247 Responses to Weekend 18th January 2025

  1. StewGreen says:

    Just like Hull BBC, Yorkshire regional TV is closely linked to Global Warming PR folks
    Saturday PRasNews at 3m10 seconds
    “The newly appointed chair of the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission, SAYS ,,the region is uniquely positioned to play a leading role in achieving its NET ZERO target .. Rotherham born Asif Husain-Naviatti ..30 years working for UN and Worldbank… (Yh always the best typ of people for deciding how working clss people’s tax money should be spent ..NOT)
    30 second statement from him.
    Then “Here’s the sport, here’s the weather, that’s all we have time for”


  2. digg says:

    The BBC have discovered some gay flamingos….


    Happy days at the BBC!


    • Eddy Booth says:

      BBC logic: If it’s natural in the animal kingdom, it’s ok for humans too.
      But what about rampant cannibalism there 🤔


    • MarkyMark says:


      “Yes, some dolphins commit infanticide, which is the intentional killing of young:
      Bottlenose dolphins: In the eastern and western North Atlantic, dead newborns and juveniles have been found with scars that indicate they were killed by other dolphins. In one study, multiple bottlenose dolphins were observed engaging in agonistic behavior towards a young calf, including ramming, flipping, and submerging it.
      Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins: In the western North Pacific, similar scenarios have been documented.
      Guiana dolphins: In the South Atlantic, similar scenarios have been documented.”


  3. Eddy Booth says:

    “Joy fades as Gazans return to destroyed homes”



    It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.

    Nice photo, atmospheric perspective, a tree festooned with carrier bags, a herd of animals heading somewhere with zero luggage.

    “Rushdi Abu Alouf
    Gaza correspondent
    Reporting from

    When is he going to move back there then?
    How come we managed to avoid him moving over here?

    “But people in Gaza remain fearful that the truce may falter once again.”

    Or how long before they find a rocket stash and fire them at Israel.


  4. Rob in Cheshire says:

    The last couple of nights I have listened to parts of the Stephen Nolan show on 5 Dead. Except it is not Nolan, instead someone called Rima Ahmed is presenting it. The result is amateur hour.

    On Friday night, every time I turned on she seemed to have a Gazan droning on about the damage caused to Gaza by Israel, seemingly unprovoked. One Gazan called it a “war”, before remembering his briefing notes and correcting that to “genocide”.

    Last night some left wing union bloke spent an age explaining why the Met Police viciously attacked the peaceful pro-Palestine marchers in London. He made the pathetic Met sound like the SS in a bad mood. On and on he droned, never challenged by the useless bint. She tried to wind it up at one stage, and he still went on, and on, and on.

    I don’t have a lot of time for Nolan, but he is the consummate professional compared to this useless article. I can only wonder why Rima Ahmed is so keen on the Palestinian cause? Does anyone have any ideas?


  5. Zephir says:

    Still haven’t learned their lesson, have they ?

    “Hamas terrorists wielding AK-47s parade through the streets of Gaza while crowds chant ‘the army of Mohammed is coming for the Jews’ as ceasefire takes effect.

    The scenes of Hamas militants celebrating openly have sparked international outrage and renewed fears that the terror group has managed to retain its strength despite Israel’s efforts to dismantle it.

    The sight of Hamas militants openly celebrating the ceasefire has drawn condemnation from many quarters, with critics calling it a mockery of the lives lost and the ongoing suffering of hostages and their families.

    ‘These images are a slap in the face to all who have suffered because of Hamas’s brutality,’ one observer said. ”



  6. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the Israelies are being stuffed by the Palestinians all over again!

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/ckg0znng8x2t 30, yes thirty, Palestinians released from Israeli jails for every 1, yes one, Israeli hostage released by Hamas! That is such an unfair deal. How do ‘we’ including Israel know that the Palestinians released from Israeli jails is not a Hamas murderer or fighter? How does the BBC know that? Of course the BBC would take the Palestinians side.


  7. MarkyMark says:

    Look into their eyes and tell them you didn’t bang the pots or get the covid jab ….

    “Weight loss jabs for jobless not dystopian – Streeting”



    The UK government is partnering with pharmaceutical giant Lilly who are running a five-year trial in Greater Manchester to test if the weight-loss drug Mounjaro can help get more people back to work and prevent obesity-related diseases to ease the strain on the NHS in England.


    “To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, with reference to his Department’s press release entitled Landmark collaboration with largest pharmaceutical company, published on 14 October 2024, how many times will a patient be allowed to take a course of Mounjaro, in the context of the five year trial in Greater Manchester.”

    As announced on 14 October 2024, the SURMOUNT-REAL clinical trial of tirzepatide, brand name Mounjaro, is being developed between Health Innovation Manchester, The University of Manchester, and Eli Lilly and Company, with further details about the study to be published at a later date by these organisations, following on from relevant approvals.



  8. Zephir says:

    Our Govt is hiding the numbers:

    “Nearly two thirds of convicted rapists in Sweden are migrants or second generation immigrants”



    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC report that 1 third of Sweden is not yet Diverse enough and is racist and this needs to be sorted before net zero can work (c) BBC Verified.


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