF was set to be involved in organising the summit, though it is not now clear what the role of the WEF will be.
“Abandoning pesticides is not on the table. How come?” asks Sofia Monsalve of FIAN International, a human rights organisation focused on food and nutrition. “There is no discussion on land concentration or holding companies accountable for their environmental and labour abuses.” This fits into a bigger picture Monsalve sees of large corporations, which dominate the food sector, being reluctant to fix the production system. “They just want to come up with new investment opportunities.”
FIAN International together with 300 other organizations have expressed their concerns about the multi-stakeholder setup in an open letter to the secretary general of the UN, António Guterres. In a meeting with civil society groups who signed the letter, Amina Mohammed, the UN deputy secretary general, assured them that strong safeguards would prevent a corporate capture of the event, “by allowing only platforms or networks and no single corporation to the summit.”
But for Monsalve, “this only makes it worse. Now corporations can protect their interests and hide behind these platforms because it’s unclear who is in there.” Indeed, a corporate partner list is nowhere to be found on the official website. The FSS organisers were contacted for comment but had not responded by the time of publication.
The signatories to the letter fear that, with corporate involvement in the summit, food will continue to be treated “as a commodity and not as a human right”. If unchanged, industrial food systems will continue to have irreversible impacts on our health and the health of our planet.
Big tech governing big tech
Another landmark in the development of stakeholder capitalism can be found in the Big Tech sector. As a part of his 2020 Roadmap for Digital Cooperation the UN Secretary-General called for the formation of a new ‘strategic and empowered multi-stakeholder high-level body’. Again it’s not easy to find a list of stakeholders but after some digging a long list of ‘roundtable participants’ for the roadmap includes Facebook, Google, Microsoft and the WEF.
Although the functions laid out for this new body are quite vague, civil society organizations fear it will come down to Big Tech creating a global body to govern itself. This risks institutionalising these companies’ resistance against effective regulation both globally and nationally and increasing their power over governments and multilateral organizations. If the body comes to fruition, it could be a decisive victory in the ongoing war GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft) is waging with governments over tax evasion, antitrust rules, and their ever-expanding power over society.
More than 170 civil society groups worldwide have signed another open letter to the secretary general of the UN – this time to prevent the digital governance body from forming. The secretary general was approached for comment but had not replied at the time of publication.
Then there’s COVAX. The COVAX initiative aims to “accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world”. That, again, sounds wonderful, especially given the staggering inequalities in vaccination levels between rich and developing countries.
But why is the World Health Organization (WHO), which is part of the UN, not calling the shots? “Countries together, through multilateral agencies like the WHO, were supposed to take decisions about global health issues, with maybe some technical support by others,” says Sulakshana Nandi from NGO People’s Health Movement, which has recently brought out a Policy Brief on COVAX.
COVAX was set up as a multi-stakeholder group by two other multi-stakeholder groups, GAVI (the Vaccine Alliance) and CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), in partnership with the WHO. Both GAVI and CEPI have strong ties with the World Economic Forum (which was one of the founders of CEPI) as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and both are also connected to companies like Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson through manufacturer partnerships (GAVI) or as ‘supporters’ (CEPI). Even though COVAX is funded predominantly by governments, it is these corporate-centred coalitions that are overseeing its roll-out.
The contrast between the multi-stakeholder approach and a ‘classic’ multilateral one came to the surface when South Africa and India proposed the so-called TRIPS waiver at the end of last year. They requested a temporary lifting of intellectual property rules on all COVID-19 technologies in order to boost the manufacturing and distribution of vaccines and other essential medical products in mainly developing countries. WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a speech that he backed the proposal. “But GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – even Bill Gates himself – and Big Pharma opposed this proposal very strongly,” said Nandi. “It’s more important for them to protect their interests and market mechanisms than to protect universal health or protect people from COVID.” The WHO was approached for comment but has not replied.
Again, there is a stark choice between a human rights-led approach carried out by the UN and a profit-led approach carried out by multistakeholder bodies representing the interests of corporations. In the case of COVAX – which is failing to meet its modest aim of vaccinating 20% of the populations of low- and middle-income countries – the former has won out.
Stake out stakeholder capitalism
So even if the WEF (or Bill Gates) is not responsible for the COVID pandemic, even if the vaccines are not laced with microchips to control our thoughts, something fishy really is going on in the realm of global governance. If you value your right to public health, to privacy, to access healthy food or to democratic representation, be wary of the words ‘stakeholder capitalism’ when they pop up at the next Davos summit.
The WEF was approached for comment on the issues raised in this article, but had not replied at the time of publication.”
Ministry of truth in fact…. Orwell nailed it again!
Three members of grooming gang which targeted teenage girls in 1990s jailed
About as ‘current’ as you can get for UK news. Nowhere to be seen on the BBC news site.
Here they are:

They got between 6.5 and 9 years in jail.
Just get that into perpective : these men groomed and raped 13 year old girls and passed them between them like sex slaves. 6.5 years.
Meanwhile a while right-wing male attending the Southport riots got 2 years. For not doing anything illegal at all except being there.
And at the top we get:
‘The men are the latest of eight defendants who have been jailed in relation to the abuse of the two girls, it can now be reported.’
Why can it only ‘now be reported’ ?. I don’t see this for any other crimes. What’s so special about historic cases of Muslims raping young girls which means we must not be told about it ?.
We need a full inquiry into all of this. Including the corruption of the judges and their political masters who should be jailed themselves for what they have done in the name of the failed multicultural experiment.
Two of them weren’t in court cos they’ve absconded, thought to have left the country! Keystone cops
I know that there are some folks in the site who study the energy security of the country closely and they probably know everything that there is to know but I found the UnHerd podcast of UK blackouts very interesting.
The complications of attempting to switch to renewables are even more severe than I knew and are well explained in the podcast. I had never believed such a switch was necessary and knew it was going to be very expensive and technically difficult.
After watching the podcast I think that it is totally impossible and lunatic to even try. The democratic process will take a heavy toll on those who try to force it on the country. Another big vote winner for Reform.
Is it this one, Double?
Yes that’s it.
Unfiltered opinions
Alice Weidel to Olaf Scholz: “Germans Will Have to Bear the Damage You Have Done for Decades”
“Jimmy Mizen’s mother slams his killer as ‘heartless’ after drill rapper who shamelessly boasted about violent murder of altar boy in lyrics is hauled back to jail for breaching parole.
Jake Fahri, also known as drill rapper TEN, was handed a life sentence in 2009 with a minimum term of 14 years for killing Jimmy by throwing an oven dish at him and was released in June 2023.
It emerged the killer was being looked into for gloating in rap videos about the altar boy’s murder, including with the line: ‘Watched him melt like Ben and Jerry’s.’
However, the 35-year-old was arrested by the Met Police on Thursday after facing calls that he breached his license by seeming to reference his offences in lyrics and filming a rap video inside a police-enforced exclusion zone.
Hours after the arrest, it was claimed on his social media that Jimmy and his brother started the fatal altercation – going against the evidence given in court.
Jimmy’s mother, Margaret Mizen, has now slammed the rapper as ‘heartless’.
She told The Sun: ‘It saddens me it could be so heartless. So much has happened in the last 48 hours. I need to sit with my family and digest what’s been going on. But what he’s said is making me feel a little bit sad.’
It comes after Jimmy’s family criticised the BBC after it played several of Fahri’s tracks on the radio. ”
Nice to see the Germans adopting the British model of censorship / cancelling / prosecuting / punishing .. in the name of ‘ community cohesion ‘ ( a euphemism for Islamic domination )…
No memes allowed…
Greedy far left union bstards, £70,000 a year for a 4 day week driving a train is not enough:
“15% rise? Train drivers say they want MORE than inflation-busting increases they were handed last summer.
Train drivers will demand a bigger pay rise this year than the inflation-busting increases they were handed last summer, unions warned yesterday.
Mick Whelan, boss of militant Aslef, said drivers wanted more than the 15 per cent given to them last July by then-transport secretary Louise Haigh.
He added proposed changes to drivers’ terms and conditions would come at a cost.
It raises the prospect of fresh strikes just six months after Labour agreed to the backdated increase spread over three years up to 2024-25.
The deal took the average drivers’ salary to just under £70,000 for a four-day week and sparked accusations that Labour had caved in to the demands of union paymasters.
It was agreed just weeks after winning the election last July, and included a 5 per cent pay rise for 2022/23, 4.75 per cent for 2023/24 and 4.5 per cent for 2024/25.”
Here he is, complete with his anti semitic pally supporting symbols around his neck:
Is that the communist cnut toe-rag that we gave all our tax money to during covid. This so they could drive empty trains around the country for the next two years.
Then as soon as everybody has to get back to work the little bar-stewards go on strike.
Enemies of the Realm
Enemies of the Realm
Enemies of the Realm
How historic Gaza deal was sealed with 10 minutes to spare
Goodness me !. 10 minutes !. What cataclysmic event was due in 10 minutes which they avoided by the skin of their teeth ?.
‘Literally, negotiations were up until 10 minutes before the press conference.’
Oh. A press conference.
I will now make another of my predictions : Hamas will break the ceasefire, Israel will retaliate and the BBC headline will be
‘Israel bomb Gaza as ceasefire crumbles’.
Note it will deliberately infer Israel broke it with their usual weasel wordswhich don’t actually say it and in the article it will say that Israel claim Hamas broke it first – but the BBC will do everything they can to infer that might not be true. Even thought they know full well it is.
We’ve seen the same thing a hundred times now at the shamelessly anti-semetic BBC.
“Hamas, already reeling from Israel’s killing of its leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza two months earlier, had become increasingly isolated. Its Lebanon-based ally Hezbollah had been decimated and had agreed to a truce with Israel. ”
Plain Hezbollah ?
BBC always used to add the prefix POWERFUL, looking forwards to Israel getting into trouble.
Never forget, this is what we are dealing with:
The “innocent palestinian civilians” Celebrating the 9 11 terrorist attack on the twin towers:
Fortunately the cease fire will only last a few days – then the BBC will blame president trump for the failure –
Keep going IDF …
BBC blaming?
Guess what..
US grounds SpaceX’s Starship after test flight explosion
Comments are a mix of pointing out it is a classic BBC MDS inaccuracy or borderline brain donors who hate Musk.
Response to Zephir
That will be like the Palestine people in October 2023 lining the streets in Gaza City cheering the pickup truck with the body of the naked, tortured, raped, murdered, young German girl.
The inauguration circus is about to begin . So I’ve been trying to work out how starmer and the other Marxists will try to benefit from President Trump being in office ….
Let’s face it – the UK won’t feature too highly in what the Trump regime wants to do – but it knows the governing regime is completely hostile ….
I think starmer will use the distancing from the US as a mechanism to get even closer to the EU than now –
And I think the vitriol against Trump – which has been an unthinking 6th form hobby of Labour will build again – aided by the BBC SKY and the like .
Britain will continue on its ‘ downward course of being a third world broken backwater. The US economy will strengthen as Trump gets to grip with the democrat institutions … roll back green and woke crap .
Threats on the use of sanctions will continue – and someone will sooner or later be on the actual receiving end . If it is the UK – because of the failing human rights record – imprisonment of dissidents – protection of Muslim rapist for electoral purposes – then that will also be used by starmer to rejoin the EU and finally destroy Britain as a recognisable country .
I agree. Winding up Trump and antagonising US relations will result in rejoining the EU being much more easily justified. Why would Smarmer keep Lammentable, a wooden dolt Foreign Secretary who openly insulted Trump?
My solution to the Gaza situation.. . . open to Gaza / Egyptian border and push the whole lot over. Then seal the border and turn Gaza into an eco park.
I was just thinking of flattening Gaza but the eco park is a better idea – Egypt is bound to welcome brother Muslims ….
…. Being a bit jaded about politics – I am concerned about the heightened expectations of the Trump government in the face of the Obama resistance ….
The likes of the BBC will seek out division and ‘failure ‘… luckily president trump has 8 years of combat experience and was successful in his first term – including the Abraham accords which could have brought real peace and prosperity in the region … something the BBC Marxists ignored …
I for one am hoping his official portrait reflects the change in his attitude and he sorts out the swamp much more agressively than he did the first time.
God knows they deserve it after the outrageous political persecution we have witnessed against him and his supporters (unreported by the BBC of course).
We badly need a Trump of our own.
As it is, we just have a useless fart.
Until then, bang those Haggis pots in Glasgow.
Scots nurse helped save child with bullet in neck
I could click to read on, but that might activate an an alert in Belfast.
Not clear whose neck it was, but presuming child’s.
The possible not them Getty image in question inspires some CSI:W1A questions for our ordnance team experts.
The round in question looks substantial, likely not hand gun, so high velocity. How does that lodge in a neck? And if a ricochet from within or off exterior, how so intact?
Make the Sinai Peninsula Great Again.
From Our BBC
Raids to detain and deport migrants living in the US without permission are set to begin on the first full day of the new Trump administration, US media report.
The operations – threatened by Donald Trump’s “border tsar” Tom Homan – could begin in Chicago.
Why use the word “Threatened” shouldn’t that be “Promised” ?
The BBC simply cannot bring themselves to use the word ‘illegal’ for these immigrants.
They deliberately miss it out when it is very, very relevant to the story because they want you to think they are innocent victims.
BBC news is putting out an appeal to find the breeders of 3 babies who dumped them separately over a number of years in the same bit of londonistan – which the bbc describes as ‘ east London ‘ – it is – I think – newham – south of the A13 …
Anyway the BBC doesn’t mention anything about these ‘offspring ‘ but sky shows a picture of one with distinctly African features ….
Some might think adding the negro description might help identify the breeders . But the BBC left it out ….
Gonna make a great movie …
Week in Westminster
Often it’s about what isn’t mentioned – no mention of paki race gangs – no mention of tulip or Labour MPs convicted of assault – -the subjects ? AI – yawn – jam tomorrow or never … in 10 years apparently the ‘digital assistant ‘ will remind you of ‘anniversaries ‘ .. wow – and then Latin . Yes Latin . A dead blue party deleted politician wants ‘Latin ‘.._ – far more important than paki rape gangs …
Watching Fox News on YouTube – bits of the end of Biden are starting to come out such as Obama being disappointed not to have an aircraft carrier named after him like every one else -…
@ F2:
“HMS Black Joke
This Brazilian ship went from being a slaver ship called Henrietta to a slave-chaser after she was captured by the Royal Navy in 1827.
The Royal Navy renamed her after an English song of the same name and signed her to the West Africa Squadron. She became the most famous ship that hunted slave ships and freed all of those enchained onboard.
Declared no longer fit for sail, she was decommissioned in 1832 because of her timber being rotten.
When the Admiralty ordered the famous slave chaser to be burned, Peter Leonard, a surgeon on HMS Dryard said of HMS Black Joke:
“[She] has done more towards putting an end to the vile traffic in slaves than all the ships of the station put together.”
All that remains of the famous slave-chaser is an envelope full of her burned timbers in The National Archives.
HMS Terrible
There have been eight ships named Terrible in the service of the Royal Navy. The first one had 26 guns and was launched in 1694.
Back then the word had a different meaning than it does now. A ship that was terrible would arouse fear or terror in the eyes of the enemy.
The name hasn’t aged well. The definition still applies today but has morphed into being synonymous with anything that is awful, lousy or outright bad.
The name was particularly popular in the 18th century. During that period three ships have had the formidable name.
That wasn’t the only thing the ships had in common, they were all third rate ships bearing 74 guns. However, only one of them initially was a French navy ship named Le Terrible that was captured by the British fleet, under Admiral Sir Edward Hawke and became HMS Terrible in 1753. ”
And for our illustrious leader and some of his more notable mob maybe:
“[HMS] Happy Entrance
A middling ship from Tudor times before the official use of “His or Her Majesty’s ship.”
Happy Entrance was launched in 1619 and destroyed in a fire in 1658.
Not much is known about the ship apart from her classification as a third rate ship which at that time was defined as those ships having at least 200 but not more than 300 men.
The Tudor ship belonged to the last generation of ships that had their classification defined by the number of men and not guns.
By the 1660s third rate ships mounted between 48 and 60 guns. By the turn of the century, the criteria had grown and third rate carried more than 60 guns, with second rates having between 90 and 98 guns, while first rates had 100 guns or more.
Even though second and first rate ships were bigger and more powerful, third rate ships were often more successful due to being faster and easier to manoeuvre while still packing enough firepower to take down a first rater. “
Lucky they didn’t have any imagination in naming those Gordon Brown aircraft carriers … ‘for sale – hardly used ‘ – 3 week warranty …
Give it a rest.
Our fascist anti semitic favourite minorty marching again today and initially refusing to move away from a synogogue, in direct opposition to police in London…
Now they have complied, or some of them have….others still want to attack jews going to their place of worship:
Let’s see what happens…
“Pro-Palestine protesters prepare for London rally as Met puts 1,000 officers on the streets and bans marchers from approaching synagogue.
The force also said a woman had been arrested for inciting others to breach the force’s restrictions.
A 61-year-old woman was arrested on Friday on suspicion of inciting others to breach Public Order Act conditions after she was allegedly heard at a rally on January 10 encouraging other protesters to do so, police said.
The Met said further investigations into other allegations of inciting people to breach conditions are ongoing.”
Bloody brazen cheek:
They play the victim when prevented from intimidating jews:
The PSC described the Met’s conditions as ‘repressive’, saying: ‘We reiterate our call for the police to lift the repressive restrictions they have imposed and allow us to march.
‘If they continue to refuse to do so and prevent us from marching, we will rally on Whitehall in protest.’
“Police have powers under the Act to insisted the route of a protest march should be altered to prevent ‘intimidation, serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community’.
In a statement, the police said it had considered the ‘cumulative impact’ of regular protests over a prolonged period that have taken place on Saturdays and ‘on numerous occasions’ in the vicinity of synagogues.”
I thought pensions were a savings thing – not from present income…
The report behind the paywall
“A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that pays existing investors with funds collected from new investors.”
I notice on the bBC webshite that there has been a major incident with Welsh Water and 40,000 odd people have no potable water. This happened recently in SW Water’s area along with stories of dividends and executive bonuses and other socialist drivel. Bizarrely the Welsh Water report sticks to facts probably on the grounds that it is better to have no water from a not for profit organisation. It tastes better when you cannot taste the profit.
Money box –
The socialists came up with a public money give away back in 2002 . Any kid born between 2002 – 2011 got a hand out of £1000 into a trust paying out at – I think 18.
But they are so feckless as to not know about it – which leaves just undervalued billion unclaimed . No question of it being used to fill the 22 billion black hole of course – no – just ‘plans’ to give the money to these kid ults whether they want it or not …very socialist ….
Mum fears son’s killer became ‘more aggressive’ in prison
… and in another totally blatant racist agenda piece, the BBC only include a picture of the victim. Pictures of the killer are freely available and as the whole article is about him, they have no excuse for not using his instead.
You will, of course, understand why they didn’t when you see him:

One more example of how racist the BBC are.
In Trump’s first term, his staff were underqualified and didn’t know that the civil servants left behind from the Obama years were lying to them.
In this egregious example, career DOL employees simply lied and then proved they were lying the day Biden came into power.
Of course, once Bliar had politicised the civil service, the whole rotten lot were embedded.
There was once slim chance, Boris, you sweaty thick corrupt oik, and you utterly Horlicksed it.
It will be interesting to see who / how many are invited to the Trump inauguration … Kate Hoey is on the list as is – it seems Lawrence Fox … no starmer – no mandelson – presumably William Windsor will represent Charles …
Surely a couple of sausages could do both?
The inauguration is now to take place in one of the buildings ‘entered by J6 protesters ‘ which has a sort of symmetry to it . I really hope President Trump pardons them all – even the under cover FBI types who orchestrated the protest ….
.. I bet a lot of files are being deleted this weekend …
“Ms Vince’s lawyers told the court her ex was giving away matrimonial assets, of which she should be entitled to half, including £5.4m in donations to the Labour Party.”
10 million for rape report
40 million for wife.
We all knew it, now here’s the proof of complicity between Labour, islamism and grooming gangs.
Share. Cos the BBC sure as hell won’t.
Why isn’t Mark Zuckerberg in jail for treason against the people?
“Zuckerberg says Biden admin people used to call Meta, curse and scream; working with third-party fact-checkers was like ‘1984’”
Is it his company? Why did he not stop it or say no?
Anti Trump protesters gather in Washington, sometimes no need for words….
But maybe some from the bard:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
I was watching an episode of Grantchester the other day. Not BBC, but ITV are just as woke.
Set in 1960, in a Cambridge which seems bizarrely multicultural for the time. One of the suspects was a mixed race girl, which went unremarked. It must have been so common back then.
But it was not the racial nonsense which bothered me, because that is just par for the course these days. No, I was struck by a meeting the vicar had with his bishop. He was Scottish. Now, I may be mistaken, but I was under the impression that Scotland has its own church, It’s even called the Church of Scotland. Why do the programme makers suppose a Scottish man would be a bishop in the Church of England? It’s just so jarring.
Anyway, that’s the last episode I shall be watching. Apparently the white vicar is being replaced by an Indian one. In 1960. Not for me, I have decided not to watch programmes which crowbar members of the global majority into British life at times when this just would not have happened. It’s a small protest, but I feel better for it.
I wonder how the new BAME vicar will get on with the former curate who just happens to be gay?
I’m sure we can expect a wheelchair using transgender person in a few episodes time. Or a drag queen. Or a dwarf maybe. No they already have one of those on Silent Witness.
The Cambridge police already have a female administrator/crime fighter with one arm. Not impossible for the time, perhaps, but what is, is the way she does not cover up her stump. That is done now, for reasons I do not know. Back then, people were a bit more discreet about displaying damaged body parts, out of consideration for other people. Not something which matters these days.
Used to be the long arm of the law. comment ….
Greetings from the rural South West.
On the local news, ‘Points West’ we hear a story that the money saved by not upgrading the A303, an only part dualled strategic route from Basingstoke to Taunton avoiding the M4/M5 and crying out for investment by any normal opinion, should be spent on ….you guessed it, rail. Because of course so many families just want to avoid taking their car on their family holiday. Not.
We hear from an advocate. He turns out to be from the Transport Action Network. What the BBC fail to mention is that the T.A.N is just yet another Marxist-Statist group, fiercely against the private car and in favour of collectivised transport.
Yep. Even in the wilds of nowhereseville, miles from a railway line and never having had one, the BBC’s Far Left agenda is alive and kicking.
BBC news featuring an anti Trump demonstration in Washington against his entirely democratically justified inauguration.
My goodness, the coverage showed literally dozens of people there!
That’s good enough for the biased BBC though to run yet another anti-Trump story.
“thousands” according to the bbc and then they claim it will be “50,000”
Thousands protest against Trump in Washington before inauguration
Not clear if the Photo Ed was on board.
Yes Sluffy, I peered at the various pics chosen by the beeboid shutterstock cubiclists, and decided that while they always magnify and photoshop pics of anything Bamalam or Nutterbiden did, to show ‘thousands’ ata any fete or jamboree they attended, this time, the piccy-fiddlers didn’t have much to work on did they!
It’s laughable that any beeboid with any self-honour does all this crap, they’re seriously deluded!
X suggesting Presidenr Trump will reject mandelson as UK ambassador – im not sure if that be could be done but it would be a great slap down for TTK … maybe he and the rest can be banned from entering the US
And we then find a way of stopping them from re-entering the UK.
Keep Mandelson “on hold” for 4 years!
Trump can just declare Mandelson an illegal alien
Angela Rayner bombshell as Tories claim she ‘asked civil servants to help her move house.’
The Deputy Prime Minister has “breached the ministerial code” by asking civil servants to help with cleaning and moving into Admiralty House, a Tory MP claims.”
Working from home – just not their home!
Most people recognise that Yvette Cooper’s course of action regarding the ‘grooming gangs’ falls well short of what is required.
With no statutory powers it is toothless.
It looks like an attempt to cover up or whitewash what’s going on with the tens of thousands of little girls getting gang banged.
We want these people who have enabled the gangs, hidden evidence and are part of the cover up to be put in prison.
Is there a case to be made that by avoiding a real national enquiry with statutory powers, Cooper is guilty of being a part of the cover up and she could be charged and put in prison if found guilty.
If the lower down people in the enabling/cover up chain are made to answer questions they will say they were told to do what they did (or didn’t do) by their bosses.
Then next lot, police inspectors, council leaders etc will then say they were told to behave in a certain way by their bosses.
Eventually, the real people behind this shameful scandal will be found to be those at the top. Serving politicians, judges, police commissioners and the like.
That’s why the ‘higher ups’ are doing everything they can to stop the truth getting out. They are the ones doing the covering up, those going down the food chain were “only obeying orders”
We need Maggie Oliver to head this national enquiry with full powers. Nobody else can be trusted.
A taste of history …
“Fifty years since the introduction of thalidomide, sold as a “safe” cure for morning sickness in pregnancy, its seriously disabled victims yesterday launched a campaign for greater compensation from the German manufacturer outside the German embassy in London.
At least 3,500 of more than 5,000 babies born with severe deformities are still alive. It is estimated 100,000 babies died in the womb and 10,000 were born with serious disabilities. Half of those died within a year of birth.
The thalidomide scandal rocked the world of medicine and led to major reforms in drug safety testing and licensing. But while victims in some countries have been helped by their governments and companies such as Distillers, which manufactured and sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation.”
sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation
sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation
sold the drug in the UK, those in Italy, Spain and Austria received no compensation
“Labour had told the Trump transition team that Sir Keir sending such a senior Labour figure out “is a huge compliment”, however, a source from the other side said: “We are not buying that.”
The Independent reports that a source said the strained relationship between Mr Trump and Sir Keir’s government remains an issue which has “been made worse” by the nomination of Lord Mandelson.
The nominee for the UK ambassador has raised alarm bells due to his connections with China, as he is a strong advocate of close trading and other ties with the country.
“It is quite possible that Mandelson’s credentials could still be rejected,” a source said. “There are serious concerns about his links to China.”
Bloody bootiful …
How to change the Left’s minds on migration
By Micheal Deacon in today’s DT – has a brilliant solution on housing the illegal immigrants – and its obvious!! How can they refuse!
“No doubt about the week’s most entertaining story. Last month in Paris, a Left-wing theatre group decided to host a special conference entitled “Reinventing the Welcome for Refugees in France”. And, in a noble demonstration of solidarity, the group offered free tickets to 250 mostly African migrants.
After the conference had ended, however, the migrants point-blank refused to leave. They occupied the theatre – and five weeks later, they’re still in there. Indeed, their numbers have now swollen to over 300, as more and more migrants rush to join them, undeterred by the overcrowding and increasingly unsanitary conditions. As a result, the theatre now faces financial ruin.
Perfect. Aesop himself could not have written a more exquisite fable.
Having said this, I can’t help but feel that these migrants have made a mistake. In any Western European society, the demographic that has the most delusionally gooey view of uncontrolled immigration is the cultural elite. And an experience like this, which for once puts their own livelihoods at risk, might finally cause the scales to fall from their eyes. Which in turn might cause Western European governments to do something about uncontrolled immigration, rather than just make endless empty promises.
Come to think of it, this gives me an idea. If any Calais-based people smugglers happen to be reading this column, I urge them to inform their customers that, once they have successfully crossed the Channel, there is a beautiful and spacious building, slap-bang in the middle of London, where they will all find free accommodation. Its address is Portland Place, W1A 1AA, and its name is Broadcasting House.
If that doesn’t cause BBC journalists to take a more sceptical view of uncontrolled immigration, and stop labelling all those who oppose it as “far-Right”, I don’t know what will.”
From the USA
I think you’ll find it is currently an offence under section 5A public order Act ( 77 brigade to – er – verify) …
Officers arrested 77 people as thousands of pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets of London today – with some carrying signs praising Hamas and others displaying swastikas.
The Metropolitan Police said this was the highest number of arrests the force has seen and that it was in response to the ‘the most significant escalation in criminality’.
Despite the demonstrations initially starting in Whitehall, demonstrators went on to force their way through police lines in a ‘coordinated effort to cause disruption’, police said.
And, not a murmur about the mass rape of UK children.
TTK orders arrests to show Trump he is tough on the supporters of Islamic terrorism. … blah blah .. as opposed to turning britanistan into the first fully Islamic state with nuclear weapons ..
I look forward to seeing the prison sentences awarded.
Purely to confirm what I already know about how the government of my country considers me to be the enemy whilst pandering to the Muslims hoping they won’t get upset and behave like they do in the shitholes they came from.
When a REAL far-right football hooligan is arrested, all decent people think he deserved it.
When a Muslim extremist is arrested, the majority of the Muslims are angry that an infidel did it to a Muslim. The offence is irelevant. In fact if it was cold blooded murder based on the teachings of the Koran then I am 100% certain the majority privately agree that the victim deserved it.
media gaslight about basic things all the time.
Usually they conceal that the Regional news slot consistently gets the highest viewership of the day.
by saying since each region has its own edition, so you can’t add them all up.
“Regional news again the most watched programme of the day on BBC1 with 4.1m viewers at 6.30pm
– indeed it attracted the biggest audience across all channels Tuesday
– ITV equivalent half an hour earlier watched by 2.9m,
less than 100k from being most watched programme there too
I haven’t watched the national news in years and I mostly watch the regional news for the, usually inaccurate, weather forecast.
I didn’t see anyone post about the recent trafficking gang trial
The prosecution just finished but started under the Tories of course
5 had already pleaded guilty
Now 3 of the gang were found guilty of assisting unlawful immigration*
Sentencing in a couple of weeks.
Jozef Kadet, 25, of Manchester,
Redar Curtis, 30, of Kennington, Kent,
Khales Akram Jabar, 44, of Middlesbrough
5 other gang members had previously pleaded guilty to same charge
Mukhlis Jamal Hamadamin, 43, of Stockport,
4 counts (+2 fraud chrges)
His brother, Muhamad Jamal Hamadamin, 27,
3 counts of fraud
Yassen Jalal Mohammed, 43, from Huddersfield
3 counts
Dlawar Omar, 40, from Hull AND Emily Etherington, 37, from Kennington
1 count each
* The entire woke establishment is guilty of assisting illegal immigration anyways
Local news opening item”today a women’s march in Lincoln against the election of TRump”
Leader said Trump is “convicted sex offender”
..But Trump has no such criminal conviction
just a Mickey Mouse CIVIL damages trial
The item was clearly PRasNews for a series of HATE marches against Trump/Farag across the country
Leo Kearse asks
“They didn’t march against rape gangs.
The “UK Women’s March” is against Trump and Farage, neither of whom pose a risk to women.
It’s not for women’s safety – it’s for COMMUNISM ”
Not all of them, had pink or blue hair.
Leo adds “As proof that the “UK Women’s March” isn’t about women’s safety – they invited someone convicted of kidnap, torture and attempted murder to speak:”
BBC forgot to mention that